标记档案: 加里·安图安·拉塞尔

前冠军伊曼纽尔·罗德里格斯 (Emmanuel Rodriguez) 与梅尔文·洛佩兹 (Melvin Lopez) 争夺空缺的雏量级冠军头衔,将于周六直播, AUGUST 12 从米高梅国家港出发

前冠军伊曼纽尔·罗德里格斯 (Emmanuel Rodriguez) 在 Showtime 上与空缺的雏量级冠军争夺者梅尔文·洛佩兹 (Melvin Lopez) 进行现场直播® 星期六, AUGUST 12 在马里兰州米高梅国家港举行的超级拳击冠军赛中



耸人听闻的顶级新星特拉文·马歇尔 (Travon Marshall) 在电视转播揭幕战中与不败的竞争者加布里埃尔·马斯特 (Gabriel Maestre) 决斗

9 东部时间下午/太平洋时间下午 6 点


国家港口, MD. - 七月 17, 2023 - 前世界冠军埃马纽埃尔·罗德里格斯将迎战裸奔的竞争者梅尔文·洛佩兹周六 SHOWTIME 直播空缺的 IBF 最轻量级世界锦标赛头条赛事, 八月 12 在马里兰州米高梅国家港口剧院举行的超级拳击冠军赛中。

欣欣拳击锦标赛® 电视节目开始在 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT 并将看到不败的后起之秀和国会山高地, 马里兰州本地人加里·安图安·拉塞尔承担同胞不败肯特·克鲁兹在10轮超轻量级联合主赛中, 加上耸人听闻的顶级前景和兰德沃, 马里兰州本地人特拉文·马歇尔两届奥运会选手对决保持不败加布里埃尔·马斯特雷在 10 轮次中量级电视转播揭幕战中.

门票现场活动, 这是由TGB促销推广, 现已公开发售,并可以通过购买www.mgmnationalharbor.com/.

“这个节目八月 12 拳击迷们将迎来一场激动人心的世界冠军争夺战,此外,该地区一些顶尖的新秀将在 SHOWTIME 上直播激烈的比赛,”汤姆·布朗说, TGB促销总统. “伊曼纽尔·罗德里格斯渴望第二次成为雏量级世界冠军,炙手可热的梅尔文·洛佩兹将给予他所能处理的一切. 马里兰州两位顶级新星加里·安图安·拉塞尔和特拉文·马歇尔在对决前分别参加了比赛, 这将成为米高梅国家港口不容错过的一处景点。”

马纳蒂的战斗, 波多黎各, 罗德里格斯(21-2, 13 科斯) 去年10月,通过技术决定击败了之前不败的加里·安东尼奥·拉塞尔,让自己回到了争夺世界冠军的位置. 这位30岁的选手最初以一致判定战胜保罗·巴特勒(Paul Butler)赢得了IBF雏量级世界冠军。 2018 并成功对抗当时不败的贾森·莫洛尼. 罗德里格斯在五月份将冠军头衔输给了前无可争议的冠军井上直哉 (Naoya Inoue) 2019 冠军争夺战.

“我很高兴有机会再次成为世界冠军,”罗德里格斯说. “我们将以壮观的方式赢得胜利,我的目标是证明我是世界上最好的 118 磅拳击手. 我的目标是成为最轻量级无可争议的选手, 但我并没有忽视梅尔文·洛佩兹, 因为他是一名出色的战士,并将在 8 月 12 日全力以赴。”

25岁的洛佩兹 (29-1, 19 科斯) 自从十月份职业生涯唯一一场失利以来,他已经连续八场比赛获胜 2019. 来自尼加拉瓜,现在在迈阿密作战, 洛佩兹自此开始职业生涯 2015 并开始在美国本土参加比赛 2018. 洛佩兹取得三场胜利 2022, 以淘汰胡安·加布里埃尔·梅迪纳和维克多·鲁伊斯的方式开启新的一年, 去年 12 月击败乔伯特·阿尔瓦雷斯之前. 从他最后的 10 胜利, 洛佩兹已经终结了其中九个远距离进球.

“我很兴奋,争夺世界冠军的时刻快到了,“洛佩兹说. “我们度过了一个很棒的训练营,每个人都做出了牺牲和努力,以便我们在八月达到最佳状态 12. 我将向大家展示为什么我赢得了这个机会,并回报我的团队的所有努力. 我非常尊重伊曼纽尔, 但当我们分享戒指时,伴郎会举手。”

在他的家乡国会山高地战斗, MD。, 罗素 (16-0, 16 科斯) 将继承已故父亲老加里留下的遗产. 这项运动杰出的格斗家族之一的成员, 拉塞尔和他的哥哥们一起训练, 前 WBC 羽量级冠军 小加里. 和雏量级竞争者加里·安东尼奥. 自从转为职业选手以来,这位26岁的选手还没有允许对手进入最后的钟声 2017 在他代表美国竞选之后. 在里约 2016 夏季奥运会. 拉塞尔击败了迄今为止最有成就的敌人 2022, 2月份阻止了前冠军维克多·波斯托尔,然后在7月份TKO战胜了前两个级别冠军兰斯·巴泰勒米.

“当你像我一样是这项运动的学生时, 你必须考虑到我们采取的每一步都不仅仅是为了自我满足. 我们这样做是为了永久,”拉塞尔说. “肯特·克鲁兹必须追上我, 但我没有必要回头. 我前进的唯一方向就是前进,这意味着在八月上演一场精彩的表演 12, 并证明我是该级别的下一个世界冠军。”

30岁的克鲁兹 (16-0-3, 10 科斯) 在 2 月和 11 月与不败对手恩里科·戈戈基亚 (Enriko Gogokhia) 两场战平后重返拳坛 2022. 土生土长的圣. 圣路易斯, 密苏里州, 克鲁兹在四月与卡洛斯·穆罕默德·罗德里格斯战平后击败了老将埃里克·温贝托·卡斯蒂略和特拉维斯·哈特曼 2018. 克鲁兹将于八月回顾他过去与拉塞尔家族的戒指历史 12, 想要为业余赛输给加里·艾伦·拉塞尔报仇, 加里·安图安的哥哥.

“我对 8 月 12 日的这场比赛感到非常兴奋,”克鲁兹说道. “我整个职业生涯都在等待这样的战斗, 所以当我们提供这个时我们毫不犹豫. 我以失败者的身份加入,这就是我的动力. 我一生都是失败者,八月也是如此 12 我要震惊世界. 当我赢得这场战斗时, 我将争夺世界冠军,并有机会实现我儿时的梦想。”

年仅22岁, 马歇尔 (8-0, 7 科斯) 很快就展现出了技巧, 仅仅八场比赛就能凭借力量和风度成为备受瞩目的新秀. 出生于兰德沃, MD。, 现在正在国会山高地战斗, MD。, 马歇尔接受了前竞争者安德鲁·康瑟尔(Andrew Council)的训练,并且已经在比赛中打进了两次进球。 2023. 最近,他在三月的第三轮淘汰赛中击败了老牌竞争者贾斯汀·德洛奇(Justin DeLoach), 他迄今为止最令人印象深刻的胜利.

“我很高兴能在家里在家人面前战斗, 8 月 12 日与朋友和粉丝见面,”马歇尔说道. “我每天都在健身房努力训练,所以当比赛之夜到来时,我 100% 准备为大家呈现一场精彩的表演. 我的目标是向大家展示我属于大舞台, 这要从战胜加布里埃尔·梅斯特开始。”

曾两次代表祖国委内瑞拉参加奥运会, 教师 (5-0-1, 4 科斯) 进行了广泛的业余比赛,其中包括战胜布莱恩·卡斯塔诺, 卡洛斯·亚当斯, 亚历山大·贝斯普京, 奥斯卡·莫利纳和布莱恩·塞巴洛. 这位36岁的人在美国. 八月首次亮相,以有争议的判定战胜了 Mykal Fox 2021 去年三月与不败的塔拉斯·谢莱斯图克 (Taras Shelestyuk) 战成平局之前. 最近, Maestre 在四月经过三轮比赛后击败了前二级冠军 Devon Alexander.

“我已经做好了与特拉文·马歇尔的比赛的准备,”大师说. “我们专注于我们需要投入的工作,以便我们在八月取得胜利 12. 我专注于举手并上演一场精彩的表演. 我们希望给球迷留下良好的印象,并继续与次中量级的大牌选手作战。”

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欲了解更多信息,请访问www.SHO.com/sportswww.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 关注#RodriguezLopez, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing 和 @TGBPromotions, 在Instagram上@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing 和 @TGBPromotionss 或在 Facebook 上成为粉丝www.Facebook.com/ShowtimeBoxing.


WBA Super Featherweight Champion Roger Gutierrez Forced To Withdraw After Positive COVID-19 Test


LAS VEGAS – February 14, 2022 – Undefeated rising star 克里斯“总理”科尔伯特 will now square off against unbeaten Dominican Olympian Hector Luis Garcia in a 12-round WBA Super Featherweight World Title Eliminator headlining live on SHOWTIME Saturday, 二月 26 in a Premier Boxing Champions event from The Chelsea inside The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas.

The southpaw Garcia replaces WBA Super Featherweight World Champion Roger Gutierrez, who was forced to withdraw after a positive COVID-19 test.

欣欣拳击锦标赛® telecast kicks off at 10 P.M. ET /下午7时. PT and will feature another unbeaten young phenom in the co-main event. 加里·安图安·拉塞尔, 一 2016 中美. 奥林匹亚, faces former world champion 维克多·Postol 在10轮超轻量级回合, while IBF Junior Bantamweight World Champion Jerwin Ancajas defends his title against unbeaten Argentine 费尔南多·马丁内斯 in the televised opener of the loaded tripleheader.

门票现场活动, 这是由TGB促销推广, 现已公开发售,并可以通过购买 Tick​​etmaster.com.

代表他的家乡布鲁克林, 纽约州, 科尔伯特 (16-0, 6 科斯) 130斤排名迅速飙升, 首次参加高水平比赛 16 亲打架. Already established as a fighter with dazzling boxing skills, Colbert showcased his ability to fight toe-to-toe with an 11-round stoppage of Jaime Arboleda in December 2020 before most recently besting Tugstsogt Nyambayar in July 2021. 在25岁转入职业 2015 and defeated three unbeaten fighters in his first eight contests. Prior to the Arboleda fight, Colbert scored a highlight-reel first-round knockout against Miguel Beltran Jr. 九月 2019 and a dominant 12-round decision victory over former champion Jezzreel Corrales in January 2020.

Tall and rangy with good power in his left hand and a dedicated body attack, the 30-year-old Garcia (14-0, 10 科斯) scored the most impressive victory of his career in his last fight, when he defeated Isaac Avelar by unanimous decision in December 2021. 该 5-9 加西亚, who sparred with Devin Haney and Rolly Romero for the Avelar win, represented his native San Juan de la Maguana, 多明尼加共和国, 在 2016 Olympics before turning pro in December that year. Garcia is trained by the highly respected Ismael Salas, who has guided a long list of standouts, including Yordenis Ugás, 吉列尔莫·里贡多·奥尔蒂斯, Yuriorkis Gamboa的, nonito Donaire主场, 和豪尔赫·利纳雷斯. Garcia will be fighting for just the third time in the U.S. 二月 26, having defeated Avelar in Minneapolis. He was zeroing in on facing a top contender in 2022. Now he will get his chance.

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欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, follow #ColbertGarcia, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing 和 @TGBPromotions 在 Instagram 上@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing 和 @TGBPromotions 或在 Facebook 上成为粉丝 www.Facebook.com/ShowtimeBoxing.

NONITO DONAIRE 创造历史, 在第四轮淘汰赛中夺得 WBC 最轻量级世界冠军

Subriel Matias 和 Gary Antuanne Russell Notch


包含人物的图片, 运动, 拳击, 跳跃


点击这里 从以斯帖林/ SHOWTIME照片

点击这里 从肖恩·迈克尔·哈姆/ TGB促销图片

CARSON, CALIF。(五月 29, 2021)  - nonito Donaire主场 又是冠军. 在他赢得第一个世界冠军的十四年后, “菲律宾闪电侠”以惊人的第四轮KO胜利巩固了他的名人堂资格诺丁·乌巴利周六晚上在卡森 Dignity Health Sports Park 举行的 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING 主赛事中夺得 WBC 世界最轻量级冠军头衔, 加利福尼亚州. 在英超拳击冠军赛.

“国王回来了,” 多奈尔随后面带微笑. “我只是喜欢人群. 我所有的朋友, 家庭, 所有出来的拳击迷都非常感谢你们. 你们真是太棒了。”

38岁的多奈尔 (41-6, 27 科斯) 现在是有史以来最年长的世界冠军,体重 118 磅. 他用左手完成了它,因为他放弃了Oubaali,这是他职业生涯的名片 (17-1, 12 科斯) 一共三遍.

“在这个年龄不是问题, 这是关于我的表现,”多奈尔说. “关于我的成长能力. 我相信你的年龄并不重要, 但你的心理有多强大. 我从中学到的 [直哉] 井上的战斗是我回来了. 我仍然可以在这个级别上竞争. 一直以来我都没有战斗, 我在学习. 我已经准备好迎接下一场了。”

经过第一轮的感觉, 多奈尔二号上班, 走下 Oubaali 并用砰砰声反击. 多奈尔在第三节早些时候取得了第一次击倒, 用他标志性的反击左勾拳打掉 Oubaali. 法国人用不稳定的腿站起来,多奈尔猛扑过去, 登陆更多大球,直到另一个左勾拳在回合结束前一瞬间将 Oubaali 击倒. 再次, 乌巴利挣扎着站了起来, 茫然却愿意继续战斗.

结局在第四节来得很快. 多奈尔熟练地在环周围操纵欧巴利, 将他钉在绳索上,左勾拳让 Oubaali 第三次也是最后一次蜷缩在画布上. 裁判杰克·赖斯立即宣布取消. 停工的正式时间为 1:52 第四轮.

“成为世界冠军的三年. 九届世界冠军. 太棒了,”多奈尔说. “我来到这里,感觉非常好. 今天我确切地知道会发生什么. 我清楚地知道我要做什么. 我想我只是非常专注于健身房. 我很, 非常专注. 我只是感觉很好,很高兴能得到这个机会.

“今晚是我必须向世界证明的事情,我回来了,我比以往任何时候都更强大. 他是一个非常坚强的人. 我想最终对我来说, 我应该更有耐心? 或者我应该去做? 我在井上的战斗中学到的东西就是去杀人. 这正是我所做的. 我很有耐心, 但我知道他伤得很重,我可以带他出去。”

在共同特征, Puerto Rico’sSubriel Matias (17-1, 17 科斯) 交付了另一个动力冲孔显示器, 打破此前不败巴蒂尔·尤肯巴耶夫 (18-1, 14 科斯) 直到 Jukembayev 的角球在八轮铆接之后停止了比赛。

“我认为这是每个人都期望的. 每个人都知道这将是一场伟大的战争,”马蒂亚斯说. “这将以淘汰赛结束,无论我是要被淘汰还是朱肯巴耶夫会被淘汰. 我很高兴是我把他击倒了。”

马蒂亚斯将自己确立为堆叠部门中最好的之一, 但最近的胜利并不容易. 哈萨克斯坦的尤肯巴耶夫表现强劲, 从他的左撇子姿势在楼上降落右勾拳右勾拳组合,这在第一场就引起了马蒂亚斯的注意.

尤肯巴耶夫在第二节推动了步伐. 马蒂亚斯在第三节开始放手, 头部和身体组合投掷. 两名战斗人员现在已经完全热身, 为可能成为“年度最佳”候选人的第四轮比赛奠定基础。

它开始于一个坚硬的左勾拳使 Jukembayev 错开并把他带到画布上. 马蒂亚斯试图结束演出,但尤肯巴耶夫坚持了下来, 清了清头,开始自己投篮. 本节还剩一分钟, 尤肯巴耶夫左路传中马蒂亚斯. 而不是紧握, 马蒂亚斯以火相搏, 以脚趾到脚趾的动作将人群从座位上拉下来,直到铃声响起.

马蒂亚斯从未停止挺身而出. 继单边第六, 尤肯巴耶夫闭着双眼回到角落里. 在第七局中来回接踵而至,Jukembayev 在回合结束时用两个右勾拳击中了马蒂亚斯.

第八轮马蒂亚斯重回驾驶座, 用双拳猛击尤肯巴耶夫. 总, 他超过了尤肯巴耶夫 100 拳 (234/608 到 134 /409) 并且更准确 (38.5% 到 32.8%). 累积的打击足以说服尤肯巴耶夫的角球要求停止比赛.

“他知道他没有什么可失去的. 他进来了,一切都很坚强,”马蒂亚斯说. “他知道他所能做的就是把我淘汰出局. 我也会做同样的事情. 那是一颗勇士的心,他赢得了我所有的尊重.

“在第四轮之后, 我的意思是他是一个非常有竞争力的战士, 所以在那之后它变成了一场战争. 我的手也伸向他. 这是一个伟大的斗争. 我肯定还有其他非常出色的对手, 但这是给我最艰难的考验。”

在转播揭幕战, 加里·安图安·拉塞尔 (14-0, 14 科斯) 继续他的超轻量级排名上升. 不败的罗素成为第一个阻止崎岖的约瓦尼圣地亚哥 (14-2-1, 10 科斯), 统治圣地亚哥,直到裁判莎朗·桑兹在圣地亚哥角球的建议下在第六轮后停止比赛.

“目标是尽快把那个人救出来,毫发无损地出来,”拉塞尔说. “我只想说圣地亚哥是甲级对手. 很多人认为他击败了阿德里安·布罗纳. 我现在想要阿德里安·布罗纳。”

与哥哥和 WBC 世界羽量级冠军 Gary Russell Jr. 努力工作, 加里·安图安(Gary Antuanne)从开场钟开始控制动作. 该 2016 奥林匹亚刺拳,左撇子左撇子站姿, 第一次将圣地亚哥的头向后折断了好几次.

罗素, 24, 在第二个和第三个继续向左着陆. 早在第四, 他在楼上用一个短的右钩将圣地亚哥摔倒在膝盖上。. 波多黎各的圣地亚哥勇敢地站了起来,并在后续的猛攻中幸存下来,使其退出了回合.

“对我来说,重要的是逐轮执行, 和一轮轮, 我越来越多地执行. 我父亲叫我去尸体, 楼上右勾. 他对此持开放态度,”拉塞尔说.

尽管拉塞尔职业生涯第一次被延长到四轮以上,但并没有表现出放缓的迹象. 首都高地, 马里兰州. 产品在第六场击败圣地亚哥, 在整个框架中着陆惩罚组合. 过了一会儿, 比赛停止了.

“表演对我来说绝对重要,所以我不仅被称为加里·拉塞尔的弟弟,”拉塞尔说, 谁登陆 146 的 444 拳 (32.9%). “我来自优秀的战士背景. 我们正在建立一个王朝.

“我要多久才能回到擂台? 如果我能在 Deontay Wilder 牌上战斗, 那很好啊。”

周六的 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING 电视广播将在周日重播, 五月 30 在 9 A.M. ET/PT 在 SHOWTIME 和星期一, 五月 31 在 10 P.M. ET / PT在Showtime EXTREME.

资深体育解说员布赖恩·卡斯特主持了 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING 电视转播,而多才多艺的格斗运动配音员 Mauro Ranallo 与名人堂分析师 Al Bernstein 和三项世界冠军 Abner Mares 一起处理了逐一击球动作. 三位名人堂成员组成了 SHOWTIME 电视转播团队——艾美奖获奖记者吉姆·格雷, 非官方得分手史蒂夫·法胡德(Steve Farhood)和世界著名的环形播音员小吉米·列侬(Jimmy Lennon Jr). 执行制片人是戴维·丁金斯(David Dinkins), 小, 制片人是 Ray Smaltz,导演是 Chuck McKean. 三届超级最轻量级世界冠军以色列巴斯克斯和体育解说员亚历杭德罗卢纳担任西班牙语专家分析员在二级音频编程 (SAP).

# # #


WBC Bantamweight World Champion Oubaali Takes On Future Hall Of Famer Donaire This Saturday, 五月 29 住在Showtime® In A Premier Boxing Champions Event From
Dignity Health Sports Park In Carson, 加利福尼亚州.

点击 这里 从以斯帖林/ SHOWTIME照片

点击 这里 从肖恩·迈克尔·哈姆/ TGB促销图片

CARSON, CALIF. (五月 27, 2021) – WBC Bantamweight World Champion 诺丁·乌巴利 和名人堂成员的未来馆 nonito Donaire主场 went face-to-face Thursday at the final press conference before their world title showdown taking place this Saturday, 五月 29 live on SHOWTIME from Dignity Health Sports Park in Carson, 加利福尼亚州。, 总理拳击冠军事件的头条新闻.

The press conference also featured hard-hitting contender Subriel Matias 不败 巴蒂尔·尤肯巴耶夫, who meet in the co-main event for a 12-round IBF Junior Welterweight Title Eliminator, 不败 2016 中美. 奥林匹亚 加里·安图安·拉塞尔 约瓦尼圣地亚哥, who square off in a 10-round super lightweight clash that opens the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast at 10 P.M. ET /下午7时. PT.

该活动由TGB Promotions推广. 门票现已发售,可在 AXS.com 购买. 尊严健康体育公园将向球迷有限开放, 在整个活动期间,所有客人都保持社交距离,并遵守当地和州的健康准则.



“是, we’ve sparred but training is training. When you go into a fight, it’s not the same. Every fight is different and I know on Saturday I will put on a great show with Nonito Donaire because I know he’s a good boxer but I know I’m the best. I trained so hard for this and now I’m ready to fight. I want to show everybody that the best two bantamweights in boxing today are fighting on Saturday.

“是, he’s had an outstanding career and he has power but I believe I have more power than him. I know I have the power. He’s a good boxer but I’m the world champion and on Saturday I’m going to show the world who is the best. I know I am the best. I respect Nonito. He’s had a good career but I’m the best in the division.

“The difference in the fight is going to be I want to win more. I want to continue to make history and stay as the world champion in this division. I know that it’s my time. I want this more than he does.

“If I’m victorious, why not have my next fight be for the unification? I want to make history every time and this is my motivation. I’m here because I love boxing and I want to face the best boxers every time. I’m facing Nonito Donaire and that’s great for my career. I just like to fight and this is my life.”


“It would be great to win the title at 38 years old and become the oldest champion at 118 英镑, but let’s keep it going. Let’s make it 40. Let’s make it 42. There ain’t no stopping me. 精神上, I’m very grateful but at the same time I’m just very ready.

“I’m always healthy and the reason why I can compete with anybody is because I keep myself healthy and I work hard. There’s nothing less than 100 percent every time I’m in that gym.

“I’m very hard-headed so I don’t always do what people tell me to do. People can say that it’s their time. But I also have my time and I’m always going to be the one who concedes their time or makes that decision. It’s still my time.

“这将是一场伟大的战斗. Oubaali is the champion for a reason. He’s been through it in terms of the amateurs and making it here. So we’re not underestimating any of that. But I’ve fought in this venue many times and I always make magical fights in the first place. It’s always going to be magical with me. I’m a unicorn.

“The difference in this fight is going to be my hunger. He’s younger than me but I have the hunger. We both have an objective and that’s what’s going to make this a great fight.

“I want to fight the best out there. I want the rematch with Naoya Inoue and I want to get all the belts. The only thing I haven’t accomplished in boxing is becoming undisputed champion. I’ve done everything else. 年度战斗机. 年度淘汰赛. Multiple championships. 四分区冠军. You name it. 那是我的主要目标. Get the belt and put them all together.

“Bantamweight is my real weight. I’ve always fought in the heavier division because of the excitement, the challenge and the lucrative offer or the names at that time. 现在, I’m here where I belong and this is where I’m really strong.

“The layoff will not be a factor at all. The time off helped me out. Just being out of the ring helped my body recover. And the eagerness and the hunger is there more than ever. It was a blessing for me.”


“I will be his toughest test without question and come Saturday night, everybody will find out why I’m saying that.

“I believe him when he says that he has the tools to get a stoppage on Saturday. But it’s not just a matter of saying, on Saturday night he has to prove it. If it’s going to come out of your mouth, then you have to prove it.

“We’re both knockout artists and with what we’re looking at, this fight should not finish by a decision.

“I don’t have much to say about that fight against Petros Ananyan. Those that saw me lose, I lost. There’s nothing I can say about it. But those that know boxing know that I’ve been progressing and improving and you all will see that on Saturday.”


“我有一个伟大的训练营. I am ready for Saturday night. I know that he’s a good fighter but I promise that I will be ready.

“We will see Saturday night whether it’s going to end in a knockout. I’ll show you what I’m made of and you will all see.”


“I’m in the hurt business. He’s a slugger. If he wants to come in there and slug with me, he will feel my power. He will see how intelligent I am. Not just mentally, but physically with my hands. 就像我说的, I’m in the hurt business. I come to hurt.

“Pardon my lack of Spanish, but what you are going to see is, ‘la violencia.’ He’s going to bring his pressure. He’s going to bring punches in bunches and I believe that’s all he can bring. If he’s been training and trying to perfect himself for my style of fighting, that’s fine. You’re not supposed to come in here one-dimensional. A diamond shines from all sides.

“The only thing I can say is this venue is going to promote blood, sweat and tears and the desire of people to be great. I’m definitely one of them. I’ve been in the gym giving my blood, my sweat and my tears and I’m bringing all of that to this venue come Saturday night.

“I definitely want to stay more active. That’s always been my plan. The pandemic slowed things down. Fans always tell me they want to see me get back in there…I just tell them, me too. The fighters aren’t the ones pulling all of the strings. Should I be more active? 当然. I want to be more active.

“I want to show that I’m the cream of the crop. I’m a superstar. The light hasn’t been shining on me because there’s a lot of other things going on. 在此之前, you’re going to have to wait and see. Come Saturday, it will be a great show. There will be some sparks and fireworks. I have an opponent that’s not willing to lay down. If he’s not willing to, I must make him lay down.”


“I know that he’s a good fighter. An Olympian. He’s young and he’s going to come fight. I’m going to come to fight too, so if the fight finishes early, then it finishes early.

“I just have to work round-by-round, throw punches and win one round at a time. After I beat Russell, everybody is going to be on my side.

“This is my weight. This is where I’m most comfortable. I’ve always been a 140-pounder and Saturday that’s what I’m going to demonstrate.

“This time, I’m fighting at my actual weight. 我觉得强. I’m coming to work round-by-round and on Saturday everybody will see what I’m all about.”

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Oubaali vs. Donaire will pit undefeated WBC Bantamweight World Champion 诺丁·乌巴利 against future Hall of Famer nonito Donaire主场 in a long-awaited 12-round championship showdown live on SHOWTIME Saturday, 五月 29 从卡森尊严健康体育公园出发, 加利福尼亚州. 在英超拳击冠军赛.

在精彩表演拳击锦标赛的共同特征, hard-hitting contender SubrielMatías 不败 巴蒂尔·尤肯巴耶夫 in a 12-round IBF Junior Welterweight Title Eliminator, 不败的同时 2016 中美. 奥林匹亚 加里·安图安·拉塞尔 面孔 约瓦尼圣地亚哥 in a 10-round super lightweight clash to open the telecast.

该活动由TGB Promotions推广.

门票现已发售,可在 AXS.com 购买. 尊严健康体育公园将向球迷有限开放, 在整个活动期间,所有客人都保持社交距离,并遵守当地和州的健康准则.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing 和 @TGBPromotions 在 Instagram 上@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing 和 @TGBPromotions 或在 Facebook 上成为粉丝 www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.

杰马尔·查洛将在福克斯黄金时段与马特·科罗博夫争夺 WBC 临时中量级冠军头衔 & FOX体育

周六由顶级拳击冠军颁发, 十二月 22 巴克莱中心布鲁克林

布鲁克林 (十二月 17, 2018) – 中量级的竞争者 马特·科罗博夫 已加紧挑战 Jermall夏洛茨维尔 周六,FOX 和 FOX Deportes 黄金时段直播 WBC 临时中量级冠军赛, 十二月 22 巴克莱中心, 布鲁克林拳击™ (BROOKLYN BOXING™) 主场,由顶级拳击冠军主办的赛事.

科罗博夫接替威利·门罗, 小, 在 WBC 清洁拳击计划下,他被 VADA 检测出违禁物质呈阳性,并被从主赛事中除名. WBC正在对此事进行进一步调查.

科罗博夫原定要参加底卡比赛,并一直在为十二月的比赛进行训练 22. 当需要替代门罗时,他自愿挺身而出.

“我为威利·梦露做好了充分的准备, 谁是左撇子, 所以面对科罗博夫不会有太大区别,” 说夏洛茨维尔. “有大小差异. 他比梦露还高, 但我只需要调整我的比赛计划. 世界上最好的战士是那些能够做出最好调整的人. 由于这种逆境,击败科罗博夫将使胜利变得更加甜蜜. 这意味着庆祝活动也会更加甜蜜. 他在底牌上战斗, 所以他已经准备好了. 但现在争夺冠军头衔会让他更加努力. 我喜欢它. 从纸面上看,他是一个比小威利·门罗更好的对手。”

“我正在训练用这张卡进行战斗,所以我在身体和精神上都做好了战斗的准备,” 说科罗博夫. “我提前一周参加这场战斗并不重要,因为我一生都在为这一刻做准备. 我会为Charlo做一些调整,并充分利用这个机会. 别错过. 请务必收看 FOX 频道,观看一场精彩的战斗。”

查洛 vs. 科罗博夫之战是 PBC 在福克斯电视台播出的一档重磅节目的一部分,该节目的特色是查洛双胞胎卫冕世界冠军,多米尼克·布雷泽尔 (Dominic Breazeale) 和卡洛斯·内格隆 (Carlos Negron) 之间的重量级对决将于 8 P.M. ET /下午5时. PT.

Jermall夏洛茨维尔, 谁和他的兄弟掷硬币赢了, 这场比赛将在 12 回合 WBC 中量级冠军赛中对阵科罗博夫, 而杰梅尔·查洛将与托尼·哈里森争夺 WBC 超次中量级世界冠军头衔.

科罗博夫 (28-1, 14 科斯), 原定对阵哥伦比亚选手胡安·德·安赫尔, 拥有出色的履历,其中包括一致判定战胜现任超中量级世界冠军何塞·乌兹卡特吉 2014. 他唯一的失利是在一场中量级冠军争夺战中输给了安迪·李。 2014. 科罗博夫领先于所有三位评委’ 当他被李的右手抓住时,导致第六回合 TKO 失败.

这位35岁的左撇子来自Orotukan, 俄罗斯,现居圣. 圣彼得堡, 佛罗里达. 作为业余选手,他赢得了欧洲锦标赛 2006 击败无可争议的轻量级卫冕冠军亚历山大·乌西克. 他的一名成员 2008 俄罗斯奥运拳击队成员,并以 300-12. 他以四连胜参加这场比赛, 最近一致判定乔纳森·巴蒂斯塔 (Jonathan Batista).

演出门票, 由 Lions Only Promotions 和 TGB Promotions 与 DiBella Entertainment 联合推广, 开始于 $50 与现已公开发售. 门票可在购买 ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, 或致电 800-745-3000. 从周六开始,还可在巴克莱中心的美国运通售票处购买门票, 十月 27 美国东部时间中午.


球迷们可以即时串流在FOX体育应用打架, 通过FOX或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 打架都可以在桌面上的FOXSports.com,并通过应用程序商店, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司. 欲了解更多信息: 访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepagewww.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @FutureOfBoxing, @TwinCharlo, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions, @BrooklynBoxing 和 @Swanson_Comm 或在 Facebook 上成为粉丝 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsportswww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

中量级竞争者小威利·门罗. 会谈即将于周六对阵杰马尔·查洛, 十二月 22 在顶级拳击比赛中
福克斯频道的冠军 & 福克斯将行动从巴克莱中心驱逐出境
布鲁克林 “我现在在马厩里,准备飞出马厩
12月22日,门” – 梦露

罗切斯特,纽约. (十二月 4, 2018) – 中量级竞争者和前冠军挑战者 威利·梦露JR. 讨论了他即将对阵 WBC 临时中量级冠军的比赛 Jermall夏洛茨维尔 当他准备周六参加超级拳击冠军赛时, 十二月 22 巴克莱中心的 FOX 和 FOX Deportes 直播, 布鲁克林拳击™的家.

随着战斗之夜的临近, 梦露在家乡罗彻斯特努力工作,纽约. 和他的教练蒂莫西·诺兰一起, 门罗相信他有望在对阵不败对手的比赛中取得出色的表现.

“现在营地里的一切都在按部就班地向前推进,” 门罗说。”我们每天都在完成我们需要的工作. 我们知道如何顺利​​运营营地. 如果我无法判断有什么问题, 然后就一切顺利了。”

A 两次与根纳迪·戈洛夫金 (Gennady Golovkin) 进行中量级世界冠军争夺的老将 比利·乔·桑德斯, 门罗着眼于查洛的再次对决 向精英中量级选手证明自己.

“我有 总是观看杰莫尔的战斗,因为我关注我周围的任何人 重量等级,” 门罗说. “在过去一年左右的时间里,我开始 我想我真的会参加这场战斗,我很兴奋它的到来 12月硕果累累 22.

“他是 被认为是顶级中量级之一,这使得这场比赛非常精彩. 这 是时候我将有一个完整的训练营了,这是我以前从未有过的 戈洛夫金和桑德斯,这会对我有帮助。”

尽管 他不具备对手惊人的击倒能力, 梦露是 非常有信心他的其他戒指属性可以弥补这一点 不同之处.

“是 都处于该部门的顶端,如果没有很多东西,你就不可能走得这么远 身体能力的,” 门罗说. “这场战斗不在于谁是谁 虽然最快和最强, 这是关于我们将如何执行. 我不是 专注于谁击球更重,但谁击球更聪明. 这总是会发生 确定谁赢得拳击比赛.

“拳击 首先是智力,然后才是一切. 我能吗 执行并让杰马尔感到不舒服? 我们将看看战斗中会发生什么 夜晚. 不过我会做好准备的. 我现在在我的马厩里,我已经准备好来了 12月22日飞出大门。”

查洛 担任 FS1 上梦露八月之战的色彩评论员,此后 然后两人在两次不同的新闻发布会上面对面交流 战斗之夜. 随着战斗周的临近, 梦露认为频繁的见面时间 将会打出更加精彩的战斗.

“我是 一遍又一遍地看到杰马尔,肯定更加渴望战斗,” 门罗说. “你亲自捡到的小东西往往会造成 你想更加战斗. 你看到了对手并进一步加强了它 你的头脑并用它来激励. 我认为这会让事情变得更加 当我们最终到达那里时很有趣。”

门票 为了演出, 由 Lions Only Promotions 和 TGB 共同推广 与 DiBella Entertainment 联合促销, 开始于 $50 并且正在 现在出售. 门票可在购买ticketmaster.combarclayscenter.com, 或致电 800-745-3000. 门票也可以在美国运通售票处购买 在巴克莱中心. 集团折扣可致电844-BKLYN-GP.

电视转播 覆盖开始于 8 P.M. ET /下午5时. PT 并由杰梅尔·查洛 (Jermell Charlo) 防守 他对阵托尼·哈里森的 WBC 超次中量级世界冠军, 此外 查洛 vs. 门罗对决. 电视转播的动作还有重量级人物 多米尼克·布雷泽尔和卡洛斯·内格隆之间的对决.

#          #          #

粉丝 可以在 FOX Sports 应用程序上直播比赛, 有英文版或 通过 FOX 或 FOX Deportes 提供的西班牙语节目. 战斗可在 FOXSports.com 桌面版和应用商店, 或连接的设备,包括 苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司.

为了 更多信息: 访问www.premierboxingchampions.comhttp://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepage 和www.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @FutureOfBoxing, @TwinCharlo, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions, @布鲁克林拳击 和 @Swanson_Comm 或成为 Facebook 的粉丝:www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.facebook.com/foxsports 和www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

中美. 奥林匹亚选手特雷尔·高沙 (Terrell Gausha) 对阵乔伊·埃尔南德斯 (Joey Hernandez) & 两级冠军兰斯·巴泰勒米 & 周六,重量级拳击冠军埃菲·阿贾格巴 (Efe Ajagba) 登上拳击台,参加由超级拳击冠军举办的堆叠底牌比赛, 十二月 22 从布鲁克林巴克莱中心出发

更多! 前景光明 加里·安图安 & 加里·安东尼奥·拉塞尔

布鲁克林 (十一月 27, 2018) – 中美. 奥运选手和超次中量级竞争者 特雷尔Gausha 与身经百战的老兵发生冲突 乔伊·埃尔南德斯 在一场 10 回合的比赛中,前两个级别的世界冠军和古巴明星 兰斯·巴泰勒米 参加 10 回合超轻量级格斗比赛, 同时重量级的感觉 卡通Ajagba, 作为一个可怕的拳击手,他正在撼动这个部门, 周六,作为充满动感的底牌比赛的一部分,进入六轮比赛的擂台, 十二月 22 巴克莱中心, 布鲁克林拳击™的家庭和总理拳击冠军呈现.




堆叠的底牌引出了福克斯节目中的重磅 PBC 节目,其中查洛双胞胎捍卫了他们的世界冠军头衔, 黄金时段多米尼克·布雷泽尔 (Dominic Breazeale) 和卡洛斯·内格隆 (Carlos Negron) 之间的重量级对决. Jermall夏洛茨维尔, 他和他的兄弟通过掷硬币获胜来决定他们的战斗顺序, 将在 12 回合 WBC 临时中量级冠军赛中对阵威利·门罗, 小, 而杰梅尔·查洛则将对阵托尼·哈里森,卫冕 WBC 超次中量级世界冠军头衔.




拥挤的底牌上还有中量级竞争者 马特·科罗博夫(28-1, 14 科斯) 在八回合的战斗和十回合的超次中量级对决中 布兰登·夸尔斯 (20-4-1, 10 科斯) 和 托德·曼努埃尔 (17-16-1, 5 科斯).




这场比赛仍在继续,羽量级世界冠军小加里·拉塞尔 (Gary Russell Jr.) 的不败前景和弟弟们不断崛起。, 如 2012 中美. 奥林匹亚 加里·安图安·拉塞尔 (7-0, 7 科斯) 八回合超轻量级比赛并保持不败 加里·安东尼奥·拉塞尔 (12-0, 10 科斯) 看起来在八轮雏量级比赛中保持不败.




演出门票, 由 Lions Only Promotions 和 TGB Promotions 与 DiBella Entertainment 联合推广, 开始于 $50 与现已公开发售. 门票可在购买 ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, 或致电 800-745-3000. 门票也可在美国运通票房购买巴克莱中心. 集团折扣可致电844-BKLYN-GP.




31岁的高莎 (20-1, 9 科斯) 在一场超次中量级冠军争夺战中,他以一致判定输给了埃里斯兰迪·拉拉,这是他职业生涯的第一次失利。 2017 在巴克莱中心. 美国的一员. 拳击队在 2012 伦敦奥运会, 克利夫兰的高沙希望在对阵埃尔南德斯的比赛中反弹.




埃尔南德斯 (27-4-1, 17 科斯) 自从输给奥斯汀·特劳特以来,已经连续三场淘汰赛获胜 2015 在 FS1 上. 来自迈阿密的 34 岁左撇子, 埃尔南德斯在八月 TKO 战胜何塞·安东尼奥·罗德里格斯 8.




祖国古巴一位多产的业余爱好者, 缪 (26-1, 13 科斯) 在职业生涯第一次失利后重返拳台, 在三月份与 Kiryl Relikh 的超轻量级世界冠军争夺战中. 这位32岁的选手成为了世界冠军 2014 当他击败阿吉尼斯·门德斯 (Argenis Mendez) 夺得 130 磅级冠军时, 并击败丹尼斯·沙菲科夫夺得空缺的轻量级金腰带,成为两个级别的冠军.




松鼠 (7-0, 6 科斯) 今年夏天,当他的对手在触摸手套后走出拳击场并在 FS1 现场直播首轮比赛的铃声响起时,引起了人们的关注. 他是唯一一位在对阵24岁的阿贾格巴时毫发无损地离开擂台的对手, 他是尼日利亚拳击队的成员 2016 里约奥运会,今年将第五次踏上拳击场,也是第二次作为职业选手在巴克莱中心.




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欲了解更多信息: 访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepagewww.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @FutureOfBoxing, @TwinCharlo, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions, @BrooklynBoxing 和 @Swanson_Comm 或在 Facebook 上成为粉丝 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsportswww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

加里·拉塞尔JR. VS. 约瑟夫·迪亚兹JR. 决赛新闻发布会行情 & 照片

Featherweight World Champion Russell Jr. Battles Unbeaten Challenger Diaz Jr. 星期六, 五月 19 住在Showtime
From MGM National Harbor in Maryland
点击 这里 从阿曼达韦斯科特/ SHOWTIME照片

国家港口, MD. (五月 17, 2018) – WBC轻量级世界冠军 加里·拉塞尔JR. and unbeaten top contender 约瑟夫· “乔乔” 迪亚兹JR. went face-to-face Thursday at the final press conference two days before they enter the ring May 19 住在Showtime (10:05 P.M. ET / PT) in the main event from MGM National Harbor in Maryland.




The battle between the 2008 中美. Olympian Russell Jr. 而 2012 中美. Olympian Diaz Jr. is part of a split-site SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast that will feature WBC Light Heavyweight World Champion 阿多尼斯史蒂文森 defending his title against two-division world champion 八斗杰克 in a main event from Toronto.




门票活动, which is promoted by TGB Promotions in association with Golden Boy Promotions, are on sale now and are available by visitingHTTP://mgmnationalharbor.com/.




Both fighters were joined on stage by their fathers who also train them, with Gary Russell Sr. and Joseph Diaz Sr. sitting by their sons ahead of Saturday’s matchup. Here is what the press conference participants had to say Thursday from MGM National Harbor:






“我们 120 percent ready for fight night. We’re hungry. As long as I have this strap, nobody is walking in here and taking it. I know Diaz is going to bring his best to the table, but we’re ready. The strap is staying at home.




Me and my little brothers Gary Antuanne and Gary Antonio are on the undercard and they’re going to show the work they’ve been doing. Our dad’s birthday is the day after the fight so you know we have to make it special for him.




It’s cool that both me and ‘JoJoare trained by our fathers. Because at the end of the day, when you look at your coach, that’s your last line of defense. When everything else goes wrong, you have to go the corner. You have to have a level of trust and belief in your corner, so who better to have than a parent there?




It’s difficult for me to know if ‘JoJois my toughest opponent since Vasyl Lomachenko because I never train with a lot of worry about my opponents. I think that the biggest thing is preparing myself to the best of my ability and being the best that I can possibly be.




I believe in my ability to make the necessary adjustments, no matter what my opponent brings to the ring. If he wants to come in and box, we are equally as comfortable boxing long ranged as we are making the fight rugged. In order to be great at anything, you have to have a level of versatility. That’s something I bring to the table that a lot of fighters don’t bring.




Diaz worked his way up the ranks to get this fight. He did everything you have to do to get in position to fight for a world title. He’s already mentioned that I’m the best fighter in the division and he knows that all the other champions in the division are afraid to step up and compete against me.




Any fighter who has two months or more to prepare for one opponent is definitely dangerous. We never overlook anyone. I believe in my hand speed, my punching power, my ring generalship and in my ability to make adjustments.




If we can get through this bout, I would love to get in the ring and unify with any of the other featherweight champions. The timing is perfect right now for any of these unification fights. If they still don’t want it, I’m willing to move up in weight to meet any of the guys who have a name. It’s time to make it happen.




I take my hat off to him and to his team for having the guts to step into the ring. There are only certain people who can be made for this sport and it speaks volumes about him as an individual. I don’t expect anything less than a worthy opponent.




It’s a pleasure being here for this fight right near my hometown. We had a very long training camp and everything is feeling good heading into the fight.






It’s right here and around the corner. I’m very excited for the moment to be here. I’ve been waiting for this my whole entire life and I’m not going to take anything for granted. I trained extremely hard for this fight.




I absolutely think Gary is overlooking me. I think he underestimated me. I’ve trained for this my whole entire life. This opportunity has been presented to me by my hard work and it’s really the opportunity of a lifetime. I can’t wait to show everybody my skills and what I’m truly about.




“这是所有关于时机. Gary has the fastest hands in boxing but we’ve watched a lot of tape and we see a lot of flaws. Every fighter has flaws. We’re just going to capitalize on what we see and take full advantage on Saturday night.




I don’t think Gary having not fought since last year will be any kind of advantage. 我希望加里·拉塞尔JR. to be at his best come fight night. I know that I’m at my best and the best man should win on fight night. There shouldn’t be any excuses after this fight and after I win the title.




I believe after I win this title on Saturday night that I’ll be on top of the throne in the featherweight division. Hopefully I can get some big fights soon after that.




I’m prepared for everything he’s going to offer. He’s going to come out and box a little bit and look to use his jab, create angles and use his speed to keep me out of range. It’s going to come to the point where he’s not going to want to move as much and he’ll starting fighting on the inside. That’s where I want to be. We’re going to deliver some great blows and may the best man win.




I know what Gary Russell Jr. brings to the table. I know he’s the toughest fighter in the division but I’m ready to go out there and bring back the WBC title. I’m ready to fight the best and unify all the titles.




It’s going to be fireworks on Saturday night. I’ve had a perfect training camp and I’m on weight. Everything feels great and I can’t wait to step into the ring.




“我做好了一切准备. If it stops early or goes the distance, I’m going to keep pushing each round more than the last.




It would mean everything to win this world title. Not just for myself, but for my whole family. All the hard work and struggles that we’ve been through, it’s finally here. I’m going to do everything I can to come out victorious. Our lives are going to change and I’m going to inspire the youth and the people around me. I want people to know that if you put your mind to it, anything is possible.


加利罗素SR。, Russell’s Father & 训练者




The reason for the inactivity is just politics. We always have the intention on fighting but we want to find the best opponent for Gary. ‘JoJois the mandatory so we’re going to fight him and after we get this win, we’re looking at Leo Santa Cruz, 押尼珥Mares, 卡尔·弗兰普顿. We want to unify.




Before Gary retires from the sport, he’ll move up and do whatever it takes to get a rematch with Lomachenko.




We like to say that this is just Gary’s occupation. He gets paid to fight and he’s able to support his family because of that. All of the accolades don’t really mean anything to him or to us. The WBC belt is definitely the most prestigious, but like Gary said, we’re not really into the little trinkets. He would take it to the pawn shop if he could. We’re not really into those type of accolades. We just want to conduct ourselves as gentlemen, set an example and get paid.


JOSEPH DIAZ SR., Diaz’s Father & 训练者




It’s a blessing to be in this position. I really believe that god didn’t bring us this far only to bring us this far. I really think the journey is going to continue. I’m very proud of my son. He has worked really hard and has shown a lot of will and determination. It means the world to me that he’s pursuing his career and is doing something that he loves doing.





It’s exciting to finally have a fight on the east coast. It’s beautiful out here. Joseph has been wanting to fight out here and now he has that opportunity to meet some of the fans he has out here that he hasn’t had the chance to meet.




“拉塞尔JR. is a fast fighter. He’s skilled and he’s smart in there. We’ve been working on Joseph’s timing. Joseph’s a little deceiving because he kind of moves a little slow but he’s actually much faster than people think he is. The speed of Russell doesn’t affect us at all. Joseph has sparred and fought fast fighters especially in the amateurs.




The plan is to go in there and beat Gary Russell up. And we’re hoping this win sets up bigger and better fights with the Santa Cruz and the Selby’s of the world. All of the champions. We’re hoping to get some of those opportunities because it will bring a lot of attention to the boxing world. Joseph will be a very good ambassador for the sport of boxing.


STEPHEN ESPINOZA, 总统体育 & 活动编程, 欣欣网络公司.




We’re thrilled to be here at MGM National Harbor. MGM is an incredible brand that means a lot in boxing. It is a brand that is known throughout the sport at the highest level and we appreciate the entire MGM organization and their support for the sport.




“加里·拉塞尔JR. VS. ‘JoJoDiaz which is an outstanding matchup. Gary is without questions one of the most skilled-if not the most skilled fighter in any division. He’s known for having the fastest hands in the sport. ‘JoJoDiaz is a young rising star who I’ve known personally since he turned pro. These are two action fighters. They’re fan-friendly fighters who will deliver an action packed night.




It’s been an interesting couple of weeks in boxing. A lot of announcements, new ventures and big promises. But here at SHOWTIME we just keep doing what we’ve been doing, and what we’ve been doing is delivering the best fighters, 最大的战斗, week after week and month after month.




SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING is the home of more world champions and more world championship fights than anywhere on any other network. Speaking of title fights, we’re going to have three of them, from three different countries. 在 5 P.M. ETstreaming on the SHOWTIME Facebook and Social Media platforms, we have IBF Featherweight Champion Lee Selby against challenger Josh Warrington. 在 10:05 P.M. AND, we will have Russell Jr. VS. 迪亚兹JR. for the WBC Featherweight title, and immediately following that we’ll take you to Toronto for a light heavyweight world title fight between Adonis Stevenson and Badou Jack.




All six of these fighters competing in Saturday’s world title fights are ranked in the top 10 of their division and have a combined record of 157 wins with only four losses.


PETE BRASCIA, Senior VP of Marketing & Operations, 米高梅国家港口




We’re very excited to welcome these fighters and everyone involved in this event, back to MGM National Harbor. One year ago I was on a similar stage as we prepared for Gary Russell Jr. to defend his world title, and he did not disappoint his fans.




The fans here in Prince George’s County and the whole region love a good show and a good fight. They love it even more when they can root on their hometown hero. 周六晚上, 将没有什么不同.




This will be an incredible show between Gary Russell Jr. and the undefeated Olympian ‘JoJo’ 迪亚兹. I’m hoping for good weather Saturday night, but I’m certain we’re going to get a good show.




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欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports,在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, , MrGaryRussellJr, @JosephDiazJr, @TGBPromotions, GoldenBoyBoxing, @MGMNatlHarbor and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxingwww.Facebook.com/MGMNationalHarbor. 该活动由 Corona Extra 赞助, 最好的啤酒.

Featherweight Champion Gary Russell Jr. and Unbeaten Top Contender Joseph ‘JoJo’ 迪亚兹JR. Media Workout Quotes and Photos

Photos of Gary Russell Jr. by Kent Green – 点击 这里
Photos of Joseph Diaz Jr. by Lina Baker / 金童推广 – 点击 这里

(五月 11, 2018) – 羽量级世界冠军 加里·拉塞尔JR. and undefeated mandatory challenger 约瑟夫· “乔乔” 迪亚兹JR. met members of the media on opposite coasts on Thursday, just one week out of their WBC world title showdown on Saturday, 五月 19, 米高梅国家海港马里兰.




Russell will defend his WBC title against Diaz in a split-site SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast (10:05 P.M. ET / PT) and will feature WBC Light Heavyweight World Champion 阿多尼斯史蒂文森 defending his title against two-division world champion 八斗杰克 in a 12-round main event presented by Premier Boxing Champions from Toronto.




Russell was joined by his younger brothers, 加里·安图安·拉塞尔 加里·安东尼奥·拉塞尔 at The Enigma Boxing Gym in Capitol Heights, MD。, while Diaz took part in a workout at Azteca Gym in the City of Bell, just east of downtown Los Angeles.




Tickets for the MGM National Harbor show, which is promoted by TGB Promotions in association with Golden Boy Promotions, are on sale now and are available by visiting HTTP://mgmnationalharbor.com/.




Here’s what the fighters had to say on Thursday:






Sometimes you tend to magnify an event because of the fact that it’s in your hometown and it’s on a major card. It tends to take away from the true goal and the true purpose. I just need to focus on what the objective is. We never magnify the events. I think it’s cool that the neighbors and the mail lady and the people who honk their horns as they see me jogging down the street have the ability to get in their car and drive 15 minutes down the road to be a part of everything that’s going on and get to see a product of their environment.




I draw my energy from my family, 我的朋友, the true fans of Gary Russell Jr. That’s what I ultimately do it for. Regardless of what our profession is, we try to have a sense of financial stability for our families and that’s my objective as well. That’s what keeps me motivated.




Diaz already made the statement that I am the best fighter in the featherweight division. He already made the statement that none of the other world champions are willing to step into the ring to compete against me. The managers and the promoters aren’t willing to put their fighters in the ring against me.




I welcome the fact that Diaz wants the fight. As a world champion, I wouldn’t want or expect anything less. I want a competitor that’s ready to fight and that’s going to bring their best. I believe that he’s going to be the best that he can possibly be. My objective is to prepare myself to the best of my ability. I never really focus too much on my opponents. If Gary Russell Jr. is the best that he can be on fight night, then we’re good.




I know that Diaz is young, 他是饿了. He’s the number one contender. He has eight weeks to prepare for nobody else but me. That’s always a recipe for somebody who’s really going to be ready and hungry. I think he knows that he’s getting in the ring with one of the best fighters in the world so he’s going to be ready.




“我热爱我所做的事情. Even when I’m done with the sport of boxing, I’ll still be in the gym training and looking to spar. I’ve been competing since I was seven years old. 我将会 30, it’s a lot of time that I’ve spent grinding. I just want to be able to spend time with my family and my friends and help give back to this younger generation.




I take my hat off to him for getting in the ring and making this fight happen. You have to appreciate that as a fellow warrior and as a fellow gladiator, I respect it.




I have the strength, the speed, 动力, 环大将, boxing IQall of that will come together on the 19.




I definitely see my hand speed being effective but it’s more than that. That’s just a physical attribute. What happens when you see two fighters who have an equal amount of hand speed and an equal amount of power? It’s the mindset.




It’s always cool to compete with my younger brothers and share the field of battle with them. But I try not to magnify the event. The true focus is being victorious on the 19.




It’s always important to see my brothers develop, even if it wasn’t on my card. We have a concept of a dynasty. My definition of that is information being passed down from generation to generation. I feel as though when my younger brothers get to the age I am, I expect them to be better than what I am now. The sky is the limit and I want them to keep developing not just as fighters but as men.




We put the city on the map. We’re bringing boxing back to the DMV area. Gervonta Davis is a fighter that I’ve watched come up through the amateurs and now he’s a world champion. Jarrett Hurd is another one that I’ve watched come up in the amateurs. He used to watch me train getting ready for the Olympics and now he’s a world champion as well. It goes to show that if you keep pushing, you stay hungry, diligent and you don’t cut corners, the sky is the limit.






I have no hostility toward Gary Russell Jr. I respect Gary Russell Jr., and I know what he brings to the table. Ever since I was brought up as a professional fighter I was always humble and I was always down to earth. Now that I have the opportunity to become the champion that I know I can be I feel like I’m more outspoken because I know that the opportunity is finally here, and I know what I’m capable of doing.




I want to fight the best at 126 pounds and I want to show all the fans that I’m the real deal. By fighting and bringing on the toughest 126 pounders like Gary Russell Jr., and defeating him, that’s going to showcase to the whole boxing world that I am the real deal and I will be the king at 126 英镑.




He’s been inactive and used to fighting just once a year now. But what makes him so dangerous is he’s very, very speedy and has great hand speed. And not only that but he knows how to use his hand speed and counter when guys are opening up. My father and I know what we are bringing to the table, and I’m fast, 还有. I have a very high boxing IQ and I’m very powerful in there. I know how to land sneaky body shots and I’m a big 126-pound fighter, and that will be the key to victory. He will try and land his power shots, but they’re not going to be effective because I’m the bigger fighter.




I need to bring this WBC belt back to L.A. and to South El Monte. I’ll be the first champion coming out of there and I’m a role model to a lot of youth. That’s what makes me hungry and I’m one hundred percent confident I’ll be the champion and we will have a big parade in South El Monte, and you’re all invited!




I’m like Pernell Whitaker and an Oscar De La Hoya mix. Pernell because he’s fast and Oscar because he applies the pressure and throws combinations. That’s what I plan on bringing to this fight. Applying the pressure and taking him to a point where he’s never been before. He drops his hands a lot and his defense is not that good, so I’ll be taking advantage of that. I’ll be landing body shots, and let’s see if he can take it for 12 发.




This is an opportunity of a lifetime. Fighting for a world title against Gary Russell Jr., 是梦想成真. I feel like I’m so much better a fighter now than I was at the Olympics. If feel like if I fought that kid who was in the Olympics now I’d stop him in the first round. My management and trainers have groomed me for this fight on May 19. I fought some undefeated fighters, some experienced fighters and some real live dogs. I just feel like all the experience I’ve gained in the past will serve me well.




I’d like to fight all the best in the 126-pound division, 狮子座圣克鲁斯, 押尼珥Mares, Oscar Valdez and Lee Selby. These are big fights that I really want to make and I want to fight the best and be the best.





We’re in the ring with Gary every day, so we see a lot of things that other people don’t. People only judge him for his hand speed and are just starting to recognize his power, but nobody has seen his full potential yet. No fighter he has faced has forced him to bring it out.




Diaz doesn’t know what he has coming for him. Most fighters are one-dimensional. Gary is comfortable fighting anyway. He can fight on the inside, the outside, he can counter, he can box you, JoJo Diaz does not know what to expect.




There’s never a time when we’re in the gym together when we’re not critiquing each other and learning. That’s the whole point of being in the gym every day. Once you feel you’re learning has stopped, I think you should give it up. We’re always in here trying to sharpen our game.




It’s more enjoyable fighting with my brothers. 作为一个孩子, if you had three kids and one of them went to school by himself, it would be a little rough. It’s great having that support and the comfort having your brothers on the same card.




We try to gravitate towards our brother and take certain things from him. We notice his hand speed and we’re his younger brothers, of course we have that alter ego where we think we could be faster than him or hit harder than him. That competitiveness drives us. It’s always there.






The camp has been good. We’ve been getting the work in. Everybody seems to be on point. We’re always in camp together.




JoJo Diaz has a lot of confidence. All fighters pretty much all do the same thing, unless they have incredible physical attributes that make them stand out. JoJo believes in himself and that’s something that’s a plus for any fighter. Whether or not he’s ready to go out of his shell, 该有待观察. He loves his left hand, he tries to go to the body. He impressed me as a good inside fighter.




This is a huge plus for us. We’re only 15 minutes from home. We just get to do what we have to do and go home.




Antonio is a really hard puncher. A lot of people don’t know it, but for that weight class, he hits extremely hard. Antuanne is starting to develop into a complete fighter. He’s always learning. You never get to the point where you have it all, it’s a constant growth but he’s really starting to understand the technical aspects of the sport. I’m happy with both of them.



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欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, MrGaryRussellJr, @TGBPromotions, @MGMNatlHarbor and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxingwww.Facebook.com/MGMNationalHarbor. 该活动由 Corona Extra 赞助, 最好的啤酒.

加里·安图安·拉塞尔 & Gary Antonio Russell Join Brother, 加里·拉塞尔, 小, on Sensational Card at MGM National Harbor in Maryland on May 19

加里·拉塞尔, JR. Defends Featherweight World Title
Against Joseph Diaz in the Main Event on SHOWTIME

国家港口 (五月 7, 2018) – The Russells of Capitol Heights, Maryland will team up again for an exciting night of boxing for their hometown fans. Three of the five boxing brothers, all trained by their father, 加里, 老, will compete on the same card for the second time in their careers at MGM National Harbor in Maryland on Saturday, 五月 19.




The event is headlined by Gary Russell, JR. defending his featherweight world title against mandatory challenger Joseph Diaz Jr. 住在Showtime (10 P.M. ET / PT). His brothers, 超轻量级 加里·安图安·拉塞尔 和轻量级 加里·安东尼奥·拉塞尔 will compete in separate non-televised bouts on the undercard.




门票活动, which is promoted by TGB Promotions in association with Golden Boy Promotions, are on sale now and are available by visiting http://mgmnationalharbor.com/.




The 21-year-old Gary Antuanne (5-0, 5 科斯) will take on Wilmer Rodriguez (9-2, 7 科斯) in an eight round 140-pound match. Russell was a member of the U.S. 拳击队在 2016 奥林匹克运动会. He made his professional debut fighting on the same card as his other two brothers at MGM National Harbor last May 20 when he scored a TKO victory over Josh Ross. With his brothers and father working his corner at his last fight, he scored a stoppage victory over Andrew Rodgers in Brooklyn on April 21.




Gary Antonio (10-0, 8 科斯) will battle Esteban Aquino (12-4, 7 科斯) in an eight-round bantamweight match. Russell scored a knockout victory over Marco Antonio Mendoza Chico in his last fight on Nov. 21 and the card with his brothers last May 20, the 25-year-old Russell stopped Jovany Fuentes for a TKO victory.




In additional undercard action, 军曹鱼品种 (10-0, 4 科斯) will fight in an eight-round featherweight match and 伊曼纽尔·阿利姆 (17-1-1, 10 科斯) steps into the ring for a 10-round middleweight match. 更多, Moshea Aleem (4-1-2, 2 科斯) 战斗 Rayton Okwiri (2-0, 1 KO) in a six-round super welterweight match and 布兰登·夸尔斯(18-4-1, 9 科斯) 与 Fred Jenkins, JR. (10-5, 3 科斯) 在八轮超中量级回合.




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欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports,在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, , MrGaryRussellJr, @JosephDiazJr, @TGBPromotions, GoldenBoyBoxing, @MGMNatlHarbor and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook atwww.Facebook.com/SHOBoxingwww.Facebook.com/MGMNationalHarbor. 该活动由 Corona Extra 赞助, 最好的啤酒.