标记档案: 伦纳德Ellerbe

GERVONTA “TANK” DAVIS 在 SHOWTIME PPV® 主赛事周六晚来自亚特兰大的比赛中,凭借出色的 TKO 战胜了以前不败的马里奥·巴里奥斯,晋级两个重量级,成为三级世界冠军

包含运动的图片, 人, 球员

(图片来源: 阿曼达韦斯科特/欣欣)

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亚特兰大 (六月 27, 2021) - Gervonta“坦克”戴维斯, 拳击界最伟大的明星之一, 周六晚上在亚特兰大屡获殊荣的 State Farm Arena 的 SHOWTIME PPV 上进行了一场定义职业生涯的表演, 得分闪烁 11 对此前不败的对手进行一轮将军澳 马里奥·巴里奥斯 在动感十足的超级拳击冠军赛中夺得 WBA 超轻量级冠军. 观看停工 这里.

“我让它变得艰难. 我绝对可以让它变得更容易,但我上了两个重量级,我完成了工作,”这位 26 岁的巴尔的摩本地人说, 谁是他的第二个 SHOWTIME PPV 的主角. “我用一些干净利落的球击中了他, 但我是那种想用干净利落的镜头抓住你的战士. 我不只是想投任何类型的球. 我投出的球不见了, 但最终我还是追上了他。”

在一场发挥其潜力的战斗中, 戴维斯 (25-0, 24 科斯) 和巴里奥斯 (26-1, 17 科斯) 共同在场场爆满的观众面前上演了一场令人难忘的主赛事 16,570. 戴维斯在开局缓慢的四轮比赛中仅落地 11 拳, 比赛从第五轮开始就产生了烟花. 在第八轮比赛中, 《坦克》职业生涯中第一次和第二次将“阿兹特克”搬上画布. 第一, 戴维斯一记横扫右勾拳,将这位前冠军击倒在地. 过了一会儿, 戴维斯的左手直击再次丢下巴里奥斯. 勇敢的巴里奥斯站了起来, 幸存下来戴维斯试图在第八局结束他.

国际拳击名人堂成员和发起人弗洛伊德梅威瑟在他的角落鼓励戴维斯, 左撇子在第十一回合重新焕发活力, 意识到战斗可能在记分卡上接近. “坦克”在战斗中第三次丢下巴里奥斯, 这次用左勾拳打身体. 血腥的巴里奥斯再次崛起, 只是受到戴维斯的又一拳的欢迎. 裁判托马斯泰勒介入阻止了这场比赛 2:13 第十一轮.

“我很确定如果我抓住他, 我在破解,”戴维斯告诉 SHOWTIME 的吉姆·格雷. “所以我抓住了他, 的,它显示. 我的教练告诉我要采用刺拳风格,但我是左撇子,所以他们知道我要去刺拳一侧. 所以我会试着引诱他. 我假装要离开, 我扔了我的权利. 我的钩在上面, 这就是我抓住他的地方。”

在最后的六轮半, 戴维斯登陆 85 拳. 他降落 45 他的权力拳%的 (82/182), 而巴里奥斯不仅拥有自己的, 在完成的十轮比赛中的六轮中击败戴维斯.

“我知道他受伤了. 我只需要在正确的时间抓住他,”戴维斯继续说. “弗洛伊德 [梅威瑟] 来找我,很诚实,说我很沮丧,”戴维斯继续说, 在停赛时谁实际上在所有三名裁判的记分卡上都领先. “所以他说‘让我知道你很棒。’你知道我们在狗窝里是怎么做到的, 婴儿!”

凭借这场胜利, 戴维斯现在同时在三个不同的部门举行世界锦标赛, 历史上只有少数几位战士才能完成的壮举, 包括亨利·阿姆斯特朗和卡内洛·阿尔瓦雷斯.

“他有潜力成为有史以来最伟大的球员之一,”梅威瑟说. “当我第一次见到‘坦克’时,他 14 或 15 岁, 我告诉他我会让他成为世界冠军. 并且有一天你会成为最好的人之一. 我为他感到骄傲。”

“我从来都不是仇恨者. 恭喜“坦克”,”巴里奥斯说. “他来这里做了他的事. 这简直就是一场激动人心的战斗,而这正是我们俩所预测的. 他是更好的男人,今晚, 但我一定会回来的.

“‘坦克’是爆炸性的. 他发现我滑倒了,这是拳击. 在一天结束时, 一拳可以改变战斗. 这正是我觉得发生的事情. 恭喜他。”

在来回的共同主赛事中, 奥兰多魔术队的 埃里克森“锤”鲁宾 (23-1, 17 科斯) 克服了一些逆境,赢得了他职业生涯中最重要的胜利,战胜了前联合世界冠军 杰森罗萨里奥 (20-3-1, 14 科斯). 白细胞编号. 1-排名竞争者 154 英镑, 鲁宾第六轮KO (1:42) 在 WBC 超次中量级冠军淘汰赛中. 手表 这里.

“我只是按照比赛计划,” 25 岁的鲁宾说, 谁提高到 6-0 自从他职业生涯唯一一次输给了体重 154 磅的主销杰梅尔·查洛 (Jermell Charlo). “我会在每轮比赛结束后回到我的角落,然后教练 [凯文·] 坎宁安和我的团队只会说, '坚持戳戳. 与你的刺拳保持一致。’ 我比他快得多,我知道他有很好的力量,他正试图反击我. 所以我会让他淡出,并始终如一地使用我的刺拳。”

在第三轮, 鲁宾几乎用一个巨大的框架提前结束了比赛,罗萨里奥在后脚. 在回合的最后时刻, 鲁宾的右勾拳让罗萨里奥在铃声响起后摇摇晃晃地回到他的角落. 奇迹般地, 在下一轮, 罗萨里奥得以恢复并彻底扭转局面, 左刺拳使鲁宾摇摇晃晃.

动作在第六轮中出现了更多. 鲁宾, 感觉到罗萨里奥容易受到身体攻击, 得到了一个恶毒的左右身体组合,让罗萨里奥跪了下来,最终证明这是战斗的转折点. 玫瑰园, 明显受伤, 永远无法恢复,不久后鲁宾用绳索把他干掉了.

“第一轮一开始,我就开始伤害他的身体,“ 这 2016 “年度展望”鲁宾说. “我从身体开始,我看到他咕哝着. 所以我能够伤害他的身体. 我只是想用刺戳分散他的注意力, 然后下楼. 我能把他弄出来. 我知道即使他在击倒后站起来战斗已经结束. 我知道我是一名出色的终结者,我知道我一看到他摔倒就会让他离开那里。”

鲁宾降落 44 他的权力拳%的 (80/288) 和 20 他的落地拳打到了身体上. 同赢, 鲁宾将自己置于第二次世界冠军机会的画面中.

“我想在下一个世界冠军,“他说,. “我希望每个人都在 154 英镑. 我不是. 1 在WBC,但我选择与罗萨里奥战斗. 我不躲避任何人. 我想说的是,当我赢得世界冠军时,我和我所在部门的每个人都战斗过。”

“马上, 我感觉如此糟糕,罗萨里奥说. “还没有什么教训要吸取, 一切都还那么原始. 我又输了, 这太令人沮丧了. 我确信我会赢. 战斗在第二轮开始. 我只是想跟上并听我的角落. 鲁宾是一个伟大的战士. 他配得上胜利. 我希望他享受他的胜利。”

在他职业生涯的最大舞台上, 多米尼加共和国 卡洛斯·亚当斯 (20-1, 16 科斯) 顺势而为, 在裸奔的第三轮淘汰赛中得分 亚历克西斯·萨拉查 (23-4, 9 科斯) 在按次计费的第二场战斗中. 停工的时间为 2:59 第三轮. 看KO 这里.

在多事且决定性的第三轮, 裁判吉姆科尔布因过度持球被亚当斯扣两分. 然而, 亚当斯确定扣分不会对比赛结果产生影响. 他丢下萨拉查,左勾拳在下巴上齐平, 萨拉查从未料到的一拳. 这位 25 岁的墨西哥人能够重新站起来, 但是科尔布要求停赛,因为很明显茫然的萨拉查无法继续比赛.

“我控制了整场战斗, 这就是让他有时转身的原因,” 27 岁的亚当斯说. “我一开始是在用刺戳身体,所以这很有效, 然后我用左勾拳来了. 我完成了我的工作并从头到尾遵循了我的策略,并且能够以我想要的方式取得成功.

“战斗的关键时刻是我设法打乱了他的注意力. 一旦我能够做到这一点,那对我来说就很容易挑选了。”

“我在那里感觉很好,我以为我赢了几轮,”萨拉查说, 15连胜被一拳终结. “但他开始抓住我,就在那时他用上勾拳抓住了我. 那打了一场. 我只需要回去工作,继续寻找更多机会。”

在 SHOWTIME PPV 电视广播的开幕式上, 强硬 巴特尔艾哈迈多夫 (9-1, 8 科斯) 以将军澳战胜前世界冠军 Argenis门德斯 (25-7-3, 12 科斯) 在 12 轮 WBA 超轻量级冠军淘汰赛中. 门德斯右手受伤,没有从凳子上站出来参加第九轮. 停工的正式时间为 3:00 第八轮.

“战斗按计划进行,赛义德·艾哈迈多夫, 在第二轮意外头部碰撞后,他克服了职业生涯的第一次左眼. “我们期待这样一场艰苦的战斗. 我已经离开戒指很久了, 所以我需要让那些回合进入. 我的计划是接下来为世界冠军而战. 我们知道他打架会不舒服而且很狡猾. 他用头撞我. 这对我来说是很好的经历。”

在奥运选手的战斗中, 是艾哈迈多夫施压,从一开始就忙得不可开交. 他早早地去尸体, 着陆 57 身体拳, 当回合经过时,把门德斯穿下来. 30岁的艾哈迈多夫登陆 115 的 306 他扔出的强力拳, 而 34 岁的门德斯登陆 84 他 223 权力拳, 包括只是 13 身体连接. 在停止时, 艾哈迈多夫在三位法官的记分卡上均领先.

“门德斯是一个与顶级战士战斗的硬汉,” 艾哈迈多夫继续说. “我们知道这不会是在公园里散步. 当我伤害他, 我的角球告诉我在淘汰赛之前要慢下来,慢慢来。”

“我开始觉得 (受伤) 在第二轮和第三轮,”失望的门德斯说. “我的指关节断了,在第一轮用右手砍伤他后,我再也无法出拳了. 我试图从第四轮开始继续战斗, 但无济于事. 没用。”

同赢, 艾哈迈多夫在 140 磅重的比赛中一直在争夺顶级比赛. 门德斯跌至 2-4-2 在过去的八场比赛中.

SHOWTIME 将在由 Chris “Primetime” Colbert 与. Tugstsogt “King Tug” Nyambayar 下周六, 七月 3 在 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT在Showtime. 今晚从亚特兰大州立农场竞技场重播的 SHOWTIME PPV 头条景点将作为卡森现场直播的开场战, 加利福尼亚州. 在独立日周末.

ALL ACCESS: 戴维斯-巴里奥斯结语 在下周的现场直播之后立即首映 科尔伯特 VS. Nyambayar. 艾美奖获奖系列 ALL ACCESS 整个星期都在亚特兰大的幕后拍摄,以捕捉格斗周前所未见的时刻. 尾声将揭示比赛前后更衣室的亲密场景,以及今晚行动的绳索内.

资深体育解说员布赖恩·卡斯特主持了 SHOWTIME PPV 电视转播,而多才多艺的格斗运动声音毛罗·拉纳洛与名人堂分析师阿尔·伯恩斯坦和三级世界冠军阿布纳·马雷斯一起处理了逐一的动作. 名人堂的三殿杀进欣欣转播团队 – 艾美奖® 获奖的记者吉姆·格雷, 非官方得分手史蒂夫·法胡德(Steve Farhood)和世界著名的环形播音员小吉米·列侬(Jimmy Lennon Jr). 执行制片人是四次艾美奖得主大卫·丁金斯, JR. 电视转播由鲍勃·邓菲 (Bob Dunphy) 导演. 前初中量级世界冠军 Raúl “El Diamante” Marquez 和体育解说员 Alejandro Luna 担任西班牙语二级音频编程专家分析师 (SAP).

# # #

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GERVONTA DAVIS 拉斯维加斯媒体锻炼报价和照片 – 四届世界冠军戴维斯准备周六对阵 WBA 超轻量级冠军马里奥巴里奥斯的 SHOWTIME PPV® 主赛事对决, 六月 26 从国营农场球馆亚特兰大


四届世界冠军戴维斯为 SHOWTIME PPV 做准备® 周六主赛事对决WBA超轻量级冠军马里奥·巴里奥斯, 六月 26 从国营农场球馆亚特兰大

点击 这里 从以斯帖林/ SHOWTIME照片

点击 这里 从梅威瑟促销图片

点击 这里 从瑞安Hafey /英超冠军拳击照片

LAS VEGAS (六月 10, 2021) – 四届世界冠军 Gervonta“坦克”戴维斯 周三在拉斯维加斯举行媒体试训,他即将与 WBA 超轻量级冠军对决 马里奥·“阿兹特卡”·巴里奥斯 周六是 SHOWTIME PPV 的头条新闻, 六月 26 来自亚特兰大屡获殊荣的州立农场竞技场的顶级拳击冠军赛.

State Farm Arena现场活动门票, 这是由梅威瑟促销推广, GTD促销和TGB促销, 现已公开发售,并可以在购买 ticketmaster.com.

年仅 26 岁的拳击巨星之一, 戴维斯职业生涯第一次将体重提高到 140 磅,因为他的目标是在他的出色履历中增加超轻量级冠军. 用一场胜利, 戴维斯将同时在三个不同的赛区举行世界锦标赛, 历史上只有少数战士才能完成的壮举, 包括亨利·阿姆斯特朗和卡内洛·阿尔瓦雷斯.

这是戴维斯, 和教练一起 卡尔文福特, 和梅威瑟促销CEO 伦纳德Ellerbe, 不得不说周三来自梅威瑟拳击俱乐部:


“在我们进入那个戒指并测试他的力量之前,我们不能说谁是更大的拳手. 谁更强并不重要, 我想在全面和比赛的各个方面都比他更好.

“和我一起在健身房里的人看到了很多我不需要带出来的东西, 即使在我的战斗中. 弗洛伊德总是告诉我要拳击并使用我的技能, 不要总是寻找淘汰赛. 这个训练营我们实际上一直在努力回到那个状态并让淘汰赛到来.

“对我来说, 伟大不会倒退. 不管怎样我只想继续前进. 无论谁在我面前, 我只需要通过它们. 我来自哪里, 很多人做不出来, 所以我做对了. 它甚至不必是对手, 它可能是戒指之外的东西. 我一直在追求伟大.

“我的事就是打败摆在我面前的人. 到时候, 我们会看看谁是头号人物. 在此之前, 除了我面前的那位,我不需要谈论任何其他的战士.

“巴里奥斯和我一起经历了业余爱好者. 他知道我一直在做什么. 有时生活的结果真是太疯狂了.

“我是一个团队成员, 所以无论我的团队告诉我什么,我都必须努力让自己变得更好, 我完全赞成. 这就是让我如此优秀的原因. 我不只是一个人脱颖而出. 我有最好的拳击队.

“我上一场比赛的人抱怨 Leo Santa Cruz 太小了, 所以我基本上会出去并表明尺寸差异并不重要. 我要打败他们摆在我面前的人. 我在努力追逐伟大.

“我绝对希望能击败更大的家伙. 他可能觉得他可以带我走. 我肯定是在看弗洛伊德在洛根保罗身上打一个大得多的家伙,并从中得到一些指示.

“我不知道巴里奥斯会带来什么, 但从我这边, 我带来了我所拥有的一切. 你知道每当我打架, 我带来了一些让粉丝们享受的东西。”

卡尔文·福特, 戴维斯的培训师

“‘坦克’的按次付费数字为其他人打开了大门. 这是因为“坦克”的社交媒体. 当人们问我为什么人们倾向于他 – 他就像任何从内城过来的孩子一样. 看看篮球运动员——内城. 看看足球运动员——内城. 他在向他们展示,如果你把合适的人放在你身边,然后把你的心思放在某事上, 一切皆有可能.

“'坦克', 德文 - 哈尼, 如果打架发生,特奥菲莫洛佩兹和瑞恩加西亚将成为四王. 让我们保持它真正的. 现在, 他们正在做的事情和四王在开始阶段所做的一样. 我们所要做的就是坐下来,让那些, 做他们的事. 它会发生. 人们希望看到的所有这些战斗都会发生.

“你有没有注意到‘坦克’不叫任何人? 他从来没有. 但如果你把他放在某人面前, 他会告诉你. 如果您从业余爱好者那里知道“坦克”, 他会出现在擂台上. 他就像一个婴儿迈克泰森.

“体重不是我关注的重点, 其实是对手. 当我开始研究对手时, 他的教练和我回到业余队. 当我们见面时, 我们互相认识. 这是关于头脑的. 他了解他的运动员,我了解我的运动员. 那天晚上, 这是关于思想的. 这是关于谁将坚持他们应该做的事情. 这就是为我而战.

“我不会说这是对‘坦克’职业生涯最艰难的考验,因为还没有人能向我展示‘坦克’最好的一面. 我最了解“坦克”. 你不会看到‘坦克’的。”


“从上到下,这是您不想错过的按次付费活动之一. 任何时候你都拥有这项运动中最令人兴奋的战士, 你知道它会很大. 不要指望六月会少一些 26.

“Calvin Ford 教练是一位出色的教练,从第一天起就在 Gervonta 身边,他们制定了出色的比赛计划. 我完全希望他能够执行. 但是巴里奥斯要来找他了. 他自己在 Virgil Hunter 中拥有一位出色的教练,并且在 Virgil 方面取得了长足的进步.

“我们知道这将是一场艰苦的战斗, 但是 Gervonta 只需要从开场的钟声中弄清楚. 我相信他会那样做, 但这需要一些时间. 巴里奥斯希望颠覆苹果车.

“格文塔正在融入他的舒适区. 他对媒体变得更加自在,因为他真正了解他面前的一切. 他知道他的上限是成为这项运动中最大的明星. 虽然在戒指的内侧, 什么也没有变.

“与埃里克森·鲁宾 (Erickson Lubin) 对决杰森·罗萨里奥 (Jeison Rosario) 的合作故事非常精彩. 这将是一场非常有趣的战斗. 卢宾的胜利让他离最终目标更近了一步. 鲁宾觉得他是重量级中最好的,最终纠正了他输给杰梅尔查洛的错误. 但他面前有一个强悍的战士,这应该是一场令人兴奋的比赛.

“前统一冠军朱利安威廉姆斯希望在按次付费的情况下与布赖恩门多萨反弹. 朱利安显然是该部门的顶级战士之一, 他希望找回失去的东西.

“在首场比赛中,非常强硬的 Batyr Akhmedov 将迎战 Argenis Mendez, 谁总是处于运行模式. 所以它真的向你展示了这张卡的娱乐性。. 我真的很高兴能回到State Farm Arena。”

GERVONTA戴维斯和八斗JACK讨论即将于12月 28 对决 – 戴维斯面对Yuriorkis Gamboa的对于WBA轻量级世界冠军杰克虽然挑战WBA轻重量级锦标让·帕斯卡尔·住在SHOWTIME®从国营农场球馆在亚特兰大

什么: Gervonta戴维斯八斗杰克 上周六与媒体见面的成员在拉斯维加斯,讨论他们即将到来的对决发生星期六, 十二月 28 在获奖的国营农场球馆在亚特兰大住在Showtime在一个特殊的年终总理拳击冠军赛.

两届超羽量级冠军戴维斯将采取统一的前世界冠军Yuriorkis Gamboa的为WBA轻量级世界冠军为24岁的戴维斯看起来征服另一个部门. 在一个特殊的节日精彩表演拳击锦标赛的合作主要事件® 电视节目, 前两次分区冠军杰克将挑战WBA轻重量级世界冠军让·帕斯卡尔.

门票活动, 这是由梅威瑟促销推广, GTD促销和TGB促销, 都可以通过Ticketmaster.com.

还参与了周六的午餐在沃尔夫冈帕克在米高梅大酒店进行了伦纳德Ellerbe, 梅威瑟促销的CEO, 和斯蒂芬·埃斯皮诺萨, 总统, 体育 & 事件编程, 欣欣网络公司.


“我们知道甘博亚是一个老兵,他是有很多的战争, 所以我们知道我们有一场艰苦的战斗. 他绝对危险. 他可以打. 他可以打.

“他的最后一战,他做了 134, 所以我们知道他可以在体重得到比我大. 我进入这个知道他比我更大的战斗机. 我只是把我的力量,并利用这一重量级别,并成为世界冠军.

“我相信我是世界顶级的战斗机之一, 但我本人并不比其他战士. 我只是出去把工作做好.

“亚特兰大是我的第二故乡. 我相信我会卖掉它。”

“我来自一个不同的布料比这些其他人. 我已经通过我的生活中的一切. 很多人都没有经历过我有什么. 如果我得到打败它必须是由人谁是经历过什么,我已经通过. 它不能被任何人谁是刚刚训练他们所有的生活.

“在环每次我一步,我愿意把它都在那里. 很多人都没有见过我的全部技能,因为我还没有打过已经给他们带来了一个对手。”

“世界拳击还没有看到我的真正潜力,作为一个战士, 他们刚刚看到我的力量. 我在那里,如果你不有属于我的拳击手的类型, 你会不会在那里太久. 有的战士喜欢把自己的时间. 我的类型, 如果我知道你不是我的水平, 我要告诉它. 世界将看到. 我会打任何人。”

“我很高兴这场斗争. 我居然叫帕斯卡的一天,他的最后一战之前,让他知道我在为他加油. 但是,这是企业在一天结束. 我来夺回我的头衔。”

“我觉得自己像一个年轻的 36 岁. 我住一个干净的生活. 我总是在健身房训练,我尽量不采取任何处罚. 我已经离开了几年,我比以往任何时候我更上进,现在. 我需要一个稍微休息一下. 我还没有休息,因为我在20年前是一个业余. 我花时间与家人放松,吃好吃的. 现在,我饿了。”

“大家谁看到我在我的最后一战可以看到我是平的. 我的战斗本能踢在这一点上. 他在战斗死定了。”

在戴维斯VS. 甘博亚对决:
“这是一个伟大的斗争. 甘博亚是年纪大一点, 但他在最后一战看起来很不错. 我是一个大, 坦克的大风扇 – 他打架的方式, 他的速度, 他的运动能力, 一切. 他有明星电力. 他是我的undercard, 现在我对他的. 他会带来很大的事情了这项运动,并且只要他能保持专注, 他会成为巨星. 他已经是一个超级巨星。”

戴维斯’ 在运动位置和进展:
“我们将会给大家展示他怎么回事,成为这项运动中最大的明星. 在 2020 我们要打击这出水面. 我们已经能够条条框框. 这就是你成长的运动. 我们已经作出协调一致的努力过他交给主流; 与巴尔的摩乌鸦工作, 他游行, 现在亚特兰大.

“我们的计划是使最大和最好的战斗在那里. 我们要做主,它的将是对我们的条款, 我们将让大家知道当这种情况发生. 每个人都想打坦克. 还有一个常见的事情。当你谈论 126, 130, 135, 现在 140. 还有一个名战士中很常见,这就是坦克. 这将是一个伟大的旅程,你最好现在就可以拿到.

“如果他能闯过甘博亚上月 28, 然后在 2020 他会成付费观看世界. 当你有那种明星的力量和你的思维框外, 不只是拳击迷, 我们要做出最大的战斗外面的世界。”

“八斗是一个启动子的梦想. 他是一个人谁给你没有问题. 他在那里做了自己和家人的美好的事物. 他做了许多事,以帮助这么多的人. 他利用自己的平台,以正确的方式. 这是一种荣誉,工作,像他这样的战斗机.

“我一直都知道他是一个伟大的天才,有时你可以找到在粗糙的钻石. 每个人都一直在寻找的球员到来的奥运会了. 我们看见他在健身房里,他真的搞砸一个人了. 我们有他的眼睛,我们制定了一个成交与娄 [迪贝拉] 剩下的就是历史.

“我们有一个挫折, 但一切发生的原因, 而他刚刚起飞,因为. 他是一个伟大的战士,我喜欢他总是愿意争取最好的事实. 从来没有第二个猜测,他愿意打大家。”

“有优点和缺点,以促进这个日子秀. 目前已经有很多成功的促进音乐表演上周末. 这不是苹果对苹果, 但它是在去的因素之一,有办法把它变成Gervonta的球迷基础的独特的艺术品,因为.

“这是伟大的,有熟练的拳手,但我们需要, 对这项运动的健康, 男人喜欢Gervonta谁是把烟头在座位. 这是关键中把他带到亚特兰大. 拳击是一种文化的一部分跨越到音乐和体育. 有没有谁不看付费观看拳击比赛的运动员. 攻到与坦克一样有个性,只是要扩大这项运动.

“这里有一个真实,约Gervonta的开放性. 有很多人谁已经遭受过挫折谁不谈论它, 像坦克. 它需要一个风险谈论这个,这就是为什么很多人能与. 这是坦克. 你所看到的就是你得到的. 这是非常真实的. 这是非常真实的,我想这就是为什么人跟他的人连接,而不是他的战斗机。”

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欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions和@Swanson_Comm或成为在Facebook上的风扇 www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing


加里·拉塞尔JR. Outpoints Joseph Diaz Jr. to remain WBC Featherweight Champion at MGM National Harbor
观看安可演示周一 10 P.M. AND/PT在
点击 这里 For Stevenson-Jack Photos; 信用以斯帖林/欣欣
点击 这里 For Additional Stevenson-Jack Photos; Credit Janer Bigio/Mayweather Promotions
点击 这里 For Russell Jr.- 迪亚兹JR. 照片; 信用阿曼达韦斯科特/欣欣


国家港口, MD. (五月 20, 2018) – WBC Light Heavyweight world champion 阿多尼斯史蒂文森 and former two-division world champion 八斗杰克 fought to a highly competitive majority draw Saturday at Air Canada Centre in Toronto. At MGM National Harbor in Maryland, and in the opening bout on SHOWTIME, 加里·拉塞尔JR. (29-1, 17 科斯) 打败 约瑟夫· “乔乔” 迪亚兹JR. (26-1, 14 科斯).




With the draw, Stevenson retains the WBC belt in what was Toronto’s most significant world title fight in more than 30 岁月. 法官的斗争取得了 115-113 in favor of Jack and 114-114 两次. Russell won his fight via unanimous decision, 115-113 和 117-111 两次, to retain his WBC featherweight world title.




The Stevenson-Jack bout was the main event of a split-venue SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING doubleheader. ideo recap here: HTTPS://s.sho.com/2LgUaqL





It was a day that saw SHOWTIME deliver three world championship fights from three countries.





In a bout filled with momentum swings, it was Jack (21-1-4, 13 科斯) who was the busier and more accurate fighter. While Stevenson (29-1-1, 24 科斯) outpointed Jack in the early rounds, the challenger turned it on in round number seven and dominated the champion in the second half of the fight. In rounds seven through ten, Jack out landed Stevenson 114-40. 然而, a ferocious body shot from the right hand of Stevenson in round ten altered the momentum back in his favor.




史蒂文森, who has resided in Montreal since he was five-years-old, was able to gain a second wind in the 11圆, riding the momentum of the body shot that injured Jack. With everything on the line in the night’s final round, both fighters emptied the tank and left it all in the ring. Jack rebounded tremendously and when the final bell rang, it was Stevenson who was struggling to stay on his feet.




I went to the body and saw that he was fatigued,” said Stevenson, who moves to 9-0-1 在世界冠军战斗. “I had to keep the pressure on him. He’s a slick fighter, a two-time world champion but I felt I won the fight.




I used both hands. I touched him a lot with the right hand on the body and slowed him down. He tried to come and attack me. I feel like I won the fight but I’ll give him a rematch if he wants it.




千斤顶, who started the fight sluggishly, thought he did enough in the later rounds to win the fight.




I thought I definitely won the fight,” 杰克说, who drew for the fourth time in his career. “No judge had him winning. I have no idea why I can’t get a decision. It could be that they’re jealous of Floyd and don’t like him. I’m one of his top fighters. I can’t do anything about it. I’m not the judge. I have to respect their decision.




Maybe I started the fight too slow. I gave away those rounds. He didn’t really hit me. I can’t do anything about it, let’s do a rematch in Las Vegas. I came to his backyard, it’s time he comes out to Vegas.




In the main event from MGM National Harbor in Maryland, it was a tactical and hard fought battle of two former U.S. Olympians as Russell Jr. (29-1, 17 科斯) defeated Diaz Jr. (26-1, 14 科斯). Russell won the contest via unanimous decision, 115-113 和 117-111 两次, to retain his WBC featherweight world title. The 29-year-old hometown favorite used his hand speed, quickness and relentless attack to overwhelm Diaz Jr., the previously undefeated top-ranked contender.




Russell Jr.’s game plan to dictate the pace and establish the jab was clear, throwing a career-high 587 jabs throughout the 12-round battle. While the number of punches landed were close (199-192 in favor of Russell Jr.), Russell Jr.’s output trumped Diaz Jr.’s accuracy as the champion’s career-high 992 punches thrown were the most ever for him in a CompuBox tracked fight. 迪亚兹JR. was committed to attacking the body of Russell Jr., but he was unable to break the champion down, who injured his right hand in the third round.




We train to survive those body shots,” 罗素说JR. “We put the work in every day in the ring. We consistently grind and push ourselves to be great and we push ourselves to the limit.




I was disappointed in my performance because I wasn’t planning on going the distance. I hurt the right hand, but I still had to use it, because he could not get past my jab.




迪亚兹JR. showed heart and youthful enthusiasm, closing the fight with a strong final round but ultimately, he lacked the creative, diversified attack needed to truly trouble Russell Jr.




The game plan was to break him down with the body shots and start attacking him more in the later rounds,” said the South El Monte, 加利福尼亚州. 本地人. “But I started attacking him too late and didn’t pick it up until the 8th or 9th round. 加里·拉塞尔JR. is a tremendous fighter and he did a great job keeping me at bay.




This will just make me a hungrier fighter. I hope I got the respect of a lot of fight fans. I wanted to become champion against the best featherweight fighter in the world. Tonight wasn’t my night but I’m going to bounce back harder and I’ll be champion soon.




Earlier in the day of in a live stream on the SHOWTIME Sports YouTube Channel and SHOWTIME Boxing Facebook Page, Josh Warrington became the new IBF featherweight world champion by upsetting Lee Selby in a split-decision victory. 法官计分了回合 116-112, 115-113 和 113-115.






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欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, mayweatherpromotions.comwww.groupeyvonmichel.ca 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, AdonisSuperman, BadouJack, MrGaryRussellJr, @JosephDiazJr, @MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions, GoldenBoyBoxing, @MGMNatlHarbor and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxingwww.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.. 史蒂文森VS. Jack was promoted by promoted by Groupe Yvon Michel, Lee Baxter Promotions and Mayweather Promotions and Russell Jr vs. 迪亚兹JR. was promoted by TGB Promotions in association with Golden Boy Promotions.

Adonis Stevenson Training Camp Quotes & 照片

I’m the best fighter in this division, 期。” – 史蒂文森
Light Heavyweight World Champion Stevenson Takes on
Two-Division Champion Badou Jack Saturday, 五月 19 住在Showtime® from Air Canada Centre in Toronto
点击 这里 for Photos from Sugar Hill Steward

多伦多 (五月 15, 2018) – WBC轻重量级世界冠军 阿多尼斯 “超人” 史蒂文森 is set to make his ninth, and perhaps most difficult, world title defense when he faces two-division world champion 八斗杰克 星期六, 五月 19 live on SHOWTIME from Air Canada Centre in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions. As fight week events in Toronto near, Stevenson shared some thoughts on his training camp and Saturday’s showdown.




Badou is a two-time world champion for a reason,” said Stevenson. “我不会低估他. I know he’s durable and that he has attributes like good head movement and I’ll have to be ready for everything.




Although many consider this Stevenson’s toughest defense in at least a few years, the champion’s mindset is unchanged from any of his other world title fights.




Every fight is a big fight for me,” said Stevenson. “This fight is nothing different. Badou Jack is a good fighter and people think very highly of him. But in my mind, he’s just the next guy that I have to beat.




With knockout victories in seven of his nine world title fights, Stevenson has become known for exceptional power, especially in his left hand. This serves as a strategy for the champion and is something he trains for under the guidance of his trainer Javan “糖” 山.




I’m always going for the knockout,” said Stevenson. “I’m still ready for 12 发, but I want the stoppage every time. I’m hungry for knockouts. If Badou comes in aggressive, this could end very quickly.




You have to step into the ring with me to understand my power. If I connect right just one time, 就是这样, lights out. We train specifically for knockouts. You’ll have to wait and see how I do it on May 19.




As the longest-reigning champion at 175-pounds, and the second longest-reigning champion in boxing, Stevenson has established his case as the best fighter in the division, something he looks to continue to prove on May 19.




I’m the king at light heavyweight,” said Stevenson. “I beat the king to become the king. I know that I’ve accomplished some great things and me and my team plan to continue to do everything we can to stay on top.




I’m the best fighter in this division, 期. When I win on May 19, I’ll just be doing my job. People might still talk trash, but I’ll still be the champ.




史蒂文森VS. Jack is part of a split-site SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®电视广播开始于 10 P.M. ET/PT with featherweight champion Gary Russell, JR. defending his title against mandatory title challenger Joseph Diaz from the MGM National Harbor in Maryland on Saturday, 五月 19.




门票现场活动, which is promoted by Groupe Yvon Michel, Lee Baxter促销和Mayweather促销, 现已公开发售,并可以在 www.ticketmaster.ca.


# # #




欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, mayweatherpromotions.com www.groupeyvonmichel.ca 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, AdonisSuperman, BadouJack, @MayweatherPromo, 或成为Facebook上的粉丝在 www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, , www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotionswww.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.PBC由电晕赞助, 最好的啤酒.

Badou Jack Training Camp Quotes & 照片

Two-Division World Champion Jack Challenges Light Heavyweight World Champion Adonis Stevenson Saturday, 五月 19 住在Showtime® from Air Canada Centre in Toronto
点击 这里 从克里斯·法里纳图片/梅威瑟促销

多伦多 (五月 14, 2018) – As two-division world champion 八斗杰克 “开膛手” arrives in Canada for fight week in Toronto, he shared his thoughts on training camp and his matchup this Saturday, 五月 19 against WBC Light Heavyweight World Champion 阿多尼斯史蒂文森 live on SHOWTIME from Air Canada Centre in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.




Jack conducted training camp at Mayweather Boxing Club in Las Vegas with trainer Lou Del Valle and was able to have one of his smoothest and most effective camps of his career.




This is the first camp that I haven’t had any injuries or felt sick at all during,” 杰克说. “This is definitely one of the best, if not the best, camp of my career. We’ve watched film, kept a strict diet and really focused this camp on gearing up toward fight night.




After a successful run as a 168-pound world champion, Jack moved up to light heavyweight last August and stopped 175-pound titlist Nathan Cleverly to become a two-division champion. 然而, Jack had already told his promoter Floyd Mayweather that he had his eye on the longest-reigning light heavyweight champion and he would go on to relinquish his belt to seek this fight against Stevenson.




I asked for the Adonis Stevenson fight a long time ago and the Cleverly fight got me there,” 杰克说. “We’ve been talking to Floyd a long time about this fight. He’s a man of his word and he always said that I was going to fight Stevenson. I’m grateful for what he’s done and now I just have to take advantage of the opportunity.




Jack is well aware of the challenges presented by Stevenson, who last let an opponent go the distance in 2015, but enters this fight supremely confident in his abilities to bring the title back home.




Adonis is definitely my toughest opponent on paper, but that doesn’t really mean he will be the toughest on fight night,” 杰克说. “Adonis has always fought everyone put in front of him and I respect that. He’s definitely a good fighter, 但我是一个更好的战斗机.




Everyone knows about his power, but he has good skills and overall can do everything you need to in the ring. I am excited to fight him and beat him.




With the recent birth of his second child and launch of his new nutrition supplement brandRipper Nutritionproviding extra motivation but also possible distractions, Jack has been able to maintain a laser focus on May 19 and a matchup he callsthe biggest of my career.




Start to finish this camp has really gone smoothly and I feel sharp and ready for fight night,” 杰克说. “Boxing is all about fighting the best. He’s one of the best, 但我也相信. I’m ready to show everyone on May 19.




史蒂文森VS. Jack is part of a split-site SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® 电视广播开始于 10 P.M. ET/PT with featherweight champion Gary Russell, JR. defending his title against mandatory title challenger Joseph Diaz from the MGM National Harbor in Maryland on Saturday, 五月 19.




门票现场活动, which is promoted by Groupe Yvon Michel, Lee Baxter促销和Mayweather促销, 现已公开发售,并可以在 www.ticketmaster.ca.


# # #




欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, mayweatherpromotions.com www.groupeyvonmichel.ca 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, AdonisSuperman, BadouJack, @MayweatherPromo, 或成为Facebook上的粉丝在 www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, , www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotionswww.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment.PBC由电晕赞助, 最好的啤酒.

Adonis Stevenson vs. Badou Jack Media Predictions

Writers See Close Contest in Light Heavyweight Title Showdown but Lean Toward Two-Division Champion Jack Over Long-Reigning Champion Stevenson
史蒂文森VS. 千斤顶 星期六, 五月 19 住在Showtime®from Air Canada Centre in Toronto

多伦多 (五月 11, 2018) – Members of the boxing media asked to weigh in on the world title showdown between light heavyweight champion 阿多尼斯史蒂文森 和二分区世界冠军 八斗杰克 all see a close fight on Saturday, 五月 19 but lean toward the challenger to take the crown from the champion live on SHOWTIME from Air Canada Centre in Toronto.




史蒂文森VS. Jack is part of a split-site SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®电视广播开始于 10 P.M. ET/PT with featherweight champion Gary Russell, JR. defending his title against mandatory title challenger Joseph Diaz from the MGM National Harbor in Maryland on Saturday, 五月 19.




门票现场活动, which is promoted by Groupe Yvon Michel, Lee Baxter促销和Mayweather促销, 现已公开发售,并可以在 www.ticketmaster.ca.




Here is what the media had to say about this matchup:


Steve Simmons (Toronto Sun) – “Jack by decisionAdonis Stevenson is 40 years old and hasn’t fought in the past 11 months and has hardly been active the past two years. Look for Badou Jack to try and box Stevenson, stay away from his immense power and work his way to a 12-round decision.


鲍勃VELIN (USA TODAY) – “史蒂文森, 11th-round TKO: Jack is the bigger man, and has a six-year age advantage, and both men have not been real active recently. But Stevenson, even at 40, is an outstanding boxer-puncher and keeps impressing. I believe he will stop Jack late.


莱尔·菲茨西蒙斯 (Boxing Scene / CBS.com) – “I love this fight. And every time I think about the result, my mind changes. Stevenson is certainly the puncher of the two men, while Jack seems the more dynamic all-around fighter. I can see Badou winning nearly every round based on skill and speed, but it’s harder to envision him getting through 36 full minutes without taking some solid left hands. The hunch here at this moment, 虽然, is that he can avoid those bombs in the early going and lessen their severity as he wears Stevenson down in the second halfen route to a decision win.Call it 116-112 for Jack.”


Lester Silva (Univision) – “Although Adonis Stevenson hasn’t been tested in years, he possesses one of the best solid left hands in the sport of boxing. His hometown crowd will be on his side May 19 against Badou Jack, who is just getting off with lots of momentum after winning a title. This should be a very interesting fight only if Badou avoids getting caught with that powerful left hand.


Adam Caparell (Complex) – “His age (40) and the questionable competition he’s fought the last five years has to catch up to Stevenson at some point, 权? Not sure if I see Jack dropping Stevenson, 但 I’m taking ‘The Ripperin a majority decision.”


Josh Katzowitz (福布斯) – “Every time I think Adonis Stevenson has gotten too old or too inactive to continue to win, I’m always proven wrong. Badou Jack is Stevenson’s biggest test in the past five years, so I’m tempted to pick him to beat Stevenson. But even at 40 岁, Stevenson still has enough skills to hold on to his belt and he’s still strong enough to knock out a fighter like Jack. I’d pick Stevenson to win by late stoppage.”


John Cudney (Reddit BoxingSunday Puncher) – “Adonis Stevenson vs. Badou Jack is as close to 50/50 as they come. Stevenson’s left hand is one of the deadliest punches in the sport, and Badou Jack has established himself as one of the game’s best body punchers. To add further intrigue, both men have each suffered a single loss, with each of those losses coming by first round knockout. Either man could win, and the outcome could either be an early KO or a hard-fought decision. I’m going with Badou Jack by decision. I think Jack will be able to avoid Stevenson’s left hand and make this a long and difficult night for the champion. Jack’s body punching will be the perfect weapon to make Stevenson finally feel his age in the ring.


Rhett Butler (The Shadow League) – “This is honestly a fight for true fight fans who understand the pivotal and unique David vs. Goliath matchup that this truly is. Adonis Stevenson has an illustrious array of light heavyweight bodies on his resume and is a true juggernaut in the division. 还, Jack earned a world title in his first jaunt at light heavyweight and as the old adage goes, ‘true champions can do it in multiple weight classes’. Both Stevenson and Jack are hungry but I think that Jack will fell the giant in Stevenson this time out. It’s his time and Stevenson thinks since Andre Ward retired he might be safe from anyone not named Kovalev. It will be a war of attrition, that ultimately Badou Jack will have his hand raised from.


Gabe Oppenheim (Props) – “I pick Jack by decision, though a late stoppage wouldn’t surprise me.


Gilbert Manzano (Las Vegas Review Journal) – In a really close fight, I say Badou Jack pulls it out. Very close, split decision for Jack. I think the fans will witness a couple knockdowns too.


安德烈亚斯·黑尔 (环杂志) – “贴身肉搏! Adonis Stevenson’s age might finally catch up to him and he might be underestimating Badou Jack. We might be in for a little barn burner in the middle of the rounds. I’m gonna say Jack by split decision.”


Salvador Rodriguez (ESPN) – “It’s not an easy fight for anyone. Adonis Stevenson is 40 years old and Jack showed some very good things in his first fight at 175 with the KO over Nathan Cleverly last year. I believe Stevenson has something in his pocket, but not enough to defeat a younger lion like Badou Jack. I go for Jack by points.”


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欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, mayweatherpromotions.com www.groupeyvonmichel.ca 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, AdonisSuperman, BadouJack, @MayweatherPromo, 或成为Facebook上的粉丝在 www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, , www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotionswww.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment. PBC由电晕赞助, 最好的啤酒.


I am the best light heavyweight in the world, and Toronto and the world will see that on 五月 19.” – 阿多尼斯史蒂文森
I asked for this fight for a long time and finally we got it. 上 五月 19 we’re going to have a three-time world champion.” – 八斗杰克
点击 这里 对于照片; 信贷: Baxter Promotions



什么: WBC Light Heavyweight World Champion Adonis Stevenson and former two-division world champion Badou Jack faced off in Toronto on Tuesday to formally announce their highly anticipated showdown Saturday, 五月 19 live on SHOWTIME from Air Canada Centre in Toronto.




The southpaw Stevenson (29-1, 24 科斯) is the longest reigning champion in the 175-pound division and one of the hardest hitters in boxing. 千斤顶 (22-1-3, 13 科斯) 是前 168 and 175-pound champion who relinquished his title for the chance to challenge Stevenson in the biggest light heavyweight showdown of 2018.




史蒂文森VS. Jack is part of a split-site SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® 电视广播开始于 10 P.M. ET/PT with featherweight champion Gary Russell, JR. defending his title against mandatory title challenger Joseph Diaz from the MGM National Harbor in Maryland.




Tickets for the Premier Boxing Champions event in Toronto, which is promoted by Groupe Yvon Michel, Lee Baxter促销和Mayweather促销, 上周五发售, 四月 27 and will be available at www.ticketmaster.ca.




Below are quotes from the fighters and event promoters.





I love Toronto, I spend a lot of time here. I have fought here before. I have a lot of fans in Toronto, and on May 19 I’m going to put on a show for them. I’m going to give them something to remember.




Badou Jack is an excellent opponent. He’s smart, he’s been a world champion, and he’s shown he’s a true competitor. But I am the best light heavyweight in the world, and Toronto and the world will see that on May 19.




Badou Jack is a good champion. He’s not coming to Canada to lose. I know he’s coming to win so we need to train like we’ve never trained before.




I know Badou is one of the best boxers in the world and I can’t take him lightly. We can’t underestimate this guyhe’s a two-time world champion.




“我在寻找淘汰赛. I know Badou is ready, 我准备好了, 五月 19 will be exciting.





I’m glad to be fighting here in Toronto on May 19. I want to thank Adonis and his team for giving me the opportunity. I’ve been training for a while now, and feel great. 营地很棒. I think I’m getting better and better, and I’m ready to become a world champion again on May 19 and give Toronto a show.




“他是一个坚强的斗士, everybody knows that. He does a lot of things well, not just land the big shots. But I’m a guy who’s great at a lot of things, and who’s coming to win. 我答应你, I’ll leave Toronto a champion.




We have three more weeks to get ready for one of the biggest fights of my life. I asked for this fight for a long time and finally we got it. 五月 19 we’re going to have a three-time world champion.


伊冯·米歇尔, Groupe Yvon Michele:



We were faced with a situation in Montreal that demanded this fight be moved. I called MLSE, and Lee Baxter, and with the co-operation of everybody here, we knew almost immediately that this fight had a great new home here at the ACC in Toronto.




Over the duration of his time as world champion, Adonis has become not only one of the best light heavyweights in the world, but one of the best fighters in the sport. But Badou Jack is the toughest opponent that Adonis has faced since becoming champion. Adonis has always risen to the occasion, and on May 19th he’ll do it again and be successful in defending his world championship.


LEE BAXTER, Baxter Promotions:



Taking on a project like this with just three weeks to sell the fight is a huge task. But this is an opportunity that I couldn’t pass up. We’ve been on a mission to bring boxing to Toronto sports fans and put us back on the sport’s map. I think this is the perfect group of people to pull off this task and turn this endeavor into a huge success.




I want to thank Yvon Michel, MLSE, Mayweather Promotions, the champion Adonis Stevenson, 八斗杰克, and everybody else represented on the dais. This is a great fight, regardless of where it takes place, but because it’s happening here in Toronto at the ACC, with an undercard featuring some of the best local fighters fighting on the biggest stage of their careers, it’s going to be a great Toronto sports event.


LEONARD ELLERBE, Mayweather Promotions:



“第一, I want to extend our hearts and best wishes to everybody affected by Monday’shorrifying tragedy here in Toronto.




I know first-hand that Toronto is a great sports city. Floyd and I saw it with our own eyes when we were here last year promoting his fight with McGregor. The fans are passionate, and vocal, and they’re hungry for a good fight. I know they’re going to love seeing Badou Jack become a three-time world champion.




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欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports,www.PremierBoxingChampions.com,mayweatherpromotions.com www.groupeyvonmichel.ca 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, AdonisSuperman, BadouJack, @MayweatherPromo, 或成为Facebook上的粉丝在www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. PBC由电晕赞助, 最好的啤酒.


James DeGale Earns Back IBF Super Middleweight World Championship With Unanimous Decision In Rematch With Caleb Truax



Julian Williams Wins IBF 154-Pound Eliminator with Decision Over Nathaniel Gallimore In SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING®开瓶器




点击 这里 对于照片; 信贷: 斯蒂芬妮特拉普/欣欣





LAS VEGAS (四月 7, 2018) – Jarrett Hurd unified the 154-pound division with a 12-round split-decision victory over Erislandy Lara in an all-action fight Saturday on SHOWTIME before a sold-out crowd of 2,579 at The Joint at Hard Rock Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas.





赫德 (22-0, 15 科斯), who entered as IBF Champion, dethroned WBA Champion in just the seventh unification in division history. The difference in the Fight of the Year candidate was a short left hook that floored Lara in the final minute of the fight. Had the 27-year-old Hurd not scored the knockdown, the fight would have been ruled a majority draw.





“It was a tough one, but I went out there and did exactly what I said I was going to do – fight all 12 rounds and get the victory,赫德说. “I didn’t feel like that (I needed the knockdown). I feel like I was in control the whole fight, applying the pressure.





“I don’t think it had anything to do with age. I think it was me and the game plan we had to apply the pressure.”





Following the thrilling bout, SHOWTIME Sports reporter Jim Gray asked Hurd if he’d like to face WBC 154-pound champion Jermell Charlo, 谁在场边, to further unify the division.





“’Swift’ isn’t ducking anyone,” Hurd responded. “I’m No. 1 现在. We’re calling the shots.”





Hurd applied relentless pressure from the opening round, pressing forward against the crafty southpaw. He pounded the body, yet often neglected defense and ate punishing counter shots for 11 发. But the difference for Lara (25-3-2, 14 科斯), who was making the seventh defense of his title, was the brutal 12 圆. With blood seeping from a swollen right eye, Hurd connected on a short left hook that floored Lara for the first time in nearly five years.





“Besides the last round, I thought I was winning this fight easily,” Lara said. “That’s not to decide the fight. 我赢得了战斗. One punch in a fight doesn’t determine the fight.





“这是对球迷一个伟大的斗争. I stood there, fought and it was fun. I thought I clearly won the fight. Once again a decision goes against me, but h​ey we just have to do the rematch.





Entering the fight, Charlo was the consensus No. 1 fighter at 154-pounds. He stated his case for a chance to unify against Hurd.





“I’m down. 我们走吧. We want that work,” Charlo told SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING host Brian Custer. “I feel Hurd only took the fight with Lara because he realized the harder fight is with Jermell Charlo.





“We’ve been there before with Lara. I know what he possesses. Hurd has to get his defense together because he cannot get hit like that by me. Lara doesn’t move like he used to. If he moves like he used to he wins that fight.”


James DeGale earned back the IBF Super Middleweight World Championship with a unanimous decision in a rematch with Caleb Truax, taking back the title he lost last December in the near-universal upset of the year.





The 12-round championship affair was scored 117-110 和 114-113 两次. DeGale, who was deducted a point in the 10 for pushing, won the championship rounds – 11 和 12 – on all three judges’ scorecards to win the decision.





“Two-time world champion. 感觉太棒了,” DeGale的说. “But full credit to Caleb – he shows he can mix it with the top fighters.





“I’m just happy that I’m a two time world champion and I got my IBF world title back. 我回来了, Team Chunky, we’re back. Two-and-a-half years I had it and I lost it to Caleb. He embarrassed me, but we’re back.”





DeGale (24-2-1, 14 科斯) overcame a massive cut from an accidental head butt in the third, which was mistakenly ruled as the result of a punch from referee Robert Byrd.





“I couldn’t see from my right eye, DeGale said. “I like Robert Byrd (裁判), but today he was a bit wrong. I couldn’t see. But I’m just glad I got through it. I showed some heart. 在我的最后一战, I was like a weak little kid.”





DeGale connected on 37 percent of his power shots compared to 28 percent for Truax. He now returns to London a world champion with some massive potential fights in the future.





“I want to be busy,” DeGale的说. “I have a couple years left in this sport.”





特鲁阿克斯 (29-4-2, 18 科斯), who fought for the first time as a world champion, was disappointed and advocated for a rematch after the scores were announced.





“I thought I did enough to win the fight, but I also thought I was pretty flat and didn’t get my shots off like I wanted,” Truax said. “I was just a little bit flat. I felt really good coming in but I just couldn’t get my shots off like the last fight. 他从来没有伤害我, 但它是什么.





“I gave him a rematch straight away so why not do it again.”





In the opening bout of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING tripleheader, Julian Williams scored a career-best win, defeating Nathaniel Gallimore via majority decision in an IBF Junior Middleweight World Title eliminator. 威廉姆斯, who edge Gallimore 116-112, 117-110, 114-114, is now in position to challenge Jarrett Hurd.





威廉姆斯 (25-1-1, 15 科斯) set the pace with a strong left jab in the opening rounds of the fight, keeping Gallimore at bay and the action on the outside. That changed around the fifth round as Williams abandoned the jab and the fight moved to the inside. Williams had his best round in the 11, connecting on a massive left hand that set up a barrage of combos that nearly had Gallimore out on his feet. 加利莫尔 (20-2-1, 17 科斯) survived the round, and Williams wasn’t able the finish him in the 12, but it was clear Williams deserved the decision.





“I wasn’t surprised a judge had a draw,”威廉姆斯说. “Sometimes when you’re fighting real close like that, it is hard for judges to score. I knew I won. Once I heard 116-112 和 117-111, I knew I won because I knew he didn’t win eight rounds.





He is a strong fighter, but I knew he was going to do what he did. Start strong early, but I knew he wasn’t strong after six rounds.





The hits to the body was all in the game plan. You have to go to the body in a 12 round fight.”





Williams connected on 50 percent of his power shots and landed 37 他的总投篮的百分比.






“I didn’t really think I won the fight,” Gallimore admitted. “I just let too many early rounds go. I just gave him too many rounds. I had him hurt a couple of times, but he was tough. I should have done more combinations. I will look at the fight and review it, and will make adjustments.”





Saturday’s SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast will replay on Monday at 10 P.M. ET / PT在Showtime EXTREME.


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欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @TGBPromotions, @MayweatherPromo, 或成为Facebook上的粉丝在 www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxingwww.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions. PBC由电晕赞助, 最好的啤酒.

Erislandy Lara vs. Jarrett Hurd Final Press Conference Quotes & Photos for 154-Pound World Title Unification This Saturday, 四月 7 Live On SHOWTIME® from Hard Rock Hotel & 赌场, 拉斯维加斯

You’ve never been in a big fight. We’ll find out what you have Saturday night. 现在, you’re all talk.” – Erislandy拉拉

I’m going to show you why nobody can survive 12 rounds with Jarrett Hurd. There’s a storm coming.” – 贾勒特赫德

点击 这里 从萧蔷特拉普/ SHOWTIME照片

LAS VEGAS (四月 5, 2018) – 世界冠军 Erislandy拉拉 贾勒特赫德 went face-to-face Thursday at the final press conference for their 154-pound world title unification this Saturday, 四月 7 住在Showtime® from Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, Las Vegas in an event presented by Premier Boxing Champions.




WBA Champion Lara and IBF Champion Hurd will meet for just the sixth unification bout in division history in a fight that will help define the future of the 154-pound class. The winner of Lara-Hurd will join Hall of Famers Terry Norris, 费利克斯·特立尼达, Oscar De La Hoya and Winky Wright, as well as Canelo Alvarez, as the only fighters to unify 154-pound titles.




Thursday’s press conference also featured IBF Super Middleweight World Champion Caleb Truax 和前世界冠军 詹姆斯DeGale, who meet in an immediate rematch of what was the near-universal upset of the year in 2017. In the opening bout of the SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® 电视节目在 10 P.M. ET /下午7时. PT, super welterweight contenders 朱利安·威廉姆斯 纳撒尼尔·加利莫尔 will face off in an IBF 154-pound world title eliminator.




演出门票, 这是由TGB促销和梅威瑟促销推广, are on sale now and available by visiting AXS.com or the Hard Rock Hotel & 赌场, Las Vegas Box Office.




Here is what the press conference participants had to say Thursday from Vanity Nightclub at Hard Rock Hotel and Casino, 拉斯维加斯:






Everyone knows I love to fight his style. I’ve fought better and taller fighters than him and you’ve seen me dominate them. It’s going to be nothing different on Saturday night.




I want him to come forward. That’s what I’m prepared for. I’m going to give him a lessonon Saturday night.




I have to give Hurd credit for taking the fight. It’s been hard to get fighters in the ring with me. There’s no need to talk because on Saturday we will find out everything we need to know.




Everyone here talking from Hurd’s team can’t get in the ring with him. It’s different once you’re in the ring with me. You’ve never been in a big fight. We’ll find out what you have Saturday night. 现在, you’re all talk.




I’m absolutely ready for this fight. This is going to be a great battle for the fans on SHOWTIME. I’m excited to get in the ring and finally unify the decision. I’m preparing to make history.




I haven’t watched much video on Hurd, but as we saw from the Trout fight, he’s very hittable. 来吧星期六晚上, he better have worked on some defense or it won’t last very long.




I don’t want to hear anything about Jermell Charlo, because Jarrett Hurd is the one who stepped up. 星期日, Charlo can sign the contract and we can get ready to rumble.






Lara has been the longest reigning champion and he was on top when I first turned pro. We’ve studied him a lot. I didn’t get into this sport to be anything but number one. Lara is the top guy, but after Saturday night, it’s going to be me.





It’s been a great training camp. We’re well prepared. This is the fight I’ve been asking for. After I beat Tony Harrison, Erislandy Lara had some words on Twitter for me. So I’ve wanted the fight since then. Somebody has to pay for that.




This fight is coming at the right time for me because my confidence is very high right now. He’s a little older so I’ll be the younger and fresher fighter. I just feel like it’s my time. I’m going to be relentless. I’m not stopping until I get what I want.




Lara is a veteran with a lot of experience. He knows how to win rounds and he can make you look bad no matter how good you are. I’m going to use my own awkward style and do what I do best.




With my power and skill set, I can stop any fighter in the division. That definitely includes Erislandy Lara.




Lara has great discipline in his game plan. No matter if he’s up on the cards or down or anything, he’s not going to switch it up. It’s hard to break a fighter when they’re disciplined like that. We have a plan for everything though and we’re confident that we’ll come up with something that will get us the victory.




Lara is a guy who can’t take pressure fighters well. I have some of the best pressure in the game. 我年幼, 强, taller and longer. He’s not going to be able to run for 12 发.




Nobody wanted to fight this guy. I stepped up to the table because I know what I can do. He’s living the ‘American Dream’, but my dream has just begun. Saturday night I’m going to show you why nobody can survive 12 rounds with Jarrett Hurd. There’s a storm coming.






I’m honored to be here with these great fighters and back on SHOWTIME. Training camp was perfect for this fight. This is the longest camp I’ve had in my career and the most focused I’ve been.




I just want to go out there and silence people who said it was a fluke the first time I won. I want to prove that I belong at the top of the division. I’m going to put on a good show for the fans and retain my title.




We’ve had four months to prepare for James DeGale. Normally I have six to eight weeks, so it was nice to have a drawn out and specific training camp. We really focused on the conditioning and making sure I’m reaching my peak.




I’ve been through a lot in this sport. I’ve fought top guys in big fights but it finally came together last December. It meant a lot to me and now I’m prepared to put on an even better performance. I know DeGale is going to be hungry so I have to be ready for him.




I had a great camp this fight. I knew we were going to have a rematch so I was right back in the gym in a couple of weeks. My trainer put together a great plan to help me improve and prepare for what DeGale is going to improve on. I’ll be ready for him to be 100 百分.




I just want to get to Saturday night and put on another great performance to retain my belt. I’m going to give it my all to bring that belt back home to Minnesota.






My last performance was horrendous. It was shocking and embarrassing. I’m not going to make excuses about my shoulder and what went wrong. 上周六晚, I will be a two-time world champion. 我答应你,.




I’ve boxed at the top level my whole life and put on some good performances. I know what was wrong with me and why I performed how I did in the first fight. I’m going to put it to rest when I become a world champion again.




It’s been a long, difficult training camp. I had a gray cloud above my head the last couple of months, but I’m ready to go become a world champion again on Saturday.




This time has turned me into a beast. I’ve had to take everything even more seriously than before. I might have gotten a bit complacent being a champion those last few years. I’ve locked myself down and I’m ready to go.




“我会说 90 percent of the loss was because of what I didn’t do. I looked past him. I came back too quick from the injury, but he still had to get in there and take my belt. There’s no disrespect to Caleb, but I’ve fought the very best of the division and come out on top. The real James DeGale will be back on Saturday.




It’s going to be a dominant performance on Saturday. If I don’t beat Truax and beat him easily I can’t get to the level that I want. I know that’s what is coming. No excuses.






We had a really good camp. I didn’t want to get into the trash talk this camp. He’s a solid fighter and I don’t underestimate anyone. But he seems like a bully. You can’t bully me. He’s obsessed with me on social media. I just have to focus on what he can do as a fighter.




He’s a nobody who wants some attention. I’m going to give him lots of attention on Saturday night. I’m going to shut this guy up.




He’s going to lose every single round and probably get stopped late. Every time he gets pushed he loses, gets a draw or gets knocked down. I’m drowning him in deep waters.




I’m calm right now but also anxious to show everyone what I have. I know I’m a world class fighter, I just have to go do it. I’m making sure I stay patient right now.




He lost to a journeyman, got a draw with a journeyman and got dropped by a journeyman. There’s nothing else to say. I’m taking him out on Saturday.






Saturday night is judgment day and it starts with ‘J-Pebbles’. It’s going to be a night to remember for me.




It’s going to be a spectacular fight. I’m going to demolish him in grand fashion. He’s never faced anyone like me before. When I touch him, 结束了.




You better worry about what’s going to happen to you on Saturday night. It’s going to be nasty. This fight is going to show everyone who I am in this division.




I had the best training camp of my entire career. We covered all the bases. Saturdaynight I’m going to wipe the smile off his face. You think Charlo hits hard? You’re going to see on Saturday night.




This opportunity is huge. The division is mine for the taking. I study my opponents and I stalk them in the ring. Everyone will see what’s going to happen on Saturday.






This is a great card from top to bottom. We have none other than the longest reigning 154-pound world champion, Erislandy拉拉, taking on one of the toughest tests of his career in the very exciting, young and hungry world champion Jarrett Hurd.




The co-main event is another important fight with a rematch featuring Caleb Truax, who will be looking to hold on to the belt he took from James DeGale last year, while DeGale will look to get back to where he was before they met last December.




The show opens up with a high-octane 154-pound title eliminator with Julian Williams and Nathaniel Gallimore. This is the fight that could really steal the show. The winner of this fight will no doubt have their eye on the winner of Saturday’s main event.




These are some of the best fights that can be made in each weight class. We can’t wait for everyone to see these fighters put it all on the line on Saturday night.

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