Категория Архивы: бокс

Danbury, Connecticut’s Bordoy Turns Professional


Февраль 14, 2017 (Danbury, Коннектикут) – One day after turning 22 лет, Омар Бора formally announced he has turned professional. Family and friends gathered at Champs Boxing Club in Danbury, Коннектикут Понедельник night for a press conference in where Bordoy, nicknamed The Beast, signed his license and declared he is entering the pro ranks.

Бора, who is of Puerto Rican descent, was born and raised in the rough Mill Ridge section of Danbury, Коннектикут. A born fighter, he started boxing at 13 years old under the tutelage of former World Kickboxing Champion Bennie ‘The JetLittle. After nearly six years of competing in the amateurs, Bordoy’s resume is littered with achievements such as the CT J.O. State Champion, CT Golden Gloves Champion, various Regional and National tournament qualifiers, and countless fighter and fight of the night awards. His exciting boxing style has had people in Connecticut constantly asking, “When will he go pro.

I have nothing more to prove in the amateurs.Stated Bordoy, who plans on competing at 135 pounds professionally, “I have been dreaming of this moment since I was 13. There were times I felt ready to make that jump, but something held me back. But now is the time, Я готов. I have had a lot stacked against me but I never quit. My motivation is to provide a better life for my family, to make Danbury proud and to bring a World Championship to Connecticut.

Bordoy is currently trained by former professional and New York City amateur standout Luis Marichal. Marichal, who trains at Champs Boxing Club in Danbury promises excitement from his first professional boxer, “Omar is ready. We have been training extremely hard every day. Sparring has been great, we have been all over for sparring and he has shown me he can handle what is to come. I feel he is being overlooked by others who have flashier amateur records and backgrounds, but that’s what motivates our team, we are ready to unleash the beast!”

Bordoy will be under the watchful eye of A.J. Галанте. Галанте, 30, has managed and advised fighters such as Delvin Rodriguez, Фрэнк Galarza, Eleser Ortega, among others since 2011. He also promoted Danbury Fight Night in May of 2015, в Дэнбери, Коннектикут. Galante hopes to see Bordoy in action sometime in March, “We are looking at a bunch of options for Omar. March is the target, and obviously I’d like to get him in the ring as many times as possible in 2017. I am very excited to be part of Team Bordoy.

Photos by Jason Rodriguez / Super Elite Boxing News


Photo c/o Timothy Hernandez/Team Breazeale
Карсон, Калифорния (Февраль 14, 2017)In just under two weeks, бывший титул чемпиона мира Доминик “Беда” Breazeale (17-1, 15 КО) makes his anticipated return to the ring against Izu Ugonoh (17-0, 14 КО) на Февраль 25, 2017 в Бирмингеме, Алабама. The intriguing heavyweight match up is scheduled to open up the Premier Boxing Champions telecast on Fox Television. This will be Breazeale’s first bout since taking on IBF world heavyweight champion Anthony Joshua last summer in a courageous and spirited effort, which took place in London, Англия.
С тех пор, Breazeale has taken some well deserved time off and has been in camp for the last eight weeks, preparing for his return bout with world renowned trainer Manny Robles. The heavyweight contender took some time out of his busy schedule to answer some questions about his bout with Joshua, his training camp, and his upcoming bout with Ugonoh on 25 февраля.
How was your experience going to England and fighting for the IBF world heavyweight title against Anthony Joshua?
“Вы знаете, travelling to England and fighting for the world heavyweight title was a great experience. From the time I got off the plane, to going to the hotel and eating out and everyone knowing who you are, it was definitely a good experience. I came to England with hopes of bringing back the title to the United States, but unfortunately it didn’t go as planned.
But I earned the respect of the boxing world and I came to fight that night and didn’t back down at all. I learned more from that one loss, then the seventeen combined fights I won. I realized that I was better than I thought I was. С тех пор, my stock has risen and I can’t wait to get back out there in the ring and show everyone that I am deserving of another shot at the title whether it’s a rematch against Joshua or a shot at Deontay Wilder or Jospeh Parker. I put the heavyweight division on notice that I am a legitimate contender.
You were originally supposed to fight Artur Szpilka. Why was there a switch in opponents?

“Да, I was scheduled to fight Artur Szpilka and then I was told by my management that I would no longer be fighting him. I am not sure what issues he had or if was determined by others that it wouldn’t be a good television fight due to his style. I was already in camp training with southpaws, so I prepared for Szpilka either way. Now we have moved on and are preparing for Ugonoh.
How is training camp going?
Training camp is going really well. I was in camp before the fight was announced so I am in great shape. My coaches Manny Robles and Edgar Jasso have a great fight plan for me and my strength and conditioning is also going well with coach Darryl Hudson. We are going back to the basics and just trying to master the jab and the one-two followed up by great shots that will have my opponent hitting the canvas.
One of my issues was just always trying to get that KO and thinking about it instead of just moving my hands and letting things open up. I have been working on that with my sparring partners and we are improving every day.

What do you know about your opponent Izu Ugonoh?
“Если честно, I never really heard of him until my management asked me if I wanted to fight him. I looked him up and saw some video footage of him. As I understand it, he used to be a kick boxer who transformed into a boxer. He has some boxing skills and it looks like it will be a great match up for the fans.
Two heavyweights moving towards each other and throwing punches always has the possibility of fireworks and somebody getting knocked out. Coach Manny and I have reviewed film and we have a great plan come fight night. I clearly am the bigger and stronger fighter so I definitely think I have the edge.
How does it feel to have your bout being nationally televised live on Fox television?
“Вы знаете, I have been blessed to have my last four fights nationally televised on the Premier Boxing Champions series with this being the fifth. It feels great and I am thankful to my management for allowing me the platform to showcase my skills. I have a great fan base which has grown so much since my last fight and I am glad that they are able to continue to follow me and my continued success.
It’s awesome that this fight is on regular Fox and you don’t need to have an expensive cable plan or pay to see the fights on 25 февраля. PBC is bringing it back to old days when you could see Muhammad Ali or Sugar Ray Leonard on regular television before cable was popular. Free boxing is great for the fans.
What are your expectations for the fight with Ugonoh and how it plays out?
I’m coming to Alabama to win, легко и просто. Ugonoh has never been on a stage like this and I may put the gas on the pedal and pressure him a bit and let him know what it is like to be in the ring with a man who is 6’7″, 250 pounds imposing his will on him. Это будет 10 rounds of hell for him if he lasts that long.
This is a must win for me if I expect to get another shot at the title and he is the next obstacle in the way. Такой Как 25 февраля, the fans at the Legacy Arena in Alabama and people watching all over the world will be guaranteed a great fight.
“Here Comes Trouble


CEO/President Michelle Corrales-Lewis to welcomeexceptionalnew class
ЛАС-ВЕГАС (Февраль 13, 2017) – The Невада бокса Зал славы will announce its fifth class of inductees on Среда, Февраль. 15, на 11 a.m. ТИХООКЕАНСКОЕ СТАНДАРТНОЕ ВРЕМЯ, Hall CEO/ president Мишель Корралес-Льюис объявила. The 2017 class of nine boxers and five contributors will be revealed at Real Boxing, 5137 W. Oquendo Rd., Лас-Вегас, Невада 89118. Lunch will be provide by TC’s Rib Crib.
The honorees will be formally inducted at the popular gala dinner on Суббота, Август. 12 в Цезарь Палас. Ticket information will be released shortly.
We have elected yet another exceptional class of inductees and I can’t wait to introduce them,” said Corrales-Lewis, чей покойный муж, Диего Корралес, was a member of the NVBHOF’s inaugural class in 2013. “We have some of the best boxers ever in this group and I know fans are going to be excited to have the opportunity to meet them.
Our class of contributors is very strong as well and all have made a significant imprint upon boxing in Nevada.
Past inductees include some of the greatest fighters who have ever lived, в том числе Мухаммед Али, Майк Тайсон, Шугар Рэй Леонард, Замечательное Марвин Хаглер, Роберто Дюран, Хулио Сезар Чавес-, Эвандер Холифилд, Леннокс Льюис и более.
Зал боксерской славы Невады является IRS 501 (с)3 благотворительность и все пожертвования не облагаются налогом. Благотворительные пожертвования Холла за пять лет с момента его основания помогли нуждающимся боксерам и благотворительным организациям, связанным с боксом.. Пожертвования приветствуются.

Зал был основан в 2013 известный боксерский телеведущий Рич Маротта. Для получения более подробной информации, телефон 702-3NVBHOF, или 702-368-2463.
Для СМИ Credentials Контакты: Для получения информации и спонсорские возможности Контакты:
Медиа-координатор Джон Хайт Главный исполнительный директор Мишель Корралес-Льюис
Телефон: (702) 277-1020 Телефон: 702-3-NVBHOF (702-368-2463)

Канат Ислам с мировым рейтингом среди юниоров в среднем весе хочет перехватить внимание Джонса – Gunn андеркарте

“Умение против. Будет”

ЖИТЬ Pay-Per-View–Пятница 17 февраля
Уилмингтон, Делавэр (Февраль 13, 2017)-Мировой рейтинг среди юниоров в среднем весе Канат Ислам ищет большую прогулку это Пятница ночь когда он берет на Robson Ассис (16-3, 9 КО) наРой Джонс, Младший. – Бобби Ганн за титул WBF в тяжелом весе с оплатой за просмотр бой в Чейз центр в г. Уилмингтон, Делавэр.
Ислам – Бой с Ассисом рассчитан на 10 раундов.
ислам (22-0, 18 КО) тренировался в своем приемном доме в Пахоке., Флорида через Казахстан, готов ко всему, что Ассис выведет на ринг.
“Обучение было здорово. Я знаю, что Ассис левша, и он любит боксировать. Вот и все! Между всем моим любительским опытом и профессиональными боями по всему миру., я готов ко всему,”сказал Ислам.
Прежде чем принять этот бой, Ислам был упомянут в качестве возможного соперника чемпиона WBO в первом среднем весе Канело Альвареса., перед боем мексиканской суперзвезды с Хулио Сезаром Чавесом, Младший. Это будет бой, в котором 32 годовалый Ислам будет наслаждаться.
“Мои люди в Казахстане хотели бы увидеть этот бой.. Моя команда хочет это увидеть, и я хочу участвовать в этом бою. Если такая возможность появится, Я сконцентрируюсь и проведу правильный спарринг., и будьте готовы к этой возможности.”
Но прежде чем что-либо из этого может произойти, Ислам должен сначала пройти Ассис на карте, озаглавленной легендарным Роем Джонсом., Младший. Это возможность, что ислам не относится легкомысленно.
“Рой Джонс, Младший. это легенда, и громкое имя в боксе. В прошлом и сегодня он большой. Для него большая честь сражаться на карте, в которой он участвует в главном событии.”
Вернувшись домой в Казахстан, Ислам сам приближается к легендарному статусу, сын29 октября, он победил Патрика Аллотея перед 18,000 болельщиков на его родине, чтобы завоевать интерконтинентальный титул WBO и сохранить свои титулы WBA Fedlatin в суперсреднем весе..
“Сражаться на глазах у моих родных значит для меня больше, чем что-либо еще.. Это показывает им, что я представляю их культуру, и им нравится видеть мой стиль боя.. Это была мечта – сражаться на глазах у такого количества моих людей.. Они приветствовали мое имя, и за это я им благодарен.”
“Мы вернемся туда, в Казахстан, и снова будем сражаться.. Я не хочу, чтобы они пропустили бой17 февраля что у меня с Ассис. Я всегда благодарен своим поклонникам, которые всегда меня поддерживают.. Я хочу поблагодарить Nelsons Promotions, Raynelo Management и мой спонсор компания Zheizu. Я всегда хочу, чтобы Дэвид Фельдман Акции, King’s Promotions и Роя Джонса за предоставленную мне возможность драться на этом карде..
В 8-раундовом поединке, Dagoberto Агуэро (10-0, 8 КО) Сан-Кристобаль, Доминканская Республика берет на себя Olimjon Назаров (14-4, 8 КО) Ташкента, Узбекистан в поединке в суперлегчайшем весе.
В 6-раунд боя:
Франк де Альба (20-2-2, 9 КО) Чтения, PA сражения Немецкий Мераза (55-41-1, 32 КО) Агуа Приета, Мексика в юниорском легком весе.
Самуэль Seah (9-1-1, 3 КО) берет на себя Daniel Parales (10-7-1, 5 КО) Монтеррей, Мексика в супер легкий бой.
В 4-раунд боя:
Джои Тибери, Младший. (13-2, 6 КО) Ньюарк, Делавэр будет бороться Брайан Тиммонс (5-8, 5 КО) Св. Иосиф, Миссури в легкий бой.

Генри Стюарт (2-0, 2 КО) Торонто, Канада квадратов с Роберт Мендоса (1-8, 1 KO) Франкфурт-на, Индиана.

Dan Биддл (9-5, 5 КО) Уилмингтон, Делавэр будет бороться Ламонт Синглетэри (7-1, 4 КО) Дувр, Делавэр в тяжелом бою.
Эдди Ортис (2-0-1, 2 КО) Сан-Антонио, Техас берет на себя про Дебютировав Джефф Чиф Fens Уилмингтон, Делавэр в среднем боя.
Media Week Расписание
11:30 AM–Медиа Заезд

Chase Center

815 Justison Street
Уилмингтон, Делавэр 19801

1:00 СМИ только при регистрации по прибытии

2:00 Открытые тренировки–Общественный впустить

Crossfit Вид на реку
512 Jutison Street
Уилмингтон, Делавэр 19801

Четверг, 16 февраля–ОФИЦИАЛЬНЫЙ взвешиваются–Delaware Park КАЗИНО–6PM

5:00 PM–Медиа Заезд
6:00 PM–Борцы на весах

Delaware Park Casino
777 Delaware Park Blvd.
Уилмингтон, Делавэр 19720

Пятница, 17 февраля–Fight Night–Погоня ЦЕНТР

6:00 PM–Двери открываются
7:00 PM–1й бой
9:00 PM–начинается Pay Per View Broadcast

Chase Center
815 Justison Street
Уилмингтон, Делавэр 19801

Запланированные присутствовать бывшие в супертяжелом Ларри Холмс, Тим Уизерспун, Майкл Спинкс и Тайсон Фьюри
МАСТЕРСТВО VS ВОЛЯ будет распространяться жить в Северной Америке через кабельное и спутниковое телевидение высокой четкости, в Нью-Йорке MultiVision СМИ, Inc. Премьера передачи состоится Пятница, 17 февраля в 9 PM ET/6 PM PT и будет транслироваться в течение месяца в формате видео по запросу.. Пожалуйста, обратитесь к местному гиду для каналов и бисов в вашем районе. Рекомендованная розничная цена $24.99. В мероприятии также будет доступен по всему миру на домашних компьютерах, ноутбуки, Смарт-телевизоры, айфонов, IPADS, AppleTV, и Android устройств на Файт-TV, Flipps, и другие OTT (более-топ) потоковые услуги.
Билеты уже в продаже, начиная от $55 – $300 и могут быть приобретены по телефону (484) 935-3378 & www.firststatefights.com

Рой Джонс, Младший. против Бобби Ганна, способствовало Дэвид Фельдман Акции и казино в Delaware Park.



Смотрите полный Третий раунд охват, включая оба боксера Scoring Knock Downs: YouTube: HTTP://s.sho.com/2kLRB54; Скачать: HTTPS://we.tl/s8TQRRD001


Нажмите ВОТ Для фотографий; Кредит Стефани Trapp / SHOWTIME


Encore презентация Пятницы захватывающий ShoBox: Новое поколение, показывая потенциал Боя выплескивания года между непобедимым супер легким Иван Baranchyk и игрой Abel Ramos, будет транслироваться сегодня вечером/Понедельник на 10 p.m. И/PT на SHOWTIME EXTREME.


Baranchyk и Рамос и высажено более 50 процентов от их ударов власти в 10-раундовом драке, значительно выше супер легкое среднего 36.6 процентов. Они почти в два раза участковым среднем в общей сложности ударов приземлился и силовые удары приземлился в бою, который показал три полных нокдауна.


CompuBox запись показывает, что Baranchyk (314) & Рамос (350) в сочетании с землей 664 Всего ударов. В качестве точки отсчета, эпопея первой встречи между Микки Уордом (268) и Артуро Гатти (350) признакам 618 Объединенные полные удары приземлился. Из 664 пунши приземлились в пятницу ночь, 482 были силовые пуансоны.


Три-бой телепередача будет повторно воздуха в полном объеме Понедельник. В первом бою, Непобедимая испанская супер полулегкая перспектива Джон «Johnfer» Fernadez нокаутировал ранее некогда избитый Эрнесто~d Гарс с карающей серией безответных комбинаций в третьем раунде. В со-функция, непобедимый свет супертяжеловес Джозеф «Мак» Уильямс выиграл близко, решение большинства над ранее непобедимым Доминиканской Olympian Ленина Кастильо.


Мероприятие способствует ДиБелла Развлечения и Тони Холден Productions в сотрудничестве с Fight Promotions. Fernandez против. Гарса был повышен в связи с MaravillaBox Акции и ДЖААФАР Акции.



“I broke down and cried and screamed to coach, ‘I’m going to win this fight. I’m going to win this fight for him.’” – Adrian Granados

THE REVEAL with Mark Kriegel: Адриан Гранадос


Фото / Видео Кредитная: ВРЕМЯ ДЛЯ ШОУ


Top-rated contender Адриан Гранадос opens up in an intimate interview with Sports Emmy® Award-Winning writer Отметить Кригель in the latest edition of the reoccurring Showtime спорта® digital series, THE REVEAL with Mark Kriegel.

As Granados prepares to meet four-division world champion Adrien “The Problem” Broner Суббота, Февраль. 18, жить на SHOWTIME® (9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT) в Цинциннати, Огайо, he talks about his struggles, the loss of his long-time friend Ed Brown and what lies ahead for him on fight night.


A tough Mexican-American from Chicago, Granados enters this fight on a five-bout winning streak, including his impressive stoppage over then unbeaten top contenderАмир я в ноябре 2015. Совсем недавно, the 27-year-old dominated Ариэль Васкес over eight rounds in July. With a win over Broner, Granados can position himself for his first career world title shot.


Below are excerpts from the interview:


MARK KRIEGEL: “What does this fight represent to you?"

АДРИАН Гранадос: “Cubs just won. This is my own World Series, вы знаете. It took me this long to finally get a big fight, but I got it. This is going to be my coming out. I know a lot of people don’t know who I am. Those who do know me, they know I come to fight.”

KRIEGEL: “One of the guys who does know you is Adrien Broner. You were in his camp for Marcos Maidana. What stands out to [вы] о нем?"

GRANADOS: "Он великий боец. Я имею в виду, it’s no fluke that he is a four-division world champion.”

KRIEGEL: “Did he ever hurt you?"

GRANADOS: “Definitely, we are humans. He can crack. He just had that explosive power. He had 16-ounce gloves and it felt like he was hitting me with his bare fist. He just hits hard.”

KRIEGEL: “Did you ever hurt him?"

GRANADOS: “Definitely. Я знаю, что сделал. He may not admit it. Да, I know I had him bloodied a couple times. I know I had him backing up a couple of times. You just know as a fighter when you crack somebody.”

On the passing of top prospect and friend Ed Brown…

GRANADOS: “I believe it was a Воскресенье. I was in a barbershop…They were like, ‘I heard about your boy.’ And I’m … trying to keep it together. I just called George, our coach. He told me, ’Yeah man, Ed has died. Ed is dead.’ And right there I broke down and cried and screamed to coach, ‘I’m going to win this fight. I’m going to win this fight for him.’”

Neon Star Sports & Entertainment Launches New Promotional Company Knockout Night Boxing

ЛАС-ВЕГАС (Февраль 13, 2017)Neon Star Sports & Развлечения (NSSE) Inc. has announced the formation of its promotional company, Knockout Night Boxing LLC. The company will be responsible for promoting and co-promotingKnockout Night Boxing,” a series that airs on CBS Sports Network across North America. Additional broadcast partners will also be announced in the coming weeks.
Knockout Night Boxing LLC is a fight-friendly promotion that provides a platform for athletes to showcase their skills while building their own brand,” said Knockout Night Boxing president/promoter John Andersen.
Our ‘Knockout Night at the Dseries on CBS Sports Network last year was a huge hit, and so we are excited to expand across the United States and Mexico with our partner Pepe Gomez,” added Neon Star Sports & Entertainment CEO Майк Гарроу. “В настоящее время, the ‘Knockout Night Boxingseries has 20 television dates scheduled for 2017. We are looking forward to delivering fight fans non-stop, action-packed excitement.
Whit Haydon will serve as talent relations recruiter and Marvin Romero is the matchmaker. The rotating television team consists of Hall-of-Famer announcers Джим “J.R.” Росс и Аль Бернштейна, as well as veterans Шон Уилок и Джо Варнер. The primary ring announcer is Justin Roberts, who was the WWE ring announcer for 14 годы.
Щебет: @Neonstarmedia

Facebook: www.facebook.com/Neon-Star-Медиа-378687919005532 /

Джо Смит, Младший. Приглашенный спикер Ring 8 февраля

(Джо Смит, Младший. изображения любезно предоставлены Star Boxing)
НЬЮ-ЙОРК (Февраль 13, 2017) – Боксер мирового класса в полутяжелом весе Джо “Ирландский бомбардировщик” Кузнец, Младший. будет приглашенным спикером Ring 8 Четверг ночь, Февраль 23, на своем ежемесячном собрании, начиная с 7 p.m. И, в ресторане Plattduetsche Park, находится в 1132 Hempstead Turnpike на площади Франклина, Нью-Йорк.
27-летний Смит (23-1, 19 КО) это союз 66 чернорабочий между боями. Пауэр-панчер на Лонг-Айленде от Мастика ворвался на международную боксерскую арену в июне прошлого года., остановить бывшего претендента на титул чемпиона мира Анджей Fonfara (28-4) в первом раунде Всемирного боксерского совета (WBC) Международный титул в полутяжелом весе.
Джо Смит, Младший. (R) показано добивание Бернарда Хопкинса
В декабре прошлого года, Смит последовал сенсационным нокаутом в восьмом раунде живой легенды Бернард Хопкинс (55-8-2), семикратный, чемпион мира в двух дивизионах, чью борьбу за выход на пенсию провалил Смит.
“С победами нокаутом над Фонфарой и Хопкинсом в последних двух боях., Джо Смит может быть самым захватывающим бойцом с тех пор. Артуро Гатти,” Кольцо 8 президент Джек Хиршсказал.
“Мы с нетерпением ждем, что он станет одним из основных спикеров на нашей ежемесячной встрече и расскажет нам, что он планирует дальше в своей карьере.”
Смит получил "Кольцо 8" “Нокаут года премии” в декабре прошлого года в офисе организации 30й годичное кольцо 8 Отдых событий и церемония награждения. Фил иДжерри Capobianco, соответственно, Менеджер и тренер Смита, также были удостоены звания менеджера и тренера года Ring 8..
Смит - соперник в полутяжелом весе, которому в этом году предстоит серьезный бой., возможно выстрел за титул чемпиона мира. Его продвигает Зал славы бокса штата Нью-Йорк. (NYSBHOF) призывник Джо DeGuardia (Звезда бокса).
О RING 8: Кольцо 8 стал восьмым дочерней то, что было тогда известно как Национальный Ветеран Боксеры ассоциации – следовательно, RING 8 – и на сегодняшний день девиз организации остается: Боксеры Помочь боксеров.
RING 8 полностью привержены поддержке менее удачливых людей в боксерском сообществе, которые могут нуждаться в помощи в плане уплаты арендной платы, медицинские расходы, или что-то обоснованной необходимости.
Перейти на линии www.Ring8ny.com для получения дополнительной информации о КОЛЬЦА 8, Самая большая группа в своем роде в США с более чем 350 Участники. Ежегодные членские взносы только $30.00 и каждый член имеет право на фуршет в КОЛЬЦА 8 Ежемесячные встречи, за исключением в июле и августе. Все активные боксеры, любительские и профессиональные, с текущей боксерской лицензии или книги имеют право на бесплатный RING 8 ежегодно членство. Гости кольца 8 Участники приглашаются в стоимости лишь в $7.00 на человека..

71st annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship Central N.E. novice & open finals results

LOWELL, Масса. (Февраль 11, 2017) – Центральная Новая Англия (Greater Lowell) division champions in the open and novice divisions were crowned last night in the final round of the 71st annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship at historic Lowell Memorial Auditorium. Fans braved the frigid cold weather to support the amateur boxers.
Winners will advance to the semifinals of the New England Tournament of Champions, also held at Lowell Auditorium, начало в следующий четверг night with novice division. See the remaining 2017 график мероприятий ниже, а также полные результаты прошлой ночью.
Babson Park (Массачусетс) в первом полусреднем Jesus Ablan (Nonantum Boxing) and Tyngsboro (Массачусетс) в первом полусреднем Nathan Balakin (Lowell West End), соответственно, were named Outstanding Boxer of the open and novice divisions.
A New England Championship ticket (Джорджия) package is available this week only, $40.00 for all four remaining events, including open and novice semifinals and finals of the New England Tournament of Champions. Для того, чтобы купить позвонить в кассу Lowell Memorial Auditorium в 1.866.722.8881 or order online at www.LowellMemorialAuditorium.с. Разовые билеты события также доступны для покупки, начиная с $16.00, только $7.00 для студентов.
Доходы от Lowell Sun благотворительных организаций Золотых перчаток чемпионата идут к отправке перчатки чемпионов Новой Англии Золотых в Национальном Золотых перчатки чемпионат (2017 in Lafayette, Луизиана), в дополнение к поддержке местных спортсменов и спортивные залы площадь, мальчики & Girls Club, суповые кухни, приюты для бездомных, рак средства, стипендии и многие другие большие благотворительные причины.
(Победители указаны первыми)
Open Division
LIGHT полусредневесами (141 LBS.)
Jesus Alban (Babson Park / Nonantum Boxing)
WPTS3 (5-0)
Jeremiah Perez (Лоуэлл, Массачусетс / Lowell West End)
Ксавье Вега (Метуэн, Массачусетс / Canal Street Gym)
WPTS3 (5-0)
Майк Фонтанез (Нэшуа, Нью-Гемпшир / Nashua PAL)
Средневесов (165 кг.)
Yarmarco Guzman (Метуэн, Массачусетс / Canal Street Gym)
WPTS3 (3-2)
Брайан Лоуренс (Дорчестер, Массачусетс / Центр Питера Уэлша)
ТЯЖЕЛОВЕСЫ (201+ кг.)
Zack Culmas (Глостер, Массачусетс / Private Jewels)
WPTS3 (3-2)
Alex Falcon (Линн, Массачусетс / Private Jewels)
Novice Division
грузиков (114 кг.)
Shin Merinda (Хейверхилл, Массачусетс / Haverhill Downtown Boxing)
WPTS3 (4-1)
Christian Moura (Hollis, Нью-Гемпшир / Nashua PAL)
ЖЕНСКИЕ Bantamweights (119 кг.)
Danielle Millian (Waltham, Массачусетс / Sorabella Training Center)
WPTS 3 (4-1)
Karen Dahl (Allston, Массачусетс / Boston Boxing)
Bantamweights (123 кг.)
Джозеф Вальдес (West Roxbury, Массачусетс / Nashua PAL)
WPTS3 (5-0)
Joel Morales (Эверетт, Массачусетс / Somerville Boxing Club)
ЖЕНСКИЕ Featherweights (125 кг.)
Kendra Prather (Hanscom AFB, Массачусетс / Union Street Boxing)
WPTS3 (3-2)
Ноэль Боран (Восток Уолпол, Массачусетс / Boston Boxing)
ЖЕНСКИЕ легковесов (132 кг.)
Jessica Lampron (Дорчестер, Массачусетс / Boston Boxing)
WPTS3 (4-1)
Willow Кроуфорд (Манчестер, Нью-Гемпшир / Lowell West End)
LIGHT полусредневесами – (141 кг.)
Nathan Balakin (Tyngsboro, Массачусетс / Lowell West End
WPTS3 (4-1)
Ricardo Reid (Бостон, Массачусетс / Everybody Fights)
Peter Maher (Arlington, Массачусетс / Somerville Boxing)
WPTS 3 (5-0)
Michael Rovera (Нэшуа, Нью-Гемпшир – Кольцо)
Средневесов (165 кг.)
Furcy Ferreras (Пибоди, Массачусетс / Private Jewels)
WPTS3 5-0)
Adrien Gedney (Глостер, Массачусетс / Gloucester Boxing Club)
Свет тяжеловесов (178 кг.)
Rey Polanco (Роксбери, Массачусетс / South Boston Boxing)
WPTS3 (5-0)
Эндрю Perez (Метуэн, Массачусетс / Lawtown Boxing)
ТЯЖЕЛОВЕСЫ (201+ кг.)
Viktor Lobov (Malden, Массачусетс / Nonantum Boxing)
WPTS3 (5-0)
Луис Ривера (Бостон, Массачусетс – Somerville Boxing Club)
71st annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship Schedule
(Лоуэлл Memorial Auditorium – 6:30 p.m. двери открываются, 7:30 p.m. Первый бой)
Новая Англия Турнир чемпионов
Novice Class SemifinalsЧетверг, Февраль. 16
Начинающий Class Championship Finals – Четверг, Февраль. 23
Открытые Полуфиналы Класс – Среда, Море. 1
Открытый чемпионат класса Финал – Четверг, Море. 2
Новая Англия Золотые перчатки Исполнительный директор: Бобби Руссо
Директор Конкурсанты: Искусство Рамалхо
Главный должностных лиц: Laurie Purcell
Кольцо Announcer: Джон Vena
Место встречи: Лоуэлл Memorial Auditorium, 50 Merrimack St., Лоуэлл, Массачусетс
Щебет: @LowellGloves


Zhanat Zhakiyanov Wins Bantamweight World Championship Against Rau’Shee Warren in Co-Main Event
Terrell Gausha Earns Unanimous Decision Victory Over Puerto Rico’s Luis Hernandez
Нажмите ВОТ Для фотографий (Фотографии Предстоящие)
Фото кредит: Leo Wilson Jr./Premier Boxing Champions
ТОЛЕДО, Огайо (Февраль 10) – Около 10,000 fans turned out for hometown hero Роберт Пасха (19-0, 14 КО) as he impressively defended his lightweight world title against Puerto Rico’s Луис Крус (22-5-1, 16 КО) at the Huntington Center in Toledo, OH in the main event of Премьер Бокс чемпионов: Следующий раунд на ТВ отказов. The 2012 Olympic alternate used his reach and power throughout the fight, knocking Cruz down three times en route to a unanimous decision victory.
Cruz’s best round came in the fifth as he turned up the action, giving Easter a pause more than once and pushed the champion toward the ropes. After that round, it was all Easter who threw flurries of punches, not always depending on his range, doing his best to pin Cruz back with powerful hooks and body shots. Easter wasn’t fazed by seeing the 10th round for the third time in his career as a big right hand sent Cruz to the canvas for the first knockdown of the fight. Cruz impressively rose to his feet, but Easter didn’t relent.
He continued his conquest and with 10 seconds to go in the 11th round, Cruz was saved by the bell after being knocked down again. Fighting to the finish, Easter gave the raucous crowd what they came for as he threw a big right hand that nearly ended the fight. Cruz did notably did not quit, but was no match for Easter as the judges scored the bout 119-106, 118-107, 117-108.
В со-главном событии, three-time U.S. Олимпиец Rau'shee Уоррен (14-2, 4 КО) came out strong from the opening bell as he utilized his hand speed and power by knocking Zhanat Zhakiyanov (27-1, 18 КО) of Kazakhstan not once, but twice. Кроличий садок, who was defending his bantamweight title for the first time, could not finish the fight in the first round despite throwing a flurry of unanswered punches following the two knockdowns. The tables started to turn in favor of Zhakiyanov in the third round as he threw several consecutive uppercuts, pressuring Warren against the ropes. He threw two right hooks that knocked Warren to the canvas, but referee Gary Rosato ruled it a slip.
Trained and promoted by former unified world champion Ricky Hatton, Zhakiyanov applied pressure throughout the middle rounds, wearing Warren down. But the Cincinnati-native seemed to have gotten a second wind to kick-off the eighth round as he turned up the heat with one minute to go. Zhakiyanov continued to put pressure on Warren and use his strength. The fight was action packed from start to finish, but it was the Kazakh who earned the split decision victory with scores of 116-110, 115-111 for Zhakiyanov and 115-111 Кроличий садок.
The telecast kicked off with a middleweight bout between Cleveland-native Terrell Gausha(20-0, 9 КО)and Puerto Rico’s Luis Hernandez (15-4, 8 КО). Gausha established his jab midway through the first round with three straight right hands to the face of Hernandez. Однако, it was Hernandez who surprised Gausha with a huge overhand right that floored the 2012 Олимпиец. Gausha easily bounced back from the knock down and was able to get himself out of trouble and continued to show his power throughout.
Referee Jim Howe deducted a point from Hernandez after two low blows in the seventh round. Hernandez remained determined despite taking a lot of big shots, especially in the ninth round when Gausha was a few shots away from ending the fight. В конце, Gausha earned a unanimous decision with scores of 98-90 в два раза и 97-91.
Роберт-младший Пасха:
It was very important for me to remain focused tonight but also have fun. My people came out in full force so I wanted to give them a show, a night to remember. I feel like I did that, even though I wish I could’ve given them the knockout.
I admit, I was very surprised that Luis Cruz could take my punches like that and finish the fight. When I had him down and hurt (в раунде 10), I thought he was done. Я даю ему кредит. He came a long way and showed a lot of heart.
I said before the fight and I’m going to keep saying itI’m here to collect all them belts. I’m not gonna pretend to be that guy who doesn’t call out other fights. I’m calling out Mikey Garcia, Jorge Linares and Terry Flanagan. I want them to see what we were able to do here tonight, the crowd I pulled in. I’m a superstar on the rise and now it’s time for me to collect my prizes and bring these fights and all of the belts home to Toledo.
Even in seeing my brother (Rau'Shee Уоррен) lose a fight we all thought he won, I couldn’t let that distract what I had to do in the ring. I hated that Rau’Shee had to go through that againlosing in the Olympics three times, not getting his win in the first fight with Juan Carlos Payano, then not getting his belt for months after winning it, and now losing it like that. He’s had it rough, but we’re a team and we have to pick each other up. That became my mission to rise for the sake of the team.
Realistically I’d like to come back maybe May or June. It’s always hard work but I’m not cut or marked up. I want to stay active and get all the champions and best challengers out there. TBTThe Bunny Team is getting ready to take over.
Луис Крус:
He’s a very strong fighter. I wanted to do more but he took away my energy late in the fight. The first knockdown took a lot of out me. I felt dizzy but it was important for me to finish the fight on my feet. I never stopped trying to win, but he a great champion and the best I’ve ever faced.
I’m going to return home (в Пуэрто-Рико) and enjoy time with my family. I need to rest and relax. После этого, I’ll think about what’s next for my career.
Zhanat Zhakiyanov:
I knew at the end of the fight that I deserved to win, but because of where we were, we weren’t sure if the judges would give it to us. So that surprised us, but not that I won the fight. I was hurt early, but I outworked him in almost every round after that and was the stronger fighter in the end.
The knockdowns shocked me, но (trainer and promoter, бывший чемпион мира в двух дивизионах) Ricky Hatton kept me level-headed, telling me the adjustments I had to make. Once I was able to get inside and force the action, я видел (Warren’s) energy level drop.
We are grateful that he gave us the opportunity to fight for the world title. It’s an amazing feeling to win that belt. He feels like he won the fight and wants the rematch. We can definitely talk about doing that. I’ve fought everywhere in the world and don’t back down from any challenge.
Рикки Хаттон:
We were surprised when Zhanat went down like that in the beginning of the fight. I just wanted to remind him what he does better and what Rau’Shee is good at. He is never going to outbox him; he had to get in his chest, he had to mug him and make it a brawl. Zhanat did that very well and that’s how he won the fight.
If we lost the fight, we would have been upset, but we’d know it wouldn’t have been a bad decision. I know that Warren is gutted, he feels like he won the fight and let’s be honestit was the type of fight where no matter who won, the loser would have felt like he deserved to have his hand raised.
Their styles make for a great fight. Why not do it again? Not just because it was close but because it was such a great action fight and it always will be.
Rau'Shee Уоррен:
“Мужчина, Я выиграл этот бой. я сбил его с ног, I was landing the cleaner punches and making him miss. What it is, the judges are favoring aggressive fighters, even when they ain’t even landing.
I went through the same thing with (Хуан Карлос) Паяно, losing the first fight that I should’ve won and then getting the decision in the rematch. So now I have to prove to these judges the second time what I should’ve got tonight. Of course I want that rematch. I want it next, I want my world titles back.
Obviously you can always do more. We’re gonna go back, look at what we could’ve done differently and make sure the judges don’t take it from me no more.
Террелл Gausha:
The knockdown was legitimate, but that was (Hernandez’) only good moment in the fight. He caught me clean, but it happened to me before (versus William Waters earlier in his career). Just like I did back then, I immediately adjusted and controlled the rest of the fight.
It felt good to get so much from the fans in Toledo and all my fans that came from Cleveland (Gausha’s hometown). It was a great night out here and I’d love to do it again whenever they’re ready to bring us back here or even in my hometown.
I’m ready to return whenever my team says the next opportunity is there for me. Hopefully it’s as soon as possible. This is going to be a big year for me.
Луис Эрнандес:
I had him hurt but I didn’t finish him. I didn’t throw enough punches to slow him down after I knocked him down. He deserved to win; I could have done better and will do better in the future. I hope PBC brings me back soon as I want to show I belong with the best.
Адриен Broner:
It was a great turnout tonight. This was the first big promotion for About Billions; it definitely won’t be the last. We got my fight next week in Cincinnati and we gonna keep coming back strong.
Ravone Littlejohn, CEO of About Bilions Promotions:
It was a bittersweet night for us, with Robert Easter looking like a superstar but then with Rau’Shee Warren not getting the victory. We wanted the win in both fights for the fans, but the judges saw what they saw in Rau’Shee’s fight.
The crowd exceeded our expectations. We knew it would be a big turnout but when they opened up the entire venue and we saw nearly all the seats filled, it was a special feeling. Now we get to roll this over to Adrien’s fight next week and look forward to keep bringing big events to Ohio.
Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.premierboxingchampions.com, следовать по Twitter @ PremierBoxing, @RobertEaster_Jr, RauSheeWarren, BounceTV, и @Swanson_Comm и следить за разговором с помощью #PBConBounce, Вступить в группу на Facebook на www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions иwww.Facebook.com/BounceTV. PBC на Отказов спонсируется Corona: Finest Beer. Easter vs. Cruz was promoted by About Billions Promotions in association with TGB Promotions.
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Для местного расположения канала, визит BounceTV.com.