카테고리 아카이브: 권투

헤비급 챔피언 디언 테이 와일더는 대 GUEST 분석가 앤서니 여호수아를 목표로한다. 에릭 몰리나 헤비급 타이틀 싸움 토요일, 12월. 10 SHOWTIME®에 살고

쇼 타임 권투 국제® 바람 쐰다 5:30 시이. AND/2:30 시이. PT 쇼 타임에서 방송; 동안 앙코르 프리젠 테이션 토요일 쇼 타임 챔피언 쉽 복싱®텔레비전 방송

손목 시계, 몫 & 삽입 "와일더 도로에 복구"비디오: HTTP://s.sho.com/2gcc2TI

다운로드: HTTPS://we.tl/V82xszVTFc

사진 신용: 스테파니 트랩 / 쇼 타임


NEW YORK (12월. 2, 2016) - WBC 헤비급 세계 챔피언 디언 테이 와일더는 쇼 타임 무패 챔피언 앤서니 여호수아과 미국의 도전자 에릭 몰리나의 IBF 헤비급 세계 선수권 싸움에 대한 게스트 분석가로 팀 발표에 참여합니다 토요일, 12월. 10, 쇼 타임에 살고 (5:30 시이. AND/2:30 시이. PT).


와일더 (37-0, 36 KOS 호텔) 호스트 브라이언 커 스터와 쇼 타임 권투 INTERNATIONAL에 대한 애널리스트 알 번스타인과 폴리 말리 그 나기에 참여합니다® 로스 앤젤레스 USC의 갈렌 센터에서 프리젠 테이션, 그날 저녁의 쇼 타임 챔피언 쉽 복싱 텔레비전 방송의 사이트.


은 "청동 폭격기"단지 골절 오른손 완료 재활 및 찢어 우측 이두근 (위의 비디오를 볼) 그가 (와일더) 의 부서를 통합하기 위해 자신의 명소를 설정 2017. 와일더 몰리나와 심하게 잘 알고있다, 유월 안에 그의 제목의 첫 번째 방어에 동료 미국을 격파, 2015 쇼 타임.


“에릭 몰리나가 직접 얼마나 힘든 알고,"와일더는 말했다. “He’s coming to win because it’s a chance for him to win a world title, and he’ll definitely push Joshua. Whoever wins will have to see me eventually because it’s my goal to collect all the belts and become the undisputed heavyweight champion.


Joshua is making the second defense of his title against Molina, who is getting his second shot at a belt in his quest to become the first Mexican-American heavyweight world champion.


여호수아의 앙코르 발표 대. 몰리나는 나중에 쇼 타임 챔피언 쉽 복싱 텔레비전 방송 그날 저녁의 일환으로 방송됩니다, following the main event showdown between WBA Featherweight World Champion Jesus Cuellar and three-division former champ Abner Mares. 오프닝 한판 승부에서, Jermall Carlo will defend his IBF Junior Middleweight World Championship against fellow-undefeated challenger Julian Williams.


주니어 페더급 세계 챔피언 아만다 세라노 (Amanda Serrano), 전 세계 2 년 전 세계 챔피언 야 즈민 리 바스 (Yazmin Rivas)와 함께 쇼어 타임 익스트림 (SOWTIME EXTREME®)에서 첫 여성 월드 타이틀 시합에서 거의 10 년간 전국 텔레비전에 출연


토요일, 1월 14 브루클린 바클레이스 센터에서

더! 무패 상승 미들급 경쟁자

Ievgen Khytrov & Immanuwel Aleem 충돌 행동

에서 시작 7 시이. AND/ PT

BROOKLYN (12월 2, 2016) – 주니어 페더급 세계 챔피언이자 브루클린 출신 아만다는 "실제 거래"세라노 (30-1-1, 23 KOS 호텔) 전 2부 리그 세계 챔피언과 대결할 예정입니다. Yazmin 리 바스 (35-9-1, 10 KOS 호텔) 거의 10년 만에 처음으로 전국적으로 TV로 방영된 여자 월드 타이틀 시합에서 토요일, 1월 14, 살아 쇼 타임 EXTREME 브루클린 바클레이스 센터에서.


참고: 전국적으로 방송된 마지막 여성 세계 타이틀전은 Mary Jo Saunders 대 Mary Jo Saunders였습니다.. 3월의 발레리 마푸드 30, 2007 (ESPN2).


SHOWTIME EXTREME 텔레비전 방송은 7 시이. AND/PT 및 기능 Ievgen Khytrov (14-0, 12 KOS 호텔) 진압 임마누엘 Aleem(16-0-1, 9 KOS 호텔) WBC 미들급 실버 벨트에 대한 무패 상승 경쟁자의 10 라운드 매치업에서.


The 1월 14 이벤트는 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING을 특징으로합니다® 슈퍼 미들급 세계 선수권 대회 통일 대결에 의해 제목이 더블헤더 사이 Badou 잭 제임스 DeGale에. SHOWTIME의 TV 방송® 에서 시작 9:30 시이. AND/6:30 시이. 슈퍼 페더급 세계 챔피언과 함께하는 PT 호세 라자 무패 경쟁자에 복용 Gervonta 데이비스.

세라노, WBO 122파운드 타이틀리스트, 그리고 리바스, 슈퍼 밴텀급 WBC 인터내셔널 챔피언, 처음부터 끝까지 강렬한 액션을 약속하는 한판 승부에서 WBO 타이틀과 권위있는 WBC 다이아몬드 챔피언십을 위해 싸울 것입니다. Serrano의 추가는 카드에 푸에르토리코의 단 두 명의 세계 챔피언이 등장한다는 것을 의미합니다., 세라노와 페드라자.

라이브 이벤트 티켓, 메이 프로모션과 디벨 라 엔터테인먼트에 의해 추진되는, 시작 $25. 티켓은 사용할 수 있습니다 및 방문하여 온라인으로 구입하실 수 있습니다 www.ticketmaster.com, www.barclayscenter.com 또는 호출하여 1-800-745-3000. 티켓은 바클레이 센터에서 아메리칸 익스프레스 박스 오피스에서도 사용할 수 있습니다. 그룹 할인은 844-BKLYN-GP를 호출하여 사용할 수 있습니다.


브루클린의 Bushwick 섹션에서 자랐습니다., 세라노는 언니 신디를보고 권투쪽으로 끌렸다, 또한 전문 전투기. 그녀는 스포츠를 빨리 선택했습니다., 축적하는 9-1 짧은 아마추어 경력 동안 그녀가 뉴욕 골든 글러브 타이틀을 획득 한 기록 2008. 27세의 그는 계속해서 전 세계에서 싸울 것입니다., 그녀의 첫 번째 세계 타이틀을 차지 2011 그녀가 킴벌리 코너를 물리 치고 슈퍼 페더급 벨트를 잡았을 때. 에 2014, 그녀는 아르헨티나에 가서 마리아 엘레나 마 데르 나를 물리 치고 라이트 웨이트 세계 챔피언이되었습니다.. 그녀의 세계 타이틀 상승은 2월에 그녀가 페더급 챔피언을 차지하기 위해 1라운드에서 Olivia Gerula를 꺾으면서 계속되었습니다.. 그녀는 7월 바클레이스 센터 데뷔전에서 칼리스타 실가도를 1라운드에 꺾고 알렉산드라 라자르를 꺾고 빈 주니어 페더급 세계 타이틀을 차지하며 1라운드에서 또 한 번의 승리를 거두었다..


Torreon 출신의 28세 청년, 멕시코, Rivas는 마지막 시합에서 WBC International 타이틀을 획득했습니다., Jessica Gonzalez에 대한 결정적인 승리. Rivas는 이전에 Alesia Graf를 상대로 벨트를 획득한 후 그녀의 밴텀급 세계 타이틀을 4번 성공적으로 방어했습니다. 2014. 밴텀급 챔피언으로서 그녀의 이전 경기는 이전에 무패인 수지 라마단을 물리치고 벨트를 획득한 후 5개의 방어를 위해 지속되었습니다.. 이 확장된 챔피언십 런은 그녀가 플라이급 세계 챔피언이 된 후에 이루어졌습니다. 2005 루시아 아발로스를 물리치면.


조국 우크라이나를 대표하는 올림픽 선수, Khytrov는 또한 프로로 전향하기 전에 아마추어 세계 선수권 대회에서 우승했습니다. 2013. 그 이후, 28세의 선수는 경쟁자 Josh Luteran과 Nick Brinson 그리고 이전에 패배하지 않은 전투기 Maurice Louishomme과 Aaron Coley를 저지하는 길을 지배했습니다.. Khytrov, 브루클린에서 훈련하는 사람, 지난 7월 마지막 선발 등판에서 Paul Mendez를 상대로 9라운드 KO승을 거두었습니다.. Khytrov는 이전에 세 번 싸웠습니다. ShoBox의: 새로운 세대.


동부 초원에서 태어난, 뉴욕과 리치몬드 밖으로 싸움, 버지니아의, Aleem는 그의 부모에 의해 젊은 나이에 복싱에 소개되었습니다. 년 프로 터닝 이후 2012 나이 18, 23 세 그 앞에 경쟁을 모두 전멸했다. 에 2015, 그는 Emmanuel Sanchez를 지배했습니다., 데이비드 토리 비오, 오스카 리오하스와 카를로스 갈반이 지난 4월 한 차례 패한 조나단 세페다를 물리치기 전. 그의 마지막 한판 승부에서, 그는 한 번 패한 유망주 Demond Nicholson과 무승부를 기록했습니다.. 그는 또 다른 큰 기회를 이용하려고 할 것입니다. 1월 14.


# # #


바클레이스 센터의 브루클린 복싱 ™ 프로그래밍 플랫폼은 AARP에 의해 제공됩니다. 자세한 내용을 보려면 다음 사이트를 방문 www.SHO.com/Sports 트위터에 따라 @BadouJack, @ JamesDegale1, @Sniper_Pedraza, @Gervontaa, @SHOSports, @MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, @BarclaysCenter, 및 @Swanson_Comm 또는 페이스 북에 팬에서가www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. 이 이벤트는 코로나 엑스트라 후원, 최고의 맥주.

Positive Reviews Piling Up for ‘When the Lights Go Out,’ the Hard-Hitting Autobiography by Former Heavyweight Contender David ‘Nino’ 로드리게스

One thing, 그래도, is certain. ‘When the Lights Go Outis his 36th and best knockout.Bill Knight, 엘 파소 타임스
Positive reviews and media attention are pouring in for former heavyweight contender and fan favorite David “니노” 로드리게스, on the strength of his new book, “When The Lights Go Out,” a powerful memoir of his life growing up as a fighter.
Available through amazon.com, “When the Lights Go Outis priced at $17.95 (paperback) 과 $7.95 (Kindle).
In an inspiring tale of a bullied child growing into a fearsome warrior, 단계, Texas-based Rodriguez, 사람 갔다 35-2 as a professional including 35 KOS 호텔, winning four regional championships along the way, manages to pull at the reader’s heart strings while never shying away from the brutal realities he experienced.
From street fights in Juarez, 멕시코, to his beloved former trainer being murdered, to accidentally overdosing and nearly being murdered himself by street thugs, Rodriguez’s story is an unblinking eye to a life very nearly cut short at several turns.
While Rodriguez’s cement fists allowed him a decorated career in boxing that is rare, what sets this story apart from other boxing tomes is his ability to convey the fears and anxieties behind his talent for violence. While watching a heavyweight slugger walk to the ring with malicious intent in his unblinking eyes, how many see a child hiding in the bathroom stall to avoid schoolyard bullies? Rodriguez bares his soul in this remarkable story, showing intelligence, wit and stunning personal insight along the way.
Rodriguez hopes this story will help other fighters recognize if their careers are being mishandled the way his was. He hopes underdogs around the world will be inspired to believe in their talents and overcome their fears. He hopes those dealing with substance issues or depression will find comfort in his resurrection as an activist for several causes, 무엇보다도, he hopes you’ll enjoy this hard-hitting autobiography by a truly remarkable sports figure.
자세한 내용을 보려면 다음 사이트를 방문 www.davidninorodriguez.com.

FNU 전투 스포츠 쇼: 데이나 화이트에 Miesha의 FU, GSP와 거대한 전투기 연합, 코너 웰빙 코너와 구 대. 코 발레 프 요점을 되풀이하다

FNU 전투 스포츠에 이번 주 전투가 간다 우리가 지금까지 11 월의 환상적인 달을 논의보기. 우리는 지난 달이 개 쇼를했다, 그래서 우리는 모드 잡을 이번 주 킥오프. 우리는 대 구 논의. 길이에서 코 발레 프, 몇 접선에 꺼 다음의 토니의 검토에 도착 “이 출혈.” 우리는 데이나 화이트를 말하는 미샤 테이트에 리치의 논평에 대한 MMA로 돌아가, “FU, 당신은 내 상사 아니에요..” 그녀는 라켈 페닝 턴과 싸움 후 자신의 요청 이후 그녀는 병원에 갈 것을. 테이트는 별 경력 후 이전 저녁에 은퇴. 리치는 또한 전투기 노조 전면 및 조지 세인트 몇 가지 새로운 개발에 대한 진행됩니다. 피에르, 전 Bellator CEO 비요른 레브 니, 케인 벨라스케스, 티제이. Dillashaw 및 기타 UFC의 저명인사가 함께 틈새 시장의 새로운 지평을 협회 격투기 선수의 창립. 우리는 또한 방송 종료 오늘 밤 전에 다가오는 주말의 복싱 일정을 미리 관리.

부품 하나:


두 번째 부분:

“대 기술. 의지” 로이 존스, 주니어. to take on Bobby Gunn on February 17th

Press Conference on December 6th 윌 밍턴에있는 체이스 센터

윌 밍턴, DE (12월 2, 2016) David Feldman Promotions will announce that former four-division champ and Boxing Legend 로이 존스, 주니어. will square off against former world title challenger, and Bare-Knuckle Legend 바비 건금요일, 월 17 2017 for the Vacant WBF World Cruiserweight Championship.

The fight will be announced at the 공무원 press conference on 화요일, 12월 6, 2016 에 2 PM at the Chase Center on the Riverfront, 815 Justison St, 윌 밍턴, DE 19801.
In attendance will be Roy Jones, 주니어, 바비 건, Promoter David Feldman, WBF Representative James Gibbs, undercard fighters Joe Tiberi, 헨리 스튜어트, 더.

During his twenty-seven year professional career, 존스 주니어. (64-9, 46 KOS 호텔) has secured world titles in four different weight categories – 미들급의, 슈퍼 미들급, Light Heavyweight and Heavyweightand is the only boxer in history to start his career as a Light Middleweight and then go on to win a Heavyweight Championship.

In winning the WBA Heavyweight title by beating John Ruiz by unanimous decision in March 2003, 존스 주니어. made history by becoming the first former middleweight champion to win a heavyweight title in 106 년.

존스 주니어. has victories over former world champions Bernard Hopkins, 안토니오 타버, Vinny Panzienza, 제임스 토니, 마이크 맥 칼럼, 버질 힐, Felix Trinidad and John Ruiz.

존스 주니어. said of the bout, “I know Bobby Gunn is coming to bring it. He’s a hard-nose, tough fighter that comes right at you, but I’m going to show him why I’m one of the best that ever did it and he doesn’t belong in the ring with me.

2 월 17, Jones Jr’s opponent will be the former IBA Cruiserweight World Champion and the current Bare Knuckle Heavyweight Champion, 순경 “켈트 전사” 건.

건, internationally known for being a Bare-Knuckle legend, will put the gloves back on to battle ring legend Roy Jones, 주니어.

Like Jones Jr, Gunn has a fearsome record in gloved boxing – 21 승리 (18 KO) 6 손실, one draw, and one no-contestand an even more impressive undefeated Bare Knuckle record of 72-0 와 72 KO).

Gunn has been in the ring with top fighters Enzo Maccarinelli, 글렌 존슨, 토마스 Adamek, and James Toney, so he is no stranger to sharing the ring with boxing’s elite. Gunn said of his upcoming clash with Jones Jr, “It’s an honor to share the ring with a legend like Roy Jones. I’ve been chasing him for a few years now, 과에 2월 17, I will catch him.

World Boxing Foundation’s North American Vice President James Gibbs said of the upcoming championship bout, “로이 존스, Jr is a living legend and we are honored to have him fighting for our Cruiserweight Title against a warrior like Bobby Gunn. We are looking forward to this bout.

The undercard for this championship match will feature popular Delawarean Joe Tiberi (13-2, 6KO), Canada’s Henry Stewart (1-0, 1KO), as well as more to be announced.

로이 존스, 주니어. 대 바비 건, for the WBF World Cruiserweight Championship, 에 금요일, 2월 17, 2017 및 PPV에서 라이브 방송됩니다.

티켓에 이르기까지 다양합니다 $75 – $300 및 호출하여 구입하실 수 있습니다 (484) 935-3378.


칼 프램 튼, 레오 산타 크루즈, 데얀 Zlaticanin & Mikey Garcia Los Angeles Press Conference Quotes & 사진


더! 인용 부호 & Photos from the Frampton vs. 산타 크루즈

Belfast Press Conference

(사진 신용: 에스더 린 / 쇼 타임)

Featherweight World Championship Rematch Headlines


토요일, 1월 28 MGM 그랜드 가든 아레나에서

라스 베이거스에서

클릭 여기 에스더 린 / 쇼 타임에서 사진에 대한

클릭 여기 프리미어 복싱 챔피언에서 사진에 대한

로스 앤젤레스 (12월 1, 2016) – 페더급 세계 챔피언 칼 프램 튼 전 세 부문 세계 챔피언 레오 산타 크루즈 went face-to-face in Los Angeles 목요일 along with lightweight world champion 데얀 Zlaticanin and undefeated former two-division world champion 마이키 가르시아 in advance of their respective showdowns 토요일, 1월 28 in a Premier Boxing Champions event at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas and live on SHOWTIME.


쇼 타임 챔피언 쉽 복싱 더블헤더는에서 시작 10 시이. AND/7 시이. PT with Zlaticanin vs. 가르시아. For Frampton and Santa Cruz, 목요일 event was the second press conference promoting their highly anticipated rematch as the featherweights spoke to media in Belfast, 북 아일랜드 화요일에 at the Europa Hotel.


라이브 이벤트 티켓, Cyclone 프로모션 및 TGB 프로모션과 연계하여 Ringstar Sports에서 프로모션합니다., 에서 가격이 책정됩니다 $504, $404, $304, $204, $104 과 $54, 지금 판매되고있다. 티켓은에서 구할 수 있습니다 www.AXS.com.


After the Belfast press conference, the fighters and their teams flew to the U.S. to meet with the media at an open to the public event at the outdoor plaza at the Los Angeles Central Public Library.


Here is what the participants had to say at the two events:


칼 프램 튼


로스 앤젤레스에서:

“This rematch with Leo Santa Cruz is going to be an amazing one. The first one was considered a ‘Fight of the Year’ and I don’t think this can be any different. We’re going to kick-off 2017 쿵.


“Leo is an amazing fighter and I want to thank him for giving me the chance to fight for his title in July. I was more than happy to give him the rematch straight away. These are the types of fights I want to be involved in.


“내가 첫 번째 싸움에서이긴 줄 알았는데. I don’t think it was controversial at all. I think I won the fight by three or four rounds. They were definitely close, 경쟁 라운드, but I think I was doing more to win rounds and get the nod. This one is going to be more of the same.


“Las Vegas is obviously a bit closer to home for Leo and I’m sure he’ll bring a lot of fans. But I’m bringing at least 4,000 from the UK. Right now I’m the most well-supported fighter in the UK. It’s a great privilege for me.


“When I fight people, I feel like I improve the second time. I have a good boxing brain and I can adapt to different situations. The only person I’ve fought twice as a pro was Kiko Martinez and the second time I fought him I won comfortably. Because I learned from the first fight. I know everything about Leo. He fights the same way every single time.


“I think our styles just gel really well together. You can expect a great night with a really huge undercard from start to finish.


“I know his training may not have been as focused last time as it could have been because of his father. I expect a better Leo Santa Cruz. But in terms of how he fights, I think he’ll fight the same way. It’s a good way to fight and it’s gotten him far. He usually wears people down, but I have serious punching power and that again could be the difference.


“If you want people to remember you in 20 또는 30 years’ time, you need to fight guys like Leo Santa Cruz. We’ve already been working very hard in the gym and we’re going to do whatever it takes to make sure I remain the champion and bring the title back home to Ireland.”




“It’s always good to be here in Belfast and see the people. It’s good for them to see great fighters like Leo Santa Cruz in their hometown.


“This is going to be a dream come true. It won’t all sink in until I’m out there and ready to perform. Las Vegas is the mecca of boxing. It’s where all the big names go. I’m expecting a big support base from all over the UK and Ireland on 1월 28.


“I feel like no matter who I fight, I always get better the second time. I have a good boxing brain and I can adapt to my opponent’s style and use it to my advantage. If you’ve seen me in sparring, if I have a dodgy performance, you know I will get better the second time.


“I know how Leo fights, and he knows how I fight. But I can adapt and make changes. I can be a bit more clever than I was last time. I got dragged into the fight more than I wanted to.


“Headlining in New York against a great fighter like Leo Santa Cruz was a dream come true. Now I have the opportunity to go to Las Vegas, where Leo has fought a few times. It’ll be his first time in the main event there as well and I’m just excited to get out there and feel the buzz of fight week.


“I think this fight could be even better. I gave him his first loss and I’m sure he’s going to come looking for his revenge. But I’m training very hard. I’m in good shape for this point in camp.


“There’s no doubt that Leo went through a difficult time with his father’s illness. I also know that Leo trained very hard anyway. He threw about a thousand punches last fight and was throwing all the way to the end. You can’t throw much more than that so I don’t think he’s going to improve his work rate.


“I believe he’ll come up with a different game plan but I genuinely believe that I’ll be able to deal with anything he brings to the ring. 그것은 쉬운 싸움이 될 않을거야, but I’ll do whatever it takes to win and I believe I will.


“Leo Santa Cruz is a tough fighter with a solid chin. But I believe that if I hit any featherweight, or super featherweight, with a clean shot, that I can knock them out. If I’m a little bit cleaner, then I could knock him out. But I’ll be prepared to go a hard 12 라운드.


“I believe if I use my brain a little bit more in this one, and don’t get dragged into his fight, that I can win it more convincingly. But there will be times in this fight where I’ll just have to bite down and fight for my life.


“I’m prepared for anything. I’m ready to keep this title in Belfast and then I’m going to return here for a show in Belfast in the summer.”


LEO 산타 크루즈


로스 앤젤레스에서:

“Carl Frampton is a great fighter. He has the respect of the fans because he has proven that he’s a great champion. I know it’s going to be another very close and exciting fight.


“We both train really hard for our families and for the fans. We want to give you all a great show. I know that this rematch is going to be very tough.


“I learned from the first fight that every little mistake really matters. One or two could really cost you. I trained hard but without my dad he wasn’t pressuring me like I’m used to. Those things come back to haunt you. It hurt, but it taught me that I have to leave it all in the ring and work every day for what I want.


“We’re going to be mentally and physically ready. I’m getting more motivation from having him there. We’ll be making some little changes and we’re going to do a lot better.


“I’m motivated to get my belt back. I was a champion and now I’m a former champion. That makes me unhappy. We’re going to train hard and do our best to become a champion again.


“We’re going to go to the gym and train hard to make this fight even better than the first one.”




“This is a very nice city and when I knew there would be a rematch, I wanted to come to Belfast. This is the first time I’ve been to Europe.


“It was a very hard fight and right after it was over, the first thing that came to my head was a rematch.


“Las Vegas is a lot closer to my hometown and I feel very comfortable fighting there. Carl Frampton has a lot of fans though, and they’re going to fly over to Vegas. I think it will be a pretty even crowd and I don’t see it as an advantage for anyone.


“It was a pretty close fight the first time. When you’re in the ring you’re only worried about fighting. It could have gone either way. I thought being the champion, that it should have gone my way. But I won’t take anything away from Frampton. We’re looking to the future and beating him in the rematch.


“The fans here have made me feel very welcome since the first fight. I feel comfortable here. I’m excited to be here in Belfast with these great fans.


“I was disappointed but it was a very close fight the first time. He had the bigger crowd and the Irish people would scream for everything he did. It was a really good close fight though. I really think it could have gone either way.


“Carl Frampton is a great fighter and I knew it would be a tough fight. I didn’t get to train for that fight like I was supposed to. My father was going through cancer treatment so I wasn’t 100 percent in the training. I was thinking about my dad’s health and he was only really there for the last three weeks of camp. We’re going to have a great game plan and it’s going to be another tough fight, but we’re looking to get the victory.


“If you watched the first fight you know that it was a great fight. The second one is going to be even better. I took my first defeat. 그는 위대한 선수이다, but I want to win this rematch. If I win the rematch, I’m fine bringing the third fight of the trilogy to Belfast.”




“Everyone thinks that Garcia is a pound-for-pound star but I want to tell everyone that I’m going to win this fight.


“Everything in preparations has been going great. 난 될거야 100% ready on 1월 28. 이것은 내 인생의 싸움이다. I have to be ready and we’re right on track.


“I always respected fighters like Julio Cesar Chavez Sr. or a fighter like Mike Tyson because whoever they were supposed to fight they fought. I’m the same way, an old school fighter who’s willing to fight anybody.


“I came up the hard way, and sometimes I thought I might never get this opportunity. I’ve been in some really tough fights where people gave me no chance to win, but now I’m a world champion.


“To be the first world champion from Montenegro is historic. I think it’s made me a national hero in the country and I’m honored. The people in my country love me and I love them back.


“When I beat Mikey Garcia that will make me an even bigger star. I think Mikey is a good puncher, and he has good timing, but I can hit him easily and I’m planning to knock him out.


“Mikey will have a big opponent in front of him. He needs to run around the ring because I’m going to come for him. You will see me defend my title and you will enjoy it.”




“I’m thankful to everyone who came out. I was down for over two years, but it seems like no one has forgotten about me. We’re looking for big things. I want to pick up right where I left off.


“I’m really happy to have been given this opportunity to claim a world title in a third division. This is going to be an amazing fight. He’s a hungry world champion. 그는 매우 위험하다. These are the kind of fights that I want. This is what I need to prove myself.


“This is only the beginning. This is going to be a huge year for me. I want to win multiple titles and maybe conquer multiple divisions this year.


“I haven’t fought in Vegas since 2012 but I expect the fans to be out there supporting. This is a big stage and a night of great fights. This is a great opportunity to become a world champion in another weight class.


“I’ve known Leo Santa Cruz since the amateur days. We get to share the stage again on 7월 30 and I’m looking forward to another good shot. I can’t ask for anything more.


“My brother and my dad watch more film than I do. I only like to watch a couple rounds of my opponent. So I’ve seen what Dejan has. During the fight I’ll listen to my corner and make adjustments. 그는 젊은이야, undefeated champion for a reason. I want him to be at his best because that will bring out my A-game.


“My body feels really good right now. I think this is going to be a great division for me. I don’t think the weight will affect me in any way.


“This is going to be a great show. I’m going to give everything that the fans want to see. I’m sure my opponent will do the same. I want to take on the biggest challenges and I’m ready to make those fights happen. I want to give the fans the fights they want. The best of my career is yet to come.”


배리 맥기, 프램 튼의 관리자, 전 세계 챔피언 & 명예의 전당


로스 앤젤레스에서:


“It’s great to be here in Los Angeles for such a great occasion. 데얀, 마이키, Leo and Carl are all incredible fighters and it really is going to be a magnificent show.


“These are two amazing fighters. If they fought every day of the week, and twice 일요일에, every single fight would be close. I just think that Carl has the edge in innate boxing intelligence. He is more versatile and a naturally bigger guy than Leo. We have to get him into the best shape of his life.


“Carl is going to have to turn it up on fight night and we know that Leo will turn it up as well. He’ll put the pressure on him. I believe it will be at least as good of a fight as last time.


“We’re going to have a fabulous night on 1월 28 and I have to say it again, we will be winning.”




“You boxing fans here in Belfast are the best supporters in the world, we have no doubt about it, and we’re going to go to Las Vegas to make sure we win again and win more convincingly.”


RICHARD 쉐퍼, 의장 & Ringstar 스포츠의 CEO


로스 앤젤레스에서:


“When you mix these two together, you know it has to be another ‘Fight of the Year’ candidate. These two guys could fight 10 times and every time it would be a ‘Fight of the Year’, and probably a very close decision. These are our modern day gladiators.


“These are exciting matchups where you really don’t know who’s going to win. This is what the fans like to see. These are closely matched fights, for the fans. That is exactly what you will see on 1월 28.


“Dejan vs. Mikey is the most significant matchup in the lightweight division. There is no question about it. It’s an extremely dangerous fight. It’s playing with fire for Mikey. I can pretty much assure you that this fight will end in a knockout. This is easily a main event on its own.


“I believe that Mikey Garcia is one of the best pound-for-pound fighters in the world. But to get there and to stay there, you have to face fighters like Dejan. This just shows what Mikey is made of.




“I was fortunate to promote many of Ricky Hatton and Floyd Mayweather’s fights, but whenever I am here, I can feel the passion that you fans here bring to the sport. You elevate these fighters to do better. At Barclays Center we saw you there cheering on your guy.


“Tickets are available as low as fifty dollars. I don’t think that’s a bad idea in January, to go from cold Ireland to warm Las Vegas. There are many reasons to go out there, but this fight is the biggest reason to go.


“It’s a rematch of the ‘Fight of the Year’ and I’m very proud to be able to promote this fight together along with Barry McGuigan. I thank all of the fans here again for the passion you bring to the sport of boxing.”


쉐인 맥기, 프램 튼의 트레이너


로스 앤젤레스에서:


“These are two really good fighters. 리처드 말했듯, this would be a great fight 10 times out of 10. Leo had a lot of distractions in training camp with his father’s health and I think he will be a better fight the second time.


“That was Carl Frampton’s first time fighting at 126-pounds, so he had a lot of new experiences leading up to the last fight. They both learned in the first fight and I think they will both be able to give a little bit more the second time. The fans will be the ones to enjoy the action.


“훈련 캠프는 훌륭하게 진행되었습니다.




“I don’t know who was lucky enough to see the first fight between these two, but it was really a great one. Carl got dragged into Leo’s fight at times, but with that came excitement.


“I think this fight we’re going to win a lot more convincingly, cement the win and then move on. I’m extremely excited about it.


“To see how far Carl has come is phenomenal. I hope people will buy a ticket and come out to support. He needs that support and I hope to see you all out there.”


ALEX VAYSFELD, Zlaticanin’s Manager


“It was a very hard uphill road for Dejan to get where he was going. He had to fight a lot of different places and fight people that he wasn’t supposed to beat, in other people’s minds. But he won.


“Dejan knows how to be an underdog and he knows how to calm a favorite. I guarantee you that Dejan knows every aspect of Garcia’s game. When he steps into that ring, you will all see something amazing.


“Mikey is going to bring his best, Dejan is going to bring his best and of the fans are going to be in for an amazing fight.”


로버트 가르시아, 마이키의 형제 & 훈련자


“I consider Leo Santa Cruz a great fighter and a friend. Carl Frampton is another great fighter and it’s fantastic to be part of a card with such a big main event.


“This was a very easy fight to make. Mikey said yes right away. He wanted to fight for a title and he got it. Mikey isn’t going to hold back. He wants to keep moving up and challenging big names. He wants to be remembered as one of the best fighters in the world. Mikey wants to give the fans the best fights out there.


“I don’t have any second thoughts about this fight because I believe in Mikey. We’re preparing to become the lightweight champion of the world.


“Mikey is training hard. He’s going to be ready on 1월 28 and prepared to give everybody a great fight.”


스티븐 에스피 노자, 부사장 & 일반 관리자, 쇼 타임 스포츠


“SHOWTIME has without question delivered the strongest lineup of any network in boxing. We are looking for the best fighters fighting the best. Top tier fighters against top tier fighters. This is what we have here today.


“Our main event has Carl Frampton, who for my money is the 2016 ‘Fighter of the Year.’ He defeated two undefeated world champions to unify 122-pounds and pick up a title at 126-pounds. There is no fighter who has done what he has in 2016.


“Leo Santa Cruz is a three-division world champion. He’s always entertaining. His Abner Mares was the ‘Fight of the Year’ in 2015 and his fight this year with Carl was my ‘2016 Fight of the Year.’ I think his fight on 1월 28 will be another one.


“The co-main event is really worthy of being a main event of its own. For those of you who don’t know Dejan Zlaticanin, he’s a fighter that nobody wants to fight. He’s one of the most avoided fighters in the lightweight division. He’s a power puncher who’s very aggressive. No one except Mikey Garcia. He’s looking for a world title in a third division and he’s no doubt a top 10 세계에서 파운드를위한 파운드 전투기. These guys were so anxious to fight that we put it on the card on 1월 28 and the fans get a real treat.


“We have four top tier fighters. This is the best in the sport, coming together on one card. As Richard suggested, the combined record of these fighters is 112 승 1 손실. These are four of the most skilled fighters in the sport. It’s a special night. You shouldn’t miss it.”


자세한 내용을 보려면 다음 사이트를 방문 www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.mgmgrand.com, 트위터 @ShowtimeBoxing에 따라, @SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @ LeoSantaCruz2, @RealCFrampton, @MikeyGarcia, @DinamitDejan1 및 @Swanson_Comm 또는 Facebook에서 팬이 되세요 www.Facebook.com/SHOSportswww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions.PBC는 코로나의 후원, 최고의 맥주.







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사진 신용: 아만다 웨스트 코트 / 쇼 타임


Two of the best fighters in the 154-pound division will face off next 토요일, 12월. 10 when Julian “J-Rock” Williams challenges fellow-undefeated IBF Junior Middleweight Champion Jermall Charlo at 10 시이. AND/7 시이. 쇼 타임 PT. Check out this video from SHOWTIME Sports® to hear J-Rock discuss his youth growing up in West Philadelphia as he approaches the toughest challenge of his career.


In the main event of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® 텔레비전 방송, live from Galen Center at USC in Los Angeles, WBA Featherweight World Champion Jesus Cuellar will defend his belt against former three-division world champ Abner Mares.


# # #


라이브 이벤트 티켓, Ringstar 스포츠 및 TGB 프로모션에 의해 추진되는, 현재 판매되고과에서 가격이 책정됩니다 $35, $50, $75, $150 과 $200. 구입 티켓으로 이동 www.galentix.com.


자세한 내용을 보려면 다음 사이트를 방문 www.SHO.com/Sportswww.premierboxingchampions.com, 트위터 @ShowtimeBoxing에 따라, @SHOSports, @PremierBoxing, JesusCuellarBOX, @AbnerMares, @FutureOfBoxing, JRockBoxing, @TGBPromotions 및 @Swanson_Comm 또는 페이스 북에 팬에서가 www.Facebook.com/SHOSportswww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions. PBC는 코로나의 후원, 최고의 맥주.


오스카 칸투 대. 아스톤 Palicte 트윈 타이틀 싸움은 십이 헤드 라인. 17제 “Knockout Night at the D” 카드

LAS VEGAS (12월 1, 2016) – 무패 사이 슈퍼 플라이급 트윈 제목 싸움 오스카 칸투“거대한” 아스톤 Palicte 헤드 라인 마지막을 2016 인기의 할부 “Knockout Night at the D” 시리즈 토요일에 밤, 12월 17, 라이브 방송 (7 시이. PT / 10 시이. AND) 에 CBS 스포츠 네트워크 에서 내부 시내 라스 베이거스 이벤트 센터 실내 시설, 시내 라스 베이거스 카지노 지구의 중심부에 위치, 한 블록 떨어진 유명한 프레 몬트 스트리트 세계에서 (200 에스. 3RD 세인트).

FloBoxing.tv 라이브 년 12 스트리밍합니다. 17 “Knockout Night at the D” 오프닝 전 세계, 에서 시작 5 시이. PT / 8 시이. AND), 세 가지 주요 카드의 TV 복싱에 추가 – 제외 북미 – 에서 시작 7 시이. PT / 10 시이. AND).
칸투는 그의 북미 복싱 연맹을 방어합니다 (NABF) Palicite에 대한 슈퍼 플라이급 타이틀. 빈 세계 복싱기구 (WBO) 인터콘티넨탈 슈퍼 플라이급 챔피언은 10 라운드 메인 이벤트에서 경쟁한다.
“칸투 - Palicte의 싸움은 권투 선수와 주먹 사이 고전 일치 업입니다,” 로이 존스 주니어. 복싱 프로모션 공동 설립자 / 대표 이사 키스 Veltre 말했다. “이 두 타이틀 벨트를 위해 그리고 승자가 가능한 세계 타이틀 샷을 위해 배치됩니다 2017. 균등하게 일치와 올해 약속의 우리의 마지막 이벤트는 아직 최선을 할 수, 는 D에서 우리의 '넉 아웃 밤 그 싸움 엔터테인먼트’ 시리즈로 알려져있다 내일의 상하 별 카드.”
The “Knockout Night at the D” 시리즈, 제시 D 라스 베이거스 다운타운 라스 베이거스 이벤트 센터, 로이 존스 주니어에 의해 추진된다. (RJJ) 복싱 프로모션.
짐 “J.R.” 로스조이 바너 경기장에서 라이브 액션을 호출합니다, 동안 제프 휴스턴 의식의 링 아나운서와 싸움 주 마스터 될 것입니다.
25 세의 칸투 (14-0, 1 KO), 킹스 빌 밖으로 싸움, 텍사스, 일등 북미 복싱 연맹 인 순수 권투 선수이다 (NABF) 챔피언, 순위 없음. 3 WBO의 북미 복싱기구에 의해 (이웃) 과 없음. 6 NABA에 의해. 그는 전직 NABF 주니어 슈퍼 플라이급 있었던 것 벨트 수집가, 세계 복싱 평의회 (WBC) 청소년 인터 컨티넨탈 밴텀급과 세계 복싱 평의회 (WBC) 미국 슈퍼 플라이급 타이틀 홀더.
그의 마지막 경기에서, 킹스 빌의 집에서 지난 월, 칸투는 이상 10 라운드 분할 결정 승리 빈 NABF 플라이급 타이틀을 캡처 사무엘 구티에레즈. 최신 칸투의 가장 주목할만한 승리는 이전에 무패 상대로 10 라운드 분할 결정이다 후안 안토니오 로페즈 (10-0) 에 2014 빈 WBC 청소년 인터 밴텀급 크라운.
Palicte, 누가 그의 미국 데뷔 십이 만드는 것입니다. 17 로스 앤젤레스에 정착 한, 어디 유명한 와일드 카드 체육관에서 자신의 교육, 그의 권투 경력을 향상시키기 위해. Palicte는 전문가로서 단지 그의 기본 필리핀의 외부 번 싸워왔다. 그는 높은 품질의 상대를 싸움의 측면에서 칸투 이상 경험의 이점이있다. 세계 없음 정격. 11 국제 복싱 연맹 (IBF) 과 없음. 15 WBO로, Palicte 그의 가장 최근의 전투 년 6 월 과거 빈 IBF 팬 퍼시픽 슈퍼 플라이급 챔피언이 캡처, 정지 실바 Yergilio (21-6-1) 그들의 재대 일곱 번째 라운드, 이는 또한 빈 WBO 동양 슈퍼 플라이급 타이틀을 위해 지난해 12 둥근 만장일치 결정을 통해 Palicte로 승리했다.
무거운 손잡이 Palicte, 누가 기절했다 18 자신의 21 피해자, 아니오 평가. 5 NABF에와 없음으로. 15 NABA에 의해. Palicte, 25, 또한 타이틀 벨트의 그의 주를 소유, IBF의 청소년 슈퍼 플라이급 스트랩 포함. 그의 고향 필리핀의 Palicte의 유일한 프로 싸움 외부에서, 그는 매우 분쟁 10 라운드 분할 결정을 잃었 (97-94, 93-97, 94-97) 현지 좋아하는에 지난 3 월 주니어 그라나도 (14-4-1) 멕시코.
칠레 주니어 미들급 챔피언 안젤로 바에즈 (15-0-1, 11 KOS 호텔) 자메이카 네이티브 취한다 나다니엘 Gallimore (15-1-1, 12 KOS 호텔), 에반 스톤 밖으로 싸움, 일리노이, 여덟 라운드 공동 기능에.
무패 웰터급 플라 비오 로드리게스 (5-0, 4 KOS 호텔) 멕시코 침입자에 직면 Dilan “끔찍한” 오지 그릇 (5-0, 3 KOS 호텔) 6 라운드 텔레비전 오프너.
라스 베이거스’ 무패 유망한 전망의 훌륭한 트리오 – 20-세 주니어 경량 호색의 “투우사” 모레노 (7-0, 6 KOS 호텔), 26-세 웰터급 제레미 “J-플래시” 니콜스 (7-0, 2 KOS 호텔) 18 세의 밴텀급 최대 “아기 얼굴의 암살자” Ornelas의 (6-0, 3 KOS 호텔) – 모든 행동에있을 예정이다 12월. 17.
추가 싸움은 곧 발표 될 예정. 모든 싸움과 전투기는 변경 될 수 있습니다.
티켓, 가격이 책정 $1,000.00 VIP 부스 (포함 15 입학), $50.00 VIP ringside, $25.00 과 $15.00 일반 입학, 에서 판매되고있다 www.Ticketmaster.com 또는 www.DLVEC.com. 세금과 수수료는 모든 판매되는 티켓에 적용.
에서 열린 문 4:00 시이. PT 예약에 개구와 시합 5:00 시이. PT.
The “Knockout Night at the D” 시리즈는 라스 베이거스 다운타운 이벤트 센터 및 네온 스타 미디어와 협력하여 개발되었다.
지저귐: @thedlasvegas, @dlvEventsCenter, @DerekJStevens, @BoxingatheDLV, @RoyJonesJrBoxing
인스 타 그램: @dlvec, @thedlasvegas, @RoyJonesJrBoxing
트위터에이 전투기를 따라: @AstonPalicte, @_RandyMoreno, @JFlashGang, @Ornelas_Max
라이벌 권투 GEAR & 장비는 공식 장갑 파트너 “Knockout Night at the D” 시리즈. www.rivalboxing.com, @rivalboxinggear
CBS 스포츠 네트워크에 라이브 & FloBoxing.tv
다운 타운 라스 베이거스 이벤트 센터에서

큐&미국 헤비급 에릭 몰리나와 함께 무력한 IBF 챔피언 안토니 조슈아에 도전하기 위해 준비하고 있습니다., 토요일, 12월. 10 SHOWTIME® ON

Molina Aims To Become First Mexican-American Heavyweight Champion


에 5:30 시이. ET / 2:30 시이. PT From Manchester England

NEW YORK (12월. 1, 2016) – If strength of schedule had anything to do with a boxer’s ranking, 에릭 몰리나 (25-3, 19 KOS 호텔), 웨 슬라 코의, 텍사스, might be rated amongst the top boxers in his division.

치다: In June of last year, Molina went to Birmingham, 알라., to challenge undefeated WBC Heavyweight World Champion Deontay 와일더 (37-0, 36 KOS 호텔). 몰리나, a prohibitive underdog, lost but had his moments, including staggering Wilder with a wicked shot in the third round.

지난 4월, Molina traveled to Poland and knocked out one of that country’s all-time great champions, 토마스 Adamek, 에서 10 둥근.

그리고 지금, 에 토요일, 12월. 10, 살아 쇼 타임, Molina will travel to Manchester, 영국, to challenge unbeaten IBF Heavyweight World Champion and hugely popular local favorite 앤서니 여호수아 (17-0, 17 KOS 호텔). 다시 한번, he will enter the ring as a significant underdog.

“A lot of heavyweights haven’t walked the streets that I’ve walked through,’’ Molina said. “This is an evil sport. You lose, they write you off. It’s hard to bounce back like I have. 아무것도 나에게 주어지지하고있다. I’ve earned it. I’ve done it the hard way. I enjoy the world underestimating me, but they don’t understand the struggles I’ve been through.

“This is my second world title shot, my third major fight 에 18 달, and I’ll be the first Mexican-American heavyweight champ in history if I win. I’m coming into this fight like this is it for me. This is my last shot. I’m ready to fight with everything I have.

“I love these big, 큰 싸움. They don’t scare me. There is no fear in me.”

Here are Molina’s responses to a recent Q&A:

On his upcoming assignment against Joshua

“I feel great about this fight. These are the kinds of fights I want and want to be in. Before I fought Wilder I had 35 days to train; for this I’ve had about five weeks. We feel this gives us plenty of time to fix what we have to fix in training.

“This is a mission I set out for – to become the first Mexican-American heavyweight champion of the world. This is my mission. I’m looking forward to fighting Joshua and embracing the opportunity. I work very hard and put everything into it every day. I want to be the first Mexican-American heavyweight champion.

“The magnitude of this fight is everything. I put everything in. But I know I have to stay focused and relaxed.”

What do you think of Joshua?

”Obviously, he does a lot things well, but there are a lot of areas to his game we haven’t seen yet, and I’m going to test him in those areas. He really hasn’t had to take too many punches in his fights. I’m going to have to put him in spots where he’s uncomfortable. There has to be a game plan and there will be for Joshua.”

Who are the top heavyweights in the world?

“Joshua has got a great attitude. I’d say he’s the No. 1 헤비급 선수, ahead of Wilder and Tyson Fury.”

On how this fight came about

“Once I got wind that the Klitschko fight might not be happening, 내가 생각하기 시작, '잘, if not Wlad, then who?’ I looked at the rankings and didn’t see a lot of possibilities so I knew I had a chance. 그때, I got a call from Eddie Hearn with an offer and I signed a few days later. I feel truly blessed. I feel like this is my time.”

How would you describe how your career is going?

“I no longer second guess what I can do. Fighting on the road so much; fighters need that kind of experience to compete against a fighter like Joshua. You have to stay in the moment and keep focused at what you are there to do and not allow the atmosphere in the arena get to you.

“I’ve fought some of the biggest fights on the road, so I’m accustomed to it and definitely think that is my edge over (Dominic Breazeale and Charles Martin).

“Some fighters have to go down to become champion. It’s not that easy to become champion. My road sure hasn’t been that easy. I got beat by Wilder, but then I knocked out Adamek and now I’m fighting Joshua.

“I’ve been in the underdog situation. I’ve been in these fights, and that doesn’t affect me. I’m ready for it.’’

Where are you training?

“I’m training in Weslaco with my team at my own private gym. We’ve brought in some sparring partners. I took a year off from teaching so I was in the gym anyway, but now I’m training for a world title again. We’ve been working hard, putting in extra time on strength and conditioning. The plan is to take our time, try to put everything together and not rush anything. So far we’re right on the mark.’’

When do you depart for England?

“We are leaving on Dec. 2 또는 12월. 3. 그것 앞에, I just need to concentrate on staying in the moment, which is to continue focusing on training and letting the future take care of itself.’’

What were your takeaways from the Wilder fight?

“In the Wilder fight, look at the first knockdown. You see how I landed on my left ankle. I rolled it over and it hurt – and got worsebut I kept fighting. The ankle was in a cast for six-seven weeks afterward.

“Take out the Wilder fight and it puts me in right in the mix with any heavyweights in the world. 나를 위해, that fight was confirmation that no heavyweight can just run through me. That is one of the differences between my attitude now and before.

“At one point I didn’t have the experience –I had no amateur fights – or the confidence I have now. I now know what I can do and can’t do, I know my strengths and weaknesses more and just feel that I’ve matured into a top contender. I’m now confident in my power and the things that I can do.’’

How do you rate the victory over Adamek in your last fight?

“It was pinnacle of my career. To knock him out there, it was the biggest win of my career and set me up now for the biggest fight of my career against Joshua. I have such nice memories of that fight. I t took a full team effort to beat Adamek and it will take another full team effort to beat Joshua. Our backs are against the wall but we’ll be ready.’’

Warriors Boxing Signs Their First Female Fighter, 제시카 맥캐 스킬, to a Promotional Contract

In a historic move, Warriors Boxing proudly announces the signing of their first female fighter, 제시카 “카 킬라” McCaskill to a promotional contract.
맥캐 스킬 (2-1, 2 KOS 호텔) is a power-punching lightweight originally from St. 루이, now living in Chicago and training under well-known Windy City boxing figure Rick Ramos.
Signing this deal is very exciting,” 말했다 맥캐 스킬. “It’s the first step of many to a world title belt. I’m looking forward to fighting internationally and becoming a strong female presence and helping to bring back female boxing altogether.
32 세의 그녀는 투박한 슬러거로 권투를 시작했다고합니다., 그녀의 놀라운 타고난 힘에만 의존. But nearly three years of working with Ramos has brought significant change.
I started off as a brawler,” she explained. “In St. 루이, it was really about being flashy and in attack mode all the time. But since I moved to Chicago, Rick has taught me how to be a boxer with more skills. Now I fight like more of a combination of the two styles. I feel my opponents out and then if Rick turns me loose, I’ll go back to being the brawler and stop the show. I turn things off and on. I can hear only him during a fight and whatever he’s telling me to do, 그게 내가하는 일이야. He’s got 100% of my trust.
라모스, who says McCaskill is one of the most powerful and fiercely competitive fighters he’s ever worked with, has high hopes for McCaskill.
Jessica is very dominant in the ring. She can’t even spar with women anymore. They can’t take her power. She spars with men. When I first started working with her, she was a little wild. I’ve slowed her down and got her organized. And now that she’s signed with Warriors, she can go as far as she wants to go. Warriors took a chance on her and that says a lot. I’m excited to see what they can do. The sky is now the limit.
McCaskill says signing with a reputable promotional company is a big step for her career. “My network will grow and doors will open and different eyes will see what I can do now. I’ll be looking for six- and then eight-round fights in the next little bit. And a world championship challenge isn’t that far behind. I’m not here to waste any time.
Dominic Pesoli, Vice President of Warriors Boxing and long-time Chicago boxing figure, says he likes what he’s seen from McCaskill, 지금까지.
Jessica has a very exciting style and her fans show up in large numbers to watch,” said Pesoli. “We are very happy to be working with her as our first female fighter. Women’s combat sports are growing in popularity again and Jessica shows a great deal of promise that we intend to help her develop.
She is one of the hardest female punchers in all of boxing right now,” said Warriors Chief Operating Officer, Luis DeCubas. “Leon Margules and I are happy to be working with Jessica. A female knockout artist is a rarity in boxing and Jessica is truly one of them.