Tag Archives: amaterski boks

Split-T Management signs amateur standout Andreal Holmes to a managerial contract

New York (September 5, 2016) -Split-T Management is pleased to announce the signing of the US National Elite Champion, Ardreal Holmes izključni individualnih pogodbah.

Holmes, 21 years-old of Flint, MI made his successful professional debut on August 27, 2016 when he stopped Rakim Johnson of Indianapolis, IN in the first round, v Detroitu, MY.

Holmes, who was the number-one ranked welterweight in the US, had an outstanding amateur career that culminated in reaching the finals of the Olympic trials.

Holmes has competed in over 80 amateur fights and won several major tournaments including the 2015 USA National Elite Championship.

Holmes also has competed in several major international tournaments. V marcu 2016, he competed in the World Series of Boxing and scored a sensational knockout over Cyrus Patterson of Great Britain.

Since the signing, David McWater has treated me and the Gallo boxing team like family. I look forward to our success together,”said Holmes

Said Split-T Management CEO David McWater, I am thrilled to have Ardreal Holmes in the Split-T Management family! Not only is he an outstanding fighter, he a true gentlemen in and out of the ring. With his size and power, I could see him winning world titles in five different weight classes!”

Said trainer, Joe Bermudez Jr., “Ardreal’s accuracy, power and determination will make him a great fighter to watch as he transitions into professional boxing.


Starting Petek Over Two Dozen PBC Fighters and Past Olympians Congratulate 2016 Team on PBC website and Social Channels; Fighters Discuss Their Olympic Experiences in New Video & Editorial Content
LAS VEGAS, NV – Avgust 2, 2016The Olympic Games hold a special meaning for the many Premier Boxing prvakov series boxers who competed in past Olympiads. Representing the United States, Mexico, Haiti, Rusija, Great Britain and more, it served as the highest achievement of their amateur careers before they embarked on professional championship aspirations. Starting Petek, an honored group of fighters that represented their homes as Olympians salute the members of the 2016 Olympic Teams on their achievements and wish them all the best in bringing home the gold. To view go to: www.premierboxingchampions.com in www.facebook.com/premierboxingchampions.
In a series of special video vignettes and articles on the Premier Boxing Champions Spletna stran, previous Olympians like heavyweight world champion Deontay Wilder (Bronze medal winner in 2008 Beijing Games); Rau'shee Warren, the only U.S. boxer to participate in three Olympics (2004, 2008 in 2012); and Errol Spence (2012 London Games) will offer encouragement to members of the 2016 U.S.. Olympic boxing team. Warren and Spence will reminisce about their Olympic experiences together.
Gary Russell, Jr. (2008 Beijing Games) will talk about his experience in the Games and also discuss his brother, Gary Antuanne Russell, who is a member of the 2016 U.S.. Team in Rio, when the Olympics kick off on Avgust. 5.
Terrell Gausha (2012 London Games) will have some helpful tips for the members of the U.S. boxing team on how to maneuver through the Olympic maze and succeed in securing gold medals. Marcus Browne and Jamel Herring were also teammates with Gausha on that 2012 olimpijska ekipa.
The PBC has over two dozen Olympic boxers representing countries including Mexico (Abner Mares and Alfredo Angulo – 2004 Athens Games), Haiti (Drugi Berto – 2004 Athens Games), Rusija (Artur Beterbiev and Sergiy Deveryanchenko – 2008 Beijing Games), Velika Britanija (Amir Khan – 2004 Athens Games, James DeGale – 2008 Beijing Games), Dominikanska republika(Juan Carlos Payano – 2004 Athens Games/2008 Beijing Games and Gold medalist Felix Diaz – 2008 Beijing Games), Puerto Rico (Jose Pedraza – 2008 Beijing Games), Cameroon (Saki Taurus – 2000 Sydney Games), Deviški otoki(John Jackson and Julius Jackson – 2008 Beijing Games), in Kazahstan(Beibet Shumenov – 2004 Athens Games and Kanat Islam – 2004 Athens Games/2008 Beijing Games).
To check out the videos and articles on the PBC boxers and their Olympic experiences go to http://www.premierboxingchampions.com/
The series runs through the entire length of the games.


Lewiston, Maine (Junij 13, 2016) – Bojni športi so dali Mike Bezanson (1-0) smer. Pomagali so mu tudi pri vzpostavljanju odnosa z očetom, ki si ga je vedno zaželel, a nikoli ni mogel dojeti.

Zdaj, na predvečer Očetovega dne, manj kot teden dni po štiriletnici očetove prezgodnje smrti, Bezanson je pripravljen narediti še en korak v karieri, ki so bile njune skupne sanje.

Bezanson, 21, Lancaster, N.H., se vrne v šesterokotnik New England Fights, da ga prevzame Shawn Bang (1-1) Auburn, Maine, v dvoboju v polmeru na “NEF 24: Obljubljena dežela." Njihov amaterski dvoboj je ena izmed mnogih zanimivosti naSobota, Junij 18 kartico pri Androscoggin Bank Colisee v Lewistonu.

»Mislim, da bo ta boj zame dober, ker bom svoje sposobnosti lahko pokazal proti nasprotniku z več izkušnjami v kletki, kot jih imam,"Je rekel Bezanson. »Tudi, Dejstvo, da je Junij 18 je dan pred očetovskim dnevom to zame sentimentalna in čustvena borba. "

Na bis pride skoraj leto dni po dnevu, ko je Bezanson ustavil Jeffa Dustina (0-1) s tehničnim nokautom s stavkami v svojem prvem mešanem borilnem športu junija 13, 2015. Bang je razdelil prvi dve sodbi v kletki NEF.

Bezansonovo razstavljanje, Stil stick-and-move je pri množici, ki je bila priča njegovim začetniškim prizadevanjem, naletel na mešane kritike. Nekateri so izžvižgali relativno pomanjkanje ukrepov, morda sumil, da se je Bezanson poigraval s prekomerno izbranim nasprotnikom.

Vse je bilo del njegovega načrta, da se nauži trenutka in izkoristi priložnost.

»Resnično smo imeli načrt igre, da bi dobili izkušnje,"Je rekel Bezanson. »Če imam kakšne misli, da bi šel pro, Moram pridobiti čim več izkušenj. Če vstopiš tja in nekoga zavrneš 10 sekund, ne razumite me narobe, dobil si nokavt in to je super, vendar se ne naučite, kaj je potrebno, da se počutite udobno na drugi strani tega 10 sekund. Ne veste, koliko energije boste potrebovali. "

Bezansonu ni nikoli primanjkovalo energije, ali osebnost, od otroštva. Zase se opisuje kot mladenič, ki ni nikoli zašel v resnejše težave, in nikoli ni eksperimentiral z drogami ali drugimi neurejenimi vedenji, ampak tisti, ki je svobodno izpodbijal oblast.

Kot borec v srednji šoli je gravitiral boksarskemu ringu. Dalo mu je smer. Prav tako je zagotovil temelje za vnovično, spet odnos z očetom, Jamie.

»Preden sem se lotil boksa, moj oče v resnici ni bil veliko vpleten v moje življenje. Prišel bi in odšel, veš, iz osebnih razlogov,"Je rekel Bezanson. »Ko sem začel boksati, res smo se zbližali. Boks in dirke so bile njegove stvari. Vsem in vsem bi povedal, da boksam in kako ponosen je, in to mi je veliko pomenilo. "

Jamie Bezanson ni nikoli imel priložnosti gledati, kako se njegov sin razvija kot borec. Junij 15, 2012, med letnim "kolesarskim tednom" v Laconiji, njegov motocikel je prečkal sredinsko črto in udaril v drugo vozilo.

Starejši Bezanson je podlegel poškodbam. Bil 37.

»Nekaj ​​časa sem ga izgubil. Nehal sem boksati. Mentally, Bil sem ravno na zelo čustvenem mestu,"Je rekel Bezanson. »Potem tik ob moji hiši, Kaze Dojo se je odprl. Rekel sem, "To bi lahko naredil."

Bezanson je začel trenirati v brazilskem Jiu-Jitsuju z Gregom Williamsom. Izkazal se je kot naravni talent, osvojil zlato medaljo v svojem prvencu na Vermont Open.

Nato je prišlo do naravnega napredovanja v MMA, kjer se je njegovo stand-up znanje izkazalo za pretežko, da bi ga Dustin zagovarjal. Bezanson je kletki ukazal z držo in kirurško natančnostjo veterana.

»Sem naokoli precej samozavesten fant. Res nisem bil tako živčen. Zakaj bi me bilo strah, če ste pripravljeni in ste opravili ves ta trening?"Je dejal. »Devetdeset odstotkov spopadov je izgubljenih, še preden sploh prideš v kletko. Če pustite, da čustva pridejo do vas, ne boste nastopili po svojih najboljših močeh. "

Bezanson je na treningu kmalu zatem utrpel katastrofalno poškodbo kolena. Preteklo leto je preživel na okrevanju po operaciji popravljanja raztrganega ACL in meniskusa.

Ko se je vrnil v telovadnico, Bezanson se je večino svojega časa posvetil svoji razvijajoči se igri na tleh. Bang bi ga moral kraljevsko preizkusiti, nekdanji srednješolski rokoborec iz znane deželne borbene družine.

»Presenetljiva je zagotovo ena mojih prednosti. Sem dolgočasen stari, in to poskušam v celoti izkoristiti,"Je rekel Bezanson. »Sem pa na treningu res trdo delal na svoji igri na tleh. V prvi borbi res nisem dobil priložnosti, da bi to pokazal, ampak vem, da bom tokrat. "

Bezanson vidi svoj drugi vstop v kletko kot pravi začetek, za katero upa, da bo plodna kariera.

Poleg številnih oboževalcev, ki se bodo odpravili na štiriurno krožno pot iz Severne države, da ga gledajo, Bezanson ve, da bo imel v svojem kotu ene posebne oči.

»Boks me je naučil veliko discipline. MMA je ista stvar. Ljudje ga lahko uporabljajo, kakor hočejo, ampak to počne zame,"Je dejal. "To je nekaj, kar rad počnem in nekaj, za kar vem, da je moj oče hkrati ponosen."

Odprtje zvonec na Junij 18 je določen za 7 p.m. Trenutni paket vključuje pet profesionalnih boksarskih dvobojev, trije pro MMA dvoboji in osem amaterskih MMA spopadov. Vstopnice za “NEF 24: Obljubljena dežela «začetek ob $25 in so na voljo nawww.TheColisee.com ali s klicem blagajni Colisée na 207.783.2009, podaljšanje 525.

Za več informacij o dogodkih in posodobitvah borbenih kart, obiščite spletno stran promocijo na naslovu www.NewEnglandFights.com. Poleg tega, si lahko ogledate video posnetke na NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, jim sledite na Twitterjunefights in se pridružite na uradni Facebook skupina "New England bojev."

O New England Fights

New England Fights ("NEF") je boj promocijske prireditve podjetje. Poslanstvo Nef je ustvariti najvišje kakovosti dogodke za gasilce in ljubitelje Maine je enako. Nef izvršni ekipa ima bogate izkušnje v boju športnega upravljanja, Proizvodnja dogodki, Odnosi z mediji, marketing, pravna in oglaševanje.

“Iceman” John Scully’s 4th Official Amateur Boxing Reunion

This will be my 4th official amateur boxers reunion, with the first three having taken place in Las Vegas (December 2014), New York City (Junij 2015) and Foxwoods Casino in Connecticut (Julij 2015).
Boxers who have attended previous reunions include the likes of four-time world champion Roy Jones Jr., three-time world champions MikeThe Body SnatcherMcCallum and IranThe BladeBarkley, WBO heavyweight champion Lamon Brewster, former WBC light heavyweight champion Montell “Ice” Griffin, 1988 U.S.. Olympic coach Kenny Adams.
I’ve had this idea to bring my former amateur peers together for many years and in December of 2014 at the Rival Boxing Store in Las Vegas I finally had my first amateur boxers reunion and it was a tremendous success. Since then I’ve had two more (at Jimmy’s -Glenn- Corner on W. 44th St. in NYC and at Foxwoods Casino in Connecticut)successful gatherings that have seen everyone from local amateurs, regional Golden Gloves champions, National AAU champions, svetovni prvaki, Olympians and every other possible level of amateur boxer.
I had originally planned to have boxers from my Olympic trials class (1988)gather for a reunion but changed it to any era or level. On that end we’ve had boxers ranging from 1976 A.A.U. National champion Bret Summers from Washington State and 1976 Jamaican Olympian Mike McCallum all the way up to 2004 U.S.. Olympian Jason Estrada.
Basically it’s a chance for us to get together, reminisce, tell stories, see old friends, meet people we’ve never met before. Maybe the best example of what my reunions entail came at the 2015 event at Foxwoods when I had Hartford’s Luis Ortiz and Lawrence Clay-Bey meet for the very first time since they boxed each other as young kids at Marc Anthony’s in Hartford way back in 1977!
KDAJ: Julij 23, 2016, 12 opoldne na 4 pm
KJE: Margaritaville Restaurant inside the Mohegan Sun casino @ Uncasville, Connecticut.
WHO: Invited and expected guests include, among MANY others:
Two-time welterweight champ Marlon “Magic Man” Starling
1985 ESPN welterweight championSchoolboyTroy Wortham
WBA welterweight and junior middleweight champion Jose Antonio Rivera
Dickie Ecklund and “Irski” Micky Ward (“Borec”)
1984 Olympic Gold Medalist Mark Breland
Comp-U-Box record holderSucraRay Oliviera
Contender Star Peterthe Pride of ProvidenceManfredo Jr.
1996 U.S.. Olympic team captain Lawrence Clay-Bey
Current boxing promoter (Star Boxing in NYC) in 1988 NYC Daily News Golden Gloves 147 pound Champion Joe DeGuardia
Prvi dve-delitev svetovni prvak “PoisonJunior Jones from Brooklyn, NY
WBO World Heavyweight Champion Mike Bentt and 1988 U.S.. Olimpijski alternate.
2004 U.S.. Olympian Jason “Big Six” Road


Quote: “

The wait in the dressing room before a professional boxing match -that last hour- could be enough to strip a man who never boxed before of whatever pride, desire and heart he THOUGHT he hadIceman John Scully, April 2002

Boxing is a tight-knit fraternity. Everybody knows everybody. But a line in the resin will forever be drawn separating those who step into the square ring and those who DON’T. Many, many people make money on a fight, but when the bell sounds, only two people answer it.Randy Smith, Februar 2003, Journal Inquirer (Manchester, Conn.) Newspaper


Lewiston, Maine (Junij 2, 2016) - Kvečjemu New England Fights (NEF) Dogodki, Steve Bang, Sr. (1-1) bi bil na drugi strani kletke, bodisi gledal, kako se eden od njegovih sinov bojuje, bodisi kot zdravnik v kletki. Junij 18, 2016, vseeno, kot že dvakrat v preteklosti, Bang bo vstopil v kletko mešanih borilnih veščin (MMA) v Lewistonu kot tekmec. The 46 letni bariatrični kirurg iz Auburna, Maine bo nadaljeval 48 year-old Stacy Lupo (0-0) v amaterskem MMA lahkem dvoboju na “NEF 24: OBLJUBLJENA DEŽELA.”


“Obožujem tekmovanje in kako nas vodi k izboljšanju in postajanju popolnejša različica sebe,” je dejal dr. Bang. “Minilo je leto dni, odkar sem se boril v kletki. Preteklo leto je bilo napolnjeno z doseganjem osebnih mejnikov in športnih ciljev, še veliko jih je bilo še treba uresničiti. Sredi vsega tega kaosa, zvezde so se znova poravnale, da mi dajo priložnost, da ponovno vstopim v bojno areno, kjer je vložek konkurence, zame, so najvišje.”


Doma iz Rivertona, Wyoming, Dr. Bang je diplomiral na univerzi Brigham Young v Ljubljani 1994 in nato z univerzitetne šole za osteopatijo Des Moines v Ljubljani 1998. Prihaja s področja medicine, dobro se zaveda tveganj, ki jih prevzame vsakič, ko vstopi v kletko.


“Le nekaj dni po obračanju 47, I will face a warrior intent upon bodily harm and yet I find myself incredibly blessed and thankful for the health and privilege to do so,” Dr. Bang continued. “I bring the health of mind, body and spirit beyond what is required to just be a participant. I have checked all of the boxes that give me the tools required to be a victorious warrior at any age.


Dr. Bang currently trains alongside his sons at Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ). Steve Bang, Jr. (1-1), Skyler Bang (0-0), Shawn Bang (1-1) and foster son Conner Murphy (1-0) will join their father in cage competition atNEF 24.


I am passionate about my training, and take advantage of every metric available to quantify and qualify that training. By every metric, I am at my peak performance levels. I am in the best shape of my life, better than I have ever been. One day that trend will indeed head south, but today is not that day. I do not take this health and privilege for granted. Every moment of life and every opportunity we are given is a gift and I plan to take full advantage of it as if it were my last.


Dr. Bang’s opponent, pri “NEF 24,” Stacy Lupo, while making his debut in the MMA cage, is a longtime veteran of combat sports. Lupo currently trains out of the Shatterproof Combat Club in Dexter, Maine, but he has been a martial artist for an amazing 32 let. He holds black belts in both Taekwondo and Shotokan karate. He was an accomplished wrestler in high school, placing in states his senior year. For more than a decade, Lupo ran his own martial arts academy before closing shop to concentrate on raising his family. In the 1980s and 1990s, Lupo competed in amateur boxing and kickboxing. His last kickboxing bout saw him win a unanimous decision over Don Labbe in the main event of a 1995 card in Lewiston.


I don’t know Steve personally, but like me, he is an old man in a young man’s sport, so I give him his due and my respect,” said Lupo. “As the saying goes, ‘be wary of old men in a world where men die young.I want to thank him for giving me the chance to compete in a sport I’ve always loved – tako, thank you Steven Bang, I look forward to our meeting.


I do not know my opponent personally, but I respect anyone willing to do what it takes to get to the cage door,” said Bang in closing. “That next single step across the threshold commands another whole level of respect. As with the warriors of old, we will battle with the same intensity to maim, kill or disable until compelled to mercy by the referee. Then we will have a bond that cannot be understood, nor shared, by anyone who has never been there.


NEF se vrne v banko Colisée Androscoggin Bank v Lewistonu, Maine na Junij 18, 2016 s “NEF 24: OBLJUBLJENA DEŽELA.” Vstopnice za NEF 24 se začnejo šele ob $25 in so v prodaji zdaj www.TheColisee.com ali s klicem blagajni Colisée na 207.783.2009 x 525.


Za več informacij o dogodkih in posodobitvah borbenih kart, obiščite spletno stran promocijo na naslovu www.NewEnglandFights.com. Poleg tega, si lahko ogledate video posnetke na NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, jim sledite na Twitterjunefights in se pridružite na uradni Facebook skupina "New England bojev."


O New England Fights


New England Fights ("NEF") je boj promocijske prireditve podjetje. Poslanstvo Nef je ustvariti najvišje kakovosti dogodke za gasilce in ljubitelje Maine je enako. Nef izvršni ekipa ima bogate izkušnje v boju športnega upravljanja, Proizvodnja dogodki, Odnosi z mediji, marketing, pravna in oglaševanje.


Lewiston, Maine (Maj 23, 2016) - New England Fights (NEF) vrne na ANDROSCOGGIN Bank Colisée v Lewiston, Maine na Junij 18, 2016 s “NEF 24: OBLJUBLJENA DEŽELA.” The fight promotion will put on another full night of mixed-martial-arts (MMA) cage fights and pro boxing bouts. Že danes, NEF executives announced the addition of an amateur lightweight matchup to the MMA portion of the card. After a year’s absence, “Dangerous” sodba “Hands of Stone” Cofone (6-5) will return to the NEF MMA cage to face Steve Bang, Jr. (3-5) pri teži, boj za 155 funtov.


Dom Cofone was a Class A state wrestling champion out of Westbrook High School in Westbrook, Maine. He entered the MMA ranks in February of 2013. Od takrat, he has been featured on nine NEF cards. Cofone’s last appearance in the promotion was in June 2015 pri “NEF 18.” Tisto noč, Cofone submitted Jason Lachance (2-3) v drugem krogu. He is currently a member of the Academy of MMA in Portland, Maine, training under MMA pioneers Jay Jack and Amanda Buckner.


I’m so thankful for the opportunity to step into the NEF cage once again,” dejal Cofone. “With my coaches and teammates from the Academy behind me, I know I’ll be able to have a great performance. June 18th is going to be an awesome night for the NEF fans and an even better night for the Westbrook wrestling alumni!”


Steve Bang is a member of the famous Bang fighting family of Auburn, Maine. On Junij 18, he will join his father and brothers in the NEF MMA cage. Bang wrestled as an independent during his years at Edward Little High School in Auburn, Maine. He is currently a member of Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ). Bang will look to rebound from a second-round submission loss to Fabian Miranda (2-0) last week atNEF 23” in Hyannis, Massachusetts.


I’m super pumped to fight with all of my family,” Said Bang. “It’s always a great experience. This past year has been a rough year for me in many different ways and I feel like I am justas of a month or two agocoming out of it. I feel great in all aspects; duševno, duhovno, and physically. I am fired up and ready to do battle with so much of my family doing what Bangsdo just fires me up more. I’m excited to fight alongside Shawn again who I haven’t seen v dveh letih and have only spoken to three times. I’m excited to fight Dom. I think it will be a great match up. I don’t get to fight many wrestlers. And I want to thank him for the opportunity to allow me to do what I love to do.


NEF se vrne v banko Colisée Androscoggin Bank v Lewistonu, Maine na Junij 18, 2016 s “NEF 24: OBLJUBLJENA DEŽELA.” Vstopnice za NEF 24 se začnejo šele ob $25 in so v prodaji zdaj www.TheColisee.com ali s klicem blagajni Colisée na 207.783.2009 x 525.


Za več informacij o dogodkih in posodobitvah borbenih kart, obiščite spletno stran promocijo na naslovu www.NewEnglandFights.com. Poleg tega, si lahko ogledate video posnetke na NEF www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, jim sledite na Twitterjunefights in se pridružite na uradni Facebook skupina "New England bojev."


O New England Fights


New England Fights ("NEF") je boj promocijske prireditve podjetje. Poslanstvo Nef je ustvariti najvišje kakovosti dogodke za gasilce in ljubitelje Maine je enako. Nef izvršni ekipa ima bogate izkušnje v boju športnega upravljanja, Proizvodnja dogodki, Odnosi z mediji, marketing, pravna in oglaševanje.

“Knockout Night at the D” & “Battle Born Boxing: Uprising” Streaming live on FITE

Za takojšnjo objavo
Ta petek in Sobota from the Downtown Las Vegas Events Center
LAS VEGAS (Maj 17, 2016) – Neon Star Mediaannounced today thatFITE will stream this weekend’s amateur and professional boxing events, zaporedju, “Battle Born Boxing: Uprising II” in “Knockout Night at the D, live from the outdoor

Downtown Las Vegas Center Dogodki (DLVEC).

FITE will stream ta petek night’s amateur boxing event, “Battle Born Boxing: Uprising II,” začenši pri 8:00 p.m. PT / 11:00 p.m. IN, worldwide via its increasingly popular app (go online to Google Play or iTunes APP stores to download). “Battle Born Boxing” is an amateur boxing series created by Neon Star Media for the D Las Vegas to support amateur boxing in Nevada, as well as provide a platform for amateur boxers from other states to compete against local clubs and boxers.
The action continues to soboto evening at the DLVEC, začenši pri 6 p.m. PT, with the second installment of the “Knockout Night at the D” pro boxing series. FITE will stream all of the preliminary matches worldwide. Poleg tega, the entire card may be watched on FITE APP outside of North American from 6 p.m. PT / 9 p.,. ET to 10 p.m. PT / 1 a.m. IN on the FITE APP.
FITE APP is a perfect fit for our client that wants to have its brands, Knockout Night at the D in Battle Born Boxing: Uprising instantly connected to a global viewing audience live each month,” je dejal John Anderson, Neon Star Media, SVP of integrated sales.
FITE is an app that can be downloaded at either the Google Play or iTunes app store. FITE TV provides the very best of all things fighting including boxing, wrestling, mixed martial arts and grappling. Not only can viewers watch FITE programming on either Android or IOS smart mobile devices, it allows viewers to automatically stream the program from your mobile device to a Wi-Fi connected or smart TV. The app download is free and available anywhere in the world that has Wi-Fi capabilities. FITE is a product of Flipps Media, Inc. For more information go to FITE.tv.
We are excited to be working with the team from ‘Knockout Night at the Dto bring its distinct brand of boxing to FITE TV,” komentiral Michael Weber, Senior Vice President of Marketing for FITE TV. “With FITE investor and spokesperson, Jim ‘JRRoss, as its blow-by-blow announcer, our relationship is a natural. We are excited to grow FITE as Neon Media grows the ‘Knockout Night at the Dseries.
FITE will also stream the June 9th & 10th “Battle Born Boxing: Uprising III” in “Knockout Night at the D” event from DLVEC.
“Battle Born Boxing: Uprising II” vstopnice, po ceni $19.00 for ringside (Vrstice 1 in 2) in $15.00 za splošno sprejem, are on sale at www.DLVEC.com. All tickets purchased for “Battle Born Boxing: Uprising II” will entitle ticketholders to receive $10.00 off any tickets purchased for the following evening’s (Maj 21) “Knockout Night at the D” pro event. Those tickets, po ceni $99.99 VIP ringside, $49.99 ringu, $24.99 in $14.99 Splošna sprejem, are on sale at www.Ticketmaster.com ali www.DLVEC.com. Za vse prodane vstopnice veljajo davki in pristojbine.
The “Knockout Night at the D” series was developed in partnership with DLVEC and Neon Star Media.
TITLE Boxing is the official apparel and gloves partner for the “Knockout Night at the D” series.
Twitter: @thedlasvegas, @dlvec, @DerekJStevens, @BoxingatheDLV, @RoyJonesJRFA
Instagram: @dlvec, @thedlasvegas, @RoyJonesJRFA
Follow these fighters on Twitter: @johnverajr, @joey_ruelas, @jerrencochran, @jflashgang (Nichols), @Realdevinhaney @RandyMoreno

“BATTLE BORN BOXING” Amateur series returns to Downtown Las Vegas Events Center

LAS VEGAS (Maj 16, 2016) -“Battle Born Boxing: Uprising IIis on tap Friday night, Maj 20, starting at 7 p.m. PT, at the outdoor Downtown Las Vegas Center Dogodki.

“Battle Born Boxing” is an amateur boxing series created by Neon Star Media on behalf of its client, D Las Vegas, to support amateur boxing in Nevada, as well as provide a platform for amateur boxers from other states to compete against local clubs and boxers.
Las Vegas-based boxing clubs represented at “Battle Born Boxing: Uprising IIincludes Barry’s Boxing, Richard Steel Boxing Club and Johnny Tocco’s Ringside Boxing.
“Battle Born Boxing” was successfully launched April 15 and the amateur boxing series will continue the night before each of the “Knockout Night at the D” series professional boxing events, airing live throughout 2016 on CBS Sports Network from the DLVEC.
“Battle Born Boxing: Uprising II” vstopnice, po ceni $19.00 for ringside (Vrstice 1 in 2) in $15.00 za splošno sprejem, are on sale at www.DLVEC.com. All tickets purchased for “Battle Born Boxing: Uprising” will entitle ticketholders to receive $10.00 off any tickets purchased for the following evening’s (Maj 21) “Knockout Night at the D” pro event. Those tickets, po ceni $99.99 VIP ringside, $49.99 ringu, $24.99 in $14.99 Splošna sprejem, are on sale at www.Ticketmaster.com ali www.DLVEC.com. Za vse prodane vstopnice veljajo davki in pristojbine.

25 Letna obletnica za Give A Kid A Dream

Gleason's Gym je zelo ponosen, da to napoveduje

25 Letna obletnica za Give A Kid A Dream
Gleason's Gym je ustanovil “Daj otroka a Dream” (dobrodelna organizacija 501C3) v 1991 mentorirati prikrajšane mlade skozi boks.
Mi praznujemo 25 let dosežka z zbiranjem sredstev v B.B. King Blues Club in žar vklopljen sreda maj 25, 2016. Gala bo polna zabave, odlična hrana in boks.
Pridružite se nam na tem zabavnem dogodku.
Naša ekipa Fighters4Life bo boksala, da bi pomagala pri zbiranju sredstev in ozaveščanju o programu. Počastili bomo tudi številne posameznike, ki so pripomogli k uspehu te fundacije.
Cene vstopnic so:
General sprejem $50.
Talno sedenje $100.

Štiri mize:
Platina $1000.
zlato $750.
VIP sedeži na stopničkah $250.
Če se ne morete udeležiti, prosim prispevajte k: Daj Kid A Dream.
Prispevek pošljite na: Daj Kid A Dream
Gleason je Gym, Inc.
77 Prednja sv. 2nd Fl.
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Ali pa donirajte na spletu na: http://www.gakad.info
Če imate čas in bi radi videli več o Give A Kid A Dream, pazi na 9 minutni program CBS Game Changers o Give A Kid A Dream.
Kopirajte spodnjo povezavo v svoj spletni brskalnik. https://vimeo.com/142946125
Gleasonov letni fantazijski boksarski tabor
Drsnik & Mike Tarnoff