kategorie Argief: boks

Die tweemalige wêreldkampioen, Beibut Shumenov, tree uit weens ernstige oogbesering

LAS VEGAS (Junie 26, 2017) – Twee-afdeling World Boxing Association (WBA) Wêreld kampioen Shumenov Beibu het sy WBA-wêreldtitel in die krygergewig prysgegee, weens sy loopbaan-eindigende oogbesering, en hy het sy uittrede uit die ring aangekondig.
“Ek het ongelukkig my WBA-titel in die cruisergewig prysgegee en uit die boks getree weens 'n traumatiese oogbesering die week voor my laaste geskeduleerde stryd.,” Shumenov uit sy huis in Las Vegas gesê. “Ek is uiters teleurgesteld my boksloopbaan het so geëindig maar, ongelukkig, beserings is deel van hierdie sport en daar kan niks aan gedoen word nie. Ek het steeds dowwe visie en ek moet volgende maand 'n bykomende operasie ondergaan om verder te probeer herstel, sodat ek nie blindheid in my (reg) oog.

“Ek wil my familie bedank, my span deur die jare heen, vriende en aanhangers vir hul volgehoue ​​ondersteuning al die jare. Ek was trots daarop om die WBA-kampioenskapsgordel jare lank as tweedivisie-kampioen te dra. Ek is dankbaar vir die WBA-president Gilberto Jesus Mendoza, sy vader, en almal in my WBA-familie. Dit was nogal 'n rit en ek sien met groot verwagting uit na die volgende hoofstuk van my lewe saam met my seun en toekomstige pogings.”

Shumenov (17-2, 11 Uitklophoue), 'n 2004 Kazakhstan Olimpiese, moes die Interim-WBA-kampioen aandurf yunier Dorticos (21-0, 20 Uitklophoue) in die April 29ste hoofgebeurtenis van Premier Boxing Champions op FS1 en FOX Sport, van Sam’s Town Live in Las Vegas.

Tydens sy laaste besprekingsessies, Shumenov het 'n oogbesering opgedoen wat onmiddellike operasie vereis het, dwing hom om van syne te onttrek April 29 veg teen Dorticos.

Vroeër vandeesmaand, die WBA het 'n brief van Shumenov se oogchirurg ontvang, Dr. Kent L. Wel, wat die volgende geskryf het: “Mnr. Beibut Shumenov het 'n ernstige oogprobleem, 'n herhalende erosie van die kornea in sy regteroog, dit met voortgesette gevegte, stel hom in gevaar om sy sig permanent te verloor.

“Dit is my mediese opinie dat hy hom permanent moet weerhou van sparring, opleiding en boks as gevolg van die erns van skade aan sy oog en die hoë risiko vir verdere skade aan gesiggestremdheid, insluitend die moontlikheid van permanente sigverlies.”
Die WBA het Shumenov se prysgawe van sy kampioenskap aanvaar, daarop dat dit sy dank en trots vir sy professionele loopbaan by die WBA uitgespreek het.

Die laaste drie jaar van Shumenov se loopbaan is besoedel deur onaktiwiteit, waarin hy slegs drie keer geveg het weens gebrek aan bestuursteun, ten spyte daarvan dat hy daagliks oefen, in topvorm en altyd gereed om te veg. In werklikheid, spartel hy amper 400 rondes sedert sy laaste geveg (Mei 21, 2016) in afwagting van, eerste, 'n eenwording veg met Denis Lebedeven dan vir sy stryd teen Dorticos. Nie een van hulle het gebeur nie, egter, aangesien bokspolitiek Lebedev in staat gestel het om te veg met Shumenov, wat verslaan het BJ Flores en danJunior Anthony Wragting in die WBA-uitskakeling teen die rug veg om Lebedev se verpligte uitdager te wees.

Selfs Shumenov se verpligte stryd teen Dorticos is onnodig vertraag omdat Dorticos’ promotor, Caribe-promosies, het sy reg om die stryd wat hy met 'n beursie gewen het, te bevorder, gevolg deur aaneenlopende en talle datumveranderings van Februarie tot Maart tot uiteindelik aangeland April 29.

Die 33-jarige Shumenov tree uit as die eerste en enigste tweedeling-wêreldkampioen tot nog toe uit Kasakstan, asook die rekordhouer vir die minste gevegte wat nodig is om die wêreldkampioenskap vir ligswaargewig te wen, 10.

Tydens sy 9 1/2 -jaar pro loopbaan, Shumenov het vier wêreldkampioene verslaan – Gabriel Campillo, Byron Mitchell, William Joppy en Montell Griffin – sowel as wêreldtitel-uitdagers Epifanio Mendoza, Vlacheslav Uzelkov, Danny Santiago, Enrique Ornelas, Tamas Kovacs, BJ Flores en Junior Wright.
Sosiale media:Twitter @Beibut_Shumenov, Instagram – @BeightShumenov, Facebook – BeibutShumenov / fanpage.

Mexican Olympians Enter the Ring in Mexico on Primetime Television as Bronze Medalist Misael Rodriguez & Lindolfo Delgado Compete in Separate Televised Attractions Saturday, Julie 22 from Lienzo Charro Parral

Ringstar Sports Prospects Featured in Primetime on Televisa
by 10:30 namiddag. CT
CHIHUAHUA, MEXICO (Junie 26, 2017) – Ringstar Sports is proud to announce that two of Mexico’s brightest rising stars will return to action as 2016 Olympic bronze medalist Misael Rodriguez en 2016 Mexikaanse Olimpiese Lindolfo Delgado will be featured on From Parral to the Worldplaasvind Saterdag, Julie 22 from Lienzo Charro Parral in Mexico and live on Televisa.
I’m excited to have my second professional fight be in my hometown of Parral, Chihuahua, amongst my family, my friends and my people,” Said Rodriguez. “The Mexican people have been amazing to me and their support from the Rio Olympics to today means so much to me. I plan on showing my opponent, everyone in the arena and the Mexican people watching on Televisa, the strength, strategy and excitement that I bring to the sport. Ons is gereed!”
I am from Linares Nuevo León, and being able to fight in the biggest state in Mexico for my second fight means so much to me,” said Delgado. “I know that we will have the support of the Mexican people during the fights and that I will demonstrate my skill and strength. I can’t wait to show the fans what the new generation of Mexican boxing looks and punches like. I’m proud to be on a card bringing world class boxing to Parral and live on Televisa for all the Mexican people.
Televised coverage on Televisa begins at 10:30 namiddag. CT and will give fans a chance to see two of the next great fighters in the long line of Mexican boxing champions as Rodriguez battles Colombia’s Jose David Mosquera in a six-round middleweight boutand Delgado takes on Venezuela’s Gustavo Vera in six-rounds of super lightweight action.
Three-time world champion and Mexican star Jhonny Gonzalez will look for his sixth straight victory when he takes on unbeaten Jessie Cris Rosales in die belangrikste gebeurtenis.
This is a great chance for the Mexican boxing fans watching on Televisa to see two of the country’s future world champions displaying their talents,” said Richard Schaefer, Voorsitter & Uitvoerende hoof van Ringstar Sport. “Misael Rodriguez and Lindolfo Delgado bring a lot of excitement to the ring and I think that fans are going to fall in love with their styles right away. This primetime slot fighting on the undercard of a Mexican champion like Jhonny Gonzalez is only the beginning of their very bright futures.
Working with Misael reminds me of myself after the Athens games,” sê Abner Mares, Rodriguez’s manager. “He is a strong, smart and effective young fighter who is starting his professional career in both the U.S. en Mexiko. He had the hopes of Mexico on his shoulders during the Rio games and now the Mexican people can be proud being a part of his young professional career. He is ready for his fight against Mosquera and to do it in Parral is a dream come true for him, and a source of pride for everyone in Chihuahua.
The event is promoted by by Promociones del Pueblo in association with Municipio de Parral, Cavall Vino Tinto and Playboy Mexico and is sponsored by Municipio de Parral, Cavall Fine Wine and Playboy Mexico.
At last year’s Rio games, the 23-year-old Rodriguezovercame incredible odds to win the first Olympic boxing medal for Mexico since Christian Bejerano in 2000. The Chihuahua native and his teammates had to resort to begging on public buses and streets in Mexico to raise money to compete in international boxing tournaments. He completed his road to the medal stand by defeating Egypt’s Hosam Bakr Abdin to clinch a medal in the middleweight division. Rodriguez made his pro debut in April with a dominant decision victory over Brian True in Los Angles.
A teammate of Rodriguez on the 2016 Mexikaanse Olimpiese span, Delgadomade his pro debut in style in April with a third round stoppage of Luis Angel Silva. The 22-year-old captured gold at the 2016 American Olympic Qualification to earn his trip to Rio. Born in Linares but training in Tijuana, Delgado compiled a 139-15 amateur record that included a victory over former world champion Amnat Ruenroeng.
For more information follow on Twitter @Ringstar or become a fan on Facebook atwww.facebook.com/Bel Star Sports.


Maliek, Mikhail & Michael Jr. Montgomery
Sign With Witness Sports Management
MACON, GEORGIA (Junie 26, 2017)Boxing veterans, Greg Hannely, founder of the Prince Ranch Boxing facility, en Jared Shaw have joined forces, as they are happy to announce the birth of Witness Sports Management (WSM), a boxing management company that will guide the careers of some of the best young fighters in the sport.
The Montgomery Brothers, Maliek, Mikhail, en Michael Jr., out of Macon, Georgia, are WSM’s first signees. The highly touted trio, who were all decorated amateur standouts, are trained by their dad, Michael Montgomery Sr.
I want to make sure it’s known how excited we are to be signing with Jared and Greg,” said Michael Montgomery Sr. “I’m happy that my boys are going to be represented by some folks that have been involved in boxing for many years. Greg and Jared have been wonderful to work with. My boys and I are very grateful and we are ready to take the boxing world by storm.
Greg Hannely, is a well-known figure in the sport as he guided the careers of former world champions, ClarenceBones” Adams en Steven Luevano, back in the 90’s and early 2000’s. His passion for boxing has brought him back to the sport he loves, and he wants nothing more than to build a stable of world champions.
I’m very thrilled to be back in boxing, especially after signing the Montgomery Brothers.Greg Hannely said, “Their father, Michael Sr., has been grooming all three boys to fight like professionals. They all have very exciting styles and I believe they will be well received to everyone who witnesses them fight. The Prince Ranch Boxing gym in Las Vegas will be available for the entire Montgomery family. These are good kids with strong family values. Their future is bright.
Jared Shaw, son of world renowned boxing promoter Gary Shaw, has been around the sport since he was a young child. After spending many years learning from his father, Jared, developed a knack for spotting talent.
If you like pressure fighters with knockout power, then you’ll love the Montgomery Brothers.stated Jared Shaw. “Maliek, Mikhail, and Michael Jr., were all great amateurs with over 400 fights combined, but their styles are suited for the pros. All three of them have heavy hands and the ring intelligence to make adjustments on the fly. Greg and I are ecstatic to be working with the entire Montgomery family. This is a fantastic start to our new management company.
As co-managers, Greg and I started WSM with the idea of cultivating our fighters,” Shaw het voortgegaan. “We want to be looked at as more than just a financial asset. We will provide our stable with the needed resources that will help them become better fighters. We will house our guys atThe Prince Ranch” in Las Vegas, getting them the best sparring in boxing. Our goal is to make sure they have no distractions that will hinder their development.
About Mikhail Montgomery
Bynaam – 50Khail
Hoogte – 5’7
Gewig – 122 (Super-Bantamweight)
DOB: – Desember 24, 1996 (Ouderdom 20)
Tuisdorp – Macon, Georgia
Amateur Record – (120-12)
Pro Record – TBA
Instagram: @50khail
Jared came to us a few years back and told us he was interested in signing us. The bond started back then and now that we are older, it’s good to look back and see that he’s still with us. He’s a man of his word and kept his promise. I’m excited that WSM is going to take me and my brothers under their wing.
About Maliek Montgomery
Bynaam – Chaos
Hoogte – 5’8
Gewig – 130 (Super-veertje)
DOB: – September 17, 1995 (Ouderdom 22)
Tuisdorp – Macon, Georgia
Amateur Record – (149-12)
Pro Record – (1-0, 1 KO)
Signing with WSM has been a blessing to me and my family. Jared has been around for a few years now and we trust that he and Greg will take us to the top. My dad talked about this day for many years, signing with a good management team. Now that it’s here, I’m ready to start knocking out folks.
About Michael Montgomery Jr.
Bynaam – NA
Hoogte – 5’11
Gewig – 147 (Weltergewig)
DOB: – Maart 11, 1994 (Ouderdom 23)
Tuisdorp – Macon, Georgia
Amateur Record – (150-20)
Pro Record – (1-0, 1 KO)
Instagram: @supreme_mik3
I believe everything is going to work out great with Jared and Greg. Fighting in the pros is new to me but I think I’m going to make an immediate impact. I got my first knockout in my pro debut earlier this year and I can’t wait to get back in the ring.

Super Channel to airBattle of BrisbaneManny Pacquiao vs. Jeff Horn International Card July 1st live from Australia


(L-R) – Manny Pacquiao & Jeff Horn
(picture courtesy of 7 News Brisbane)
EDMONTON, Alberta, Kanada (Junie 26, 2017) – Super Channel is pleased to announce that it has acquired the exclusive rights in Canada to air the July 1st World Boxing Organisasie (WBO) World Welterweight Championship bout between reigning champion, future Hall-of-Famer Manny “Pacman’ Pacquiao, en uitdager Jeff Horn, begin by 9 namiddag. EN / 6 namiddag. PT, live from Suncorp Stadium in Brisbane, Queensland, Australië.
Battle of Brisbane: Pacquiao vs. Hornis a presentation of Top Rank and Duco Events. Super Channel will air four exciting fights from this card, headlined by Pacquiao vs. Horn, uitsluitlik in Kanada.
Super Channel is ecstatic to be bringing a non-pay-per-view Pacquiao bout to Canadian fight fans as a follow up to the exciting Brook vs Spence IBF Welterweight Championship we brought them in May” gesê Troy Wassill, Director of Programming, Domestic Distributors and Sports. “We keep hearing from our viewers that they want more boxing on Super Channel and the ‘Battle of Brisbaneis going to deliver exactly what they are looking for.
The world has followed amazing Manny since he burst onto the scene in his U.S. debuut in 2001, where he knocked out Lehlo Ledwaba to win his second of a record eight division world titles,” Hall of Fame promotor Bob Arum bygevoeg. “It’s going to be an unbelievable event.

As a warm-up to theBattle of Brisbane” op Julie 1, Super Channel will present two replays of previous Pacquiao bouts on Vrydag Junie 30begin by 7 namiddag. EN / 4 namiddag. PT on SC1:

Manny Pacquiao vs Oscar de la Hoya
– Desember. 6, 2008

Manny Pacquiao vs Ricky Hatton
– Mei 2, 2009 (IBO World super lightweight title)
These fights will also be available on Super Channel On Demand.
Pacquiao (59-6-2, 38 Uitklophoue), a former two-term congressman, was elected to a Philippine Senate seat in May 2016, capturing more than 16 million votes nationally. An international icon, Pacquiao is the only fighter to win eight world titles in as many different weight divisions. A three-time Fighter of the Year and the reigning BWAA “Vegter van die dekade,” Pacquiao se CV beskik oorwinnings oor die huidige en toekomstige Hall of Famers, insluitend Oscar De La Hoya, Ricky Hatton, Marco Antonio Barrera, Erik Morales, Miguel Cotto, Shane Mosley, Juan Manuel Marquez en Timothy Bradley.
Van 2008 te 2010, five of his seven victories were in world title fights, in five different weight classes, wat wissel van 130 te 154 pond. Geen aktiewe bokser het meer regstreekse kaartjies in die Verenigde State verkoop nie. as Pacquiao, wat ook gekrediteer met meer as 18 miljoen huishoudelike betaal-per-besigtigings koop. After his disappointing unanimous decision loss to Floyd Mayweather, Jr. Mei 2, 2015, a world championship fight that generated a record 4.5 million pay-per-view buys and more than $400 million in television revenue alone, a healthy Pacquiao (he had suffered a torn rotator cuff in his right shoulder during the fourth round of the Mayweather fight) returned to the winner’s circle on April 9, 2016, winning the rubber match against five-time world champion Bradley. In a battle of Top-10 pound for pound fighters, Pacquiao sent Bradley to the canvas twice en route to a dominant 12-round unanimous decision victory. Op November. 5, Pacquiao regained the WBO welterweight title for a third time when he shellacked the once-defeated defending champion Jessie Vargas via another dominant 12-round unanimous decision. Pacquiao has been trained by Hall of Famer Freddie Roach sedert 2001.
Unbeaten hometown-favorite Horn (16-0-1, 11 Uitklophoue), fighting out of Brisbane (Queensland, Australië), enters the fight of his life having won his last three battles — alles in 2016 — teen Ali Funeka, Rico Mueller en Randall Bailey, binne-in die verte. They had a combined record of 105-14-4 when he fought them. Die 2012 Australian Olympian’s background belies the warrior he has become inside the ring. Well-schooled inside and outside the ring, Horn received his Bachelor of Education degree from Griffith University and taught high school Physical Education even as he embarked on his professional boxing career.
Horn started boxing at age 18 after being picked on by bullies and he has been an advocate of anti-bullying campaigns. Immensely popular throughout Australia, the 29-year-old Horn has become a national gate attraction in his own right. Selected as the 2015 Australian Boxer of the Year, Horn is trained and managed by Glenn Rushton, the only trainer he has ever had, and assisted by former WBC super welterweight world champion John “The Beast” Mugabi.
Die Julie 1 telecast will also feature Irish Olympic hero Michael Conlan (2-0, 2 Uitklophoue), from Belfast, in a six-round featherweight bout against Jarrett “Juarez” Owen (5-4-3, 2 Uitklophoue), of Brisbane, en Internasionale Boksfederasie (IBF) junior bantamweight world champion Jerwin “Pretty Boy” Ancajas (24-1-1, 16 Uitklophoue), of Cavite City, Filippyne, defending his title against top-rated contender Teiru Kinoshita (25-1-1, 8 Uitklophoue), of Kobe, Japan. The live telecast will open with an eight-round middleweight rumble between Shane Mosley, Jr. (10-1, 7 Uitklophoue), van Pomona, Kalifornië. and son of former three-division world champion “Sugar” Shane Mosley, en David Toussaint (10-0, 8 Uitklophoue), of Canberra, Australië.
Some of the greatest boxers in history have confirmed they will be ringside, insluitend Roberto Duran, Evander Holyfield, en Thomas Hearns.
Alle gevegte en vegters is onderhewig aan verandering.
Twitter: @SuperChannel
Instagram: @SuperChannelTV

Antoine Douglas to take on Bruno Sandoval for NABA & WBC FECARBOX Middleweight Titles on Friday July 14th at The Buffalo Run Casino in Miami, Oklahoma


Nutley, NJ (Junie 26, 2017)–World ranked middleweight Antoine Douglas will be back in action on July 14th when he battles tough Bruno sandoval in a 10-round bout that will be contested for the Ook & WBC FECARBOX Middleweight titles.
The bout will headline the non-televised portion of a ShoBox: Die nuwe generasie kaart, which will be televised live on SHOWTIME (10 PM ET/PT, Delayed on the West Coast) by die Buffalo Run Casino in Miami, Oklahoma.
The bout will precede a televised quadruple-header that will feature Keenan Smith (11-0, 5 Uitklophoue) fighting Ivan Baranchyk 15-0, 10 Uitklophoue) in the eight-round junior welterweight main event. In mede featured aanvalle, Kenneth Sims, Jr. (12-0, 4 Uitklophoue) battles Rolando Chinea (14-1-1, 6 Uitklophoue) in a junior welterweight bout, and Glenn Dezurn (9-0, 6 Uitklophoue) takes on Adam Lopez (16-1-1, 8 Uitklophoue) in a super bantamweight fight. The televised card will kick off with a super bantamweight fight that will pit Joshua Greer (13-1-1, 5 Uitklophoue) against LeRoy Davila (5-1, 3 Uitklophoue).
Douglas van Washington, DC has a record of 21-1-1 met 15 uitklophoue, and is ranked No.10 by the WBC.
Since suffering his only professional defeat, Douglas has comeback to score two consecutive knockouts, with the latest being a second round stoppage over Eduardo Mercedes on Maart 27. In that bout, Douglas captured the WBC FECARBOX Middleweight title.
Everything has been going well in camp. I have had good sparring, and I feel stronger,” said Douglas. ” I know a little about Sandoval, I know he is tall and has a good record. I am just going with the flow, and taking one bout at a time. I am ready to get back to where I was, and I am on the road to being on top.
We are excited about Antoine’s progress since he came back,” said Vito Mielnicki of GH3 Promotions. “If he wins on July 14th, he will be ranked in two organizations, and we hope to have him back in a significant bout in the early fall. As we have said time and again, we have not seen the best Antoine Douglas. Hy is nog net 24 jaar-oue, and when it is all said and done, his loss will just be a blip on his career record. There is a lot of opportunity in the middleweight division, and on July 14, Antoine will take another big step to securing a big fight.

Brunson stops Cintron in classic Philly slugfest to win Pennsylvania State Junior Middleweight crown

Brunson gets of the deck twice to drop Cintron three times in Fight of the Year Candidate

Wins by Vazquez, Ortiz, Conquest, Robinson, Clark, Bates & Nelson

Photo by Daryl Cobb

Philadelphia, PA (Junie 25 2017) -In a fight that exceeded it’s high expectations, Tyrone Brunson came back from two 4th round knockdowns to come back in the very next round to send former two-time world champion Kermit Cintron to the canvas three times, and win the Pennsylvania State Junior Middleweight title via 5th round stoppage at the 2300 Arena in Suid-Philadelphia.
The spectacular card was promoted by King’s Promotions.
This was a tremendous fight, and all-around great card. Some fight’s and cards don’t live up to the expectations, but the main was one of the great fights of this year. I am proud of all the fighters who competed vanaand, as they all brought their best, and it showed in quality of the fights,”said King’s Promotions CEO, Marshall Kauffman.
The fight was nip and tuck for the first three-plus rounds, as Cintron looked very sharp early as he landed some hard right hands in the opening frame. Brunson came back and had a strong round two. The fight was fought on event terms until round four, when Cintron
dropped Brunson with a perfectly timed left hand. Later in the round, Brunson went down from an accumulation of punches on the ropes, and as the fourth round was finished, Brunson seemed just about done as well.
Brunson miraculously came back in round five and turned the tables on the former champ, as he landed a beautiful left that sent Cintron to the canvas. Cintron, was hurt and theprodigious puncher, Brunson was ready to finish off Cintron. Cintron never regained his legs and was sent to the canvas two more times, and referee Shawn Clark waved off the bout at1:21.
Brunson is now 25-6-2 met 23 uitklophoue. CINTRON van Reading, PA falls to 39-6-3.

In the co-Feature, Victor Vazquez won a six-round unanimous decision over Anthony Burgin in a super lightweight bout.

Vazquez dropped Burgin in round two from body, and he took the hotly contested battle by scores of 58-55 twee keer en 57-56. Vazquez of Yonkers, NY is now 8-3. Burgin of Philadelphia is now 10-4.

Steven Ortiz registered two knockdowns en-route to a thrilling six-round unanimous decision over Tyrome Jones in a battle of previously undefeated lightweights.
Ortiz scored knockdowns in rounds three and four in a bout where both guys landed some effective blows.
Ortiz of Philadelphia won by scores of 59-53 twee keer en 57-56 to remain perfect at 7-0. Jones of South Bend, IN is now 4-1.
Jerome Conquest won a six-round decision over Jae Ho Kim in a lightweight bout.
Conquest was dropped with a left hook at the end of round three, but he controlled the action, and won by scores of 59-55, 58-55, en 57-56, en is nou 8-2. Kim of Philadelphia via South Korea is now 6-4-1.
Brandon Robinson dominated and took out Rafael Valencia at 2:48 of round two of their scheduled four round super middleweight bout.
Robinson landed a hard right that sent Valencia to the canvas. Valencia got up, but deemed unable to continue at 2:48.
Robinson of Philadelphia is 4-1 met drie uitklophoue. Valencia of Medford, OR is 3-8-1.
Gregory Clark won a six-round unanimous decision over Daryl Bunting in a super middleweight bout.
Clark of Washington, DC won by scores of 59-55 twee keer en 58-56, en is nou 3-1-1. Bunting of Asbury Park, NJ is 3-2-2.
Marcus Bates remained undefeated by winning a six-round unanimous decision over Roberto Pucheta in a bantamweight bout.
Bates of Washington, DC won by scores of 59-54, en 58-55 twice and is now 7-0-1. Pucheta of Jalisco, MX is 10-12-1.
In a battle of undefeated heavyweights, Colby Madison and Joel Caudle battled to a majority draw.
Caudle took a card at 58-56, terwyl twee kaarte was selfs by 57-57.
Madison of Baltimore, MD is 4-0-1. Caudle of Raleigh, NC is 7-0-1.
Chaise Nelson won a four-round unanimous over Jordan Peters in a super bantamweight bout.
Nelson of Mansfield, OH won by scores of 39-37 op al die kaarte en is nou 6-1. Peters of Washington, DC is 2-1-1.

Unbeaten Taras Shelestyuk Tests Unblemished Mark Saturday, Julie 1 in Sacramento, SOOS.

ORANGE, Kalifornië. (Junie 23, 2017) – Thompson Boxing Promotions heads to Northern California on Vrydag, July 1st to promote its first show in Sacramento starring unbeaten, Olympic bronze medalist Taras ‘The Real Deal” Shelestyuk (15-0, 9 Uitklophoue).
The highly ranked Shelestyuk (WBO No. 5) faces fellow welterweight Jesus Rodriguez Alvarez (15-2, 11 Uitklophoue) in die “Locked nLoaded” 8-round main event from Omega Products International, an outdoor venue.
Shelestyuk vs. Rodriguez and the entire 8-bout card will be streamed live on TB Presents: Locked nLoaded. Watch the action on ThompsonBoxing.com en Facebook Live begin by 7:45 namiddag. PST / 10:45 namiddag. EST.
Kaartjies vir “Locked nLoaded” word geprys teen $40, $60, & $100 en is aanlyn by beskikbaar vir die aankoop ThompsonBoxing.com, of deur te bel 714-935-0900.
Shelestyuk, 31, is coming off a unanimous decision win against Jaime Herrera in November. Die stryd, televised on SHOWTIME, had championship implications with Shelestyuk winning the WBO-NABO welterweight title.
The Ukrainian-born Shelestyuk, who now lives and trains in Los Angeles, had a decorated amateur career punctuated by winning a bronze medal in the 2012 Olimpiese Spele in Londen.
I’m excited to fight in Sacramento,” Said Shelestyuk, who is promoted by Thompson Boxing and Banner Promotions. “I’ve been in the gym all year and can’t wait to put on a show next week.
In die mede-funksie, standout amateur Ruben Villa (5-0, 3 Uitklophoue) of Salinas, Kalifornië. looks to stay undefeated against Gino De La Paz (2-1, 1 KO) in a fight set for 6-rounds.
Villa has all the tools to become the next world champion at featherweight. He cleaned up the amateur ranks with back-to-back National Golden Gloves championships prior to turning professional last year. He inked a promotional contract with Thompson Boxing and Banner Promotions last July and has been busy since then.
I love being active,” said Villa, who is managed by Danny Zamora. “That was one of the main selling points in signing with Thompson Boxing and Banner Promotions. They assured me that I would be fighting frequently. I’m ready to get another win on my resume.
We are looking forward to a great night for Taras and Ruben,” het Artie Pelullo gesê, President van Banner Promotions. “Taras is on the cusp of big fights, and with a win over a tough fighter like Rodriguez should prepare him for that. As for Ruben, he is coming along great, en op July 1st, he will yet again show why he is the one of the top prospects in Boxing.
TB Presents: Locked nLoaded broadcast team consists of Beto Duran on play-by-play and Steve Kim provides expert, color commentary.
Deure open om 6:30 namiddag. local time with the first bout at approximately 7:45 namiddag. Omega Products International is located at 8111 Fruitridge Road, Sacramento, SOOS 95826 en kan by bereik 916-635-3335.
Locked nLoadedis presented by Thompson Boxing Promotions and sponsored by Lucas Oil, in association with Everlast.
Vir meer inligting, besoek ThompsonBoxing.com. To follow the conversation on social media, please use #LockednLoaded, #TBPresents, and #ThompsonBoxing.
Vir gereelde updates op ons vegters, gebeure, en promosies, please check our Facebook Page, watch our YouTube channel on Thompson Boxing TV, en volg ons op Instagram and Twitter ThompsonBoxing.

Baltimore Pro Boxing keer Julie terug 13 met huldeblykkaart

Vir onmiddellike vrystelling
Baltimore, MD (Junie 23, 2017) – Baltimore Pro Boxing sal hulde bring aan wyle Murray “Bushwacker” Smith Sr. wanneer hulle terugkeer na Michael's Eighth Avenue in Glen Burnie, MD Donderdag, Julie 13ste vir 'n opwindende pro-am-gevegkaart.
$45 algemene toelatingsvereistes, $65 ringside, $100 individuele VIP sitplekke en 'n beperkte aantal van $1,000 VIP tafels van 10 is nou te koop by Baltimoreboxing.com of deur te bel 410-375-9175. Alle BBP-kaartjiehouers kan eet en drinkgoed geniet voor die eerste geveg. Deure open om 6:30 en die openingsklok sal lui by 8:30.
Die pa van Baltimore Boxing Eienaar Jake Smith, Murray Smith Sr. was 'n lewenslange wedstryd in Baltimore en het verskeie geleenthede bevorder. Hy is oorlede in 2013 na die stryd teen melanoom. Baltimore Boxing sal hom gedurende die aand vereer.
Jesse "The Beast" Nicklow se hoofopskrif sal teen Sherman Artis wees in 'n agt-ronde supermiddelgewig-kompetisie.
Leef en veg uit Baltimore, Nicklow het 'n uitstaande 26-8-3 rekord met 8 wen met uitklophou en is onoorwonne in sy tuisstaat Maryland. Hy het ook gereis om baie van die wêreld se bestes te ontmoet, insluitend die voormalige onbetwiste middelgewigkampioen Jermain Taylor, 2012 Die Olimpiese Goue Medaljewenner Ryota Murata en onder andere Sergiy Derevyanchenko wat die beste geplaas is. In Januarie, Nicklow het Chauncey Fields, wat voorheen onoorwonne was, indrukwekkend uitgewys.
'n Severn, MD inheems, Artis betree die wedstryd op 'n golf van selfvertroue. Op Maart 30, Artis het die voorheen onoorwonne plaaslike gunsteling Steve Wheeler platgetrek op pad na 'n eenparige besluitoorwinning. Artis se span is vol vertroue dat hul vegter Nicklow sal verslaan en dan na groter en beter dinge sal beweeg.
Die vinnig stygende middelgewig "Gevaarlike" Donald Wallace lyk na 'n omstrede loting in Mei, maar sal nog 'n moeilike taak op hande hê wanneer hy Statesville ontmoet, NC se Shane Peterson. Wallace, 2-0-1 (1 KO), het plaaslik groot lof vir sy ontwikkeling ontvang en Baltimore Boxing het groot verwagtinge vir die 23-jarige. Peterson, 2-1 (2 KO se), is vars af 'n bose eerste rondte stop van 4-0 Stephon Morris June 17 in Baltimore.
Wallace-Peterson is vir vier rondes geskeduleer.
Bantamgewig-uitblinker Alexandru Marin sal na verwagting aksie in 'n agt-ronde affêre sien. Oorspronklik van Iasi, Roemenië en woonagtig in Bethesda, MD, Marin is 13-0 met 9 KO se. In Junie 2016, Marin het 'n loopbaan se beste oorwinning behaal, Johnny Determan, een keer geklop, in drie rondes uitgeslaan om die IBO Internasionale titel te verower.
Glenarden, MD junior weltergewig Dravontay Speed ​​Rawls, 8-0-1 (6 KO se) sal in 'n geveg van ses rondes teen ystergeveg-veteraan Matt Murphy van St. Louis, MO.
Baltimore Junior liggewig Ernest Hall, 2-0 (1 KO) stap op na sy eerste ses ronde en sal dit doen teen 'n teenstander wat aangewys moet word.
Die kaart sal ook amateur-wedstryde hê, insluitend plaaslike uitblinkers Brian “Bam Bam” Haenschlager, Clayton Frazier en Deshawn “Soulsnatcher” Chase. Vir meer inligting, besoek Baltimoreboxing.com.

FNU-gevegsportskou met spesiale gas Richard Barrientes, Pond Vir Pond Boks Gym Afrigter

Tom, Tony en Rich het 'n onderhoud gevoer met 'n opkomende Vegas-afrigter in Vegas wat begin waai met sy amateur- en pro-leerlinge. Richard Barrientes doen natuurlik 'n uitstekende werk met sy studente, en ons moes weet wat sy geheim was. Hy wys na “konsekwentheid” en “grondbeginsels” as die grondslag vir 'n groot vegter, en hy doen ook elke dag baie werk om sy Las Vegas Pond in te sit 4 Pond-gimnasium op 'n groot manier op die wêreldverhoog. Dit was 'n fantastiese onderhoud met 'n man wat natuurlik baie omgee vir die sport en 'n positiewe impak op die samelewing wil hê. Sy harde werk het vrugte afgewerp om hom 'n groep kinders te gee wat toekomstige wêreldkampioene in hul onderskeie afdelings kon word. Hy is inderdaad, iets reg doen in Las Vegas, en hy verduidelik alles oor sy program in hierdie onderhoud.

Tom, Tony en Rich het ook Mayweather vs.. McGregor, Tim Hague se onlangse dood na 'n wrede nederlaag in boks, Die vroulike bokser Heather Hardy se pro MMA-debuut vir Bellator, en Matt Hughes’ tragiese ongeluk in die eerste deel van die uitsending. Ons gesels ook oor Tony Penecale se Boxing 101 video met sy leerlinge en Hank Cisco:

We wrap up the show with a recap of last week’s UFC Fight Night and all the boxing action, plus we look ahead to this weekend’s boxing matches and the stacked MMA lineups for Bellator and the UFC.

Terrific undercard set for Saturday night to support Kermit CintronTyrone Brunson Pennsylvania State Junior Middleweight title bout at the 2300 Arena

Victor Vazquez battles Anthony Burgin in co-feature
Steven Ortiz – Tyrome Jones & Colby Madison – Joel Caudle in fights between undefeated fighters

Jerome Conquest – Jae Ho Kim
Undefeated Marcus Bates takes on upset minded Roberto Pucheta
Chaise Nelson takes on undefeated Jordan Peters

Plus Daryl Bunting and Brandon Robinson in separate bouts

Philadelphia, PA (Junie 22, 2017) – Saterdag nag by die 2300 Arena, boxing fans will be treated to one of the best cards to hit Philadelphia in years as King’s Promotions will put on a nine-bout card that is filled with fight’s that are evenly matched top to bottom.
In die belangrikste gebeurtenis, two-time former world champion, Kermit CINTRON (39-5-3, 30 KO se) will battle knockout artist Tyrone Brunson (24-6-2, 22 KO se) in a ten round bout that will be contested for the Pennsylvania State Junior Middleweight championship.
In my opinion it is going to be one of the best cards in PA. geskiedenis,” gesê King's Promotions CEO Marshall Kauffman. “We have a great main event that should be on National TV. , but I am also talking about the undercard as well. When you have undefeated guys fighting each other at this level it means a lot.
In die ses-round mede-funksie, Victor Vazquez (7-3, 3 KO se) van Yonkers, NY gevegte Anthony Burgin (10-3, 2 KO se) of Philadelphia in a super lightweight bout.
Ook in ses-ronde aanvalle:
In a battle of undefeated lightweights, Steven Ortiz (6-0, 2 KO se) van Philadelphia sal veg Tyrome Jones (4-0, 1 KO) of South Bend, IN.
Jerome Conquest (7-2, 1 Ko) van Philadelphia sal op neem Jae Ho Kim (6-3-1, 2 KO se) of Philadelphia in a lightweight attraction.
Daryl Bunting (3-1-2, 1 KO) van Asbury Park, NJ neem op Gregory Clark (2-1-1, 1 KO) van Washington, DC in a super middleweight tussle.
Undefeated bantamweight Marcus Bates (6-0-1, 6 KO se) takes on the upset specialist Roberto Pucheta (10-11-1, 6 KO se) of Jalisco, Mexiko. Pucheta has wins over three undefeated opponents plus victories over Isao Carranza, wat was 11-2 op die tyd.
Undefeated heavyweight’s will square off when Colby Madison (4-0, 3 KO se) van Baltimore, MD will fight Joel Caudle (7-0, 5 KO se) of Raleigh, NV in a six-round bout.
In vier-ronde aanvalle:
Brandon Robinson (3-1, 2 KO se) van Philadelphia sal veg Rafael Valencia (3-7-1, 2 KO se) van Medford, OR in a super middleweight bout.
Chaise Nelson (5-1, 3 KO se) van Mansfield, OH sal neem op Jordan Peters (2-0-1, 2 KO se) van Washington, DC in a super bantamweight affair.

Tickets for this great night of boxing can be purchased at www.2300arena.com vir $100, $75 en $50