Категория Архивы: бокс

Cuba’s Yordenis Ugas Earns Fourth Round Stoppage Over Previously Unbeaten Bryant Perrella in the Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYS on FS1 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes Tuesday Night from Buffalo Thunder Resort and Casino inSanta Fe, Нью-Мексико

Ryan Karl Stops Jose Quezada in Four Rounds to Win Battle of
Unbeaten Super Lightweight Prospects
Phoenix’s Cesar Alan Valenzuela Defeats Dennis Galarza in
Драка в первом полулегком весе
Нажмите ВОТ for Photos from Jane Phillips/
Премьер Бокс чемпионов – Фотографии будут добавлены в ближайшее время
SANTA FE, Нью-Мексико (Сентябрь 27, 2016) – Кубы Yordenis Угас (17-3, 8 КО) defeated his second straight unbeaten welterweight Вторник night as he stopped Брайант Perrella(14-1, 13 КО) in the fourth round on Премьер Бокс чемпионов ОО до пят ВТОРНИКАМ на FS1 и Бокс чемпионов on FOX Deportesin the main event from Buffalo Thunder Resort and Casino in Santa Fe, Нью-Мексико.
Ugas defeated previously unbeaten Jamal James in August and dedicated this fight to his friend and fellow Cuban, Marlins pitcher Jose Fernandez, who tragically passed away Воскресеньеmorning in Miami. Ugas was spectacular from the outset as his first overhand right of the night connected with Perrella and sent him to the canvas.
The right hand was there early and all night long,” Said Угас. “I was able to land it from the beginning. Then I went to the body. Before I left my corner to start the fight, I said a prayer for Jose, and for sure that was my motivation. I felt his spirit throughout the fight.
The taller Perrella attempted to control the fight with his jab and looked to land big left hands from the southpaw stance. Ugas was patient throughout the fight and kept his defense tight, never allowing Perrella to break through.
At the end of the third round Ugas landed another big right hand that pushed Perrella into the ropes and forced him into survival mode until the round ended. Perrella tried to get his attack going in the fourth round but Ugas was patiently waiting to deliver powerful counters with the right hand.
Another punishing right hand in the middle of the round sent Perrella hard to the mat and clearly dazed when he rose to his feet. Ugas sensed his moment and attacked Perrella, eventually stalking him into the corner. A final flurry from Ugas forced referee Rocky Burke to halt the bout 2:20 в раунде.
This shows that I’ve put all my losses behind me,” Said Угас. “It doesn’t matter who I fight next. I’m ready for anyone in the division.
Совместно Главное событие пила Райан “Ковбой” Карл (13-0, 9 КО) earn a stoppage victory over Хосе Кесада (11-1, 6 КО) after four rounds of action in the super lightweight showdown. The fight was stopped by the ringside doctor after the end of the fourth round.
Karl established his power advantage early on as the two fighters went toe-to-toe but it was Karl who knocked Quezada to the canvas with a stunning right uppercut and a straight right hand that sent his opponent tumbling to the canvas.
Quezada looked to box against Karl and had his best moments in the third round when he began to land his left hook and throw more combinations. Despite taking a few good shots, Karl came out determined in round four and began landing his right hand at will.
The last minute of the round saw the Houston-based fighter landed a series of right hands that eventually began to swell the left eye of Quezada and sent him to the floor for the second time in the fight as the round ended. Quezada was able to get to his feet and return to his corner, but the ringside doctor had seen enough and called a halt to the bout.
The opening televised bout saw Phoenix’s Cesar Alan Valenzuela (13-4-1, 4 КО) earn a split decision over previously once-beaten Деннис Galarza (13-2, 8 КО) in their eight round super featherweight attraction.
From the opening bell both men were determined to establish their offense and they both had bright moments in the round. Galarza landed several right hands early but as the fight wore on, Valenzuela got into his offense and was able to keep Galarza going backwards.
Valenzuela also appeared to be the fresher fighter in the later rounds and he ended the bout with a 398-345 advantage in punches thrown and 136-93 in punches landed.
Valenzuela’s strongest round came in the final frame when he stunned Galarza with just over a minute left in the round, forcing his opponent to hold on to survive the eight-rounder. The final judges scores were 77-75 for Galarza and 77-75 twice for Valenzuela.
# # #
PBC on FS1 was promoted by Warriors Boxing and Holmes Boxing.
Для получения дополнительной информации посетите www.premierboxingchampions.comHTTP://www.foxsports.com/PressPass / домашнюю иwww.foxdeportes.com.
Следуйте по щебетатьPremierBoxing, WarriorsBoxingProm, @ FS1, @FoxDeportes И @Swanson_Comm и стать поклонником на Facebook в www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxdeportes Highlights available atwww.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. КПБ по FS1 & FOX Deportes спонсируется Corona Extra, Finest Beer.

Суперлегкий вес Эшли Теофан возвращается на ринг в субботу, 8 октября в Sam’s Town Live, в Лас-Вегасе

Mayweather Promotions представляет первый ежемесячный взнос своей Серия «Разборки в Городе грехов», с участием Рональда Гаврила
в со-главном событии
БОЛЬШЕ! Андеркарта с участием
Восходящие звезды Mayweather Promotions!
ЛАС-ВЕГАС (Семь. 26, 2016) – Бывший претендент на титул Эшли “Сокровище” Феофан (39-7-1, 11 КО) надеется искупить свою вину после тяжелого поражения в апреле, когда он возглавляет главное событие Mayweather Promotions Sin City Showdown, Суббота, 8 октябряот Сэма города живут в Лас-Вегасе.
“Я тренируюсь в спортзале усерднее, чем когда-либо, и морально готовлюсь после поражения от Эдриена Бронера в начале этого года.,” сказал Феофан. “Я очень рад вернуться на ринг в октябре. 8 и станьте первым, кто возглавит ежемесячную серию боев в Сэмс-Тауне, которую собрала компания Mayweather Promotions.. я не разочарую. Мои фанаты здесь, в Лас-Вегасе, смогут увидеть это вживую., и мои сторонники по всему миру. Вы можете ожидать отличного выступления в ночь боя.!”
В со-мэйне состоится бой за титул NABF в суперсреднем весе с участием Mayweather Promotions.’ собственный Рональд “Thrill” Гаврил (16-1, 12 КО). Также представлен на Октября 8 промоушены Мэйвезера’ восходящие звезды, включая непобежденных в суперлегком весе Санжарбек “война” Рахманов (5-0-1, 3 КО), Ladarius “Мемфис” Мельник(11-1, 2 КО), кто одержит победу в сентябре. 16й, и новые участники в конюшне,Джошуа Варгас (6-0, 4 КО), Xavier Martinez (6-0, 4 КО), и Даниэль Гонсалес (12-0, 5 КО) все в отдельных схватках!
“Приятно вернуться в Sam's Town. Мне нравится драться при полном зале и ощущать интимную атмосферу.. Не всегда такое бывает на больших концертах, когда приходится идти так рано, до прибытия фанатов.,” сказал Гаврила.
“В прошлый раз, когда я дрался на этом стадионе, мне удалось победить соперника и одержать пятую победу подряд.. Я уверен, что снова выйду победителем Октября 8! Я усердно тренировался, и моя единственная цель — вернуться домой новым чемпионом NABF в суперсреднем весе.. Для меня большая честь быть со-мэйном на этой карте., и это только начало того, что я хочу вернуть своим болельщикам и боксу.”
Вечер, полный великолепного бокса, пройдет под баннером Mayweather Promotions в Лас-Вегасе. Эти бои представят ежемесячную серию боев, которая будет проходить каждый месяц прямо здесь, в Лас-Вегасе, на Sam’s Town Live.. Билеты начинаются на $15 и доступны на сайте: www.samstownlv.com/entertain и www.mayweatherpromotions.com.
Следите за новостями в Твиттере @AshleyTheophane., @РональдГаврил, MayweatherPromo, и @SamsTownLV, Вступить в группу на Facebook на: www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions.

Erik Ruiz replaces Emmanuel Quartey vs Hanzel Martinez in Friday Night’s “Knockout Night at the D” main event

ЛАС-ВЕГАС (Сентябрь 27, 2016) – Veteran super bantamweight Erik Ruiz has replaced Ghanaian boxer Эммануэль Кворти, who was unable to secure a visa to enter the United States, в в эту пятницу night’s 10-round main event versus HanzelRude Boy” Мартинес, headlining a strong “Knockout Night at the D” карта, for the vacant World Boxing Association International super bantamweight title.
В прямом эфире (11 p.m. И / 8 p.m. PT) на CBS Sports Network and internationally viaESPN (digital delay check local listings), “Knockout Night at the D” will be held outdoors under the neon lights at Центр Лас-Вегас События центр.
The “Knockout Night at the D” серия, представленный D Лас-Вегас и Центр мероприятий в центре Лас-Вегаса, продвигает Рой Джонс-младший. (RJJ) Boxing Promotions.
Hall of Fame announcers Джим “J.R.” Росс и Аль Бернштейна will call all of the action from ringside with Шон Уилок handling fighter interviews on CBS Sports Network and in English for ESPN internationally.
Мартинес (23-2, 19 КО), a former WBC United States bantamweight champion, fights out of Tijuana, Мексика. Руис (15-5-1, 6 КО) is coming off an impressive 10-round draw with 30-1 Орасио Гарсиа this past May in as Vegas. He has a notable win over previously unbeaten (11-0-2) Roy Tapia also extended top prospects such as Jessie Магдалено,Алексис Сантьяго и Мануэль Авила Расстояние.
We knew there were some issues with Quartey’s visa situation,” промоутер Кит Veltreсказал, “so we had Erik Ruiz on hold. It’s unfortunate but things like this happen in boxing and we’re fortunate to have such a quality opponent like Erik as a late replacement. На самом деле, he’s fought much tougher opponents than Quartey. Hanzel has 18 нокауты в его 23 побед, but Ruiz has never been stopped as a professional. We’re confident that the main event will be equally competitive and that fans will enjoy another great night of ‘Knockout Night at the Dboxing.
In the 10-round co-feature event, Тони Лопес, Младший. (11-1, 4 КО) берет на себя StephonShowstopper” Молодой (14-0-3, 6 КО) for the vacant WBA North American Boxing Association (Также) петуха название.
In the third title fight of the night, undefeated WBA-NABA USA super welterweight champion Джон “Phenom” Вера (14-0, 9 КО) makes his second title defense against MiloradMickoZizic (12-1, 6 КО) in an 8-round bout opening the televised segment of the card.
Also fighting on the undercard in 4-round bouts are Las Vegas welterweight Джереми “J-Flash” Николс (5-0, 2 КО) против. Marquis Hawthorn (4-4, 1 KO), Лас-Вегас’ 18-летний легковес Максимум “Baby Face” Орнелас (4-0, 2 КО) против. MulapiThe African MexicanEnjani (2-2-2, 1 KO), Las Vegas junior lightweight Сал лопес (3-0) против.Kenneth Taylor (2-0, 2 КО), and Las Vegas junior lightweight Рэнди Морено (4-0, 3 КО) против. Fabian Alaniz (1-0, 0 КО).
Все бои и бойцы могут быть изменены.
Билеты, по цене $99.99 VIP ringside, $49.99 удобная точка для обзора, $24.99 и $14.99 General Admission (сидящий), в продаже в www.Ticketmaster.com или www.DLVEC.com. Налоги и сборы распространяются на все проданные билеты.
Двери открываются в 5:00 p.m. PT с открытием бой запланирован на 6:00 p.m. PT.
The “Knockout Night at the D” сериал был разработан в сотрудничестве с Центром мероприятий в центре Лас-Вегаса и Neon Star Media..
Это “Knockout Night at the D” event licensed to ESPN will be available to watch in 61 дополнительные страны и территории в Латинская Америка (Южная Америка, Центральная Америка, Мексика & Бразилия) Карибский бассейн, Океания (Австралия, Новая Зеландия и острова Тихого океана),Великобритания, Канада и Индия
Щебет: @thedlasvegas, @dlvEventsCenter, @DerekJStevens, @BoxingatheDLV, @RoyJonesJrBoxing
Следуйте за эти борцы на Twitter: @teamtonylopez, @hanzel2111, @stephonyoung, @johnverajr, @mickozizic, @jflashgang, @_RandyMoreno
Instagram: @dlvec, @thedlasvegas, @RoyJonesJrBoxing

Mykal Fox headlines against Juan Rodriguez on Saturday, November 5th at Rosecroft Raceway in Fort Washington, Мэриленд

Плюс непобедимый Джордан Уайт., Кент Круз, Christopher Warden, Патрик Ривера & Маркус Бейтс
Fort Washington, Мэриленд (Сентябрь 27, 2016)–Undefeated junior welterweight prospect Mykal “Профессор” Лиса возьмет на себя Хуан Родригесin an eight-round bout that will headline nine-bout on Суббота, 5 ноября на Rosecroft Raceway in Fort Washington, Мэриленд.
Карта способствует Акции Кинга.
Фокс Форествилл, Мэриленд запись 11-0 with three knockouts and this will be his fourth bout of 2016.
The 20 year-old Fox turned professional in 2014 and has been kept busy as this will be his 12th contest в 29 месяцы.
В своем последнем бою, Fox stopped Somner Martin in three rounds on 19 августа в Вашингтоне, Округ Колумбия.
Rodriguez of Haymarket, Вирджиния имеет запись 6-5-1 with five wins coming via stoppage.
The 26 year-old Rodriguez is an eight year professional and he won his first four fights. He has a fifth round stoppage win over previously undefeated Nathaniel Rivas (5-0).
Fox will be Rodriguezfourth undefeated opponent. Rodriguez is coming off a six-round unanimous decision defeat to Anthony Young (11-2) на 29 апреля в Атлантик-Сити.
В шестираундовых схватках:
Тяжелый Лютер Смит (5-1, 4 КО ) Боуи, Мэриленд, super Bantamweight Иордания Белый (3-0, 3 КО) Вашингтон, Округ Колумбия & в первом полусреднем Кент Круз (11-0, 6 КО) Св. Луис, MO will take on an opponents to be named.
Appearing in four-round bouts will be junior welterweight Christopher Warden(2-0, 2 KO’sO of Lusby, Мэриленд; в среднем Патрик Ривера (1-0, 1 KO) из Эджвуда, Мэриленд; легчайший вес Маркус Бейтс (4-0-1, 4 КО) Вашингтон, Округ Колумбия; в первом среднем Джастин Херд из Accokeek, Maryland will make his pro debut.
Грег Outlaw Боуи, Maryland will make his pro debut against Ламонт Белый(0-4) Вашингтон, DC in a junior welterweight bout.
Билеты уже поступили в продажу $75, $60 & $40 по телефону 301-899-2430 or by logging onto www.kpboxing.com

“BATTLE BORN BOXING” Amateur series returns to Downtown Las Vegas Events Center

В этот четверг ночь, Семь. 29
ЛАС-ВЕГАС (Сентябрь 26, 2016) – The fifth edition of”Battle Born Boxing” возвращается в этот четверг ночь (Семь. 29), начиная с 7 p.m. PT, at the outdoor Центр Лас-Вегас События центр.
“Battle Born Boxing” is an amateur boxing series created by Neon Star Media on behalf of its client, D Лас-Вегас, to support amateur boxing in Nevada, as well as provide a platform for amateur boxers from other states to compete against local clubs and boxers.
Las Vegas-based boxing clubs represented at “Battle Born Boxing: Uprising Vincludes Barry’s Boxing, Richard Steel Boxing Club and Johnny Tocco’s Ringside Boxing.
“Battle Born Boxing” was successfully launched Апреля 15 and the amateur boxing series will continue the night before each of the “Knockout Night at the D” series professional boxing events, airing throughout 2016 на CBS Sports Network, live from the Downtown Las Vegas Events Center.
“Battle Born Boxing: Uprising V” билеты, по цене $15.00 for ringside (Строки 1 и 2) и $10.00 для общего приема, в продаже в www.DLVEC.com. All tickets purchased for “Battle Born Boxing: Uprising V” will entitle ticketholders to receive $10.00 off any tickets purchased for the following evening’s (Семь. 30) “Knockout Night at the D” pro event. Those tickets, по цене $99.99 VIP ringside, $49.99 удобная точка для обзора, $24.99 и $14.99 General Admission, в продаже в www.Ticketmaster.com или www.DLVEC.com. Налоги и сборы распространяются на все проданные билеты.
Щебет: @thedlasvegas, @dlvEventsCenter, @DerekJStevens, @BoxingatheDLV,
Instagram: @dlvec, @thedlasvegas


(Left Photo from left to right: Swanson along with Amateur Boxer of the Year Kristin McMurtree, бокс судья & inductee Dave Moretti, former heavyweight & inductee Billy Tompkins & Buffalo Veterans Boxing Association President Bob Caico; Right Photo: Swanson with her family)

Бруклин (Сентябрь 26, 2016) – The Buffalo Veteran Boxers Association inducted Суонсон-президент по коммуникациям Келли Свенсон into the Ring 44 Buffalo Boxing Hall of Fame on Friday, Сентябрь 23 В рамках своей 20й класс.
Суонсон, along with five other new inductees, including Dave Moretti, Billy Tompkins, Dummy Burns, Stan Myka and Pete Tamalonis were honored at the organization’s annual dinner and awards ceremony at Ilio Dipaolo Restaurant in Blasdell, Нью-Йорк
It is such an honor to be recognized by my hometown for my work in boxing over the last 20 годы,” said Swanson, a North Buffalo-native who has worked in boxing for over two decades, representing some of the sport’s biggest names including Floyd Mayweather, Bernard Hopkins and Riddick Bowe. “I am proud to be from the Queen City and thrilled to join an incredible class of inductees.
Boxing is a sport of opportunity and it has opened so many doors for me. I have been privileged to with some of the best fighters and work on some of the biggest events the sport has witnessed over the course of these 20 годы. I don’t remember a time when I didn’t love boxing and I look forward to continuing to publicize and promote fighters and events for many years to come.
Congratulations to Kelly for her honor,” , сказал Мэйуэзер. “We’ve been together for a long time, более чем 10 годы, and I am happy she is being recognized for all of her great work.
There’s no woman in this game that has accomplished as much as Kelly,” сказал Хопкинс. “She’s the top as far as publicists go and everyone knows it. I’ve been with her for 10 plus years and she always did her best and took her job seriously. She has no problem telling any fighterfrom a prospect to a championhow she feels and what she believes will make them succeed. This honor is well deserved.
Swanson not only works in boxing, but stays involved in the sport in her off time as well. She works out at the famed Gleason’s Gym in Brooklyn, blocks from her New York City office. She is also a board member for the gym’s “Дайте малышу мечту” программа, which offers children from disadvantaged backgrounds a place to develop themselves physically and mentally through boxing.
I have worked for Kelly for over eight years and I’m still learning,” said Lisa Milner Goldberg, Vice President of Swanson Communications. “I constantly find myself in awe of the ideas she dreams up, her creativity and her loyalty to her clients. She is very deserving of this recognition, especially because she is so proud of her hometown.

Coming in 2017: King’s Promotions presents THE GREAT EIGHT- 140 Pound Tournament

Чтение, Пенсильвания (Сентябрь 26, 2016)–В 2017, King’s Promotions will present a double-elimination tournament that will feature some of the brightest prospects in the 140 фунт разделение.
The GREAT EIGHT–140 pound Tournamentwill gain exposure to those young fighters who are willing to take a chance to catapult their career’s to the next level.
Applicants for the tournament must have double-digit wins and no more than two losses.
Besides the fight purses, there will be a prize of $15,000 for the winner, $10,000 for the runner-up and $5,000 for third place.
We are looking for the next contenders and champions in the junior welterweight division,” сказал короля Акции генеральный директор Маршалл Кауфман.
We already have several quality fighters that have expressed a big interest in entering. We feel that there are a lot of fighters out there in this weight class that fit the criteria for what we are looking for and I am eager to hear from some of them.
To find out more information, контакт marshall@kingsboxing.com

Linares decisions Crolla to win WBA/WBC Diamond/Ring Magazine Lightweight Titles

Live from the Manchester Arena on AWE-A WEALTH OF ENTERTAINMENT & www.klowdtv.com
Сан-Диего, Калифорния.– Jorge Linares won a twelve round unanimous decision over Anthony Crolla to win the WBA/Ring Magazine and retain his WBC Diamond Lightweight titles at the Manchester Arena in Manchester, Англия.

Бой, что имело место в прошлом Суббота, headlined a card that was broadcasted live all over the United States on AWE- A Wealth of Entertainment and streamed on www.klowdtv.com.

The fight lived up to expectations and was a terrific contest,”сказал Чарльз Херринг, President of AWE-A Wealth of Entertainment.
This is another in the long line of great fights that have come to the network and we should be announcing some more great fights real soon.
We were ecstatic and extremely happy about the response we had for this fight,”said Chris Schickedanz, KlowdTV Managing Director.
We had an overwhelming turnout, and we will continue to show the biggest and brightest fights from all over the globe.
It was a tough grueling fight that saw Linares ump out to an early lead on the strength of his quick combinations and handspeed.

В пятом раунде, Linares was cut over his left eye. В шестом раунде, Crolla was starting to take charge of the bout with his work to the body and uppercuts inside, until Linares hurt Crolla badly with a right hand that wobbled the Manchester native on the ropes.

Both guys had their moments down the stretch as Linares, at times seemed like he was losing his stamina, only to come back with hard combinations and he was able to eek out rounds.

Linares of Venezuela won by scores of 117-111, 115-114 и 115-113 и в настоящее время 41-3. Crolla is now 31-5-3.

Jack Arnfield won a twelve round unanimous decision over John Ryder in a middleweight bout.

Arnfield won by scores of 117-114, 118-110 и 115-114 и в настоящее время 21-2. Ryder is 23-3.

Callum Johnson scored a 9th round stoppage over Wilbeforce Shihepo in a scheduled twelve round light heavyweight bout.

В пятом раунде, Shihepo was docked a point for holding. Shihepo kept holding and was deducted another point in round seven. Later in the round, Johnson dropped Shihepo with a body shot. Johnson finihed things with a huge right that dropped Shiphepo in the 9th round. Shihepo could not beat the count at 2:07.

Johnson is now 16-0 с 11 нокауты. Shiphepo of Namibia is 23-9.

Conor Benn remained undefeated by scoring a 6-round decision over Ross Jameson.

The score was 60-55 for Benn, который в настоящее время 5-0. Jameson is 1-2.

Hosea Burton scored two knockdowns in the 3rd round and stopped Fernando castaneda in the same round of their scheduled ten round light heavyweight bout.

Остановка пришли в 2:18 из трех раунда, for Burton, который в настоящее время 18-0 с девятью нокаутами. Casteneda is 24-11.
Anthony Crolla vs. Jorge Linares is a 12-round fight for the WBA, WBC Diamond and the Ring Magazine Lightweight World Championships presented by Matchroom Boxing and Golden Boy Promotions in association with Akihiko Honda’s Teiken Boxing Gym.

Fortuna Returns with Impressive KO over Formerly Undefeated Cabrera

В Субботу night in front of a standing-room-only crowd at the Sambil Commercial Center in Santo Domingo, Доминиканская Республика, former world super featherweight champion Javier “Abejon” Fortuna returned to action with an impressive two-round blowout of fellow Dominican Marlyn Cabrera.
In his first fight since a surprise defeat last June to Jason Sosa that cost him his WBA World Super Featherweight Championship, Состояние (30-1-1, 22 КО) dropped Cabrera twice in the second round, eliciting the stoppage. It was Cabrera’s first loss as a professional.
Fortuna’s victory was one of three Sampson Boxing fighters to win Субботаночь.
Undefeated 21-year-old Dominican super welterweight JeisonBanana” Четки (12-0, 9 КО) destroyed formerly undefeated Carlos Jairo Cruz (сейчас 17-1, 11 КО) in two rounds and 22-year-old super featherweight Abraham “Супер” Nova moved his record to 3-0, 2 KOs with a fourth-round knockout over Willy Morillo.
Fortuna looked sharp in his comeback bout, putting the explosive power and speed that makes him one of the most exciting fighters in all of boxing. With the victory over Cabrera in the books, the southpaw former champion will now be looking to regain his championship status.
Fortuna’s promoter, Сэмпсон Левкович, says his fighter has two options to consider for his next fight.
Next we will either look for an elimination bout for the IBF mandatory contender to fight Jose Pedraza or we will look to face the winner of Jason Sosa vs. Stephen Smith in Monaco on Ноябрь 12,” сказал Левкович. “Javier wants to be champion again and he’ll fight anyone to get there.
Четки, a recent Sampson Boxing signee to a long-term promotional agreement, is a former amateur standout with a wealth of boxing talent. Cruz stood no chance against the Santo Domingo-based slugger.
Jeison is a future star and I’m happy to have him in my stable,” продолжал Левкович. “I will get him a visa to fight in the USA and pay his IRS taxes, which I do for all my fighters.
Новая звезда, who was born in Carolina, Пуэрто-Рико, to Dominican parents, отправился 167-11 с 60 KOs as an amateur, выиграть 2014 Граждане США, the 2014 Независимый чемпионат мира в Доминикане, Gold at the 2014 Чео Апонте Турнир, и 2015 Олимпийские квалификации. Он также является пятикратным чемпионом Нью-Йорка по «Золотым перчаткам»..
Abraham went some good rounds and got the KO over a veteran with more fights,” сказал Левкович. “I am happy with his performance and with the improvements he continues to show in every fight. He is a strong prospect with a bright future.

Salita Promotions Signs Junior Welterweight Power Puncher Shoh Ergashev to Promotional Contract

Promoter Dmitriy Salita proudly announces the signing of promising junior welterweight slugger ShohjahonShohErgashev to a promotional contract.
Known as an extreme power puncher in Russian boxing circles, 25-year-old Ergashev (6-0, 6 КО) is considered one of the best current prospects coming out of Uzbekistan.
Egashev now lives in Moscow and trains in Chelyabinsk, Россия, with Sergey Novikov, trainer of light heavyweight champion Sergey Kovalev in the amateurs. He is managed by well-known Russian based manager Oleg Bogdanov.
Southpaw Ergashev started boxing in 2003 and won the Uzbekistan Nationals four times, начиная с 2005. Он выиграл 202 из его 216 любительских боев, holds a victory over Uzbek Olympic Silver Medalist Shahram Gayasov and went undefeated the last three years of his amateur career, winning every fight by knockout against stiff competition.
Having never fought outside Russia as a professional, Ergashev says he’s eager to work with Salita, who can help him bring his talents to the Western world. “I can’t wait to fight for a world audience and show them what my punching power can do to my opponent,” сказал Эргашев.
Not one to waste time, Ergashev KO’d his last opponent in 16 секунд
Shoh definitely has potential to be a champion,” said trainer Novikov. “I like his positive, serious attitude towards training and his mindset of destroying his opponents.
Shoh is the best prospect I have seen in a long time. He has the potential and power like fellow Kovalev and Golovkin,” said Bogdanov. “I am excited about the opportunity for him to sign with Salita Promotions and come to the US soon to take over the junior welterweight and welterweight divisions.
I am very happy to add Shoh to our talent roster,” сказал Дмитрий Салита. “He has the skills and power to be an exciting and dominant force in the future of boxing.

Salita says he plans to bring Ergashev to Detroit soon, for an appearance on one of his wildly popular “Детройт Brawl” шоу.