Luokka Arkisto: nyrkkeily


Photo by Sugar Promotions (L-R) Damien Vazquez, Humberto Torres, Oscar Vazquez, Cristina Mora
Aguascalientes, MX (Joulukuu 11, 2017)Prince Ranch Nyrkkeily is happy to announce the signing of super-middleweight Humberto Torres (18-1-1, 12 KOs) and undefeated female bantamweight Cristina Mora (6-0-2, 4 KOs), who both hail from Aguascalientes, Meksiko. The duo also signed promotional agreements with Damien Vazquez’ sokeri Kampanjat.
We are pleased to add Torres and Mora to our outstanding roster,” sanoi Greg Hannley, Prince Ranch Boxingin presidentti. “As we establish our foundation in Aguascalientes, Meksiko, it’s important that we sign the top talent from that region, and Torres and Mora fit that mold. Both are very popular fighters from the area and we know our shows will be sell outs, with exciting local talent performing. Sugar Promotions is the perfect fit for these two talented fighters.
Damien and I have done our homework and we know Torres and Mora are going to be a great addition to Sugar Promotions.Oscar Vazquez, CEO of Sugar Promotions, totesi. “We have big plans to promote a massive amount of shows in Aguascalientes and establish ourselves as the next great promotional company from Mexico.
Humberto Torres is an orthodox fighter who stands 6’1″, with power in both hands. He has a crowd-pleasing style and is happy to join forces with Prince Ranch Boxing and Sugar Promotions.
I’m looking forward to a great working relationship with Greg Hannley and Oscar Vazquez.Humberto Torres said. “It’s going to be an exciting next couple of years with all the fights coming to Aguascalientes, kotikaupunkini. I can’t wait to get in the ring and preform for my people.
Cristina Mora is a slick boxer with great movement who is thrilled to be under the guidance of Greg Hannely, in addition to being promoted by Oscar Vazquez and Sugar Promotions.
It’s a dream come true to be signed to a promoter like Sugar Promotions, who will be promoting all their shows in Aguascalientes, where I was born and raisedsaid Cristina Mora. “Prince Ranch Boxing is an elite management company with the best fighters from Mexico. Right now, I’m happy to be associated with a great group of people. As soon as they let me know when I’ll be fighting, I’ll be ready to go.
# # #

2017 National Golden Gloves champion Poindexter Knight, Jr. wins his Pro debut

New York (Joulukuu, 11, 2017)–On December 1st, welterweight prospect Poindexter Knight, Jr. won his anticipated professional debut when he stopped Samuel Forjoe in the first round of their scheduled four-round bout at The Strand Ballroom and Theater in Providence, Rhode Island.
The 2017 National Golden Gloves champion out of Philadelphia landed a hard combination the corner that had Forjoe bending over, and the bout was stopped in just 63 sekuntia.
Knight is the latest top-prospect to debut for Split-T Management, and he is promoted by Evander Holyfield’s Sports and Entertainment.
Everything went well, I was excited and nervous, but I got through it,”Said Knight.
I thought my opponent would have a little more for me, but I did what I had to do in there and I got him out of there. It was great to get the knockout in my pro debut,” continued Knight.
Knight is eager to get his next victory, and he is looking to do in front of his hometown fans.
I am hoping to fight in front of my hometown fans in 2018. That would be a goal for the upcoming year. I can’t wait as I am coming strong in 2018.
Knight is trained by his father Poindexter Knight, Sr, and the elder Knight was happy with his son’s performance.
Poindexter looked relaxed, and it looked like it was his 10th fight. I am happy to be with Split-T Management. They gave us a chance when no one else did. We wanted to turn pro for a while and a lot of managers made a lot of broken promises. I put Poindexter back in the Golden Gloves, and he won, which opened a lot of doors,” Said Poindexter Knight, Sr.
Like my son said, I would like to see him get at least five fights for 2018. That will keep him sharp, and he will continue to learn. We had a great 1st fight, and we will continue to work hard and get better with each fight.
Said David McWater, CEO of Split-T management, “I’m truly excited about Poindexter Knight’s futurehe has the skill and more importantly the drive to be one of the very best.

Knight vs Forjoe
Knight vs Forjoe

31stannual Ring 8 Loma Tapahtuma & Palkintojenjako KATSAUS & KUVAT

(L-R) — Rengas 8: n Muhammad Ali International Fighter Vuoden Vasyl Lomanchenko & Rengas 8 Presidentti Jack Hirsch. (Kaikki kuvat Peter Frutkoff)
NEW YORK (Joulukuu 11, 2017) – Vähemmän kuin 24 tunnin kuluttua hän voitti aiemmin voittamaton Guillermo Rigondeaux, WBO Junior Kevyt maailmanmestari ja kaksinkertainen olympiavoittaja Vasyl “Hi Tech” Lomachenko osallistui eilisen (Sunnuntai, Joulukuu. 9) 31st lusto 8 Loma Tapahtuma ja palkintoseremonia hyväksymään Ring 8 2017 Muhammad Ali International Fighter of the Year Award.
Gaalassa tapahtuma järjestettiin Russo on Bay Howard Beach, New York, ja David Diamante jälleen toimi tapahtuman juhlamenojen.
Kuusi maailmanmestarit olivat paikalla, mukaan lukien kolme voittajat: Lomachenko), Kansainvälinen Hall-of-Fame Michael Spinks (historialliset palkinto), ja viisinkertainen maailmanmestari Amanda “Real Deal” Serrano (New Yorkin osavaltion Nainen Fighter of the Year); maailmanmestarit Vito Antuofermo, Iran Barkley ja Luis Collazo osoittivat tuki.
“Meidän palkinnot juhla oli yksi kaikkien aikojen paras,” Rengas 8 presidentti Jack Hirsch sanoi. “Olemme syvästi kunnia, että Vasyl Lomatšenko osallistui ylihuomenna suurin taistelu uransa. Hänen läsnäolonsa luonut sähköinen tunnelma, tyyppi, joka on harvoin. Muut honorees, johti Michael Spinks, teki iltapäivällä, joka tullaan aina muistamaan.”
2017 RING 8 Voittajat
Muhammad Ali International Fighter Vuoden: Vasyl Lomachenko
historialliset palkinto: Michael Spinks
(jossa juontaja Jack Hirsch)
Kansainvälinen Prospect Vuoden: Michael Conlan
NYS Fighter Vuoden: Marcus Browne
(jossa juontaja Teddy Atlas)
NYS Nainen Fighter of the Year: Amanda Serrano
Sunnyside Gardens palkinto:: Bobby Cassidy, Sr.
(Bobby Cassidy, Jr. Hyväksymällä isänsä kanssa juontaja Henry Hascup)
NYS Prospect of the Year: Devaun Lee
(jossa juontaja Felipe Gomez)
Sam Kellerman uusmediapalkinto: Matt Christie
NYS kouluttaja Vuoden: Hector Roca
Pitkä & ansiokkaasti: Edwin Torres
NYS virallinen Vuoden: Robert Perez
NYS Promoottori Vuoden: Mercedes Vasquez Simmons
(jossa juontaja Melvina Lathan)
Kruunaamaton Champion: Richard Kiley
(jossa juontaja Vinny Maddalone)
Ringside Lääkäri Vuoden: Dr. Osric kuningas
Hyvä Guy Award: Joanne Doyle Hutchins
Rengas 8 Vuoden jäsen: George Newman
(John juontaja Zone)
Yhdyskuntapalvelu palkinto: Mike Reno
(jossa juontajat Bob Duffy (L) Bobby McGuire)
Rising Contender palkinto: Skender & Enver Halili

Attention USA Boxing Alumni

Attention USA Boxing Alumni:
Help support our boxers.

Marraskuun 1, 2017, USA Boxing launched the USA Boxing Alumni Association as a way of connecting former and current boxers, coaches and fans with the goal to raise money for current and future boxers.

As a local gym that is the home to many USA Boxing members we are requesting that if you are a USA Boxing Alumni, please join the Alumni Association for the annual donation of $40.00 to support the 31,924 nyrkkeilijät.

Not only will you support boxers from grassroots level to World Class competition, you will receive:

· Opportunities to attend national, regional and local events
· December 8: Inaugural Alumni Association Hall-of-Fame Reception in Salt Lake City, UT
· USA Boxing Alumni Association T- Shirt, Key Chain and E-Wallet
· Subscription to USA Boxing Alumni Association quarterly newsletter
· Opportunity to sponsor a USA Boxing boxers
· Select discounts on USA Boxing merchandise

It takes less than three minutes and you can make a huge impact on the lives of our young boxers just click the link below:

USA Nyrkkeily – Alumni Association

As a recently appointed member of the USA Boxing advisory board, this is a cause close to my heart and I hope you can help spread the word.


Joe Hand Jr.
Joe Hand Boxing Gym & Computer Lab

Vito Mielnicki, Jr wins United States Junior National Championship in Salt Lake City, Utah

Nutley, NJ (Joulukuu 11, 2017)–This past week in Salt Lake City, Utah, Vito Mielnicki, Jr. captured the United States Junior National championship in the 145-pound division.
Mielnicki of Roseland, New Jersey moved up an unprecedented 10 weight classes where he competed at 106-pounds at the 2017 turnaus, and defeated the number-two seed, Adam Calixto of Tampa, Florida in the semifinals. In the finals, Mielnicki defeated top seeded Obed Bartee-El of Huntsville, Alabama.
With the title, Mielnicki gained a spot in the 2018 United States Junior National Team, Where he will be heading to train with teammates on February 4th at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado to get ready for international competition.

Mielnicki is trained by Ahmad Elliot and Willie Moses, as well as strength and conditioning coach Fred Caruso.
Mielnicki is the son of the GH3 Promotions CEO Vito Mielnicki.

Voiko Saunders turvata näyttävimmän voittonsa Lemieux: sta?

Billy Joe Saunders nousee kehään joulukuussa 16 Kanadassa hallitsevana ja puolustavana WBO: n keskipainomestarina, on ylpeä omistaja hihnalle, jonka hän voitti jo joulukuussa 2015 kun voittaa matkustajakumppani Andy Lee.


Mutta sen jälkeen, kun irlantilainen Lee ylitti enemmistöpäätöksen onnistumisen tulla maailmanmestariksi Manchester Arenalla, Saunders on puolustanut sitä vain kahdesti, yksimielisellä päätöksellä voittaa Artur Akavov ja Willie Monroe Jr., viime aikoina.


Venäläistä Akavovia vastaan, voittamaton maailmanmestaruuskilpailun haltija oli kaukana vaikuttavasta ja ehkä jopa onnekas saadessaan lopulta niin mukavan päätöksen Lagoon Leisure Centerissä Skotlannin maalla. Voitto amerikkalaisesta haastajasta Monroe Jr: stä oli paljon parempi, otti sitten Dominic Inglen uusimmaksi valmentajaksi.


Mutta jälkimmäinen ottelu oli silti räikeä asia eikä tehnyt mitään Saundersin lisäämiseksi tai lisäämiseksi’ houkutella laajempaa yleisöä, kun hän ylitti New Yorkissa syntyneen etelän tassun melko mukavasti. Suurimman osan otsikkopuolustuksesta, hänet tuskin saatiin toimimaan ollenkaan, Monroen tullessa omituisella tehottomalla pelisuunnitelmalla.


Kuitenkin, 28-vuotias kohtaavat seuraavaksi epäilemättä tähän mennessä kovimman urakokeensa vastaan ​​entinen 160 kilon mestari David Lemieux, paljon vakavampi haaste kuin kokematon ja nuorekas Chris Eubank Jr, välinpitämätön Andy Lee ja kaukana uhkaamasta Willy Monroe Junioria.


Kova kanadalainen Lemieux tulee rengasköysiin tasaisena ulkopuolisena viimeisimmissä nyrkkeilykertoimissa kotimaan alueella, lupaava hinta taistelijalle, jolla on voimakkaita myöhästyneitä voittoja. Siitä lähtien, kun hänet pysäytettiin pahantahtoisesti näyttävässä näyttelyssä divisioonan kärkeä Gennadi Golovkinia vastaan ​​lokakuussa 2015, 28-vuotias on ansainnut neljä peräkkäistä voittoa, mukaan lukien kaksi isoa pudotusta Glen Tapiasta ja Curtis Stevensistä.

Kaikista vastustajista Saunders on tähän mennessä mennyt varpaisiin, kenelläkään ei ole ollut Lemieux'n lävistysvoimaa, ja se voi olla ratkaiseva tekijä taistelun iltana. Jälkimmäistä kotitoivoa edistää Oscar De La Hoyan Kultainen poika, jotka näyttävät olevan innokkaita sovittamaan kanadalaiset pääkassalehmän Saul ‘Canelon kanssa’ Alvarez ensi vuonna, sen sijaan, että heittäisivät hänet "GGG: n kanssa"’ jälleen kerran hyvin odotetussa uusintakehityksessä.


Huolimatta siitä, että hän on suosikki vallitsevana ja ylläpitämässä lyömätöntä ennätystään siitä, mikä on hänen neitsytyrityksensä Ison-Britannian ulkopuolella ammattiurallaan, näyttää siltä, ​​että kertoimet ovat tosiasiallisesti pinottu Saundersia vastaan ​​tälle viimeisimmälle kohtaamiselle.


Se on ollut selvää, liian, että Saundersilla ei ole ylpeyttä valtavasta voimasta, joka pystyy pitämään laivastojalkaisen Lemieux'n poissa vaara-alueilta koko ottelun ajan. Knockout-taiteilija Lemieux tuotti vuoden lopulta äänestyksen, joka lopulta voitiin äänestää maaliskuussa, kun hän laittoi Stevensin julmasti’ palaa New Yorkissa.


Voisiko toinen paha pysäytysmenestys olla kortteja kotimaassa? Saundersin ja Inglen on toteutettava tuleva pelisuunnitelma täydellisesti varmistaakseen, mikä olisi erittäin vaikuttava voitto tiellä, mutta näyttää olevan todennäköisesti todella koe-ilta Quebecissä.

Granite Chin’sRumble at The RIM” Viralliset tulokset

Richard “Popeye the Sailor Man” Rivera
Good to finish because he eats his spinach
Russell Kimber wins pro debut
HAMPTON, N.H. (Joulukuu 9, 2017) — Colorful light heavyweight prospect Richard “Kippari-Kalle Man” Rivera pysyi voittamaton (5-0, 4 KOs), veteraani Roberto “Vanha” Valenzuela, viime yö (La) vuonna “Rumble at The RIM” Päätapahtuma, presented by Granite Chin Promotions, at The RIM Sports Complex in Hampton, New Hampshire.
Rivera, fighting out of Hartford (CT), controlled the action from the opening bell against his battle-tested opponent from Mexico, who had a tremendous experience advantage in his 147th pro fight, compared to Rivera’s fifth.
Valenzuela spent most of the time on the ropes, while Rivera teed-off on him, until a beautiful placed left hook by Rivera decked Valenzuela, who failed to get up until after referee Mike Ryan completed the 10-count.
A busload of Rivera’s fans drove five hours from Hartford through a snowstorm, arriving just before Rivera entered the ring. “That means a lot to me,” Rivera smiled as he spoke about his fans. “We’re more than a gym, olemme perhe.
I was so used to an amateur style but now I’m a pro. I’m relaxing and picking my punches. Seuraava, I want to win the New England title. It’s vacant and I want it!”
This was our first show in New Hampshire and I consider it a success,” co-promoter Chuck Shearns sanoi, “despite some things going against us like tonight’s weather. We’re grateful for the support we received from Hampton, New Hampshire, the commission and local businesses. They worked with us and we can’t wait to return.
The son and nephew of multiple-time world kickboxing championsfather Tommy and uncleworked his cornerPeabody, MA Russell Kimber had a promising pro debut against tough Nathan Schulte in a match contested at a 185-pound catchweight. The 32-year-old Kimber, who was the crowd favorite having lived several years in New Hampshire, overcame the determined Schulte for a hard-fought victory by way of a four-round majority decision.
I was a little nervous with this being my first time in a pro ring,” Kimber admitted after his fight. “I hadn’t been in a ring for 1 ½ years and there was some ring rust. Nyt, I know what I need to good, and I’ll be a lot better next fight. This was my first camp and I’ve learned a lot. I’d like to stay busy, come back in late January, early February.
Undefeated Whitman, MA junior welterweight prospect Mikrofoni “Bad ManOhan, Jr.charged across the ring, unloading a powerful right that immediately sent Bardraiel Smith to the canvas. Smith somehow got to his feet but Ohan quickly ended Smith’s night, only 30-second into round one, as referee Ryan waved off the action.
New England cruiserweight champion and the show’s co-promoter, Iraq War veteran Chris Traietti (25-5, 19 KOs) outclassed Fabian Valdez en route to a win by second-round knockout in a stay-busy fight to close out 2017. In a non-title fight contested at a 185-pounds catchweight, the Quincy, MA-based Traietti floored his game Mexican opponent with a straight right midway through the opening round, closing the show in the second round with a series of unanswered punches.
The only New Hampshire native on the card, Claremont junior middleweight Ricky Ford(1-1-1) won his first pro fight, taking a lop-sided, four-round unanimous decision over pro MMA fighter Andy Aiello, who made his pro boxing debut.
In another stay-busy fight, former world-rated Ryan “Puolan Prince” Kielczweski(27-3, 9 KOs), fighting out of Quincy (MA), needed only 51-seconds to finish off Mexican lightweight Francisco “El MonoMedal. Kielczweski hit Medal with a with a lethal left to the body, leaving Medal in obvious pain and unable to rise before the 10-count.
New Jersey middleweight Chris “Sandman” Thomas (7-0-1, 4 KOs) kept his unbeaten pro record intact with a second-round stoppage of Demetrius Thomas. Thomas used a rapid-fire combination to drop Thomas, who beat the count, but he was getting hammered when referee Ryan stopped the fight late in the second round.
Täydelliset tulokset alla:
Viralliset tulokset
Chris Traietti (25-4, 20 KOs), Quincy, MA
WKO2 (1:13)
Fabian Valdez (2-2, 1 KO), Cananea, Meksiko
Russell Kimber (1-0, 0 KOs), Peabody, MA
WDEC4 (39-37, 38-37, 38-38)
Nathan Schulte (0-4), Woburn, MA
LIGHT ajokoiraa
Richard Rivera (5-0, 4 KOs), Hartford, CT
WKO2 (1:48)
Roberto Valenzuela (69-76-2, 56 KOs), Aqua Prieta, Meksiko
Chris Thomas (7-0-1, 4 KOs), Beachwood, NJ
WTKO2 (2:55)
Demetrius Thomas (0-7), Philadelphia, PA
Ricky Ford (1-1-1), Claremont, NH
WDEC4 (40-36, 40-36, 39-37)
Andy Aiello (0-1), Bridgewater, MA
Mike Ohan, Jr. (4-0, 2 KOs), Whitman, MA
WTKO1 (0:30)
Bardraiel Smith (0-3), Philadelphia, PA
Ryan Kielczweski (27-3, 9 KOs), Quincy, MA
WKO1 (0:51)
Francisco, Medel (11-11, 7 KOs), Uruapan, Meksiko
Event sponsors included Seabrook Inn, Tobin Scientific, Jeremy’s Pizzeria and Sports Bar, and Matrix Aerospace.

Perrella Outpoints Martin; Ready for next Challenge

Perrella wins 2.jpg
Joulukuu 9, 2017 (Hialeah, FL) – Bryant “Goodfella” Perrella returned to the ring with a hard-fought unanimous decision victory over Alex “Chi-Town Heat” Martin Friday, Joulukuu 8.
The eight round welterweight bout took place at the Hialeah Racetrack in Hialeah, FL and aired on FS1.
Fighting for the first time sisään 14 kuukauden and coming off a severe injury, Perrella looked to impress from the opening bell. The Fort Myers native came out aggressive and decked Martin with a picture perfect right hook in the opening round. Perrella continued to be the aggressor while the Chicago-based Martin picked his spots and relied on movement. Martin had a few good moments later in the fight but Perrella’s power and punch output earned him a clear-cut victory.
Tulokset olivat 79-72 kahdesti ja 77-74. Perrella improves to 15-1 kanssa 13 KO’s while Martin is 13-3 (5 KO: n).
"It felt great to come back” said Perrella. “I didn’t feel any ring rust and I’m satisfied with my performance. I controlled the fight with my jab and ring generalship (even after) he went into survival mode. I’m back and ready for whoever they put in front of me. My goal is still to become a world champion!"
Fans can interact with Perrella on Instagram @bryantperrella or

Former World Champion Jean Pascal Stops Previously Unbeaten Ahmed Elbiali in Round Six of the Main Event of a Special Friday Night Edition of Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes from Hialeah Park in Miami, Florida

Top Heavyweight Contender Luis Ortiz Scores Second Round Knockout of Daniel Martz with Heavyweight World Champion Deontay Wilder Kehän vierus
Bryant Perrella Earns Unanimous Decision Over Alex Martin &
Stephen Fulton Defeats Adam Lopez in Battle of
Unbeaten Prospects
Klikkaa TÄSTÄ for Photos from Douglas DeFelice/
Premier Boxing Champions – Photos to be added shortly
MIAMI (Joulukuu 9, 2017) – Former light heavyweight world champion Jean Pascal(32-5-1, 19 KOs) scored an impressive stoppage of previously unbeaten Ahmed Elbiali (16-1, 13 KOs) in the sixth round of the main event of a special Friday night edition of Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TIISTAISIN on FS1 ja Nyrkkeily Champions on FOX Deportes at Hialeah Park in Miami, Florida.
Having already stated that this bout would be the final of his 12-year career, Pascal was able to wear down his younger opponent in a fight that featured power punches throughout. Elibali appeared to have Pascal stunned and hurt in the opening moments of the first round, but was unable to capitalize as Pascal began to time his powerful counters.
It was a beautiful fight,” said Pascal. “I knew it would be my last one and I wanted to make a statement against a young, unbeaten fighter. It went basically as I expected, a couple of difficult moments but I was able to do everything I wanted.
Elbiali stuck to his strategy of walking down Pascal with power shots, but exhausted too much energy in doing so while not being able to seriously hurt his opponent. Pascal’s counters grew stronger as the fight went on and Elbiali lost steam on his punches as he entered the sixth round for only the fourth time in his pro career.
After an impressive round five, Pascal poured on the attack in round six, landing numerous unanswered hooks before Elbiali’s corner called for a stop to the fight at 2:06pyöreään.
I fought his fight, I should have boxed more and taken him into the later rounds,” Said Elbiali. “It wasn’t my day. He is a world class fighter. I felt like I hurt him in the first round, but I felt drained after that. I’m not sure why, it might have been the nerves. But I’ll learn from this.
The co-main event of the telecast saw top heavyweight contender Luis “King Kong” Ortiz (28-0, 24 KOs) deliver a second round knockout of Daniel Martz (16-6-1, 13 KOs) and swiftly call out heavyweight world champion Deontay Wilder, who had joined the FS1 broadcast ringside.
The towering heavyweights exchanged words in the ring after the fight, with both men looking forward to a possible matchup in 2018.
I’ve wanted you and I’m going to bless you again with another opportunity,” Said Wilder. “I was ready the first time. This is a new day for you. I think you’re one of the best heavyweights in the world and I want to prove that I am the best. We must fight each other. You will have your fight.
Anthony Joshua doesn’t want to fight either of us, let’s give the world this fight,” Said Ortiz. “There will be no excuses. I will be ready to do this for Cuba!”
Ortiz made quick work of his opponent, knocking him down with body shots in round one before delivering a counter left hand that put Martz down and prompted referee Samuel Burgos to stop the fight 43 seconds into round two.
Additional televised action featured welterweight prospect Bryant Perrella (15-1, 13 KOs) return to the ring to drop Alex Martin (13-3, 5 KOs) matkalla yksimielistä päätöstä voitto.
I felt pretty good about the fight,” Said Perrella. “There are some things I’d like to have done different, but considering I was out for 15 months and injured for a long time, I’m pleased with what I was able to accomplish. I didn’t get the knockout after hurting him, but I was able to handle him better than anyone else before me.
Perrella got off to a fast start when he landed a thudding lead right hook from the southpaw stance that put Martin on the canvas. Martin was able to recover enough to survive the round and rebounded to put together several good rounds while showing off impressive boxing ability.
The Florida-native Perrella was able to stabilize his lead and ride the momentum from the early knockdown to victory as he picked up his jab and overall aggressiveness in the second half of the fight. Jälkeen 10 rounds the judges saw the fight in favor of Perrella by scores of 79-72 kahdesti ja 77-74.
The opening bout of the telecast saw a battle of unbeaten featherweight prospects as Philadelphia’s Stephen Fulton (12-0, 5 KOs) earned a majority decision victory overAdam Lopez (8-1, 3 KOs).
I worked hard to get the win,” said Fulton. “I had to adjust after the first two rounds but I took the fight to him and controlled the pace. He thought he had me hurt in round two, but it wasn’t anything. He landed a good shot but that was it. I never stressed about how the fight would turn out as long as I stuck to the game plan.
Lopez had his best moment of the fight late in round two when he staggered and appeared to hurt Fulton, who took a series of right hands before hearing the bell. Fulton was able to adjust and use his jab effectively while countering and rarely allowing Lopez to cut off the ring. Lopez was successful when he was able to get Fulton pinned against the ropes, but after eight rounds the judges ruled in favor of Fulton by scores of 78-74, 77-75 ja 76-76.
# # #
Fans can live stream the fights on FOX Sports GO, available in English or Spanish through the FS1 or FOX Deportes feeds. The fights are available on desktop at and through the app store, or connected devices including Apple TV, Android TV, Fire TV, Xbox One and Roku. Lisäksi, all programs are also available on FOX Sports on SiriusXM channel 83 on satellite radios and on the SiriusXM app.
Seuraa TwitterissäPremierBoxing, @ FS1, FOXDeportes JaSwanson_Comm ja tulla faniksi Facebookissa osoitteessa, Highlights saatavilla PBC on FS1 & FOX Deportes was sponsored by Corona Extra, La Cerveza Mas Fin and promoted by Warriors Boxing.

Undefeated Welterweight World Champion Errol Spence Jr. and Trainer Derrick James to Host Holiday Toy Drive for Underserved Dallas-Area Youth

Donation and Toy Drive to Benefit the
Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Dallas
ERROL SPENCE JR., Undefeated Welterweight World Champion
DERRICK JAMES, Spence Trainer
Before his Tammikuu 20 fight against former two-division world champion Lamont Peterson at Barclays Center in Brooklyn live on SHOWTIME, IBF Welterweight World Champion Errol “Totuus” Spence Jr. will make a donation and partner with his trainer Derrick James to host a holiday toy drive to benefit underserved youth of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Dallas.
Team Spence is encouraging Dallas residents to drop off an unused toy at the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Dallas Corporate Office, which will then be distributed to Boys & Girls Clubs in the area.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Dallas
Corporate Office
** All gifts can be left with a representative in the administration office.
Gifts can be dropped off at the corporate office’s administration office on weekdays between 8:30 am – 5 pm.
** Deadline to donate a gift is Maanantai, Joulukuu 18.