Tag Archives: Josh Harvey



POUR DIFFUSION IMMÉDIATE: Portland, Maine (Octobre 22, 2021) – Quand la cloche sonne à 7 pm EST pour commencer le spectacle vendredi, Novembre 5, ce sera la première fois que la Nouvelle-Angleterre se bat (NEF) a présenté un mélange d'arts martiaux (MMA) événement dans son État d'origine du Maine en 21 mois. Peu de temps après la vénérable promotion de combat tenue «NEF 42» au Merrill Auditorium à Portland en février 8, 2020, la pandémie de Covid-19 s'est emparée de l'État et de la nation. L'arrêt qui en a résulté a forcé le report indéfini de "NEF 43" qui devait avoir lieu à Orono, Maine plus tard ce printemps-là. L'État n'étant pas complètement ouvert aux événements de sports de combat avant le début 2021, NEF a décidé de se tourner vers le New Hampshire voisin pour organiser "NEF 44" l'été dernier. « NEF 45: Soulèvement » en novembre 5 verra la promotion du combat faire son retour tant attendu à l'action dans le Maine, ainsi que de clôturer sa première décennie d'activité. L'événement proviendra d'Aura à Portland.

Plus tôt aujourd'hui,, NEF a annoncé la carte de combat complète pour "NEF 45". Il est prévu de présenter un total de 21 combats avec quatre championnats à décider.

Dans l'événement principal de la soirée, Josh « Décrocher » Harvey(7-1-1) défendra le titre NEF Professional Featherweight contre le défi deAguilando Brandao(9-8).  Harvey détient le championnat depuis février 2019. Brandao est un vétéran coriace avec plus de 15 années d'expérience en cage.

Le co-événement principal verraMark « Poches » Gardner(1-2)prendre en chargeNick Alley (7-4) dans un concours professionnel de poids welters. Les deux concurrents sont des vétérans de la promotion mondiale de la cage de Bellator. Les deux chercheront à rebondir après les pertes de leurs combats précédents respectifs.

Zac « Rocky » Richard (0-0) fera ses débuts professionnels contreCarl Langston(0-5) après une carrière amateur réussie qui a vu Richard remporter le titre NEF des 155 livres. Langston cherche sa première victoire en tant que combattant professionnel.

Dans d'autres combats pro, Matt "Ken Doll" Denning(5-10) rencontre l'ancien champion de lutte de l'Université du sud du MaineJon Deuprée (0-0) dans les débuts professionnels de Deupree, tandis que l'ancien champion professionnel NEF des poids moyensCJ Aiguière(3-3) bataillesShaun Ray (2-1) dans la division poids welter.

La partie amateur de la carte de combat sera titrée par trois combats pour le titre: Caleb Austin(5-0) visagesTyler Smythe (2-1) pour la ceinture poids mouche vacante; Felipe Gunter(3-0) est prévu d'affronterNounours Politis (2-0) pour le championnat des poids coq vacant; etNathaniel Grimard(4-0) défendra sa sangle poids plume nouvellement gagnée contreBilly Wilson(6-1).

Le seul combat féminin de la soirée se déroulera également sur la carte amateur commeBJ Garceau(1-1) rencontre les débutsHayley Martin (0-0) dans un combat de poids de paille. Garceau est apparu pour la dernière fois dans la cage NEF trois ans plus tôt à "NEF 36".

« Cela semble une éternité depuis que nous nous sommes battus dans le Maine – et quelle carte pour revenir avec,"Dit co-propriétaire de NEF et entremetteur Matt Peterson.  "Tant de prospects dans cette gamme, tant de combattants invaincus mettant leurs records parfaits en jeu, tant d'enjeux pour tant d'athlètes impressionnants qui se mettent à l'épreuve le 5 novembre. Quatre combats pour le titre. Pour la tête d'affiche Josh Harvey, son prochain combat pourrait être la dernière chance de le voir concourir avant qu'il ne reçoive l'appel de l'UFC - il est si proche. Avant l'événement principal, nous avons plusieurs athlètes amateurs invaincus qui sont sur le point de devenir pro et d'essayer de suivre les traces de Harvey. AURA est l'endroit où être le 5 novembre!"

La carte de combat complète « NEF 45 » (sous réserve de modifications):


145 TITRE DE LA LIVRE: Josh Harvey (c) vs. Aguilando Brandao

170 LIVRES STERLING: Nick vs Alley. Marc Gardner

140 LIVRES STERLING: Carl Langston contre. Zac Richard

170 LIVRES STERLING: Jon Deupree contre. Matt Denning

160 LIVRES STERLING: Jay Ellis contre. Rodrigo Almeida

170 LIVRES STERLING: CJ Ewer contre. Shaun Ray


125 TITRE DE LA LIVRE: Caleb Austin contre. Tyler Smythe

145 TITRE DE LA LIVRE: Billy Wilson contre. Nathaniel Grimard (c)

135 TITRE DE LA LIVRE: Felipe Günter contre. Nounours Politis

115 LIVRES STERLING: BJ Garceau contre. Hayley Martin

200 LIVRES STERLING: David McCarthy contre. Danny Dray

170 LIVRES STERLING: Brian Cosco contre. Tyler Kingsbury

265 LIVRES STERLING: Tucker Olinsky contre. Georges Pissimissis

170 LIVRES STERLING: Curtis Ouellette contre. Derek Lambert

185 LIVRES STERLING: Bryant Wade contre. Brandon Oldenberg

185 LIVRES STERLING: Brett Martin contre. Justin Philbrook

155 LIVRES STERLING: Jonas Ryerson contre. RJ Janeczek

165 LIVRES STERLING: Austin Hamilton contre. David Hart

115 LIVRES STERLING: Julian Menjivar contre. Matt Miles

155 LIVRES STERLING: Jacob Routon contre. Emmett Huber

135 LIVRES STERLING: Tyler Parent contre. Randall Hathorn

"NEF 45: Insurrection » a lieu vendredi, Novembre 5, 2021, à Aura à Portland, Maine. Les portes s'ouvrent à 6 pm avec premier combat à 7 h. Les billets sont en vente maintenant àwww.Ticketmaster.com.  L'événement sera également diffusé en direct sur pay-per-view pour le prix de $29.99 àwww.CombatSportsNow.com.

À propos de la Nouvelle-Angleterre Fights

Combats Nouvelle-Angleterre (“NEF”) est une entreprise de promotions événements lutte. La mission de NEF est de créer les plus hauts événements de qualité pour les combattants et les fans. Équipe de direction de NEF possède une vaste expérience dans la gestion des sports de combat, production d'événements, relations avec les médias, commercialisation, juridique et la publicité.


POUR DIFFUSION IMMÉDIATE: Milford, New Hampshire (Août 13, 2021) - Combats Nouvelle-Angleterre (NEF) revient avec son prochain événement, "NEF 44: De retour en noir," en août 21, 2021, au Hampshire Dome à Milford, New Hampshire. Le spectacle mettra en vedette à la fois des arts martiaux mixtes (MMA) et des combats de kickboxing. Plus tôt aujourd'hui, NEF a annoncé la carte de combat complète pour l'événement qui sera la première de la promotion depuis le début de la pandémie de Covid-19 et sa première incursion dans l'État de granit.

Sur la partie professionnelle de la carte, gloire Watson (0-1) etRebecca Bryggman(0-1) chercheront tous deux leurs premières victoires respectives dans un concours de poids de paille féminin. Watson, un ancien champion poids mouche amateur NEF, a perdu ses débuts professionnels plus tôt cette année en Floride. de même, Bryggman a échoué lors de ses débuts professionnels au Bellator 231 à l'automne 2019.

Caleb salle(3-0) etShaun Ray(2-0) mettront leurs records professionnels sans tache respectifs en jeu dans un combat léger, comme volontéJacob Deppmeyer (1-0) etAaron Hughes (1-0) qui doivent se rencontrer dans la division poids plume de 145 livres.

Également en action sur la partie professionnelle de la carte sera le favori des fans de NEFJosh Harvey(7-1-1).  Harvey cherchera à rebondir après avoir subi la première défaite de sa carrière professionnelle contre le vétéran Jesse Erickson (10-8) l'année dernière.

Deux combats pour le titre dominent la partie amateur de la carte commeMike Bezanson (5-0) défie le champion amateur de longue date des poids welters de la NEFDuncan Smith(6-3) pour sa sangle etNathaniel Grimard (3-0) etBrandon Maillet-Fevens (3-1) concours pour le titre vacant NEF Amateur Featherweight.

Sur la carte amateur figurera également une revanche tant attendue entreCaleb Austin (4-0) etJames Ploss(1-2) dans la division des poids mouches de 125 livres. Leur premier combat, remporté par Austin en avril 2017 à "NEF 28", a été embourbé dans la controverse et a attiré l'attention nationale sur les médias sociaux.

En outre, NEF a annoncé aujourd'hui qu'elle s'était associée à Combat Sports Now pour fournir un flux à la carte de "NEF 44: De retour en noir." L'événement sera diffusé en direct dans son intégralité surhttps://combatsportsnow.com/event/new-england-fights-44 pour $29.99.

La carte de combat complète "NEF 44":


155 Caleb salle (Syndicat) contre Shaun Ray (Indépendant)

145 Josh Harvey (Quête de vision) contre Ian Beatease (Gymnase KOV)

145 Jacob Deppmeyer (First Class MMA) contre Aaron Hughes (Régiment)

115 Rebecca Bryggman (Kai MMA) contre Glory Watson (MMA de Young)


205 Henri Jeffs (Indépendant) contre Brandon Oldenburg (Quête de vision)

170*TITRE Duncan Smith (Évolution Athlète) contre Mike Bezanson (Dit)

170 Curtis Ouellette (CMBJJ) contre Zach Faulkner (Reconnaissance)

170 Austin Hamilton (Indépendant) contre Jon Assam (CMBJJ)

155 Ryan Savage (First Class MMA) contre Kyle Pufahl (Nostos)

155 Lucas Donald (Indépendant) contre Evan Piette (Dit)

155 Kaleb Kenney (Équipe Nitemare) contre Isaac Piette (Dit)

145*TITRE Nathaniel Grimard (Nostos) vs Branon Maillet-Fevens (CMBJJ)

145 Cody Kilton (First Class MMA) contre Cam Hoyt (Dit)

140 Mike Caron (SSSF) contre Key Baltazar (Nostos)

135 Nounours Politis (Évolution Athlète) contre Tyler Parent (CMBJJ)

130 Hannon Sanford (CMBJJ) contre Richard Martell (MMA de Young)

125 Caleb Austin (CMBJJ) contre James Ploss (Dit)

125 Tim Murray (Quête de vision) contre Guiliano Rossi(Dit)

115 Matt Miles (Indépendant) contre Juan Quinom (Gymnase de l'UFC)

130 KICKBOXING Dustin Veinott (CMBJJ) contre Geraldo Reyes (Équipe Lien)

Billets pour « NEF 44: Back in Black” sont en vente maintenant chezwww.NewEnglandFights.com/Tickets/.  L'événement MMA et kickboxing aura lieu au Hampshire Dome à Milford, New Hampshire samedi, Août 21, 2021, avec une cloche de temps 7 pm.

À propos de la Nouvelle-Angleterre Fights

Combats Nouvelle-Angleterre (“NEF”) est une entreprise de promotions événements lutte. La mission de NEF est de créer les plus hauts événements de qualité pour les combattants et les fans. Équipe de direction de NEF possède une vaste expérience dans la gestion des sports de combat, production d'événements, relations avec les médias, commercialisation, juridique et la publicité.


POUR DIFFUSION IMMÉDIATE: Portland, Maine (Février 10, 2020) – More than 2000 braved frigid temperatures on Saturday night as New England Fights (NEF) brought its most recent mixed-martial-arts (MMA) event to the stage of Merrill Auditorium in Portland. 22 fights took place under the shadow of the world-famous 1911 Kotzschmar Memorial Organ. It was NEF’s debut at the century-old venue, and the event opened the venerable fight promotion’s ninth season of MMA competition.

Dans l'événement principal de la soirée, Vétéran de l'UFCManny “The Bermudez Triangle” Bermudez(15-2) soumisBruce "Pretty Boy" Boyington (19-12) with a guillotine choke in the first round. The bout was originally scheduled to be contested for the NEF Professional Lightweight Title, but with Bermudez missing championship weight, he was not eligible to win the belt. The title currently remains vacant.

Bermudez’s victory capped a perfect night for the South Shore Sportfighting team of Rockland, Massachusetts. Teammates Darryl Andrews (1-0) et Tim Birkenhead (2-0) were both successful in their respective fights to lift their gym to a 3-0 record on the event.

Also going 3-0 on the evening was the team of Evolution Athletix based in Saco, Maine.Nounours Politis (1-0), Deux autres rebuts amateurs ont produit des finitions de premier tour. (1-0), etTyler Smythe (1-0) all stopped their opponents within the first minute of the first round of their respective fights to win their respective amateur debuts.

The biggest story of the night, undoubtedly, came in the co-main event as longtime NEF veteranJesse « Le Viking » Erickson(10-8) mainJosh « Décrocher » Harvey(7-1-1) the first loss of his professional career. Erickson, who represents both Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Recon Fitness, put on a brilliant jiu-jitsu clinic that will be remembered for years to come. Trapped against the cage by Harvey early-on in the first round, Erickson pulled guard and transitioned through a chain of submissions before finally settling in with an armbar to force the tapout, sending the Portland crowd into an absolute frenzy.

In a wild heavyweight slugfest that also took place on the professional portion of the cardRas “Rasquatch” Hylton (5-3) downedBrad Lee(0-1) via technical knockout in the second round. After several minutes of feeling each other out, the pair exchanged in a back-and-forth slobber-knocker in the closing moments of the first round. A little over a minute into the second round, the referee called a halt to the action after several unanswered strikes from the 6’6” Hylton.

Hylton’s First Class MMA teammateJacob Deppmeyer(1-0) had a successful pro debut, défaiteCarl Langston(0-5) via first-round technical knockout. Deppmeyer, trapped Langston in a reverse triangle and rained down a series of unanswered elbows, giving the referee no option but to stop the bout at that point.

On the amateur card, meilleure perspectiveMike Bezanson (5-0) of Kaze Dojo remained undefeated with a technical knockout win overGreg Ishihara(2-2) dans le premier tour.

Also remaining undefeated in the amateur ranks wereNate « The Mule » White(5-0) etCaleb « Dr. Feelgood » Austin (4-0), both fighting out of CMBJJ, who finished their respective opponents in the first round.

Another CMBJJ productGarry Carr (3-1), broke his own record for a second consecutive time when he became, yet again, the oldest athlete to win a fight in the NEF cage. At 58-years-young, Carr took a unanimous decision victory over 23-year-old Austin Hamilton (0-2) in a catchweight amateur fight.

NEF also announced that its next event would see the promotion return to the campus of UMaine Orono at the Collins Center for the Arts on April 18 with “NEF 43: Rampage.” Already confirmed for the eventZac « Rocky » Richard(6-2-1) will defend the NEF Amateur Lightweight Title againstDevin Corson(3-1), tandis queChelsea Tucker(3-3) is scheduled to meet Oregon’sCaree Hill(6-2) for the NEF Amateur Women’s Flyweight Championship, and Caleb Austin facesJames Ploss (1-2) in a long-awaited rematch of their controversial 2017 bout.

The full “NEF 42” results from Portland, Maine:


Manny Bermudez def. Bruce Boyington via tap to guillotine, tour 1

Jesse Erickson def. Josh Harvey via tap to armbar, tour 1

Ras Hylton def. Brad Lee via technical knockout, tour 2

Chris Caterino def. Nate Boucher via tap to armbar, tour 1

Jacob Deppmeyer def. Carl Langston via technical knockout, tour 1


Tim Birkenhead def. Mike Murray via tap to kneebar, tour 2

Joe Howard def. Justin Kangas via KO, tour 1

Mike Bezanson déf. Greg Ishihara via technical knockout, tour 1

Felipe Gunter def. Hannon Sanford via unanimous decision

Nate Blanc def. Brian Cosco via technical knockout, tour 1

Darryl Andrews def. Titus Pannell via unanimous decision

Jason Landry def. Dustin Carrier via technical knockout, tour 2

Deux autres rebuts amateurs ont produit des finitions de premier tour.. Clifford Redman par soumission technique, tour 1

Garry Carr def. Austin Hamilton via unanimous decision

Ryan Fogg def. Giuliano Rossi via doctor stoppage, tour 2

David McCarty via un étranglement à l'arrière. Jon Assam via KO, tour 1

Tim Bergeron def. Henry Jeffs via technical knockout, tour 1

Caleb Austin def. Dillon Henry via tap to rear-naked choke, tour 1

Dylan Williams def. Wyatt Sochin via split decision

Randall Hathorn def. Tim Murray via technical knockout, tour 1

Henry Clark def. Taylor Bartlett via technical submission, tour 1

Teddy Politis def. Kevin Lamay via tap to Kimura, tour 1

Combats Nouvelle-Angleterre’ prochain événement mixtes arts martiaux, “NEF 43: Déchaînement,” aura lieu le samedi, Avril 18, 2020, au Centre Collins des Arts à UMaine Orono. Les billets seront en vente cette semaine àwww.CollinsCenterfortheArts.com.  

À propos de la Nouvelle-Angleterre Fights

Combats Nouvelle-Angleterre (“NEF”) est une entreprise de promotions événements lutte. La mission de NEF est de créer les plus hauts événements de qualité pour les combattants et les fans. Équipe de direction de NEF possède une vaste expérience dans la gestion des sports de combat, production d'événements, relations avec les médias, commercialisation, juridique et la publicité.


POUR DIFFUSION IMMÉDIATE: Portland, Maine (Décembre 10, 2019) - Combats Nouvelle-Angleterre (NEF) will hold its next mixed-martial-arts (MMA) événement, “NEF 42: Symphonie de destruction,” Samedi, Février 8, 2020 at Merrill Auditorium in Portland. Earlier today, NEF announced the addition of a professional catchweight fight to the card.Nate “Backpack” Boucher fera ses débuts professionnels contre“Sleepy” Norman Fox (0-1) à un poids de combat de 130 livres-.

2019 was a banner year for Boucher. He finished his amateur career with a stellar 6-3 record and captured NEF’s amateur flyweight title at “NEF 41” last month in what would be his final amateur fight. Boucher has won his last four fights in a row – all by first round rear-naked choke submission. Shortly after his title victory, Boucher engaged in a heated exchange on Facebook with Fox who challenged Boucher to enter the pro ranks to fight him. Boucher was quick to accept the challenge. He currently represents Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) of Lewiston, Maine.

“I closed out 2019 by doing exactly what I said I was going to do,” stated Boucher.  “I went 3-0 and won the New England Fights Amateur Flyweight Title. I planned on taking time off to focus on my unborn child’s arrival. Cependant, Norman had quite a mouthful to say and asked for the fight. Si, I did what fighters do and took the fight immediately. Norman is in for a long night on February 8th. I hope for his sake that he fully prepares for this. The way I see it, I was given a gift to kick off my pro career. Thank you to Cure Cannabis and the rest of my loyal sponsors and supporters for helping me get to this point in my career—I look forward to the next level with all of you.”

Norman Fox returns to the NEF cage after a four year hiatus from competition. He was last seen at “NEF 21” in February 2016 in a losing effort in his professional debut. Fox went 4-2 en tant qu'amateur, finishing his opponents in all four of his wins. Fox is currently a member of First Class MMA based in Brunswick, Maine.

Nate is one-dimensional,” declared Fox.  “All he can do is wrestle. If he doesn’t immediately shoot for a takedown, he will as soon as my hands touch his face. I’m dangerous everywhere. If he does get the fight to the ground, he will regret it.

The catchweight bout joins an already star-studded lineup on the professional portion of the card. Previously announced for “NEF 42” is a five-round professional lightweight title fight between former NEF champion and World Series of Fighting veteranBruce "Pretty Boy" Boyington (17-11) et vétéran du WEC et l'UFCJosh « Le Fluke » Grispi(14-5).  Another lightweight fight announced for “NEF 42” will feature two Maine fan-favorites as reigning NEF Professional Featherweight ChampionJosh « Décrocher » Harvey(7-0-1) met son record invaincu sur la ligne contreJesse « Le Viking » Erickson (9-8) in a non-title encounter. And Bellator veteranDominic « Domnation » Jones (2-3) etCarl Langston (0-4) will square off in a professional featherweight contest.

Combats Nouvelle-Angleterre’ prochain événement mixtes arts martiaux, “NEF 42: Symphonie de destruction,” aura lieu le samedi, Février 8, 2020 à Merrill Auditorium à Portland, Maine. Les billets sont en vente dès maintenant àwww.PortTix.com.


POUR DIFFUSION IMMÉDIATE: Lewiston, Maine (Mai 22, 2019) - Combats Nouvelle-Angleterre (NEF) returns to the Androscoggin Bank Colisee on Saturday, Juin 22 avec son prochain événement d'arts martiaux mixtes, “NEF 39: ALL-AMERICAN.” Plus tôt aujourd'hui,, the fight promotion announced the addition of an amateur title fight to the card. Carlton Charles (3-2) fera face Jordan Norman (2-1) for the vacant amateur middleweight belt.

Prior to entering the MMA ranks, Carlton Charles made his mark on the football field. He played for Windham High School in Windham, Maine and later led the team to a Class A title as an assistant coach. Charles went on to play fullback for the University of Maine Black Bears. He made his NEF debut in the summer of 2017 with a 23-second knockout win. He would top that performance with a 12-second knockout victory in February 2018. After an unsuccessful attempt at capturing the amateur welterweight title against Duncan Smith (5-3) Juin dernier, Charles returned to the cage one month ago in New Hampshire and picked up yet another first-round knockout win.

“Comme toujours, I feel blessed and very grateful for the opportunity to fight for the belt,” a déclaré Charles.  “I know Jordan has come a long way in this sport and is always training hard and improving. I will be looking to not be caught by one of those big meat hooks that he has for hands. He’s a big powerful guy, and I’m going to be training hard as always to be able to go out and perform to my best ability. I know my coaches will have me ready for this one! have no doubt in my mind the fans will be in for a real treat with this one.

Jordan Norman has indeed come a long way since his NEF debut last June. He lost that evening via first-round knockout, but Norman would come firing back in his next two bouts. He won a split decision over John Assam (0-1) l'automne dernier, and just last month finished Greg Ishihara (0-1) in the second round. Norman represents the Bad Little Falls Dojo.

“I’m honored for the opportunity to get into the NEF cage and compete for the amateur title against someone like Carlton,” exclaimed Norman. “He and I will put on one hell of a show for the Lewiston crowd. Both of us come to fight and it won’t be any different on June 22nd. I have nothing but respect for him and his team. I’m excited for the task at hand and scrapping it out for the middleweight title.”

The middleweight title fight between Charles and Norman is the fourth already announced for theNEF 39card. JoshHook On” Harvey (6-0-1) is scheduled to defend the professional featherweight title against Jordan Downey (5-4), while Nate Boucher (4-3) will square off with Robert Presley (5-4) for the vacant amateur men’s flyweight belt, and undefeated Glory Watson (4-0) takes on Caree Hill (4-1) to crown NEF’s first amateur women’s flyweight champion. Also announced for the card, Jesse “Le Viking” Erickson (9-7) faces Lewis Corapi (8-5) in a professional lightweight bout.

“NEF 39: ALL-AMERICAN,” aura lieu le samedi, Juin 22, 2019 au Colisée Androscoggin Bank à Lewiston, Maine avec un temps de cloche de 7 h. Les billets sont en vente dès maintenant à www.TheColisee.com.

À propos de la Nouvelle-Angleterre Fights

Combats Nouvelle-Angleterre (“NEF”) est une entreprise de promotions événements lutte. La mission de NEF est de créer les plus hauts événements de qualité pour les combattants et les fans. Équipe de direction de NEF possède une vaste expérience dans la gestion des sports de combat, production d'événements, relations avec les médias, commercialisation, juridique et la publicité.


Three prior forays into the New England Fights cage demanded all of five minutes and nine seconds from Zac Richard.

That was the aggregate time it took for the native of Waterboro, Maine, to accumulate three wins by knockout or submission and earn a shot at the vacant NEF amateur featherweight title at NEF 37 vendredi, Février 1.

Richard probably only now fully appreciates how the odds were stacked against him that frosty evening. He was paired with Fred Lear, a veteran of eight previous fights who won the bantamweight belt in his previous outing. Both Lear’s home and training center sit a stone’s throw away from the Cross Insurance Center, scene of the showdown.

While draws are a rare turn of events in mixed martial arts, and ties are universally maligned as an unsatisfying outcome to any sporting endeavor, Richard can appreciate the judgesindecision after the first true donnybrook of his budding career.

“Before the fight when they announced our names, I thought the place was going to explode. It was wild,” Richard said. “And then the fight was pretty even the whole time. I kept thinking to myself, you’re not losing, but you’re not winning by much. That’s all I kept thinking about.”

Richard, a Maine state wrestling champion in high school, has worked on the finer points of his stand-up game with UFC veteran Devin Powell and other instructors at Nostos MMA in Somersworth, New Hampshire.

Pride and practicality persuaded Richard to engage in slug-it-out tactics with Lear, but old habits die hard.

“It started out good. I felt in control from the beginning. I wanted to stay on my feet and really show off how much my striking has come,” Richard said. “And I knew Fred was a really game opponent on the ground and has been training a lot longer than I have. So I wanted to keep it on my feet. But staying a wrestler is such habit. The first combination I threw, I went down for a shot.”

Lear’s assault to the body admittedly took a physical toll on Richard. The newcomer obviously never experienced such blunt trauma in his pre-MMA combat days and hadn’t been touched in his career-opening win streak against Gabriel Diaz, Clifford Redman and Chris Lachcik.

“I got really gassed and winded, because he kept landing knees and punches to the body,” Richard said, “I kept waiting for my second wind to come and it never did. I tried to get in a combination or a good slam every once in a while.”

Even sitting on the stool in his corner between rounds was surreal.

Of course there were thoughts of Richard’s sister, Lacy, who lost her battle with cancer in 2012 but continues to inspire Zac with her fighting spirit. Having time to get in touch with one’s thoughts and survey the scenery aren’t the norm when you’re finishing opponents before the echo of the opening bell fades.

“Most of my fights have been pretty quick. It was definitely a weird experience,” Richard said. “I’ve never had that between rounds. I was looking out in the crowd and would see one certain friend or family member or training partner every time. It was a lot bigger deal than what I’m used to.”

When it became obvious Lear wasn’t ripe to be knocked out, Richard tried to balance self-defense while keeping the scorecards in mind.

“Going into the fourth and fifth round, I knew I was tired, and I knew Fred could punch and kick just as well,"Il a dit. “I was thinking to myself, ‘You’ve got to keep your hands up. This is dangerous when you’re tired.All I kept thinking about was don’t get hit. Hit him.

“Every time the clackers went off, when there was 10 seconds left, I tried to get up from the bottom or get in a kick or land one last good strike. That was different, because I never had that—I’ve never even heard the 10-second clackers. I definitely could hear it more than the buzzer, because the last few seconds it would get so chaotic and everyone would get so loud. The ref would just grab us I’m like, ‘Is it over?’ I never experienced anything like that in wrestling.”

Those back-and-forth battles in regional and state mat affairs did serve Richard well. He felt that he was mentally prepared for the championship rounds, even as the physical toll increased.

Richard acknowledged that he has a bad habit of training without using his mouth guard and that it may have affected his breathing in the bout.

“I’ve been in some pretty long wrestling matches, as many different types as you can get in,” Richard said. “I was always a really good wrestler in overtime. I don’t think I ever lost in overtime. If I did, it was like once. But the thing with wrestling is you’re not getting punched and kneed in the stomach and other things that are taking your wind. I was just so tired. I knew the whole time I wasn’t proud of my performance, but you’ve got to do what you’ve got to do. I kept telling myself I had to get up and do something.”

While unhappy with the draw, Richard takes encouragement from many details that have come to light in the aftermath of the fight.

The mixed result surely entitled Richard to an immediate rematch. That won’t explicitly happen, as Lear informed him that he intends to turn professional.

“I remember February 14 of last year was the first NEF fight I ever went to. I had only been training for a month and (NEF co-propriétaire et entremetteur) Matt Peterson asked me to go,” Richard said. “So I went, and here it is a year later I’m fighting for a belt against a kid that fought for the belt a year and a half ago. Finding out after the fight that he’s going pro, it really made me a lot prouder of how I did. If he can pro after that fight, and I’ve only been fighting for a year, then I’ve got pretty good hope for my future.”

That future will include another crack at the belt, sur Avril 27e.

“I’m the Number 1 concurrent, and he’s going pro, so it’s whoever’s next,” Richard said. “I don’t know if they’re going to bring in someone from somewhere else or what. Matt said he’s working on opponent. Je serai prêt. "

prochain événement mixte arts martiaux de NEF, “NEF 38: STORMBORN,” aura lieu le samedi, Avril 27, 2019 à Aura à Portland, Maine avec un temps de cloche de 7 h. Les billets sont en vente maintenant àwww.AuraMaine.com.


Bangor, Maine (Février 2, 2019) – While the polar vortex froze solid the nearby Penobscot River, Combats Nouvelle-Angleterre (NEF) had the mercury rising with some wild mixed-martial-arts (MMA) action inside the Cross Insurance Center on Friday night. The popular fight promotion brought its latest event to Bangor with yet another sold-out crowd of more than 1200 on hand. It was the fourth event, and fourth sell-out, in Bangor for NEF since 2016. The event was aptly titledSUB ZEROin anticipation of the bone-chilling weather raging outside.

The main event saw Josh Harvey (6-0-1) claim the NEF Professional Featherweight strap when he defeated Bill Jones (13-11) in the first round via technical submission. In so doing, Harvey made history as the first competitor to win titles in two different weight divisions in NEF. He previously held the NEF Amateur Lightweight title.

Marc Gardner (1-0) was victorious over CJ Ewer (3-3) in Gardner’s professional debut. Ewer was unable to continue after the first round due to a cut above his eye.

In the amateur headliner, Fred Lear (6-2-1) and Zac Richard (3-0-1) fought to a five-round draw on the judgesscorecards in a bout for the vacant NEF Amateur Featherweight Title. Lear had a point taken away in the first round by referee John English for grabbing the cage. The amateur featherweight championship remains vacant.

Catie Denning (2-1) and Glory Watson (3-0) both picked up wins for Young’s MMA in their respective women’s bouts. Denning defeated Amanda Bennett (0-1) via split decision while Watson submitted Wisconsin’s Rachael Lippert (4-3) au troisième tour.

The results from Bangor, Maine:


Josh Harvey def. Bill Jones via technical submission, tour 1

Mark Gardner bat. CJ Ewer via technical knockout, tour 2


Fred Lear fought Zac Richard to a five-round draw

Devin Corson def. Taylor Bartlett via unanimous decision

Catie Denning def. Amanda Bennett via split decision

Jake Bagley def. Brady MacDonald via unanimous decision

Bryce Bamford def. Roger Ewer via KO, tour 1

Deux autres rebuts amateurs ont produit des finitions de premier tour.. Rachael Lippert via guillotine submission, tour 3

Nate Boucher def. Dillon Henry via rear-naked submission, tour 1

Jordan Young def. Clifford Redman via rear-naked submission, tour 1

Rob Kiah def. Joe Howard via rear-naked choke submission, tour 2

prochain événement mixte arts martiaux de NEF, “NEF 38: STORMBORN,” aura lieu le samedi, Avril 27, 2019 à Aura à Portland, Maine avec un temps de cloche de 7 h. Les billets sont en vente dès maintenant à www.AuraMaine.com.


Bangor, Maine (Janvier 27, 2019) – Similar to his scheduled opponent in the February 1st main event of New England Fights’ “NEF 37: SUB ZERO,” card at the Cross Insurance Center in Bangor, Maine, Bill “Jonesi” Jones is known as a hardworking entrepreneur that is focused on getting ahead in life.

As Jones himself recently stated bluntly: “I’m on a mission to get rich.”

Jones’ opponent for Friday night, undefeated hammer Josh “Hook-On” Harvey, is also known within the Penobscot County region where he resides as a sun-up to sun-down grinder that doesn’t stop until he crams 25-hours worth of work into a 24-hour day.

That is where their similarities end, cependant.

In the lead-in to their fight, Jones has been vocal in his predictions that he will finish Harvey quickly by knocking him out in the first round if the fight stays standing.

Harvey, d'autre part, has been relatively quiet before their five-round Featherweight Championship bout.

Jones was at it again recently when he joined Craig Allen onFight Night Picks to talk about his upcoming showdown with Harvey.

“I think Harvey likes to look good,” Jones stated. “I think he likes to protect his face and look pretty. Si, I think when I start smashing on him, he’s going to cover up and bail out really quick.”

The lone blemish on Harvey’s record-to-date came back in November when he fought to a draw withThe Ultimate Fighter finalist Joe Giannetti at a show in Massachusetts. Many in attendance felt that Harvey won the bout.

Jones, pendant ce temps, saw the fight and wasn’t impressed with Harvey’s performance.

"[Harvey’s fight with] Giannetti was more of a hugging match,” Jones told Allen. “Two guys just kind-of hanging on to each other for 15-minutes, no damage done. I’m going to throw down and fire until there’s no more bullets to come out. It’s going to be exciting, J'ai hâte. "

At 40-years old, Jones knows that age eventually gets the better of every combat sports athlete and that, de façon réaliste, he’s looking at his final few fights. Fully aware of this, Jones is pleased to be finishing out his career back home with New England Fights.

“It’s good to bring it back home toward the end of my career,” Jones stated. “It will be nice to bang out Harvey here and maybe get that fight with Lacey, like they were talking about, and close it out with him. We’ll see where it goes.”

“It’s not about the money for me anymore—it’s not about the sponsors. It’s about the competition,” Jones concluded. “I want to go out there and kick some more ass. I make plenty of money doing my day job, so it is what it is—let’s go beat people up.”

To listen to the full interview with Bill Jones visit:

prochain événement mixte arts martiaux de NEF, "NEF 37: SUB ZERO,” will take place on Friday, Février 1, 2019 au Centre Croix-Assurance à Bangor, Maine avec un temps de cloche de 8 pm. Tickets are on-sale now atwww.CrossInsuranceCenter.com.

À propos de la Nouvelle-Angleterre Fights

Combats Nouvelle-Angleterre (“NEF”) est une entreprise de promotions événements lutte. La mission de NEF est de créer les plus hauts événements de qualité pour les combattants et les fans. Équipe de direction de NEF possède une vaste expérience dans la gestion des sports de combat, production d'événements, relations avec les médias, commercialisation, juridique et la publicité.


Bill “Jonesi” Jones has seen and done it all during a decorated mixed martial arts (MMA) career that spans back more than a decade. Sur Février 1st, he’ll look to add another noteworthy accomplishment to his deep fight resume when he faces highly touted, undefeated prospect Josh “Hook-On” Harvey for the New England Fights (NEF) professional Featherweight Championship in the main event at “NEF 37: SUB ZERO” in Bangor, Maine. Jones recently discussed his storied record and his upcoming championship bout with Ryan Jarrell and Bryan Stackpole on the Between Rounds Radio Podcast.

Jones made his MMA debut in September 2007. Over the course of more than 20-bouts, he fought and defeated a who’s-who of New England’s top-tier combat sports athletes, including multiple opponents that went on to compete in the world’s largest promotions such as the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), Ligue des combattants professionnels (formally known as WSOF), et Bellator. Jones holds wins over UFC veterans Matt Bessette and Tateki Matsuda. It’s this experience against high-level competition that Jones believes will give him an edge over Harvey on February 1st.

“I’ve won fights and I’ve lost fights in the Northeast, but a good portion of my fights were top contenders at 155 or 145,” Jones told Jarrell and Stackpole. “Harvey’s never really fought—other than his last fight that he fought to a decision and he didn’t really show anything in—he’s never fought anybody to the caliber of the guys that I’ve fought. Si, I feel really good about that going into this fight.”

“I’m going to bust ass and smash through this guy,” Jones added.

Bill made his highly anticipated debut with NEF in April 2018, finishing Matt Denning in the second round via technical knockout.

“Beating Denning pretty decisively the way I did—it felt good to get back in the win column, but it still doesn’t show me,” Jones said. “I feel like I should have beat him in the first round, not the second round.”

The win set-up Jones for a title match showdown with Aaron Lacey for the vacant professional featherweight championship in November 2018, but the bout was scrapped when Lacey sustained an injury that forced him to withdraw.

“When he backed out, I was super, extremely disappointed,” Jones explained. “I was extremely disappointed… Lacey’s more of a 145-pound fighter. Harvey, if he makes weight at 145, he is going to have a really rough night because it’s just going to be a lot of weight for him to cut. Après le premier tour, if he makes it out of it, it’s going to wear on him.”

“In my brain, I knew he [Lacey] wasn’t going to make it out of the first round with me—it was a win,” Jones continued. “It was just one of those fights where you knew, you walked in there, and you walked out victorious. I know it’s a tougher fight with Harvey, but in my mind, it’s the same fight.”

With Lacey currently on the sidelines, Lacey’s teammate, fast rising Josh “Hook-On” Harvey, agreed to step in and put his 5-0-1 record on the line against Jones in the feature fight for NEF’s 2019 return to Bangor.

“Every fight that I’ve watched him [Harvey] lutte, it seems like he comes out and tries to stand with them, but then as soon as they start throwing back, I feel like he gets nervous and shoots,” Jones said. "Donc, he flashes off like he’s a standup fighter, but then as soon as they start to attack, he instantly shoots. So that, dans mon esprit, makes me feel like he’s a pretty boy that doesn’t want to get hurt. He doesn’t want to get hit.”

“I feel like he’s going to crumble under the pace that I put on him. I’m a more of an attack, in-your-face fighter and I feel like he’s going to fold under that.”

When “Jonesi” and Hook-On” face-off on February 1st, it will be in the heart of winter in Maine, hence the title of the aptly named event, “Sub Zero.” Unlike many combat athletes that try to avoid cutting weight over the long holiday season, Jones, who works full-time during the day as a roofing foreman supervising a crew of 12 laborers, prefers competing during the winter months.

“Wintertime is always a good time for me to train,” Jones explained to Jarrell and Stackpole. “I get out of work fairly early in the wintertime. We work dark-to-dark in the summer, so I don’t get home until 6, 7, 8 o’clock—so it’s hard to make it to the gym. So winter time is a real good training schedule for me.”

Jones, who normally walks around at 155-pounds despite the admission that he normally “eats out of gas stations” when he’s not in fight camp, predicts no problems whatsoever in terms of making the championship scratch weight limit of 145-pounds. When asked, cependant, on whether he thinks his opponent will make the weight, he couldn’t express the same confidence.

“I have trouble seeing Harvey making weight for the fight,” Jones said. “I’m going to fight him either way, whatever weight he walks in at. Mais, I believe that Lacey is really the one that is in line for it. Je veux dire, Harvey hasn’t made weight for a fight at 45 dans un moment. The fight he just had with Joe-Joe [Gianetti] that he just kind-of held on to the whole time, he missed weight by four or five pounds…. He’s going to have a tough time making that weight.”

Regardless of the weight, Jones is unwavering in his belief that he has the tools to put the first loss on Harvey’s record. Harvey, not known for losing frequently in any combat sport, was also a multiple-time state champion wrestler.

“I think he’s going to try to wrestle me,” Jones said. “I think he’s going to try to take me down and win by wearing me out… If he lets it stay standing, I’ll probably knock him out in the first round.”

Having kicked a 25-year smoking habit a few years ago, Jones feels revitalized and better than ever and ready for the challenge in front of him on February 1st.

“I really want to win that belt,"Il a dit. “I’m 40-years old. Life moves on and I don’t know how many more years I got to push into the sport, but it’s a good time for me.

“I don’t look at it as a job like everybody else, or something that I dream to do,” Jones explained. «J'aime à se battre. I love the atmosphere of it, I love the competition of it.

“I want to end my career on a high note.”

prochain événement mixte arts martiaux de NEF, "NEF 37: SUB ZERO,” will take place on Friday, Février 1, 2019 au Centre Croix-Assurance à Bangor, Maine avec un temps de cloche de 8 pm. Tickets are on-sale now atwww.CrossInsuranceCenter.com.

À propos de la Nouvelle-Angleterre Fights

Combats Nouvelle-Angleterre (“NEF”) est une entreprise de promotions événements lutte. La mission de NEF est de créer les plus hauts événements de qualité pour les combattants et les fans. Équipe de direction de NEF possède une vaste expérience dans la gestion des sports de combat, production d'événements, relations avec les médias, commercialisation, juridique et la publicité.


Bangor, Maine (Janvier 18, 2019) - Combats Nouvelle-Angleterre (NEF) tiendra son prochain événement mixtes arts martiaux, “NEF 37: sub Zero,” vendredi, Février 1, 2019 au Centre Croix-Assurance à Bangor, Maine. Plus tôt aujourd'hui,, a annoncé la promotion de la carte de combat complet pour l'événement.

Dans l'événement principal de la soirée, Josh “Hook On” Harvey(5-0-1) fera faceFacture “Jonesi” Jones(13-10) for the vacant NEF MMA Professional Featherweight Title. Harvey is coming off a very controversial majority draw in Massachusetts last fall against UFC veteran Joe Giannetti (6-1-1).  Many observers felt that Harvey had dominated Giannetti for three rounds and Giannetti was only saved by a hometown decision. Prior to that time, Harvey had a perfect professional record with five straight wins in the NEF cage. Bill Jones is a pioneer of the New England MMA scene. Jones, a member of Nostos MMA, vanquished Matt Denning (5-8) last spring at “NEF 33” à Portland, Maine via second-round technical knockout.

Harvey’s Young’s MMA teammateCJ Ewer (3-2) will be in action in the co-main event against The Academy’smarque “PocketsGardner (0-0) at a catchweight of 180-pounds. Ewer is the reigning NEF MMA Professional Middleweight Champion. Gardner makes his pro debut after a stellar amateur career that saw him finish all three of his opponents.

Ricky Dexter (1-0), also of Young’s MMA, rounds out the professional portion of the card against Ruben Redman (0-2) in a welterweight contest. Both fighters have not competed in the cage in two years. Dexter is the former NEF MMA Amateur Welterweight Champion.

Fred Lear(6-2) will headline the amateur card withZac Richard(3-0) in a bout for the vacant NEF MMA Amateur Featherweight Title. Lear has previously held the amateur bantamweight strap and will look to make NEF history as the first athlete to win titles in different weight divisions within the promotion. Zac Richard was voted the “2018 Recrue de l'année” by NEF fans after cutting down all three of his previous opponents in the first round last year.

It will be a family affair asRoger Ewer(1-0), brother and Young’s MMA teammate of co-main-event competitor CJ Ewer, répondBryce Bamford (2-0) of First Class MMA in an amateur heavyweight fight. This will be the second time the Ewer brothers have fought together on a card in Bangor, the first being in August 2017 à “NEF 30.

Also featured on the amateur portion of the fight card will be two women’s fights. “2018 Rookie of the Yearrunner-upgloire Watson (2-0) will face her toughest challenge to date in the form of Wisconsin’s Rachael Lippert(4-2), tandis queCatie Denning (1-1) takes on the debutingAmanda Bennett (0-0) of First Class MMA. Watson and Denning are two members of the group known affectionately among teammates and fans asChris’s Angelsas they train under Chris Young at Young’s MMA in Bangor.

Tickets are sold-out at the box office and Ticketmaster, but fans can still contact NEF through its Facebook page, “Combats Nouvelle-Angleterre,” as the promotion still has a very limited number of tickets available for direct sale. Tickets will be sold on a first-come/first-served basis until they run out.

The fullNEF 37” carte de combat (sujettes à modification et l'approbation du Combat Sports Authority du Maine):


145*TITRE Josh Harvey 5-0-1 (MMA de Young) vs Bill Jones 13-11 (Nostos)

180 CJ Aiguière 3-2 (Young’s MMA) vs Mark Gardner 0-0 (L'Académie)

170 Ricky Dexter 1-0 (MMA de Young) vs Ruben Redman 0-2 (Indépendant)


145*TITLE Fred Lear 6-2 (Young’s MMA) vs Zac Richard 3-0 (Nostos)

155 Taylor Bartlett 1-1-1 (CMBJJ) vs Devin Corson 1-1 (The Outlet)

145 Catie Denning 1-1 (MMA de Young) vs Amanda Bennett 0-0 (First Class MMA)

130 Brady Macdonald 1-1 (Pictou County Jiu-Jitsu) vs Jake Bagley 0-0 (Nostos)

265 Roger Ewer 1-0 (MMA de Young) vs Bryce Bamford 2-0 (First Class MMA)

135 Jordan Young 1-2 (MMA de Young) vs Clifford Redman 0-7 (Indépendant)

135 Nate Boucher 3-3 (CMBJJ) vs Dillon Henry 0-0 (First Class MMA)

125 gloire Watson 2-0 (MMA de Young) vs Rachael Lippert 4-2 (Fearless MMA)

145 Rob Kiah 1-0 (Young’s MMA) vs Joe Howard 1-1 (CMBJJ)

prochain événement mixte arts martiaux de NEF, “NEF 37: SUB ZERO,” aura lieu le vendredi, Février 1, 2019 at Cross Insurance Center in Bangor, Maine avec un temps de cloche de 8 pm. A very limited number of tickets are still on-sale by contacting NEF directly through its Facebook page “Combats de la Nouvelle-Angleterre.”

About New England Fights

Combats Nouvelle-Angleterre (“NEF”) est une entreprise de promotions événements lutte. NEF’s mission is to create the highest quality events for fighters and fans alike. NEF’s executive team has extensive experience in combat sports management, production d'événements, media relations, commercialisation, juridique et la publicité. ��