Все сообщения FNU47

Официальные гири из «Rumble at the Rock»’ в Голливуде, Флорида

Roberto Duran Jr. 149.6 фунтов. против. Miguel Morales 147.6 фунтов.
Jorge De Jesus Romero 121.4 фунтов. против. Новогодние двери 120.8 фунтов.
Steve Geffard 176.4 фунтов. против. Золтан Сера 175.2 фунтов.
Jessy Cruz 123.8 фунтов. против. Sam Rodriguez 120.8 фунтов.
Harold Calderon 149 фунтов. против. Рональд Монтес 152 фунтов.
John D Martinez 156.8 фунтов. против. Jose Cortes 157 фунтов.
Мусса Турсынгалиев 125 фунтов. против. Луис Hinojosa 126.8 фунтов.
Иван Дычко 244.8 фунтов. против. Stephen Kirnon 224.8 фунтов.
Хуан Карлос Паяно 118.4 фунтов. против. Mike Plania 117.4 фунтов.
Логан Yoon 139.2 фунтов. против. Juan Carlos Salgado 139 фунтов.


Interim WBA Bantamweight World Championship
Stephon Молодая 118 фунтов. против. Реймарт Габалло 116.6 фунтов.
“Грохот у скалы” is presented by Kris Lawrence and The Heavyweight Factory.Билеты по цене $255, $130, $80 и $55. All seats are reserved and available at all Ticketmaster outlets, на сайте www.myhrl.com, www.ticketmaster.comили оплатите по телефону: 1-800-745-3000. Могут взиматься дополнительные сборы.

FNU Спортивные единоборства Показать: Мэйвезер Принимая ММА Серьезно, Joshua может подписать с UFC, Борьба Recaps и Previews

На этой неделе, Том Тони и Рич попасть в какой-то дискуссии о Флойд Мэйвезер, Младший. прыжки в ММА. Мы также резюмировать большой выигрыш Александра Волкова над Фабрисио Вердум на последнем UFC Fight Night и накройте предстоящий график бокс и результаты в конце прошлой недели.


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США и Ирландии бой 4-4 привлечь американцев захватить название команды три города, 2-0-1, на США против. Ирландия Северо-Восток Бокс тур

МАНЧЕСТЕР, N час. (Март 22, 2018) – Вчерашний третий и последний стоп на США бокса 2018 США против. Ирландия Северо-Восток Бокс тур закончился в 4-4 рисовать в центре города Manchester Hotel в Манчестере, Нью-Гемпшир. Команда США выиграла титул тура команды, 2-0-1.
Команда США выиграли первые две двойственные тур в Бостоне и Спрингфилд, соответственно, десятками 8-4 и 7-3.
“Мы узнали из этого тура мы прямо там с лучшими командами в мире,” Команда США главный тренер Билли Уолш сказал. “Команда Ирландии очень хорошо, молодая команда. Мы будем иметь хорошую команду для отправки в Токио (2020 Олимпийские игры). Я горжусь своей командой. Все они работали очень трудно. У нас не было некоторых из наших лучших боксеров, потому что некоторые из них были конкурировать в международном турнире У нас есть хороший урожай 18-19-20 лет, которые будут составлять наши 2020 Олимпийская сборная.”
Команда Ирландии привел команду забил прошлой ночью, 4-3, вдаваясь в финальном матче на ночь, супер тяжеловес матч-реванш. The 2016 Чемпионат мира среди молодежи бронзовый призер Ричард Torrez в очередной раз победил там время Irish National Champion декан Гардинер,
В третий раз был очарование для Бруклинского среднем Никита Ababiy, который ворвался в колонну выиграет со 3-0 единогласное решение судей над Gerard Французский, держать американец надежды живыми в тупик окончательного счета с одной спичкой, чтобы пойти.
В битве между левшой полусредневесами, девять раз ирландский национальный чемпион чемпионатов мира и бронзовый призер, Кирон Молла взял 2-1 разделенным решением судей над Фрейдисом Rojas, Младший., 10 раз чемпионом страны и чемпионатов мира бронзовый призер.
Ирландский суперлегком Кевин Фергюсон Выиграл 2-1 раздельным решением судей победу над калифорнийской полусредний вес Чарли вещь давать команды Ирландии 3-2 преимущество.
Восемь раз ирландский национальный чемпион и Чемпионат Европы бронзовый призер Уэйн Келли Выиграл 2-1 раздельное решение судей против Цинциннати полусредний вес Адриан Benton, 13-чемпион страны делает его международный дебют матча.
В его международный дебют, двукратный чемпион США бокса Джеймс Браунинг Выиграл 2-1 решение по ирландцам легкого Фрэнсис Клири, девять раз ирландский национальный чемпион и Чемпионат Европы серебряный призер, в очень интересный легкий матч.
Не. 2-Американский рейтинг среднем Лия Купер уронил противник, восьмикратный Национальный ирландский национальный чемпион и Чемпионат Европы бронзовый призер Adolfe Берк, на пути к 3-0 единогласное решение.
Серебряный призер чемпионата мира Kellie Harrington победил легкий Stacia Сатлсвторой раз в туре по одинаковому счету, 3-0, давая сборную Ирландии своего первое лидерство тура, хотя бы временное, В прошлой ночью тур нож.
В легком начинающего матч класса Special Манчестер, Майкл Correa (Манчестер PAL) побежденный Abhisek Тапа (Название бокса) когда рефери остановил бой в первом раунде.
Полная индивидуальная & результаты команды:
(тур запись в круглых скобках)
Ричард Torrez, Тулар, Калифорния, США
декабрь (3-0)
декан Гардинер, Типперери, Ирландия
Никита Ababiy (1-2), Brooklyn, Нью-Йорк, США
декабрь (3-0)
Gerard Французский (0-2), Антрим, Ирландия
Кирон Молла (2-0), Galway, Ирландия
SDEC (2-1)
Фрейдисом Rojas, Младший. (0-1), Лас-Вегас, Невада, США
LIGHT полусредневесами
Кевин Фергюсон (1-1), Антрим, Ирландия
SDEC (2-1)
Charley Sheehy (1-1), Brisbane, Калифорния, США
Уэйн Келли (1-1), West Meade, Ирландия
SDEC (2-1)
Адриан Benton (0-1), Цинциннати, Огайо, США
Джеймс Браунинг (1-0), Темпе, Аризона, США
SDEC (2-1)
Фрэнсис Клири (0-2, майонез, Ирландия
ЖЕНЩИНЫ средневесов
Лия Купер (1-0), Парк Озон, Нью-Йорк, США
декабрь (3-0)
Aolfe Берк (0-1), Дублин, Ирландия
ЖЕНЩИНЫ легковесов
Kellie Harrington (2-0), Дублин, Ирландия
декабрь (3-0)
Stacia Сатлс (0-2), Бронкс, Нью-Йорк, США
США: 4

Майкл Correa, Манчестер PAL, Манчестер, Нью-Гемпшир
WRSC1 (1:41)
Abhisek Тапа, Название бокса, Манчестер, Нью-Гемпшир
Щебет: @USABoxing
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Facebook: /USABoxing

MAX Орнелас против. TONY ЛОПЕЗ Вакантные WBA NABA США Чемпионат легчайшем

Суббота ночь, Апреля 20, 2018 ● ● Кокс павильон Лас-Вегас, Невада

Непобедимый легчайший вес перспективы
“Baby-Столкнувшись убийца” Макс Орнелас
Подготовка к борьбе с преступностью и противников
Последние новости Апреля 20 на кампусе UNLV против.
Stablemate Тони Лопес вакантными

Проветривание в прямом эфире на Бейн спорта от Кокса павильон в Лас-Вегас

(Изображения Мэнни “рукавицы’ Мурильо. RJJ Boxing Promotions)
ЛАС-ВЕГАС (Март 22, 2018) — Непобедимый легчайший вес перспективы “Baby-Столкнувшись убийца” Макс Орнелас (10-0-1, 4 КО) выходит из Университета штата Невада в Лас-Вегасе классе в кольцо на кампусе в Кокса павильон апреля 20й чтобы взять на себя его Рой Джонс-младший, (RJJ) Boxing Promotions stablemate, Даллас претендент Тони Лопес (12-3, 4 КО), в 10-раундовом главным событием за вакантный Международной ассоциации бокса (WBA) Североамериканская ассоциация бокса (Также) петуха название.
Орнелас против. Лопес, Представленные Акции RJJ бокса, будет транслироваться в прямом эфире на Бейн Спорт, начиная с 10 p.m. И / 7 p.m. PT.
“Я наблюдал, как Макс пришел в рейтинге и в его уверенности и силы выросли,” сопромотор Рой Джонс, Младший. сказал. “То, как он представлял свой родной город и моя конюшня замечательная. Сейчас, свидетелем его бой перед его собрат UNLV студентов, Я знаю, что он будет источать смирению для RJJ, UNLV и Лас-Вегас.”
Лас-Вегас родился Ornelas был 38-5 как любитель, подсвечивается выигрыш производительности бронзовой медали на национальном чемпионате PAL, оцениваются как высокие, как Нет 2 в Соединенных Штатах в подразделении 123-фунтового.
RJJ Boxing Promotions немедленно Орнелас на кратчайшем пути с самого начала. Он опоздал на официальном взвешивании в его июне 10, 2016 профессиональный дебют из-за его окончания средней школы, оказалось 18 на следующий день после его первого боя, а затем подписал эксклюзивный рекламный контракт с RJJ на следующем Понедельник.
Единственный огрех на его иначе совершенной про запись является два раунда техническая ничья против 6-0 Леопольдо Мартинес, который Орнелас отомстил три месяца спустя в матче-реванше, остановки Мартинес в пятом раунде. В своем последнем бою в ноябре прошлого года, Ornelas был в его кулаком 10-раундовом бою, хедлайнерами на Бейн спорта из Sloan, Айова, в котором Орнелас выиграл 10-раундовом единогласным решением судей над ветераном Ник Otieno (31-11).
“Я люблю то, что RJJ Boxing Promotions сделал для меня,” WBA N0. 14-Орнелас оценивалось говорил о его ускоренных темпах. “Я только 19 но они показали, что они мне доверяют. Они дали мне семь боев в течение шести месяцев, что делает его гораздо быстрее за бой титул чемпиона мира. Остальное зависит от меня.”
Орнелас (фото слева) знаком с Мексикой рожденного Lopez, который был 2012 фут. Стоит Золотой чемпион перчатки, сразившись на ту же карту дважды в Лас-Вегас и Аризоне. “Он левша с дерзким стилем, который трудно защитить,” Орнелас заметил, “но моя скорость и СМАРТС в кольце будет бить его. Я думаю, что мы будем боксировать несколько раундов, как шахматный матч, чтобы открыть бой, но я открою вверх в середине раунда и взять его в шестом, седьмой или восьмой раунд.
“Это будет мой жесткий бой еще. Он более опытный. This is going to be a good fight with a title on the line. An impressive win is going to open up more doors for me.
Орнелас’ parents insisted that Max would have to attend college if he turned pro. He balances his life as a UNLV sophomore, majoring in criminal justice, with that of a prize fighter. Fighting at home, on the UNLV campus in front of family, friends and fellow students, pumps up the affable Ornelas.
When I’m not training, I’m in school or studying,” Ornelas explained. “I’ve handled things well. I’m disciplined and like to stay busy. I’ll stay in school and keep fighting until I graduate. I’ll probably cut back my workload, хотя, when I’m training for a world title fight.
I’m really excited about fighting at home. Я много людей там поддерживали меня. Мне нравится давление и мой адреналин будет насосным. Из-за моей весовой категории, Я понимаю, что мне нужно будет ездить в другие страны, чтобы бороться за титулы, но это всегда интересно для меня, чтобы бороться дома в Лас-Вегасе (это будет его шестой профессиональный бой в Лас-Вегасе).”
Бывший чемпион WBA в полулегком младший Рико “Suavacito” Рамос (28-5, 13 КО) квадратов с против мексиканского полулегком Даниил “Chato” Noreiga (30-11, 15 КО), бывший WBA Fedecentro супер наилегчайшем весе, в восемь круглых, совместное мероприятие по признакам Бейн спорта.
Открытие телепрограммы части этой загруженной карты долгожданный профессиональный дебют Узбекистан родные Эльнур Абдураимов, в настоящее время борются в Лас-Вегас, который был бронзовым призером на 2015 Чемпионат мира среди любителей, также как и 2015 Азиатский победитель юношеских чемпионатов по боксу. Талантливый узбекский будет в шесть-раундовом поединке против соперника, чтобы в ближайшее время будет определен.
В паре восемь-раунд боев, Австралийское младшее среднее и в прошлом титула чемпион мира, Томми “Titan” Браун (35-7-2, 13 КО), соответствует Карлос Эрнандес (15-17, 12 КО), Пуэрто-Рико, в то время как непобедимый Всемирный боксерский совет (WBC) США в полусреднем весе Джимми “Quiet Storm” Уильямс (14-0-1, 5 КО) лица TBA. Уильямс является бывший американский футбол игрок из Нью-Хевен, Коннектикут.
Борьба на андеркарте в шести универсалы являются Лас-Вегас Welterweights Кевин Джонсон (4-0, 4 КО) против. TBA, и непобедимый Рой Джонс протеже Shady Gamhour (6-0, 5 КО), шведское среднее сейчас живет в Jones’ родном городе Пенсакола, Флорида.
В четырех круглых действиях являются Россией в среднем Пит Khamukov (1-0, 1 KO) против. TBA, Русский полутяжелом Vyacheslav Barsukov (4-0, 3 КО) против. TBA и про-дебютировав в Лас-Вегас в младшем легком Хайме Гомес против. Иван Ortiz (1-0-1, 1 KO), Лос-Анджелесе.
Все бои и бойцы могут быть изменены.
“С Орнеласом против Лопеса,” сопромотор Кит Veltre добавленной, “болельщики собираются смотреть большой бой во всех смыслах этого слова. Они два агрессивных бойцов, которые, безусловно, развлечь поклонников апреля 20й.
“Эта карта заполнена тяжеловесов, власть перфораторы и тело выстрел художников. Люди собираются уходить чувствовать боль каждой потери и готовы праздновать все победы.”
Билеты по цене $100.00 Ринга, $40.00 Зарезервировано Рабочий & $25.00 Общий Доступ, и доступны для покупки в Интернете по адресу HTTP://www.unlvtickets.com/EventInfo / SPE / 687 / Орнелас-против-Лопез /Налоги и сборы распространяются на все проданные билеты.
Двери открываются в 5:00 p.m. PT с открытием бой запланирован на 6:00 p.m. PT.


Щебет: @RoyjonesJRfa, @beINSPORTS ,
Instagram: @RoyJonesJRboxing, @beINSportsusa, @artofmusiclv, @cervezatecate, @rivalboxinggear, использовать #RoyJonesJr, #RJJ, #MaxLopez

IBA Intercontinental Lightweight Champion Josh O’Reilly made successful Title defense last Saturday in Canada

Josh O’Reilly (R) can box or crack
MISSISSAUGA, Онтарио, Канада (Март 22, 2018) – Irish eyes were smilinlast Saturday in Canada, when undefeated International Boxing Association (IBA) в легком весе Добродушная шутка “DubsO’Reilly made his first title defense, taking a 10-round unanimous decision over his Mexican challenger, Хуан “El TornadoBedolla Orozco,
The special St. Patrick’s Day card, presented by United Promotions, was held at Hersey Centre in Mississauga, Онтарио, Канада.
The 27-year-old O’Reilly (11-0, 4 КО), an Irish-Canadian fighting out of Hamilton (Канада), defeated Orozco by scores of 100-90, 100-90 и 99-91.
“Я очень доволен своим выступлением, especially against such a tough opponent,” O’Reilly said. “I’m glad I got 10 rounds in and, в целом, I think it was a good performance.
I’m looking forward to staying busy and getting back in the ring May 12й. I’m looking for another victory and a great show.

Team O’Reilly celebrates its recent victory
Josh O’Reilly is the hottest prospect in Toronto right now and we’re looking to keep him busy,” промоутер Tyler Buxton прокомментировал. “His next fight will be May 12й as the co-feature with Brandon ‘Bad Boy’ Повар в главном событии.”
Former International Boxing Federation (IBF heavyweight champion Frankie Rill (15-2, 11 КО), stopped Argentinian knockout-artist Себастьян “El GrandoteIgnacio Ceballos(34-10-2, 26 КО) in the opening round of the co-featured event.
Canadian light heavyweight champion Tim Cronin (11-1-1, 2 КО) won a six-round majority decision over previously unbeaten Argentinian Juan Cruz Correa (4-1-1),
Canadian light heavyweights Jason Alexander (2-3, 2 КО) и Darren Fletcher (1-4-2) дошли до ничьей в шесть туров.
Indian middleweight prospect SukhdeepChakriaSingh, a 2012 Senior National Boxing Championship and 2011 Boxing Super Cup gold medalist as an amateur, had an impressive pro debut, нокаутировав Алехандро Гарсия (2-2, 1 KO), Мексики, в четвертом раунде.
Undefeated Armenia-native Andranik Grigoryan (3-0), now fighting oit of Montreal, won a six-round unanimous decision versus previously undefeated Mexican featherweight Серхио “Гоблин” Palafox (7-1, 2 КО). Grigoryan gained invaluable experience as a key member of the Russian Boxing Team in the World Series of Boxing.
Mexican super welterweight Mario Bedolla Orozzo (1-1-1) won a four-round split decision over pro-debuting, местный фаворит Карл “Бритва” Hess.
Last Saturday night’s St. Patrick’s Day event was a great success,” Buxton concluded. “We had a little bit of everything: close fights, раздельные решения, majority draws, расстраивает, and knockouts. And Josh O’Reilly won a one-sided fight versus a very tough Mexican opponent, Juan Bedolla Orozco, who made Josh work. Общий, it was a great event.
Facebook: /UnitedBoxingPromotions
Щебет: @UnitedBoxingPromotions, @TylerBuxton
Instagram: @UnitedPromotions


Билеты в продаже Пятница AT SUPERBOLETOS.COM








НЬЮ-ЙОРК - Март 22, 2018 – Combate Americas объявила о семи новых матчах, включая полулегкий (145 фунты) разборок между нокаутом художниками Орасио «Каратель» Гутьеррес (4-3) Мексики и Andres «Пуля» Кинтан (12-2) of the U.S. для “Star Combat II »Смешанные единоборства (MMA) феерия в Gimnasio Nuevo Leon в Монтеррее, Мексика Пятница, Апреля 20.





По цене от 300 песо, билеты на «Star Combat II»,»Вторая партия из двух частей, серия телепередач в прямом эфире, в которой представлены лучшие в мире латиноамериканские смешанные боевые искусства. (MMA) лучшие спортсмены франшизы, или “Звезды,” поступит в продажу завтра, Пятница, Март 23 онлайн на SuperBoletos.com.





«Combate Estrellas II» возглавит заявленный ранее легчайший вес. (135 фунты) матч-реванш между суперзвездой мирового рейтинга и уроженцем Монтеррея Эрик «Гойито» Перес (17-6) и сильный финишер Дэвид "Д.Дж." источники (13-10) of the U.S.





Источники, кто борется из Макаллена, Техас, победил Переса в третьем раунде (3:01) представление (наручный замок) когда они встретились в мае 28, 2010.






В других акциях, объявленных сегодня для Combate Estrellas II," Марсело «Pitbull» Красный (13-5) Аргентины сразится с Фабиан Гальван (8-3) Мексики в легчайшем весе.





Фелипе «Пайп» Варгас (6-0) Колумбии столкнется с Виктор «Mad Dog» Мадригал(6-1) Мексики в легчайшем весе-реванше к их первой встрече на «COPA COMBATE» в Канкуне, Мексика ноября 11, 2017 когда Варгас вынес раздельное решение по Мадригалу.






Энрике "Локоте" Гонсалес (6-1) Мексики столкнется с Oscar Suarez (4-1) Испании в легчайшем весе.





Дэвид Мартинес (2-0) рискнет своим безупречным послужным списком против мексиканского соперника и плодовитого нападающего Энрике Барраган (6-1) в весе.







В одном из двух легких (155 фунты) матчей, Иван Перес (5-4) будет сражаться с товарищем-мексиканцем Рикардо «Эль Локо» Арреола (5-5) и, в секунду, Хосе Луис "Стрелок" Медрано (5-2) Мексики вступит в войну с Глейдсон "Пони" Кутис (6-3) Бразилии.





Двери в Gimnasio Nuevo Leon откроются в 7 p.m. местное время апрель 20. Первое предварительное бой начнется в 8 p.m.






В ранее объявленном со-главном событии в легчайшем весе, Леви Саул "Эль-Негро" Маррокен (11-2) из Монтеррея вернется к действиям сразу после своей исторической и памятной победы в инаугурационной однодневной игре COPA COMBATE., восемь человек, $100,000 турнир на главный приз последний Ноябрь 11, бороться с соперником, быстро восходящая звезда Alejandro "Gallito" Flores (11-1), также Монтеррей.





Маррокен в одночасье превратился в историю о Золушке в Канкуне, когда он победил трех последовательных противников - Карлос "Лобо" Ривера (10-3) Мексики, Марсело «Pitbull» Красный (13-5) Аргентины и John "Sexy Mexi" Кастанеда(16-3) of the U.S. - стать 2017 Чемпион турнира «COPA COMBATE».





Ведущие от три-боя в прямом эфире по телевидению основной карты, информация о программировании, для которого будет объявлено в ближайшее время, будет веселье женщин (115 фунты) матч между непобежденными Мелисса “Супер Мели” Мартинес (3-0) Мехико, Мексика, и Фрэнсис Эрнандес (2-2) Камуи, Пуэрто-Рико.









Главное событие в легчайшем весе:
Эрик Перес (17-6) против. Дэвид Фуэнтес (13-10)





Легчайший со-главный турнир:
Леви Сол Маррокен (11-2) против. Алехандро Флорес (11-1)





Strawweight: Мелисса Мартинес (3-0) против. Фрэнсис Эрнандес (2-2)








Полулегкий вес: Орасио Гутьеррес (4-3) против. Андрес Кинтана (12-2)





Легчайший вес: Марсело красный (13-5) против. Фабиан Гальван (8-3)





Легчайший вес: Фелипе Варгас (6-0) против. Виктор мадригал (6-1)





Легчайший вес: Изображение местозаполнителя для Enrique Gonzalez (6-1) против. Oscar Suarez (4-1)





Легчайший вес: Дэвид Мартинес (2-0) против. Энрике Барраган (6-1)






Легкий: Иван Перес (5-4) против. Рикардо Арреола (5-5)





Легкий: Хосе Луис Медрано (5-2) против. Глейдсон Кутис (6-3)


Совместно Главным событием:
В среднем Showdown
Пятница, MAY 4th LIVE на AXS TV
Билеты уже в продаже через TicketsWest.com
Хьюстон, Техас – Наследие Борьба Альянс (LFA) CEO Ed Soares announced today that the promotion will crown an interim middleweight champion when it makes its first trip to Vail, Colorado in May at LFA 39. LFA middleweight champion Anthony Hernandez is currently taking time off to heal injuries, while also welcoming the birth of his fourth child. He is expected to face the winner of the LFA 39 main event later this year.

Главное событие LFA 39 will crown an interim middleweight champion when Colorado native IanThe HurricaneHeinisch faces BJJ black belt Gabriel “Zangief” Checco for the interim strap. LFA 39 – Хайниш vs.. Checco takes place Пятница, 4 мая at Dobson Arena in Vail, Колорадо. Вся основная карта будет транслироваться в прямом эфире и по всей стране на AXS TV на 9 p.m. И / 6 p.m. PT.
I am excited to bring LFA to beautiful Vail, Колорадо,” Установленный Соарес. “Our middleweight champion Anthony Hernandez is taking some time off to heal injuries, so we will crown an interim champion that will face Hernandez in a title unification bout later this year. Ian Heinisch and Gabriel Checco are the top two contenders for the title and they both have title fight experience. This will make a fantastic main event at LFA 39.
Билеты на МАФ 39 – Хайниш vs.. Checco are available for purchase NOW at TicketsWest.com.
Heinisch (9-1) is widely considered one of the top middleweight prospects in the world. The two-time Colorado state wrestling champion from Ponderosa High School impressed many in his LFA debut last year, which served as the main event of LFA 10. “The Hurricaneoverwhelmed his veteran Brazilian opponent Lucas Rota in less than a round and finished him with a rare Ude-Garami (Keylock) from Kesa-Gatame (Scarf Hold). The flashy submission win earned him a shot at the LFA middleweight title in September at LFA 22. Things did not go as he planned that night, but the 29-year-old quickly rebounded with a highlight reel one-punch knockout in January. Heinisch was able to showcase his underrated striking and big right hand that put away Daniel Madrid in the co-main event of LFA 31. The win earned him a second chance at LFA gold in front of his home crowd at LFA 39.
Checco (10-2) is a Brazilian powerhouse and dangerous BJJ black belt known as “Zangief”. This is due to his signature mohawk and jaw-dropping finishing ability much like the popular Street Fighter video game character of the same name. All ten of Checco’s wins have come via KO, ВОЗ, или подчинение. That includes three highlight reel finishes under the RFA banner. The first was a blistering 74-second knockout of Joseph Henle in the co-main event of RFA 23 in southern California. The second was a beautiful Triangle-Armbar submission of Mike Jasper at RFA 31, which took place in downtown Las Vegas. The third was a comeback win via Heel Hook against Heinisch’s close friend and training partner Adam Stroup in the co-main event of RFA 43. Checco also brings the experience of two RFA title fights. He will need that when he faces an extra-motivated Heinisch for LFA gold at LFA 39.
В настоящее время Объявлено Главная Карта (Телевизионный на AXS TV в 9 p.m. И / 6 p.m. PT):
Главное событие | Interim Middleweight Title Bout (185 фунт)
– Ян Хайниш (9-1) против. Габриэль Checco (10-2)
Со-главное событие | Средний Бут (185 фунт)
Jordan Wright (9-0) против. Hayward Charles (15-10)
Наименьший вес Бута (125 фунт)
– Брэндон Ройваль (6-3) против. Джером Ривера (7-1)
Женский бой в минимальном весе (115 фунт)
Maycee Barber (3-0) против. Audrey Perkins (1-0)
В Сентябре 2016, Представители RFA и Legacy FC объявили о слиянии и создании ведущей организации по развитию смешанных единоборств. (MMA) начиная с января 2017. RFA и Legacy FC начали карьеру более 150 спортсмены, достигшие вершины ММА, конкурируя в UFC.
LFA 39 will serve as the fourth LFA event to take place in the state of Colorado. RFA visited “Столетний государство” eight times before the merger. Дополнительная информация о LFA 39 будет объявлено в ближайшее время. Вся основная карта LFA 39 будет транслироваться в прямом эфире по всей стране и на AXS TV на 9 p.m. И / 6 p.m. PT.
Пожалуйста, посетите LFAfighting.com за обновлениями схватки и информации. LFA на Facebook в Наследие Борьба Альянс. МАФ также находится на Instagram в @LFAfighting и Twitter в @LFAfighting.



ЧТО: Heavyweight World Champions Anthony Joshua and Joseph Parker discussed their Март 31 heavyweight world title unification in separate media conference calls hosted by SHOWTIME Sports® в среду.







IBF and WBA Champion Joshua will square off with WBO Champion Parker Суббота, Март 31 жить на SHOWTIME (5 p.m. И/2 p.m. PT) from Principality Stadium in Cardiff, Уэльс. The undefeated champions, who boast a combined record of 44-0 с 38 нокауты, will meet on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® in just the second heavyweight championship unification in history between undefeated world titleholders.







Joining Joshua and Parker were Stephen Espinoza, Президент, Спортивный & Программирование событий, Showtime Networks Inc., Эдди Херн, Управляющий, Matchroom Бокс, and Kevin Barry, Parker’s trainer.





Вот то, что участники должны были сказать, on Wednesday’s calls:






Вопрос: How have your preparations gone and what are your thoughts in anticipation for the big fight?






Энтони Джошуа: “Preparations have gone really well. We’re still in preparation now but so far, so good. I do believe a happy fighter makes a good fighter. For the experience over my last few fights в 11 месяцы have gone 11 раундов, 10 раундов, have been a blessing. I’ve learned about training camp and I’ve learned about myself. It’s the first time I’ve kind of voiced up to my coach man-to-man. I’ve said, ‘Look, this is what I’ve thought was working and this is what I feel isn’t working. Can I have your input and can we make some changes?’ Not in a sense of how he’s training me. Just in terms of schedule and it’s been really good. I’ve had some cruiserweights come in sparring for speed, some big heavy hitters who throw big right hands and left hooks and wait for me to make a mistake. We’ve been sparring 15 раундов. And honestly, I’ve been doing this for 10 years now if I rack up my amateur career and my pro career. And you know the 10,000-hour rule. I’m starting to get confident. I’ve had the ability but I think I’m matched up with my mindset now and I’m feeling really good and confident ahead of Март 31.






Q: People in the U.S. are excited about your fight with Parker but there are so many American fans excited about the prospect of a fight between yourself and Wilder. What are your thoughts on that and are you able to tune that out ahead of your fight with Parker on the 31улица?







Джошуа: “You’ve got to remember that a lot of that talk about me and Wilder started in 2017 after he beat Bermane Stiverne but I haven’t spoken much about it. I’ve got great people in my corner that handle the business while I focus on the handling of my boxing technique. We reached out to Deontay Wilder’s team before the fight with Joseph Parker was made. And once that fight didn’t happen, I put Wilder aside and focused solely on Parker. I’m not the one overlooking Joseph Parker and I’m not the one hooting and hollering about what’s happening next. I’m really focused on Parker because as you know, if I don’t get past Parker, it slows down the train and derails everything we’re trying to achieve in terms of becoming the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world.”






Q: Do you allow yourself to think about the prospect of that fight in the event that you win the fight on the 31улица?







Джошуа: “One-hundred 10 процентов. There’s no doubt in my mind that fight will happen. And there’s no doubt in my mind that I’ll beat Wilder as well. This is where we’re heading. Fight after fight, my view on it is this…When Wladimir Klitschko was active and his brother relinquished the WBC belt, Wilder won it. If he was so interested in becoming the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world, why didn’t he offer to fight Klitschko and say ‘Listen, I’ve got that belt that your brother has had for the last 10 годы. Let’s me and you fight now.’ There’s a lot of pressure from fans in America, media and the papers for Wilder to step up and fight. And now we’re here and I’m that champion and I’m definitely looking forward to it. That’s why back-to-back, I’ve been racking up these belts one by one and taking fights. SHOWTIME has been riding with me for six fights, a quarter of my career. And we’re headed towards the undisputed heavyweight championship of the world.”






Q: There was a report in the Telegraph (Великобритания) that there’s possibly going to be a meeting between yourself and the people at UFC who are now going to be getting involved in boxing. Can you give me your perspective on you joining their organization and about what they wrote today?






Джошуа: “I’m riding with Eddie. He’s backed me from the get-go. And the second thing, Я боксер. I’m not into the UFC so I don’t know what their plans are. But every time I’ve been asked about UFC and if I would make that crossover like McGregor did with Mayweather, I’ve said yes.






Q: It wasn’t about Anthony Joshua becoming a mixed martial artist, their intentions are to promote boxing events. Dana White and the UFC view you as someone that any promotional company could build around given your star power.






Джошуа: "Ах, да, a hundred percent. I’m interested because we can all work together. Mine and Eddie’s relationship is a really good working relationship. I’m sure Eddie has an interest in working with Dana White. If it’s good business, it makes sense. I’m not into business. I’m sure Eddie’s not going to say, ‘Dana White, we’re not interested in working with you’ when we don’t know what’s on the table. We’ll listen and a hundred percent, if it makes sense, we’re all in. I’m happy that Dana White is coming into the game and hopefully he can add some excitement, progress forward, make some good money and make some good fights.”






Q: Эдди, do you have any thoughts about the story in the paper today?






Эдди Херн: "Не, I saw it and Gareth [Дэвис] spoke to me about it today. If Dana White wants to speak to us, obviously Anthony’s with us. We’re willing to talk to anybody and we do great business with everyone. We work with anyone, if the business is right. В это время, I’ll sign Conor McGregor and it’ll be fair.”






Q: You weighed 254 pounds for your last fight and there’s been some talk in the media that you’re looking to slim down for this fight. Can you tell us what weight you’re looking to check in at for this fight?







Джошуа: “Let’s say 17.5, 17.4 (камень). You’ve got to remember with this weight nonsense, no fighter should go into training camp focusing on their weight. This isn’t Weight Watchers and nobody should focus on their weight as such. But I do feel that your weight has to adapt to the style of fighter you’re facing. With Carlos Takam, he was a shorter fighter. He came in on the inside and ended up head-butting me so I knew I had to kind of be able to lean on Takam and tire him out. I knew he was going to move a lot. This wasn’t going to be a Kubrat Pulev type of fight where I’m going to be jabbing or counter punching. I was going to be sitting on top of Takam and working into the body so the weight played a good role. Но сейчас, I’m fighting someone like Parker who’s a lot quicker and moves a lot more. I have to make sure I’m lighter on my feet so I’ve adjusted to the style of fighter I’m fighting. I haven’t adjusted my weight for any other reason than the type of fighter I’m going to be facing.”







Q: Is there any truth to the idea of you being lighter and not carrying around as much muscle could help you in the long run?







Джошуа: "Я 20-0, I’m unified champ, muscle or not, I’m still handling business. I feel like people try to find anything to steer your mind from what’s working. I’m winning, racking up wins and it’s been going well. I wouldn’t focus on anything else than what’s working.”






Q: Do you look at Joseph Parker as the most dangerous challenge in your career thus far?"






Джошуа: "Не. Wladimir Klitschko.”






Q: How different of a matchup is this to Wladimir?






Джошуа: “Wladimir was a phenomenal champion. I just feel people didn’t give him the credit. He doesn’t have a name that a lot of the Western fans can resonate with. It’s not like an Adam Clark. His first language wasn’t English. People didn’t really buy into it. He was dominating. He was a great champion. Ten years on top. Феноменальный. 69 бои и 64 побед. That’s phenomenal. I’m fighting someone that’s 24-0. Everything I learned from that fight was a blessing and it’s led me to being confident ahead of the fight with Joseph Parker. So I’m dealing with a different beast. Parker still poses a threat but doesn’t’ have half the experience that Wladimir had.”






Q: Do you think Parker is the most technical fighter you’ve faced up to this point and if so, why do you think that?






Джошуа: “I think it’s because he’s had an extensive amateur career. I do believe the Lomachenkos, Rigondeauxs, Andre Wards have all had great amateur careers which led them on to be phenomenal professionals and Joseph Parker’s had that. I have to give credit where credit is due. But then, so have I and I was always told to leave the amateur’s in the background because the pros are a different game. And now we’re facing each other as professionals. I just think he has that amateur background behind him and he knows how to fight. He’s traveled the world so coming to England is nothing new to him. He’s got that in his locker, which has gotten him this far.”






Q: Looking at your 21улица борьба, what do you feel at this stage in the game that you need to improve on?







Джошуа: "When I look at boxing now, everybody talks about what I need to do to be a great champion and it seems to me that it’s a right hand and a good chin. We might as well go to the night clubs around England and America and just find the biggest and ugliest looking guy and he’ll become heavyweight champion. What I need to do to become a great champion is just work on my all-around game. The fundamentals. We’re talking about balance, footwork and understanding the distance between being in range and out of range. Perfecting your jab. Use your jab 50 times before you throw your right hand. Let’s make sure your right hand is in the right position to defend a left hook in case you get countered. Everything. That’s why I say when I fought Wladimir Klitschko, he had enough time to make mistakes and come back and reign supreme as a champion. So over time, in these types of fights I’ve had early on in my career, I’ve learned what will play massive roles later on when I become one of the dominant fighters in the heavyweight division.”






Q: How do you stay dialed in and not worry about all of the outside noise regarding your career?






Джошуа: “Because I know about the history of the sport. I know how easy it is to be forgotten about. I just realize that this is my time and I have to capitalize and maximize and do what’s right for me. This isn’t about being the fan favorite. I’m not here to be pat on the back. I’m here to handle my business in the best way possible and when it’s all said and done be content with the decisions I’ve made.”





Q: How would you assess your performance against Carlos Takam?







Джошуа: “I won every round. I got head-butted. I couldn’t breathe through my nose. I realize that Takam was a late step in so I was preparing for someone completely different. Так, what I decided to do with Carlos is just go through the motions because I realize 2018 was a massive year in terms of unifying with Joseph Parker and then potentially facing Deontay Wilder providing I win to become undisputed heavyweight champion of the world. Так, my game plan with Takam was don’t be too explosive and don’t take too many risks. Make sure I dominate Takam and I win every round and that’s kind of how things panned out.”






Q: How do you think Joseph looked in his last fight against Hughie Fury?







Джошуа: “You’ve got to look at Parker when he boxes on the front and the back foot. There’s two significant changes. When he boxes on the front foot, I think he finds it difficult to land combinations because I just think he struggled a bit against Fury when he was dancing on the edge of the ring. But when he fights people like Takam on his back foot, he’s better. I just think he really struggled with Fury when he was coming forward. I do think he won. I do think Joseph Parker won. We’re both in a position to show how great we are and why we’re real contenders in the division. That’s all it’s about now. Март 31."





Q: Do you feel you’ve gotten the credit that you deserve for fighting Klitschko because of his age?






Джошуа: Is Mayweather too old to still fight you think?






Q: They’re the same age, право?






Джошуа: Именно Так. People still say Mayweather is still young and that he can still compete. The difference is, lighter weights struggle to maintain their finesse because they have to stay on a diet. They starve their body of nutrition. Heavyweights mature later. When Klitschko lost, everyone who knows boxing knew he wasn’t in the right mind frame. When he came to fight me, I just knew. He didn’t say he’s in great shape. He didn’t say he was feeling strong, but he said he’s obsessed. When your mind is right, the body will follow. That win against Klitschko was tough, I didn’t take him to points. I didn’t go there to steal the belt. I took it with both hands and it was a great fight for the history books. I’m not looking for credit, I know what that fight was and what it meant to me.”






Q: [To Hearn] What are your thoughts about Anthony’s focus on Parker with all the talk of Wilder?






Херн: “We never have to worry about Anthony’s focus. He’s probably the most focused and driven individual you can meet. He knows the challenges and risks in front of him against Joseph Parker. One thing about Anthony is that he’s not real big on hype. We’re not really into storming the ring after fighting. When we got Klitschko in the ring after the fight, we signed a contract a few hours before that was in existence if Anthony won against [Эрик] Molina that night. Until that fight is signed, Anthony won’t really get excited about that fight. He’s not really interested in talking about it or hyping it. It’s the biggest fight in world boxing. It’s a fight that’s completely irrelevant if he’s not victorious в следующую субботу. I don’t think that it’s Deontay Wilder, it’s the other stone that needs to be turned to become the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world. This is Anthony’s 21улица fight and effectively his second unification fight. Deontay has had 40 бои. We’re well ahead of schedule. All of these fights will happen and the reality is the one that put pens to paper and that are actually happening.”






Q: How important is it to you to maintain your one-hundred percent KO ratio?






Джошуа: “It’s great for the record and promotion. It’s not as important to fulfilling your game plan. Some fighters will be tough and some fighters may not be there to be knocked out. I have to have it in my locker also to be able to go the distance. In terms of promotion and saying I have a hundred percent KO ratio is great. I don’t think there’s any heavyweight in the history of his career that’s been able to have purely knockouts on his record so I don’t expect to be the first one.”






Q: When you saw Wilder fight Ortiz, did you see anything that you didn’t know about him already? Did he impress you or let you down?






Джошуа: После 10 years as a professional and 40 сражается в, Wilder’s done what he’s supposed to do. He’s supposed to win. He’s supposed to beat someone like Luiz Ortiz. После 10 years of any craft. Let’s say you’re working in sales and you can’t sell a person that Mercedes-Benz or whatever car it is, you’ve got big issues. Wilder’s had that experience to be able to dominate that division. He just did what routinely is supposed to happen and get the win. He struggled a bit, but he got there in the end. That’s all that matters. That’s what shows up in the history books, и W. Так, I’m happy for him.”






Q: Can you elaborate on what makes you think Parker is a weird character?






Джошуа: “I can’t put my finger on it.”








Херн: “I think the weird thing was alluding to the fact that he was boding Anthony with criticism and then when we had the press conference he was nice as pie. We expected him to bring that fire to the press conference and maybe he’ll bring it next week. He was kind of one person prior to the fight and then another when we came face-to-face. But we’ll see what happens next week.”








Q: [To Hearn] Is there a rematch clause for this fight and what are the circumstances with that?







Херн: “The details of the contract are always confidential. When there’s a great fight and the appetite to see it again, generally you’ll get it.”







Херн (Opening Comments): “It’s a huge event. This is our sixth fight with Anthony Joshua and SHOWTIME. It’s incredible, really that we’ve had that amount of fights. It seems like the Charles Martin fight was just like yesterday. It’s incredible that в 11 месяцы, Anthony Joshua has had three stadium fights. Конечно, Владимир Кличко, Carlos Takam and now Joseph Parker. There have been 240,000 fans and over 2.5 million UK pay-per-view buys. It’s been an incredible run and an incredible 11 месяцы. And a great March of course for SHOWTIME with a brilliant fight between Wilder and Ortiz and I think this fight has all of the ingredients to be even better than that. Это великий бой. Two undefeated young heavyweights. Fearless, быстро, big punching, great footwork, 24-0 против 20-0. I think it’s the kind of fight that we need in the world of boxing and it’s the first-ever unification fight in Britain between two reigning heavyweight world champions. And the first time in the history of the sport that two heavyweights have fought a unification fight with perfect records. It’s going to be a huge week. We have a huge press conference at SKY в следующий вторник, we have a public workout в среду, the weigh-in is a national holiday on a Пятница, it’s going to be huge. Seventy-eight thousand people crammed in to Millennium Stadium for this huge unification fight. This is just the beginning for Anthony Joshua. Just another stepping stone to becoming the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world and we can’t wait. It’s a great fight and we thank SHOWTIME for all their support as ever.”


Стивен Эспиноза (Opening Comments):






“Through the first six months of this year we will be delivering 11 marquee events, which includes matchups of five top-ranked fighters, of which this is one, and two unifications, of course which this is one. In this month of March all four heavyweight world title belts are at stake on SHOWTIME.






“This fight, Joshua против. Паркер, будет 12й heavyweight fight on SHOWTIME within the last three years. We’re proud to be doing our part to help propel the reinvigoration of the heavyweight division. During those last three years the U.S. audience has gotten to know a little bit about Anthony Joshua and we are very happy to be able to further introduce them to Joseph Parker, the consensus top three heavyweight in the world and WBO Champion making his third defense and his first appearance on SHOWTIME.






“We are thrilled to have this fight; it’s right in our wheelhouse, a highly competitive, highly anticipated matchup of top fighters.”






Джозеф Паркер: “Preparations “It’s been a great training camp that we’ve had in Las Vegas and now we’re here in London. We have about a week and a half before the fight and like Kevin mentioned, we hit the ground running. We got some good sessions in. I’m looking forward to fighting an undefeated fighter like Anthony Joshua, who I respect. I’m looking forward to this opportunity to unify the division and unify the belts and the opportunity to put on a great display and make my mark on SHOWTIME. I can’t wait for it. Our team is excited to be here and it’s going to be a great opportunity for us.”






Q: When you watch the struggles Joshua had against Klitschko, what do you take away from that fight?







Паркер: “I think being active has worked well for us. I watched that fight. He did really well in terms of coming back and showed a lot of heart to get back up off the canvas and finish off the fight and getting the win. Coming into this fight, we’re young, we’re hungry and I think if we did get him in trouble there’s no waiting for us. We know how to finish off a fight. We know how to put on the pressure and get him out of there. He has strengths and weaknesses like every other fighter has and we’ll come up with a good game plan which I believe in and if I execute, I think we’ll get the victory.”







Kevin Barry: “As we know, there’s no secret about it, this is the biggest test that Joe’s had in front of him. But I also believe that this is the biggest test that Anthony Joshua’s had in front of him. We are expecting a much better Anthony Joshua than the one that fought Klitschko. I think there’s a lot of improvement in him just as there’s a lot of improvement in Joe. We’re anticipating that the styles of both these guys are going to make for a real fan-friendly fight and a very exciting fight.”






Q: There’s so much attention paid to an Anthony Joshua-Deontay Wilder fight, as if it’s an assumption that he’s going to beat you. Does that bother you?







Паркер: “It doesn’t really bother me. I think everyone is entitled to their opinion and the fight they want to see. I think what’s important for us is that we focus on what’s in front of us and that’s Anthony Joshua. Our focus is on Anthony Joshua and being in great shape and being healthy. It gives us motivation in training and we know what our focus is. Our focus is Anthony Joshua and putting on the best performance of our lives Март 31."






Q: As a fan of boxing, how good is a match like this for the sport?







Паркер: “A match like this is a very big deal. As a fan of boxing and as a fighter, we love to watch the big fights and be involved in the big fights. So we’re pretty happy to be involved in the fight. I think it’s the best time for us to be involved in a big fight like this. Back a few years ago, Kevin said he’s always wanted to fight Anthony Joshua and he said to me, when we do fight this guy, it has to mean something. And it does really mean something this time. We’re both undefeated, we both have titles, we’re both world champions and we both want to unify the division so it’s going to mean a lot and it’s a big occasion.”







Q: A lot of fans don’t know you in the United States, explain to them what you will bring to the table on Март 31.







Паркер: “The fans haven’t really seen the best Joseph Parker there is. Going into this fight, we’ve worked on a lot of things. Как я сказал, I trust in my whole team. I trust in my coach and the game plan. I’m going to bring a lot of movement, speed and power and a lot of angles. I promise that this is a fight that I’m going to make very exciting.”





Q: What was the reason behind losing weight heading into this fight?






Барри: “Joe’s still a very young heavyweight. We’ve been together for five years and we’re still a long way away from a finished product. В прошлом году, we bumped Joe up quite a bit. We put a bunch of muscle on him. We put an extra 10 pounds of weight on him and it actually doesn’t really work out for us. So we sat down, Joe and I, and we said that we felt he was a busier fighter, a more mobile fighter, his feet and hands were faster, when he was lighter. So for a fight like this against a big, сильный, powerful guy like Joshua it was important that we went back to a mobile, lighter fighter.”






Q: Do you think Joshua and Eddie Hearn saw something the rest of the world didn’t see in your fight against Hughie Fury, which wasn’t your best performance?






Паркер: “Last year wasn’t our best year and I wasn’t close to what we can actually do in the ring. They probably saw a lot of things that they could work on to get to us but we’re a totally different fighter now from where we were last year. We’ve improved on a lot of things and we’re going to show everyone what we’ve been working so hard on in Vegas.”






Q: What would it mean to you to become the unified heavyweight champion?







Паркер: “It would mean a lot. It would mean the world, not only for myself but for our team. There’s a lot of people that’s involved in getting me to this stage and there’s a lot of people that want me to go out there and put on my best performance. It’s going to mean a lot for myself, моя команда, my coach and my countries of New Zealand and Samoa.”






Q: Are you concerned that if the fight goes to the scorecards you won’t get a fair shake because of Joshua’s popularity in Great Britain?







Паркер: “I’m not concerned and the reason I say that is because we have good officials. My team has done a great job to get neutral officials and my focus is on the fight. I want to go out there and do my best. Что бы не случилось, бывает. But I trust that the officials will do the right thing and give the right decision.”







Барри: ”It was very important for us when we were formulating this contract that we had independent, neutral officials. We have three judges – one from the United States, one from the UK and one from New Zealand. And we have an Italian referee so we’re very happy with the names that have been put forward that there will be no disputing the decision. We believe that we have fair, very experienced officials who will do a good job come Saturday the 31st."






Q: Do you think Joshua is underestimating you based on what they saw in that fight against Fury?







Паркер: “I think on that performance, they are underestimating us and I think a lot of people are already writing us off because of that performance. Но, как я и сказал, we’ve worked on a lot of things and we had a great camp and it’s going to be a different fight as you guys will see Март 31. If they’re judging us off that fight, then they’ve got it totally wrong. That could definitely work in our favor.”







Барри: “I think the same will go for both camps. If they’re looking at the Fury fight, we know that Joseph is a much better fighter than that. Fury was a very awkward opponent, an opponent that we wouldn’t have even been in the ring with if it wasn’t for a mandatory. Looking at Joshua’s last fight with Carlos Takam, he really didn’t light the world on fire in that fight and he left a lot of question marks about his performance. We’re expecting a much better Joshua than the one that fought Carlos Takam. So the same can be said both ways.”







Q: What did you think of Joshua’s performance against Takam?








Паркер: “It wasn’t his best effort but he did what he had to do to get the victory. Maybe training with someone who was a lot taller and then fighting somebody shorter changed the way that he approached the fight but I think the main thing is that he got the victory and he kept the belts and that’s why we can make this big fight happen.”







Q: What do you think your advantages are over Joshua?







Паркер: “I’ve been 12 rounds five times so I’m durable. With this training camp that we’ve had, we’ve worked a lot on different angles and speed. What we’ve been seeing in the gym and in sparring, we’re going to put on display come fight night. I think I have advantages in speed and power. If we execute it well on fight night then he won’t be able to catch us and he won’t be able to land that big shot that he throws.”







Барри: “Speed is the key. We’ve always believed that Joe’s the fastest heavyweight in the world. I also believe that out of all the heavyweight champions, I think Joe has the better skill. I think he does things better than Joshua does. I think he’s more complete than Joshua. Is he as big as Joshua? Не. Is his reach as long as Joshua’s? Не. Joshua’s got a 100 percent knockout record but I believe Joseph Parker is a better skilled fighter than Antony Joshua and I think when we put the movement, the hand speed and the skill together, it’s going to be a very good combination and a successful combination on Март 31."








Q: Do you want to make a prediction for the fight?








Паркер: “I’m going to be victorious. Это будет великий бой. We’re both hungry, we’re both undefeated and we’ve both been training hard but I believe in myself. I believe in my team and what we’ve been working on. I believe I’m going to be victorious Март 31."






Q: Do you think that Joshua’s chin is a big weakness for him?








Барри: “I think he has a pretty good chin. I know that we used the glass door as part of our marketing strategy in putting this fight together, but we believe as a team that Joshua has a good chin. He’s fought some big guys. He’s been hit on the chin before. Конечно, he got dropped against Klitschko and there were stories of him getting dropped multiple times in the amateurs and that he was dropped in the gym in sparring, but all in all he’s a big, сильный, powerful guy and I think his chin is not too bad.”








Барри (Opening Comments): “We’ve been in the gym running each morning at 6:30, 7:00 and in the boxing gym at 2:30. We’ve been doing between 16 и 18 rounds of boxing each day. Today we sparred and Joe is looking very sharp, very confident and the little bit of jet lag that we had is getting less and less by the day and we anticipate by this weekend we’ll have both feet firmly planted on the ground ready for a big week next week.”

Undefeated ‘Korican KidLogan Yoon to Face Former Two-Time World Champion Juan Carlos Salgado at ‘Rumble at the RockThis Friday at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Казино в Голливуде, Флорида

Fast-rising Hawaiian welterweight prospect LoganKorican Kid” Yoon (10-0, 10 КО) says he’s expecting a big 2018.
The 19-year-old phenom from Honolulu will face Mexican former two-time world champion Juan Carlos Salgado (27-7-1, 16 КО) in a 10-round battle for the IBF Youth Welterweight World Championship in one of the supporting bouts of в эту пятницу “Грохот у скалы” event at Hard Rock Event Center at Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Казино в Голливуде, Флорида.
In the night’s 12-round main event, Улица. Луис’ StephonShowstopper” Молодой (17-0-3, 7 КО) will face ReymartGenSan Assassin” Шт (18-0, 16 КО) from General Santos City, Philippines for the WBA Interim World Bantamweight Championship. В 10-раундовом совместном событии, former WBA World Super Bantamweight Champion Juan Carlos Payano (19-1, 9 КО) will fight against undefeated PhilippineMagicMike Plania (14-0, 7 КО).
“Грохот у скалы” is presented by Kris Lawrence and The Heavyweight Factory. Билеты по цене $255, $130, $80 и $55. All seats are reserved and available at all Ticketmaster outlets, на сайте www.myhrl.com, www.ticketmaster.com или оплатите по телефону: 1-800-745-3000. Могут взиматься дополнительные сборы.
The young knockout artist Yoon, trained by his father George, was an
eight-time Hawaii State champion, an Adidas national and Ringside national champion and a junior Olympic bronze medalist.
Training went awesome,” он сказал. “We had no problems. Сейчас, we’re putting on finishing toucheslast pound or two.
Yoon got his unique nickname from a family member as a child.
Korican Kid is a nickname my aunt gave me. There’s a Korean part of me and a Puerto Rican part. My dad is 100-percent Korean and my mom is Portuguese and Puerto Rican.
While he doesn’t know much about upcoming foe Salgado, Yoon says he’s confident he’ll be notching his eleventh pro victory.
I know he is a former champ and has some experience against top guys. He’s right-handed. He’s a pretty busy fighter, but I’ll be able to keep up with him. I just don’t see how he can do anything to me with my age and physicality advantages. I won’t look for my 11й straight KO, but if it comes, I’ll take it.
Yoon says he realized his natural power early on in his boxing life. “After my second amateur fight, I realized that when I hit people, they react and start backing up. I can see it in them: the fear.
The father and son duo still live in Hawaii, but travel to train at their promoter’s Heavyweight Factory Gym in Miami.
It’s awesome. It’s almost like a dream,” он сказал. “I have Riddick Bowe in the gym every day mentoring me and, once in a while, we have Evander Holyfield when he’s not busy on trips. My manager and promoters are the best and treat me like someone. I love them. I love the atmosphere.
A young KO artist making a name for himself quickly with a strong promotional team behind him. Yoon, a deeply religious man, says he’s looking forward to a big year.
I’m ready to make some big moves. I know my manager, Генри Rivalta, is going to put me into fights with better opponents. I just have to make sure we train hard and put in the work, and I will come out on top.


Совместно Главным событием:
В среднем Showdown
Пятница, APRIL 27th LIVE на AXS TV
Билеты уже в продаже через CageTix.com
Хьюстон, Техас – Наследие Борьба Альянс (LFA) CEO Ed Soares announced today that LFA will return to Minnesota in April with a heavyweight title fight headlining LFA 38. The event will take place at The Armory, which is a historic venue in downtown Minneapolis.
Главное событие LFA 38 will feature the return of LFA heavyweight champion Jeff “Lights Out” Hughes when he defends his title against LFA #1 heavyweight contender MauriceThe PirateGreene. LFA 38 – Hughes vs. Greene takes place Пятница, April 27th at The Armory in Minneapolis, Миннесота. Вся основная карта будет транслироваться в прямом эфире и по всей стране на AXS TV на 9 p.m. И / 6 p.m. PT.
I am excited to bring the LFA heavyweight world championship to downtown Minneapolis at LFA 38”, Установленный Соарес. “LFA has a long and exciting history in the state of Minnesota dating back to the days of RFA and Legacy FC. We look forward to bringing an event to a historic venue in the state’s largest city. Jeff Hughes will defend his heavyweight title against Maurice Greene at The Armory on Пятница, April 27th.”
Билеты на МАФ 38 – Hughes vs. Greene are available for purchase NOW at CageTix.com.
Хьюз (8-1) is widely considered the top heavyweight prospect in the world. He solidified this claim by taking the LFA heavyweight title from Richard Odoms via Unanimous Decision at LFA 26 в ноябре. The proud Ohio native also happens to train alongside the top heavyweight fighter in the world. That would be none other than UFC heavyweight champion and fellow Ohio native Stipe Miocic. The two heavyweight champions, Hughes and Miocic, were featured training together in Episode 1 of the UFC 220 Embedded: Vlog Series. Hughes played a pivotal role in helping Miocic defeat Francis Ngannou, which broke the record for most consecutive title defenses for the UFC heavyweight championship. Now Miocic looks to return the favor by helping Hughes set the record for most title defenses for the LFA heavyweight championship when he faces Greene at LFA 38.
Greene (5-1) is a a towering heavyweight, measuring 6’7and weighing 265-pounds. His formidable size, fearsome fighting style, and affable personality have helped make the man known asMoe The Piratea fan favorite in both MMA and professional kickboxing, where he made a name for himself competing in GLORY. Greene’s most memorable moment in GLORY came at GLORY 21 when he flattened Ashley Epps with a left hook in the first round. Greene later showcased his devastating striking skills in MMA at Legacy FC 60 when he knocked out Zach Thumb with a knee in just 25 секунд. В последнее время, Greene has been grabbing headlines with his impressive grappling skills as he has won his last two MMA bouts via first round submission. That includes a Triangle Choke submission victory over the previously undefeated Bellator vet Jermaine McDermott last summer at LFA 19.
Со-главное событие LFA 38 will feature the return of one of Bevon Lewis (4-0). The Jackson Wink MMA product burst on to the MMA scene last year with an impressive LFA debut win over three-time NCAA Division I All-American wrestler Sonny Yohn at LFA 10. Lewis showed poise, adaptability, and a dynamic skill set against the decorated wrestler that drew comparisons to the fighting abilities of his teammate Jon Jones.
Lewis returned on the eighth episode of Dana White’s Contender Series last summer with another breakthrough performance. This time he stopped undefeated TUF 23 alum Elias Urbina via TKO in the second round. This drew the praise of the UFC President himself as Dana White gave him rave reviews and said, “Bevon Lewis is now 4-0. He is a young guy, he’s 26-years-old, and I think he has a ton of talent. Both the matchmakers think this guy is special and can be something. What we’re gonna do is we’re gonna take this kid and put him in our developmental league. We have a place where we develop young up-and-coming fighters and we’re gonna put him there. So we’re gonna bring him in. He’s not getting a contract here, we’re gonna put him in this developmental league. We love this kid.
In the immortal words of pro wrestling icon Ric Flair, “To be the man, you gotta beat the manand that is exactly what CollinYoung HuckHuckbody (3-1) will be looking to do at LFA 38. He is the man tabbed to face Lewis in the co-main event. The 23-year-old Minnesotan will look to utilize his home crowd advantage and considerable wrestling chops to derail the wave amount of momentum and attention that Lewis is currently receiving and enjoying. If successful on April 27th, Huckbody will be the man everyone is talking about next.
Главная Карта (Телевизионный на AXS TV в 9 p.m. И / 6 p.m. PT):
Главное событие | Heavyweight Title Bout (265 фунт)
Jeff Hughes (8-1) против. Maurice Greene (5-1)
Со-главное событие | Средний Бут (185 фунт)
Bevon Lewis (4-0) против. Collin Huckbody (3-1)
Бой в полусреднем (170 фунт)
Tat Romero (26-6) против. Dane Sayers (12-3)
Бой в полусреднем (170 фунт)
Charlie Brown (11-7-1) против. Крис Бахмайер (10-1)
Легкий Бут (145 фунт)
Lou Radecki (3-0) против. Nate Richardson (5-1)
Легкий бой (155 фунт)
Josh Shaw (3-1) против. Kenn Glenn (7-4)
Легкий бой (155 фунт)
Marcus LeVesseur (22-7) против. Cody Lincoln (4-1)
В Сентябре 2016, Представители RFA и Legacy FC объявили, что они объединятся в LFA.. Это новое продвижение по службе станет главной развивающей организацией в смешанных боевых искусствах. (MMA) начиная с января 2017. RFA и Legacy FC начали карьеру более 130 спортсмены, достигшие вершины ММА, конкурируя в UFC.
LFA 38 will be the sixth LFA event to take place in the state of Minnesota. RFA и Legacy FC провели в общей сложности девять мероприятий в “Земля 10,000 Озера” до слияния. LFA 38 will be the first event the promotion has hosted in the city of Minneapolis. Вся основная карта LFA 38 будет транслироваться в прямом эфире по всей стране и на AXS TV на 9 p.m. И / 6 p.m. PT.
Пожалуйста, посетите LFAfighting.com за обновлениями схватки и информации. LFA на Facebook в Наследие Борьба Альянс. МАФ также находится на Instagram в @LFAfighting и Twitter в @LFAfighting.