Category Archives: boks

Sharahya-Taina Moreu të bëjë debutimin USA Boxing grave Elite në shtëpi në Albuquerque

2018 Western Elite Kualifikimet dhe Kampionatet Rajonale Hapur
Det. 6-10 në Konventës Albuquerque Center

COLORADO SPRINGS, Prehër. (Mars 1, 2018) – SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL Kshrhy-Taina Moreu, një nga boksierët amatorë rinore të lartë në botë, do të bëjë të saj USA Boxing në Elite Divizionin e Grave në shtëpi në Albuquerque, Mars 6-10, në 2018 USA Boxing Perëndimore Elite Kualifikimet dhe Kampionatet Rajonale Hapur.

Moreu 18-vjeçari, i cili ka në plan të marrë pjesë në kolegj të komunitetit të vitit të ardhshëm, a është 2016 USA Boxing Champion Kombëtar, përveç një katër herë Native American dhe 2014 kampion Gene Lewis. Ajo ishte një medalist argjendi në 2015 Junior / Rinia Open dhe 2014/2015 kampionate Junior Olimpike.

Boks, babai i saj / trajneri, yoruba Moreu, vonë Johnny Tapia ndihmuar atë të kapërcyer tragjedinë jetës në ndryshim e vdekjes së nënës së saj në një aksident automobilistik, fallsifikimit një rrugë të re për të si një model dhe 2020 shpresë olimpike. “Unë kam qenë vetëm tetë kur më vdiq nëna,” Moreu mend. “Unë po pushonte në e saj kur makina-mbështjellë dhe ajo u hodh nga dritarja e pasme. Unë kam qenë i pari i kartës dhe në autostradë pa pagesë kërkuar ndihmë.

“Unë jam një person më të mirë për shkak të këtij aksidenti, megjithëse. Në fillim, Unë kam qenë i penduar dhe i zemëruar, duke marrë në lufton dhe në një rrugë të keqe. Kam marrë në boks, Menaxhimi i mori zemërimit, dhe u bë i motivuar. Unë nuk e kuptojnë se unë do të bëhet një model, derisa vajzat filloi duke i kërkuar mua për këshilla. Ato duken deri në mua dhe disa prej tyre unë tani trajner.”
Moreu filloi boksin në moshën 12 dhe Tapia, pesë herë, kampion bote tre ndarje, përveç sa 1983 dhe 1985 Doreza kampion kombëtar Artë, pati një ndikim të jashtëzakonshëm në Sharahya-Taina që do të mbetet në zemrën e saj dhe shpirtin për jetën.
“Ne u bë si familje,” Moreu tha. “Në fillim, ai nuk e pëlqen vajzat boks, kështu që ai ka punuar më të vërtetë e vështirë. Unë kam qenë një lojtar i mirë basketbolli dhe ai e mbajti thënë mua për të shkuar të luajtur basketboll. Por ai u bë një njeri i madh në jetën time, Unë mendoj se, sepse unë kishte humbur nënën time në një moshë të tillë të rinj. Ai më ndihmoi brenda dhe jashtë unazës në shumë mënyra. Johnny Tapia ishte nicest, njeriu më i përulur që kam takuar ndonjëherë. Ne u bë familja e deri në palestër u shpërbë. Ai vetëm coached mua për tetë muaj, por ai më mësoi se boksi përcakton ty si person, në dhe nga unaza. Unë ndjehen të sigurt në ring. Unë jam një person më të mirë për shkak të Johnny dhe boksit.”

Style-i mençur, dëmton Sharahya-Taina mbi kundërshtarët e saj’ gabime, rregullimi në unazën e njëjtë si, ajo tha, “Ashtu si në jetë.” në 5′ 10″, Moreu ka një lartësi dhe për të arritur të dallueshme përparësi mbi pjesën më të madhe të mesme kundërshtarët, duke përdorur këto atribute, Shpejtësia e saj dhe goditje e ashpër të grumbullohem relentlessly deri pikë.

Ajo fuqimisht beson se, për arsye të Claressa Shields‘ Shfaqjet ari medalje në 2012 dhe 2016 Olimpiada, dyert janë të hapura të gjerë për gratë në boks. “Unë pashë një grua amerikane të bëjë atë që bëri Clarissa dhe të bëhet një forcë dominuese në boks,” Moreu vërejti. “(2016 U.S. Madhështor dhe tre herë USA Boxing Champion Kombëtar)) Mikaela Mayer (3-0, 2 KO si një pro) ka ndihmuar shumë, shumë. Ajo nënshkroi me një promotor të mirë (Top Rank). Boxing është ngadalë bëhet më mirë për gruan, ndoshta jo të barabarta me burrat, por ka më shumë vajza Boks sot se kurrë më parë dhe kjo është një shenjë e mirë.”

Luftimi në shtëpi në kualifikimet perëndimore ka një domethënie të veçantë për Moreu. “I menduar luftuar në Albuquerque do të jetë një shumë e presionit,” ajo pranoi, “por ka jo shumë presion mbi mua për shkak të të gjitha mbështetja unë jam duke marrë. Është e lehtë këtu. Albuquerque nuk është si një qytet i madh, por është duke u bërë një qytet luftë.

“Më pëlqen të udhëtojnë dhe të takohet me njerëz të ndryshëm. Vitin e kaluar, I përfaqësuar në Shtetet e Bashkuara në Indi në Kampionatin Rinisë, dhe pashë një pjesë tjetër të botës, se si njerëzit të trajnuar dhe kishin stile të ndryshme të jetës. Unë jam kthyer 19 maj, kështu që kjo është për herë të parë tim boks në një turne Elite, dhe është e madhe duke bërë atë në vendlindjen time.

Moreu gjithashtu kredi atit të saj një sasi të madhe të suksesit të saj në ring dhe jetën. “Ai ka qenë një prind i vetëm, por ai gjithmonë është aty duke bërë më të mirën për mua si një baba dhe trajner,” Sharahya-Taina vuri në dukje. “Shumica e njerëzve nuk e dinë se ai është Puerto Rican, nëna ime një Native American (Pueblo).”

Ashtu si shumica e të rinjve, atletët elitës, Sharahya-Taina ka një ëndërr. “2020 në Olimpiadën,” ajo arriti në përfundimin. “Unë dua për të krijuar veten si një amator dhe përfundimisht shkojnë pro dhe të ketë një karrierë të mirë.”

Eksitim: @USABoxing
Instagram: @USABoxing
Facebook: /USABoxing

Springfield embodies spirit of USA Boxing

Second stop of USA vs. Ireland Northeast Boxing Tour on Mar. 15
COLORADO SPRINGS, Prehër. (Shkurt 28, 2018) – Central City Boxing Club and Barbell, based in Springfield, Massachusetts, embodies the true spirit of USA Boxing.
Dean Fay, the Central City Boxing and Barbell Gym Founder & Drejtor, has helped develop the Western New England Golden Gloves franchise into the preeminent power in the six-state region, capturing numerous individual All-New England titles and five consecutive team championships.
Më shumë e rëndësishme, megjithëse, Dean and his outstanding staff have reshaped the futures of countless youth in Greater Springfield, instilling an invaluable philosophy that, through amateur boxing, provides an opportunity for members to reshape their lives, in addition to making a significant difference in their communities.
From a storied past at the nearby Holyoke Boys & Girls Club, Dean and his young boxers have a new home at MassMutual Center in Springfield, which will host the second stop of the USA Boxing USA vs. Ireland Northeast Boxing Tour on E enjte, Mars 15. An exciting evening of entertainment, titulluar nga 10 bouts of amateur boxing between the two powerhouse national programs, as well as Springfield’s hometown AC/DC tribute band,BACK IN BLACK, kicking off the show and continuing to perform throughout the night.
Tickets are on sale now, ranging in price from $35 for Upper Bowl seating to $100 for a limited premium seat at a ringside table. Seats in the Lower Bowl section of the MassMutual Center can be purchased for $50. Tickets can be purchased online këtu.Groups of 10 or more can enjoy select savings by calling Richard DeCusati at 413-271-3259.
Fay is a Springfield police officer who started his program 10 vjet më parë, last year moving into Central City Boxing and Barbell Gym, primarily to keep kids off the street, teaching them values to become productive citizens.
Our program, i parë, is youth development and second, boks,” Fay explained. “We use boxing as a vehicle for valuable teaching lessons, embodying the same values of boxing: competition, cohesiveness and integrity. Springfield has had a long history in boxing. The Golden Gloves were held in Holyoke, one city over from Springfield, për 50 years before coming here. Golden Gloves has funded a lot of small gyms because many of these kids can’t afford fees. We’ve bridged the gap by hosting shows that raises money and creates fanbases.
“Përmes viteve, Marvin Hagler, Marlon Starling, Micky Ward, John Scully and so many others have come through USA Boxing programs in New England. Boxing represents life; how to conduct themselves in and out of the ring. Boxing is a small fraternity and boxers walk up those steps and through the ropes, in front of everybody, and confront their fears. Boxing is determined by judges and, in life, you are judged by how you live by laws. Life values are taught through boxing.
Hosting the USA-Boxing Northeast Boxing Tour gives kids in our program an opportunity to watch up close the top boxers who are representing their country. My kids realize that they could do that someday. They see the best boxers in the country and that’s where they want to be.
Anticipated Team USA boxers competing in Springfield include 2017 Elite World Championship bronze medalist Troy Isley (Aleksandri, VA.), së bashku me 2017 Elite World Championship team members delante Johnson (Cleveland, OH), Virginia Fuchs (Kemah, TX), who won four international gold medals last year, dhe 2016 medaljen e bronzit Youth World Championship dhe 2017 USA Boxing Super Kampion Kombëtar Heavyweight, Richard Torrez (Tulare, Të tilla si). All boxers are subject to change.
Retired three-time, kampion bote dy-ndarje Jose Antonio Rivera started boxing in Springfield before moving to another Western N.E. stronghold in Worcester (MA). Now promoting professional shows, Rivera excelled as an amateur, winning top honors at the New England Golden Gloves and twice in the Western N.E. Championships, highlighted by a bronze-medal performance at the PAL Championships.
I was fortunate to be part of USA Boxing,” Rivera said. “Gaining experience in amateur boxing helped mold me as a person and give me confidence to pursue my dream of becoming world champion as a professional. I started boxing in Springfield when I was 15, before moving to Worcester (MA), becoming part of Carlo Garcia‘s growing stable of national and regional champions.
The three-city boxing tour kicks off at Boston’s Royale Entertainment Complex on Mars 12 and closes Det. 21 at the Manchester Downtown Hotel in Manchester, N.H. A full roster for both teams will soon be released.
To stay up to date on the USA vs. Ireland Northeast Boxing Tour Kliko këtu.
SHBA vs. ireland Orari
Mars 12: Royale Entertainment Complex, Boston, Në masë.
Mars 15: MassMutual Center, Springfield, Në masë.
Mars 21: Downtown Hotel Manchester, Manchester, N.H.
Të gjitha boxers dhe periudhave të shkurtra janë subjekt i ndryshimit.
Eksitim: @USABoxing
Instagram: @USABoxing
Facebook: /USABoxing

Granite Chin invades Granite State againFight Night at The Zone

Komunikatë për media
Për Shtyp
Prill 7 at The SportsZone in Derry, N.H.
Derek Silveira
(photo by Emily Harney)
QUINCY, Në masë. (Shkurt 28, 2018) — Many of New England’s best and brightest professional boxers will be in action E shtunë natë, Prill 7, as Granite Chin Promotions returns to the Granite State, presentingFight Night at the Zone,” at The Sports Zone in Derry, New Hampshire.
Granite Chin is excited to be back in New Hampshire,” co-promoter Chuck Shearns tha. “The town of Derry and the local businesses have already started to support the event. We are looking forward to having professional boxing in the area. Some of the fighters on the show gave us some great fights last time around and we certainly expect more on this show.
Former New England junior middleweight champion Derek “The SurgeonSilveira (13-2, 7 KO), of Salem, MA, headlines in a 10-round match.
New England cruiserweight champion Chris Traietti, an Iraq War veteran from Quincy, MA, will headline the event in a non-title, eight-round co-featured event. Traietti is also the co-promoter ofFight Night at The Zone.
Dorchester, MA lightweight Gabriel Duluc (11-2, 3 KO) will be showcased in an eight-round fight. Undefeated UBF New England cruiserweight champion Richie “Popeye marinar Man” Rivera (6-0, 5 KO), of Hartford, CT, returns to N.H. in a six-rounder, as does New Jersey middleweight ChrisSandman” Thomas (7-0-1, 4 KO).
Also fighting on the undercard in four-round bouts are Clairemont, NH junior middleweight Ricky Ford (1-1-1), Peabody, MA light heavyweight Russell Kimber (1-0), Danbury, CT junior welterweight Omar BORDOY (4-0, 1 KO), and pro-debuting Irish welterweight Paddy McGee, who fights out of Dorchester.

Chris Traietti is fighting and co-promoting Prill. 7 në Derry, NH
All opponents will soon be determined. Të gjitha lufton dhe luftëtarë janë subjekt i ndryshimeve.
Biletat, çmim në $60.00 (ringside), $45.00 dhe $30.00, janë në shitje dhe në dispozicion për të blerë në Tables with wait service are also available for $400.00.
Dyer të hapura në 7:00 ores., periudhë i parë 7:30 ores. DHE.
Event sponsors include Bentley Chevrolet, Tobin Scientific, Matrix Aerospace, TownPlace Suites, Manchester Monarchs and
Eksitim: @Granite_Chin

Salita Signs Top Light Heavyweight Umar Salamov to Co-Promotional Contract

Dmitriy Salita, of Salita Promotions, proudly announces the signing of world-class light heavyweight contender Umar Salamov to a co-promotional contract, along with KA Promotions.

Salamov (20-1, 15 KO) hails from Alkhan-Kala, Rusi, but is currently in Detroit training at the legendary Kronk Gym with Javan SugarHill Steward.
Umar is a tall, rangy light heavyweight with crafty footwork and an arsenal of punches,” said Steward. “Being that Umar is only 23 vjeç, his natural athleticism and creativity in the ring makes me excited to teach him that Kronk magic, which will make him a force in the strong light heavyweight division.
I have relocated my training base to Detroit and look forward to a big year,” said Salamov. “My goal this year is to become a mandatory challenger for a world title in one of the four sanctioning bodies and fight for a world title.
The 23-year-old slugger has already amassed quite a collection of championships as professional. He is the former IBO Youth and World Light Heavyweight, WBO Youth World, European and International, and the IBF East/West Europe Light Heavyweight Champion.
Umar is one of the best light Heavyweights in the world,” said Dmitriy Salita. “It’s a division that is packed with lots of very good fighters and big names. I believe Umar has the skills and the experience to be the best. He is only 23 years old and has lots of world-class experience on the elite level in the amateurs and the pros. Now with him training in Detroit, his skills and experience will go to new levels.






Salamov says the decision to sign wit Salita was an easy one to make. “Dmitriy has a very good reputation and has done great work with the fighters he has worked with. He is very serious and responsible in his work. I have high hopes!”

Undefeated Christian Carto ready for tough challenge from James Smith THIS FRIDAY NIGHT at The SugarHouse Casino

Christopher Brooker battles Jamaal Davis in All-Philly Super Middleweight showdown
Undefeated Tyrone Crawley, Jr. në veprim
David Gonzales battles Victor Vazquez
Konferenca për shtyp E mërkurë at The SugarHouse Event Center at 6 PM
Weigh-in E enjte5 PM
Filadelfia, Penn. (27 shkurt, 2018)–Perspektivë pamposhtur bantamweight Christian Carto (13-0, 11 KO) has been buckling down in training camp for his showdown with once-beaten James Gordon Smith (12-1, 7 KO) in the headline fight of a seven bout card that will take place kjo e premte natëThe SugarHouse Casino.
Emisioni promovuar nga Promovimet Kingut.
Carto, 21 years-old of Philadelphia has been training in his hometown, where he has built up one-of, if not the biggest fan base in the city.
Camp has been good. I have done a lot of sparring with different sparring partners,” said Carto.
In Smith, Carto is in with arguably his toughest opponent, whose lone blemish came on ShoBox to hard-hitting Joshua Greer.
Smith seems to be a good a fighter. I watched a couple of his fights, and even in the fight he lost, he fought well until he got caught.
Carto stopped his 1st eleven opponents, but had to go the full distance of eight-rounds in his last two outings. Carto was not disappointed that his knockout streak ended.
It would have been nice to have kept that streak going, but I am not upset. I actually thought in my last fight against Luis Saavedra that I was close to getting him out of there but he did a good job in hanging in there and going the distance. It was a good experience to go eight-rounds. I spar 10-12 raunde, so I knew I could go eight rounds.
This will be Carto’s 7th appearance at The SugarHouse Casino, and the venue has taken a liking to Carto to the point where a 40-foot billboard was erected over I-95, and millions of motorists can see Carto each day.
I want to thank Wendy Hamilton of the SugarHouse. It was good to see the billboard and see myself presented like that. It’s very exciting to be able to see that. That is something I never thought I would see.
I just want all of my fans to come out të premten natë. It is going to be a good fight, and I look forward to seeing every body there.
Në tetë-rrumbullakët bashkë-funksion, it will be a battle of Philadelphia based super middleweights as Christopher Brooker (12-5, 5 KO) betejat Jamaal Davis (16-12-1, 7 KO)
In an eight-round super lightweight bout, Tyrone Crawley (7-0) e Filadelfias do të marrë në Anthony Mercado (10-3, 9 KO) i Arecibo, PR.
Also in an eight-round bout, David Gonzales (8-2-2, 2 KO) of Philadelphia fights Victor Vazquez (9-3, 3 KO) of Younkers, NY in a super lightweight bout.
Dominique Mayfield e Filadelfias do të bëjë debutimin e tij pro kundër Ronny Hale (3-11, 3 KO) e Austin, TX in a heavyweight bout.
Rasheed Johnson (3-1, 1 KO) do të marrë në Vincent Floyd (3-4-1, 2 KO) in a four-round bout featuring Philadelphia welterweights.
Jerrod Miner (1-1, 1 KO) e Filadelfias do të luftojmë Rondarrius Hunter (1-2, 1 KO) of Atlanta in a super flyweight bout.
Biletat janë në shitje për $100, $75, $50, and can be purchased at
$100.00 & $75.00 ARE SOLD OUT!!!!!
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Luis Ortiz Looks to Make Heavyweight History by Becoming First Latino or Hispanic Heavyweight World Champion Born Outside U.S.

Unbeaten Cuban Faces WBC Heavyweight Champion Deontay Wilder E shtunë, Mars 3 live on SHOWTIME from Barclays Center in Brooklyn & Paraqitur nga Kryeministri Boxing Champions
BROOKLYN (Shkurt 26, 2018) – When unbeaten heavyweight Luis “Real King Kong” Ortiz faces WBC Heavyweight World Champion Deontay Wilder E shtunë, Mars 3 jetojnë në SHOWTIME nga Barclays Center, the home of BROOKLYN BOXING™, he will be looking to make history not just for Cuban boxing, but for all Hispanic or Latino fighters.
Ortiz has a chance to become the first Latino or Hispanic heavyweight world champion born outside of the U.S. and just the second heavyweight of Latino or Hispanic descent to capture the heavyweight world title. The first was Massachusetts’ John Ruiz, whose parents were Puerto Rican and who defeated Evander Holyfield for the WBA Heavyweight World Championship in March 2001.
This fight is not only important for my family, but for Cuban boxing history,” Said Ortiz. “My only focus right now is on the strategy I will need to defeat Wilder, but I know this fight has a lot of significance. I’m going to make history for myself and my country when I knock out Wilder on Mars 3.”
Cuba has had three previous fighters vie for the heavyweight title, with Jorge Luis Gonzalez losing to Riddick Bowe in 1995 and Vitali Klitschko defeating both Juan Carlos Gomez in 2009 Odlanier Solis in 2011. Ortiz hopes to stake his claim to the upper echelon of Cuban heavyweight lore along with heavyweight Teofilo Stevenson, who won three Olympic gold medals and is considered the greatest Cuban fighter of all time, despite never fighting professionally.
The strong boxing tradition of Cuba has continued to this day, with Ortiz looking to become the 18th world titlist from the country. Prominent active Cuban fighters include WBA 154-pound champion Erislandy Lara, who fights Jarrett Hurd in a unification showdown Prill 7 në Showtime, and two-division world champion Rances Barthelemy, who looks to become the first three-division champion in Cuban history Mars 10 në Showtime.
The history of Hispanic fighters vying for the heavyweight title dates back to the legendary matchup in 1923 between Jack Dempsey and Argentina’s Luis Firpo. Muhammad Ali, Joe Frazier and Larry Holmes all defended against Hispanic challengers while Deontay Wilder has beaten three Mexican-American opponents in Chris Arreola, Gerald Washington and Eric Molina.
The fourth heavyweight title fight in Barclays Center history will give Ortiz a chance to make his name not only as a world champion, but a barrier-breaker for Hispanic heavyweights.
Biletat për ngjarje të jetojnë, e cila është nxitur nga DIBELLA Argëtim dhe TGB Promovimet, të fillojë në $50 dhe janë në shitje tani. Për të blerë bileta, visit,, ose thirrje 800-745-3000. Tickets for the event can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center.
# # #
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follow us on Twitter @PremierBoxing, LouDiBella, TGBPromotions, BarclaysCenter, @Brooklyn_Boxing and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at,
dhe PBC është sponsorizuar nga Corona Extra, Finest Birra.

Stoppage Win Over Martinez Sets Khan on Course For Another Title Shot


Raport: Gianluca Di Caro – Photos courtesy of Joe Ibbotson.


It may have been the coldest weekend of the year in the UK so far, but the icy cold conditions të shtunën night didn’t prevent the fans turning out to support local hero Tasif Khan as he faced Mexican Champion and former WBC World Title Challenger Juan Lopez Martinez on the Bridie Murtagh (Saorise Promotions) promoted Dinner Event at the Royal Taj (formerly the Connaught Rooms) in Bradford.


The importance of the fight clearly wasn’t lost on any of Khan’s fans, their man may already have secured World Boxing Union (WBU), Global Boxing Union (GBU) and World Boxing Confederation (WBC) World Championships over the past couple of years, but a victory të shtunën would mean that Khan, who is already highly ranked by the International Boxing Federation (IBF) in their Intercontinental Ratings, would be eligible to mount a challenge for the prestigious IBF Intercontinental Championship in the Summer as the first step to mounting a potential future challenge for the coveted IBF World Crown.


Prior to the first fight of the night, Master of Ceremonies Sam Gorman gave a moving eulogy to British & Irish Boxing Authority (BIBA) Vice President (Skoci) Kenny Barr, who tragically passed away in December at the age of just 34, which was followed by a standing Ten Bell tribute.


OK now let’s get onto the the main event, a ten round non-championship Super Flyweight contest between the aforementioned Tasif Khan and Juan Lopez Martinez.


The atmosphere was electric as the protagonists made their way to the ring with the entourages in support waving their respective countries flags and in Khan’s case also carrying his many Championship belts. After the pre-fight razzmatazz and introductions it was down to business for the young Gladiators.


Right from the opening bell both men began to cautiously vie for Centre-ring, Khan utilizing his superior reach to take effective control and force his more experienced opponent on to the back foot.


About the midway point of the round Khan began to step up the pace, landing some big shots to both body and head, each time Martinez stood his ground and countered with good effect.


In the second it was more or less the same, with Khan taking the initiative and actively attacking, whilst Martinez remained content to counter when the opportunity arose.


Round three see Khan step up the pace further, utilizing superior hand speed and slick movement to land a some sensational shots, the most notable was a huge right to the chin late on in the round. Martinez was clearly shaken, but still thinking clearly enough to change his tactics and tie the Bradford man up on the inside to prevent further big shots landing.


Initially Martinez took the fight to Khan in the fourth, in doing so landed a sensational hook to the head of Khan. However this tactic just played into Khan’s hands and the Bradford man came back with some sensational combinations each time the Mexican mounted an attack.


As the round progressed into the second minute, Khan caught Martinez with another big shot which sent the Mexican back towards the ropes, Khan stepped in and let rip with a double handed flurry culminating with a big left hook to the body, which sent Martinez to the canvas. Martinez made the count and made it to the end of the round by tying up Khan on the inside again.


Round five see Martinez utilizing the tying up Khan on the inside tactic more, and at times looked outclassed. Khan’s superior ring-craft really came into play as the round entered the final minute, the confident persona Martinez carried in the early rounds was now gone, Martinez was beginning to try and slow Khan’s scintillating pace down to a crawl, constantly grabbing hold each time Khan mounted an attack, before letting rip with uppercuts at every opportunity, much to the dismay of Khan’s corner, who were shouting at their man to work off his jab and keep him at a distance.


Round six see Khan confidently begin to wear Martinez down further with fast double handed flurries and powerful combinations to both body and head. At more or less the half way point of the round Khan broke loose from another attempted holding session from Martinez and fired a couple of stiff jabs, before stepping in with a huge hook to the body. Martinez immediately collapsed to the canvas and was clearly distraught, however the tough Mexican tried his hardest to make it to his feet before referee James Ancliff’s count reached its conclusion, albeit unsuccessful in doing so.


The official time for the stoppage 1 minute and 32 seconds of the sixth round.


Preceding the Khan-Martinez headline bout was a six round Super Middleweight contest between Bardley, Lincolnshire’s unbeaten Nathan Decastro and very late replacement Malcolm Richardson from Blackpool.


Originally IBF Ranked Decastro was due to compete against Ghanaian Philip Kotey, who had arrived in the UK but fell ill të premten natë. More disappointment for Decastro as a win over Kotey would have also positioned him for a potential shot at an IBF title later in the year.


Right from the off it was clear that Decastro was intent on making a statement, the Bardley man closing of the ring and letting rip with power punch after power punch. Richardson’s made of stern stuff and stood his ground and countered with good effect. However as the round progressed towards the second minute, Decastro switched to the body, landing a massive body shot that sent Richardson down.


Richardson made the count, in fact following the knockdown went on the front foot and landed a couple of good shots of his own, but Decastro’s relentless power shots got the better of the Blackpool man and with about 40 seconds of the round to go Decastro caught him with a huge body shot to send him to the canvas for the second time, this time though Richardson didn’t make it to his feet before referee James Ancliff’s count reached it’s conclusion.


Official time of the stoppage was 2 Minutes and 30 sekonda e raundit të parë.


Prior to Decastro-Richardson it was time for a Heavyweight contest between Askam-in-Furness, Cumbria’s Lee Kellett and Belfast, Northern Ireland’s Ryan Kilpatrick.


What a cracking fight, both lads gave there all for the full four rounds, much to the appreciation of those in attendance.


After four highly entertaining all action rounds it was Lee Kellett that scoring referee James Ancliff decided was the victor by a 40-36 Pikat diferencë.


Next up was a four round Super Lightweight contest between Newcastle’s Jak Johnson and Liverpool’s Paul Peers.


Çfarë një luftë, it was a true Battle Royale, these two warriors gave no quarter, and it was a seriously top class battle. The first couple of rounds were exhausting to watch, pure toe-2-toe action from start to finish, so much so that this contest rightly earned the accolade of the Fight of the Night.


The third though see Peers in the ascendancy, the Liverpool man steeping up the pace as well as switching his focus to the body of the Geordie with great effect, so much so that around the midway point Peers sent Johnson to the canvas with a pin-point perfect shot to the lower rib.


Johnson made it to his feet but in the dying seconds of the round Peers found a way through Johnson’s excellent defence to land another shot to the lower rib to send Johnson down for a second time, this time Johnson couldn’t make it to his feet to beat referee James Ancliff’s count.


Official time of the stoppage was 2 minutes and 59 seconds of the third round.


The opening bout of the night sees Aberdeen’s Nathan Beattie in action against late replacement Belfast’s Marty Kayes.


Beattie-Kayes was a purist’s dream fight, it was one seriously closely fought and highly technical contest, which wouldn’t come as any surprise to those in the know, as these two had fought each other previously.


After four closely fought rounds scoring referee James Ancliff’s score card read 40-37 in favour of Nathan Beattie.


There were due to be two further contests on the cardObadai Sai vs Isaac Quartey and Patrick Okine vs Saidi Mundi, however these contests failed to take place due to only Quartey and Okine receiving their visa in time to make the trip to the UK.

Micky Ward & Kevin McBride Named Honorary Captains in Boston dual

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SHBA vs. Ireland Northeast Boxing Tour
Kicks-off Mars 12 në Boston
COLORADO SPRINGS, Prehër. (Shkurt 26, 2018) – One of boxing’s most beloved boxer of all-time, “Irlandez” Micky Ward, and the Irishman best known for knocking out legendary Mike Tyson into retirement, Kevin “The Clones ColossusMcBride, have been selected as honorary team captains, përkatësisht, of Team USA and Team Ireland for the first leg of the three-city 2018 SHBA vs. Ireland Northeast Boxing Tour.
The tour commences E hënë, Mars 12, at the newly renovated Royale Entertainment Complex in Boston’s famed theater district. The Boston stop, which is being presented by Budweiser, have general admission tickets for $20.00 and a limited amount of $30.00 reserved tickets on sale and are available to purchase online here.
Lagje, 52, is the pride of Lowell, Massachusetts, where he is a living legend. A three-time New England Golden Gloves champion as an amateur boxer, Ward fought professionally between 1985-2003, registering a 38-13 (27 KO) record as a junior welterweight throughout his pro career. He is best known for his epic trilogy with the late Arturo Gatti, in which he became the first fighter with double-digit losses to earn a $1-million purse (dy herë).
An all-action, crowed-pleasing fighter, Ward was involved in three Fight of the Year honors, the first and third of the Gatti trilogy, along with a memorable match with Emanuel Augustus. Ward was the winner in two (first Gatti and Augustus) of those classic fights.
Boston-native Mark Wahlberg portrayed Ward in, The Fighter, a movie about Micky’s life that won two Academy Awards.
To be honorary captain of Team USA means a lot to me,” Ward said. “It’s great having elite amateur boxing back in Boston with the national teams from the United States and Ireland. It’s especially exciting for me as an Irish-American.
The 44-year-old McBride was born in Clones, Irlandë. Ai ishte anëtar i 1992 Ireland Olympic Boxing Team at the age of 19, competing in the Olympic Games in Barcelona, Spanjë. Two years earlier, he represented Ireland at the European Championships and one of his teammates was Billy Walsh, Team USA’s current head coach of Team USA and former chief trainer for Team Ireland.
Like other Irish boxers, McBride came to the United States to enhance his professional career, landing in the predominately Irish neighborhood of Dorchester, a working-class section Boston, back in 1999. 6′ 6″, 285-pound McBride started training in Brockton, MA with Goody Petronelli, who had trained Mrekullueshme Marvin Hagler, and later Packy Collins, the brother of another Petronelli-trained fighter, kampion bote Stevie Collins.
McBride fought professionally between 1992-2011, retiring with a 35-10-1 (29 KO), highlighted by his shocking sixth-round knockout of Tyson in 2005, driving theBaddest Man on the Planetinto ring retirement.
I feel good about being honorary captain of Team Ireland,” remarked the still thickly Irish-brogue McBride, who still lives with his family in Dorchester. “I’m honored to be carrying the Irish flag for these fighters. I’m not sure how many of them remember me as the man who beat Tyson. I know some of the Irish coaches and I still support boxing in Ireland as well as America. I just love boxing. And it’s always a pleasure to be with my friend, Micky Ward. He’s a good lad.
The USA vs. Ireland Northeast Boxing Tour will continue Mars 15 në Qendrën MassMutual në Springfield, Mass., concluding Mars 21 at The Manchester Downtown Hotel in New Hampshire.
All the duals will begin at 7:00 ores. EST dhe bileta do të vihen në dispozicion për blerje në javët e ardhshme. Çdo qytet do të shfaqë deri në 12 fundet, which will all be live streamed, pa pagese, në faqen e internetit USA Boxing-së (
Tentatively headlining Team USA’s roster in the Boston dual s 2017 medaljen e bronzit World Championship Troy Isley (Aleksandri, VA). Four-time 2017 international gold medalist Virginia Fuchs (Kemah, TX), 2016 Youth World Champion dhe 2017 Elite Continental Championships medaljen argjendi, delante Johnson (Cleveland, OH), dhe 2016 medaljen e bronzit Youth World Championship dhe 2017 USA Boxing Super Kampion Kombëtar Heavyweight, Richard Torrez (Tulare, Të tilla si).
Full team rosters for each city will be released closer to the start of the tour.
SHBA vs. ireland Orari
Mars 12: Royale Entertainment Complex, Boston, Në masë.
Mars 15: MassMutual Center, Springfield, Në masë.
Mars 21: Downtown Hotel Manchester, Manchester, N.H.
Të gjitha boxers dhe periudhave të shkurtra janë subjekt i ndryshimit.
Eksitim: @USABoxing
Instagram: @USABoxing
Facebook: /USABoxing

SugarHill Steward and Russian Heavyweight Apti Davtaev Inventing Their Own Language Along Way to Heavyweight Glory

When it comes to working in the gym, undefeated Russian heavyweight prospect Apti Davtaev (14-0-1, 13 KO) and his US trainer, Kronk Gym’s Javan SugarHill Steward, have their own way of communicating.

We play a form of charades a lot. I physically put him in position sometimes and show him the openings,” said Steward. “It’s a challenge for me, which makes me love it more, to teach him without talking.
The pair are currently hard at work for the big Russian’s (from the Chechen Republic of Kurchaloi) ring return, scheduled for April.
He wants to learn so badly that he’s a sponge,” continued Steward. “Russians don’t have the same level of training as they do in the US. This is a dream come true for him. Bringing a Russian fighter over here to train is much different than a US fighter coming to my gym. They’re already Americanized. These guys are hungry. They have very little else going on in their lives. He’s a married Muslim and all he cares about is his religion and his family. There’s no Facebook or Twitter in his world. All he wants is to be world champion.
Steward says that Davtaev comes with a high level of skill and their training focuses more on the finer points.
He’s a big powerful heavyweight. Good basics and he learns fast. He can read opponents and makes adjustments very easily. I’m working with him how to set up more shots. He’s big and he needs to use his jab and his big right hand to put himself in position to stay in control. We’re working on using more ring generalship. When you’re big like that, you can’t let someone crowd you.
28-year-old Davtaev, co-promoted by Salita Promotions and KA Promotions, says he’s enjoying his working relationship with Steward.
From the first days of our acquaintance, we immediately found a common language. He gives me a lot of attention and has taught me a lot in a very caring way. That’s why I’m very grateful to him.
Davtaev agrees he’s not in the US for the fun. Hard work and dedication to his mission are the only things on his mind.
A professional athlete should be focused only on one thing,” he explains, “the achievement of success. It is always necessary to approach your goals with full responsibility to the training process and the fight itself. Certainly, I miss the motherland and my family, but knowing why I’m here and getting support from relatives and friends, helps me endure much easier.
Always a haven for world-class fighters, Davtaev currently has a quality training and sparring partner to work with at Detroit’s Kronk Gym. Former heavyweight champion Charles Martin is training at Kronk as well.
These are 6’5 250-lb guys and their skill levels are very even,” said Steward. “They are learning from each other.
This is Steward’s fifth Russian fighter he’s worked with and Steward says he’s enjoying himself very much.
He’s trying to learn English, but he we communicate just fine. We have a good time. Learning has to be fun, so he has a good time and I enjoy teaching him. He learns fast, even though he doesn’t know English.

Motivational Speaker & Instagram Sensation Demarjay Smith to Participate in Open to the Public Media Workout with Heavyweight World Champion Deontay Wilder

The Young Jamaican Trainer” nga “The Ellen Degeneres Showwill Be Joined by Unbeaten Contender Marcus Browne & Host a Fitness Presentation for Local Community Youth
E mërkurë, Shkurt 28 në Qendrën Barclays në Brooklyn –
Event Begins at 3 ores. DHE*
BROOKLYN (Shkurt 26, 2018) – “The Young Jamaican TrainerDemarjay Smith, known for his motivational Instagram videos and appearances on The Ellen Degeneres Show, will join heavyweight world champion Deontay Wilder E mërkurë, Shkurt 28 at the open to the public media workout at Barclays Center ahead of Wilder’s showdown with Luis Ortiz E shtunë, Mars 3 live on SHOWTIME at Barclays Center.
The 11-year-old Smith, who recently spent NBA All-Star Weekend in Los Angeles taking part in various activities, will host a health and fitness presentation for the local community youth groups attending the workout before stepping in the ring with Wilder for a special photo opportunity. Kids in attendance will be from Gleason’s Give a Kid a Dream, BOXER Inc. and the Atlas Cops & Kids Program.
Smith has previously interviewed the likes of LeBron James, Stephen Curry, Usain Bolt and other top athletes and entertainers for Instagram and theEllen” shfaqje.
The open to the public event will being at approximately 3 ores. DHE with Smith’s health and fitness presentation, featuring unbeaten local light heavyweight contender Marcus Browne, set to take place before Wilder’s workout.
Biletat për ngjarje të jetojnë, e cila është nxitur nga DIBELLA Argëtim dhe TGB Promovimet, të fillojë në $50 dhe janë në shitje tani. Për të blerë bileta, visit,, ose thirrje 800-745-3000. Tickets for the event can also be purchased at the American Express Box Office at Barclays Center.
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