分类存档: 拳击

在FS1的顶级拳击冠军TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS主赛事中,古巴的Yordenis Ugas赢得了此前未败的Bryant Perrella的第四轮停工 & FOX上的BOXEO DE CAMPEONES在周二晚上从圣菲的布法罗雷霆赌场度假酒店驱逐出境, 新墨西哥

瑞安·卡尔(Ryan Karl)在四轮比赛中阻止何塞·奎萨达(Jose Quezada)赢得了
凤凰城的塞萨尔(Cesar)艾伦·瓦伦苏埃拉(Ace Valenzuela)击败丹尼斯·加拉萨(Dennis Galarza)
点击 这里 简·菲利普斯的相片/
总理拳击冠军 – 不久添加照片
圣达菲, NM (九月 27, 2016) – 古巴的 Yordenis Ugas (17-3, 8 科斯) 击败了他的第二连败的次中量级 星期二 他停下来的夜晚 科比佩雷拉(14-1, 13 科斯) 在第四轮 总理拳击冠军 脚趾到脚趾星期二 在FS1和 拳击冠军 在圣达菲的布法罗雷霆赌场度假酒店主赛事中参加FOX驱逐出境, 新墨西哥.
乌加斯在八月份击败了先前不败的贾马尔·詹姆斯,并将这场战斗献给了他的朋友和古巴同胞, 马林鱼投手Jose Fernandez, 不幸去世的人 星期天迈阿密的早晨. 乌加斯从一开始就表现出色,因为他当晚的第一支手球与佩雷拉(Perrella)联系,并把他送到画布上.
“右手很早就在那里,整夜都在那里,” 赛义德·乌加斯. “我从一开始就能够降落. 然后我去了身体. 在我离开角落开始战斗之前, 我为荷西祷告, 当然这是我的动力. 在整个战斗中,我感到他的精神。”
高个子的佩雷拉(Perrella)试图用他的戳戳控制战斗,并试图从左爪的姿势放下左手. 乌加斯在整个战斗过程中都很耐心,并且防守严密, 永远不允许Perrella突破.
在第三回合结束时,乌加斯(Ugas)放下另一只大右手,将佩雷拉(Perrella)推入绳索,迫使他进入生存模式,直到回合结束. 佩雷拉(Perrella)试图在第四轮中发动进攻,但乌加斯(Ugas)耐心地等待着用右手提供强大的反击力量.
在回合中间的另一只惩罚性的右手将Perrella推到了垫子上,当他站起来时显然发呆. 乌加斯感觉到自己的时刻并攻击了佩雷拉, 最终使他陷入困境. 来自乌加斯的最后一场比赛迫使裁判洛基·伯克停止比赛 2:20 进出线.
“这表明我已经将所有损失都抛在脑后,” 赛义德·乌加斯. “我接下来打谁都没关系. 我已经准备好该部门的任何人。”
共同主赛事 瑞安 “牧童” 卡尔 (13-0, 9 科斯) 赢得停工胜利 克萨达圣荷西 (11-1, 6 科斯) 在超轻量级对决中经过四轮动作. 第四轮比赛结束后,马戏团的医生阻止了战斗.
奎萨达(Quezada)期待与卡尔(Karl)对抗,并在第三轮中表现最好,当时他开始着手左旋钩投掷更多组合. 尽管拍了一些好照片, 卡尔(Karl)在第四轮下定决心出来,开始随意落右手.
在回合的最后一分钟,这名休斯顿的战斗机降落了一系列右手,最终使奎萨达的左眼开始肿胀,并在回合结束后第二次将他送至地板上。. 奎萨达能够站起来并回到自己的角落, 但马戏团的医生已经看够了,叫停了.
开幕式电视回合看到了凤凰卫视的 塞萨尔·艾伦·瓦伦苏埃拉 (13-4-1, 4 科斯) 赢得以前击败过的决定 丹尼斯Galarza (13-2, 8 科斯) 在他们的八轮超级轻量级​​比赛中.
从开场钟声起,两个人都决心要确立自己的进攻能力,并且他们在比赛中都有美好的时刻。. Galarza提前降落了几只右手,但随着战斗的进行,, 瓦伦苏埃拉(Valenzuela)陷入了进攻,并能够使加拉萨(Galarza)向后退.
瓦伦苏埃拉(Valenzuela)在随后的几轮比赛中也似乎是较年轻的战士,他以 398-345 拳拳优势 136-93 在降落拳.
瓦伦苏埃拉最强的一轮是他进入决赛的那一帧,当时他在比赛还剩下一分钟的时间震惊了加拉萨, 迫使他的对手继续生存下去. 最终评委的分数是 77-75 对于Galarza和 77-75 两次为瓦伦苏埃拉.
# # #
FS1上的PBC由Warriors Boxing和Holmes Boxing推广.
在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @WarriorsBoxingProm, @ FS1, @FoxDeportes and @Swanson_Comm and become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxdeportes Highlights可在www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. FS1上的PBC & FOX Deportes由Corona Extra赞助, 最好的啤酒.

Super Lightweight Ashley Theophane Returns to the Ring Saturday, October 8th at Sam’s Town Live, 在拉斯维加斯

Mayweather Promotions presents the first monthly installment of their Sin City Showdown series, featuring Ronald Gavril
更多! Undercard action featuring
Mayweather Promotions rising stars!
LAS VEGAS (七. 26, 2016) – 前冠军挑战者 阿什利 “宝藏” Theophane (39-7-1, 11 KO的) looks to redeem himself after a tough loss back in April as he headlines the main event of Mayweather Promotions Sin City Showdown, 星期六, October 8th从山姆城直播在拉斯维加斯.
I have been in the gym training harder than ever and mentally preparing after coming up short against Adrien Broner earlier this year,” said Theophane. “I’m excited to get back in the ring on October 8 and be the first to headline the monthly fight series at Sam’s Town that Mayweather Promotions has put together. I will not disappoint. This is for my fans right here in Las Vegas to witness live, and my supporters worldwide. You can expect a great performance come fight night!”
The co-main will feature a battle for the NABF Super Middleweight Title featuring Mayweather Promotions’ 自己 罗纳德 “喧” Gavril (16-1, 12 KO的). Also featured on 十月 8 are Mayweather Promotionsrising stars including undefeated super lightweight Sanjarbek “战争” 拉赫曼诺夫 (5-0-1, 3 KO的), Ladarius “孟菲斯” 磨坊主(11-1, 2 KO的), who comes off of a win on Sept. 16日, and new members to the stable,Josue Vargas (6-0, 4 KO的), 泽维尔·马丁内斯 (6-0, 4 KO的), 和 丹尼尔·冈萨雷斯 (12-0, 5 KO的) all in separate bouts!
It feels good to be back at Sam’s Town. I like fighting in front of a full house and having an intimate feel. You don’t always get that on the big shows when you have to go so early in the day before fans arrive,” said Gavril.
Last time I fought at this venue I was successful in beating my opponent and I got my fifth consecutive win. I feel confident that I am going to come out victorious again on 十月 8! I have been training hard and my only goal is to come home as the new NABF Super Middleweight champion. It is an honor to be the co-main on this card, and this is only the beginning of what I want to give back to my fans and the sport of boxing.
A night full of great boxing will take place under the Mayweather Promotions banner in Las Vegas. These fights will introduce a monthly fight series that will take place each month right here in Las Vegas at Sam’s Town Live. Tickets start at $15 并且可在网上: www.samstownlv.com/entertainwww.mayweatherpromotions.com.
Follow on Twitter @AshleyTheophane, @RonaldGavril, @MayweatherPromo, and @SamsTownLV, 成为Facebook上的粉丝在: www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.

埃里克·鲁伊斯取代灵光Quartey VS汉策尔·马丁内斯在周五晚上的 “Knockout Night at the D” 主要事件

LAS VEGAS (九月 27, 2016) – 老兵超轻量级 埃里克·鲁伊斯 有取代加纳拳手 埃马纽埃尔·Quartey, 谁是无法获得签证进入美国, 在 这个星期五 晚上的10轮的主要事件与 Hanzel “粗鲁的孩子” 马丁内斯, 领衔强大的 “Knockout Night at the D” 卡, 为空置世界拳击协会国际超最轻量级冠军.
实况播出 (11 P.M. AND / 8 P.M. PT) 上 CBS体育网 和国际上通过ESPN (数字延迟检查本地列表), “Knockout Night at the D” 将举行户外霓虹灯下的 拉斯韦加斯市中心活动中心.
该 “Knockout Night at the D” 系列, presented by 对D拉斯维加斯 和拉斯维加斯市中心的活动中心, 由罗伊·琼斯JR推广. (RJJ) Boxing Promotions.
名人堂播音员大厅 吉姆 “J.R.” 罗斯铝伯恩斯坦 将调用所有的动作从马戏团 肖恩德丰 操控性上CBS体育网和英语ESPN国际战斗机采访.
马丁内斯 (23-2, 19 科斯), 前WBC美国最轻量级冠军, 打架蒂华纳的出, 墨西哥. 鲁伊斯 (15-5-1, 6 科斯) 即将关闭一个令人印象深刻的10轮战平 30-1 奥拉西奥·加西亚 今年五月在拉斯维加斯作为. 他拥有超过此前保持不败的一个显着的胜利 (11-0-2) 罗伊·塔皮亚也扩展顶级的前景,如 杰西Magdaleno,亚历克西斯圣地亚哥曼努埃尔·阿维拉 距离.
“我们知道有一些问题,Quartey的签证情况,” 促进者 Keith Veltre说, “所以我们不得不埃里克·鲁伊斯搁置. 这是不幸的,但像这样的事情在拳击比赛中发生,我们很幸运有这样的实力的对手像埃里克作为后期更换. 事实上, 他转战更加强硬的对手比Quartey. Hanzel有 18 在他击倒 23 胜, 但鲁伊斯从来没有停止过作为一个专业. 我们相信,主要活动将是公平竞争和球迷将在d享受“敲除夜的另一个伟大的夜晚” 拳击。”
在10轮的共同特征事件, 托尼·洛佩兹, JR. (11-1, 4 科斯) 发生在 斯蒂芬 - “搅局者” 年轻 (14-0-3, 6 科斯) 对于空缺的WBA北美拳击协会 (还) 最轻量级冠军.
在当晚的第三个冠军的争夺, 不败的WBA-NABA美国超中量级冠军 约翰· “飞鸿(Phenom)” 维拉 (14-0, 9 科斯) 使他的第二个冠军防御 米洛拉德 “Micko” 日日奇 (12-1, 6 科斯) 在8轮的回合打开卡的电视段.
在undercard也争取在4轮较量是拉斯维加斯的次中量级 Jeremy “J-Flash” Nichols (5-0, 2 科斯) VS. 山楂侯爵 (4-4, 1 KO), 拉斯维加斯’ 18-岁的轻量级 马克斯 “娃娃脸” 奥尼拉斯 (4-0, 2 科斯) VS. Mulapi “非洲墨西哥” 什么 (2-2-2, 1 KO), 拉斯维加斯初中轻量级 Sal Lopez (3-0) VS.肯尼思·泰勒 (2-0, 2 科斯), 和拉斯维加斯初中轻量级 Randy Moreno (4-0, 3 科斯) VS. 费边Alaniz (1-0, 0 科斯).
门票, 售价 $99.99 VIP ringside, $49.99 马戏团, $24.99 和 $14.99 一般取 (坐在), are on sale at www.Ticketmaster.comwww.DLVEC.com. Taxes and fees apply to all sold tickets.
门开处 5:00 P.M. PT with the opening bout scheduled at 6:00 P.M. PT.
该 “Knockout Night at the D” 系列在合作开发与拉斯韦加斯市中心活动中心和霓虹灯星传媒.
此 “Knockout Night at the D” 授权给ESPN事件将提供给观看 61 更多的国家和地区 拉美 (南美洲, 中美洲, 墨西哥 & 巴西) 加勒比, 大洋洲 (澳大利亚, 新西兰和太平洋岛屿),英国, 加拿大 印度
叽叽喳喳: @thedlasvegas, @dlvEventsCenter, @DerekJStevens, @BoxingatheDLV, @RoyJonesJrBoxing
Follow these fighters on Twitter: @teamtonylopez, @ hanzel2111, @stephonyoung, @johnverajr, @mickozizic, @jflashgang, @_RandyMoreno
Instagram的: @dlvec, @thedlasvegas, @RoyJonesJrBoxing

Mykal Fox headlines against Juan Rodriguez on Saturday, November 5th at Rosecroft Raceway in Fort Washington, 马里兰

Plus undefeated Jordan White, 肯特·克鲁兹, Christopher Warden, Patrick Rivera & 马库斯·贝茨
华盛顿堡, 马里兰 (九月 27, 2016)–Undefeated junior welterweight prospect 麦凯乐 “教授” 狐狸 将在 胡安·罗德里格斯in an eight-round bout that will headline nine-bout on 星期六, 11月5日 Rosecroft Raceway in Fort Washington, 马里兰.
福雷斯特的福克斯, 马里兰州有一个记录 11-0 with three knockouts and this will be his fourth bout of 2016.
该 20 year-old Fox turned professional in 2014 and has been kept busy as this will be his 12th contest 在 29 个月.
在他的最后一个回合, Fox stopped Somner Martin in three rounds on 8月19日 华盛顿, DC.
Rodriguez of Haymarket, 弗吉尼亚州有一个记录 6-5-1 with five wins coming via stoppage.
该 26 year-old Rodriguez is an eight year professional and he won his first four fights. He has a fifth round stoppage win over previously undefeated Nathaniel Rivas (5-0).
Fox will be Rodriguezfourth undefeated opponent. Rodriguez is coming off a six-round unanimous decision defeat to Anthony Young (11-2) 上 4月29日 在大西洋城.
In a six-round bouts:
重量级 路德·史密斯 (5-1, 4 KO的 ) 鲍伊, 马里兰, super Bantamweight 约旦白 (3-0, 3 KO的) 华盛顿, DC & 初中量级 肯特·克鲁兹 (11-0, 6 KO的) 圣. 圣路易斯, MO will take on an opponents to be named.
Appearing in four-round bouts will be junior welterweight Christopher Warden(2-0, 2 KO’sO of Lusby, 马里兰州; 中量级 Patrick Rivera (1-0, 1 KO) of Edgewood, 马里兰; 超轻量级 马库斯·贝茨 (4-0-1, 4 KO的) 华盛顿, DC; 超次中量级 贾斯汀·赫德 Accokeek的, Maryland will make his pro debut.
格雷格·奥特洛 鲍伊, Maryland will make his pro debut against 拉蒙特白(0-4) 华盛顿, DC in a junior welterweight bout.
门票现已发售 $75, $60 & $40 通过调用 301-899-2430 or by logging onto www.kpboxing.com

“BATTLE BORN BOXING” Amateur series returns to Downtown Las Vegas Events Center

这个星期四 夜晚, 七. 29
LAS VEGAS (九月 26, 2016) – The fifth edition of”Battle Born Boxing” 回报 本周四 夜晚 (七. 29), 开始 7 P.M. PT, at the outdoor 拉斯韦加斯市中心活动中心.
“Battle Born Boxing” is an amateur boxing series created by Neon Star Media on behalf of its client, 对D拉斯维加斯, to support amateur boxing in Nevada, as well as provide a platform for amateur boxers from other states to compete against local clubs and boxers.
Las Vegas-based boxing clubs represented at “Battle Born Boxing: Uprising Vincludes Barry’s Boxing, Richard Steel Boxing Club and Johnny Tocco’s Ringside Boxing.
“Battle Born Boxing” was successfully launched 四月 15 and the amateur boxing series will continue the night before each of the “Knockout Night at the D” series professional boxing events, airing throughout 2016 在CBS体育网, live from the Downtown Las Vegas Events Center.
“Battle Born Boxing: Uprising V” 门票, 售价 $15.00 for ringside (行 1 和 2) 和 $10.00 一般入学, are on sale at www.DLVEC.com. All tickets purchased for “Battle Born Boxing: Uprising V” will entitle ticketholders to receive $10.00 off any tickets purchased for the following evening’s (七. 30) “Knockout Night at the D” pro event. Those tickets, 售价 $99.99 VIP ringside, $49.99 马戏团, $24.99 和 $14.99 一般取, are on sale at www.Ticketmaster.comwww.DLVEC.com. Taxes and fees apply to all sold tickets.
叽叽喳喳: @thedlasvegas, @dlvEventsCenter, @DerekJStevens, @BoxingatheDLV,
Instagram的: @dlvec, @thedlasvegas


(Left Photo from left to right: Swanson along with Amateur Boxer of the Year Kristin McMurtree, 拳击法官 & inductee Dave Moretti, former heavyweight & inductee Billy Tompkins & Buffalo Veterans Boxing Association President Bob Caico; Right Photo: Swanson with her family)

布鲁克林 (九月 26, 2016) – The Buffalo Veteran Boxers Association inducted 斯旺森通讯总裁凯利·斯旺森 into the Ring 44 Buffalo Boxing Hall of Fame on Friday, 九月 23 作为其一部分的 20 类.
斯旺森, along with five other new inductees, including Dave Moretti, Billy Tompkins, Dummy Burns, Stan Myka and Pete Tamalonis were honored at the organization’s annual dinner and awards ceremony at Ilio Dipaolo Restaurant in Blasdell, 纽约
It is such an honor to be recognized by my hometown for my work in boxing over the last 20 岁月,” said Swanson, a North Buffalo-native who has worked in boxing for over two decades, representing some of the sport’s biggest names including Floyd Mayweather, Bernard Hopkins and Riddick Bowe. “I am proud to be from the Queen City and thrilled to join an incredible class of inductees.
Boxing is a sport of opportunity and it has opened so many doors for me. I have been privileged to with some of the best fighters and work on some of the biggest events the sport has witnessed over the course of these 20 岁月. I don’t remember a time when I didn’t love boxing and I look forward to continuing to publicize and promote fighters and events for many years to come.
Congratulations to Kelly for her honor,” 梅威瑟说. “We’ve been together for a long time, 多于 10 岁月, and I am happy she is being recognized for all of her great work.
There’s no woman in this game that has accomplished as much as Kelly,” 霍普金斯说. “She’s the top as far as publicists go and everyone knows it. I’ve been with her for 10 plus years and she always did her best and took her job seriously. She has no problem telling any fighterfrom a prospect to a championhow she feels and what she believes will make them succeed. This honor is well deserved.
Swanson not only works in boxing, but stays involved in the sport in her off time as well. She works out at the famed Gleason’s Gym in Brooklyn, blocks from her New York City office. She is also a board member for the gym’s “给一个孩子一个梦想” 计划, which offers children from disadvantaged backgrounds a place to develop themselves physically and mentally through boxing.
I have worked for Kelly for over eight years and I’m still learning,” said Lisa Milner Goldberg, Vice President of Swanson Communications. “I constantly find myself in awe of the ideas she dreams up, her creativity and her loyalty to her clients. She is very deserving of this recognition, especially because she is so proud of her hometown.

Coming in 2017: King’s Promotions presents THE GREAT EIGHT- 140 Pound Tournament

阅读, PA (九月 26, 2016)–在 2017, King’s Promotions will present a double-elimination tournament that will feature some of the brightest prospects in the 140 磅级别.
The GREAT EIGHT–140 pound Tournamentwill gain exposure to those young fighters who are willing to take a chance to catapult their career’s to the next level.
Applicants for the tournament must have double-digit wins and no more than two losses.
Besides the fight purses, there will be a prize of $15,000 for the winner, $10,000 for the runner-up and $5,000 for third place.
We are looking for the next contenders and champions in the junior welterweight division,” 说,国王的促销首席执行官马歇尔考夫曼.
We already have several quality fighters that have expressed a big interest in entering. We feel that there are a lot of fighters out there in this weight class that fit the criteria for what we are looking for and I am eager to hear from some of them.
To find out more information, 联系 marshall@kingsboxing.com

Linares decisions Crolla to win WBA/WBC Diamond/Ring Magazine Lightweight Titles

Live from the Manchester Arena on AWE-A WEALTH OF ENTERTAINMENT & www.klowdtv.com
圣迭戈, CALIF。– Jorge Linares won a twelve round unanimous decision over Anthony Crolla to win the WBA/Ring Magazine and retain his WBC Diamond Lightweight titles at the Manchester Arena in Manchester, 英国.

The bout, which took place this past 星期六, headlined a card that was broadcasted live all over the United States on AWE- A Wealth of Entertainment and streamed on www.klowdtv.com.

The fight lived up to expectations and was a terrific contest,”查尔斯说鲱鱼, President of AWE-A Wealth of Entertainment.
This is another in the long line of great fights that have come to the network and we should be announcing some more great fights real soon.
We were ecstatic and extremely happy about the response we had for this fight,”said Chris Schickedanz, KlowdTV Managing Director.
We had an overwhelming turnout, and we will continue to show the biggest and brightest fights from all over the globe.
It was a tough grueling fight that saw Linares ump out to an early lead on the strength of his quick combinations and handspeed.

在五轮, Linares was cut over his left eye. 在第六轮中, Crolla was starting to take charge of the bout with his work to the body and uppercuts inside, until Linares hurt Crolla badly with a right hand that wobbled the Manchester native on the ropes.

Both guys had their moments down the stretch as Linares, at times seemed like he was losing his stamina, only to come back with hard combinations and he was able to eek out rounds.

Linares of Venezuela won by scores of 117-111, 115-114 和 115-113 并且现在 41-3. Crolla is now 31-5-3.

Jack Arnfield won a twelve round unanimous decision over John Ryder in a middleweight bout.

Arnfield won by scores of 117-114, 118-110 和 115-114 并且现在 21-2. Ryder is 23-3.

Callum Johnson scored a 9th round stoppage over Wilbeforce Shihepo in a scheduled twelve round light heavyweight bout.

在五轮, Shihepo was docked a point for holding. Shihepo kept holding and was deducted another point in round seven. 随后在本轮比赛中, Johnson dropped Shihepo with a body shot. Johnson finihed things with a huge right that dropped Shiphepo in the 9th round. Shihepo could not beat the count at 2:07.

Johnson is now 16-0 同 11 击倒. Shiphepo of Namibia is 23-9.

Conor Benn remained undefeated by scoring a 6-round decision over Ross Jameson.

The score was 60-55 for Benn, 现在是谁 5-0. Jameson is 1-2.

Hosea Burton scored two knockdowns in the 3rd round and stopped Fernando castaneda in the same round of their scheduled ten round light heavyweight bout.

停工来得 2:18 第三轮, for Burton, 现在是谁 18-0 九击倒. Casteneda is 24-11.
Anthony Crolla vs. Jorge Linares is a 12-round fight for the WBA, WBC Diamond and the Ring Magazine Lightweight World Championships presented by Matchroom Boxing and Golden Boy Promotions in association with Akihiko Honda’s Teiken Boxing Gym.


周六 晚上,在圣多明各桑比尔商业中心,在只有站着的人群面前, 多明尼加共和国, 前世界超羽量级冠军哈维尔 “该Abejon” 福尔图纳 (Fortuna) 重返赛场,两回合击败多米尼加同胞马林·卡布雷拉 (Marlyn Cabrera).
这是他自去年 6 月出人意料地输给杰森·索萨(Jason Sosa)并失去 WBA 世界超羽量级冠军后的首场比赛, 运气 (30-1-1, 22 科斯) 第二轮两次淘汰卡布雷拉, 导致停工. 这是卡布雷拉作为职业球员的第一次失利.
福尔图纳的胜利是三名桑普森拳击选手获胜的胜利之一 星期六夜晚.
不败的21岁多米尼加超次中量级选手杰森 “香蕉” 玫瑰园 (12-0, 9 科斯) 摧毁了以前不败的卡洛斯·贾罗·克鲁斯 (现在 17-1, 11 科斯) 两回合与22岁超羽量级亚伯拉罕 “超级” Nova 将他的记录移至 3-0, 2 第四轮淘汰威利·莫里洛.
福尔图纳在复出比赛中看起来很犀利, 爆发力和速度使他成为拳击界最令人兴奋的拳击手之一. 随着对卡布雷拉的胜利载入史册, 这位左撇子前冠军现在正在寻求重新获得冠军地位.
福尔图娜的发起人, 桑普森Lewkowicz, 说他的拳手在下一场比赛中有两个选择可以考虑.
“接下来,我们要么寻找 IBF 强制竞争者与何塞·佩德拉萨 (Jose Pedraza) 进行淘汰赛,要么我们将寻找贾森·索萨 (Jason Sosa) 对阵 杰森·索萨 (Jason Sosa) 的获胜者. 斯蒂芬·史密斯在摩纳哥 十一月 12,” 说Lewkowicz. “哈维尔想再次成为冠军,他会与任何人战斗以达到目标。”
玫瑰园, 桑普森拳击公司最近签署了一份长期促销协议, 是一位前业余选手,拥有丰富的拳击天赋. 克鲁兹在对阵圣多明各的重击手时没有机会.
“Jeison 是未来之星,我很高兴他能加入我的马厩,” 继续Lewkowicz. “我将为他办理在美国打仗的签证并缴纳国税局税, 我为我所有的战士所做的。”
新星, 谁出生在卡罗来纳州, 波多黎各, 致多米尼加父母, 去 167-11 同 60 作为业余选手KO, 赢得 2014 美国国民, 该 2014 多米尼加独立世界杯, 黄金在 2014 Cheo Aponte比赛, 而 2015 奥运会预选赛. 他还是五届纽约金手套冠军.
“亚伯拉罕打了几轮比赛,并以更多的战斗力KO了一位老将,” 说Lewkowicz. “我对他的表现以及他在每场比赛中继续表现出的进步感到满意. 他是一位实力强劲、前途光明的人。”

Salita Promotions Signs Junior Welterweight Power Puncher Shoh Ergashev to Promotional Contract

Promoter Dmitriy Salita proudly announces the signing of promising junior welterweight slugger ShohjahonShohErgashev to a promotional contract.
Known as an extreme power puncher in Russian boxing circles, 25-一岁的埃尔加舍夫 (6-0, 6 科斯) is considered one of the best current prospects coming out of Uzbekistan.
Egashev now lives in Moscow and trains in Chelyabinsk, 俄罗斯, with Sergey Novikov, trainer of light heavyweight champion Sergey Kovalev in the amateurs. He is managed by well-known Russian based manager Oleg Bogdanov.
Southpaw Ergashev started boxing in 2003 and won the Uzbekistan Nationals four times, 开始于 2005. 他赢了 202 他 216 业余的较量, holds a victory over Uzbek Olympic Silver Medalist Shahram Gayasov and went undefeated the last three years of his amateur career, winning every fight by knockout against stiff competition.
Having never fought outside Russia as a professional, Ergashev says he’s eager to work with Salita, who can help him bring his talents to the Western world. “I can’t wait to fight for a world audience and show them what my punching power can do to my opponent,” said Ergashev.
Not one to waste time, Ergashev KO’d his last opponent in 16 秒
Shoh definitely has potential to be a champion,” said trainer Novikov. “I like his positive, serious attitude towards training and his mindset of destroying his opponents.
Shoh is the best prospect I have seen in a long time. He has the potential and power like fellow Kovalev and Golovkin,” said Bogdanov. “I am excited about the opportunity for him to sign with Salita Promotions and come to the US soon to take over the junior welterweight and welterweight divisions.
I am very happy to add Shoh to our talent roster,” 说德米特里Salita. “He has the skills and power to be an exciting and dominant force in the future of boxing.

Salita says he plans to bring Ergashev to Detroit soon, for an appearance on one of his wildly popular “底特律争吵” 节目.