Kategorija Archives: boksas

Chrisas Eubank jaunesnysis. vs. “Karalius” Arthur Abraham IBO Super Middleweight World Championship To air July 15 live on PPV in United States

TENAFLY, N.J.(Birželis 29, 2017) – One of boxing’s most polarizing and exciting young fighters faces a dangerous three-time, dviejų padalinys pasaulio čempionas, kaip Chrisas Eubank jaunesnysis. defends his International Boxing Organization (IBO) Super Middleweight Championship against “Karalius” Arturas Abraomas apie Šeštadienis, Liepa 15, available to watch on Pay Per View in the United States, pradedant 2:30 pm ET / 11:30 am PT, live from SES Arena, Wembley Londone, Anglija.
“Eubank jaunesnysis. vs. Abraomas”, promoted by Poxon Sports in association with Team Sauerland, is presented in the United States by Integrated Sports Media and Protocol Sports Marketing, Ltd.
Integrated Sports Media will distribute “Eubank jaunesnysis. vs. Abraomas” live in the United States on cable and satellite PPV via iN Demand, Gyvenamumas, and DISH for a suggested retail price of only $24.95. In Canada, the event will be available on television to fight fans that subscribe to premium pay television network Super Channel.
Outside of North America, “Eubank jaunesnysis. vs. Abraomas” is being distributed to broadcasters worldwide by leading boxing television rights distribution firm, Protocol Sports Marketing Ltd.
Tik 27 metai, the British-born Eubank Jr. (24-1, 19 Kos) enters the contest with less experience than Abraham but with power, a mean streak, and meaningful boxing pedigree. Eubank jaunesnysis. laimėjo 16 iš jo paskutinis 17 fights by stoppage.
Jo tėvas, Chris Eubank Sr. (45-5-2, 23 Kos), yra buvusi Pasaulio bokso organizacija (WBO) super middleweight and middleweight world champion. Eubank Sr. co-trains and manages his son, in addition to being an idiosyncratic presence in and around his son’s fights, and the British fight scene.
A former Interim World Boxing Association (WBA) Artimieji pasaulio čempionas, Eubank jaunesnysis. captured the IBO title this past February, sustabdymas Renoldas Quinlanas (11-1, 7 Kos) į 10ojituras. His July 15oji fight versus Abraham will mark the confident young champion’s first IBO title defense.
Abraham is a strong, ateis kovotojas,” Eubank jaunesnysis. sakė, “bet jis vienpusiškas. He’s very good in that one dimension, but a one-dimensional fighter cannot beat me. I see a lot of holes in his game and I’m going to exploit those holes ruthlessly.
The IBO No. 1 rated Abraham (46-5, 30 Kos) fights out of Berlin, Vokietija. “Karalius” Arthur is a two-time WBO super middleweight world champion, as well as a former International Boxing Federation (IBF) vidutinio svorio pasaulio čempionas. The powerful Armenian has a sensational 18-4 (9 Kos) record in world championships, 7-4 (4 Kos) against former or current world champions. Noted victims during his 17-year professional career reads like a Who’s Who of Boxing in the 160- and 168-pound divisions, including world champions Raulis Marquez, Hektoras Javieras Velazco, Jermain Taylor, Robert Stieglitz thrice, ir Giovanni De Carolis. Abraham has also defeated world-class opponents such as Martin Murray, Paul Smith dvigubai, Lajuan Simonas, Edison Miranda dvigubai, Khoren Gevor, Sebastian Demers, Kofi Jantuah, Kingsley Ikeke, Robin Krasniqi ir Howard Eastman.
Four of Abraham’s five career losses have been to world champions Carl Froch, Andre Ward, Stieglitz and Gilberto Ramirezas. Stieglitz is the only opponent to stop Abraham, kas laimėjo 10 iš jo paskutinis 11 kovas, the most recent a 12-round unanimous decision win over Krasniqi (46-4, 17 Kos) this past April in Germany.
I will make sure that I’m in top shape and ready to secure a great victory,” Abraham remarked. “I know Chris Eubank, Jaunesnysis. yra geras kovotojas, like his dad. Aš laukiu rimtą kovą, but I am confident I will beat him.
Also airing live is the 12-round International Boxing Federation (IBF) Featherweight World Championship match as popular Welshman “Žaibas” Lee Selby (24-1, 9 Kos) makes his third defense of the title he captured May 30, 2015, when he won an eighth-round technical decision over previously unbeaten Evgeny Gradovich (19-0-1, 9 Kos).
Selby will be challenged by former WBA Featherweight World Champion Jonathan VictorYoniBarros (41-4-1, 22 Kos), of Argentina, who is the IBF No. 1 varžovas.
Additional PPV fights will soon be announced.
"Twitter": @IntegratedPPV, @SuperChannel

„Ringstar Sports Rising Stars“ vėl grįžta į sekmadienį, Liepa 30 kaip 2016 Lithuanian Olympian Eimantas Stanionis Battles Eridanni Leon & Nepralenkiamas „Prospect Money Powell IV“ laimėjo Carlosą Lozano iš „Rabobank“ teatro Bakersfielde, Kalifornija

Daugiau! Jose Baldero „Pro“ debiutas & Nigerijos mėgėjų apdovanojimai Cartoon Ajagba & Wesley Apochi Undercard atrakcionuose
Bilietai Parduodama Rytoj!
BAKERSFIELDAS, Kalifas. (Birželis 29, 2017) – Įdomi popiežius po atviru dangumiSekmadienis, Liepa 30 bus paryškinta keletu „Ringstar Sports“ perspektyvų kaip 2016 lietuvos Olimpinė Eimantas Stanionis (1-0, 1 KO) atitinka Eridanni Leonas (5-2, 1 KO) šešių turų pusvidutinio svorio varžybose nepralenktas Pinigai Powell IV (2-0, 2 Kos) mūšiai Carlo Lozano (7-6, 4 Kos) keturiuose „Rabobank“ teatro Bakersfieldo pusvidutinio svorio veiksmuose, Kalifornija.
Liepos mėn 30 Renginį apibūdina buvusio pasaulio čempiono sugrįžimas Viktoras Ortiz kovoja Meksikos Saulius Corralas į Papildsvars veiksmų. PBC FS1 ir FOX Deportes aprėptis prasideda nuo 7 p.m. IR/4 p.m. PT ir dalyvaus supervidutinio svorio varžovas Justinas Deloach " prisiimdamas buvusį tituluotą varžovą Fernando Guerrero daugiau 2016 Ne JAV. Olimpinis Karlos Balderas savo antrojoje profesionalų kovoje.
Papildomuose „Undercard“ veiksmuose dalyvaus trijulė jaunų kovotojų, debiutuojančių už profesionalus. Chosė Balderas, JAV brolis. Olimpietis Karolis, debiutuos profesionalų varžybose keturių raundų svorio kategorijoje, 2016 Nigerijos Olimpo Cartoon Ajagba varžysis šešiuose sunkiasvorių kovų etapuose Tyrellas Herndonas (6-1, 2 Kos) ir Wesley Apochi žengs į ringą šešių turų kreiserio svorio atrakcione.
Sekmadienis, Liepa 30 bus puiki proga Pietų Kalifornijos gerbėjams pažvelgti į sporto ateitį,” - tarė Ričardas Šeferis, „Ringstar Sports“ generalinis direktorius ir pirmininkas. “Be to, kad Karlosas Balderas varžosi dėl FS1 ir FOX Deportes kortelės dalies, gerbėjai dar kartą apžvelgs Eimanto Stanionio galią ir „Money Powell IV“ įgūdžius kelyje į būsimą žvaigždę.. Gerbėjai norės pasirodyti anksčiau ir sulaukti visų kovų liepos 30 d.”
Bilietus į gyvą renginį, kurią reklamuoja „Ringstar Sports“, yra kaina $80, $45 ir $30 ir yra parduodamas Penktadienis, Birželis 30 įsigyti internetu AXS.com.
Puikus mėgėjas, atstovaujantis Kaunui, Lietuva, Stanionis nori tapti kitu Rytų Europos kovotoju, kuris pasklis po JAV. 22 metų vyras turėjo a 141-19 mėgėjų rekordas ir uždirbo keturis senjorų nacionalinius čempionatus prieš iškovodamas auksą Europos olimpiniame kvalifikaciniame etape, kad užsidirbtų savo kelionę į 2016 Žaidimai. Vidutinio svorio kategorijos aukso medalininkas 2015 Europos mėgėjų bokso čempionatas, Stanionis debiutuodamas buvo įspūdingas, balandį pelnęs Rasheed Lawal pirmojo turo TKO.
Gimė Vokietijoje, kur buvęs jo boksininko tėvas buvo dislokuotas kariuomenėje, Powell IVvisam laikui atsidavė boksui, kai jo šeima grįžo į JAV. į 2011. Nuo tada 19-metis greitai išgarsėjo, laimėti 2016 Nacionalinis jaunimo vidutinio svorio čempionatas, pelnęs aukščiausią reitingą JAV „Boxing“ 152 svarų lygyje. Kova iš Fort Mitchell, Alabamos ir Gruzijos valstijų linijoje, Powellas pirmą kartą debiutavo balandį su pirmuoju etapu ir birželį jį sustabdė dar kartą.
Balderas savo vardą iškovojo laimėdamas daugybę turnyrų Pietų Kalifornijos mėgėjų bokso trasoje, iškovodamas įspūdingą 80 pergalių 88 kovas. Papildomai, menkasis svoris iškovojo Nacionalinį auksinių pirštinių titulą 2013, jaunių auksinių pirštinių čempionatas, du „Adidas“ nacionaliniai turnyrai, nacionalinis PAL titulas ir du jaunių olimpiniai turnyrai. Jose taip pat pateko į JAV ketvirtfinalį. Olimpinės bandymai. Nors jis metais vyresnis, Jose'as laukė, kol brolio olimpinė kelionė baigsis, norėdama tapti profesionalu, kad abu tais pačiais metais galėtų patekti į profesionalų gretas..
23-metų Ajagba yra pasirengęs pasisukti pro įveikęs šansus ir atlikęs 2016 Rio olimpinės žaidynės atstovaus jo gimtąją Nigeriją. Nors jis pralaimėjo ketvirtfinalyje, „Ajagba“ padarė nepriekaištingą pranašumą, kai atidarė pagrindinės ritės varžybas jo atidarymo rungtynėse prieš Trinidadą ir Tobagą. Kovotojas, žinomas kaip “King Kongas” per savo įspūdingą mėgėjų karjerą taip pat iškovojo Afrikos žaidynių aukso medalį.
Orogun, Nigerijos Apochi kadaise buvo savo šalies nacionalinės bokso rinktinės kapitonas, liudija, kiek jis nuvažiavo nuo stebėtinos antrosios vietos finišo 2011 Afrikos žaidynės. 29-erių metų vyras atstovavo Nigerijai 2013 Pasaulio čempionatas prieš uždirbdamas Sandraugos žaidynių bronzos medalį 2007 m 2014.
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Ventiliatoriai gali gyventi srautas kovas Fox Sports GO, anglų ar ispanų per FS1 arba FOX Deportes kanalus. Su kovomis galima atsisiųsti darbalaukyje adresu FOXSportsGO.com ir per „App Store“, arba prijungtų įrenginių, įskaitant "Apple TV", "Android TV", gaisro televizija, "Xbox One" ir "Roku". Papildomai, visas programas taip pat galima rasti „FOX Sports“ kanale „SiriusXM“ 83 palydovinių radijo ir ant SiriusXM app.
Sekite TwitterPremierBoxing, @Ringstar, @ FS1, FOXDeportes IrSwanson_Comm ir tapti ventiliatorius Facebook metu www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/Skambinkite žvaigždučių Sportas irwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. Svarbiausi galima rasti www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions.PBC FS1 & „FOX Deportes“ remia „Corona Extra“, geriausių Alus.

Welterweight Jamal James Battles Former Title Challenger Jo Jo Dan in Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 & FOX Deportes Action Saturday, Liepa 15 from NYCB LIVE’s Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum on Long Island

Daugiau! Unbeaten Prospect Brandon Figueroa Faces Eliezer Aquino in Bantamweight Matchup
Aprėptis prasideda 10 p.m. IR/7 p.m. PT Following
TSK FOX & FOX Deportes Telecast
LONG ISLAND, NY (Birželis 29, 2017) – Once-beaten welterweight Jamal James (20-1, 9 Kos) will meet former title challenger Jo Jo Dan (36-4, 19 Kos) in a 10-round showdown featured on Premier Boksas Čempionų apie FS1 ir FOX Sportas Šeštadienis, Liepa 15 at the newly-renovated NYCB LIVE, home of the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum.
Televised coverage on FS1 begins at 10 p.m. IR/7 p.m. PT, immediately following the PBC on FOX and FOX Deportes show headlined by a welterweight brawl between former world champions Omaras Figueroa ir Robertas Guerrero.
The FS1 show will also see unbeaten prospect Brandon Figueroa (12-0, 8 Kos) competing on his older brother Omar’s undercard as he takes on Eliezeris Aquino (19-2-1, 13 Kos) in an eight-round bantamweight attraction.
I’m excited to be able to get back in the ring on July 15,said James. “I’m grateful to have the team that I have so that I could fight on this great card in Long Island on FS1 and FOX Deportes. I’ve been training hard and I’m hungry and anxious to get back in the ring and show off my skills.
I am back at welterweight for my fight on Liepa 15 and I plan on putting on a good performance so that I can get back in the mix for a world title shot,” said Dan. “I am having a great training camp at the Grant brothersgym in Montreal and I’ll be in top shape on fight night. My team and I are thrilled to be part of this event that brings big-time boxing back to Long Island.
Televiziją transliuojamų FOX ir "Fox Deportes prasideda 8 p.m. IR/5 p.m. PT and also features unbeaten light heavyweights Marcus Brown ir Seanie Monaghan in a 10-round bout and a showdown between Polish heavyweights Arturas pin ir Adomas Kownacki.
Bilietus į gyvą renginį, kuris yra skatinamas DiBella Pramogos, prasideda $50 (neįskaitant taikomų mokesčių) ir yra parduoti dabar. Bilietus galima įsigyti internetu, apsilankiuswww.ticketmaster.com, www.nycblive.com, arba paskambinus 1-800-745-3000. Tickets are also available at the Ticketmaster Box Office at NYCB LIVE. Group discounts are available by calling 516-231-4848.
A tall welterweight at 6’2″, James looks to bounce back after a decision loss to Yordenis Ugas last August in which the 28-year-old accepted the fight on less than a week’s notice. Kova iš Minneapolis, Minesota, James was unbeaten in his first 20 fights as a pro including impressive victories over Javier Molina and Wale Omotoso that began his 2016 kampanija.
Born in Romania, Dan fights out of Quebec, Canada and has picked up victories in two of his three stateside fights. Pro nuo 2004, Dan was unbeaten in his first 26 professional starts. He owns two impressive victories over Canadian rival Kevin Bizier and challenged Kell Brook for his welterweight title in 2015. Dan fought twice at 154-pounds, including a challenge of now world champion Jarrett Hurd, before moving back down in weight and scoring a fifth-round stoppage of Jesus Gurrola in March.
The 20-year-old Brandon Figueroa turned pro in May of 2015 by defeating Hector Gutierrez and followed that up by stopping Ricardo Mena, Ramiro Ruiz and Francisco Muro to close out the year. The Weslaco-native stayed busy in 2016, picking up six victories, including five by way of stoppage before starting 2017 with a fourth-round stoppage of Raul Chirino in February and an eight-round decision of Luis Saavedra in May. Apie Liepa 15 he will fight on the undercard of his brother Omar for the third time.
Fighting out of Higuey, Dominikos Respublika, Aquino has fought professionally since 2007 and was unbeaten in his first 18 profesionalų priepuoliai. The 30-year-old has previously fought twice in the U.S. heading into this showdown on Liepa 15. Aquino enters this bout having won his last two bouts by way of stoppage.
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Ventiliatoriai gali gyventi srautas kovas Fox Sports GO, anglų ar ispanų per FS1 arba FOX Deportes kanalus. Su kovomis galima atsisiųsti darbalaukyje adresu FOXSportsGO.com ir per „App Store“, arba prijungtų įrenginių, įskaitant "Apple TV", "Android TV", gaisro televizija, "Xbox One" ir "Roku". Papildomai, visas programas taip pat galima rasti „FOX Sports“ kanale „SiriusXM“ 83 palydovinių radijo ir ant SiriusXM app.
Daugiau informacijos: apsilankymas www.premierboxingchampions.com, HTTP://www.foxsports.com/PressPass / puslapis, www.foxdeportes.comwww.SHO.com/Sporto sekti TwitterPremierBoxing, @ FS1, @FOXDeportes @LouDiBella, @NYCBLive and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports irwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.įww.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/NYCBLive. TSK remia Corona, La Cerveza Mas Fina.BROOKLYN BOXING on Long Island is an extension of BSE’s BROOKLYN BOXING™ brand. Daugiau informacijos, apsilankymas brooklynboxingshop.com.

Robert Easter vs. Denis Shafikov Final Press Conference Quotes & Nuotraukos

Premier Boxing Champions on Bounce this Friday, Birželis 30 from Huntington Center in Toledo, Ohajas – 9 p.m. IR/6 p.m. PT
Spauskite ČIA for Photos from De’Aris Ferguson/About Billions
TOLEDO, OH. (Birželis 28, 2017) – Unbeaten lightweight world champion Robertas Velykų and top contender Denisas Shafikov discussed their world title showdown with media Wednesday in advance of their bout that headlines Premier Boksas Čempionų apie atšokti šį penktadienį, Birželis 30 from the Huntington Center in Toledo, Ohajas.
Televiziją transliuojamų Bounce prasideda 9 p.m. IR/6 p.m. PT and features super welterweight contender Julianas Williams atsižvelgiant į kartą sumuštas Jozuė Conley. Both fighters were also in attendance Wednesday to discuss their 154-pound matchup.
Bilietus į gyvą renginį, which is promoted by About Billions Promotions in association with Warriors Boxing, yra kaina $225 $125, $100, $75, $55 ir $35, ir yra parduoti dabar. Bilietus galima įsigyti internetu, apsilankius www.ticketmaster.com, arba paskambinus 1-800-745-3000.
Here is what the fighters had to say Wednesday from the Huntingon Center:
We’ve had a real tough camp. Every day I’ve been pushed by team and I thank them for that. They put me in the position that I need to be in.
I understand that Shafikov is a really tough fighter. They’ve always said the guy in front of me is tough. I’m not here to talk about all the close fights he’s almost won. I will be the first man to stop him.
“Kai aš atėjau iš, we don’t play games. Especially when it comes to somebody taking something from us. We’re not going to let that happen.
I’m thankful for everyone that came out here and everyone who helped put this great card together. I’m just excited to get there in the ring and stand next to him.
I have an advantage in reach, but Shafikov is a tough opponent who’s coming to fight. I’m going to show-off my skills and be the first to stop him.
I just have to be me. If you’ve ever seen me fight, you can see that I always stay composed. You’ll see the same thing in the ring penktadienį.
When you get in that ring, it’s only me and him. These great fans can’t help me, only my fists. I’m focused on taking control of the fight. I know how to adjust and be a professional in there if I have to.
It’s been eight tough weeks of training camp and I can’t wait to have this beautiful city behind me. Birželio 30, it’ll be man down!”
I believe that this is my time. It’s my third title fight and this will be the time that I take home the belt and reach my dream.
“aš duodu 100 percent every time I step into the ring. I know that this will be an exciting fight but I also know that I have to do whatever it takes to win the title.
I’ve been able to bounce back after my last two title defeats and make myself a better fighter each time. You will see that penktadienį night and I will be victorious.
I appreciate everyone coming out to support the fight. This is really a great card. I watch Robert a lot on television and I can see that the fans here are really supporting him. I’m looking forward to an excited crowd.
Joshua Conley and myself will put on a really good fight, and I expect to come out on top and get back in that win column.
I’m ready to challenge anybody in the division and I’m going to show that I’m back on the right track this Friday night.
I’ve put in the hard work during camp to get a big victory and put myself on the map in the 154-pound division.
I know that I’m fighting a really good fighter. This is my opportunity and if I knock Julian Williams out, I’ll be right in the mix with the best super welterweights in the world.
# # #
Premier Boxing Champions on Bounce will be available to be streamed via via Bounce’s new subscription-video-on-demand service Brown Sugar, which features an extensive and one-of-a-kind library of iconic black movies as well as Bounce original programming and series. The new service is available for mobile phones and tablets in the Google Play Store and iTunes App Store as well as for Amazon Kindle Fire tablets in the Amazon Appstore and for computers at www.BrownSugar.com. There is a free initial trial period for subscribers with a retail price of $3.99/month thereafter. Brown Sugar has Google Chromecast capabilities which allow video to play on televisions directly from mobile devices available for consumers with Android and iOS devices.
Daugiau informacijos rasite www.premierboxingchampions.com, sekti Twitter @ PremierBoxing, @RobertEaster_Jr, BounceTV, ir @Swanson_Comm ir sekite pokalbį naudojant #PBConBounce, tapti "Facebook" ventiliatorius www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions ir www.Facebook.com/BounceTV. TSK Bounce remia Corona: geriausių Alus.
Atšokti yra sparčiausiai auganti afroamerikietis (A.) Tinklo televizijoje ir didžiuotis dėl signalų perdavimo vietos televizijos stočių ir atitinkamą kabelio vežimas. Tinklas yra programavimo derinys originalus ir off-tinklo serijos, teatro filmuota, pasiūlymai, Gyvi sporto ir daugiau. Atšokti išaugo būti prieinama daugiau nei 94 milijonų namų visoje JAV ir 93% visų Afrikos Amerikos televizijos namus, įskaitant visus aukščiausio AA televizijos rinkose. Tarp Bounce steigėjų yra iconic Amerikos skaičiai Martinas Liuteris Kingas, III ir ambasadorius Andrius Young.
Dėl vietos kanalo vietą, aplankyti BounceTV.com.

Top featherweight prospect Toka Kahn-Clary Back where he belongs, climbing higher

UŽ nedelsiant paleisti
PROVIDENCE, R. (Birželis 28. 2017) – Last Saturday night in Louisville, Kentucky, lengvas perspektyva Toka “T Nice” Kahnas-Clara (22-1, 15 Kos) stole the show fighting in his promotional debut for Hall-of-Famer Evander Holyfield‘s Real Deal Sports & Valdymas, putting on a boxing clinic to earn a one-sided eight-round decision over determined Dominican Angel “Katė” Mėnesio (11-3, 6 Kos).
The Liberia-born Toka-Kahn, kovoti iš Providence, R., fought on national television for the first time, live on CBS Sports Network Real Deal Championship Boxing series co-feature, at Freedom Hall as part of six-weekI Am Alifestival, honoring the late, puikus Muhammadą Ali savo gimtajame.
Luna came out strong, never let up and forced Kahn-Clary to fight effectively backing up, something that most boxers are unable to do. Toka dropped Luna in the seventh round en route to a near shutout victory with judgesscores of 80-72, 80-72, 79-73.
He must have seen me get caught early in my only loss (vs. Jbon Incassum) and he tried to do that too from the opening bell,” Kahn-Clary said. “He was in great shape and very determined. I buckled him once and dropped him, but he bounced right up and kept coming forward. He applied a lot of pressure and I couldn’t back him up. I felt good and was in great shape. I got hit with a few good shots but composed myself and just boxed I showed I could take shots and keep boxing. I put my opponent down after a flurry with an uppercut, right up the middle, doing the big damage. I wanted to impress Evander, letting him know I belong in his stable, and that I want and deserve a title-fight.
Kahn-Clary’s adviser, Seth DeRobbio, announced that Toka will return to the ring in September, also back in Louisville, fighting for an undetermined title in a 10-round bout.
This was a perfect fight for Toka,” he remarked. “He had to fight backpedaling, which is very difficult to do successfully. His will was tested but he put on a complete boxing clinic against a very tough opponent, who came out in a blaze and kept coming forward. They had a furious exchange with about 30 seconds remaining in the seventh round. Toka dropped him in final six-seconds of the seventh round. Luna beat the count but was really saved by the bell. Kitas 20 seconds left in that round, or if it was a 10-round fight, Toka very well may have stopped him. He threw beautiful 5-6 punch combinations.
It was a great fight for Toka. His previous two fights he knew his opponents were outclassed going into the fight and that he was supposed to knock them out. This fight was against a much better opponent. Toka took a few good shots but he was in top shape. The fans in Louisville really moved watching him fight. We’ll be back there in September fighting for a title to be determined.
"Twitter" & Instagram: @TokaKahnClary


UŽ nedelsiant paleisti
Manny Pacquiao speaks at today’s Final press conference in Australia
EDMONTON, Alberta, Kanada (Birželis 28, 2017) – The final [press conference was held today foršį šeštadienį NAKTIES “Battle in Brisbane,” featuring World Boxing Organization (WBO) Welterweight World champion Manny “Pacman’ Pacquiao (59-6-2, 38 Kos) and his title challenger, Jeff Horn (16-0-1, 11 Kos).
Battle of Brisbane: Pacquiao vs. Horn,” presented by Top Rank and Duco Events. transliuos šį šeštadienį vakaras, tik Kanadoje per „Super Channel“, live from Suncorp Stadium in Brisbane, Australija.
Super Channel subscribers will be able to watch four exciting fights, pradedant 9 p.m. IR / 6 p.m. PT, ant “Battle of Brisbane” korta, headlined by Pacquiao vs. Horn.
As a warm-up to theBattle of Brisbane” apie Liepa 1, Super Channel will present two replays of previous Pacquiao bouts on Penktadienis Birželis 30pradedant 7 p.m. IR / 4 p.m. PT on SC1:

Manny Pacquiao vs Oscar de la Hoya
– Gruodis. 6, 2008

Manny Pacquiao vs Ricky Hatton
– Gegužė 2, 2009 (IBO World super lightweight title)
These fights will also be available on Super kanalas on Demand.
Here is a link to Pacquaio’s interview today with official press conference host Ben Damon:
Šeštadienis night’s Super Channel telecast will also feature two-time Irish Olympian Michaelas Conlanas (2-0, 2 Kos), from Belfast, in a six-round featherweight bout against Jarrett “Juarez” Owen (5-4-3, 2 Kos), of Brisbane.In the 12-round co-feature,Tarptautinė bokso federacija (IBF) junior bantamweight world champion Jerwin “Gana Vaikinas” Ancajas (24-1-1, 16 Kos), of Cavite City, Filipinai, will defend his title against top-rated contender Teiru Kinoshita (25-1-1, 8 Kos), of Kobe, Japonija. The live telecast will open with an eight-round middleweight bout between Shane Mosley, Jaunesnysis. (10-1, 7 Kos), iš Pomona, Kalifas. and son of former three-division world champion “Cukrus” Shane Mosley, ir David Toussaint (10-0, 8 Kos), of Canberra, Australija.
Visi kovoja ir kovotojai gali kisti.
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Former World Champion Victor Ortiz Returns to Battle Mexico’s Saul Corral in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions on FS1 & Lapė deportuoja sekmadienį, Liepa 30 from Rabobank Theater in Bakersfield, Kalifornija

Daugiau! Super Welterweight Contender Justin DeLoach Faces
Former Title Challenger Fernando Guerrero
2016 Ne JAV. Olympian Karlos Balderas in Televised Action
Pradedant tuo 7 p.m. IR/4 p.m. PT
Bilietai Parduodama Penktadienis, Birželis 30!
BAKERSFIELDAS, Kalifas. (Birželis 28, 2017) – Įspūdingas buvęs pasaulio čempionas Viktoras Ortiz(31-6-2, 24 Kos)susitiks Meksikos Saulius Corralas (24-9, 15 Kos) in a 10-round welterweight matchup onSekmadienis, Liepa 30 kad antraštėse Premier Boksas Čempionų apie FS1 ir FOX Sportas tiesiogiai iš „Rabobank“ teatro Bakersfielde, Kalifornija.
Televizijos aprėptis prasideda 7 p.m. IR/4 p.m. PT ir dalyvaus supervidutinio svorio varžovas Justinas Deloach " (17-1, 9 Kos) prisiimdamas buvusį tituluotą varžovą Fernando Guerrero (28-4, 20 Kos) in a 10-round showdown and 2016 Ne JAV. Olimpinis Karlos Balderas (1-0, 1 KO) savo antrojoje profesionalų kovoje.
This is a great opportunity for me to get back in the ring, shake off the ring rust and put on a show for the fans,” Sakė Ortiz. “I’ve been really focused on training and getting myself back physically and mentally to where I need to be. This is my first time fighting since my son was born and it’s given me a whole new purpose in life. I’m thankful to everyone who has helped me get to this point and I can’t wait to go do what I do best and entertain everyone in the arena and watching on FS1 and FOX Deportes.
I am excited to test myself against another great former champion in Victor Ortiz,” said Corral. “Everyone who has seen me fight knows I will give it my all every time I step into the ring. I plan on being aggressive and making Ortiz very uncomfortable in the ring. He has had problems overcoming adversity in the ring and I am going to test him and give him everything I have.
Bilietus į gyvą renginį, kurią reklamuoja „Ringstar Sports“, yra kaina $80, $45 ir $30 ir yra parduodamas Penktadienis, Birželis 30 įsigyti internetu AXS.com.
Every time Victor Ortiz gets into the ring, you know that it is going to be an electric night and I expect another action-packed show on Liepa 30,” - tarė Ričardas Šeferis, „Ringstar Sports“ pirmininkas ir generalinis direktorius. “Fans here in California and watching on FS1 and FOX Deportes will get to see the former world champion against the always tough Saul Corral as he works his way back towards the top of the welterweight division. This great show will also feature a strong matchup between a rising contender in Justin DeLoach and the veteran Fernando Guerrero, plus Ringstar’s own Karlos Balderas, a 2016 Ne JAV. Olympian who loves put on a show in the ring and will continue to prove that he has the skills to fulfill his tremendous potential.
An action fighter who never shies away from an exchange, Ortiz returns to the ring having picked up victories over the likes of Andre Berto, Vivian Harris, and Nate Campbell while also facing the top fighters in the sport including Floyd Mayweather, Marcos Maidana and Lamont Peterson. Kansas gimtoji praleido laiką pastaraisiais metais kino vaidmenis filmuose, pavyzdžiui, “Southpaw” ir “Nesunaikinami 3” but is now fully focused on a return to the pinnacle of the welterweight division.
Representing Agua Prieta, Sonora, Meksika, Corralis the winner of 10 of his last thirteen bouts including a hard-fought defeat in his last outing against former champion Josesito Lopez. The 30-year-old has fought professionally since 2006 and went the distance in a 10-round decision loss to U.S. Olympian Sadam Ali last September. He won a Mexican title in July 2016 with a fifth-round stoppage of Francisco Medel and also challenged former champion Mike Alvarado amongst his 33 career bouts.
The 23-year-old DeLoach is one of the fastest rising contenders in the 154-pound division as he enters this bout the winner of his last seven contests, including three wins over previously unbeaten fighters Domonique Dolton, Junior Castillo and Dillon Cook. His most recent outing saw him deliver a second-round knockout of then once-beaten Christopher Pearson. The fighter from Augusta, Georgia turned pro in 2013 ir laimėjo savo pirmąjį 10 fights before suffering a defeat in early 2015.
The 30-year-old Guerrero lives and trains out of Los Angeles but grew up in Maryland after being born in the Dominican Republic. The veteran owns victories over Ishe Smith, Abraomas Han, Derrick Findley and Gabriel Rosado plus a defeat in a world title bout against Peter Quillin. Pro nuo 2007, Guerrero most recently challenged 154-pound contender Tony Harrison last March.
Fighting out of Santa Maria, Kalifornija, the 20-year-old Balderas is the son of Mexican parents who immigrated to the United States to give their children a better life. Balderas had an impressive amateur career that included a 2014 Youth National Championship, four National PAL championships and an impressive run in the World Series of Boxing. His amateur career culminated in a trip to the 2016 Olympic Games where he represented the U.S. and defeated fighters from Kazakhstan and Japan before a decision loss in the quarterfinals. He made his pro debut back in April, forcing Michael Thomas to retire after one round.
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Ventiliatoriai gali gyventi srautas kovas Fox Sports GO, anglų ar ispanų per FS1 arba FOX Deportes kanalus. Su kovomis galima atsisiųsti darbalaukyje adresu FOXSportsGO.com ir per „App Store“, arba prijungtų įrenginių, įskaitant "Apple TV", "Android TV", gaisro televizija, "Xbox One" ir "Roku". Papildomai, visas programas taip pat galima rasti „FOX Sports“ kanale „SiriusXM“ 83 palydovinių radijo ir ant SiriusXM app.
Sekite TwitterPremierBoxing, @Ringstar, @ FS1, FOXDeportes IrSwanson_Comm ir tapti ventiliatorius Facebook metu www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/Skambinkite žvaigždučių Sportas irwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. Svarbiausi galima rasti www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions.PBC FS1 & „FOX Deportes“ remia „Corona Extra“, geriausių Alus.

Featherweight Prospect Miguel Flores Takes On Former Title Challenger Chris Avalos in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes July 18 from Rapides Parish Coliseum in Alexandria, Luizianos

Daugiau! Unbeaten Ahmed Elbiali Battles Leo Hall in Showdown of Light Heavyweight Prospects
Bilietai parduodami dabar!
ALEXANDRIA, LA. (Birželis 28, 2017) – Featherweight prospect Miguel Flores (21-1, 9 Kos) will return to the ring to face former title challenger Chrisas Avalos (26-5, 19 Kos) in a 10-round showdown that headlines Premier Boksas Čempionų TOE iki kojų antradieniaisnuo FS1 ir Boksas Čempionų Fox Deportes Liepa 18 from Rapides Parish Coliseum in Alexandria, Luizianos.
Televizijos aprėptis prasideda 9 p.m. IR/6 p.m. PT and features undefeated Ahmedas Elbiali(15-0, 12 Kos) in a 10-round showdown against light heavyweight prospect Liūtas salė (8-2, 7 Kos).
I’m very excited to be fighting back on FS1 and FOX Deportes,” said Flores. “I’ve learned a lot since suffering my first defeat but now it’s time to get back in the win column. I’m up against a very tough fighter in Carlos Avalos. I’m just ready to let my hands go and provide the fans with some great action. This will be a classic Mexican war that the fans will enjoy.
I’m excited to get in the ring and show that I’m still very dangerous every time I’m in there,” said Avalos. “Flores hasn’t faced somebody like me and if he thinks this will be an easy comeback fight for him, he’s in for a rough night. I’m going to leave it all in the ring and give the fans watching an action-packed fight. I know I have what it takes to walk out of there with a win.
Bilietus į gyvą renginį, which is promoted by Warriors Boxing in association with Keep Punching Entertainment, yra kaina $150, $80, $50, $30 ir $22, ir yra parduoti dabar. Tickets can be purchased through Ticketmaster at ticketmaster.com arba paskambinus 1-800-745-3000 or at the Rapides Parish Coliseum Box Office.
Miguel Flores is anxious to bounce back from the first loss of his career and going up against Chris Avalos is the perfect opportunity for Miguel to show what he’s made of,” sakė Leonas Margules, Prezidentas Warriors Boksas. “The fans at the beautiful, newly renovated Rapides Parish Coliseum are in for a treat and the show fits in nicely with the Premier Boxing Champions shows that are always televised on FS1 Toe-to-Toe Tuesdays.
Originally from Michoacan, Meksika, bet kovoja iš Houston, Flores will look to bounce back from his first pro defeat in February to veteran contender Dat Nguyen. The 24-year-old had a big 2015 beginning in May with a victory over German Meraz and followed up by wins against Juan Ruiz, Carlos Padilla and Alfred Tetteh. He started 2016 with a headlining win over Mario Briones in January before dominating Ruben Tamayo over 10 rounds in May and scoring a decision over previously once-beaten Ryan Kielczweski in August.
The 27-year-old Avalos enters the ring with a wealth of experience, including a world title challenge against Carl Frampton and a battle with current champion Oscar Valdez. The fighter out of Lancaster, California earned his world title shot with victories over Yasutaka Ishimoto, Rolly Lunas and Drian Francisco. Avals has also been triumphant over previously unbeaten fighters Yenifel Vicente and Khabir Suleymanov.
Iš Kairo gimtoji, Egiptas dabar gyvenantis Majamyje, the 26-year-old Elbiali had success in four TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAY appearances over the last two years. Those three contests saw him score a first round knockout of Fabiano Pena and eight-round unanimous decisions over Mariano Hilario and Andrew Hernandez. Most recently he delivered a first round stoppage of Jackson Junior in March in a fight broadcast on FS1 and FOX Deportes.
Leo Hall steps back into the ring looking to rebound from decision defeats to top prospects Earl Newman and Christopher Brooker. Kova iš Detroit, Hall turned in 2014 and won his first eight pro fights. The 22-year-old has won seven of his eight bouts by way of knockout since his pro debut.
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Ventiliatoriai gali gyventi srautas kovas Fox Sports GO, anglų ar ispanų per FS1 arba FOX Deportes kanalus. Su kovomis galima atsisiųsti darbalaukyje adresu FOXSportsGO.com ir per „App Store“, arba prijungtų įrenginių, įskaitant "Apple TV", "Android TV", gaisro televizija, "Xbox One" ir "Roku". Papildomai, visas programas taip pat galima rasti „FOX Sports“ kanale „SiriusXM“ 83 palydovinių radijo ir ant SiriusXM app.
Daugiau informacijos rasite www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/PressPass / puslapis ir foxdeportes.com sekti TwitterPremierBoxing, FOXSports, FOXDeportes IrSwanson_Comm ir tapti ventiliatorius Facebook metuwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxing, www.facebook.com/foxsports irwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes. Sekite pokalbį naudodami #PBConFOX. PBC on FS1 and FOX Deportes is sponsored by Corona, geriausių Alus.

Taras Shelestyuk Enjoying Working with New Trainer Joel Diaz Ahead of Saturday’s Fight

UŽ nedelsiant paleisti
ORANGE, Calif./Philadelphia, Pennas. (Birželis 27, 2017) – Undefeated, world ranked welterweight Terasa “Real Deal” Shelestyuk is banking on his new trainer, the highly regarded Joel Diaz, to take his game to the next level.
I enjoy working with Joel Diaz,” said Shelstyuk, who brought home a bronze finish in the 2012 London Olympics to his native Ukraine. “He’s a great communicator. He knows how to bring out the best in boxers.
Shelestyuk (15-0, 9 Kos), kas šeštadienį headlines Thompson Boxing’sLocked nLoaded” 8-round main event from Omega Products in Sacramento, Kalifornijoje., is currently ranked No. 5 pagal WBO.
Į 31, Shelestyuk can ill afford a slip up on his way up the official rankings. Jo priešininkas, Jėzus Rodriguez Alvarez (15-2, 11 Kos), is all too eager to play the spoiler šeštadienįnaktis.
I know I can’t sleep on Rodriguez,” Sakė Shelestyuk, who is promoted by Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing. “I have to make a statement early in the fight to let him know what I’m about.
Shelestyuk vs. Rodriguez and the entire 8-bout card will be streamed live on TB Presents: Locked nLoaded. Watch the action on ThompsonBoxing.com ir Facebook Live pradedant nuo 6:30 p.m. "PST / 10:30 p.m. EST.
Bilietai “Locked nLoaded” yra kaina $40, $60, & $100 and are available for purchase online at ThompsonBoxing.com, arba paskambinus 714-935-0900.
Shelestyuk is coming off a unanimous decision win against Jaime Herrera in November. Kova, televised on SHOWTIME, had championship implications with Shelestyuk winning the WBO-NABO welterweight title.
Since teaming up with Diaz several months ago, Shelestyuk, kas yra Southpaw, has tightened his punching ability and plans to be assertive throughout the 8-round fight.
I think most people know that I’m more of a boxer than a puncher,” said the Los Angeles-based Shelestyuk. “You can still have an aggressive style with a technical game plan and that’s what we’re working on. How to be aggressive in a methodical fashion.
This is a big fight for Taras. Should he win šeštadienį, we feel he is ready for a major fight. He is hungry and has the incentive to put on a great performance šeštadienį naktis,” sakė Banner Akcijos prezidentas, Artie Pelullo.
Be bendro funkcija, standout amateur Ruben Villa (5-0, 3 Kos) of Salinas, Kalifas. looks to stay undefeated against Jonathan Alcantara (7-15-2, 1 KO) in a fight set for 6-rounds.
Villa has all the tools to become the next world champion at featherweight. He cleaned up the amateur ranks with back-to-back National Golden Gloves championships prior to turning professional last year.
He inked a promotional contract with Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing last July.
TB Presents: Locked nLoaded broadcast team consists of Beto Duran on play-by-play and Steve Kim provides expert, color commentary.
Durys atviros ne 5:30 p.m. local time with the first bout at approximately 6:30 p.m. Omega Products International is located at 8111 Fruitridge Road, Sacramento, PVZ 95826 and can be reached at 916-635-3335.
Locked nLoadedis presented by Thompson Boxing Promotions and sponsored by Lucas Oil, in association with Everlast.
Daugiau informacijos, apsilankykite Banner-Promotions.su.
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Photo by Carlos Baeza / Thompson Boksas

Artur Szpilka vs. Adam Kownacki Press Conference Quotes & Nuotraukos

Polish Heavyweight Showdown Featured on Premier Boxing Champions on FOX & FOX Deportes Saturday, Liepa 15 from NYCB LIVE’s Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum on Long Island
Spauskite ČIA už Nuotraukos iš Ed Kalbos / DiBella Pramogos
ČIA for Photos from the Fan Meet & Greet from
Edas Kalbos / DiBella Pramogos (Photos to be added shortly)
BROOKLYN (Birželis 28, 2017) – Former title challenger Arturas pin ir nenugalėtas Adomas Kownacki squared-off for the first time at a press conference in Brooklyn Trečiadienis as they prepare for their Polish heavyweight showdown featured on Premier Boksas Čempionų apieFOX ir FOX Sportas Šeštadienis, Liepa 15 in the first boxing event at the newly-renovatedNYCB LIVE, home of the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum.
Televizijos aprėptis prasideda 8 p.m. IR/5 p.m. PT and is headlined by a welterweight brawl between former world champions Omaras Figueroa ir Robertas Guerrero plus a matchup of unbeaten light heavyweights Marcus Brown ir Seanie Monaghan.
Bilietus į gyvą renginį, kuris yra skatinamas DiBella Pramogos, prasideda $50 (neįskaitant taikomų mokesčių) ir yra parduoti dabar. Bilietus galima įsigyti internetu, apsilankiuswww.ticketmaster.com, www.nycblive.com, arba paskambinus 1-800-745-3000. Tickets are also available at the Ticketmaster Box Office at NYCB LIVE. Group discounts are available by calling 516-231-4848.
Szpilka and Kownacki spoke to press at Krolewski Jadlo Restaurant in Greenpoint, Brooklyn before heading to Johnny’s Café in Queens for a meet and greet with fans.
Štai ką dalyviai turėjo pasakyti Trečiadienis:
Everything has been different this training camp. I’m focused on training for Adam Kownacki. I’ve lost some weight and I feel faster. Everything is feeling perfect.
I want to show the world and my country that what happened in the Wilder fight was an accident. I feel ready and I can’t wait.
The sparring has been perfect for this camp. I have two great sparring partners who are giving me different looks and getting me ready for Adam. I’m glad that I’ve been pushed really hard in sparring.
I’m not worried about fighting in his hometown. I’m only focused on the man who is in front of me. It’s my job to go in there and take care of the man trying to knock me out.
I have heard the talk from Kownacki about my chin, but there is nothing that he can say once we’re in the ring. Liepos 15 everyone will see my power and it will verify that I am the better fighter.
We have talked a lot today, bet Liepa 15 only our fists can talk and I can’t wait to perform in front everyone. I will show the whole world that I am ready for another shot at the world title.
Adomo Kownacka
I’m feeling great right now. I was in Poland for four weeks to spar with Tomasz Adamek and I think that helped me a lot. Now I’m back here with my team to finish up camp and work on preparing for a tough southpaw.
I think I’ll be able to control my emotions on fight night. This is another fight in my long career. I have to go and do my best. This is a big step on my way to becoming a world champion and making my dreams come true.
“Aš manau, kad stilius, kad kovoja. Mano stilius yra puikus savo stilių. I come forward and bring pressure and he’s been dropped so many times, I think his chin is probably gone. It’s hard to recuperate from a knockout like he had against Wilder.
We’ve been working on everything we can in the gym. Knowing how to cut off the ring against a lefty is definitely very important. I’m getting better every day and with every sparring session. I’ll be ready on Liepa 15.”
This is a big chance for me to shine. I wish Artur all the success in the world, but it’s my time right now. Liepa 15 you will see a great fight.
Ronnie SHIELDS, PIN anketa treneris
Artur is at the level where he’ll fight anybody in the world. We know how god Adam is. It’s going to be skill against skill.
Training camp has been going great for Artur. He’s been having some really good sparring with some strong fighters who can simulate what Adam is going to do.
Szpilka is in great shape right now, he’s ready to go. We’re going to make sure he doesn’t make the same mistake from the Wilder fight. He’s watched the tape and he knows what to do.
KEITH TRIMBLE, Kownacki’s Trainer
I’m thankful that Adam has this opportunity. I grew up on Long Island so it’s a dream come true to be a part of this event.
“Tai ketina būti puiki kova dėl gerbėjai. The way people get behind their soccer teams, we will see that on Liepa 15 from the Polish fans. It’s going to be a hell of a night.
Adam is training so hard and he’s ready to go the distance. We’re ready for a war. Artur fought for a title recently so we couldn’t ask for a better fight. If we get this win, there are big things ahead for us.
Lou DIBELLA, Prezidentas DiBella Pramogos
It’s great to be here in Greenpoint where there is such a great Polish population and they understand the significance of this fight. This is the biggest fight you could make between two Polish heavyweights.
Artur was a lifelong resident of Poland, who now has ties in Houston training with Ronnie Shields, while Adam is on the rise as an American Polish kid from Brooklyn and now living on Long Island. This is the first time in 31 years that there will be a big show on Long Island. Anybody that knows boxing knows that this is going to be a great fight.
The winner of this fight is right there contending in the heavyweight division. Artur fought a great fight against Deontay Wilder before getting caught. They’re both warriors. This is a chance for Adam to prove himself. This fight has been brewing for a long time and there is a lot of pride at stake here.
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Ventiliatoriai gali gyventi srautas kovas Fox Sports GO, anglų ar ispanų per FS1 arba FOX Deportes kanalus. Su kovomis galima atsisiųsti darbalaukyje adresu FOXSportsGO.com ir per „App Store“, arba prijungtų įrenginių, įskaitant "Apple TV", "Android TV", gaisro televizija, "Xbox One" ir "Roku". Papildomai, visas programas taip pat galima rasti „FOX Sports“ kanale „SiriusXM“ 83 palydovinių radijo ir ant SiriusXM app.
Daugiau informacijos: apsilankymas www.premierboxingchampions.com, HTTP://www.foxsports.com/PressPass / puslapis, www.foxdeportes.com,
www.SHO.com/Sports sekti TwitterPremierBoxing, @ FS1, @FOXDeportes @LouDiBella, @NYCBLive and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports irwww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.įww.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment,www.Facebook.com/NYCBLive. TSK remia Corona, La Cerveza Mas Fina.BROOKLYN BOXING on Long Island is an extension of BSE’s BROOKLYN BOXING™ brand. Daugiau informacijos, apsilankymas brooklynboxingshop.com.