Arkivji Tag: Doc Nowicki

Dylan Price signs with Mayweather Promotions

PHILADELPHIA (Frar 24, 2017)–Super Flyweight prospect Dylan Price(1-0, 1 KO) of Sicklerville, New Jersey, has signed a promotional deal with Mayweather Promotions.
Price, 18 sena qodma, turned professional with a 1st round stoppage over Malcolm Speight on February 4th in Wilson, North Carolina
I want to first thank my Lord and savior Jesus Christ for blessing me with this great start of my professional career. I had a great time last week at the fights. We took an RV to North Carolina and had 25 of my family and friends front row. Then I get back, and we completed the team with a promotional contract from The Money Team. I am blessed, and I am just excited about my team and my future in the sport. I want to thank Doc Nowicki, my dad Dave Price, Dejuan Blake, Leonard Ellerbe and of course TBE “Flus” Mayweather for completing my team,” said Dylan Price
Doc Nowicki, co-manager of Dylan Price said, “I am proud and happy forLil Daveas we call him. He said from the beginning of our conversations that he wanted to be with Mayweather, and now it’s a reality. His team is shaping up nicely and I see big things in store for him

Dave Price, Father and co-manager exclaimedI’m excited about all of the things that are happening with my sons career. We are expanding our team by partnering with Dejuan Blake and then signing a promotional deal with Mayweather Promotions. I am very happy that the business portion is complete so that I can now focus on training my son and fighting on March 25th in Las Vegas.

D and D Promotions presents Rumble at the Rink onSaturday June 4th at The Grundy Arena in Bristol, PA


Bristol, PA (April 27, 2016)Nhar is-Sibt lejl June 4th, a brand new boxing series will be launched as D and D Promotions presents its inauguralRumble at the RinkBoxing series that will take place at The Grundy Arena in Bristol, Pa.

The concept of the series is to feature some of the best up and coming professional talent along with highlighting top amateur fighters in the Delaware Valley on the same fight cards.
D and D Promotions, which consists of David Price and Doc Nowicki believe in the concept of developing professional & amateur fighters and expose them to the boxing fan simultaneously.

The card will feature 4 professional bouts as well as 6 high-level amateur bouts.

This is a great way for boxing fans to get to know the stars of għada and have these fighters on the same show. There are a lot of great fighters, both professional and amateur in the area, and this will give them a great outlet to get opportunities to showcase their abilities,” said D and D Promotions David Price.

We are excited to be bringing boxing back to the Bristol area. The series will feature many outstanding and hungry fighters. We can guarantee exciting and competitive fights that will also feature the best young boxers in the area,” said D and D Promotions, Doc Nowicki.

Tickets for this special evening are $100, $75, $50 & $30 and can be purchased by calling Dave Price at 267-246-7182 or Doc Nowicki at 609-923-3982

The Grundy Arena is located at 475 Beaver Street in Bristol, PA

Club 1957 Ġestjoni għall-ko-jamministraw Jr. Konkorrent welterweight Emanuel Taylor ma Management D u D

Doc Nowicki, Emanuel Taylor, Dave Prezz u Mark Cipparone

Philadelphia (Lulju 3, 2015 ) – D u D Ġestjoni flimkien ma 'Club Mark Cipparone tal 1957 Ġestjoni huwa kuntent li jħabbar joint venture li għaliha ż-żewġ kumpaniji issa se tikkoopera tmexxi Jr. Konkorrent welterweight Emanuel Taylor.

Taylor (18-4, 12 Tal-KO) tal EDGEWOOD Arsenal, Maryland stabbilixxa ruħu bħala wieħed mill-kontendenti top rated fl-Jr. Diviżjoni welterweight u ilu fis diversi tissielet eċċitanti kontra ċampjins tad-dinja Chris Algieri & Adrien Broner kif ukoll undefeated Enrique Orozco. Dawk tissielet għamlu Taylor staple netwerk tat-televiżjoni.

“Nixtieq ngħid li jien eċċitati li jkollhom l-opportunità li jistabbilixxu impriża konġunta ma 'Mark Cipparrone” qal David Prezz ta 'ġestjoni D u D. “Jiena dejjem kellhom ħafna ta 'rispett għall lilu u ħsibt D u D u 1957 jistgħu jikkomplementaw minflok kontinwament jikkompetu ma 'xulxin.”

“Meta aħna oriġinarjament iffirmat Emanuel Taylor huwa kien diġà ġie ffirmat mal-maniġer lokali u aħna kollettivament servew bħala Ko- Managers. Emanuel m'għadhomx riedu dar manager bbażati tiegħu involuti u Dok u ħsibt li jkun opportunità kbira biex jaħdmu ma 'xi ħadd ieħor li ħassejna kellhom livell għoli ta' dak li nsejħu VISA ( Viżjoni, Integrità, Istruttura, Responsabbiltà).”

“Aħna bħalissa biss għandek Emanuel flimkien u kollha ta 'stalel separati tagħna jibqgħu biss li. Aħna Madankollu tama li dan huwa l-bidu ta 'relazzjoni ta' xogħol kbir li nistgħu jespandu għas-snin li ġejjin”

Said D u Dok Nowicki D tat-Tmexxija,”I am eċċitati li konna kapaċi li jġibu Mark Cipparone minn Club 1957 Ġestjoni biex jiġu involuti magħna ma 'Emnauel Taylor. Ma boxing qed diffiċli l-mixja ġellieda flimkien, ħsibna li jkun perfettament. Għamilna affarijiet tajbin ma 'ġellieda tagħna. Mark għamlet affarijiet tajbin ma 'ġellieda tiegħu. Aħna jħossu kbira dwar jikkollabora mal Manny u nisperaw li nistgħu nagħmlu xi affarijiet oħra fil-futur.”

“Għandna xi aspettattivi kbar miexi 'l quddiem għall Manny. Aħna nħossu li huwa għandu l-talent biex issir champion dinja kif hu jkun stabbilixxa ruħu bħala favoriti tan-netwerks premium.”

"Thee snin ilu I iddeċieda li adsa ewwel kap fis-negozju ta 'boxers ġestjoni. I taw tiegħi kollha mill-jum wieħed u jridu xejn aktar minn tgħin tiżviluppa champion dinja. Meta I irċieva l-telefonata minn Dave Prezz li tissieħeb mal D u D biex jamministraw Manny Taylor kien mingħajr eżitazzjoni li I qal iva. Jemmnu jew le anki qabel dik is-sejħa kelli l-istess idea li jingħaqdu ma 'D u D. Kemm Dok u Dave qed tagħmel biċċa xogħol tajba mal-ġellieda tagħhom u huwa faċli li wieħed jara li dawn qed naħdmu ħafna, irġiel negozju etiċi. I am ħerqana biex tara liema riżorsi magħquda tagħna u t-talenti jistgħu jipproduċu. I am mhux wieħed li partner …biss minħabba. Iva l-qawl antik 2 kapijiet huma aħjar minn wieħed tista 'tapplika, imma nemmen li għandna l-ħiliet komplementari u għalkemm aħna seta 'kellu xi kompetittività sottostanti fil-passat aħna ġenwinament bħal xulxin,” qal Mark Cipparone tal Club 1957 Ġestjoni.”

“Manny huwa Boxer estremament talent u aħna kollha huma impenjati li jagħmlu differenza fil-karriera tiegħu. I am personalment bil-ħerqa li jaħdem miegħu bħala parti minn dan it-tim u jemmnu li hu se jkollhom opportunità speċjali biex jintlaħqu l-miri tiegħu.”

Taylor huwa promoss permezz Star Boxing Joe DeGuardia tal.