标记档案: 科罗拉多斯普林斯

美国拳击羽量级安德烈梅迪纳closing在 2020 在东京奥运会现场

科罗拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (二月 10, 2020) - 度过了连续亚军完成的重大赛事, 美国拳击轻量级安德烈梅迪纳 是代表在奥运会东京她的国家之一比赛中 2020.

十二月, 20岁的麦地那失去了一个分裂的决定卢佩古铁雷斯 在 2020 中美. 奥运代表队选拔赛拳击, 和 4-1 到尤利娅Tsyplakova (乌克兰) 上个月在Strandja锦标赛在保加利亚。在丘拉维斯塔, 加利福尼亚州的拳击手最近被任命为美国拳击奥运东京 2020 拳击资格团队.

“在试验配售仅次于让我更加渴望拿到奥运资格现货,”梅迪纳说。 “我只是想表明美国拳击,我是一个在代表 57 公斤。我只会变得更好,我迫不及待地向世界展示的一切,我得到了.

“为了它 (Strandja) 是我的第一次国际比赛, 我很自豪我在比赛中走多远了,并得到那个银牌。我很高兴与所有我的表现,我很高兴能回去的东西的工作,我需要改进的。除了所有, 去不同的国家是真棒,我不能等待更多的旅行做我最爱的人。”

麦地那和她的美国队stablemates在国家的最先进的美国奥运和残奥培训中心正在训练在科罗拉多斯普林斯。要获得今年的参加奥运会, 麦地那需要在57公斤跻身前三名完成 (125 磅。) 师在美国的资格赛, 3月26日 - 四月 3, 在布宜诺斯艾利斯, 阿根廷。在世界预选赛在巴黎的最后一次机会, 法国, 她在其中可以通过跻身前五名将晋级奥运会.

“这意味着我的世界是在美国拳击奥运资格团队,”麦地那加。 “这是我的一切已经工作了,因为我开始在八岁竞争,我不能相信奥运会只有几个月。由是使奥运代表队的拳击第一人在圣地亚哥创造历史是一个大问题,我的家人, 我的城市和我自己。我无法表达多么兴奋,我远远地来了这个, 但仍有很多事要做, 我已经准备好了.

“我觉得我在压力下工作得更好,我坚信我将有资格东京, 无论是在阿根廷和法国, 但我的主要目标, 现在, 是刻苦训练得到阿根廷的黄金。”

梅迪纳认为她的戒指里面主要力量是她在战斗中调整的能力。她更喜欢战斗在外面, 但如果需要的话,她可以群殴, 因为她喜欢扔了很多权力拳.

梅迪纳也意识到她在关于女子拳击运动的日益普及,成为首选, 在美国拳击以下两届奥运会金牌得主脚步Claressa盾 和奥运会铜牌得主玛琳·埃斯帕扎, 随着过去美国奥运选手如女王安德伍德 和迈卡拉迈耶.

“女拳只会变得更大,”麦地那的预测。 “今天作为一个女战斗机意味着很多我, 因为我一直在做这 15 多年来, 并看到它成长年复一年只能说明女强人如何以及我们能做到。我预测,, 在将来, 拳击将不会被看作是男人的运动, 但将是中性的男性和女性。”

在奥运会上的竞争一直是麦地那一生的梦想, 但她也有她的近期计划.

“晚晴奥运会一直贯穿我的拳击生涯,我的主要目标,”安德烈说, “所以现在,它是如此的接近让我想工作就更难了。我的其他的目标是从大学毕业,我自己的公寓, 我会做毕竟这是在.

“我打算在奥运会结束后转为职业选手, 最有可能的开头或中间的 2021, 这样我就可以完成学业,让我的身体休息和恢复“。

安德烈麦地那是如此接近参加奥运会,并与成就有关,她几乎可以伸手去感觉它的一切。最后一个步骤, 无论是在布宜诺斯艾利斯和巴黎, 而这将是任务完成了她.



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关于美国拳击:  为了促进和在美国成长奥林匹克式的业余拳击和激发不懈追求奥运金牌,使运动员和教练获得持续的竞争优势。另外, 美国拳击努力教所有参与者的角色, 信心和关注,他们需要成为弹性和多样化的冠军, 无论是在和在圆环外面。美国拳击是一个团队, 一个国家, 力争金牌!

男装领域的 2020 中美. 奥运代表队选拔赛拳击套装

科罗拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (十一月 26, 2019)  - 六十四国家的顶尖男性业余拳击手将在即将到来的竞争 2020 中美. 奥运代表队选拔赛拳击查尔斯湖, 路易斯安那州, 十二月 9-16.

总计 479 在这四个资格赛与竞争推进到查尔斯湖的希望拳击手. 在每个重师前两名拳手将晋级的选拔程序今年一月在科罗拉多斯普林斯和竞争的下一个阶段,即有机会代表美国队在奥运会东京 2020.


轻量级/ 114千克lbs./52

在轻量级师将有多重精彩对决, 因为所有八个拳手将寻求代表美国队明年,并按照 2016 奥运铜牌得主尼科·埃尔南德斯的脚步. 2019 世锦赛小组成员和 2018 精英全国冠军迈克尔Angeletti (春天, 得克萨斯州) 已经利用他的国际经验带来很大的希望,他今年获得了领跑群雄, 而两次飞重国手 ('16和'17) 费尔南多·马丁内斯 (长生鸟, 亚利桑那州。) 将要返回到的最高领奖台. 2018 精英全国锦标赛亚军亚伯拉罕·佩雷斯 (阿尔伯克基, 牛米) 已赎回的希望拿冠军. 青少年雷罗宾森(辛辛那提, 俄亥俄) 赢得东部精英预选赛中,他的家乡和他的精英亮相砸出了他的票查尔斯湖, 和何塞·涅韦斯 (阿弗内尔, 新泽西州) 抓住了标题的最后机会预选赛中奥克斯纳德在令人印象深刻的领域。罗斯科·希尔 从春季第二拳击手, 德克萨斯州在这个师资格之后,在西方精英预选赛中,他的雷诺银牌省力. 洛杉矶双雄安东尼·埃雷拉 和安东尼Olascuaga 圆了场. 埃雷拉在雷诺获得了胜利,并Olascuaga奥克斯纳德名列第二.

轻量级/ 125千克lbs./57

在2016年对他的奥运资格赛短落下后,拉根公爵 (辛辛那提, 俄亥俄) 一直是美国队最成功的拳手领先进入比赛的一个, 赢得多个国际奖牌,包括在银 2017 精英世锦赛和 2019 泛美运动会. 然而, 一个混合的青年和退伍军人将使这个师一看。大卫·纳瓦罗 (洛杉矶, 加利福尼亚州。) 名列第三的 2018 精英全国锦标赛, 但他打了个票以下雷蒙德福特的举动的专业队伍。Japhethlee Llamido(诺沃克, 加利福尼亚州。) 和Rashiem杰斐逊 (费城, 霸。) 已在西欧和东欧预选赛令人印象深刻的运行,以获得在这些活动的总冠军, 而乔纳森·曼苏尔 (拉梅萨, 加利福尼亚州。) 在奥克斯纳德击败了令人印象深刻的场, 加利福尼亚州. 头查尔斯湖在他身边的势头。布鲁斯·卡林顿 (布鲁克林, 纽约州), 在竞争对手 2016 中美. 奥运代表队选拔赛拳击, 和凯文·蒙塔诺(和睦, 加利福尼亚州。), 有大量经验在国内和国际舞台,让事情变得有趣, 而Xavian拉米雷斯 (阅读, 霸。) 合格的临床试验后,刚刚动了起来,以精锐之师.

轻量级/ 138千克lbs./63

可以说是在试验最深雄性除法, 对于前两名的竞争将是最艰难的,最令人兴奋的一周之一. 2019 泛美运动会和世界锦标赛的银牌得主Keyshawn戴维斯(诺福克, 弗吉尼亚州。) 占据了主导地位在全国舞台前两年, 并希望能继续他的奔跑, 但将有来自其他七名拳手在这个支架的激烈竞争. 2018 美国拳击精英全国锦标赛银牌得主DALIS属性(怀厄奈, 夏威夷) 在去年总决赛他的亲密回合对戴维斯后会找赎. 2015 世界青年锦标赛银牌得主哈雷Mederos (纽约, 纽约州) 希望从重复他的表现令人印象深刻 2019 东方精英预选赛, 而 2019 西方精英预选赛冠军查理·希伊 (布里斯班, 加利福尼亚州。) 看起来是在一个成员后返回美国拳击高性能队 2018. 2019 最后机会预选赛冠军埃内斯托·梅尔卡多 (波莫纳, 加利福尼亚州。) 纵观今年统治了青少年阶段之后容易过渡到精锐之师, 包括3月份国际金奖。以色列罗德里格斯 (谦卑, 得克萨斯州) 许多惊奇时,他采取了第二个点在 2019 东区预选赛, 这将是查干湖巨大的信心助推器, 和马塞尔·戴维森 (肖尼, 五月。) 有货杀入决赛. 另一位拳击手过渡到今年的精英, 丹尼尔·加西亚(威斯敏斯特, 科罗拉多州。), 后在奥克斯纳德的强劲表现确保了最后一个席位, 包括在决赛对阵梅尔卡多了密切的对决.

重量级/ 152千克lbs./69

2017 世锦赛铜牌得主Freudis罗哈斯JR. (拉斯维加斯, 内华达州。)  和 2019 泛美运动会铜牌得主Delante约翰逊 (克利夫兰, 俄亥俄) 标题强大的量级划分。瓦莱品牌 (韦斯利礼拜堂, 佛罗里达州。) 在去年的精英全国锦标赛惊讶许多, 击败一些美国队的主要竞争对手, 以确保他的位置。凯文戴维斯(诺福克, 弗吉尼亚州。), Keyshawn戴维斯的哥哥, 将目光拿起他在俄亥俄州离开, 而维克多·阿兰达 (步骤, 得克萨斯州) 作为进入西方精英预选赛冠军. Lavars卡特 (辛辛那提, 俄亥俄) 赢得了最后一个席位, 并且可以看到对约翰逊一个潜在的第三对决, 因为他们在盐湖城遇到了去年的最后机会预选赛决赛, 卡特在盐湖城和约翰逊在奥克斯纳德获胜。韦恩Bourdreaux (马雷罗, 的。) 将寻找一个强大的性能, 因为他是在该领域的少数路易斯安那当地人之一, 和莫里斯扬 (Chesaning, 密歇根州。) 将希望提高在里诺他的银牌性能.

中量级/ 165千克lbs./75

预计将成为另一个重师令人兴奋的对决, 中量级划分有看到一个1/4决赛的对决之间的潜在 2019 泛美运动会铜牌得主特洛伊艾斯利 (亚历山德拉, 弗吉尼亚州。) 和 2018 精英全国冠军哈维尔·马丁内斯(密尔沃基, 威斯康星州。). 艾斯利拿了全国冠军 2016 和 2017 在马丁内斯, 而马丁内斯在胜利 2018. 然而, 两个拳击手将不得不通过六个才华的拳手,这将是饿了结束自己的总决赛奔跑来获得。Kahshad埃利奥特(普兰菲尔德, 新泽西州), 约瑟夫·希克斯 (大急流城, 密歇根州。) 和安东尼奥·加西亚 (阿纳海姆, 加利福尼亚州。) 在三个预选赛被加冕冠军, 并期待继续在路易斯安那州的胜利的道路。亚历克西斯查帕罗 (纽约, 纽约州), 弗朗西斯·霍根 (韦茅斯, 质量。) 和亚历克斯·奇泽姆 (海厄利亚花园, 佛罗里达州。) 证明了为什么他们不应该与他们的排位赛表现被低估,将是艰难的在这个支架打通.

轻重量级/ 178千克lbs./81

2018 精英全国冠军拉希姆·冈萨雷斯 (拉斯维加斯, 内华达州。) 有心脏和决心在短期下跌后在查尔斯湖成功 2016 中美. 奥运代表队选拔赛拳击, 而 与Atif Oberlton (费城, 霸。) 一直在上升之后在去年的全国锦标赛他的银牌性能. 继洗牌谁在多个部门的合格拳击手左右, 弗朗西斯奥兰 (阿伦敦, 霸。) 是孤独的区域资格赛冠军, 采取的最后机会预选赛在奥克斯纳德的称号。奥维克鲁克斯 (布鲁克林, 纽约州), 阿米尔Ghaffari Nikou (夏洛特, 北卡罗来纳州) 和纳希德史密斯(华盛顿, 哥伦比亚特区) 合格这些试验在东区第二名之后, 最后的机会和西方预选赛, 分别。Chavon戴维斯 (曼斯菲尔德, 俄亥俄) 和罗伯特·马吉(伯恩斯厂, 密苏里州) 添加到字段之后哈维尔·马丁内斯和阿德里安·蒂尔曼, 东,西预选赛冠军在这个师在等权重类选择的竞争,他们有资格在.

                                                       重量级/ 201千克lbs./91

在两个不同的重量等级资格后, 阿德里安·蒂尔曼 (科罗拉多斯普林斯, 科罗拉多州。) 选择在重量级用是两个拳击手之一,在这个师的希望竞争, 然而, 该 2018 精英全国锦标赛重量级银牌得主将有一个艰难的支架挡开推进。纳吉·洛佩兹 (Ellenwood, 嘎。), 布兰登·摩尔(莱克兰, 佛罗里达州。) 和德文年轻(艾肯, 南卡罗) 在三个区域资格赛加冕冠军和三个将寻求继续胜利的道路在几周内, 而约书亚·爱德华兹 (休斯顿, 得克萨斯州), 大流士Fulghum (Rosharon的, 得克萨斯州) 和贾马塔利 (卡姆登, 新泽西州) 完成第二次在区域预选赛,但可以把它一个有趣的一周在美国路易斯安那州. 2016 精英全国冠军和 2018 铜牌Cymone科尔尼 (博蒙特, 得克萨斯州) 是晚除了后场贾里德·安德森移动的专业队伍,并可能很多惊喜.

超重量级/ 201 + lbs./ 91+ 公斤

随着两届美国拳击精英全国冠军的医疗豁免和 2019 泛美运动会铜牌得主理查德Torrez小(莱里, 加利福尼亚州。)** 由美国拳击被接受, 超重量级大开了八个拳击手查干湖的竞争。 2019东方和西方预选赛冠军耶利米米尔顿 (塔尔萨, 俄克拉何马州。) 和安东尼奥·米雷莱斯 (得梅因, 爱荷华州) 看起来是胜利的一次他们站在后讲台之上,在其各自的活动资格, 而多米尼克Okopie (休斯顿, 得克萨斯州) 抓住最后机会资格赛冠军,以确保他在当场比赛。路易斯·阿尔瓦拉多 (Keonsha, 威斯康星州。) 由今年年初的令人印象深刻的国际首演,并期待使用了该司的其他拳手是宝贵的经验。Dacarree斯科特(迪凯特, 嘎。), 普赖斯·泰勒 (布鲁克林, 纽约州) 和肯扬·沃克 (San Antonio, 得克萨斯州) 通过在它们各自的限定事件将第二冲压他们的票路易斯安那, 而德安德鲁 - 萨维奇 (拉斯维加斯, 内华达州。) 排位赛到去年的精英全国锦标赛后,将返回到国家舞台.

拳击将在周一开始, 十二月. 9 在查尔斯湖文娱中心, 随着总决赛发生周日, 十二月. 15 在掘金酒店在 & 赌场.

**谁从接收医疗豁免义和团 2020 中美. 奥运代表队选拔赛拳击将在一月竞争. 4, 2020 在对阵亚军,在科罗拉多斯普林斯的重师的箱子关闭, 膝部. 有机会晋级的运动员选拔程序的下一阶段**


美国拳击的使命是促进和在美国成长奥林匹克式的业余拳击和激发不懈追求奥运金牌,使运动员和教练获得持续的竞争优势。另外, 美国拳击努力教所有参与者的角色, 信心和关注,他们需要成为弹性和多样化的冠军, 无论是在和在圆环外面。美国拳击是 一个团体, 一个国家, 力争金牌!

Atif Oberlton representing City of Brotherly Love all the way to the World Championships

科罗拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (八月 22, 2019) – There’s a new rising force on the international boxing scene and his name is 与Atif Oberlton, a light heavyweight from Philadelphia, who is on a mission to make a name for himself in boxing.

Oberlton will be competing at the Elite Men’s World Championships, 九月 7-21, 在叶卡捷琳堡, 俄罗斯.

Lacking confidence is not an issue for the 21-year-old boxer who claims, “It’s very important for me to do well and win at the Worlds, because I know for a fact that, in my heart, I’m the best fighter in the world. Also, I’m new on the international scene, so it’s time for me to give a piece of what they’ve been missing.”

Oberlton started boxing at the age of nine, although he didn’t start competing until he was 14, because he was the only boy in his family, and his father wanted him to learn how to defend himself. Like so many of his teammates, he fell in love with boxing.

In the last five years, Oberlton has captured gold medals at the 2018 和 2016 全国金手套锦标赛, 2018 Eastern Elite Qualifier and 2014 National Junior Olympics. He also was a victor in the USA vs. Netherlands Dual.

“My greatest accomplishment so far is making Team USA and being where I’m at, because for years and years I was denied, and here I am today in the top spot where I belong. I’m a top-spot fighter, so I deserve it, and I put down top-notch work, too”

Overlton has taken advantage of training in Colorado Springs at the U.S. 奥林匹克训练中心, where he has shown improvement from day one, honing his skills to become a complete boxer.

“Conditioning plays a big part in my improvement; also seeing different styles, and getting top work has elevated me,” he spoke about training as a Team USA member. “I always break new barriers on the road to greatness and this (The Worlds) is another one I’m looking to smash through.”

In addition to representing his country, Oberlton is a proud Philly fighter continuing the long, rich boxing tradition in the City of Brotherly Love, which has produced the likes of伯纳德·霍普金斯大学Mathew Saad Muhammad本尼·布里斯科乔伊GiardelloMike Rossman,James ShulerEugene Hart and so many more great fighters over the years.

“My city is known for its great boxing history and I wear ‘The City of Philadelphia’ on my back,” Oberlton added. “In a few more years down the line, I see myself leading the next wave of Philly boxers. In fact, I feel like I am the wave, 现在, as we speak. Everyone’s watching me. I will do them all proud, from both the old and young generations.

“I haven’t been to Russia and I’m looking forward to going there. It’s always good to see the world. I always like to go back where I’m from and try to convince others to see the world, because it’s much bigger than our neighborhood.”

Oberlton is like a chameleon in the ring, constantly changing and adjusting to his opponent. “I consider my style like water,” he concluded. “It’s wavy because I adjust to win, and I can beat any style. I can outsmart anybody, fighting mind over matter. Boxing is 80-percent mental, 20-percent physical, and I have it all.

“My short-term goal is to win gold at The Worlds and everything else leading to the Olympics. And winning no less than gold at the Olympics. My long-term goal is to be the greatest fighter to ever walk the universe.”

Confidence is definitely not a problem for Atif Oberlton.



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科罗拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (八月 19, 2019) – 密尔沃基不是号称世界级的拳手的领先生产商之一, 然而, 美国队中量级
哈维尔·马丁内斯 可能是罕见的例外.

“密尔沃基是不是真的对拳击的好地方,” 马丁内斯同意, “但 (教练) 阿科斯塔的Izzy 一直是产生了很多全国冠军的一个伟大的计划. 希望, 有一天,我可以做什么,他对我做市. 我们确实有一些优秀的战士走出我的健身房谁仍然在上升. 当心我的孩子, 路易斯·费利西亚诺, 前美国国家冠军 (26岁的初中量级是 12-0 与八胜由击倒亲).”

最著名的战斗机出来密尔沃基是世界自由搏击冠军 干草堆 “喷气” 鲁弗斯. 已经有一个值得注意的几个密尔沃基拳手多年来, 含 迈伦 “粉红” 米切尔, 谁成为世界第一初中量级冠军 1922, 罗伯特· “穴居人” 莫哈 (1910-15), 前国手 泰隆 “蝴蝶” 瞬间, 和泛美运动会铜牌得主,两届全国业余冠军, LeChaunce谢泼德.

马丁内斯目前在中美训练在科罗拉多斯普林斯. 奥运会和残奥会培训中心世锦赛, 九月 7-21, 在叶卡捷琳堡, 俄罗斯.

“这是一个很好的感觉,我打算趁着这个机会,充分利用,” 马丁内斯谈到在世界锦标赛的竞争. “我喜欢来科罗拉多; 它就像疗法对我来说, 让我远离杂念回家. 我很高兴能去俄罗斯. 我感谢美国拳击所有我有机会, 我希望带回俄罗斯奖牌。”

马丁内斯说,他没有一个正常的童年, 解释说,他抬头看向错误的人. 他的生活变好了,他的父亲把他介绍给拳击和满足教练阿科斯塔, 谁是最近由美国拳击校友会表彰他对业余拳击的贡献作为一个拳击手和教练在过去的半个世纪.

“我不知道我会做的今天 (如果不是拳击),” 注意马丁内斯, 谁转 24 八月 24. “我只知道,拳击是我的出路在“罩. 教练的Izzy是一个非常有爱心的人, 和一个伟大的人有大约. 他有一个很好的拳击生涯中,它是伟大的,有一个人一样,在我的角落。”

马丁内斯, 谁是否. 2 中量级排名在美国, 捕获在金牌 2018 精英全国锦标赛,并在银 2016 & 2017 精英全国锦标赛. 他还带回家铜牌从 2013 全国青少年奥运会和费利克斯·斯塔姆锦标赛.

自我描述为一个尴尬的左撇子谁可以给任何人的问题, 马丁内斯’ 短期目标是成为一名奥运金牌得主, 长期成为世界冠军.

哈维尔·马丁内斯正在密尔沃基荣幸能够punchin’ 他的方式达到顶峰.

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Facebook的: /USABoxing

Boxing brought Lamont Ingram back from deepest depths of despair to giving back to at-risk youths

科罗拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (七月 8, 2019) – Former boxing prospect Lamont Ingram has survived hell on earth, which included him losing virtually everything in his life, and now he’s giving back to at-risk youths in Jackson, 田纳西.

上个月, Ingram was selected Most Outstanding Referee of USA Boxing’s 2019 全国少年奥运会.

Ingram’s recovery is nothing short of incredible, especially considering he went from being an outstanding amateur boxer, who competed successfully in national amateur tournaments, to homelessness, blindness in both eyes, two failed suicide attempts and, 可惜, much more despair.

I am no longer ashamed of what I went through because it made me the man I am today,” the 38-year-old Ingram said. “My life had been so hard that I was ashamed to talk about it for so long. I now understand that my struggles are my testimony for the next person to see that he or she can make it if they keep trying.

Boxing is all I knew, but I couldn’t see out of one eye (cornea injury) that developed at the age of 19. I got mad at God and wanted to retire. I got depressed and didn’t understand why this had happened. 在 2008, I became homeless the first time with nowhere to go. I lost everything, 包括我的家人, and then went (legally) blind in the other eye. 然后, God told me to work with children, and I also opened the non-profit halfway house.

Boxing taught me how to never give up no matter how hard it gets. 在 2013, I lost everything for the second time: my business, 我的家人, 一切…..and I went homeless again. But I never gave up! The following year, when everyone said it was over for me, God gave me everything back times two. I lost the building I was in, but eventually I found another building. I had no money and I lost that building in 2013. God gave it back to me in 2016, when the man who bought it, gave it back to me. 现在, I have the only two Federal and State halfway houses in Tennessee for special and general populations with more than 50 beds. I’m mostly at capacity all the time with men who have done 50 years calendar down to those who have done five years.

Ingram operates the Second ChanceNew BeginningHalfway House and Homeless Shelter, as well as the Team Ingram Boxing & Mentoring Program.

Lamont started boxing when he was 14, because he used to be severely bullied to the point of having his head smashed into a brick wall, thrown into a garbage can, and jumped on repeatedly by others. Ingram’s mother sent him to a boxing coach, Rayford Collins, which turned out to be arguably the most life-changing moments of his life.

I liked boxing,” Lamont remembered. “I wasn’t the best boxer, but I did beat some good boxers. I was a very determined young man, 虽然. 我是 58-10 同 35 knockouts as an amateur boxer. I got my special education high school diploma and later I graduated from Kaplan University with a 3.7 GPA in Business and Chemical Dependency.

Most kids (in the boxing program) can’t afford the fee to our summer camp or boxing program going on right now. We give them a free breakfast and lunch. I really enjoy this, but I would have never thought that I’d be doing what I’m doing.


创建冠军终身, 美国拳击和校友之间的互利关系, -拳击手, 官员, 教练和拳击迷 — 校友会连冠军的代, 鼓舞人心,回馈美国拳击的未来拳击冠军, 进出环.

美国拳击校友会是开放的人谁爱拳击,并希望保持与业余拳击连接. 成员被授予各种特别活动由校友协会主办的访问, 包括其成名接待年度美国拳击校友会馆.

加入校友会, 只需在登记 alumni@usaboxing.org 为一个 $40.00 每年的会员费. 新成员将获得T恤, 钥匙扣和电子钱包.

Team Ingram Boxing Club & Mentoring Program was founded in 2017, after Ingram’s long battle associated with him not wanting anything to do with boxing, because he believed God had done him wrong for taking away from what he loved to do and was good at, 拳击. When his amateur coach, 科林斯, died in 2016, Lamont decided to take a larger role at the gym, to the point he was there every day.

For some reason I wanted to be part of it and help like my coach had helped save my life,” Ingram explained. “Boxing helped me. My coach was very firm, strict and very disciplined, but he loved us and wanted only the best for us. We have so many success stories that range from those that nobody could handle, to those who had F’s in school, plus those who had no hope at all. These youths are my world; I see myself and I know that change is possible, because I changed.

The ultimate goal of my program is to instill life skills that will go with each young person throughout their individual lives like it has for me. I understand that not everyone will be an Olympic champion, or make the USA Olympic Team, become national or world champion. They can be a piece that sows the seed that never departs the one they sowed it to.

Ingram has been a registered USA Boxing coach and official for three years. After becoming a level 2 官方, he was chosen to referee the final day of the 2018 东区预选赛, a rare feat for a relatively inexperienced official, 至少可以说. 在 2019, he judged at the Western Qualifier and ranked No. 9 在......之外 100, which is an unheard-of accomplishment for a level 2 官方.

Boxing saved my life and it changed my life,” Ingram claimed. “I had a bad anger problem. I wouldn’t listen and I was disrespectful to my parents and authority figures. I stayed in trouble, on intensive probation, or locked up in juvenile detentions centers.

I am a respectful, humble and dedicated official who loves boxing and watching people achieve their goals. People always told me what I couldn’t do; boxing showed me what I could do.

And countless young men and women in Tennessee and the mid-South, not just Lamont, are the beneficiaries today of Lamont Ingram’s truly remarkable metamorphosis.

叽叽喳喳: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni
Instagram的: @USABoxing
Facebook的: /USABoxing


贾迈尔 “永远忠诚” 鲱鱼爱国者, 奥林匹亚 & 现在世界冠军

美国拳击校友: (L) 贾迈尔鲱鱼和他的stablemate, 特伦斯 “芽” 克劳福德
(米奇·威廉姆斯的图片礼貌 / 热门排名)

科罗拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (六月 13, 2019) – 新加冕的世界拳击组织 (WBO) 超羽量级冠军 贾迈尔 “永远忠诚” 鲱鱼 一直是一个战士几乎所有他的生活作为中美. 海洋和精英拳手.

这位33岁的鲱鱼 (20-2, 10 科斯), 战斗了辛辛那提, 已经兜了一圈,因为他在岁开始拳击 15. “我开始因为我在学校表现不佳, 从篮球队除名,” 他为什么他选择了甜蜜的科学解释. “我不想在街上. 这不是我的性格, 所以我只好找点别的事情做. 一位朋友向我介绍了拳击和我坚持了下来. 我最终得到了我的成绩备份和采用高光荣榜。”

鲱鱼也发展成为一个奥运拳击手, 主要是当他在中美经过九年的狱中. 海军陆战队员, 甚至当他在伊拉克部署了两次. 他编写了一个 81-15 业余纪录, 包括在最高荣誉 2011 & 2012 武装部队锦标赛, 2011 中美. 奥运选拔赛和 2012 美国国民金牌得主, 随着在银牌 2010 世界军人运动会. 他是第一位现役中美. 海洋晋级美国拳击队自 1992, 以及所述第一U.S. 海洋在竞争 2012 奥运会.

“我在空闲时间,我的第二个部署期间盒装一点点,” 他指出,. “我从我朝结束第二部署回来 2007 并开始拳击海军陆战队 2008. 我的大部分业余生涯中遭到海军陆战队. 我学到了很多与海军陆战队前往. 我看到更多的款式,并在全国比赛竞争的海洋. 他们也有资金来送我。”

他的业余生涯的亮点是在代表他的国家 2012 在伦敦奥运会上为美国队队长. 虽然他失去了 (19-9) 在首轮以两个时间哈萨克拳手 丹尼亚尔·耶莱西诺弗, 谁在夺得金牌 2013 世界锦标赛,并在以后 2016 奥运会, 开幕奥林匹克仪式是他的整个的业余拳击生涯中最难忘的时刻特殊原因.

“那是我女儿的逝世纪念日,” 赫林说. “它让我知道,不管什么, 你仍然可以完成任何事情, 甚至通过跌宕起伏。”

其他成员 2012 美国奥运代表队队长鲱鱼中包括亲队伍当今世界冠军,如 埃罗尔·斯彭斯, JR., Claressa盾马库斯·布朗, 前世界冠军 拉奥肖·沃伦, 和世界冠军挑战者 特雷尔Gausha, 迈克尔·亨特多米尼克Breazeale.

鲱鱼仍然接近美国拳击, 话: “美国拳击帮助我,因为关系我创建, 其中有许多今天仍然. 我遇到了其他战士来自世界各地,我一直有良好的合作关系. 这也帮助我成为更多人的人我今天的. 作为球队的队长教我的耐心, 因为我要处理很多个性, 我今天仍然使用这些特质. 今天,我仍然接近我的奥运队友。”


创建于冠军终身, 美国拳击和校友之间的互利关系, –拳击手, 官员, 教练和拳击迷 — 校友会连冠军的代, 鼓舞人心,回馈美国拳击的未来拳击冠军, 进出环.

美国拳击校友会是开放的人谁爱拳击,并希望保持与业余拳击连接. 成员被授予各种特别活动由校友协会主办的访问, 包括其成名接待年度美国拳击校友会馆.

加入校友会, 只需在登记 alumni@usaboxing.org 为一个 $40.00 每年的会员费. 新成员将获得T恤, 钥匙扣和电子钱包.

“贾迈尔是弹性和持久性的完美典范,” 提到 克里斯tofflemire, 美国拳击校友会主任. “他的辛勤工作, 牺牲, 并不能退出,无论他遇到将继续激励下一代的冠军多年什么障碍. 美国拳击校友会要感谢他所有,他已经给他人, 无论是在和在圆环外面。”

没有曾经来容易贾迈勒鲱鱼, 他的小女儿的惨痛损失后,尤其是他的显着好转, Ariyanah, 其中,奥运会开幕式之前发生三年的日子.

“我的路是不容易,” 鲱鱼加, “我有我的酸甜苦辣. 我是一名奥运选手, 但没有什么是以往任何时候交给我. 我不得不为争取一切我已经得到. 这是我的时间!”

必然是, 尤其是在他击败卫冕WBO超轻量级冠军 伊藤正幸, 今年五月 25, 成为世界冠军. 证明了好东西确实发生在好人身上.

叽叽喳喳: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumni
Instagram的: @USABoxing
Facebook的: /USABoxing

USA Boxing standout bantamweight Duke Ragan fighting for his daughter’s future

科罗拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (五月 29, 2019) – Boxers fight for a variety of reasons. Team USA bantamweight 拉根公爵 is driven in the gym and ring by his two-year-old daughter, Kennedy Ragan.

The 21-year-old Ragan trains with his fellow elite squad members in Colorado Springs, 科罗拉多州, which is a long way from his home and daughter in Cincinnati.

It is difficult being away from her,” Ragan admitted, “but she motivates me. I’m boxing for our future.

Ragan’s future in boxing is bright. He is the No. 1 bantamweight in the United States, who plans to cash-out after the 2020 日本奥运.

Although he had his first amateur match when he was seven, Ragan was practically born to box, evident by pictures of him as an infant wearing baby boxing gloves. His father and coach, 德里克 “DukeRag一个, who named his son with his own nickname, had a lot of friends who were boxers. When Duke’s older brother by six years, Lewis Walker, trained at their uncle Sean Singleton‘s gym, young Duke was being trained in the house by his father.

I played other sports when I was young, but I didn’t in high school,” Ragan said. “My father started training me when I was six and a year later, I was at the gym training and sparring. I didn’t want to play any sports other than boxing.

Ragan has a 151-19 业余纪录, highlighted by his silver-medal performance at the 2017 世锦赛. He captured gold at the 2016 & 2018 精英全国锦标赛, qualifying him for the 2020 Olympic Trials for Boxing, as well as at the 2016 全国金手套锦标赛.

In addition to winning a silver medal at the 2017 世锦赛, Ragan has been successful in other International competition, 在...获得最高荣誉 2017 Chemistry Cup, runner-up at the 2018 Presidents Cup, and third place finishes in the 2017 Continental Championships and 2019 Pan American Qualifier in Nicaragua. In the latter tournament, Ragan lost in the semifinals to Ecuadorian Jean Caicedo, 3-2, to qualify for the Pan-American Games, 七月 27 in Lima, 秘鲁.

Ragan is looking forward to avenging his controversial loss to Caicedo at the Pan-American Games. “I was the No. 1 seed at the Pan American Qualifier, and I think I’ll be the No. 1 seed at the Pan American Games,” Ragan commented. “I think I got a bad decision in the semifinals. There will be some good competition at the Pan American Games, but nobody for me to worry about.

Self-described as a pure boxer who enjoys moving around the ring snapping jabs, Ragan also has sufficient power to put opponents to sleep. He wants to become part of Cincinnati’s rich boxing history, which has produced all-time greats such as 亚伦普赖尔,Ezzard Charles, Adrian Broner, Rau'shee沃伦Tim Austin, 等等.

Pryor and Charles boxed in the same community where I grew up,” Ragan noted. “I really haven’t done anything yet, but it would be cool to be world champion like them.

USA Boxing has played a major role in Ragan’s young life and, if he gets his wish, it’ll continue to be for at least another year or so. “My main focus is 2020, I’ll worry about turning pro after that,” 他说. “Amateur boxing has brought me a long way. I’m more disciplined, better focused, and a much smarter boxer. I have a higher boxing IQ. I’ve also had to learn to make sacrifices, because I’ve got to be a man to make time for my young daughter. All of this is getting me ready to be a professional.

Ragan has traveled around the world as a Team USA boxer having been to Germany and Kazakhstan (twice apiece), 波兰, Bulgaria and Nicaragua. 最终,, Duke Ragan wants to continue representing his country and traveling all over the world, hopefully, booking a trip to Tokyo next year.

叽叽喳喳: @USABoxing, @Duke1Ragan
Instagram的: @USABoxing
Facebook的: /USABoxing

Lightweight Keyshawn Davis preparing to go gold digging next year in Japan at 2020 奥运会

科罗拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (五月 20, 2019) – Team USA lightweight Keyshawn戴维斯 has been preparing all of his young life to represent his country in the Olympics. If everything goes as planned and remains on schedule, the Norfolk, Virginia native will be boxing for gold next year in Japan.

The 20-year-old Davis, 谁体育一个 110-15 业余纪录, is racking up medals at such a torrid pace that he desperately needs to expand his display case. He is a two-time Elite National (2017-18) and two-time National PAL (2013-14) 冠军, 以及金牌得主 2017 东方精英预选赛, 2017 Youth Open and 2017 全国金手套.

Internationally, he’s done some serious damage, 太. The highlight of his amateur career, 至今, is winning gold at last year’s Strandja Tournament in Bulgaria. Davis recently captured silver at the 2019 Pan-American Games Qualifier in Nicaragua, in addition to the 2018 Chemistry Cup in Germany.

I won my first International gold medal in Bulgaria,” Davis agreed with it being the highlight of his amateur career. “I was also selected as the Most Outstanding Boxer.

His victory at the 2018 USA Nationals qualified him for the 2020 Olympic Trials for Boxing, while his silver at the Pan American Games Qualifier qualified him for the Pan American Games (July 27-August 2) in Lima, 秘鲁. This year he will also be competing at the Elite Men’s World Championships (七. 7-21) 在叶卡捷琳堡, 俄罗斯.

Qualifying for the Olympic Trials really wasn’t much of an accomplishment for me because it was expected,” Davis noted. “For me it was to get on Team USA, again and this is my second year on the team.

There’s no real competition for me to qualify for the USA Olympic Boxing Team. My last fight in The Nationals was a little bit of a challenge (VS. DALIS属性), because I slipped and got up.

At the Pan American Games, Davis could very well face the Cuban boxer who defeated him by a score of 3-2 at the Pan American Games Qualifier, Andy Cruz, setting up a possible rubber match between the two elite boxers next year at the Olympic Games.

There’s a very good chance we’ll fight again at the Pan-Am Games, most likely in Japan, 还有,” Davis added. “We have to win two rounds to qualify for the finals and for me to get my revenge. Cruz has a lot more International experience than I do. 他 26 years old and World Champion in our weight class.

Davis started boxing when he was nine when, tired of Keyshawn and his two brothers fighting each other and in school, his mother asked if they wanted to go to the gym to learn how to box. They did and today, his older (开尔文) 和年轻的 (基翁) brothers are also amateur boxers.

Not long after that he met 特洛伊艾斯利, who is a fellow member of Team USA, and today they’re as close as brothers.

I met Troy way back, after I first started boxing,” Davis remembered. “We’d meet up at the Nationals and other tournaments and hang together with my brothers. My coach retired, so I went to Troy’s gym (亚历山大, VA) and started working with Coach Kay (Koroma, USA Assistant National Boxing Coach). We’re getting close to our dream (representing the USA in the Olympics) that started so long ago that it seems unreal to be getting close. You can expect two boxers from Virginia to come back from Japan with gold medals. We’re like brothers.

Coach Kay first cornered me when I was 13. He’s a great coach who wants us to succeed in life, not just in the ring. He wants the best for us. We have one of the best U.S. boxing teams in a long time and it’s going to show in Japan. We always help each other out and this is a very exciting time for us right now.

Another close friend of Keyshawn’s is, 2018 奥运会银牌得主 沙库尔·史蒂文森, who has been through what Keyshawn is approaching, and is now at the level as a professional prospect in which Davis aspires to reach.

Shakur has always supported me,” 戴维斯继续. “We talk a lot. 老老实实, it’s hard for me not to think about turning pro, because my amateur career will be over after the Olympics. I’ve always been taught to have a plan, so I’ve been preparing, business-wise, looking into my options (manager and promoter), and to stay on the right track from the amateurs to pros.

If he wasn’t a boxer, Davis figures he’d be a realtor, but he’s thoroughly enjoying the life as a boxer.

This has been a great experience,” Davis spoke about his amateur boxing career, “especially this year getting ready for the Pan AMs. I’ve had opportunities to travel and meet people, but the best part is being part of a team like this. Boxing is an individual sport but, 环外, we’re always pushing hard for each other.

I thank God every day when I get up for putting me in this position. All I want to do is provide for me and my family. 在我的年龄, I’m ahead of the game.

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Troy Isley coming off biggest win, Preparing for 2020 奥运会

科罗拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (五月 6, 2019) – USA Boxing middleweight 特洛伊艾斯利 is coming off the most significant victory of his young career, when he defeated the 2016 奥运金牌得主, 古巴的 Arlen Lopez, at the recent Pan American Games Qualifier in Managua, 尼加拉瓜.

Lopez served as a positive barometer for Isley in terms of his potential 2020 Olympic run. “Beating Lopez is my biggest win so far,” Isley admitted. “He won a gold medal at the last Olympics. I avenged my loss to him in 2017. We almost fought in The Continentals, but he lost in the quarterfinals, and I lost in the semifinals. We could face each other again in July at the Pan American Games.

在 2017, Isley captured a gold medal at the Elite World Championships, which marked a first for an American elite boxer in six years. He’s progressed year-by-year, 在...获得最高荣誉 2012 & 2013 National PAL Championships, 2014 全国少年奥运会, 2016 & 2017 精英全国锦标赛. So far this year, in addition to winning at the Pan American Games Qualifier, he also took gold at the Strandja Tournament in Bulgaria.

Not too shabby accomplishments for a kid who really didn’t like boxing, especially compared to football, which was his favorite sport growing up.

When I returned to the gym I trained at, 亚历山大 (VA) Boxing Club,” USA National Team assistant coach Kay Koromba 记住了,” they needed help with a young kid, 特洛伊艾斯利. I had a simple conversation with him. He said he’d come back to the gym if I was there coaching. I didn’t go back for a little while and he didn’t return. I eventually took over the gym when the coach left, and Troy returned.

Troy is friends with Keyshawn Dav是 (USA Boxing’s No. 1-rated lightweight). They both live in Virginia (Troy in Alexandria, Keyshawn in Newport) and train with me at the Alexandria Boxing Club, when we aren’t living and training in Colorado Springs. They fought as kids and became good friends. All of the other boxers here look up to them.

“我只是 8 and at first I really didn’t like boxing,” the now 20-year-old Isley spoke about his introduction to amateur boxing. “I was more interested in team sports like football, but I gave up boxing when I chose to compete in the Box-Offs. I just wanted to be a kid and you can’t play boxing. I went back to the gym and beat up everybody. Coach Kay told my father that he could make me into a national champion, and that gave me a lot of self-esteem.

A self-described boxer puncher, Isley is an intelligent, well-spoken boxer with eyes on the future, outside of boxing, taking on-line business courses through DeVry University. “I can do it all,” he offered about his boxing style. “I’m working on using more jabs to be a better all-around boxer. The jab sets the offense up. I’m working on my jab because you can win fights with a jab.

Promoters are lining up to pitch their companies to sign Isley, who has a definitive plan that involves making the 2020 美国奥林匹克拳击队, medal in Japan, and then turn professional.

The Olympics is only a year away,” Isley noted. “I’m close with Keyshawn and Shakur(史蒂文森, 2016 Olympic silver-medalist and an 11-0 pro prospect). Training with them makes things easier for all of us. We drive each other and train against different styles. I’m always picking up new stuff. We help each other training, 陪练, and just talking. We’re always together, either in Alexandria or Colorado Springs. Shakur still goes there for good sparring.

Shakur tells us a lot about his experiences in the Olympics and now as a pro. Me and Keyshawn have always talked about being together on the USA Boxing Olympic Team. We keep working hard and staying focused. It’s been our dream.

Dreams do come true but, 第一, Isley is preparing for the Pan-Am Games and, 或者, his rubber match with the defending Olympic gold-medalist, 洛佩兹.

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格雷厄姆和小托雷兹. 赢得金牌; 科在决赛中获得银牌 2019 斯特兰贾比赛

美国队离开索非亚, 保加利亚获得八枚奖牌

科罗拉多斯普林斯, 膝部 (二月. 19, 2019) — 第 70 届 Strandja 锦标赛今天落下帷幕,美国队在昨天索非亚半决赛中赢得了 5 枚铜牌,并赢得了两枚金牌和一枚银牌, 保加利亚.

2018 女子精英世锦赛铜牌得主 娜奥米·格雷厄姆 (科罗拉多斯普林斯, 科罗拉多州。) 以分歧判定击败瑞典选手洛夫·霍尔格森后,她在国际赛场上再添一枚奖牌. 这是自开赛以来中量级获得的第四枚国际奖牌 2018.

超级重量级 理查德Torrez JR. (莱里, 加利福尼亚州。) 以壮观的方式结束比赛,夺得另一枚国际金牌. 托雷兹包揽了全部五名评委’ 战胜东道主佩塔尔·贝尔贝罗夫赢得他的第二枚精英国际金牌. 比赛结束时, 托雷兹入选拳击手锦标赛.

2018 突破之星 卡里尔·科 (泽西市, 新泽西州) 俄罗斯伊玛目哈塔耶夫轻松获胜后获得银牌.

特洛伊艾斯利 (亚历山大, 弗吉尼亚州。), Delante约翰逊 (克利夫兰, 俄亥俄) Oshae琼斯 (托莱多, 俄亥俄), Morelle McCane (克利夫兰, 俄亥俄) 和 Yarisel拉米雷斯 (拉斯维加斯, 内华达州。) 在昨天的半决赛中为美国队获得铜牌.

美国队开始比赛 25 拳击手与主教练比利·沃尔什 (科罗拉多斯普林斯, 科罗拉多州。) 带领美国代表团全程参加比赛, 与美国拳击国家队助理教练 Kay Koroma 一起 (科罗拉多斯普林斯, 科罗拉多州。). 拉辛·阿里 (克利夫兰, 俄亥俄), 蒂姆·贝克 (辛辛那提, 俄亥俄), 凯文·本福德 (辛辛那提, 俄亥俄), 乔·古兹曼 (喷泉, 加利福尼亚州。) 和克里斯汀·洛佩兹 (罗莱特, 得克萨斯州) 比赛期间担任教练组成员. 今年的比赛结束了 300 来自以上的拳击手 30 不同国家步入擂台.


您可以通过以下方式回顾美国队在整个锦标赛中的表现 点击这里.


75 公斤: 娜奥米·格雷厄姆, 科罗拉多斯普林斯, 科罗拉多州/美国, 十二月. 超越爱霍尔格森/SWE, 3-2
81 公斤: 伊玛目哈塔耶夫/俄罗斯以轻松获胜获胜 卡里尔·科, 泽西市, 新泽西州/美国, 在哪里
91+ 公斤: 理查德Torrez小, 莱里, 加利福尼亚/美国, 十二月. 佩塔尔·贝尔贝罗夫/BUL, 5-0

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