Категория Архив: бокс

Roy Jones – Bobby Gunn Press Conference quotes

“Умение срещу. Ще”

Живеят на Pay-Per-View–FRIDAY FEBRUARY 17TH
Уилмингтън, DE (Февруари 16, 2017)Below are quotes from Wednesday’s press conference in advance of Friday night’s “Умение срещу. Ще” Pay-Per-View showdown between Roy, Jones, Jr. and Bobby Gunn.
Roy Jones Jr.
On Bobby Gunn as an opponent:
The thing I stand for and respect and representI love a person who won’t quit, и [Боби Гън] won’t quit for nothing. Той има 72 спечели с 72 нокаута – bare-knuckleyou’re really a professional bully! You just beat people up for the hell of itIt’s what I love. People ask why I’m so motivated to fight Bobby Gunnit’s because what I stand for in boxing, he is in bare-knuckle. I respect that.
On the opportunity to be in the ring on Friday:
We are getting an opportunity to share the ring, and entertain the people while we share the ring, and I am at-heart an entertainer. And this man is a killer. I’m not saying that this man is not a killer, it’s just that I trust in my abilities to go out and do things differently because that’s who I am.
On his conditioning:
I am in very good shape for the first time in four or five years. I feel better than I have felt in a long time. I know I have my hands full, and I know my hands are ready for battle. I know this man is coming to bring it. But that’s what we live for; that’s what we love. Come Friday night be ready for a very entertaining fight.
Боби Гън

On Roy Jones Jr. as an opponent:
I’m born and bred a fighting man, since birth. I’m fighting one of the greatest fighters who ever lived. I’ve seen a lot of horsesh!t on the Internet, people running him down. Saying he’s too old, this or that. Why don’t you guys get in the ring and fight him, след това? Let me tell you something right nowI respect him more today than [the fighter he was] 20 Преди години. Because he’s more dangerous, he’s cagey, he’s a veteran. There’s nothing you can do to him he hasn’t seen.
On his mental and physical condition coming into the fight:
I’m coming here to fight my guts out. I’m in good shape. I’ve been training hard for this one for a long timethis man’s been in my head a long time. I go to sleep with Roy, and I wake up with Roy. He’s part of my family, we’re sick of talking about Roy. I can’t wait to see him Friday night and get it over with! I’m coming here to fight.
On critics of the matchup:
In a few days here, me and Roy are going to battle. We’re doing to prove a lot of critics wrong, a lot of doubters. When that bell rings, it’s only me and him in there. За да бъда честен с вас, critics mean zero. Their opinions mean nothing… [Roy Jones Jr.] said he’d come and fight me, and he’s here. He has the heart of the lion. But we’re going to get it down. I’ll shake your hand today, but I’ll tell you [to Jones Jr.] we’re in for a good fight, both of us. Roy Jones won’t forget my name for the rest of his life.

In the main event the legendary Roy Jones, Jr. takes on Bare Knuckle legend Боби Гън for the WBF Cruiserweight title Живеят на Pay-Per-View в Chase Center в Уилмингтън, Delaware.
Media Week Schedule

5:00 PM–Media Check in
6:00 PM–Fighters on the scales

Delaware Park Casino
777 Delaware Park Blvd.
Уилмингтън, Delaware 19720


6:00 PM–Вратите отварят
7:00 PM–1st bout
9:00 PM–Pay Per View Broadcast begins

The Chase Center
815 Justison Street
Уилмингтън, Delaware 19801

Планирано е да присъстват бившите шампиони в тежка категория Лари Холмс, Tim Уидърспун, Майкъл Спинкс и Тайсън Фюри


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Братя Спинкс, Майкъл Карбаджал, Ерик Моралес и Салвадор Санчес също са сред великите, които трябва да бъдат отличени Август. 12 в двореца Цезари.
LAS VEGAS – Бившият световен шампион Thomas Hearns, които заедно с Sugar Ray Leonard, Прекрасни Marvin Hagler и Roberto Duran доминира бокса през 80-те и става колективно известен като “Четирите царе,” заглави клас от 14 души в провинциалната зала в Невада, Главен изпълнителен директор / президент Michelle Corrales-Lewis обявена в сряда.
Hearns беше избран в категорията боксьор, който не е жител на Невада, заедно с Майкъл Спинкс, Ерик Моралес, Майкъл Карбаджал, звездата на женския бокс Лусия Рийкер и Салвадор Санчес. Избран в категорията боксер на резидента в Невада беше Кен Нортън, Леон Спинкс и Ричи Сандовал.
Избрани в категорията без боксьор бяха реферът Дейви Пърл, специалист по връзки с обществеността Деби Мунк, промоутър Мел Греб, треньор / мъж на среза Рафаел Гарсия и председател на Атлетичната комисия в Невада д-р. Елиас Ганем.
Norton, Sanchez, Отивамb и Ghanem ще бъдат предизвикани посмъртно.
Членовете на звездата от петата индукция от клас „Бокс зала на Невада“ ще бъдат отличени на гала вечеря в двореца Цезарс в Лас Вегас на Събота, Август. 12. Билетът ще бъде пуснат в четвъртък, 16 февруари от 12 ч. На NVBHOF.com .
“Ние сме много горди от този клас подбудители, и съдържа някои от най-големите бойци, които някога са живели,” - каза Коралес-Луис. “С нетърпение очаквам нашата гала вечеря, когато можем да почетеме тези богато заслужили хора и да позволим на феновете им да поздравят.”
Hearns беше едно от отличията през 80-те години на миналия век и участва в серия от страхотни двубои в Лас Вегас с Леонард, Хаглер и Дюран. му 1985 двубой с Хаглер в двореца Цезар все още се счита от мнозина за най-голямата битка в историята на бокса.
Братята Спинкс, Майкъл и Леон, стават първият набор от братя, въведен в Залата на славата в Невада. И двамата спечелиха златни медали за САЩ. в 1976 Олимпиада в Монреал и след това продължи да печели световни титли в професионалистите.
Norton, известен предимно с поредица близки двубои с легендарния Мохамед Али, също се състезава в един от най-големите двубои за титла в тежка категория. Той загуби титлата на WBC с решение за тънки бръсначи на Лари Холмс 1978, сред най-добрите битки за първенство в тежка категория.
Пърл беше сред най-добрите рефери за всички времена и работеше повече от 70 шампионски двубои. Той беше рефер на двамата Леон Спинкс’ скандален 1978 разстроен от Али, както и за драматичната на Леонард 14тата-кръг нокаут на Hearns в 1981.
Залата на славата на Бокса в Невада е IRS 501 (С)3 благотворителност и всички дарения са облагаеми с данък. Благотворителните приноси на Залата през петте години от създаването й помогнаха на боксерките в нужда и благотворителните организации, свързани с бокса. Даренията са добре дошли.
Залата е основана през 2013 от отбелязания боксов телевизионен оператор Рич Марота.
За повече информация, телефон 702-3NVBHOF, или 702-368-2463.
Майкъл Карбаджал – Най-известен като първият юношески летен автомобил, който спечели а $1 милионна чанта, Карбаджал спечели световните титли при юношите в леката и леката категория. Познат като “Малки ръце от камък” за неговата ударна сила, Карбаджал беше 49-4 с 33 Нокаута.
Съперничеството му с Умберто “Дребничка” Gonzalez беше един от най-добрите от началото на 90-те и техните 1993 борбата беше списание The Ring на годината. В 2004, Пръстенът определи Карбаджал като най-добрият юношески летен тираж в историята.
Той беше 98-10 като аматьор и спечели сребърен медал на 1988 Олимпиадата в Сеул, Южна Корея.
Thomas Hearns – Hearns, 58, спечели признати световни титли в полутежка категория, супер полусредна категория, среднотежка, супер средна и лека тежка категория по време на кариера, в която той отиде 61-5-1 с 48 Нокаута.
Той най-много си спомня за свирепата си тристранна битка с Хаглер 1985, но той участва в много от най-големите и най-електрически битки на десетилетието. Той воюва в Лас Вегас 16 пъти, ще 11-4-1 с девет нокаута.
Ерик Моралес – Един от най-вълнуващите бойци от ранната част на 2000-те, Моралес е най-известен с поредицата си от изключителни двубои с арки съперника Марко Антонио Барера. Моралес отиде 52-9 с 36 нокаут, но е най-известен с трилогията си с Барера, два от които бяха обявени за Ring Fight of the year.
Моралес спечели основни световни титли в супер тежест, перо, супер перо и супер леко, ставайки първият боец, роден в Мексико, спечелил титли в четири тегловни класа.
Той също се включи в зрелищна трилогия с Мани Пакиао, бие го в първия и пуска последните две.
Кен Нортън – Въпреки че беше шампион в тежка категория, преди да загуби колана си от Лари Холмс в един от големите двубои за титла някога, Нортън беше най-известен с трите си двубоя с легендарния Мохамед Али. Нортън победи Али в 1973 в Сан Диего в първия им двубой, счупване на челюстта на Али.
Али спечели двата последващи двубоя, включително 1976 мач на Янки стадион за титлата. Някои наблюдатели смятат, че Нортън е заслужил да спечели и трите двубоя.
Сражението при Холмс беше сензационно и двамата мъже застанаха в центъра на ринга при Цезарите и го затвориха в 15тата и последен кръг.
Лусия Рийкер – Рийкер се счита за един от, ако не най-добрият, жени боксьори в историята. Тя беше 17-0 с 14 нокаут в бокса и беше 37-0-1 с 25 нокаути като кик боксьор.
В своята боксова кариера, тя отбеляза доминиращи победи над харесванията на Джейн Куш, Марсела Акуна и Шевел Халбек.
По-късно тя се появи във филма, носител на "Оскар", “Бебе милион долара.
Салвадор Санчес – Санчес трагично загива при автомобилна катастрофа в Мексико точно 23 възраст, ограбва света на един от елитните бойци в историята доста преди неговото време. Санчес беше 44-1-1 с 32 нокаути и беше линейният шампион в перуки от 1980 до смъртта му в 1982.
Той спечели титлата, като нокаутира Дани “Малко червено” Lopez, но е най-известна с доминираща осминоградна спирка на Уилфредо Гомес. Гомес беше 33-0 с 32 нокаут, но не беше мач за Санчес.
Ричи Сандовал – Sandoval държеше титлата в тежест в продължение на две години, но кариерата му, толкова голямо, колкото беше, е въпрос на това, което може да е било. Той е бил член на 1980 U.S. Олимпийски отбор по бокс, но той загуби шанса си за медал, когато президентът Картър реши да бойкотира Игрите в Москва.
Sandoval спечели първия 29 бори се за неговата професионална кариера, претакане 17 нокаута, и победи страхотния Джеф Чандлър за лентата с тегло.
Но трагично, Сандовал получи сериозни наранявания, свързани с бокса в а 1986 битка с Габи Канизалес и е принуден да се пенсионира.
Leon Спинкс Спинкс е най-известен с това, че разстрои Мохамед Али 1978 само в осмата му борба за спечелване на шампионата в тежка категория. Той загуби титлата в реванш и се провали в два други опита да спечели титла. Той бе спрян от Лари Холмс в двубой за титла в тежка категория 1981 и загуби предизвикателство за титлата в тежка категория в Рено на Дуайт Мохамед Кауви през 1986.
Цветна фигура, известна като “неон” Leon, той беше известен любител, който беше 178-7 с 133 КО и лекото злато в тежка категория 1976 Олимпийски игри в Монреал.
Той завърши професионалната си кариера с а 26-17-3 марка и 14 Нокаута.
Майкъл Спинкс – Spinks беше 31-1 в кариерата си и спечели както титлите в лека и тежка категория. Той премина от леката тежка категория, за да победи Лари Холмс на Ривиера в 1985, отказвайки на Холмс възможността да отиде 49-0 и съвпадат с Роки Марчиано’s запис.
Той спечели титлата в лека тежка категория в своята 17тата професионален бой 1981 в Императорския дворец в Лас Вегас, когато той победи много по-опитния Еди Мустафа Мохамед. Спинкс държеше титлата в тежка категория в продължение на четири години, преди да се откаже да премине в тежка категория, за да се бие с Холмс.
A 1976 Олимпийската шампионка, Спинкс‘ единствената про загуба дойде в последния му двубой, когато беше нокаутиран от Майк Тайсън в двубой за безспорната титла в тежка категория.
Рафаел Гарсия – Garcia, 87, е най-известен с шапката си, носена окована с щифтове и за работа като ръчна обвивка на Флойд Мейуедър. Но той имаше дълга кариера като съкратен човек и треньор и беше изключителен и при двамата. Работил е с елитни бойци като Мейуедър, Roberto Duran, Алексис Аргело и Уилфредо Гомес.
Dr. Елиас Ганем – Ghanem като дългогодишен председател на атлетическата комисия в Невада, и е бил отговорен за това, че е помогнал да спечели мениджъра, “Най-голямата комисия в света.”
Ганем, лекар, чиито пациенти навремето включваха Елвис Пресли, изигра ключова роля в изслушванията, след като Майк Тайсън ухапа Евандер Холифийлд, и също така играе важна роля за привеждане на двубоя на Оскар Де Ла Хоя-Феликс Тринидад в Лас Вегас 1999.
Мел Греб – Познат като “Бащата на професионалния бокс в Южна Невада,” Греб беше промоутър и мач, който пръв доведе Мохамед Али в Невада. Тогава известен като Касий Глина, Греб популяризира седмия професионален двубой на Али 1961. Тази седмица, той представи Али на кечист “разкошен” Джордж, и Али се опитваше по много начини след Джордж.
Греб умря в 1996 при 75 възраст.
Деби Мунч – Caesars Palace в Лас Вегас беше легендарен домакин за много от най-големите боеве на бокса през 80-те и началото на 90-те, и Мунч, експерт по връзки с обществеността, беше инструмент за това.
Тя беше широко уважавана от промоутърите, боксьори и медиите и помогнаха на много журналисти неизмеримо със своето отразяване на бокса.
Дейви Перл – Перлата беше с малък ръст, но беше гигант като рефер. Той работеше повече от 70 двубои за световна титла, включително Мохамед Али-Леон Спинкс и Захар Рей Леонард-Томас Хърнс.
Пърл също беше високо ценен съдия.

Adrien Broner vs. Adrian Granados Media Workout Quotes & Снимки

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс® Това Събота, Февруари 18 From the Cintas Center at Xavier University in Cincinnati
Кликнете ТУК за Снимки от Стефани Trapp / SHOWTIME
CINCINNATI (Февруари 15, 2017) – Четири разделение световен шампион Ейдриън “Проблемът” Broner and hard-hitting contender Adrian Гранадос kicked-off fight week with a media workout Wednesday ahead of their main event showdown Събота, Февруари 18 живеят на SHOWTIME® from the Cintas Center at Xavier University in Cincinnati.
Also working out Wednesday and competing in televised coverage beginning at 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT were WBA Welterweight Champion David Avanesyan and two-time world champion Ламонт Питърсън, who meet in a 12-round welterweight fight, and light heavyweight contenders Маркъс Браун и Thomas Williams Jr., who meet in a 10-round contest.
Билети за събитието на живо, which is promoted by About Billions Promotions and Mayweather Promotions in association with TGB Promotions and K1 Promotions, са с цени $250, $100, $75, $50 и $30, Не включително приложими такси, и са в продажба сега. Билети могат да бъдат закупени онлайн на www.ticketmaster.com или като се обадите 1-800-745-3000.
Here is what the fighters had to say Wednesday from Oasis Elite Boxing Club:
Ейдриън BRONER
“Чувствам се наистина добре. I’m confident as always. Training has been great and I’m just ready to put on a show for my hometown.
I love fighting in Cincinnati. I know that I have a lot of people coming to see me win, but even in my home city, there will be people coming to see me lose.
I handle the pressure of a hometown fight here. This one is one a whole different level because I haven’t fought here in a long time and I can’t wait.
I know that Granados is not coming in here to back down. He’s a tough guy but I’m ready for anything he has.
I could box every two weeks if they let me. But if I can stay healthy I’m looking forward to staying more active this year and fighting as many times in big fights as possible.
It’s a surreal moment for me to be in this position as a fighter and as a promoter. I know that these young fighters look up to me. If I go and keep winning world titles, it’ll remind them that they have more work to do.
I don’t want to do anything but bring out the best Adrien Broner. There are some fights you can win, but not with a great performance. With a guy like Granados, I can’t slack. He’s only going to bring the best out of me.
My main focus right now is on Adrien Broner and bringing more positivity in my life. It all starts with boxing.
ADRIAN Гранадос
We’re all a family in the gym. We’re there to push each other. It’s my turn to get the job done and I’m glad we have each other to push ourselves to be the best.
I wasn’t happy about my layoff for much of last year. I lost an opportunity that I wasn’t happy about it. Patience ended up being the best in the end because now I have the kind of opportunity that every fighter wants.
I’m definitely dedicating this fight to my little brother Ed Brown. I think about him every day. He’s got the best seat in the house up in heaven and I’m going to put on a great performance for him.
Adrien is a strong puncher but I try not to focus too much on my opponent. I’m focused on myself and what I can do to beat the man in front of me.
My team told me to stay patient and with their guidance we got this deal signed and I got this great opportunity. I’m looking to take advantage of it.
Lamont Peterson is a very good fighter. I’m happy to be able to face him here in the U.S. and I’m looking to keep my belt.
I am going to do my best in the ring. I’m going to give it my all and the fans can expect a great fight.
If I can win this fight, I’m open to fighting anyone in the welterweight division. I want big fights with the best fighters in the world.
It’s important that I win this fight. This can open up doors for me and I know that I have the team that will work hard to get me these matchups.
I think his layoff will hurt him. I’m going to come out and see what he’s bringing to the ring and then I will adjust and do what I have to do to get the victory.
This is definitely the weight I want to be fighting at. I like the way I feel and the kind of shape I’m in. There are a lot of good names in this division and a lot of opportunities out there.
To be back for a title fight is a blessing. I’m thankful for that. Everyone needs to know that the whole time I’ve been out, I’ve been working and getting better.
I’m glad to get this string of welterweight title fights started. I’m anxious to see how everything plays out and who comes out on top as the number one welterweight.
We get great conditioning in the gym. It’s been another amazing training camp and we’re going to put that effort into the ring.
I look at this as me becoming the mandatory for Keith Thurman’s belt. This is a huge fight and it’s going to lead to even bigger opportunities.
We studied all of his fights. Stevenson and Campillo were important obviously. We’re ready to do whatever it takes to win.
The only guy on my hit list is Thomas Williams Jr. I’m ready to get in that ring and go to work.
This time between fights has allowed me to reinvigorate my body. People talk about ring rust, but I believe that only exists in the mind. I stayed ready this whole time.
This is the perfect opportunity for me. This is once in a lifetime and I have to take full advantage.
I don’t look ahead. I can only look at what is right in front of me. Right now that’s this fight в събота нощ.
My last fight taught me that I can go down, get back up and still win. That fight is behind me though. My main focus is on what is in front of me.
My teammates from the 2012 Olympic team are my brothers and I’m so happy to see them get their opportunities, but now it’s my turn. This is my year.
Томас Уилямс младши.
I’m going to see what he brings to the ring. I know that he’s a boxer by nature, but maybe he’ll change it up. He didn’t look great last fight so he may make adjustments. Така или иначе, ние ще бъдем готови.
I think that I have the better overall resume of opponents. Всеки знае, че. But it doesn’t even matter. All that matters is Събота. It gives me an advantage, but it won’t change Събота нощ.
I could go in there with one strategy, but then he might mix it up. My team prepared me well and I’m ready to go.
Marcus and I were cool in the amateurs, but once the fight got made, всичко е бизнес. We’re not cool, but there’s no beef. I’m here to take care of business.
I asked for this fight. I had the opportunity for an easier fight, but I didn’t want it. I’m not planning to box forever, so I wanted to get right back to a world title shot. This time I’m going to win and ride off into the sunset. I want to leave on top.
I’m predicting a knockout victory Събота нощ. Don’t blink.
# # #
Adrien Broner vs. Adrian Granados will take place Събота, Февруари 18 from the Cintas Center at Xavier University in Cincinnati, OH live on SHOWTIME. Televised coverage on begins at 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT with unbeaten light heavyweight contender Маркъс Браун meeting hard-hitting former title challenger Thomas Williams Jr. в 10-кръгово показване. Also featured will be WBA Welterweight Champion David Avanesyan battling former two-time world champion Ламонт Питърсън.
За повече информация посетете www.SHO.com/Sports follow on Twitter @AdrienBroner, @ElTigreAG, SHOSports, @ShowtimeBoxing, MayweatherPromo, @CintasCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports и www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.

Keith Thurman Media Workout Quotes & Снимки

Undefeated World Champion Battles Danny Garcia in Main Event of ШОУ ВРЕМЕ БОКС НА CBS
Представено от Premier боксови шампиони
Събота, Март 4 в Barclays Center в Бруклин
Кликнете ТУК for Photos from Prime 360 Photography
ST. PETERSBURG, FL (Февруари 15, 2017) – Undefeated world champion Keith “One Time” Търман hosted media at his training camp in St. Petersburg, FL Сряда as he prepares to face fellow welterweight world champion Danny “Swift” Garcia в главното събитие на ШОУ ВРЕМЕ БОКС НА CBS, представен от Премиер боксови Champions, Събота, Март 4 от Barclays Center, в дома на Бруклин Бокс ™.
Broadcast coverage begins at 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT with undefeated rising star Erickson Lubin battling once-beaten knockout artist Jorge Cota in a super welterweight title eliminator bout.
Билети за събитието на живо, която се насърчава от DiBella Entertainment, започне в $50 (Не включително приложими такси) и са в продажба сега. Билети могат да бъдат закупени онлайн, като посетите www.ticketmaster.com, WWW.barclayscenter.com или като се обадите 1-800-745-3000. Билетите също са на разположение в седалището на American Express Box в Barclays Center. Група намаления са възможни, като се обадите 844-BKLYN-GP.
Here is what Thurman had to say Сряда from the St. Petersburg Boxing Club:
КИЙТ Търман
“В края на деня, it’s just another fight. My job has not changed since I was seven years old. This is the sport that I love. The name of the game to hit and not get hit, but you know I’m looking to inflict some damage as well.
I know Danny is confident coming into this fight. He’s trying to challenge me and hurt me. I have an ‘0’ and I’m not ready to let it go. Ако мислите, че може да ме победи, beat me. It’s going down on Март 4.
You can expect a world class fight. We’re both great champions with impressive skills. We’re going to be pushing each other and testing each other. I see myself as the smarter fighter. I’ve shown that I can adjust in the middle of a fight. With the experience that I have, I go in there with an objective I’m trying to achieve. If it’s not happening, then I have to use something else.
“В края на краищата, my heart desires victory at this stage and at this level. I’m looking to do what I do best. Which is be a smart fighter, look for the openings and if I can cause some damage, hopefully I can capitalize on that.
I showed against Shawn Porter that when you fully challenge me and make me gut it out, Там съм. I’m a champion and this champion doesn’t lie down for anybody. That fight was a tremendous fight and we showed that we understand each other as fighters.
I thought to myself after eight rounds against Porter, ‘this fight is tied.Nothing that happened in the first eight rounds mattered. The fight was going to be decided in four rounds, just like the amateurs. I had to do what Ben Getty always said, ‘smart fighters win and dumb fighters lose.
I just want to keep moving myself up and establishing my legacy. I want to distinguish myself from the other welterweights. The winner of this fight will get the spotlight over everyone else in the division.
I’m doing this for my career, for my legacy and for the fans. Without the fans, there’s no legacy. I’ve been boxing for 21 years of my life and I look forward to having some more great years. I’m proud to be living my dream.
To get two tremendous fights back-to-back is evidence that I’m on the right track and you could say we’re gaining more power in the sport. I’m getting what I want out of the sport, which are big fights like this.
This is something that the fans are excited about and I’m truly looking forward to this fight. I just want to keep living my dreams and working to become the best fighter in the world.
Establishing a unification of a weight class is my ultimate goal in the sport of boxing. That’s what we’re working for.
DAN BIRMINGHAM, Thurman’s Trainer
The preparation has been fantastic. Keith has been on both. His long runs, short runs, sprinting, listening to everything in the gym not to mention great sparring. You are going to see a great performance.
“Това е една сбъдната мечта за мен. I never dreamed of this when I was Youngstown, OH before I came to Florida. When I came here there were guys like Jeff Lacy and Winky Wright that came into my gym who I’ve been fortunate enough to work with. Then came Ben Getty and Keith Thurman.
I owe most of this to Ben Getty. I want him to get a lot of the recognition. He really deserves it. I am just trying to continue what he started.
Fans are going to see a great performance. They are going to see a well-conditioned, well-trained Keith Thurman. He is very focused on getting rid of Garcia and moving up in the ranks.
# # #
The two-fight SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on CBS broadcast will be just the second primetime boxing presentation on the CBS Television Network in nearly 40 години. It is presented by Premier Boxing Champions and produced by SHOWTIME Sports® for CBS Television, both divisions of the CBS Corporation.
Кийт Търман срещу. Дани Гарсия е борба за световна титла в полусредна категория между непобедени 147-килограмови титристи. Заглавията на двубоя от 12 кръга ШОУ ВРЕМЕ БОКС НА CBS, представен от Премиер боксови Champions,Събота март 4 от Barclays Center, в дома на Бруклин Бокс ™. В съпътстващото събитие непобедена изгряваща звезда Erickson Lubin битки веднъж бит нокаут артист Jorge Cota в двубой за елиминатор в супер полусредна категория на CBS на 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT.
За повече информация посетете www.SHO.com/Sports последват в TwitterSHOSports, KeithFThurmanJr, DannySwift, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter ИSwanson_Comm или станете фен на Facebook в www.Facebook.com/SHOSports,www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. PBC е спонсориран от Corona, Finest Beer.


Box Fan Expo е върховното събитие за фенове, което дава възможност на бокс феновете да се срещнат и поздравят топ бойците, настоящи и бивши световни шампиони, бокс знаменитости и хора от индустрията в близка лична обстановка.
За незабавно освобождаване
Las Vegas (Февруари 15, 2017) – Бивша шампионка на WBC за жени Мой “Нокаут” St. Клозет и ChristyThe Coal Miner’s Daughter” Лястовица has confirmed that they will historically appear and share a booth together to Meet & Поздравете феновете си на Конгресен център в Лас Вегас за третото издание на Box Fan Expo който ще се проведе Събота май 6, 2017 по време на уикенда на Cinco De Mayo. Boxing Expo също ще съвпадне с мега битката между Canelo Alvarez срещу Julio Cesar Chavez jr, което ще се състои по-късно същата вечер.
Martin and St.John are some of the most decorated and famous female professional boxers of all-time. St John was promoted by Bob Arum while Martin was promoted by rival Promoter Don King. They are both former WBC world champions and gained popularity by appearing on some of the biggest undercards in boxing history that were headlined by Mike Tyson with Christy Martin and Oscar De La Hoya with Mia St.John. Further St.John also has appeared on the cover of Playboy Magazine, while Martin appeared on Sports illustrated.

Mia St.John has done countless charity work for different organizations. She foundedEl Saber Es Poder/Knowledge Is Powerto empower our youth by providing educational material, equipment and development of Health & Wellness programs. На November 23, 2014, Mia’s son Julian who was a talented artist, почина на възраст от 24 after battling Schizophrenia and addiction. В 2015, Mia was named by CNN, “Mental Health Warrior”, along with eight other inspiring people.

Christy Martin on the other hand battled her way back from a November 23, 2010 Stabbing and being shot by her husband who is now serving time in prison for attempted murder. Today Martin is the President and founder of Pink Promotions, a boxing promoting company and is considered by the WBC as the Emeritus Champion. She also formed a non-profit organization called Christy’s Champs, which supports domestic violence as well as other domestic issues.

St.John and Martin will have merchandise to sell to their fans, както и снимки и сувенири.

Christy along with Mia joins Fernando Vargas and Joel Casamayor among early commitments to this year’s Box Fan Expo.

Box Fan Expo постигна огромен успех с феновете и хората от бокс индустрията. Много от боксовите звезди присъстваха на последните две изложби като Майк Тайсън, Roberto Duran, Tommy Hearns, Roy Jones Jr., Sergio Martinez, Keith Търман, Дани Гарсия, Тим Брадли, Дионтей Уайлдър, Amir Khan, Shawn Porter, Fernando Vargas, Zab Юда, James Toney, Vinny Pazienza, Mikey Garcia , Миа Сейнт Джонс, Лео Santa Cruz, Badou Jack, Тери Норис , Riddick Bowe , Earnie самобръсначки, Леон Спинкс и много други…

Изложители като боксова екипировка, облекло, ново оборудване, енергийни напитки, алкохол, добавки продукти, излъчващи медии, санкциониращите органи и други компании, които желаят да участват, отново ще имат шанс да покажат марката си на феновете, медиите и боксовата индустрия.

Билетите за Box Fan Expo са достъпни онлайн при: HTTP://www.boxfanexpo.eventbrite.com

Box Fan Expo е най-доброто събитие за бокс фенове, което позволява на феновете да се срещат и поздравяват бокс суперзвезди от днес, настоящи и бивши световни шампиони, Легенди на спорта и други бокс знаменитости на щанда си. На място, феновете ще изпитат различни дейности от Autograph Sessions, Фотосесии, FaceOff с любимите си боксьори, както и шанс за закупуване на стоки и сувенири от техния щанд, плюс още много други… няма да искате да пропуснете това задължително изложение!

Box Fan Expo ще включва и най-добрите боксови организации, промотори, пръстен картички момичета, известни треньори и коментатори, както и компании за боксова екипировка “ВСИЧКИ ПОД ЕДИН ПОКРИВ”.
През следващите няколко месеца преди събитието, ще има ежеседмични актуализации за многото звезди, които ще ангажират появата си на Boxing Expo. И за всеки в боксовата индустрия или други изложители (непромишлени), които биха искали да участват и да резервират щанд, контакт Box Fan Expo:
Телефонен номер: (514) 572-7222 или номера на Лас Вегас (702) 997-1927
За всички запитвания, моля пишете: boxfanexpo@gmail.com

Повече информация за изложението Box Fan е на разположение на: HTTP://www.boxfanexpo.com

Можете да проследите Box Fan Expo на Twitter в: HTTPS://www.twitter.com/BoxFanExpo


Top-10 Ranked Undefeated Bantamweights Antonio Nieves & Nikolay Potapov Clash In Co-Feature To Claressa Shields vs. Szilvia Szabados On ShoBox: Новото поколение
Още, Undefeated Welterweight Wesley Tucker Faces Once-Beaten Ed Williams; Unbeaten Detroit Bantamweight James Gordon Smith Takes on Joshua Greer, Jr.
ДЕТРОЙТ (Февруари. 15, 2017) – Six prospects will round out the ShoBox: Новото поколение televised bouts for Salita PromotionsDetroit City Gold на Петък, Март 10, при MGM Grand Detroit, на живо по SHOWTIME (10 p.m. И/PT).
In addition to the history-making six-round main event featuring two-time Olympic Gold Medalist Claressa Шийлдс (1-0) of Flint, Mich., taking on Hungary’s SzilviaSunsetSzabados (15-8, 6 Нокаута) for the Women’s NABF Middleweight Championship, there will be a trio of exciting bouts between rising prospects with a combined record of 80-2-5 с 39 Нокаута.
Detroit City Goldwill mark the first time in history a women’s boxing match has headlined on premium television. Shields and Szabados will also be the first women’s fight on ShoBox, a series that has sparked the careers of 67 бъдещи световни шампиони.
Antonio Ниевес срещу. Николай Потапов – 10-Round Bantamweight Bout
The co-main event will feature a 10-round battle between top-10 ranked bantamweight contenders Antonio Ниевес (17-0-2, 9 Нокаута) и Николай Потапов (16-0-1, 8 Нокаута). Nieves is ranked No. 4 в WBO, while Potapov is ranked No. 9 от WBO, Do Not. 10 by WBA and No. 13 от IBF.
Nieves, a top amateur, was a five-time Cleveland Metro Golden Gloves Champion. В 2011, he was the National Golden Gloves runner-up and U.S. Nationals Bronze Medalist at 123 паунда.
A про от ноември 2011, he won the initial 12 fights of his career before boxing to an eight-round draw with Стефон Young юни 20, 2015. The NABO bantamweight champion, he has gone 6-0-1 since and is coming off a second-round TKO over Szilvester Ajtai последно Ноември. 26. През август 2016, he fought to a 10-round split draw against Mexico’s Alejandro Santiago на ShoBox.
Because they are both residents of Ohio, Nieves has long clamored for a showdown with former WBA Champion and fellow 118-lb contender Rau’shee Warren. A victory over Potapov may put him in the right position to have his wish granted later this year.
I feel great about this opportunity and I’m going to take advantage of it,” said Nieves. “Той е добър боец. He comes forward and throws a lot of punches. He’s got a solid foundation. I believe it’ll be a good fight but, общо, I’ll be able to outbox him. I can make him make mistakes and take advantage of it. Аз ще бъда 100 percent ready to show everybody the real Antonio Nieves. I’ll use my legs more and throw a lot of combinations. I will box my way to my big shot.
The 26-year-old Potapov was an outstanding amateur with international success. The 5-foot-4 native of Russia had around 200 fights before he turned pro in March 2010. Отишъл 13-0 as a pro in Russia before his U.S. дебют.
Potapov had a 14-fight winning streak ended when he boxed still-undefeated prospect Стефон Young (13-0 влизам) to a 10-round majority draw on April 15, 2016, на ShoBox. Потапов, who felt he had done more than enough to earn a victory, entered the ring ranked 10тата в IBF, rare for a fighter at that point in his career.
Since the disappointing result against Young, Potapov has fought twice, leaving nothing in the hands of the judges by winning both by early round knockout. He’s coming off a fourth-round TKO over Alexander Saltykov last Декември. 15.
I have been training in Russia and am excited to be in Detroit (since Feb. 1) training at the Kronk Gym with world-class trainer Javan SugarHill Steward,” Potapov said. “Antonio Nieves is a very talented fighter and I look forward to a great exciting fight of skill and will on Март 10.”
Wesley Tucker vs. Ед Уилямс – Eight Round Welterweight Bout
Също така на ShoBox: Новото поколение will be an eight-round welterweight battle between local prospects with much to prove, Wesley Tucker (13-0, 8 Нокаута) и Ед Уилямс (12-1-1, 4 Нокаута).
The 29-year-old Tucker, Толедо, Ohio, was a standout amateur. Той беше най- 2012 National Golden Gloves runner-up at 152 pounds and had over 250 любителски битки. Като професионален, he’s stayed relatively active since his debut in February 2013, but the 5-foot-8 southpaw has been virtually untested. Tucker will be looking to score his first significant professional victory against Williams.
“Чувствам се добре. Excited about the opportunity,” said Tucker. “He’s a tough fighter from Detroit. But I’m better. I’ve seen every kind of style there is. You can expect fireworks that night. Аз съм 100 percent ready.
Detroit’s Ed Williams is coming off a unanimous decision victory over then 6-1 Christon Edwards, last July at the MGM in Las Vegas. The 27-year-old suffered his lone career loss in November 2015 via unanimous decision to Marcus Beckford in Beckford’s home state of Louisiana. Като аматьор, Williams was a two-time Michigan State Champion and a two-time Detroit Golden Gloves Champion.
I feel like this is a great opportunity to fight at home and on TV,” Саид Williams. “It’s the first fight at the MGM, first women’s bout to headline. There’s a lot of firsts going on that night and it’s a big stage, but I’m not afraid of anything. I don’t know much about Tucker other than he’s from Oho and he’s shorter than me. I’m just going to prepare for everything. One thing about meI’m a gladiator. If he doesn’t show up to go to war, I will get him out of there. Обучение върви чудесно. I’m in Houston for this camp. I’m working on a lot of things and getting sharper and staying busy.
James Gordon Smith vs. Joshua Greer, Jr. – Eight Round Bantamweight Bout
Opening the telecast will be an eight-round bantamweightDetroit vs. Чикаго” конфронтация между Джеймс Смит (11-0, 6 Нокаута) и Joshua Greer, Jr. (11-1-1, 4 Нокаута).
The 26-year-old Smith was a standout amateur, ще 110-9 en route to a bronze medal at the National Golden Gloves. He holds an amateur win over current top-10 bantamweight Antonio Nieves.
Ковач, a 5-foot-4, is making his ninth start in Michigan, his seventh in Detroit and first at MGM Grand. A six-year pro, Smith has been victorious in three consecutive matches since a no-contest on Feb. 6, 2016. Той идва на разстояние втория рунд с TKO над Szilveszter Ajtai last Jan. 22 in his fourth consecutive scrap at Masonic Temple in Detroit.
This is a great opportunity to better my career and keep moving it into the right place,” Саид Smith. “A victory would get me ranked and keep me moving up the ladder. Plus the world will get to see me for the first time. I want to put on a good show, no matter how it goes. I just want it to be a competitive and exciting fight.
Greer, a 22-year-old Chicago native, was a Chicago Golden Gloves Champion. He will be coming down in weight to face Smith, having normally campaigned around 120 паунда. He was last seen stopping Cristian Renteria in the fifth round in October of last year. Before that he took the undefeated record of the Dominican Republic’s Juan Gabriel Medina (след това 10-0, 9 Нокаута) via unanimous six-round decision.
Greer suffered the lone loss of his career in the fifth fight of his career, a majority four-round decision against fellow unbeaten Стивън Фултън през декември 2015.
I feel really good about this. I’m ready and can’t wait for it to happen,” said Greer. “I don’t know much about James Smith, but I know we fought the same opponent, Antwan Робъртсън, and he got dropped by him. And I stopped him within 24 секунди от първия кръг. Обучение върви чудесно. I have the best sparring you can ask for, guys like Adrian Гранадос, Еди Рамирес, Ханк Lundy. I will be well prepared for this fight. If it was утре, I’d be ready.
На цена от $250, $150, $100 и $50, билети за “Detroit City Gold” са на разположение на Ticketmaster.com, всички Ticketmaster места или на телефон 800.745.3000.

Unbeaten Prospect & Cincinnati-Native Jamontay Clark Battles Nicaragua’s Santos Benavides in Undercard Action Saturday, Февруари 18 From the Cintas Center at Xavier University in Cincinnati

Exciting Prospects Round Out Night of Action Headlined by
Adrien Broner Facing Hard-Hitting Adrian Granados
in Main Event
CINCINNATI (Февруари 15, 2017) – Непобеден перспектива Jamontay Clark (10-0, 6 Нокаута) meets Nicaragua’s Santos Benavides (25-11-2, 19 Нокаута) in an eight-round bout that highlights an exciting undercard on Събота, Февруари 18 from the Cintas Center at Xavier University in Cincinnati.
The event is headlined by former four-division world champion Ейдриън Broner taking on hard-hitting contender Adrian Гранадос в SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс Main Event. Телевизионно покритие започва в 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT and features WBA Welterweight Champion David Avanesyan facing former two-time world champion Ламонт Питърсън and unbeaten light heavyweight contender Маркъс Браун meeting hard-hitting former title challenger Thomas Williams Jr.
Билети за събитието на живо, which is promoted by About Billions Promotions and Mayweather Promotions in association with TGB Promotions and K1 Promotions, са с цени $250, $100, $75, $50 и $30, Не включително приложими такси, и са в продажба сега. Билети могат да бъдат закупени онлайн на www.ticketmaster.com или като се обадите 1-800-745-3000.
Additional action will feature unbeaten Indianapolis-native Curtis Hill Jr. (9-0, 4 Нокаута) in a six-round light heavyweight bout against Cory Dulaney (5-3-1, 1 KO) and unbeaten Cincinnati-native Santino Turnbow (3-0, 2 Нокаута) поемането на Joe Miller Jr. (1-1) in a four-round cruiserweight showdown.
Rounding out the night is Cincinnati’s Desmons Jarman and Honduras-native David Quay in a four-round super featherweight and Atlanta’s Tra-Kwon Pettis (5-2, 1 KO) facing Milwaukee’s Mike Fowler (5-4, 2 Нокаута) in a four-round lightweight contest.
An unbeaten prospect fight at home in Cincinnati, на “Quiet Assassin” Clark picked up two victories in 2016 over increasingly quality competition as he stopped Elvin Perez in six rounds and earned a unanimous decision over Edgar Ortega. The 22-year-old last fought in his hometown in 2015 when he recorded a second round TKO of Joe Wilson Jr. and his fight on February 18 will make his third pro appearance in Cincinnati. He prepares to take on Benavides out of Chontales, Nicaragua who owns victories over Jay Krupp, Cody Richard and Joel Cerrud.
# # #
Adrien Broner vs. Adrian Granados will take place Събота, Февруари 18 from the Cintas Center at Xavier University in Cincinnati, OH live on SHOWTIME. Televised coverage on begins at 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT with unbeaten light heavyweight contender Маркъс Браун meeting hard-hitting former title challenger Thomas Williams Jr. в 10-кръгово показване. Also featured will be WBA Welterweight Champion David Avanesyan battling former two-time world champion Ламонт Питърсън.
За повече информация посетете www.SHO.com/Sports follow on Twitter @AdrienBroner, @ElTigreAG, SHOSports, @ShowtimeBoxing, MayweatherPromo, @CintasCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports и www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.

Undefeated World Champion Battles Keith Thurman in Main Event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on CBS Presented by Premier Boxing Champions Saturday, Март 4 в Barclays Center в Бруклин

Danny Garcia Media Workout Quotes & Снимки
Кликнете ТУК за снимки от Rosie Cohe / SHOWTIME
Кликнете ТУК for Garcia & Thurman Workout Photos from
Премиер боксови Champions
PHILADELPHIA (Февруари 15, 2017) – Undefeated world champion Danny “Swift” Garcia hosted Philadelphia media at his training camp Сряда as he prepares to face fellow welterweight world champion Keith “One Time” Търман в главното събитие на ШОУ ВРЕМЕ БОКС НА CBS, представен от Премиер боксови Champions, Събота, Март 4 от Barclays Center, в дома на Бруклин Бокс ™.
Broadcast coverage begins at 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT with undefeated rising star Erickson Lubin battling once-beaten knockout artist Jorge Cota in a super welterweight title eliminator bout.
Билети за събитието на живо, която се насърчава от DiBella Entertainment, започне в $50 (Не включително приложими такси) и са в продажба сега. Билети могат да бъдат закупени онлайн, като посетите www.ticketmaster.com, WWW.barclayscenter.com или като се обадите 1-800-745-3000. Билетите също са на разположение в седалището на American Express Box в Barclays Center. Група намаления са възможни, като се обадите 844-BKLYN-GP.
Here is what Garcia and his father and trainer, Ангел, трябваше да се каже Сряда from DSG Boxing Gym:
“В края на деня, I prepare myself to be 100 percent ready for anything Thurman does. I’m a true champion because I’m able to adapt to anything he can bring.
Training camp has been crucial. We’re working hard and pushing ourselves to the limit. We’ve done everything we have to do so far. It’s almost fight time.
We’re just working smart and hard. We’re sharpening and working on a great game plan. I have to stick to the game plan and adjust if I have to.
I’ve been in a lot of big fights, so I can’t psych myself out. На Март 4 I’m going to show the world again why I’m a real champion.
There’s no better feeling than unifying the title. I did it at 140 and now I have the chance to accomplish my goals at 147. It’s up to me to take advantage of it.
There’s been a lot of trash talk, but come Март 4, that’s all over. We each need to do what we do best, and that’s win.
I think I have a lot of advantages. One of them is that Barclays Center is like a second home. I’m the sharper, more patient and more battle-tested fighter. I’ll prove it on Март 4.
Thurman’s fight against Porter was a good fighter but I’m a different fighter than Shawn Porter. I bring a whole different skill set.
It feels good to represent my city. This is what Philadelphia fighters are all about. We rise to the occasion. I’ve been doing it my whole career.
There’s a lot of pressure on me to be the best. That’s what keeps me focused. I think about the eyes that are going to be on me and I have to go in there and look my best. These kind of fights really bring out the best in me.
ANGEL GARCIA, Баща на Дани & Треньор
For me it’s an important fight every time Danny steps in that ring. We train the same way no matter who the opponent is. We have to take everybody very seriously. There’s nothing easy in life. From the beginning of his career to its end.
Thurman is undefeated but just because they call him ‘One Timedoesn’t mean he’s going to do that to Danny. My son has a great chin. We don’t know about Thurman’s chin. He hasn’t fought a guy like Danny. This is a good sight for Danny to take into even bigger successes.
Danny has power just like Keith. We’re not scared of him. This is the hurt game. You know you’re going to get hit. We just don’t know if he can take a punch.
You can bet your money on whoever you want. At the end of the night, I know what Danny is going to bring to the table. At the end of the night, he’s going to be the new unified champion of the world.


Just The Third Unification Between Undefeated Welterweights In Boxing History

ШОУ ВРЕМЕ БОКС НА CBS, представени от Premier Boxing Champions, Live on CBS From Barclays Center In Brooklyn

NEW YORK (Февруари. 15, 2017) – Sugar Ray Leonard vs. Tommy Hearns. Феликс Тринидад срещу. Oscar De La Hoya. Флойд Мейуедър срещу. Мани Пакиао.

That is the elite company welterweight champions Danny Garcia and Keith Thurman will join when they meet in just the 10татаunification in division history on Събота, Март 4 on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on CBS, представени от Premier Boxing Champions, от Barclays Center, в дома на Бруклин Бокс ™, live on CBS from 9-11 p.m. И/6-8 p.m. PT.

Garcia, the WBC titleholder, and Thurman, the WBA champion, will unify the exact same titles that Leonard (WBC) and Hearns (WBA) unified in their 1981 Fight на годината.

And while Hearns was undefeated and Leonard entered with one loss, Garcia (33-0, 19 Нокаута) and Thurman (27-0, 22 Нокаута) will meet in just the third unification between непобеден welterweights in boxing history, на първи since Trinidad vs. De La Hoya in 1999, a bout billed as “The Fight of the Millennium.”

Гарсия срещу. Thurman will be broadcast in Primetime on CBS, the first unification on network television in any division in over two decades (Забележка: Тери Норис срещу. Paul Vaden at 154-pounds on Dec. 16, 1995 по FOX). It’s also just the second primetime boxing presentation on the CBS Television Network in nearly 40 години.

While Danny Garcia and Keith Thurman are joining a who’s who of legendary 147-pounders, their showdown also presents current implications in boxing’s glamour division. With the retirement of pound-for-pound kingpin Floyd Mayweather, Garcia and Thurman, both just 28 възраст, meet with a chance to become the new face of the stacked 147-pound division, and perhaps earn a spot on the mythical pound-for-pound list.

Повече от 80 percent of the total punches landed by Garcia are power shots, putting his high-octane power punch output nearly 10 percent higher than the welterweight average.

Keith Thurman ranks No. 4 amongst all current boxers in percentage of power punches landed, connecting at 48.2 percent according to Compubox. That’s more than 10 percent better than the welterweight average.

Both fighters are young, hungry and undefeated. Their bout on Март 4 is the quintessential career-defining fight. It is a chance for both to add to their growing legacy and potentially, ultimately, be forever linked with every boxing great in the coveted International Boxing Hall of Fame.

Забележка: Welterweight Unifications (9) In Boxing History

· Джаки Fields (NBA) W DQ 2 Joe Dundee (Свят) 7-25-29

· Sugar Ray Leonard (WBC) KO 14 Thomas Hearns (WBA) 9-16-81

· Donald Curry (WBA, IBF) KO 3 Milton McCrory (WBA) 12-6-85

· Simon Brown (IBF) KO 10 Maurice Blocker (WBC) 3-18-91

· Феликс Тринидад (IBF) The 12 Oscar De La Hoya (WBC) 9-18-99

· Рикардо Майорга (WBA) KO 3 Върнън Форест (WBC) 1-25-03

· Cory Spinks (IBF) The 12 Рикардо Майорга (WBA, WBC) 12-13-03

· Флойд Мейуедър (WBC, WBA Super) The 12 Marcos Maidana (WBA) 5-3-14

· Флойд Мейуедър (WBC, WBA Super) Мани Пакиао (WBO) 5-2-15

Забележка: Curry-McCrory and Trinidad-DLH were matchups of unbeatens.

Билети за събитието на живо, която се насърчава от DiBella Entertainment, започне в $50 (Не включително приложими такси) и са в продажба сега. Билети могат да бъдат закупени онлайн, като посетите www.ticketmaster.com, WWW.barclayscenter.com или като се обадите 1-800-745-3000. Билетите също са на разположение в седалището на American Express Box в Barclays Center. Група намаления са възможни, като се обадите 844-BKLYN-GP.


Кийт Търман срещу. Дани Гарсия е борба за световна титла в полусредна категория между непобедени 147-килограмови титристи. Заглавията на двубоя от 12 кръга ШОУ ВРЕМЕ БОКС НА CBS, представен от Премиер боксови Champions,Събота март 4 от Barclays Center, в дома на Бруклин Бокс ™. В съпътстващото събитие непобедена изгряваща звездаErickson Lubin битки веднъж бит нокаут артист Jorge Cota в двубой за елиминатор в супер полусредна категория на CBS на 9 p.m. И/6 p.m. PT.

За повече информация посетете www.SHO.com/Sports последват в TwitterSHOSports, KeithFThurmanJr, DannySwift, LouDiBella, BarclaysCenter ИSwanson_Comm или станете фен на Facebook в www.Facebook.com/SHOSports,www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter. PBC е спонсориран от Corona, Finest Beer.

Caribe Promotions and Warriors Boxing Announce Co-Promotional Agreement with WBA Interim Cruiserweight World Champion Yunier Dorticos

Caribe Promotions and Warriors Boxing Announce Co-Promotional Agreement with WBA Interim Cruiserweight World Champion Yunier Dorticos
Warriors Boxing and Caribe Promotions proudly announce they have teamed up to sign Miami via Cuba’s interim WBA World Cruiserweight Champion, Cuba’s Yunier Dorticos, до споразумение за сътрудничество промоционална.
The power-punching Dorticos (21-0, 20 Нокаута), originally from Cienfuego, Куба, won his interim championship with a “Fight на годината” candidate TKO 20 over France’s tough Youri Kayembre Kalenga in May of last year.
In his seven-year career, the 30-year-old slugger has also held the WBC Latino, WBA Fedelatin and USBA Cruiserweight Championships. Dorticos was also a heavily decorated amateur before defecting to the United States and had 257 краища. He stands 6′ 3″ with a massive 80″ достигнат.
I have worked hard in my career and Caribe Promotions has helped get me to where I am now. I am a world-class fighter, and that comes with making choices to benefit my career and my team,” said Dorticos. “I am excited to join Warriors Boxing as my co-promoter along with my Caribe Promotions, because it gives me to opportunity to be under the guidance of a world-class championship team and take my career to new heights. Together with Caribe Promotions and Warriors Boxing, I will become the best 200-lb undisputed Cruiserweight Champion in the World.
Dorticos is slated to further legitimize his title by facing the WBA’s “Редовен” World Cruiserweight Champion Beibut Shumenov in his next fight. “My exiting fighting style and punching power will once again show all my fans and the world why I’m called ‘The KO Doctorand my next patient that I will prescribe my medication to is Beibut Shumenov!”
We are very happy to be working with such a top talent like Yunier Dorticos, whom I consider to be the closest thing to the great Joe Louis in boxing today,” said Luis DeCubas, Chief Operating Officer of Warriors Boxing. “I’d like to thank our partner Boris Arencibia for trusting Warriors Boxing to help guide his career. Dorticos will beat Shumenov. He’s another terrific Cuban fighter with a very bright future.
Caribe Promotions is proud to sign Yunier Dorticos to a co-promotional partnership with Warriors Boxing,” said Boris Arencibia, President of Caribe Promotions. “With the knowledge, experience and boxing network of Luis DeCubas and Warriors Boxing, we will be able to put our champion Dorticos on top of the world. ‘The KO Doctoris coming to clean up the cruiserweight division and will be recognized has one of the best pound-for-pound fighters in the world very soon!”
Andre Courtemanche
Big Media Buzz
(954) 302-2462