Kategoria: Archiwum: boks



WARD-KOVALEV 2: ZGŁOSZONY „THE REMATCH” Sobota, Czerwca 17, 2017



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LAS VEGAS, NV (Czerwiec 13, 2017) - Mistrz świata zjednoczonej wagi półciężkiej Andre „S.O.G.” Oddział (31-0, 15 KO) i były właściciel tytułu Siergiej „Krusher” Kovalev (30-1-1, 26 KO) otworzył Fight Week Powered by Monster z ich Grand Arrivals w Mizuya Lounge w Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino we wtorek, Czerwiec 13, przed ostatecznym rewanżem Sobota, Czerwiec 17 w Mandalay Bay Events Center w Las Vegas. Wydarzenie mistrzowskie, prezentowane przez Corona Extra, będzie produkowany i dystrybuowany na żywo przez HBO Pay-Per-View® od godz 9:00 p.m. I/6:00 p.m. PT.


Poniżej jest to, co miał do powiedzenia bojowników:


Andre „S.O.G.” Oddział - Mistrz świata zjednoczonej wagi półciężkiej

„Nie mogę się doczekać, aby wygłosić oświadczenie w tej walce i odpowiedzieć na wszelkie pytania, które mogą się tam pojawić, i usunąć wszelkie wątpliwości, które mogą się tam pojawić, więc jestem podekscytowany. Musisz spojrzeć na drugą stronę monety, jest wielu ludzi, którzy myśleli, że wygrałem walkę i dostał to, o co prosił. Teraz po tym, nie chcemy słuchać żadnych wymówek. Nie chcemy o niczym słyszeć. Zamkniemy drzwi przed tym i, tak jak powiedziałem, usuń wszelkie wątpliwości i pytania ze stołu.


„W tym sporcie, Mam bardzo mało miejsca na błędy. Zawsze mam presję po swojej stronie - bez względu na to, czy jestem pretendentem, czy mistrzem. Ale to jest w porządku, ponieważ ja i mój zespół, nauczyliśmy się, jak radzić sobie z presją. Wiemy, jak sobie z tym poradzić. Nie mogę się doczekać powrotu wszystkiego, co przyniosłem, w tym te pasy. Jestem podekscytowany. Nie mogę się doczekać, jesteśmy za kilka dni. Cała ta rozmowa ma się skończyć. Przygotowujemy się do mojej ulubionej części, która jest walką. Czerwiec 17. Chodzi o biznes, więc zrobiłem to, co musiałem zrobić za pierwszym razem. Tym razem chcę to podkręcić.


„Presja jest zawsze obecna, jeden. To pochodzi z mojego terytorium i tak jest od dziecka - 16 lat, 17 lat. Dochodzisz do punktu, w którym nie uciekniesz przed presją, obejmujesz to. To właśnie robią wszyscy wielcy. Wszystko, co muszę zrobić, to być sobą i to wystarczy. Wszystko inne zadba o siebie. Na najwyższym poziomie, masz zamiar stawić czoła przeciwnościom. Nie jest, jeśli, to kiedy. Ale pytanie brzmi, jak odpowiesz? Odpowiedzieliśmy tak, jak powinniśmy. Nie mogę się doczekać kolejnej wspaniałej walki fanom za kilka dni tutaj w Mandalay Bay Events Center Czerwiec 17.


„Wiele osób mówi o dźgnięciu i prawej ręce. Ale jeśli spojrzysz na drugą część walki, on [Kowaliow] nie trafiał w prawe ręce i dźgnięcia. Miał dobry moment i jest naprawdę świetnym wojownikiem - niczego mu nie zabieram. Dlatego chcę zmierzyć się z najlepszymi, być najlepszym. Niektórzy myśleli, że wygrałem, niektórzy myśleli, że przegrałem. Więc zróbmy to jeszcze raz i na tym polega piękno powtórek w tym sporcie. Nie ma co się bronić. Po prostu to zasznurujesz, zrób to jeszcze raz, a zobaczymy, co się stanie.


„Wyszedłem z tego biznesu dawno temu - próbując udowodnić ludziom, że się mylą - bo to nie jest równe szanse. Odciąłem się od chłopaków - 120-108; 120-107 na tablicy wyników - dosłownie słyszałem narzekania na coś. Jeśli to nie to, to jest to. Docierasz do miejsca, w którym dojrzewasz jako mężczyzna, dojrzewasz jako sportowiec, i podejmujesz decyzję, że „będę żył pośrodku”. Doceniam pochwały, ale nie mogę się z nimi podnieść. I krytyka - nie mogę z nimi zejść zbyt nisko. Ludzie mają prawo do swoich opinii. Pozwólcie, że będę się dalej mną zajmować i to naprawdę najlepsze miejsce dla sportowca.


„Taktycznie, Oczywiście chcę mieć lepszy start i będę miał lepszy start. To naprawdę doprowadziło mnie do mojej dziury - początek. Jestem pewien, że dokonał pewnych poprawek i będzie trudniejszy, ale jestem gotowa. Zrobiłem wszystko, co miałem zrobić. Kiedy przygotowujesz się tak, jak powinieneś - i wszystkie pola są zaznaczone - czas zabrać się do pracy. Idę do pracy, baw się dobrze i cieszę się tym, co robię, i uruchom pokaz w trakcie Czerwiec 17."


Sergey „Krusher” Kovalev - Były mistrz świata zjednoczonej wagi półciężkiej


„Wiesz, że to dobrze, że teraz wierzy w siebie, że ma dla mnie klucz, ale nie dostał klucza. Wygrał ze mną dwie rundy jako pusty Kovalev, Pamiętam, że byłem jak ciężka torba. Zupełnie jak zawodnik, który przyszedł na salę bokserską miesiąc temu. I jest jak teraz, „O tak, pokonałem Kovaleva, ale wygrał z pustym Kovalevem ”.

„Do tej walki, Zdecydowanie musiałem nabrać formy, mają różne emocje i różne motywacje. Nie chcę tylko odzyskać paski i podziękować fanom boksu za wsparcie. Chcę podziękować moim hejterom - motywują mnie do dalszej pracy. Chcę zdobyć pasy i jestem tu po to.

"Tak, moje pięści to powiedzą. Powiedziałem już wystarczająco dużo. Chcę powiedzieć Team Ward - powiedzieli mi wiele bzdur, moja drużyna. Zapłaci za wszystko; Obiecuję,.


„Doceniam, że daje mi możliwość ponownego zapięcia pasów Czerwiec 17 to będzie inna walka.

„Byłem pusty miesiąc przed listopadową walką. Ward walczył z pustym Kovalevem. Tym razem nie będę pusty - Ward będzie walczył z Krusherem. Na początku obozu treningowego tak się nacisnąłem, że po miesiącu byłem pusty. Czułem się tak bardzo naciskany na walkę - moją pierwszą walkę w HBO Pay-Per-View - że po prostu trenowałem zbyt ciężko ”.

Kermit Cintron – Tyrone Brunson now for Pennsylvania State Junior Middleweight title

Cintron – Brunson showdown to take place on Sobota, June 24th z 2300 Arena
Anthony Burgin – Victor Vazquez in co-feature
Plus undefeated Steven Ortiz, Marcus Bates, Jordan Peters & Colby Madison
Local favorites Jerome Conquest, Brandon Robinson and Nate Rivas

Filadelfia, PA (Czerwiec 13, 2017) – The stakes have been raised for the much anticipated showdown between former two-time world champion Kermit Cintron & Tyrone Brunson, that will take place on Sobota, Czerwiec 24 z 2300 Arena w Filadelfii.
The Pennsylvania State Junior Middleweight title will be on the line when those two combatants meet in a bout scheduled for 10-rounds.
Spektakl jest promowany przez króla Promocje.
This was already a tremendous event, and now even more is on the line with the addition of the state title bout. This fight has the makings of an explosive fight, with the winner being in line for a major opportunity, said Marshall Kauffman, CEO of King’s Promotions.
That bout will headline an eleven bout card with some of the best fighters in the area being on display.
W sześciu wspólnie cały funkcji, Anthony Burgin (10-3, 2 KO) Filadelfii odbędzie się naVictor Vazquez (7-3, 3 KO) z Yonkers, NY in a super lightweight bout.
Również w sześciu okrągłych ataki:
Niepokonany Steven Ortiz (6-0, 2 KO) of Philadelphia will take on an opponent to be named in a lightweight contest.
Jerome Conquest (7-2, 1 KO) Filadelfii będą walczyć Jae Ho Kim (6-3-1, 2 KO) of Philadelphia in a lightweight battle.
Daryl Trznadel (3-1-1, 1 KO) w Asbury Park, NJ will square off with Gregory Clark (2-1-1, 1 KO) Waszyngton, DC in a super middleweight fight.
Marcus Bates (6-0-1, 6 KO) Waszyngton, DC will take on Roberto Pucheta (10-11-1, 6 KO) of Jalisco, Mexico in a bantamweight fight.
Nate Rivas (5-2, 2 KO) of Berlin, NJ będą walczyć James Robinson (4-7-4, 1 KO) Yorku, PA in a junior middleweight affair.
W walkach na cztery rundy:
Chaise Nelson (5-1, 3 KO) of Dayton, OH odbędzie się na Jordan Peters (2-0-1, 2 KO) Waszyngton, DC in a super bantamweight tussle.
Nick Valliere (5-2, 2 KO) od Forked River, NJ will battle Randy Hedderick (2-7-1, 1 KO) of Gulfport, MS in a junior middleweight bout.
Colby Madison (4-0, 3 KO) Baltimore, MD will take on an opponent to be named in heavyweight fight.

Brandon Robinson (3-1, 2 KO) of Philadelphia boxes Rafael Valencia (3-7-1, 2 KO) Medford, OR in a super middleweight bout.
Tickets for this great night of boxing can be purchased at www.2300arena.com na $100, $75 i $50
Aby uzyskać więcej informacji i mediów mandatów, Kontakt:


Premier przedstawił Boxing Champions
LIVE w telewizji Showtime
–Bilety w sprzedaży Czwartek, Czerwiec 15 w 10 a.m.
BROOKLYN (Czerwiec 13, 2017) –Cztery podział mistrz świata Adrien “Problem” Broner i trzy podział mistrz świata Mikey Garcia square off in a blockbuster matchup in the main event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®, Sobota, Lipiec 29, żyć na SHOWTIME, presented by Premier Boxing Champions at Barclays Center, dom Brooklyn BOXING ™.
Tickets to the event, which is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and DiBella Entertainment, są w cenie $950, $750, $350, $300, $250, $150, $75, i $50 (nie w tym obowiązujących opłat), and will go on sale on Czwartek, Czerwiec 15 w 10 a.m. I, i można je nabyć w ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com lub dzwoniąc 800-745-3000. Tickets can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center starting Piątek, Czerwiec 16 w południe (jeśli bilety są jeszcze dostępne). Grupa zniżki są dostępne poprzez wywołanie 844-BKLYN-GP.
“Broner vs.. Garcia is one of the year’s biggest matchups in boxing and we anticipate an electric atmosphere at Barclays Center,” powiedział Brett Yormark, CEO of Brooklyn Sports & Rozrywka. “This will be our fourth major card in 2017 as BROOKLYN BOXING continues to deliver dramatic moments, Walka konkurencyjna, and many of the sport’s biggest names to fight fans.
Broner and Garcia, two world-class fighters in their prime, meet at a critical time in their respective careers in one of the most intriguing matches in boxing. Both Broner and Garcia have had spectacular victories at Barclays Center in Brooklyn during their careers. Broner successfully defended his welterweight title against Paulie Malignaggi at Barclays Center on June 22, 2013, and Garcia, coming off a lengthy layoff, defeated Elio Rojas via fifth-round TKO at the arena on July 30, 2016.
Broner, a three-division world champion by the age of 23, and one of the youngest four-division world champions in boxing history, remains one of the most accomplished and popular athletes in the sport today. Among the top 140-pounders in the world, Broner is undefeated at or below 140 pounds with his only two losses coming against welterweight world champions Marcos Maidana and Shawn Porter. Na tak 27 lat, Broner (33-2, 24 KO) still believes he is the future of the sport and looks to prove it against Garcia onSobota, Lipiec 29.
Hailing from Cincinnati, Ohio, Broner has achieved more in his young career than most fighters can hope for in a lifetime. After earning world titles at 130, 135 i 147 funtów, Broner won a belt in a fourth weight division – 140 funtów – w październiku 2015 when he defeated Khabib Allakhverdiev via 12th round stoppage to become the second youngest four-division champion in boxing history at 26 (behind Oscar De La Hoya, 24). Broner will turn 28 years old on Lipiec 28, the day before his bout with Garcia.
Garcia, 29 years old and undefeated (36-0, 30 KO), is a recently crowned lightweight champion and one of the best pound-for-pound boxers in the sport. He will move up in weight for the second time in just three fights to challenge Broner. Garcia is a member of a renowned boxing family, and is noted for his sportsmanship and his commanding presence in the ring, honed by his brother and acclaimed trainer Robert Garcia. He has held world titles at 126, 130 i 135 funtów, but has never fought above 138.
Garcia, of Moreno Valley by way of Oxnard, Kalifornii., returned to the ring after a two-and-half-year layoff in July 2016 without missing a beat. After defeating Rojas, Garcia became a three-division champion by beating previously undefeated lightweight world champion Dejan Zlaticanin with a vicious third-round knockout this January. Garcia has stopped 19 z jego ostatni 21 opponents including Roman “Skalisty” Martinez, Juan Manuel Lopez, Orlando Salido and Bernabe Concepcion.
Więcej informacji na stronie www.SHO.com/Sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, śledź na Twitterze @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MikeyGarcia, AdrienBroner, MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, lub stać się fanem na Facebooku nawww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, , www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions iwww.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment PBC jest sponsorowany przez Corona, Finest Beer.

Grand Opening of Connecticut Boxing HOF new location Monday night, Czerwiec 26, in Sky Casino at Mohegan Sun

Uncasville, Conn. (Czerwiec 13, 2017) – The Grand Opening of the Connecticut Boxing Hall of Fame’s (CBHOF) new location in the Sky Casino at Mohegan Sun will be held there Poniedziałek, Czerwiec 26, zaczynając od 6 p.m. I.
The media and public is welcome to attend the grand opening festivities. Dignitaries representing from Mohegan Sun and Mashantucket Pequot Tribes will be in attendance, as well as many CBHOF inductees, including Marlon Starling and “Irlandzki: Micky Ward.
The original CBHOF location was in Mohegan Sun Arena but public availability for viewing was restricted to only during scheduled events held there. CBHOF inducteesplaques and video of major fights held in Connecticut were displayed.
The new CBHOF will be open to the public during Mohegan Sun Casino operating hours. In addition to the inducteesplaques and videos of famous fights held in the Nutmeg State, the new location will also include rotating displays of historically significant boxing memorabilia. There will also be interactive displays for public use.
We at the Connecticut Boxing Hall of Fame are extremely grateful to Mohegan Sun for hosting this great facility and for contributing generously to its construction,” CBHOF president John Laudati said. “We are very excited and anxious to have the ability to present the rich history of boxing in Connecticut while simultaneously honoring those who have contributed to that history.
Przejdź do trybu online, aby www.ctboxinghof.org dodatkowych informacji na temat Connecticut Boxing Hall of Fame.
O CBHOF: The Connecticut Boxing Hall of Fame was founded in 2004 uhonorować i świętować kariery wybitnych osób zaangażowanych w sport boksu. Ceremonia indukcyjna inauguracyjnym & Kolacja odbyła się w 2005. Bogata historia boksu Connecticut nigdy nie kwitły, gdyby nie za osiągnięcia tych zawartych w Hall of Fame.
Jako organizacja non-profit, Connecticut Boxing Hall of Fame jest głęboko zaangażowana w utrzymanie ducha walki Connecticut kwitnącej przez różne składek charytatywnych.

Hartman Arena extends Box Office hours To support ticket demand for this Saturday night’s “Noc KO Boxing: Rapid Fireevent Featuring 2016 Olympic bronze medalist Nico Hernandez

Airing live on CBS Sports Network

PARK CITY, Kansas (Czerwiec 13, 2017) – 2016 Brązowy medalista olimpijski Nico Hernandez powraca do pierścienia w sobotę noc, Czerwiec 17, at home in Wichita for his second professional fight, podsufitka “Noc KO Boxing: Rapid Fireon CBS Sports Network live from Hartman Arena in Park City, Kansas.
Wichita-native Hernandez (1-0, 1 KO) will face unbeaten Mexican flyweight Jose Rodriquez (2-0, 2 KO)in the six-round main event.
Due to ticket demand in the local market and in anticipation of a sold-out event, Hartman Arena will be extending it box office hours jutro, (Środa, Czerwiec 14) i Czwartek, June 15from 10 a.m. CT to 7 p.m. CT.
Dodatkowo, Hartman Arena personnel will be selling tickets at Mort’s Cigar Bar to Piątek noc (Czerwiec 16) for the official weigh in, open to the public and starting at 6 p.m. I. Mort’s is located at 223 E.1st Street in North Wichita.
We are tracking very well with ticket sales for Ten sobotę upcoming ‘KO Night Boxingfeaturing Kansasown Nico Hernandez,” said Jennifer Ferguson, Box Office Manager, Hartman arena. “We are anticipating a very strong walk up as well Saturday, which is why we have extended the box office hours and will have extra staff on hand to meet Saturday night’s demands. Tickets are also available to purchase.
Hartman Arena: 8151 N Hartman Arena Drive, Park City, KS 67147
Ticket Prices:
  • $175.00 (VIP ringside package ticket which includes a limited-edition event T-shirt Rally towel, limited edition lanyard signed by Nico, a ticket to the official after-party at Hartman arena *Only 200 VIP seats left.
  • $150.00 (floor seat which includes a limited-edition event T-shirt and rally towel.
  • $75.00, $35.00 $20.00.
Tickets may also be obtained in Wichita at Angela’s Café (2119 W. 21st St. N, or by calling Team Nico (Jeremiah) @ 316. 393.3743 or Lewis @ 316.806.0144).
To jest wszystko starzeje pokazać. Drzwi otwarte na 6:00 p.m. CT z walką otwarcia zaplanowanego na 7:00 p.m. CT.
Wszystkie walki i bojownicy mogą ulec zmianie
We are thrilled with the response ‘KO Night Boxing: Rapid Firehas received from fans there,” added John Andersen President of KO Night Boxing LLC. “In our first show in this market this past March 25th in nearby Mulvane, we had more than 3,100 come out to support Nico in his pro debut, and there was a televised University of Kansas NCAA tournament game the same night. Based on the feedback I am getting, we are looking at a sold out show this Saturday night. It should make for a very special night as this event will also be airing live across the country on CBS Sports Network, where boxing fans all across North America will see how passionate people here are about supporting their hometown hero, Nico Hernandez.

Świergot: @KONightBoxing
Śledź @Nicomhernandez na Twitterze i Instagram.

LaManna decisions Velasquez in Atlantic City

LaManna now targets Cintron, Judah and Harrison
Wins by Young, Kowal, Pham, Romain, Vines & Julan
Rising Promotions back at The Claridge on Sierpień 19


Atlantic City (Czerwca 12, 2017) — Miniony Sobota, półśredniej Thomas Lamanna won an eight-round unanimous decision over veteran Carlos Winston Velasquez that headlined a card at Hotel Claridge w Atlantic City.
The show was the 8th consecutive capacity capacity crowd promoted by Rising Promotions at the Claridge
LaManna dominated the action with power shots that he landed behind a long jab throughout the contest. Velasquez was game as he took a lot of shots and landed an occasional power shot. LaManna sealed the deal in the final round when he landed a flush 4-punch combination that put Velasquez on the canvas.
Lamanna od Millville, NJ won on all cards by scores of 80-71 podnieść swoje piętno na 23-2. Velasquez falls to 24-29-2.
Velasquez was tough and durable,”said LaManna following the fight.
I needed this fight, and now I would like to fight Kermit Cintron if he should win his fight with Tyrone Brunson on June 24th. Maybe he will stop ducking me, I want to fight a big name like Cintron, Zab Judah or a rematch with Dusty Harrison. We at Rising Promotions will be back here at the Claridge on August for our 9th event.
Anthony Młodych won a eight-round unanimous decision over George Sosa in an entertaining welterweight contest.
Young was extremely active as he landed hard combinations with Sosa landing an occasional hard shot to the head.
Young of Atlantic City won by scores of 80-72 dwa razy i 80-71 podnieść swoje piętno na 17-2. Sosa of Reading, PA is 15-9.
Donald Smith remained undefeated by winning a four round unanimous decision over Sidell Blocker in super featherweight bout.
Smith of Philadelphia won on all cards 40-36, i jest teraz 5-0. Blocker of Pleasantville, NJ jest 1-8-1.
Chris Thomas and Oscar Valdez battled to a four round majority draw in a middleweight contest.
Thomas of Beachwood, NJ took a card 39-37, while two judges saw it even at 38-38.
Thomas is now 6-0-1. Valdez of Batesville, ARK is 1-2-1.
Gabriel Pham won a six round unanimous decision over Edgar Perez in a light heavyweight bout.
Pham won on all cards 60-54 i jest teraz 9-1. Perez of Chicago is 7-21.
Tomas Romain won a four round unanimous decision over Lamont White in a lightweight bout.

Romain of Brooklyn, NY won by scores of 40-36 dwa razy i 39-37, i jest teraz 3-1. White of Washington, DC is now 1-8.

Elijah Vines remained perfect with a 3rd round stoppage over Harry Tyrone Paige in a scheduled four round junior middleweight bout.

In round one, Vines dropped Paige with a perfect right hook. W trzeciej rundzie, Vines dropped Paige with a right to the body. Paige got to his feet, but his corner pulled the plug at 1:42.

Vines of Philadelphia is 4-0 z 4 nokautów. Paige of Batesville, ARK is 0-5.

Frederick Julan stopped Jose Valderrama in the 6th and final round of their light heavyweight bout.

Julan dropped Valderrama in round six with a body shot. Julan finished off the when he dropped Valderrama for a 2nd time with a right hook to the head, and the fight was stopped at 1:17.

Julan of Brooklyn, NY is 5-0 z trzema nokautów. Valderrama of Manati, PR 5-20.

Dan Pasciolla and LeMarcus Tucker battled to a majority draw in a rematch of Heavyweights.

In round one, Pasciolla began to bleed from his nostrils.

Pasciolla took a card 58-56. That was overruled by 57-57 wyniki.

Pasciolla of Brick, NJ jest 9-2-3. Tucker of Batesville, ARK is 4-2-1.

Photo by Matthew Heasley

Jose Haro issues statement on tragic injury sustained by Daniel Franco

New USBA Featherweight Champion Jose Haro has issued a brief statement regarding the status of his fallen opponent, Daniel Franco, through his promotional representative, Whitfield Haydon:

I respect all fighters. My heart hurts knowing that my opponent from Sobota night is still in the hospital. I hope he has a full and speedy recovery. Nothing but love, brotha. We put everything on the line when we step inside the ring. I always tell my brother/trainer that I’m a father first, fighter second, and if he ever sees me badly hurt to stop the fight because my kids need their daddy. I’m very grateful that I won but it really doesn’t feel like I won. I always pray that my opponent and myself come out our fight in good health. Let’s go #TeamFranco, you got this!”

Famed manager Stan Hoffman & World champion Regelio Tuur Ring 8’s June Guest Speakers

Wtorek, Czerwiec 20 at O’Neill’s Restaurant
In Maspeth, Nowy Jork

NEW YORK (Czerwiec 12, 2017) – New York State Boxing Hall-of-Famer, kierownik Stan Hoffman, i były mistrz świata Regelio “Turbo” Tuur will be Ring 8 guest speakers at its June monthly meeting we wtorek noc (Czerwiec 20), zaczynając od 7 p.m. I, at O’Neill’s Restaurant in Maspeth, Nowy Jork.

This coming Ring 8 meeting is sponsored by Top Rank and DiBella Entertainment.

“Pierścień 8 is looking forward to having Stan Hoffman and Regelio Tuur as our featured speakers this month,” Pierścień 8 prezydent Jack Hirsch powiedział:. “Stan has managed or advised many world champions over his career, Tuur included. He will have some fascinating stories to share with us. Although Tuur was a world champion as a professional it was his one-punch knockout of Kelvin Banks in the Olympics that many remember him for. It will be nice to hear him relive that and other fights of his stellar career.
Hoffman, 86, has managed, advised or promoted 38 world champions during nearly 50 years working in the boxing industry. A product of Brooklyn and Bronx, Hoffman still advises some boxes and attends fights, but he enjoys spending time with his family, especially his grandchildren.
Hoffman worked with 38 world champions starting in 1980 z Joe Manleyand later including his first world heavyweight champion, Michael Benntt, as well as others such as Hasim Rahman |, Iran Barkley i James Toney.
Suriname-native Tuur (46-4-1, 30 KO), who fought out of Hoogvliet, Niderlandy, było 1988 Olimpijczyk. W 1991, Tuur became the New York State lightweight champion and the following year, he captured the European super featherweight titlist.
Tuur defeated 28-1-1 Eugene Speed by 12-round unanimous decision to become World Boxing Organization (WBO) World Super Featherweight Champion. He held the WBO crown for two years, (1994-1996), successfully defending it six times, before retiring for five years until he made a comeback in 2001.

O RING 8: Pierścień 8 stał się ósmym podmiotem zależnym od tego, co wówczas znany jako Narodowy Bokserki Stowarzyszenia Weteranów – stąd, RING 8 – i dziś motto organizacji wciąż pozostaje: Pomaganie Bokserki Bokserki.

RING 8 jest w pełni zobowiązana do wspierania mniej szczęśliwych ludzi w środowisku bokserskim, którzy mogą potrzebować pomocy w zakresie wynajmu płatniczą, koszty leczenia, lub cokolwiek uzasadnione potrzeby.

Idź na linii www.Ring8ny.com Więcej informacji na temat RING 8, Największą grupą tego typu w Stanach Zjednoczonych, z ponad 350 Członkowie. Roczna składka wynosi tylko $30.00 i każdy członek ma prawo do kolacji w formie bufetu w RING 8 comiesięczne spotkania, z wyjątkiem lipca i sierpnia. Wszystkie aktywne bokserów, amatorskie i zawodowe, z aktualnej licencji bokserskiej lub książki są uprawnieni do bezpłatnego RING 8 Członkostwo w roku. Goście pierścienia 8 członkowie są mile widziane w cenie tylko $7.00 za osobę.

Two-Time Olympic Gold Medalist and NABF Middleweight Champion Claressa Shields Announces Deal with Salita Promotions

Two-time Olympic gold medalist ClaressaT-RexShields announced today that she has signed a promotional agreement with promoter Dmitriy Salita and Salita Promotions.

Already a national sports figure and role model for women everywhere, the Flint, Michigan native is in position to realize her dreams as a professional boxer.
Na Piątek, Czerwiec 16, Shields will fight at Detroit’s Masonic Temple, in her home state of Michigan, as part of Salita’s Detroit Brawl series.
Tarcze (2-0, 1 KO), of Flint, Michigan, is the only American boxer, Mężczyzna czy kobieta, to ever win back-to-back Olympic boxing gold medals (2012 i 2016). In only her second bout as a professional, Shields won the NABF Middleweight Championship on Showtime’s ShoBox: The New Generation in the first-ever women’s bout to headline a premium cable telecast. Wydarzenie, held at MGM Grand Detroit, was presented by Salita Promotions.
I thank Salita Promotions for the commitment they have shown to me,” said Claressa Shields. “I promise all boxing fans that I will dedicate myself to being not only the world’s #1 female boxer and #1 funt do funta, but also a torch-bearer for boxing and women the world over. I can’t wait to get in the ring on Czerwiec 16 to continue the journey.
Salita Promotions is to be commended for their commitment to Claressa Shields,” said Mark Taffet, Tarcze’ co-manager. “Dmitriy’s knowledge and expertise in Claressa’s home-base market of Detroit provides the perfect complements to Claressa’s once-in-a-century talent and determination to advance women’s boxing and change the sport of boxing forever.
Claressa is an outstanding world-class athlete, who has the ability to transcend sports like Michael Jordan and Serena Williams,” Said Dmitriy Salita. “She also has the charisma to appeal to a broad new generation of fans, who will tune in to watch her fights and will want to come to arenas to experience her performance live. Every one of her fights is a unique experience that is memorable and transcends boxing. Claressa is a rare combination of the great fighter and a sports icon that come along in every generation. The state of Michigan has been home to many, like Joe Louis, Tommy Hearns, Floyd Mayweather and now Claressa Shields. I look forward to working with Claressa on her already historic career. Na tylko 22 years old I believe Claressa will continue to break records, set new limits and break boundaries in and out the ring.
Bilety na “Detroit Brawl” are priced at VIP $200, Box Seats are $100 i $55, Seating is $40, and are available at all Ticketmaster outlets and Ticketmaster.com.
Aby uzyskać więcej informacji na temat “Detroit Brawl” lub Promocje Salita, wizyta www.salitapromotions.com. Facebook and Twitter: @DetroitBrawl

Former World Champion Brandon Rios Scores Seventh Round Stoppage of Aaron Herrera in Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 & FOX Deportes Action Sunday Night From The Pioneer Event Center in Lancaster, Kalifornia

Mario Barrios Remains Unbeaten With Seventh Round Knockout of
Meksyku Jose Luis Rodriguez
Unbeaten Prospect Jose Miguel Borrego Drops & Stops Kevin Watts In Round Four
Kliknij TUTAJ za zdjęcia od Nabeela Ahmada/Premier Boxing Champions
(Photos to be added shortly)
LANCASTER, TAKIE JAK. (Czerwiec 12, 2017) – Były mistrz świata Brandon Rios (34-3-1, 24 KO) returned to the ring with a seventh round TKO of Mexico’s Aaron Herrera (23-7-1, 14 KO) w przypadku głównej Premier Boxing Mistrzów na FS1 i FOX Sports Niedzielanight from The Pioneer Event Center in Lancaster, Kalifornia.
I had that good nervous feeling tonight, like before my pro debut,” said Rios. “I was a little jittery but it felt good in there.
In his first fight w 19 miesiąc, Rios showed off his signature exciting style in breaking down the very game Herrera before stopping him late in their welterweight contest. Rios controlled the action from the outset as he showed off his strong inside game while tagging Herrera with hooks and uppercuts.
Herrera received a fair deal of punishment across the early rounds but remained competitive in consistently throwing back against the aggressive Rios, who was able to parry some of Herrera’s shots with effective head movement. Herrera had his best round in the fourth when he changed the tides momentarily by being more active than Rios.
I’m always ready for whoever they put in front of me,” said Rios. “He was tough and he was swinging hard. I had to be careful and couldn’t go in there crazy. He caught me sometimes but that’s part of the sport.
The shift did not last long as Rios ramped the pressure back up and began to slow Herrera down with increased body work. Herrera kept fighting back but was clearly tiring late in the sixth round as Rios teed off on him against the ropes with big power punches.
Next time I get in there I’ll be better,” said Rios. “You’ll see more progress each time I get out there. I still have my same style but I’m adding some more athleticism and head movement to it. I felt like I did well in there.
The attack continued in the seventh round as Rios stalked Herrera towards the ropes before eventually delivering the pinpoint right hook to the body that put Herrera on the mat. Herrera was unable to beat the count and Rios returned to the win column with a stoppage victory2:11 w rundzie.
This is a new beginning and a new chapter in the book that I’m writing,” said Rios. “We’re ready to move forward from here. I’m ready for the next challenge.
The co-main event of the telecast saw unbeaten Mario Barrios (19-0, 11 KO) score a sensational knockout of Jose Luis Rodriguez (23-9-1, 13 KO) with left hook to the body that ended their super lightweight battle in the seventh round.
I knew that he was going to fight the whole time,” Powiedział Barrios. “He was going to stay coming in and I had to keep my distance. I stunned him with an overhand and then I found him on the liver.
Barrios was impressive from the start, using his length to pick off his opponent with powerful uppercuts in the opening minutes of the bout. Despite taking numerous clean power shots from Barrios throughout the battle, Rodriguez never stopped attacking and was able to occasionally frustrate Barrios with his relentless physicality.
The bout was eventually defined by the powerful body shots that Barrios dedicated himself to delivering throughout the fight. The consistent effort clearly slowed Rodriguez, who took more and more clean punches as the fight went on.
Early in round seven Barriosattack finally wore Rodriguez down as a series of punches culminating with the left to the body put Rodriguez on the canvas. Referee Zac Young quickly called off the bout 37 seconds into the round to give Barrios his third straight knockout victory.
I want to fight everyone in the 140-pound weight class,” Powiedział Barrios. “I’m going to take it one fight at a time and work my way up to a world title shot.
W pojedynku otwierającym telewizyjny, rośnie perspektywa Jose Miguel Borrego (12-0,11 KO) remained unbeaten with a fourth-round stoppage of Kevin Watts (11-2, 4 KO) in their super lightweight matchup.
Watts was the more aggressive fighter in round one, controlling the action with his jab as Borrego switched stances but threw few punches. Watts continued to have success in round two sticking Borrego with power shots while avoiding the returning punches Borrego threw back.
The third round saw Borrego begin to break through the guard of Watts with powerful left hooks, which seemed to slow the movement of the previously once-beaten Watts, who began to stand and exchange more with his opponent. As the action heated up in round four, Borrego connected with a massive left hook that stunned and bloodied Wattsright eye.

Borrego kept up the attack and eventually sent Watts to the canvas with another left hand over two minutes into the round. While Watts returned to his feet, Borrego quickly cornered him and delivered another flurry that forced referee Jack Reiss to halt the bout 2:42 w rundzie.

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Więcej informacji: wizyta www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/PressPass / strona główna, www.foxdeportes.com i www.TGBPromotions.com. Śledź na TwitterzePremierBoxing, TGBPromotions, @ FS1, FOXDeportes ISwanson_Comm i stać się fanem na Facebooku na www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports iwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. PBC na FS1 & FOX Deportes was promoted by TGB Promotions and sponsored by Corona, Finest Beer.