Цатегори Арцхивес: бокс

Open Class Semifinals results from Lowell

71st annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship
ЛОВЕЛЛ, Маса. (Март 2, 2017) – An appreciative crowd enjoyed 11 action-packed matches last night in the open class semifinals of the New England Tournament of Champions, part of the 71st annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship, at historic Lowell Memorial Auditorium.
The finals of the New England Tournament of Champions will be held вечерас(Четвртак, Море. 2) at Lowell Memorial Auditorium to crown the 2017 НИ. прваци, who will represent Team New England at the National Golden Gloves Championships for men in Lafayette, Луизијана (Мај) and women in Ft. Lauderdale, Флорида (Јул).
Team Central edged Team West for the most wins last night, 4-3, followed by Team North and Team South with two victories apiece.
To purchase individual tickets, са почетком у $16.00 ($7.00 for students), call the Lowell Memorial Auditorium box office at 1.866.722.8881 or order online at www.LowellMemorialAuditorium.са.
Proceeds from the Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship go towards sending the New England Golden Gloves champions to the National Golden Gloves Championship (2017 in Lafayette, Луизијана), in addition to supporting local athletes and area gyms, the Boys & Гирлс Цлуб, soup kitchens, homeless shelters, cancer funds, scholarships and many other great charitable causes.
НИ. semifinals results below:
(Победници први на листи)
Central N.E. (CNE), Northern N.E. (NNE), Southern N.E. (SNE), Western NE (WNE)
Open Division
У борби М-1 Медиевал Книгхт између руских тешкаша (114 кг.)
Jose Ferrer, Јр. (New Bedford, Мр / SNE)
WPTS3 (5-0)
Shin Merinda (Haverhill, Мр / CNE)
Joseph Valdez (West Roxbury, Мр / CNE)
WPTS3 (3-2)
Габријел “Тито” Моралес (Портланд, МЕ / NNE)
Nathan Martinez (New Britain, ЦТ / WNE)
WPTS (4-1)
Christian Figueroa (Central Falls, РИ / SNE)
Лаких модела (132 кг.)
Dayshon Smith (West Haven, ЦТ / WNE)
WPTS3 (5-0)
Michael Valentin (Провиђење, РИ / SNE)
Efrain Nieves (Нови рај, ЦТ / WNE)
WPTS3 (5-0)
Marcelino DeBarros (Pawtucket, РИ / SNE)
Josnell Castro (Портланд, МЕ / NNE)
WPTS3 (4-1)
Michael Ohan (Holbrook, Мр / SNE)
Ксавиер Вега (Лоренц, Мр / CNE)
WPTS3 (5-0)
Jeffrey Gonzalez (Нови рај, ЦТ / WNE)
Yarmarco Guzman (Methuen, Мр / CNE)
WPTS3 (3-2)
Trevor Lattimore (Bridgeport, ЦТ / WNE)
Хеавивеигхтс (201+ кг.)
Tim Hatfield (Провиђење, РИ / SNE)
WPTS3 (4-1)
Zack Calmus (Gloucester, Мр / CNE)
У борби М-1 Медиевал Книгхт између руских тешкаша (112 кг.)
Jennifer Amato (Keene, НХ / NNE)
WPTS4 (5-0)
Marisa Belenchi (Нови рај, ЦТ / WNE)
Пратите УСА Бокинг на друштвеним мрежама да бисте били у току са тренинзима и вестима о Олимпијском квалификационом тиму. (Пратите УСА Бокинг на друштвеним мрежама да бисте били у току са тренинзима и вестима о Олимпијском квалификационом тиму., Мр / CNE)
WPTS4 (3-2)
Elizabeth Humphries (Agawam, Мр / WNE)
71st annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship Schedule
(Ловелл Мемориал Аудиториум – 6:30 п.м. Врата се отварају, 7:30 п.м. Први боут)
New England Tournament of Champions
Open Class Championship Finals – Четвртак, Море. 2
New England Golden Gloves Executive Director: Bobby Russo
Director of Contestants: Art Ramalho
Chief of Officials: Laurie Purcell
Ринг Анноунцер: John Vena
Венуе: Ловелл Мемориал Аудиториум, 50 Merrimack St., Ловелл, Мр
Твиттер: @LowellGloves
ABOUT LOWELL SUN CHARITIES: Основана 1947, Lowell Sun Charities is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to enrich the quality of life for children, families, and the community, offering programs that promote respect and dignity. Rooted in a tradition of care and compassion, Lowell Sun Charities was originally founded to respond to the ever-increasing challenges of the community. 2017 marks the 71ул year the Golden Gloves have been held in the great city of Lowell, Масачусетс.
Lowell Sun Charities is a community program that not only makes champions in the ring but also makes champions in life. Every year these young athletes devote themselves to a sport which teaches discipline, respect, and clean lifestyle for a chance to win a prestigious Golden Gloves Championship.

ALL ACCESS DAILY: Thurman vs. Гарсија, Part One and Two VIDEOS

ALL ACCESS Daily: Thurman vs. Гарсија – Part One | 4-Part Digital Series<br><br><ифраме видтх =”560″ хеигхт =”315″ срц =”хттпс://www.youtube.com/embed/rar-Iby2K5I” фрамебордер =”0″ алловфуллсцреен></ифраме><br><br>

ALL ACCESS Daily: Thurman vs. Гарсија – Part Two | 4-Part Digital Series<br><br>

<ифраме видтх =”560″ хеигхт =”315″ срц =”хттпс://www.youtube.com/embed/ovGSeBSXudc” фрамебордер =”0″ алловфуллсцреен></ифраме>


ЛАС ВЕГАС, НВ (Март 1, 2017) – Continuing their ongoing momentum, Маивеатхер Промоције expands their roster with top super flyweight prospect, DylanThe Real DylPrice (1-0, 1 КО). Philadelphia-born, but now residing in Sicklerville, Њу Џерзи, Price has his eyes set on becoming boxing’s next superstar!
Price hails from a deep boxing background. Његов отац, who manages boxers, had a short-lived pro-career, and his two brothers both boxed at the amateur level. Price hasn’t looked back since being introduced to the sport of boxing at nine-years-old. The 18-year old Price made an impressive pro-debut just a few weeks ago in North Carolina, which ended with an explosive 61 second KO against Malcolm Speight.
Price just missed the age mark to participate in the Olympic games; however turning pro was naturally the next best move for the up-and-coming young fighter. Price has amassed numerous accomplishments as an amateur including: 2009 Рингсиде, 2009 Национални ПАЛ, 2012 Јр. Голден Гловес, 2013 Junior Olympic National ChampionshipPinweight Champion, 2013 Junior Olympic National ChampionshipMost Outstanding Male boxer, 2015 USA Youth Champion (voted outstanding boxer), 2015 Национални ПАЛ, 2016 USA Youth Champion (Тим САД), and he won a gold medal at the U.S. Junior Open and Youth National Championships in Nevada.
Boxing is in my blood,” says Price. “I was conditioned for this before I could remember, now I must remain focused, stick to the plan, and allow my team [Маивеатхер Промоције] to help me become the best fighter I can be.
Leonard Ellerbe welcomes the young fighter by saying, “We couldn’t be more pleased with Dylan Price. He’s young and exciting, and has all the necessary tools to become a successful fighter, now it’s up to us to bring it all together.
Пратите нас на Твиттер у: @МаивеатхерПромо , Instagram @mayweatherpromotions become a fan on Facebook at: www.mayweatherpromotions.com/МаивеатхерПромотионс for news and updates. Follow Dylan Price on Instagram: @Dylantherealdylprice.

Mario Barrios Talks Move Up In Weight, Career, And More

БРООКЛИН, НИ (Март 1, 2017) In preparation for his upcoming fight ове суботе at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, НИ, undefeated super-lightweight prospect, Марио Бариос (17-0, 9 КОс) talks about moving up in weight, and the status of his career. Бариос ће се суочити у Мексику Yardley Suarez (20-6, 11 КОс) у осам рунди меча, in only his second fight at super-lightweight.
How is the transition from super-featherweight to super-lightweight coming along?
With the move to super-lightweight, my body feels a lot stronger. I’m still growing, so making super-featherweight was just getting to difficult. Борба у 140 pounds seems to be the best option for me right now in my career. Eventually I’ll be moving up to welterweight at some point.
What can you tell us about your upcoming opponent, Yardley Suarez?
I don’t know much about him except that he’s a tough fighter from Mexico with a winning record. He’s a right hander who’s been in the ring with some good opposition. I know he’s coming to fight so I’m not taking him lightly.
Can you talk about fighting in New York at the Barclays Center?
This will be my second time fighting out there. The fans are great and it’s a beautiful venue. The Barclays Center seems to have taken over the Madison Square Garden as the new boxing arena. As a kid, you always dream of fighting in a major city like New York. I’m just glad I’m able to start building a fan base here. I’m excepting a live crowd to be in attendance with the Thurman vs. Garcia fight taking place in the main event, and that has me excited.
Talk about training with your new coach, Виргил Хантер, and what you like about him?
In addition to Virgil being a great motivator, he also brings a lot of knowledge and experience to the table. I’m soaking up all everything that he’s teaching me. One thing about Virgil, he’ll let you know exactly how he feels. I love that he’s a no-nonsense type of guy. We are working really good together and I’m happy that he’s in my corner.
Do you feel you need a few more fights at super-lightweight before you start fighting the contenders in the division?
This will only be my second fight at super-lightweight, so I feel after a few more bouts, I’ll be ready to step up to the top contenders. I’m still getting used to the weight change, but like I said, Осећам јак, and I’m getting comfortable.


Four-Part Digital Series Immerses Viewers in Fight Week with Undefeated Champions, Delivering Daily Coverage Среда кроз Субота

Part One Available Now!

ИоуТубе: хттп://s.sho.com/2lW2akK


SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on CBS, представили Премиер Бокинг Цхампионс, Live in Primetime on CBS From Barclays Center In Brooklyn


SHOWTIME Sports presents “ALL ACCESS DAILY: Thurman vs. Гарсија,” a four-part digital series delivering daily coverage of fight week leading up to the Март 4 welterweight unification between undefeated world champions Danny Garcia and Keith Thurman. ALL ACCESS DAILY, an online exclusive installment inspired by the three-time Sports Emmy® Award-winning series “ALL ACCESS”, is the first real-time offering of the immersive documentary program.


Part One of the four-part series is available now. New installments of ALL ACCESS DAILY will be available each day by 10 а.м. Икроз Субота, Март 4 о SHO.com, the СХОВТИМЕ Спортски ИоуТубе канал (@shosports) анд SHOWTIME Sports Facebook page.


Viewers will join Garcia and Thurman as they embark for New York from their respective hometowns of Philadelphia and St. Петербург, Фла., for what is expected to be the biggest boxing event in Barclays Center history. From the moment they hit the Big Apple to the first meal following Петак вагати-у, ALL ACCESS DAILY will peel back the curtain of fight week as the undefeated 147-pound champs prepare to unify boxing’s glamour division.


The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on CBS, представили Премиер Бокинг Цхампионс, broadcast will air live on CBS from 9-11 п.м. И/6-8 п.м. PT from Barclays Center in Brooklyn, дом БРООКЛИН БОКСИНГ ™. The broadcast is presented by Premier Boxing Champions and produced by SHOWTIME Sports® for CBS Television, both divisions of the CBS Corporation.


Улазнице за догађају уживо, која се промовише ДиБелла Ентертаинмент, крећу од $50 (не укључујући накнаде примењиве) и сада су у продаји. Карте се могу купити на мрежи посетом ввв.тицкетмастер.цом, ввв.барцлаисцентер.цом или позивом 1-800-745-3000. Улазнице су доступне на Америцан Екпресс благајни Барцлаис Центру. Група попусти су на располагању позивом на 844-Бклин-ГП.



Дени Гарсија вс. Keith Thurman is a welterweight world title showdown between undefeated 147-pound titlists. The 12-round bout headlinesSHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on CBS, presented by Премиер Бокс шампиона, Субота Март 4 из Барцлаис Центер, дом БРООКЛИН БОКСИНГ ™. In the co-main event undefeated rising star Ериксон Лубин battles once-beaten knockout artist Хорхе Цота in a super welterweight title eliminator bout on CBS at 9 п.м. И/6 п.м. ПТ.


За више информација посетите ввв.СХО.цом/Спортс Фоллов он Твиттер@СХОСпортс, КеитхФТхурманЈр, ДанниСвифт, ЛоуДиБелла, @БарцлаисЦентер И@Свансон_Цомм или постати вентилатор на Фацебоок-у ввв.Фацебоок.цом/СХОСпортс, ввв.Фацебоок.цом/ДиБеллаЕнтертаинмент, ввв.Фацебоок.цом/барцлаисцентер. PBC is sponsored by Corona, финест pivo.

David HayeTony Bellew LIVE this Saturday on AWE-A Wealth of Entertainment AND www.klowdtv.com

HayeBellew Press Conference Video
1 Пм ЕТ / 10 ПМ ЦВ
САН ДИЕГО–Below is the contentious press conference video between former Heavyweight and Cruiserweight world champion David Haye and current Cruiserweight world champion Tony Bellew before their Heavyweight grudge match that will take place ове суботе у Лондону, Енглеска.

The fight card can be seen LIVE in the United States on AWE-A Wealth of Entertainment and for fans who want to see the fight that do not have AWE, they can watch the fight on the AWE channel on www.klowdtv.com са почетком у 1 Пм ЕТ / 10 ПМ ЦВ

Haye - Bellew Press Conference
HayeBellew Press Conference
KlowdTV Boxing McDonnell vs Vargas
KlowdTV Boxing McDonnell vs Vargas

World Class MMA on FITE

This week we have some MMA events from around the world coming to FITE and they are here to show that they have what it takes to compete with the best.


Starting early on the Friday the 3rd of March we have Diamondback Fighting Championships live from Australia. It will feature Shane Mitchell vs. Brandon Ropati. If you can’t catch it there will be a replay.


Later we are going back to Missouri to stream Gateway Fighting Series 8 with Trevon Crawford vs. Jace Kyle Burcham and Brittany Cloud vs. Savannah Shahan.

On the 4th it is Austrian Fight Challenge 5 that will hook you in with the fight between Aleksandar Rakic and Sergio “Kreator” Souza.


Wrestling fans can enjoy the match between Mr. Anderson and Alberto El Patron this Sunday, live from the UK when Big League Wrestling: Gold Rush will stream.


And just to remind you that Kayfabe commentaries are now on FITE – here are some interesting interview excerpts just for you


Keith Thurman vs. Danny Garcia Media Workout Quotes & Фотографије


Welterweight World Title Unification Headlines


Представили Премиер Бокинг Цхампионс, Субота, Март 4

Из Барцлаис центру у Бруклину

Кликните ОВДЕ За слике из Аманда Вестцотт / Сховтиме

Кликните ОВДЕ За слике из Ед Диллер / ДиБелла Ентертаинмент

БРООКЛИН (Март 1, 2017) – Welterweight world champions Кит Терман и Дени Гарсија participated in a media workout at world famous Gleason’s Gym Среда afternoon in advance of their primetime showdown that headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on CBS, presented by Премиер Бокс шампиона, ово Субота, Март 4 из Барцлаис Центер, дом БРООКЛИН БОКСИНГ ™.

Присуствовао Среда and opening the broadcast at 9 п.м. И/6 п.м. PT were undefeated rising star Ериксон Лубин and once-beaten knockout artist Хорхе Цота, who meet in a super welterweight world title eliminator.


Улазнице за догађају уживо, која се промовише ДиБелла Ентертаинмент, крећу од $50 (не укључујући накнаде примењиве) и сада су у продаји. Карте се могу купити на мрежи посетом ввв.тицкетмастер.цом, ввв.барцлаисцентер.цом или позивом 1-800-745-3000. Улазнице су доступне на Америцан Екпресс благајни Барцлаис Центру. Група попусти су на располагању позивом на 844-Бклин-ГП.


Additional fighters participating in the workout and competing in undercard action у суботу included light heavyweight contender Андрзеј Фонфара, who takes on former world champion Чад Досон, popular local unbeaten Хедер Харди, који се бори Edina Kiss in a featherweight attraction, Супер лаган Марио Бариос, који испуњава Yardley Suarez in an eight-round fight, unbeaten contender Сергеи Липинетс and Florida’s Clarence Booth, who meet in super lightweight action and 2016 Хаитија Олимпијац Richardson Hitchins, who makes his pro debut.


Here is what the fighters


Кит Терман


“It feels great to be in this big fight. This is what we’ve been dreaming of. It feels like my destiny. When you put so much hard work into the sport, everyone knows you’re planting a seed. You have to watch it grow and nurture it before it starts to bear fruit.


“Brooklyn has one of a kind fight fans. The history of this city and the history of boxing in this city is exceptional. The appreciation they have for fighters is one of a kind. It’s always a blessing to perform for these fans.


“I expect the best of Danny Garcia. This is the biggest fight of either of our careers. I saw the best of Shawn Porter, but Keith Thurman was able to rise to the top once again.


“When you look at the facts and our records, it doesn’t get bigger than this. There’s no comparison to my other fights. This is the biggest of my career.


“The ultimate goal is to unify the division. It’s a blessing right now to have two undefeated world champions. These titles have only been brought together a few times in history. То је одлична прилика. The winner is going to be that man to beat at 147-pounds.


“I believe that we will see the next superstar in the welterweight division after we unify these titles. Whoever becomes the undisputed welterweight champion of the world, will be on another level. We’re going to take our first step toward that Субота ноћ.


“I want to touch as many households as I can touch. I want the kids who come from the struggle; I want them to see me. They have to learn that they’re going to earn their stripes in life from training hard in the gym.”


Дени Гарциа


“I’ve trained hard for this fight and I’m ready. Субота ноћ, I’ll be the new unified champion of the world.


“The atmosphere at Barclays Center is amazing. I’ve always requested to fight here and I’m glad they accept me. I can’t wait to fight in front of those great fans again.


“I’m prepared for the best Keith Thurman. I’m ready to make adjustments and fight like a true champion and get the victory.


“I’ve been training a long time for this fight. I felt great in the gym and I was really comfortable the whole time. I’ve had no struggle to make weight. I feel strong and I’ve had no injuries. That’s a perfect camp. We train hard, we train smart and we’re prepared for Субота ноћ.


“I always train to impress. I don’t need to add any extra pressure just because it’s a big audience. I have to go in there and keep my composure and be the same Danny Garcia that I always am.


“We just have to stay focused у суботу ноћ. We’re just worried about my game plan for the fight. There’s no distractions for me. I think everything will go smoothly.


“There’s always been some tough fights in the legacies of other great fighters. Each fight is a learning experience. Everything in my career has led me to this fight.


“People want to see the best fight the best. This is my chance to prove it to the world that I’m one of the best fighters in the world.


“I’m definitely a better fighter than Keith Thurman. He’s never been in the ring with a guy like me. Субота ноћ, I’m going to prove it. I’m the better counter-puncher, I’m sharper and I’ll prove it у суботу ноћ. "


Ерицксон ЛУБИН


“It feels great to be here. Training camp was amazing. We had lots of sparring and made lots of improvements from my last fight. I feel strong and I can’t wait until Субота ноћ.


“I don’t let anything get to me. I know what I can do. I’m going to go in there confident and be dominant. I’m going to be aware of everything and keep my mind sharp in the ring.


“My coach does the studying of the tape but I know he’s a strong Mexican power-puncher. We know he’s going to be aggressive, but we’re ready for any style he comes with у суботу ноћ.


“For every opponent, the game plan is different. We have a game plan, but we’ll be ready to adjust. На крају дана, I have to go in there and win, and win impressively.


“Being on this card is a wonderful feeling. I get to open up for this tremendous fight that I think is going to be the Fight of the Year. I’m going to set the bar real high.


“I’m coming for that number one spot Субота ноћ. Nakon toga, I become the mandatory for Jermell Charlo. I’m going to win this fight in spectacular fashion, mark my words.”




“I know that it’s been a long lay-off but I’ve been staying in the gym and staying ready. I don’t think I’ll have any ring rust once I get in there.


“I’m going to take it round-by-round and see what he brings into the ring. I’m going to make adjustments off of what I see. I’ll assess the situation and take it on from there.


“I have a lot of motivation coming into this fight and I’m ready to move a step closer to a world title. This opportunity is something that I won’t let slip by.


“I know I have a very tough opponent in front of me, but I am too strong and I will be too good у суботу ноћ. "


Анџеј Фонфара


“I got some rest after my last fight and get myself back together. The decision was to change trainers to Virgil Hunter. I’m happy with that decision and I had a great camp.


“I have more focus during this camp. It’s just my family and the gym. The same thing every day. I’m in possibly the best shape I’ve been in my life.


“I have a great jab that I have to use. I think I’m a stronger and more physical fighter than Chad Dawson. I know how to box inside and outside. Dawson has a lot of experience but I know I will be ready for anything he brings.


“There are a lot of Polish fans I’m expecting to see у суботу ноћ. I know that Brooklyn has a large population of Polish boxing fans. I’m ready for that feeling. I’m back and I’m going after a world title.”


Хеатхер Харди


“I’ve had my eyes on this fight date for a while. I knew that I had to get on this card. There had to be at least one woman representing our sport on this card.


“The women have to work three times as hard just to get to this point. Girls train just as hard as men and we’re working towards getting our due.


“We don’t just represent ourselves when we get in the ring, we represent our sport. There’s always an incredible amount of pressure, no matter what the stage is.


“Just before this fight camp I was coming off of an eight-week MMA camp. Thinking about a girl who can only hit me with two hands, I’m not worried at all.


“I’m excited to get back in the ring and put on a show for my loyal and dedicated fans who love to watch me fight.”




“I’m very grateful to have the opportunity to be on this card. We’re more than prepared for this fight. We have a tough opponent but I’m ready to take everything we’ve done in the gym and put it into the ring.


“My team has watched some tape on my opponent. I personally don’t like to watch too much of their tapes. Everyone fights different opponents differently. We came up with a game plan for this fight and that’s what we’ve been working on all camp.


“A win means everything to me. It’s going to help me climb the ladder and help me take another step in my career.


“I love fighting in New York. The people in this city are incredible and they come out for big fights like this. It’s huge to be on this stage and I’m going to take advantage of it.”




“The bright lights have never scared me away. I’m more motivated by the importance of this card. All I care about is what happens in the fight. I don’t see any distractions. I’m focused on my opponent.


“I prepare for every fight like it’s for a world title. It’s the same system for getting ready. But I am aware that people have a lot of tape on me now, so my team has been working on bringing something different to each fight.


“As of now, I’m the IBF mandatory, but I’m not looking past Clarence Booth. I want to take care of this fight and then move on to whoever is holding that belt in June or July. Желим светску титулу борбу нект.


“I respect every man who steps into that squared-circle. Clarence Booth is a great fighter and I respect him for getting in the ring with me. He’s in my way and I plan on putting on a great performance.”




“Being in camp with Keith Thurman is like being in the school of boxing. We spar, get some good rounds in and he always gives me good advice.


“I’m prepared for anything у суботу ноћ. I’ve watched him a little bit. I see he’s a big puncher, but I’m a big puncher too. I’m ready to get to work.


“I can do it all in the ring. I can brawl, box and adjust to my opponent. Ја сам узбуђен због ове борбе у суботу.


“This is a tremendous opportunity for me and I’m just excited to get in the ring and take advantage of it у суботу ноћ. "




“I’m excited to make my pro debut. I’ve fought in the Golden Gloves at Barclays Center before so there’s no pressure heading into this one.


“I’ve had a long amateur career and I think all of that prepared me for this moment. Everything I’ve been doing since I was 13 has led to this.


“I don’t know too much about my opponent but I’m going to go in there and adapt. We’ve trained to be prepared for this.


“I’ve always seen myself fighting on big cards and one day I’ll be the headliner. We’re finally on the right track towards what I’m looking to accomplish.”


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Keith Thurman vs. Danny Garcia is a welterweight world title showdown between undefeated 147-pound titlists. The 12-round bout headlinesSHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on CBS, presented by Премиер Бокс шампиона, Субота Март 4 из Барцлаис Центер, дом БРООКЛИН БОКСИНГ ™. In the co-main event undefeated rising star Ериксон Лубин battles once-beaten knockout artist Хорхе Цота in a super welterweight title eliminator bout on CBS at 9 п.м. И/6 п.м. ПТ.


За више информација посетите ввв.СХО.цом/Спортс Фоллов он Твиттер@СХОСпортс, КеитхФТхурманЈр, ДанниСвифт, ЛоуДиБелла, @БарцлаисЦентер И@Свансон_Цомм или постати вентилатор на Фацебоок-у ввв.Фацебоок.цом/СХОСпортс, ввв.Фацебоок.цом/ДиБеллаЕнтертаинмент, ввв.Фацебоок.цом/барцлаисцентер. PBC is sponsored by Corona, финест pivo.


Shields Headlines First Women’s Boxing Bout On Premium Television On Петак, Март 10 Ливе он СХОВТИМЕ® From MGM Grand Detroit

Кликните ОВДЕ За Фотографије

Фотографија Кредит: Bob Ryder

ДЕТРОИТ, МИ (Фебруар 28) – Two-time Olympic Gold Medalist Цларесса Шилдс (1-0) of Flint, Мичиген, and bantamweight contender Николај Потапов (16-0-1, 8 КОс) of Podolsk, Русија, разрађен за медије у уторак унапред њиховог СхоБок: Нова генерација televised bouts for Salita Promotions’ “Detroit City Gold” о Петак, Март 10, у MGM Grand Detroit, and live on СХОВТИМЕ (10 п.м. И/ПТ).

The first women’s boxing main event to be featured on premium television, Shields’ history making fight will be a six-round battle againstHungary’s Szilvia “Sunset” Szabados (15-8, 6 КОс) за Women’s NABF Middleweight Championship.

У сарадњи-феатуред борбе, Потапов, currently training at the Kronk Gym, will challenge Cleveland’s Антонио Ниевес (17-0-2, 9 КОс) in a 10-round fight for his NABO Bantamweight Championship.

In the eight-round televised bantamweight opener, Detroit-based bantamweight prospect James Smith (11-0, 6 КОс) will take on Chicago’s Joshua Greer, Јр. (11-1-1, 4 КОс). In the other eight-round televised bout of the exciting quadrupleheader, велтер категорија Wesley Tucker (13-0, 8 КОс) Толедо, Охајо, faces Detroit’s Ed Williams (12-1-1, 4 КОс).

Tickets for “Detroit City Gold” are priced at $250, $150, $100 и $50, а су доступни на Тицкетмастер.цом, all Ticketmaster locations or by phone at 800.745.3000.

Испод је оно што су борци су имали да кажу:

Цларесса Шилдс:

“I made history in the amateurs, so it’s very special to me to be making history in the pros too and also doing it so close to home in Detroit.

“For this fight, I did more road work and also worked hard on my fundamentals. With my coach, Jason Crutchfield, in my corner he knows my weaknesses and strong points, so we are strengthening all weaknesses.

“I know that Szabados has a lot of body endurance and a ‘no quit’ mindset in the ring. She has a lot more professional experience than me and is a huge step up for me, as it is only my second professional fight.

“With my reputation and name steady rising and me getting a lot of notoriety, I have really just been handling it by taking a few deep breaths and just not allowing myself to get too excited. When I think about Март 10, I just wanna jump up and down!

“When I was an amateur, I followed women’s professional boxing the best I could. I thought a lot of women weren’t given equal opportunity. I told myself that for women’s boxing to grow, I’d have to go pro after winning the Olympics again. I felt in my heart that I would be respected and given a chance. I take advantage of every opportunity, so as of now, I feel women’s boxing is a sport that is going to be around for a long time.”

Николај Потапов:

“Nieves is good fighter, and he’s ranked in the top 10. I want to fight the best available in my division. A win over Nieves would be huge for my career and would hopefully lead to a shot at a title in the near future. I can’t lose on Март 10.

“I trained hard to go the distance of 10 метака, but Kronk’s philosophy is not to leave it in the hands of the judges.

“I am thankful to Showtime and Salita Promotions for giving me another opportunity to fight on such a prestigious network. I am focused on bringing home the victory after spending time in Detroit training at the legendary Kronk Gym. "

Andrzej Fonfara Training Camp Quotes & Фотографије

Polish Light Heavyweight Contender Battles Former World Champion Chad Dawson in Undercard Action Субота, Март 4 од Барцлаис центар у Бруклину
Кликните ОВДЕ for Photos from Stephanie Trapp
БРООКЛИН (Фебруар 28, 2017) – Exciting heavyweight contender Андрзеј Фонфара has wrapped up training camp and is ready to battle former world champion Чад Досон о Субота, Март 4 из Барцлаис Центер, in front of the passionate Polish boxing fans in Brooklyn.
The Март 4 event is headlined by the highly anticipated welterweight world title unification showdown between Кит Терман и Дени Гарсија that serves as the main event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on CBS, presented by Премиер Бокс шампиона. Broadcast coverage begins at 9 п.м. И/6 п.м. PT with undefeated rising star Ериксон Лубин battling once-beaten knockout artist Хорхе Цота in a super welterweight title eliminator bout.
Улазнице за догађају уживо, која се промовише ДиБелла Ентертаинмент, крећу од $50 (не укључујући накнаде примењиве) и сада су у продаји. Карте се могу купити на мрежи посетом ввв.тицкетмастер.цом, ввв.барцлаисцентер.цом или позивом 1-800-745-3000. Улазнице су доступне на Америцан Екпресс благајни Барцлаис Центру. Група попусти су на располагању позивом на 844-Бклин-ГП.
Here is what Fonfara had to say about his first training camp with Virgil Hunter, his matchup and more:
On his recent training camp with Virgil Hunter:
Virgil Hunter and I had a great final few days of training camp. All the sparring and training is finalized and now we are focused on making weight. My body feels rejuvenated and I’ll be at my best going into this fight.
On facing former world champion Chad Dawson:
Chad Dawson is a very skilled fighter who has won at the elite level. He’s a former world champion who’s been in the ring with the best fighters in the division. I know he will be a difficult challenge, but I’m confident I’ll be victorious.
On the long layoff since his last fight:
I felt it was a good thing to take some time off after my fight with Joe Smith. I was able to reflect on my performance, and make the move to start training with Virgil Hunter. I incorporated Pilates into my training regimen and I feel great. My mental focus is sharp. Everyone will see the improvement in my performance.
On the current state of the light-heavyweight division:
The division is filled with many great fighters. По мом мишљењу, Andre Ward is the pound-for- шампион фунта. For top to bottom the division is loaded with great talent. My goal is to win this fight, and march back toward a world title fight. I know with hard work that I can accomplish that feat.
On fighting in Brooklyn at Barclays Center
I’ve always dreamed of fighting in New York and now that will become a reality. There is so much history of boxing in New York and I just want my debut to be a memorable one. I’m sure the fans there will be filled with energy so I’m ready to entertain them with a tremendous night of boxing.
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Keith Thurman vs. Danny Garcia is a welterweight world title showdown between undefeated 147-pound titlists. The 12-round bout headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING on CBS, presented by Премиер Бокс шампиона, Субота Март 4 из Барцлаис Центер, дом БРООКЛИН БОКСИНГ ™. In the co-main event undefeated rising star Ериксон Лубин battles once-beaten knockout artist Хорхе Цота in a super welterweight title eliminator bout on CBS at 9 п.м. И/6 п.м. ПТ.
За више информација посетите ввв.СХО.цом/Спортс Фоллов он Твиттер@СХОСпортс, КеитхФТхурманЈр, ДанниСвифт, ЛоуДиБелла, @БарцлаисЦентер И@Свансон_Цомм или постати вентилатор на Фацебоок-у ввв.Фацебоок.цом/СХОСпортс, ввв.Фацебоок.цом/ДиБеллаЕнтертаинмент, ввв.Фацебоок.цом/барцлаисцентер. PBC is sponsored by Corona, финест pivo.