Tag Arsip: Gelut New England

Kahiji amatir BOUT ngumumkeun pikeun NEF XIX janji kembang api

Lewiston, Maine (Juli 2, 2015) - Gelut New England (NEF), Amérika sacara jumlah-hiji promotion fight regional, bakal tahan dicampur-bela diri-seni nineteenth nya (MMA) kajadian, “NEF XIX,” dina Saptu, September 12, 2015 di Androscoggin Bank Colisee di Lewiston, Maine. Saméméhna ayeuna, the promotion announced the first amateur bout on the fight card. Kandar Lear (3-1) ieu rencanana papanggih Henry Clark (2-1) dina catchweight of 140-pounds.


Lear made his amateur debut with NEF in the summer of 2013. He has accumulated a perfect record of 3-0 dina kandang NEF, his only amateur loss coming outside the promotion on a fight card in New Hampshire this past spring. Two of Lear’s three victories in NEF have come by strikes while in mount position. He has exhibited one of the most effective ground-and-pound offenses of any amateur currently on the NEF roster. Lear is a member of Young’s MMA in Bangor, Maine.


“Dina préparasi Clark, urang bakal ningali pikeun meunangkeun 1% leuwih alus unggal poé,” ceuk Lear kemah fight-na di Young Kang. “As per dawam, ieu baris jadi usaha team mah mikawanoh sarta ngahormatan tangtangan payun urang. Henry is dangerous and versatile.


Lear is correct in his conclusion. Henry Clark represents the Choi Institute in Portland, Maine, and he has shown a wide array of abilities in his first three bouts both on his feet and on the mat. In his debut fight at “NEF XV” gugur pamungkas, Clark ieu seukeut jeung keuna di babak kahiji ngalawan Sheldon Bang (2-2) prior to submitting Bang off his back in the second with a triangle choke. Clark recognizes that Lear is especially deadly in top position, tapi yakin manéhna bisa datang jauh jeung win dina September 12 di Lewiston.


“Kuring bener bener gelo ngeunaan ieu tarung,” exclaimed Clark. “Ieu gelut pasti kuring rek salaku artis bela diri ngembang. Fred is super tough and a nightmare once he gets on top of you. Kitu cenah, I feel as though I have the skill and ability to ruin Fred’s night on 12 September. I’m hungry for this challenge.


Gelut New England’ kajadian saterusna, “NEF XIX,” lumangsung dina Saptu, September 12, 2015 di Androscoggin Bank Colisee di Lewiston, Maine. Tiket pikeun “NEF XIX” mimitian jam saukur $25 jeung nu diobral ayeuna di www.TheColisee.com atawa ku nelepon kotak kantor Colisee di207.783.2009 x 525. Kanggo inpo nu langkung lengkep ihwal kajadian jeung fight apdet kartu, mangga buka website kampanye nu aya di www.NewEnglandFights.com. Salaku tambahan, Anjeun bisa lalajo video NEF di www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, turutan éta kontak dina Twitternefights jeung ngiluan gugus Facebook resmi "New England gelut."

PACARAN POPULAR nyieun lila-tunggu mulang AT NEF XIX

Lewiston, Maine (Juli 1, 2015) - Gelut New England (NEF), Amérika sacara jumlah-hiji promotion fight regional, bakal tahan dicampur-bela diri-seni nineteenth nya (MMA) kajadian, “NEF XIX,” dina Saptu, September 12, 2015 di Androscoggin Bank Colisee di Lewiston, Maine. Saméméhna ayeuna, the promotion announced the addition of a professional lightweight bout to the fight card. Matt “Ken boneka” Denning (1-0) bakal mulang sanggeus henteuna lengthy pikeun nyanghareupan Zenon “Wartos” Herrera (0-1) di beurat fight of 155-pounds.


Denning last appeared for NEF in November 2014. After a 4-1 karir di NEF salaku amatir, Denning debut di jajaran professional magrib nu ngalawan Saderek Shorey (2-2). He would win the fight by first-round submission. Denning will make the move up to 155-pounds from 145-pounds for this fight. He is a member of Lewiston’s Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ).


“Sanggeus nyokot sababaraha waktu off, asa hade jadi deui pikeun NEF,” ceuk Denning. “Eta nu keur jalan jadi pancer fight-Zenon geus miboga leuwih ti sapuluh gelut ammy jeung dijieun debut pro ngalawan palatih mah, anu mangrupa lawan bener pancer. Hijina leungitna mah geus miboga pikeun NEF ieu di 155 jeung nu keur jalan jadi test keur kuring datang deui tur tingal kumaha mah. Kuring hiji 155er leutik sarta Kuring siap pikeun mintonkeun pangabisa meunang leuwih ti ukuran. Hal ieu sigana ieu bakal gelut anjing pangpanjangna mah geus miboga, tapi abdi siap dinya.”


Zenon Herrera is hungry for a win after dropping his last two fights in a row. Herrera made his professional debut at “NEF XVIII” bulan pamungkas dina usaha kalah ka palatih CMBJJ Jesse Erickson (5-4). He is an independent fighter out of Skowhegan, Maine. Herrera is a veteran of both the United States Army and Marine Corps, sanggeus dilayanan a digabungkeun salapan taun antara dua cabang militer.


“Tujuan pangbadagna mah, kumisan ti sia win a, nyadiakeun fans MMA jeung gelut nu maranéhanana ngarasakeun jeung asa nempo deui jeung deui,” Ngadawuh Herrera. “Kapungkur waktos, I jujur ​​ngarasa yen hayu atuh eta fans turun. I know that I am able to do much more than what I showcased the last time I was in the NEF cage. This upcoming match with Matt Denning, I jujur ​​percaya yén everyone bakal ningali Zenon anyar sarta pohara beda jeung 'Kabar’ Herrera. I have all of the respect in the world for Matt Denning -I do for everyone I face in this sport. Tapi ieu ayeuna, Kuring teu ngan boga ngabuktikeun ka fans naon bisa mah ulah – Kuring geus ngabuktikeun ka sorangan ogé.”


Gelut New England’ kajadian saterusna, “NEF XIX,” lumangsung dina Saptu, September 12, 2015 di Androscoggin Bank Colisee di Lewiston, Maine. Tiket pikeun “NEF XIX” mimitian jam saukur $25 jeung nu diobral ayeuna di www.TheColisee.com atawa ku nelepon kotak kantor Colisee di207.783.2009 x 525. Kanggo inpo nu langkung lengkep ihwal kajadian jeung fight apdet kartu, mangga buka website kampanye nu aya di www.NewEnglandFights.com. Salaku tambahan, Anjeun bisa lalajo video NEF di www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, turutan éta kontak dina Twitternefights jeung ngiluan gugus Facebook resmi "New England gelut."


Ngeunaan gelut New England


Gelut New England ("NEF") nyaéta gelut pausahaan kajadian promosi. Misi NEF nyaéta pikeun nyieun kajadian kualitas nu pangluhurna pikeun pejuang Maine sarta fans sapuk. Tim eksekutif NEF sacara miboga pangalaman éksténsif dina ngokolakeun olahraga tempur, produksi kajadian, Hubungan média, pamasaran, hukum jeung pariwara.

New England gelut geus HALF kahiji kuat 2015



Pikeun ngaleupaskeun Geura: Lewiston, Maine (Juni 30, 2015) - Gelut New England (NEF), Amérika sacara jumlah-hiji promotion fight regional, dilaksanakeun dicampur-bela diri-seni ka anak (MMA) kajadian, “NEF XVIII: Dilakukeun dina Amérika,” saeutik leuwih dua minggu ka tukang di Androscoggin Bank Colisee di Lewiston, Maine. The event was the third held by the fight promotion at the venue in just a four-month stretch, sarta capped pang suksés periode satengah taun dina sajarah kampanye sacara.


NEF nyaeta gagasan poko tina Massachusetts Pangacara Nick DiSalvo jeung Maine Propinsi Wawakil Matt Peterson (D-Rumford). The pair met in the fall of 2011 and formed a business partnership with the intent of promoting MMA events. Both being avid, fans lifelong olah raga merangan, DiSalvo jeung Peterson mutuskeun ka warung setup di Lewiston, Maine, the famed home of the Muhammad Ali-Sonny Liston world heavyweight championship rematch of 1965. NEF’s first event in Lewiston, diayakeun di Pébruari 2012, outdrew Ali-Liston II ku leuwih ti 800 fans jeung over 3200 dina hadir.


Saprak waktu éta, jeung di pasaran a mana pesaing geus floundered, NEF has continued to draw huge crowds to its events. The promotion has hosted fights of many UFC veterans, kaasup urut jawara heavyweight dunya dua waktu Tim “Nu Maine-iac” Sylvia (31-10). Dina 2013, NEF co-promoted an event in Lewiston with national promotion Bellator. That event was broadcast live on Spike TV. Sajaba ti, Video NEF Kang dina Youtube geus jutaan Pamadegan sakuliah dunya, sarta kampanye sacara kajadian highlights mindeng bisa ditempo dina AXS TV Kang Di jero MMA program.


Dina satengah kahiji 2015, langkung ti 6,000 people have been drawn to the Androscoggin Bank Colisee for three NEF events. It is the largest attendance number the promotion has accumulated in such a brief period of time – leuwih 18 minggu ti “NEF XVI” dinaPebruari 7 ka “NEF XVIII” dina tanggal 13. It is also another example of NEF thriving in a time when other regional fight promotions struggle.


“Ieu bener euy hasil loba gawé teuas jeung pangalaman bisnis,” Ngadawuh DiSalvo, a 1999 lulus summa cum laude of Merrimack College di Jakarta Utara Andover, MA, mana manéhna saurang sarjana Présidén, jeung saterusna lulusan Suffolk University Hukum School di Boston, MA. “NEF succeeds sabab Matt mah boga nafsu nyata pikeun promotion fight, and we’re willing to do the not-so-glamorous grunt work that others shy away from. You need to understand your audience. You need to know your way around a spreadsheet, cek register, and have a good grasp on finance and budgeting. It’s a business like any other.


Alatan tumuwuhna bisnis, DiSalvo and Peterson decided to add a third executive to the mix earlier this year. They hired longtime Bellator Vice President of Talent Relations Sam Caplan to serve as NEF’s Director of National Business Development.


“Dina waktu kontraksi gedé jeung konsolidasi lamun datang ka rohangan MMA regional, NEF geus musna dina arah sabalikna pasti jeung sabenerna ngaronjat bisnis maranéhna gemblengna,” nyatakeun Caplan lamun nepi pikeun comment. “Pikeun nyebutkeun tingkat tumuwuhna nu NEF geus ngalaman kiwari geus jarang bakal an parnyataan nu ngahinakeun. Tumuwuh kampanye téh hiji surat wasiat ka profesionalisme jeung bisnis disiplin of proprietors kapala nya, Nick DiSalvo jeung Matt Peterson.”


Gelut New England’ kajadian saterusna, “NEF XIX,” lumangsung dina Saptu, September 12, 2015 di Androscoggin Bank Colisee di Lewiston, Maine. Tiket pikeun “NEF XIX” mimitian jam saukur $25 jeung nu diobral ayeuna di www.TheColisee.com atawa ku nelepon kotak kantor Colisee di207.783.2009 x 525. Kanggo inpo nu langkung lengkep ihwal kajadian jeung fight apdet kartu, mangga buka website kampanye nu aya di www.NewEnglandFights.com. Salaku tambahan, Anjeun bisa lalajo video NEF di www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, turutan éta kontak dina Twitternefights jeung ngiluan gugus Facebook resmi "New England gelut."


Ngeunaan gelut New England


Gelut New England ("NEF") nyaéta gelut pausahaan kajadian promosi. Misi NEF nyaéta pikeun nyieun kajadian kualitas nu pangluhurna pikeun pejuang Maine sarta fans sapuk. Tim eksekutif NEF sacara miboga pangalaman éksténsif dina ngokolakeun olahraga tempur, produksi kajadian, Hubungan média, pamasaran, hukum jeung pariwara.

BOUT LIGHTWEIGHT pro ngumumkeun pikeun NEF XIX

Lewiston, Maine (Juni 29, 2015) - Gelut New England (NEF), Amérika sacara jumlah-hiji promotion fight regional, bakal tahan dicampur-bela diri-seni nineteenth nya (MMA) kajadian, “NEF XIX,” dina dinten saptu, September 12, 2015 di Androscoggin Bank Colisee di Lewiston, Maine. Saméméhna ayeuna, the promotion announced the addition of a professional lightweight bout to the fight card. Jesse “Nu Viking” Erickson (5-4) ieu rencanana papanggih Ricky “Telenges” Sylvester (2-1) di beurat fight of 155-pounds.


Erickson, sanggeus nangtang unsuccessfully dua kali pikeun NEF MMA Professional Lightweight Championship gugur pamungkas, is undefeated in 2015. Erickson downed Mark DeFord (0-4) in April in under two minutes with an impressive knockout. He followed up that performance with yet another first-round victory over Zenon Herrera (0-1). Erickson will look to make it three victories in a row on September 12 di Lewiston. He is a coach at Lewiston’s Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ).


“Kuring néangan maju ka tantangan presents Ricky,” ceuk Erickson lawan nya Ricky Sylvester. “Manéhna téh atlet berbakat kalayan daya balik mogok nya. I have worked hard to develop my striking game and look forward to putting it on display against him in September. Bring your A-game Ricky because I’ll be ready for a war!”


Ricky Sylvester last appeared in the NEF cage in September 2014. That night, he ngajempolan jagat NEF kalawan panangan bar kaluman meunang leuwih ti promotion biasa Tollison Lewis (0-4). A native of Lowell, Massachusetts, Sylvester direlokasi ka Orlando, Florida mana anjeunna nempatkeun di tangerang waktu jeung renown dunya American Team Top (TO). Balik ka imah di New England, Sylvester nyiar mumbul deui sanggeus rugi November pamungkas di New Hampshire di bout nya saméméhna.


"Kuring jeung Team Flo ayeuna latihan di fasilitas sarua jeung Doughboy Panjat Pinang Club,"Sylvester nyatakeun. "Maranéhanana geus nyokot care hade game taneuh mah. Teu ngomong Kuring ignoring keuna mah, Kuring kakara nyaho yén naon Kaula mah dipikawanoh pikeun, tapi kuring hayang gaul nepi jeung nunda sawatara tekenan kana naon batur bisa mikir Kuring kurang jeung bener némbongkeun ancaman ganda. Jesse Erickson nyaéta grappler-I gedé bakal ngajempolan nempo manéhna ngan nyoba ngaradeg kuring jeung leungeun perang. Nu keur ceuk, Kuring teu apal naon nyangka. Unggal waktos, nyangka pintonan gedé jeung gelut perang teuas ti telenges a. Gancang Live, maot ngora, nyokot Chances jeung hirup gagabah. "


Gelut New England’ kajadian saterusna, “NEF XIX,” lumangsung dina Saptu, September 12, 2015 di Androscoggin Bank Colisee di Lewiston, Maine. Tiket pikeun “NEF XIX” mimitian jam saukur $25 jeung nu diobral ayeuna di www.TheColisee.com atawa ku nelepon kotak kantor Colisee di207.783.2009 x 525. Kanggo inpo nu langkung lengkep ihwal kajadian jeung fight apdet kartu, mangga buka website kampanye nu aya di www.NewEnglandFights.com. Salaku tambahan, Anjeun bisa lalajo video NEF di www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, turutan éta kontak dina Twitternefights jeung ngiluan gugus Facebook resmi "New England gelut."


Ngeunaan gelut New England


Gelut New England ("NEF") nyaéta gelut pausahaan kajadian promosi. Misi NEF nyaéta pikeun nyieun kajadian kualitas nu pangluhurna pikeun pejuang Maine sarta fans sapuk. Tim eksekutif NEF sacara miboga pangalaman éksténsif dina ngokolakeun olahraga tempur, produksi kajadian, Hubungan média, pamasaran, hukum jeung pariwara.


New England gelut ANNOUNCES hasil NEF XVIII

Lewiston, Maine (Juni 14, 2015) - Gelut New England (NEF), Amérika sacara jumlah-hiji promotion fight regional, dilaksanakeun dicampur-bela diri-seni ka anak (MMA) kajadian, “NEF XVIII: Dilakukeun dina Amérika,” dina dinten saptu peuting di Androscoggin Bank Colisee di Lewiston, Maine. A crowd of 2,000 ieu dina leungeun nempo Crowsneck Boutin (1-0) meunang debut professional ka sakuliah Ryan “Nu Junkyard Dog” Cowette (2-3) jeung Bruce “Geulis Boy” Boyington (11-8) mangtaun ukuran dendam ku ngéléhkeun John “Kelas Kahiji” Ray (2-8) di rematch lila-tunggu maranéhna.


NEF crowned kahiji tilu Pendekar amatir nya dina sajarah gelut promotion nu mibanda Ronggeng dukuh “Bigfoot” Leahy (3-1) nyokot judul heavyweight dina balik-jeung-mudik tawuran liar jeung Ryan Glover(1-1), Dustin Veinott (4-3) meunang kaputusan split deukeut over“Tunduh” Norman Fox (4-2) newak tali flyweight, jeungJosh Harvey (4-1) ditepikeun Ricky Dexter (3-1) ngaku jawara lightweight.


Eta satuluyna ngumumkeun yén urut NEF MMA Professional Bantamweight Jawara Paul Gorman (10-9) bakal mulang di “NEF XIX” dina September 12, 2015 di Colisee sanggeus henteuna sataun Kang ti kandang.


Hasil ti Lewiston, Maine:


Tanaga ahli

150 Bruce Boyington TKR. John Raio via TKO, buleud 2
185 Crowsneck Boutin TKR. Ryan Cowette via kaputusan unanimous

135 Final Jeremy DiChiara. Saderek Shorey via Americana, buleud 1
155 Jesse Erickson TKR. Zenon Herrera via ketok pikeun mogok, buleud 1
205 Cody Anderson TKR. Michael Hansen via TKO, buleud 1


155*Judul Josh Harvey TKR. Ricky Dexter via armbar, buleud 1 (Harvey meunangkeun judul)
125*Judul Dustin Veinott TKR. Norman Fox via kaputusan split (Veinott meunangkeun judul)
S.HWT Dave Smith TKR. Gravin Guillen via armbar, buleud 1
Nyekel Mike Crespo TKR. Kaleb Costello via kaputusan unanimous

155 Cory sidang TKR. Corey Hinkley via KO, buleud 1
125 Ryan Burgess TKR. Justin Witham via kaputusan unanimous

170 Mike Bazanson TKR. Jeff Dustin via TKO, buleud 2

155 DOM Cofone TKR. Jason Lachance via armbar, buleud 2

265*Judul Billy Leahy TKR. Ryan Glover via kaputusan unanimous (Leahy meunangkeun judul)

145 Rob Robinson TKR. Dustin Shorey via pungkur-taranjang cuk, buleud 2

170 Alex Payson TKR. Alex Bronish via TKO, buleud 2

160 Agus Kelly TKR. Dr. Steve Bang via TKO, buleud 1

185 Ruben Redman TKR. Heath Hanson via tap to strikes, buleud 1

265 Nick Gulliver TKR. Ujang Spratt via pungkur-taranjang cuk, buleud 1

Nyekel Carl Langston TKR. Alex Johnson via TKO, buleud 2


Gelut New England’ kajadian saterusna, “NEF XIX,” lumangsung dina Saptu, September 12, 2015 di Androscoggin Bank Colisee di Lewiston, Maine. Tiket pikeun “NEF XIX” mimitian jam saukur $25 jeung nu diobral ayeuna di www.TheColisee.com atawa ku nelepon kotak kantor Colisee di207.783.2009 x 525. Kanggo inpo nu langkung lengkep ihwal kajadian jeung fight apdet kartu, mangga buka website kampanye nu aya di www.NewEnglandFights.com. Salaku tambahan, Anjeun bisa lalajo video NEF di www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, turutan éta kontak dina Twitternefights jeung ngiluan gugus Facebook resmi "New England gelut."


Ngeunaan gelut New England


Gelut New England ("NEF") nyaéta gelut pausahaan kajadian promosi. Misi NEF nyaéta pikeun nyieun kajadian kualitas nu pangluhurna pikeun pejuang Maine sarta fans sapuk. Tim eksekutif NEF sacara miboga pangalaman éksténsif dina ngokolakeun olahraga tempur, produksi kajadian, Hubungan média, pamasaran, hukum jeung pariwara.


BOYINGTON Capit sirah-TO-sirah jeung RAIO poé saméméh ngalawan: “Kuring GONNA GO aya sarta ngancurkeun Anjeunna”


Lewiston, Maine (Juni 10, 2015) - Gelut New England (NEF), Amérika sacara jumlah-hiji promotion fight regional, bakal tahan dicampur-bela diri-seni ka anak (MMA) kajadian, “NEF XVIII: Dilakukeun dina Amérika,” Saptu ieu wengi, Juni 13, 2015 di Androscoggin Bank Colisee di Lewiston, Maine. Cikeneh, headliners Bruce “Geulis Boy” Boyington (10-8), nu NEF MMA Professional Lightweight Jawara, jeung John “Kelas Kahiji” Ray(2-7) ngagabung NEF co-boga jeung matchmaker Matt Peterson dina husus “Kapala-to-Kapala” edition of the NEF Podcast. Boyington and Raio discussed the upcoming rematch and the controversy surrounding their first meeting in February 2014, antara topik sejenna.


The interview quickly turned to the top of the first fight. Raio appeared to apply a rear-naked choke to Boyington on the mat late in the first round. Boyington began waving his hand in the air and referee Jimmy Bickford quickly stepped in to stop the fight. Much has been made of the infamous “gelombang leungeun.” While Bickford saw it as a sign of Boyington’s submission, Boyington geus contended manéhna saukur signalling ka fans di riungan nu nahan ieu teu ngalakonan karuksakan nu mana wae.


“Kuring bisa nyaritakeun kumaha peuting nu réngsé,” recalled Raio of the first bout. “Dasarna, Bruce had given me his back. When I took his back, I had the hooks in and I had the rear-naked choke across his jaw line. I was trying to pressure it under his throat, jeung salaku I ngahontal bicep kénca mah leungeun kenca mah bade balik sirahna, ref nu dieureunkeun gelut… Kuring amazed yén anjeunna ngalaman disadap sabab, jujur, Mah emang mah geus loba tekanan dina rahang nya… Lamun dina kanyataanana manéhna waving, nu lebay keur manéhna.”


“Dina kaayaan nu, I husus inget Bickford nempo kuring, Kuring nyanghareupan nepi, he nu keur jalan pikeun beuheung mah Kuring waving,” Said Boyington. “Urang sakabehna dimimitian roaring nyata pisan mah inget Bickford nyebutkeun, 'Teu aya Bruce, Anjeun teu bisa disebutkeun yen '… Lamun Anjeun mikir yén Kuring ngalebetkeun atawa Kuring di gangguan atawa teu bisa hirup, you don’t tell the fighter, “Anjeun teu bisa disebutkeun yen,” you just jump in and you stop the fight. I feel like he made a mistake. I feel like he realizes that… Kuring ningali loba hal nu beda nu John geus ceuk online, jeung loba hal lain urang geus ngomong, and that’s when I really started to get bothered by what had happened. I felt like he could’ve handled it better.


Saméméh Boyington méré nepi deui nya, many felt he had been winning that first round. Leres Pisan, Boyington’s striking seemed to be on point that evening. Peterson asked both competitors to speculate on what would have happened had the referee not stopped the bout at that point.


“Inevitably, Jigana John bakal geus knocked kaluar,” stated Boyington emphatically. “Ku teu sangka Kuring gonna ngalebetkeun manéhna, because that would be his best chance with me. He’s strong enough to defend a submission.


“Jigana lamun ref teu eureun dina waktu éta, lamun ieu mah dina rahang kalawan leungeun mah kuring anjog balik beuheung-Na,” Ray speculated, “I believe my arm would’ve slid under his throat and it would’ve ended sometime soon before the round. Janten, Ku teu sangka nya tangtu tos Isro ka babak kadua.”


Dina poé, minggu jeung bulan di handap ieu gelut, both Boyington’s and Raio’s massive fan-followings have been very vocal on social media regarding the outcome of the bout. The heated debate has raged between both sides for well over a year now. With so much at stake for each side at “NEF XVIII,” boh atlit terharu naon hartina rematch ka maranehna, jeung naon maranehna kudu ngabuktikeun weekend datang ieu.


“Kuring kakara teu bisa indit aya jeung ngéléhkeun John,” Said Boyington. “Komo fans sorangan nu expecting nu… Kuring teu bisa ngan indit aya dina 13 Juniand beat John Raio. I gotta go in there and destroy him. Or I still lose out on this fight. Abdi terang éta, and I’m gonna go in there and make that statement. And I’m gonna do it with one arm, sabab panangan séjén teu komo digawé ayeuna… I haven’t worried about this date from day one. It’s nothing to do with John Raio. I don’t disrespect the guy. I don’t not like the guy. He’s a good man. I’m just at another level. I need to show up and prove that. That’s what it is to me. It’s not about me beating John. It’s about me showing everybody where I belong.


“Dina hal ka Bruce pagawean kuring gancang, jeung nyieun eta gampang, jeung teu bener pikahariwangeun ngeunaan gelut teuing, Kuring kakara manggihan eta cucungah kawas loba hal manéhna ceuk kuring, kulawarga jeung babaturan mah,” replied Raio. “Aya kali sanggeus tarung pamungkas lamun urang anu congratulating kuring (dina Facebook) and he’d go on like a one or two paragraph rant on every single comment everyone had put on my page for like three days straight. Janten, sanggeus éta mah ceuk 'Bruce mah teu bener babaturan deui,’ so I deleted him. I liked him before that fight… tapi lamun urang disrespect kuring kawas manéhna geus eta hésé kawas nu bodo.”


Pikeun ngadengekeun NEF Podcast di entirety nya, mangga bukawww.NewEnglandFights.com/Podcasts/.


Pikeun leuwih jéntré ngeunaan John Raio Kang gym, mangga buka “Kahiji Kelas Kabugaran jeung MMA” dina Facebook. Likewise, diajar ngeunaan Boyington Kang Taekwondo Academy, mangga buka website maranéhnawww.BoyingtonsTKDA.com.


Tiket pikeun “NEF XVIII: Dilakukeun dina Amérika” mimitian jam saukur $25 jeung nu diobral ayeuna di www.TheColisee.com atawa ku nelepon kotak kantor Colisee di 207.783.2009 x 525. Kanggo inpo nu langkung lengkep ihwal kajadian jeung fight apdet kartu, mangga buka website kampanye nu aya di www.NewEnglandFights.com. Salaku tambahan, Anjeun bisa lalajo video NEF di www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, turutan éta kontak dina Twitternefights jeung ngiluan gugus Facebook resmi "New England gelut."


Ngeunaan gelut New England


Gelut New England ("NEF") nyaéta gelut pausahaan kajadian promosi. Misi NEF nyaéta pikeun nyieun kajadian kualitas nu pangluhurna pikeun pejuang Maine sarta fans sapuk. Tim eksekutif NEF sacara miboga pangalaman éksténsif dina ngokolakeun olahraga tempur, produksi kajadian, Hubungan média, pamasaran, hukum jeung pariwara.


Lewiston, Maine (Juni 8, 2015) - Gelut New England (NEF), Amérika sacara jumlah-hiji promotion fight regional, bakal tahan dicampur-bela diri-seni ka anak (MMA) kajadian, “NEF XVIII: Dilakukeun dina Amérika,” Saptu ieu wengi, Juni 13, 2015 di Androscoggin Bank Colisee di Lewiston, Maine. Saméméhna ayeuna, the promotion announced the addition of an amateur featherweight bout to the fight card. Carl Langston (4-8) ieu rencanana papanggih Alex Adang (2-1) at the featherweight limit of 145-pounds.


A fixture of NEF MMA amateur cards, Langston, of Young’s MMA in Bangor, Maine, replaces Johnson’s original opponent, and Langston teammate, Harun Lacey (5-1), who was injured last week. The Lacey-Johnson fight was scheduled to determine the first-ever NEF MMA Amateur Featherweight Champion. The bout between Langston and Johnson, kumaha oge, will be a non-title affair.


Langston is riding high off a victory over Sheldon Bang (2-2) last February. It was Langston’s first victory in the NEF MMA cage. Likewise, Johnson is looking to extend his own streak of two wins in a row to three in NEF action. A member of Ruthless MMA & Boxing of Benton, Maine, Johnson submitted Dustin Shorey (0-1) di “NEF XVII” this past April.


NEF officials further announced today that the Langston-Johnson contest is currently scheduled to open the show at “NEF XVIII” Saptu ieu.


Tiket pikeun “NEF XVIII: Dilakukeun dina Amérika” mimitian jam saukur $25 jeung nu diobral ayeuna di www.TheColisee.com atawa ku nelepon kotak kantor Colisee di 207.783.2009 x 525. Kanggo inpo nu langkung lengkep ihwal kajadian jeung fight apdet kartu, mangga buka website kampanye nu aya di www.NewEnglandFights.com. Salaku tambahan, Anjeun bisa lalajo video NEF di www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, turutan éta kontak dina Twitternefights jeung ngiluan gugus Facebook resmi "New England gelut."


Ngeunaan gelut New England


Gelut New England ("NEF") nyaéta gelut pausahaan kajadian promosi. Misi NEF nyaéta pikeun nyieun kajadian kualitas nu pangluhurna pikeun pejuang Maine sarta fans sapuk. Tim eksekutif NEF sacara miboga pangalaman éksténsif dina ngokolakeun olahraga tempur, produksi kajadian, Hubungan média, pamasaran, hukum jeung pariwara.


Lewiston, Maine (Mei 29, 2015) - Gelut New England (NEF), Amérika sacara jumlah-hiji promotion fight regional, bakal tahan dicampur-bela diri-seni ka anak (MMA) kajadian, “NEF XVIII: Dilakukeun dina Amérika,” dina Saptu, Juni 13, 2015 di Androscoggin Bank Colisee di Lewiston, Maine. Saméméhna ayeuna, the promotion announced the addition of a professional light-heavyweight bout to the fight card. Mike “Nu kumis” Hansen (2-1) ieu rencanana papanggih Cody Anderson (1-2) dina beurat gelut 205-pon.


A native of Rumford, Maine, Hansen won a state championship in 2004 wrestling for Mountain Valley High School. After graduation, Hansen began training in MMA and made a successful debut in 2005. He would put his MMA career on hold to serve his country in the United States Army as a combat engineer. Tadi taun ieu, Hansen returned to the sport and founded Berserkers MMA in his hometown of Rumford. His first fight in the cage in nearly a decade saw him triumph over Artie Mullen (0-11) this past February at “NEF XVI.”


I’m pumped to be have an opponent like Cody,” said Hansen of the upcoming fight with Anderson. “He is a real tough guy and this should be a great battle.


Cody Anderson is a member of Team Triumph/Boston Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) in Nashua, New Hampshire. Formerly a top-ranked amateur, Anderson put together a perfect 5-0 record over the course of his amateur career. He turned pro in the fall of 2012, winning his debut over Hector Sanchez (3-12). Anderson’s last appearance in NEF saw him submitted in the final moments of his bout with Jarod “Menit Tukang” Lawton (4-2) di “NEF VII” dua taun ka tukang. Anderson had been winning the bout to that point, turning in afight of the nightperformance along with his opponent.


I’ve been away too long,” said Anderson. “Even with no fight camp and only two weeks notice, I will put my hands on this guy and put him to sleep.


Tiket pikeun “NEF XVIII: Dilakukeun dina Amérika” mimitian jam saukur $25 jeung nu diobral ayeuna di www.TheColisee.com atawa ku nelepon kotak kantor Colisee di 207.783.2009 x 525. Kanggo inpo nu langkung lengkep ihwal kajadian jeung fight apdet kartu, mangga buka website kampanye nu aya di www.NewEnglandFights.com. Salaku tambahan, Anjeun bisa lalajo video NEF di www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, turutan éta kontak dina Twitternefights jeung ngiluan gugus Facebook resmi "New England gelut."


Ngeunaan gelut New England


Gelut New England ("NEF") nyaéta gelut pausahaan kajadian promosi. Misi NEF nyaéta pikeun nyieun kajadian kualitas nu pangluhurna pikeun pejuang Maine sarta fans sapuk. Tim eksekutif NEF sacara miboga pangalaman éksténsif dina ngokolakeun olahraga tempur, produksi kajadian, Hubungan média, pamasaran, hukum jeung pariwara.



Lewiston, Maine (Mei 21, 2015) - Gelut New England (NEF), Amérika sacara jumlah-hiji promotion fight regional, bakal tahan dicampur-bela diri-seni ka anak (MMA) kajadian, “NEF XVIII: Dilakukeun dina Amérika,” dina Saptu, Juni 13, 2015 di Androscoggin Bank Colisee di Lewiston, Maine. Saméméhna ayeuna, the promotion announced a free ticket giveaway for all past and present United States military personnel to coincide with Memorial Day weekend.


This is something we’ve done in conjunction with Memorial Day and Veterans Day in the past, and we’ve given away hundreds of tickets,” said NEF co-owner and matchmaker Matt Peterson. “It is the most important promotion we do all year. It’s our small way of saying ‘thank youto those who serve and sacrifice so much for our nation. Come down to the Colisee box office today or Jumaahisuk, present your military ID and get your free ticket. Ieu salaku basajan jeung anu.”


The ticket giveaway will take place at the Androscoggin Bank Colisee box office from the hours of noon to 5:00 pm today, Kemis, Mei 21, 2015, and the hours of 9:00 am to noonenjing, Jumaah, Mei 22, 2015. The Colisee is located at 190 Birch Street, Lewiston, Maine 04240. The giveaway is open to all branches of the military. Personnel must present a valid military identification card at the box office window. There will be a limit of one ticket per identification card.


Tiket pikeun “NEF XVIII: Dilakukeun dina Amérika” mimitian jam saukur $25 jeung nu diobral ayeuna di www.TheColisee.com atawa ku nelepon kotak kantor Colisee di 207.783.2009 x 525. Kanggo inpo nu langkung lengkep ihwal kajadian jeung fight apdet kartu, mangga buka website kampanye nu aya di www.NewEnglandFights.com. Salaku tambahan, Anjeun bisa lalajo video NEF di www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, turutan éta kontak dina Twitternefights jeung ngiluan gugus Facebook resmi "New England gelut."


Ngeunaan gelut New England


Gelut New England ("NEF") nyaéta gelut pausahaan kajadian promosi. Misi NEF nyaéta pikeun nyieun kajadian kualitas nu pangluhurna pikeun pejuang Maine sarta fans sapuk. Tim eksekutif NEF sacara miboga pangalaman éksténsif dina ngokolakeun olahraga tempur, produksi kajadian, Hubungan média, pamasaran, hukum jeung pariwara.



Lewiston, Maine (Mei 21, 2015) - Gelut New England (NEF), Amérika sacara jumlah-hiji promotion fight regional, bakal tahan dicampur-bela diri-seni ka anak (MMA) kajadian, “NEF XVIII: Dilakukeun dina Amérika,” dina Saptu, Juni 13, 2015 di Androscoggin Bank Colisee di Lewiston, Maine. Saméméhna ayeuna, the promotion announced the addition of an amateur featherweight bout to the fight card. The matchup will feature Jeremy Tyler (4-3) di hareup Johnny Karajinan (3-0) at the featherweight limit of 145-pounds.


Jeremy Tyler will be making his return to the NEF cage after an extended absence of nine months. A member of Marcus Davis’s famed Team Irish gym in Brewer, Maine, Tyler will look to rebound from the first back-to-back losses of his career. Both of those losses came to Central Maine Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (CMBJJ) competitors. It is a gym affiliated with Johnny Craftsteam New England United (NEW), so the Juni 13 fight will be an opportunity for Jeremy to gain a measure of revenge as well. Like his opponent at “NEF XVIII,” Tyler has proven himself a submission specialist with all four of his victories coming by way of capitulation.


I’m very excited to be stepping into the NEF cage for the first time in 2015,said Tyler. “I am looking forward to the opportunity to fight John Crafts who is a highly ranked MMA fighter with a very good Jiu Jitsu game. I believe the NEF fans will be very happy with the match-up and feel this will make for an entertaining fight. Expect to see an improved performance from me. I took some time off after my last fight to focus, build upon my technique and add to my overall skill sets. I am ready to unleash the game I’ve been developing in the cage so 13 Juni can’t get here fast enough.


Originally scheduled to challenge for the NEF MMA Amateur Bantamweight Championship at “NEF XVIII,” Johnny Crafts was left without a fight after his original opponent pulled out due to injury. That was until Jeremy Tyler stepped up to the challenge this week. This fight will mark the first time Johnny Crafts, who holds a brown belt in BJJ, has competed above the bantamweight limit of 135-pounds. Crafts was voted the “2014 Rookie of Taun” by NEF fans.


I’m very excited to be fighting Jeremy Tyler,” said Crafts. “He’s a well-rounded fighter with good experience. I’m looking to test the waters at 145 for my first time and see how I feel fighting up. I was pretty disappointed in the title fight falling through, but I assure everyone that this fight will be just as exciting to watch.


Tiket pikeun “NEF XVIII: Dilakukeun dina Amérika” mimitian jam saukur $25 jeung nu diobral ayeuna di www.TheColisee.com atawa ku nelepon kotak kantor Colisee di 207.783.2009 x 525. Kanggo inpo nu langkung lengkep ihwal kajadian jeung fight apdet kartu, mangga buka website kampanye nu aya di www.NewEnglandFights.com. Salaku tambahan, Anjeun bisa lalajo video NEF di www.youtube.com/NEFMMA, turutan éta kontak dina Twitternefights jeung ngiluan gugus Facebook resmi "New England gelut."


Ngeunaan gelut New England


Gelut New England ("NEF") nyaéta gelut pausahaan kajadian promosi. Misi NEF nyaéta pikeun nyieun kajadian kualitas nu pangluhurna pikeun pejuang Maine sarta fans sapuk. Tim eksekutif NEF sacara miboga pangalaman éksténsif dina ngokolakeun olahraga tempur, produksi kajadian, Hubungan média, pamasaran, hukum jeung pariwara.