Categoriae Archives: pugilatu

Praecipua Thomam Mattice Castra

Invictus Mattice De Bello PERFUSORIUS Rolandum Chinea Hoc Friday De ShoBox: The New Generation

Friday, Feb. 2 Live On SHOWTIME® At 10 p.m. ATQUE/PT
Sloan ex Casino in WinnaVegas, Iowa

NEW EBORACUM (Jan. 30, 2018) – Undefeated lightweight prospectu Thomas Mattice is preparing in Cleveland for his matchup against Rolandum Chinea that is part of a ShoBox: The New Generation tripleheader hoc Friday, Feb. 2, at vivere SHOWTIME 10 p.m. ET / PT ex WinnaVegas Casino in asperatus, Iowa.
Mattice (10-0, 8 KOs), Clenelandiae, Ohio, et Lancastriae, Pennsylvania Chinea scriptor (15-1-1, 6 KOs) will clash in the eight-round co-feature of the three-fight telecast.
Mattice operatus est durum ad nationalibus television eius debut.
Camp has been going great. We finished everything up over the weekend, Nunc iusta ac neglegenter procinctuFriday.”
Quamvis hoc non prius pugna pro Mattice de camera scriptor, XXVII annos ad hoc simile est de omnibus aliis pugna.
I am going in like this is any other fight. The only difference is that this is a progression, a step up. Like all the other fights, Ego sum iustus questus focused in win.”
Mattice est, ut alienetur intentio facit totum quadrigis dispositas speculatorias, while he focuses on his own business of training and getting ready for the opportunity ahead of him on Friday.
I am just letting my team handle the scouting of Chinea. We drew up a gameplan based on that, and now I am just going to go in there and execute it.
I just expect a great performance. For the fans that haven’t seen me, they can expect a fighter who can box and can bang. I just want everyone to tune in, and see a great fight. I have a lot of confidence that I will get the job done on Friday.”
Promotus est per quod res GH3 Promotions in consociatione cum Rec Natione Miscellaneous, Victory Promotions and Ringside Ticket. Nullam in justo $10 general admission prior to the event and $20 on Feb. 2. For more information call: 1.800.cit HOT.WINN. 7117.


Love Replaces Injured Wellington Romero In Telecast Opener At 10 p.m. ATQUE/Alleluia In Sloan ex Obstinatus Casino WinnaVegas, Iowa
NEW EBORACUM (Jan. 30, 2018) – Super invictus PERFUSORIUS Amor Montana Philadelphiae, in faciem linea Prospectus Sam Seah in the opening bout of ShoBox: The New Generation this Friday, Feb. 2, vivere SHOWTIME (10 p.m. ATQUE/PT) ex WinnaVegas Casino Resort in asperatus, Iowa.

Vivamus amor patria, who was originally scheduled to fight on a non-televised undercard bout on Feb. 2, notificata locum Wellington Vinagrera, who was forced to withdraw on Monday with a back injury.
Yeah (12-1-1, 5 KOs) vs. Diligite (8-0, 4 KOs), is an eight-round super lightweight matchup that will serve as the opening bout of what is now a three-fight ShoBox telecast.
In Tuesday scriptor principale eventus, CLXVIII spem invictam pondo Ronald Cicero (14-0-1, 10 KOs) et Iunior Younan (13-0, 9 KOs) will clash in a 10-round super middleweight bout. In pluma co-, Thomas Mattice (10-0, 8 KOs) will face two-time ShoBox winner Rolando Chinea (15-1-1, 6 KOs) per octo, per PERFUSORIUS matchup.
MONUMENTUM: A previously announced matchup between Devin Haney and Harmonito Dela Torre was pulled from the ShoBox telecast after the Filipino Dela Torre encountered visa issues.
Qui perfectus amor amateur gestarum 174-13 numisma, a aere per recordum, et vicit 2012 National Golden Gloves Championships. The 22-year-old southpaw recently sparred with Adrien Broner and served as head sparring partner for Robert Easter Jr. sicut IBF PERFUSORIUS Mundus Champion ejus paravit ex titulo defensionis contra Javier fortuna Ian. 20.
Yeah, Philadelphiae per viam de Liberia, has won five in a row and owns a 2015 ShoBox victory over previously undefeated O’Shaquie Foster.
Promotus est per quod res GH3 Promotions in consociatione cum Rec Natione Miscellaneous, victoria Promotions, Aliquam et Nazgul. Nullam in justo $10 general admission prior to the event and $20 on Feb. 2. For more information call: 1.800.cit HOT.WINN. 7117.
Barry Tompkins will call the ShoBox action from ringside with Steve Farhood and former world champion Raul Marquez serving as expert analysts. Exsecutiva productorem est Gordon Hall fecit cum eisdem Ricardo et producens Gaughan Rick Phillips dirigens.
# # #
Pro magis notitia visit consequuntur @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, #ShoBox, Facebook fan seu fieri omnino

Duo-pars mundi fortissimus Beibut Shumenov annuncians homini REGRESSUS

ASTANA, Kazakhstan (January 29, 2018) – Duo-boxing division mundo Association (WBA) mundus Champion Shumenov Beibu eius REGRESSUS hodie nuntiatum torcular colloquium in patria tenuit in Kazakhstan.
“Cuius arbitrio diu cogitavi ante,” Shumenov explicavit. “Omnibus perpensis pros cons, praeter equos et domus mea apud consulting, Ego sum placuit ad firmiter caestu professional. Praemisit enim multum opus est obvious, sed finis noster. Gratias ago tibi vis exprimere mea ad illos qui Ive 'auxiliata est mihi. Suscitabo thronum regni tui usque ad diem omnis nuntium, et plura sunt singula meo reditu usque ad annulum.”
In Las Vegas-fundatur Shumenov (17-2, 11 KOs), a 2004 Olympio Casachia, cessere tandem ex Iunii oculi injuriam, cogere se ad pontificatum deponendum, cuius titulus WBA cruiserweight mundi.
“Ego volo tibi dicere, quare non placuit interpellandi vitae meae.” Shumenov nuntiatum hodiernae in colloquio presser. “Consilium meum, et trauma oculi mei affectus. Labor et motus tensio exaggeratus. Ego iustus opus intermissum. Autem, Ego autem obtinuerimus, et eo aptior concitata ad rebellandum vitae meae. Negotiationes in praesenti modo citatus quia tunc pugna.”

Shumenov praedicavit et est operatus ut develop domesticum pro pugilatu progressio coetus et Kazakh iuvenis in Kazakhstan ad filios eorum in Kazakhstan adiuvare pervenire iuga eorum.
In 10th pro suo modo pugna, Shumenov statutum rara naevorum sorde, pugnatque pro recordum lux mundi fortissimus heavyweight 10 years ago, cum decisioned Gabriel Campillo in Las Vegas.
Shumenov est autem duos tantum in ultima pugna Casachia division spurius de mundo, cum conterritus haesit continuitque Junior Wright in 10th per eorum Maii 2, 2016 title certamen, sedendoque expugnaturum se WBA Cruiserweight I Campionatu Mundano.
Per XXXIV annus-vetus est scriptor professio curriculo Shumenov, et mundus est victus quattuor pugiles (Campillo, Byron Mitchell, William Joppy atque Montellii Griffin), tum septem mundi title challengers (Epifanio Mendoza, Vlacheslav Uzelkov, Ave Sancti, Mors Ornelas, tamas commodior Kovacs, Flores BJ et Ernesti).

Social Media:
Twitter @Beibut_Shumenov, Instagram – @BeightShumenov, Facebook – BeibutShumenov / fanpage.

Ei obfirmabis faciem tuam ad Gerula Carl F. Gradinar ortu stella IBF Intercontinental risus in Narva, Estonia, on March 24

Femina ortu stella,, Gradinar Elena ex S. Petersburg, Russia, Certatim pilae erunt primi ad balteum ex ea tollit eam a professio curriculo cum pristini mundi fortissimus Olivia “Predator Omnibus in” Gerula IBF Intercontinental Featherweight enim risus.
X, et per nos Gradinar. Gerula belli fieri Saturday, March 24, Energia ad Sport Hall in Narva, Estonia.
Et invictam XXVII annos Gradinar (8-0, 2 KOs) abiit 73-8 quod an amateur, victor tot Nationum et amateur torneamentis. Gradinar etiam attendi ex delectis magister Russia Sport.
Et bene Nobilis amet perficique, gerula, ex Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, WBC mundo est pristini female super Featherweight Champion et duos felix defensiones. Et etiam tenuit quod reverentur, WIBA I Campionatu Mundano.
“EGO sum laetus pro IBF Intercontinental ad balteum contra pristini WBC Mundus Champion Carl Gerula,” dixi Gradinar. “We will bring for boxing fans a dramatic and exiting clash between us. Ego sum qui sum superbus erit similitudo, de patria, et spero quod Russia invenies IBF Intercontinental balteum urbe commorationis Russian Sancti in gloria. Petersburg!”
“EGO sum valde fervidus super quis 'venire. I look forward to visiting Estonia and soaking up some of its culture while proudly representing Canada,” Dixit Carl Gerula. “Scio Elena habet recordum et amateur infigo recordum Invictus professional, sed quia non credunt in ipsa anulum quem semper fuit, et qualis cum experientia mea Pugnator, ita credo res sursum moverentur.”
Gerula est scriptor co-promotor Dmitriy Salita, per Cyrillicas, secundum Alexandrum Nevskiy Promotio Group, dicit Dominus Gerula pugna multum probare Gradinar scriptor de turmas transitus ad professional.
“Hoc erit durior et Elena scriptor test a puero vitae,” de verbo. “Carl Gerula summo gradu tot caesis male pugnaverat divisio bellatori. EGO sum vultus porro ut magna pugna, et, cum a victoria, continua progressus nostrae futurae mundi fortissimus.”

Et profecti sunt ut Matias Subriel Alfrido Sancti faciem orbis est titulus Februarii challengers 17 in Fajardo,PR

Fajardo, Puerto Rico – Prosperam 2017, WBA #15, Alfrido oculus’ Iacobi et spe Blue, Matth sub Mathiam, blasphemant;, neu suos defendere et tabellas Saturday, February 17, 2018 ex Equestri Park Municipali Fajardo,N card ut a parte aucta arte Tempus Uber.



Mathiam (8-0, 8 KO scriptor), Colombian pristini, et faciem orbis terrarum: et titulum Aemulator, Daulis Prescott (31-6, 23 KO scriptor) in a 10 IRCA rounds per junior welterweight division.



In 2012, Prescott habuit mundi title in occasio excellens sit pugnare adversus Jamaican, Nicolaus Walters, per fortem percutientibus Colombian TKO septimo spatio par in Iamaica.



E parte sua,, Alfrido Sancti (8-0, 2 KO scriptor), et metimur pristini viribus adversus mundi title CONCERTATOR, Jose Montes (25-6-2, 15 KO scriptor) in Mexico, in a 10 circum maximum pondus pugno 133 libras.



Montes, In mundo erat titulus Aemulator 2011, cum ille aperte vindicem WBC, Thomas Rojas, circa undecimam retinentem defigitur artificiosa knockout Mexici in.



“Nos sunt valde et bona pugnat: quod fans ut Matias peritus adversarii de Jacobi, et bonum agere possit habere vesperam in Fajardo. Hic autem pertinet ad progressionem de propriis viribus et simul, tumultuariis certaminibus processum, ut in hoc providere excitando. Nec oculus’ Atqui et in alio gradu Subriel. Illud iam virgis Olympiorum, prospectus consiliaque contendencium, and that same quality is what you will get on February 17. Pugnandum viribus meis, et pugnabit duris” Uber intervenerit promotor dixit: Tempus, John Orengo.



Ad militiam esse PERFUSORIUS division, Santiago, native of Moca, Respublica Dominicana, habet tres insignes victorias: pristini purus Olympi, Arturo Santos Quae Sum, CONCERTATOR Jayson mundo, 'La Maravilla’ Velez et semper seasoned, Andres, Straw’ Navarro.



Junior welterweight Matth Matias, superati proelio contra pugnant quartum amet, spes surgentis, Marcus a Fontanez Caguas cantavit in rixam cum finita per artis secundo ac Vestibulum arcu.



In his ultimae praesentationis, Hotel in November Jaragua ultimo tenuit in Respublica Dominicana, Matth Matias, Illud deinde Olympio circuitum turpis proficere ac Vestibulum arcu, Patricius Lopez de Venetiola.


Tesseras ($ 20 atque $ 25) tempore praesto aut in testem, 787-303-0334.

Undefeated cruiserweight world champions Oleksandr Usyk vs. Mairis Briedis opens World Boxing Super Series semifinals

Undefeated cruiserweight world champions
Oleksandr Usyk vs. Cervos Mairis
World Boxing Super Series semifinals
Super solum in CURSUS

Cervos Mairis (L) & Oleksandr Usyk
(photo courtesy of World Boxing Super Series)
EDMONTON, Canada (January 27, 2018) — Thenbeaten cruiserweight world champions Oleksandr “et Cattus” Usyk atque Cervos Mairis open the entertaining World Boxing Super Series (WBSS) semifinals today in Latvia, starting at 2 p.m. ATQUE, live exclusively on Super Channel in Canada.

Super Channel iure acquiritur quod exclusive ad iaci in Canada in mundo pugilatu Super Series a procul & Silva, comitatu providet media, ut media ducit ad ius gentium, digital, et technology auctore muneris.
Usyk (13-0, 11 KOs), the World Boxing Organization (WBO) Cruiserweight World Champion is a
two-time Ukrainian Olympian, who captured gold medals at the 2012 Olympics and 2011 World Championships, twice defeating current International Boxing Federation (IBF) Light Heavyweight World Champion Arturius Beterbiev, the two-time Russian Olympian now based in Montreal.
I am going to entertain the crowd at the Arena Riga,” Usyk said. “That I can promise! I have worked on some new thing and Saturday you will see what I’m talking about.
Briedis (23-0, 18 KOs), the World Boxing Council (WBC) Cruiserweight World Champion, will be fighting in his hometown in front of an expected crowd of 10,000.
My team is doing everything to take pressure off my shoulders,” Briedis commented. “We are just concentrating on the fight. My dream is to deliver a fight that can go into the Boxing Hall of Fame.
The Usyk-Briedis world title unification winner will advance to the WBSS championship final in May to fight the winner of the other WBSS semifinals match, Feb. 3 in Russia, between IBF World Champion Murat “Ferrum” Gassiev (25-0, 18 KOs) and WBA World Champion Yunier “Quod Doctor KO” Dorticos (21-0, 20 KOs).
Five exciting fights on theUsyk vs. Briedis” card, promoted by Sauerland Event, will air in Canada exclusively on Super Channel.
Oleksandr “et Cattus” Usyk (13-0, 11 KOs), WBO Champion, Russia (90,4 kg (199.3 pondo.)
Cervos Mairis (23-0, 18 KOs), WBC Champion, Latvia 90,3 kg (199.1 pondo.)
Noel Gevor (23-1, 10 KOs), Germany by way of Armenia
Olanrewaju Durodola (27-4, 25 KOs), 2008 Olympio, Nigeria
Ioannes Kongolo (10-0, 4 KOs), Switzerland, Champion
Andrejs Pokumeiko (15-12-1, 11 KOs), Latvia
Heavyweights – 8 Rounds
Filip Hrgovic (2-0, 2 KOs), 2016 Olympic bronze medalist, Croatia
Tom Little (10-4, 3 KOs), Britanniarum Regnum
Nikolais Grisunins (6-0-1, 3 KOs), Latvia
Jozsef Darmos (8-1-1, 7 KOs), Hungaria
(Omnia subiecta sunt pugnatores ad bella et mutatio)
Omnes pilae WBSS semi-finales, et etiam esse available in proeliis Super Channel Press.
Super Channel caestu certe ventilata fuerunt maioris vivere 2017 sicut vs. Spence Jr., Cornu-pacquiao, Eubank, Jr. vs. Abraham, Lomachenko vs.Marriaga, Cicero nos. Smith et nos Indongo. Williams II.
Vigilare ut omnes Mundi pugilatu Super Series actio vivet, tum fracta magis excitando venire, pugna fans in Canada illorum locorum non potest contact funem provisor ut subscribe to Super Channel et dedi eam, inter premium seriem, movies, et multo amplius, nam male $9.95 per mensis.
RATIO ORBIS TERRARUM BOXING Super Series semi-finales
January 27, Pulvis Riga, Riga, Latvia – WBO / WBC Unificationis
Oleksandr “et Cattus” Usyk (13-0, 11 KOs), WBO World Champion, Ucraina – Ring #1
Cervos Mairis (23-0, 18 KOs), WBC Mundus Champion, Latvia – Ring #3
February 3, Bolshoy glacies Dome, Sochi, Russia – IBF/WBA Unificatiion
Murat “Ferrum” Gassiev (25-0, 18 KOs), IBF Mundus Champion, Russia – Ring #2
Yunier “Quod Doctor KO” Dorticos (21-0, 20 KOs), WBA Mundus Champion, Cuba – Ring #5
February 17, Manchester, Arena, Manchester, UK – WBA / IBO Unificationis
“Saint” George picis lucos (27-3, 20 KOs), WBA Mundus Champion, Britanniarum Regnum – Ring #2
Chris “Next Gen.” Eubank Jr.. (26-1, 20 KOs), IBO Mundus Champion, Britanniarum Regnum – Ring #4
February 24, Niirnberger arenam ipsum, Nuremburg, Germania
Juergen Braehmer (49-3 35 KOs), Germania – Ring #10
(WBO pristini & Lux WBA Heavyweight Mundus Champion)
Callum “orbis” Smith (23-0, 17 KOs), Britanniarum Regnum – Ring #3
(Diamond Pectus WBC super middleweight champion)
About Super Channel
super Channelis a national premium pay television network, consisting of four HD channels, four SD channels, and Super Channel On Demand.
Super Channel’s mission is to entertain and engage Canadian audiences by providing a unique and exclusive entertainment experience. With a core foundation of integrity and accountability, we dedicate ourselves to implementing innovative programming strategies and unparalleled team work that provides viewers with exceptional value and variety.
Super Channel is owned by Allarco Entertainment 2008 Inc., an Edmonton-based media company.
Super Channel is currently available on Bell TV, Shaw Direct, Rogers Anyplace TV, Shaw Cable, Cogeco Cable, Access Communications, Bell Alliant TV, Source Cable, SaskTel, MTS, Novus, EastLink, TELUS, Videotron, Westman Communications and other regional providers.
Connect with Super Channel:
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FOURTH-ROUND RESULTS 72nd annual Lowell Sun Charities Golden Gloves Championship

Central N.E. novicius & Auditorium Lowell feria nocte Open finales

In proelium Nocte Diei erat apertum in semi-finales inter par welterweight
victor Xaverius Vega (R) et Harrison Gigliotti
(Omnes imagines Affabilitatem Ed Boches / Boches Pictures)
LOWELL, Mass. (January 26, 2018) – 72 sol annuo Lowell Charities aurei Gloves Championship permansit usque heri ante turbas jacked historiae memoria Lowell Auditorium, Central Nova Anglia postea per featuring (maiorem Lowell) Exacto novitiatu, et aperta genus aequet.

Novitius semi-finales, et finales pilae, tum aperto aliquo semi-finales, et finales pilae, heri facta. Pugilatu Nulla est scriptor USA. 7-rated light heavyweight Michael Teo (Marlboro, MA) Central captum a Nova Anglia (CNE) pilae aperire division, cum stetissent John Xifafas. Nashua est, N.H., in tertia circuitu. Exacto novitiatu CNE division coronavit pugiles praeterita nocte oriente includit Horatius Flaccus (MA) flyweight Noelle Boran et Chelsea (MA) middleweight jordy Artica
“Turba multa haberemus aliud sane frigidis noctibus nisl Lowell,” N. Et. Executive Director Gaius Russo dixit. “Et Gigliotti Vegas-par erat interesting proelium, et per noctem. Sumptum interdum asperrimus. Super quo ostendit Gigliotti opprimitur sed plerumque ROBUR. Et tulit de ictibus exactis occidentes Regrediens non tenentur.”
Charlie Espinal (R) pinnas moenium decussas Petri mitrae neque stilo hominis est scriptor
Quod per pilae novitii et apertum est division deinde Iovis (Feb. 1) at Lowell Memorial Auditorium. Integrum et vide 2018 rerum vices noctis sub necnon proventum integrum.
Nunc reliqua quinque sarcinas amet risus risus rerum (Exacto novitiatu CNE & aperta championships, Exacto novitiatu Inter Aquilonem et aperta et finales semi-finales division) et pretium recte, starting at $70.00 (confessio generalis,). Ut emo vocant Lowell Memorial Auditorium deductus ad buxum officium 1.866.722.8881 or order online at Res quoque available ut emo tesseras singula, starting at $13.00, tantum $7.00 ad alumni (id requiratur).
Solem procedit ex Lowell Eleemosynaria Golden Gloves risus ut mittam in Nova Anglia Golden Gloves pugiles in in National risus Golden Gloves (incipiens May 14, 2018 Omaha, Nebraska), praeter athletas et auxilio loci area gyms, pueri & puellae Points, pulmenti culinarum,, profugo fixis tentoriis, cancer pecunia, Alia causa caritatis et vestibulum.
Apostolus Lolos (L) figito, se contrahit ad nos. Arsham Bedrossian
(Feb. 25, 2018)
Thoma I., Kessinger, MA / Downtown Haverhulle pugilatu
DEC (5-0)
O DeJesus, Laurentii, MA / Haverhulle interiorem urbe pugilatu
Noelle Boran, Orientis Horatius Flaccus, MA / Boston pugilatu
DEC (5-0)
Melissa Press, Lowell, MA / West finem Lowell
(CNE risus)
Carl Lamproon, Dorcestriae, MA / Boston pugilatu
DEC (4-1)
McNeil Kerrin, Boston, MA / Pugilatu Grealish
Apostolus Lolos, Manchester, NH / Manchester, NH
DEC (4-1)
Arsham Bedrossian, Wautham, MA / Nonantum pugilatu
MIDDLEWEIGHTS (165 pondo.)
jordy Artica, Chelsea, MA / Pugilatu Grealish
DEC (4-1)
Isti Mahumedi Ibrahim, Boston, MA / acephali
(CNE risus)
Ashleigh Moore, Buzzards Bay, MA / Nonantum pugilatu
DEC (3-2)
Kim Wabik, Everett, MA / Ludis Quietman
Erika skoog, Roxbury, MA, Nonantum pugilatu
DEC (5-0)
britney Valerius, Keene, NH / Boston pugilatu
Vivamus Hieronymus, Septentrionalis Platorius Nepos, MA / West finem Lowell
DEC (5-0)DEC (3-2)
Marcus Agnus Dei, Haverhulle, MA / Downtown Haverhulle pugilatu
Peter: Accelera, Arlington, MA / Boxing Club Somervile
DEC (3-2)
Charlie Espinal, Jerúsalem, MA / Gemmae privata pugilatu
Xavier Vega, Laurentii, MA / Canalis Street pugilatu
DEC (5-0)
Marcus Gigliotti, Bradford, MA / Downtown Haverhulle pugilatu
Michael Fontanez, Nashua, NH / Nashua, NH
DEC (4-1)
Guerrero Yamarco, Kessinger, MA / Canalis Street pugilatu
LUX heavyweights (175 pondo.)
Michael Teo, Marlboro, MA / Hudson pugilatu
RSC3 (2:58)
John Xifafas, Nashua, NH / Nashua CD
(CNE risus)
72t annua sol Lowell Eleemosynaria Golden Gloves risus Morbi rhoncus
(Lowell Memorial Auditorium – 6:30 p.m. ianuae, 7:30 p.m. primus bout)
Nova Anglia media (maiorem Lowell)
novitius & Open finales – Thursday, Feb. 1
Nova Anglia de Propugnatores LUDUS EQUESTER
Novitius Paleonemertea Class Semifinals – Thursday, Feb. 8
Novitius risus finales Paleonemertea Class – Thursday, Feb. 15
Class Semifinals – Wednesday, Feb. 21
Class risus finales – Thursday, Feb. 22
Nova Anglia Golden Gloves exsecutiva Director LUDUS EQUESTER: Gaius Russo
Director de decertantes: ars plant
Dux Ministres: Stabat Mater Lauri
circulum dispositionis annuntiator: John Vena
Venue: Lowell Memorial Auditorium, 50 S. Merrimack, Lowell, MA
Twitter: @LowellGloves


Younan universae facies in Fellow Unbeaten Ronald Cicero De main event ShoBox: The New Generation, Next Friday, Feb. 2 vivere SHOWTIME®


'Postquam autem videtis me pugna, vos erant 'iens ut memento quod vidi. "- Junior Younan


Photo Credit: Roc Nation Sports


Watch, View & Via YouTube Share:


QUALIS: SHOWTIME Sports delivers a behind-the-scenes look into the life and training camp of undefeated super middleweight prospect Junior Younan as he prepares to face fellow unbeaten Ronald Ellis in the main event of ShoBox: The New Generation next Friday, Feb. 2, at vivere SHOWTIME 10 p.m. ATQUE/PT from WinnaVegas Casino in Sloan, Iowa.


Ellis (14-0-1, 8 KOs), de Lenn ', Mass., et Younan York scriptor (13-0, 9 KOs) principalis X-per sese paribus et in res ex quattuor telecast est pugna record of features octo bellatorum cum combined 113-3-3.


The Brooklyn-born Younan is a former amateur standout who was dubbed by The New York Times as “a boxing prodigy” as a 10-year-old. And while he’ll face the toughest opponent of his career on Feb. 2, suus 'non audentes se habet quod genus talentum facti sunt in mundo champion.


«Ego autem in amore esse Vestibulum arcu, audissetque induit speciem nisl,"He said. «Non est quidquam simile ei. Puto esse ego certus sum faciem super middleweight division.


'Postquam autem videtis me pugna, quern tu videris. Hoc est tempus. Hoc tamen titulum ut non esset mundus, sed hoc est primum gradum. "


et addidit: "Non puto illic 'aliquid et non poteris sustinere. 2018 certus annus sit amet. Hoc est effrego annos singulos ".


Ronald castra Notes Cicero

Cicero Fellow invictus facies super middleweight Prospect Iunior Younan Next Friday In main eventum ShoBox: The New Generation

Friday, Feb. 2 Live On SHOWTIME® At 10 p.m. ATQUE/PT
Sloan ex Casino in WinnaVegas, Iowa

NEW EBORACUM (Jan. 26, 2018) – Undefeated super middleweight Ronald Ellis is preparing in Los Angeles for his main event matchup against fellow undefeated Junior Younan that headlines a ShoBox: The New Generation quadrupleheader on Friday, Feb. 2, at vivere SHOWTIME 10 p.m. ATQUE/PT from WinnaVegas Casino in Sloan, Iowa.

Ellis (14-0-1, 10 KOs), de Lenn ', Mass., et Younan York scriptor (13-0, 9 KOs) principalis X-per sese paribus et in res ex quattuor telecast est pugna record of features octo bellatorum cum combined 113-3-3.

Ellis, Los Angeles vocat, qui nunc in domum suam, has been opus in gym ferrum durum in oculis Jerry Rosenberg vigilans et Eliam $ ■ pater Ronald.

My camp has been solid. I have been getting good sparring. We have been training for Younan like he is any other opponent,” Elias ait:.

In Younan, Cicero habet ideam, quae ex se putabit inimicum et super anulum et ad Feb. 2.

“Scio est a puero usque ad invictam Pugnator,” dixit. “I have been reading some things where he says he is going to bring the fight to me. He seems like he likes to talk a lot, sed non aliquid futura proelia noctem.”

Tertia species erunt ShoBox Cicero, as he is coming off an eight-round unanimous decision over Christopher Brooker last January. Ellis feels that his big fight resume will be the key against Younan.

“Expertus etiam bono ad vestras certissimo enim meum,” Elias ait:. “I have been here on ShoBox two times before. I will be relaxed and comfortable as we approach the fight. This is his first time. I expect him to be real hyper.

This is a natural progression for me. I went from fighting on the undercard of ShoBox, et nunc res me pelagus. A me impetro win et degrediunturque et fiducialiter me in catapultSaturday nox certamina in SHOWTIME VINDICIAE BOXING. Scio me non prospiciunt,. Opus primum vincere.”

Quod res est, promotus a Natione Rec et GH3 Promotions Promotion Sports in consociatione cum Victoria et Nazgul Aliquam. Nullam in justo $10 general admission prior to the event and $20 on Feb. 2. For more information call: 1.800.cit HOT.WINN. 7117.

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About ShoBox: The New GenerationSince its inception in July 2001, censorie Appellato SHOWTIME pugilatu series, ShoBox: The New Generation has featured iuvenes talentum matched lentus. The ShoBox philosophia est televise excitando, turba placendo et curavit a competitive matches determinatur ad probandum causam volens pro a rebus mundi title. Ex liber nativitatis 74 pugnatores qui apparuit in sedem processere ShoBox et certos titulos comprehendit mundi: Spence Errol Jr., Andre Ward, Deontay Wilder, Lara Erislandy, Shawn Porter, Gary Russell Jr., Lamont Peterson, Guillermo Rigondeaux, Nonito Donaire, Alexander Devon, Carl Froch, Robertus Guerrero, Timothy Bradley, Vargas Jessie, Juan Manuel Lopez, Chad Dawson, Paulie Malignaggi, Ricky Hatton, Kelly Pavlik, Williams et Paulus more.

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KO Night Boxing signsThe DragonPopular Canadian junior welterweight Steve Claggett

Las Vegas (January 25, 2018) — KO Night Boxing LLC announced it has signed popular Canadian junior welterweight Steve “The Dragon” Claggett Quisque exclusive to an contractus.

The Las Vegas-based company also has 2016 Olympic bronze medalist and undefeated Wichita flyweight, Tarentina Nico cui Hernandez (3-0), 2 KOs), among its growing stable of professional boxers.
The 28-year-old Claggett (26-4-1, 17 KOs), fighting out of Calgary, is a fan-favorite because of his aggressive, non-stop style. Since the ultra-aggressive Claggett moved back down one division to junior welterweight, Claggett is a perfect 3-0 (1 KO), including a pair of title-winning 10-round decisions over previously unbeaten opponents,Yves Ulysse, Jr. (14-0) vacanti International Boxing Federation (IBF) North American super lightweight title, as well as Emmanuel Robles (15-0-1) for the vacant World Boxing Association (WBA) NABA USA super lightweight crown.
I’m excited to be signed by John Andersen and KO Night Boxing,” Claggett said. “There were no guarantees (without a promoter). I’ve always had the talent but never the structure. I’ll have that now, quamquam. It was always difficult making fights with long layoffs, dates falling through, and offers on short notice. I’ve only been able to show a little of what I’m capable. All I’ve ever wanted is a fair shake and this opportunity will allow me to show what I can do. This year is going to be big for me and KO Night Boxing.
I’m just approaching my prime. I’ve only been working with my trainer, Vlad Goldenstein, for a little more than a year, tamen Im ' 3-0 with him and have won two belts. Uetere schola sum fortissimus, action-packed and who brings the pace. This is a great for me and my boxing career.
We’re taking a big step in the right direction by signing Steve,” Claggett’s new promoter Andersen commented. “Im 'excitatur. Steve deserves this opportunity and we’re going to deliver for him.
Steve is an action fighter, always coming forward, and he hasn’t been in a bad fight during the three years I’ve known him. He took a risk but really opened some eyes with his performance against Ulysse. What an accomplishment fighting an undefeated fighter in his backyard. He took a big risk and got a big win. And now he’s beaten the man (Ulysse) who has beaten the man (21-0 Cletum Seldin, WDEC10, Dec. 16, 2017 in HBO). Steve’s undefeated on this run as a junior welterweight, beating two previously unbeaten opponents, and he deserves more recognition and a shot at a big fight.
Steve’s an animal in the squared circle and the farthest thing from it outside the ring,” Claggett’s manager Max Matheny additae. “He has all the attributes of a champion. His boxing IQ and ability to adapt under pressure makes Claggett a serious challenge. He can beat anybody in the division on any given night. We’ve had a multitude of promotional offers to consider at the end of a strong 2017 and are very excited to align with KO Night Boxing. They are going to give us the opportunities to show the world how good ‘The Dragonreally is. His signature is turning into an autograph in 2018, mark my words.
The boxing irony is that Ulysse, not Claggett, is now world ranked. Considering the half-Chinese, half-European Claggett beat Ulysse in his Montreal hometown, Steve proved that he’ll fight anybody, alicubi, unlike many fighters who make that claim but don’t back it up. “Me and my team aren’t afraid to fight anybody,” he spoke about his most significant fight to date. “Bring it on! I’m willing to fight in hostile territory against an A-side fighter. We don’t pick and choose. Too many fighters pad their records, but that only upsets fans, and delays fights. I’m looking for tough fights to judge how much I’ve grown. I’d love to fight the top guys.
My fight with Ulysse was my biggest but not best fight. I thought I boxed a little robotic and fell back into some old habits. I’d give myself a B- for that fight. I got the win and put on a great show that was fast paced. Ulysse and Robles box, run and move. I’d like an opponent who comes to me, stays in the pocket, and fights. I know it’ll be a helluva fight.
Maybe Claggett’s next fight will be on a higher platform, fortasse, against a legitimate fighter’s fighter like Steve.
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Facebook: /NeonStar, /SteveClaggett
Follow Steve Claggett on Twitter and Instagram @SDragonC
About KO Night Boxing LLC
KO Night Boxing is an emerging combat sports promotional company whose core value isFighters First!” KO Night Boxing produces live events for CBS Sports Network. Follow us on Twitter @KONightBoxing.