PËR QARKULLIM TË MENJËHERSHËM: Lewiston, Maine (Prill 30, 2015) - New England Lufton (NEF), Numër një promovimi rajonal Amerikës lufta, do të mbajë tetëmbëdhjetë të përzier-ushtarak-artet e saj (MMA) ngjarje, “NEF XVIII: Made në Amerikë,” në E shtunë, Qershor 13, 2015 në COLISEE të ANDROSCOGGIN Bankës në Lewiston, Maine. Më parë sot, the promotion announced the addition of a professional bantamweight bout to the fight card. The contest will feature Elias “Danger Mouse” Leland (2-1) stepping into the cage opposite Çad “Machine Gun” Kelly (3-2) at the bantamweight limit of 135-pounds.


Chad Kelly and Eli Leland are two guys who couldn’t put on a boring fight if they tried,” tha NEF bashkë-pronar dhe promotor Nick DiSalvo. “Chad had the ‘Fight of the Nighton one of the first cards I ever promoted in Massachusetts years ago. I’ve followed his career since and have seen how far he’s come. Eli’s fights always steal the show on the NEF events. Fans will only need the edge of their seats for this one.


Kelly last appeared in the NEF cage in the fall of 2013 në “NEF X.That night, he defeated NEF regular Ernesto Ornelas (1-5) via second-round submission. Kelly has regularly competed in the flyweight 125-pound division throughout his career, but he and his coaches at The Fighting Arts Academy (FAA) in Leominster, Massachusetts decided to make the transition up to bantamweight beginning with the upcoming fight against Leland.


I’m very excited to be fighting for NEF in Lewiston, Maine again,” stated Kelly when reached for comment. “I fought for them my second pro fight and I loved the way they treat their fighters and how smooth everything went – më shumë, getting the ‘Wwas nice. This fight I’m moving up to bantamweight. My coaches and I thought it was the right time. I started fighting at 19 and just have gained weight and have a massive cut to 125, plus I train with good 35ers and 45ers and do better when I’m heavier. Elias Leland is a tough grappler with good submissions. I’m sure he will be tough, but I think I will have an advantage everywhere the fight goes.


Leland, a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu brown belt from the Academy of MMA in Portland, Maine, will look to avenge a loss he suffered earlier this month to Jay Perrin (2-0) në “XVII NEF.” The loss was his first since his amateur debut against Ray Wood (5-1) në shtator 2011. Leland has become known as a finisher over the years, submitting four opponents and defeating one via technical knockout (OBSH) at previous NEF events.


I have nothing but respect for anyone that is willing to fight me,” Said Leland. “Megjithatë, coming off a loss, I’m pissed and hungry as hell. This will be an exciting fight for anyone that sees it. So you all better be there to see an amazing show.


Ngjarje tjetër NEF-it MMA, “NEF XVIII: Made në Amerikë” do të vijnë nga COLISEE e Androscoggin Bankës në Lewiston, Maine në qershor 13, 2015. Biletat për “NEF XVIII” të fillojë në vetëm $25 dhe janë në shitje tani në ose duke telefonuar në zyrën kuti COLISEE në207.783.2009 x 525. Për më shumë informacion mbi ngjarje dhe luftën përditësimet e kartës, ju lutem vizitoni faqen e internetit Promovimin-së në Veç kësaj, ju mund të shikojnë video në NEF, ndjekin ato nënefights Twitter dhe të bashkohet me grupin zyrtar Facebook "New England lufton."


Rreth Lufton New England


Lufton New England ("NEF") është një luftë ngjarje promovime kompani. Misioni NEF-it është të krijojë ngjarjet cilësisë më të lartë për luftëtarët e Maine-së dhe tifozët njësoj. Ekipi ekzekutiv NEF-it ka përvojë të gjerë në menaxhimin e sportit luftarake, Ngjarjet e prodhimit, Marrëdhëniet e medias, marketing, ligjore dhe reklamat.

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