标记档案: 开演时间

前冠军伊曼纽尔·罗德里格斯 (Emmanuel Rodriguez) 与梅尔文·洛佩兹 (Melvin Lopez) 争夺空缺的雏量级冠军头衔,将于周六直播, AUGUST 12 从米高梅国家港出发

前冠军伊曼纽尔·罗德里格斯 (Emmanuel Rodriguez) 在 Showtime 上与空缺的雏量级冠军争夺者梅尔文·洛佩兹 (Melvin Lopez) 进行现场直播® 星期六, AUGUST 12 在马里兰州米高梅国家港举行的超级拳击冠军赛中



耸人听闻的顶级新星特拉文·马歇尔 (Travon Marshall) 在电视转播揭幕战中与不败的竞争者加布里埃尔·马斯特 (Gabriel Maestre) 决斗

9 东部时间下午/太平洋时间下午 6 点


国家港口, MD. - 七月 17, 2023 - 前世界冠军埃马纽埃尔·罗德里格斯将迎战裸奔的竞争者梅尔文·洛佩兹周六 SHOWTIME 直播空缺的 IBF 最轻量级世界锦标赛头条赛事, 八月 12 在马里兰州米高梅国家港口剧院举行的超级拳击冠军赛中。

欣欣拳击锦标赛® 电视节目开始在 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT 并将看到不败的后起之秀和国会山高地, 马里兰州本地人加里·安图安·拉塞尔承担同胞不败肯特·克鲁兹在10轮超轻量级联合主赛中, 加上耸人听闻的顶级前景和兰德沃, 马里兰州本地人特拉文·马歇尔两届奥运会选手对决保持不败加布里埃尔·马斯特雷在 10 轮次中量级电视转播揭幕战中.

门票现场活动, 这是由TGB促销推广, 现已公开发售,并可以通过购买www.mgmnationalharbor.com/.

“这个节目八月 12 拳击迷们将迎来一场激动人心的世界冠军争夺战,此外,该地区一些顶尖的新秀将在 SHOWTIME 上直播激烈的比赛,”汤姆·布朗说, TGB促销总统. “伊曼纽尔·罗德里格斯渴望第二次成为雏量级世界冠军,炙手可热的梅尔文·洛佩兹将给予他所能处理的一切. 马里兰州两位顶级新星加里·安图安·拉塞尔和特拉文·马歇尔在对决前分别参加了比赛, 这将成为米高梅国家港口不容错过的一处景点。”

马纳蒂的战斗, 波多黎各, 罗德里格斯(21-2, 13 科斯) 去年10月,通过技术决定击败了之前不败的加里·安东尼奥·拉塞尔,让自己回到了争夺世界冠军的位置. 这位30岁的选手最初以一致判定战胜保罗·巴特勒(Paul Butler)赢得了IBF雏量级世界冠军。 2018 并成功对抗当时不败的贾森·莫洛尼. 罗德里格斯在五月份将冠军头衔输给了前无可争议的冠军井上直哉 (Naoya Inoue) 2019 冠军争夺战.

“我很高兴有机会再次成为世界冠军,”罗德里格斯说. “我们将以壮观的方式赢得胜利,我的目标是证明我是世界上最好的 118 磅拳击手. 我的目标是成为最轻量级无可争议的选手, 但我并没有忽视梅尔文·洛佩兹, 因为他是一名出色的战士,并将在 8 月 12 日全力以赴。”

25岁的洛佩兹 (29-1, 19 科斯) 自从十月份职业生涯唯一一场失利以来,他已经连续八场比赛获胜 2019. 来自尼加拉瓜,现在在迈阿密作战, 洛佩兹自此开始职业生涯 2015 并开始在美国本土参加比赛 2018. 洛佩兹取得三场胜利 2022, 以淘汰胡安·加布里埃尔·梅迪纳和维克多·鲁伊斯的方式开启新的一年, 去年 12 月击败乔伯特·阿尔瓦雷斯之前. 从他最后的 10 胜利, 洛佩兹已经终结了其中九个远距离进球.

“我很兴奋,争夺世界冠军的时刻快到了,“洛佩兹说. “我们度过了一个很棒的训练营,每个人都做出了牺牲和努力,以便我们在八月达到最佳状态 12. 我将向大家展示为什么我赢得了这个机会,并回报我的团队的所有努力. 我非常尊重伊曼纽尔, 但当我们分享戒指时,伴郎会举手。”

在他的家乡国会山高地战斗, MD。, 罗素 (16-0, 16 科斯) 将继承已故父亲老加里留下的遗产. 这项运动杰出的格斗家族之一的成员, 拉塞尔和他的哥哥们一起训练, 前 WBC 羽量级冠军 小加里. 和雏量级竞争者加里·安东尼奥. 自从转为职业选手以来,这位26岁的选手还没有允许对手进入最后的钟声 2017 在他代表美国竞选之后. 在里约 2016 夏季奥运会. 拉塞尔击败了迄今为止最有成就的敌人 2022, 2月份阻止了前冠军维克多·波斯托尔,然后在7月份TKO战胜了前两个级别冠军兰斯·巴泰勒米.

“当你像我一样是这项运动的学生时, 你必须考虑到我们采取的每一步都不仅仅是为了自我满足. 我们这样做是为了永久,”拉塞尔说. “肯特·克鲁兹必须追上我, 但我没有必要回头. 我前进的唯一方向就是前进,这意味着在八月上演一场精彩的表演 12, 并证明我是该级别的下一个世界冠军。”

30岁的克鲁兹 (16-0-3, 10 科斯) 在 2 月和 11 月与不败对手恩里科·戈戈基亚 (Enriko Gogokhia) 两场战平后重返拳坛 2022. 土生土长的圣. 圣路易斯, 密苏里州, 克鲁兹在四月与卡洛斯·穆罕默德·罗德里格斯战平后击败了老将埃里克·温贝托·卡斯蒂略和特拉维斯·哈特曼 2018. 克鲁兹将于八月回顾他过去与拉塞尔家族的戒指历史 12, 想要为业余赛输给加里·艾伦·拉塞尔报仇, 加里·安图安的哥哥.

“我对 8 月 12 日的这场比赛感到非常兴奋,”克鲁兹说道. “我整个职业生涯都在等待这样的战斗, 所以当我们提供这个时我们毫不犹豫. 我以失败者的身份加入,这就是我的动力. 我一生都是失败者,八月也是如此 12 我要震惊世界. 当我赢得这场战斗时, 我将争夺世界冠军,并有机会实现我儿时的梦想。”

年仅22岁, 马歇尔 (8-0, 7 科斯) 很快就展现出了技巧, 仅仅八场比赛就能凭借力量和风度成为备受瞩目的新秀. 出生于兰德沃, MD。, 现在正在国会山高地战斗, MD。, 马歇尔接受了前竞争者安德鲁·康瑟尔(Andrew Council)的训练,并且已经在比赛中打进了两次进球。 2023. 最近,他在三月的第三轮淘汰赛中击败了老牌竞争者贾斯汀·德洛奇(Justin DeLoach), 他迄今为止最令人印象深刻的胜利.

“我很高兴能在家里在家人面前战斗, 8 月 12 日与朋友和粉丝见面,”马歇尔说道. “我每天都在健身房努力训练,所以当比赛之夜到来时,我 100% 准备为大家呈现一场精彩的表演. 我的目标是向大家展示我属于大舞台, 这要从战胜加布里埃尔·梅斯特开始。”

曾两次代表祖国委内瑞拉参加奥运会, 教师 (5-0-1, 4 科斯) 进行了广泛的业余比赛,其中包括战胜布莱恩·卡斯塔诺, 卡洛斯·亚当斯, 亚历山大·贝斯普京, 奥斯卡·莫利纳和布莱恩·塞巴洛. 这位36岁的人在美国. 八月首次亮相,以有争议的判定战胜了 Mykal Fox 2021 去年三月与不败的塔拉斯·谢莱斯图克 (Taras Shelestyuk) 战成平局之前. 最近, Maestre 在四月经过三轮比赛后击败了前二级冠军 Devon Alexander.

“我已经做好了与特拉文·马歇尔的比赛的准备,”大师说. “我们专注于我们需要投入的工作,以便我们在八月取得胜利 12. 我专注于举手并上演一场精彩的表演. 我们希望给球迷留下良好的印象,并继续与次中量级的大牌选手作战。”

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欲了解更多信息,请访问www.SHO.com/sportswww.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 关注#RodriguezLopez, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing 和 @TGBPromotions, 在Instagram上@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing 和 @TGBPromotionss 或在 Facebook 上成为粉丝www.Facebook.com/ShowtimeBoxing.

不. 10-排名靠前的 BELLATOR 轻量级 GADZHI RABADANOV 将代表历史晋级 BELLATOR MMA VS. 原因 跨年夜对抗日本 KOJI TAKEDA 的活动

洛杉矶— BELLATOR MMA 已经宣布,它的第五位参加新年前夜对抗 RIZIN Fighting Federation 对手的比赛将是 No. 10-排名轻量级, Gadzhi Rabadanov(18-4-2), 与 27 岁的日本杰出人物较量武田浩司(15-3) 在两个凭借连胜实力高歌猛进的激烈对决中.

首创的重磅联播, BELLATOR 综合格斗 vs. 原因 周六在日本埼玉超级竞技场内举行, 十二月 31, 并且可以在美国的 SHOWTIME 上看到 8 P.M. 除夕 ET/PT.

拉巴达诺夫与武田将参加一场星光熠熠的五战BELLATOR 综合格斗 vs. 原因主卡, 从上到下堆叠,现任和前任冠军在RIZIN独特的规则下在四边环中竞争. RIZIN轻量级冠军之间的梦幻对决将成为赛事的头条新闻罗伯托“中本聪”德索萨(14-1) 反对 否. 3 BELLATOR 磅对磅的人才AJ“雇佣兵”麦基(19-1), BELLATOR 和 RIZIN 羽量级冠军帕特里西奥斗犬(34-5) 和克莱伯·小池(31-5-1) 共同主持必看活动.

前 BELLATOR 冠军胡安“西班牙人”Archuleta(26-4) 和堀口恭司(30-5) 将打圆无双主卡, 面对RIZIN的金秀哲(18-6-1) 和扇久保博正(25-6-2), 分别.

Gadzhi Rabadanov, 29, 与 BELLATOR 签约 2021 在夺得 Eagle FC 轻量级冠军后, 并对该促销活动非常深入的轻量级部门产生了直接影响. 他以雷鸣般的方式宣布他的到来贝拉特 263对丹尼尔凯莉进行了强有力的病毒敲除, 随后,他连续以绝对优势一致判定战胜了 Jay Jay Wilson 和 Bobby King 2022. 达吉斯坦著名的 Club Abdulmanap Nurmagomedov 学校和著名的美国跆拳道学院的产物, 拉巴达诺夫的血统是世界级的. 在新年前夜, 拉巴达诺夫将在对阵武田浩司的比赛中以令人印象深刻的表现继续保持自己的势头.

“在日本传奇的埼玉超级竞技场打球是儿时的梦想,”拉巴达诺夫说. “我很兴奋,我知道我有一个强硬的对手, 谁总是把一切都留在戒指里. 期待我的杰作, 这将是一场令人难忘的战斗。”

前DEEP轻量级冠军, 日本武田浩司一直是一名活跃的战士,因为他 2017 专业首演. 武田拥有令人信服的理由将其列入这张历史性的战斗名片, 在 RIZIN 和 DEEP 的旗帜下,他在过去 10 场比赛中赢了 7 场,在过去 4 场比赛中赢了 3 场. 武田也熟悉 BELLATOR 的敌人; 他之前曾与 Spike Carlyle 交手,并通过 armbar 提交了 Zach Zane, 他们最近都为斯科特·科克领导的晋升而战. 武田希望在他的家乡埼玉与备受吹捧的拉巴达诺夫的比赛中连续第三次获胜, 日本, 上月 31.



星期六, 十二月 31 — 东部/太平洋时间晚上 8 点

轻量级非冠军主赛事AJ麦基(19-1) 与罗伯托德索萨(14-1)

羽量级非冠军主赛事: 帕特里西奥斗犬(34-5) 与克莱伯·小池(31-5-1)

轻量级特征回合: 胡安·阿丘利塔(26-4) 与金秀哲(18-6-1)

Flyweight Feature Bout: 堀口恭司(30-5) 与扇久保博正(25-6-2)

轻量级特征回合: Gadzhi Rabadanov(18-4-2) 与武田浩司(15-3)

有关此内容和其他即将发布的内容的更多信息BELLATOR MMA 事件, 访问Bellator.com.

更新了 BELLATOR 活动的时间表 – 单击链接以获取更新的战斗卡

免费. 十一月. 18 // BELLATOR 288: Nemkov VS. 安德森 2 / 比特犬VS. Nurmagomedov // 温信竞技场 // 芝加哥, 伊尔.

免费. 十二月. 9 // BELLATOR 289: 斯托茨vs. 萨巴泰罗 // 金神体育馆 // 安卡斯维尔, 康涅狄格州.

周六. 十二月. 31 // BELLATOR 综合格斗 vs. 原因 // 埼玉超级竞技场 // 东京, 日本

免费. 二月. 24 //BELLATOR: 都柏林 // 3竞技场 // 都柏林, 爱尔兰

TERRELL GAUSHA: “我们要给 TIM TSZYU 一个不同于以往的外观”

超次中量级选手高莎在 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING 中面对不败的新星蒂姆·楚尤®

主赛事周六, 三月 26 从军械库在明尼阿波利斯

洛杉矶——三月 17, 2022 -  中美. 奥运选手和超次中量级竞争者特雷尔Gausha有信心他会破坏不败后起之秀的美国首秀蒂姆·楚当他们周六开会时, 三月 26 住在Showtime® 在明尼阿波利斯的军械库举办顶级拳击冠军赛.

“我们一直在为这场战斗做一些不同的事情,说高沙. “我们将给 Tim Tszyu 一个不同于以往的外观. 和大家看过的大部分打斗相比, 他们将在 3 月 26 日从我这里看到新的东西。”

秋久, 名人堂拳手科斯蒂亚·楚尤之子, 将在美国进行他备受期待的处子秀. 反对高沙, 在统治了他的第一次之后 20 在他的家乡澳大利亚打架. 对于克利夫兰本地人 Gausha, 他的动力来自内部,而不是来自围绕 Tszyu 进入这场比赛的炒作.

“我只是有动力的时期,说高沙. “这与 Tszyu 周围的任何炒作无关. 这与我在生活和职业生涯中所处的位置有关. 事情发生的时间对我来说是正确的. 我在一个好地方. 在我职业生涯的这个阶段,这对我来说是一场完美的战斗.

“我感谢他接受这个挑战. 大多数其他拳手会试图保护他们的记录. 这表明他相信自己. 他想要艰苦的战斗. 话虽这么说,, 我认为他打错了仗。”

高沙在上一场比赛中击败了年轻的竞争者贾蒙泰·克拉克,令人印象深刻, 在三月的第二轮中阻止他的对手 2021, 并将寻求在与 Tszyu 的大名鼎鼎的胜利基础上再接再厉.

“对我来说,与克拉克的比赛对我来说是一场精彩的比赛,说高沙. “我想马上回到擂台, 但有时很难与某些人打架. 我在对阵 Tszyu 的比赛中有很好的机会,我希望利用我上一次的表现来巩固和发展. 我将在这场战斗中发挥更大的作用。”

在洛杉矶与 Manny Robles 和 Prenice Brewer 一起训练, Gausha在战斗之夜之前获得了出色的陪练, 与 154 磅的冠军布赖恩·卡斯塔诺共享戒指, 次中量级竞争者维吉尔·奥尔蒂斯和 2020 中美. 奥运选手德兰特约翰逊. 而 Gausha 希望 Tszyu 展现他典型的挺身而出的风格, 他计划为对手提出的任何事情做好准备.

“我希望蒂姆尝试施加压力并挺身而出,说高沙. “他是一匹特技小马. 你所看到的就是你得到的. 他并没有做太多引人注目的事情, 但他做得很好, 他做得很好, 这带来了压力. 我们已经为此做好了准备,无论他想做什么,我们都会做我们的事情。”

Gausha 此前曾挑战 154 磅的世界冠军 2017 对Erislandy Lara的决定,并且还拥有对Erickson Lubin的决定失败和对前冠军Austin Trout的平局. 现在, Gausha 将在 3 月以胜利重回冠军头衔 26.

“在大家看到三月份的这个表演之后 26, 他们会知道我在这个部门的位置,说高沙. “我有工作要做. 现在, 我真的才刚刚开始向人们展示我的技能和我能做什么. 这将巩固这一点. 我现在正在敲响冠军争夺战的大门. 战胜 Tszyu 对我的职业生涯来说非常棒,让我获得世界冠军。”

门票活动, 这是由TGB促销推广, 无极限拳击和勇士拳击, 现已发售,可在军械库购买HTTP://ArmoryMN.com/ 并通过Ticketmaster.

#          #          #

关于子瑜 VS. 高沙

秋对. Gausha将看到顶级超次中量级竞争者和后起之秀蒂姆·楚让他期待已久的美国. 在他对美国的比赛中首次亮相. 奥林匹亚特雷尔Gausha在周六的 SHOWTIME 现场直播的 12 轮对决中, 三月 26 来自明尼阿波利斯军械库的顶级拳击冠军赛.

欣欣拳击锦标赛转播开始于 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT,并将以不败的轻量级竞争者为特色米歇尔·里维拉决斗的家伙不败约瑟夫“祝福之手”阿多诺在10轮联合主赛事中, 加上强硬的超轻量级竞争者埃尔维斯罗德伊格斯 面对胡安·乔斯是贝拉斯科在 10 轮电视转播开场白中.

欲了解更多信息,请访问www.SHO.com/sportswww.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 关注#TszyuGausha, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing 和 @TGBPromotions, 在Instagram上@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing 和 @TGBPromotionss 或在 Facebook 上成为粉丝www.Facebook.com/ShowtimeBoxing.


轻量级竞争者艾萨克克鲁兹在来自 AT 的顶级拳击冠军联合主赛事中与前世界冠军 Yuriorkis Gamboa 对战&阿灵顿T球场, 得克萨斯州


按次付费 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT


阿灵顿, TX. – 三月 17, 2022 - 由 WBC 和 IBF 世界冠军领衔的 SHOWTIME PPV 阵容新增三场精彩对决 埃罗尔“真相”小斯宾塞. 和WBA世界冠军 Yordenis Ugas 在周六的次中量级冠军统一冲突中展开角逐, 四月 16 住在AT&阿灵顿T球场, 得克萨斯州参加顶级拳击冠军赛.

按次收费的电视广播开始于 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT 并具有令人兴奋的轻量级竞争者 艾萨克“斗牛犬”克鲁兹 与资深前世界冠军较量 Yuriorkis Gamboa的 在10轮联合主赛事中.

阵容还包括不败 何塞·瓦伦苏埃拉 争夺前世界冠军 旧金山“厄尔尼诺Bandido”巴尔加斯 在 10 回合的轻量级战斗中, 加上不败 科迪克劳利 面对老将竞争者 Josesito洛佩兹 在电视转播开始的 10 轮全能次中量级对决中.

门票现场活动, 由 TGB Promotions 和 Man Down Promotions 推广, 现已发售,可在 SeatGeek.com 购买, AT的官方票务提供商&T体育场.

“今年最大的活动之一将是一个值得按次付费的undercard阵容,其中包含旨在提供戏剧和动作的重要对决,”汤姆·布朗说, TGB促销总统. “艾萨克克鲁兹在对阵格文塔戴维斯的比赛中证明了他是一个正在成长的明星, 他将寻求再次展示这些才能,对抗尤里奥基斯·甘博亚这个有成就的对手. 更多, 何塞·瓦伦苏埃拉的另一位后起之秀将与前冠军弗朗西斯科·巴尔加斯展开竞争, 而 Cody Crowley 和 Josesito Lopez 都将把他们的高辛烷值风格带入擂台,形成一场‘不容错过’的摊牌,以打开加载的 SHOWTIME PPV。”

23岁的克鲁兹 (22-2-1, 15 科斯) 将在 12 月的 SHOWTIME PPV 上放弃对三级冠军 Gervonta Davis 的竞争决定后重返赛场. 墨西哥城人, 克鲁兹在轻量级排名中飙升 2020, 在 10 月以激动人心的首轮淘汰老将迭戈马格达莱诺宣布他的存在. 克鲁兹紧随其后 2021 三月份以一致判定战胜了此前不败的马蒂亚斯·罗梅罗,六月份以判定击败前冠军弗朗西斯科·巴尔加斯. 成为美国后. 12月出道 2019, 克鲁兹在接下来的四场比赛中保持不败, 出现在 SHOWTIME® 除了在戴维斯大战中击败马格达莱诺之外三度. Leo Santa Cruz SHOWTIME PPV undercard.

“我迫不及待地想重返赛场并在 AT 战斗&T体育场,“克鲁兹说. “我爱德克萨斯的球迷, 他们总是给我巨大的支持. 我的子, 帕奎奥, 曾在 AT 战斗过&之前的T体育场,两次都赢了. 我很高兴能追随他的脚步,在甘博亚对抗一位非常出色的前冠军. 我来向球迷们展示为什么我是世界上最好的轻量级选手之一,并在 4 月 16 日推动 Gamboa 退役。”

甘博亚 (30-4, 18 科斯) 是前统一羽量级冠军, 持有 IBF 和 WBA 126 磅的冠军头衔 2009 和 2011. 关塔那摩人, 古巴, 他现在在迈阿密生活和训练, 佛罗里达州. 他在一场与特伦斯克劳福德的对决中放弃了 2014 年度扑灭, 在篮板球赢得八场比赛中的七场之前. 那场比赛包括战胜前世界冠军杰森·索萨和罗曼·马丁内斯, 让甘博亚重返世界冠军争夺战. 在他最近的两场比赛中, Gamboa 放弃了与当前轻量级世界冠军的比赛, 失去通过 12-回合将军澳到 Gervonta Davis 在 2019 并在 11 月对 Devin Haney 作出决定 2020.

“我总是来擂台展示我的才华和四月 16 将没有什么不同,”甘博亚说. “面对一个年轻人非常有动力, 艾萨克克鲁兹这样的强大对手. 我要测试他,看看他能不能抵挡我的力量. 我是来赢球的,我要做出一个重要的声明,我仍然有能力再次成为冠军。”

22岁的巴伦苏埃拉 (11-0, 7 科斯) 现在作为不败的两届世界冠军大卫贝纳维德斯的稳定伙伴进行训练,因为他寻求从前景转变为竞争者 2022. 出生于洛斯莫奇斯, 锡那罗亚, 墨西哥, 巴伦苏埃拉转职业 2018 并在 9 月战胜 Deiner Berrio 的比赛中赢得了他的第一个 10 轮决定,并取得了 5 场淘汰赛的连胜纪录 2021. 巴伦苏埃拉结束了他的突破 2021 十二月, 在第四轮 TKO 的路上主宰奥斯汀杜莱.

“成为高风险的梦想成真, 像这样叠卡,”巴伦苏埃拉说. “我很欣赏和研究 Spence, 特别是因为我们都是左撇子. 我已经等不及在环获得. 我不会以任何方式忽视或低估弗朗西斯科·巴尔加斯. 我期待烟花. 当两个墨西哥战士正面交锋时,您总是会大打出手, 所以我知道球迷们会对他们在 4 月 16 日看到的内容感到高兴。”

在墨西哥城战斗, 巴尔加斯 (27-3-2, 19 科斯) 赢得了 130 磅的冠军 2015 在年度最佳战斗之一中击败三浦隆史. 这位 37 岁的球员将继续与奥兰多·萨利多(Orlando Salido)进行一场激动人心的平局,然后在另一场令人难忘的事件中输给米格尔·伯切尔特(Miguel Berchelt). 巴尔加斯后来击败了斯蒂芬史密斯和罗德萨尔卡,然后在与贝切尔特的复赛中输掉了比赛。 2019. 最近, 巴尔加斯开始在轻量级竞选, 连续战胜埃齐奎尔·阿维莱斯(Ezequiel Aviles) 2019 和奥托加梅兹在 2020, 在六月份的最后一场比赛中放弃对艾萨克克鲁兹的决定之前 2021.

“很荣幸能和这么多伟大的战士一起打出这样一张大牌,”巴尔加斯说. “我将为这场战斗做好准备,并准备好带着胜利离开擂台. 我知道巴伦苏埃拉会试图发表声明, 但我也会这样做. 一如既往, 球迷们可以期待一场从头到尾的激烈战斗。”

代表他的家乡安大略省, 加拿大, 克劳利 (20-0, 9 科斯) 在 12 月轰动一时的 SHOWTIME 首次亮相后重返擂台 2021 看到他击败了以前不败的 Kudratillo Abdukakhorov 一致决定. 克劳利此前曾在 9 月击败过乔什·托雷斯 2020 跟随一个 2019 他在 2 月以 12 轮决定战胜 Stuart McLellan 赢得加拿大超次中量级冠军,然后在 10 月以优势决定战胜 Mian Hussain 成功卫冕冠军. 28岁回美国打仗. 在他的前八场职业比赛中有七场发生在美国之后,他的最后两场比赛.

“在我 12 月在 SHOWTIME 上获胜之后, 我已准备好接受下一个挑战,成为世界次中量级冠军,”克劳利说. “何塞托·洛佩兹总是很坚强,他带来了令人兴奋的风格. 不幸的是,他, 他会发现什么 20 在他之前的战士已经学会了, 那就是我不会停止实现我的命运. 我要感谢我的团队给我这个展示我技能的机会, 在达拉斯牛仔队的主场,这张伟大的卡片上的心和无情。”

洛佩兹 (38-8, 21 科斯) 由于他在擂台上的打破风格,赢得了“河畔洛基”的绰号. 他已经从这项运动中的一些顶级拳击手介入, 包括冠军卡内洛·阿尔瓦雷斯, 马科斯Maidana, 安德烈·贝托和维克多·奥尔蒂斯. 来自Riverside的37岁, 加利福尼亚在擂台上一直是一个强硬的对手,正如他以微弱多数输给当时的冠军基思瑟曼所表明的那样 2019. 自从那次失利, 洛佩兹已经取得了背靠背的胜利, 击败约翰莫利纳, JR. 和弗朗西斯科·桑塔纳.

“我渴望并且非常有动力回到擂台上,证明自己是世界上最好的拳手之一,“洛佩兹说. “我预计克劳利会面临严峻的挑战,球迷们可以期待看到我处于最佳状态. 我的状态很好,准备好把一切都放在线上. 你一定要确保你不会错过我在 4 月 16 日的比赛。”

欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 关注#SpenceUgas, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing 和 @TGBPromotions, 在Instagram上@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing 和 @TGBPromotionss 或在 Facebook 上成为粉丝 www.Facebook.com/ShowtimeBoxing.

SHOWTIME SPORTS® 公布了包含顶级拳击冠军的选框比赛的拳击赛程表

两个世界标题统一, 七个世界冠军赛和三个世界冠军淘汰者历时五个月

星光熠熠的阵容由 Errol Spence Jr., Gervonta戴维斯, Jermell夏洛茨维尔, 大卫贝纳维德斯和杰马尔查洛

纽约 - 三月 15, 2022  -  SHOWTIME Sports和Premier Boxing Champions今天宣布了上半年的九项拳击赛事 2022 在竞争激烈的比赛中展示一些这项运动中最有成就和最具活力的明星. 该阵容让冠军与冠军、顶级竞争者与顶级竞争者进行较量,形成业内最强大、最雄心勃勃的赛程。强大的阵容包括:

  • 五个月内的九场大型活动 21 不败的战士;
  • 两场世锦赛统一较量, 一个代表所有四个世界冠军腰带和令人垂涎的无可争议的冠军头衔, 和一比三的世界冠军腰带;
  • 七场世界冠军赛至少与 13 世界冠军腰带岌岌可危和三个世界冠军消除者;
  • 所有排名前六的超级次中量级选手都在七周内进行了比赛;
  • 从超轻量级到超中量级的几个关键十字路口的战斗,截至 7 月平均每月举行两场比赛.

庞大的时间表以这项运动的最大明星为特色: 埃罗尔·斯彭斯, 小, Gervonta“坦克”戴维斯, Jermell夏洛茨维尔大卫Benavidez Jermall夏洛茨维尔.  还有 18 战士老了 27 岁及以下,包括统一的世界冠军斯蒂芬·富尔顿, JR., 并受到高度评价, 不败的中量级的竞争者杰伦“靴子”恩尼斯. 以这种对青年和王权的重视, SHOWTIME Sports 和 Premier Boxing Champions 有能力将这项运动带入未来。由...领着斯蒂芬·埃斯皮诺萨, 总统, 体育 & 事件编程, 欣欣网络公司, 和四次艾美奖® 屡获殊荣的执行制片人大卫·丁金斯, JR., 谁指导全明星评论员和制作王牌, 开演时间® 仍然是拳击界最古老和最值得信赖的平台。可以说是这个时代最好的活跃次中量级, 不败的斯宾塞, 已经是统一的冠军, 当他将他的 WBC 和 IBF 带与 WBA 世界冠军对抗时,他将寻求获得第三个世界冠军Yordenis Ugas 上星期六,四月 16 在 SHOWTIME PPV 的主要活动中® 在AT&T体育场, 达拉斯牛仔队的主场. Spence-Ugas 只是 12 次中量级历史上的统一比赛, 加入经典对决,例如“糖”雷·伦纳德 与托马斯·赫恩斯I 和梅威瑟 与帕奎奥. 这场比赛充满了阴谋,因为斯宾塞试图在拳击最深的部门之一中占据主导地位, 而乌加斯, 谁差点退出这项运动, 目标是在八月击败八级世界冠军帕奎奥后完成惊人的转变。拳击巨星和五次, 三处世界冠军坦克戴维斯 将成为他连续第四次对抗克星的 SHOWTIME PPV 赛事罗兰多·罗梅罗 上星期六, 五月 28, 在巴克莱中心布鲁克林, 纽约, 戴维斯的 WBA 轻量级世界冠军这场较量紧随戴维斯艰苦的 12 轮一致决定获胜之后艾萨克“斗牛犬”克鲁兹 戴维斯在明星云集的面前克服了伤病, 去年 12 月在洛杉矶售罄的人群。 WBO 154 磅 否. 1-排名竞争者蒂姆·楚, 名人堂之子Kostya秋祖, 他在 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING 上打了许多他最难忘的比赛, 会让他U.S. 登场星期六, 3月26日针对 2012 中美. Olympian and top contender特雷尔Gausha在明尼阿波利斯的军械库。裸奔的左撇子埃里克森鲁宾 和塞巴斯蒂安·丰多拉 将参加超次中量级冠军淘汰赛, WBC 临时头衔, 在背靠背的第二个, 分区中有趣的十字路口对决星期六, 四月 9 来自拉斯维加斯的维珍酒店. Jermell夏洛茨维尔 和 布赖恩·卡斯塔诺 将再次寻求成为四腰带时代第一个无可争议的 154 磅体重冠军,以及今天他们在他们的复赛中相遇时的第三个无可争议的总冠军 2021 经典开启星期六, 五月 14 在洛杉矶. 更多, 次中量级新星恩尼斯, 或者 尚未赢得世界冠军的最有天赋的拳击手, 作为共同特征返回Custio克莱顿在IBF次中量级冠军淘汰赛中。前两届世界冠军Benavidez 返回到动作上星期六,5月21日反对淘汰艺术家大卫·勒米厄 在 168 凤凰城的英镑, 亚利桑那州。, 在这项运动中两个最大的拳手之间的较量中. 富尔顿, 自从他在 122 磅的分区中赢得冠军后的第一场比赛布兰登·菲格罗亚, 将捍卫他的头衔星期六, 六月 4 在明尼阿波利斯, 对阵前统一世界冠军丹尼·罗曼 在另一个不能错过的比赛中. Jermall夏洛茨维尔 将第五次卫冕他的 WBC 中量级世界冠军星期六, 六月 18, 当他面对前世界冠军挑战者时, 白细胞编号. 6-排名马切伊Sulecki 在休斯顿的六月节假期周末。在星期六, 七月 9, 在圣安东尼奥, 得克萨斯州, 新晋WBC羽量级世界冠军马克·马格萨约 将在他被废黜后首次卫冕加里·拉塞尔JR., 在 SHOWTIME 上对阵不败的强制性挑战者和前超轻量级冠军王巴尔加斯.
随着个人战斗卡的填写,将宣布额外的高风险比赛。 “现在是成为拳击迷和 SHOWTIME 观众的好时机,拥有如此多的高水平, 在我们的日程安排相应的比赛,“说埃斯皮诺萨, 总统, 体育 & 事件编程, Showtime Networks Inc. “我们继续在各个层面发展这项运动, 来自我们的草根系列的ShoBox在拳击最深的部门加冕统一和无可争议的冠军. 当您考虑这些战斗的竞争性质时, 像埃罗尔·斯宾塞这样的战士的明星力量, 小, “坦克”戴维斯, 大卫Benavidez, Charlo 兄弟——以及 Stephen Fulton 的青春活力, 小, Jaron Ennis 和 Brandun Lee——SHOWTIME 是最引人注目的战斗的目的地,而且在未来几年内都将如此,这一点从未如此明确. 这个 SHOWTIME 拳击阵容无疑是 2022 年任何网络或平台中最强大的。” SHOWTIME Sports 拳击赛表包含七个版本的 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® 和两个重要的 SHOWTIME PPV 事件, 全部由 Premier Boxing Champions 提供: ·三月 26  - 精彩表演拳击锦标赛军械库, 明尼阿波利斯, 从.
蒂姆·楚尤 VS. 特雷尔Gausha, 超级次中量级布托米歇尔里维拉 vs. 约瑟夫·阿多诺, 轻量级布托猫王罗德里格斯 vs. 约翰·何塞·贝拉斯科, 超轻量级 (142 LBS) 布特·四月 9  - 精彩表演拳击锦标赛__维珍酒店的剧院, 拉斯维加斯
o 埃里克森·鲁宾 VS. 塞巴斯蒂安·丰多拉, WBC 超级次中量级临时冠军托尼·哈里森 vs. 塞尔吉奥·加西亚, 超级次中量级布托凯文萨尔加多 vs. 科比佩雷拉, 超次中量级比赛 ·四月 16 – 放映时间 PPV__AT&T体育场, 阿灵顿, 得克萨斯州
o Errol Spence Jr. VS. Yordenis Ugas, WBC, WBA & IBF次中量级世界__冠军统一
精彩表演拳击锦标赛 (前 PPV):o 拉扎布·布塔耶夫 vs. Eimantas Stanionis, WBA 次中量级冠军 Bouto Brandun Lee vs. 扎卡里·奥乔亚, 超轻量级比赛 ·五月 14  - 精彩表演拳击锦标赛__洛杉矶或杰梅尔·查洛 vs.. 布赖恩·卡斯塔诺二世, 无可争议的国际羽联, WBA, WBC & WBO Super __Welterweight World Championship Unificationo Jaron Ennis vs. Custio克莱顿, IBF次中量级淘汰者 ·五月 21  - 精彩表演拳击锦标赛__长生鸟
或大卫·贝纳维德斯 vs.. 大卫·勒米厄, 超中量级布托·约尔维斯·戈麦斯 vs. 豪尔赫·科塔, 超次中量级比赛 ·五月 28 – 放映时间 PPV__巴克莱中心, 布鲁克林, 纽约
o Gervonta Davis 对阵. 罗兰多·罗梅罗, WBA轻量级世锦赛·六月 4  - 精彩表演拳击锦标赛__明尼阿波利斯
o 斯蒂芬·富尔顿, JR. VS. 丹尼·罗曼, WBO & WBC 超级雏量级世界锦标赛大卫莫雷尔 VS. 卡尔文亨德森, WBA超中量级世界冠军 ·六月 18  - 精彩表演拳击锦标赛__休斯顿
o 杰马尔·查洛 VS. 马切伊Sulecki, WBC中量级世锦赛·七月 9  - 精彩表演拳击锦标赛__San Antonio
或马克·马格萨约 vs. 王巴尔加斯, WBC羽量级世界锦标赛

欲了解更多信息和未来的战斗公告,请访问www.SHO.com/sportswww.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing 和 @TGBPromotions 在 Instagram 上@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing 和 @TGBPromotions 或在 Facebook 上成为粉丝www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing. 欣欣网络公司. (SNI), 派拉蒙全资子公司, 拥有并经营优质服务 SHOWTIME®, 其中包含广受好评的原创系​​列, 挑衅性纪录片, 票房热门电影, 喜剧和音乐特别节目以及激烈的运动. SHOWTIME 可作为跨所有主要流媒体设备和 Showtime.com 的独立流媒体服务提供, 以及通过电缆, 星展银行, 电信和流媒体视频提供商. SNI 还运营优质服务 THE MOVIE CHANNEL™ 和 FLIX®, 以及所有三个品牌的按需版本. SNI营销和分销的体育和娱乐活动的展览用户在付费观看基础上,通过SHOWTIME PPV®. 欲了解更多信息, 到www.SHO.com.


Edwin De Los Santos Scores Devastating Second-Round Knockout Over Former Unbeaten Luis Acosta; Giovanni Marquez Shines in his Pro Debut in Telecast Opener on SHOWTIME®

点击这里 从阿曼达韦斯科特/ SHOWTIME照片

戴德伍德, 标准差. - 三月 11, 2022 -  Ardreal “Bossman” Holmesfought through injury and survived a tough test in his return to the ring for the first time in 28 months scoring a unanimous 10-round decision overVernon “Sub Zero” Brown 在主要事件的ShoBox: 新一代 as part of an action-packed tripleheader on开演时间 Friday night at the Deadwood Mountain Grand in Deadwood, 标准差.

(Full-fight highlights, 点击这里)

弗林特, 密歇根州。, middleweight prospect Holmes (12-0, 5 科斯) remained undefeated fighting past the eighth round for the first time in his career even while hurting his left hand sometime in the second round during a flurry of punches. 该得分 98-92, 97-93, 96-94 as Holmes seemed to get his second wind as the fight progressed over Chicago’s Brown (13-2, 9 科斯).

(Holmes scores unanimous decision, 点击这里)

“I was reborn tonight,” Holmes said. “This performance showed that I still have it in me. I hurt my left hand in the second round. I couldn’t punch how I wanted to. I was in a bunch of pain but I pulled through. Thinking about my family pushed me through the pain.”

The 27-year-old southpaw Holmes had a 194-129 edge in total punches while landing more than 40 他的权力拳%的. 总计 280 of the combined 323 total punches landed were power punches.

“他是好男人,今晚,” Brown said. “I give it up to him. He studied me. He knew the punches I was going to throw. His corner kept yelling, ‘Watch the right hook.’ He did knock the wind out of me a couple times with body shots. I had to take a second to recover. 在最后一轮, he was catching me with head shots.

“I need to work on my left hand. I need to be like Manny Pacquiao and work on my left hand because guys know I have power in my right hook. But I’m going down to 147. That’s my true weight.”

Holmes said no matter how much Brown hurt him, he was going to push through the pain. “I was rusty. I believe I need another fight to get the rust off. My timing wasn’t there. I’ve been off for like 800 天, but this fight showed that I have a lot of heart. I want Paul Kroll next. He was talking a lot of junk against me. We have a history in the amateurs. He’s who I want.”

在合作的主要事件, heavy-hitting lightweight埃德温·德洛斯桑托斯 (14-1, 13 科斯) scored a devastating second-round knockout against路易斯·阿科斯塔 (12-1, 11 科斯), who suffered the first loss of his career.Acosta became the 211 fighter to have his undefeated streak snapped in the 21-year history of the prospect series.

(To watch the KO, 点击这里)

“One-hitter quitter for De Los Santos!”的ShoBox 分析人士布赖恩·坎贝尔said of De Los Santos’ clean left cross that sent Acosta to the canvas as referee Mark Nelson signaled the end of the fight at 48 seconds in the second round.

“It was a left hand that was just a thing of beauty,” said International Boxing Hall of Famer and的ShoBoxblow-by-blow announcer巴里·汤普金斯.

Dominican Republic’s De Los Santos landed 19 punches before scoring the fight-ending knockout in his second的ShoBox appearance.

“我回来了,德洛斯桑托斯说, who suffered a loss in his first SHOBOX appearance in January to William Foster III. “Everyone was counting me out after the last fight. They thought I was done after the loss to Foster. But I’m back. This is the kind of statement that I should have made last time. This is a new beginning for me. I thought I was going to catch him later in the fight but the opening came early with the straight left. My preparation was just better this time, I was just more focused and better prepared and this was the result. I’m ready for anyone.”

在转播揭幕战, highly regarded prospectGiovanni Márquez (1-0) became the seventh fighter in the history of的ShoBoxto make his professional debut on the series, extending the streak to 7-0 in those bouts as Marquez scored a four-round unanimous decision over a gameNelson Morales. 该得分 40-36, 和 39-37 twice in the welterweight bout.

(Marquez scores unanimous decision, 点击这里)

“I felt great,” said Marquez. “I hurt my left hand in the second round on a jab. I think I would have been able to stop him if I hadn’t hurt my hand.”

With his father and trainer, 前世界冠军劳尔·马尔克斯, barking instructions from his corner, Houston’s Márquez – the 2021 national Golden Gloves 152-pound champion – dominated the welterweight affair, displaying his offensive skills and using his jab and uppercut effectively as the quicker and busier fighter. Marquez landed 30 他的总拳%的 (85 为 280) compared to Morales at 21 百分 (42 到 201).

“All the attention, it’s really not normal for a 21-year-old,” said the elder Marquez, as he joined Tompkins and Campbell in the booth before the main event. “He handled all the pressure. I’m really proud of my son. I’m very satisfied.”

Added Giovanni: “It was a great experience. He was a tough, 耐用的家伙, but I feel like I handled everything, the cameras, all the attention pretty well. I started a little slow but after the first round I settled down and fought my fight. I felt fine without the headgear. We kept bumping heads, 但他从来没有伤害过我. There was a lot of pressure on me, and I was a little nervous in the leadup to the fight, but once I got into the fight I relaxed and I felt comfortable. 总体, 这是一个很好的经验。”

Following a competitive first round, the 21-year-old Marquez dominated the second round, his confidence surging with every second that passed against the Dominican-born Morlaes.

“I think I did OK,” said the 30-year-old Dominican Republic-born Morales (2-1) now living in Scranton, 霸. “My strategy was to go in and box. He cut the ring off and applied good pressure. I can’t say too much because it wasn’t the best of me. He was OK. 我会回来的。”

The six other fighters’ victorious in their的ShoBox pro debut include Dominic Breazeale, 马库斯·布朗, 特雷尔Gausha, 埃罗尔小斯彭斯, Rau’Shee Warren and Gary Russell, JR.

International Boxing Hall of Famer Tompkins called the action from ringside alongside former world champion Marquez and renowned combat sports authority Campbell serving as expert analysts. 名人堂成员史蒂夫Farhood was the unofficial scorer. 执行制片人戈登·霍尔 同理查德·高根 生产和里克·菲利普斯 导演.

The event was promoted by Holden Productions. 该的ShoBox tripleheader will re-air on Tuesday at 10 P.M. ET / PT在Showtime EXTREME®.

# # #

欲了解更多信息,请访问www.sho.com/sports 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @SHOSports, #的ShoBox, 或成为Facebook上的粉丝在www.Facebook.com/SHOSports  

大约的ShoBox: 新一代

公司自成立以来日 2001, 广受好评的欣欣拳击系列, 的ShoBox: 新一代 有特色的年轻人才匹配强硬. 该的ShoBox 理念是令人兴奋的转播, 万人空巷,并同时为愿意前景试验场正式比赛确定为世界冠军战斗. 一些的日益增长的列表的 86 谁曾出现在战士的ShoBox 和先进的,以争取世界冠军,包括: 埃罗尔小斯彭斯, 沃德, Deontay怀尔德, Erislandy拉拉, 肖恩·波特, 加里·拉塞尔小, 拉蒙特彼得森, 吉列尔莫·里贡多·奥尔蒂斯, nonito Donaire主场, 德文亚历山大, 卡尔Froch, 罗伯特·格雷罗, 蒂莫西·布拉德利, 杰西·巴尔加斯, 胡安·曼努埃尔·洛佩斯, 乍得道森, 哈顿, 凯利帕夫利, 保罗·威廉斯和更多。

Rising Star Tim Tszyu Makes Much Anticipated U.S. Debut Facing U.S. 奥林匹亚特雷尔·高莎星期六, 三月 26 住在Showtime

Rising Undefeated Lightweight Contender Michel Rivera Duels Fellow Unbeaten Joseph Adorno in Co-Main Event

Super Lightweight Contender Elvis Rodríguez Takes on
Juan José Velasco in Telecast Opener at 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT


明尼阿波利斯 – 三月 9, 2022 - Top super welterweight contender and rising star 蒂姆·楚 will make his long-awaited U.S. 在他对美国的比赛中首次亮相. 奥林匹亚 特雷尔Gausha 在周六的 SHOWTIME 现场直播的 12 轮对决中, 三月 26 来自明尼阿波利斯军械库的顶级拳击冠军赛.

欣欣拳击锦标赛® 电视节目开始在 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT,并将以不败的轻量级竞争者为特色 米歇尔·里维拉 决斗的家伙不败 约瑟夫“祝福之手”阿多诺 在10轮联合主赛事中, 加上强硬的超轻量级竞争者 埃尔维斯罗德里格斯 面孔 约翰·约瑟夫·贝拉斯科 在 10 轮电视转播开场白中.

“Tim Tszyu has risen up the rankings and established himself as a serious contender at the top of the loaded 154-pound division, and he’ll look to make a splash stateside when he faces the highly-skilled and experienced Terrell Gausha,”汤姆·布朗说, TGB促销总统. “The action will be coming throughout this lineup, as lightweight phenom Michel Rivera takes on the undefeated Joseph Adorno, while Elvis Rodríguez looks to continue his ascent in the super lightweight division against the always tough Juan José Velasco.”

门票活动, 这是由TGB促销推广, 无极限拳击和勇士拳击, 现已发售,可在军械库购买 HTTP://ArmoryMN.com/ 并通过Ticketmaster.

The son of former unified champion Kostya, 蒂姆·楚 (20-0, 15 科斯) has quickly made a name for himself as one of the most promising contenders at 154-pounds. Tszyu headlines on SHOWTIME following in his father’s footsteps after Kostya competed 10 times on the network, including memorable knockouts of Julio Cesar Chavez Sr. and Zab Judah. Fighting out of his native Sydney, 澳大利亚, Tszyu will make his U.S. debut on March 26 after earning his first 20 pro wins in his home country. The 27-year-old went the 12-round distance for the first time in his last fight, dominating Takeshi Inoue on his way to a unanimous decision in November 2021. The decision victory came after Tszyu had put together stoppage wins in eight of his previous ten outings.

“I’m very excited to be fighting in the U.S., 尤其是在Showtime, where my dad was featured for most of his career,” said Tszyu. “I’m proud and excited to continue on the Tszyu name with SHOWTIME. Once I take care of Gausha, I will be coming for the title.”

的成员 2012 中美. 国奥队, Gausha (22-2-1, 11 科斯) 出生于克利夫兰, Ohio but now fights out of Encino, 加利福尼亚州。, where he is trained by Manny Robles and Prenice Brewer. The 34-year-old has faced tough competition throughout his career, having fought former champion Austin Trout to a draw in 2019 in addition to decision losses against former champion Erislandy Lara and top contender Erickson Lubin. Gausha showed improved power in his most recent bout, stopping rising contender Jamontay Clark in two rounds in March 2021.

I’ve been ready for this fight for a long time,说高沙. “I came into this game to be a world champion and fight the best. I expect Tim to come in great shape and I’ll also come in my best shape to put on a great fight for the fans. My coaches are getting me prepared perfectly for the kind of fight I need to put on so that I can leave the ring victorious.

出生在圣多明各, 多米尼加共和国,现在正在与迈阿密搏斗, 佛罗里达州. 里维拉 (22-0, 14 科斯) 突然出现在 2019, 让他的美国. debut with a victory over Rene Tellez Giron on 的ShoBox: 新一代®. 这位 23 岁的年轻人继续他在 2020, 添加对小菲德尔·马尔多纳多的补时胜利. 以及对轻量级竞争者拉达里厄斯米勒的一致决定胜利. Rivera carried his dominance into 2021 三场胜利, including a stoppage of Anthony Mercado in February before delivering a highlight-reel knockout of Jon Fernandez in July on SHOWTIME. He most recently scored a shutout unanimous decision over Matias Romero in October.

“This is a great opportunity for me to display my talents once again against a high-quality opponent in Joseph Adorno,“里维拉说. “I’m ready to take on anyone willing to challenge me until my time comes to fight for the world title. My goal is to be victorious on March 26 and then face Gervonta Davis for his title. With each fight I’m getting closer to reaching that goal. I can’t wait to show off all the hard work that I’ve put into this camp on fight night.”

阿多诺 (14-0-2, 12 科斯) has fought to a draw in each of his last two fights, dropping fellow unbeaten Jamaine Ortiz twice in April 2021 after dueling Héctor “Guadaña” García in January 2020. The 22-year-old was born in Union City, New Jersey and now resides in Allentown, 霸。, having fought in nearby Philadelphia five times throughout his career. Adorno turned pro in 2016 在年龄 17 after a standout amateur career where he amassed a 178-22 record and beat Shakur Stevenson’s twice. He has scored knockout victories in nine of his first 10 亲打架.

“This fight is a chance for me to show my true talents,”阿多诺说. “Not taking anything away from Rivera, but I know I’m going to be the better fighter on March 26. I’m working with a new trainer, Raúl ‘Chino’ Rivas, who has trained many talented fighters, and I’m ready to showcase myself at my very best. I’m more focused than ever and I’m not going to let this opportunity pass me by. Everybody better be ready for a show on March 26.”

罗德里格斯 (12-1-1, 11 科斯) bounced back from his first career defeat, a majority decision loss to Kenneth Sims Jr., to knockout the previously unbeaten Juan Pablo Romero on the Canelo vs. Plant SHOWTIME PPV® undercard in November. The 26-year-old burst onto the scene with knockout victories in 10 他第一 11 fights and put together an impressive five wins in 2020. Originally from Santo Domingo, 多明尼加共和国, Rodríguez now lives in Los Angeles

“March 26 is another step toward my world championship goal,” said Rodríguez. “I am fighting a tough veteran fighter who has faced top-level competition. I’ve stayed in camp through Christmas so that I can be 100% ready for this fight. Winning on March 26 means a lot for my career and I hope that a win will put me in contention for a title shot this year. I want to show the world that I’m ready for the big names in the division.”

The 34-year-old Velasco (23-2, 14 科斯) enters this fight on a three-bout winning streak, having most recently earned a split decision victory over Zachary Ochoa in February 2021. A native of Jujuy, 阿根廷, Velasco has tangled with some of the toughest fighters in the 140-pound division, including former champions Mario Barrios and Regis Prograis. Velasco will fight in the U.S. for the fifth time on March 26.

“I’m very honored to be on a great card like this,” said Velasco. “This is actually the second time that I’ve been preparing to face Rodríguez, so I know what I’m up against. He’s going to come into the right at 100%, just like I will. May the best man win on March 26.”

# # #

欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 关注#TszyuGausha, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing 和 @TGBPromotions, 在Instagram上@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing 和 @TGBPromotionss 或在 Facebook 上成为粉丝 www.Facebook.com/ShowtimeBoxing.



星期六, APRIL 23 - BELLATOR 279
Champion Sergio Pettis vs. Raufeon索陶
Patchy Mix vs. 堀口恭司

Champion Cris Cyborg vs. Arlene Blencowe 2
And Hawaii’s Ilima-Lei Macfarlane vs. Justine Kish


天使- BELLATOR MMA has announced its return to the Hawaiian island of Oahu, where Honolulu’s Neal S. Blaisdell Arena will play home to an extremely stacked duo of events on back-to-back nights Friday, 四月 22 周六, 四月 23.

Friday night’s BELLATOR 278 will be a special event free for current military, 退伍军人, and first responders. Matchups and additional details for the event will be announced shortly.

Saturday night’s BELLATOR 279 will feature the launch of the highly anticipated one-million-dollar BELLATOR Bantamweight World Grand Prix. The headliner will see current bantamweight world champion 塞尔吉奥·佩蒂斯 (22-5) take on No. 3-排名 Raufeon索陶 (17-1), while the co-main event features a rematch between the greatest female mixed martial artist of all time, 克里斯机器侠 (25-2, 1 NC) and Australia’s No. 1-排名 Arlene Blencowe (15-8), who will look to claim gold in her third attempt at a world title.

周六 BELLATOR 279: 佩蒂斯VS. 斯托茨 / 电子人VS. Blencowe 2 will air live on SHOWTIME at 4:30 P.M. HST 当地时间, 10:30 P.M. AND / 7:30 P.M. PT. 预赛将在 BELLATOR MMA YouTube 频道上直播, SHOWTIME Sports YouTube 频道和 Pluto TV 开始于 2 P.M. HST 当地时间, 8 P.M. ET /下午5时. PT.

Tickets for Saturday night’s BELLATOR 279: 佩蒂斯VS. 斯托茨 / 电子人VS. Blencowe 2 本周五开始发售, 三月 11 并可以通过购买 Bellator.com, 以及 Tick​​etmaster.com or the Neal S. Blaisdell Arena Box Office. A special presale will take place on Thursday, 三月 10.

Also scheduled for a return to action, Honolulu’s own former Women’s Flyweight World Champion Ilima雷·麦克法兰 (11-1) will return home to compete against Justine Kish (7-5) 作为无. 1 ranked women’s flyweight looks to start her journey back to a world title in the same arena two of the most memorable BELLATOR main events in recent memory took place. Opening the four-fight main card is another BELLATOR Bantamweight World Grand Prix quarterfinal matchup between No. 2-最轻量级 补丁混合 (15-1) and former BELLATOR and Rizin Bantamweight World Champion 堀口恭司 (29-4).

Current BELLATOR Bantamweight World Champion Sergio “The Phenom” Pettis sits at No. 7 on the promotion’s pound-for-pound list. He successfully defended his belt for the first time against former BELLATOR 135-pound titleholder Kyoji Horiguchi with a “knockout of the year” style finish at BELLATOR 272 十二月. The hard-hitting Midwesterner out of Milwaukee originally captured the crown by outpointing former champion Juan Archuleta. The younger brother of former UFC lightweight champion Anthony Pettis will be in for one of the toughest fights of his career when he takes on Raufeon Stots. 斯托茨, who used to train alongside Pettis for several years, has been flawless since making his promotion debut in December 2019. He most recently scored a dominant unanimous decision victory over Magomed Magomedov at BELLATOR 264.

Featherweight world champion and top-ranked women’s pound-for-pound fighter Cris “Cyborg” has made three straight title defenses including a second-round submission of Arlene Blencowe in 2020, which surprisingly is the lone submission victory of her storied career. The Brazilian native who currently fights out of Las Vegas, 内华达州. is a “Grand Slam Champion” having won belts in four different organizations. She sports 20 wins by finish with victories over elite competition including Holly Holm, 莱斯利·史密斯 (两次), Gina Carano and aims to further her legacy as the greatest women’s mixed martial artist of all time in the rematch versus Blencowe. Australia’s Blencowe is BELLATOR’s No. 6 pound-for-pound female fighter and the No. 1 羽量级排名. She has won five of her last six fights and earned her shot at the world title rematch with a unanimous decision over Pam Sorenson at BELLATOR 271 十一月.

Currently BELLATOR’s No. 2 最轻量级, Patchy Mix recently defeated James Gallagher via submission in his last outing at BELLATOR 270 在都柏林. Mix has made a name for himself in the BELLATOR cage by displaying impressive submissions and his lone professional loss came to former champion Juan Archuleta. He now faces Horiguchi, another former world champion who hails from Takasaki, 日本. The American Top Team prodigy Horiguchi became a simultaneous, 两次晋级冠军 2019 after he upset then-BELLATOR champion Darrion Caldwell while also holding the RIZIN Championship. After he was forced to relinquish his BELLATOR title due to an injury, Horiguchi nearly got his hands back on BELLATOR’s title but was stopped by current champion Sergio Pettis in December. The No. 5 ranked bantamweight now aims to get back in the winning column and recapture his belt, along with the million-dollar prize that awaits the winner of the BELLATOR Bantamweight World Grand Prix.

BELLATOR MMA 279: 佩蒂斯VS. 斯托茨 / 电子人VS. Blencowe 2 主卡:
星期六, 四月 23 – 活下去 开演时间
10:30 P.M. AND / 7:30 P.M. PT / 4:30 P.M. HST (local)

Bantamweight World Title Bout: Ç-Sergio Pettis (22-5) VS. #3-Raufeon索陶 (17-1)
羽量级世界冠军争夺战: Ç-克里斯“机器人”(25-2, 1 NC) VS. #1-Arlene Blencowe (15-8)
飞锤布特: #1-Ilima雷·麦克法兰 (11-1) VS. Justine Kish (7-5)
Bantamweight World Grand Prix Bout: #2-补丁混合 (15-1) VS. #5-堀口恭司 (29-4)


请访问 Bellator.com 了解更多信息.


Paul Kroll and Marquis Taylor Battle to a Spirited Split Draw in Telecast Opener on SHOWTIME®

点击这里 从阿曼达韦斯科特/ SHOWTIME照片

奥兰多, 佛罗里达州. - 二月 18, 2022 -  Jamaine “The Technician”奥尔蒂斯 used his superior hand and foot speed to dance and dish out punishment against game纳希尔·奥尔布赖特(Nahir Albright) to win the vacant NABF title in the main event of的ShoBox: 新一代 as part of an action-packed doubleheader on开演时间 周五晚上在加勒比皇家度假村.

奥尔蒂斯 (15-0-1, 8 科斯) sailed to a unanimous decision win by scores of 98-92, 97-93 和 97-93 to remain undefeated and stamp his name as a player in a loaded lightweight division. 点击这里 to watch video of the decision.

Whether he was walking Albright (14-2, 7 科斯) down or punching on the move, Ortiz produced a dominant and flashy performance over 10 发, wowing a crowd that included former light heavyweight champion安东尼奥·塔弗 and San Francisco 49ers All-Pro offensive linemanTrent Williams. 点击这里 to watch highlights of the ninth round.

After he was dropped twice in his last fight against Joseph Adorno in a majority draw in April, Ortiz looked more poised and patient in the early going, picking his punches carefully and hitting and moving while avoiding Albright’s big right hand.

As the difference in speed became apparent, Ortiz began to open up in the second after he scored with a big left that caught Albright clean. 从那时起, Ortiz maintained control of the distance and pace, leaping at Albright with lefts and rights or peppering him with jabs.

“I think I showed maturity in this fight,奥尔蒂斯说. “I was cautious in the beginning. I didn’t want to get caught like I did in my last fight. After I took the first couple rounds to feel him out, I saw that I could do whatever I wanted in there and I started to get into a groove and let my punches go.”

奥尔蒂斯, 伍斯特, 质量。, 登陆 48% (103 的 216) 他的权力拳, 相比 41% for Albright (88 的 216), but it was his body punching that produced the biggest numerical disparity. Ortiz out-landed Albright 42 到 4 to the body, showcasing that aspect of his game in the fifth round when he found a home for several thudding body shots. Afterward, Ortiz called out the power-puncher Rolly Romero (14-0, 12 科斯) as the opponent he wants to face next.

“He’s got a big name,奥尔蒂斯说. “He’s a big puncher, but he can’t box. That would be an easy fight. My goal is to have a title eliminator and to win a title. 之后, my goal is to be one of the top pound-for-pound fighters in the sport.”

Ortiz’s signature round was the sixth, when he showcased his footwork and speed, darting around the ring and landing rights and lefts. He connected with an overhand right on the run while New Jersey’s Albright was on the ropes and then landed several unanswered right uppercuts to punctuate the round.

奥尔布赖特, an aspiring R&B singer, showed his toughness and resilience by trying to match Ortiz’s output each round. He had success in spurts, but it was fleeting. In the ninth, he landed a pair of overhand rights, only for Ortiz to use his footwork to avoid taking further punishment.

He was the better man in there tonight,” an emotional Albright said. “It was a great experience and I saw a different look. I know that I have all the talent and ability, and this will not deter me at all from being a world champion.

在转播揭幕战, 保罗·克罗尔 和马奎斯·泰勒 fought to a spirited split draw in their eight-round super welterweight bout by scores of 77-75 for Kroll, 80-72 for Taylor and 76-76 in a verdict that frustrated both fighters. 点击这里 to watch video of the decision.

Before the bout, Philly’s Kroll spoke of the little respect he had for Taylor’s power, since Taylor only had one knockout on his ledger, but it was Taylor who was the harder and busier puncher in the contest, relying on a check left hook that continually found its mark.

Houston’s Taylor connected on 34% of his power punches compared to 29% for Kroll, outscoring him 98 到 71 and out-landing him 109 到 84 总拳数.

泰勒 (12-1-2, 1 KO) staggered Kroll (9-0-1, 6 科斯) in the sixth with the biggest punch of the fight, a left that caused Kroll to fall against the ropes as Taylor followed up with digging shots to the body.

I thought I had it for sure,”泰勒说. “I thought I had the fight in the bag. I don’t know what the judges saw. I was being the aggressor and I landed the clearer shots. I thought I really had that fight with no questions. I don’t know what else I could’ve done.”

The busier and fresher fighter, Taylor didn’t sit in between rounds and at times had to be restrained by his trainer from running to the middle of the ring before his minute of rest was up.

Normally a patient and technically sound fighter, 克罗尔, a former amateur star who won the 2016 中美. 奥运会拳击选拔赛, went after Taylor in the first, throwing a wild right hand that continually missed its mark.

Kroll fought well in spurts and with urgency in the eighth and final round, but Taylor was ready for him.

“I thought I won the fight 5-3,” Kroll said. “I took the beginning and the end. He won a couple rounds in the middle. We can run it back on the next ShoBox. I am ready to fight him again. He was awkward, but I outworked him on the inside. I won that fight.”

名人堂成员的国际拳击名人堂巴里·汤普金斯 与前世界冠军一起从马戏团召集行动劳尔·马尔克斯 和著名的格斗运动权威布赖恩·坎贝尔 作为专业分析师. 名人堂成员史蒂夫Farhood was the unofficial scorer. 执行制片人戈登·霍尔 同丰富的高根 生产和里克·菲利普斯 导演.

The event was promoted by King’s Promotions. 该的ShoBox doubleheader will re-air on Tuesday at 10 P.M. ET / PT在Showtime EXTREME®.

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“He’s going to learn firsthand how dangerous I am…I love when people think that power is going to save them against me.”

Unbeaten Rising Star Colbert Nears Showdown Against Undefeated Dominican Olympian Hector Garcia Headlining Live on SHOWTIME® 星期六, 二月 26 in Premier Boxing Champions Event from The Cosmopolitan

点击 这里 从萧蔷特拉普/ SHOWTIME照片

布鲁克林 – 二月 18, 2022 - 不败的后起之秀 克里斯“总理”科尔伯特 held a media workout in his hometown of Brooklyn Friday, as he prepares to take on undefeated Dominican Olympian 赫克托·加西亚 in the SHOWTIME main event Saturday, 二月 26 in a Premier Boxing Champions event from The Chelsea inside The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas.

科尔伯特 VS. Garcia tops a stacked SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® tripleheader beginning at 10 P.M. ET /下午7时. PT as the undefeated fighters match up in a WBA Super Featherweight Title Eliminator.

门票现场活动, 这是由TGB促销推广, 现已公开发售,并可以通过购买 Tick​​etmaster.com.

The 25-year-old Colbert held the workout at the NYC Cops & Kids Boxing Club where he began his boxing journey, from his decorated days in the amateur ranks, to his burgeoning pro career. Here is what Colbert had to say about training camp, his February 26 对手多:


“He’s going to learn firsthand how dangerous I am. I’m not worried about anything he brings to the ring. I love when people think that power is going to save them against me.

“I don’t have to live up to the ‘Primetime’ name, that’s just me. That’s who I am. People know who I am. I just have a job to do and I’m going to do it on February 26.

“I don’t really know anything about Garcia. I know he’s got two arms and two legs, and beyond that I expect him to bring his A-game, because he has to against me. There’s no way that I’m letting him come in as a late replacement and beat me.

“I spent most of training camp with Coach Aureliano Sosa and Herman Caicedo at Caicedo Sports down in Miami, but with the change of opponent I made the decision to come back to my gym in Brooklyn because we have three lefties in the gym up here.

“The only real difference for this camp is that I have a nutritionist now, so they’ve got me on a strict diet and I’m just more focused than ever. The other thing about this camp is that I was originally supposed to fight in mid-December, but then it got pushed back to now. So we went through two camps basically. It’s been about a 14-week camp in total.

“We went down to Miami mainly because of the weather, and because of our connection with Coach Herman. I hate the cold up north. And then they’ve also got a lot of quality sparring partners for me down in Miami and they gave me some good work to get me ready for this fight.

“I’m all about making adjustments. I’ve had opponent replacements happen before, and I know this is part of the business of boxing. I just have to roll with the punches, make lemonade out of these lemons and do what I do on February 26.

“I don’t fight for the belts. I fight for the money and my legacy. I still have a job to do next Saturday. I’m still getting paid. 我赢了之后, I get to fight again soon for the belt and get paid again for that fight.”