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加里·拉塞尔JR. VS. 约瑟夫·迪亚兹JR. 决赛新闻发布会行情 & 照片

羽量级世界冠军小拉塞尔. 与不败挑战者小迪亚兹战斗. 星期六, 五月 19 住在Showtime
点击 这里 从阿曼达韦斯科特/ SHOWTIME照片

国家港口, MD. (五月 17, 2018) – WBC轻量级世界冠军 加里·拉塞尔JR. 和不败的顶级竞争者 约瑟夫· “乔乔” 迪亚兹JR. 星期四在进入擂台前两天的最后新闻发布会上进行了面对面的交流 19 住在Showtime (10:05 P.M. ET / PT) 在马里兰州米高梅国家港口举行的主赛事中.




之间的战斗 2008 中美. 小奥林匹亚拉塞尔. 而 2012 中美. 小奥林匹亚·迪亚兹. 是分站 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING 电视转播的一部分,该电视转播将以 WBC 轻重量级世界冠军为特色 阿多尼斯史蒂文森 与两个级别的世界冠军争夺冠军头衔 八斗杰克 在多伦多举行的一场主要赛事中.




门票活动, 由 TGB Promotions 与 Golden Boy Promotions 联合推广, 现已发售,可访问HTTP://mgmnationalharbor.com/.




两位拳手的父亲都在舞台上陪伴他们,他们的父亲也训练他们, 与老加里·拉塞尔. 和老约瑟夫·迪亚兹. 在周六的比赛前坐在他们的儿子身边. 以下是周四在米高梅国家港口举行的新闻发布会参与者所说的话:






“我们 120 准备战斗之夜的百分比. 我们饿了. 只要我有这条带子, 没有人走进这里并拿走它. 我知道迪亚兹会拿出他最好的表现, 但我们已经准备好了. 皮带留在家里.




“我和我的弟弟加里·安图安和加里·安东尼奥都在底牌上,他们将展示他们一直在做的工作. 我们父亲的生日是比赛后的第二天,所以你知道我们必须为他准备一个特别的生日.




“我和‘JoJo’都很酷’ 是由我们的父亲训练的. 因为到最后, 当你看着你的教练时, 这是你的最后一道防线. 当其他一切都出错时, 你必须走到拐角处. 你必须对自己的立场有一定程度的信任和信念, 所以谁能比父母更好?




“我很难知道“JoJo”是否’ 是我自瓦西里·洛马琴科以来最难对付的对手,因为我在训练时从来不担心我的对手. 我认为最重要的是尽我所能做好准备并尽我所能.




“我相信我有能力做出必要的调整, 无论我的对手在擂台上带来什么. 如果他想上场打框, 我们在进行远程拳击时同样感到舒适,但我们在使战斗变得崎岖不平时. 为了在任何事情上都表现出色, 你必须具备一定程度的多才多艺. 这是我带来的东西,而很多战士都没有带来.




“迪亚兹努力提升自己的地位,赢得了这场战斗. 他做了你必须做的一切来争夺世界冠军. 他已经提到我是该部门中最好的战士,他知道该部门中的所有其他冠军都不敢站出来与我竞争.




“任何有两个月或更长时间准备对付一个对手的拳手绝对是危险的. 我们从不忽视任何人. 我相信我的手速, 我的出拳力量, 我的戒指将军和我的调整能力.




“如果我们能度过这一关, 我很想进入拳击场并与其他羽量级冠军并肩作战. 现在正是进行这些统一斗争的最佳时机. 如果他们仍然不想要, 我愿意增加体重去见任何有名字的人. 是时候实现它了.




“我向他和他的团队致敬,感谢他们有勇气踏上擂台. 只有某些人适合这项运动,这充分说明了他作为一个个体. 我不期望任何比一个有价值的对手更差的事情.




“很高兴能在我家乡附近参加这场战斗. 我们经历了一个很长的训练营,进入战斗前一切感觉都很好。”






“就在这里,就在拐角处. 我很高兴能来到这里. 我一生都在等待这一切,我不会认为任何事情都是理所当然的. 为了这场比赛我训练得非常刻苦.




“我绝对认为加里在忽视我. 我认为他低估了我. 我一生都在为此接受训练. 这个机会是我努力工作给我的,这真是一生难得的机会. 我迫不及待地想向大家展示我的技能和我的真实想法.




“这是所有关于时机. 加里拥有拳击界最快的双手,但我们看了很多录像,发现了很多缺陷. 每个战士都有缺点. 我们将利用我们所看到的并充分利用周六晚上的优势.




“我认为加里自去年以来就没有打过比赛,这不会有什么优势. 我希望加里·拉塞尔JR. 在战斗之夜保持最佳状态. 我知道我处于最佳状态,最好的男人应该在战斗之夜获胜. 这场比赛之后以及我赢得冠军之后不应该有任何借口.




“我相信在周六晚上赢得这个冠军后,我将登上羽量级的王座. 希望在那之后我能很快参加一些大​​型战斗.




“我已准备好接受他将提供的一切. 他会出来打一点拳击,然后尝试使用他的刺拳, 创造角度并利用他的速度让我脱离射程. 到了这样的地步,他就不想再移动了,他会开始内线战斗. 这就是我想去的地方. 我们将进行一些伟大的打击,祝最好的人获胜.




“我知道小加里·拉塞尔是什么. 带到桌面上. 我知道他是该级别中最坚强的战士,但我已经准备好重返 WBC 冠军头衔. 我已经准备好与最优秀的选手战斗并统一所有冠军头衔.




“周六晚上将会有烟花表演. 我参加了一个完美的训练营,而且我的体重有所下降. 一切都感觉很棒,我迫不及待地想踏上擂台.




“我做好了一切准备. 如果提早停止或行驶了很远的距离, 我会继续每一轮都比上一轮更努力.




“赢得这个世界冠军意味着一切. 不只是为了我自己, 但为了我全家. 我们所经历的一切艰辛和奋斗, 终于来了. 我将尽一切努力取得胜利. 我们的生活将会改变,我将激励年​​轻人和我周围的人. 我想让人们知道,如果你用心去做, 一切皆有可能。”


加利罗素SR。, 拉塞尔的父亲 & 训练者




“不活动的原因只是政治. 我们一直有战斗的意图,但我们想为Gary找到最好的对手. ‘乔乔’ 是强制性的,所以我们要和他战斗,在我们取得胜利之后, 我们正在寻找利奥·圣克鲁斯, 押尼珥Mares, 卡尔·弗兰普顿. 我们想要统一.




“在加里退出这项运动之前, 他会提升自己并尽一切努力与洛马琴科重赛.




“我们想说这只是加里的职业. 他通过战斗获得报酬,因此他能够养家糊口. 所有的荣誉对他或我们来说都没有任何意义. WBC金腰带绝对是最负盛名的, 但就像加里说的, 我们并不真正喜欢这些小饰品. 如果可以的话他会把它带到当铺. 我们并不真正喜欢这类荣誉. 我们只想表现得像个绅士, 树立榜样并获得报酬。”


老约瑟夫·迪亚兹, 迪亚兹的父亲 & 训练者




“能处于这个位置是一件幸事. 我真的相信上帝带我们走到这一步并不是为了让我们走到这一步. 我真的认为旅程将会继续. 我为我的儿子感到非常自豪. 他工作非常努力,表现出了极大的意志和决心. 对我来说,他正在追求自己的职业生涯并正在做他喜欢做的事情,这意味着整个世界.





“终于在东海岸一战了,令人兴奋. 这里很美丽. 约瑟夫一直想在这里战斗,现在他有机会见到一些他在这里没有机会见到的球迷.




“拉塞尔JR. 是一个快速的战士. 他技术精湛而且很聪明. 我们一直在研究约瑟夫的时间安排. 约瑟夫有点欺骗,因为他的动作有点慢,但实际上他比人们想象的要快得多. 拉塞尔的速度根本不影响我们. 约瑟夫曾与快速拳击手进行过拳击比赛,尤其是在业余拳击比赛中.




“计划是去那里击败加里·拉塞尔. 我们希望这场胜利能够与圣克鲁斯队和塞尔比队进行更大规模、更好的战斗. 全部冠军. 我们希望获得其中一些机会,因为这会给拳击界带来很多关注. 约瑟夫将成为拳击运动的优秀大使。”


STEPHEN ESPINOZA, 总统体育 & 活动编程, 欣欣网络公司.




“我们很高兴来到米高梅国家港口. 米高梅是一个令人难以置信的品牌,在拳击领域意义重大. 这是一个在最高水平的运动中广为人知的品牌,我们感谢整个米高梅组织及其对这项运动的支持.




“加里·拉塞尔JR. VS. ‘乔乔’ 迪亚兹是一场出色的对决. 毫无疑问,加里是任何部门中最熟练的战士之一——如果不是最熟练的战士的话. 他以拥有这项运动中最快的手而闻名. ‘乔乔’ 迪亚兹是一位年轻的后起之秀,自从他成为职业球员以来我就认识他了. 这是两个动作战士. 他们是粉丝友好的战士,将带来一个充满动作的夜晚.




“拳击界度过了有趣的几周. 很多公告, 新的冒险和巨大的承诺. 但在 SHOWTIME,我们只是继续做我们一直在做的事情, 我们一直在做的是提供最好的战士, 最大的战斗, 一周又一周、一月又一月.




“Showtime CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING 拥有比任何其他网络上更多的世界冠军和更多的世界冠军比赛. 说到冠军争夺战, 我们将有三个, 来自三个不同的国家. 在 5 P.M. SHOWTIME Facebook 和社交媒体平台上的 ETstreaming, 我们有 IBF 羽量级冠军李·塞尔比对阵挑战者乔什·沃灵顿. 在 10:05 P.M. AND, 我们会有小拉塞尔. VS. 迪亚兹JR. 争夺WBC羽量级冠军头衔, 紧接着,我们将带您前往多伦多,观看阿多尼斯·史蒂文森 (Adonis Stevenson) 和巴杜·杰克 (Badou Jack) 之间的轻重量级世界冠军争夺战.




“参加周六世界冠军赛的所有六名拳手均名列前茅 10 他们的部门并拥有合并记录 157 赢了,只输了四场。”


皮特·布拉西亚, 营销高级副总裁 & 运营, 米高梅国家港口




“我们非常高兴地欢迎这些战士和所有参与本次活动的人, 返回米高梅国家港口. 一年前,当我们为小加里·拉塞尔做准备时,我也处于类似的舞台上. 捍卫他的世界冠军头衔, 他也没有让粉丝失望.




“乔治王子县和整个地区的球迷都喜欢精彩的表演和精彩的战斗. 当他们能够支持家乡英雄时,他们会更加喜欢它. 周六晚上, 将没有什么不同.




“这将是小加里·拉塞尔之间精彩的表演. 以及不败的奥运选手“JoJo”’ 迪亚兹. 我希望周六晚上天气好, 但我确信我们会得到一场精彩的表演。”




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欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports,在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, , MrGaryRussellJr, @约瑟夫迪亚兹Jr, @TGBPromotions, GoldenBoyBoxing, @MGMNatlHarbor 和 @Swanson_Comm 或成为 Facebook 粉丝: www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxingwww.Facebook.com/MGMNationalHarbor. 该活动由 Corona Extra 赞助, 最好的啤酒.


Lee Selby vs. Josh Warrington – 5 P.M. AND/2 P.M. PT From Leeds, U.K.

加里·拉塞尔JR. VS. 约瑟夫·迪亚兹JR. - 10:05 P.M. AND/PT From Maryland

Adonis Stevenson vs. Badou Jack – Approximately 11 P.M. AND/PT From Toronto

图片来源 (左到右): Frank Warren Promotions, 开演时间, 李巴克斯特促销

纽约 (五月 17, 2018) – SHOWTIME Boxing will deliver three world championship fights from three countries 这个星期六 across two different platforms in the latest of an industry-leading offering of world class championship boxing.

周六 world title bouts feature six fighters ranked in the consensus top-10 in their respective divisions. 五月 19 will be the seventh SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® 电视节目的 2018. Through 星期六, the network will have delivered 13 world championship fights through the first five months of the year. There are an additional four world title fights scheduled for June, as SHOWTIME continues an unrivaled and unprecedented run of world class boxing.

As with all of the network’s award-winning programming, 周六 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast will stream live online and on mobile devices via the network streaming service and SHOWTIME ANYTIME.

The live boxing begins at 5 P.M. AND/2 P.M. PT on SHOWTIME Sports social media platforms as IBF Featherweight World Champion Lee Selby (26-1, 9 科斯) defends his 126-pound title against Josh Warrington (26-0, 6 科斯) from Elland Road in Leeds, U.K. The SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL social media offering will stream live in the U.S. 在 SHOWTIME 体育 YouTube 频道 SHOWTIME Boxing Facebook Page

The action continues at 10:05 P.M. AND/PT住在Showtime® as a split-site doubleheader begins at MGM National Harbor in Oxon Hill, 马里兰州. Hometown favorite Gary Russell Jr. will make the third defense of his WBC Featherweight World Championship against undefeated No. 1 ranked challenger Joseph Diaz Jr. in what will be the third of four high-stakes featherweight fights in 2018 on SHOWTIME Sports platforms. The four fights – Frampton vs. Donaire主场, Selby vs. Warrington, 拉塞尔VS. 迪亚兹, 圣克鲁斯VS. Mares II – feature seven of the consensus top-10 ranked fighters at 126 英镑.

SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING coverage then shifts to Canada at approximately 11 P.M. AND/PT as Adonis Stevenson defends his WBC Light Heavyweight World Championship against former two-division champion Badou Jack at Air Canada Centre in Toronto. Stevenson will make the ninth defense of his title against Jack in the biggest and most meaningful fight in the 175-pound division in 2018.

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欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing或成为Facebook上的粉丝在 www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing. 成为 Facebook 粉丝: www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.

Silva to face Lopez July 14 在ESPN





普兰特城, FL (五月 16, 2018) – Fire Fist Boxing Promotions’ William “Baby Face” Silva will challenge undefeated Olympian Teofimo Lopez in a ten round lightweight contest Saturday, 七月 14 at the Lakefront Arena at the University of New Orleans.




Silva-Lopez opens a Top Rank promoted ESPN telecast headlined by New Orleans’ own Regis Prograis, 21-0 (18 KO的), against Argentina’s Juan Jose Velasco, 20-0 (12 KO的), for the WBC interim junior welterweight championship.




来自圣保罗, Brazil and fighting out of Plant City, FL, Silva has an outstanding professional ledger of 25-1 同 14 击倒. 在他最近的回合, Silva shutout Rogelio Casarez to capture the IBO Continental and NBA World lightweight championships. The 31-year-old Silva trains under Jose Rodriguez at the Plant City Boxing Gym and made significant strides since his lone setback against Felix Verdejo in 2016.




Widely regarded among America’s best young fighters, Lopez is a perfect 9-0 同 7 胜淘汰赛. 五月 12, Lopez demolished once-beaten Vitor Jones Freitas in 64 秒. Born in Brooklyn, NY and based in Davie, FL, the highly-touted Lopez represented his parents’ home country of Honduras in the 2016 Olympics but lost in the opening round eventual silver medalist Sofiane Oumiha of France.




The Silva-Lopez bout is for the NBA World and IBO Continental lightweight titles.




“We’re extremely excited for the opportunity to get William back on a major platform,”火拳拳击促销的乔迪Caliguire说. “Lopez is a very talented fighter and we respect his ability but William has a major edge in experience. He’s improved tremendously since his last big fight against Verdejo and I think the boxing world is in for a surprise July 14.”




More information on the card will be available shortly.

押尼珥Mares媒体锻炼QUOTES & 照片

Four-Time World Champion Mares Rematches Featherweight World Champion Leo Santa Cruz Saturday, 六月 9 来自洛杉矶斯台普斯中心的 SHOWTIME 直播 &
主讲 总理拳击冠军
点击 这里 for Photos from Dave Mandel/SHOWTIME
点击 这里 for Robert Garcia Training Camp Video from
Team Mares


RIVERSIDE, 例如. (五月 16, 2018) – Four-time world champion 押尼珥Mares, 和教练一起 罗伯特·加西亚, hosted media at their training camp in Riverside, California Wednesday ahead of the featherweight world title rematch between Mares and 狮子座圣克鲁斯 星期六, 六月 9 在洛杉矶斯台普斯中心的 SHOWTIME 现场直播由超级拳击冠军主办的活动.




The SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast will also feature unbeaten super welterweight world champion Jermell夏洛茨维尔 同时对前世界冠军 奥斯汀鳟鱼 在合作的主要事件.




门票现场活动, 这是由Ringstar体育和TGB促销推广, 开始于 $50, 再加上适用的费用, 与现已公开发售. 要购买门票,请访问 AXS.com 或单击 这里.




Mares and Garcia put media through a workout of their own before Mares stepped into the ring to show off his skills. Here is what Mares and Garcia had to say Tuesday from the Robert Garcia Gym:






“我现在感觉好极了. I’m strong and in really good spirits. I feel like I’m going to be peaking at the right time. I’m on weight and on track for fight night.




I have to be a poised and relaxed Abner Mares on June 9. I can’t go in with the same exact mentality as last time and try to knock Leo’s head off. 我有力量, but I’m not a one-punch knockout artist.




I trained well for the first fight but I got tired toward the end of the fight. I got desperate and frustrated at times and it took a toll on my body. Now we’re here and I’m happy to have my chance at redemption.




I’m confident because I have such an experienced trainer in my corner. I’m just trying to be the student to his master teachings and absorb everything he tells me. I’m always asking him to push me and tell me when he needs more from me.




The difference between our fight in 2015 and now is that I’m a more mature and seasoned fighter. I’ve been in this sport a long time, and now with having Robert Garcia in my corner, he’s really helped my mental game and given me great guidance.




There’s no doubt that Leo and myself will both train hard and be ready physically for fight night. This fight won’t be about physical strength, it’s going to be about the mental tools we have and the ability that we both have to adjust during the fight.




We knew last time and we know going into this fight that Leo is a volume puncher. He comes forward and tries to tire you out. But I know that he’s also a vulnerable fighter and I just have to take advantage of it this time.




There’s nothing to say right now, the talking between me and Leo is going to take place in the ring on June 9. I would just tell him to be ready for the best Abner Mares.






This is probably the biggest fight of Abner’s career and the biggest since me and Abner have teamed up together. This is a fight that Abner wanted very badly and as his trainer, I want this win badly.




We know that this isn’t going to be an easy fight. But the way that Abner has been training and the way that he follows instructions, it’s going to make a big difference in his performance June 9 compared to the first fight.




I was at the first fight and I thought that Abner looked for big single punches too much and fought too rough of a fight. He made it harder on himself. It was still a very close fight despite that.




With a little more speed and by fighting smart going in and out, Abner could make a huge leap in his performance this time out. We know we have to look to throw combinations and break Leo down.




We’ve been getting sparring partners that are a little taller and throw a lot of punches and the results have been great. Abner just has to be in shape to 12 发, because Leo is a fighter that finishes as strong as he starts. We can’t perform for eight rounds and then tire out because there’s a chance Leo comes on strong and puts us in trouble.




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欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.staplescenter.com在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @LeoSantaCruz2, @AbnerMares, @Ringstar, @TGBPromotions@STAPLESCenter 和 @Swanson_Comm 或在 Facebook 上成为粉丝 www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter.PBC由电晕赞助, 最好的啤酒.



德里克·韦伯斯特(Derrick Webster)在周五的主要赛事中为ABF超级中量级冠军争夺奥斯卡·里奥哈斯(Oscar Riojas), 6月1日,在大西洋城的克拉里奇酒店

大西洋城名人堂周末卡将伊莎亚·塞尔登(Isiah Seldon)纳入共同特色
再加上不败的詹姆斯·威尔金斯(James Wilkins), 维达尔·里维拉, 艾曼纽·罗德里格斯(Emmanauel Rodriguez) & 莱斯特·布朗

大西洋城, 新泽西州 (五月 16, 2018)–瑞星超中量级竞争者 德里克 - 韦伯斯特 将标题为拳击的美好夜晚 星期五, 6月1日克拉里奇酒店 当他接受坚强的退伍军人时 奥斯卡·里奥哈斯(Oscar Riojas) 在十轮比赛中 ABF超级中量级冠军 在9张回合卡的主要事件中.




演出, 这将与大西洋城拳击名人堂周末同时发生, 被提拔 错误唐宁促销.




格拉斯波罗韦伯斯特, 新泽西州有纪录 25-1 同 13 击倒.




该 35 岁的是一个九年的老兵, 并正在六连胜.




韦伯斯特, 谁胜过弗兰基·菲利彭内(Frankie Fillipone) (22-5-1), 托马斯·阿文博诺(Thomas Awimbono) (25-5-1), 小房大斋 (23-1), 即将对弗朗西斯科·科尔德罗(Francisco Cordero)进行八轮一致决定 (38-9) 2月10日在费城.








蒙特雷的里奥哈斯, 墨西哥的纪录 16-9-1 五击倒.




该 34 岁的里奥哈斯(Riojas)是一名五年职业球员,赢得了他的第一个冠军 11 结束. 里奥哈斯(Riojas)与冠军挑战者罗纳德·加夫里尔(Ronald Gavril)站在一起, 维亚切斯拉夫·沙布兰斯基(Vyacheslav Shabranskyy)以及不败的战士康拉德·卡明斯(Conrad Cummings), 伊曼纽尔·阿利姆, Francy Ntetu, 恩里克·科拉佐(Enrique Collazo) & 罗纳德·埃利斯.




里奥哈斯(Riojas)即将于4月6日在费城向布兰登·鲁滨逊(Brandon Robinson)作出八轮一致决定.




在特别的共同特征回合中, 伊塞亚·塞尔顿 大西洋城将承担 拉玛·哈里斯(Lamar Harris) 在预定六轮的中量级比赛中.




这场回合将为塞尔登开启历史性的周末, 作为他的父亲, 前WBA重量级世界冠军布鲁斯·塞尔登(Bruce Seldon)将入选大西洋城拳击名人堂.




该 29 岁的Seldon有记录 11-1-1 四击倒.




这位八年职业球员在最近五场比赛中保持不败. 在他的最后一个回合, Seldon于2月11日在Humble上对Rudy Lozano有争议的平局, 得克萨斯州.




圣哈里斯. 圣路易斯, 密苏里州有记录 9-14-4 五击倒.




该 33 一岁是一个 13 面对顶级对手的年度专业人士,他们击败了不败的伯爵·沃克(Earl Walker) (7-0). 哈里斯还与 12 不败的战士, 其中包括前世界冠军Shawn Porter和前世界冠军挑战者Matt Korobov.




哈里斯正要被停下来 2 韦伯斯特在八月进行回合 5, 2017 在大西洋城.




在八轮较量, 巴迪·阿贾穆亲王 (28-4-1, 15 科斯) 卡姆登, 新泽西将重赛埃德加·佩雷斯 (7-24, 3 科斯) 轻量级比赛中的芝加哥.




在六轮比赛中: 凯文·阿斯玛特(Kevin Asmat) (3-2, 2 科斯) 北卑尔根, NJ以轻量级回合迎接一名对手.






以赛亚·哈特 大西洋城, 新泽西州将在一场中等重量级的比赛中首次宣布对阵对手的职业生涯.


詹姆斯·威尔金斯 (3-0, 3 科斯) 布鲁克林, 纽约州将争夺 乔·格沃洛(Joe Gbolo) (3-2-2, 1 KO) 纽伯格, 纽约轻量级比赛.




轻量级比赛还出现在四轮较量中 维达尔·里维拉 (7-0, 4 科斯) 卡姆登, 新泽西州; 超轻量级 埃马纽埃尔·罗德里格斯 (2-0) 纽瓦克, 新泽西州和轻量级 莱斯特·布朗 (3-0-1, 1 KO) 巴哈马群岛.




门票 $150 用于VIP马戏团; $120 用于舞台座位; $85 用于高级座位和 $60 一般入学 & 可以通过致电Michelle Register购买 609-712-3854 或Ariana Thompson在 706-588-5934

Mis Downing Promotions要感谢他们的赞助商,其中包括大西洋城拳击名人堂, 克拉里奇酒店, 幻多奇度假村, AEI保险, 紧急回应, 头发X, 购买智能电机 & 新视野物业管理.


星期六, 五月 19 LIVE on SHOWTIME Sports® 该活动还将在 Salita Promotions 上进行直播 & SHOWTIME Boxing Facebook Page


纽约 (五月 15, 2018) – Featherweight world champion 李谢肃方 and undefeated contender 乔什·沃灵顿 took questions from the media at Tuesday’s final press conference days ahead of their clash for the IBF Featherweight World Title this Saturday, 五月 19. The main event bout from Elland Road Football Ground in Leeds, England will stream live to U.S. audiences via SHOWTIME 体育 YouTube 频道SHOWTIME Boxing Facebook Page. (See links and embed codes below).




The SHOWTIME BOXING INTERNATIONAL® livestream will begin at 5:00 P.M. 与 / 2:00 P.M. PT with coverage provided by BT Sport and BoxNation and featuring commentary by U.K. sportscasters John Rawling (逐一) and former featherweight world champion Barry Jones (分析).




塞尔比 (26-1, 9 科斯), of Cardiff, Wales has held the IBF Featherweight Title since 2015 when he wrested it from Evgeny Gradovich with an eighth-round TKO. He has since made four successful defenses, the latest being a unanimous decision over Eduardo Ramirez last December.




Warrington (26-0, 6 科斯), who will be fighting in his hometown of Leeds, won the British Featherweight Title in just his twelfth outing in 2012 and the Commonwealth Championship in 2013. He defeated Dennis Ceylan via stoppage in the 10th round in his last outing to earn his shot at the IBF title.




Following Carl Frampton’s 大胜 nonito Donaire主场 上个月, this will be the second of four high-stakes featherweights’ fights on SHOWTIME® platforms featuring seven of the consensus top-10 ranked featherweights, including three world champions and four former multi-division champions. Also on Saturday night, WBC世界冠军 加里·拉塞尔JR. 将捍卫他的腰带 约瑟夫·迪亚兹 live on SHOWTIME and on June 9, 狮子座圣克鲁斯押尼珥Mares will meet live on SHOWTIME in a highly anticipated rematch for the WBA Featherweight World Title.




The livestream of Selby vs. Warrington will precede Saturday evening’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® split-site telecast (10:05 P.M. ET / PT) that features Russell Jr. VS. Diaz from the MGM National Harbor in Maryland and WBC Light Heavyweight World Champion 阿多尼斯史蒂文森 与两个级别的世界冠军争夺冠军头衔 八斗杰克 from Air Canada Centre in Toronto.




Below is what Selby, Warrington and their respective trainers had to say at today’s press conference:


“I’m the world champion and a world champion should be ready and willing to defend his title anywhere in the world. It’s only five hours up the road from where I live so it’s not so much of a lion’s den to me.




“This is just another defense for me. It’s another fight. I treat every opponent the same. I don’t train for a certain style or a certain opponent. I prepare to get myself right and whatever happens that night, I know I’ve done the best I can to make myself ready.




“Some experts say that his style is going to give me a problem but other experts say his style is tailormade for me. That’s the great thing about boxing. It’s an opinionated sport.




“I’m no Muhammad Ali, I can’t predict the round I’m going to win in, but I just see myself winning. 如果我没有, then I shouldn’t be here. If you’re a professional boxer and you don’t have the determination to become a world champion, then you shouldn’t be in the game.




“Having Carl Frampton in attendance won’t be a distraction at all. But if I come out on top on Saturday, he is who I want next. I would want to go straight into that fight in Belfast.




“I’m not going to instigate an argument like he’s been doing. I’m a humble guy. He was running his mouth in the first press conference. Maybe the guys in Leeds want you to win, but the rest of the country is hoping that I win. People dislike you.”


“I’m very relaxed. We had a bit of fun at the last press conference and the interviews. I feel like I don’t need to say anything else. The past few months, I’ve put my body through hell. I give absolutely everything I have every time I go into the gym. 我给 100 百分. After all the talk about me and Lee potentially fighting, it came down to this camp and I gave it everything.




“I talk a lot about destiny. 几年前, we had the chance to fight for a world title and it didn’t come off for me, and now I have an opportunity again. With how things have gone, anything could have happened in those couple of years. Lee could have moved weight or gotten beat but it’s come around how I always dreamed it and planned it. I always wanted to fight for a world title at Elland Road and it’s here.




“I’ve dreamt about this so many times, 我只是准备好了. There’s no more need for talking. 上周六晚, I get to punch him in the face. This is beyond dreams, especially since I’ve been written off. I’m just carried on going and the fans have stuck behind me. They’re very loyal and we do this together. After Saturday night I’ll be known as Leeds’ first world champion.




“I’m able to adapt to any style. I’m known as a come-forward pressure fighter but I’ve always been able to adapt and do what I have to do to win. I’m willing to go so far. I just want this so bad. For everything I’ve been through, it all leads up to this fight. I’m going to give every ounce of energy in my body to win that world title.




“Carry on with your pictures and everything else with that belt this week, because it’s staying here pal. Once it comes here, that world title is staying.”


Tony Borg, Lee Selby’s Trainer

“Training has been first class. He’s put everything into it, he doesn’t mess around outside of the gym. His life is all boxing. Training has gone perfectly as it always does. I think a lot is being put on how he’s going to deal with this hostile crowd – he’s going to thrive on it, 相信我.




“I’m not just confident, 我 101 percent certain that Lee Selby will go out there and thrive on the hostilities. Josh is very good fighter, but Lee’s an elite fighter. He’s a level above Josh, I believe.”

Sean O’Hagan, Josh Warrington’s Trainer

“Every trainer will tell you that they’ve had the best camp ever. What I will say is that you prepare for the fight in front of you. We’re preparing for Lee specifically. This camp has been so relaxed, it’s flowed so well. There’s been no flaws. We’re all very relaxed.




“We’ve done a little bit extra sparring because Lee has a style that requires it. Let’s not forget, he’s a very good fighter. Our preparation has been so good. We’ve had really good sparring and have covered every aspect of training. We’ve done more. We’ve thought about it more. We’ve gone deeper into things. I can count on one hand the amount of times he’s been hit clean in all of the rounds we’ve done of sparring.”


周六 FIGHT: 5:00 P.M. AND / 2:00 P.M. PT (注意: 开始时间为大概时间)

SHOWTIME Sports YouTube 活动页面: https://s.sho.com/2L5dV4G





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大西洋城, 新泽西州. (五月 15, 2018):–The eyes of the boxing world will once again be on Atlantic City when Evander Holyfield’s The Real Deal Boxing makes it’s Atlantic City debut on 星期六, 6月2日 Adrian Phillips Theater 里面 浮桥厅 as part of the Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame Weekend.




With Evander Holyfield as the lead inductee in this year’s Hall of Fame class, 真正的交易拳击, 与联想 错误唐宁促销 and the Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame, has put together a sensational card featuring world class fighters along with a who’s who of local talent.




Headlining the evening will be The Real Deal Boxing’s top 10 ranked featherweight contender, 卡恩克拉里成为 (24-1, 17 科斯). The Liberian born southpaw, now based out of Providence, Rhode Island is set to take on Mexico’s Emmanuel Dominguez (22-6-2, 14 科斯) in what promises to be an action-packed high stakes fight for the NABA Featherweight Title.




In preparation for the title shot, Clary is currently on the west coast working with Hall of Fame trainer, Freddie Roach at The Wildcard Boxing Gym in Hollywood.




This has been a long, 刻苦的训练营. I’ve been pushing myself ten times harder than usual with no distractions other than missing my family.”, explains Clary. “All I do out here is concentrate on boxing. I have a great support team, starting with a new addition, Freddie Roach.




Clary has impressed Roach throughout the past few weeks of training as well.




So far training camp has been great,” insists Roach, the 7-time winner of BWAA Trainer of the Year award. “I’m continually impressed with Toka’s speed, power and overall skills. 下一个 3 weeks we will be concentrating on sharpening all the tools and come June 2nd, Team Clary will be ready.




The undercard features an exciting mix of The Real Deal Boxing prospects and a host of next generation New Jersey and Philadelphia based fighters who are willing to be tested early in their careers.




The Real Deal Boxing’s Rayonta Whitfield (29-2, 15 科斯), who fights out of Augusta, Georgia will challenge former NABO champion and the pride of Cleveland, 俄亥俄, 一ntonio Nieves (17-2-2, 9 科斯) 在 8 round bout that should see the winner move into contender status in the bantamweight division.


达戈贝托阿圭罗 (13-0, 9 科斯), the undefeated super bantamweight from Florida and one of The Real Deal Boxing’s most promising prospects, will take on the toughest challenge of his career in New Brunswick, 新泽西州 豪尔赫·迪亚兹(Jorge Diaz) (19-5-1, 10 科斯) 在 8 round clash.




The Real Deal Boxing’s undefeated Philadelphia based lightweight prospect, 史蒂文·奥尔蒂斯 (8-0, 3 科斯) will take on Massachusetts’ 扎克拉姆齐 (8-3, 4 科斯) 在 8 轮的较量.




Atlantic City’s very own, 安东尼·扬 (18-2, 6 科斯) will put his excellent record on the line against the Bronx’s 恩维尔·哈利利 (10-1, 3 科斯) 在 8 round welterweight clash.




In a Philly vs. AC bragging rights battle, 亚历杭德罗·吉米内斯 (1-0, 1 KO) 将在 Dallas Holden (1-2) 在 4 round featherweight bout.




Promising Philadelphia welterweight and recent The Real Deal Boxing signee, 波因德克斯特骑士 (3-0, 2 科斯) will look to maintain his perfect record against an opponent to be named in a 4 轮的较量.


布兰登·罗宾逊 (10-1, 7 科斯) 上部Darby的, Pennsylvania, one of the busiest fighters in the game having fought an unbelievable 9 times last year, will appear against an opponent to be named in a 6 round super middleweight bout. Robinson is signed to Marshall Kauffman’s Kings Promotions.




Undefeated Bowie, Maryland native and a member of The Real Deal Boxing roster, 格雷格·奥特洛 (4-0, 1 KO) will take on Lanoka Harbor, 新泽西州 丹·默里 (3-1-1) 在 6 round junior welterweight battle.




Rounding out the stacked card will be two fighters making their pro debuts in separate 4 轮较量.




Decorated national amateur champion, 超轻量级, Sacred Downing 特伦顿, New Jersey will take on an opponent to be named and super lightweight, Dalyonn Butt of Philadelphia will take on the Bronx’s Samuel Forjue (0-2).




Evander Holyfield himself couldn’t be more excited about The Real Deal Boxing’s AC debut and his induction into the Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame.




From my second professional fight to defending the heavyweight championship of the world against George Foreman in one of the biggest fights of the decade, Atlantic City holds a special place in my heart.”, explains the legendary 4 time heavyweight champion now turned promoter.




With my induction into the Hall of Fame, it felt like this was the ideal time to bring The Real Deal Boxing to Atlantic City. We believe Atlantic City is poised to make a comeback as of one of the premier destinations for professional boxing and The Real Deal Boxing is committed to being a part of that.




The Real Deal Hall of Fame Special Edition takes place Saturday, June 2nd at the Adrian Phillips Theater inside Boardwalk Hall and is presented in association with Mis Downing Promotions and the Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame. Tickets are on sale now and priced at $150, $100, $50 和 $35. Tickets are available at www.ticketmaster.com and in person at the Boardwalk Hall Box Office. For more information visit www.therealdealboxing.com and www.acbhof.com.



开始于 10 P.M. AND/7 P.M. PT

纽约 - 五月 15, 2018Combate Americas today announced a live Univision Deportes Network (UDN) 电视节目 (11 P.M ET/8 P.M. PT) 的, as well as one new matchup for its ‘Mexico vs. El Mundo’ Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) event from Auditorio Municipal Tijuana in Tijuana, 公元前, 墨西哥在 星期五, 五月 18.


The nine-bout fight card will be highlighted by matchups between an assembly of top rising stars from Mexico and opponents from four other countries – 美国, 西班牙, Brazil and Chileincluding a previously announced, much-anticipated featherweight (145 英镑) showdown between knockout artists 马可·安东尼奥·“岩石”·埃尔皮迪奥 (7-2-1) 墨西哥城, 墨西哥和 安德烈斯“子弹”昆塔纳 (13-2) 阿尔伯克基, 新墨西哥, 中美.



The 90-minute telecast will immediately follow the live stream of the complete preliminary bout card on

www.UnivisionDeportes.com, 在开始 10 P.M. AND/7 P.M. PT.


“The whole world loves Mexican food, but fears Mexican fighters, and with ‘Mexico vs. El Mundo’ we have an extraordinary event that features the best of both worlds,”康贝特美洲首席执行官 坎贝尔迈凯轮.



The live telecast will include another previously announced, 最轻量级 (135 英镑) matchup between 22-year-old phenom Christian “El Taylon” Quiñonez (10-2) 蒂华纳, and undefeated rising star Vinicius “Lok Dog” De Oliveira (9-0) of Porto Alegre, 南里奥格兰德州, 巴西.



In other live televised action announced today, a women’s strawweight (115 英镑) matchup will see Georgina Almeraz (3-1) 奇瓦瓦, 墨西哥和 Mireia Garcia (0-0) 巴塞罗那, Spain make their respective Combate Americas debuts against one another.



加西亚, an unbeaten professional kickboxer and a protégé of “COPA COMBATE” tournament semifinalist 马克·“卢佛”·戈麦斯, will also make first start under MMA rules.



The preliminary bout card will be highlighted by a lightweight (155 英镑) contest between hard-hitting 罗德里戈·“卡祖拉”·巴尔加斯 (9-2) of Mexico City will collide with seasoned battler Mike “El Cucuy” De La Torre (14-8 (1)) 圣地亚哥, 加利福尼亚州。, 中美.



Another lightweight bout pitting Mexico against the U.S. 将展出 Alex “Bam” Velasco (7-1) 恩塞纳达, 下加利福尼亚州, 墨西哥, squaring off against fellow, aggressive striker Daniel “D-Rod” Rodriguez (5-1) 洛杉矶, 加利福尼亚州。, 中美.



Recently signed, 不败的后起之秀 Eduardo “Cyborg” Torres (9-0) 圣地亚哥, 智利, will make his Combate Americas debut against Kevin “Badass” Amador (9-8) of Ensenada in a bantamweight affair.



Twelve-time national judo champion Vanesa “Chiquitina” Rico (3-3) from Alicante, 西班牙, will make her return to La Jaula against fellow Combate Americas veteran Yajaira “Shoko” Romo (3-3) 蒙特雷, 墨西哥.


贾尔·“埃尔·卢佩”·佩雷斯 (0-0) of Monterrey will make his professional debut against Jesus Blanco (0-1) of Tijuana at lightweight.


Undefeated flyweight (125 英镑) 后起之秀 Edgar “Pitbull” Chairez (3-0) of Mexicali go to war with fellow Mexican Betche Cantu (7-3) 蒙特雷, 新莱昂.



Doors at Auditorio Municipal Tijuana will open at 6 P.M. 当地时间, and the first preliminary bout will start at 6:30 P.M.



从价格 330.00$ MXN, “对抗美洲”门票: 墨西哥VS. The World” are on sale at both

Ticketon.com and TaquillaExpress.com.


LOS ANGELES, (五月 15, 2018) — 五月 5 在伦敦, 英国, boxing history was made when 2016 奥运会银牌得主 乔·乔伊斯 became the first fighter to win the Commonwealth Heavyweight Championship in just his fourth professional fight.




On the undercard of Bellew-Haye at the O2, 乔伊斯, 32 dropped champion Lenroy托马斯 three times before finally stopping him in the second round. It was an impressive display of power, poise and accuracy and one that has already placed the Haymaker/Ringstar boxer squarely in the center of all conversations regarding the stacked Heavyweight division.




Joyce is eagerly anticipating his next challenge; be it the newly crowned British Champion Hugie Fury or a possible showdown Derrick Chisora or the American Jarrell “大宝贝” 磨坊主.




May 5th was the passing of the torch,” noted promoter David Haye, “Joe delivered in impressive fashion while capturing the Commonwealth Title. This is just the beginning of his amazing journey towards becoming the undisputed Heavyweight Champion of the world and I’m proud to be part of that quest




The heavyweights are the glamor division of our sport and to be able to capture this title is just he beginning,” said Joyce. “No challenge is too big for me and along with the team I have behind me, I am more than confident that we have just scratched the surface. I made room in my trophy cabinet for this title but there is a lot more space that needs to be filled. I want to thank my friends, 家庭, fans and my team for supporting me. To them I promiseI won’t let you down!”




Co-promoter Richard Schaefer said, “Joe Joyce is the real deal! For his Cinco De Mayo event, he dedicated this fight to the legendary Rafael Garcia and truly foughtMexican Style”. Arriving in a sombrero and Mexican gear, he knocked out his opponent with the legendary liver shots made famous by Julio Cesar Chaves Sr. Yes he fought for the Commonwealth Title but he also fought for Mexico. The UK and Mexico have a new champion. His name is Joe “何塞” 乔伊斯. 从现在开始, Cinco de Mayo will be known as Cinco de Joe!




On the same night Hayemaker Ringstar fighters, Kody Davies and Money Powell IV also demonstrated their future intent! Davies, landed a devastating body shot to his opponent in the first round to secure the win. The much avoided super middleweight has certainly got the boxing fraternity talking, having sparred with the likes of Joshua, Groves and Sexton. Davies also beat the recently crowned British Heavyweight Champion Hughie Fury as an amateur. Mentored by former two weight world champion Joe Calzaghe, he will next fight on the Hayemaker Ringstar show in June.




货币鲍威尔四世, the youngest of the Hayemaker Ringstar stable, super welterweight continued his winning record in London with a TKO in the 4round against seasoned professional Mark Krammerstodter.

Adonis Stevenson Training Camp Quotes & 照片

I’m the best fighter in this division, 期。” – 史蒂文森
Light Heavyweight World Champion Stevenson Takes on
Two-Division Champion Badou Jack Saturday, 五月 19 住在Showtime® from Air Canada Centre in Toronto
点击 这里 for Photos from Sugar Hill Steward

多伦多 (五月 15, 2018) – WBC轻重量级世界冠军 阿多尼斯 “超人” 史蒂文森 is set to make his ninth, and perhaps most difficult, world title defense when he faces two-division world champion 八斗杰克 星期六, 五月 19 live on SHOWTIME from Air Canada Centre in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions. As fight week events in Toronto near, Stevenson shared some thoughts on his training camp and Saturday’s showdown.




Badou is a two-time world champion for a reason,” said Stevenson. “我不会低估他. I know he’s durable and that he has attributes like good head movement and I’ll have to be ready for everything.




Although many consider this Stevenson’s toughest defense in at least a few years, the champion’s mindset is unchanged from any of his other world title fights.




Every fight is a big fight for me,” said Stevenson. “This fight is nothing different. Badou Jack is a good fighter and people think very highly of him. But in my mind, he’s just the next guy that I have to beat.




With knockout victories in seven of his nine world title fights, Stevenson has become known for exceptional power, especially in his left hand. This serves as a strategy for the champion and is something he trains for under the guidance of his trainer Javan “糖” 山.




I’m always going for the knockout,” said Stevenson. “I’m still ready for 12 发, but I want the stoppage every time. I’m hungry for knockouts. If Badou comes in aggressive, this could end very quickly.




You have to step into the ring with me to understand my power. If I connect right just one time, 就是这样, lights out. We train specifically for knockouts. You’ll have to wait and see how I do it on May 19.




As the longest-reigning champion at 175-pounds, and the second longest-reigning champion in boxing, Stevenson has established his case as the best fighter in the division, something he looks to continue to prove on May 19.




I’m the king at light heavyweight,” said Stevenson. “I beat the king to become the king. I know that I’ve accomplished some great things and me and my team plan to continue to do everything we can to stay on top.




I’m the best fighter in this division, 期. When I win on May 19, I’ll just be doing my job. People might still talk trash, but I’ll still be the champ.




史蒂文森VS. Jack is part of a split-site SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®电视广播开始于 10 P.M. ET/PT with featherweight champion Gary Russell, JR. defending his title against mandatory title challenger Joseph Diaz from the MGM National Harbor in Maryland on Saturday, 五月 19.




门票现场活动, which is promoted by Groupe Yvon Michel, Lee Baxter促销和Mayweather促销, 现已公开发售,并可以在 www.ticketmaster.ca.


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