标记档案: 金杯

克里斯·尤班克JR. 比分职业生涯定义战胜詹姆斯DeGale在超中量级旗鼓相当的比赛周六SHOWTIME®在伦敦O2体育场

不败的重量级乔·乔伊斯挖空贝曼·斯蒂文在Showtime拳击锦标赛® 开瓶器

观看喝采介绍今晚 10 P.M. ET / PT在Showtime EXTREME®

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对于照片; 信贷: 伊恩·沃尔顿/欣欣

伦敦 - 二月 23, 2019 - 克里斯·尤班克JR. 赢得了职业生涯的定义胜利,超过英国的对手,前两届世界冠军詹姆斯DeGale在超中量级旗鼓相当的比赛周六在伦敦O2一场恶战一致决定在Showtime.

尤班克, 英国拳击传奇人物的儿子和前两个分部世界冠军克里斯·尤班克高级, 地板DeGale的途中明确的决定两倍, 这是得分 114-112, 115-112, 117-109. 视频集锦: https://s.sho.com/2E6mWI8

在他的第一个回合的全职教练工作, 尤班克打了一个控制的斗争. 前世界冠军挑战者地板DeGale的一个粗略的时刻在第二, 令人惊叹他的对手与对绳索一个大的左钩拳,后来他的地板瞬间与发送DeGale的在画布只是他职业生涯的第二次战斗强大的右路传中.

DeGale, 谁建立了他职业生涯的冠军作为一个漂亮的左撇子, 无法在范围内的刺拳和无法处理来自尤班克恒压. 前奥运金牌得主使出从外面冲刺,是在里面基本无效, 经常包揽,而在近距离.

“我知道他会来我了,”尤班克说:. “他是一个华而不实的左撇子, 但我的比赛计划工作. 聪明的压力,而不是过于超前了. 他是一个战士的地狱, 在这一天我的头,我的心脏赢得了这场战斗结束竞争对手,但地狱“。

“有很多的敌意,导致这场战斗. 我告诉他了, “这是我的时间,”,这是. 他是游戏的老手, 他抛出的大款,他设法熬夜. 对于那些击倒起床后是一个关于他的坚韧,他是战斗机的类型声明“。

在第二次击倒进来 10 为尤班克落在了强大的左钩拳,沉着应战DeGale的只 30 留在圆形秒. 再次, DeGale的努力再胜避免击倒, 但他的手碰到画布和被统治只是他职业生涯的第三次击倒.

战斗结束后, DeGale, 谁是第一个英国战斗机赢得一枚奥运金牌和世界冠军, 似乎对退休扶着.

“我肯定我做的还不够,” DeGale的说. “他是在这一点,我做的还不够. 你必须做足够多以对抗出面像克里斯人.

“我要回去跟我的团队, 我的家人, 并决定. 我留下我的印记,在拳击比赛中. 我赢得了奥运奖牌, 两次世界冠军,也可能是把它挂起来的时候“。

尽管DeGale的考虑退休, 尤班克他的目光在一个世界冠军头衔上再出手设置.

“这是我职业生涯中最重要的战斗, 我发言. 我又回到了我应该是, 在食物链的顶部. 我是来在中量级和超中量级分裂的所有皮带. 我打他们每个人都摆在我的面前.

“我很高兴,使我的美国首演在这里SHOWTIME. 我很高兴地介绍给美国公众这种方式 - 做一个声明”

在精彩表演拳击锦标赛连赛的开幕回合, 不败的重量级乔·乔伊斯保持他的淘汰赛记录完好,前重量级世界冠军贝曼·斯蒂文的第六轮将军澳.

一个令人兴奋的第一轮后,, 乔伊斯开辟了第二,一个可怕的直右的行动,并从钟卸载到钟手无寸铁Stiverne, 谁继续冲回,尽管吃损坏镜头. 之后在第三的开幕分钟了一系列的连击, 乔伊斯抓住Stiverne用右手直送他到画布第五次在他的职业生涯. Stiverne幸存下来的一轮,而循环扔出手,但未能返回任何有意义的拳.

乔伊斯, 该 2016 奥运会银牌得主, 一直在各地设立的斗争中准确,有效的左刺拳背后强大的直右. 随着乔伊斯 (8-0, 8 科斯) 继续开球对一个手无寸铁的主要Stiverne, 裁判霍华德·福斯特出面制止在比赛 2:26 第六届. Stiverne (25-4-1, 21 科斯) 没有抗议停工.

“大关于Stiverne - 就像一个真正的冠军, 他是非常艰难的,仍然出手抛, 但我想我只是有点过分,”乔伊斯说. “这是关于耐心. 他是一个硬汉,他把这些镜头没问题.

“我打了他的一切,我有, 包括厨房水槽. 我听了阿贝尔 (桑切斯) 在角落, 所做的一切,他说,并很顺利. 我戳真的有效. 我是一个经验丰富的兽医. 我拿起我的镇定和保持一路上平静.

“大的事情来了. 我的下一个将是WBA定期 (称号) 我会回来在健身房很快. 我需要有一对夫妇更打架是这样,然后我会做好准备的大冠军。”

前世界冠军李谢肃方的轻量级亮相的亮点周六的转播过程中特色. 一位前冠军在轻量级, 塞尔比 (27-2, 9 科斯) 克服了第二轮意外的用头撞人,赢得了12轮一致决定 (116-112, 116-112, 115-114) 在奥马尔·道格拉斯 (19-3, 13 科斯).

周六的精彩表演拳击锦标赛连赛的安可演讲将播出今晚/星期六 10 P.M. ET / PT在Showtime EXTREME, 周日 9 A.M. ET / PT在Showtime和周一 10 P.M. ET / PT在Showtime EXTREME.

资深广播人布赖恩·卡斯特主办的连赛从伦敦多用途作战解说员毛罗·拉纳洛调用动作马戏团一起名人堂分析师铝伯恩斯坦. 名人堂的两个霍尔杀进今天的转播团队 - 艾美奖® 获奖的记者吉姆·格雷和世界著名的环播音员麦侬JR. 执行制片人是大卫丁勤JR. 里克·菲利普斯导演. 周六的电视节目是一个合作生产ITV.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports,

订阅 欣欣体育YouTube频道, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing或成为Facebook上的粉丝在 www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.

# # #

詹姆斯DeGale VS. 克里斯·尤班克JR. 最后的新闻发布会行情,图片超中量级对决本星期六LIVE ONSHOWTIME®在伦敦O2体育场

“这是退休时间. 谁失去了这场战斗结束。” - DeGale的

“没有什么,他可以在那个戒指,我不能做处理. 我要盒他的头。” - 尤班克

精彩表演拳击锦标赛® 开始住在 3:45 P.M. ET / 12:45 P.M. PT

点击 这里 对于照片; 信贷: 伊恩·沃尔顿/欣欣

伦敦 - 二月 21, 2019 - 前两届超中量级冠军詹姆斯DeGale和前世界冠军挑战者克里斯·尤班克JR. 在上周四的加热最后的新闻发布会为自己12轮摊牌头条精彩表演拳击锦标赛这个星期六对峙, 二月 23 住在Showtime (3:45 P.M. ET / 12:45 P.M. PT) 从在伦敦O2.

DeGale (25-2-1, 15 科斯) 和尤班克 (27-2, 21 科斯) 将最终解决其长期运行的分数当两个对手直言不讳在伦敦见面. 在精彩表演拳击锦标赛的共同特征回合, 奥运会银牌得主和顶级的前景乔·乔伊斯 (7-0, 7 科斯) 将测量对前WBC冠军贝曼·斯蒂文 (25-3-1, 21 科斯) 在12轮的重量级交锋.

前两届处世界冠军, 克里斯·尤班克高级, 在出勤和毫不避讳地指出,这不会成为他的儿子一个简单的战斗. “这是一个 50/50 战斗,是第一次,我吓呆了什么样的结果能够. 我吓呆了该少年可能不会赢得这场战斗,“他说,.

本次活动由Poxon体育推广和总理拳击冠军呈现. 乔伊斯 - Stiverne是促进了伴随Ringstar体育和唐·金制作. 该连赛将空气住在中美. 独家精彩表演,并在ITV票房在U.K.

资深广播人布莱恩·卡斯特将从伦敦举办的连与作战解说员毛罗·拉纳洛马戏团调用动作一起名人堂分析师铝伯恩斯坦. 三名人堂成员将圆了转播团队 - 艾美奖® 获奖的记者吉姆·格雷, 拳击历史学家史蒂夫Farhood作为非官方马戏团射手, 和世界知名的环播音员麦侬JR.



“我腾出我的标题像这样的战斗. 克里斯·尤班克一直叫我的名字很长一段时间,我终于有机会打他脸上.

“我对他不尊重. 没有. 这家伙是个白痴稀释. 而上周六晚,我迫不及待地想和他打交道. 我将它正确地来给他. 他不能箱. 之前我们都听到过这.

“这是他职业生涯中最大的打击. 这是退休时间. 谁失去了这场斗争结束. 它做或周六死......他的退休斗争是这里. 这是他的最后一战, 我答应你,.

“我证明. 我去过那儿, 做到这一点. 我已经赢得了一切. 他做了什么. 而且我要退休了他.

“尤班克是一个艰难的战斗机, 他很强壮. 他有很多很好的属性, 但我对他太好了. 混了起来,去极顶你需要比强度和韧性多. 每次他开始的时候了, 他失去了.

“输的恐惧,是因为我知道什么是上线. 这是做或死. 如果我不能打败他, 如果我不能打败克里斯·尤班克小, 我受够了.

“很多人认为我已经看到更好的日子. 很多人认为我是在下降. 我已经在过去有问题, 但我可以诚实地说,我完全适合. 我在最佳状态我已经很长一段, 很久, 身体和精神上. 当我觉得我觉得没有人能打败我.

“如果我不能打败克里斯那意味着我拍, 这意味着我在山上“。


“这家伙是个流浪汉. 他说话的好游戏. 他将有一个好走, 但在一天结束的时候,我会成为他太多.

“我们都在一个阶段,我们不能输. 我们都争取我们的事业. 他知道他不能处理我. 他问自己, “我能存活?”答案是绝对不会.

“没有什么,他可以在那个戒指,我不能做处理. 我要盒他的头.

“我有一个全职教练,现在. 这是我职业生涯第一次, 我有一个教练每天都在出重点战略,我准备詹姆斯是什么 - 一个漂亮的左撇子. 这就是为什么我非常有信心. 如果他想运行, 我们有Gameplan的. 如果他想站起来摇摆, 我们有Gameplan的. 我们拥有的一切计划.

“重要的是,詹姆斯的职业生涯已经结束几天. 我给他发了消息后,他失去了 [乔治·] 格罗夫斯说,他需要跟上,因为我们要争取1天. 而现在,我们终于在这里我看着他的眼睛,我没有看到一个自信的人.

“轮到我了. 我期待他曾经是最好的,并且仍然不会是足够.

“我是一个世界级战士. 任何人在拳击比赛知道. 这是我的机会来证明一劳永逸,以正视听,证明我是真正的交易. 我知道这是我职业生涯中的一个决定性的战斗. 它是做或死,我准备好了.

“詹姆斯知道什么是未来. 在一天结束时, 他最后的表演还没有达到标准, 但我不认为他尊重他 [过去] 对手. 他尊重我, 我尊重他,这就是为什么这是一个真正的战斗.

“我已经在比赛中很长一段时间,但是,这是一个漫长的旅程才刚刚开始,我. 这是我最大的打击. 我一定要赢. 如果我赢了, 我回到了世界舞台. 击败詹姆斯DeGale设置了我为世界冠军是我在这场比赛开始的全部理由。”


“有级别拳击. 克里斯是一个很好的应用前景透进来,但他并不在同一水平上詹姆斯. 他会找出如何才能成为世界冠军. 詹姆斯DeGale高于克里斯JR水平.


“我知道詹姆斯是不是失去. 詹姆斯DeGale可能是最好的英国战斗机我已经在我的国家看到的“。


“我已经看到了詹姆斯的巅峰之作,它的醉人. 随着克里斯, 不是一切,我已经说过了已应用. 它可能已经听说过, 但不适用. 我说的作品. 我不会有 19 冠军赢,如果它没有.

“我不相信 [克里斯将赢得] 因为詹姆斯DeGale有血统. 作为一个 [奥林匹克] 金牌得主和前世界冠军是真实的. 我尊重男人的能力. 少年还没有.

“我儿子关注的是拳击的身体方面,, 从物理角度来看, 我认为没有人可以和他站在一起. 但拳击不仅仅是身体上的——它也是精神上的, 而这正是Junior所欠缺的. 不知道他有没有这个.

“这是一个 50/50 战斗,是第一次,我吓呆了什么样的结果能够. 我吓呆了该少年可能不会赢得这场战斗.

“这是来过这里的人的智慧. 你永远不会根据过去的表现低估你的对手. 任何认为这个人因为过去的表现而陷入困境的人都错了.

“从身体方面来说, 少年占据上风. 从精神层面和血统层面, 詹姆斯占据上风, 这就是为什么这是一个 50/50 战斗.

“我知道克里斯已经学会了,让我们看看会产生什么. 这可能会是一场精彩的战斗。”


“我喜欢我们的机会. 我认识和我一起参加训练营的那个人. 我所看到的事情, 我喜欢. 这次他们更加积极.

“你不能低估像尤班克这样的人. 他总是为了胜利而来. 但, 无论游戏计划如何, 有一种特定的心态,我的人也有这种心态. 他是金牌得主,他知道周六该带着什么心态.

“詹姆斯赢得了两项重要的世界冠军, 一枚奥运金牌. 克里斯取得了一些不错的胜利,但是当他达到精英级别时, 他输了. 克里斯是一名出色的战士,但他并没有击败过这种水平的对手。”

# # #

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Undefeated British sensation Joe Joyce faces Former World Champion Bermane Stiverne

Defends Commonwealth title alongside return of Former World Champion Lee Selby on massive DeGale v Eubank Jr. 卡, LIVE on ITV Box Office

Fast rising star makes fearless move in just EIGHTH pro fight to fast track towards World Title

Stiverne says it will be Joyce’s nightmare when he gets knocked out

Legendary promoter Don King promises to ‘Re Joyce’ when Stiverne recreates McCall victory over Lewis in London

伦敦(23 一月 2019) Poxon Sports and PBC are delighted to announce that heavyweight sensation Joe Joyce will defend his Commonwealth title in the biggest test of his unbeaten career when he takes a gigantic leap up to confront the Former WBC World Champion Bermane Stiverne on Saturday 23rd February at The O2, exclusively live on ITV Box Office.

Joyce vs. Stiverne, promoted by Poxon Sports in association with Ringstar Sports and Don King Productions, will feature alongside the return of Former IBF World Featherweight Champion Lee Selby as one of the chief-supporting contests on an action-packed show, headlined with the thrilling all-British clash between fierce rivals James DeGale and Chris Eubank Jr.

The 6ft 6in ‘Juggernaut’ from Putney, South West London, has destroyed all seven of his opponents since turning professional in October 2017 after capturing the Silver medal at the Rio Olympics and has singled himself out as one of the most feared talents in the heavyweight division.

It’s a monumental test for Joyce to be facing a former World Champion in just his eighth fight, the rock-solid and sledge-hammer hitting Stiverne, born in Montreal, 加拿大, of Haitian descent and based out of Las Vegas, has fought some of the biggest and best in the division, including Deontay Wilder and Chris Arreola.

The fight has added bad blood thrown in resulting from a sparring session between Joyce and Stiverne in which Joyce was angered by comments from Stiverne in an interview afterwards when he said he took Joyce to school.

Joyce said, “I had respect for Bermane Stiverne. We sparred in Las Vegas; he said he took me to school in an interview etc, it got ugly and it made this fight happen. I tried to be respectful of him, but he’s rude and was having none of it. He is a former World Champion that has gone 12 rounds with Deontay Wilder and will give me a real challenge; but my engine and my power will be too much for him, a fact he should be aware of!”

Joyce’s promoter Richard Schaefer, Ringstar Sports董事长兼首席执行官, 说, “After only seven fights Joe Joyce has become the number five ranked Heavyweight in the world. But the spectacular way in which he has won all of his seven fights by knockout have made him the number one fan favourite in the Heavyweight Division. Taking on the heavy-handed Former World Champion Stiverne shows that no challenge is too big for Joe as he continues to march towards the Heavyweight World Championship. Simply put: Joe Joyce has become must see TV, so make sure to tune in on February 23 or come and watch him live at the O2 in London!”

Stiverne Dirita, “I told my promoter Don King to get me any man on earth and I will fight for the right to prove myself to the world. Then the phone rings, it’s Don, he tells me Joe Joycea boxer with only seven boutsagrees to meet me! ‘Seven bouts?’. Seven fights and he has the audacity to box me? I have stopped Chris Arreola, Ray Austin, the then undefeated Kerston Manswelland a boxer with seven fights wants to box me?!.’ I said to Don ‘Sign it, take it, grab it,’ I’m ready. Seven fightsand he wants to box meFor me it is a dream come truebut for Joyce it will be a nightmare. I will knock out Joe Joyce and step over him to KO Anthony Joshua. I’m primed and ready. The real Bermane Stiverne will be there on February 23 and will knock out Joe Joyce en route to regaining my heavyweight crown.”

Stiverne’s legendary promoter Don King, 额外, “It is with my greatest pleasure that Don King Productions can announce our return to Jolly Old Englandthe ‘Cradle of Boxingwhere my pugilistic giantthe Former Heavyweight Champion of the World Bermane Stiverne begins his comeback at the expense of the Giant Joe Joyce. Unfortunately, for the local fans of Joe there will no ‘re Joycing’ – as my onceand future champion Bermane Stiverne will slay Joyce just like St. George did the dragon of old. But no matter, we will pick up the pieces and bring back Joyce just as I have brought back and helped build many a future together. I recall when I came here with Oliver McCall and he was given no chance against Lennox Lewis. Then the underdog became the top dog when Oliver KO’d the previously unbeaten champ and we went home with the title. History will repeat itself of February 23 when Bermane sends another undefeated Englishman to defeat. Now retooledresuscitated, renewed, rejuvenated and recommitted Bermane Stiverne will resurrect his career on February 23 when the ‘Lord of Ringcrushes theLord of the World” – ‘JuggernautJoyce on his inexorable march to regain the heavyweight championship of the world. Bless all British fans, God Save the Queenbut heaven help Joe JoyceWe will see you on February 23rd.

WBC World Heavyweight Champion Deontay Wilder also put forward his thoughts on the intriguing match up, 他说,, “Joe Joyce will be a good test for him (Stiverne). I’ve seen Joe Joyce before. 他是一个好战士. Joe Joyce fought Joe Hanks on my undercard with Tyson Fury but I didn’t get a chance to see him fight that night. But I’m looking forward to seeing him against Stiverne.

Richard Poxon, UK Promoter for PBC, 说, “I’ve known Joe from his amateur days up in Sheffield. His success at the Olympics didn’t surprise me at all. He’s transitioned well to the pros now and is clearly in a hurry. The heavyweight division is the one that everyone is looking at again and I fully expect Joe to be in the thick of the action in the coming year. Taking on a former WBC World Champion in only your eighth fight clearly shows what Joe’s ambitions are.”

Since embarking on his pro career in his quest to become World Heavyweight Champion, the quietly spoken Joyce has let his destructive fists do the talking in making bold statements to make the boxing world sit up and take notice of the fast-rising star.

在十月 2017 he astounded critics when he choose to fight the hardened Former British title challenger Ian Lewison, who had just extended big-punching Dillian Whyte to ten rounds, for his pro-debut and pounded him down in eight rounds.

Then in only his fourth fight with only 12 rounds under his belt and inside seven months of turning pro, Joyce demolished the Commonwealth Heavyweight Champion Lenroy Thomas in just two roundssetting a new record by heavyweight boxer to win the Commonwealth belt.

在他的最后一战, American fights fans got a brief taster of what the British star is all about when he smashed through Joe Hanks in a round to win the WBA Continental title at the Staples Centre in Los Angeles in making his glittering U.S debut.


oyce, now ranked #5 in the world by the WBA and progressing quickly towards a World Title shot, faces unquestionably his sternest career test to date against the vastly experienced and equally big-hitting Las Vegas based Haitian who has knocked out 21 opponents of his 25 wins in his 29 拼事业.

Stiverne formerly held the WBC crown for two years after defeating Chris Arreola on points in April 2013 to win the title and then in the rematch destroying him inside six rounds in the first defence of the title in May 2014.

The rock solid Stiverne then pushed the dynamite-punching Deontay Wilder the full twelve round distance in the next defence of his WBC World Heavyweight title clash in January 2015. Stiverne became the first man to take Wilder beyond who at that point had obliterated all his opponents inside four rounds. In the rematch nearly three years later, Stiverne stepped in at the last minute when Wilder’s original opponent Luis Ortiz failed a drugs test and due to his inactivity was stopped in a round.

Stiverne is now looking to return to the elite heavyweight mix and a victory over Joyce would propel him back into the limelight and on course towards a potential world title opportunity.

Tickets available fromwww.AXS.com and Inner Ringside/VIP Hospitality fromwww.sportandmusic.co.uk.

This fight will be shown exclusively on ITV Box Office. For further information and updates, please go towww.itvboxoffice.com 

Late last year, ITV announced a ground-breaking new deal with Haymon Sports and Premier Boxing Champions (PBC) to bring exclusive coverage of exciting PBC world-class boxing events to ITV viewers and fight fans in the UK.

The unique collaboration is the first time that Haymon Sports and PBC has partnered with a UK broadcaster to stage boxing events regularly in the UK. The exclusive three-year deal will guarantee a minimum of 15 televised events each year, drawing from PBC’s unrivalled group of over 160 of the best boxers in the world, which includes more than 60 current and former world champions in matches staged both in the UK and the US. PBC, the sports’ pre-eminent boxing brand, is broadcast over cable and network television in the United States.

The world-class action from events for the next three years will include free-to-air broadcasts on ITV’s channels, including ITV main channel and ITV4 and ITV Hub, and will also include pay per views on ITV’s PPV channel, ITV Box Office.

This new deal for boxing adds to ITV Sport’s portfolio of first class events, which includes exclusive free to air coverage of the England football team’s qualifiers for both the European Championship and World Cup, 该 6 Nations and exclusive coverage of the Rugby World Cup, UK horse racing, 环法自行车赛和法国网球公开赛. rell, ‘����Gb�


迪尔菲尔德海滩, FL (十月 4, 2018)—Hall of Fame boxing promoter Don King and heavyweight contender Bermane Stiverne hoped to settle things in the ring in Yekaterinburg, Russia with former Olympic gold medalist Alexander Povetkin on Dec. 17, 2016.




Stiverne never got the opportunity in the WBC heavyweight eliminator that morning, when WBC officials announced Povetkin had tested positive for the illegal substance ostarine and the WBC pulled the sanctioning and the fight was cancelled.




King and Don King Productions and Stiverne will now settle things in court as they have filed suit for $2 million in the Court of Arbitration for Sport against Alexander Povetkin and the World of Boxing.




Don King Productions and the World of Boxing came to an agreement on Nov. 6, 2016 for the WBC sanctioned fight between Stiverne and Povetkin scheduled for Dec. 17, 2016 with the winner facing Deontay Wilder.




Both fighters were to receive purses of $1,424,250 and the winner of the fight would have earned an additional $316,500. It was the second failed drug test by Povetkin in a seven-month period.




Stiverne hopes to return to the ring to fight for the world title again.




“Povetkin and Ryabinsky can’t play by the rules of the WBC and VADA,”国王说, “and they denied Bermane the opportunity of a lifetime to become heavyweight champion. All the hard work leading up to the fight and then waking up the morning of the fight in Russia and being told that there wouldn’t be a fight is devastating.”


Shawn Porter Scores Unanimous Decision Win Over Adrian Granados in SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® 共同特征
赶上重播 星期一, 十一月. 6 在 10 P.M. AND/PT在SHOWTIME EXTREME®
观看 Wilder KO: HTTP://s.sho.com/2zguBki
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布鲁克林 (十一月. 5, 2017) – 不败的重量级世界冠军 Deontay怀尔德 retained his WBC title in his sixth defense with a dominant first-round knockout of mandatory challenger 金杯 在精彩表演拳击锦标赛的主要事件 星期六 night on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center, 布鲁克林拳击家®.
怀尔德 (39-0, 38 KO的) knocked Stiverne (25-3-1, 21 科斯) to the ground three times before referee Arthur Mercante halted the bout at 2:59 的首轮. After Stiverne took Wilder the distance in their January 2015 冠军争夺战, Wilder has now knocked out every single opponent that he has faced in his career. Watch Wilder knocking out Stiverne 这里.
So much frustration, it just seemed like my career, it’s been crazy. So many guys using PED’s”, 怀尔德说, the only American heavyweight world champion. “I just want to prove that I am the best. I know I am the best but I want to prove I am the best.
Wilder first knocked Stiverne to the ground with a devastating one-two combination that caught the Haitian challenger on the nose. Seconds after Stiverne got back to his feet, Wilder landed another clean combination with a big left and an overhand right that sent a stunned Stiverne back to the canvas. The final blow came in the waning moments of the opening round as Wilder landed four clean punches to the face of a wobbly Stiverne.
You have to give props to Stiverne for getting in the ring,” 怀尔德说. “It takes a lot of courage and it takes a lot of pride to step in the ring with someone like me. We do what we have to do in the ring and at least he stepped up. He was a clean fighter.
After the brutal knockout, an emotional Wilder was asked by SHOWTIME Sports®reporter Jim Gray about a possible fight with unified heavyweight champion Anthony Joshua.
I’ve been waiting on that fight for a long time now,” 怀尔德说. “I declare war upon you. Do you accept my challenge? I’ve been waiting for a long time. I know I’m the champion. I know I’m the best. Are you up for the test?
A king doesn’t chase the peasants. A king takes kings. I want Joshua. If he doesn’t give me the fight we have other plans. The world wants Joshua, the world wants Wilder, I want Joshua. Joshua come and see me baby. No more dodging, no more excuses. Make the date, don’t wait.
Former welterweight world champion 肖恩·波特 (28-2-1, 17 科斯) 打败 阿德里安·格拉纳多斯 (18-6-2, 11 科斯) 通过一致决定 (进球 117-111 由三名法官) in an exciting fight between two all-action competitors that served as the co-featured event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING. The victory makes Porter the mandatory title challenger for unified welterweight champion Keith Thurman’s WBC belt.
穿, who injured his left hand in the sixth round, landed the sharper and more accurate punches throughout the fight, 含 40 他的权力拳%的. Both fighters came out aggressive in the early rounds and exchanged several powerful blows.
He gave me a little trouble here and there,” 波特说. “I hurt my left hand in the sixth round, but I kept using it. I had to use my jab. It took a toll on me and by the 10th round I just couldn’t throw it anymore.
The strategy was to keep working the jab. I knew he’d come at me periodically. I was prepared and dug deep to get the win.
格拉纳多斯, of Cicero, 生病了。, fought valiantly and withstood multiple barrages from the powerful Porter and countered with several quick combinations of his own. 格拉纳多斯, 谁刚刚登陆 24 他的总拳%的, disagreed with the judgesscorecard.
I thought that I was controlling the fight and keeping up with him the whole time,” Granados told Jim Gray. “He was just trying to use his normal tricks. I rocked him multiple times and he never had me in any trouble.
He’s a brute. I thought the referee [Gary Rosato] did a good job breaking up the fight at the right times. It was rough but I definitely thought I did better than the scorecards said.
在转播的开幕回合, unbeaten top contender 谢尔盖Lipinets (13-0, 10 科斯) earned the vacant IBF Junior Welterweight World Championship with a unanimous decision victory over Japanese veteran Akihiro Kondo (29-7-1, 16 科斯). The judges scored the fight118-110, 117-111 和 117-111.
The back-and-forth 12-round world championship fight saw Lipinets control the early rounds with a diversified, creative attack targeting Kondo’s body. An accidental clash of heads in the sixth round, which opened up a deep cut on the forehead of Lipinets, altered the momentum of the fight as Kondo gained confidence and was able to land some powerful punches to the head and body of Lipinets. The 28-year old Lipinets, who earned the title in just his 13 professional fight, was able to regain control in the later rounds to earn the unanimous win.
I think the scorecards were accurate but it was a good fight,” 利皮内茨说. “The head-butt really impaired my vision and it led to me walking into some stupid shots.
I’m happy with my performance. I’m just going to keep getting better from here. I’m ready to take any on challenge thrown my way.
Kondo, who was fighting for the first time in the United States, proved a worthy opponent on the night. “It was a fair decision,” said Kondo, through a translater. “He hit me with a lot of hard punches and I felt like I needed at least a knockdown in the last round.
I made up my mind that I wasn’t going to show any pain or fear from his punches. I was determined to keep fighting all night.
周六 转播将在重播, 星期天, 十一月 5 在 9 A.M. ET/PT and 星期一, 十一月 6 在 10 P.M. AND/PT在Showtime极端,将可在Showtime ON DEMAND® 和SHOWTIME ANYTIME®.
本次活动由 Corona Extra 赞助, La Cerveza Mas Fina 由 DiBella Entertainment 和 TGB Promotions 推广.
欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.sho.com/sports , 万维网.premierboxingchampions.com,
跟随我们的Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, LouDiBella, @TGBPromotions@BarclaysCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter, 和 www.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.




Heavyweight Championship 十一月. 4

“He took my title away from me. This is something I need back” – Bermane Stiverne

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Video Restrictions: News outlets are cleared to use this clip on broadcast and digital platforms. Broadcast outlets must verbally mention that Wilder-Stiverne airs LIVE on SHOWTIME on 十一月 4. Digital outlets must reference Wilder-Stiverne, 十一月 4 and LIVE on SHOWTIME in the accompanying copy.


什么: SHOWTIME Sports today released an advanced look at a video feature of former heavyweight world champion 金杯as he prepares to take on reigning champion Deontay怀尔德 in an attempt to recapture his WBC Heavyweight title.


The Heavyweight Championship rematch headlines the 十一月 4 精彩表演拳击锦标赛, a Premier Boxing Champions event 直播 开演时间 (9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT) 巴克莱中心, 布鲁克林拳击™的家.


The feature will air in its entirety 上周六的 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast.


“This is the fight that everyday runs through my mind and it bothers me,” said Stiverne. “I don’t think I lost the fight because he was better than me. I lost the fight because of health problems.”


Looking ahead to 星期六 night’s world title rematch, Stiverne explained how there is no love lost between the two heavyweights. “The matter between he and I is very personal,” Stiverne admitted. “He took my title away from me. This is something I need back, but it’s so much more than that. I’ll make him feel my pain.”


Deontay怀尔德VS. Bermane Stiverne Final Press Conference Quotes & 照片

Heavyweight World Title Showdown Headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Tripleheader 星期六, 十一月 4 在巴克莱中心布鲁克林
点击 这里 从汤姆赌场/欣欣照片
(Photos include Times Square Photo-op with Wilder)
点击 这里 从埃德迪勒图片/ DiBella娱乐
布鲁克林 (十一月 2, 2017) – WBC重量级世界冠军 Deontay怀尔德 和前世界冠军 金杯 went face-to-face and exchanged words onstage 星期四 at the final press conference before they battle in the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING main event this 星期六, 十一月 4 巴克莱中心, 布鲁克林拳击™的家.
总理拳击冠军主办, the event features former world champion肖恩·波特 承担 阿德里安·格拉纳多斯 在次中量级世界冠军消除. The three-fight SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast begins live at 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT with unbeaten 谢尔盖Lipinets battling Japan’s Akihiro Kondo for the vacant IBF Junior Welterweight World Championship.
Joining the fighters and press conference participants onstage was Hall of Fame Promoter 唐金, who promotes Stiverne and predicted that his fighter would shock the world and deliver an upset 周六 夜晚.
门票现场活动, 这是由DiBella娱乐和TGB促销推广, 现已公开发售,并可以在购买 ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com 或致电 800-745-3000. 门票也可在美国运通票房购买巴克莱中心. 集团折扣可致电844-BKLYN-GP.
以下是新闻发布会的参与者不得不说 星期四 from the Edison Ballroom in Manhattan:
Stiverne was the only man to survive the ‘Alabama Slammerand avoid a knockout. When I knock him out, then nobody will be able to say they made it through against me. He was nothing but a lot of lumps and excuses after the first fight.
It’s been a long road for me. 我有我的跌宕起伏我. The ups I’ve celebrated, but the downs have hurt the most. It’s all led me to here. All I ever wanted to do is prove to the world that I am the best. I am the baddest. I hit the hardest. I am the most feared. My record speaks for itself.
Winner takes all. I am a man of my word. We’ve heard Bermane Stiverne say these same things before. We’ve heard it all before. What happened the first time? Everybody knows. Hopefully he doesn’t get dehydrated this time.
This just turned up into a whole other level. The ambulance better be ready. The medical teams better be ready. The referee better be ready. They better have that towel to be able to throw it in because every blow is going to mean something. This just got even more personal.
There’s nothing different that he can bring to the table. He brought everything he could bring the first time. He brought all his tricksall his power. There’s nothing he’s going to be able to do this time. The only thing he’s going to be able to do is pick his spot on the ground where he’s going to lay at.
I do my talking and my walking in that ring. 这就是它的全部. 这就是我们在这里的原因. 十一月 4 the truth with reveal itself. That’s when it counts. When Deontay Wilder speaks, I mean what I say. But I’m going to show you, instead of tell you, 周六 夜晚.
This will be an electrifying fight. That belt isn’t going anywhere. I will unify the division. I will be the undefeated, undisputed heavyweight champion of the world.
Deontay Wilder has been trying to duck me. He’s been giving a lot of excuses about my career. He should be happy if I’ve been inactive. He should be jumping in the air. Everyone knows that means he’s scared. He knows what time it is.
He already gave me his best. I had nothing last fight. But now I’m a very dangerous man. Everyone here knows what time it is.
I feel great and I feel strong. There will be no excuses this time. I can guarantee you this. 我 100 percent this time.
Deontay said he fears for my life. 很好, I don’t fear for his life. I’m going to do whatever it takes to grab that title. And I’ll walk away with a smile on my face.
You caught me sleeping last time. Nobody is going to be sleeping this time. I’m going to be on you all night. It’s over for you.
This is a fighter that I took him the longest rounds in any of his fights. He had never gone past seven or eight.
He’s like a third round or fourth round knockout guy depending on the level of his opponent. Anyone that would be a decent or strong opponent, he’s not going to last. From rounds six through 12 he didn’t do much. Everything was in the first six.
His last fights that I’ve watched, I haven’t seen any progress.
星期六, 十一月 4 I will be two-time heavyweight champion of the world. No one can stop me. He can smile all he wants. 但 周六 I’m taking that belt home with me.
I’m glad to be back. I’m excited to fight once more before the year is done. This is really another tremendous fight card and I’m honored to be a part of it.
I’m getting the seats warm this time before Deontay comes to close the show. You’re definitely going to want to be paying attention to this fight.
I wanted to get back in the ring. Adrian Granados was also looking for a fight and was willing to accept the fight. 它的那样简单. I’m a boxer and my job is to compete against the best. 现在, he’s the best challenge that I have.
This is a great matchup. This is really fan friendly action everyone is going to see. I know I’m facing an aggressive guy who is going to come at me with everything he’s got.
I enjoy every bit about fighting at Barclays Center. The energy is always great in that building. The atmosphere is really unbelievable. I’m happy to fight there again.
The respect that Granados and I have for each other, that’s what boxing is all about. It’s about getting in the ring and competing. We wanted someone that was going to come here and fight me. We didn’t want someone who was going to run or lay down. We want to close the year out in fantastic form, and the best way to do that is by facing Granados.
I’m very grateful to be here and have this opportunity against Shawn Porter. I appreciate it and I thank him and his team. This is definitely going to be a great fight.
I’m fighting for everyone back home and all the people that are with me every day. Everyone knows how dedicated we are and that will all come together on fight night.
This is all about proving myself and showing that I belong with the best of the sport. I have to take an opportunity like this when it’s offered to me. There’s nothing to do now but get in the ring and get down to business.
This is a tremendous opportunity. 我来赢, not lay down. 我在这里打. We both have fan-friendly styles and may the best man win.
“这是一个梦想成真我. I had to work very hard and overcome a lot to get to this point. Now that I’m here, I want to give the fans a great fight.
I’m going to go for the knockout and become a world champion. This is the thing that motivates me every day through this hard training camp.
I am prepared for anything Kondo can bring to the ring. He has earned his right to fight for the title and I have to take him very seriously and be at my very best.
I’m going to do my best to win for all of my fans in Japan. I’m going to take this world title belt back home to Japan and I’m happy to have the support of my country.
I’ve come a long way to get here. 这是拳击的圣地. I feel really relaxed and calm. This feels like a normal fight for me still.
No matter what happens in this fight, I think that is going to come down to heart. I am determined not to lose in that area.
娄DiBella, DiBella娱乐总裁
This is a terrific card from top to bottom. I love this show. Dominic Breazeale vs. 埃里克·莫利纳, Amanda Serrano a pound-for-pound champion, and two undefeated local kids Chris Colbert and Titus Williams, all featured on this card. The show is truly loaded with talent and stars.
Nothing gets bigger than the defense of America’s only heavyweight championship. Deontay Wilder defending his title against Bermane Stiverne, the only man that Deontay has not been able to knockout.
“这是一个危险的战斗. Stiverne is big, strong and he can punch. This is Christmas for him. He has nothing to lose. He can walk out of here with the heavyweight championship of the world.
Shawn Porter is fighting against a real deserving challenger. Shawn is a champion with or without a belt, and Granados always makes great fights and he’s going to give it 120 百分.
Kondo is a very accomplished fighter, but he’s going to have his hands full with Sergey LIpinets. Whenever LIpinets gets in the ring, someone gets hurt. I think he has a chance to go very far.
DON KING, 启动名人堂大厅
I want to thank all of these young men up here who are fighting for the crown. Stiverne has something in store for Wilder 周六 night that will be a shock. It’s going to be the Fight of the Year. Unquestionably.
Deontay has never really met Bermane Stiverne, so I’m going to introduce them. It’s going to be a fantastic night of fighting at Barclays Center. You will have a tremendous upset 周六 night when Bermane Stiverne knocks out Deontay Wilder.
After this happens, we can have a rubber match. It will be an exciting time for me 周六 night and the start of a ‘November to Remember.'
This weekend’s telecast will be the second weekend of heavyweight title fights on SHOWTIME. We all know these two faced each other in 2015, but neither fighter went home happy. Deontay was impressive but he didn’t get the knockout. Stiverne is the only blemish on Wilder’s perfect knockout streak. Ever since that fight, Bermane has been asking for the rematch. 周六 both men will get their wish. Deontay can send a message to the rest of the division and Bermane gets a second chance at a world title
The first time they fought, everyone saw it as Deontay’s toughest opponent. Out of 42 media members, 22 predicted Deontay to win and 20 picked Stiverne. This is an all-action heavyweight fight with America’s heavyweight world champion.
Sometimes a big fight can suck up the attention from the co-featured fights on the card. Both of these opening bouts could have been a main event and would be a main event on any other network. Porter and Granados is an intriguing matchup of all action fighters and if you haven’t seen Sergey LIpinets fight, I urge you to turn on the TV early and get to the arena, because this will be an entertaining fight.
By the end of the night we will have done 29 world title fights this year alone. There is no other network that could put on that many high quality fights. We look forward to closing the year on a strong note 周六 夜晚。”
BRETT YORMARK, 布鲁克林体育的CEO & 娱乐
这个星期六 will be our last Brooklyn boxing event of the year. It’s been an incredible 2017. It started with Badou Jack vs. 詹姆斯DeGale, then in March the Keith Thurman vs. Danny Garcia fight, which was probably the biggest we ever had at the arena. It hit new marks that we hadn’t seen before. This summer we had the Mikey Garcia vs. Adrien Broner fight and we’ve also seen the Charlo brothers fight at Barclays Center in 2017 and become stars.
It’s been a great year full of memorable moments and I couldn’t think of a better way to end the year than with Deontay 周六 夜晚. When Deontay defended his title at Barclays Center last year, it was the first heavyweight title fight in the borough of Brooklyn in 115 years and we’re excited to have him back.
欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.sho.com/sports , 万维网.premierboxingchampions.com,
跟随我们的Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, LouDiBella, @TGBPromotions@BarclaysCenter and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter, 和 万维网.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment

Deontay怀尔德VS. Bermane Stiverne Media Workout Quotes & 照片

Heavyweight World Title Showdown Headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Tripleheader 星期六, 十一月 4 在巴克莱中心布鲁克林
点击 这里 从阿曼达韦斯科特/ SHOWTIME照片
点击 这里 从埃德迪勒图片/ DiBella娱乐
布鲁克林 (十一月 1, 2017) – WBC重量级世界冠军 Deontay怀尔德 和前世界冠军 金杯 showed off their power and skills at the media workout 星期三 in Brooklyn before they meet in the main event of SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING 星期六, 十一月 4 巴克莱中心, 布鲁克林拳击™的家.
总理拳击冠军主办, the event features former world champion肖恩·波特 承担 阿德里安·格拉纳多斯 在次中量级世界冠军消除. The three-fight SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast begins live at 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT with unbeaten 谢尔盖Lipinets battling Japan’s Akihiro Kondo for the vacant IBF Junior Welterweight World Championship.
门票现场活动, 这是由DiBella娱乐和TGB促销推广, 现已公开发售,并可以在购买 ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com 或致电 800-745-3000. 门票也可在美国运通票房购买巴克莱中心. 集团折扣可致电844-BKLYN-GP.
Joining the televised fighters at Gleason’s Gym 周三 were five-time world champion 阿曼达·塞拉诺, who returns to the ring in undercard action Saturday. Also in attendance were unbeaten prospects 克里斯·科尔伯特 泰特斯·威廉姆斯, who meet in an eight-round featherweight attraction.
这里是战士不得不说 星期三:
Stiverne is going to see me come to Barclays Center and finish the job 周六. He survived the first time. He’s the only one to survive on their feet. This is something that I’ve come back to. I will finish the job this time.
Stiverne had a lot of excuses after the last fight. Nobody wants to hear excuses from the loser. He knows what happened. 我打他 12 rounds in a row. I think this fight will be even easier for me. He hasn’t improved since we last fought, but I’m going to show him a whole new Deontay Wilder. This is the end of Bermane Stiverne’s career right here.
As soon as Anthony Joshua accepts the fight, then I’ll be there. They’re trying to distract people because they know that I’m a danger to anybody’s career. All their excuses have nothing to do with the sport of boxing. The only thing people care about is the best fighting the best, and that’s what I’m trying to do.
I thought the first Stiverne fight should have been stopped. He had knots all over his faced and was concussed. I’m not trying to leave any doubt this time around.
This is my mandatory opponent. I must face him and that’s just what it is. I’ve called out every name in the sport. All the top guys have ducked me, so I just have to take care of the people that are able to get in the ring.
I have no fear heading into this fight. It’s not that I didn’t see the openings in the last fight, I just couldn’t physically perform how I needed to.
I had health concerns last fight but now I’ve turned the chapter on that and I’m focused周六 夜晚. This is going to be a completely different fight this time around
I’m hungry to win. I’m always motivated and excited about getting into the ring, but obviously this is the biggest chance I’m going to have.
The stage is set and my destiny is in front of me. I always said I was going to be the first person to beat him, and that is going to come together 周六.
“营地里一切都很完美. Deontay is going to be in for a real rude awakening 周六. I’m going to let my fists do the talking for me.
This is a great style matchup. I think that’s why this fight was made. We are two guys that are going to go in there and go 12 硬轮. My job is to get in there and outbox him and get him out of there.
I don’t think I need to make any adjustments because I can come forward, move around the ring, create anglesI think Adrian isn’t exactly ready for that. My foot movement and of course my hand speed will be the difference.
This is the second eliminator for me. It is about doing it again. I have to get the job done and get that fight with Keith Thurman.
I want to make it very clear that I’m the better boxer. I want it to be clear that I can do to Adrian Granados what no one else has been able to doput him on his butt.
On all of our gear we wrote #VegasStrong. We want to send a message to everyone in Vegas that I don’t just live there, but it is part of my heart now. My heart goes out to everyone affected by the tragedy and now we are over a month past that. I am fighting for the people of Vegas.
It means a lot to me to be in this fight on this stage. I definitely need to win and bounce back from my loss to Broner and show that I have a lot more to give to this sport. I’m far from down and out, I just showed up to the party and I’m ready to leave my mark.
“我认为 147 is a weight that I’ll be good at. I’ve fought here and at 140-pounds so I’m comfortable either way. This was just an opportunity that I couldn’t pass up.
I never fight the same way. This is a fight and it’s going to have everything that comes with that. I’m going to be prepared for what Shawn Porter brings to the ring. This fight kind of came out of nowhere but it was easy for me to agree to.
This is a great opportunity to prove that I’m able to fight with anyone in this sport. I can compete on the highest level and I’m going to show everyone that I’m a force on fight night.
I’m very happy right now. I’m very excited to fight for a title, but I know how to contain my emotions and direct them in a positive way. When I get in the ring, I’m going to make everyone else happy with my performance.
I had great sparring partners for this camp and I’ve worked hard with Buddy McGirt to get in the best shape possible. My team did a great job getting me to this point so I couldn’t be happier.
At this level, there are no bad fighters. Anyone who walks in the ring and stands in their across from me should be respected.
My preparation for this fight has been at the same level as it was for all of my other fights. I always train like the title is on the line. I always bring my best and I know that Kondo will do. He’s trying to take advantage of this opportunity too.
I was here in March fighting on the Keith Thurman vs. Danny Garcia undercard and I knew that one day I would be fighting for the title in that same arena. I love New York and I love the boxing fans here. This is just a great event and I hope everyone sees my performance.
I had a really strong training camp. 我觉得准备战斗. I’m ready to go today If I had to. Everything in camp went as well as I could have hoped.
I know that Lipinets is a hard puncher and a very good overall fighter. I’m going to do my best to avoid the big shots and use my skills.
I want to put on a performance that will guarantee that people will remember my name. I think it’s going to be a really good fight and make me more well-known throughout the world. I’m not just doing this for myself, but for everybody back home.
I’m so grateful and excited to have the opportunity to be on this card. I know how fortunate I am to be in this position and I’m ready to make the most of it.
Every fight is huge for me to show that I’m still winning and continuing to get better. I love fighting at Barclays Center on big shows like this one. It’s always fun to fight in front of your fans and hopefully as I gain recognition I can bring bigger and better things to women’s boxing.
I’m always looking for the next big challenge. Eventually I would like to break my own record and look to grab a title in a sixth weight class. I’m ready to take on the best fighters and the biggest challenges.
You can’t underestimate anyone in this sport, so we trained very hard leading up to this one. She’s coming in here to knock my head off. This camp was actually a little different because I didn’t have to diet for this fight. I could actually eat at this weight and I’m feeling really strong.
I’m facing a tough girl who’s only been stopped twice, so my goal is to make this one quick. The faster the fight the easier for me and it gives the fans something to get excited about.
I’m different from a lot of other up-and-coming fighters in this business. I’m willing to take risks. In this boxing game it’s either win or lose, and I’m in it to win.
I’m familiar with Titus as a fighter and I know that I have what it takes to beat him. That’s the name of the game and that’s the goal 周六.
Training camp was tremendous. This was the longest camp that I’ve ever had. We’ve gone strong for seven weeks straight. No days off, just hard work every day.
“我觉得 100 percent healthy right now. 一切发生的原因. That minor setback that I had, it’s leading to a major comeback starting 周六 夜晚.
I love to fight in my city. It’s always great to have my city behind me. Once I get in the ring though, it’s just another day for me. I’m going to show off my skills. I’m going to bring everything I need to get this win.
Taking on a fight like this proves that I’m fearless. I’m willing to take on all the challenges in this sport. I’m not looking to pad my record with easy wins. When there is a challenge put in front of me, I’m ready willing and able to face it.
I’m in the best shape of my life right now. I’ve never felt this good heading into a fight. Mentally and physically I’m in a really good place and ready to go.
Colbert has speed, he’s crafty and he’s slick. He’s going to come to fight and he’s going to come to win. But I’m going to break his will.
All of those attributes that he has, I have the same ones. But I have the difference maker. In the professional game, that difference maker is power.
I’m facing a guy I came up with during the amateurs and went on national trips with. None of that really matters to me when the bell rings. I have to go in there and do my job, and that’s to win.
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RING RESUME: Deontay怀尔德



An Examination Of Wilder’s Career From Olympic Bronze-Medalist To Undefeated WBC Heavyweight Champion Written and Narrated By Steve Farhood

To View and Share, 点击这里: http://s.sho.com/2z8cRt5

Deontay怀尔德VS. 金杯 | 星期六, 十一月. 4

住在Showtime®9 P.M. AND / 6 P.M. PT


图片来源: 以斯帖林/ SHOWTIME


什么: International Boxing Hall of Famer and historian Steve Farhood examines the career of WBC Heavyweight Champion Deontay Wilder in advance of his world title rematch defense against mandatory challenger Bermane Stiverne on 星期六, 十一月. 4住在Showtime (9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT) 巴克莱中心, 布鲁克林拳击™的家.


在SHOWTIME体育的最新版本® 数字系列“环简历,” Farhood takes an in-depth look at Wilder’s career beginning with his 2012 SHOWTIME debut knockout of then-unbeaten Kelvin Price. The nine-fight examination includes his 2015 world title fight against his 十一月. 4 对手, 金杯, and his sensational 2016 Knockout of the Year candidate against Artur Szpilka.


欣欣拳击锦标赛® telecast will be available in Spanish via secondary audio programming (SAP).

Shawn Porter vs. Adrian Granados Training Camp Quotes & 照片

波特 vs. Granados Featured on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING 星期六, 十一月 4 巴克莱中心布鲁克林
点击 这里 for Porter Photos from Nabeel Ahmad/Premier Boxing Champions
点击 这里 for Granados Photos from Tom Barnes
布鲁克林 (十月 26, 2017) – Former champion “开演时间” 肖恩·波特 and hard-hitting contender 阿德里安·格拉纳多斯 will look to steal the show when they meet in a 12-round welterweight world title elimination bout on 星期六, 十一月 4 住在Showtime巴克莱中心, 布鲁克林拳击™的家.
十一月 4 事件, presented by 总理拳击冠军, is headlined by WBC Heavyweight World Champion Deontay怀尔德 in a rematch against former heavyweight champion 金杯. The three-fight SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast begins live at 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT with unbeaten谢尔盖Lipinets battling Japan’s Akihiro Kondo for the vacant IBF Junior Welterweight World Championship.
门票现场活动, 这是由DiBella娱乐和TGB促销推广, 现已公开发售,并可以在购买 ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com 或致电 800-745-3000. 门票也可在美国运通票房购买巴克莱中心. 集团折扣可致电844-BKLYN-GP.
Porter spoke from his training camp in Las Vegas, while Granados shared his thoughts from camp in Chicago, just over a week before they go toe-to-toe in Brooklyn:
Training camp has gone very well. We did most of our work here in Las Vegas and also a little bit at Wild Card in California. We’re at the tail end of camp now. Every day is going to be exciting as we taper off and get ready for 十一月 4.
I feel very familiar with Granados at this point. One night I watched about three or four of his fights and some interviews and really got to put him in my mind. He’s an aggressive fighter who’s not easily hurt or fazed by what’s going on in the ring. Whether that’s him getting hit or an opponent making him miss.
This is going to be a very competitive fight. The key to beating him will be my speed. I have to out box him, make him walk into some heavy shots and eventually knock him out.
I love Las Vegas but I’m always very excited to get the opportunity to fight at Barclays Center. It’s a genuinely fun arena. The energy there is bar-none. I absolutely love being able to entertain crowds out there in Brooklyn.
We’re going after the WBC title. We’re going to have our sights set on Keith Thurman. I want to get that rematch sometime next year. Outside of that, the only fighter on my mind is Danny Garcia, because he’s a guy who I think I’d make an exciting fight with.
I know I have a fan-friendly style and I make my opponent fight regardless if he bangs or boxes. Bringing exciting fights is what I’m known for to the fans and media. It’s going to be the fight of the night.
It was a surprise when I got the call for this fight but I jumped right at the opportunity to get in the ring with Shawn Porter. He had a close fight with Keith Thurman and a win over Adrien Broner so a victory over him puts me right back at the top of the division.
Shawn fought at 165 在业余, much bigger than me and I remember him well, he was also a football player so he was much heavier. Since he turned pro I’ve spent more time watching his fights and studying him, especially these last few weeks knowing that we’re fighting each other at 147.
It’s better for me to know right from the start the weight is at 147, the previous camp for Broner we started at 142 and then had to move to 147 very late in the camp. Knowing it’s been 147 from the start has helped me to better prepare for this fight with Shawn Porter. It will also help me to come in a little heavier on fight night.
Training and sparring has all been here in Chicago at the Garfield Park Gym. Camp has been terrific, very smooth especially with no weight issues.
I’m very excited to be fighting at Barclays Center and I know that this is more of a neutral site. I know that Shawn’s the favorite but I feel good about fighting in Brooklyn. I’ve been to Barclays Center twice to watch fights and I’m excited to be fighting therenext Saturday 夜晚.
“如果我赢了, I’ll be the mandatory for Keith Thurman’s WBC belt and that’s my motivation. Expect a classic ‘El Tigre’ 性能, no back down, no quit, a classic boxing match.
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