标记档案: 迪卡洛·佩雷斯(Decarlo Perez)



大西洋城 (九月 10, 2018)–德卡洛佩雷斯 安托万·艾肯斯(Antowyan Aikens)辜负了击倒前的大肆宣传- 拖延战争最终使佩雷斯在周六晚间在大西洋城Showboat Hotel酒店内的波旁厅(Bourbon Room)达成了八轮一致决定.


大西洋城对手之间的较量, 佩雷斯获得了新泽西州超中量级冠军, 标题为新星促销所推广的出色的10回合扑克牌.



战斗中,佩雷斯在第二轮将艾肯斯扣入绳索时提早行动. 艾肯斯不仅阻止了潮流, 但又强力地回来了, 当他获得完美的权利时,这使佩雷斯走上了画布.


现在似乎有了艾肯斯的控制权. 佩雷斯(Perez)在下一轮又回来了,这是一个完美的左钩,将艾肯斯(Aikens)放在画布上. 看来佩雷斯能够结束这场战斗, 但是艾肯斯回来了,与佩雷斯站在一起, 并给予他所收到的.


割伤他的左眼, 佩雷斯能够在战斗中摆脱困境, 令容纳人群和Showboat Hotel激动不已的.




大西洋城的佩雷斯以 77-72, 76-74 和 75-74 改善 17-6-1. 大西洋城的艾肯斯酒店 13-5-1.




“安托万(Antowyan)使他感到如此一致,使我感到惊讶. 当他确实打倒我时, 我能够保持镇定, 保持镇定. 我对自己说要保持冷静, 我还有回合,尝到了他的力量. 我把他打倒了, 我知道我们甚至, 我只想赢最后几回合. 他开始了强大的回合, 但我的压力不仅影响了评委, 但开始让他失望. 他开始摆脱恐惧而不是技巧,” 佩雷斯说. “只要我保持稳定并保持压力, 我知道我会占上风。”




艾肯斯(Said Aikens), “这是一个很好的战斗. 这是一场充满战斗的战斗. 我们俩都取得了一些好成绩. 他们根据他的击倒给了他,” 艾肯斯说. “我把他打倒之后, 我应该放慢脚步,慢慢来. 在下一轮, 他以出色的表现抓住了我. 在这场战斗的准备过程中,有很多事情要说, 我摆脱了很多愤怒. 我会回来的. 我是一个真正的战士. 所有冠军都不赢腰带。”






在新泽西州的次中量级比赛中, 约翰·鲍萨(John Bauza) 通过对拉沙德·博加尔(Rashad Bogar)的六轮一致决定仍然不败


在第三轮, 包扎(Bauza)左手平直投下博加(Bogar).


包扎(Bauza)以数十分的胜利率回家 60-53 在所有卡.


包扎, 139 磅北卑尔根, 新泽西州是 11-0. 博加尔, 139 纽瓦克磅, 新泽西州是 4-8-1.


奥马尔·萨利姆 在他们预定的四轮中量级回合的第一轮结束时阻止了迈克·安德森(Mike Anderson).


塞勒姆主导了唯一的框架, 安德森(Anderson)说,由于手臂受伤,他无法继续.


塞勒姆, 165 磅的布鲁克林, 纽约是 4-0 一个淘汰赛. 安德森, 165.5 磅的费城是 0-3.



以赛亚·哈特 Dillon Kasprzak在中量级比赛中第2轮停赛,这是一场激动人心的职业比赛首秀.


第一轮, 哈特用坚硬的左钩子敲开卡斯普扎克. 哈特在第二轮比赛中以两个硬左和一个右手落地而出, 战斗在 16 秒.


Hart, 160.7 磅是大西洋城 1-0 一个淘汰赛. 卡斯普扎克, 159 磅的费城是 0-2.



纳希尔·奥尔布赖特(Nahir Albright) 在初中次中量级回合中对格伦福德·尼克尼(Glenford Nickey)进行了四轮一致决定.


奥尔布赖特, 140 磅的费城以的分数获胜 40-36 两次, 40-35 提高他的纪录 4-1. 尼基, 140 磅的布鲁克林是 4-2.



Jahmal代尔 在预定的四轮轻量级比赛的最后一轮中阻止了Marco Lugo.


第一轮, 代尔(Dyer)用左钩子将卢戈(Lugo)甩到头部. 代尔在第四回合中打败了对手, 当他用坚硬的右手摔下卢戈时. 代尔(Dyer)取得了巨大的权利,这使卢戈(Lugo)退回,从而掀开了一连串的猛攻,结束了事情。, 战斗在 1:29.


代尔, 132.9 磅的巴尔的摩现在 6-1 四击倒. 卢戈, 131 磅的葡萄园, 新泽西州是 0-2.




瑞安·威尔扎克(Ryan Wilczak) 在中量级比赛中对阿尔贝托·德尔加多(Alberto Delgado)的四轮一致决定仍然不败.


狼狗, 158 磅斯克兰顿, PA赢得分数 40-36 和 39-37 两次,现在 7-0. 德尔加多, 160.9 磅罗阿诺克, VA是 0-4-3.



Ry'Shine柯林斯 通过在预定的四轮超级最轻量级比赛的第一轮停止Lucky Holt,首次成为职业选手.


柯林斯投下了一系列硬弹,使霍尔特失望了, 战斗在


科林斯, 122.3 磅的费城是 1-0 一个淘汰赛. 林地, 120.8 汉尼拔磅, MO是 0-3.



卡洪·哈钦森(Kashon Hutchinson) 在次中量级回合中击败史蒂夫·摩尔赢得了四轮一致决定.


哈钦森, 145.3 磅的阅读, PA赢得分数 40-36 两次, 39-37 提高他的标志 4-5. 摩尔, 144.1 磅橙, 新泽西州是 1-5.



特拉维斯·托莱多(Travis Toledo) 通过在预定的四轮轻量级比赛的第二轮中停止塔赫利克·泰勒(Tahlik Taylor),保持了不败的态势.


在第二轮, 托莱多用一个大左钩子掉下泰勒. Seconds later, 这是泰勒(Taylor)踏上画布的镜头, 战斗在 2:02.


托莱多, 172,3 磅的巴尔的摩, MD是 2-0 有两个击倒. 泰勒, 175.3 磅的格林斯伯勒, NC是 3-12-1.




冉冉升起的新星促销活动将于周六回到Showboat, 11月3日,随着世界排名的回归,托马斯·拉曼纳(Thomas LaManna)出现在主赛事中. 这张卡还宣布将争夺新泽西州中量级冠军头衔,克里斯·托马斯(Chris Thomas)捍卫自己的头衔,击败埃迪·埃德蒙兹(Eddie Edmonds).

Antowyan AIkens在周六的新主赛事中与DeCarlo Perez争夺新泽西州超级中量级冠军, 9月8日,在大西洋城的Showboat酒店

格雷格·杰克逊(Greg Jackson)夺得尤利乌斯·戴伊斯(Julius Dyis)的WBF中量级冠军
不败的约翰·鲍萨(John Bauza), 奥马尔·萨利姆, 迈克尔·威廉姆斯(Michael Williams Jr.), & 瑞安·威尔扎克(Ryan Wilczak)在行动

大西洋城, 新泽西州 (八月 22, 2018) – 格伦·塔皮亚(Glen Tapia)在训练中受伤, 从而提升了 “全大西洋城市之战” 在超级中量级之间 Antowyan艾肯斯德卡洛佩雷斯 参加第八轮主要赛事 星期六, 9月8日波旁厅 该酒店演艺船 大西洋城.




战斗, 这将是为 新泽西州超级中量级冠军, 将标题卡 “浮桥拳击: 第三回合”, 由新星促销推广




大西洋城的艾肯斯(Aikens)有记录 13-4-1 一个淘汰赛. 该 29 岁的艾肯斯赢得了他的前十回合. 他在不败的谢尔曼·阿里特(Sherman Arits)上取得了重大胜利 (2-0) & 阿米尔·沙巴兹(Amir Shabazz) (4-0).




艾肯斯(Aikens)经历了两连胜, 就像上一次比赛一样,他于5月11日在林肯赢得了针对Rich Gringas的六轮一致决定, 罗得岛.








“对我来说这场斗争是您梦about以求但从未想到会发生的斗争之一,” 艾肯斯说. “这场战斗将是很多年以后的话题,我期待在家乡的家人和朋友面前进行一场精彩的表演. 言语无法表达我多么快乐和兴奋. 我迫不及待地想在当晚演出出色的演出. 我周围有一支很棒的团队. 我专注于手头的任务; 我准备好提供他们所提供的任何服务。”




“我准备好迎接九月的到来 8. 我的戳刺和出色的拳击技巧将使我走向在体育馆中自杀的原因,那就是新泽西州立冠军赛(NJ State Championship). 那天晚上我不会被拒绝. 您将获得有史以来最好的冰人,这是事实. 那天晚上我要采取一切行动, 首先在家里打架 3 岁月. 除了带上我的A游戏,我什么也做不了. 这是一个漫长的等待,但现在和现在, 我已经准备好战争”




佩雷斯(Perez)有记录 16-6-1 有六个淘汰赛.




该 27 岁的佩雷斯(Perez)是八年专业人士.




佩雷斯(Perez)战胜沙莫内·阿尔瓦雷斯(Shamone Alvarez) (21-5), 但丁·摩尔 (8-0-2), 贾马·弗里曼 (9-1-2), 马库斯·威利斯 (13-3-2), Tyrone Brunson (22-2-1), 杰西·尼克洛(Jesse Nicklow) (24-5-3), 胡安·乌巴尔多·卡布雷拉 (23-0) & Lanell波纹管 (16-1-1).




在他的最后一个回合, 佩雷斯(Perez)在四月被前两次获得世界冠军的挑战者罗纳德·加夫里尔(Ronald Gavril)阻止 29, 2017 拉斯维加斯.




“我对这场斗争的想法与其他任何斗争一样. 我要进去, 运用我的技能,并允许制定游戏计划, 简单明了. 现在是否有人会问游戏计划是什么, 很简单,那就是一定要赢。” 佩雷斯说. “对我来说,这是另一场战斗,有人试图把我家人的头顶掉, 试图从那里取出食物,我必须确保他们不会. 它的头衔使我处于一个我的工作道德正好乘以一百万甚至更多的地方。. 我很高兴能在自己的家乡打架,迫不及待地要进行一场精彩的表演。”




“我饿了. 我认为很多人看到我还没有活跃起来,并认为他们可以利用它. 好吧,这是个坏主意,因为我一直在训练并且总是在准备自己. 你知道他们说了什么, ‘准备好,所以您不必准备’ 我就是做这个的. 我想很多人都会同意,并说我是一个非常强大的对手,我很快就知道了,现在基本上给了我 10 几个星期为某人做准备, 所以我很兴奋,并希望能带给我最好的。”








在八轮的共同特征 格雷格·杰克逊 将在 朱利叶斯·戴伊斯(Julius Dyis) 在WBF次中量级冠军的八轮战斗中.




费城的杰克逊(Jackson of Philadelphia)具有欺骗性的记录 8-7-1 有两个击倒.




杰克逊面对五个不败的对手, 并击败了萨德·克拉克 (2-0) & 格莱德温·奥尔蒂斯(Gledwin Ortiz) (3-0). 杰克逊(Jackson)将于6月30日在菲尼克斯(Phoenix)击败弗农·布朗(Vernon Brown)的六轮多数票决定中.




克拉克斯代尔(Dyis of Clarksdale), 密西西比州有记录 9-1 四击倒.




该 30 一岁的戴伊斯(Dyis)是四年制专业人士.




当他击败奥斯卡·瓦尔迪兹时,他已经击败了两个不败的对手 (1-0), 在最后一次回合中,他赢得了塞缪尔·埃尔斯沃思(Samuel Ellsworth)的六轮一致决定 (3-0-1) 六月 24, 2017 在图尼卡, 密西西比.






乔尔·德拉巴斯 (7-1, 4 科斯) 大西洋城, 新泽西州将在 塔赫利克·泰勒(Tahlik Taylor) (3-11, 1 KO) 格林斯伯勒的, NC在轻量级比赛中.


约翰·鲍萨(John Bauza) (10-0, 5 科斯) 北卑尔根, 新泽西州将在初中次中量级回合中面对一个将被命名的对手.






奥马尔·萨利姆 (3-0) 布鲁克林, 纽约州将争取 迈克·安德森 (0-2) 费城的中量级回合.


迈克尔·威廉姆斯, JR. (5-0, 5 科斯) 费耶特维尔的, 北卡罗来纳州将在初中次中量级回合中与一名对手相提并论.


纳希尔·奥尔布赖特(Nahir Albright) (3-1,1 柯) 费城与 格伦福德·尼克(Glenford Nickey) (4-1, 1 KO) 布鲁克林的轻量级比赛.


以赛亚·哈特 Atlantic City的职业球员首次亮相 迪琳·卡斯普扎克(Dillion Kasprzak) (0-1) 费城的中量级回合.


马科斯·卢戈(Marcos Lugo) (0-1) 葡萄园的, 新泽西将反对 Jahmal代尔 (4-1) 巴尔的摩, 在轻量级比赛中.


史蒂夫·摩尔 (1-4, 1 KO) 奥兰治, 新泽西州发生在 卡洪·哈钦森(Kashon Hutchinson) (3-5, 1 KO) 读, 次中量级的PA.


瑞安·威尔扎克(Ryan Wilczak) (6-0, 3 科斯) 斯克兰顿, PA. 将在初中权重比赛中与对手同名.



门票价格是 $55 I $80 I $125 并在www.RSPBoxing.com上可用


Unbeaten Heavyweight Jarrell Miller Calls Out Heavyweight Champs After Brutal KO: 视频: http://s.sho.com/1Vfnk7K

赶上重播 这周一10 P.M. AND/PT在SHO EXTREME®


点击 这里 For Photos Credit Esther Lin/SHOWTIME


TUCSON, 亚利桑那州. (一月. 22, 2016) – Undefeated middleweight prospect Rob Brant scored the most impressive victory of his career with a fourth-round knockout of Decarlo Perez in the main event of 的ShoBox: 新一代, 住在Showtime 在周五 from Casino Del Sol in Tucson, 亚利桑那州. 视频精彩场面: http://s.sho.com/1QqySWm


Known more for his boxing prowess, 黑雁 (19-0, 12 科斯) displayed impressive power. After a big first round, in which he threw 97 punches and more of the same in the second, Brant floored Perez with a straight-right shot midway through the third.


The Minnesota native kept on the gas in the fourth and landed another straight right that sent Perez falling straight back partially through the ropes. 佩雷斯 (15-4-1, 5 科斯) awkwardly landed back into the ring and referee Rocky Burke instantly ended the fight at :39.


“The game plan was to be aggressive,” Brant said. “We knew we wanted to show him our power early and make him respect us right away. When I caught him with the right on the temple in the third I knew we had him. And then when I connected in the fourth it was lights out, game over. I just want to get back in the ring as soon as possible and continue making progress.”


佩雷斯, who entered the fight coming off an impressive win over previously undefeated Juan Ubaldo Cabrera last August on 的ShoBox, said he just got caught with a good shot.


“I just got caught,” Perez said. That’s all that happened. I didn’t see the shot coming and he was speedier than I thought. He’s fast and he got me with something I wasn’t ready for.”


SHOWTIME analyst Steve Farhood was surprised by Brant’s performance.


“Brant showed a dimension we hadn’t seen before,” Farhood said. “He’s thinking man’s fighter who fought an angry fight. 和, as result of that, you have to put him near the very top of the list of middleweight prospects.”


Undefeated heavyweight prospect Jarrell “Big Baby” Miller floored Donovan Dennis twice in a thoroughly dominating seventh round TKO (2:31) 在 的ShoBox 共同特征.


磨坊主 (16-0-1, 14 科斯), who went past the sixth round for the first time in his career, 登陆 52 他的力量,投篮的百分比. The Brooklyn native scored two knockdowns in the first round – the first with a devastating looping right, the second with a straight to the chest – and had Dennis nearly out on his feet in what looked like a certain first-round finish.


The southpaw Dennis (14-4, 11 科斯) somehow survived the round and actually pushed Miller into uncharted waters. Dennis had some moments where he out boxed his opponent, but Miller’s power and size – a 56 pound weight advantage – was the deciding difference. Dennis was breathing through his mouth and gasping for air when referee Tony Zaino wisely halted the contest as “Big Baby” teed-off on his defenseless opponent.


“I had him out in the first round, but I threw my shoulder out throwing a left hook,” Miller said. “I was looking for the knockout so bad he started catching me with some shots. So then I decided to box a little bit and that’s what I did until the knockout came.


“I’m glad it went seven rounds. It taught me to go to Plan B. I can box beautifully when I want and I showed some of that 今晚. It was good experience. 我的力量在那里; my wind was good. I was breathing well and seeing the shots.”


战斗结束后, Miller called out the two American heavyweight world champions.


“Charles Martin, 我来找你. Deontay怀尔德, I’m coming for your Alabama BBQ.”


In the locker room after the bout, Dennis admitted that he was surprised by Miller’s boxing ability: “He’s a better boxer than I thought he would be. That surprised me.”


在转播的开幕回合, undefeated welterweight prospect Bakhtiyar Eyubov impressed with a dominating demolition of the durable Jared Robinson with a third round TKO (:56).


Yeyubov (10-0, 10 科斯), who scored three knockdowns in three rounds, recorded his 10 knockout in his 10 career professional fight. The hard-throwing Eyubov landed a staggering 57 percent of his power shots while throwing only three jabs in the fight. The Kazakhstan native scored two knockdowns in the first and one in the third over the veteran Robinson (17-3-1, 17 科斯), who was only the second opponent to push Eyubov into the third round.


“Was I surprised at how easy it was? 别, I can’t believe he made it to round three,” Eyubov说. “The ref should have stopped it earlier. I am much smarter than I was before. I expect more of myself now. It was another step forward and I promise everyone all my fights will be like that. I am like (阿图罗) Gatti.


“My trainers are teaching me to move my head, and I’m confident that no one can hurt me. I will never ever be knocked down.”


Yeyubov, who entered the ring with a “papakha,” explained his cultural dance following the knockout win.


“The dance and the hat are traditional Kazakhstan traditions,” Eyobov said. “I was honoring my countrymen with that dance. And the hat is a symbol of my honor. No one can take that hat from me. “


的ShoBox tripleheader will re-air on 星期一, 一月. 25 在 10 P.M. AND/PT在Showtime极端,将可在Showtime ON DEMAND® 开始周六, 一月. 23.


巴里·汤普金斯 的ShoBox 从马戏团的动作与Farhood的和前世界冠军 劳尔·马尔克斯 作为专业分析师. 执行制片人 戈登·霍尔 理查德·高根生产和 里克·菲利普斯 导演.


# # #


大约 的ShoBox: 新一代
公司自成立以来日 2001, 广受好评的欣欣拳击系列, 的ShoBox: 新一代 有特色的年轻人才匹配强硬. 该 的ShoBox 理念是令人兴奋的转播, 万人空巷,并同时为愿意前景试验场正式比赛确定为世界冠军战斗. 一些的日益增长的列表的 65 谁曾出现在战士 的ShoBox 和先进的,以争取世界冠军,包括: 沃德, Deontay怀尔德, Erislandy拉拉, 肖恩·波特, 加里·拉塞尔小, 拉蒙特彼得森, 吉列尔莫·里贡多·奥尔蒂斯, 奥马尔·菲格罗亚, nonito Donaire主场, 德文亚历山大, 卡尔Froch, 罗伯特·格雷罗, 蒂莫西·布拉德利, 杰西·巴尔加斯, 胡安·曼努埃尔·洛佩斯, 乍得道森, 保利Malignaggi, 哈顿, 凯利帕夫利, 保罗·威廉斯多.


Undefeated Middleweight Rob Brant Faces Decarlo Perez in Main Event; Harmonito德拉托雷, 贾雷尔米勒 & 巴赫蒂亚尔Eyubov
Risk Their Unblemished Records In Other Televised Fights

星期五, 一月. 22 在 10:35 P.M. AND/PT


纽约 (十二月. 28, 2015) - 的ShoBox: 新一代 begins its 15 year on 开演时间® with an explosive quadrupleheader on 星期五, 一月. 22, 2016 从生活 Casino Del Sol in Tucson, 亚利桑那州. (10:35 P.M. AND/PT, 延迟在西海岸).


在晚上的重头戏, 中量级不败 抢“布拉沃”布兰特 (18-0, 11 科斯, 0-3 在世界拳击系列) 圣. 保罗, 从。, measures against Atlantic City’s 迪卡洛·佩雷斯(Decarlo Perez) (15-3-1, 5 科斯) 在10轮对决.


In co-featured bouts, 不败 Harmonito “Hammer” 德拉托雷 (17-0, 12 科斯), of Las Vegas by way of Philippines, makes his United States debut against Rafael Guzman (16-1-1, 10 科斯), 恩塞纳达, Mexico in an eight-round super featherweight bout and undefeated heavyweight 贾雷尔“大宝贝”米勒 (15-0-1, 13 科斯) 布鲁克林, 纽约州. faces southpaw 丹尼斯·多诺万 (14-3, 11 科斯, 2-1 in WSB) 克利夫兰, Ohio in an eight-round scrap.


打开 的ShoBox 电视节目, 强硬 巴赫蒂亚尔Eyubov (9-0, 9 科斯), 布鲁克林, 纽约州. by way of Kazakhstan, 会见 贾里德·罗宾逊(16-2-1, 7 科斯), of Sumter, S.C. in an eight-round super lightweight tiff.


The event is promoted by Greg Cohen Promotions.


Boxing historian and expert ring analyst 史蒂夫Farhood has called every fight on 的ShoBox since it premiered in 2001. He anticipates another year of excellent, competitive matchups in 2016.


“在 2015, we had eight fighters who appeared on 的ShoBox 并去赢得世界冠军. That means the average number of shows in which you’ll see a future world champion is one out of four,“Farhood的说.


“We saw some fantastic prospects last year, 含 埃里克森鲁宾 雷吉斯Prograis and fresh faces like 贾勒特赫德, Rob Brant—and a fighter who almost seems ready to fight for a title now—谢尔盖Derevyanchenko. Given 的ShoBox’s 15-year history, I’m fully expecting that we will have more of the same in 2016.’’


黑雁, Perez and Miller will be making their second consecutive appearances on 的ShoBox. Brant and Miller were victorious last 十月. 23, Perez last 八月. 28. Robinson will also be making his second ShoBox start; the four other boxers will be making their debuts.


“Both Brant and Perez won their most recent appearances on 的ShoBoxand both were impressive,''Farhood的说. “Brant took a big step up and outpointed 路易·罗斯 in October and Perez pulled off the upset over the previously unbeaten 胡安·乌巴尔多·卡布雷拉 八月. So it makes all the sense in the world to match them against each other. On Jan. 22, we’re going to find out just how hot Rob Brant is.’’

Twenty-six-year-old Brant will be headlining his second consecutive的ShoBox. 在他的第一, he captured a hard-fought 10-round majority decision over Rose. 展望 10 轮首次, Brant triumphed in an entertaining tight fight.

在转为职业选手在十一月 2010, Brant was a 2010 全国金手套冠军在 178 磅和U.S的成员. national boxing team pro. He currently trains in Dallas alongside top prospect 埃罗尔·斯彭斯JR.

“I’m really excited about this fight and I’ve been training hard for several weeks now,’’ Brant said. “I’ve got a very serious opponent in front of me. He rates about a 7.7 at everything, which doesn’t leave a whole lot of weaknesses. I’ve got to go back to pure boxing for this one. I have to be better in every department. It’s my second time headlining 的ShoBox and I plan on improving from the first time, so viewers can chart my progress. This is my time to show my growth.’’

佩雷斯, 谁从一个格斗家冰雹, has won four straight and nine of his last 10. He scored a surprising, 烦乱, a 10-round unanimous decision over Cabrera (23-0 在去) in his last outing. 佩雷斯, 谁花了一个星期的通知的斗争, outpointed the two-time Dominican Republic Olympian by the scores of 98-91 两次, 97-92.

“I’m so excited I’m the main event on national television,’’ Perez said. “I don’t know a lot about my opponent but I’m well prepared, both mentally and physically. I plan on giving the fans an exciting night.

“Camp is going very well. My management team has brought in top sparring with all undefeated boxers, one being 朱利安·威廉姆斯. I’m excited that my trainer is allowing me to fight the majority, if not all of this fight, in the southpaw stance. I’m really a southpaw, but I have fought right-handed most of my career.”


Perez’ last loss came on a split eight-round decision to world title challenger Wilky Campfort 一月 2014. 环外, Perez is a pharmacy technician at an Atlantic City hospital.


磨坊主, a former New York Golden Gloves finalist who turned pro in July 2009, is a confident, power-punching heavyweight who comes to knock you out. He won his ShoBox debut, 停车 Akhror Muralimov with a devastating right hand to the chin at 1:03 在第三轮.

“I feel like I should have been here two years ago,’’ Miller said. “I’m not coming to make friends. I’m here to annihilate and destroy the whole heavyweight division. On Jan. 22, I’m going to put Donovan Dennis to sleep. I’m not being heard right now, so I have to make myself known. After this fight and what I do to Dennis, things will really, really start to pick up. I’m ready to destroy.’’


Besides being a hard hitter, Miller has good overall skills and movement for a big man whose weight fluctuates from fight to fight. He’s won his last four by knockout, all inside three rounds.

Known for an aggressive style, Miller is now fully focused on a fistic career, but he hails from an MMA and kickboxing background. 几年, 他在K-1比赛, 历史上世界一流的跆拳道组织, 并两次打传奇 米尔科 “克罗马警察” Filipović.

“There seems to be a new energy and enthusiasm on the American heavyweight scene,''Farhood的说. “Part of that is explained by the fall of a dominant champion in 弗拉基米尔克里琴科 and part of it is explained by the emergence of Deontay怀尔德, 乃至 特拉维斯考夫曼. So for a young heavyweight like Jarrell Miller, the time seems to be ideal to secure TV exposure and make a name for himself.’’

丹尼斯, 28, was born and raised in Davenport, 爱荷华州. Before turning pro in June 2010, he was a top-level amateur: 11-time Iowa State Champion, 2011 National Golden Gloves runner-up in and 2012 该. S. Olympic Games Trials contestant.
The 6-foot-4 Dennis possesses good skills, movement and punching power to go with his strong amateur background. His weakness is durability; he’s been knocked out in all of his losses.


“I’m ready to fight,’’ Dennis said. “I’ve been training really hard and I am looking forward to the fight. I just want to get this win and move on as I will have a big year in 2016.’’


德拉托雷, considered one of the top young talents in the Philippines, will be fighting outside of Asia for the first time. A big puncher and winner of seven straight by knockout, 5尺8, 21-year-old is coming off athird-round TKO over Ricard Betos 最后 十一月. 14.

“It’s every boxer’s dream to fight on big cards in United States. This is the next step in my pathway to becoming world champion,’’ Dela Torre said. “I can’t wait. This is an opportunity I will take advantage of and show everyone I’m ready to step up. I let my team concentrate on my opponents and pass me instructions. I just know I’ll be ready and able to stop any opponent.’’


Before turning professional at 17, Dela Torre was a top member on the Philippine National Amateur Boxing Team. As a pro, he has made a “name” for himself after an impressive victory over Jason Butar-Butar on the undercard of a 帕奎奥-headlined fight in November 2013.


古斯曼, a 5-foot-8½-inch 20-year-old, 将成为他的美国. debut and initial start outside of Mexico since turning pro at 16 在七月 2011. In Dela Torre, Guzman will be taking a significant step up in class. 他在打进了第三轮将军澳 Pedro Lopez on his last start in 十月. 9.

“I’m feeling very strong and ready for the challenge of this fight,’’ Guzman said. “Fighting on SHOWTIME is a huge opportunity for me. I hear my opponent is a good fighter, but I am ready for anything he can throw. Everybody is going to be talking about me after this fight.”


Yeyubov, 29, who could be on the fast track to stardom, is regarded by many to be the second-hardest Kazakh hitter in boxing, ranked only behind 根纳季·戈洛夫金. Since his days as an amateur when he won more than 150 打架, a vast majority by knockout, Eyubov has lived up to his reputation as a fearsome banger who looks to remove the judges from the equation.


He’s overwhelmed his first nine opponents as a pro, winning six by knockout in the first round and two by knockout in the second. The furthest he’s gone in a fight came in his second start when he scored a third-round TKO (2:57) 以上 Jhaquis Davis. In his last outing on 十月. 29, 他打进了 1:27, 第一轮将军澳 安东尼奥·查韦斯·费尔南德斯 布鲁克林.

罗宾逊, a pro since August 2009, fights out of Charlotte, N.C. A veteran of several scheduled 10-round fights, he’s undeniably the most experienced boxer Eyubov’s ever faced. A natural 140-pounder,Robinson won his initial 14 starts before losing on a fourth-round TKO to then-unbeaten 阿米尔我 在ShoBox in a bout he took on short notice on Feb. 21, 2014.

两场比赛前, Robinson fought to a disputed eight-round split draw against then-unbeaten Haskell Rhodes (23-0 在去) 六月 21, 2015. An excellent boxer with good skills and movement, the 5-foot-9-inch Robinson, 33, is coming off a one-sided 10-round decision overChristian Dominguez 最后 七. 26. 环外, Robinson is amassage therapist.

巴里·汤普金斯 将调用 的ShoBox 从马戏团的动作与Farhood的和前世界冠军 劳尔·马尔克斯 作为专业分析师. 执行制片人 戈登·霍尔 理查德·高根生产和 里克·菲利普斯 导演.

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大约 的ShoBox: 新一代
公司自成立以来日 2001, 广受好评的欣欣拳击系列, 的ShoBox: 新一代 有特色的年轻人才匹配强硬. 该 的ShoBox 理念是令人兴奋的转播, 万人空巷,并同时为愿意前景试验场正式比赛确定为世界冠军战斗. 一些的日益增长的列表的 65 谁曾出现在战士的ShoBox 和先进的,以争取世界冠军,包括: 沃德, Deontay怀尔德, Erislandy拉拉, 肖恩·波特, 加里·拉塞尔小, 拉蒙特彼得森, 吉列尔莫·里贡多·奥尔蒂斯, 奥马尔·菲格罗亚, nonito Donaire主场, 德文亚历山大, 卡尔Froch, 罗伯特·格雷罗, 蒂莫西·布拉德利, 杰西·巴尔加斯, 胡安·曼努埃尔·洛佩斯, 乍得道森, 保利Malignaggi, 哈顿, 凯利帕夫利, 保罗·威廉斯多.