Undefeated Prospect Eddie Ramirez Faces California’s Jessie Roman in Super Lightweight Showdown on Premier Boxing Champions on ESPN & ESPN 周六驱逐出境, 七月 9 从Sun国家银行中心特伦顿, 新泽西州

更多! Philadelphia Fighters Tyrone Brunson and Christopher Brooker Featured in Separate Bouts On Exciting Night of Action!
特伦顿, 新泽西州 (七月 7, 2016) – 不败的前景 埃迪·拉米雷斯 (13-0, 9 科斯) will take on Californian contender 杰西罗马 (20-2, 9 科斯) in a 10-round super lightweight matchup on 总理拳击冠军 ESPN 和 ESPN 驱逐者 星期六, 七月 9 从Sun国家银行中心特伦顿, 新泽西州.
电视报道开始于 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT and is headline by undefeated rising contender 马里奥·巴里奥斯 接受前冠军挑战者 Devis Boschiero in a 130-pound title eliminator.
门票现场活动, 这是由国王的促销推广, 售价为 $75, $55, $39 和 $24, 不包括适用的费用, 与现已公开发售. Tickets can be purchased HERE, 在Sun国家银行中心售票处或致电 609-656-3234
Additional action features Philadelphia’s Tyrone Brunson (22-6-1, 21 科斯) battling Maryland’s 约书亚Okine (28-7-1, 17 科斯) in an eight-round middleweight contest, 25-一岁的前景 克里斯托弗·布鲁克 (9-1, 5 科斯) 保持不败 加布里埃尔范 (6-0, 2 科斯) in eight-rounds of super middleweight action, Kazakhstan-born Zhankosh Turarov (18-0, 13 科斯) in an eight-round welterweight bout against Brazil’s Daniel Souza Santos (15-10, 12 科斯) 和不败的前景 泰特斯·威廉姆斯 (5-0, 2 科斯) 对阵波多黎各的 Jovany Fuentes (7-7, 6 科斯) in a six-round super featherweight fight.
Rounding out the night of fights is unbeaten Philadelphia prospect Tyrone Crawley (5-0) 对抗波多黎各 Alexander Charneco (4-2, 4 科斯) in a six-round junior welterweight fight and New Jersey’s 达里尔·邦廷 (1-0-1) against St. 路易斯本地人 凯尔库尔茨 in four-rounds of middleweight action.
A Chicago Golden Gloves champion, Ramirez knocked out seven of his first nine professional opponents and picked up five victories in 2015 including a decision over former world champion Cristobal Cruz. The 23-year-old debuted in 2016 with a second round stoppage of Osumanu Akaba in April.
Fighting out of Santa Ana, 加利福尼亚州, Roman turned pro in 2009, one year after his older brother Jose began fighting professionally. 击败在他的第一次 16 亲打架, the 25-year-old has won three fights in a row, including a dominant decision victory in his last outing against veteran Hector Serrano.
有关信息,请访问 www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.sunnationalbankcenter.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @Boxer_Barrios, @KingsBoxing, @ESPNBoxing 和 @Swanson_Comm 并成为 Facebook 粉丝: www.facebook.com/premierboxingchampions. Highlights available to embed at www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. ESPN 上的 PBC 由 Corona Extra 赞助, 最好的啤酒.

UFC搏击之夜: 多斯·安霍斯vs. Alvarez Live主卡彰显UFC 200 搏击网络上的搏击周报道

多伦多 – 战网, 全球首屈一指 24/7 多平台的通道专用于格斗运动的全覆盖, 今天宣布了广泛的现场报道 UFC国际搏击周 在拉斯维加斯, UFC历史上最大的一周, 通过现场直播主卡突出显示 UFC FIGHTNIGHT®: DOS天使vs. 阿尔瓦雷斯 从米高梅大花园竞技场, 七月 7 在 10 P.M. AND, 加上现场预赛 终极战斗机FINALE®: 乔安娜队vs. 克劳迪亚队 在周五, 七月 8 在 8 P.M. AND.


扑网将空气中的 UFC FIGHTNIGHT®: DOS天使vs. 阿尔瓦雷斯 主卡 7月在加拿大各地 7 在 10 P.M. AND, 前面有一个 现场预展 在 9 P.M. AND.


在主要事件, UFC轻量级冠军 拉斐尔·多斯·安霍斯 (24-7) 在与顶级竞争者的五轮巴恩伯纳比赛中将他的冠军排行 埃迪·阿尔瓦雷斯 (27-4). 在其他功能的较量, 罗伊·“大国”尼尔森 (22-12) 投掷下来 德里克·“黑兽”刘易斯 (15-4, 1NC) 在爆炸性的重量级碰撞中, 艾伦·乔班(Alan Jouban) (13-4) 不败 Belal Muhammad | (9-0) 在次中量级的事情上, 更多 “爱尔兰人”乔·达菲 (14-2) 欢迎加拿大的 米奇“危险地带”克拉克 (11-3) 回到轻量级对决中.


实战周的报道从星期三开始, 七月 6 在 2 P.M. ET用的现场演示 最终UFC 200 赛前新闻发布会, 由UFC主席达娜·怀特(Dana White)和主卡超级巨星乔恩·琼斯(Jon Jones)组成, 丹尼尔·科米尔, 布罗克Lesnar, 马克·亨特, Miesha Tate, 阿曼达·努内斯, 何塞·奥尔多和弗兰基·埃德加.


在星期四, 七月 7 在 2:30 P.M. AND, 扑灭网路呈现官方现场直播 销售新闻发布会 对于UFC 202: 迪亚兹vs. 麦格雷戈 2, 自去年三月热烈相遇以来,内特·迪亚兹(Nate Diaz)和科纳·麦格雷戈(Conor McGregor)首次在同一舞台上.


后, 七月 7 在 6 P.M. AND, 扑灭网络为您提供现场称重 终极战斗机FINALE®: 乔安娜队vs. 克劳迪亚队, 头条新闻乔安娜(Joanna Jedrzejczyk)和克劳迪娅(Claudia Gadelha)在她们的女子轻量级冠军赛重赛之前占了上风.


继周四的主卡之后, 扑灭网络将直播 UFC FIGHTNIGHT®: DOS天使vs. 阿尔瓦雷斯 战斗后新闻发布会 其全文.


在周五, 七月 8 在 6 P.M. AND, UFC 200 战斗机将在“扑灭网络”的实况转播期间面对面 UFC 200: 科米尔vs. 琼斯 2 称重, 因为历史上最大的UFC赛事中的所有明星将在周六晚上备受期待的冲突之前扩大规模.


扑网将空气中的 直播预选赛 终极战斗机FINALE®: 乔安娜队vs. 克劳迪亚队 7月在加拿大各地 8 在 8 P.M. AND. 主卡直播在TSN5上直播 10 P.M. AND.


在特色初赛中, 华金·席尔瓦(Joaquim Silva) (8-0) 面孔 安德鲁·霍尔布鲁克 (11-0) 在不败的轻量级比赛中, 前冠军挑战者 格雷·梅纳德 (12-6-1, 1NC) 首次轻量级对阵巴西 费尔南多·布鲁诺 (16-3), 火热的轻量级竞争者面对时 约翰·莫拉加 (16-4) 发生在 马修斯·尼科劳 (11-2-1), 首届TUF巴西冠军塞萨尔·“穆坦特”·费雷拉 (10-5) 遇见中等体重的家伙 安东尼·“狮心”史密斯 (25-11), 备受吹捧的澳大利亚前景 杰克“凯尔特小子”马修斯 (11-1) 面临危险的轻量化 凯文·“摩城现象”李 (12-2) 和中国的 这景良 (10-4) 承担澳大利亚的 安东·扎菲尔 (7-2) 在次中量级回合.


继周五的主卡之后, 搏击网将播出 终极战斗机FINALE®: 乔安娜队vs. 克劳迪亚队 现场战斗后新闻发布会 其全文.


引领星期六的热门按次付费, Fight Network展示了Jon Jones和Daniel Cormier之间的第一次会议, 如 UFC 182: 琼斯VS. 科米尔 一月 2015 在 2 P.M. AND.


后, 七月 9 在 6 P.M. AND, 扑网提出了一个 UFC 200: 科米尔vs. 琼斯 2 预展, 具有预览, 预测, 分析, 在拉斯维加斯现场进行的独家采访等等. 在周六的活动之后, 扑灭网络将直播 UFC 200: 科米尔vs. 琼斯 2 战斗后新闻发布会 其全文.


除了所有的现场活动, 打网络作为目标UFC库中的内容, 特色菜和系列, 含 终极战士, UFC偷跑, 现在UFC, UFC终极内幕和经典 UFC的PPV 事件.


这个星期天, 七月 10 在 9 P.M. AND, 扑网礼物 UFC 87: 寻找和摧毁 从八月 2009 在明尼阿波利斯, 从。, 乔治·圣皮埃尔(Georges St-Pierre)vs. Jon Fitch获得UFC次中量级冠军, 加布罗克·莱斯纳尔vs. 希思·鲱鱼和肯尼·弗洛里安vs. 罗杰·韦尔塔.


对于战网的广播时间表的完整列表, 请访问 www.fightnetwork.com, 按照我们在Twitter上@fightnet, 成为粉丝在Facebook上,并参观我们的Instagram @fightnet.

Topps announces plans for the UFC Fan Expo, including the launch of TOPPS NOW UFC; exclusive promo cards


Topps is bringing its popular TOPPS NOW™ program to the UFC beginning with UFC 200. The Topps.com-exclusive product will showcase amazing bouts and top moments. The physical trading cards will be available for a pre-sale for UFC 200 starting today.

The cards will feature the winners of the big fights, including two championship bouts. UFC 200 is the ideal time to launch TOPPS NOW UFC with the caliber of fights on the docket, including Daniel Cormier vs Jon Jones, Meisha Tate vs Amanda Nunes and Brock Lesnar vs Mark Hunt.

“UFC is the perfect fit to incorporate into the TOPPS NOW program immediately,” said Jeff Heckman, 导向器, New Product Development and eCommerce Marketplace. “Every weekend there are great fights happening; we have seen a number of title changes over the last several months. TOPPS NOW is the best way to capture these moments and give UFC fans a collectible they will treasure.”

Topps has a number of initiatives planned for UFC fans to participate in and enjoy. The Fan Expo will take place from 七月 8-10 在拉斯维加斯会议中心. Among those are Promo Cards, Make Your Own Card, Topps UFC Knockout digital cards and a variety of other UFC cards available at the Expo.

Topps began making UFC trading cards in 2009.

Andy Ruiz to Face Josh Gormley in Main Event of Salita Promotionsnext ‘Detroit Brawl’ 周六, 七月 16, at Masonic Temple


An intriguing heavyweight showdown will go down on 星期六, 七月 16, as WBO #5-, IBF #5-, and WBC #7-rated and current NABF heavyweight champion AndyThe Destroyer from Mexicali” 鲁伊斯 (27-0, 18 科斯) has agreed to face comebacking KO artist JoshuaJosh Dempsey” 葛姆雷 (22-4, 21 科斯) in his next ring appearance.
由 Thomas Magee’s Sporting House 威士忌酒吧赞助, 门票 “底特律争吵” 将定价为 要人 $123, 包厢座位 $100, 马戏团 $93, 保留的 $63 和 $38, and Balcony $28, and are available at all Ticketmaster outlets and Tickmaster.com.
26-岁的鲁伊斯, from Mexicali, 下加利福尼亚州, 墨西哥, will face the determined and upset-minded 41-year-old Gormley, from Torrance in a non-title fight in the 10-round main event of Salita Promotions’ 下一个 “底特律争吵” installment at the Masonic Temple in Downtown Detroit.
Ruiz has made four successful defenses of his NABF Championship. 在此之前,, he held the WBO Inter-Continental Heavyweight Championship and made an additional three successful defenses before relinquishing. In his last in-ring appearance, he stopped former world title challenger Ray Austin in the fourth round on 五月 14 in Studio City, 加利福尼亚州.
葛姆雷, who bills himself as a distant relative of former champ Jack Dempsey, reportedly trains with Dino Spencer and LuisChiroPerez at the 5th St. 迈阿密 健身房, 佛罗里达. He is on a three-fight KO streak since coming back from a 16-year layoff in late 2015. Despite having had no amateur boxing career, Dempsey fought his way to up-and-comer status in the late 90s and was a fan favorite. He also worked with former champion Lennox Lewis as a sparring partner. Gormley is a former California State Wrestling Champion and MMA fighter and the older brother of UFC fighter Chase Gormley.
Giving the “底特律争吵” crowd its usual international flavor will be welterweights Giorgi Gelashvili (4-0, 2 科斯) Brooklyn via Georgia and Serdar Hadurbadyev (2-0, 2 科斯) of Turkmenabat, Turkmenistan in separate six-round bouts.
还, making his long-awaited four-round pro debut that night will beSouthpaw PrinceGheith Karim, a three-time national amateur champion from Dearborn, 密歇根. A product of the Kronk Gym, Karim was being touted as a future star by legendary Kronk founder Emanuel Steward since the age of 11. He will compete as a junior middleweight.
Also scheduled for action that night are crowd-favorite Detroit prospects including cruiserweight Demetrius Banks (7-0, 4 科斯) 在六全才; middleweight Dorell Van Horn Jr (9-0, 6 科斯) 在六全才; as well as promising Detroit bantamweight Jarico O’Quinn (1-0, 1 KO); super bantamweight Zach Shamoun (3-0-1, 3 科斯) of Bloomfield Hills Michigan; and cruiserweight Clarence Dubose (3-0, 3 科斯) of Eastpointe, 密歇根, 当时一致决定.
Thomas Magee 的 Sporting House 威士忌酒吧位于底特律市中心的东部市场区,为顾客提供一家老式运动和威士忌酒吧. Thomas Magee 以提供每项运动而自豪, 每场比赛, 而每场战斗, 还有很棒的啤酒和威士忌!
有关更多信息, “底特律争吵” 或促销的Salita, 访问www.salitapromotions.com. Thomas Magee’s Sporting House 威士忌酒吧位于 1408 底特律的 E Fisher 服务大道. 欲了解更多信息, 通话 313-263-4342 或访问他们的官方 Facebook 页面:www.facebook.com/托马斯·马吉斯运动屋威士忌嘿酒吧

搏击之夜, 门在开启 6:30 下午 和战斗在开始 7:15 下午.

世界排名最轻量级明星杰西·布洛克已签署独家协议, 与世界格斗大赛签订多场比赛协议.


LAS VEGAS (七月 5, 2016) - 世界系列的战斗 (WSOF.com) 今天宣布与世界排名最轻量级选手签约 (135 英镑) 明星 杰西·布洛克 (22-8) 到异, 多战协议.

34 岁的博伊西布洛克 (Brock of Boise) 首次亮相宣传, 爱达荷州即将公布.

“我们非常高兴地欢迎杰西·布洛克加入我们的世界级运动员队伍,“说世界系列格斗总统 父亲酋长. “杰西是一位真正的表演者,他曾与同级别的一些最好的拳击手较量过, 他显然已经赢得了参加我们最轻量级比赛的机会。”

排名高达 38 世界最轻量级, 布洛克将进入世界格斗系列赛十角笼,他最近在第三轮比赛中延续了六连胜的纪录 (3:57) 服从 (后方裸体扼流圈) 的 奥利邓白氏 在Bellator 155 五月 20, 2016.

这场胜利标志着布洛克在 Bellator 旗下的第二次胜利. 在十月 25, 2013, 他击败了 阿德里安·克鲁兹 通过一致决定.

至今, 布洛克与顶级对手的经验包括 唐纳德·“牛仔”·塞罗尼, 卡尔一号泰森·南, 布洛克通过五回合击败了谁, 一月一致决定 28, 2011.

家乡阿拉斯加的前高中州摔跤冠军, 布洛克随后在 NCAA 第一级博伊西州立大学参加了四年的比赛,并两次入选太平洋大学联盟 10 会议优胜者.

布洛克的签约是在世界格斗系列赛最轻量级冠军争夺战中卫冕冠军之间的主赛事复赛前三周发生的 马龙·莫赖斯 (16-4-1) 与竞争者 约什 - “君子”山 (14-1) 在WSOF32, 住在NBCSN在 10:30 P.M. AND/7:30 P.M. 埃弗里特 XFINITY 竞技场的 PT, 洗. 上 星期六, 七月 30.




伦敦 — (七月 5, 2016) – 受伤 林顿瓦塞尔 (16-5, 1 NC) has derailed “The Swarm’s” summer plans of competing in front of his fellow Englishmen against 弗朗西斯Carmont (24-11) during the main card of “Bellator 158: 伦敦,” 这将发生在七月 16 inside one of the world’s most popular venues, The O2 in London, 英国. 代替, Carmont will now fight Lukasz Klinger (7-2) at 205-pounds.


One of the card’s featured preliminary fights has also changed, with the news that the always-exciting James Mulheron (8-1) will now enter the cage to fight London native Neil Grove(12-7).


In addition to these newly announced bouts, fans will also have the pleasure of watching the always-entertaining British sensation 保罗·戴利 (38-13-2), as he prepares to put on a show for his hometown fans against former welterweight world champion and knockout specialist,道格拉斯·利马 (26-6). 迈克尔“毒液”页面 (10-0) aims to continue his raging pace and remain unbeaten when he challenges himself against MMA veteran “机器人”桑托斯 (21-17). 四舍五入了电视转播行动, Matt Mitrione (10-5) will return after his emphatic win last month to face “Britain’s Strongest Man” 这是汤普森 (17-8) in a heavyweight beater, 和詹姆斯·加拉格尔 (3-0) 发生在 Mike Cutting (6-5).


In the United Kingdom, “Bellator 158: London” will be broadcast on SPIKE UK from 9 – 10 P.M. BST and Channel 5 从 10 P.M. – midnight BST. Meanwhile in America, the card will air 现场免费 在 SPIKE 上 9 P.M. AND/PT.


Tickets start at only £40.00 and are on sale now at TheO2.co.uk or The O2 Box Office.


来自巴黎, 法国, the 34-year-old Carmont will be making his first appearance of 2016 and fourth under the Bellator MMA umbrella. Carmont had strung together a couple wins before his most recent appearance at “Bellator MMA: 炸药1“。 After winning his first bout of the evening, Carmont replaced an injured 穆罕默德“王莫”拉瓦尔 on just a few minutes’ notice, to face a formidable 菲尔·戴维斯 in the tournament final, where he was defeated. 现在, “Limitless” looks to upset Klinger during the main card of “Bellator 158: London.”

A native of Przemysl, 波兰, Klinger has been competing professionally since 2013 and taken fights almost exclusively in the United Kingdom. The 32-year-old went nearly three years without suffering his first loss as a pro, amassing finishes in all seven of his victories. “Hitman” has laced up the gloves once already in 2016, and now looks to impress in his Bellator MMA debut when he faces Carmont on 七月 16 at The O2 in London.


“Bellator 158: London” Fight Card

Bellator MMA重量级特征回合: 道格拉斯·利马 (26-6) VS. 保罗·戴利 (38-13-2)

Bellator MMA重量级特征回合: Matt Mitrione (10-5) VS. 这是汤普森 (17-8)

Bellator MMA重量级特征回合: 迈克尔页 (10-0) VS. 杰利斯塔“机器侠”桑托斯 (21-17)

Bellator MMA Light Heavyweight Feature Bout: 弗朗西斯Carmont (24-11) VS. Lukasz Klinger (7-2)

Bellator羽量级MMA特征回合: 詹姆斯·加拉格尔 (3-0) VS. Mike Cutting (6-5)



Bellator MMA Heavyweight Preliminary Bout: James Mulheron (8-1) VS. Neil Grove (12-7)

Bellator MMA中量级初步回合: Michael Shipman (8-1) VS. 李·查德威克 (21-12-1)

Bellator MMA飞锤初步回合: Pietro Menga (12-0) VS. Spencer Hewitt (12-10)

Bellator MMA轻量级初步回合: 路易斯·托斯塔 (9-2) VS. Dean Garnett (7-0)

Bellator MMA中量级初步回合: 杰森·拉德克利夫(Jason Radcliffe) (8-2) VS. Jack Mason (29-15)

Bellator MMA重量级初步回合: 蔡斯·莫顿 (6-2) VS. Nathaniel Wood (8-3)

Bellator MMA中量级初步回合: Alex Reid (11-9-1) VS. Manuel Garcia (27-19)

Bellator MMA中量级初步回合: J. Meeks (4-1) VS. Danny Mitchell (17-7-1)

Perrella to throw out first pitch July 9



Fort Myers, FL (七月 5, 2016) – Rising star Bryant “Goodfella” Perrella will throw out the ceremonial first pitch prior to the Fort Myers Miracle’s 6:05 下午 showdown against the Dunedin Blue Jays 星期六, 七月 9 at Hammond Stadium.

Living and fighting out of Fort Myers, FL, Perrella burst onto the national scene by scoring a second round stoppage of previously unbeaten David Grayton 六月 4 在ESPN. 佩雷拉, 14-0 (13 KO的), followed his victory with a memorable post fight interview where he emphatically stated he’s ready to fight the best in the welterweight division.

Outside of the ring Perrella is literally a good fella, living a clean lifestyle while giving back to the community by participating in different charitable causes.

“I’m excited to be able to come out and support a great local organization,” said Perrella. “I am really looking forward to having the opportunity to meet and greet the fans too.

A Minnesota Twins affiliate, the Miracle are excited about having Perrella and recognize him as a local rising star.

“It’s nice to honor one of the community’s up and comers,” Miracle GM Andrew Seymour said of Perrella.

After throwing the ceremonial first pitch, Perrella will be available to take photos, sign autographs and chat with those in attendance.

Tickets to the game are available by going tohttp://fm1.glitnirticketing.com/fmticket/web/stadiumg.php?status_id=2&event_id=101.

保护自己在任何时候都: 指南对职业拳击手

达拉斯, 得克萨斯州………. 福布斯 30 在下面 30 (体育) 企业家, 作者, 职业运动员代表阿德里安·克拉克(Adrian Clark)宣布了他的指南系列的第二本书, 题目, 保护自己在任何时候都: 指南对职业拳击手.

以前所未有的时尚, 克拉克为职业拳击手提供了这份蓝图 12 发 (章节) 帮助拳击手增强自我能力并保护其职业生涯的简洁建议. 还包括来自超过 40 现任和退役战士讲述他们的商业经验.

“这本书只是一场保护拳击场外职业拳击手运动的开始,” 克拉克说, 谁开始代表战士 23 岁. “早就应该有人带头冲锋,并在商业方面对战士进行教育. 每一位战士, 以及与战士密切相关的每个人, 应该读这本书。”

作为一名斗士倡导者和一名管理者, 克拉克最近发布了 “拳击手-经理协议,” 一个标准, 拳击手与其经理或顾问签订服务合同的法律文件. 《拳击手经理协议》’ 可以在AC体育管理上下载, LLC, 网站,www.ACsportsm.com.

来介绍一下这本书, 国际拳击名人堂入选者、四级别世界冠军佩内尔 “甜豌豆” 惠特克和两个级别的世界冠军詹姆斯 “伙伴” 麦吉尔特将第三次搭档. 在这个设置下, 手套都脱掉了,两名战士都穿上了手套 “作家” 为克拉克的书做前言的帽子.

“阿德里安的心在需要的地方,” 麦吉尔特说. “每个人都说他们正在寻找职业拳击手, 但他正在表现 (举例来说) 他真的很关心战士. 阿德里安和这本书对于拳击运动和运动员来说都是伟大的。”

保护自己在任何时候都: 职业拳击手指南将得到 Everlast 的认可; 拳击界的拳击场内外护具领先品牌. Clark 将于 7 月 6 日开始在 Everlast 网站上开设视频博客, 有 3 本书各章的简要总结.

“这本书提供了有关拳击运动的宝贵见解. 克拉克揭示了拳击中存在的灰色空间,并通过这项重要的工作有效地增强了专业人士和业余爱好者的能力。” (克里斯·比登, Everlast 体育营销经理)

书籍将会上市 八月 14, 2016 在巴恩斯 & Noble 商店以及在 Amazon 和 Everlast.com 上订购. 该书的 Nook 和 Kindle 版本也将上市.

阿德里安·克拉克, 德克萨斯 A 毕业生&M-科珀斯克里斯蒂, 入选福布斯’ 年度的 “30 在下面 30 (体育)” 为 2016. 他居住在达拉斯,可以通过 Adrian@ACsportsm.com 联系他

Team Maldonado files WMMAA appeal to reassess result of June 17th Emelianenko vs. Maldonado fight in Russia

蒙特卡罗, 摩纳哥 (七月 4, 2016) — The World Mixed Martial Arts Association (WMMAA) has received an appeal from Stefano Sartori, manager of Brazilian fighter 法比奥·马尔多纳多(Fabio Maldonado), to reassess the result of his June 17fight with 费多尔艾米连科, which headlined 搏击之夜全球 50 in Saint Petersburgh, 俄罗斯.
Emelianenko was awarded a win by majority decision, which Team Malondado has appealed, claiming a conflict of interest because all of the judges are employed by the Russian MMA Union, of which Emelianenko serves as president.
Team Maldonado believes Maldonando should have won the decision, or the fight declared a draw at the very least, in their opinion, as the Brazilian clearly won the first round, 10-8, Emelianenko came back to take the second round, 10-9, and the third round was a toss-up.
Because Russian MMA Union vice president Radmir Gabdullin was the head judge for the aforementioned bout, Team Maldonando feels that a fair judgement regarding its appeal can be rendered only by independent, international judges reviewing the fight.
Team Maldonando has appealed the decision on grounds that there was an obvious conflict of interest in terms of the Russian MMA Union judges and their close association with Fedor, as well as the quality of decisions they rendered. Rather than appeal the decision to the Russian MMA Union, which they claimed would place Russian judges under intense pressure, Team Maldonando made the appeal directly to the WMMAA because the Russian MMA Union is a sanctioned member of the worldwide sanctioning body WMMAA.
世界MMAA主席 瓦迪姆·芬克尔希泰因 has announced the following sequence of actions:
  • WMMAA Secretary General Alexander Engelhardt has been appointed to handle the appeal procedure
  • A group of objective international judges, under the guidance of experienced referee/judge Marco Broersen (荷兰), to be appointed to assess the Emelianenko-Maldonado fight based on the tape and render an unbiased verdict regarding the fight and work of the judges
  • Temporarily suspend WMMAA head judge Radmir Gabdullin from his position
  • Discuss judgeswork at the next WMMAA Congress, taking into account the pending verdict of the independent commission
Schedule of Major 2016 MMA Events
Aug.3-8Asian MMA Championship in Hwasun, 韩国
七. 14-16European MMA Championship in Tbilisi, 格鲁吉亚
十月. 7-9Inaugural Pan-American Championships in Santiago, 智利
十一月. 18-20World MMM Championship in Macau, 中国
叽叽喳喳: @theWMMAA
Instagram的: @世界MMA



LOS ANGELES, CA— 七月 6, 2016—One of the greatest photographers of all-time, Howard Bingham, has entered into a long-term licensing agreement with renowned sports and marketing agent Harlan J. Werner to handle his photo collection featuring Muhammad Ali, Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, The Beatles, Michael Jackson, Nelson Mandela, the Black Panthers and Elvis Presley.


Bingham’s unbelievable talent and work has been seen world-wide in books, magazines, television and museums and art galleries as he has followed world leaders, the top musicians, Hollywood royalty, pop culture and one of the most recognized sports figures in the world in Muhammad Ali. Bingham was one of Ali’s best friends for over 50 years and followed the champion throughout his career and traveling with him world-wide.


“Howard has a very historic collection of photos numbering in the millions and this is the first time he has decided to license and offer his work to the public,” said Werner, who did a lot of work for Ali and currently represents Joe Namath, Sandy Koufax and many other superstar athletes. “I appreciate the trust that Howard and Dustin Bingham have put in me and Sports Placement Services to represent this historic collection of work. The collection and totality of the work is mind boggling. It is truly one of the few untapped photo collections in the world. We hope in the next year to be able to start sharing this incredible collection with the world.”



“Harlan’s love and dedication to the people he has worked with, including Muhammad and Lonnie Ali, Sandy Koufax, Joe Namath and Mike Tyson and his vision to protect my father’s work made it an easy choice for us,” said Dustin Bingham. “We look forward to working with Harlan and sharing my father’s incredible work with the world.”


Werner, who is a long-time sports memorabilia collector and dealer as well as co-owner of a national chain of retail movie memorabilia stores, is the founder of Sports Placement Service Inc., a sports licensing and marketing company that was established in 1985 to market and capitalize retired athletes. Werner has represented some of sports greatest athletes—Ali, Namath, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Koufax, John Riggins, Roy Campanella, Don Drysdale and Mike Tyson to name a few.


Werner is currently doing work for Koufax, Namath, Riggins, Fernando Valenzuela, Clayton Kershaw and Kershaw’s Challenge as well as the estate of Sonny Liston.


In addition to his personal knowledge of the memorabilia and autograph industry, Werner executive produced the movie “Tyson” and consulted on “One Night in Vegas” for ESPN’s 30 为 30 系列.


欲了解更多信息, visit the Sports Placement Services website at HTTP://www.sportsplacement.com.


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