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COMBATE AMERICAS 宣布“COPA COMBATE”一晚比赛, 八人, $100,000 大奖赛将于周六在 TELEMUNDO 和 NBCSN 上直播, NOV. 11

美国, 拉丁美洲和西班牙相互对抗
在坎昆, 墨西哥

CANCUN, MX – 十一月 7, 2017 - Combate Americas 早些时候宣布了四分之一决赛的官方对决, 或开场阶段, 备受期待的“COPA COMBATE,“ 一夜, 八人最轻量级 (135 英镑) 混合武术 (MMA) 锦标赛将为获胜者颁发大奖 $100,000, 来自坎昆的 Telemundo 和 NBCSN 直播, 墨西哥在 星期六, 十一月 11 在 11:30 P.M. AND/10:30 P.M. CT.

本次活动, 举办地点:坎昆大绿洲, 标志着 NBCU 历史上首次同时直播 MMA 赛事, 以及首次 Telemundo 广播 MMA 节目.

“COPA COMBATE”也代表了美国世界级拳手的首次参赛。, 拉丁美洲和西班牙将代表各自国家上演史诗般的表演, 一晚的锦标赛对决,获胜者将连续三场比赛坚持下来.

在锦标赛分组的第一场四分之一决赛阶段“A,” 凶狠的前锋 麦基“可怕的”埃罗莎 (12-5) 从 圣胡安, 波多黎各将迎来炙手可热的比赛 马塞洛·“斗牛犬”·罗霍 (12-4) 从 科尔多瓦, 阿根廷.

在 36 岁, Erosa 是锦标赛领域最年长的参赛者. 格斗运动铁人三项运动员,同时也是专业拳击和跆拳道运动员, 埃罗萨是第一位公认的综合格斗运动世界冠军.

29岁的罗霍是雏量级排名第一, 以及排名最高的羽量级 (145 英镑) 在他的祖国阿根廷.

前半决赛选手 终极战士: 拉美 现实电视系列, 红色已产生 10 他 12 职业生涯所赢得的方式 (牛逼)KO或屈服,将以四连胜的身份进入锦标赛, 包括在他的前两次美洲战斗赛中连续获胜.

在锦标赛抽签的同一侧, 通配符参赛者和无情的争吵者 瑞奇“的Gallero”帕拉西奥斯 (9-1) 团, 得克萨斯州, 将与快速崛起的新星发生冲突 卡洛斯·“洛博”·里维拉 (12-2) 墨西哥城, 墨西哥.

30岁的帕拉西奥斯, 美洲战斗战斗机名单中任职时间最长的成员, 赢得了拉焦拉的全部六场比赛, 战斗美洲圆形笼子.

在他的最后两次首发中, 帕拉西奥斯, 作为职业拳击手也保持不败, 在两个不同的终极格斗锦标赛中获得胜利 (UFC) 退伍军人——分歧决定 罗马萨拉萨尔四月 20, 以上一致决定 克里斯·阿维拉七月 27.

里维拉 (Rivera) 24 岁,是著名的“Bonebreakers”格斗队成员. 他曾制作过 8 他 10 职业生涯所赢得的方式 (牛逼)KO或提交, 并将职业生涯首次进入拉焦拉, 取得三连胜.

在锦标赛抽签的另一边, 25-一岁的开拓者 约翰·“塞西·梅西”·卡斯塔内达 (14-2) 曼凯托, 从. 将对阵全国泰拳冠军 凯文· “寒冷” 莫雷拉 (4-1) 利马, 秘鲁.

在拉焦乌拉与帕拉西奥斯并列获胜次数最多的球队——六场, 卡斯塔内达最近与 Combate Americas 续约,他在那里尚未被击败, 以一致判定获胜后 蒂芙尼Cheyden UFC主席 达纳·怀特 (Dana White) 的周二晚竞争者系列赛八月 1.

莫雷拉是一个有进取心的人, 24-岁的人还拥有 4-1 职业泰拳选手记录, 并被认为是秘鲁崛起最快的综合格斗明星.

在第二场比赛“B”回合中, 实战检验, 西班牙最轻量级排名第一 马克·“卢佛”·戈麦斯 (20-10) 巴塞罗那将与排名第一的哥伦比亚最轻量级选手发生冲突 安德烈斯“Doble A Leal”阿亚拉 (14-4) 波哥大.

在刚 25 岁, 戈麦斯已经积累了 30 专业的较量, 使他成为锦标赛领域最有经验的, 他 20 事业胜利, 一个惊人的 17 得来的方式 (牛逼)KO或提交.

阿亚拉是个勇敢的人, 27-年长的前锋,也拥有惊人的射门率, 同 9 他 11 职业生涯的征服是通过 (牛逼)KO或提交. 除了他的国家排名第一的 135 磅拳击手之外, 阿亚拉也拥有一件顶级 10 墨西哥排名.

Telemundo 和 NBCSN 直播的“COPA COMBATE”将展示该赛事完整的半决赛阶段,其中包括两场比赛,每个锦标赛分组中四分之一决赛阶段对决的获胜者将相互对决, 以及冠军舞台对决.

除了比赛活动之外, Telemundo 和 NBCSN 的“COPA COMBATE”电视直播报道将以之前宣布的女子草量级选手为特色 (115 英镑) 不败淘汰赛艺术家之间的联合主赛事 梅丽莎“超级梅莉”马丁内斯 (2-0) 墨西哥城, 墨西哥, 和提交专家和 Miesha Tate 瞳孔 格洛丽亚“Gloriosa”布拉沃 (4-2) 圣地亚哥, 智利.

整个四分之一决赛阶段, 以及两场比赛的交替比赛和即将公布的第二场女子比赛, 将在 Telemundo Deportes En Vivo 应用程序和 TelemundoDeportes.com 上进行直播. NBCSN 的报道将在 NBCSports.com 和 NBC Sports 应用程序上进行直播.

# # #

Combate Americas 是首屈一指的西班牙综合格斗比赛 (MMA) 体育特许经营, 迅速成为第二大运动, 足球之后, 面向全世界西班牙语体育迷. 该康贝特美洲专营权包括电视真人秀节目, 现场活动和移动编程. 该公司的CEO, 坎贝尔迈凯轮, 是举世公认的共同创始人/共同创作的终极格斗锦标赛 (UFC). 纽约杂志描述迈凯轮作为 “UFC的背后的营销天才” 和雅虎! 体育宣称他 “更了解这项运动不仅仅是今天在它的人。” 有了一个前所未有的产品和蓝筹的所有权和管理团队, 康贝特美洲有望有新的突破,带来世界冠军级别的MMA竞争的新时代.


JUNE 1ST, 2ND and 3RD 2018
大西洋城, N.J. – 十一月 7, 2017 – The Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame is proud to announce its second Annual Induction Ceremony & Celebration Weekend. 该 2018 celebration is set for 星期五, June 1st through Sunday, 6月3日; and will be held at the historic Claridge a Radisson Hotel in Atlantic City, 新泽西州.
Our esteemed Nomination Committee has completed the nomination and voting process; and the names of all luminaries who will be inducted into the 2018 Induction Class, will be announced 星期一, 十一月 27, 2017, via an official press release. This year’s group of Inductees is comprised of Boxers, 培训师, 促销员, 经理, Matchmakers, Historians, 特别贡献者, and Posthumous individuals. All who have played a major role in making Atlantic City atop boxing destination in the U.S.A.
The countdown to Induction Weekend has begun as plenary meetings are already underway. Over the next several week’s updates on room packages, schedule of events and expected celebrity appearances will be posted on the Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame and the Claridge Hotel websites and social media platforms.
During last year’s inaugural three-day celebrationACBHOF showcased the Fight Fan Experiencea festive boxing-themed environment that included a Boxing Fantasy Camp, 快闪理发店, Jack Johnson Exhibit, Icons of Boxing, 遗产存在乔·弗雷泽奖学金基金, 詹姆斯·奥尼尔雕塑, 皇后蛋糕之王, 大西洋城新闻展览, WBC Boxing, 食品摊贩和 DJ Young Hitta 的音乐.
The master of ceremonies for the ceremony was President of NJ Boxing Hall of Fame, 亨利Hascup. 该 2017 induction weekend was a smorgasbord of boxing royalty, celebrity guests, and legions of boxing fans. Last year’s star-studded Charter Class members included: 唐金, 迈克尔·斯平克斯, 拉里·哈扎德, 史蒂夫·斯莫杰, 迈克·罗斯曼, 德怀特·莫哈末·坎威, 弗兰克·黄, 唐·艾尔鲍姆, J·拉塞尔·佩尔茨, 戴夫·邦坦波, 肯·康登, 罗伯特·李, 老, 拉里·霍姆斯和迈克·泰森.
Some of last year’s VIP guests included: 大西洋城市长唐·卫报, 议员弗兰克·吉列姆, 博士. 尼娜·拉德克利夫, Whitney Ullman, 吉尔戴蒙德, 弗洛·安东尼, 亚伦·斯诺尔, 利洛·布兰卡托, 艾伦·戈德堡, 雷默瑟, 马克布雷兰, 伊朗巴克利, 冰人约翰·斯卡利, 特雷西 - 帕特森, 米尔顿·鲁班, Chuck Zito and the Grandy Twins. Entertainment was provided by former Miss America, 苏泽特·查尔斯; Chicken Bone Beach Jazz Band and saxophonist Parris.
Considering the scale and level of our inaugural event and the significant interest it has kindled, we can safely say that the celebration remains unique and exciting for Atlantic City and the sport of boxing.
All interested sponsors, exhibitors, and vendors looking be involved in 2018 induction weekend or to reserve a booth are encouraged to contact the Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame (ACB霍夫):
Tele: 1+ (609) 318 -3188 (美国)
P.O. 框 7221 大西洋城, 新泽西州 08401
Website: www.acbhof.com
跟着我们: @ACBHOF on Facebook / Instagram的 / 叽叽喳喳
ACBHOF is pleased to recognize our early partners:
The Claridge Hotel and Brighton Park hold a rich and significant place in American history. The property is centrally situated on arguably the most desirable plot of land in Atlantic City. 克拉里奇酒店, once known by its 1929 绰号 “Skyscraper by the Sea”, radiates a breathtaking Manhattanesque design situated in the prime center of the Atlantic City’s boardwalk. One of the last remaining architectural masterpieces from the Boardwalk Empire Era, The Claridge Hotel housed such legends as Marilyn Monroe, John F. 肯尼迪, Al Capone, Nucky Johnson, Princess Grace of Monaco and Frank Sinatra. 该 “新的” Claridge Hotel boasts an era style décor which is portrayed in all 500 guest rooms which have all been completely remodeled. Elegant suites are favored by many guests with spectacular ocean/bay views and Jacuzzi tubs.
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Photos by Brett OstrowskiTeam Gonzalez
吉尔罗伊, 加利福尼亚州. (十一月. 7, 2017)Unbeaten Colombian power-puncher 简·冈萨雷斯 (19-0-1, 15 科斯) takes a major step up in competition when he faces unbeaten Russian prospect 拉扎布·布塔耶夫 (7-0, 6 科斯; WSOB: 9-1) 这个星期五, 十一月. 10, at the Masonic at Templelive Cleveland in downtown Cleveland. The scheduled eight-round welterweight bout will be telecast on the popular 的ShoBox: 新一代 series LIVE on SHOWTIME (10 P.M. AND/PT, 延迟在西海岸).
冈萨雷斯, who is coached by Ruben Guerrero Sr., recently shared his training camp experience as his showdown with Butaev nears. 冈萨雷斯, who is making his United States and SHOWTIME debut, last fought in September of this year.
Here is what Gonzalez had to say ahead of 星期五 night’s fight.
On his recent training camp with Ruben Guerrero Sr.:
My good friend Oscar Escandon introduced me to Mr. Guerrero about a month ago. I came to California to start training with Ruben shortly after. It’s been a great transition and training camp has been very productive. I’ve been sparring every other day since I got here. I’m in good shape and I’m ready to perform at my best 这个星期五.”
On facing undefeated Russian prospect Radzhab Butaev:
I know I have a tough fight ahead of me, but I’m ready for the challenge. Butaev had a tremendous amateur career, but so did I. I have over 300 amateur fights under my belt and there is nothing Butaev will bring to the ring that I haven’t already seen. We equally have a lot of power, so the fans can expect to see some big shots being thrown by both of us. I’m going to leave everything in the ring come fight night.
On making his U.S. debut and what a victory on Showtime will do for his career:
Fighting on SHOWTIME is a tremendous blessing for me. This is my first fight in America and I going to make it special. The exposure I will get can take my career to the next level, especially if I come out victorious. A win will garner me some big fights and some big paydays. I’m fighting for my family and my countrymen in Colombia. My motivation is at an all-time high and the boxing world will know my name after this fight.

已加载周五拳击卡套装, 12 月 1 日于 2300 竞技场在费城

泰隆·布伦森 (Tyrone Brunson) 在主赛事中迎战曼尼·伍兹 (Manny Woods)
布兰登·罗宾逊 (Brandon Robinson) 与克里斯托弗·布鲁克 (Christopher Brooker) 合作拍摄爆炸性影片
当地人的最爱 Jaron Ennis, 奥马尔·道格拉斯 & 凯隆·戴维斯在比赛中

加上不败的Shamsuddeen Justice & 科尔比麦迪逊

重量级竞争者乔·汉克斯 (Joe Hanks) 对阵不败的乔尔·考德尔 (Joel Caudle)

费城, PA (十一月 7, 2017) – 顶级前景 杰伦 “靴子” 恩尼斯 已添加到已加载的卡中,该卡将在 星期五, 12月1日 在 2300 竞技场在费城.
在主要事件, 令人兴奋的 Tyrone Brunson 当他接任时将成为头条新闻 曼尼·伍兹 在十回合初中量级主赛中.
费城的布伦森有以下记录 25-6-2 同 22 击倒.
该 32 岁开始他的职业生涯 2005 同 19 连续第一轮淘汰赛.
布伦森击败贾斯梅斯·莫罗 (8-1-2), 布兰登·夸尔斯 (18-3-2) 在他的最后一场比赛中,他两次下场,在第五轮比赛中令人震惊地击败了前两届世界冠军克米特·辛特朗(Kermit Cintron) (39-5-3) 在 5 轮于 2300 竞技场开启 6月24日.
圣彼得堡的森林, 佛罗里达州有一个记录 16-6-1 有六个淘汰赛.
该 30 岁的伍兹是一名八年职业选手, 谁战胜了竞争者威尔基·坎普福特 (1-0), 谢尔登·摩尔 (3-0) & 埃利亚斯·埃斯帕达斯 (9-2).
在他的最后一个回合, 伍兹在一场比赛中用两回合阻止了丹尼·帕斯特拉纳 7月28日 基西米, 佛罗里达.
在令人兴奋的联合功能中, 重拳超中量级 布兰登·罗宾逊克里斯托弗·布鲁克 将在 UBF Jr 比赛中展开对决. 计划进行八轮的地区冠军赛.
上德拉比的罗宾逊, 霸. 有创纪录 7-1 淘汰赛.
罗宾逊在职业首秀输给了前国家金手套冠军迈克·希尔顿, 罗宾逊已经取得了七连胜,而且大多数都是通过爆炸性击倒获胜的, 其中包括第一轮对此前不败的布兰登·克拉克的毁灭性阻止. 在他的最后一个回合, 罗宾逊在四回合比赛中击败了乔治·谢泼德 9月29日 在 2300 竞技场.
费城的布鲁克有以下记录: 12-4 五击倒.
该 26 布鲁克转为职业球员的年份 2015, 并且对 Leo Hall 取得了令人印象深刻的胜利 (8-0), 约翰·玛格达 (11-0), Antowyan艾肯斯 (10-1-1), 加布里埃尔范 (6-0), 前世界冠军挑战者埃尔文·阿亚拉 (28-7-1). 布鲁克正在寻求重返胜利榜,因为他在上一场比赛中输给了不败的艾哈迈德·埃尔比亚利。 7月18日.
顶级前景 搅得恩尼斯 (16-0, 14 科斯) 费城的将在次中量级比赛中迎战一位被指定的对手.
奥马尔·道格拉斯 (17-2, 12 科斯) 威尔明顿, 特拉华州将承担 托马斯·瓦尔迪兹 (15-4-2, 6 科斯) 图森, AZ在一场超羽量级比赛中.
Kyrone戴维斯 ((12-1, 5 科斯) 威尔明顿, 特拉华州将承担 海梅·巴尔博萨 (19-12, 9 科斯) 圣何塞, 或者在中量级比赛中.

(21-2, 14 科斯) 纽瓦克, 新泽西州将在 乔尔·考德尔 (7-0-1, 5 科斯) 罗利的, NC在重量级比赛中.

科尔比麦迪逊 (4-0-1, 3 科斯) 风险他对不败纪录 兰迪·伊斯顿 (4-9-2, 4 科斯) 森伯里, PA的重量级回合
Romuel克鲁兹 费城选手将在雏量级比赛中首次亮相,对手是 贾哈齐尔·巴斯克斯 (1-5) 蒙特雷, <X

拉希德·约翰逊 (2-1, 1 KO) 费城会打 卡洪·哈钦森(Kashon Hutchinson) (3-3-1, 2 科斯) 读, 次中量级比赛中的 PA.
三苏丁司法院 (1-0) 费城会打 拉托里·伍德伯里 (1-5-1) 罗阿诺克, VA 参加初级次中量级比赛.

克里斯托弗·布尔戈斯 费城将他的亲亮相反对 赫拉尔多·蒂武西奥 (1-0, 1 KO) 科茨维尔, PA在轻量级比赛中.
这个伟大的拳击之夜的门票可以在 www.2300arena.com 为 $100, $75 和 $50
VIP 持票者将在以下地点举行特别见面会: 5 PM 战斗之夜. 其中包括特价饮品 ($3 扎啤酒, $5 全城特价,包括一杯威士忌和纯啤酒以及 $4 玛格丽塔酒或女士葡萄酒)
将举行新闻发布会 星期三, 11 月 29 日 在 2300 竞技场.
称重将于 星期四, 11 月 30 日于 6 PM 在 2300 竞技场

Tri-Star Boxing Promotions returns to Nashville December 8

Tri star.png
纳什维尔, TN (十一月 7, 2017) – Junior flyweight sensation Edwin Reyes looks for his fourth straight victory when he challenges Santos “Titos” Vasquez in the eight round main event of Tri-Star Boxing’s “Fights at the Fairgrounds” 星期五, 十二月 8 at the Fairgrounds Sports Arena in Nashville.
Living and fighting out of Nashville by way of Guatemala, Reyes owns a solid 7-2-2 record with five KO’s. 上 九月 15, Reyes outpointed ultra-experienced Armando Vasquez over eight rounds. Locals have fully adopted Reyes, who will be fighting for a sixth time in the Music City.
Representing Reno, NV, the hard-hitting Vasquez is 4-2-1 with three wins by knockout. A win over Reyes would run Vasquez’ unbeaten streak to five fights.
The co-featured bout of the evening pits Nashville-based knockout artist Sena “African Assassin” Agbeko against durable veteran Juan Carlos Rojas of Mexico in a six rounds super middleweight showdown.
Agbeko, who came to Nashville by way of Ghana, owns an outstanding 19-1 专业与总帐 17 KO的. 在他的最后一个回合, Agbeko dominated veteran Brad Austin over six rounds. Since his lone setback in 2014, Agbeko’s made tremendous improvements and hopes to become a contender in the near future.
Rojas has shared the ring with many notable fighters including former world champion Cornelius “K9” Bundrage along with contenders Brian Vera, Nathanial Gallimore, Terell Gausha, Domonique Dolton and Caleb Plant among others.
Cruiserweight standout Mike Wilson travels from his native Oregon to face an opponent TBD in a six round contest. A two-time US National Champion as an amateur, Wilson’s 18-0 同 8 KO’s as a pro and is working his way up the ranks.
“I’m glad to have two of our favorite local fighters headlining again,”马特·杨(Matt Young)说, founder of Tri-Star Boxing Promotions. “Reyes gives fans their money’s worth every time and Sena’s produced some great knockouts. Fans are also in for a treat with Mike Wilson. He was one of America’s top amateurs and is unbeaten in the pros so a big fight is definitely in his future.”
Light heavyweight Roy King, 10-1-1 (5 KO的) 约翰逊城, TN meets 34 fight veteran Marcus Brooks of Fort Benning, GA in a six round light heavyweight showdown while debuting light heavyweight Maidel Sando squares off with Memphis, TN’s Darius Shorter. Eduardo Aguiar, 1-0, will do battle with Memphis native Adam Young and debuting Demarcus “Chuckie” Driver enters the paid ranks against 10 fight vet Nicholas Rodriguez of Kentucky.
“Nashville is becoming an excellent fight town,” stated Young. “The crowds have grown with every show and more boxers are contacting me about fighting on Tri-Star cards. I look forward to another exciting evening of action that will showcase some very good talent on December 8.”

Liam Smith vs. Liam Williams rematch To air in Canada exclusively on SUPER CHANNEL

直播 这个星期六 from the United Kingdom
(L-R) – 利亚姆·史密斯, promoter Frank Warren, Liam Williams
(picture courtesy of Queensbury Promotions)
埃德蒙顿, 加拿大 (十一月 6, 2017)In its continuing efforts as the boxing network destination for Canadian boxing fans, Super Channel has announced that it has secured the exclusive rights to air the LiamBeefy” 工匠 VS. Liam Williams 复赛, 这个星期六 (十一月. 11), live from Metro Radio Arena in New Castle, 英国.
The replay of 史密斯VS. Williams I from this past April will also air on Super Channel 这个星期五(11 P.M. / 8 P.M. PT) 和 星期六 (1:45 P.M. AND / 10:45 A.M. PT).
史密斯VS. 威廉姆斯II 卡, presented by Frank Warren’s Queensbury Promotions and开始 3 P.M. AND / 12 P.M. PT, will be a 12-round World Boxing Organization (WBO) super welterweight title eliminator with the winner positioned to fight the winner of the WBO title fight between defending champion 米格尔·库托 和挑战者 萨达姆·阿里 十二月. 熟, 然而, claims that he will retire after that fight. Williams is presently rated No. 2 由WBO, Smith No. 4, 还有没有. 7 in The Ring magazine’s independent rankings.
Additional Smith vs. Williams II card fights airing 星期六 on Super Channel will be announced later this week.
With the World Boxing Super Series taking a break before the semi-final matches return in the new year, we are excited to be able to continue to deliver high-stakes, world-class boxing to Canadian fight fans with this highly acclaimed rematch between Smith and Williams,” 说 特洛伊·瓦西尔, 编程总监, 国内经销商 & 超级频道的体育节目. “Given the controversy surrounding their initial match in April, tension will be high and both fighters will be looking to settle a score.
In the last fight for both boxers, 工匠 (25-1-1, 14 科斯) won a controversial fight last April when Williams retired after the ninth round, despite leading on all three judgesscorecards by identical scores of 86-85. Williams had suffered a double laceration on his right eyebrow that he claimed was the result of Smith’s flagrant headbutt in the third round. Smith believes he was robbed of the opportunity to knockout Williams.
The 29-year-old Smith captured the WBO Super Welterweight World Championship in 2015, 美国停止 Josh Thompson (17-1) 在第七轮. The gifted Brit made two successful title defenses against fellow countryman and previously undefeated “吉米” Kilrain Kelly (16-0) 和 Predrag Radosevic (30-1), stopping them in the seventh and second rounds, 分别.
Smith lost his belt to star 索尔 “CANELO” 阿尔瓦雷斯 a year ago, getting knocked out in the ninth round of their WBO title fight in Texas. Smith won a four-round decision against Marian Cazacu in a tune-up fight this past March, setting the stage for an interim WBO super welterweight title fight against Williams last April in Manchester, 联合王国. Smith won the fight but was ineligible to capture the interim title because he failed to make the contracted weight.
I don’t think you had to be a good fighter to beat me in the first six rounds of our first fight,” Smith said about his original fight with Williams. “I was slow, flat and sluggish. I can never be that bad again. What I did to try and make weight during fight week killed me. It was nothing to do with having a slow start by game plan. Liam had a good start and I couldn’t have been worse. 有 10 fighters in Britain that could have properly out-boxed me on that night.
The fight was changing before round nine. He threw his head in numerous times because I didn’t get cut off it. 不管, you go in the ring, you get wet. The minute you got cut, you knew your chips were down. You spewed it! You chose to let Gary (his head trainer) pull you out. You knew you’d had your moment and you were gone.
I was up for this rematch and that is why we’re here now. As soon as I start better, Liam is going to be in more of a fight earlier on and he won’t get his own way. It is only to go one way and he is going to crumble earlier than he did last time. I am stronger than him and I have more heart than him.
威廉姆斯, 25, has notable victories over 的Gabor Gorbics (22-4) for the vacant WBO European super middleweight title, 和 Gary Corcoran (15-0) for the BBBBofC British crown. The Welshman also was the Commonwealth (英帝国) 154-磅级别锦标.
Our first meeting was a good fight,” 威廉姆斯解释. “I felt like I started very well. I was out-boxing him and getting a lot of rounds in the bag. 他是日益强大, which we were always prepared for, (因为) that is the kind of fighter Liam is. He comes with a very solid defense and he is very strong.
Obviously it ended the way it did. It wasn’t fair. We didn’t give the fans a chance to see what the proper outcome should have been. I took a nasty cut to the eye. These things happen, it isn’t a tickling contest. These things happen in boxing and I’m glad to get a chance to do it again.
I think he was down in the fight and he needed to do something. It was frustrating, and I do believe the head clash was intentional. We are both going to be better. I am going to be more prepared and it is going to be another cracking fight. I’m going to put this to bed.
Super Channel has aired several major boxing events live in 2017 including Brook vs. 小斯彭斯, Pacquiao vs.Horn, 尤班克, JR. VS. 亚伯拉罕, 洛马琴科vs. Marriaga, 克劳福德VS. Indongo and the World Boxing Super Series (WBSS) 四分之一决赛.
To watch Smith vs. 威廉姆斯, 还有更精彩的拳击来, 战斗的球迷在加拿大可以联系当地的有线电视提供商订阅超级通道和所有它提供, 包括优质系列, 电影以及更多, 低至 $9.95 每月.
超级通道是国家特级收费电视网络, 由四个高清频道, 只SD频道, 和超级通道按需.
超级通道的任务是招待,并通过提供一个独一无二的专属娱乐体验参与加拿大的观众. 凭着诚信和责任的核心基础, 我们聚精会神搞实施创新编程策略和无与伦比的团队合作,提供具有卓越价值和多样化的观众.
超级通道由Allarco娱乐资 2008 Inc., 基于埃德蒙顿的媒体公司.
超级通道目前可贝尔电视上, 肖直, 罗杰斯随地电视, 肖电缆, COGECO电缆, 接入通信, 贝尔阿连电视, 源电缆, SASKTEL, MTS, 诺瓦斯, EASTLINK, TELUS, Videotron的, 韦斯特曼通信和其他地区供应商.
叽叽喳喳: @SCSportsTV
Instagram的: @SuperChannelTV
Facebook的: /超级信

Argentinean Amateur Star and Two-Time Olympian Alberto Melian to Turn Professional ‘LomachenkoStyle Against 23-2 Ricardo Santillan on December 16

Sampson Boxing’s newest promotional signing, Argentinean amateur star and two-time Olympian, 阿尔贝托 “碰撞” Melián, will be taking the “Lomachenko” route into the professional ranks by facing Diego Ricardo Santillan (23-2, 15 科斯) in an eight-round bout for his first professional fight on 星期六, 十二月 16, at the Macro Stadium of the Argentine Federation of Boxing (FAB) 在布宜诺斯艾利斯.
A formidable foe for anyone, the 30-year-old Santillan, from Tartagal, 萨尔塔, 阿根廷, is a former Argentina (FAB), WBC Mundo Hispano and South American Bantamweight Champion. 梅丽安, 然而, has requested the fast track to a world championship and promoter Lewkowicz has agreed.
Alberto is regarded as one of the best Argentine amateur boxers ever and he’s ready for the best of the professional ranks. We hope to have him fighting for a world championship within 10 打架,” 说Lewkowicz.
Lewkowicz says that Melian’s amateur credentials are enough to let him forego the usual development period of a new professional.
In addition to his two Olympic appearances, Alberto fought in nearly every international tournament and won dozens of titles. He’s ready for anyone in the world going into his first fight. We have every confidence in him.

Melián vs. Santillan will be televised live by TyC Sports Argentina.

一个非常成功的奔跑作为媒人和顾问后,, 桑普森Lewkowicz切换到职业拳击推广方一月 2008.
桑普森拳击已经成长为世界上最负盛名的推广公司之一, 代表许多世界上最好的战士,最有前途的年轻竞争者.

桑普森拳击有促销的合作伙伴遍及北美和南美, 非洲, 亚洲, 新西兰, 澳大利亚, 欧洲,中美洲和桑普森拳击事件被电视上的首映式等网络作为HBO, 开演时间, ESPN, VS. 和一些国际网络.

Collegiate Fight NightWest Point vs. New England This Saturday night in Winchester, 嘛

WINCHESTER, 质量. (十一月 6, 2017) – Veterans Day will be celebrated in a unique way this Saturday night (7 P.M. AND) when the National Collegiate Boxing Association (NCBA), in association with USA Boxing, presents an evening of amateur boxing, “Collegiate Fight Night”,
同 10 amateur matches being held at Maurer Auditorium in Winchester Town Hall (on Mt. Vernon St.).
The Cadets of the United States Military Academy at West Point are matched against a New England all-star caliber team comprised of boxers from the Coast Guard Academy (新伦敦, CT), University of Massachusetts, University of Connecticut and Trinity College.
(全部 3 X 2 发)
160 磅
Luca Botis LoConte (18-7), Army West Point / 温彻斯特, 嘛
Joseph Orosco (10-8), 圣三一学院 / Pomona CA
Jack Ward (0-0), Army West Point / North Hampton, NH
Jesus Fequiere (0-0), UConn / Windsor, CT
200 磅.
Jordan Elliott (4-5), Army West Point / 卡姆登, THE
Marshall Rayburn (4-5), Coast Guard / 新伦敦, CT
185 磅
Emmanuel Ahou (0-0), Army West Point / 纽瓦克, 新泽西州
Luke Psoimas (0-1), Coast Guard / 新伦敦, CT
175 磅.
Kalen Khan (0-0), Army West Point / Bonne Terre, MO
Josh Bennett (1-1), UConn / 布里奇波特, CT
158 磅
Alex Lawrence (0-0), Army West Point / Carrollton, TX
Jacob Cohen (0-0), UMass / Northborough, 嘛
158 磅
Moses Sun (5-3), Army West Point / Granite Falls, WA
Colin Johnson (4-3), Coast Guard / 新伦敦, CT
156 磅
Kyle Taylor (1-0), Army West Point / Oro Valley, THE
Aaron Schneider (1-2), 圣三一学院 / Needham, 嘛
156 磅.
Chandon Hutchinson (0-0), Army West Point / 奥兰治县, 例如
Dante Gilbert (0-0), UConn / 斯坦福德, CT
125 磅.
Isiah Ortiz (4-2), Army West Point / Stockton, 例如
克里斯蒂安·莫拉(Christian Moura) (2-4), UMass / 霍利斯, NH
(all matches & boxers subject to change)
Former professional world champions “爱尔兰的” 米奇沃德 (洛厄尔) 和 Jose Antonio “高卢” 里维拉 (伍斯特) will be special guests atCollegiate Fight Night”.
Seacoast Ticket Agency is the exclusive online (www.seacoastticket.com) and phone (1.800.382.5242) ordering ticket service forCollegiate Fight Night”. Tickets plus ($2.50 service fee) 售价为 $20.00 for general admission and limited $40.00 ringside reserved. Limited $500 VIP packages are also available and include four ringside reserved tickets, including a pre-event reception at Lucias Ristorante in Winchester (现金吧), company name recognition in the event program, post and pre-event Meet & Greet with special guest boxers at Lucias. Tickets may be available to purchase fight night at the door, 然而, this event is expected to sell-out in advance.
叽叽喳喳: @USABoxing
Instagram的: @USABoxing
Facebook的: /NCBA, /USABoxing
ABOUT NATIONAL COLLEGIATE BOXING ASSOCIATION (NCBA): The NCBA is the senior college boxing governing body in the United States. The NCBA provides student athletes an opportunity to box at the recreational, intramural, and competitive levels. Its philosophy and rules provide a safe and level playing field for both new and experienced athletes.
关于美国拳击: 美国拳击的使命是要使美国’ 运动员和教练员取得持续竞争优势, 个性发展, 支持拳击运动, 并促进和在美国成长风格奥运拳击. 美国拳击的责任是不仅要生产奥运金牌, bit also oversee and every aspect of amateur boxing in the United States.


Shawn Porter Scores Unanimous Decision Win Over Adrian Granados in SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® 共同特征
赶上重播 星期一, 十一月. 6 在 10 P.M. AND/PT在SHOWTIME EXTREME®
观看 Wilder KO: HTTP://s.sho.com/2zguBki
点击 这里 从汤姆赌场/欣欣照片
点击 这里 从埃德迪勒图片/ DiBella娱乐
点击 这里 从瑞安Hafey /英超冠军拳击照片
布鲁克林 (十一月. 5, 2017) – 不败的重量级世界冠军 Deontay怀尔德 retained his WBC title in his sixth defense with a dominant first-round knockout of mandatory challenger 金杯 在精彩表演拳击锦标赛的主要事件 星期六 night on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center, 布鲁克林拳击家®.
怀尔德 (39-0, 38 KO的) knocked Stiverne (25-3-1, 21 科斯) to the ground three times before referee Arthur Mercante halted the bout at 2:59 的首轮. After Stiverne took Wilder the distance in their January 2015 冠军争夺战, Wilder has now knocked out every single opponent that he has faced in his career. Watch Wilder knocking out Stiverne 这里.
So much frustration, it just seemed like my career, it’s been crazy. So many guys using PED’s”, 怀尔德说, the only American heavyweight world champion. “I just want to prove that I am the best. I know I am the best but I want to prove I am the best.
Wilder first knocked Stiverne to the ground with a devastating one-two combination that caught the Haitian challenger on the nose. Seconds after Stiverne got back to his feet, Wilder landed another clean combination with a big left and an overhand right that sent a stunned Stiverne back to the canvas. The final blow came in the waning moments of the opening round as Wilder landed four clean punches to the face of a wobbly Stiverne.
You have to give props to Stiverne for getting in the ring,” 怀尔德说. “It takes a lot of courage and it takes a lot of pride to step in the ring with someone like me. We do what we have to do in the ring and at least he stepped up. He was a clean fighter.
After the brutal knockout, an emotional Wilder was asked by SHOWTIME Sports®reporter Jim Gray about a possible fight with unified heavyweight champion Anthony Joshua.
I’ve been waiting on that fight for a long time now,” 怀尔德说. “I declare war upon you. Do you accept my challenge? I’ve been waiting for a long time. I know I’m the champion. I know I’m the best. Are you up for the test?
A king doesn’t chase the peasants. A king takes kings. I want Joshua. If he doesn’t give me the fight we have other plans. The world wants Joshua, the world wants Wilder, I want Joshua. Joshua come and see me baby. No more dodging, no more excuses. Make the date, don’t wait.
Former welterweight world champion 肖恩·波特 (28-2-1, 17 科斯) 打败 阿德里安·格拉纳多斯 (18-6-2, 11 科斯) 通过一致决定 (进球 117-111 由三名法官) in an exciting fight between two all-action competitors that served as the co-featured event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING. The victory makes Porter the mandatory title challenger for unified welterweight champion Keith Thurman’s WBC belt.
穿, who injured his left hand in the sixth round, landed the sharper and more accurate punches throughout the fight, 含 40 他的权力拳%的. Both fighters came out aggressive in the early rounds and exchanged several powerful blows.
He gave me a little trouble here and there,” 波特说. “I hurt my left hand in the sixth round, but I kept using it. I had to use my jab. It took a toll on me and by the 10th round I just couldn’t throw it anymore.
The strategy was to keep working the jab. I knew he’d come at me periodically. I was prepared and dug deep to get the win.
格拉纳多斯, of Cicero, 生病了。, fought valiantly and withstood multiple barrages from the powerful Porter and countered with several quick combinations of his own. 格拉纳多斯, 谁刚刚登陆 24 他的总拳%的, disagreed with the judgesscorecard.
I thought that I was controlling the fight and keeping up with him the whole time,” Granados told Jim Gray. “He was just trying to use his normal tricks. I rocked him multiple times and he never had me in any trouble.
He’s a brute. I thought the referee [Gary Rosato] did a good job breaking up the fight at the right times. It was rough but I definitely thought I did better than the scorecards said.
在转播的开幕回合, unbeaten top contender 谢尔盖Lipinets (13-0, 10 科斯) earned the vacant IBF Junior Welterweight World Championship with a unanimous decision victory over Japanese veteran 近藤明弘 (29-7-1, 16 科斯). The judges scored the fight118-110, 117-111 和 117-111.
The back-and-forth 12-round world championship fight saw Lipinets control the early rounds with a diversified, creative attack targeting Kondo’s body. An accidental clash of heads in the sixth round, which opened up a deep cut on the forehead of Lipinets, altered the momentum of the fight as Kondo gained confidence and was able to land some powerful punches to the head and body of Lipinets. The 28-year old Lipinets, who earned the title in just his 13 professional fight, was able to regain control in the later rounds to earn the unanimous win.
I think the scorecards were accurate but it was a good fight,” 利皮内茨说. “The head-butt really impaired my vision and it led to me walking into some stupid shots.
“我对自己的表现很满意. I’m just going to keep getting better from here. I’m ready to take any on challenge thrown my way.
Kondo, who was fighting for the first time in the United States, proved a worthy opponent on the night. “It was a fair decision,” said Kondo, through a translater. “He hit me with a lot of hard punches and I felt like I needed at least a knockdown in the last round.
I made up my mind that I wasn’t going to show any pain or fear from his punches. I was determined to keep fighting all night.
周六 转播将在重播, 星期天, 十一月 5 在 9 A.M. ET/PT and 星期一, 十一月 6 在 10 P.M. AND/PT在Showtime极端,将可在Showtime ON DEMAND® 和SHOWTIME ANYTIME®.
本次活动由 Corona Extra 赞助, La Cerveza Mas Fina 由 DiBella Entertainment 和 TGB Promotions 推广.
欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.sho.com/sports , 万维网.premierboxingchampions.com,
跟随我们的Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, LouDiBella, @TGB促销@BarclaysCenter 和 @Swanson_Comm 或成为 Facebook 的粉丝: www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter, 和 www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.

Bellator 186: 贝德VS. Vassell Results & 照片


瑞安贝德 (24-5) 打败 林顿瓦塞尔 (18-6, 1 NC) 通过TKO (拳) 在 3:58 第二轮的

照片: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/hx0r62nfbc8y2ql/AABxoV96f8xO-PA6cKykGLCxa?dl=0

Ilima雷·麦克法兰 (7-0) 打败 艾米丽·杜科特(Emily Ducote) (6-3) 通过口头提交 (可怜的酒吧) 在 3:42 五轮的


照片: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/s7b7l5wfa27nvi8/AAA4YdcUjaoAJcMGyzNCb8jba?dl=0


菲尔·戴维斯 (18-4, 1 NC) 打败 利奥·莱特 (10-1) 通过一致决定 (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)


照片: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/76ipvbxw3r1v660/AABQ-Tg_EQpxsW0F7FiGsoT1a?dl=0


和露丝 (4-0) 打败 克里斯·登普西 (11-6) 通过KO (冲床) 在 :27 第二轮的


照片: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/185k0c5hl9wh7m2/AACIEShWpmwRdgFOW8jAWqmOa?dl=0


你阿瓦德 (21-9) 打败 扎克·弗里曼 (9-3) 通过TKO (拳) 在 1:07 of round one


照片: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/h8r8f5gixl91luv/AACa8tdrvMVwwUHt2EFYd-8ra?dl=0



Tywan克拉克斯顿 (1-0) 打败 Johnny Bonilla-Bowman (1-1) 通过淘汰赛 (flying-knee) 在 1:29 of round one


照片: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/wbn0zv5dxry7n8q/AACBqdJ3F7GdInsklCwGrFLta?dl=0

视频: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VirSoFoCUYE

洛根Storley (7-0) 打败 马特·塞科尔 (9-5) 通过一致决定 (30-26, 30-27, 30-27)


照片: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/6y7cftw9kn32g1v/AAD1sI8H4qzSkzGGwFr9DbYsa?dl=0


Mike Wilkins (8-4) 打败 Brett Martinez (6-5) 通过提交 (后方裸体扼流圈) 在 1:09 第二轮的

Frank Buenafuente (8-4) 打败 Francis Healy (7-5) 通过一致决定 (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)

多米尼克Mazzotta (13-2) 打败 Matt Lozano (8-6) 通过TKO (医生停工) 在 2:37 of round one

Michael Trizano (5-0) 打败 Mike Otwell (3-2) 通过提交 (达斯·乔克) 在 2:07 第二轮的

Scott Clymer (1-0) 打败 Mike Putnam (1-2) 通过TKO (拳) 在

安德鲁·萨拉斯 (4-1) 打败 Ethan Goss (3-4) 通过分裂的决定 (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Josh Fremd (2-0) 打败 Ryan Parker (0-1) 通过提交 (后方裸体扼流圈) 在 1:25 第二轮的