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Ейдриън Broner & Gervonta Davis Exclusive Training Camp Quotes & Снимки



Broner & Davis Talk Training Camp, Upcoming Matchups & More Ahead of Saturday, Април 21 Showdowns Live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center in Brooklyn

Кликнете ТУК for Photos from Jose Pineiro/SHOWTIME

WEST PALM BEACH, FL (Април 11, 2018) – Четири разделение световен шампион Ейдриън Broner and unbeaten former champion Gervonta “Резервоар” Davis shared updates from their training camp in West Palm Beach, Florida as they prepare for their respective showdowns on Saturday, Април 21 живеят на SHOWTIME от Barclays Center, в дома на Бруклин Бокс.




The Premier Boxing Champions event is headlined by Ейдриън Broner battling former welterweight world champion Jessie Vargas в 12-кръг на мач. телевизията на SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP Бокс започва в 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT и функции Davis среща Исус Куеляр as they square off for the WBA 130-pound Super Featherweight World Championship plus undefeated former world champion Jermall Charlo clashing with once-beaten Hugo Centeno Jr. for the interim 160-pound world title.




Билети за събитието на живо, , която е възложена на Мейуедър Промоции, DiBella Entertainment and TGB Promotions, започне в $50 и може да бъде закупен на адрес ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com или като се обадите 800-745-3000. Билети могат да бъдат закупени от касата на American Express в Barclays Center. Група намаления са възможни, като се обадите 844-BKLYN-GP.




Broner and Davis are sharing camp in West Palm Beach for the first time under the guidance of head trainer Kevin Cunningham, a former St. Louis police officer who has worked with former world champions Devon Alexander and Cory Spinks.




Ето какво са бойците, plus coach Cunningham, had to say about camp, Април 21 и по-:


Ейдриън BRONER

On changing trainers

I felt like it was time to change. I hear people say, ‘You are expected to change but you don’t, that’s why you end up in the same spots over and over’. Така, I have to change something to get a different result. That’s why I had to step outside of the box and go for it.




I had to change things. I had to add to my repertoire because I’m getting all that I can do out of what I’m doing but I keep coming up short for these fights that I’m supposed to be winning. Така, it was time for a change.




Looking back at all of my defeats, the only real punishment that I’ve taken in this sport was against [Marcos] Maidana-I got a fractured jaw. In the Shawn Porter fight, he outwrestled me and in the Mikey [Garcia] борба, he just outworked me. Така, it’s time to add to my team and that’s why I got coach Kevin Cunningham. He’s going to bring out the best of Adrien Broner.


On why he chose Kevin Cunningham?

I’ve known Coach Cunningham since my amateur days. We used to go up to St. Louis all the time and fight in his tournaments, on his shows. I have even fought for St. Louis in the Ringside Tournament. Беше страхотно преживяване.






I’ve known Coach Cunningham for a long time. He is the real deal He is not going to B.S. ми. He’s going to keep me on my toes. I need that.





There are coaches that change when their fighters get to certain levels. They still coach, but they don’t provide the structure the fighter needs. When I was fighting at 130, 135, Coach Mike [Stafford] will be at my door yelling ‘Get your butt up. We have to run. We have to train. Get up! Get up!’ But time went by and things changed.






Coach Mike stopped being a coach and started being more of a friend. I needed him to keep being my coach. I need someone to keep me in line. Не ме разбирай погрешно, he’ll always be like a father figure but when it comes to training and my career. I needed a change.


On training camp

I’m very happy with this camp. It’s just what I needed. I’m catching up with sleep, eating well. The isolated training is really good. I love everything about this camp.






Training in isolation is really good for me. I told everybody that they were not coming to Florida with me, that I will see them all after the fight and that if they really love me they will understand the situation and they will be cool with it.





I actually did a camp with Coach Kevin before when Devon Alexander fought Timothy Bradley. And I’ve seen the way he is. We had our arguments and he cussed me out almost every day, but I was just missing the structure and that’s what I need.


On how he felt after losing to Mikey Garcia

I was upset. В края на деня, nobody fixes my problems but me. I can take care of everybody when they have a problem, but nobody fixes my problems. There are one or two people that are there for me but at the end of the day, I told myself I have to get my life and career together.


Reflecting on his career

I started my career young. I won titles in four weight classes. I’ve accomplished a lot and there’s still more to come. I got a lot of fighting left to do.



On why he decided to do training camp with Kevin Cunningham

I was actually going to go to Colorado to train, but Adrien invited me to come down here to West Palm Beach to check out the camp. He said I should come to Florida to train with him and Kevin. So I came down, I saw Kevin’s routine and I really liked it.





There were a lot of distractions in Baltimore and I think they were a problem for me. I needed to straighten my head and focus on the things I have to work on. It was time to set my camp somewhere else.





I needed a change after my last fight. I let myself down. I learned to be a different fighter, more responsible. I let others down, but think I let myself down more than anything.

On becoming one of the youngest champions in boxing

I was one of the youngest world champions in boxing. It is not that I was not prepared for it. I was just so young and it happened so quickly. I had to adapt to it. Live up to the hype. It was hard.


На неговия опонент, Исус Куеляр…

I’m not really into researching my opponents-or other fighters other than the ones that I like. I just train hard and fight who is in front of me. I know a little bit about him [Исус Куеляр]. I know that he can hit, that he’s not going to back down and that he’s a tough opponent. I believe he’s my toughest opponent to date. През месец април 21, we will see if he is ready. I know for sure I will be.

On life in training camp when not at the gym
We have a big house that the coach provided for us. We all live together-Adrien and I. We go swimming and to the movies. We just chill. We are being responsible. No South Beach, no clubbing. Just training hard.

On his relationship with Adrien Broner

What people don’t know is that I’ve been around Adrien since I was younger. I looked up to him. When Adrien came on the scene, he was super sharp and fast. I remember him. He used to come to the amateur tournaments.





Adrien is like a big brother to me. We are just like a little brother, голям брат. We are very competitive. We do not say it but we always want to outdo each other. Например, I usually run faster than he does, but sometimes he beats me. Yesterday he ran so fast I could not catch him. So today, I took the lead and ran even faster. We push each other to our best.

On his plans for the future

I want to win more belts. I want to become a big star in boxing. I am going to put my work in the gym, put on a great performance in the ring and get back on track to become a world champion again.





Being a world champion again is just a step closer towards my goal: I want to be a pay-per-view star. I want to be able to fight on pay-per-view against the big fighters and do big numbers.



On his relationship with Adrien Broner

I’ve known Adrian Broner for a very long time. I think I’ve known him since he was like eight years old and 60 паунда. He’s always been an extremely talented fighter. When he was a kid he was one of the most talented kids. He has always had boatloads of talent.


On Broner’s shortcomings as a fighter

I think sometimes, he could be a little more focused and have a little more discipline in a lot of the different things he’s doing. I think he’s trying to turn the corner and get things moving in the right direction.


On what caused Broner to come up short in recent big fights at higher weights

There are several things that could cause him to lose focus and come up a little short in some of the major fights. Some of it is the focus but there needs to be a little more discipline in terms of the training aspect and more structure. I think that’s what we’re working on here.


On what he can do to improve Broner’s game

I think coming over here with me, he’s finding a lot more structure in the training aspect. It’s a totally different training program that I have him doing. I think that he’s ready for some new leadership. He’s ready to be a little more disciplined in his profession and I think it’s going to show on the 21st.


On why this time will be different

I’ve heard from him like everybody has, but this time Broner really has done everything possible to rectify the situations that needed to be straightened out to help him propel his career and get back moving in the right directionand it’s not just his boxing career; it’s also as a personhis personal lifeand I’m here to help him out with that. He’s really working hard to get it right this time.


On his history and background as a trainer and how it applies here

I’m known to be a stern and disciplined trainer, треньор, and teacher. I’ve got a military and police background, so I don’t play a lot of games. We’re serious and we’re about business. When Broner made the decision to come with me, I knew that he was ready to take his career seriously because he knows what it’s like being here with me. He has to be about business, he has to be serious, and he has to be focused and disciplined. He made the choice to have me take over his training and take the lead as his head trainer and that’s what he’s getting when he’s dealing with me.


On how he and Broner came together

A couple of weeks after the Mikey Garcia fight, he called me and he told me he was thinking about making some changes and that he wanted me to consider being his guide and taking the lead as head trainer. He asked me what I thought about that and I said, ‘You know what you’re getting when you come to me and if you’re going to be serious and focused about this, I’ll give you all I’ve got.And he said, ‘I’m serious.We started training together before camp started and I just saw a different look in his eyes. Ever since camp started he’s been nothing but hard work, посвещение, and focus.


On if he had any fears about their partnership

I told him upfront what I expected and what we needed to do and how things had to go. I told him that if he wasn’t ready to adhere to what I’m expecting, he shouldn’t waste his time or mine. He has done everything I’ve asked of him. Everything and more. He’s going to show that he’s ready to get himself together. He’s going to show the world onApril 21 that he’s rededicated himself, he’s ready to reclaim the thrown.


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За повече информация, посещение www.SHO.com/Sports, и www.PremierBoxingChampions.com. Follow on Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, AdrienBroner, @JVargasBoxing, MayweatherPromo, LouDiBella, DiBellaEnt, TGBPromotions, или станете фен на Facebook в www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotionsи www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.PBC е спонсориран от Corona, Finest Beer.

Boxing Commission Launches Boxer Health & Safety Advisory Website


The British & Ирландски орган по бокс (БИБА) today announced the launch of the BIBA Health & Safety Executive websitewww.boxbiba.co.ukthat not only covers Health & Safety advice, resources and information for boxers, but also features Mental Health awareness information and resources.





Тъй като 2016 the British & Irish Boxing Authority have strived to improve all aspects of Boxer Health & Safety, including appointing a number of specialists, including renowned sports injury specialist Professor Michael Graham MBChB; PhD; FRSM; BASEM; MICR; MCSFS; PCCMH; APIL Expert; FSB to the BIBA Medical Advisory Board to develop additional Boxer Health and Safety procedures, such as Cognitive Testing both as part of their licensing procedure as well as the post event medical, as well as to head up a team of experts to undertake long term research into Combat Sports related head injuries.





През март 2017 the British & Irish Boxing Authority were the first commission to introduce Infra-Scanners, a portable infrared brain scanner that can detect signs of bleed to the brains, at events sanctioned by themselves, following a number of serious head injuries within the sport, including the death of Mike Towell in 2016.



Another recent British & Irish Boxing Authority initiative was the introduction in January 2018 of permitting Rehydration drinks in the corner for all contest of eight rounds and over, in an attempt to ensure that boxers remain hydrated in longer contests, which in itself can also reduce the risk of potential swelling or bleeds to the brain.



On announcing the new Health & Safety Executive website BIBA CEO and Executive Vice President Gianluca Di Caro stated;



Back in February we signed up to the Mental Health Charter for Sport and Recreation and as part of our action plan we decided to create a specific website to raise Mental Health awareness within the sport.



During the discussions with the committee that overseas our Mental Health policies it dawned on me that whilst it is essential that we get the information and resources available on the very important subject of Mental Health, that we should also cover other equally important Health & Safety matters, especially those that may reduce the potential risks of bleeds to the brain as well as take a serious look at the current rules of the sport to improve the Health & Safety of those that compete.



Another factor that led us to decide to create an all-encompassing HSE website was that our leading team of specialists are currently undertaking a long-term research project into head injuries within not just Boxing but all Combat Sports.



Even though we are only a few months into this research project we have already highlighted a number of areas, within the current rules, that need to be seriously looked at and changes made, we will also be highlighting these proposed changes on the new HSE website ahead of lobbying all World and Regional Championship Organisations, the Boxing and Combat Sports Industry Associations as well as other Commissions around the world to try and get these incredibly vital changes to the rules introduced.



Those of us who govern the sport need to consider making much needed changes to the rules now, as well as move with the times and embrace new technology, especially if these can prevent further tragedies, as I believe it is our, the Commissions that Govern the Sport’s responsibility to ensure that the Health & Safety of those that compete is of the highest level possible, not to do so would be dangerous and irresponsible and could even destroy our beloved sport, by basically help in making the case, by our own inaction, for those that want Professional Boxing banned.”



The British & Ирландски орган по бокс (БИБА) Health & Safety Executive websitewww.boxbiba.co.ukwent live today and will be updated regularly to provide boxers with an unequalled information and resources reference point.



BIBA Main Website: www.boxbiba.com



BIBA HSE Website: www.boxbiba.co.uk

Лео Санта Круз срещу. Авенировите Mares 2 Los Angeles Press Conference Quotes & Снимки

Featherweight World Champions Battle Saturday, Юни 9 In World Title Rematch Live on SHOWTIME from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles & Представено от Premier боксови шампиони

Кликнете ТУК на снимки от Scott Хирано / SHOWTIME

Лос Анджелис (Април 10, 2018) – Featherweight world champions Лео Santa Cruz и Авенировите Mares met face to face at a press conference in downtown Los AngelesTuesday and discussed their world championship rematch taking place Saturday, Юни 9 live on SHOWTIME from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.





Santa Cruz and Mares first battled in August 2015 at STAPLES Center with Santa Cruz earning the majority decision and a vacant featherweight title. Сега, Santa Cruz will put his WBA Super World Featherweight Title on the line against the WBA Regular Featherweight World Champion Mares.





Билети за събитието на живо, , която е възложена Ringstar Спорт и TGB Промоции, започват в $50, се добавят и съответните такси, and are on sale now To purchase tickets visit AXS.com or click ТУК.





Here is what the participants had to say Tuesday at the open to the public press conference from STAPLES Center in Star Plaza in Los Angeles:


LEO Санта Круз





It was a really close fight the first time. Before the fight, I told him I would give him the rematch, just like I would have wanted if I lost. Now is the time and I think this fight is going to be even better than the first fight. Mares will be better with Robert Garcia. He has many champions and I’ve seen the improvement. That’s great motivation for me.





I know he’s going to seek revenge, but I’m not going to let that happen. My dad is a smart man too and he always knows how to send me to the ring with the right style.





When two Mexicans get in there, you know it’s going to be a war. I hope everyone comes out June 9 because it’s going to be a fight to remember.





Every time I step into the ring, I do it for the fans. If it weren’t for them, Аз нямаше да съм тук. I always want the fans to go home happy. I want to give the fans a great show onJune 9 just like in the first fight.





I think that Abner is going to be a little smarter than the first fight. He said in the first fight he didn’t train for the right fight. I know Robert Garcia will have him bring a smarter fight. We’ll be able to adjust and do what we have to do to win this one.





I have to make some little changes. There will be adjustments. We have to be prepared to box. I’ll listen to what my dad tells me to do. We’ll know early and take it from there. I know how to fight different styles, but brawling is what the fans love. I’m going to do that while still being smart in the ring.





This fight is dedicated to my dad as he battles cancer. The only way I can pay him back or try to lift his spirits is to train hard in the gym and give him this win. If he sees me not giving up, I think it will give him the courage to keep fighting his battle.





It was hard after the loss to Carl Frampton. I got a lot of fan support that inspired me to get back to training and win my title in the rematch. My plan was to retire undefeated, но в края на деня, the loss means nothing. As long as I give the fans great fights, that’s all that matters.


Авенир MARES





This is going to be another great one. Leo Santa Cruz is a great person and a humble guy. You have to be the bad guy against Leo. I could talk about what I’m going to do in the ring, but my fists and my brain will do the work for me.





“След като получите на ринга, you already know what it’s going to be. It was war from the first bell last time. Nothing could stop either of us. We pleased the fans and gave them a great night. This is going to be the same thing. We’re two young fighters, fighting for pride.





The fight is here now and it’s official. I’m eager to get this win and get redemption. There were things I could have done that would have made the fight easier for myself. Once you get in there, I know we all have a plan, but once you hear the crowd, it can go out the window. I’m a warrior and that type of fighter who’s looking to get the win no matter what.





I’m not worried about the decision in the first fight. I think he landed the clearer punches but it was definitely a close fight. I was happy with my performance as far as pleasing the crowd. I’ve moved on to the rematch. I’m going to make adjustments and get the win.





I can talk about how I’ve changed, but you just need to look at my last two performances. People thought Jesus Cuellar was going to knock me out, but I was the one who dropped him That lets you know what type of team I have and what kind of Abner Mares you will see on June 9.





It feels good to be back fighting Leo for the second time at STAPLES Center. Every time I fight here in Los Angeles the people show me love. This is my hometown and STAPLES Center is my house.





I’ve always seen holes in Leo’s game that I can take advantage of. It’s a matter of going in there with the perfect game plan. I feel like there’s no way I can lose this fight. That makes it a more exciting fight. If he wants to box, I’m more natural than him doing that. We’ll see who’s done their homework and who can translate it to the ring.


JOSE Санта Круз, Отец Санта Круз & Треньор






My fight with cancer is the toughest one of all. But I’m fighting very hard and I’m not going anywhere. I’m right there by Leo’s side all the way for this fight.





For the first fight for Frampton, I had to try to prepare Leo from a distance. This fight is different because I’m right there every step of the way. I’m telling him what to do and guide him every day.





I think Leo is even more prepared this time than for the first fight with Mares. Leo is doing great mentally because he’s such a brave kid. I tell him not to worry about me and to keep working hard. He seems really motivated right now. He knows he’s doing well.





Right now we’re working on maintaining speed, being smart and not looking for too much of a clash of a fight. I know Leo can win with his speed and his brain. He’s learning and growing as a fighter. I think Mares has reached his peak. Robert Гарсия е страхотен треньор, but at a certain point, there’s nothing the fighter can do to surprise anyone.


ROBERT GARCIA, Майки’ Треньор





I was there live for the first fight and it was a great matchup. I knew then that Abner was much better than the fight he gave that night. He left the fans happy, which is all that matters to him. But with me in the corner, it should be a different fight.





I think the fans have seen what we’ve done with Abner for his last two fights and they know that it’s going to lead to a totally different outcome in this fight.





Abner tried to blitz Leo from the first bell and he knows that was a mistake. Leo is a tremendous fighter and you can never count Leo out. He takes a great punch and throws a lot. I think working with me for three years now will work out in Abner’s favor.






Leo always goes out and pleases the crowd. That’s what he loves to do. It’s my job to get Abner to fight smart and not focus on the crowd. He has to focus on what I’m telling him. I’ll do what I have to to make sure he is.






We’ve been training already for a little over a month. Sparring will start next week. Having Abner in the gym, we’ve taken his strength and conditioning to a level where he’s really doing the right work. He’s giving me good work each day so I know he’s focused.


РИЧАРД SCHAEFER, Председател & Главен изпълнителен директор на Ringstar Sports





This is one of the most anticipated fights of the sport. It’s a rematch we’ve all been waiting for between great warriors in Leo Santa Cruz and Abner Mares.






STAPLES Center has a rich tradition of bringing the best and biggest fights in Los Angeles here to this fantastic venue. STAPLES Center always seems to bring out the best in fighters as they fight under the brightest lights.






Week after week we are witnessing great battles and great matchups on SHOWTIME. Every week is another ‘Fight of the Year’. They are pushing the best to fight the best and that is what we are going to see with these two great fighters on June 9 in Los Angles.






We all witnessed the great first fight. Над 2,000 punches were thrown between these two fighters. It’s impossible when you have Leo and Abner in the ring to see a boring fight. We are going to have the pleasure of seeing these two guys going again. Отново, it’s a 50-50 борба. We don’t know who’s going to win, but we do know it will be all action here at STAPLES Center.






Abner is a tremendous fighter inside of the ring and one of the most decorated fighters in recent history to come out of Mexico, but he’s equally impressive outside of the ring. He has a fantastic family and is truly one of the good guys in the sport of boxing.






I’ve known Leo and his family for a long time and have been involved in many of his fights. He is truly, just like Abner, a family man who just so happens to be one of the best fighters in the world. He’s certainly one of the most exciting fighters in the world and it’s my pleasure to be able to watch him fight again on June 9.


TOM BROWN, Председател на TGB Промоции





This is going to be an incredible night. Los Angeles has always been a great fight town going back more than a hundred years. Any time you put two Mexican warriors together like this, you can’t help but get another great fight night in Los Angeles.





In the first fight, Santa Cruz won an incredibly hard fought decision over Mares. From the opening bell they blasted away at each other, the crowd went wild and there was an all-out brawl underway for 12 grueling rounds.






The last fight with this kind of significance in Los Angeles was when Bobby Chacon stopped Danny ‘Little RedLopez in a now legendary featherweight fight in 1974. They fought for the mythical city championship on that night. While there are world titles on the line in this fight, I also know that these fighters have a lot of pride in Los Angeles and they’ll be fighting for the championship of this city on June 9.





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За повече информация посетете www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.comи www.staplescenter.comследват по Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @LeoSantaCruz2, @AbnerMares, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions@STAPLESCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions иwww.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter.PBC е спонсориран от Corona, Finest Beer.

Robinson wins 10th straight this past Friday night in Philadelphia

Aleem decisions Bates in a battle of undefeated super bantamweights
рицар, Ortiz, Okoth and Cannida remain undefeated
Филаделфия, PA (Април 10, 2018) – Това минало Петък нощ, супер средна категория Брендън Робинсън won his 10th straight bout as he won a eight-round unanimous decision over Oscar Riojas in the headline bout of a seven-bout card at the 2300 Arena във Филаделфия.
The show was promoted by King’s Promotions.
Robinson dropped Riojas with a left hand in the first round, and he was never challenged against the awkward veteran Riojas.
Robinson, 167.3 lbs of Philadelphia, PA спечелен от десетки 80-71 два пъти, и 79-72 to rise his mark to 10-1. Riojas, 168.8 lbs of Monterrey, Мексико е 16-9-1.
In a battle of undefeated super bantamweights Raeese Aleem was impressive in winning an eight-round unanimous decision over Marcus Bates.
Aleem scored a knockdown in the opening frame from a left hand. Aleem continued to push the action by taking the lead, while Bates tried to counter, but it was the effective punching Aleem. Aleem won by scores of 80-71 & 79-72 два пъти.
Aleem, 121.9 lbs of Las Vegas is now 11-0. Bates, 122.9 lbs of Washington, DC е 8-1-1.
Colby Madison and Guillermo Del Rio battled to a six-round majority draw in a heavyweight bout.
Madison was able to draw blood from Del Rio’s right nostril in round three, but Del Rio was able to match Madison punch for punch. Madison took a card 58-56, while two cards read even at 57-57.
Медисън, 247.9 lbs of Owings Mills, MD is 6-0-2. Del Rio, 198.8 lbs of South Houston, Texas is 2-2-1.
Пойндекстър Knight went the distance for the first time, but still came out with an a easy four-round unanimous decision over Vincent Floyd in a welterweight bout.
Knight knocked Floyd down in round one with a nice left-right combination.
рицар, 149.3 паунда на Филаделфия, спечелен от десетки 40-35 на всички карти и сега е 3-0. Floyd, 148.3 паунда на Филаделфия е 3-5-1.
Joshafat Ортис remained undefeated by pounding out a four-round unanimous decision over Evgueny Metchenov in a junior light bout.
Ortiz landed hard shots that drew blood from the nose of Metchenov in round two. Ortiz won by 40-36 scores on all cards.
Ortiz, 131.5 lbs of Reading, PA is 3-0. Metchenov, 130.7 lbs of Forrestville, MD is 0-2.
Denis Okoth won a four-round split decision over Rasheed Johnson in a welterweight fight.
Okoth took two cards by scores of 40-36 и 39-37, while Johnson won a card 39-37.
Okoth, 143.9 lbs of Siaya, KEN is 2-0-1. Johnson, 147.3 паунда на Филаделфия е 3-2.
Кендъл Канида won a four-round unanimous decision over Carlos Villenueva in a light heavyweight bout,
Cannida sealed the fight with a final round knockdown that came from a nice three-punch combination, and won by scores of 39-36 на всички карти.
Cannida, 178.1 паунда на Филаделфия е 2-0. Villenueva, 173.2 lbs of Philadelphia was making his pro debut.
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Super-Sized Super Welterweight, Себастиан Фундора, Relaxed and Confident Going Into Action This Friday Against Also Undefeated KO Artist Veshawn Owens


It takes a big man to go into another undefeated fighter’s hometown and take him down, but as the biggest super welterweight in boxing history, Себастиан “Ад под небето” Fundora е повече от натоварена.





Фундора 6 фута 6 (8-0, 4 Нокаута) ще се изправи срещу базирания в Минесота KO художник Veshawn Owens (9-0, 9 Нокаута) този петък, Април 13, в осем кръгли разборки в оръжейната в Минеаполис, Minnesota. Двойката ще се срещне в андеркарда на Premier Boxing Champions на FOX & Събитие на FOX Deportes с участието на родния град в полусредна категория Джамал Джеймс, който играе срещу Абел Рамос (9:00 p.m. И / 6:00 p.m. PT)





Представено от Warriors Boxing и TGB Promotions, събитието ще види и здрав ветеран Еднър Чери, който се бори с нарастващия олекотен Денис Галарца в 10-рундов двубой, а Остин Дюлей и Крис Колбърт се сблъскват в мач от осем кръга между непобедени перспективи в супер перо. На картата се появява и сензационният 17-годишен 154-килограмов перспективен Джоуи Спенсър (1-0, 1 KO), бивш No. 1 класиран аматьор и деветкратен национален шампион.


Билети за събитието на живо, кое е, се продават сега и са достъпни чрез посещение www.ArmoryMN.com.





“Бил съм се в задните дворове на други хора и вече съм побеждавал и непобедени бойци, така че свикнах с това,” - каза Фундора, самоуверена 20-годишна южна лапа от Коачела, Калифорния. “Не знам много за Оуенс, но се чувства страхотно да можеш да се бориш с по-строги противници. Хората вече са в състояние да видят пълните ми възможности, вместо да нокаутира момчета в първия рунд и това не означава толкова много.”





С обхват и височина в тежка категория, Fundora е масивна за 154-килограмов боец… естествен подарък, върху който работи във фитнеса с пълното му предимство.





“Тренирахме усилено и работихме много на разстояние и много повече сила и сила за тази битка. Не съм просто най-големият, Аз също съм по-силен от всеки друг. Започнахме обучение за това през януари. След последния ми бой, в Аржентина, Взех една седмица почивка и след това започнах да работя върху кондиционирането в Big Bear. Това беше страхотен лагер.”





Промоутър на Фундора, Сампсън Lewkowicz на Сампсън Boxing, казва “Ад под небето” е повече от a “трик боец.”





“Той е истински,” каза Lewkowicz. “Той вече е победил някои добри бойци. Как влага целия този размер и сила 154 паунда., Не знам, но Фундора е твърде голяма за всеки с това тегло. Трябва да влезете в него и е твърде далеч, за да отидете, защото той ви наказва за всеки сантиметър, който се опитате да вземете.”





“Повече от доволен съм от начина, по който вървят нещата,” продължи Фундора. “Победата в тази битка би била добра стъпка, за да се надяваме следващата битка за регионален пояс. Ще имам много възможности, след като спечеля.”

Стартират премиерски шампиони по бокс на FS1 2018 Сезон с тричасова екшън екшън от оръжейната зала в Минеаполис в петък, Април 13


Състезателят в полутежка категория Джамал Джеймс се завръща в родния град, за да се бие с Абел Рамос в сблъсъка в полутежка категория

Здравият ветеран Edner Cherry поема Денис Галарза

В леко оспорване в Co-Main Event

Още! Остин Дюла и Крис Колбърт Square-Off в Matchup на непобедените супер перата & сензационен

Перспективи Себастиан Фундора & Джоуи Спенсър

Действие в отделни мачове



Минеаполис (Април 10, 2018) – Премиер боксови Champions стартира 2018 сезон на FS1 и FOX Deportes в петък, Април 13 с пет наситени с екшън двубои в тричасово телевизионно предаване от Оръжейната палата в Минеаполис, с участието на претендент в полусредна категория Джамал James бой Abel Ramos в главно събитие от 10 рунда пред тълпата на родния му град.




В съвместно основното събитие, здрав ветеран Edner Cherry сблъсъци с нарастваща лека Dennis Galarza в 10-рундов двубой и непобедени супер пернати Остин Дюла и Chris Colbert квадрат в мач от осем кръга.




Още, вълнуващ 6 фута 6 супер полусредна категория Себастиан “Извисяващ се Ад” Фундора(8-0, 4 Нокаута) ще поеме Вешаун Оуенс (9-0, 9 Нокаута) в мач от осем кръга с непобедени перспективи. Сензационно 18-годишно, 154-лира перспектива Джоуи Спенсър (1-0, 1 KO), бивш No. 1 класиран аматьор и деветкратен национален шампион, битки Ousmane Сила (1-2, 1 Нокаута) в мач от четири кръга. Действието по телевизията започва в 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.




Събитието отбелязва завръщането на бокса в оръжейната Минеаполис, историческо място, което беше домакин на почти 100 карти между 1915 и 1973, включително шоу, озаглавено от великия велик Шугър Рей Робинсън през 1942.




“Това предаване е идеалният пример за това какво представлява Premier Boxing Champions на FS1 и FOX Deportes – боксьори на различни етапи от кариерата си, всеки с нещо за доказване във всички екшън мачове,” - каза Тим Смит, Вицепрезидент по комуникациите за бокса на Хеймън. “Залогът се вдига за Джамал Джеймс, защото той се бие пред тълпата в родния си град и получава титлата на микса 147 паунда и Абел Рамос иска да развали всичко това.




“Ветеран Edner Cherry, който се е заплитал с Поли Малиняги и Тимъти Брадли, и Денис Галарза и двамата се борят, за да влязат в спор за титлата. И рядко се случва непобедени перспективи като Остин Дюла и Крис Колбърт да се сблъскат скоро с това в кариерата си. Всичко обещава да бъде вълнуваща нощ на бокса в нощ, когато спортният календар не е претъпкан.”




James (22-1, 10 Нокаута) идва най-голямата победа в кариерата му – нокаут над коравия ветеран Диего Чавес на дек. 15. 29-годишният Джеймс се присъедини към обединения 147-килограмов шампион Кийт Търман като единственият боксьор, нокаутирал трайния аржентинец. Това беше втора поредна победа за Джеймс, откакто претърпя единствената загуба в кариерата си – единодушно решение поражение на Йорденис Угас на август. 12, 2016. Джеймс не се бие в родния си град Минеаполис, откакто взе единодушно решение за Мохамед Кайонго в 2013.




Ramos (18-2-2, 13 Нокаута) ще завърши преминаването си в полусредна категория, като пое Джеймс, след като дебютира в полусредна категория със спиране на Еманюел Роблес миналия юли. 26-годишният играч от Аризона спечели три от последните си четири битки и единствените му професионални поражения дойдоха в ръцете на най-добрите 140-килограмови претенденти Регис Програйс и Иван Баранчик.




Череша (36-7-2, 19 Нокаута) победи веднъж победените претенденти Хаскел Роудс и Омар Дъглас, след като загуби разделно решение от Хосе Педраса в мач за световна титла от 130 килограма в 2015. 35-годишната Череша от Уочула, Преди това Флорида оспори Тим Брадли и Поли Малинагаги по време на кариерата си, която включваше серия от победи от 10 битки след двубоя на Брадли.




Galarza (16-2, 9 Нокаута), an outstanding amateur boxer, is stepping up in competition with this matchup against the more experienced Cherry. The 25-year-old Galarza, who’s from Brooklyn but trains in Orlando, has won three straight fights since losing a split decision to Cesar Alan Valenzuela on Sept. 16, 2016.




Дулай (11-0, 8 Нокаута) беше зает миналата година, fighting four times with only one fight going the distance. The 22-year-old southpaw from Nashville, Tennessee most recently scored a TKO victory over Carlos Padilla last August.




Colbert (7-0, 2 Нокаута) has one of the most decorated amateur careers in New York City as he fights out of the renowned Atlas Cops and Kids Gym in Brooklyn. The 21-year-old is noted for his blazing hand and foot speed and he enters this fight coming off a unanimous decision victory over previously unbeaten Titus Williams last November.




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CASEY “ДАМА хавайски Punch” Договор за управление Мортън знаци с принц Ranch Бокс

САН ФРАНЦИСКО, КАТО (Април 9, 2018) – Принц Ranch Бокс (НРБ) е щастлив да обяви подписването на непобеден Flyweight претендент, Кейси “The Lady хавайски Punch” Мортън(7-0-3, 1 KO). Мортън се присъедини към звездната група от бойци съгласно РСТ (НРБ) мениджърски екип, които включват Damien “Захар” Васкес (13-0, 7 Нокаута), Блеър “Украса” Кобс (8-0-1, 6 Нокаута) и Исак “Canelito” Avlar (14-0, 9 Нокаута) да назовем само няколко.





“След като се регистрирате с Грег Hannley и принц Ranch Бокс, Чувствам кариерата ми върви в правилната посока,” Споменатата Casey Мортън, на Сан Франциско чрез Хонолулу, Hawaii. “Отивам да се възползват напълно от всяка възможност, която идва по моя начин. Гладен съм, за да стигнем до върха и се надявам, че се бори за световна титла до края на годината.”




“Кейси е сензационно изтребител с голям екип зад себе си,” посочен Грег Hannely, президент на (НРБ). “В допълнение към нейното огромно борба талант, тя също има по-голям да се издигнат във всички аспекти на мултимедия. Тя чука на прага на една световна титла, а ние искаме да я в гръб на ринга възможно най-скоро.”




Мортън, който тренира извън SNAC изследване & На обученията, собственост на Виктор Конте, чийто треньор е Nonito Donaire Sr., баща на 2012 Fighter на годината, Nonito Donaire младши. Мортън и Donaire Sr. има две битки заедно, и тя не може да бъде по-щастлив.




“Работа с Nonito Sr. е огромно благословение за кариерата ми,” Мортън продължава. “Въпреки, че ние сме били заедно само за няколко битки, Научих толкова много в този кратък период от време. Почвам да седне на моите удари, който е добавил значително количество енергия, за да ми удари. Ние работим чудесно заедно.”




В последния си двубой от март 25, 2018, Мортън, с Donaire Sr. в ъгъла си, пътува до Манила, Филипини, превзел WBO Asia Pacific заглавие, печели от шутаут единодушно решение срещу Nongmuay Kokietgym (13-4-3).




“Имам огромен екип зад мен,” Мортън, сключен. “Искам да благодаря на Виктор Конте, Nonito Donaire старши, цялото си семейство и приятели, и последно, като не малко, Грег Hannley за мен в подкрепа на пътуването ми да стане световен шампион. Давам всичко кредит на Бога за блажената си кариера.”

Card set for This Friday night’s King’s Promotions show at The Sands Bethlehem Event Center




Frank De Alba battles O’Shaquie Foster in main event




Luther Smith takes on Elvin Sanchez in co-feature




Undefeated fighters Jesus Perez fights Anthony Snonnier




Plus undefeated Juan Sanchez, Denis Okoth, Мартино Жул & Laured Stewart



Витлеем, PA (Април 9, 2018)A terrific eight-bout card has been assembled for Този петък NIGHT!! в Sands Bethlehem Event Center.




6 undercard bouts have been added to the already announced eight-round super featherweight main event that will pit Frank De Alba (22-2-2, 9 Нокаута) на Reading, PA taking in O'Shaquie Foster (12-2, 8 Нокаута) Хюстън, TX.




Also previously announced is the six-round co-feature pitting cruiserweights Luther Smith (9-2, 8 Нокаута) на Bowie, MD taking on Elvin Sanchez (8-3-1, 6 Нокаута) на Paterson, NJ.




Шоуто се насърчава от Промоции Кинг.




The 30 year-old De Alba has a six-year professional who has wins over Andrew Bentley (1-0), Jose Bustos (8-2-3), Bernardo Gomez Uribe (16-3), Кои Evans (12-2-1), De Alba has had some tough luck as he has had several fights fall through for different reasons. This will be his 1st bout in just over a year as in his last bout where he won a eight-round unanimous decision over Ryan Kielczewski (26-2) on April 4th at The Sands Bethlehem Event Center. De Alba has won five straight.




Foster, 24 годишна възраст, was a highly decorated amateur standout. Foster advanced to the 2012 U.S. Olympic Trials where he lost to unbeaten contender, Joseph “Jo-Jo” Diaz. Преди това, Foster was a 2010 PAL Национален шампион, a five-time Ringside National Champion and two-time National Junior Golden Gloves Champion.




Foster is a six-year professional who won his first eight bouts. Foster has wins over three undefeated fighters including Devin Parker, Lavisis Williams, and his last bout when he defeated Kaylen Alfred on January 20th in Houston.




Ковач, 39, is a three-year professional, who has stoppage wins over two undefeated foes Mike Marshall and Darnell Pierce.




Smith is coming off a 4-round split decision loss to perennial spoiler Lamont Capers on November 30, 2017 in Oxon Hill, Maryland.




The 37 year-old Sanchez is a 10 year professional who has knockout wins over undefeated Venroy July (13-0-2) and in his last bout when he stopped Khalib Whitmore (6-1) август 11, 2017 във Филаделфия.




In an eight-round welterweight fight, Craig Callaghan (17-1, 7 Нокаута) Хюстън, TX will fight Cesar Soriano Berumen (28-37-2, 17 Нокаута) of Iztacalco, MX.




In six-rounds bouts:


Хуан Санчес (5-0, 2 Нокаута) от Allentown, PA takes on Винсент Дженингс (5-4, 4 Нокаута) на Гранд Рапидс, MI in a featherweight bout.




In a battle of undefeated welterweights, Исус Перес (3-0, 1 KO) на Reading, PA squares off against Anthony Sonnier (3-0, 2 Нокаута) от Сиатъл, WA




В четири кръгли пристъпи:


Denis Okoth (2-0-1) of Siaya, KEN fights Greg Jackson (8-5, 4 Нокаута) of Philadelphia in a welterweight bout.


Мартино Жул (3-0) от Allentown, PA ще поеме Филип Дейвис (1-1-1) от Уорчестър, MA in a featherweight bout.


James Robinson (4-9-4, 1 KO) на Йорк, PA will look to upend Laured Stewart (3-0, 1 KO) на Brooklyn, NY in a junior middleweight bout.




Билети за събитието на живо, която се насърчава от Промоции Кинг, са с цени



$50, $75 и $100, Не включително приложими такси и данъци за услуги и са в продажба сега. Билетите се предлагат на www.ticketmaster.com. За зареждане от телефонно обаждане Ticketmaster в (800) 745-3000.

Към “лед” Рапица & “Бебе” Джо Меси е чест да бъда приет в щата Ню Йорк Бокс Залата на славата

Неделя, Април 29, Индукция Dinner

Kid Chocolate, James J. Корбет, Джак Маколиф, Сам Тоб, Боб & Мъри Гудман оглави нов клас

NEW YORK (Април 9, 2018) – Бившият световен шампион Cruiserweight Към “лед” Рапица и непобеден, Не.; 1 в тежката категория “Бебе” Джо Меси и двете са изключително почитан и благодарен да бъдат въведени, заедно с 21 другите в класа на 2018, в щата Ню Йорк Бокс Залата на славата (NYSBHOF).




седмата годишна индукция NYSBHOF вечерята ще се проведе неделен следобед (12:30-5:30 p.m. И), Април 29, за пореден път най-On The Bay Русо в Howard Beach, Ню Йорк.



Рапица (35-16-3, 16 Нокаута), който е от Рокланд, борил професионален между 1989 и 2011, спечели първия си 15 и 27 на неговата първоначална 28 про битки. Той заловен на Международната федерация по бокс (IBF) Cruiserweight Световното първенство в 1992, когато той спечели 12-кръг единодушно решение над Джеймс воюващите (14-1). Коул направи четири успешни защити световната титла на преди да се премести до тежка категория.






“Знаех, че ще се получи в един ден и аз съм чест да бъда приет в щата Ню Йорк Бокс Залата на славата, особено с този клас, защото знам, няколко други борци отиват в подобно Лу Дел Вале и Терънс Alli.” Коул каза. “Бях известен като харесван от тълпата, вълнуващо боец, и хората, които ме гледаха винаги са знаели, че ще бъда в добра борба с добри борси. Аз съм се бори в сянката на (Микрофон) Тайсън и Рой (Jones. Jr.).




“Борих се в армията с Рей Мърсър, ужилена Ивендър Холифийлд в спаринг. Най-добрият ми битка, въпреки че, боли ме най-много. I е толкова остър срещу борец от Kronk Басейн, Винсент Boulware, в трета моя защита световна титла тази година (1993). Boulware спечели шест от последните си седем мача с четири нокаути и аз просто се превръща в приличен име, Ако го победих, Аз трябваше да се бори с Томи Hearns или Иран Barkley, които са били и двете се движат до Cruiserweight. Бях най-добрият бори в кариерата ми, но не можех да получите някоя от другите свят Cruiserweight шампиони за борба с мен. Имах само четири битки в следващите три години. Преместих се до тежка категория, защото същите момчета, които ми бият, когато са били моя задължително претендент (Uriah Грант & Нейт Милър) пробиха обратно в задължителна позиция.”




Коул е израснал в Атлантик Сити, където той се бори 18 пъти, и той се запознава с един собственик на казино, Доналд Тръмп. “Ние висеше,” Коул си спомни. “Тръмп ме покани на някои от неговите частни партита. Никога не съм мислил, че ще бъде президент!”.




мойаз (36-0, 29 Нокаута) Беше толкова популярен в Бъфало, Той е смятан за северната част на щата Ню Йорк града трета спортове франчайз (Сметки и Сейбърс). Високопоставен американски любител, “бебе Джо” борил професионално между 1997 и 2007, претакане 36 победи без поражение, но той никога да не се стреля световна титла заради медицински проблем. Класираха най-високо в нито един. 1 от Световната Бокс съвет (WBC) Меси бе спряна от Комисията Невада, след като победи бившия световен шампион Василий Jirov по пътя на 10-кръг единодушно решение, заради травма на главата (мозъчни кръвоизливи).




Меси е почти черна в бокса, губи две години на ринга, докато той преследва правни действия, за да се възстанови лицензиран, което в крайна сметка той е бил, но само с няколко комисии. Джо се борили седем пъти, след като е повторно лицензирани, но за съжаление, беше ограничена по отношение на която той може да се бори, и той никога не възвръща възвишени статут той веднъж е заемал. В допълнение към Jirov, Меси победи видни личности като Монте Барет, DeVarryl Уилямсън и Хорхе Луис Гонсалес.




“Това е много време за мен,” Меси коментира за предстоящия му индукция. “Аз съм смирен и чест да се случва в една и съща зала на славата с най-големите имена, които вече са там. Аз съм всичко накисване в момента.




“Аз съм малко по-отстранен от boxing, но само до края на бизнеса. Аз все още съм голям фен бокса и следвайте спорта. Днес, Аз съм женен с три деца и продават медицински изделия за живеене. Бокс все още е моята страст, моя любов, и тъй като аз получих обаждане (че той ще в NYSBHOF), Мислех си за всички спомени. Бих искал да направя някои по телевизия обявяване в бокса и, Може би някой ден, получите в насърчаването. Аз съм наистина очаквам с нетърпение да щата Ню Йорк Бокс Залата на славата индукция церемонията.”




Живи боксьори заглавие в NYSBHOF включват (Long Island) WBA в полутежката категория Lou “Мед Boy” Улама (36-6-2, 22 Нокаута), (Central Islip) IBF Junior Welterweight световен шампион Джейк Родригес (28-8-2, 8 Нокаута), и (Brooklyn) свят претендент леката категория Терънс Alli (52-15-2, 21 Нокаута).




Посмъртен участници са въведени са НБА & NYSAC World Champion перо (Манхатън) Хлапе “Кубинският Bon Bon” Шоколад (136-10-6, 51 Нокаута), (New York City) 20тататежка категория век James J. “Gentleman Джим” Корбет (11-4-3, 5 Нокаута), (Уилямсбърг) World Lightweight Champion Крик “Наполеон на наградата Ring” Маколиф, (Kingston) WBC Супер Лек шампион Били Костело (40-2, 23 Нокаута), (фар) NYSAC Light Heavyweight световен шампион Мелио Бетина (83-14-3, 36 Нокаута), (Бруклин / Йонкърс) от световна класа в средната категория Ralph “Тигър” Jones (52-32-5, 13 Нокаута) и (Порт Вашингтон) в тежката категория Чарли “Атентатора Байон” Norkus (33-19, 19 Нокаута).




Живи неучастващи заглавие в NYSBHOF са (Troy) Носител на наградата Пулицър sportswriter Дейв Андерсън, (Brooklyn) треньор / консултант Пийт Бродски, (вид карета) боксов историк / редактор Herb Goldman, (Bronx) сватовник Боб Гудман, (Ardsley) NYSAC председател / съдия Melvina Lathan, и (Brooklyn) NYSAC председател / сватовник / промотор Рон Скот Стивънс.




Посмъртен неучастваща inductees са (Brooklyn) пръстен говорител Джони Ади, (Brooklyn) сватовник Джони Bos, (Bronx) боксов публицист Мъри Гудман, (New York City) боксов писател / историк Бърт Рандолф Sugar и (Долен Ийст Сайд) радио & телевизионна говорителка / журналист Сам Тоб.




Всеки присъства новобранец (или директен потомък на) ще получите по поръчка, предназначени за колан означаваше неговата индукция в NYSBHOF.




The 2017 inductees бяха избрани от членовете Комитета по номинациите на NYSBHOF: ,Боби Cassidy, Jr., Randy Gordon, Хенри Hascup, Don Majeski, Рон Макнеър, и Нийл Terens.




Всички боксьори, необходими за да бъде неактивна за най-малко три години, за да бъдат допустими за NYSBHOF индукция, и всички inductees трябва да са пребивавали в щата Ню Йорк в продължение на една значителна част от своите боксови кариера или по време на разцвета на съответната им кариера.



Клас 2012: Кармен Базилио, Майк Маккалъм, Майк Тайсън, Джейк LaMotta, Riddick Bowe, Карлос Ортис, Vito Antuofermo, Емил Грифит, “Захар” Рей Робинсън, Джийн Тъни, Benny Leonard, Тони Canzoneri, Харолд Ледерман, Стив Acunto, Jimmy Glenn, Gil Clancy, Ray Arcel, Nat Флайшър, Бил Gallo и Arthur Mercante, Sr.


Клас 2013: Джак Демпси, Джони Dundee, Sandy Сарач, Макси Розенблум, Joey Archer, Иран Barkley, Mark Breland, Боби Cassidy, Дъг Джоунс, Junior Jones, James “Приятелю” McGirt, Eddie Мустафа Мохамед, Bob Arum, Шели Finkel, Тони Graziano, Лари Merchant, Teddy Brenner, Mike Jacobs, Tex Рикард и Дон Дънфи.

КЛАС НА 2014: Флойд Патерсън, Трейси Harris Патерсън, Били Бакъс, Кевин Кели, Juan LaPorte, Gerry Куни, Мустафа Hamsho, Хауърд Дейвис, Jr., Lou Ambers, Джак Бритън, Тери Макгавърн, Teddy Atlas, Lou DiBella, Стив Farhood, Gene Moore, Angelo Просперо, Whitey Bimstein, Cus D'Амато, Уилям Muldoon и Tom О'Рурк.


КЛАС НА 2015: Саул Mamby, Джоуи Giamba, Джони Persol, Харолд Weston, Лони Bradley, Paul Berlenbach, Били Греъм, Frankie Хенаро, Боб Милър, Tommy Ryan, Jimmy Слатъри, Боб Duffy, Майк Кац, Tommy Gallagher, Брус Silverglade, Чарли Goldman, Джими Джонстън, Cedric Кушнер, Хари Markson, Деймън Runyon и Al Weill.


КЛАС НА 2016: Аарон Дейвис, Чарлз Мъри, Vilomar Fernandez, Едвин Viruet, хектор “Macho” Камачо, Роки Грациано, Rocky Kansas, Джо Линч, Джо Miceli, Ед Брофи, Joe DeGuardia, Randy Gordon, Денис Рапапорт, Хауи Albert, Фреди Браун, Хауърд Cosell, Ruby Голдщайн и Джими Jacobs.


КЛАС НА 2017: Gaspar Ortega, Реналдо “Г-н.” Снайпс, Дъг Дюит, “Атентатора Бронкс” Алекс Рамос, Дик Тайгър, Хосе Торес, “безподобен” Джак Демпси, Don Majeski, Рон Katz, Стан Хофман, Боби Бартелс, Ханк Kaplan, Al Gavin, Артър Донован и Дан Паркър.





Билетите са на цена от $150.00 за възрастен и $70.00 за деца (под 16),и включва пълен обяд и коктейл час при влизане, като се започне от 12:30 p.m. И, както и вечеря (премиер ребро, риба или птиче месо) и открит бар през целия ден. Билетите са на разположение за закупуване, като се свържете NYSBHOF / Ring 8 президент Боб Duffy в 516.313.2304 илиdepcomish@aol.com. Обяви за програмата NYSBHOF са налични, вариращо от $80.00 към $200.00, като се свържете с Duffy. Отиди на линия www.Ring8ny.com За допълнителна информация за щата Ню Йорк Boxing Залата на славата.

Fight Night at The ZoneRESULTS from Derry, NH

stops Larry Smith in 5

Undefeated New England prospects

Ричард Ривера & Ървин Гонзалес

Register sensational 1во round knockouts



Fight Night at The Zone

Официалните резултати





DERRY, азот на h. (Април 8, 2018) — The official weigh in was held today for tomorrow (Събота) evening’sFight Night at the Zone,” presented by Granite Chin Promotions, at The Sportszone in Derry, New Hampshire.





В основното събитие, Дорчестър, MA junior middleweight Габриел Дюлюк (12-3, 3 Нокаута) used a vicious body attack to stop veteran Texas fighter LarrySlomoshun” Ковач в петия кръг. A right to the liver put Smith down, but he beat the referee Mike RyanЕ броят на. Smith was unable to recover as he was pinned on the ropes by Duluc, who reeled off a dozen unanswered punches, forcing referee Ryan to end the fight.





New England’s hardest hitter is unquestionably UBF N.E. light heavyweight champion Ричард “Попай Моряка” Rivera (7-0, 6 Нокаута), who knocked out cruiserweight Шумен “The Rattler” Campbell (3-19, 2 Нокаута) with the first punch in their non-title fight, a lethal right that broke Campbell’s lower right ankle.





Flashy Worcester, MA prospect Ървин Гонзалес (9-0, 8 Нокаута) overwhelmed his Mexican opponent, младши полусредна категория Francisco “El MonoMedel (12-13, 8 Нокаута), blasting him from every angle en route to a first-round technical knockout, in which Medal went to the canvas twice.





New England cruiserweight champion Крис Траети (26-4, 21 Нокаута), also the co-promoter, pounded JamminJames Morrow (12-23-3, 5 Нокаута) from pillar to post until referee Leo Gerstel halted the action in their non-title fight for a third-round technical knockout.





Irish junior welterweight Paddy McGee, fighting out of Dorchester, MA, landed only two punches in his pro debut, both flooring Bardraiel Smith (0-4), for a quick first-round knockout.





Stoughton, MA полусредна категория Travis “The Outlaw” Demko (6-1, 1 KO) outclassed Paul DeSouza (0-11), of Somerville, pitching a six-round shutout decision.





With former world champion Wilfredo, Vasquez, Jr. supporting him, Springfield, MA полусредна категория Anthony Velasquez (2-0, 2 Нокаута) нужен само 43 seconds to finish off Shavonte Dixon (0-3).





Данбъри, CT junior welterweight Omar “Звярът” Бордой, Jr. (5-0, 1 KO) остана непобеден, taking a four-round unanimous decision from a game Изображение на резервоар Carlos Galindo (0-2).





Местна любим, Ricky Ford (2-1-1), fighting out Claremont, NH, dropped Woburn, MA junior middleweight Jaco Matsos (0-2) twice before the fight was stopped by referee Mike Ryan.





New Jersey super middleweight Chris “Sandman” Thomas improved his pro record to 8-0-1 (5 Нокаута), когато John Hantzopoulos (0-2) failed to answer the bell for the third round.


Пълните резултати долу:



Официалните резултати



Габриел Дюлюк (12-3, 3 Нокаута), Дорчестър, MA
WTKO5 (1:40)
Larry Smith (10-35-1, 7 Нокаута), Далас, TX

Ричард Ривера (7-0, 6 Нокаута), Hartford, CT
WKO1 (0:37)
Randy Campbell (3-19, 2 Нокаута), Bowerston, OH

Крис Траети (26-4, 21 Нокаута), Quincy, MA
WTKO3 (0:53)James Morrow (12-23-3, 5 Нокаута), Lafayette, IN.





Chris Thomas (8-0-1, 5 Нокаута), Beechwood, NJ

WTKO2 (3:00)

John Hantzopoulos (0-2), Lynn, MA




Ricky Ford (2-1-1, 1 KO), Claremont, NH

WTKO1 (1:47)

Jaco Matos (0-2), Woburn, MA




Travis Demko (6-1, 1 KO), Stoughton, MA.
WDEC6 (60-54, 60-54, 60-54)
Paul DeSouza (0-11), Сомървил, MA




Anthony Velasquez (2-0, 2 Нокаута), Springfield, MA
WTKO (0:43)
Shavonte Dixon (0-3), Филаделфия, PA




Ървин Гонзалес (9-0, 8 Нокаута), Worcester, MA
WTKO1 (1:57)
Francisco Medel (12-13, 8 Нокаута), Сонора, Мексико




Paddy McGee (1-0, 1 KO), Дорчестър, MA
WTKO1 (1:12)

Bardraiel Smith (0-4), Филаделфия, PA




Омар Bordoy, Jr. (5-0, 1 KO), Данбъри, CT
WDEC4 (40-35, 40-35, 40-36)
Изображение на резервоар Carlos Galindo (0-2), Woburn, MA



Sponsors included Betley Chevrolet, Tobin Scientific, Matrix Aerospace, TownPlace Suites, Manchester Monarchs and Cars.com



Кикотене: @Granite_Chin