Категория Архивы: бокс


У него была неделя, чтобы обдумать свое спорное поражение судейским решением от казахстанца Бахтияра Эюбова. (11-0, 10 КО), Полусредневес из Сан-Франциско Карим Мэйфилд говорит, что он недоволен.
Бой в дебютном бою на ШоБоксе: The New Generation® в прошлую пятницу, Август 19, на стадионе Rhinos в Рочестере, Нью-Йорк, Мэйфилд (19-4-1, 11 КО) казалось, чтобы переиграть и переиграть своего непобедимого врага, особенно в последних четырех раундах. Несмотря на статистическое преимущество – и победа в глазах комментаторов Showtime, большинство СМИ у ринга, присутствующие фанаты и всемирный протест – Мэйфилд оказался не на той стороне после 10-раундового раздельного решения судей. (95-94 дважды для Эюбова и 95-94 для Мэйфилд) в конце их захватывающей битвы.
“Я очень расстроен этим,” Саид Мэйфилд. “Я усердно тренировался для этого боя. Наконец-то я смог устроиться на нормальный восьминедельный лагерь, чтобы тренироваться и тренироваться под конкретного бойца.. такого у меня давно не было. Было здорово быть таким сосредоточенным, но получить его у меня украли не очень хорошее чувство. Бойцы много времени проигрывают и думают, что выиграли, но это не так. Общественность соглашается, что я выиграл. Комментаторы говорят, что я выиграл. Меня ограбили. Я не просто так думаю. Это правда, что меня ограбили.”
Демонстрация жесткости, мощность и высокий уровень кондиционирования, Мэйфилд становился все сильнее и сильнее по мере того, как продолжалась изнурительная борьба.. Несмотря на потерю, это было очень впечатляющее и омолаживающее карьеру выступление против противника, который нокаутировал всех своих предыдущих противников до конца трех раундов..
“Я горжусь своим выступлением. Я показал, что принадлежу к мировому уровню. Я всегда был хорошим бойцом. Но я считаю необходимым дать матч-реванш против Эйюбова.. Я чувствую, что это незаконченное дело. Я не проиграл из-за отсутствия навыков. У меня это украли.”
Мэйфилд говорит, что Эйюбов не даст ему реванш (он был уклончивым после боя), Showtime должен вернуть его в громкий матч.
Я заслуживаю того, чтобы меня вернули. Я победил некоторых хороших парней. Эйюбов всего лишь один. Я победил Маурисио Эрреру. Я победил Франсиско Сантану. Я победил их, и они получили большие возможности. Встряхните меня! Я буду драться с кем угодно, если газета правильная.”

Роберт Герреро, Дэвид Эмануэль Перальта, Альфредо Ангуло, Фредди Эрнандес, Террелл Gausha & Steve Martinez Final Press Conference Quotes & Фото

Premier Boxing Champions on Spike This Суббота, Август 27 от Honda Center in Anaheim, Халиф. – 9 p.m. И/8 p.m. Коннектикут
Нажмите ВОТ For Photos From Andy Samuelson/Premier Boxing Champions
ANAHEIM, КАЛИФОРНИЯ. (Август 25, 2016) – Former multiple division world champion Роберт “Призрак” Воин and Argentine slugger David EmanuelEl Pirata” Перальта went face-to-face Thursday at the final press conference before they enter the ring Суббота ночь в главном событии Премьер Бокс чемпионов на Spike от Honda Center в Анахайме, Халиф.
Телевизионный охват начинается 9 p.m. И/8 p.m. CT and features a pair of exciting contests as exciting puncher Альфредо Ангуло сталкивается ветеран Фредди Эрнандес while unbeaten 2012 U.S. Олимпиец Террелл Gausha battles the Bronx’s Стив Мартинес.
The Premier Boxing Champions fighters were joined by Bellator MMA fighters participating in Пятница night’s Bellator fight that is part of back-to-back nights of combat sport action on Spike as at Honda Center in Anaheim, Халиф.
Билеты на Август 27 событие, который способствует TGB Акции, по цене $31, $58, $108 и $203, плюс применимые сборы, и уже в продаже. Билеты доступны через ticketmaster.com, В точках продаж Ticketmaster или по телефону 800-745-3000. Билеты также доступны в кассе центра Honda..
Вот то, что бойцы должны были сказать в четверг в:
Роберт Герреро
I got a chance to size him up today. I saw how tall he is. Picking my spotsseeing where I have to go. After looking at him, Я знаю, что он идет воевать. Я ожидаю войну.
Like all Argentine fighters, I know he’s got that hunger to prove he’s worthy of this big opportunity and make the most of it.
The weigh-in is завтра and I’m just ready to fight. I’m focused and the fans can expect to see me leave everything in the ring like always.
I’ve seen some tape on him. He’s one of those guys that is durable. A durable tall, lanky guy. His height is going to help him.
I am expecting a tough fight for sure. This is like a world title shot for him. I don’t know what he is going to bring to the table and that is exciting for me.
This is the biggest fight of my career. It is very important. I have to go out there and put on a great show.
I want to go down the same path as Marcos Maidana and Lucas Matthysse. They were given great opportunities in their careers and took advantage of them. I am going to take advantage of this opportunity.
This is an opportunity to learn. Every fight and fighter is different. I have watched Guerrero fight, but every fighter is different. I have a gameplan to beat him.
I am well prepared. Я пришел сюда, чтобы бороться. I am prepared to go the distance. I am going to throw a lot of punches, move around and be ready to get the decision.
Альфредо Ангуло
I’m very excited to fight в субботу night against Freddy Hernandez.
With two Mexican warriors in the ring, the fans will be the true winners.
I was off for a while but with my new trainer, Romulo Quirarte, I feel much stronger and will fight like ‘El Perroof old with the same passion.
The fans have always been great to me and I can’t wait to put on a performance for them.
Right now I’m only focused on Freddy Hernandez then we will see who I can fight next.
I’m anticipating a really great fight. Я готов, he’s prepared. It’s going to be a battle.
Fans can expect someone that will step into the ring with attitude and bravery. I’m a guy that doesn’t hold back and Angulo better be ready.
What’s my secret weapon? Chocolate cake.
I’m just ready for this fight. I worked hard and any time two Mexicans get into the ring, it’s fireworks.
I had a different experience with the Olympics. I missed the trials. I was taking time off from boxing. I lost the passion for it a little bit and I took some time off, but I was able to fight for a spot on the team, and I wont every fight I was in leading into the Olympics.
I am excited for this fight. I trained really hard. Sometimes you have to take chances. I am ready to be aggressive and I am ready to change up my style in order to counter him.
“Я знаю, что это будет жесткая борьба. It is going to be my toughest fight to date. It is important for me to take a step up and show the world what I can do.
I appreciate my fans for sticking with me. Without fans, there would be no boxing. I appreciate my fans and I want to go out there в субботу night and give them a great show.
Our fight is going to steal the show. I think its really competitive and exciting. We’re hungry. We came here to execute the game plan and win. It is going to be explosive.
“Мы упорно тренировались. This is a big opportunity. This is a change-up fight for me and my team. We are focusedits tunnel vision until Суббота. On Spike you’re going to see that after our fight, he won’t be undefeated anymore.
“Это, безусловно, самый большой бой в моей карьере. It is going to open up big doors for me.
My parents are big boxing fans. I watched boxing all my life. The minute I walked into the boxing gym, I never looked back.
“Я не ставлю никакого давления на себя. We are going to execute the gameplan, win and represent the Bronx.
Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.premierboxingchampions.com, и www.spike.com/shows/Премьер-бокс-чемпионы. Следуйте по щебетатьPremierBoxing, GhostBoxing, SpikeTV, @SpikeSports @TGBPromotions, @HondaCenter и @Swanson_Comm или станьте поклонником на Facebook по адресуwww.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions.

Коннектикут бокса Зал славы класса 2016 Announced

Orlando Montalvo, Bob Yalen, Sean Malone, Младший, Рэй Оливейра, John Lawson & Kenny Reels
Ункасвилль, Коннектикут. (Август 25, 2016) – The Connecticut Boxing Hall of Fame (CBHOF) has announced its six-member Class of 2016 to be inducted during the 12TH Ежегодный ужин CBHOF Гала Индукционная в пятницу ночь,Ноябрь 4, в UNCAS бальном зале на Mohegan Sun.
The new CBHOF inductees are Stamford amateur coach/boxer Orlando Montalvo, Newington former ESPN boxing director Bob Yalen, Wallingford boxer Sean Malone, Младший., Нью-Бедфорд (Массачусетс) боксер “Sucra” Рэй Оливейра, Waterbury judge Джон “Герцог” Лоусон and Mashantucket Pequot Game & Athletic commissioner Kenny Reels.
The Board of Directors of the Connecticut Boxing Hall of Fame is very excited to announce this incredible class of inductees for 2016,CBHOF president Джон Laudati сказал. “We anticipate a great crowd for our honorees at the induction ceremony on 4 ноября в Mohegan Sun. Как всегда, our dinner is a wonderful coming together of the boxing community, friends and family.
Montalvo and his wife, Сандра, moved to Stamford in 1980, training amateur fighters for the first 20 years in parks and in their backyard until relocating at the Union Memorial Church for seven years. Orlando was an amateur and professional boxer in his native Puerto Rico, traveling around the world to compete. Он выиграл 110 из 125 amateur matches and 22 из 29 как профессионал с 18 нокауты, reaching a No. 10 rating in the junior middleweight division.
Yalen is best known, возможно, as boxing director for ESPN and its popularПятница Ночные бои серия. He has also been a consultant for ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox and Showtime. A recipient of the Boxing Writers Association of America’s Sam Taub Award for Excellence in Broadcasting, Yalen was associate editor of the Ring Record Book and FightFax. He was also Director of Sports & Entertainment at Mohegan Sun while one of the original CBHOF board members, contributing much to the success of its inaugural awards dinner.
Malone is the son of CBHOF inductee Sean Malone, Sr., who was inducted in 2011. Он имел 23-6 (21 КО) запись. В 1992, he had one of his most notable victories against Greg Cadiz for the Nevada State light welterweight title. He also defeated Pat Ireland в 1993 for the New England welterweight crown.
Oliveira was an all-action fighter who set a record in a fight with Zack Padilla, in which they threw more than 1,000 combined punches. During his outstanding 15-year professional career, Oliveira defeated the likes of Vince Phillips, Вивиан Харрис, Tracy Spann и Чарльз Мюррей дважды. Completing his career with a 47-11-2, Ray had a great chin and he wasn’t stopped prior to his loss to WBU light welterweight champion Рикки Хаттон в 2004.
Involved in boxing for 60 годы, Lawson was one of only 10 referees and judges selected by Вилли Пеп и Chico Vejar to work sanctioned bouts when boxing returned to Connecticut in the 1970s. Lawson was a judge for a world heavyweight title fight in Germany between Владимир Кличко и Francesco Pianetta. He was also involved in fights featuring world champions such as Рой Джонс, Младший., “Чудесный” Марвин Хаглер, Джо Кальзаге, Чэд Доусон, Антонио Тарвер и Заб Джуда. Lawson served 20 years with the Waterbury police department.
Reels was appointed by the Mashantucket Pequot Gaming & Athletic Commission in 2009 to oversee boxing and MMA at Foxwoods. Known for his caring about the health and safety of boxers, Reels followed CBHOF inductee Питер Тимоти. Reels has received countless awards and honors for his humanitarian work and commitment to human values, interests and concerns.
Билеты на CBHOF 12й Ежегодный гала-ужин индукции, по разумным ценам в $90.00, will soon go on sale and be available to purchase by calling Ким Бейкер в Mohegan Sun (1.860.862.7377) или Шерман Кейн в Манчестере Journal Inquirer (1.800.237.3606 X321). Двери открываются в 5:30 p.m. И, коктейли из 6:30-7:30 p.m. И (наличный бар), с последующим полным сидячим ужином.
Перейти онлайн www.ctboxinghof.org Для получения дополнительной информации о Коннектикут боксерский зал славы, its 12tчас Ежегодный гала-ужин Призывник, Спонсорские возможности мероприятие, или последние CBHOF призывников.
О CBHOF: Коннектикут боксерский зал славы был основан в 2004 в честь и праздновать карьеры выдающихся лиц, участвующих в бокс. Его первое Индукционная Церемония & Ужин прошел в 2005. Богатая история бокса Коннектикут никогда не процветали, если бы это было не для достижения тех, закрепленных в Зал славы.
В некоммерческой организации, Коннектикут бокса Зал славы глубоко привержены поддержанию боевой дух Коннектикут процветает с помощью различных благотворительных взносов.

Perrella-Ugas set for September 27


Fort Myers, Флорида (Август 25, 2016) – Hard-hitting welterweight standout Bryant “Goodfella” Perrella will challenge Cuban contender Yordenis Ugas over ten roundsВторник, Сентябрь 27.

The bout will air on Fox Sports 1 as part of Premier Boxing Champions’ “Toe-to-Toe Вторник" ряд.

Perrella and Ugas were slated to meet August 12 but the bout was surprisingly scrapped by the athletic commission just days before the opening bell.

The fighting pride of Fort Myers, Флорида, Perrella burst onto the national scene with a second round knockout of David Grayton Июнь 2 на ESPN. The 27-year-old has an excellent 14-0 запись с 13 победы, поступающие нокаутом. A 6’0 southpaw, Perrella’s displayed excellent power in both hands and stopped five of his last six foes within two rounds.

Born and raised in Cuba but fighting out of Miami, Флорида, Ugas garnered international attention as an amateur by capturing a bronze medal in the 2008 Олимпийские игры. He won many tournaments and regularly defeated top fighters from across the globe. As a pro, Ugas owns a solid 16-3 ledger and has 7 wins by KO. Августа 12, the crafty Cuban outworked previously unbeaten Jamal James (20-0) en route to an impressive unanimous decision.

Perrella, who was ready willing and able to fight August 12, saw Ugas’ victory over James and has even more motivation to win in dominant fashion September 27.

“I’m really fired up for this because of the unfair circumstances causing the cancellation for the August 12 Дата,” said Perrella. “Now that we’ve got everything rescheduled, my frustrations will be taken out on Ugas. I’m looking forward to facing him and showing the world that I’m a serious player in the welterweight division!"

More information on the card and bout location will be available shortly.

Fans can interact with Perrella on Twitter @bryantperrella or at Facebook.com/teamperrella

Undefeated Super Lightweight, Милтон Сантьяго-младший. takes on Ken Alvarez at the Inaugural fight card at the SugarHouse Casino in Philadelphia

Для незамедлительного релиза

Филадельфия, Пенсильвания (Август 25, 2016)–Undefeated super lightweight prosepct Милтон Сантьяго-младший. will see a lot of familiar faces when he takes on Ken Alvarez at the Казино SugarHouse это вечер пятницы в Филадельфия.
Сантьяго, still just nineteen years-old, will headline for the first time since his professional debut 30 months ago as he has established himself as a big ticket seller in the Philadelphia.
According to his handlers at Battlestrong Boxing, this is by far the most tickets that young Santiago has sold in what will be his 15th outing.
The demand has been off the charts, ” said Santiago’s co-manager Moz Gonzalez. Гонсалес, along with his partner Eddie Woods are scrambling around looking for more tickets for Santiago’s many fans.
It is a great problem to have. We sold out our allotment of tickets very quickly and we are looking for tickets as we keep taking calls from people who want to come в пятницу.”
“Все хорошо. I am on weight, and now I am getting ready for the fun part and that is to fight,” сказал Сантьяго.
In Alvarez, he is fighting a capable opponent who has a record of 7-4-2 с тремя нокаутами. Alvarez was undefeated in his first eight bouts that included big wins over undefeated Kevin Nieves (6-0) and Israel Arellano (7-1).
I know he is from the Dominican Republic. Он крутой, In-shape and comes to fight, so I have to be prepared for anything.
Santiago is excited to once again have top-billing. He cites many reason’s for the extreme interest in this bout.
It feels awesome to be the headliner. Everyone is coming to watch you, and it’s a blessing and I know have to show the people what I got. It’s terrific to be the first headliner at the SugarHouse. I feel that Philly fans come to support their own. My record is continuing to grow and be built and I am back with my father training me, so I think there are plenty of good reasons for the great support I will have в пятницу.”
Santiago expects to fight a couple more times this year and with a big win в пятницу, he sees the competition to be stepped and bigger rewards on the way.
I am hoping to fight for a small title by the end of the year. Then next year, I am looking to get ranked and fighting ten round bouts. All that will help my name get out more. I just want to thank everyone for their support and I am looking to impress everybody.

Роберт Герреро, Дэвид Эмануэль Перальта, Альфредо Ангуло, Фредди Эрнандес, Террелл Gausha & Steve Martinez Media Workout Quotes & Фото

Premier Boxing Champions on Spike This Суббота, Август 27 от Honda Center in Anaheim, Халиф. – 9 p.m. И/8 p.m. Ct
Нажмите ВОТ For Photos From Christopher Akins/TGB Promotions
/Премьер Бокс чемпионов
(Фотографии будут добавлены в ближайшее время)
ANAHEIM, КАЛИФОРНИЯ. (Август 24, 2016) – Бойцы конкурирующих на субботу Премьер Бокс чемпионов на Spike card took part in a media workout Wednesday to officially begin fight week for the back-to-back nights of combat sport action on Spike as boxers joined Bellator fighters at RCVA Gym in Costa Mesa before they step into the ring at Honda Center in Anaheim, Халиф.
PBC on Spike is headlined by former multiple division world champion Роберт “Призрак” Воин принимая на Аргентины David EmanuelEl Pirata” Перальта in a welterweight showdown. Телевизионный охват начинается 9 p.m. И/8 p.m. CT and features a pair of exciting contests as exciting puncher Альфредо Ангуло сталкивается ветеранФредди Эрнандес while unbeaten 2012 U.S. Олимпиец Террелл Gausha battles the Bronx’s Стив Мартинес.
Билеты на Август 27 событие, который способствует TGB Акции, по цене $31, $58, $108 и $203, плюс применимые сборы, и уже в продаже. Билеты доступны черезticketmaster.com, В точках продаж Ticketmaster или по телефону 800-745-3000. Билеты также доступны в кассе центра Honda..
Fighters prepared for their impending bouts and spoke to media about their matchups, the exciting weekend of action in Southern California and more. Вот то, что бойцы должны были сказать,:
Роберт Герреро
Peralta is a tall guy but I’m used to it. Kamegai was bigger than I thought he’d be, but I handled it. I have to feel him out and go from there.
I’m going to try and execute my game plan. We want to put pressure on him. I’ve had really good sparring for this and I’m ready to go.
My opponent is kind of a laid back fighter. He’s going to wait for me to come to him and try to counter. I saw a lot of him laying on the ropes, so I’ll come inside and try to give the fans a great performance. I’m excited to get in there.
I’ve worked on a lot of things during camp. I’m working on staying more on my toes and breaking some of the bad habits I’ve had. I like to just go forward but there is a lot more to my game. I have to work behind my jab and I think I’ll have success.
I’ve had so much repetition in the gym and that’s been key to my game. I have to work hard in the ring. I can’t just mow everybody down.
I’m ready for a world title shot now. I want the Danny Garcia rematch. I feel like I won the fight. He had some flashy shots but he didn’t want to fight. It is what it is and it motivates me to get back to that position.
I’m physically and mentally prepared for this fight. Robert Guerrero is a great fighter and a great champion. I’ve seen everything he’s done and I think this is my time.
The United States is a beautiful place and I’ve enjoyed being here very much. I’m going to give a very hard fight в субботу ночь. I’m going to leave it all in the ring and come out with a victory.
Альфредо Ангуло
I have the same hunger and passion that I had in the beginning of my career. 'Собака’ was asleep for a couple of years but he’s woken up now.
Right now the only goal is to win в эту субботу. I’m hoping that next year I can contend and fight for a world title. I have always fought the toughest fighters and I’ve never been afraid of a challenge.
I feel strong and my weight is good. I hope my opponent had a great training camp. I want him to be at his best so that we can put on a great show for the fans. We are both tough Mexican fighters so you can expect us to stand and throw punches.
It’s very important for me to fight for the fans. This is a huge fight for my career. I want to live up to what the fans expect from me.
There have been a lot of changes in my career. I’ve gone through different trainers but now I have some stability with Romelu Quirtate. I feel very stable and confident with him. There are a lot of good fighters in camp and we push each other.
I had a good training camp and I’m going to surprise people in this fight. I know that I need a victory here to continue fighting at a high level.
Everyone knows my style and everyone knows Angulo’s style. We both like to throw punches and we fight with our hearts. It’s going to make it a great fight Суббота ночь.
I feel very strong at this weight and I think I have more to give to this sport. I’m going to leave my soul in the ring. I’m looking to hurt Angulo.
I’m liking the fights and the opportunities that I’ve been getting. This guy is a tough competitor and it’s a chance to show the world how good I am.
I’m ready for anything my opponent brings. I know that he is going to bring pressure. I won’t back down. It will bring out the best in me.
I want to keep working towards bigger fights. But I’m focused on this fight and I’m going to find a way to win.
My camp has been focused on working my jabs, being smart and moving. I’m staying in great shape and I’ll be ready to go Суббота ночь.
I’m ready for any opponent. I feel right now like I can fight for world title and Суббота is my opportunity to show people that. I’m going to prove myself.
I’m coming into this fight with a lot to prove. I’ve known Gausha for a long time and I definitely think I have the tools to beat him and do it convincingly.
This is a great opportunity for me and I’m very thankful for it. I have the chance to breakthrough to the next level with a victory here. I’ve worked too hard not to get a win.
My training camp was very long and we worked hard from start to finish. Now all that’s left is to get in the ring and I can’t wait.
There’s nothing better than coming to an opponent’s home and getting a victory. He’s comfortable out here now but I’m going to make him real uncomfortable Суббота ночь.”
Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.premierboxingchampions.com, и www.spike.com/shows/Премьер-бокс-чемпионы. Следуйте по щебетатьPremierBoxing, @GhostBoxing @@SpikeTV, @SpikeSports @TGBPromotions, @HondaCenter и @Swanson_Comm или станьте поклонником на Facebook по адресу www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions.

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Четверг, Сентябрь 1
Казино Foxwoods Resort
Mashantucket, Коннектикут (8/24/16) – Глядя, чтобы добавить к своей постоянно растущей стабильной молодых, до-и ближайшие талант, ДиБелла Развлечения (проектное землетрясение) объявила о подписании непобежденным испанской перспективы Джон Fernandez (L в фото) и Пуэрто-Рико любительских выдающийся Хосе Роман эксклюзивных долгосрочных рекламных контрактов. Оба Fernandez и Роман будут делать свои DBE дебюты на предстоящем специальном выпуске Бродвей бокса карты в Премьер-Ballroom в красивом Foxwoods Resort Casino в Mashantucket, Коннектикут, следующий Четверг, Сентябрь 1. Бродвей бокса гордо спонсируется Nissan Квинса, OPTYX, Азад часы, и Christos Steakhouse.
“Я рад возвращаться к Фоксвудсу с другой большой картой, и иметь возможность продемонстрировать эти два новых дополнения в реестр DBE,” сказал Лу ДиБелла, Президент ДиБелла Entertainment. “Продвижение Серхио Мартинес был один из моментов моей карьеры, и я с гордостью могу сказать, что он и я подделывал пожизненную дружбу. Sergio сказал мне, что Джон является одним из лучших молодых бойцов он видел в течение очень долгого времени, и я с нетерпением жду, чтобы помочь построить карьеру Джона Фернандеса здесь, в Штатах с моим другом и великим чемпионом Maravilla.”
Что касается римского, ДиБелла продолжил, “Хосе Роман был потрясающий любитель, и приобрели бесценный опыт бой на риканской сборной Пуэрто. Он был одним из самых популярных из любителей на острове, и мы очень рады за него, чтобы назвать DBE его дома. Мы с нетерпением ждем показывая его в США, а также в Пуэрто-Рико, и строить его перед огромным пуэрториканскими поклонниками здесь, на Восточном побережье.”
На только 20 лет, младший легкий Fernandez (8-0, 6 КО) является одним из самых перспективных молодых перспективы выйти из Испании в годы. Стоя на 5'11”, Фернандес чрезвычайно высок для 130lb. Разделение и разрушительной силы в обеих руках. Fernandez попался на глаза бывший среднем вора в законе и будущего Холл-оф-Famer Серхио Мартинес, когда он еще борется, как любитель. Мартинес сразу увидел звезду потенциал и подписанная Фернандеса в его рекламной компании, MaravillaBox Promotions, в 2015 и вскоре после того, как начал ухаживать молодой Фернандес к своему бывшему промоутеру Л ДиБеллы. DiBella и Мартинес сделали вещи официальных в июне, подписание Фернандеса на совместное продвижение сделки в этом году бокса писателей Америки (BWAA) награды ужин, где DiBella получил Джеймс A. Фарли награду за честность и в боксе.
“Это мечта. Я до сих пор не могу поверить в это,” Said Fernandez. “Я очень благодарен Лу ДиБелла, один из самых важных и престижных промоутеров в Соединенных Штатах, за доверие и вера, что он вложил в меня и Серхио (Мартинес) для потенциала он видел во мне, как боксер. Бокс это моя жизнь, и я хочу быть лучшим. Следуя по стопам Серхио и стать чемпионом мира, как он мой заветная мечта.”
“Я наблюдал Джон бой с тех пор его любительских дней и действительно считаю, что небо это предел для него,” Саид Маравилла Мартинес. “С каждым боем, он продолжает демонстрировать значительное улучшение, и я считаю, что у него есть возможность стать не только чемпионом будущего, но будущей звездой в этом виде спорта. Джон должен оставаться сосредоточенным и продолжать работу, учиться и дать все, что он имеет в этом виде спорта. Для Джона, чтобы иметь возможность подписать с Лу чуть 20 лет, возможность, что у меня не было, пока я не был уже 32, Удивительно, и он должен в полной мере воспользоваться этим. Джон должен уничтожить все, что ставится на его пути, и со временем, терпение и трудолюбие, он достигнет величия в этом виде спорта.”
Уроженец боксерского богатого города Bayamon, Пуэрто-Рико, Роман начал заниматься боксом в 13 лет накапливая звездную 124-17 запись по пути. Роман вступил в Пуэрто-Рико сборной в 2012, выиграв три последовательных национальных чемпионатов из 2013-2015.
“Я не мог быть более взволнован, чтобы получить свою карьеру в стадии реализации за такой большой промоутер, как Лу. DiBella проделал огромную работу со многими великими бойцами на протяжении многих лет, и я с нетерпением жду, чтобы расти и светить под ДиБелла Entertainment баннер. Это мечта каждого бойца, чтобы бороться в США, и теперь у меня есть возможность сделать свой профессиональный дебют здесь, и за это я хочу поблагодарить мой менеджер Рикардо Фигероа и мой тренер Эмилио Lozado для получения мне эту удивительной возможности,” сказал Роман.
Fernandez установлен сделать его DBE и США дебют против очень жесткой мексиканской Naciff Кастильо (17-8-2, 5 КО) в восемь круглых младший легкий матч, а Роман установлен в умиротворять против Khaaliq Ядра (0-1) в четыре круглых полусреднем матч-ап.
Бродвей бокса карты хэдлайнерами парень некогда избитый перспективы перспективы Амосс “2 Гладкий; плавный” Cowart (11-1-1, 9 КО) и “Приятно” Ник DeLomba(10-1, 2 КО) квадратуры от в восемь круглых супер легкий матч-.
Дополнительные бои на карте будут объявлены в ближайшее время.
Билеты на Семь. 1улица карты продаются и по цене $125, $75 и $45, не включая применимые плата за обслуживание и налоги. Билеты можно приобрести вwww.ticketmaster.com и www.foxwoods.com или посетив Foxwoods’ Театральная касса. Для зарядки по телефону, звоните Ticketmaster на (800) 745-3000. Бродвей бокса гордо спонсируется Nissan Квинса, OPTYX, Азад часы и Christos Steak House.
Для получения более подробной информации, визит www.DBE1.com и WWW.Foxwoods.com,

Windy City Fight Nights Return to Chicago on Saturday, Октября 1

На Суббота, Октября 1, 2016, в павильоне МСЖД в Чикаго, Warriors Boxing Promotions will resurrect the legendaryWindy City Fight Nightsseries of boxing shows with an event featuring a pair of unbeaten locals in separate co-main-events.
Headlining the first Windy City Fight Night в течение четырех лет will be super lightweight Ramiro “Эль Лобито” Каррильо (11-0, 7 КО) and super welterweight Achour Esho (11-0, 7 КО) in eight-round (Каррильо) and six-round (Esho) bouts against opponents to be announced.
I’m very happy and excited to be fighting in the co-main event. I’ve fought in several Windy City Fight Nights and had some great fights. I’m eager to get that rush back that I felt going to war in Chicago in front of my hometown family and friends. This is why I came back to boxing. I want to have big, захватывающих боев,” said Achour Esho.
I’ve been working very hard for a long time and I’m happy it’s finally coming true. I’ve been dreaming about fighting in a main event in my hometown and it’s finally here. It’s my time to shine. I have a lot of family friends and fans coming out to watch me,” said Ramiro Carrillo.
Also appearing in four-round bouts will be thus-far perfect super featherweight Josh Hernandez (3-0, 3 КО) Чикаго; lightweight Jose Romero (1-2) of Whiting, Индиана; super middleweight Ruben Schobitz 1-0, 1 KO of Miami via Spain; Chicago lightweight Jessica McCaskill (1-1, 1 KO) and Chicago’s Yousif Saleh will make his professional debut.
Tickets for Windy City Fight Night are priced at $101, $76, $51 и $36 and are available at Ticketmaster outlets, Ticketmaster.com; по телефону 1-800-745-3000, or the Warriors Offices: 312-226-5800 or the UIC Pavilion Box Office:312-413-5740 or the UIC Box Office (Четверг или Пятница 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM) or can be Purchased the night of the event.
Windy City Fight Nights were conceived and presented by Warriors Boxing Vice President Dominic Pesoli to introduce and develop local boxing talent. Windy City Fight Nights featured a number of up-and-coming fighters, including nearly all of professional boxing’s current champions and top contenders from the Chicago area including top-rated local talent as Andrzej Fonfara and Adrian Granados, as well as international imports such as current light heavyweight champion Sergei Kovalev.
We are happy to be bringing this important series back to the Chicago boxing scene,” said Warriors Boxing President Leon Margules. “So many of the city’s top fighters of today came up through the ranks on these shows and we think it’s important they continue.
Chicago has so much fighting talent, and Windy City Fight Nights are perfect for their development into the stars of завтра,” said Dominic Pesoli. “I’m excited to be able to bring back these popular shows.
Windy City Fight Night is proudly sponsored by Estrella Jalisco and Bud Light, Unanimous Boxing Gym, Star Auto Body and Repair, and Volver Mexican Cantina & Гриль. На бой ночью, действие начинается в 7:30 вечера. The UIC Pavilion is located at 525 S. Racine Avenue in Chicago. The entire bout card is subject to change.

Red-Hot Lightweight Contender Mason Menard Calling out WBO Champ Terry Flanagan

Coming off another impressive SHOWTIME-televised knockout last Friday, Louisiana-based lightweight contender “Rock Hard Могучий” Mason Menard is setting his sights on WBO Lightweight Champion Terry Flanagan.
I would be more than happy to fight Terry Flanagan,” сказал Менар. “It would be a great fight. He’s a skillful southpaw, but he is touchable. With my power, that makes for a cat and mouse-type fight. I think sooner or later I would catch up with him.
Менар (32-1, 24 КО) of Rayne, Луизиана, was last seen taking out the capable Bahodir Mamadjonov in nine rounds in the co-main event of a ShoBox: The New Generation broadcast from Rochester, New York last Friday night. До этого, the 27-year-old scored a “Нокаут года” candidate over then undefeated Eudy Bernardo.
He’s a star in the making with all the momentum in the world behind him,” said Menard’s promoter, Грег Коэн. “Mason is now the WBO NABO Champion and climbing up their ratings. Now that Felix Verdejo (whom Flanagan was supposed to fight) has been injured, I think Menard stepping in would make for a great match-up.
Однако, Menard says he has his doubts that Manchester’s Flanagan will take the bait.
Let’s just be real, after what I did to the last skillful southpaw (Mamadjonov) with only two weeks’ уведомление, I doubt he wants these problems.

Unbeaten Caleb Plant Drops & Defeats Colombia’s Juan De Angel in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes Tuesday Night from Sands Bethlehem Events Center in Bethlehem, Пенсильвания.

Welterweight Contender David Grayton Stops Previously Unbeaten Kareem Martin in Eighth Round
Carlos Gongora Delivers First-Round Stoppage of Ronald Mixon In
Битва непобедимых перспектив
Нажмите ВОТ для фотографий от Райана Грина / Premier Boxing Champions
(Фотографии будут добавлены в ближайшее время)
Вифлеем, Пенсильвания. (Август 23, 2016) – Непобедимый Калеб “Сладкие Руки” Завод(14-0, 10 КО) dropped and dominated Colombia’s Хуан Де Анхель (18-5-1, 17 КО) on his way to a unanimous decision victory Tuesday night in the main event of Премьер Бокс чемпионов TOETO-TOE TUESDAYS на FS1 и Бокс чемпионов на FOX Deportes из Sands Bethlehem Events Center в Вифлееме, Пенсильвания.
The Nashville-native was able to keep his perfect record intact and was in control from start to finish of his first 10-round bout. Plant was patient in the early rounds, looking to find the distance against his power-punching opponent.
Plant’s offense began to break through in round three and in round four he caught De Angel lingering in the pocket and dropped him with a left hook. De Angel got to his feet but was never able to get his own offense going and spent much of the night trying to tie up the more aggressive Plant.
В девятом раунде, a clash of heads caused a temporary halt in the action and saw Plant emerge with a cut on his head. Plant was able to battle through and and kept his momentum going throughout the remainder of the fight.
Plant was twice as accurate as De Angel and landed 30 percent of his punches compared to 15 percent from De Angel. The judges saw the bout the same and all scored it 100-89 after 10-rounds of super middleweight action.
The co-main event of the night saw a pair of Washington, D.C. welterweights do battle as Дэвид Grayton (15-1, 11 КО) earned a victory over previously unbeaten Карим Мартин (8-1-1, 3 КО) via a stoppage in the eighth and final round.
The southpaw Grayton pressed forward early and often, looking to disrupt Martin and keep him uncomfortable. Martin was sharp early on, especially with right hand counters. He was the more accurate fighter over the first three rounds, but the experience of Grayton began to take over.
Как борьба продолжалась, Grayton’s attack gained effectiveness and Martin appeared to wear down from the constant pace. Grayton out threw Martin 537 для 308 и приземлился 172 punches to Martin’s 106.
Grayton took control of the fight in the sixth round, hurting Martin early with a blistering body attack and rocked him late in the round with crisp uppercuts. By round eight, Martin had faded and Grayton sensed his moment. A left hand to the body dropped Martin early, and while he beat the count, Grayton quickly pounced and delivered a flurry that caused referee Benjy Esteves Jr. остановить бой 41 секунд после начала раунда.
Two-time Ecuadorian Olympian Карлос Гонгора (6-0, 5 КО)started the telecast off with an impressive first round stoppage of previously unbeaten Ronald Mixon (7-1, 6 КО) in their light heavyweight clash.
Gongora wasted little time, feinting a right hook and following with a thudding overhand left that put Mixon on the mat immediately. The knockdown prompted referee Gary Rosato to wave off the count and stop the bout 1:16 в первом туре.
Вот то, что бойцы должны были сказать во вторник:
It’s another win in the bag. I had bounce in my legs for all 10 раундов. I was taking my time in there and I feel like I’m getting better each fight.
I’ll fight whoever my team has lined up for me. It feels great to win as a headliner. We’re going to get right back in the gym and get ready for another fight.
I felt the size difference in the ring. I trained for a southpaw and he came out righty. That caught me off guard. He was better tonight.
I was very motivated to perform well coming off of my loss. I wanted it more tonight and I wanted to make a statement to get back to where I belong.
I knew I had him hurt late in the fight and I kept hitting him with left hands. I stepped it up and got him out of there.
I’m going to go back to the gym and train hard and wait for my next fight.
I lost a little focus and he caught me with a good shot that led to the stoppage.
It was a good back and forth fight. We were both getting a lot of shots in. I just need to come back with more focus next time.
I was prepared and I analyzed his style and how he would fight. I knew I just had to connect with the right punch.
I want to dedicate this victory to my family and my whole country. It was a pleasure to do it on FS1 and FOX Deportes.
I am going straight to the top and I appreciate this opportunity to show the world who I am.
# # #
PBC on FS1 and FOX Deportes was promoted by King’s Promotions.
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