Kategorie Archiv: box

ANDRE WARD VS. SERGEY Kovalev 2: „odvetu“ Fight Night VÝSLEDKY, FOTKY & QUOTES


WARD Kovalev 2: „Odvetu“

Sobota, Června 17, 2017

AT Mandalay Bay Events Center, LAS VEGAS

UVÁDÍ LIVE BY HBO pay-per-View®

Klepněte na tlačítko ZDE pro focení

Photo Credit: Roc Nation Sport / Tom Hogan - Hoganphotos

LAS VEGAS, NV (Červen 18, 2017) - Andre Ward vs. Sergey Kovalev 2: „Odvetu“ se konal v sobotu, Červen 17 v Mandalay Bay Events Center v Las Vegas. Událost šampionát, předložila Corona Extra, byl vyroben a distribuován živě HBO pay-per-View®.


Níže naleznete všechny výsledky bojovat a stíhací citací:

Sergey Kovalev (30-2-1, 26 KO) proti. Andre Ward (32-0, 16 KO)

VÝSLEDEK: Andre Ward TKO 2 na 2:29 osmého kola

Andre Ward: „Jsem u vytržení, Jsem šťastný. Nechtěl jsem předpovídají knockout, ale řekl jsem si, že by se mohlo stát. Byl jsem boxu dlouhou dobu a, někdy, mnoho spisovatelů a novinářů nemají vás vzít za slovo. Pokud se podíváte na mé kariéry a způsob, jakým jsem šel o věcech, Jsem docela samozřejmostí. Jsem docela jednoduché. Nechci nic říkat, dokud jsem to vážně. Mám velký respekt k Kovaljov. On je mistrem světa. Byl na vrcholu po dlouhou dobu. Je to velký bojovník; tam není mnoho lidí, kteří elitní. Nebudu ho hodit pod autobus, i když oni dělali mnoho různých věcí,. Ale věděl jsem, temperament, že jsem bojoval. Nechci, aby o něm hovoří jako předního hráče, ale když to nebude mít svou cestu, že má sáhnout hluboko. Nevím, jestli měl správné odpovědi dnes večer. Samozřejmě, neudělal to, protože boj dostal zastavil.


„Byl jsem s dýcháním, dýchal, ale já jsem zvyklý pracovat unavený. Jsem pohodlný být nepříjemné; to je, jak pracujeme, To je, jak trénujeme. Když jsem viděl, jak dát ruce na lanech mezi koly - I sledovat všechny ty věci - to je problém pro něj. Jen jsem potřeboval, aby byl chytrý.


„Myslím, že to bylo jasně vidět, že jsem mu zlomil psychicky a fyzicky. Nejsem člověk, který požaduje respektování nebo nic z toho. Nemusíte mě respektovat a nemám nic požadovat, ale v určitém bodě a čase, musíš dát osobě jejich právě činění. Já jsem 13 let a já jsem dělal to proti nejlepším.


"Co bude dál? Cruiserweight? Těžká váha? mám velké sny. Všechno je možné, když máte Boha.


„Pokud existují otazníky po této, která nemá nic společného se mnou. Chystám se nyní svou rodinu, políbil svou ženu a my ven.


Virgil Hunter: „Řekl jsem jim, (média) že jsem jen trénoval Andreho pro knockout dvakrát. První byl Chad Dawson. A druhá byla pro dnes večer. A oni mi vysmál. Ale věděl jsem, co se bude dít, protože on (Vizita) byl zdravý. Teď jsme se uklidnil všechny, kteří byli fňukat a mysleli jsme nebrali to poprvé.“


Sergey Kovalev: „Udeřil se čtyřmi nízkými údery. Rozhodčí se jim nezavolal. Cítil jsem Mohl jsem pokračující. To je nesmysl.“

Moises Flores (25-1, 17 KO) proti. Guillermo Rigondeaux (18-0, 12 KO)

VÝSLEDEK: Guillermo Rigondeaux TKO na 2:59 Prvního kola

Rigondeaux: „Mexická byl statečný kluk. Chválím ho dostat do ringu se mnou. Má víc odvahy než většina těchto ostatních kluků. Oba jsme se hodil kombinace zároveň na konci prvního kola. Ale důl byl rychlejší a přesnější. Bylo jen otázkou času,. Bojuji dát nejlepší výkon pro veřejnost a všechny fanoušky. Dělám každý zmizet 122. Jsem vždy k dispozici. Řekni mi, kdo je další. Chci všechny z nich, a bude vyndat jeden po druhém. Doufám, že celý svět vidí, jaké to je dostat se do kruhu se mnou. Jsem unavený z tisku a každý říkal jsem nudný. Vidíš, co se stane, když někdo svádí boj se mnou.“

Květiny: "To není fér. Je jasné, že zazvonilo. Neměl udeřit po celý. Byl jsem vyhrál kolo a čekal, až poté, co zvonek hodit ránu, když jsem spadl ruce dolů.“

Cedric Agnew (29-3, 15 KO) proti. Dmitry Bivol (11-0, 9 KO)

VÝSLEDEK: Dmitry Bivol TKO na 1:27 čtvrtého kola

buvol: „Jsem velmi rád, že letový šel tudy. Zjistil jsem, mé cesty, které jsem cvičil a použil jsem je a jste viděl výsledky. Nemyslel jsem si, že se chystá do práce více jak praváci, as ortodoxní, ale byl jsem připraven na všechno, takže boj běžel hladce pro mě. Snažil jsem se ho otevřít, ale z nějakého důvodu. nechtěl jít. Byl blízko, Byl velmi defenzivní a vrací. ale tak jako tak, Vyhrál jsem boj!"


Agnew: N / A

Arif Magomedov (18-2, 11 KO) proti. Luis Arias (18-0, 9 KO)

VÝSLEDEK: Luis Arias TKO na 1:16 pátého kola

Luis Arias: "Konečně! Vaše právě slyšeli jmenuji. Top 10 všude okolo. Snadná práce.“


Arif Magomedov: „Je to opravdu není mnoho, co mohu říci o tom. Chytil mě s opravdu dobrý střelec a nemohl jsem s tím nic dělat.“

Zoltan Sera (28-13, 19 KO) proti. Junior Younan (12-0, 9 KO)

VÝSLEDEK: Junior Younan TKO na 1:39 Prvního kola

Junior Younan: „Chtěl jsem jít ven a učinit prohlášení a já jen, že! Věděl jsem, že by si to udělat v jednom kole. Udělal jsem vše, co jsem mohl. Pracoval jsem můj zadek off! Láska, kterou jsem dostal, protože jsem přijel do Las Vegas byl obrovský. Děkuji! A děkuji mé promotor, Roc Nation Sports, pro získání mě na největší scéně v boxu!"

Zoltan Sera: N / A

Fabian Pena (16-8-1, 13 KO) proti. Vaughn Alexander (10-0, 7 KO)

VÝSLEDEK: Vaughn Alexander TKO na konci čtvrtého kola


Vaughn Alexander: „Byl to dobrý dobrý bojovat pro mě, další dobrý win. Dalším krokem k získání mě blíž k místu, kde chci být, mezi přední střední váhy. Víte, brzy možná příští rok někdy mohu být považovány za titulem světového. Šel jsem tam a pracoval na svou obranu, co já a můj bratr pracuje na v posilovně, házení více kombinací a jen brát svůj čas.“


Fabian Pena: N / A

Christopher Martin (30-9-3, 10 KO) proti. Tramaine Williams (11-0, 4 KO)

VÝSLEDEK: Tramaine Williams TKO na 1:44 Druhého kola

Tramaine Williams: „Chystal se vzít výprask v případě, že nechat to na všech osmi kolech. Má rodina má vrátit do. Je to dobrá věc, kterou rozhodčí zastavil boj. Kdyby existovala 10 více sekund v prvním kole bych ho. Bylo by to v průběhu! Jsem docela spokojený se svým výkonem, ale já jsem vždycky práci lépe. Děkuji všem za naladění. Doufám, že se vrátí do kruhové příští měsíc. Mezitím, Mám v plánu zůstat ve formě a připraven k boji. Děkuji Roc Nation tělovýchovy za příležitost, aby se na této skvělé karty.“


Christopher Martin: "Hovadina."

Brando Sañudo (5-5, 2 KO) proti. John Bauza (7-0, 4 KO)

VÝSLEDEK: John Bauza TKO na 1:14 Druhého kola


John Bauza: “Že porazit se cítil skvěle! Bylo to snadné vítězství, protože jsem tvrdě pracoval. Cítil jsem se silný v prvním kole. Díky všem svým následovníkům a příznivců. Budu držet krok velkou práci. Bez ohledu na mé promotéři mi říct další, bude dál.”

Brando Sañudo: N / A

Alex Sandro Duarte (6-1, 4 KO) proti. Bakhram Murtazaliev (9-0, 7 KO)

VÝSLEDEK: Bakhru Murtazaliev TKO na 1:31 Prvního kola

Bakhram Murtazaliev: "Jsem velmi rád. Boj šel tak rychle, že jsem neměl čas ani přemýšlet o tom, jak jsem se cítil. Neměl jsem v úmyslu ho knokautovat, právě se to stalo."


Alex Sandro Duarte: „Byl vyšší a silnější než já. Bojoval jsem v hmotnostní třídě, která byla nad mé normální váhové. Jsem zklamaný."

Jonathan Steele (7-1, 5 KO) proti. Enriko Gogokhia (5-0, 2 KO)

VÝSLEDEK: Enriko Gogokhia jednomyslným rozhodnutím


Enriko Gogokhia: „Myslel jsem, že to byl dobrý boj. Chtěl jsem ho knokautovat, ale také jsem chtěl hrát s ním a aby ho trochu jít tvrdší. Byl jen bojovník Myslel jsem, že by jsem byl připraven pro něj. Jsem spokojený se svým výkonem.“


Jonathan Steele: „Doufám, že dostane zpět dovnitř, Chci pomstu, takže doufejme, že budu těšit na odvetu. Byl to velký boj. Opravdu jsem si užil svůj první čas v Las Vegas, Je to krásná věc. Byla to velmi ponižující zážitek. I půjde tvrději v tělocvičně a budu zpátky sem a pokračovat na své cestě, aby se stal mistrem světa.“


Ward vs.. Kovalev 2: „Odvetu," 12-round mega-Boj o WBO / IBF / WBA Lehká těžká váha MS, je prezentována Roc Nation Sports, Hlavní události, Andre Ward Promotions, Krusher Propagace a Corona Extra, podporovaný Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, Jetlux, Life10 elektrolytu, Zappos, D'Usse Cognac, ProSupps a Běží na netvora. Událost šampionát koná sobotu, Červen 17 v Mandalay Bay Events Center v Las Vegas a bude vyráběn a distribuován živě HBO Pay-Per-View® počínaje 9:00 p.m. A/6:00 p.m. PT. Vstupenky na Ward-Kovalev 2: „Odvetu“ jsou k dispozici na axs.com a na Mandalay Bay Events Center pokladně.

FNU Bojové sporty Show: Mayweather vs. McGregor set for August 26th, Ward vs.. Kovalev II Preview, UFC Fight Night Hunt Vs. Lewis Recap

“Duševní” Tom Padgett earned his nickname last week in predicting Mark Hunt would be buoyed to a win over Derrick Lewis in front of his hometown New Zealand fans at the latest UFC Fight Night. We recap the fight card and preview this weekend’s UFC Fight Night card from Singapore. Tomáš, Tony and Rich also chat about Mayweather vs. McGregor getting signed. We additionally recap last week’s biggest boxing results and the upcoming weekend’s best fights, including a rematch of Andre Ward vs. Sergey Kovalev. Poslechněte si dvoudílné vysílání níže.





WARD-KOVALEV 2: „Odvetu“

Sobota, Června 17, 2017

AT Mandalay Bay Events Center, LAS VEGAS

UVÁDÍ LIVE BY HBO pay-per-View®

Klepněte na tlačítko ZDE pro focení

Photo Credit: Roc Nation Sport / Tom Hogan - Hoganphotos

Klepněte na tlačítko ZDE pro focení

Photo Credit: Main Events/David Spagnolo

Klepněte na tlačítko ZDE for Video

Video Credit: Roc Nation Sports/Main Events

Ward-Kovalev 2 Final Press Conference (Click to Watch)

LAS VEGAS, NV (Červen 15, 2017) - Ve čtvrtek, Červen 15, Unified Light Heavyweight World Champion Andre “S.O.G.” Ward (31-0, 15 KO) and former WBO, WBA and IBF Light Heavyweight World Champion Sergey “Krusher” Kovalev (30-1-1, 26 KO), along with their teams, participated in the Fight Week Běží na netvora Final Press Conference for their highly-anticipated showdown. Ward-Kovalev 2: “The Rematch” will take place Sobota, Červen 17v Mandalay Bay Events Center v Las Vegas. Událost šampionát, předložila Corona Extra, will be produced and distributed live by HBO Pay-Per-View® beginning at 9:00 p.m. A/6:00 p.m. PT.


Below is what the participants on the dais had to say:

Andre “S.O.G.” Ward – Unified Light Heavyweight World Champion

“Thank you everybody, before I start I just want to send my prayers out to Daniel Franco and his family. It broke my heart when I heard, and on top of that, he is a stablemate of mine. He has fought on several of my undercards. It’s the worst situation that a fighter can find themselves in so I just want to let his family know that I’m praying for him. I would love to speak to him at some point in time and I’m dedicating this victory to him and his family because he is a brother in this sport. It’s a tough situation but we are praying and I know he’s going to pull through.


“I’m excited to be here. I’m the same guy that I was last time, the guy that I was five fights before, two years before. We don’t have a lot of highs and lows in this camp. You know we’ve been grinding from the beginning, we’ve got a blue collar mentality, we put our head down, we don’t take no mess. We fight to stay humble because we know where our strength comes from and if that strength is removed, we’ve got problems. It’s no different in this fight. I’m no higher than I was last time. Emotionally, I’m no lower. I didn’t train any harder. There was no major overhaul but we’re going to make adjustments. We know his side is going to make adjustments. Konec konců, I’m not going to be distracted by the talk. I’m not going to be distracted by the ploys. I had a couple of missions in mind when I came to Las Vegas–to glorify God with my performance and the way I act outside the ring, to defend my belts that I won back in November, and to get home and kiss my wife and kids.


“I’m locked in on what I’ve got to. I hope everyone tunes in to HBO Pay-Per-View. And those who are reading this, if you are here, come to the fight. It’s going to be a tremendous fight. I’m expecting his best. You’re going to see a different Andre Ward. I’m just going to leave it at that. You’re going to see another guy in there Sobota noc; and that is my favorite time – show and tell time. All the talking is good for the fans, it’s good to build it up, it’s all good but anybody that knows me, knows that I’m about the action. About getting it done. I’m thankful to be in this position. I’ve been in this position for over a decade and I’m blessed to be at the highest level for as long as I have.


“I’m excited to see some of these young fighters on the undercard. A lot of guys who I know; that I’ve watched develop. This is [their] time to shine. This is [their] moment. And my boy, Rigondeaux, I’m always happy to be on a card with him. That’s a master. Nothing but respect.”

Sergey “Krusher” Kovalev – Former Unified Light Heavyweight World Champion


“First of all, I want to say thank you for Mandalay Bay and Richard Sturm. Také, Nevada commission, HBO Pay Per View and to my team for everything that I have right now. What do you want to hear from me? I already said enough and I will prove it Červen 17 v kruhu. You get prepared. (Points at Ward) Thank you very much.”

Michael R. Yormark Roc Nation President & Chief of Branding and Strategy

“Back in November the two best pound-for-pound fighters in the world tested each other like they had never been tested before in their careers. Té noci, Andre Ward faced a defining moment and countered with an epic comeback victory over Sergey Kovalev to become the new Unified Light Heavyweight World Champion. Over the last three months, everything that needs to be said about this fight has been said. We don’t need to build hype any longer. The table has been set for what we believe will be the fight of the year not the money grabbing spectacle that will take place later this summer. We have two fighters with different styles, who approach the sport differently and clearly handle themselves differently outside of the ring. There’s no hiding the truth that there is dislike throughout the camps. Or that Sergey has made one outlandish comment after the next. My daughter who attended the grand arrivals earlier this week asked me “Daddy, why is he pointing at you?” I reminded her that bullies always tend to pick on those a little bit smaller than them. But I told her that’s okay because I am confident that Andre will take care of business v sobotu noc.

“From Team Ward’s perspective once the fight is over v sobotu night there will be no doubt. There will be no excuses. There will be no debated ending.Sobota, Červen 17 will be an opportunity for Andre Ward to solidify his status as the best pound for pound fighter in the world.

"On Sobota, Červen 17, there will only be one – one true champion, one pound for pound king, one real face of this sport. The epic rematch between Andre Ward and Sergey Kovalev will have its intended ending. With Andre Ward leaving Las Vegas and taking his belts back to the Bay Area, to join the Golden State Warriors’ second NBA Championship in the last three years.”

Kathy Duva – CEO of Main Events


“I want to talk about the fight. I would like to thank the media. I always do. Whether I say it up here or I tell you in person, without you we would not have a sport. We certainly wouldn’t have a big event this weekend. I do appreciate the fact that you spend your time, most, if not all of you, with little or no reward at all when you cover our events. But it seems strange to me that the question I have heard most often this week since I have arrived from the media is: ‘Why isn’t this a bigger event?’ This is a big event. This is the best fighting the best. Literally, number one and number two in the world fighting a rematch of a controversial fight, the most controversial fight of last year, both in their primes, just seven months away from their first encounter. They are two of the finest athletes in the world, two grandmasters in the ring testing their skills and their intellects in a fight that the media and the fans always say they want to see. This is what we have brought you. We have brought you what you want. Today you can decide when you carry our message out to the world whether you want to tell your readers, your listeners and your viewers that this is an amazing event, well worth their time and their money or if you want to spend more time talking about a lot of the manufactured drama outside of this ring. Or about that circus that is going to take place here in August. All of the elements are here: HBO, Záliv Mandalay, our great cable and satellite partners, two of the great, elite fighters in our sport, in their prime, a great event where absolutely anything can happen and now it is up to you. I implore all of you, please go out and tell our story. Tell our story to our fans who, Slibuji vám, will be kicking themselves v neděli morning if they missed this. It is a great event.”


“Somebody reminded me last night, ‘When was the last time we saw Sergey Kovalev as the challenger?’ The answer to that question is when he was fighting in Wales against Nathan Cleverly. That Sergey was ‘The Krusher.’ That is the guy who got that nickname. That is the guy who I see is back here again today. I am very happy about that. I have a feeling he has had it with the talking. We have all had it with the talking, to be honest. But he is here. He is ready and he is going to get his belts back. I give to you the former light heavyweight world champ of the world and the future light heavyweight champ of the world Sergey Kovalev.”


“I have to also point out that, now that the gossip girls are done with talking about all of their outside the ring stuff, that stuff isn’t necessary here. I think it is kind of sad that Ward’s team doesn’t have enough faith in him that they have to go to these lengths to try to twist Sergey’s head. Sergey will be there, slibuji,v sobotu and he will be angry and he will be spectacular. We are going to have fireworks. Please don’t miss it.”

Virgil Hunter – Trainer of Andre Ward

“One thing I can concur, as Kathy said, was why wasn’t there as much interest? If you go to the websites, you see them talking about fights three to four months from now and we understand. But the best fighters this year, and like [Kathy] said the No. 1 a č. 2 fighters in the world are fighting two days from now. Why is it like it is? Nevím. I’m sure it may have something to do with Andre Ward and how he stands up for himself as a man, but we’ll leave that alone.


“On a sad note, I’m sad that John David Jackson took it to where it shouldn’t have gone. My grandmother taught me something a long time ago–she told me the truth has feet and a lie has wings. That’s why a lie can fly all over town and get there first. The truth moves slowly, but when it gets there, it will stand on its own. It’s very disappointing to know what I know and then it turns out to be the way it is. We’re going to leave that alone because I’m not here to mess with his livelihood. I said that from the very beginning, if you can’t help, don’t hinder.


“I thank everybody for coming. Looking forward to another very highly-competitive fight, a fight that means a lot to both men. When it means a lot to both men, you can’t help but have a fight. We took everything that Sergey said personally. If he wants to injure Andre, end his career, hurt him, we took that at his word and we just put our heads to the grind. I’m glad he’s [Kovalev] mad too, so hopefully, we can put a happy smile on everybody’s face after Červen 17.

“Those who gave him [Kovalev] this special pass, he just showed you what he thinks of youto not give you the opportunity to snap a faceoff photo. It’s like a little kid playing ball on the streets, who has all of the bats and the bases, but when he strikes out he wants to take all of his stuff home. It’s really an insult that he has been built up, allowed to have all of these things to take place in his career from HBO and everybody else, but he walks out on what has always been traditional in boxing.”

James Prince – Manager of Andre Ward


“This has been a long journey for us. As you can see, we run people off. I don’t know what belts they’re talking about getting–I guess someone’s going to buy them a Gucci belt or something because he won’t be receiving these belts. Krusher has ran off, his manager has ran off, everyone has ran off. Left the scene. I don’t know if this is how they behave in Russia but we don’t act that way in the United States of America. That’s not American-like. But we understand they’re not going to show up for the post-press conference as well because it’s going to be the same story. We’re going to defeat them.


“Kathy, I haven’t heard your voice sound so nervous, but I understand you have it all on the line right now. That’s OK. You got it coming. But I understand also that you all want to be victims on this promotion. Kovalev and Brother Jackson accused us of lying and we don’t do that. We don’t practice that. It’s just the facts.


"[John David Jackson] couldn’t have said it more clearly than in the interview with Radio Rahim. What a beautiful interview, Brother Rahim. Mám na mysli, it came out of his mouth, ‘I made [them] an offer and if they would’ve accepted my offer, I may not be here.’ I’m not putting words in his mouth, that’s what the man said. I’ll let that rest.


“I don’t have a whole lot to say at this pointother than, there will be some beautiful undercard fighters on this show. [Sobota] is our night, this is a Roc Nation night, an Andre Ward night. We shall be victorious and shine. One more thing and deliver this message to Krusher… He ain’t no Krusher. We should rename him to Usher, get rid of the KR.”

Josh Dubin –Attorney and Co-Manager of Andre Ward


“I was having a conversation with my brother James Prince and what role we play in the lives of the fighters that we represent. We had a conversation about breaking the cycle. In this room are some old friends of mine, guys that I was blessed to be part of their lives and careers–Paulie Malignaggi, Bryant Jennings, Junior Younan “Sugarboy” and, samozřejmě, my brother Andre Ward. The guys we represent are from hard-scrabble backgrounds, they aren’t privileged guys. They literally have to fight to get what they get. To be able to just be along on the journey to help them break the cycle, whether it be of poverty, violence, the conditions they grow up in, is a source of tremendous pride for me, individually, and really why I do it.


“Even going back to Lennox Lewis, they let us in, and we have a very important job to play. For all the managers out there, know that behind-the-scenes we are there through the struggles, through the tears, through the injuries, through the paralyzing politics of the sport and it’s a grind sometimes. These guys deserve all the credit in the world for getting in the ring and literally risking their lives. I think that gets lost in the shuffle of trash talk and everything else. But this beautiful sport has helped so many people break the cycle. Mike Tyson said it perfectly once, ‘go from statistics to specialists.’


John David Jackson – Trainer of Sergey Kovalev

“It’s a pleasure to be here. It’s nice to see all the press that came out for this fight. This is a very good fight. The first time around, it was a good fight and had a very controversial ending. The second fight should be very interesting between these two combatants – these are two of the best fighters in the world today. It’s a pleasure to be a part of this event. I look forward to it.

“The past few weekspast maybe month or sothere have been a lot of things that have been said. I call that gamesmanship and give Team Ward credit for that. They had to try to get inside people’s heads to maybe offset the training camp and the fighter’s ability to work through that and perform the best he can. dávám [Team Ward] credit because there’s been a lot of lies and a lot of things have been said. What that has done for us is it’s allowed Team Kovalev to be closer. We’ve grown closer. He’s listening more and doing what he’s supposed to do for this fight. It has given us a great adhesiveness. The team is even stronger, so I want to thank them for the things that were said. There will be a lot of untruths that will be told, a little later on, at this press conference. But I have proof that all that are lies – trust me; it’s in my phone. There have been a lot of lies that have been told.

“Having said that, I think this will be a very good fight that boxing needs. Two of the best at their craft. One will come out the winner and that’s how it’s supposed to be. It’s an intriguing fight for the fans and it was made and deserves to be seen. I want everyone to come out and enjoy it and I hope it’s a tremendous fight. Doufejme, it’s a fight of the year because both of these guys are tremendous fighters. To je to, co potřebuje v boxu: two of the best going against one another. We are looking forward to it. Camp was great and now it is just time to go to work Sobota. I hope to see everybody there and hope we have a great fight.”

Egis klima – Manager of Sergey Kovalev

“I happy to be here in Vegas, not because of the nice hotels and the hot weather. I am just happy to get this thing over. It is very close. We have just two more days to go. Everything is going to be put in the place back where it belongs. We’ve been talking a lot and everybody is getting tired, especially looking at what is being done with the managers coming to the stage and saying what their fighter is going to do in the ring, who is going to get a knockout, how we are going to take care of business but at the end of the day we are sitting downstairs. We are not in the ring. The fighters are the ones who are fighting. They have to prove to each other.

“I wanted to thank everybody. I wanted to thank the press. I wanted to thank host hotel, Záliv Mandalay, HBO Pay Per View, Nevada commission for having us here. Doufejme, it is going to be very good fight and we will see Sobota noc. Thank you very much.”

Tony Walker – Vice President, HBO Pay-Per-View

“Let’s talk some boxing. On behalf of our Executive Vice President Peter Nelson and the rest of the HBO staff, we really appreciate the efforts of you supporting boxing and supporting this great event v sobotu. I would like to thank the press for the attention you’ve given this show and especially thank your editors for recognizing the significance of a top-flight, box událost. Must thank the promoters; it’s never easy to put together a top-flight boxing match, an event with a main event like we have and an entertaining undercard for the fans. Thanks to Michael, Kathy and their staffs for doing such a great job.


“We are extremely proud to present this as a pay-per-view show because this is boxing at its highest level. These are two veteran fighters at the top of their game who have had great international acclaim and success. When you get around these fighters, you see the confidence they exude. They have a lot to fight forv sobotu noc. They have put their careers on the line. I’ve also heard there’s a bit of a rivalry between these two on a personal level. It all adds up to a great night of sports television, something we think is worth boxing fans putting their money and time towards. If you find anyone who doesn’t think this is a great show, I would direct them to watch a replay of the first fight or watch the 24/7 documentary we did about this show. I must say that the first two minutes of 24/7is gripping television.


“Lastly, I want to thank our distributors–the cable, družice, teleco companies–that have done a good job of telling people about this event v sobotu. We promise you, in conjunction with them, a great broadcast, very clear picture and an entertaining night of TV.”

Richard Sturm – President of Entertainment & Sport pro MGM Resorts

“Welcome to the media, fighters and our colleagues at Roc Nation, Hlavní události, the HBO team and fight fans worldwide. We are excited to have you join us at Mandalay Bay for today’s press conference and are thrilled to kick off the summer boxing campaign with this international championship rematch. As many of you have witnessed firsthand, over the years, Mandalay Bay Events Center has been the home to many exciting boxing events and this weekend will be no different.


“These two great champions–Andre Ward and Sergey Kovalev–fought a little more than six months ago at the T-Mobile Arena. Jak všichni víme,, that battle was a close, thrilling fight. This second one will prove to be another sensational fight. We look forward to seeing you tuto sobotu night for a great event.”

Bob Bennett – Executive Director, Nevada State Athletic Commission


“I’m obviously a regulator and I’m in the middle here. That’s exactly where I’m supposed to be. I would like you to know that, on behalf the Nevada State Athletic Commission, we consider it an honor to regulate this championship fight once again. And we do so with passion, commitment and accountability. That’s what we’re all about.


“We’d like to thank Michael Yormark from Roc Nation and Kathy Duva from Main Events for hosting this championship fight in the fight capital of the world. Samozřejmě, we’d like to recognize Richard Sturm from MGM and the Mandalay Bay for hosting another world-class event. Poslední, but not least, I always try to make it a point to recognize the fighters.


“These two fighters are truly warriors who dare to succeed under some of the stressful conditions that they’re under. They dare to put their reputations on the line under some of those most stressful conditions and that was very evident in the first fight. As Richard said, it was a very competitive fight and we look forward to regulating this second fight. S tím řekl, thank you very much and God bless.”

Ward vs.. Kovalev 2: „Odvetu," 12-round mega-Boj o WBO / IBF / WBA Lehká těžká váha MS, je prezentována Roc Nation Sports, Hlavní události, Andre Ward Promotions, Krusher Propagace a Corona Extra, podporovaný Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, Jetlux, Life10 elektrolytu, Zappos, D'Usse Cognac, ProSupps a Běží na netvora. The championship event takes place Sobota, Červen 17 v Mandalay Bay Events Center v Las Vegas a bude vyráběn a distribuován živě HBO Pay-Per-View® počínaje 9:00 p.m. A/6:00 p.m. PT. Vstupenky na Ward-Kovalev 2: „Odvetu“ jsou k dispozici na axs.com a na Mandalay Bay Events Center pokladně.




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Síň slávy boxu v Atlantic City 24 Členové třídy charty

(Atlantic City, NJ – Červen 15, 2017) – Síň slávy boxu v Atlantic City (ACBHOF) Zahajovací úvodní víkend se koná v květnu 26, 27 a 28. byl smorgasbord boxerských honorářů, celebrity hosté a legie fanoušků boxu. Posláním ACBHOF je vytvářet viditelnost a povědomí prostřednictvím každoročních indukčních ceremonií; mistři v boxu, stejně jako široká boxerská komunita bude mít svá jména zakotvena do nesmrtelnosti uvedením do síně slávy boxu v Atlantic City.

“Sledoval, jak se moje vize spojuje s pomocí Rodricka Greena, viceprezident pro obchodní strategii, a Angela Crockett, naše ředitelka pro komunikaci, spolu se zbytkem mého týmu a bezpočtem dalších příznivců a fanoušků po celé zemi, kdo přijal toto úsilí, byl ohromně působivý.” – Ray McCline, Zakladatel & Prezident

Trojice událostí, které byly sponzorovány Claridge – Radisson Hotel, zahájeno 26. května předrecepcí a uvítací adresou ve střešním baru VÜE. The 150 včetně hostů: Hostitelka červeného koberce Whitney Ullman, Starosta Atlantic City Don Guardian, Radní Frank Gilliam, Dr. Nina Radcliff, Flo Anthony, Aaron Snowell, Lillo Brancato, Alan Goldberg, Ray Mercer, Mark Breland, Írán Barkley, Iceman John Scully, Tracy Patterson, Milton Luban, Chuck Zito, Grandy Twins, sponzoři i zúčastněné strany.

“Claridge – Radisson Hotel byl hrdý na to, že hostil první indukční třídu Boxing Hall of Fame v Atlantic City. Díky událostem jako je tento v tomto městě ožívá pohostinnost a historie. Od veletrhu Fight Fan Expo po slavnost bylo potěšením vidět nové tváře a vášeň během víkendu výjimečných událostí. Těšíme se na pořádání akcí atlantické boxerské síně slávy v příštích letech v The Claridge – Radisson Hotel.”- Cem Erenler, V.P. provozu hotelu & Rozvoj podnikání

Května 27, slavnosti pokračovaly do Fight Fan Experience, slavnostní prostředí s tématem boxu, které zahrnovalo Camping Fantasy v boxu, Pop-Up Barber Shop, Jack Johnson vystavuje ikony boxu, The Legacy Exists Joe Frazier Scholarship Fund, James O’Neal Sculptures, Výstava Press of Atlantic City, Prodejci potravin a hudba od DJ Young Hitta.

Večer 27. května byl zakončen slavností Honoree Gala v Galerii umění “Ženy v boxu.” Hostitel na večer, Nino Del Buono. Vyznamenaní v ceně: Cathy Burke, Marian Muhammad |, Joan Pierce, Renee Aiken a Althea “Vern” Saunders.

Vrcholná indukční oslava skončila v neděli, 28. května s trochu nad 500 Hosté. Velitel obřadů pro obřad, Prezident síně slávy boxu NJ, Henry Hascup. Včetně hvězdných členů Charter Class: Don King, Michael Spinks, Larry Hazzard, Steve Smoger, Mike Rossman, Dwight Muhammad Qawi, Frank Yellow, Don Elbaum, J. Russell Peltz, Dave Bontempo, Ken Condon, Robert Lee, Sr., Larry Holmes a Mike Tyson.

“Chtěl bych upřímně poblahopřát panu. Ray McCline, Roy Foreman, Rodrick Green, Angela Crockett a všichni skvělí lidé zodpovědní za skvělý víkendovou síň slávy v Atlantic City, která se konala 26. května, 27th, a 28. den. Akce měla ohromný úspěch a umožnila mnoha z nás, kdo se zúčastnil, příležitost prožít některé ze vzrušujících okamžiků naší minulé historie boxu. Zřízení ACBHOF také zajistí, že velké dědictví atlantického městského boxu, bude připomínáno a oslavováno po mnoho dalších let!! Ještě jednou gratuluji a těším se s velkým očekáváním na oslavu příštího roku. Bůh žehnej!!” – Komisař Larry Hazzard, Státní rada pro atletickou kontrolu NJ

Posmrtní induktéři: Arturo Gatti (přijala Sofia Bella Gatti); Leavander Johnson (přijal jeho Syn); Mathew Saad Muhammad (obdržel Mustafa Ameen); Lou Duva (obdržel Dino Duva); Jack Obermayer (přijala jeho dcera Ellen Kaplan); Bert Cukr; Dennis Gomes (přijal jeho dcera Danielle Gomes a paní. Gomes); Mike Hall, Sr. (přijal jeho syn Mike Hall, Jr.) a Dr.. Frank Doggett (přijala jeho dcera Yvonne “Missy” Doggett).

“Byla to tak neuvěřitelná čest být součástí takové historické události. Na party HARD Kickoff jsme si udělali výbuch s Michaelem Spinksem a Rayem Mercerem. Bylo tak úžasné vidět všechny malé děti, jak si užívají zážitek z boxu. Jsou novou generací atlantického městského boxu. Vrcholem víkendu pro nás byla Gala, byl to opravdu nezapomenutelný večer. Gratulujeme Rayu McClineovi a účastníkům k úspěšnému zahájení konference. Síň slávy boxu v Atlantic City bude základním cílem fanoušků boxu v nadcházejících letech.” – Gregory V.. Posella, Prezident & Spoluzakladatel HARD Beverage

Bývalá Miss America, Suzette Charles, O zábavu na večer se postarali Chicken Bone Beach Jazz Band a saxofonista Parris. Zábavu koordinoval Kevin Crump.

Sponzoři titulu: Nápoje tvrdého životního stylu, Designer Wraps and Hammer Fiber Optics. Atletická liga policie v Atlantic City je charitativní rukou ACBHOF. Keebler Media byl oficiálním kameramanem ACBHOF.

Další sponzoři a podporovatelé: Město Atlantic City; Triax 57; 2300 Aréna; Resorty FantaSea; Adams Box; Síť Rumble TV; Promo akce Tiny Davido; Abrams Box, Adams Box, Plyšová vodka, Punzoné Organic Vodka, House of Genesis a WBC.

Zatímco nabídky sestávaly z chutných předkrmů a podpisových nápojů, dort Honoree navržený Cake King of Queens a odhalení Pamětních obrazů od Nicolosiho byly ohromujícími zátkami.

Dalším mimořádným vrcholem víkendu bylo, když 11letá dcera Artura Gattiho Sofia Bella Gatti převzala cenu svého otce po boku svých dlouholetých přátel Chucka Zita a Mika Sciarry.


Platformy sociálních médií: @acbhof

Warriors Boxing Presents ‘Night of the Rising Stars 2’ v sobotu, Červen 24 at Deauville Beach Resort in Miami

Na Sobota, Červen 24, 2017, professional boxing returns to Miami Beach as Warriors Boxing presentsNight of the Rising Stars 2at the Deauville Beach Resort.
The second of Warriors Boxing’s series of Miami-area fights designed to develop local and international prospects, NORS 2 will feature popular and talented light heavyweight Robert Daniels Jr. (2-0, 2 KO) of Miami looking to remain perfect in the light heavyweight division.
24-year-old southpaw light heavyweight Robert Daniels Jr. is the son of former cruiserweight world champion RobertPreachermanDaniels, the only Miami-born bojovník to hold a major world title.
Daniels Jr. started boxing at 10 years old and went 64-6 as an amateur boxer. Among his many accolades, he won the Sunshine State Games twice, the State title twice, the Platinum Gloves, the Junior Olympic regionals.
A boxer/puncher with excellent counter-punching skills, Daniels is trained by former world champion John David Jackson.
Also scheduled for action are undefeated super welterweight John David “Pretty Boy” Martinez (6-0, 5 KO) of Miami in a six-round battle; undefeated Miami welterweight Chris Velez (7-0-1, 4 KO) v šesti kulatější; and undefeated bantamweight Lawrence Newton (6-0, 4 KO) of Boynton Beach, Florida, will fight a six-rounder.
In preliminary action, popular undefeated cruiserweight Ulysses Diaz 2-0 (2 KO) of Miami will fight a four-round battle; Miami super bantamweight Jessy Cruz (11-6-1, 4 KO) will fight six; undefeated Dominican super welterweight Edurado Perez Diaz (3-0, 3 KO) will go four rounds; and Cuba’s undefeated Irosvani Duvergel (2-0, 2 KO) of Guantanamo will go four super middleweight rounds.
Vstupenky na “Night of the Rising Stars 2” jsou ceny na $100 První řada, $65 Reserve and $35 General Admission and are available at Ticketforce.com. VIP tables can be purchased by contacting Warriors Boxing: 954.985.1155.
We have put together a terrific night of fighting at a beautiful venue for the great boxing fans in Miami,” řekl Leon Margules, President of Warriors Boxing. “These shows were created to put local and global talent in the types of fights that will make them better fighters and weed out those who haven’t got it.

All opponents will be announced shortly. The Deauville Beach Resort is located at 6701 Collins Avenue in Miami Beach, Florida. Pro boj v noci, dveře se otevírají na 6:00 odpoledne a akce začíná v 6:30 odpoledne. All bouts subject to change.

O Warriors Boxing
Zahájen v 2003, Warriors Boxing pracuje za jednoduchou filozofii, přinést nejlepší boxery světa k boji fanoušky, Zápas je v konkurenčním záchvatech, a tím pomoci obnovit sportu boxu pro novou generaci.
Díky sérii úspěšných Pay-Per-View show a plným hledištěm na svém kontě, Warriors obchodní model pracuje zázraky ve sportu, který byl zoufale potřebuje inovace a energie, která společnost přináší na stůl.
Když přijde na věc i když, propagační společnost je jen tak dobrý, jak stíhačky a bojuje propaguje. Warriors Box, vydala na všech frontách, s vynikajícími záchvaty, jako Lara-Molina, Cayo-Peterson, Abraham-Miranda I a II, Miranda Pavlik, Miranda-Green, Ibragimov-Briggs, Ibragimov, Klitschko, Urango-Hatton, Urango-Bailey, Cayo-Maidana a Ibragimov, Holyfield.
Pro více informací o Warriors Boxing, visit their website at www.WarriorsBoxing.com.

Eddie Ramirez Training Camp Quotes

Unbeaten Prospect Battles Erick Bone in Main Event of Premier Boxing Champions TOE k patě ÚTERÝ na FS1 & Champions Boxerské na FOX Deportes úterý, Červen 20 from Sam’s Town Live in Las Vegas

LAS VEGAS (Červen 15, 2017) – Neporažený vyhlídka Eddie Ramirez has made big leaps towards his world title dreams in the last year and he will continue on his path on Úterý, Červen 20když si bere na Erick Bone V hlavní události Champions Premier Boxerské TOE k patě ÚTERÝ na FS1 a Champions Boxerské on FOX Deportes from Sam’s Town Live in Las Vegas.

Televizní pokrytí začíná na 9 p.m. A/6 p.m. PT and features a 10-round matchup between junior welterweight prospect Dennis Galarza a Mexiko je Omar Tienda plus an eight-round battle between unbeaten featherweight prospects Xavier Martinez a Prince Smalls.

Vstupenky na koncertě, která je podporována Mayweather Promotions, jsou ceny na $15, $30, $45 a jsou již v prodeji. Tickets are available online at www.samstownlv.com/entertain.

Here is what Ramirez had to say about his training camp, his main event showdown and more:

Where have you been holding training camp and how is it going?

“I’m training in Garfield Park in Chicago with George Hernandez, who has trained me throughout my entire professional career. Výcvikový tábor byl skvěle, I’ve been conditioned to stay ready because at any time a fight can come my way. I’m always prepared and I’ll show that on June 20.”

What did you learn about yourself from your last two fights (wins over previously unbeaten fighters Ryan Karl and Kevin Watts)? How have you been able to improve as a fighter?

“After fighting Kevin Watts, I immediately shifted my mentality as a fighter to be more in control and to be smarter. Because being a reckless fighter got me caught and got me knocked down. Ultimately I got the win, but I am thankful for that experience because it helped shape me as a fighter as I continue to face tougher opponents.

“The Karl fight showed off a different Eddie Ramirez. I was a more defensive fighter, I used my counters more and that mindset and growth is what got me the win and will help me get this next one against Bone.”

My last two opponents have really helped me improve as a fighter. The ability has always been there, but I needed those experiences to bring it out of me. Each opponent has been tougher than the last and it’s been very motivating for me as a fighter to continue to be better and perfect my skill. I have always been the underdog so that’s never been a factor or worry for me, I just take each fight as they come and continue to be better. My defense is better, my athleticism has improved, and my mental ability has progressed.”

How do you see this fight with Erick Bone going?

“My expectations or thought process going into this next fight with Erick Bone is to get him out early. I don’t want the fight to go the distance, I have to do whatever I can do to get him out. He’s an aggressive fighter, he’s a technical fighter who has experience, but I am quicker.”

What are your goals for the next year of you career?

A year from now I see myself fighting guys in the Top 10. I want whoever is on that list, I believe I will have progressed as a fighter who people know about and believe has the skill to fight for a world title. I just got to beat out whoever comes my way to show the world who I am and how talented I am as a fighter. I want the big names who are going to get me to the big stage for that world title

# # #

Fanoušci mohou live stream bojů na FOX Sports GO, available in English or Spanish through the FS1 or FOX Deportes feeds. Boje jsou k dispozici na ploše v FOXSportsGO.com a přes App Store, nebo připojených zařízení, včetně Apple TV, TV Android, Fire TV, Xbox One a Roku. Kromě toho, Všechny programy jsou k dispozici také na FOX Sports SiriusXM kanálu 83 Na satelitních rádií a na aplikaci SiriusXM.

Mayweather Promotions and The Floyd Mayweather Jr. Foundation will be collecting school supplies for their 5th Annual Back-2-School Supply Giveaway in conjunction with the upcoming boxing event. The giveaway will take place on August 5th at West Flamingo Park in Las Vegas, NV. Tickets to the fight will be offered in exchange for school supplies.

Must be a minimum of 3 items (for GA tickets & 5 for floor seating) which include: paper, tužky, markers, pencil boxes, construction paper, math flash cards, composition notebooks, colored pencils, protractor, spiral notebooks, scientific/graphing calculator, highlighters, dictionary/thesaurus, graph paper, index cards, and flash drive.
LIMIT: 1 ticket/per person*

Pro více informací: návštěva www.premierboxingchampions.com,

Melson to host Campaign Kickoff June 26!

K okamžitému zveřejnění
New York, NY (Červen 14, 2017) – Retired professional boxer, current public speaker, 2003 West Point graduate and Army Public Affairs Officer Boyd Melson will host a campaign kickoff reception Pondělí, Červen 26 for his congressional bid.
Melson is running in the November 2018 election for New York’s 11th district, covering Staten Island & South Brooklyn. The reception takes place from 7-9 Premiér na 445 Lafayette St. Suite 16B New York, NY 10003. Special guests include actor Burt Young, TV producer and screenwriter Ira Steven Behr, QVC’s Sandra Bennett, Super Bowl XXV champion Odessa Turner and United Nations staffer Miriam Danar among others.
“The goal with the campaign kickoff goes far beyond helping me as a congressional candidate. This will help improve the future of those living in Staten Island & South Brooklyn,"Řekl Melson, who currently runs a free weekly clinic on Staten Island to help men and women battling or overcoming any type of addiction. “Please spread the word and you can still help even if you’re not able to make it.”
Donation levels range from $100-$2700 and checks can be made payable to Boyd Melson for Congress. RSVP’S and questions can be directed to Shelby Kestler at Shelby@maysondixon.com.
Those unable to attend can help Boyd by joining him on his mission to get elected into office by going to https://secure.actblue.com/donate/boyd-melson-for-congress-1.

Red-Hot Super Middleweight Contender David Benavidez Does Admirable Job Behind Fox Sports 1 Mic for Brandon RiosComeback Victory Last Sunday

Fénix, Arizona-based super middleweight phenom David “Rudá vlajka” Benavidez spent some time behind the microphone last Sunday, while waiting eagerly for his potentially record-breaking world championship challenge.
Undefeated Benavidez (18-0, 17 KO) did an admirable job serving as a Fox Sports 1 guest commentator for former champion Brand Riosexciting comeback victory over Aaron Herrera at the Pioneer Event Center in Lancaster, Kalifornie.
Benavidez is coming off a star-making eight-punch combination KO 8 of fellow contender “Porky” Medina at the Laredo Energy Arena in Laredo, Texas.
The 20-year-old now waits for word on who he will face for the WBC Championship in his try to become the youngest super middleweight world champion in boxing history. Darrin Van Horn, který byl 22 léta, 8 months and 11 days old when he beat Lindell Holmes for the IBF super middleweight championship on May 18, 1991.
Mezitím, highlights of Benavidez’s sensational victory over Medina continue to rack up views on YouTube. (Klepněte na tlačítko ZDE). At last count, the victory had garnered nearly 350,000 pohledy. On the Premier Boxing Champions Facebook page, a similar video has 1.1 million viewers and on other pages, přes 3.8 milión.

David is a talent at everything he does,” said his promoter, Sampson Lewkowicz. “Thank you to the PBC and Fox Sports for allowing him to reach a dream and work as a commentator while he awaits his ultimate dream: to become the youngest champion in history at 168 lbs.”



Sobota, Června 17, 2017

AT Mandalay Bay Events Center, LAS VEGAS

UVÁDÍ LIVE BY HBO pay-per-View®

LAS VEGAS, NV (June XX, 2017) - On the heels of the most anticipated fight of the summer, here is what some of the media are predicting for Andre Ward vs. Sergey Kovalev 2: “The Rematch” on Sobota, Červen 17 v Mandalay Bay Events Center v Las Vegas. Událost šampionát, předložila Corona Extra, will be produced and distributed live by HBO Pay-Per-View® beginning at 9:00 p.m. A/6:00 p.m. PT.


Tim Dahlberg, Associated Press

I had Kovalev winning the first fight, so maybe I’m the wrong one to ask. But I think a boxer always has an easier time making adjustments than a puncher and that should favor Ward in the rematch. Ward has a good measure on Kovalev’s power and he’s really good at switching things up in the ring, as he did in the late rounds of the first fight. I think it goes the distance again, with Ward taking a unanimous decision.


Vizita: Unanimous Decision

Bernard Fernandez, SweetScience.com

There is an expanding school of thought that Ward, the craftsman/technician, will be even better the second time around, having had 12 rounds and months of tape time to work out an even more intricate fight plan. I’m not sure I buy into that. Kovalev is no one-trick pony; he has skills to go along with superior power. If it’s a KO, he probably gets it, and it’s not out of the question that he can win on points as well. Let’s call it “Krusher” podle 10th round stoppage.


Kovalev: 10th Round Stoppage


Keith Idec, BoxingScene.com

Kovalev by split decision. There isn’t much separating these elite light heavyweights. Expect another very competitive fight that includes several more very difficult rounds to score. Kovalev will win a debatable decision this time and create demand for a rubber match.


Kovalev: Split Decision

Michael Rosenthal, Editor Ring

Ward was successful in the second half of his first fight with Kovalev because he made necessary adjustments. I believe he’ll carry that knowledge and momentum into the rematch, which he’ll win by a unanimous decision in another competitive fight. No controversy this time.


Vizita: Unanimous Decision



Matt Christie, Boxing News Online

Just like the first contest, this one is exceptionally hard to call and the events of that closer than close opener do little to make the job of choosing a winner any easier. Kovalev was a menace throughout, but perhaps the defining factor could be Ward’s ability to adjust. He did it in the first bout whereas Kovalev struggled to when it became clear the tide was turning. The pick is for Ward to win again on points, but without the controversy.

Vizita: Unanimous Decision

Brian Campbell, CBSSports.com

Ward has already tasted Kovalev’s power and figured out ways to adjust and disarmThe Krusher.That puts the pressure on the former champion. While you can expect Kovalev to be more aggressive, Ward just seems to have an answer for every style thrown at him.


Vizita: Unanimous Decision

Willard Ogan, NBC Sports Bay Area

The fight will start slow with Ward working inside. Body shots will do Kovalev in.


Vizita: 10th Round TKO

Michael Woods, NYFights.com

Ward adapted pretty quick to the Russian’s attack. We should see “Round 13” look like the second two-thirds of fight one. Unless Sergey is fresher on fight night because he’s not over trained. But he is 34, and he is what he is. Ward is the better adaptor, and a defensive master.


Vizita: Unanimous Decision

Daiske Sugiura, Podlý člověk! Japonsko

Kovalev might be spending too much energy on hating Ward, which could backfire, and Ward is calm and collected, focused on what he needs to do. Jak již bylo řečeno, I watched the first fight twice, scored it for Kovalev both times. Quite simply, Kovalev is a better and stronger fighter at this weight class, it won’t change, and the judges will get it right this time.


Kovalev: Unanimous Decision


Ward vs.. Kovalev 2: „Odvetu," 12-round mega-Boj o WBO / IBF / WBA Lehká těžká váha MS, je prezentována Roc Nation Sports, Hlavní události, Andre Ward Promotions, Krusher Propagace a Corona Extra, podporovaný Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, Jetlux, Life10 elektrolytu, Zappos, D'Usse Cognac, ProSupps a Běží na netvora. The championship event takes place Sobota, Červen 17 v Mandalay Bay Events Center v Las Vegas a bude vyráběn a distribuován živě HBO Pay-Per-View® počínaje 9:00 p.m. A/6:00 p.m. PT. Vstupenky na Ward-Kovalev 2: „Odvetu“ jsou k dispozici na axs.com a na Mandalay Bay Events Center pokladně.


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Sydney LeBlanc Steps in to Face Two-Time Gold Medalist Claressa Shields for WBC Silver Super Middleweight Championship at Detroit Brawl, Looking for an Upset this Friday

SydneyGinger the NinjaLeBlanc is stepping in on three daysnotice to face Women’s NABF Middleweight Champion, Claressa “T rex” Shields of Flint, Michigan, in the eight-round main event of Salita Promotions’ “Detroit Brawltento pátek, Červen 16, 2017, at the Masonic Temple in Detroit.
33-year-old LeBlanc (4-1-1) from Gretna, Louisiana, represents a step up in competition from original opponent Mery Rancier, who was unable to participate due to visa issues. A six-year pro who was already in training for a fight on June 10, LeBlanc says she’s eager for the chance to upset the two-time Olympian and budding women’s superstar Shields.
I’ve been pro boxing for nine years, since before the Olympics had a women’s division and I’ve taken a lot of time off because of a lack of available opponents,” explained LeBlanc. “These Olympians are reopening the gates for all female fighters. Everybody was on the shelf for years. This is the first time female boxing has been popular since the Ann Wolfe days, so I’m very appreciative of the opportunities they are bringing. I’ve never watched any of my opponents before a fight, but I know about Claressa Shields and I want to fight her. I’m looking at this fight as a good chance to see where I’m at, skill-wise and I’ll be ready.
Shields vs. LeBlanc will be contested for the WBC Silver Super Middleweight Championship.
Once again sponsored by the Greektown Casino Hotel, vstupenky “Detroit Brawlare priced at VIP $200, Box Seats are $100 a $55, Seating is $40, and are available at all Ticketmaster outlets and Ticketmaster.com.
In the 10-round co-main event, undefeated Detroit cruiserweight Demetrius Banks (9-0, 4 KO) will take on Detroit via Russia’s Alexey Zubov (14-1, 9 KO).
In the night’s main supporting bout, undefeated welterweight pulverizer Bakhtiyar Eyubov (12-0, 10 KO) of Aktjubinsk, Kazachstán, will look to stay busy waiting for his next high-profile step, as he attempts to inflict his crowd-pleasing style on always-tough Cesar Soriano (27-35-1, 16 KO) Iztacalco, Mexiko, over six rounds.
In another of the chief supporting bouts, Detroit’s rising talent andGreat Lakes KingJa’Rico O’Quinn (6-0, 5 KO) returns to action in a six-round bantamweight brawl against David Martino (2-2, 2 KO) of San Felipe, Mexiko.
Also scheduled is an all-action six-round super welterweight battle between Antonio Urista (7-2, 2 KO) of Lansing, Michigan, and highly decorated former amateur star Serdar Hudayberdiyev (3-0, 2 KO) of Turkmenabat, krocan.
Opening the night will be a six-round super lightweight tilt between Staten Island, New York via Kazakhstan’s Dimash Niyazov (10-0-3, 4 KO) and Grand Rapids, Michigan, veteran Ramon Guevara (10-24-2, 6 KO); as well as a four-round welterweight bout between undefeated Jacob Bonas (2-0-1, 1 KO) of Bellville, Michigan, and Clinton Township, Michigan’s Tony Brooks (1-1).
Pro boj v noci, dveře se otevírají na 7:00 odpoledne and the fights begin at 8:00 odpoledne.
Pro více informací na “Detroit Brawlor Salita Promotions, návštěva www.salitapromotions.com. Facebook a Cvrlikání: @DetroitBrawl