Tag Arsip: Dok Nowicki

Dylan Price signs with Mayweather Promotions

PHILADELPHIA (Pebruari 24, 2017)–Super Flyweight prospect Dylan Price(1-0, 1 KO) of Sicklerville, New Jersey, has signed a promotional deal with Mayweather Promotions.
Price, 18 umurna taun, turned professional with a 1st round stoppage over Malcolm Speight on February 4th in Wilson, Propinsi Sulawesi Tenggara
I want to first thank my Lord and savior Jesus Christ for blessing me with this great start of my professional career. I had a great time last week at the fights. We took an RV to North Carolina and had 25 of my family and friends front row. Then I get back, and we completed the team with a promotional contract from The Money Team. I am blessed, and I am just excited about my team and my future in the sport. I want to thank Doc Nowicki, my dad Dave Price, Dejuan Blake, Leonard Ellerbe and of course TBE “Duit” Mayweather for completing my team,” said Dylan Price
Dok Nowicki, co-manager of Dylan Price said, “I am proud and happy forLil Daveas we call him. He said from the beginning of our conversations that he wanted to be with Mayweather, and now it’s a reality. His team is shaping up nicely and I see big things in store for him

Dave Price, Father and co-manager exclaimedI’m excited about all of the things that are happening with my sons career. We are expanding our team by partnering with Dejuan Blake and then signing a promotional deal with Mayweather Promotions. I am very happy that the business portion is complete so that I can now focus on training my son and fighting on March 25th in Las Vegas.

D and D Promotions presents Rumble at the Rink onSaturday June 4th at The Grundy Arena in Bristol, Pa

Pikeun ngaleupaskeun Geura

Bristol, Pa (April 27, 2016)Dina Dinten Saptu wengi June 4th, a brand new boxing series will be launched as D and D Promotions presents its inauguralRumble at the RinkBoxing series that will take place at The Grundy Arena in Bristol, Pa.

The concept of the series is to feature some of the best up and coming professional talent along with highlighting top amateur fighters in the Delaware Valley on the same fight cards.
D and D Promotions, which consists of David Price and Doc Nowicki believe in the concept of developing professional & amateur fighters and expose them to the boxing fan simultaneously.

The card will feature 4 professional bouts as well as 6 high-level amateur bouts.

This is a great way for boxing fans to get to know the stars of enjing and have these fighters on the same show. There are a lot of great fighters, both professional and amateur in the area, and this will give them a great outlet to get opportunities to showcase their abilities,” said D and D Promotions David Price.

We are excited to be bringing boxing back to the Bristol area. The series will feature many outstanding and hungry fighters. We can guarantee exciting and competitive fights that will also feature the best young boxers in the area,” said D and D Promotions, Dok Nowicki.

Tickets for this special evening are $100, $75, $50 & $30 and can be purchased by calling Dave Price at 267-246-7182 or Doc Nowicki at 609-923-3982

The Grundy Arena is located at 475 Beaver Street in Bristol, Pa

Klub 1957 Manajemén ka sobat ngatur JR. Welterweight contender Emanuel Taylor jeung Management D jeung D

Dok Nowicki, Emanuel Taylor, Dave Harga jeung Mark Cipparone

Philadelphia (Juli 3, 2015 ) – D jeung D Management babarengan jeung Club Mark Cipparone Kang 1957 Manajemén nyaéta gumbira ka ngembarkeun joint venture nu dua pausahaan ayeuna bakal sobat ngatur JR. Welterweight contender Emanuel Taylor.

Mekarwangi (18-4, 12 KO sacara) of Edgewood Arsenal, Maryland geus ngadegkeun dirina minangka salah sahiji contenders top dipeunteun dina JR. Division Welterweight jeung geus sababaraha gelut jongjon ngalawan juara dunya Chris Algieri & Adrien Broner ogé undefeated Enrique Orozco. Jalma gelut geus dijieun Taylor a poko jaringan televisi.

“Abdi hoyong nyebutkeun tangka simkuring ngaraos gumbira boga kasempetan pikeun nyieun joint venture jeung Mark Cipparrone” ceuk David Harga manajemén D jeung D. “Kuring geus sok ngalaman loba hormat keur manéhna jeung kuring sangka D jeung D jeung 1957 bisa ngalengkepan gaganti terus bersaing jeung hiji sarua séjén.”

“Lamun urang asalna ditandatanganan Emanuel Taylor manéhna geus nandatanganan jeung manager lokal jeung urang koléktif functioned salaku Co- Gerentes. Emanuel henteu deui hayang manager dumasar imahna aub jeung Dok jeung pikiran kuring eta bakal kasempetan badag ngagarap batur sejenna nu urang ngarasa miboga tingkat luhur naon urang sebut visa ( Tetempoan, Kajembaran ati, Struktur, Akuntabilitas).”

“Urang ayeuna ngan boga Emanuel babarengan jeung sakabéh istal misah urang tetep wae nu. Urang Tapi asa yen ieu teh awal hubungan kerja gede urang bisa ngembang taun datang”

Said D jeung D Management Kang Dok Nowicki,”Kami gumbira urang nya éta bisa mawa Mark Cipparone ti Club 1957 Manajemén jadi aub jeung urang jeung Emnauel Taylor. Jeung tinju being pohara hésé pikeun mindahkeun pajuang sapanjang, pikiran urang eta bakal hiji patandingan sampurna. Kami geus dipigawé hal alus jeung pajuang urang. Mark geus dipigawé hal alus jeung pejuang nya. Urang ngarasa gede ngeunaan collaborating jeung Manny jeung mugia urang bisa ngalakukeun sababaraha hal séjén di mangsa nu bakal datang.”

“Urang geus sababaraha harepan gede bade maju pikeun Manny. Urang ngarasa manehna boga bakat jadi jawara dunya manéhna geus ngadegkeun dirina janten paporit nu jaringan premium.”

'Thee taun ka tukang kuring megatkeun pikeun teuleum sirah mimiti kana bisnis menata boxers. Kuring geus dibikeun abdi sadaya ti poé hiji jeung hayang nanaon leuwih ti nulungan ngamekarkeun jawara dunya. Lamun kuring narima telepon ti Dave Harga ka pasangan jeung D jeung D pikeun ngatur Manny Taylor ieu tanpa ragu anu ceuk kuring enya. Percaya atawa komo saméméh telepon nu kungsi pamanggih sarua ngagabung gaya jeung D jeung D. Boh Dok jeung Dave geus ngalakonan pakasaban badag jeung pejuang maranéhna sarta Gampang ditempo yen maranehna aya gawe teuas, lalaki bisnis etika. Kami néangan maju pikeun nempo naon daya urang digabungkeun jeung bakat bisa ngahasilkeun. Kami teu salah pasangan …ngan sabab. Enya adage heubeul 2 huluna nu leuwih hade ti hiji bisa jadi ditagihkeun, tapi kuring yakin yen urang boga kaahlian complementing najan urang bisa geus miboga sababaraha saing kaayaan nu geus kaliwat urang genuinely kawas saling,” ceuk Mark Cipparone of Club 1957 Manajemén.”

“Manny mangrupakeun petinju pisan berbakat jeung urang sadaya aya committed nyieun béda di karirna. Kami pribadi néangan maju ka gawe bareng manéhna salaku bagian tim ieu percaya yen manehna bakal boga kasempetan husus pikeun ngahontal tujuan-Na.”

Taylor ieu diwanohkeun ku Joe DeGuardia Kang Star tinju.