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德米特里·比沃尔 (Dmitry Bivol) 在 SHOBOX 的主要赛事中对阵塞缪尔·克拉克森 (Samuel Clarkson),捍卫 WBA 175 磅临时冠军头衔: 米高梅国家港湾的新一代 FRIDAY ON SHOWTIME®

不败前景 马利克·霍金斯 & 格伦·德祖恩 (Glenn Dezurn) 在联合精选比赛中获胜

赶上重播 星期一, 四月 17 在 10 P.M. AND/PT在SHOWTIME EXTREME®

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奥克森山, MD. (四月 15, 2017) – 不败的 WBA 临时轻重量级冠军德米特里·比沃尔 (Dmitry Bivol) 在第四轮 TKO 中三度击倒塞缪尔·克拉克森 (Samuel Clarkson) 星期五 在主要事件的ShoBox: 新一代 米高梅国家港口的 SHOWTIME 现场直播.


水牛 (10-0, 8 科斯) 现在是WBA的强制挑战者 (定期) 轻重量级世界冠军内森·克莱弗利.


比沃尔在开场钟声中跟踪克拉克森. 这位前俄罗斯业余选手在开场就击倒了克拉克森 30 几秒钟后,他连续射门,一分钟后又用右直拳将他击倒. 克拉克森 (19-4, 12 科斯) 在这一轮中幸存下来,但对麻烦的反应不佳,无法扰乱比沃尔的节奏和令人难以置信的准确性.


克拉克森第三次被击倒,当时他似乎在第四节中途撞上了一个大右边。, 迫使裁判哈维·多克暂停比赛 1:40 当克拉克森挣扎着站起来时. 比沃尔登陆 46 他在四轮比赛中的强力击球百分比与仅 17 克拉克森的百分比.


“我以为我会在第一轮结束他, 但我认为四轮比赛更好,因为球迷们能够看到我的战斗方式,”比沃尔说.


“我已经准备好迎接冠军挑战了 (弥敦道) 聪明地在我的下一场战斗中. 我准备好了。“


克拉克森已进入 的ShoBox 九连胜的主要赛事.


“他在第一次击倒时用一记漂亮的身体射击抓住了我,”克拉克森说. “我以为我在第二轮和第三轮比赛中回到了战斗中. 第四回合我被抓住了, 我绊倒了,失去了平衡。”


次中量级新星马利克·霍金斯在第二轮TKO了之前不败的卡洛斯·索托,保持了自己的不败记录。 的ShoBox 共同特征.


Hawkins (11-0, 8 科斯) 在第一轮比赛后期,他很早就发起进攻,几乎闭上了索托的左眼. 索托在回合最后几秒单膝跪地,但幸免于难, 尽管他的视力明显受损.


霍金斯超越索托 39-15 在第二, 含 15-1 在最后一分钟. 场边医生裁定索托 (13-1-2, 7 科斯) 第二轮比赛结束后,他的左眼就看不清了,他放弃了比赛.


“努力工作和奉献精神. 我有一个强大的阵营并相信我的团队,”霍金斯说, 他由巴尔的摩的卡尔文·福特 (Calvin Ford) 训练,是 IBF 青少年轻量级冠军 Gervonta Davis 的马厩. “更特别的是我第一个孩子的祝福。”


“我想向我的对手大声喊叫. 他很大, 他很坚强, 他很顽强,而且从未被打败过。”


索托成为 163 战斗机遭受第一次失败 的ShoBox.


在首场比赛中,超轻量级不败选手的对决中 的ShoBox 电视节目, 格伦·德祖恩(Glenn Dezurn)以微弱优势击败勒罗伊·达维拉(Leroy Davila),后者在一场来回的战斗中首次失利 78-74 由三名法官.


巴尔的摩本地人德祖恩 (9-0, 6 科斯) 在内线对抗达维拉时,他似乎出拳更重,效率更高 (5-1, 3 科斯), 两个人中谁自然较小. 虽然 Dezurn 是更活跃的拳击手,但他几乎投掷了 100 八回合比赛中出拳次数增多——最后几轮比赛得分极其困难,因为在最后三轮比赛中,拳手们的总出拳次数都在八次之内.


“我和世界上最好的教练一起参加战斗, 我在世界上最好的健身房训练. 我拥有世界上最好的团队, 最重要的, 我有世界上最好的妻子和陪练,”德祖恩说, 他在华盛顿接受巴里·亨特的训练, 哥伦比亚特区, 和他的妻子擦肩而过, 女职业拳击手、前八届全国业余冠军弗兰雄·克鲁斯.


“我的团队告诉我,我所做的所有训练和陪练都比这场比赛本身更难. 我每天的陪练都比较难. 当我每天所做的事情变得更加困难,当我所有的朋友和家人都出来支持时,我不会在这场战斗中欺骗自己。”


达维拉成为 162 战斗机在前景发展系列赛中遭受第一次失败.


今晚 与输赢无关 我表明我内心有狗. 我回答了这个问题,“达维拉说. “我偏离了比赛计划,应该听听我的观点. 尺寸在战斗中起了很小的作用, 但我不会找任何借口. 我以前见过小个子击败大个子。”


本次活动促进了 格雷格·科恩促销 横幅促销 与联想拳击世界起义促销.


周五 三重标题将重播 星期一, 四月 17 在 10 P.M. AND/PT在Showtime极端,将可在SHOWTIME ON DEMAND® 和SHOWTIMEANYTIME®.


巴里·汤普金斯 的ShoBox 从马戏团的行动 史蒂夫Farhood 和前世界冠军 劳尔·马尔克斯 作为专业分析师. 执行制片人 戈登·霍尔 丰富的高根 生产和 里克·菲利普斯 导演.


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Andre Berto vs. Shawn Porter Media Conference Call Highlights

We’re going to start with “开演时间” 肖恩·波特, out of Las Vegas right now. 前IBF世界冠军. Everyone knows he’s trained by his dad, 肯, and he was a tremendous amateur. He has been a tremendous pro. And I know he’s ready for this important matchup on 4月22日. 肖恩?
What’s up, 每个人? 是的, we’re just at the latter part of camp now, winding down, and we’re still working out hard, and everything is coming together just the way we want it. 所以, 在此刻, the excitement is building up and I can’t wait to get out there and see everybody, and be a part of what’s going on with this fight.
L. 迪贝拉
Have you done anything special to prepare for Berto? 我的意思是, anything different in terms of sparring partners or anything in your usual routine?
S. 穿
I personally have been going 15 rounds up at an altitude of about 8,500 feet yesterday. I think that’s pretty special. We sparred 10 rounds with three different guys, and we pushed ourselves a few more rounds in the ring, and then also sprint some on the road as well. 所以, we’re working hard. We swim every chance we have and try to work every chance. We have an oxygen chamber in our training facility for our performance center.
所以, everything we’re doing is just always to try to do it bigger and better each fight.
L. 迪贝拉
Andre can you tell us a little bit about your training camp and how you feel about the fight as fight week is less than a week away.
Training camp has been tremendous. We’ve stepped everything up this camp. Tremendous sparring. I just can’t say enough about how this camp went. 我在伟大的形状. 我关注. We have been pushing ourselves to the limit each and every day. I’m more than excited coming into this fight. I’m ready to get it.
We are thrilled to be back at Barclays Center and thrilled to be working with DiBella once again. At SHOWTIME, our spring schedule is starting to take shape. 此 4月22日 event is the start of a very aggressive lineup of fights over an eight-week span. There’s more to come on that in the very near future.
In terms of our televised fights, we’ve got compelling matchups that provide a little bit of everything for all sorts of boxing fans.
This main event is part of a series of ongoing welterweight fights that will determinepossibly by the end of the year, maybe early next yearwho is the top dog, 可以这么说, in boxing’s glamour division.
We’ve had a series of phenomenal welterweight fights, including Shawn’s fight last summer on CBS.
Both Andre Berto and Shawn Porter, really gained national exposure early in their careers on SHOWTIME via 的ShoBoxno surprise there. Andre was on 的ShoBox 在 2006; Shawn Porter in 2009. And they have progressed in very significant stages of their career on SHOWTIMEAndre four times on SHOWTIME, and Shawn five times on SHOWTIME and once on CBS.
These are two guys that everybody knows. They’re likeable, charismatic, and articulate. They’re guys who respect the sport and represent it well. Perhaps more importantly, they are all action fighters, and there’s no way that this fight is going to disappoint. 所以, 从上到下, a lot to offer on this 4月22日 卡, 而且我们非常期待它.
Do you think that a victory against Shawn would represent maybe the best win of your career?
一. 叶贝
是的. I believe so. Looking down at my career, I’ve gone through a lot of physical things and now just coming back from that and just being healthy and a lot stronger, I’m a lot more focused.
Everything is just starting to show like it needs to be, and I believe that this fight right here definitely could be one of the biggest ones in my career, 当然.
I fought a lot of great guys coming up. I’ve fought with Steve Forbes, I’ve fought David Estrada and all those guys, they were big names at their time.
The most satisfying one for me right now, was my last one against Victor Ortiz just because there was so much emotion that went into that fight. So much of a storyline that went into that fight and how much it meant to me.
Emotionally all around the board, I think probably there’s no more satisfying win right now at this point. I fought Carlos Quintana, 史蒂夫福布斯, and all these guys that were very great fighters of their time, and they were at the top of their division at their time.
Do you think a win against Shawn would surpass that as the most satisfying because you’re a little older, you’ve been off a while and it’s going to put you back into position to fight another world title if you win?
一. 叶贝
I’m not sure, 一. 就像我说的, that last fight just had a lot connected to it. And a lot connected to it. This fight here is a big fight as well. Every fight right now at this point in my career is a big fight and a very big, defining fight. 所以, I’m just taking each of them, and one step at a time, and just preparing like I need to. I need to just get through them one at a time.
Shawn were you surprised that coming off of a loss that you were able to get a fight that would be a title eliminator to be in a position right back in a world title fight?
S. 穿
你知道吗? 老老实实, that’s kind of the business side that I don’t really think about as much. I didn’t think about how many fights it would take for me to get back to a championship fight.
那打架之后, my team went back to the drawing board figuring out what fight we can take to position ourselves to either get a rematch with Thurman or get another title, and that was it. That was how this fight with Andre Berto came to be.
This was the guy that I was told will be the one to position me to get back to a World Championship fight, 进而, boom, we’re at the press conference announcing the fight, and they tell us that it’s for an eliminator.
I couldn’t have been more surprised. I don’t think there was anything in my life that I’ve ever been more pleased with or surprised other than that.
When DiBella came up and said it would be for a title eliminator for the WBC title, 我的意思是, my heart justit just glowed with happiness. 所以, 我很期待这场斗争. I been looking forward to this moment for a long time and I hope to just win.
We agreed to the fight with the understanding that, this will lead to something better, but again I didn’t know how long it would be. And then the man comes on the stage and says it’s for an eliminator, and I’m like, 哇.
If you could wave the magic wand, which guy of Thurman and Brook would you rather have a rematch against, 为什么?
S. 穿
瑟曼. I think he’s the better fighter. I think finally being able to beat him, I think would be something on my resume, in my legacy, that would be remembered for a very long time. 他是一个非常好的战斗机; a very good defender of his belt/belts, and I’m looking forward to fighting him in a rematch.
肖恩, I saw some comments you made recently discussing Berto’s fight against Mayweather and how you seemed to suggest that you were going to follow Floyd’s blueprint for his boxing Berto, and staying on the outside, and you seemed to kind of say that you were going to follow the same strategy. Is that true?
S. 穿
很好, 观看这场比赛,, I definitely admired, as any fight that Floyd Mayweather’s in, 他的拳击能力, but that was something that was very effective against Andre Berto. 所以, we’ll definitely pick our spots where we want to box; where we want to use the ring. But at any rate, through the entire fight, we will control the action as well as the ring.
Do you plan on showcasing more of your boxing ability in this fight against Berto?
S. 穿
很好, it depends on the fight. Like you just said, my boxing ability may be a little underrated. 我会说, there are moments in the ring, sometimes you make it more of boxing, sometimes you make it more of the pressure and the aggression.
所以, we’ll build this fight accordingly. We’ll take a look at what’s going on. We’ll make our adjustments during the fight in the corner as well, and we’ll see. You might see more boxing; you might see more pressure. 我们将看到它是如何发挥出来.
You mentioned before that you felt that Keith Thurman was a better fighter than Kell Brook. Can you just explain why you feel that way?
S. 穿
I just think overall. 他的拳击能力, 环智商, 速度, quickness, 动力, 所有的. My personal opinion is it could be a biased opinion, but I feel like Keith Thurman is the better boxer/fighter than Kell Brook.
其他, what do you think about Shawn saying that he might use Floyd Mayweather’s template against you in your fight? What’s your reaction to hearing that?
一. 叶贝
没关系. 我的意思是, that’s his business. He can us any game plan however he wants to. Whichever way he wants to maneuver, whatever the situation is, 就在他身上.
We’re just preparing for every look. We’re just preparing for every look. What we need to prepare whether he’s boxing brawling.
We’re focused on what we need to do. We don’t really focus on the way he’s trying to beat us. We’re trying to make sure that we’re going to be all right, and we’re going to be focused.
肖恩, he’s shown in the past he can brawl. He can press the guys out. He might try to use something new in this fight. I’m not sure. I’m just focusing on what I got to do. 就像我说的, we’re in tremendous shape all around the board. 我们可以框; we can bang; we can do whatever we want to do as well. So it doesn’t matter. We’re going to see what it is. We’re getting a start on that.
Shawn do you think Andre can handle your pace?
S. 穿
That’s my mindset, my team says every time we get in the ring is that our opponent won’t be able to keep up with the pace that I perform at. I do everything that I can, leading up to the fight, to be ready for a fight like that.
I never go into the ring with the thought that I’m going to throw 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 拳圆. It’s just kind of how the fight flows and how it goes. 所以, 是的, I’m always prepared to fight at the faster paceI think at a faster rate than most of the guys that I box.
I think that there is going to be an advantage for myself getting in the ring with Andre Berto, I think that I’ll be able to dictate the pace, and push his heart, and make him work harder.
The skills as well as the power should make this a very good fight. This is why this fight is very anticipated, because you know what I can do and what Andre can do.
But I think I’ve shown out there that there’s nothing that you can doubt when I’m getting into the ring, it’s down to I’m going to perform the way I’ve always performed and the fight will take care of itself.
Besides Mayweather, do you think you’re the most superior opponent that he’s faced, 如果是这样, 为什么?
S. 穿
是的, 是的, 是的. I would say I am. He’s fought some very good boxers. Some punchers and guys that were aggressive. Some counterpunchers. He’s fought them all. I think the thing that separates me from those guys is that I can do all of it. Very rarely do you have that in another fighter than can do it all in the ring.
其他, what are your thoughts on what Shawn brings to the ring, and do you agree that with him, that maybe besides Mayweather, that he’s your most difficult opponent?
一. 叶贝
I can’t really say until I get in there with him. 就像我说的, I been there with a lot of guys, and I’ve been with a lot of different type of guys from my first 12 或 13 打架.
I’ve been in there with a few world champions. I have to go in there and see. 梅威瑟, 就像我说的, you’re bringing up Mayweather. Mayweather is Mayweather.
He’s going to go in there and move around, 箱, he’s going to play, real slippery. I believe that he is definitely one-of-a-kind and showed it throughout the years.
When it comes to Shawn, he does a lot of things wrong and he does a lot of things right. So I can’t say that Shawn’s going to be my most difficult fight, because I haven’t been in there with him yet. We’ll say that he is definitely a great fighter.
Do you feel that at the time of some of your earlier wins, that you were getting credit, and do you think that you have ever really gotten credit for being a better fighter?
一. 叶贝
Everybody knows the boxing game, you’re as good as our last performance. Just as they can raise you up high in the next great thing, going through defeat or going through some tough times, they’ll write you off quick.
They’ll write you off quick in this game. And that’s just how the game goes. I can’t sit there and just be upset at it. I knew what I was getting into.
With all of the buzz surrounding me, coming into the pro game, and me being a world champion myself, I can give myself accolades, but if things don’t go your way, they’ll definitely discredit you.
You have to see it for what it’s worth, 一, and end-of-the-day, just know who you are. You can’t let this fight game ultimately define you.
It won’t give you the credit that you feel that you deserve at the end of the day, and that’s what, and I believe. Them retiring. I don’t know too many fighters that have retired satisfied.
They’re satisfied with this fight game, or satisfied with the notoriety of things they’ve got, from the writers, from the critics or the fans. I don’t know too many at all. You just got to go in there and do what you got to do. 如, just know who you are, and go and make yourself happy.
其他, just piggybacking on what you said earlier, do you feel that you’ve been written off, going into this fight?
一. 叶贝
很好, from my first loss moving forward, I’ve been written off. 就像我说的. going into it, it’s just where the fight game is. It’s just where the fight game is. From my first loss on, it’s been this and this, this and that. I’ve been through my hard times. I’ve been through everything in this fight game and have been in front of that TV screen.
That’s what you need to understand. I’ve got a chance to fight all over. I was with Lou DiBella and HBO. Everything that I’ve done has been in the eyes of the public. My rise, my fall, going through my defeats.
Coming back from shoulder surgery, coming back trying to continue to make a statement, make people know I’m still here. 我喜欢它, because I love that roller coaster ride. I’ve never seen my career coming into the game as being perfect. Never. Never.
I’ve always wanted to feel everything that this game had to offer. But it’s just like Muhammad Ali said a long time ago, he was able to feel everything this game had to offer. He got knocked down. He got stopped. He wasn’t tired. He was the best alive. This and that. He had to experience it all.
When I’m done, I’ll be able to read my story and see that and explains everything this game had to offer.
其他, he’s obviously he’s the younger fighter and he’s a pretty big favorite in the fight. How much motivation has that given you in this camp?
一. 叶贝
It’s a tremendous motivation for me. I believe they’ve been able to see a whole different type of determination and motivation in me. And they do see it in these fights as well. So it’s not going to stop. It’s not going to stop me. They can think of that some other type of way, but everybody right now, 在此刻, it looks like they’re in the way right now for what I want. 就是这样. 就是这样. That’s all they’re getting out of my way.
How difficult has it been for you to not be more active since the Broner fight?
S. 穿
That’s a tough one to call. I think more than anything it’s been a little tougher mentally, outside of that, we still work hard and I’m on SHOWTIME for a reason.
I’m a Showtime fighter, so I’m never worried, about any amount of time that I stay out of the ring in the actual fight because we have tons of those before the actual match. 所以, I’m just excited about this fight coming in, 我期待着它.
Do you think maybe for your next fight if you’re able to beat Andre, do you feel like a Thurman rematch because, 特别, this is an elimination match for his title that that is a realistic opportunity for you in your next fight?
S. 穿
I’m hoping so. I know that he has two different belts. He will have two different mandatories, so I understand all that, but I’m looking forward to getting back in the ring with Keith Thurman in a rematch as soon as we can after this fight with Andre Berto.
其他, you’re going into this fight with roughly a one-year layoff since your last fight with the second fight with Ortiz. Can you tell us about that layoff and how you think it might affect your performance in this fight?
一. 叶贝
The layoff is the layoff. That’s something you got to ask the promoter, the managers on that. But anybody that follows me, they know I’ve been staying busy anyways. within this year I’ve been staying working out and I’ve been staying in shape.
I’d say we’ve had a nice lengthy camp to make sure to knock off all the rust. And we’re sharp, 一. We’re sharp. And all ready to go. So I don’t think it’s going to play too much of a big part in this as well.
How does that affect you being off for that period of time, because as soon as the bell rings, it may get very heated very quickly.
一. 叶贝
It’s not going to affect me too much at all. Everybody knows me. When it comes to me, I’ve been scrappy that way my whole career. And plus we’ve been having tremendous sparring. We been having tremendous, tremendous sparring here at the gym.
So far everybody is trying to push me to a whole other level. I’m here putting real money on my own head to make sure these guys come from the first round. Always trying to see if they can knock me out.
So all the sparring has been top notch, and it’s definitely been highly, highly competitive. We’re going to be ready to go.
As the more veteran fighter, are there going to be changes in your approach?
一. 叶贝
是的, it’s crazy to say; I’m an old vet now. My boxing IQ has changed so much when it comes to everything in general.
We’re doing things for a reason. Not just out there throwing punches because we can. Not just always just being fast because we can, or being strong because we can. Everything is for a purpose and we’ve just been fine-tuning everything. And everything has been falling in place pretty amazingly.
肖恩, do you think there are going to be any ring rust problems, or how are you going to deal with that?
S. 穿
别, no ring rust at all, 一. I’m just looking forward to this fight. I know it’s been a while since you guys have seen me, but I’m always working, and my team is always on me, making sure I’m in shape, getting in shape, staying in shape. And that I’m controlling my weight, my eating, all that kind of stuff. 所以, 现在, there’s no problem for Shawn Porter.
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Andre Berto vs. Shawn Porter is a WBC Welterweight World Title eliminator between former 147-pound world champions. The 12-round bout headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING, 由总理拳击冠军提出, 周六日 22 巴克莱中心, 布鲁克林拳击™的家. 在合作的主要事件, undefeated super welterweight world champion Jermell Charlo battles top rated challenger Charles Hatley, 与电视报道在开始 9:30 P.M. AND/6:30 P.M. PT.
欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, AndreBerto, @ShowtimeShawnP, LouDiBella, @BarclaysCenter和@Swanson_Comm或成为Facebook上的粉丝在www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. PBC由电晕赞助, 最好的啤酒.

烧伤: 我会证明我的坦克里还有足够的东西

生日男孩寻找终极礼物 周六 夜晚

伯恩斯 – 印东戈统一战 这个星期六 关于 AWE-丰富的娱乐和 www.klowdtv.com


圣迭戈, CALIF. – 瑞奇·伯恩斯 (Ricky Burns) 正在争取本周末的终极生日礼物,他的目标是在格拉斯哥 SSE Hydro 的统一冲突中,将朱利叶斯·英东戈 (Julius Indongo) 的 IBF 和 IBO 世界冠军头衔添加到他自己的 WBA 超轻量级冠军头衔中。 周六现场直播 AWE-A Wealth of Entertainment 以及 www.klowdtv.com

拼牌将开始 2:30 PM ET / 11:30 AM PT. AWE 现已在 Directv 频道上播出 387
伯恩斯转身 34 周四 并在格拉斯哥举行的赛前新闻发布会上与纳米比亚人面对面.


十月,伯恩斯凭借顽强的表现首次卫冕,击败了令人印象深刻的强制性挑战者基里尔·雷利克(Kiryl Relikh). 因东戈是第三个在水力大锅中测试伯恩斯的人, 伯恩斯不想再错过创造历史的机会,因为他的目标是继续在最高层继续他非凡的职业生涯.

“当我刚开始的时候,你总是想着赢得腰带并参加大规模的战斗, 但我从来没有给自己设定任何目标,” 伯恩斯说. “我只是努力工作,当我有机会时, 我接受了它们并且得到了回报. 我度过了几个糟糕的夜晚,我花了一段时间才搬到埃塞克斯并习惯与托尼一起训练, 但现在已经点击了.

“我参加了迪罗科的比赛,我跳了起来. 人们注意到我还有一些东西可以给予, 我知道它还在那里, 但也有人对此表示怀疑.

“我不会去想到目前为止我做了什么,直到我把它们挂起来之前我也不会去想. 在我眼里, 战斗是打架. 参加像这样的大型战斗总是很棒的, 但世界冠军争夺战的压力足够大,我把诸如遗产之类的东西放在一边,只专注于眼前的事情, 我一直都是这样.

“不要误会我的意思, 我对自己所取得的成就感到满意,人们总是说我是三级世界冠军,而且是英国历史上三名冠军之一, 但我并没有真正考虑过它,也没有陷入其中.

“我就是喜欢打架. 人们总是问我,我认为我可以坚持多久,我的答案总是只要我不受到惩罚, 仍然想做并享受它, 然后我会继续 – 我想我还剩下很多年.

“我把它在一个时间一拼. 这是一个大, 重要的夜晚, 我有过的最大的. 我们谈论过超羽量级和轻量级的统一之战,现在就在这里 – 我只是等不及了. 那里有更容易的战斗,甚至可能更有利可图的战斗, 但这就是我想要的战斗,我相信事情会顺利进行。”


里约奥运会选手乔什·凯利首次亮相职业赛, 他的英国队队友劳伦斯·奥科利第二次参加职业比赛, 查理·弗林(Charlie Flynn)为他的第一个职业冠军而战,他将与瑞安·柯林斯(Ryan Collins)争夺凯尔特人轻量级冠军,乔·汉姆(Joe Ham)将与斯科特·麦考马克(Scott McCormack)争夺苏格兰超轻量级冠军.



亚洲国际博览馆LIVE拳击设有现场的世界冠军锦标赛和消除较量,展示了当今最令人兴奋的战士. 由于亚洲国际博览馆的现场拳击事件以来 2011, AWE 已推出超过 50 世界冠军战斗.

AWE 为拳击迷带来了一些最激动人心和最具争议性的比赛, 其中包括瑞奇·伯恩斯 (Ricky Burns) 与雷·贝尔特兰 (Ray Beltran) 争夺世界冠军的对决. AWE 独家现场直播美国选手特伦斯·克劳福德 (Terence Crawford) 击败瑞奇·伯恩斯 (Ricky Burns) 夺冠. 亚洲国际博览馆的球迷见证了不败的重量级泰森怒的爆发力多次在网络上, 包括愤怒的战胜了凯文·约翰逊.

在 2017, AWE 是英国传奇重量级拳手大卫·海耶 (David Haye) 和托尼·贝柳 (Tony Bellew) 历史性对决的美国独家电视转播商.

关于亚洲国际博览馆 – 娱乐的财富

娱乐的财富 (“AWE”) 拥有各种生活方式和异国情调的旅游娱乐节目,令人发指的家庭生活世界拳击锦标赛. AWE 可用于一百多个有线系统, 包括AT&牛逼U-诗, CH 147 和 1147 在HD, Verizon的FiOS电视, CH 169 和 669 在HD. 和直播电视, CH 387. 欲了解更多信息, 请访问 www.awetv.com.



纽约 (四月 14, 2017)-拳击经理费利佩·戈麦斯自豪地宣布签下前世界冠军 埃利奥·罗哈斯 管理合同.

Elio Rojas 来自旧金山德马科里斯, 多明尼加共和国拥有的纪录 24-3, 同 14 胜淘汰赛的方式到来.

罗哈斯12回合一致判定战胜青贵宏,夺得WBC世界羽量级拳王头衔 (17-1-1) 在青的家乡东京, 日本. 罗哈斯随后对阵墨西哥老将小古蒂·埃斯帕达斯 (Gutty Espadas Jr) 卫冕. (45-7) 在尤卡坦半岛, 墨西哥12回合一致判定. 在他最近的回合, 罗哈斯在第五回合TKO惨遭重击的米基·加西亚(Mikey Garcia), 36-0, 30 击倒.

罗哈斯, 谁一直住在佛罗里达州, 最近搬到了纽约,希望让他的职业生涯重回正轨.

“我认识费利佩·戈麦斯很多年了,我知道他可以帮助我快速启动我的职业生涯,” 罗哈斯说.

“埃利奥在他的职业生涯中曾与一些大牌选手交手,但他在一场超出他体重级别的比赛中惨遭失败。. 如果他能恢复到自然体重 126-130 英镑, 我知道他可以击败很多优秀的战士,” 戈麦斯说. “我很高兴能成为他职业生涯的一部分,因为我知道他仍然充满斗志,他可以再次成为世界冠军。”

埃利奥斯·罗哈斯正在布鲁克林著名的格里森健身房训练, 纽约与前世界冠军琼·古兹曼.

费利佩·戈麦斯, 前新传奇拳击队成员, 放弃了其发起人的执照,成为一名拳击经理. 他最近的签约包括: 中量级老将乔瓦尼·洛伦佐, 中量级德沃恩·李, 次中量级塞萨尔·弗朗西斯和其他几位居住在多米尼加共和国的新星.

FNU搏击运动展: 约翰逊VS. Reis Preview, The Undertaker Retires, NASCAR Fights

乌合之众鲁辛’ 丰富的伯​​杰龙, “精神” 汤姆·帕吉特和托尼 “龙卷风” Penecale discuss the news and events of the last two weeks in combat sports. From Rampage Jackson’s rough final fight in Bellator to Chris Weidman’s controversial loss to Gegard Mousasi we cover all the major MMA happenings. We also discuss the upcoming week’s boxing schedule and look back at some events in boxing from the last two weeks. We wrap up with a discussion about NASCAR and Bellator taking advantage of their common partnership with Monster energy drink. The two sports giants announced recently that Bellator will host fight cards at future racing events.


德米特里·比沃尔 vs. 塞缪尔·克拉克森商店: 新的最终重量, QUOTES & 明天在 Showtime® 上直播的三重头赛照片



明天/星期五, 四月 14 在 10 P.M. AND/从马里兰州米高梅国家港口出发的 PT


“我知道人们对我的期望是什么——他们想要KO——如果有机会,我会尽力终结他。” ——德米特里·比沃尔

“我想看看炒作是什么. 他的整个职业生涯就是我的连胜。” ——塞缪尔·克拉克森


点击 这里 要下载称重的照片; 信用阿曼达韦斯科特/欣欣


奥克森山, MD. (四月 13, 2017) – 不败 WBA 临时轻重量级冠军名单 德米特里·比沃尔 和裸奔挑战者 塞缪尔·克拉克森 重量 周四 他们的 12 轮主赛事 明天/星期五的ShoBox: 新一代 住在 开演时间® (10P.M. AND/PT) 从 米高梅国家港口大酒店 (奥克森山), 马里兰.


快速崛起的Bivol (9-0, 7 科斯) 克拉克森在第七次职业比赛中赢得了临时腰带 (19-3, 12 KO的) 进入 周五 九连胜的主要赛事.


不败的次中量级前景 马利克·霍金斯 (10-0, 7 科斯) 和 卡洛斯·索托 (13-0-2, 7 科斯) 在八轮联合专题中相遇. Hawkins, 巴尔的摩本地人,受卡尔文·福特训练, 是 IBF 少年轻量级冠军 Gervonta Davis 的马厩.


在转播的开幕回合, 巴尔的摩本地人 格伦·德祖恩(Glenn Dezurn) (8-0, 6 科斯) 挑战前业余选手 达洛拉(Lerooy davila) (5-0, 3 科斯), 新不伦瑞克省, 新泽西州, 在八轮不败的超级轻量级​​对决中.


门票活动, 其通过促进 格雷格·科恩促销 横幅促销 与联想 拳击世界起义促销, 售价为 $103, $73 和 $48 可以在 Ticketmaster.com 或通过电话购买 800.745.3000.


德米特里·比沃尔: 174 ½磅

塞缪尔·克拉克森: 173 ½磅

马利克·霍金斯: 146 英镑

卡洛斯·索托: 148 ¼磅

格伦·德祖恩(Glenn Dezurn): 120 ¾磅

达洛拉(Lerooy davila): 119 ¾磅




“我的计划是在我的第一个赛季中成为世界冠军 10 打架. 我们快要到了.


“克拉克森是一位轻重量级选手, 但我曾与更大的家伙战斗过. 这是一场艰苦的战斗, 但我们愿意冒险去争取这个在电视上打架的机会.


“我确实经历了从业余到职业的转变. WSB 帮助了这一转变并给了我经验. 我能够从战斗中学习, 我在每次战斗中都获得了经验.


“我一直在努力变得更有侵略性并控制战斗的节奏. 我可以轻松地前进和后退.


“我们会在一开始就摸索力量和时机. 我知道人们对我的期望——他们想要KO——如果有机会,我会尽力终结他.


“在 Wild Card 工作有很大的不同. 在美国培训. 完全不同. 在俄罗斯,大多数都是业余爱好者, 所以你会习惯错误的风格. 我学到的大部分知识都是来自在美国与职业选手的对打.


“克拉克森通常会挺身而出. 他向后退似乎不太舒服. 我们认为我们可以利用我们的优势来限制他的错误,让他走出自己的舒适区。”



“我不是一个失败者. 我一路奋战才到达这个位置并取得连胜. 我觉得我已经证明了自己在这里. 我的损失帮助我达到了现在的水平. 我知道我属于这里.


“我从来都不是一个会被击倒并留下来的人. 我已准备好迎接一切. 压力不在我身上. 我只需要做好我的事.


“我参加过一些战争. 我知道被击倒是什么感觉. 他以前没去过那里. 我需要坚持自己的立场. 我不备份.


“我想看看炒作是什么. 他的整个职业生涯就是我的连胜.


“我一直在和最优秀的人打架. 我准备好这场斗争. 这是一个很大的机会,我没有感到任何压力.


“他没有像我们一样经历过战争. 当你面对像我这样不怕你的人时,这很难. 他是一维的. 我们想让他尽可能不舒服.


“我们来夺取他的腰带. 他必须阻止我们拿走它. 他从来没有面对过像我这样的人——一个速度很快、力量很大的战士。”


“我会不惜一切代价. 如果我必须挺身而出, 我会挺身而出. 如果我必须装箱, 我会装箱.


“霍金斯是一位聪明的战士, 快, 高的. 他喜欢远距离战斗. 我需要给他施加压力,让他赢得这场战斗.


“我以前曾面对过和他一样高的战士. 这对我来说并不新鲜.


“我只去过美国. 以前有过一次, 我从未在这里战斗过. 我需要利用这次经验.


“我的目​​标是全力以赴. 我想成为我的体重级别中最好的. 对我来说,一切从现在开始。”



“我和 Gervonta 一起长大 (戴维斯). 我看到他赢得了冠军, I’ve seen his success, and now it’s my turn. It’s been great motivation for me. For him to become a champion motivated me even more.


“We’ve sparred 1,000’s of rounds with Gervonta. We’ve been in there with the champ and know it’s our time.


“We’re here to prove we’re ready. We don’t want to take any shortcuts. We’re taking this one fight at a time. We’re building and building.


“I’m tall, but I have an inside game. I fight inside better than a short fighter.


“People don’t want to take the chance to fight me. Credit to Soto for taking the fight, but he’s going to learn the hard way why no one wants to fight me.”




“我们知道有一天这会到来,现在它就在这里. 我们了解 Dezurn 的一切. 他是我们完美的对手. 我们知道可以击垮他.


“当我没有入选国奥队时, 我马上就克服了. 但我不确定我会成为职业选手. 我有一个家庭要照顾,我不能让任何事情分散我作为父亲的注意力. 但现在我 5-0 并在国家电视台上进行战斗. 这就是我一直在等待的时刻.


“Dezurn 很有侵略性,而且很有爱心, 但我不担心他. 我需要专注于自己.


“一场胜利让我能够与其他崭露头角的拳手进行对话. 一场胜利确实可以改变我的职业生涯。”




“和我妻子打架对我很有帮助. 她像个男人一样打球. She’s taught me a lot – she taught me discipline. We push each other in the gym; we make each other better fighters.


“If you can make an adjustment with a sharp female woman, there’s no reason you can’t do it with a man.


“I like to break down my opponents. I become aggressive when I see a weakness.


“我已经准备好战斗. I’m ready to get in there. I worked hard and now it’s time to have fun.


“I sparred with Rau’Shee (养兔场) 这场斗争. He has tremendous talent. He’s an inspiration for me. We also sparred with Vasyl Lomachenko for this fight. You have to be physically and mentally in shape to fight him.”


# # #


欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.sho.com/sports 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @SHOSports, 和@GCPBoxing或成为Facebook上的粉丝 www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.facebook.com/GCPBoxing/www.facebook.com/BannerPromotions/.

Christopher Brooker to take on Oscar Riojas in featured bout on Friday, May 12th at The SugarHouse Casino in Philadelphia

Jerome Conquest in co-feature bout

Also seeing action will be undefeated fighters Blake Mansfield, Sam Orapeza, 杰弗里·托雷斯, Harold Lopez and Steven Ortiz

费城, PA. (四月 13, 2017) – Battle tested super middleweight 克里斯托弗·布鲁克 将在老将 奥斯卡·里奥哈斯(Oscar Riojas) in the eight-round featured bout on 周五晚上, May 12thThe SugarHouse Casino.
费城的布鲁克有以下记录: 11-3 五击倒.
该 25 year-old is known for taking on anyone at anytime.
The combined record of his last seven foes is a staggering 92-9-3, with Brooker winning five of those bouts, and Brooker has appeared on national television three times.

Brooker is a two-year professional, who already has wins over Leo Hall (8-0), 约翰·玛格达 (11-0), Antowyan艾肯斯 (10-1-1), 加布里埃尔范 (6-0) & 前世界冠军挑战者埃尔文·阿亚拉 (28-7-1). Brooker has dropped his last two bouts to Ronald Gavril (16-1) in a bout that Brooker was even on the scorecards before being stopped in the final round. 上 1月20日, Brooker dropped an eight-round unanimous decision to undefeated Ronald Ellis (13-0-1) 在大西洋城. That fight was shown live on ShoBox: The New generation.

蒙特雷的里奥哈斯, 墨西哥的纪录 14-7-1 四击倒.
该 33 year-old Riojas in a four year professional, who won his first 11 结束. Like Brooker, Riojas has not shied from tough competition as the combined record of Riojas opponents that have defeated him are 81-1-2.
Riojas and Brooker have two common foes as Riojas has dropped fights to Gavril and Ellis.
Riojas is coming off a eight-round unanimous decision over Roberto Nafate on April 6 in Leon, 墨西哥.
在六轮的共同特征, 轻量级 杰罗姆征服 (6-2, 1 KO) of Philadelphia will compete against an opponent to be named.
布雷克菲尔德 (5-0-1, 2 KO的) 伯灵顿, NC将打 亨利·贝克福德 (4-6, 1 KO) of Coram, NY in a super middleweight bout.
史蒂文·奥尔蒂斯 (5-0, 1 KO) of Philadelphia will take on an opponent to be named in a lightweight bout.
Sam Orapeza (1-0) 费城战役 Kyle McNutt (1-2, 1 KO) of Battle Creek, MI in a cruiserweight affair.
杰弗里·托雷斯 (2-0, 1 KO) 费城会打 卡洪·哈钦森(Kashon Hutchinson) (2-2, 1 KO) in a battle of Keystone State based lightweights.
拉蒙特麦克劳克林 (0-1) 品萨肯的, NJ will look for his first win against an opponent to be named in a light heavyweight fight.
Harold Lopez (1-0, 1 KO) 伯利恒, PA将广场下车用 Tyrone Arzeno (0-1) of Philadelphia in a bantamweight bout.
门票发售 $100, $75, $50, 并可以在购买 SugarHouseBoxing.eventbrite.

印东戈: 苏格兰球迷情不自禁


伯恩斯 – 印东戈统一战 这个星期六 关于 AWE-丰富的娱乐和 www.klowdtv.com


圣迭戈, CALIF. – 朱利叶斯·因东戈告诉瑞奇·伯恩斯,当他们在格拉斯哥 SSE Hydro 举行的世界超轻量级统一对决中发生冲突时,家乡球迷不会帮助他 周六 (四月 15) 住在AWE- 丰富的娱乐和www.klowdtv.com

广播开始于 2:30 PM ET 这将是 Directv 上首次举办的 AWE 拳击赛事 (渠道 387)

Indongo正在寻找伯恩斯加盟’ 去年 12 月,他前往俄罗斯,在祖国纳米比亚之外的第一场比赛中以惊人的方式赢得了 IBF 和 IBO 腰带,并以毁灭性的一拳 KO 战胜了冠军爱德华·特罗扬诺夫斯基 (Eduard Troyanovsky).

这是该队连续第三次在距离内获胜 34 拥有原始力量的一岁孩子,在纸面上是一场噩梦, 瘦长的左撇子.

英东戈认为他在俄罗斯的胜利被认为是侥幸, 他来苏格兰是为了证明他是货真价实的.

“我们专注并做好准备,” 因东戈说. “我已经完善了战斗的工具和技术. 他选择了我们,这对我来说很好. 在后院与某人战斗并不容易,但你需要确保你为这项任务做好了充分的准备.
“我们对这支球队没有任何怀疑. 目标是持续获胜. 我听到他们在说什么. 他们说这是一记幸运的一拳,打倒了特罗亚诺夫斯基. 说话总是很容易. 把伯恩斯带到我面前,我们看看谁是最好的。”

因东戈表示,他第一次在家打拳击,就知道自己需要前往参加重大比赛 20 付费排名中的较量. 当访客走向拳击场时,格拉斯哥的人群肯定会给予他充满敌意的接待, 但他向球迷和伯恩斯发出警告 – 没有任何事情可以分散他的注意力.

“客场作战从来都不是问题,” 因东戈说. “我知道我们无法在南非举办如此盛大的活动,所以我一直做好旅行的准备. 擂台上只有瑞奇和我, 粉丝对我没有任何影响.

“KO将是一个奖励,但我们正在为艰苦的回合进行训练, 我不败,并且毫不怀疑我会保持这种状态.

“我们在拳击界并没有得到很好的认可,但我警告你 – 不要低估我们, 因为这就是莫斯科发生的事情。”

因东戈追随同胞保卢斯·摩西的脚步,在三月份向伯恩斯挑战 WBO 轻量级冠军 2012, 和“蓝色机器”’ 相信那天晚上摩西被法官欺骗了, 基里尔·雷利克 (Kiryl Relikh) 也是如此, 10 月份,他在 WBA 首次卫冕中被伯恩斯淘汰出局.

“我以为保卢斯赢得了这场比赛,但也许他没有赢,因为那是在苏格兰,” 因东戈说. “我也不认为他打败了Relikh, 但你不能看那个, 他不能轻视我或犯错误.

“天空是极限了我. 我会与任何人战斗, 但梦想是在拉斯维加斯战斗, 我希望有人给我一个更大的报价,让我在那里战斗并捍卫所有头衔, 包括WBA金腰带我都会赢。”

因东戈与伯恩斯的冲突是格拉斯哥盛大的夜晚行动的一部分, 底牌赛由两场英国冠军争夺战主导,斯科蒂·卡德尔(Scotty Cardle)希望在面对罗比·巴雷特(Robbie Barrett)、查理·爱德华兹(Charlie Edwards)和伊恩·布彻(Iain Butcher)争夺空缺的超蝇量级冠军时,直接获得轻量级冠军.

里约奥运会选手乔什·凯利首次亮相职业赛, 他的英国队队友劳伦斯·奥科利第二次参加职业比赛, 查理·弗林(Charlie Flynn)为他的第一个职业冠军而战,他将与瑞安·柯林斯(Ryan Collins)争夺凯尔特人轻量级冠军,乔·汉姆(Joe Ham)将与斯科特·麦考马克(Scott McCormack)争夺苏格兰超轻量级冠军.



亚洲国际博览馆LIVE拳击设有现场的世界冠军锦标赛和消除较量,展示了当今最令人兴奋的战士. 由于亚洲国际博览馆的现场拳击事件以来 2011, AWE 已推出超过 50 世界冠军战斗.

AWE 为拳击迷带来了一些最激动人心和最具争议性的比赛, 其中包括瑞奇·伯恩斯 (Ricky Burns) 与雷·贝尔特兰 (Ray Beltran) 争夺世界冠军的对决. AWE 独家现场直播美国选手特伦斯·克劳福德 (Terence Crawford) 击败瑞奇·伯恩斯 (Ricky Burns) 夺冠. 亚洲国际博览馆的球迷见证了不败的重量级泰森怒的爆发力多次在网络上, 包括愤怒的战胜了凯文·约翰逊.

在 2017, AWE 是英国传奇重量级拳手大卫·海耶 (David Haye) 和托尼·贝柳 (Tony Bellew) 历史性对决的美国独家电视转播商.

关于亚洲国际博览馆 – 娱乐的财富

娱乐的财富 (“AWE”) 拥有各种生活方式和异国情调的旅游娱乐节目,令人发指的家庭生活世界拳击锦标赛. AWE 可用于一百多个有线系统, 包括AT&牛逼U-诗, CH 147 和 1147 在HD, Verizon的FiOS电视, CH 169 和 669 在HD. 和直播电视, CH 387. 欲了解更多信息, 请访问 www.awetv.com.

Solid Robin Krasniqi vs. Arthur Abraham PPV Undercard Announced for April 22nd

Airing live in North America
TENAFLY, 新泽西州(四月 12, 2017) – A solid pay-per-view undercard has been announced, supporting the potentially explosive World Boxing Organization (WBO) Super Middleweight title eliminator, between two-time world title challenger 罗宾·克拉斯尼奇 和三次, 2处世界冠军 “王” Artur Abraham.
Krasniqi vs. 亚伯拉罕”, promoted by SES Promotions, is a presentation of Integrated Sports Media and FITE, airing live in North America from Congress Center in Ekfurt, 德国.
综合体育媒体将分发 “Krasniqi vs. 亚伯拉罕” live in North America, 开始 2 P.M. AND / 11 A.M. PT, 在电缆上, satellite and internet pay-per-view via iN Demand, Vubiquity, and DISH in the United States, 以及罗杰斯, Shaw and Sask Tel in Canada, also on the FITE app and website (www.Fite.tv), 对于只有一个建议零售价 $24.95.
北美以外, “Krasniqi vs. 亚伯拉罕” is being licensed by leading boxing television rights distribution firm, 礼宾体育营销有限公司.
WBO无. 3-rated Krasniqi (46-4, 17 科斯), who is a former European and WBO International Light Heavyweight Champion, battles WBO No. 2-ranked Abraham (45-5, 30 科斯) in the 12-round main event to determine the mandatory challenger for reigning WBO Super Middleweight World Champion 吉尔伯托·拉米雷斯, 墨西哥.
Undefeated German heavyweight prospect Tom Schwarz (18-0, 11 科斯) 面孔 AdnanBosnian LionRedzovic (17-1, 6 科斯) in the 10-round co-feature for the vacant WBO Inter-Continental Heavyweight Championship. The 22-year-old Schwarz is the reigning WBO Youth heavyweight titlist, while Redzovic is a veteran fighter from Bosnia and Herzegovina.
A pair of unbeaten light heavyweights, Adam Deines (10-0-1, 5 科斯) 和 Lukasz Golebiewski, square off in a 10-round bout. Deines, fighting out of Germany, is a former German International and German BDB cruiserweight champion. A native of Poland who lives in Bonn, 德国, Golebiewski is the current German GBA light heavyweight title holder.
Additional fights or highlights may be shown, 时间允许的话.
叽叽喳喳: @IntegratedPPV, @FiteTV, #KrasniqiAbrahamPPV


A pair of excitingAll Chicagosix-round match-ups have been announced for the undercard at Warriors Boxing Promotions’ 下一个 “Windy City Fight Night” 上 星期五, 四月 28, at the UIC Pavilion in Chicago.
In an battle of undefeated Windy City featherweights, 约翰Mioletti (6-0, 1 KO) will take his toughest test to date against comebacking and also undefeated William Hernandez (3-0). And in an intriguing super middleweight six-rounder, Chicago’s undefeated Ruben Schobitz (2-0, 1 KO) will face upset-minded spoiler Cesar Ruiz (2-4, 2 科斯).
Both bouts are in support of the eight-round main event featuring undefeated super lightweight RamiroEl LobitoCarrillo (11-0, 7 科斯), plus separate six-round brawls for undefeated super featherweight Josh Hernandez (5-0, 4 科斯); power-punching lightweight JessicaCasKILLAMcCaskill (3-1, 2 科斯) and lightweight Jose Felix Quezada (11-1, 6 科斯).
In a very special added attraction, Chicago-based bantamweight prospect Shawn Simpson (4-0, 2 科斯) will make his promotional debut under the Warriors banner against Mexico’s Jose Elizondo (2-2) in a six-round match-up.
Tickets for Windy City Fight Night are on sale now and priced at $101, $76, $51 和 $36 and are available at Ticketmaster outlets, Tick​​etmaster.com; 通过调用 1-800-745-3000, or the Warriors Offices:312-226-5800 or the UIC Pavilion Box Office: 312-413-5740 or by visiting the UIC Box Office (星期四星期五 9:00 调幅 – 4:00 PM). Or they can be purchased the night of the event. A special VIP Lounge experience is available to select sponsors. Please call 312.622.7668 了解更多信息.
I’m excited to be facing an undefeated boxer and I’m really pumped to be fighting in front of a large crowd of family and friends,” Mioletti said. “I want to put on a great show for them.
22-year-old Mioletti says he is motivated for the challenge. “I love the level of competition,” 他说,, “and I love fighting in my hometown.
“我对他了解不多. I’m just going in blind,” said 26-year-old Hernandez. “所以, I’ll just go in with confidence and if I train hard I always have a chance to win. I’m training hard seven days a week.
Hernandez is returning from a six-year layoff that saw him obtain an accounting degree and start a family. The layoff, 他说,, 会不会是一个问题.
I’m ready and coming into this fight stronger than ever before. I’ve been dying to get back in the ring and it’s almost time.
The promising Schobitz, from Chicago via Austria, says training is going well and he’s confident there won’t be another upset by his opponent Cesar Ruiz. In January of this year, Ruiz scored a shock TKO 1 over well-regarded, and then undefeated, Martez McGregor at the UIC Pavilion.
“培训会很大. I’m working out twice or three times a day and focusing a lot on using my legs and getting my legs strong. I sparred him (鲁伊斯) before and I saw his last fight. He’s a come-forward guy. He knocked out Martez with a long left hook, but he doesn’t have a lot of resources. And like they say, a good big man always beats a good little man.
Schobitz, who came to the US to train for the Austrian amateur championships, which he won, liked what he saw and returned as a professional, in search of glory.
I spent all my money I had saved up in Austria as a teen to move here to box. 明显, you come here with goals to be world champion and learn as much as you can and gain experience. I want to go as far as I can. Boxing is a sport I love. I love to fight more than anything else.
Windy City Fight Night doors open at 7:00 pm CT 和行动开始于 8:00 下午. The UIC Pavilion is located at 525 S. Racine Avenue in Chicago. The entire bout card is subject to change.
在推出 2003, 勇士拳击在一个简单的工作理念,把最好的拳击手在世界上争取球迷, 与之匹配的有竞争力的较量, 并在这样做有助于重新建立拳击运动的新一代.
随着一系列成功支付每视图显示叫好又叫座,其信用, 勇士的商业模式正在奇迹的运动,是非常需要创新和能源,该公司带来的表.
当它归结为它虽然, 促销公司是唯一不如战斗机和战斗它促进. 勇士拳击已交付各条战线, 以优异的较量,如拉拉 - 莫利纳, 岛 - 彼得森, 亚伯拉罕 - 米兰达I和II, 米兰达 - 帕夫利克, 米兰达 - 绿, 易卜拉欣莫夫 - 布里格斯, 易卜拉欣莫夫 - 克里琴科, 乌兰戈,哈顿, 乌兰戈,贝利, 卡约 - Maidana的和易卜拉欣莫夫 - 霍利菲尔德.
有关勇士拳击的更多信息, 访问他们的网站 www.WarriorsBoxing.com.