Kateqoriya Arxiv: boks


DETROIT (Avqust 8, 2017) – Two-time Olympic Gold Medalist Claressa “T-Rex” Shields became the unified WBC and IBF World Super Middleweight Champion last Friday night with a dominant fifth-round TKO of now former champion Nikki Adler.
Fighting in front of her home state fans at MGM Grand Detroit and in the main event of a nationally televised ShoBox: New Generation, Shields put on a display of skills and power seldom seen by a first-time world-title challenger. Without any answers to the level of talent in front of her, Adler was forced to cover up and withstand the blazing speed of Shieldsfists for five one-sided rounds.
A driven competitor, Shields is on a mission to become the GWOAT (Greatest Woman of All Time) and the performance against Adler has the entire world watching. Four fights into her professional career and Shields is already the face of women’s boxing.
It was a dream come true to win two world title belts in one night!” Shields bildirib. “I was very proud of my performance, and I can’t wait to defend my belts and then give Christina Hammer her first defeat.
For Team Shields, the victory was more than could ever be asked for from their young fighter.
Congratulations to a unified world champion Claressa Shields!” said promoter Dmitriy Salita. “In less than a year as a pro, she has already achieved what no other woman has done in the sport. America’s first two-time Olympic Gold Medalist has become a professional unified world champion in just her fourth professional fight! Congratulations also to the great team behind her: long-time trainer Jason Crutchfield, Berston Field House, and to her managers who work diligently behind the scenes Mark Taffet and Jamie Fritz. I and everyone at SP is proud and excited to be part of this exciting journey of a lady who is on a quest to be GWOAT!”
Shields co-manager, Mark Taffet, a long-time TV exec in boxing, says he’s never seen a performance like the one Shields turned in against Adler. “Claressa Shields’ win over Nikki Adler was the most dominant performance I have ever seen in a championship fight, kişi və ya qadın. She is staking her claim to be GWOAT in spectacular fashion. Claressa is carrying women’s boxing forward on her broad shoulders.
Having fought three times this year already, winning two regional and two world title belts along the way, Shields says she will take some time to enjoy her historic accomplishments before plotting the next move with her team.

“Körfəzdə Gecə Döyüş” Nəticələr & Shekil

Derek Silveira Michael Clark'ı dayandırır
Aleksandra Lopes, Lisa Garland'ı xalla məğlub edir
Chris Traietti, N.E.. kreyser çəkisi adı
Quincy-də SportPlex, MA
(Bütün şəkillər Emily Harney / Qranit Çənə Promosyonları)
(Derek Silveira (R) Michael Clark'ı məğlub etdi
QUINCY, Kütləvi. (Avqust 6, 2017) – Keçmiş orta İngiltərə çempionu Derek “Cərrah” Silveira keçmiş dünya çempionu rəqibini məğlub etdi Michael “Cold Blood” Clark keçən gecə (Sat., Aug. 5) ilə “Körfəzdə Gecə Döyüş” əsas hadisə, Granite Chin Promotions tərəfindən təqdim olunur, Quincy-də Marina Bay Sportplex-də, Massachusetts.
Silveira (12-1, 6 Kos), Salem MA) hündürlüyü və uzunluğu üstünlüyündən istifadə edərək daha təcrübəli Clark-ı qutudan çıxardı (44-16-1, 18 Kos). Qırılan bir sağ əl olduğu üçün, Clark altı turdan sonra davam edə bilmədi.

Döyüşdən sonra, Silveira bir dizi bitdi və sevgilisinə evləndi, Ashley Myers. (Qəbul etdi).

“Michael Clark'a təşəkkür etmək istəyirəm,” Silveria şərh etdi. “Dostum Martin vəfat etdi və bu döyüş onun üçün idi. Geri qayıtdıq və lazım olduğu qədər gedə bilərik, çünki daha yaxşı formadayam. Mən ağıllı bir döyüşçüyəm və uşaqlara qarşı çıxa bilərəm. Ümid edirəm yenidən mübarizə aparacağam Sentyabr 30Bostonda.”

Alexandra Lopez (L) böyük bir qalibiyyət qarşı, Lisa Garland
ATƏT özellikli hadisə, üç qat dünya çempionu Alexandra Lopez (18-4-2, 1 KO) çox güman ki, özünü başqa bir dünya titulu vuruşunda tutdu, keçmiş dünya çempionundan səkkiz turluq qərar qəbul etmək Lisa Garland (15-8, 8 Kos), səkkiz turun hamısını iki hakim üzərində qazanmaq’ hesab kartları və bir-birindən başqa hamısı.

“Mühakimə etmək çətindir,” - yaxınlıqdakı Marshfielddə yaşayan Polşa vətəndaşı dedi (MA) mövqeyinə görə başqa bir dünya tituluna fürsət vurdu. “Mən ümid edirəm. Ona hörmət edirəm, amma daha kəskin bacarıqlarımı tətbiq etməli olduğumu hiss etdim. O, çox mübarizə apardı və yanıma gəldi. Sonrakı turlarda düz gedəcəyini düşünürdüm, amma etməyib.

“Hər zaman özümə qarşı sərt davranıram, Ueyn (Lopes, onun məşqçisi və əri) xoşbəxt idi. Hiss edirəm ki, onu daha çox ona aparmalıydım və çox şeyə qapıldım. İstilik çətin idi, Döyüşdən əvvəl qızdırılan hiss etdim. Həmişəkindən daha yorğun idim və qanadlı yumruqlarla qanadlı içəri girməsinə icazə verdim.”
Yeni N. Və. Kruiz çəkisi çempionu Chris Traietti
İraq müharibəsi qazisi və Quincy'nin ən sevimli oğlu, Chris Traietti (24-4, 19 Kos), kim həm də təşəbbüskardır “Körfəzdə Gecə Döyüş”, döyüldü Nick Lavin (5-6, 4 Kos) Boş olan Yeni İngiltərə Cruiserweight çempionatını qətiliklə səkkiz turluq yekdil qərarla tutmaq üçün açılış zəngindən. Traietti, döyüşün əksəriyyəti üçün həddindən artıq uyğun Lavin üzərində oynandı, lakin sərt Konnektikutdakı rəqibi sona qədər davam etdi.

U.S. Dəniz qazisi Brandon Montella (8-0, 7 Kos) dövülmemiş qaldı, Floridiyalı rəqibinə qarşı üç nokdaun qeydə alındı, yarımyüngül “Pul” Mike Sawyer (7-9, 5 Kos), ikinci turda, hakim kimi Mike Ryan Zəngdən qabaq döyüşə çağırıldı. Montella əvvəl bədənini vuraraq Sawyer-i yerə yıxdı, düz bir üzə doğru bunu izlədi, və Soyer kətana üçüncü gəzintisi üçün diz çökdü,
Başdan ayağa əyləncəli bir döyüşdə, Whitman (MA) Welter Siklet Mike “Pis adam” OHan, Jr. (1-0) təqaüdçü döyüşçü atasını qürurlandırdı, bir oyun məğlub Daniel Amaro(0-2-1) Dörd turluq yekdil qərar yolu ilə. OHan, Jr. ilk turda iki dəfə mükəmməl yerləşdirilmiş sol qarmaqlar vasitəsilə Amaroya göyərti, lakin Amaro səbr edib tam məsafəyə getdi.

Məğlubiyyətsiz irland kiçik orta çəki Paddy Irwin (4-0, 3 Kos), Quincy-də evdə mübarizə aparır, metodik olaraq dağılmış Demetrius Tomas (0-5), ikinci turda onu sağ əli ilə buraxdı, və hakim Rayan tərəfindən yalnız bir an sonra üçüncü dövrənin dayandırılmasına gedən yolda onu bir-birinin ardınca vurdu..

İki qat Ekvador Olimpiyaçısı Carlos Gongora (9-0, 8 Kos), Brooklyn həyata mübarizə (NY), hərtərəfli Texas yolçu outclassed Larry “Yavaş hərəkət” Dəmirçi (10-34-1, 7 Kos)beşinci raundda texniki nokaut yolu ilə. Gongora, Murphy’s Boxing tərəfindən irəli sürülən güclü bir cənub, Smithin başına və bədəninə xırtıldayan kombinasiyalar atəş edərək mübarizəyə başladı, açılış raundunda səkkiz hesab üçün diz götürdü. Aksiya ikinci və üçüncü kadrlarda yavaşladı, ancaq Gongora dördüncüsündə tempini artırdı, Smith yenidən diz çöküb başqa bir raunddan xilas olduqda. Hakim Steve Clark tək tərəfli mübarizəni dayandırdığı üçün məğlub olmayan Ekvadorlu orta çəkidə beşinci qarı bağladı.

Aşağıdakı tam nəticələri:

MAIN TƏDBİR – Welterweights
Derek Silveira (13-1, 7 Kos), Salem, MA
WTKO6 (3:00)
Michael Clark (44-17-1, 18 Kos), Columbus, OH
Alexandra Lopez (18-4-2, 1 KO), Marshfield, MA
WDEC8 (80-72, 80-72, 79-730
Lisa Garland (15-8, 8 Kos), York, SC
Chris Traietti (24-4, 19 Kos)
WDEC8 (79-73, 79-73, 79-73)
Nick Lavin (5-6, 4 Kos), Shelton, CT
( boş N.E qazandı. kreyser çəkisi adı)
LIGHT ağır toplarının
Brandon Montella (8-0, 7 Kos), Saugus, MA
WTKO2 (3:00)
Mike Sawyer (7-8, 5 Kos), Winter Park, FL
Carlos Gongora (9-0, 8 Kos), Brooklyn, NY
WTKO5 (1:45)
Larry Smith (10-34-1, 7 Kos), Dallas, TX
Kiçik orta çəkilər – Turlar
Paddy Irwin (4-0, 2 Kos), Quincy, MA
WTKO3 (2:15)
Demetrius Tomas (0-5), Philadelphia, PA
Mike O'Han, Jr. (2-0), Whitman, MA
WDEC4 (40-34, 40-34, 38-36)
Daniel Amaro (0-3-1), Dorchester, MA
Tufankjian Auto Group və Tobin Scientific əsas tədbir sponsorları idi; əlavə sponsorlar arasında Chantey də var, Jack Campbell Elektrik, Hancock Tavernası, Brennan’s Smoke Shop, JN Phillips Auto Glass və Şerif Michael Belotti.

Webster Harris-i məhv edir 2

Wins by Ajamu, Zhilei, Hilton, Gamhour and Taylor

Dərhal Release üçün
Atlantic City, New Jersey (Avqust 5, 2017)–Derrick Webster continued his quest towards a world title shot by taking out Lamar Harris in a scheduled eight-round super middleweight bout that headlined a six-bout card at The Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City.
The show was promoted by Mis Downing Promotions in association with Square Ring Promotions.

Webster dropped Harris at the end of round one as he landed a perfect straight left hand. After that it was a matter of when Webster would end the night., as Harris was hurt, but came out to endure 28 seconds of pounding before the bout was stopped.
Webster, 167.8 lbs of Glassboro, NJ is now 24-1 ilə 13 knockouts. Harris, 167.9 lbs of Saint Louis, Missouri is now 9-14-4.
We have been working hard, and now I am looking for a title. I want George Groves,” said Webster.
I knew after I dropped him after the first round, the fight would be over soon thereafter. I know Groves is in the tournament, so why not Badou Jack. I would love to fight him.
Prince Badi Ajamu shook eight years of ring rust to pound out an eight-round uannimous decision over Edgar Perez in a cruiserweight bout.

Ajamu, 191.4 lbs of Camden, NJ puanları qazandı 80-72 iki dəfə və 79-73 və indi 28-3-1. Perez, 190 lbs of Chicago is 7-22.

“Bu yaxşı bir mübarizə oldu. I give myself a C. Everything is about knockouts,” said Ajamu. “I broke him down mentally. You could see that I had a lot of ring rust, as I don’t miss as many shots as I did, but I started to feel good around the 5th round.

Ajamu has been linked to a rematch with Roy Jones, Jr. who beat Ajamu back in 2006.
Jones was ringside and believes that the fight could happen in November.
He did more than enough to earn the rematch tonight. Now it is just a matter of making it work financially and all by getting sponsorship’s and such, and that fight can happen, said Jones.

World-ranked heavyweight Zhang Zhilei hammered out Nick Guivas in round one of their scheduled ten-round bout.

Zhilei dropped Guivas in the first frame with a hard six-punch combination in the corner. Seconds later, Zhilei finsihed off the fight with a crushing four-punch combination on the ropes and the bout was stopped at 2:43.

Zhilei, 254.8 lbs of Zhoukou, China is now 17-0 ilə 13 knockouts. Guivas, 238 lbs of Topeka, KS is 13-8-2.

Mike Hilton went the distance for the first time, but still came out with the six-round unanimous decision over Willis Lockett in a cruiserweight bout.

Hilton, 198.5 lbs of Trenton, NJ puanları qazandı 60-54, 58-56 & 60-53 to raise his unblemished mark to 7-0. Lockett, 194.6 lbs of Takoma Park, MD is 14-21-6.

Shaddy Gamhour stopped Jessie Singletary in first round of their scheduled four round middleweight bout.
Gamhour, who is trained by Roy Jones, Jr. landed a hard right hand that sent Singletary to the canvas and the bout was stopped at 1:43.
Gamhour, 163,5 lbs of Pensacola, FL is now 4-0 üç knockouts ilə. Singletary, 167.3 lbs of Washington, DC 0-3.
Tahlik Taylor yalnız lazım 31 seconds to bludgeon Lamont McLaughlin in a scheduled four round super middleweight bout.

Taylor jumped on McLaughlin and landed a vicious combination in the corner that sent McLaughlin hard to the canvas and the was stopped immediately.

Taylor, 172,8 lbs of Freeport, NY is 2-7 ilə 1 nakavt. McLaughlin, 167.2 lbs of Philadelphia is 0-2.

Mis Downing Promotions will be back at the Claridge on Şənbə, November 4th.

FNU Combat İdman Şou-: UFC 214 avariya, Heç kim Dana Ağı bəyənmir, Tom və Tony Broner-i vs parçalayırlar. Garcia və Lomachenko vs. Marriaga

Bu həftəki döyüş idman şousu ayrı bir şəxsiyyət vəziyyətidir. Hamımızı şou üçün bir yerə toplayarkən texniki çətinliklərimiz oldu, buna görə Tom və Tony cümə axşamı günü bir-birimizlə söhbət etdiklərini yazdıq. Bu gün hissəmi əlavə etdim. Bütün bunlar Mayweather vs haqqında bəzi inanılmaz fikirlər işlədildi. McGregor, Dana Uayt'ın UFC'də dağılmış ulduzlarla əlaqəli böyüdüyü problem, Broner vs. Garcia və Lomachenko vs. Marriaga. Jon Jones'u UFC'də Daniel Cormier'i məğlub edərək parçalayırıq 214 və Octagon-da bir Brock Lesnar nümayişi üçün nəticələri. Ehtimaldan çox uzaqdır, lakin maraqlıdır. Juan Manuel Markes və Wladimir Kliçkonun təqaüdə də toxunuruq.

Tom and Tony Talk Shop:

Zeng elesin:



(L-R) — Vasyl Lomachenko and Miguel Marriaga
(Foto Top Rank-ın izni ilə)
EDMONTON, Alberta, Kanada (Avqust 5, 2017) – Müəyyən artikl Lomachenko vs, Marriagacard will air tonight, başlayan 9 dək. VƏ / 6 dək. PT, exclusively in Canada on Super Channel, live from Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles.
Superstar Vasyl “Hi-Tech” Lomachenko (8-1, 6 Kos), arguably the No. 1 pound-for-pound boxer in the world, defends his World Boxing Organization (WBO) Junior Lightweight World Championship against WBO No. 10-inteqrasiya iddiaçı Miguel “The Scorpian” Marriaga (25-2, 21 Kos) 12 dəyirmi əsas hadisə.
Three exciting fights on the stacked “Lomachenko vs, Marriaga” kart, promoted by Top Rank, Super Kanal Kanadada yalnız hava olacaq.
In this evening’s 12-round co-feature, NABO & NABF lightweight champion “Şəkər” Raymundo Beltran(33-7-1, 21 Kos) faces former two-time Interim World Boxing Association (WBA) Super Featherweight World Champion Bryan Vasquez (36-2, 19 Kos). Only Beltran can win the two belts because Vasquez came in overweight.
California super lightweights Jonathan Chicas (15-2, 7 Kos) və Arnold Barboza, Jr. (26-0, 7 Kos) are set to battle in the eight-round television opener on Super Channel.

Fights are subject to change.

Super Channel recently aired major boxing events live like Brook vs. Spence Jr., Pacquiao-Horn, and Eubank, Jr. vs. Abraham.
Görmək üçün “Lomachenko vs. Marriaga” yaşamaq, həmçinin daha maraqlı boks gəlmək kimi, Super Channel və bütün bu təkliflər abunə yerli kabel provayderinizlə əlaqə saxlaya bilərsiniz Kanadada azarkeşləri mübarizə, mükafat sıra, o cümlədən, kino və daha çox, kimi aşağı $9.95 aylıq.
Cuqquldamaq: @SuperChannel
Instagram: @SuperChannelTV
Facebook: /Super kanal

Super Channel milli mükafatlı bir televiziya şəbəkəsidir, dörd HD kanaldan ibarətdir, dörd SD kanal, və Tələb üzrə Super Kanal.
Super Kanalın missiyası misilsiz və eksklüziv əyləncə təcrübəsi təqdim edərək Kanadalı tamaşaçıları əyləndirmək və məşğul etməkdir. Dürüstlük və hesabatlılığın əsas təməli ilə, özümüzü yenilikçi proqramlaşdırma strategiyalarının həyata keçirilməsinə və izləyicilərə müstəsna dəyər və müxtəliflik bəxş edən misilsiz komanda işinə həsr edirik.
Super Kanal Allarco Entertainment-ə məxsusdur 2008 Inc., Edmonton mərkəzli bir media şirkəti.
Super Channel is currently available on Bell TV, Shaw Direct, Rogers Anyplace TV,Shaw Kabeli, Cogeco Kabeli, Rabitə daxil olun, Bell Aliant TV, Mənbə kabeli,SaskTel, MTS, Novus, EastLink, TELUS, Videotron, Westman Communications və digər regional təminatçılar.


Etibarən Tonight nin ShoBox: The New Generation Telecast: http://s.sho.com/2wga7G6


All of us at SHOWTIME are saddened to confirm the passing of our long-time friend and colleague, Earl Fash. Earl worked at SHOWTIME from 1982 where he began in the mailroom. He earned his way up the professional ranks over a remarkable 35-year career to become a pillar of the network’s sports team. As Vice President, Creative Director for SHOWTIME Sports, Earl oversaw promotional materials, feature segments and Emmy® Award winning full-length series. Earl’s legacy is one of loyalty, kindness and genuine happiness. Our thoughts are with his wife and two sons, and his many friends at SHOWTIMEwho are devastated by his passing.

“Körfəzdə Gecə Döyüş” Çəkilər & Quincy-dən şəkillər, MA

RƏSMİ çəkilər
(Bütün şəkillər Emily Harney / Qranit Çənə Promosyonları)
QUINCY, Kütləvi. (Avqust 4, 2017) – Rəsmi çəki bu gecə Quincy'deki Hancock Tavernasında təşkil edildi sabah gecə “Körfəzdə Gecə Döyüş” kart, Granite Chin Promotions tərəfindən təqdim olunur, Quincy-də Marina Bay Sportplex-də, Massachusetts. Fighters’ çəkilər və şəkillər aşağıdadır:
MAIN TƏDBİR – Kiçik orta çəkilər – 8 Turlar
(L) Derek Silveira (12-1, 6 Kos), Salem, MA 152 lbs.
(R) Michael Clark (44-16-1, 18 Kos), Columbus, OH 158.3 lbs.

CO-XÜSUSİYYƏTLƏRİ – QADIN welterweights – 8 Turlar

(R) Alexandra Lopez (17-4-2, 1 KO), Marshfield, MA 148 lbs.
(L) Lisa Garland (15-7, 8 Kos), York, SC 150 lbs.
(L) Chris Traietti (23-4, 19 Kos) Quincy, MA 188 lbs.
(R) Nick Lavin (5-5, 4 Kos), Shelton, CT 199.4 lbs.
LIGHT ağır toplarının – 6 Turlar
Brandon Montella (7-0, 6 Kos), Saugus, MA 179 lbs.
Mike Sawyer (7-8, 5 Kos), Orlando, FL (sabah)
Middleweights – 6 DƏFƏLƏR
Carlos Gongora (8-0, 7 Kos), Brooklyn, NY 162.6 lbs.
Larry Smith (10-33-1, 7 Kos), Dallas, TX 160 lbs.
Kiçik orta çəkilər – 4 Turlar
Paddy Irwin (3-0, 2 Kos), Quincy, MA 157 lbs.
Demetrius Tomas (0-4), Philadelphia, PA 153.6 lbs.
Welterweights — 4 Turlar
Mike O'Han, Jr. (1-0), Whitman, MA 145 lbs.
Daniel Amaro (0-2-1), Dorchester, MA 146.8 lbs.
(bütün döyüşlər & döyüşçülər dəyişdirilə bilər)
NƏ: “Körfəzdə Gecə Döyüş”
VAXT: Şənbə, Avqust 5, 2017
HARADA: Marina Körfəzindəki SportsPlex, Quincy, MA
Promoter: Qranit Çənə Promosyonları
İLK BÖLÜM: 7:30 dək. PT
BİLET: Biletlər, faiz $60.00 (Ringside), $50.00 (ümumi qəbul) və $40.00 (dayanan otaq), satılır və əldə etmək mümkündür www.ticketriver.com və qapıda (Şənbə gecə)
SPONSORLAR: Tufankjian Auto Group və Tobin Scientific əsas tədbir sponsorlarıdır; əlavə sponsorlara The Chantey daxildir, Jack Campbell Elektrik, Hancock Tavernası, Brennan’s Smoke Shop, JN Phillips Auto Glass və Şerif Michael Belotti.
Cuqquldamaq: @Qranite_Chin

Carlos Rosario takes on Jerome Conquest in Lightweight showdown on Friday, Sentyabr 29 at 2300 Philadelphia Arena

Junior Castillo takes on Gabriel Pham in 10-round co-feature
Tyrone Crawley Jr takes on Victor Vazquez
David Gonzales battles Darius Ervin

Erik Spring fights Anthony Prescott

Plus Amir Shabazz and Robert Irizarry in action


Philadelphia, PA (Avqust 4, 2017) –Carlos RosarioJerome Conquest will meet in a highly anticipated eight-round lightweight bout that will headline a great night of boxing on Cümə, Sentyabr 29 at 2300 South Philadelphia Arena.
şou Kral Promosyonlar tərəfindən təbliğ edilir.
Pennsauken Rosario, New Jersey bir rekord var 7-2 Dörd knockouts ilə.
Müəyyən artikl 26 year-old of is a three-year professional, and is known for being a hard puncher.
Rosario already has quality wins over Bobby Hornsby (8-1-1), Victor Vazquez (4-1) and Eliezer Mendez Garcia (1-0).
Rosario will look to get back in the win column after being stopped by Joshua Davis on May 19th at 2300 Arena.
Conquest of Philadelphia has a record of 8-2 bir nakavt ilə.
Like Rosario, müəyyən artikl 31 year-old Conquest is a three-year professional and has a quality win on his resume of Christian Molina (4-1).
Conquest has won two in a row, and in his last bout he took a six-round unanimous decision from Jae Ho Kim on June 24th at 2300 Arena.
On dəyirmi co-xüsusiyyəti, Junior Castillo (14-1, 10 Kos) of the Domincan Republic takes on Gabriel Fham (9-1, 4 Kos) Atlantic City.
Altı dəyirmi bouts:
Tyrone Crawley, Jr.(7-0) of Philadelphia meets Victor Vazquez (8-3, 3 Kos) Yonkers, NY in a super lightweight bout.
David Gonzales (8-2-2, 2 Kos) Philadelphia döyüşlərdə Darius Ervin (8-2, 1 KO) of Los Angeles in a super lightweight bout.
Erik Spring (9-1-2, 1 KO) Reading, PA mübarizə edəcək Anthony Prescott (6-7-2, 2 Kos) Cherry Hill, NJ in a super welterweight fight.
Dörd dəyirmi bouts:
Robert Irizarry (3-1-1) Cherry Hill, NJ döyüşlərdə Jordan Peters (2-1-1, 2 Kos) Vaşinqton, DC in a super featherweight fight.
Johnny Cuevas of Philadelphia will make his pro debut against an opponent to be named in a lightweight bout.
Amir Shabazz (4-1) of Philadelphia will square off with an opponent to be named in a light heavyweight bout.
Tickets for this great night of boxing can be purchased at www.2300arena.com üçün $100, $75 və $50

Boardwalk BrawlsWebster vs Harris Press Conference quotes

Derrick Webster headlines bu şənbə at the Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City against Lamar Harris
Prince Badi Ajamu returns against Edgar Perez
Köhnə U.S. Olympian Terrance Cauthen takes on Nick Valliere
Plus undefeated Mike Hilton, Shaddy Gamhour, Vidal Rivera and heavyweight Zhang Zhilei
Dərhal Release üçün
Atlantic City, New Jersey (Avqust 3, 2017)–Below are quotes from Cümə axşamı afternoon’s press conference at the Flagship Resort in Atlantic City before Şənbə night’s Boardwalk Brawls card at The Claridge Hotel in Atlantic City.
kart, which is promoted by Mis Downing Promotions in association with Square Ring Promotions is headlined by super middleweight Derrick Webster (23-1, 12 Kos) Glassboro, New Jersey taking on Lamar Harris (9-13-4, 5 Kos) of Saint Louis in a bout scheduled for eight-rounds.

Derrick Webster--“This fight is going to be very exciting. This is going to be an action-packed card. I want to thank Roy Jones, Jr. Roy always has time for anybody who wants to take a picture. I don’t know what I would do without him.

Prince Badi Ajamu–“I look forward to this special and great show. I have been helping a lot of fighters out over the years, and when you put that kind of energy and effort out, I want to be on the main stage and help myself. I am not over looking Perez. You might think a fighter is not good, but he is as good as he is the night of the fight so I am not taking anyone lightly. I am expecting him to come with his best.

Zhang Zhilei–“I am from China and I came here three years ago to pursue my dream of being a professional boxer. Mən bu imkana görə hər kəsə təşəkkür edirəm, and it will be a great fight.

Shaddy Gamhour–“I am from Sweden, but I am very happy for this opportunity to fight in Atlantic City. I been here training three months, so this is just another fight.

Roy Jones Jr--” It is very inspirational to see people come in and strive to do things we want to do in our careers. I had my 2nd career fight here in Atlantic City, and this is something we should bring back. I am happy to bringing my guys to fight on Mis Downing’s cards. It is possible that I will have a rematch with Prince Badi, but he has to do what he needs to do Şənbə günü.”

Səkkiz dəyirmi co-xüsusiyyəti, come-backing cruiserweight Prince Badi Ajamu (27-3-1, 15 KO-nin) Camden, NJ will take on Edgar Perez (7-21, 3 Kos) Chicago.
Also on the bill will be former United States Olympian Terrance Cauthen (36-8, 9 KO-nin) Trenton, NJ will fight Nick Valliere (5-2, 2 KO-nin) Forked River, New Jersey in a six-round super welterweight bout.
In a ten round-bout:
World-Ranked Heavyweight, Zhang Zhilei (16-0, 12 Kos) of Las Vegas via China, and is ranked number-13 by the WBO will take on Nick Guivas (13-7-2, 9 KO-nin) Topeka, Kansas.
also in six-round bouts:
Mike Hilton (6-0, 6 Kos) Trenton, NJ will take on veteran Willis Lockett (14-20-6, 5 KO-nin) Takoma Park, Maryland in a cruiserweight bout.
Vidal Rivera (6-0, 4 KO-nin) Camden, New Jersey will take on an opponent to be named in a featherweight bout.
Dörd dəyirmi bouts:
Shaddy Gamhour (1-0, 1 KO) Pensacola, Florida will battle Jessie Singletary (0-2) Vaşinqton, DC in a middleweight bout.
Lamont McLaughlin (0-1) of Philadelphia battles Tahlik Taylor (1-7) of Freeport, NY in a super middleweight affair.
Dion Richardson (3-1, 2 Kos) Newark, NJ will fight against Felip Nazario (0-7) Bronx, NY yüngül bir qarşılaşmada.
Biletlər qiymətləndirilir $125, $100, $75 & $50 and can be purchased at The Claridge Hotel or by calling 609-815-1181



Showtime Live® at 10:30 dək. VƏ/PT from MGM Grand Detroit


“The game plan is simple: Win the fight.” – Nikki Adler

“I think I can get her out in six rounds.” – Claressa Shields


Basın HERE Weigh-In photos download; Credit Stephanie Trapp / SHOWTIME


DETROIT (Aug. 3, 2017) – WBC Super Middleweight World Champion Nikki Adler and hometown favorite, two-time Olympic Gold Medalist Claressa Shields officially made weight Cümə axşamı, one day before they headline a doubleheader sabah/Cümə, Aug. 4 haqqında ShoBox: New Generation yaşayır SHOWTIME® (10:30 dək. VƏ/PT, West Coast təxirə) etibarən MGM Grand Detroit.


Shields (3-0, 1 KO) da tərəzi tipped 165 ¼ pounds with the champion Adler (16-0, 9 Kos) of Germany coming in at 166 hətta funt. Ilə ShoBox ATƏT-xüsusiyyət, world-ranked super bantamweight Vladimir Tikhonov (15-0, 9 Kos) of Russia will face Jesse Hernandez (8-1, 6 Kos) of Fort Worth, Texas, səkkiz dəyirmi bout. Both fighters weighed in at 123 ¼ manat.


Shields’ good friend and newly crowned UFC Featherweight World ChampionCris “Cyborg” Justino was on hand Cümə axşamı and will walk Shields into the ringCümə günü. Also in attendance at the weigh-in was a potential future Shields’ opponent, five-time world champion Christina Hammer, who is undefeated at 21-0 and currently holds the WBC and WBO Middleweight titles.


Justino and Hammer met with the media in a forum moderated by Shields’ co-manager Mark Taffet before the weigh-in.


“I never thought it would happen, that the sports of MMA and boxing would come together like it has with the upcoming Mayweather-McGregor fight,” said Justino, the former Strikeforce and Invicta FC champion. “I think it’s great and incredible and could possibly open the door for other fights between the sports.”


“I’m looking forward to watching Claressa win the fight sabah gecə,” said Hammer. “I want to see her keep winning so we can fight one day. I only want to fight the best and she seems to be one of the best.”


Tickets for the event promoted by Salita Promotions are on sale now and are priced at $350, $250, $125 və $60. They will be available atwww.ticketmaster.com.


Programming Note: Epizod 2 ALL ACCESS: Mayweather vs. McGregor will air Cümə night before the ShoBox da veriliş 10 dək. VƏ/PT. To watch an exclusive clip of the episode, Bura basın: http://s.sho.com/2u8OxWK.


RƏSMİ çəkilər:

Nikki Adler: 166 Pounds

Claressa Shields: 165¼ Pounds

Vladimir Tikhonov: 123¼ Pounds

Jesse Angel Hernandez: 123¼ Pounds

FINAL quotes:



“This fight is very big in Germany, and I know there will be a lot of eye on me. It will be 4:30 səhər, but there will be live streaming and viewing parties.


“I’m going to be defensive in the early going and know that Claressa is going to come forward. I want to get the fight into the later rounds. Bu 10 rounds of boxing and there will be lots of action.


“I know I will be tough to knock out and have no plans of going down. Claressa has gotten all the hype so far and she wants to put on a show for her fans. I’m going to do everything I can to send those fans home upset after I beat her and carry those belts out of the ring.


“This is my second fight with my trainer Rene [Friese]. I wanted to train with the best and I need a trainer who had worked with the top fighters.


“My trainer has really been stressing strategies. We have a lot of them. The game plan is simple: Win the fight.


“Fighting for the first time in the United States is going to be amazing. I’ve only fought in Russia and Germany, so to be here in a main event on SHOWTIME is really special.”

Claressa SHIELDS:

“I feel like I’m a lot healthier and hydrated than I did fighting at 160. I’m not sluggish. I used a chef who prepared my meals for the first time and I feel great.


“I’ve known about Nikki Adler and Christina Hammer for a long time. I like both of the girls, but when it comes to getting in the ring it’s all about business.


“Technically I see that [Nikki] is very poised and calm. She’s patient, but not too patient.


“Even though she may be the bigger fighter, I know I’m the aggressor. I think I can get her out in six rounds.


“Of course everyone wants to get the big knockout, but I haven’t found the right punch that gets the girls knocked out. I’m young so I know it will come.


“I’m glad Cyborg is here to support me. She hits hard and we’ve sparred. She’s strong and she is fast. She’s picked up a lot from me, and I’ve learned from her. She’s the most feared MMA fighter, and I’m most feared in boxing. So it’s great for both women’s sports.”



“This is my first time ever in America. I’m pretty impressed with it. There’s so much to do and see, but I can’t let distractions get in the way.


“I’ve been here for about a month training at Kronk Gym. Russian fighters are known for being very disciplined, and we know the opportunity that is in front of us. There is no room for slip ups and to get lazy. This is my big shot and I’m going to take advantage of it.


“The sparring has been the biggest thing. I’ve been sparring with pros and amateurs. It’s so much more powerful here and the variety is something I would never get at home.


“I can box and I can brawl. Whatever I have to do to get the win.”



“I had a layoff of about five years and worked construction jobs because I had to pay the bills, but now I’m back and focused on boxing.


“In the past I’ve been known to be too aggressive, so I’m going to try and slow things down and be a more tactical boxer.


“I have six brothers who were professional boxers and I’ve learned from them. My nickname is ‘The One’ because now I’m the only left fighting.


“I’m the youngest of 15 uşaqlar, all with the same parents. We are a very close family.


“I’m a natural right-hander and I’m ready to fight a lefty like Tikhonov. I’ve fought some southpaws and I’ve been sparring with lefties.


“He’s undefeated for a reason. I don’t think he’s been in there with someone as tough as I am; as aggressive as I am.”


RENE FRIESE, Adler’s trainer

“We came all the way over here to bring home the belts back to Germany.


“We have our plan and our strategy in place. We are ready for this fight.”


JASON CRUTCHFIELD, Shields’ trainer

“There hasn’t been much smack talking for this fight. I told her you need to let your fists do your talking. Your mouth can’t help you in the ring.


“We are ready for 10 el. I’m not going to say it’s hard; it’s doable. It’s her first time doing it. We’ve trained for it and she’s been 10 rounds in training three or four times.”


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