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L'équipe Ortiz quitte le tirage au sort contesté Se sentant confiant Invaincu Léger Jamaine Ortiz a fait une déclaration bruyante

WORCESTER, Masse. (Avril 29, 2021) – Malgré un nul contesté avec invaincuJoseph Adorno «Mains bénies» (14-0-2, 12 KOs) samedi soir dernier à Kissimmee, Floride, perspective légèreJamaine «Le technicien» Ortiz (14-0-1, 8 KOs) a montré ses vastes compétences et son courage sur ESPN +.

Récupération de deux renversements (le premier d'un coup de poing illégal derrière la tête) et toujours en train de se battre contre le combattant du promoteur, Ortiz a remporté six des huit manches mais, malheureusement, il a dû se contenter d'un tirage à la majorité en 8 tours avec (76-74, 75-75-75) Adorno.

Ortiz, sortir de Worcester, Massachusetts, est le WBC USNBC en titre (NOUS.) Champion des poids légers en argent, ainsi qu'une ancienne titlist des poids légers WBC World Youth.

"Je n'ai pas combattu mon combat,” Ortiz a évalué sa performance. "Je me suis trop battu au lieu d'être" le technicien ". Avant le combat, Je pensais que j'étais le combattant de la face B et je voulais faire plaisir à la foule. Je ne savais pas que j'étais sur le côté A (merci à son promoteur, Jimmy Burchfield) et le favori des paris. Je combattais un gars de Top Rank et je sentais que je devais lui apporter le combat. Mémoire musculaire, Je suppose, de retour chez les amateurs. Je me battais sur sa scène, alors je lui mets la pression. Si le combat allait loin, Je voulais m'assurer que le score était clair et évident. Je savais que je le briserais parce que j'avais une meilleure endurance et de meilleures compétences.

"Je l'ai trop combattu, mais je pensais toujours que j'avais gagné le combat. le 76-74 score avait du sens. J'ai gagné tous les tours sauf le deuxième et le septième (séries de renversements).  Je n'étais pas d'accord avec le seul juge qui l'avait (Adorno) gagner le sixième. Il m'a frappé derrière la tête au troisième round et j'étais déséquilibré. Mais l'arbitre fait son boulot et le mien c'est de se battre. Je ne pouvais rien y faire. Le plan était de le boxer, aller au corps, mais ne pas changer de position car cela m'exposerait. Je devais aller au corps, toujours partie de mon plan, mais je n'étais pas « le technicien ». Parfois, je change de position sans m'en rendre compte. Je me suis fait couper au septième tour (uppercut qui a abouti à un standing 8 compter) quand je changeais pour la première fois. Je l'ai géré comme un pro. Je me suis levé et je me suis senti bien. J'ai survécu au tour en me tenant quelques fois, puis je suis revenu. »

Burchfield, responsable des sports classiques et du divertissement (PDG), sait qu'Ortiz a montré qu'il est quelqu'un avec qui les poids légers devront compter dans un avenir immédiat.

« Le stock de Jamaine a augmenté pour le deuxième combat consécutif (en novembre dernier, il a enregistré un arrêt sensationnel deSulaiman Segawa (13-3-1, 4 KOs), qui n'avait jamais été arrêté auparavant, en septième ronde sur le Mike Tyson-Roy Jones, Jr. paiement par événement),», a ajouté Burchfield. « Adorno est un animal quand il contrôle un combat. Jamaine a dû prendre le contrôle du combat en étant l'agresseur mais, comme « le technicien, savoir quand se battre et quand boxer. Le coup de poing au deuxième tour a été, certainement, vraiment, défénétivement, derrière la tête, clairement une faute, et c'était plus un glissement qu'un renversement parce qu'il était déséquilibré. Si ce coup de poing était refusé, Jamaine gagne le combat, même s'il avait perdu la manche. Il (Emil Lombardi) est une référence de qualité qui s'est trompée. Peut-être qu'il ne l'a pas attrapé à cause de l'angle qu'il avait, c'est pourquoi je crois fermement à la relecture instantanée, et il aurait été jugé non renversant.

« En entrant dans le septième, Je pensais que Jamaine était dirigé par 2-3 points ayant remporté cinq des six tours précédents. Jamaine a montré au monde son endurance lorsqu'il est revenu si fort au huitième tour. Si le combat avait duré 10 rounds, ou même 30 secondes de plus, pas de manque de respect envers Adorno, Jamaine l'aurait assommé. Jamaine est la vraie affaire. Il a certainement prouvé qu'il était sympathique à la télévision après ses deux derniers combats et il mérite d'être mentionné parmi les meilleurs 135 livres au monde. N'importe quels preneurs?"

Gérant d'Ortiz, Dick Shappy, eu des émotions mitigées après le combat, comprendre qu'Ortiz a relevé la barre, même s'il s'est battu pour un match nul.

"J'aurais aimé qu'il gagne," Shappy a fait remarquer, "mais un match nul n'était pas si mal dans les circonstances. Je pensais que Jamaine avait gagné le combat d'emblée. Sinon pour ce coup de poing illégal dans le deuxième, il a gagné le combat sur leurs tableaux de bord. Il n'aurait toujours pas dû être jugé comme un renversement, plus d'un glissement, car il avançait et perdait l'équilibre. Il n'aurait jamais dû être 10-8. Adorno aurait perdu s'ils avaient dû se qualifier pour les rondes de championnat. Jamaine était plus habile, il a fait du bon travail.

Comptez pas moins que l'ancien médaillé d'or olympique et champion du monde en 2 divisionsAndre Ward, qui a servi de commentateur couleur pour Ortiz-Adorno, parmi ceux qui ont été impressionnés par Ortiz.

"Ortiz a surpassé Adorno, aucun doute, et il n'a jamais reculé," Ward a commenté à l'antenne. "Je veux voir plus d'Ortiz!'

Aussi divertissant qu'ait été Ortiz-Adorno – il a peut-être volé tout le spectacle – il est peu probable qu'il y ait une revanche.

"Je ne pense pas qu'il veuille me combattre à nouveau," a rapporté Ortiz. "Il a dit quelque chose à propos de peut-être quand nous aurons tous les deux des ceintures de titre mondial."

Ortiz a profité des formidables opportunités d'exposition mondiale lors de ses deux derniers combats. Sa récompense viendra certainement, à l'heure, augmenter les cotes alors que les gens continuent de sauter dans le train « The Technician ».

Jamaine Ortiz, poids léger invaincu, affronte Joseph Adorno, invaincu

Le technicien »vs. «Mains bénies»

Ce samedi en Floride sur ESPN +

WORCESTER, Masse. (Avril 19, 2021) - Les prospects invaincus avec des victoires à deux chiffres se battent rarement en raison du risque perçu comme les poids légersJamaine «Le technicien» Ortiz (14-0, 8 KOs) etJoseph Adorno «Mains bénies» (14-0-1, 12 KOs) fera ce samedi soir, Avril 24e, au Silver Spurs Arena de Kissimmee, Floride.

Le 8-roundOrnement vs. Ortiz lutte, diffusion en direct surESPN +, sera sur la carte Top Rank en tête d'affiche (sur ESPN) par Champion du monde poids plume WBOEmanuel Navarette (32-1, 24 KOs) défendre son titre contre challengerChristophe Diaz (26-2, 16 KOs).    

Les deux jeunes poids légers ont été décorés de boxeurs amateurs américains qui sont des étoiles montantes dans la division sans doute la plus chargée de la boxe.

«Je compte les jours,»A dit Ortiz à propos de son combat avec Adorno. «Je me suis entraîné dur toute ma vie. Quand une opportunité comme celle-ci se présente, Je suis prêt à faire mes preuves. Je pense que je vais avoir une performance spectaculaire et impressionner le public comme je le fais habituellement. Je me bats sur une autre grande carte; Je monte et non pas. »

Le WBC USNBC régnant (NOUS.) Champion des poids légers en argent, en plus d'être un ancien titlist léger de WBC World Youth, Ortiz, 24 ans, a récemment percé le sommet 40 dans les classements WBC à 31, et il est également classé non. 5 par le NABF.

Ortiz sort d'un sensationnel, knock-out de haut niveauSulaiman Segawa (13-3-1, 4 KOs), qui n'avait jamais été arrêté, au septième tour en novembre dernier sur le Mike Tyson-Roy Jones, Jr. événement à la carte.

Le seul défaut du record professionnel d'Adorno, âgé de 21 ans, est survenu lors de son dernier combat., de retour en janvier 11, 2020, quand il a combattu un tirage au sort en 8 rounds avecHector Garcia (14-7-3).  Né dans le New Jersey et élevé à Porto Rico, Adorno vit et s'entraîne à Allentown, Pennsylvanie.

Ortiz peut étonnamment avoir ce qui équivaut à un avantage de «ville natale», au moins en termes de soutien vocal, en grande partie parce que beaucoup de ses amis et de sa famille de la Nouvelle-Angleterre se rendent en Floride pour assister au combat, avec ses fans de Floride.

«Mon père vivait en Floride et je lui ai rendu visite pendant les étés, et je suis allé en deuxième année là-bas,»Expliqua Ortiz. «J'ai une grande base familiale à Orlando. Beaucoup de membres de la famille et d'amis de Worcester vont au combat. Je suis surpris du nombre de personnes qui seront là pour moi. "

Ortiz est promu parJimmy BurchfieldDivertissements et sports classiques (CES), qui co-promouvraOrnement vs. Ortiz avec Top Rank, et géré parDick Shappy

«Les deux équipes doivent être félicitées pour avoir combattu comme celui-ci.» A commenté Burchfield. «Deux invaincus, les jeunes boxeurs comme celui-ci se battent entre eux, c'est ce qu'est la vraie boxe. Bob Arum, Carl Moretti Team Top Rank est mon ami depuis tant d'années.

«Nous sommes devenus Jamaine pro et pendant toutes ces années en tant que promoteur (32Dakota du Nord), peut être, chaque décennie environ vous en avez un spécial comme Jamaine, qui peut devenir le futur de la boxe. Quand tu trouves un combattant qui peut boxer, punch and set-up his punches very well, he’s special and I feel Jamaine is special like that, not only in the ring but outside as well. I don’t worry about getting a late-night call about him. He is a total professional, no distractions with him. Jamaine works as a carpenter, he’s learning the real estate business, and he’s also looking into the medical field in the future. He reminds me ofSugar Ray Leonard etOscar De Lay Hoya.  He has that charisma and is a technician in the ring. A very smart kid in the ring. He has a spectacular team of managers and trainer to work with, aussi."

“For many years,” Shappy added, “our management team (y comprisEddie Imondi) had been searching for the right boxer to come along that had the potential to be a world champ. We are very confident that we have found that person, Jamaine ‘The Technician’ Ortiz.”

Rare as it may be in boxing, the reward is ultimately worth the risk for these legitimate fighters, Ortiz and Adormo.


17 février, NYC — China’s Meng Fanlong (16-0, 10 KOs) will fight IBF & WBC light heavyweight champion, Artur Beterbiev (15-0, 15 KOs), March 28th at the Videotron Center in Quebec City, Canada. Beterbiev vs.. Meng is presented by Top Rank in association with Groupe Yvon Michel and Gestev, and will be broadcast live on ESPN along with a co-feature bout at 10 PM ET.

Fanlong, who is from Chifeng, Inner Mongolia China, has more than just his world title shot on his mind. His home country has been essentially shut down due to the recent Coronavirus outbreak.

“The majority of my country has been shut down for weeks.” Says Meng. “My fellow citizens need something to help them escape from this very difficult time. I hope to bring some positivity, happiness, and joy to them with this fight. I want to put pride in their hearts.”

On the 28th of March, Meng will be stepping into the ring with one of boxing’s most dangerous punchers. Champion Artur Beterbiev has won all of his professional fights by knockoutincluding his thrilling title unification bout against Oleksandr Gvozdyck in October. Meng was in attendance that night in Philadelphia and observed with great interest.

But facing one of boxing’s most dangerous fighters in the ring pales in comparison to the concerns and troubles that are affecting hundreds of millions of Chinese across the globe.

“Fanlong is the best Chinese fighter in the worldeveryone will learn that on March 28th.” Says Meng advisor Tommy Lane. “This is a historic fight because he is the first Chinese boxer to fight for the light heavyweight championship. And with what is going on with coronavirus, this is a fight that can bring joy and positive energy to the people at this challenging time.”

It is unknown when the coronavirus will be under control or when the citizens of the The People’s Republic of China can get back to normal life.

“My country needs me. We will get through this.”

Tickets for Beterbiev vs. Meng can be purchased at or the Videotron Center box office Meng. More event details will be announced at a later time. For interview requests and media opportunities, please contact Terry

#BeterbievMengofficial hashtag


Meng Fanlong est une Chinoise, invaincu, boxeur professionnel qui concourt dans la division des poids lourds légers. Meng a une longue liste de réalisations en boxe amateur, y compris gagner une place sur le 2012 Chinese Olympic team. He is now the number one ranked light heavyweight contender.


New York City Based « Lane Brothers Boxing » a été fondée en 2019 by brothers Terry and Tommy Lane. The Lane brothers have worked in professional boxing for nearly fifteen years, et utilisent maintenant leur expertise de l'industrie pour conseiller les meilleurs talents internationaux de la boxe. Terry et Tommy sont les fils de l'ancien arbitre Mills Lane.


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Unbeaten WBC Heavyweight Champion Wilder & Undefeated Lineal Heavyweight Champion Fury Square Off in Highly Anticipated Rematch Taking Place Saturday, Février 22 dans l'événement historique Mega PPV du MGM Grand Garden Arena de Las Vegas

LAS VEGAS (Février 13, 2020) – The upcoming rematch between WBC Heavyweight Champion Deontay “Le Bomber Bronze” Wilder and lineal champion Tyson “Le roi tsigane” Fureur is the biggest heavyweight title fight in history.


Standing 6’7″ et 6'9″ respectivement, Wilder and Fury create the greatest combined height ever seen in a bout for the WBC, Ring Magazine and lineal heavyweight titles, standing a collective 13 feet and 4 inches. The only heavyweight title bouttaller,” pour ainsi dire, took place in 2007, when the 7-foot Nikolay Valuev defended his WBA heavyweight title against the 6’6″ Jameel McCline. But never before have the sport’s very best big men been as large as they are today.

To put in perspective how large Wilder and Fury are, it’s best to compare them to the land of giants: The NBA. Consider the fact that at 6’7and in the neighborhood of 220 livres, Wilder is the same size as Los Angeles Clippers small forward Kawhi Leonard. Fureur, pendant ce temps, is nearly identical to LeBron James in terms of height and weight.

These days, a look at the Top 10 of any rankings you choose shows that most contenders are built like Super Bowl champion tight end Travis Kelce, who stands 6’6and weighs around 250 livres.

As anyone who watched the thrilling first contest between Wilder and Fury will know, the two are indeed athletes, far from the lumbering behemoths you might expect men of their measurements to be. Wilder might be known for his titanic one-punch power, but he’s displayed some truly dynamic movement in the ring as well. Go watch the tape of his knockout of Bermane Stiverne and watch him bound laterally to create angles before landing his devastating shots, juking like a wide receiver in the open field, and you can see why Wilder dreamt of playing college football at Alabama when he was in high school.

Fury never dreamt of doing anything other than boxing-how could you when you were named after a heavyweight legend and born into a family rich with fighting history in Ireland. But the “Gypsy King” was also born with remarkable nimbleness to go along with a lifetime of developed boxing acumen, gliding around the ring and boxing with a style that would befit a welterweight, not a power forward-sized heavyweight.

Wilder and Fury are distinctive because ironically, giants aren’t usually dominant in sporting fields. While some have been all-time greats-i.e. the 6’9Boston Bruins defenseman Zdeno Chara, who is a lock for the Hockey Hall of Fame-often times big men are known mostly just for being big, and don’t reach the pinnacle of their sport. And understandably so. Being colossally large is often a hindrance in as many ways as it’s an advantage, particularly when it comes to movement and dexterity. The NFL’s tallest player, seven-footer Richard Singh, played just eight career games, the MLB’s all-time tallest player, the 6’11Jon Rauch, was a journeyman reliever, and tennis’ 6'dix” and 6’11skyscrapers Ivo Karlovic, John Isner and Rilley Opelka have no majors to their names.

As human beings have become bigger and stronger over the years, naturellement, so have boxers. Rocky Marciano, standing 5’10 ½and weighing just above 180 livres, would be a tiny cruiserweight by today’s standards. Joe Louis and Muhammad Ali, considered by many to be the two greatest heavyweights of all-time, and certainly not tiny fighters in their time, stood 6’1 ½and 6’3″ respectivement. Theoretically, Louis would give up nine inches in reach to Fury, whose wingspan is 85″. There were outliers in earlier eras, of course-Jess Willard and Ernie Terrell were 6’6and above and captured heavyweight titles-but for decades it was possible to be the size of a modern cruiserweight and not just compete, but be an imposing figure in the division.

Things began to change in the late 80s and 90s, when Tony Tucker, Riddick Bowe and Lennox Lewis, a trio of 6’6heavies captured belts. But the modern era was ushered in by Vitali and Wladimir Klitscko, the 6’6brothers who essentially ruled the division for the better part of a decade before Fury unseated Wladimir for the lineal crown in 2015.

Boxing has had its share of giants through the years, many of which have fallen short of the elite levels. In recent times, fans will remember the much-hyped American prospect Tye Fields, a towering 6’8southpaw who despite a massive amount of hype, never fought for a world title. Julius “Le Towering Inferno” Long started his career 5-0, and at 7’1with a 90reach looked like a force to be reckoned with, before settling in as one of the sport’s most notorious journeymen and reliable sparring partners.

Wilder and Fury are a remarkable blend of size and athleticism and are bucking the trend that you can betoo bigto be great. As the rematch nears, it’s exciting-or perhaps scary-to think about the next evolution of heavyweights that will come after these two. There was a time when the great George Foreman, at 6’3and with a 78″ atteindre, or Larry Holmes at 6’3with an 81″ atteindre, were considered among the most daunting physical presences to ever step in the ring. But Wilder and Fury have set a new physical standard. Will NBA-sized heavyweights become the norm in the coming years?

At least for the moment, Wilder and Fury are far from normal. They’re colossal presences, ben oui, but they’re also the two very best heavyweights in the world at the peak of their powers, looking to follow up one of the most memorable fights, and hotly debated draws in recent history.

Who will stand tall on February 22?

# # #

Wilder vs. Fury II will see the highly anticipated rematch between unbeaten WBC Heavyweight World Champion Deontay “Le Bomber Bronze” Wilder and undefeated lineal champion Tyson “Le roi tsigane” Fury as they headline a historic, mega PPV event Saturday, Février 22 de la Garden Arena MGM Grand à Las Vegas.

Le Wilder vs. Fury II PPV begins at 9 p.m. HE / 6 h, heure. PT and features former heavyweight world champion Charles Martin squaring off against former title challenger Gerald “Le Coq Noir” Washington for a 12-round IBF Heavyweight Title eliminator in the co-main event. WBO Junior Featherweight World Champion Emanuel “Cow-boy” Navarrete, alias “L'Iron Man mexicain” will defend his title against Filipino contender Jeo Santisima in the PPV featured bout. Plus, in the PPV opener, super welterweight sensation Sebastian “Le Towering Inferno” Fundora will face 2016 Australian Olympian Daniel Lewis in a 10-round battle of unbeatens.

Les billets pour l'événement sont en vente maintenant et peuvent être achetés à ou L'événement est promu par BombZquad Promotions, TGB Promotions, Top Rank et promotions Queensberry de Frank Warren. Une présentation Premier Boxing Champions.

Pour plus d'informations: visite,, http://www.
, et, suivre sur TwitterPremierBoxing, @trboxing, @PBConFOX, Foxsports, FOXDeportes, @ESPN, @ESPNRingside, TGBPromotions, et @Swanson_Comm ou devenez fan sur Facebook à,,, et


Quartet of World Champions Anchor FOX Sports and ESPN
Wilder vs. Fury II Pay-Per-View Broadcast

Wilder vs. Fury II on FOX Sports PPV and ESPN+ PPV,
a Historic Joint Presentation, Starting Saturday, Février. 22 à 9:00 PM ET

LAS VEGAS – Aujourd'hui, FOX Sports and ESPN announced an extensive Wilder vs. Fury II fight week and fight night programming lineup in advance of the highly anticipated rematch between undefeated heavyweight champion Deontay “Le Bomber Bronze” Wilder and unbeaten lineal champion Tyson “Le roi tsigane” Fureur aura lieu le samedi, Février. 22, in a historic, joint presentation by FOX Sports PPV and ESPN+ PPV live from the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas.

Le Wilder vs. Fury II PPV begins at 9:00 PM ET and features former heavyweight world champion Charles Martin squaring off against former title challenger Gerald “Le Coq Noir” Washington in a 12-round IBF Heavyweight Title eliminator as the co-main event. WBO Junior Featherweight World Champion Emanuel “Cow-boy” Navarrete, alias “L'Iron Man mexicain” will defend his title against Filipino contender Jeo Santisima in the PPV featured bout. Plus in the PPV opener, sensation super poids welter Sébastien “Le Towering Inferno” Fundora fera face 2016 Olympien australien Daniel Lewis dans une bataille d'invaincus en 10 rounds.

Prelims will begin at 7:30 PM ET on FS1, ESPNEWS and in Spanish on FOX Deportes and ESPN3, featuring two explosive bouts. ESPNEWScoverage will switch to ESPN at 8:00 PM ET.

Fight week and fight night programming will feature a quartet of former champions and current FOX Sports and ESPN analysts, including three-time world heavyweight champion Lennox Lewis, former two-division world champion and 2004 U.S.. Médaillé d'or olympique Andre Ward, deux fois champion du monde poids welter Shawn Porter and future Hall of Famer Timothy Bradley. Lewis and Ward will join ESPN veteran broadcaster Joe Tessitore for ringside commentary. Bradley and Porter will join ESPN’s max Kellerman et FOX Sports’ Brian Kenny (hôte) live on the desk. ESPN’s boxing insiders Mark Kriegel et Bernardo Osuna will serve as reporters alongside FOX SportsKate Abdo. Boxing Hall of Famer Larry Hazzard Sr. will serve as the unofficial scorer and rules expert, while Jimmy Lennon, Jr. will serve as ring announcer. Spanish-language coverage from site includes play-by-play from ESPN DeportesJorge Eduardo Sánchez and FOX DeportesAdrián García Márquez, alongside former champions Juan Manuel Márquez (ESPN) and Hall of Famer Erik “Terrible” Morales (FOX Sports) on the analysis. ESPN’ David Faitelson and FOX DeportesJaime Motta will provide commentary.

FOX Sports and ESPN’s presentation of Wilder vs. Fury II will feature unique production upgrades to bring fans closer to the ring and deliver views that enhance their experience. The production will include 35 camerasunprecedented for an ESPN boxing productionseven super-slow-motion and six robotic cameras, a 4D camera system that allows 360 degree replays, a mini FlyCam, a JITA camera for unique shots, as well as bumper corner cameras.

Covering the historic heavyweight battle, FOX Sports and ESPN will be producing an unprecedented amount of content from numerous locations in Las Vegas starting Tuesday, Février. 18. Lead up coverage includes:

SportsCenter on the Road (Tuesday-Sunday, from MGM Grand set near KÀ Theater): Toni Collins, Mark Kriegel, Bernardo Osuna, Joe Tessitore and Stan Verrett rotate to host segments for ESPN’s flagship news and information program.
Wilder vs. Fury II Final Press Conference (Wednesday at 4:30 PM ET on FS1 and ESPN2): Watch Joe Tessitore, Brian Kenny and Shawn Porter preview Saturday’s showdown, while Kate Abdo hosts the fighters in their final press conference from the MGM Grand Garden Arena. Spanish-language coverage on ESPN Deportes and FOX Deportes.
Wilder vs. Fury II Official Weigh-In: (Vendredi à 6:00 PM ET on FS1 and ESPN2 from the MGM Grand Garden Arena): Joe Tessitore, Brian Kenny and Shawn Porter discuss the heavyweight title fight, while Kate Abdo reports. Spanish-language coverage on ESPN Deportes and FOX Deportes.
Wilder vs. Fury II Pre-Show on ABC: Will feature Joe Tessitore from the desk, with ringside analysis from Tim Bradley, max Kellerman, Mark Kriegel, and Andre Ward, and reports from Bernardo Osuna.
Max on Boxing (Mardi & Thursday from MGM Grand set near KÀ Theater; Mercredi & Friday from the MGM Grand Garden Arena): ESPN’s boxing series hosted by Max Kellerman airing on ESPN2 at 5:00 PM ET, Mardi, Jeudi, Friday and 5:30 PM ET on Wednesday. Shows on Tuesday, Jeudi, Friday will each be one hour, while Wednesday will be 30-minutes following the live final press conference.
Speak For Yourself (Wednesday-Friday at 3:00 PM ET on FS1): Jason Whitlock et Marcellus Wiley co-host the 90-minute discussion and opinion-based program live on-set at the MGM Grand Hotel & Casino set near the MGM Grand Race & Sports Book.
First Take (Thursday-Friday at 10:00 AM ET on ESPN): ESPN’s morning debate show hosted by Molly Qerim with commentators Stephen A. Forgeron et max Kellerman will have Smith, Kellerman and Qerim live on-set at the MGM Grand set near KÀ Theater.

Wilder vs. Fureur II Original Content
ESPN RingScience hosted by Andre Ward, exclusively on ESPN+.Countdown: Deontay Wilder contre. Tyson Fury II, one-hour specialgoes behind the scenes and inside the lives of both fighters as they prepare for their long-awaited rematch. Re-airs during fight week across ESPN and FOX Sports platforms.
Inside Wilder vs. Fureur II, an in-depth four part series which looks into the fighter’s preparation leading up to fight night. Re-airs across ESPN and FOX Sports platforms throughout fight week.
Wilder vs. Fureur II: The Roundtable premieres on ESPN Friday, Février. 14.
E60: (Sun at 7:00 PM ET on ESPN): Tyson Fury is a 31-year-old Englishman and unbeaten lineal champion. En 2017, he was on the brink of total self-destruction, and battled depression and anxiety. Sur Février 22, Fury enters the ring to settle old scores when he takes on current WBC champion Deontay Wilder. Before he does, Fury sits down with Et:60 reporter Jeremy Schaap to discuss his demons, the road to recovery and his comeback.
Andre Ward’s Unguarded with Tyson Fury, available now exclusively on ESPN+.
From Martin Rogers on how the epic Wilder vs. Fury rematch will shape the boxing landscape and their legacies.
‘One More Roundwith Wilder and Furyboth fighters break down the pivotal rounds from their first bout
The best ofInside PBC Boxingincluding both fightersKeys to Victory as broken down by Shawn Porter and Abner Mares
A host of original content on @PBConFOX’s social channels, including Wilder and Fury’s Top 3 Knockouts and their Boxing Mount Rushmores
From ESPN.Com: The Tyson Fury rollercoastera look at the highs and lows of a wild career
Mark Kriegel on how Tyson Fury’s decision to change trainers changed everything about this fight
The stories about Deontay Wilder you need to know, as told by those who know him best
Mark Kriegel on how Deontay Wilder became the unlikeliest American boxing icon
Breaking downThe punch”: An oral history of the 12e round in the first Wilder-Fury fight
How does each fighter get the job done? Tim Bradley offers up the gameplan for both fighters (E+)
Social: @ESPNRingside Twitter, Facebook and Instagram

FOX Sports and ESPN Fight Night Schedule for Saturday, Février 22:

Sat., 2/22

Time ET
11:00 AM
*A Los Golpes
1:00 PM
Wilder vs. Fury II Pre-Show (En direct)
5:00 PM
Deontay Wilder contre. Tyson Fury II (Early Undercards)

FOX Sports App, ESPN App unauthenticated (Anglais & Spanish),
6:00 PM
Wilder vs. Fury II Pre Show (ABC Re-air)

7:00 PM
Wilder vs. Fury II Live Pre-Show

FS1, ESPNEWS; Spanish: ESPN3, FOX Sports
7:30 PM
Deontay Wilder contre. Tyson Fury II (Undercards)

Spanish: ESPN3, FOX Sports
8:00 PM
Deontay Wilder contre. Tyson Fury II (Undercards)

Spanish: ESPN3, FOX Sports
9:00 PM
Wilder vs. Fury II PPV
Available on PPV via major cable and satellite providers, FOX Sports app and ESPN+
Conclusion of PPV
Deontay Wilder contre. Tyson Fury II Post Show (En direct)

Conclusion of PPV
En espagnol – Deontay Wilder contre. Tyson Fury II Post Show (En direct)

ESPN, FOX Sports
*slight delay

Carte principale, Undercards and Early Undercards (All times ET)

9:00 PM
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Janvier 18: Eleider Alvarez and Michael Seals Set for Light Heavyweight Slugfest LIVE on ESPN+ at Turning Stone Resort Casino

ESPN+ stream to begin at 10 p.m. HE / 7 h, heure. PT

Undercard bouts will stream live on ESPN+ starting at 6:30 p.m. ET/3:30 p.m. PT.

VERONA, N. Y.. (Novembre. 4, 2019) — Two of the light heavyweight’s division’s most explosive fighters are set for a fistic shootout Saturday, Jan. 18, as former world champion Eleider “Storm” Alvarez will face Michael “Cannon Handz” Seals at Turning Stone Resort Casino.

The 10-round showdown will be contested for the vacant WBC Continental Americas title, and the winner is expected to challenge for a world title in 2020.

Alvarez-Seals and a co-feature will stream live and exclusively on ESPN+, the leading multi-sport streaming service, à partir de 10 p.m. HE / 7 h, heure. PT. Undercard bouts will stream live on ESPN+ starting at 6:30 p.m. ET/3:30 p.m. PT.

Promoted by Top Rank, in association with Groupe Yvon Michel, tickets priced at $89, $75, $69, $62, $59 and $40 go on sale Friday, Novembre. 8 à 10 a.m. ET and can be purchased at the Turning Stone Resort Box Office, charge by phone by calling 800.771.7711 ou en ligne àTicketmaster.

“This is a fantastic fight, une véritable 50-50 matchup featuring two of the division’s best punchers,” said Top Rank chairman Bob Arum. “The light heavyweight division is on fire right now, and the winner will be in a tremendous position.”

“I am very happy to get back in the ring after this long layoff,” Alvarez said. “I am looking at Jan. 18 to reboot my career against a strong puncher, Michael Seals, and begin my campaign to once again be on top of the boxing world. I have a lot of respect for my opponent, mais en 2020, nothing will stop me from becoming a world champion again.”

“First, I would like to thank Top Rank and ESPN for giving Eleider this opportunity, as well as a plan to be very active in 2020,” said Yvon Michel, Alvarez’s co-promoter. “Eleider had a great run before his last fight, beating three former or current world champions in a row: Lucian Bute, Jean Pascal and Sergey Kovalev. The defeat in his rematch with Kovalev was very painful, but also a great learning lesson. Eleider Alvarez belongs with the elite of the light heavyweight division, and he will prove it starting Jan. 18 in Verona.”

“Uncle Bob and Brad Goodman are giving me the opportunity of a lifetime, and I am going to put on a show for them,” Seals said. “Everyone knows that going the distance is against my religion. I’m going to bring the heat, and that’s no secret. Alvarez made a huge mistake in accepting me for his ‘comeback fight.’ When you sign a contract with me, I’m trying to force-feed you some ZzzQuil. This is a tune-up for him but everything for me. I’m not an opponent for the top fighters. I am a top fighter. I want a world title shot, and I won’t let this guy get in the way. He had his time. It’s my time.”

Alvarez (24-1, 12 KOs), the Colombian-born, Montreal-based boxer-puncher has not fought since Feb. 2, when he dropped a unanimous decision to Sergey Kovalev six months after knocking him out to win the WBO light heavyweight world title. Alvarez’s long layoff is due to a torn foot ligament he suffered in training earlier this year. He hopes a win over Seals will earn him another crack at world championship glory.

Phoques (24-2, 18 KOs), a Mobile, Alabama, native who played collegiate football at Alabama A&M, is still one of the division’s heaviest hitters at 37 ans. An 11-year pro, Seals has been involved in many memorable brawls, y compris un 2015 Fight of the Year contender versus Edwin Rodriguez that included five knockdowns in three rounds. Despite falling short versus Rodriguez, Seals’ reputation as a fan-friendly was solidified. Il a remporté quatre dans une rangée, including three by knockout in either first or second round. He is coming off a one-punch, first-round knockout Oct. 18 in Philadelphia against Elio Trosch.

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Undefeated Super Middleweight Cem Kilic to take on Martez McGregor on Saturday, June 15th on FurySchwarz undercard at The MGM Grand in Las Vegas

Beverly Hills, Californie. (Juin 5, 2019) – Invaincu super-moyens Cem Kilic will look to take another step towards the world rankings when he takes on Martez McGregor on Saturday, June 15th at The MGM Grand in Las Vegas.

The fight will be part of the Tyson FuryTom Schwarz undercard.

Kilic of Frankfort, Allemagne, who now calls Los Angeles, California home, a un dossier de 13-0 avec huit KOs.

Le 24 year-old Kilic has upped his resume and reputation thanks to wins over Jerhed Fenderson (1-0), Joe Amouta (7-1-1), and a nationally televised win over DeAndre Ware (12-0-2).

Dans son dernier combat, Kilic stopped Zacariah Kelly in two rounds on February 15th in Hinckley, Minnesota.

I have had a great training camp for this fight with my head trainer Buddy McGirt,” said Kilic. “I have been sparring with Sergey Kovalev for the last month, and I am in the best shape of my life. I am excited to showcase my talent on June 15th, and to make history as the first fighter from Turkey to fight at the MGM Grand! Big thanks to my manager Shane Shapiro and my promoter Greg Cohen for getting me this opportunity.

Cem is really peaking at the right time of his career. While this is only his 14th pro fight, being in training camps the last four years with legendary fighters like Miguel Cotto, Shane Mosley, Sergey Kovalev, Jermell Charlo, and Errol Spence Jr. has helped him develop into a fighter well beyond 13 fights on his professional record. I am anxious for the world to see Cem Kilic live on ESPN 2 come June 15th,” said Shane Shapiro of No Limit Mindset LLC.

McGregor of Chicago. a un dossier de 8-1 avec six coups de grâce.

Le 28 year-old McGregor has a win of previously undefeated Luis Jimenez (3-0). McGregor has won five in a row, which includes his last bout, when he stopped David Mason in the 1st round on February 22nd in Elk Grove, Illinois.

Kilic is the 1st fighter from Turkey to fight at The MGM Grand.

Kilic is managed by No Limit Mindset LLC. He is promoted by Greg Cohen Promotions.

The bout can be seen on ESPN 2.

Oscar Valdez-Jason Sanchez Headlines Top Rank on ESPN Card June 8 at Reno-Sparks Convention Center

Sullivan Barrera and Michael Seals to clash in 10-round light heavyweight co-feature

LIVE on ESPN and ESPN Deportes at 10 p.m. HE / 7 h, heure. PT


RENO, Nev. (Mai 9, 2019) — Boxing’s preeminent action superhero, Oscar Valdez, will make the sixth defense of his WBO featherweight world title Saturday, Juin 8 against the upset-minded Jason “El Alacrancito” Sanchez at the Reno-Sparks Convention Center.

Valdez-Sanchez and the 10-round light heavyweight showdown between title-hungry contenders Sullivan Barrera and Michael Seals will be televised live on ESPN and ESPN Deportes at 10 p.m. HE / 7 h, heure. PT. Undercard bouts will stream live on ESPN+, the leading multi-sport streaming service, à partir de 6:30 p.m. ET/3:30 p.m. PT. Gabriel Flores Jr. (13-0, 6 KOs), fresh off his third-round knockout over Eduardo Pereira Reis in front of more than 10,000 fans in his hometown of Stockton, Californie, will see action on the undercard.

Promoted by Top Rank, in association with Let’s Get It On Promotions and Atlantis Casino Resort Spa, tickets for this world championship event priced at $103, $68 et $43 (including facility fees) are on sale now and can be purchased via or in person at the Atlantis Casino Resort Spa gift shop.

“Jason Sanchez is the real ‘Cinderella Man,’” said Top Rank chairman Bob Arum. “He is young, hungry and capable of pulling off a major upset. It should be an exciting battle.”

I’m excited to be back in the ring for the sixth defense of my world title. I know there is a big target on my back because I’m the champion, but nobody is going to take this title away from me,” Valdez said. “This will be my second fight training with Eddy Reynoso. Training with Eddy, I feel the best I’ve ever felt. I felt great in the ring during my first fight with Eddy in my corner. I know that I will look even better this time out. The fans in Reno and watching on ESPN and ESPN Deportes can expect a great showing from me on June 8.”

“I am truly honored and blessed to have an opportunity like this,” Sanchez said. “Coming from Albuquerque, New Mexico, I knew I had to work extra hard to be noticed and to get where I’m at right now. I will be bringing this belt home to Albuquerque, to my family, my supporters, and most of all, my late brother Alan Sanchez. I believe he guided me down this road and that my journey is only beginning.”

Valdez (25-0, 20 KOs), Mexico’s first two-time Olympian, has thrilled boxing fans with his go-for-broke style. He won the WBO featherweight title in July 2016 and proved his mettle with a trio of 12-round bloodbaths against Miguel Marriaga, Genesis Servania and Scott Quigg in consecutive bouts. Valdez outlasted an over-the-weight Quigg last March by unanimous decision despite fighting more than half the bout with a severely broken jaw. Following the Quigg bout, Valdez took nearly a year off, returning Feb. 2 in Frisco, Texas, to knock out then-unbeaten Italian challenger Carmine Tommasone in the seventh round.

The 24-year-old Sanchez (14-0, 7 KOs) enters this championship fight as one of the featherweight division’s fastest-rising young guns. Octobre dernier, he stunned then-unbeaten Jean Carlos Rivera via unanimous decision in Panama City, Panama. Following the Rivera victory, Sanchez signed a long-term promotional contract with Top Rank. He impressed in his Top Rank debut Feb. 2 in Frisco, Texas, knocking out Daniel Olea in the second round. Sanchez hopes to become only the fifth men’s boxer from New Mexico to win a world title.

Barrera (22-2, 14 KOs), un ancien amateur cubain hors concours, defected to the United States in 2009 and turned pro later that year. The Miami-based bruiser won the first 17 bouts of his career before dropping a decision to pound-for-pound great Andre Ward. A perennial contender, Barrera holds victories over Joe Smith Jr., Vyacheslav Shabranskyy, Karo Murat and former super middleweight world champion Jeff Lacy. He challenged Dmitry Bivol for a light heavyweight world title last year and fought valiantly before being stopped in the 12e et tour final.

Phoques (22-2, 16 KOs), a former linebacker for Alabama A&M University, traded in his cleats for trunks and turned pro after a five-fight amateur career. Il était 19-0 when he clashed with Edwin Rodriguez in November 2015. In a seesaw battle that included five knockdowns, Rodriguez knocked out Seals in the third round of a Fight of the Year contender. Seals is 3-1 since the Rodriguez battle, the lone loss coming via disqualification after he hit his opponent while he was on the ground. The winner of this can’t-miss action fight will be in line for a potential world title opportunity.

“I am very excited to have signed with Top Rank, a world-class organization with the best light heavyweights in the world,” Barrera said. “I am excited about the future, but the first step is to handle business June 8 and then I can look forward to a shot at a world title. My ultimate goal is Sergey Kovalev. I’ve been chasing him my whole career. Avec optimisme, we can finally fight this year.”

“This means everything to me. I had a great opportunity with Edwin Rodriguez, but I went into that fight with a torn rotator cuff. I was basically fighting with just my right hand,” Seals said. “Maintenant, Je suis 100 percent healthy. Ce est mon temps. Barrera had his time. Je me sens bien. I feel sharp. I feel young. I have sacrificed so much and have had a lot of time to reflect on the decisions I’ve made and all of the hardships I’ve gone through. Sur Juin 8, I’m going to unleash all of my frustration on Barrera. I don’t want to take anything away from Barrera. He’s a world-class fighter, but I am as well.”

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Ray Robinson” I Won That Fight. I Am The Last Guy to Defeat Crawford. I deserve a Title Shot Against Him

NEW YORK (Avril 4, 2019)–Welterweight, Ray Robinson believes that he should have deserved the decision in his bout with WBO number-one ranked Egidijus Kavaliauskas in a bout that was seen live on ESPN this past Saturday at 2300 Arena à Philadelphie.

Robinson of Philadelphia and Kavaliauskas battled to a majority draw in a bout where Robinson demonstrated great ring generalship and dictated the pace of the bout.

This is why I fell in love with boxing. To hit and not get hit, i put on a boxing lesson,” M. Robinson.

I feel like I offset him. I was faster and the lateral movement confused him. I frustrated him. I just listened to my coaches and threw him off. I had a full camp, and it showed in my performance as I feel that I dominated,” continued Robinson, who won one scorecard by a 97-93 pointage, while two others were even at 95-95.

Kavaliauskas has been mentioned for a chance to fight undefeated WBO champion Terence Crawford, but with his performance, Robinson would happily step in the ring with the Nebraska native, as he showed not only he is a worthy fighter, but he also, Robinson owns a win over the consensus pound-for-pound fighter in the amateur ranks. Robinson feels he would repeat that result in the pro ranks, with an opportunity at Crawford.

I think now I deserve that shot. I am the last person to defeat Terence Crawford in the amateurs. The fans would want to see it, and I am sure he would want it. If it was me, I would want to fight the last person who beat me. If not Crawford, I feel that I deserve to compete with the top welterweights out there. Guys like Thurman, Porter, Spence, Sadam Ali, Kell Brook, Adrien Broner. Any of them. I am a promotional free agent, so it won’t be difficult to make a deal with any of them

Ray Robinson talks Kavaliauskas draw