标记档案: 美国拳击校友会

美国拳击校友会致敬 & 为NE筹款. 伟大的文尼·帕斯 & 米基·沃德取得重大成功

(L-R) – CES 拳击推广人吉米·伯奇菲尔德, 米奇沃德, 前东北部. 业余杰出 Calvin Brown, 文尼·帕斯和阿尔·瓦伦蒂, 美国拳击校友会, 特别项目顾问

科罗拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (二月 26, 2019) – 美国拳击校友协会上周末向新英格兰历史上最伟大的两位业余拳击手致敬, 文尼 “帕斯马尼亚恶魔” 帕斯“爱尔兰的” 米奇沃德, 在林肯双河赌场取得巨大成功, 罗得岛.

一场售罄的筹款活动在弗雷德举行,旨在资助美国拳击校友会 & 周五晚上史蒂夫牛排馆, 纪念帕兹和沃德, 除了名人堂裁判 史蒂夫·斯莫杰, 他为两位拳手主持了多次比赛.

帕兹和沃德周六晚上举行了见面会, CES 拳击活动之前, 受欢迎的拳击手签名并合影留念. 他们被带进了擂台, 与斯莫格一起, 并获得了在场众多观众的起立鼓掌.

美国拳击校友会在双河举办的连续两场比赛 $3,000 (包括体育世界纪念品拍卖的收益) 并添加了 20 新校友成员, 包括帕兹, 其不断壮大的队伍.

“我们度过了一个神奇的周末,” 说 在瓦伦蒂, 美国拳击特别项目顾问. “Vinny 和 Micky 向众多粉丝致意. 毫无疑问,这两位战士定义了美国拳击校友会的意义: 汇集了过去这么多年的这么多成员,为这么多年轻拳击手建立了未来. 看到过去的拳击手是特别值得的, 教练和官员纷纷涌向文尼和米奇. 在双河赌场度过的整个两天的经历充满了我们将在未来几年内保留的回忆. 我们要感谢 吉米·伯奇菲尔德 (CES拳击) 感谢他的热情款待和主办周六晚上的活动。”


创建于冠军终身, 美国拳击和校友之间的互利关系, –拳击手, 官员, 教练和拳击迷 — 校友会连冠军的代, 鼓舞人心,回馈美国拳击的未来拳击冠军, 进出环.

美国拳击校友会是开放的人谁爱拳击,并希望保持与业余拳击连接. 成员被授予各种特别活动由校友协会主办的访问, 包括其成名接待年度美国拳击校友会馆.

加入校友会, 只需在登记 alumni@usaboxing.org 为一个 $40.00 每年的会员费. 新成员将获得T恤, 钥匙扣和电子钱包.

叽叽喳喳: @USABoxing, @美国校友
Instagram的: @USABoxing
Facebook的: /USABoxing


美国拳击校友会, 等级 2018 应征

科罗拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (十二月 3, 2018) – 两届奥运会金牌得主 Claressa盾 不仅率先在女子拳击的新浪潮, 她已经发展成为无数年轻人真正的榜样.




希尔兹将在盐湖城进入名人堂的美国拳击校友会馆这个星期五晚上, 随着等级 2018 成员 罗伊·琼斯JR. 和, 沃德, 以及后期 伊曼纽尔·斯图尔特 汤姆·克利.




名人堂接收的第二届年度美国拳击校友会馆, 结合召开 2018 美国拳击精英和青年全国锦标赛和少年,并准备打开, 十二月 2-8, 将于12月 7, 雷迪森酒店 (215 S. 圣寺) 在盐湖城, 犹他州.




“我感到很荣幸,” 希尔兹谈到正在进入名人堂的美国拳击校友会馆,” 我只是 23 岁,将进入名人堂的美国拳击馆是一个伟大的荣誉, 同时也震惊了我. 我认为我对得起任何荣誉, 但我知道事情需要时间, 我一直以为我会放名人堂的年龄 40 或 50. 这是一个大问题,对我来说,我觉得太荣幸了. 只是有我的名字旁边像沃德和罗伊·琼斯伟人提及的名字真的很激励我. 我很荣幸!”




弗林特的骄傲, 密歇根, 希尔兹已经成功豪赌她的业余成功的专业队伍, 她在其中是 7-0 (2), 并且不由统一 (IBF, WBA & WBC) 世界中量级冠军.




希尔兹完成了她的业余生涯有一个令人难以置信 77-1 (18 科斯) 记录, 由她在奥运金牌,表现突出 2012 和 2016. 她没有在擂台上,因为失去了 2012, 什么时候 萨凡纳·马歇尔 (英国) 赢得点, 14-8, 在中国的世界锦标赛.




“美国拳击走进我的生活作为两届少年奥林匹克冠军,” Claressa解释了她的美国拳击关系. “从美国拳击的帮助是非常重要的: 只是注意到我作为一个年轻的运动员,知道我会成为一个强大的年轻女子表示美国在未来; 会议 朱莉Goldsticker, 谁是祝福我,她帮我了很多十几岁, 而仅仅有教练阿卜杜拉, 教练 阿尔·米切尔, 和教练 凯莱皮克 教我不同的风格和如何使用我的所有属性. 美国拳击赐予了我很多跟我所有的奥运队友和教练的奥运知识和终身的友谊. 我最喜欢的教练, 科罗马, 从字面上是陪我度过了整个路 2015-2016, 帮助我的建议外环线和环内。”




希尔兹是当今女子拳击的驱动力之一, 携带美国女子拳击运动的先驱,如移交火炬 克里斯蒂·马丁, 莱拉·阿里 和其他几个人.




“有很大的变化回事,现在 — 我, 迈卡拉迈耶, Franchon克鲁斯, 凯蒂·泰勒, 阿曼达·塞拉诺 和其他几个妇女现在携带女子拳击火炬,” 希尔兹解释. “进展是快, 每个网络今年已经有一个妇女在电视上打, 尤其是欣欣, 关于这一点我已装箱的重头戏四倍. 女子拳击能走多远. 我相信,总有一天,我们可以支付几百万就像男人一样。”




通过打开门,打破障碍, Claressa已经成为年轻人真正的榜样各地, 进出拳.




“感觉好是他们的榜样 (女性), 也为如此多的男拳手,” 希尔兹指出. “拳击是在不同的时代,我只是想使它更容易为女孩来了, 所以当他们转职业, 拳击将接近平等。”




“Claressa在业余拳击的历史上最伟大的故事之一,” 说 克里斯tofflemire, 美国拳击校友会执行董事. “她开车, 承诺, 天赋, 和性格使她成为美国拳击奥运冠军, 青史留名,这将持续很长一段时间. 她是女子拳击开拓者,并建立了她的地方作为有史以来最有影响力的美国拳击校友会成员之一. 美国拳击校友会要感谢她为了鼓励业余拳击界和用作下一代的冠军有很大的示范作用。”






创建于冠军终身, 美国拳击和校友之间的互利关系, –拳击手, 官员, 教练和拳击迷 — 校友会连冠军的代, 鼓舞人心,回馈美国拳击的未来拳击冠军, 进出环.




美国拳击校友会是开放的人谁爱拳击,并希望保持与业余拳击连接. 成员由校友会授予访问各种特别活动的主机, 包括名人堂接待的美国拳击校友会馆.




加入校友会, 只需在登记 alumni@usaboxing.org 为一个 $40.00 每年的会员费. 新成员将获得T恤, 钥匙扣和电子钱包.





尽管所有的荣誉和赞誉, 她已经如此丰富收到, 盾牌也没有忘记在这一切开始, 她仍然积极参与美国拳击.




“我一直在与很多女运动员的接触,并给他们建议,如果他们问我,” Claressa添加. “我还去了科罗拉多州的5天,是未来奥运希望一种动力,并发表主题演讲. 之后我的职业生涯结束了在约 15 岁月, 我想成为一名拳击教练带领女队更多奥运金牌, 如果有机会. 我也想成为一个学校的老师和青年辅导员。”




希尔兹, 可惜, 不能出席名人堂接收这个周五晚上的大厅,因为她在训练深为她的标题防御这星期六晚上在HBO, 从家得宝中心球场卡森生活, 加利福尼亚州, 针对 Fenmke赫曼斯 (9-1).




“可悲的是,” 希尔兹总结, “我不能有,但, 如果我在那里, 我会说: 感谢您对美国拳击在时代对我的信任 16. 这是代表美国的荣誉, 不仅一次,而是两次参加奥运会! 我感谢教练 比利 (沃尔什) 让我深挖, 具有处理他的爱尔兰的方式和笑话, 也为改变美国拳击文化. 特别感谢教练凯, 也, 我不能在我的手上,我们有多少天算的培训 1 上午, 多少次,我敲开了房门就跑, 他有多少次,因为我哭或家庭问题,拿我的手机从我. 他是教练,我可以告诉一切, 同时他也祝福我与他的拳击知识,让我总觉得对自己的安全,当他是在角落里. 美国拳击不仅仅是员工 – 美国拳击是家庭! 尽管我已经受够了几句话 马修·约翰逊 和其他工作人员, 我感谢他们对我是硬,并确保我处理我的责任. 爱所有的美国拳击员工, 我真的感谢。”




Claressa盾比世界和奥林匹克冠军更, 她是一个类的行为,以及, 到底发生了那么今天迫切需要.




叽叽喳喳: @USABoxing

Instagram的: @USABoxing

Facebook的: /USABoxing

The GOAT boxing trainer….. 伊曼纽尔管家

美国拳击校友会, 等级 2018 应征
(L-R) – The great Tommy Hearns & the late Manny Steward

科罗拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (十一月 19, 2018) – 已故 伊曼纽尔管家, arguably the greatest boxing trainer of all-time, is a member of the Class of 2018 入选美国拳击校友会名人堂.




名人堂接收的第二届年度美国拳击校友会馆, 结合召开 2018 美国拳击精英和青年全国锦标赛和少年,并准备打开, 十二月 2-8, 将于12月 7, 雷迪森酒店 (215 S. 圣寺) 在盐湖城, 犹他州.





Steward was a boxer, trainer extraordinaire, and HBO commentator until his untimely death in 2012 在年龄 68. His boxing career culminated with his induction into the International Boxing Hall of Fame in 1996.




在年龄 12, Manny moved with his mother from West Virginia to Detroit, where his life soon turned to boxing. 作为一名业余拳击手, he compiled a 94-3 记录, 由金牌的表现在突出 1963 National Golden Gloves Tournament as a bantamweight, but he decided against trying out for the US Olympic Boxing Team.




在 1971, Steward became a part-time trainer at Kronk Gym, where he eventually guided many of the country’s top amateur boxers. Kronk Gym later became a property of Steward’s and he developed it into one of the most successful and famous boxing gyms in the world.






Steward also served as National Director of Coaching for USA Boxing in the early 2000’s.




Throughout his incredible career, Steward reportedly trained 41 世界冠军, 也许, the most noteworthy were 托马斯·赫恩斯, 伦诺克斯·刘易斯弗拉基米尔克里琴科. He also trained 塞萨尔查韦斯, 米格尔·库托, 霍亚, 纳西姆·哈米德, 霍利菲尔德, 和 迈克·麦卡勒姆. Manny also trained a young Detroit rapper, Eminem, how to box at Kronk Gym.




The last world champion Manny trained was 阿多尼斯 “超人” 史蒂文森, who remains the reigning World Boxing Council (WBC) World light heavyweight champion since 2013.




Emanuel would always say, 击倒卖!” Stevenson fondly remembered. “He was also the first to tell me, ‘You will be a superstar and a world champion. Just make sure you don’t listen to people with bad intentions because you’ve got natural talent.He believed in me even if some people did not think I would ever become a world champion.




Emanuel Steward impacted the lives of so many who walked through the doors of Kronk Gym,” 说 克里斯tofflemire, 美国拳击校友会执行董事. “While he’s most recognized for his achievement at the professional level, his impact was significant in the amateurs. Manny serves as a model coach for USA Boxing today, and his impact will be felt for a long time. The USA Boxing Alumni Association overwhelmingly supports his induction and looks forward to honoring him as part of this year’s Hall of Fame class.






创建于冠军终身, 美国拳击和校友之间的互利关系, –拳击手, 官员, 教练和拳击迷 — 校友会连冠军的代, 鼓舞人心,回馈美国拳击的未来拳击冠军, 进出环.




美国拳击校友会是开放的人谁爱拳击,并希望保持与业余拳击连接. 成员由校友会授予访问各种特别活动的主机, 包括名人堂接待的美国拳击校友会馆.




加入校友会, 只需在登记 alumni@usaboxing.org 为一个 $40.00 每年的会员费. 新成员将获得T恤, 钥匙扣和电子钱包.





For years he would come to my National Silver Gloves Tournament that I sponsored and put on in Kansa City just to show his support of the youth program,” added USA Boxing president 约翰· 褐色 额外. “Every year I would tell him to let me know if he was coming, so I could VIP him, and every year he would ignore me and just quietly show up. I would notice him in the crowd. I would ball him out and then we did the same thing the following year.




I also used to see him at big fights and he would always make me feel special by saying my company saved boxing in the seventies and eighties by providing safe, well-made, fair priced boxing equipment for the sport. No one else ever gave me that recognition. He was humble and not a blowhard, my kind of guy.




Emanuel Steward left his mark on earth, not only as a multi-faceted personality in boxing, but he’s also remembered for his magnanimous charity work in Detroit, in which he helped youths in their pursuit of education.




简而言之, 虽然, he taught boxing, and nobody has ever done it any better.




叽叽喳喳: @USABoxing

Instagram的: @USABoxing

Facebook的: /USABoxing

世界级裁判….. Tom Cleary 美国拳击校友会, 等级 2018 应征

科罗拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (十一月 12, 2018) – 已故 汤姆·克利 在他辉煌的职业生涯中是世界上最受尊敬的裁判之一. 他加入了班级中的一个精选小组 2018 入选美国拳击校友会名人堂.




名人堂接收的第二届年度美国拳击校友会馆, 结合召开 2018 美国拳击精英和青年全国锦标赛和少年,并准备打开, 十二月 2-8, 将于12月 7, 雷迪森酒店 (215 S. 圣寺) 在盐湖城, 犹他州.




除了佳利, 之类的 2018 还包括美国. 奥运代表队的选手和世界 (专业的) 冠军 罗伊·琼斯, JR., 沃德Claressa盾, 以及过去的美国拳击国家教练总监, 已故 伊曼纽尔管家.




去年引入的特许班包括 穆罕默德·阿里霍利菲尔德, 以及资深教练 罗斯福桑德斯汤姆·库尔特.




韦斯特切斯特的长期居民, 俄亥俄, Cleary 是美国拳击队的成员,因为 1982, 他曾担任全国大学拳击协会的官员 2002 直到他过世的五月 21, 2017.




他在 12 不同的国家, 在四大洲, 作为国际拳联指派的国际官员. 汤姆获得三星级评级,并被选中参加世界拳击大赛.




“汤姆对业余拳击的奉献和他从拳击手那里获得的尊重, 教练和其他官员都是首屈一指的,” 说 克里斯tofflemire, 美国拳击校友会执行董事. “校友会强烈支持他进入名人堂的理由, 和他亲近的人都接受了他的介绍, 以及整个业余拳击界. 汤姆为美国拳击服务的承诺为我们所有人树立了一个很好的榜样,我们非常自豪地称他为今年名人堂的一员。”




汤姆永远不会忘记他来自哪里, 为辛辛那提的年轻人奉献了无数的时间, 除了在超过四分之一世纪的时间里帮助拳击俱乐部在他的社区内高效运作之外.




该 2017 NCBA年度最佳官员, 汤姆在当地工作, 地区性的, 国家的, 国际化, 世界和奥林匹克水平的拳击. 亮点包括在许多美国工作. 全国锦标赛, 四个美国. 奥运选拔赛 (2000, 2004, 2008 & 2012) 而 2007 芝加哥世锦赛.




“当我还是空军学院的年轻教练时,” 美国拳击教练 埃德·韦彻斯 评论, “我们需要更换一名即将退休的 AIBA 顶级裁判. 我们正在寻找一位高素质的人,汤姆克利里被推荐. 接下来他出来了 25 年直. 汤姆是最好的裁判之一. 他非常关心拳击手的安全,汤姆也是一位宝贵的导师.




“汤姆是一个人人都爱的好人. 他在美国管理裁判诊所,总是帮助那些需要帮助的人, 青少年和成人. 汤姆在辛辛那提地区的工作影响了如此多的拳击手和教练超过 25 岁月. 我们非常想念他。”






创建于冠军终身, 美国拳击和校友之间的互利关系, –拳击手, 官员, 教练和拳击迷 — 校友会连冠军的代, 鼓舞人心,回馈美国拳击的未来拳击冠军, 进出环.




美国拳击校友会是开放的人谁爱拳击,并希望保持与业余拳击连接. 成员由校友会授予访问各种特别活动的主机, 包括名人堂接待的美国拳击校友会馆.




加入校友会, 只需在登记 alumni@usaboxing.org 为一个 $40.00 每年的会员费. 新成员将获得T恤, 钥匙扣和电子钱包.





汤姆留下了他的妻子, 黛安, 他们的两个孩子和八个孙子.




Tom Cleary 的领导才能和导师精神激励了所有有幸见到他的人. 他非常关心与他共享拳击台的拳击手, 之前提供建议, 比赛期间和之后.




叽叽喳喳: @USABoxing

Instagram的: @USABoxing

Facebook的: /USABoxing






科罗拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (十月 9, 2018) – 一大群过去和现在的业余拳击手, 以及其他参与这项运动的人, 最近,美国拳击校友会在西海岸举行了首次聚会.


美国拳击校友会首次西海岸聚会, 在好莱坞Fortune Gym举行 (洛杉矶), 导致令人难忘的故事讲述, 欢迎聚会, 即使在过去的敌人之间, 除了会员等级的大幅提升.


除了长期的业余拳击支持者, 演员/歌手弗兰克·史泰龙, 与业余拳击教母一起, 梅兰妮·莱伊, 包括过去和现在的拳击手和训练师 米奇贝, 亚历克斯·拉莫斯, 莫林·谢伊, 罗尼·埃塞特, 保罗·班克斯, 豪尔赫·霍利, 面料, 弗兰克·瓦萨, 唐·德韦奇斯, 迈克尔和安娜·科普希瓦, 扎卡里·帕迪拉, 伦尼·加尔加利亚诺, 托尼·莱斯伯尔, 菲利克斯·南斯, 起重机文斯·哈德森, 鲁迪·加尔萨, 贾斯汀·福琼, 艾伦·桑塔纳, 威利·塔布斯, 兰迪·克里彭, 艾伦·桑塔纳, 杰奎·理查森, 史蒂文·斯托克斯, 曼尼萨尔西多, 杰森和杰里米·威廉姆斯, 迈克·西姆斯, 杰夫·邦普斯, 目前美国队重量级 理查德·托雷斯 (莱里, 例如), 和 2018 青少年世界冠军和洛杉矶本地人 iyana贝尔杜斯科. 1984 奥运金牌得主 亨利·蒂尔曼 也出席并注册为新校友会会员.




美国拳击委员会顾问和拳击手联络员, “冰人” 约翰·斯卡利, 负责招募大部分与会者.




“美国拳击校友会齐聚好莱坞充分彰显我们的使命: 连接一代又一代的冠军,” 与会者说 克里斯tofflemire, 美国拳击校友会执行董事. “虽然几十年前退出擂台后,前对手又重聚, 今天的两位冠军和美国队成员, 理查德·托雷斯和罗克西·维杜斯科, 因其最近的成功而自豪地得到认可. 校友会感谢财富健身房主办本次聚会, 我们期待在未来的活动中与我们的西海岸会员建立联系。”




创建于冠军终身, 美国拳击和校友之间的互利关系, –拳击手, 官员, 教练和拳击迷 — 校友会连冠军的代, 鼓舞人心,回馈美国拳击的未来拳击冠军, 进出环.




美国拳击校友会是开放的人谁爱拳击,并希望保持与业余拳击连接. 成员由校友会授予访问各种特别活动的主机, 包括周五晚上的美国拳击校友会名人堂接待大厅.




加入美国拳击校友会, 只需在登记 alumni@usaboxing.org 为一个 $40.00 每年的会员费. 新成员将获得T恤, 钥匙扣和电子钱包.




叽叽喳喳: @USABoxing

Instagram的: @USABoxing

Facebook的: /USABoxing

Simply the best….. 罗伊·琼斯, JR.

美国拳击校友会, 等级 2018 应征

科罗拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (九月 6, 2018) – Living legend 罗伊·琼斯, JR., universally recognized as one of the greatest pound-for-pound boxers of all-time, leads a celebrated quintet of Class of 2018 inductees into the USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame.




名人堂接收的第二届年度美国拳击校友会馆, 结合召开 2018 美国拳击精英和青年全国锦标赛和少年,并准备打开, 十二月 2-8, will be held Dec. 7, 雷迪森酒店 (215 S. 圣寺) 在盐湖城, 犹他州.





除了琼斯, 之类的 2018 also includes two U.S. Olympic gold medalists and world (专业的) 冠军, 沃德Claressa盾, 教练的还有前美国拳击全国总监 伊曼纽尔管家 和美国老将拳击官员 汤姆·克利. The latter two will be posthumously inducted.




去年引入的特许班包括 穆罕默德·阿里霍利菲尔德, 以及资深教练 罗斯福桑德斯汤姆·库尔特.




I am honored to be selected for induction into the USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame,” Jones commented, “especially as a member of this great class with my fellow inductees.




Amateur boxing gave me the chance to learn life skills as well as face every other possible scenario inside of the ring.




琼斯, 具有讽刺意味的, got into boxing at the age of 11 because of Ali. “I saw Ali vs. () 弗雷泽and just felt as though Ali and I had the same mental concept on life,” Jones explained.




Jones went on to become one of the best amateur boxers in the world, compiling a reported 121-13 记录, including gold medal performances at the 1984 National Junior Olympics and 1986 & 1987 National Golden Gloves Tournaments.




在 1988 Olympics in Seoul, 韩国, Jones reached the championship final of the light middleweight division against Park Si-Hun, 韩国的. Jones suffered arguably the worst decision in boxing history, losing 3-2, despite outpunching his opponent, 86 到 32 落地拳, and he was forced to settle for a silver medal. Even his opponent admitted that Jones won their fight, leading the AIBA to later suspend the three judges who selected the hometown fighter as the winner.




How disgraceful was this decision? Jones was selected as the Val Barker Trophy winner as the best boxer of the 1988 奥运会和, due to controversy, the scoring system for Olympic boxing was changed, replacing the 20-point must system with electronic scoring.




I was angered,” Jones admitted, “yet promoted to prove that I was the best fighter there, and in the world, at that time.




Jones made his professional debut May 6, 1989, at home in Pensacola, 佛罗里达, in a scheduled eight-round bout, in which RJJ stopped Ricky Randall 在第二轮. His long, glorious journey has produced a remarkable 66-9 (47 科斯) 亲纪录, highlighted by nine major world titles in four different weight classes.




在 2003, Jones defeated 约翰·鲁伊斯 by way of a 12-round unanimous decision to become the first former world middleweight champion to become world heavyweight title holder in more than a century.




The possessor of exceptional hand and foot speed, 运动能力, 运动和反射, Jones went undefeated through his first 34 亲打架, 22-3 (14) 在世界冠军战斗. Against former, present or future world champions, Jones was 19-9 (8 科斯) and included among his victims were greats such as 伯纳德·霍普金斯大学, 詹姆斯·托尼, 迈克·麦卡勒姆,温尼Pazienza, 维吉尔山, 安东尼奥·塔弗费利克斯·特立尼达.




今天, the 49-year-old Jones, technically speaking, is still an active fighter. He also has two promotional companies and gyms, located in Pensacola and Las Vegas, trains several pro boxers and serves as a color commentator for HBO Boxing. He recently opened gyms in South Africa.




For the past two years, Jones has hosted theFuture Stars of Boxing Tournament” 在拉斯维加斯, showcasing some of the best amateur boxers in the world.




Hosting the tournament in Las Vegas gives me the opportunity to give back to amateur boxing,” Jones explained. “It’s a great experience for the boxers and it reminds them that who they may have or still look up to, are watching them as well.




罗伊·琼斯, JR. with one of the many amateur boxers who participated in this year’sFuture Stars of Boxingtournament in Las Vegas (photo courtesy of RJJ Boxing Promotions)




When USA Boxing alumni discuss their favorite fighters,” 说 克里斯tofflemire, 美国拳击校友会执行董事, “Roy Jones is near the top of everyone’s list. His spectacular talent, dedication to his craft, and infectious personality make him a no-brainer to headline this year’s Hall of Fame class. He continues to give back to amateur boxing and support the next generation. Roy deserves to be celebrated for all he has accomplished, 我们期待着,以表彰他在12月。”




创建于冠军终身, 美国拳击和校友之间的互利关系, –拳击手, 官员, 教练和拳击迷 — 校友会连冠军的代, 鼓舞人心,回馈美国拳击的未来拳击冠军, 进出环.




美国拳击校友会是开放的人谁爱拳击,并希望保持与业余拳击连接. 成员由校友会授予访问各种特别活动的主机, 包括名人堂接待的美国拳击校友会馆.




加入校友会, 只需在登记 alumni@usaboxing.org 为一个 $40.00 每年的会员费. 新成员将获得T恤, 钥匙扣和电子钱包.



Quotes of Note from other World Champions


eorge Foreman: “(琼斯) hits like a heavyweight and moved like a lightweight.


蒙特尔格里芬: “弗洛伊德 (梅威瑟, 小) was no comparison as far as speed. Roy was much faster.


迈克·麦卡勒姆: “(Jones is) the greatest fighter of all time.





If he ever hangs-up his gloves for good, 罗伊·琼斯, JR. will be a first ballot inductee into the International Boxing Hall of Fame. There may never be another boxer quite like RJJ.




叽叽喳喳: @USABoxing, USABoxingAlumni

Instagram的: @USABoxing

Facebook的: /USABoxing


关于美国拳击: 美国拳击的使命是要使美国’ 运动员和教练员取得持续竞争优势, 个性发展, 支持拳击运动, 并促进和在美国成长风格奥运拳击. 美国拳击的责任是不仅要生产奥运金牌, 同时也监督和管理业余拳击的每一个方面在美国.


USA Boxing Alumni Association Profile: 博士. WilbertSkeeterMcClure

1960 OLYMPIC GOLD: (L-R) Wilbert McClure, Cassius Clay and Eddie Crook, JR.


科罗拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (八月 20, 2018) – One of the classiest boxers to ever lace-up a pair of gloves is 博士. WilbertSkeeterMcClure, who is the only American boxer to capture an Olympic gold-medal and also earn a Doctor of Philosophy degree (Ph.D).




When I think of ‘SkeeterMcClure,” USA Boxing president 约翰·布朗 说, “I think of the grassroots of our sport. When ‘Skeeterwas a young boy growing up in Toledo, 俄亥俄, he had a twinkle in his eye and a desire to box. We would learn later in life how talented, gifted and passionate ‘SkeeterMcClure was about the sport of boxing.




It would be impossible for me, somebody who has spent his entire life in boxing, to find a better representative of our sport than ‘SkeeterMcClure.




绰号 “Skeeterbecause his father thought he looked no bigger than a mosquito at birth, McClure was born October 29, 1938 在托莱多, 俄亥俄, and he developed into the perfect example of brains and brawn.




The now 79-year-old McClure earned degrees in literature and philosophy in 1961 from the University of Toledo and a doctorate in psychology from Wayne State University in Detroit. He was a professor at Northeastern University and late became a Massachusetts state boxing commissioner. 在 2012, he was honored for his life’s work by the Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice at Harvard Law School.




McClure had an incredible boxing career, highlighted by his gold-medal performance at the 1960 奥运会, defeating his Italian opponent in Rome, Carmelo Bossi, to capture the light middleweight gold medal, despite fighting with a severely damaged hand suffered in the semifinals. The two other American gold medalists that year was his roommate and team co-captain, 卡修斯·克莱 (aka Muhammad Ali) and Eddie Crook, JR.




During his illustrious amateur career, McClure was dominant in 1959-1960, winning gold medals at the 1959 泛美运动会, two-time National AAU tournaments, 1958 International Diamond Belt. He was also named Outstanding U.S. Amateur Boxer in 1959.


在瓦伦蒂, 特别项目顾问美国拳击, has known McClure as long as anybody alive, “I had the pleasure of meeting ‘SkeeterMcClure in the late eighties,” Valenti noted, “and since the day I met him I’ve held him in the highest esteem. I cannot find another boxer who has achieved what ‘Skeeterhas during his life in boxing. He was a talented amateur boxer who won at every level and, beyond that, he served in the U.S. 军队, earned a Ph.D in psychology, and he also had a long career as a college professor. One thing that stands out among his accomplishments is that he’s the kindest, most sincere gentlemen I’ve ever met.




During his tenure on the Massachusetts Boxing Commission, he fully understood the sport and what was needed. 作为启动子, I was never busier than when he oversaw boxing in Massachusetts. One of the highlights of my life is when I introduced ‘Skeeterto crowds at our events, after listening to his lists of accomplishments, how the crowd always gave him a standing ovation.




“博士. Wilbert ‘SkeeterMcClure is a true champion and a class act. No American boxer will ever accomplish what he did.




I first met Wilbert at the 1964 National AAU Championships,” 1972 奥运会铜牌得主 杰西·瓦尔德兹(Jesse Valdez) 评论. “I had just turned 16. I had won the National Golden Gloves for the first time and went to the National AAU and got beaten by Quincy Daniels, who had won a bronze medalist at the 1960 Olympics with Wilbert. I said hello but really didn’t know Wilbert. 我曾经年轻, shy and kept to myself. I didn’t realize he was an Olympic gold medal winner until later, while taking with the other guys. I was really impressed by his background.




Wilbert is somebody kids today need to look up to. He’s a great example for kids coming up and dreaming about winning an Olympic gold medal. And Wilbert went on to get an education. He’s a great example for kids today in the program (美国拳击).”




Legendary amateur boxing coach 罗斯福桑德斯, who last year was inducted into the first class of the USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Fame, lost to McClure in the 1960 美国奥运选拔赛.




“他 (McClure) has always been nice to me,” Sanders added. “我不认识他, 亲自, but met him, fought him, and saw him fight on television. He’s a smart guy, always a gentleman, and being a U.S. 海洋, we were taught to absorb that.




在 1961, McClure turned pro and he was billed as the next Sugar Ray Robinson, largely due their similar boxing style. No endorsements, 虽然, and the odds were really stacked against McClure reaching the same heights as a pro that he had attained as an amateur. During the early part of his professional career, McClure served in the U.S. 军队, attended college and was married with a baby. After only 14 亲打架, the mismanaged McClure was rushed into difficult matches against the likes of future world champions and Hall of Famers 路易斯·罗德里格斯· (两次) 和 何塞·托雷斯, plus No. 1 竞争者 鲁本 “飓风” 卡特 (两次), 从 1963 到 1966. McClure was on the losing end of four of those five fights, all by decisions, but he did fight Carter to a draw.




McClure retired from the ring in 1970 有 24-9 (12 科斯) 专业纪录. He eventually resettled in the Boston suburb of Chestnut Hill, where he taught at Northeastern University and later was a consultant to industry and government, teaching administrators how to deal with people.




1960 美国奥林匹克拳击队 – Wilbert McClure is standing, third from the right, in front of Cassius Clay




创建于冠军终身, 美国拳击和校友之间的互利关系, –拳击手, 官员, 教练和拳击迷 — 校友会连冠军的代, 鼓舞人心,回馈美国拳击的未来拳击冠军, 进出环.




美国拳击校友会是开放的人谁爱拳击,并希望保持与业余拳击连接. 成员被授予各种特别活动由校友协会主办的访问, 包括其成名接待年度美国拳击校友会馆.




加入校友会, 只需在登记 alumni@usaboxing.org 为一个 $40.00 每年的会员费. 新成员将获得T恤, 钥匙扣和电子钱包.





An eloquent speaker who was equally comfortable with corporate executives and boxing fans alike, McClure remained close friends with Ali, Carter and so many others he befriended in boxing. 今天, he is in ill health but still receives unparalleled respect from all those he’s touched in and out of the ring and classroom.




Simply said, 博士. WilbertSkeeterMcClure is another outstanding USA Boxing product, as well as class personified.




叽叽喳喳: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram的: @USABoxing

Facebook的: /USABoxing

美国拳击校友会宣布的名人堂级的霍尔 2018

罗伊·琼斯, 小, 沃德, Claressa盾,
伊曼纽尔管家 & 汤姆·克利
十二月. 7 reception in Salt Lake City, 犹他州


科罗拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (八月 6, 2018) – The USA Boxing Alumni Association has announced its second class to be inducted into its Hall of Fame, 十二月 7, 雷迪森酒店 (215 S. 圣寺) 在盐湖城, 犹他州.




招待会与 2018 美国拳击精英和青年全国锦标赛和少年,并准备打开, 十二月. 2-8, 也在盐湖城举行.




的类 2018 includes U.S. 奥运代表队的选手和世界 (专业的) 冠军 罗伊·琼斯, JR., 沃德Claressa盾, 教练的还有前美国拳击全国总监 伊曼纽尔管家 和美国老将拳击官员 汤姆·克利. The latter two will be posthumously inducted.




This year’s inductees were selected amongst a group of 17 nominees by the hundreds of registered USA Boxing Alumni Association members during the months of June and July.




USA Boxing Alumni Association is extremely excited to honor this year’s Hall of Fame class, as each inductee represents everything good that amateur boxing has to offer,” 说 克里斯tofflemire, 美国拳击校友会执行董事. “Last year’s class contributed to a fantastic inaugural Hall of Fame reception and we’re looking forward to recognizing this year’s class with an even better event.




创建于冠军终身, 美国拳击和校友之间的互利关系, –拳击手, 官员, 教练和拳击迷 — 校友会连冠军的代, 鼓舞人心,回馈美国拳击的未来拳击冠军, 进出环.




去年引入的特许班包括 穆罕默德·阿里霍利菲尔德, 除了老牌教练 罗斯福桑德斯汤姆·库尔特.




Each inductee has given so much to Olympic-style amateur boxing and the alumni community wants to thank them, for doing so,” Cugliari added. “We look forward to seeing USA Boxing Alumni members come out in droves to support this year’s Hall of Fame class in December.




美国拳击校友会是开放的人谁爱拳击,并希望保持与业余拳击连接. 成员由校友会授予访问各种特别活动的主机, 包括名人堂接待的美国拳击校友会馆.




加入校友会, 只需在登记 alumni@usaboxing.org 为一个 $40.00 每年的会员费. 新成员将获得T恤, 钥匙扣和电子钱包.




叽叽喳喳: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram的: @USABoxing

Facebook的: /USABoxing

USA Boxing Alumni Association Profile: 杰森 “六大” ESTRADA

科罗拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (七月 30, 2018) – 2004 中美. 奥林匹亚 贾森 “六大” 路 fully believes that boxing saved his life, preventing him from running the streets of Providence, 罗得岛, and molding him into the man he is today.




I didn’t have any money growing up and could have easily gone the other way in the streets,” Estrada explained. “A lot of my friends from back then were selling drugs are many are either dead or in jail. I knew them all, they knew me. Instead of becoming a drug dealer, I beat them up and took their money. I could have easily ended up seller drugs on a bigger scale, shot them, or gotten shot by them. I was broke, but boxing saved me!”




Estrada’s first amateur match was in 1987, when he was only seven years old, and he developed into one of the most dominant amateur boxers in the world between 2001-2003, in which he was athree-peatchampion at the USA National Championships, PAL National Championships and U.S. 挑战. “六大” also remains the only American boxer to capture a gold medal in the super heavyweight division of the Pan-American Games (2003), in addition to representing the U.S. 在 2004 在雅典奥​​运会, 希腊.




After qualifying for the 2004 中美. 奥运拳击队, much of the pre-Olympic Games boxing interest surrounded an expected showdown between the top two super heavyweights in the world, Estrada and Russia’s Alexander Povetin. 不幸, Estrada was hampered by a severe case of planta faucitis, which left Jason in an air cast and unable to train other than swimming throughout the entire pre-Olympics camp. Estrada won in the opening round, but he was eliminated in the second by Cuban Michel Lopes, who Estrada had fairly easily defeated in the championship final of the 2003 泛美运动会. Povetkin went on to capture the gold medal.




I would have loved to fight himEstrada said. “I was super sharp, 精神上, but physically I couldn’t bounce and move. I just had to deal with it. I found out that it was amazing how quickly people forget in boxing.




Not only does Estrada credit his father, optometrist 博士. 罗兰·埃斯特拉达(Roland Estrada), for helping to keep him on the straight and narrow, he also taught him to box. “My father didn’t have any boxing experience when we started,” Jason noted. “We went from gym to gym, sparring guys, and picking up things from other coaches. I appreciated my father so much because he always knew that his style wasn’t the only style. We experienced different styles and met some great coaches. Two of my favorite coaches are 巴里·亨特 (华盛顿) 和 迈克·斯塔福德 (辛辛那提). I’m cool with fighters I met in the amateurs like 安德烈Dirrell. The guy I’m closest with is George Garcia, who I fought and beat nine times. He’s one of my coolest friends, 虽然. His son is a good prospect coming up, but he’s the opposite of his father, who was short and stocky. His son is a tall, lanky boxer.








创建于冠军终身, 美国拳击和校友之间的互利关系, –拳击手, 官员, 教练和拳击迷 — 校友会连冠军的代, 鼓舞人心,回馈美国拳击的未来拳击冠军, 进出环.




美国拳击校友会是开放的人谁爱拳击,并希望保持与业余拳击连接. 成员被授予各种特别活动由校友协会主办的访问, 包括其成名接待年度美国拳击校友会馆.




加入校友会, 只需在登记 alumni@usaboxing.org 为一个 $40.00 每年的会员费. 新成员将获得T恤, 钥匙扣和电子钱包.





Estrada fought professionally for more than a decade, 编译 20-6 (6 科斯) 记录, as an unusually quick-handed, slick-moving heavyweight. 今天, Estrada and his father own and operate Big Six Academy in Providence, coaching amateur and pro boxers.




Boxing is like a marriage,” commented Estrada, who retired from the ring 3 ½ 年前. “我喜欢它, but we’re not together anymore. We’re still good friends. I still love boxing as a friend. I get my boxing fix by coaching, it’s still a part of my life. I spar with some of the fighters. I can do what I want for four rounds. There’s no challenge, no pressure. I could still fight, if not for the rigorous training. Physical problems I had when I fought – 背部, knee and feetno longer hurt.




My dad understands the knowledge I havehe never foughtand a lot of times in the gym we’ll say to each other, ‘I was just thinking that.He has no experience (fighting in the ring) 现在, he lets me handle all the pads work. He’s putting more and more on me, work wise, but he closely watches us and takes care of the business end.




I really enjoy helping our fighters prepare for media interviews. I’m thankful to USA Boxing for that, because we were trained to be in the right state of mind for interviews.




Estrada had an opportunity to travel the world as a member of USA Boxing’s elite teams, boxing in Cuba, Dominican Republic Kazakhstan, 爱尔兰 (3 时), Germany and Brazil.




Now giving back to young boxers what he learned in USA Boxing ranks, the 37-year-old Estrada has one boxing goal left on his wish list.




I’d love to work with somebody who becomes world champion and makes money to support their family,” Estrada concluded, “but more than anything, I’d love to work with a boxer who becomes a U.S. Olympian because I was a U.S. Olympian.




And nobody can ever take that away from Jason “六大” 路, one of America’s most decorated amateur boxers of all-time, and a proud USA Boxing Alumni Association member.




叽叽喳喳: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram的: @USABoxing

Facebook的: /USABoxing

金神大赌场 & Star Boxing supporting USA Boxing Alumni Association this Saturday

科罗拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (六月 25, 2018) – USA Boxing’sAlumni Association Membership Drive Monthconcludes this Saturday with another gathering as Mohegan Sun and Joe DeGuardia’s Star Boxing support the first-year group’s efforts to connect USA Boxing’s alumni.




美国拳击校友会 (USABAA) is asking present members from New England and New York to bring a guest to register as new member ($40.00 registration). Both the current and new members will receive complimentary tickets, 而 40 donated tickets last, to that evening’s “激烈殴斗太阳” pro boxing card, presented at Mohegan Sun Arena by Star Boxing.




Headliner Joe “野兽” 工匠, JR. (23-2, 19 科斯) is a former amateur standout from Long Island, 纽约, 谁是否. 3 和No. 7-ranked light heavyweight in the world, 分别, by the World Boxing Council and World Boxing Association.




所有USABAA成员被邀请参加之前在弓战斗的聚会 & 箭体育酒吧在金神大赌场, 间 5 到 6:30 P.M. AND, 享受美食, 谈话和团聚在拳击比赛的朋友.




“美国拳击校友会要感谢乔DeGuardia, 星拳击, 和金神大赌场支持我们的使命,” 克里斯托弗tofflemire, 美国拳击校友会执行董事. “作为我们的会员六月驱动的一部分, 我们期待着与校友会现有的和新的成员连接这个星期六晚上的友情和竞争的一个美好的夜晚. 我们也希望我们的成员感谢他们在整个一个月的成员驱动器提供的支持,并要求从我们的新英格兰和纽约成员本周末这继续支持. 你不会想错过它!”





创建于冠军终身, 美国拳击和校友之间的互利关系, –拳击手, 官员, 教练和拳击迷 — 校友会连冠军的代, 鼓舞人心,回馈美国拳击的未来拳击冠军, 进出环.




美国拳击校友会是开放的人谁爱拳击,并希望保持与业余拳击连接. 成员被授予各种特别活动由校友协会主办的访问, 包括其成名接待年度美国拳击校友会馆.




加入校友会, 只要注册在校友@ usaboxing,.组织的 $40.00 每年的会员费. 新成员将获得T恤, 钥匙扣和电子钱包.





叽叽喳喳: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni

Instagram的: @USABoxing

Facebook的: /USABoxing


关于美国拳击: 美国拳击的使命是要使美国’ 运动员和教练员取得持续竞争优势, 个性发展, 支持拳击运动, 并促进和在美国成长风格奥运拳击. 美国拳击的责任是不仅要生产奥运金牌, 同时也监督和管理业余拳击的每一个方面在美国.