Category Archives: joylashtirish

Mis Downing Promotions looking for a big year in 2018

1st show to take place on March 10th at The Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City
Zudlik bilan tarqatish uchun
Atlantic City, Nyu-Jersi (Yanvar 25, 2018)–Mis Downing promotions is primed for a big year in 2018.
The New Jersey based promotion staged it’s inaugural events in Pennsylvania and New Jersey in 2017, and already has four dates on the schedule for 2018.
The 1st of those events will take place shanba kuni tun, March 10th at The Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City.
We are very excited for a great year of boxing,” said Mis Downing. “We have a tremendous event planned for March 10th where I will be co-promoting with Silver Spoon Promotions, and have Chazz Witherspoon in the main event. We have some of the best fighters in the area that will make up a great undercard.
The full card and ticket information for the March 10th show will be announced next week.
We have at least three more dates, and we want to feature great fights while providing the fans with terrific entertainment. We are also about to announce the signing of some terrific fighters that we plan to build and feature on our events. We are looking to bring a lot of shows to Atlantic City, and I want to congratulate the new mayor Frank Gilliam on his inauguration.
We are also looking forward to working with with Roy Jones, Jr. yana. In 2017,we did a great show co-promoting with him in August, and we already have a commitment to do another show with him in Atlantic City.
Mis Downing Promotions would like to thank their sponsors which includes The Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame, The Claridge Hotel, Fantasea Resorts, AEI Insurance, Urgent Response, HairX, Buy Smart Motors & New Vision Property Management.

Split-T rahbariyat yarim ortasiklet Duo, Poindexter ritsar & Bocachica Janelson Filadelfiyadagi Sugarhouse Casino Juma kechasi ekranda bo'lish

Filadelfiya, PA (Yanvar 23, 2018)–Bu juma night at The SugarHouse Casino, Filadelfiya o'z o'z Poindexter eng yorqin ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn istiqbollari ikki “Savage” ritsar, Jr. & Janelson Bocachica of Detroit will look to thrill the knowledgeable Philadelphia fight crowd as part of Evander Holyfield’s Real Deal Boxing Showcase Series.
ritsar (1-0, 1 KO) 2-vaqti Filadelfiya Oltin qo'lqop chempioni va 2017 Milliy Oltin qo'lqop chempioni u to'rt-tur uchun rejalashtirilgan bir Butning Iordaniya Morales kuni o'tadi, uning mamlakatni debyutini qilish bo'ladi.







The 22 yoshli shahri, bu yerda muxlislar oldida ekranda bo'lishi juda quvonchli bo'ladi.
“Men oila va do'stlar oldida mening ona shahrida jang qilish uchun juda hayajondaman,” said Knight. Friday Night you are going to see the next great fighter to come out of Philadelphia, PA, Poindexter ritsar!”
Bocachica (8-0, 5 KOS) 2-vaqti Michigan Oltin qo'lqop chempioni va 3 karra Milliy chempioni.
U Viktor Gaytán duch keladi.
The 19 yoshli faqat professional qaytdi 17 yoshli va sakkiz ta'sirli g'alaba tashkil g'amga qildi.
Detroyt boks boy shahardan bo'lish, Bocachica ham samimiy sevgi Siti ba'zi yangi muxlislarini qozonish uchun tayyor.
“Men Puerto Ricans tonna bor bor, chunki Filadelfiyadagi jang qilish uchun super xursandman, va men ularni keyingi Boricua boks Star ko'rishni istayman!” said Bocachica. “Men, albatta, Puerto-Riko ning keyingi katta narsa ko'rsatishi mumkin, shunday qilib, meni bu kartada jang bo'lishi uchun mening boshqaruvchisi va promotörünü surib!”

“Deb aytgan bilan, u go'yo bo'lsa Puerto Ricans yaxshi bo'lishi uchun bor bilaman!”
Har ikki jangchilar Evander Holyfield ning Real afzali boks tomonidan targ'ib va ​​Split-T boshqarish tomonidan boshqariladi.
Split-T rahbariyat David McWater Filadelfiya kurash sahnasida hech qanday begona emas, va u o'z jangchilar tomonidan ta'sirchan chiqishlari ular uchun nima biladi
“Orqaga kunda, Men Blue Horizon da boks tomosha qilish uchun Filadelfiya uchun har doim haydash uchun ishlatiladigan,” Said McWater. “The whole Philadelphia boxing scene was so special as you got to see boxing at its purest. Juma Kuni tun, Men, janglarini bahramand va Blue Horizon kunlaridan boshlab ko'rmagan boks namoyish kiyib, ikki kelajakda jahon chempioni ko'rasiz Sugarhouse Casino hamma bilan birga.”
Chipta eshik oldida mavjud bo'ladi $125, $75 & $50.
birinchi Butning : 7 pm

Kvplt_fan SPORTS® VA Premer boks Chempionlar SANOAT-bosh e'lon, ALL-STAR BOXING SCHEDULE

10 Yilning birinchi yarmida bo'ylab Marquee Hodisalar 2018
12 Jahon Chempionlar; 14 Mag'lubiyatsiz Fighters
12 Jahon chempionati sur
Danny Garcia * Deontay Uaylder * Jermall charlo * Mikey Garcia * Erislandy Lara
Adrien Broner * Keyt Turman * Leo Santa Cruz * Abnur Mares
* Jermell charlo * Errol Spence Jr.
NYU YORK Yanvar 24, 2018 Kvplt_fan sport va Premer boks Chempionlar Kvplt_fan CHEMPIONATIDA BOKS uchun televizor tartibini e'lon qildi® for the first half of the year. Shamollatish 10 jonli dunyo-sinf boks bo'yicha tadbirlar – featuring 12 jahon chempioni va 12 dunyo sarlavha jang – PBC va kvplt_fan oldin sport ko'rmagan bir top-uchish boks mavsum uchun sanoat standarti va tashkilotning bir darajada tashkil etilmoqda.
The schedule features more than two dozen elite fighters competing in boxing’s deepest and most talent-laden weight divisions and boasts the largest collection of stars in the sport today. shifer TOP-10 o'rinni jangchilar yetti matchups taklif etadi, Top-besh o'rinda jangchilar to'rt matchups, to'rt TOP-10 funt-uchun-funt baholadi jahon chempioni va bir dunyo nom birlashtirish Butning.
Showtime va PBC boshchiligidagi, Boks bo'yicha bir Uyg'onish tajribali 2017 tashkil jahon chempionlari Mikey Garsiya bilan, Keyt Turman, Danny Garcia, Deontay Uaylder, Leo Santa Cruz va Entoni Joshua, yonma-yon Gervonta Davis yulduz yosh, Errol Spence Jr., Jermell va Jermall charlo va David Benavidez. Yilda 2018, Barcha Floyd Mayweather tomonidan nafaqaga keyin markazi bosqichi etmoqda, Vladimir Klichko, Migel Cotto va boshqalar.
“Yulduz albatta til, va kvplt_fan va PBC yana bir bor boks bo'yicha bir bosqich yil sur'atini belgilangan bo'ladi,” Stiven Espinoza dedi, Prezident, Sport & Voqealar dasturlash, Showtime Networks Inc. “ijobiy turtki bilan davom ettirish uchun, Bizning maqsadimiz keng imkon auditoriyaga izchil asosda oid eng yaxshi kurashlar xalos qilish uchun emas. This lineup delivers pivotal bouts with frequency and purpose – Bizning abonentlar uchun barcha bepul. Kvplt_fan No uzoq va uzoqlikda. 1 umummilliy boks ishqibozlari uchun joy.”
The 27 jangchilar o'z bu sanoat-etakchi tarkibda e'lon 731 umumiy g'alaba, 106 world title victories and a staggering win percentage of .957. Fourteen of the fighters are undefeated and all but four have earned at least one world championship. Also included in this lineup are four of the consensus top-10 ranked welterweights, konsensus ikki top-besh featherweights o'rinda, va 154-funt tabaqada rozilik beshta eng yaxshi jangchilar uch.
boks voqealar to'liq shifer barcha kvplt_fan platformalarda bo'ylab jonli fiyaka – televideniye, mobil va tarmoq Internet oqim xizmati.
Yilda 2017, Kvplt_fan sport sanoati eng muhim va izchil jadvalini yetkazib – 25 nights of live boxing featuring 33 jahon chempionati jang va ko'proq 70 bouts in all. Yana bir bor, tarmoq boks bo'yicha eng keng qamrovli va mazali jadvalini taqdim etadi sifatida yorqin yulduzlar off duch keladi, quyida ko'rsatilgan:
Premer boks Chempionlar tomonidan taqdim
Jan 20 SPENCE vs. PETERSON Brooklyn
IBF yarim ortasiklet Jahon chempionati
EASTER JR. va boshqalar. FORTUNA
IBF Lightweight World Championship
Feb 17 GARCIA vs. RIOS Las Vegas
WBC yarim ortasiklet unvoni Eliminator
Benavidez kabilar. GABRIEL II
WBC Super Middleweight Jahon chempionati
Dengiz 3 WILDER va boshqalar. ORTIZ Bruklin
WBC og'ir vazn toifasida jahon chempionati
charlo kabilar. Centeno JR.
WBC Muvaqqat Middleweight chempionati
Dengiz 10 GARCIA vs. LIPINETS San Antonio
IBF Junior yarim ortasiklet Jahon chempionati
Bartelmi kabilar. RELIKH II
WBA Super Engil Jahon chempionati
Aprel 7 LARA vs. HURD
154-Funt Jahon chempionati birlashtirish
Aprel 21 BRONER vs. Figueroa
WBC Super yengillashtirilgan unvoni Eliminator
May 19 Keyt Turman Bruklin
WBA / WBC yarim ortasiklet Jahon chempionati
May 19 Stevenson va boshqalar. JACK Canada
WBC Light og'ir vazn toifasida jahon chempionati
Iyun 9 SANTA CRUZ vs. MARES II Los Angeles
WBA tuklar jahon chempionati
JERMELL charlo
WBC Super yarim ortasiklet Jahon chempionati
Iyun 16 ERROL SPENCE JR. Dallas
IBF yarim ortasiklet Jahon chempionati
2018 Bellashuvda tomonidan Voqealar
Jan. 20: Spence kabilar. Peterson – Bruklindagi Barclays markazi
boks eng yuqori qaraladi yosh chempionlari biri, mag'lubiyatsiz IBF yarim ortasiklet Jahon chempioni Errol Spence Jr. (22-0, 19 KOS) Sobiq ikki-bo'limi jahon chempioni va top-10 o'rinni, ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn bir sakkizinchi-davra oltinchi raundda texnik nokaut bilan jadvalini boshlandiLamont Peterson (35-3-1, 17 KOS) in Spence first title defense. CO-xususiyati, Mag'lubiyatsiz IBF yengillashtirilgan jahon chempioni Robert Easter Jr. (20-0, 14 KOS) a yaqin qo'lga kiritdi, sobiq jahon chempioni ustidan split-qaror g'alaba Javier Fortuna (33-1-1, 23 KOS) bir harakat-qadoqlangan kurashda.
Feb. 17: Garcia kabilar. Rios – Las-Vegas shahrida Mandalay janob Events markazi
Ikki-bo'limi jahon chempioni Danny Garcia (33-1, 19 KOS) returns to the ring to begin his quest toward another welterweight world championship. Garcia’s long reigns at 140 va 147 pounds ended last March in a close decision loss to unified champion Keith Thurman. Hozir, Garcia qattiq sobiq jahon chempioni kiritadi Brandon Rios (34-3-1, 25 KOS), sport eng yaxshi jang qildi barcha-harakat qiruvchi. CO-asosiy taqdirda, boks kenja jahon chempioni, 21-yoshda David Benavidez (19-0, 17 KOS), Top raqib qarshi revansh o'zining birinchi unvon mudofaa qiladi Ronald Gavril (18-2, 14 KOS). super middleweights Benavidez uchun bahs qaror bilan yakunlandi hayajonli kurashni so'nggi sentyabr jang.
Qadam tashlamoq 3: Uaylder va boshqalar. Ortiz – Bruklindagi Barclays markazi
og'ir vazn toifasida jahon chempionati bo'linish uyg'onish davom etmoqda. Amerikaning mag'lubiyati, Bunday Qilma. 1 Og'ir vazn toifasida, WBC jahon chempioni Deontay Uaylder (39-0, 38 KOS),o'rtoq mag'lubiyatsiz challenger duch keladi Luis Ortiz (28-0, 24 KOS) konsensus bir kutilgan matchup eng-5 korchalonlari o'rinda. Uaylder yanvar oyidan beri coveted yashil kamar bo'lib o'tdi 2015 va olti muvaffaqiyatli nom himoya qildi. Hozir, Uaylder Ortiz katta zımbalama kuch bilan yuqori malakali Kuba kurashchi yuzlar. CO-asosiy voqea sobiq super ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn chempioni va eng yaxshi o'rta yarışmacı etadi Jermall charlo (26-0, 20 KOS) bir marta-kaltaklangan yarışmacı olib Hugo Centeno Jr. (26-1, 14 KOS)Muvaqqat WBC Middleweight jahon chempionatida uchun.
Qadam tashlamoq 10: Garcia kabilar. Lipinets – San-Antoniodagi Freeman Coliseum
Boks bo'yicha eng funt-uchun-funt jangchilar biri, Mikey Garcia (37-0, 30 KOS) to'rtinchi vazn toifasida jahon unvonini qo'lga tarixi qilish uchun harakat qiladi. uning yo'lda turgan mag'lubiyatsiz kuch-zımba va IBF JR bo'ladi. Ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn chempioni Sergey Lipinets (13-0, 10 KOS), kim o'zining birinchi unvon mudofaa qilish. Ikki 140-funt nomdagi ikki-bo'limi chempioni sifatida line ustida bo'ladi Rances Barthelemy (26-0, 13 KOS)U duch qachon hech uch xil vazn toifasida jahon unvonlari g'alaba qozonish uchun birinchi Kuba boxer bo'lish ko'rinadi Kirly Relikh (21-2, 9 KOS) ularning munozarali May juftlik revansh ham, bo'sh WBA Super yengillashtirilgan unvoni uchun bu safar.
Aprel 7: Lara va boshqalar. Xurd – Manzil TBD
WBA jahon chempioni Erislandy Lara (25-2-2, 14 KOS) and IBF World Champion Jarrett Xurd (21-0, 15 KOS) 154-funt bo'linish uchun belgilab zumda unvonlari birlashtirish uchun javob beradi. Yilda 2017, Kvplt_fan beshta eng yaxshi barcha featuring sakkiz matchups norasmiy musobaqada super ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn chempioni va yarışmacılarımız o'rinni televidenieda. Bu birlashuv o'yin Xurd kuch va qat'iyat qarshi Kuba Lara texnik sihirbazlık tushirishdi bo'ladi.
Aprel 21: Broner va boshqalar. Figueroa – Bruklindagi Barclays markazi
To'rt-bo'limi jahon chempioni Adrien Broner (33-3, 24 KOS) o'zini tashkil qilgan eng katta bir sport durang nafaqat, lekin bir kurashchi sifatida kim har doim og'ir raqobat qarshi tayyor. U Mag'lubiyatsiz sobiq jahon chempioni oladi qachon, deb davom etadi Omar Figeroa (27-0-1, 19 KOS), hech qachon bir qadam orqaga oladi barcha-harakat urushqoq, as the former champions meet in a WBC Super Lightweight Final Eliminator. The co-main event will feature one of boxing’s brightest young stars in Gervonta Davis (19-0, 18 KOS) 23 yoshli Mag'lubiyatsiz sobiq chempioni unvonini qo'lga ko'rinadi, deb.
May 19: Thurman Worlds Kitobi himoyalashi – Bruklindagi Barclays markazi
Keyt Turman faqat yagona 147-funt jahon chempioni va konsensus No. 1-boks etakchi vazn Bo'limdagi qiruvchi o'rinda. Mag'lubiyatsiz Thurman(28-0, 22 KOS) beri WBA unvonini bo'lib o'tdi 2015. ilgari Yilning eng tomosha Butning Denni Garsia o'tgan mart mag'lubiyati ustidan U hal qiluvchi g'alaba bilan WBC kamarini da'vo, CBS haqida kvplt_fan boks taqdimoti. operatsiya talab bir tirsak jarohati quyidagi, Thurman aniqlanadi uchun raqib qarshi harakatlar qaytadi.
May 19: Stevenson kabilar. Jack – Kanada
WBC Light og'ir vazn toifasida jahon chempioni Adonis Stevenson (29-1, 24 KOS) U ikki-bo'limi chempioni urushlar paytida uning sakkiz nom himoya olti yilda knockouts urgan va ehtimol uning qiyin vaziyatga duch qiladi Badou Jack (22-1-2, 13 KOS).Jek avgust oyida o'z engil vazn toifasida debyut bir 175-funt dunyo unvonini qo'lga darhol besh-eng o'rinni yengil korchalonlari bu matchup qilish uchun kamar voz.
Iyun 9: Va boshqalar Santa Cruz. Mares II – From Los Anjeles
ularning so'ng 2015 sarlavha showdown uning oyoqlariga Staples Center olomonni olib, WBA tuklar chempioni Leo Santa Cruz (34-1-1, 19 KOS) va uch-bo'limi jahon chempioni Abnur Mares (31-2-1, 15 KOS) Los Anjeles, ularning birgalikda ona yana uchrashadi. Santa Cruz, Bundan tashqari, o'tgan olti yil davomida uch bo'linmalarida unvonlari bo'lib o'tdi kim, sport bugun eng samarali jangchilar biri bo'lib qolmoqda. Onalar, bantamweight bir sobiq jahon chempioni, super bantamweight va tuklar, Santa Cruz yaqin ko'p qaror ziyon keyin intiqom maqsad 2015. konsensus o'rtasidagi Bu yuqori qoziq matchup top-besh featherweights Gary Rassell Jr o'z ichiga olgan hasrat bo'linish yanada aniqligini beradi o'rinda, Carl Frampton and Lee Selby. The consensus No. 1 da qiruvchi 154 funt, Jermell charlo (30-0, 15 KOS) g'animga hamraisi xususiyati uning WBC Super yarim ortasiklet Jahon chempionati himoya qiladi aniqlanadi uchun.
Iyun 16: Spence yarim ortasiklet unvoni himoyalashi – Dallas boshlab
bir top-10 sobiq ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn chempioni qarshi off yangi bir hukmronlik ishlashi, funt-uchun-funt katta Errol Spence Jr. (23-0, 20 KOS) IBF yarim ortasiklet Jahon chempionati ikkinchi himoya qilish uchun Dallas o'zi tug'ilib o'sgan qaytadi.
Showtime Networks Inc haqida.
Showtime Networks Inc. (SNI), CBS Korporatsiyasining to'liq qarashli yordamchi, egalik qiladi va sifatli televidenie tarmoqlari kvplt_fan faoliyat®, Movie DASTUR ™ va Flix®, va shuningdek On Demand ShowTime taklif etadi®, On Demand talab va Flix kino CHANNEL ™®, va tarmoqlari autentifikatsiya xizmati kvplt_fan qaytadan®. Showtime Digital Inc., sni bir to'liq qarashli yordamchi, avtonom Oqim xizmatini kvplt_fan faoliyat®. Kvplt_fan kabel orqali abonentlari uchun hozircha mavjud emas, DBS va telekommunikatsiya provayderlari, va Apple orqali avtonom Oqimli xizmat sifatida®, Yil®, Amazon, Google, Xbox One va Samsung. Iste'molchilar, shuningdek, hulq orqali showtime obuna mumkin, YouTube TV, Sling TV, DirecTV Endi, Sony PlayStation® Vue va Amazon Kanallar. SNI ham Smithsonian Networks boshqaradi, sni va Smitson instituti o'rtasida qo'shma korxona, qaysi Smitson Kanal taklif, va Smithsonian Yerni taklif etadiSN Raqamli MChJ orqali. SNI bozorlar va kvplt_fan PPV orqali pay-boshiga-ko'rinishida asosida abonentlari uchun ko'rgazma uchun sport va ko'ngilochar tadbirlarni tarqatadi®. Qo'shimcha ma'lumot olish uchun, borish

Undefeated N.E. prospect Omar Bordoy, Jr. Prepared to make statement at “Yangi Angliya Future 5”

“Yangi Angliya Future 5”
Feb. 10 Worcester, MA

WORCESTER, Massa. (Yanvar 24, 2018) – One of New England’s leading pro prospects, yoshroq ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn Omar Bordoy, Jr., has prepared to make a statement February 10th da “Yangi Angliya Future 5”, presented Rivera Promotions Entertainment (RPE), Worcester Palladium'daki.
Fighting out of Danbury, Connecticut, Bordoy (3-0, 1 KO) faces Puerto Rican-born opponent, Aleksandr “Al-Bravo” Piko (2-4-1), in a four-round bout. “My opponent is tough, and he always comes to fight,” Bordoy said. “He keeps coming forward and that’s going to make for an exciting fight.
The 22-year-old Bordoy is the typical example of a volatile teenager who found his way in boxing. He was a high school football player who started boxing at the age of 17. Bordoy had an abbreviated amateur career, highlighted by his winning performance at the New England Golden Gloves as a novice boxer.
I was a bad hot head as a kid,” Bordoy admitted. “Bir kun, my cousin Edgardo, invited me to his gym after football practice and he beat me up. I was knocked down a few notches. I got into boxing and enjoyed watching Migel Cotto va Mike Tyson. I even have some of Cotto’s tattoos. Hozir, I’m more of a boxer, like a Pernell Whitaker yoki Floyd Mayweather, Jr. I’m a come- forward boxer who can still brawl. I’m working on my defense and feel that making adjustments in the ring is what I do best.
Bordoy, Jr. credits Team Bordoy — menejer A.J. Galant, bosh murabbiy Bennie Little, cut-man Luis Marichal, strength-and-conditioning coach Chris Mulfalmi va Dave McDonoughfor his success.
I’m pleased to be with the right people to bring me to the top and I’m willing to do what’s needed to get there,” Bordoy added.
Bordoy, who works fulltime as a repair technician, made his pro debut last May and he fought a total of three times in 2017, his most recent last October in Worcester on an RPE-promoted show, in which he stopped 34-fight veteran Bryan Abraham to'rtinchi turda.
We enjoy working with Team Bordoy,” Promouter Xose Antonio Rivera ta'kidladi. “I am proud of Omar and his accomplishments so far. He is a young, throwback fighter with a lot of potential. I see big things in his future and I am glad to see he is being guided in the right direction by his team.
In the eight-round main event, Mag'lubiyatsiz Hartford (CT) engil vaznli Richard “Popeye The Sailor Man” Rivera (5-0, 4 KOS) oladi Kevin “Yangi Angliya Bully” Cobbs (10-2, 4 KOS), fighting out of South Boston (MA), bo'sh Universal boks federatsiyasi (UBF) sakkiz-davra asosiy tadbirda New England nomi.
Worcester ikki karra milliy havaskor chempioni Bobby “BH3” Harris, III (2-0) faces Brazilian super middleweight Shoul Almeida (0-8-1) to'rt-dumaloq hamraisi xususiyatli tadbirda. Hartford super middleweight Jose “Nominal R” Rivera (4-1, 3 KOS) javob Troy “Omar KO Artist” rassom (4-7-1 (3 KOS), Danbury (CT) olti davra Butning ichida.
undercard jang, Barcha to'rt-dumaloq o'yinlarda, Southbridge bor (MA) yoshroq ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn Wilfredo “Sucaro” butparast (3-0, 1 KO) va boshqalar. pro-debuting Nik Peralta, Lawrence, Mag'lubiyatsiz Springfild (MA) engil vaznli Nur “Bazooka” Graceski(5-0, 3 KOS). va boshqalar. Hartford ning pro-debuting Paul Bansiak, Springfield ikkinchi yarim og'ir vaznDerrick “Yomon bola” Whitley (2-0) va boshqalar. Roger Blankenship (1-2), Mag'lubiyatsiz Puerto-Riko super middleweight Jelame Garcia (6-0, 6 KOS) va boshqalar. Braziliyalik Rodrigo Almeida 1-7), Bridgeport ning (CT) pro-debuting ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn Yusuf Goss va boshqalar. Shis Basler (0-3), va shu kabilar Hartford kichik engil. Bridgeport ning Karlos Marraro, III (0-1).
Barcha jang va jangchilar o'zgarishi tortiladi.
Chiptalar, baholi $75.00 (ring) va $45.00 (umumiy kirish), qaysi va sotib olish uchun mavjud yoki Palladium box ofis (umumiy qabul faqat), yoki Jose Rivera manzillardan (, AJ Rivera ( yoki jangchilar har qanday.
Ochiq eshiklar 6 p.m. VA, birinchi navbat 7 p.m. VA.
daromadlarni bir qismi Luis Rosa kechiriladi, Jr. Tahsil Fond.
Homiylar Lundgren Xonda o'z ichiga oladi, Top maqsadi, Allstate, USANA, Ov. Mariya M. Rivera-Cotto, maqsad Musik, Hill Team Associates and Lundren Insurance & Moliyaviy xizmatlar.
Twitter: @RiveraPromoEnt @joseriverachamp @KingRivera_


Yanvar 22, 2018 – Victory and Now Boxing Promotionsprospects are staying busy in the new year. The promotionstop prospect, JaronBootsEnnis (17-0, 15KO) is back in action this Juma, January 26th in his hometown of Philadelphia. The 20 year old boxer, widely considered the best prospect in Philadelphia, will appear on the Real Deal Boxing card at Sugarhouse Casino. Brian Norman Jr., son of super middleweight Brian Norman (17-11, 5KO) Atlanta, won in his professional debut in Houston shanba kuni, va Christian Montano advanced to 4-0 (4KO) on the same card. All three fighters are managed by Cameron Dunkin va targ'ib Chris Middendorf of Victory Boxing Promotions, va Joseph Dunkin of Now Boxing Promotions.

Christian Montano
Welterweight Brian Norman, Jr., who is trained by his father, dropped Kire Lucas (0-3) with a body shot before finishing him with another body shot in one minute, 31 birinchi tur soniya. Montano also finished his opponent in the first round, stopping the experienced Keith Collins with a hook to the body, and straight right to the head at the 1:06 belgi.

Bu juma, “Bootswill face rugged Mexico City talent Gustavo Garibay (13-9, 5KO), who is the Mexican Super Welterweight Champion, and is a former WBC Latino Super Welterweight Champion. It’s the second fight in the United States for Garibay, his last being a loss to Zhankosh Turarov (22-0, 15KO) in Boca Raton.

Ennis, who trains with his father, former fighter DerrickBozyEnnis in Philadelphia, last fought in December at the 2300 Maydon, where he knocked out George Sosa inside of two rounds. The young pugilist is moving quickly, and fought nine times in 2017. Ennis is three months shy of his 21st birthday. Dunkin and Middendorf may not get him to 21 wins by his 21st birthday, but both feel certain that 2018 will be the real ‘coming outyear for the young talent.

Jaron Ennis

We always like to have Boots fight at home,” said Victory Boxing Promotions founder and Promoter Christopher Middendorf. “He’s getting great experience with veterans like Garibay. This is the first champion-caliber fighter he’s faced, and we’ll get to see how he handles that. I’m hoping the Philly boxing fans get out to support him.

Chiptalar Juma ning event are available at Ticketmaster outlets and at, va fiyatlandırılır $125 va $50. Doors to The Real Deal Showcase Series I open at 6 p.m., and first bell is at 7 p.m.


Bruklin (Jan. 23, 2018) – Mag'lubiyati WBC og'ir vazn toifasida jahon chempioni Deontay “Bronza Bomber” Uaylder will face his toughest opponent to date when he meets hard-hitting Cuban southpaw Luis “Real King Kong” Ortiz Shanba, Qadam tashlamoq 3 ushbudan boshlab: Barclays markazi, the home of BROOKLYN BOXING™ and presented by Premier Boxing Champions.
The co-feature of the evening will see the return of undefeated former 154-pound world champion Jermall charlo, a powerful knockout artist who is looking to prove that he is a dangerous contender in the star-studded middleweight division. Once-beaten contender Hugo Centeno Jr. will test Charlo’s 160-pound credentials when they meet in a 12-round match to determine the WBC interim champion, with the winner immediately stepping into the picture for middleweight supremacy.
Tickets for the show, DiBella Ko'ngilochar va TMO aktsiyalar tomonidan targ'ib qilinadi, da boshlanadi $50 va hozir indirimdedir. Chipta sotib olish uchun, visit,, yoki qo'ng'iroq 800-745-3000. Tickets for the event can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center.
We’re very excited to bring the heavyweight champion of the world, Deontay Uaylder, back to Brooklyn for his seventh title defense and third appearance at Barclays Center, Bruklin boks Bosh sahifa ™,” Lou DiBella dedi, DiBella Entertainment Prezidenti. “This fight is happening because Deontay wanted to silence his critics by taking on the biggest challenge available. Deontay has an axe to grind with Ortiz and will swing it on March 3. Former 154-lb. champion Jermall Charlo is already a top player at middleweight and plans to prove he’s carried his power with him by facing one of the division’s best prospects, Hugo Centeno Jr., who is coming off a huge knockout victory in his last fight.
Deontay Wilder and Luis Ortiz is one of the best fights that can be made in the heavyweight division and itswhat heavyweights are all aboutpower versus power,” said Tom Brown, TGB aktsiyalar Prezidenti. “Everybody loves the knockout and that’s what Wilder and Ortiz specialize in. CO-asosiy taqdirda, Jermall Charlo is strictly seek and destroy in the ring. That ferocious spirit made him a force at 154 and he has brought it with him to the 160 pound ranks. Centeno is a rugged competitor and he doesn’t back down from anyone. That makes this a can’t miss fight for the boxing fans.
True heavyweights in every sense of the word, the 6-foot-7, 228-pound Wilder and the 6-foot-4, 240-pound Ortiz have 62 combined knockout victories.
The 32-year-old Wilder (39-0, 38 KOS), the only reigning American heavyweight world champion, is a knockout artist with the power to end any fight in spectacular fashion. His only professional match that went the distance was the fight in which he won his world title with a dominant 12-round unanimous decision over Bermane Stiverne on Jan. 17, 2015 -the birthday of legendary heavyweight champion Muhammad Ali. The champion out of Tuscaloosa, Alabama added Stiverne to his list of knockout victims in his last fight with a devastating first round destruction in their rematch at Barclays Center on Nov. 4.
Wilder was originally supposed to fight Ortiz that night, but Ortiz was pulled from the match after he tested positive for a banned substance. Ortiz was later cleared after the WBC determined he had failed to list medication that he was taking on his pre-testing paperwork, which triggered the positive test. He was assessed a fine and allowed to resume boxing.
Uaylder, a Bronze Medal winner for the U.S. Olympic boxing team at the 2008 Beijing Games, has successfully defended the title six times. This will be his third title defense at Barclays Center. In his first defense at Barclays Center, Wilder scored a memorable ninth-round knockout over Artur Szpilka back in Jan. 2016.
I’m looking forward to returning to Barclays Center to defend my title for a seventh time,” Uaylder dedi. “Luis Ortiz is one of the toughest guys around and he’s supposed to be the boogeyman in the heavyweight division. But I’ve never been afraid of the boogeyman and I’ve knocked out every opponent that I’ve faced. I plan on keeping that streak going. Everyone standing in my way of becoming the undisputed heavyweight champion has to go down. It’s Luis Ortiz’s turn.
The 38-year-old Ortiz (28-0, 24 KOS), of Camaguey, Cuba by way of Miami, Fla., will make his Barclays Center debut when he meets Wilder for his first title shot. The hard-hitting southpaw turned pro seven years ago after defecting from Cuba and has since been steadily climbing the heavyweight ladder. He cemented his standing in the division with victories over veteran contenders Bryant Jennings, Tony Thompson and Malik Scott and is the No. 1-ranked contender by the WBC. Uning eng so'nggi kurashda, Ortiz scored a devastating second-round knockout of Daniel Martz in Miami, Florida bo'yicha Dec. 15.
If Ortiz wins, he will become the first Cuban born fighter to win a heavyweight world championship.
This really is the best versus the best as far as the heavyweight division, and everyone who knows boxing knows that,” Ortiz said. “There’s been too much talking already. It’s time to fight. All I ask now is that the winner of this fight receives the respect from the other man, from the public, from the media and the fans that they deserve as the best heavyweight in the U.S.
Charlo (26-0, 20 KOS) won his super welterweight title with a dominant knockout of Cornelius Bundrage in 2015 and eventually achieved the distinction of holding a world title in the same weight class (154 funt) as his twin brother after Jermell won a title in 2016. After successfully defending his 154-pound title three times, Charlo of Richmond, Texas decided to move up to 160 pounds to win another title in a different weight class. In his debut at 160-pounds the 27-year-old scored a TKO victory over Jorge Sebastian Heiland at Barclays Center on Iyul 29.
I really love fighting in Brooklyn and at Barclays Center,” Said charlo. “The fans in Brooklyn always show me a lot of love. Since my last fight I’ve had a chance to work on my patience and work on improvements to my game. I’ve got the same feeling that I had before I won my first world title. I want to be a champion at 160 more than I did the first time at 154. More than anything I just want to get back in the ring. Centeno is a tough fighter. He’ll be a hard test for someone who isn’t at my level. Men undan yuz hech narsa olib emasman. But he’s just another fighter that’s in my way. I don’t feel like I have anything to prove to anyone else in this fight. I’m all about proving things to myself now. In the 160-pound division you’re hearing my name more and more. It’s more than you did when I was at 154 chaladi.”
The 26-year-old Centeno (26-1, 14 KOS) caught everyone’s attention when he scored a stunning knockout of Immanuwel Aleem in his last fight on Aug. 25. It was enough to springboard Centeno into middleweight title contention. Centeno of Oxnard, California successfully rebounded from a tough TKO loss to Maiej Sulecki on June 18, 2016 with a victory over Ronald Montes before his match against Aleem.
I’m excited for the opportunity,” said Centeno. “I think my last outing had a lot to do with this/ It helped to put me in this position. Charlo is a great fighter with a lot of talent. I feel like we have similar statures. Bu qiziqarli kurash bo'ladi xolos. I think it’s going to come down to who is the smarter fighter that night and who has more left in the tank toward the end. This is a life-changing, career-changing fight for me that could lead to bigger and better things. Men g'olib kelishi qilyapman.”
# # #
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FIGHTNIGHT LIVE ochadi 2018 STAR boks juma kuni guvohi long ho'l jonli

NYU YORK (Jan. 23, 2018) – Juma night fireworks are in store for fans on Facebook as FIGHTNIGHT LIVE partners with Joe DeGuardia’s Star Boxing for its first show of the New Year. Fight fans from across the globe can catch all the action beginning at 7:30 p.m. VA live from Long Island, har qanday qurilmada qaerda Facebook mumkin, as the combat sports platform opens 2018 to'qqiz oylik platformasi bo'yicha o'n birinchi namoyishi bilan.
“Biz qator o'sishi bilan juda xursand bo'lganman, va Juma ning show will be incredible with the addition of a mystery commentator, hafta o'tgach namoyon bo'ladi, kim. FIGHTNIGHT LIVE qator faqat o'z 1,000,000th ko'rinishini erishish uchun imkoniyat bor 11 ko'rsatadi va biz ularni qo'llab-quvvatlash uchun, hamma joyda kurash muxlislari minnatdorchilik bildiraman,” dedi Mark Fratto, Linacre Media asosiy. “Juma Kuni, Barcha Long-Aylend va butun dunyo bo'ylab muxlislar bir necha Star boks Facebook sahifasi orqali ajoyib matchups va FIGHTNIGHT LIVE sahifa qo'lga sozlaning imkoniyatiga ega bo'ladi.”
Asosiy tadbirda Juma kuni tun, Long ho'l bo'lib ketdi ning Entoni “Namoyish Vaqti” Karperis (14-3, 5 KOS) The Paramount da 17 marta jang joyi uning 13 g'alaba qidirib esa, taking on Nicaragua’s Nelson Lara (17-9-4, 9 KOS). Undefeated fighters Tyrone “Pretty Boy” James (6-0, 3 KOS), Wendy Toussaint (7-0, 2 KOS) va Michael Stoute (2-0) Long ho'l bo'lib ketdi olomonni va Facebook auditoriyaga zabt etish uchun qarash qiladi, and fight fans will witness the pro debut of Huntington’s own Shon Kennedi, plus musiqiy chiqishlari va yana.
“Bu boks hayajonli kecha bo'ladi. ShK ventilyatorlari necha Mag'lubiyatsiz istiqbollari va Entoni Karperis ko'rasiz, who is always in fan-friendly wars. Fights from The Paramount are reminiscent of the old days at the Blue Horizon – hayajonli jang, kızdırdı va chaqqon muxlislari,” dedi Joe DeGuardia, CEO va Star boks Prezidenti. “Bu butun dunyo Facebookda bu ko'rish imkoniyatiga ega bo'ladi, deb katta. The world is changing so much and for boxing and it’s great that fans can tune in from anywhere and be a part of the action. Ha, the Paramount will be sold out Juma tun – lekin siz hali Facebook aylanmoqda tomonidan kurashlar ko'rish mumkin.”
Dasturlash birinchi sakkiz oy mobaynida, the numbers on the 10-show FIGHTNIGHT LIVE series have showed promise and potential for the new platform with an average of more than 93,000 fight fans tuning in per event and nearly one-million fans served. The Yetti. 9 “Real afzali Aktsiyalar: Empire State” Dam olish World Casino dan (225,000), Avgust CES “Super Shanba” Foxwoods dan (203,000), sentyabr. CES “Twin River Twinbill” Linkolnning, R.I. (157,000) butun tepasida 150,000 views, and collectively the 10-show series saw a total of almost 17,000 total hours of Facebook video consumed by 930,933-plus users across all devices.
xom auditoriyaga raqamga qo'shimcha ravishda, to'liq-interaktiv, fan-friendly productions have seen more than 130,000 umumiy jonli post janglar (13,000-plus shou boshiga), ko'proq, shu jumladan, 91,000 “yoqtirishlar” yoki “sevadi,” bundan ko'proq 16,000 Fikr va 4900-plus aktsiyalar.
FIGHTNIGHT LIVE broadcasts are viewed by 76 foiz erkaklar, 24 foiz ayollar. The top demographic is comprised of males ages 25-34, qaysi taxminan kengdir 30.0 tinglovchilarning foiz, o'rtacha.
The Yetti. 9 “Real afzali Aktsiyalar: Empire State” set a new bar with 224,658 views va Yetti. 15-16 DiBella-CES doubleheader carried the series to uch-to'rtdan-of-a-million faqat to'rt oy ichida fikr. The Aug. 26 Foxwoods “Super Shanba” ko'rsatish bilan alohida-alohida ajralib turadi 3,336 live hours of content viewed, paytda Yetti. 15 DiBella card saw more than 40,000 kuzatuvchi bo'lgan shovqinlarni including almost 39,000 “yoqtirishlar” yoki “sevadi.”
Juma Kuni tun, Jan. 26, Hantington Paramount yashaymiz, Long ho'l bo'lib ketdi, N.Y., ShK ventilyatorlari yuqori ta'sir kutish mumkin, grafika bilan to'liq bir nechta kamera Oqimli tajribasi, animatsiyalar, qayta ko'rish, interviews and an announce team anchored by blow-by-blow announcer Mark Abrams of AWE, NBC Sports Filadelfiya, va Former Golden Gloves Champion Cara Castronuova, Endi Knockout Semizlik jamg'armasi, will contribute analysis and deliver post-fight interviews in the ring. To provide spectators with a fully-interactive ringside experience, sharhlovchilar so'rang va efir davomida Facebook tomoshabinlar savollariga javob beradi.
Yaratilgan va Nyu-York Siti chiqib Linacre Media tomonidan ishlab chiqarilgan, FIGHTNIGHT LIVE qator professional spiker xususiyatlari, bir necha kamera yuritadigan, televizor grafik, qayta ko'rish va orqasida-sahnalari foydalanish va intervyular. Facebook mavjud qaerda oqib shou global mavjud. tashabbus emas, balki faqat o'rnatish uchun dunyo bo'ylab o'z muxlislarini beradi, balki o'z qobiliyatlarini namoyish etish uchun savaşçısı global platforma faol beradi, Tarǵibotchilar bir yaxshi beradi “efir” yechim va homiylar markali mazmuni orqali ommaviy lariga uchun qobiliyatini beradi.
Qo'shimcha FIGHTNIGHT LIVE Qishki / Bahor 2018 xurmo rasman kelgusi hafta e'lon qilinadi.
FIGHTNIGHT LIVE onlayn mavjud: /
Follow all the action via social media at FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE Facebook "da,@FaceFIGHTNIGHTLIVE on Instagram and @FIGHTNIGHTLIVE_ Twitter, or by using the hashtag #FIGHTNIGHTLIVE. so'nggi Linacre Media voqealar va radioeshittirish jadvaliga uchun, follow @LinacreMedia across all social platforms or use the tags #LinacreMediaEvents yoki #LinacreMediaOnTV.

jahon chempioni Kermit Cintron seshanba kuni qo'shiladi ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn jalb Jorj Sosa olishga ikki karra, Fevral 13 Sands Baytlahm Voqealar markazida

Cintron Amir Xon nishonga
Frank De Alba asosiy tadbirda Karlos Padilla urushlar
Mykal Fox hamraisi asosiy taqdirda Rikardo Garsiya oladi
Undefeated fighters Colby Madison, Michael coffie, Xuan Sanchez, & Aksiyada Martino Jyul
Og'ir vazn toifasida raqib Jo Hanks Nik Guivas oladi

Baytlahm, PA (Yanvar 23, 2018) – Ikki karra jahon ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn chempioni,Kermit Cintron has been added to an already deep card when he takes on Jorj Sosa in a ten-round bout on Seshanba, Fevral 13 da Sands Baytlahm Voqealar markazi.

Allaqachon e'lon featuring ikki sakkiz-davra hamraisi asosiy tadbirlar edi Frank De Alba(22-2-2, 9 KOS) olib Karlos Padilla (16-6-1, 10 KOS) shu qatorda; shu bilan birga Mykal Fox(15-0, 4 Rag'batlantirgan) kurash Rikardo Garcia (14-1, 9 KO) super engil Butning.
karta Qirol aktsiyalar tomonidan targ'ib qilinadi.
Reading Cintron, PA bir rekord bor 39-6-3 bilan 30 KOS.
The 38 year-old Cintron is a 18 Uning birinchi kiritdi yil professional 23 jang (20 to'xtab orqali) Leon Pearson o'xshashini mag'lub tomonidan (9-1-1), Said Ouali (7-0), Omar Davila (12-2), Ian Mackillop (14-1), Luis Rosado (29-5), Elio Ortiz (25-6), & Teddy Reid (22-5-1).
Aprel kuni 23, 2005, Cintron was stopped by Antonio Margarito in his bid to win the WBO Welterweight title.

Cintron scored two wins, qaysi raqib David Estrada ustidan 10 tur to'xtab qolishiga kiritilgan (18-2) olti-turda Mark Suares to'xtatish oldin oktabr kuni IBF yarim ortasiklet unvoni qo'lga 28, 2006 Palm Beach, Florida.
Cintron made two defenses of the crown which was highlighted by a two-round destruction over Walter Matthysse (26-1), ularning partiya o'ynamoqchi yilda Margarito tomonidan to'xtatildi oldin.
Cintron then sandwiched wins over Lovemore Ndou (46-10-1), Alfredo Angulo (15-0) va Juliano Ramos (15-2) Serxio Martines bilan durang atrofida (44-1-1) jahon chempioni Pol Uilyam va Karlos Molina bilan jang tushib oldin.
Uning oxirgi Butning In, Cintron Tyrone Brunson tomonidan besh turda to'xtatildi.
The “Yilning Philly kurash” Nomzod Cintron turda to'rt yilda ikki knockdowns gol ko'rdim, lekin Brunson davra besh yilda Cintrón uch marta tomchi qaytib keldi.
This is a fight to comeback to get back where I need to be. After the Brunson fight, it was back to the drawing board. this fight will start to get me back to the top one more time,” Said Cintron.
“Sosa-yilda, Men uning oxirgi kurashda uchun suxandon edi, va qisqa kurashda, I did not see anything special. I been working hard, va yaxshi tayyorlangan olish va men bilan jang qilish uchun tayyor bo'ladi.”
Cintron kuchli namoyish va uning professional resume bilan biladi, U katta kurash ichiga olish mumkin, va Cintron yodda birovni bor.
“Men Amir Xon qaytib kelishini ko'rish, va men bu men istagan bir jang bo'ladi.”

Filadelfiya Sosa bir rekord bor 15-11-1 bilan 15 knockouts.
The 31 yoshli kabi Emanuel Teylor kabi eng raqobat olishga ma'lum etti yil professional emas, Ray Robinson, Thomas Lamanna, va uning oxirgi Butning u dekabr kuni Mag'lubiyatsiz yuqori kelajak Jaron Ennis tomonidan to'xtatildi qachon 1, 2017 Filadelfiyadagi.
Sakkiz-davra Butning In, og'ir vazn toifasida raqib Jo Hanks (22-2, 14 KOS) Tokio, NJ kurashadi Nik Guivas (14-9-2, 9 KOS) Topeka of, Kansas.
Olti-davra johillik ichida:
Colby Medison (5-0-1, 4 KOS) Owings Mills, Maryland jang qiladi
Dante Selby (2-3-1) Filadelfiya bir og'ir vazn toifasida Butning.
Bleyk Mansfield (5-1-1, 3 KOS) Burlington, Bosimining jang qiladi Darryl Bunting (3-2-2, 1 KO) Asbury Park, Agar o'rta og'ishish NJ.
Chiase Nelson (6-1, 3 Rag'batlantirgan) Mansfield bo'yicha, OH kurashadi Vincent Jennings (5-4-1, 4 KOS) Grand Rapids, tuklar jangda MI.
To'rt-davra johillik ichida:
Michael coffie (1-0, 1 KO) pro debuting kuni o'tadi Nicoy Clarke Jersi Siti, Agar og'ir vazn toifasida Butning NJ.
Martino Jyul (2-0) Allentown of, PA kurashadi Malik Loften (1-0, 1 KO) Suitland bo'yicha, tuklar Butning MD.

Xuan Sanchez (4-0, 1 KO) Allentown of, PA kuni o'tadi Serxio Aguilar (2-6, 2 KOS) Homestead, tuklar Butning FL.
Jonli tadbir uchun chipta, Kingning aktsiyalar tomonidan targ'ib qilingan, fiyatlandırılır $50, $75 va $100, amaldagi xizmat to'lovlari, soliqlar, shu jumladan, va hozir indirimdedir emas. Chiptalar mavjud Da telefon Ticketmaster tomonidan zaryad qilish uchun (800) 745-3000.

Sampson Boxing Inks Promotional Deal with Panamanian Rising Star Jose ‘El MagnificoNunez

Promoter Sampson Lewkowicz of Sampson Boxing proudly announces the signing of undefeated Panamanian lightweight JoseEl MagníficoNunez.
19-year-old Nunez is considered one of the most exciting Panamanian prospects to watch. He was awarded the title ofProspect of the year 2017by his homeland’s press and the Panamanian Boxing Commission.
Originally from Curundu Panama, Nunez started fighting at the early age of 10, holds an undefeated record of 5-0 professional sifatida.
I am very grateful that Mr. Sampson is going to promote my career as a professional fighter. Now is my turn to demonstrate him and everybody else that I came to this sport to be the best and beat the best,” said Nunez.
Manager and trainer José Murillo says he’s also happy with his young fighter’s new deal.
We are well aware of who Mr. Lewkowicz is and what he is able to accomplish for Nunez and we can´t be more confident that he is in the best hands possible. What Sampson promises, Sampson delivers. We have full confidence that we have taken the right decision signing this deal.
It is a great honor to work with another Panamanian, as I did with ex world champions AnselmoChemitoMoreno and Roberto “Spider” Vasquez,” Said Sampson Lewkowicz. “I am confident that Jose will become another world champion of their quality.
Nunez is scheduled to appear in his first international fight on Fevral 9, in Santa Fe, Argentina, against Lucio Alberto Ayala from Buenos Aires. The fight is being promoted by Sampson Boxing, Tello-Box and JEB Boxing and will be televised trough TyC Sports and VTV Uruguay.

2016 Olimpiya bronza medali sovrindori Niko Ernandes to'liq sog'ayib va ​​istayotgan 1 nom kurashda borishni

“KO Tungi boks: oltin & Shuhrat” uchun
va shu kabilar bo'sh BFI Amerika yengil vazn unvoni. József Ajtai
Feb. 10 Park Siti shahrida Hartman Arena da, KS
PARK SHAHAR, Kansas (Yanvar 22, 2018) – 2016 Olimpiya bronza medali sohibi va mamlakatni qahramon Niko Ernandes to'liq o'z dekabr qoldirildi jarohat tuzalib qildi 2nd Saturdeay uchun jang, Fevral 10, Vengriya chempioni versus József “Qizil” Ajtai bo'sh Xalqaro boks assotsiatsiyasi sakkiz-davra asosiy tadbirda (BFI) Americas yengil vazn nomi, qutidagi “KO Tungi boks: oltin & Shuhrat” karta, Park Siti shahrida Hartman Arena da, Kansas.
“KO Tungi boks: oltin & Shuhrat” KO Tungi boks MChJ taqdimoti bo'lib., Hartman Arena bilan birgalikda, va qisman homiylik Park Siti (KS), Twister Siti Harley-Davidson va metro PCS.
harakat CBS Sport Network kelajakda shamollatish uchun jonli bantlanmış qilinadi.
22 yoshli Ernandes (3-0, 2 KOS), Viçita chiqib jang, Dec mahrum qilish uni majbur oshkor jarohat. 2nd jang. Ernandes ham uning Promouter Na, John Andersen (KO Tungi boks, MChJ), halqa maqsad raqibini har qanday iloji foyda berib oldini olish uchun Nico ning jarohati haqida har qanday ma'lumotlarni nozil qilgan.
“Kayfiyatim yaxshi, jang qilish uchun tayyor,” Hernandez commented. “Biz Men jarohat bepul edi ishonch hosil qilish uchun xohlagan va men 100-foiz emasman. I’m going to do whatever is needed to win this fight. Fighting for my first title means a lot to me. I didn’t think it would happen this fast. I want everybody to see that I can be competitive with the best in my division. A g'alaba Fevral 10 meni erda ko'p yaqinroq bo'ladi.

“kabi Mening raqibi ko'p harakat qiladi va u tez, so I need to have my legs under me. Other than that, garchi, I should be okay. He has fought some good guys. I can’t wait to get in the ring in front of my fans.
Ajtai (19-9, 12 KOS), Hernandez ko'ra bir yil va olti kun yosh kim, allaqachon besh nom kurashishlarda qatnashgan etdi. U, shuningdek, to'liq 10-tur masofani ketdi, qarori bilan bir ziyon bo'lsa ham 2016, ikki karra Olimpiya oltin medalini uchun Shiming Zou, sobiq Jahon boks tashkiloti (WBO) yengil vazn jahon chempioni. Uning raqib ona shahrida kurash Ajtai uchun muammo emas, kim AQShda bir pro sifatida jang qilgandan keng yo'l tajribaga ega, Birlashgan Qirollik, Ispaniya, Germaniya, Ukraina va Slovakiya.
“Men halqa bo'ladi qaerda Niko bilmaysan,” Ajtai bashorat. “U men uchun chap tomoniga qarasa, Men o'ng ketadi; U o'ng meni topish uchun harakat, Men chap tomonda bo'ladi. U dam olish uchun istagan paytda, Men urgani oldinga keladi; U Punch istaydi qachon, U meni topa olmaydi.
“Men bu kurashda uchun bir reja bor va men u shuningdek qilsa ishonamanki. Lekin, halqasida, faqat bitta kurashchi rejasi muvaffaqiyatli bo'lishi mumkin. Bu yaxshi jang bo'lishi yog'adiganga, lekin men Niko g'olib bo'ladi jamoatchilikni va'da mumkin emas.”
“Niko bu kurashda uchun 100-foiz sog'lom ekanini, men xursandman,” Andersen dedi. “Biz bu buyuk kurash olib baxtli bo'lishi mumkin emas, va yana bir qancha biz oldinga harakat sifatida, Viçita buyuk shaharga.”
olti tomonlama hamkorlik xususiyatli taqdirda, Minneapolis ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn Javonte Starks (13-2, 7 KOS), havaskorlar sifatida sobiq Future Yulduzlar Milliy chempioni, faxriysi Meksika kurashchi oladi Sezar Soriano (28-36-1, 17 KOS), Sobiq FECARBOX engil titlist.
Istiqbolli Milwaukee kichik o'rta kelajak Akeem qora (3-1, 1 KO) faces pro-debuting jo'mrak Kleyton, Bakersfield'dan chiqib jang (KABI), to'rt-dumaloq televidenieda ochishi bilan.
Wichita o'rta Jeff Sturm (1-0) xoch-davlat raqibi uchrashdi Brian Clements (0-0-1), Toledo, to'rt-davra TV tebranish Butning.
Shuningdek Vashington D.C ostida kartada bo'lgan jang. Og'ir vazn toifasida Maurice “yuk Poezd” Brerm (13-2-1, 9 KOS) 300-funt Kanzas Siti urushlar (MO) dushman Richard “Silverback” Carmack (15-12-1, 12 KOS) olti tomonlama o'yinda. To'rt-rounders bir juft Mag'lubiyatsiz Bakersfield yoshroq ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn istiqbolini topish Migel Contrdavrlar (5-0, 4 KOS) otib-pastga, uning Gruziya raqibi bilan, Archie Wey (2-9), va Kaliforniya kichik ikkinchi yarim og'ir vazn Chazz Macias Raqibi qarshi pro debyutini qilish uchun rejalashtirilgan aniqlanadi uchun.
Chiptalar sotuvga ertaga (Seshanba, Okt. 24 @ 10 A.M. CT) Hartman Arena box ofisida va / 50551?Marka = Hartman. Narxlar bor $115.00 (VIP), $75.00, $50.00, $35.00, $25.00 va $20.00 (narxlar xizmat ko'rsatish narxini ham o'z ichiga oladi emas). Student tickets are available – Kollej orqali bolalar bog'chasi – uchun $15.00 dollar, lekin faqat maydonda sotiladi. Student aniqlash jazosini bo'ladi.
Bu barcha-asrlarda ko'rsatish hisoblanadi. Ochiq eshiklar 5:00 p.m. CT with the opening bout scheduled at 6:00 p.m. CT.
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