Tag Archives: Godmorgen Homasi

Fuldstændige resultater & Billeder til BELLATOR MMA 273: Bader vs.. Moldavsky

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C-Ryan Bader (29-7, 1 NC) besejrede IC-Valentin Moldavsky (11-2) via enstemmig afgørelse (48-47, 48-47, 48-47)

Ryan Bader forsvarer sin sværvægtstitel: ""Naturligvis, det var en rigtig tæt kamp, ​​og til sidst er jeg som en mand, der er en toss up. Jeg følte, at jeg gjorde mere skade, men det føltes så godt i betragtning af, at den sidste kamp var en kamp, ​​jeg tabte. Men det var frem og tilbage, endda kæmpe hele fem runder. Det er bare antiklimaktisk at gå derud og have et spændende sværvægtsmesterskab på fem runder med en hård fyr i Arizona. Jeg ville så gerne!

Jeg er aldrig for selvsikker, går til dommere du ved. Det er første gang i mit liv, at jeg håbede, at de ikke scorede til brydningen. Jeg rokkede ham ret godt med mine slag, og jeg så alting klart. Jeg undervurderede hans spænding, hans kropslås, han blev ved med at træde foran mig med dette mærkelige træk, og han er stærkere, end jeg troede. Jeg er aldrig blevet samlet op som før ... men jeg sagde bare til mig selv at blive ved med at rejse mig og så fortsætte med strejkerne. Til sidst der holdt han bare fast, og jeg landede 20 ubesvarede albuer til hovedet. De kan ikke ignoreres, og så da han gik til scorekortene, Jeg sagde hvem ved nu..."

#6-Benson Henderson (29-11) besejret #7-Islam Mamedov (20-2-1) via split beslutning (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Benson Henderson efter sejren foran sin hjemby: "Kæmper foran min adopterede hjemby Phoenix, DET, det er fantastisk. Sidste gang gav jeg ikke Arizona et særligt godt show. Denne gang, Jeg troede, jeg havde en bedre præstation, så vind eller tab, jeg vidste, at jeg kunne leve med det. Bare at have en god præstation, ikke en god præstation, men at have en god præstation, i modsætning til at have en dårlig præstation, vinde eller tabe føler du dig altid godt efter gode præstationer. Vi søger perfektion. Hvis du skriver en bog, alle disse journalister, alle disse filmskabere, de vil gøre dem til en del af en film og derefter lave en fantastisk film. Hvis du vil, så skal du gøre dit absolut bedste derude, og derfor er jeg altid efter en bedre præstation.”
"I aften, at få hånden i vejret er fantastisk. Det var første gang, jeg kæmpede foran mine sønner, mine to ældste sønner. Min 6 årig og min 4-årige. I aften var en fantastisk aften, men de er ikke alle gode nætter, så jeg lærer bestemt at værdsætte de gode, når jeg har dem."

"Jeg følte, at jeg gjorde nok for at fortjene at få hånden op, men man ved bare aldrig. Som Burt Watson altid siger, hvis du overlader det til dommerne, de vil få dig til at græde. Han har fuldstændig ret. Så, Jeg vil bestemt aldrig overlade det til dommerne. Når nogen siger split beslutning, er jeg som åh nej, mine drenge er i ringen ... men det var en god nat, så jeg var taknemmelig for det."

Henry Corrales (20-6) besejret Aiden Lee (10-6) via enstemmig teknisk beslutning (29-28, 30-27, 30-27) - (utilsigtet øjenstik)

Henry Corrales efter sin sejr: »Det var bestemt ikke den måde, jeg ville afslutte det her i Phoenix. Fansene fortjener mere, og det er ikke noget imod ham, det er bare en slags sen afslutning, og dette var den sidste kamp på min kontrakt. Dette var min 15. kamp med BELLATOR og min 20. sejr, så der er meget ridning på denne kamp. Jeg havde brug for at gå derud og præstere en god præstation ... jeg prøvede."

Jeg følte ikke, at jeg virkelig prikkede ham for at være ærlig over for dig, og gentagelsen viste, at det bare ikke så så alvorligt ud, som han spillede det ud for at være, men det er øjet, så kun han ved hvor meget det gjorde ondt. Han var super ked af det efter, og jeg var ligesom hey store hund, jeg prikkede dig ikke med vilje. Jeg mener, det er en knytnævekamp! Men, han gik væk fra buret efter, og han optrådte skuffet, da kampen blev stoppet, men mens kampen stod på, kæmpede han ikke rigtig. Hans opførsel var slået fra, og han klynkede lidt ved skud, og det er som om du ikke rigtig skulle, du optrådte bare."

Godmorgen Homasi (16-10) besejret Jaleel Willis (15-4) via indsendelse (arm-trekant) på 1:42 af runde én

Sabah Homasi efter sin submission-sejr: »Det er et af de spark, jeg kastede, jeg har lige sparket hårdt mand. Jeg forventer dette efter hver kamp, ​​men bare en lille hævelse. Det er de samme ting efter hver kamp mand fra alle mine spark."

"Du ved, jeg bare tager, hvad de giver mig. Jeg havde hans ryg, Jeg troede, jeg ville gøre bagenden nøgen. Jeg kan ikke lide at bruge for meget energi på noget, så hvis jeg ikke har det, vil jeg ikke tvinge det. Jeg vil tage noget, der er der, så jeg lod det gå, og jeg satte en lille fælde op. Det er noget, som jeg er gået meget godt over fra bagsiden til det trick, så det var der, og jeg tog det."

"Han sagde noget til mig tidligere, og hvis han siger noget til mig, burde han sige det som en mand. Sig det med dit forbandede bryst, hvisk det ikke. Jeg glemte, hvad han sagde, men jeg fortalte ham, at han ville føle rigtig kraft i aften, og det var det, og så åbenbart hurtig kamp. jeg er rask, Jeg er i god form, skal tilbage i gymnastiksalen, og hver gang BELLATOR giver mig besked, vil jeg give min manager grønt lys."

Enrique Barzola (17-5-2) besejret Darrion Caldwell (15-6) via TKO (strejker) på 3:01 af runde tre
chris gonzalez (7-1) besejret Du Awad (24-14, 1 NC) via KO (punches) på :36 af runde én
Dalton Rosta (6-0) besejret Duane Johnson (6-3) via enstemmig afgørelse (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)
Nikita Mikhailov (9-1) besejret Blaine Shutt (8-6) via TKO (punches) på 3:23 af runde tre
Lucas Brennan (6-0) besejret ben lugo (5-5) via indsendelse (arm-trekant choker) på 2:27 af runde én
Sullivan Cauley (3-0) besejret Ben Parrish (5-2) via TKO (punches) på 4:35 af runde én

Besøg Bellator.com for yderligere information.


Official Fight Night Results, Citater & Billeder til BELLATOR MMA 264: Moussage vs. Salte



c-Gegard Mousasi (48-7-2) besejret #1-John Salter (18-5) via TKO (punches) på 2:07 af runde tre

Gegard Mousasi following retaining his middleweight title:

“He’s a southpaw so everything is more difficult. It was a little bit more difficult to get my punches in, but other than that I felt good. I’m way stronger than people think. Maybe I look skinny but I’m a lot stronger and physically I was the stronger guy in there. On top, I felt like I could just pressure him, put my weight on him and hurt him with my punches. Make him feel the pressure. It was a five-rounder so in my mind, I’m saying ‘Okay, don’t do everything now because we can go five.’”

Andrey Koreshkov (24-4) besejret #10-Godmorgen Homasi (15-10) via enstemmig afgørelse (30-27, 30-26, 30-26)

Andrey Koreshkov following his return to the BELLATOR MMA Cage:

“I try to show everybody that I’m here, I can compete, and I can beat anyone. I think I’m one of the top fighters in this division. Efter min mening, I must fight with somebody for the third, second or first place. I’m open to anybody. It doesn’t matter. Neiman Gracie, Jason Jackson, Paul Daley, Michael “Venom” Page – anybody!"

#4-Raufeon Stots (17-1) besejret #3-Magomed Magomedov (18-2) via enstemmig afgørelse (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

Raufeon Stots following his impressive victory:

“I’ve never claimed to be the best wrestler in MMA, but y’all better stop sleeping on my wrestling. I’m a two-time national champion for a reason. Ain’t nobody stopping me in the wrestling division. I’m the best wrestler in the division.”

#7-Davion Franklin (4-0) besejret Everett Cummings (15-1) via KO (punches) på :21 af runde én

Davion Franklin has his sights set on fellow BELLATOR heavyweight Cheick Kongo:

“I was just thinking about putting him out. Getting him out in the first round. That was my goal this whole time. I learned just to keep going. By the way, I heard Cheick Kongo commented under Everett Cummings’ Instagram post saying that Everett’s gonna’ tap me out. Hey Cheick Kongo, step up, you’ll get done the same way, if not worse.”

Khadzhi Bestaev (11-4) besejret Ty Gwerder (5-3) via enstemmig afgørelse (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

Khadzhi Bestaev had this to say following a successful BELLATOR debut:

“He was bigger than me and very tough, but I knew he was going to gas out. He started gassing out in the second or third round, but I’m still surprised by the decision. I thought it was a draw or maybe a split-decision. But I have to see the fight. I mit hoved, he kicked and punched me so many times so hats off to him. He didn’t give up. I just dropped him a couple of times and that was the difference.”

Indledende Card:
Pam Sørenson (9-3) besejret Roberta Samad (5-1) via split beslutning (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)
Jeffrey Glossner (3-2) besejret Sebastian Ruiz (2-4) via enstemmig afgørelse (29-28, 29-28-29-28)
Jon McNeil (1-0) besejret Orlando Mendoza (0-1) via TKO (punches) på 3:57 af runde tre

Besøg Bellator.com for yderligere information.

BELLATOR MMA is a leading global mixed martial arts and kickboxing organization featuring many of the best fighters in the world. Under ledelse af veteran kamp promotor Scott Coker, BELLATOR -begivenheder finder sted i større byer verden over og kan ses på fjernsyn i over 160 lande til et tilgængeligt publikum på over en milliard mennesker. I USA, BELLATOR kan ses på SHOWTIME. BELLATOR består af et ledelsesteam, der omfatter branchens bedste fagfolk inden for tv -produktion, livebegivenhed orkestrering, fighter udvikling / relationer, mødested indkøb, sponsorering skabelse / udvikling, international licens, markedsføring, reklame, reklame, og kommissionsforhold. BELLATOR er baseret i Hollywood, Calif. og ejes af underholdningsgiganten ViacomCBS, hjemsted for verdens førende underholdning mærker, der forbinder med publikum gennem overbevisende indhold på tværs af tv, film, online og mobile platforme.


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Uncasville, Conn. -Bellator 257: Nemkov vs. Davis 2 saw incumbent 205-pound champion Vadim Nemkov (13-3) retain his championship, he now awaits his future opponent. I co-main event, #3-rangeretCorey Anderson (15-5) advanced to the semi-finals to face #4 ranked pound-for-pound athleteRyan Bader(28-6, 1 NC) at a future date in the Bellator Light Heavyweight World Grand Prix.

BELLATOR MMA returns to action on May 7 with a bantamweight world title fight pitting c-John Archuleta (25-2) mod #1 rangeretSergio Pettis (20-5) and a Light Heavyweight World Grand Prix opening round pairing between the debutingAnthony “Rumble” Johnson(22-6) ogYoel Romero(13-5) to determine Nemkov’s next title challenger.Bellator 258 airs exclusively on SHOWTIME at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT.

“Rumble”had this to say about his upcoming BELLATOR debut on SHOWTIME: “You know how I fight. I come out there and throw bombs. If you get in the way and get hit, that’s just what happens. Romero is a hell of an athlete. We all have watched him fight. For his age, which to me doesn’t play a factor at all, he’s a beast. I’m very excited to fight a man of his caliber. He’s a true challenge to anybody that he faces. I look forward to testing myself against him. He’s definitely an opponent that I respect. Somebody that I know I’ll enjoy fighting and the fans will enjoy it too.

“Right now, I can’t look past Yoel. I really can’t. I don’t look that far ahead. I have goals, but right now I got one of the toughest individuals you can possibly face in my face May 7. I’m looking forward to it and I just need to focus on Yoel. I’m just going to let the dice roll the way they’re going to roll and whoever makes it to the next round, I’ll focus on that later. Lige nu, I just need to focus on one individual and everybody else is not even on my radar right now. I just got to focus on the man that’s trying to knock my head off.”

BELLATOR MMA 257: Nemkov vs. Davis 2 Hovedkortet:

c-Vadim Nemkov (13-2) besejret #2-Phil Davis (22-5, 1 NC) via enstemmig afgørelse (48-47, 48-47, 48-47)

Vadim Nemkov: “My plan was to out-strike him today and defend the wrestling. I’m pretty happy with my performance but I had some mistakes and I’m going to work on them for next time.

“It’s very hard to knock out Phil Davis so I was getting ready for a five round fight and I knew it was going to go the distance. Our conditioning was on point.

“Both fighters [Johnson and Romero] are very unpredictable. They can strike or wrestle. I’m a champion and I’m ready for whoever wins that fight. It doesn’t matter to me who I face. Both fighters are really good on the ground or standup and it’s going to be a good fight for me either way.”

#3-Corey Anderson (15-5) besejretDovletdzhan Yagshimuradov (18-6-1) via TKO (punches) på 2:15 af runde tre

Corey Anderson on facing Ryan Bader: "I love the matchup with Bader. I love the matchup with anybody in this tournament. I love the matchup with any 205-er in the world because I know how good I am. I’m just going to show the rest of the world that. Me and Bader, we have history from training together and like I said, one person knows. He knows. We’re just going to find out in July when we match up. One man has to go out there and make the statement on TV.

“He knows who he’s matched up against. That’s all. I ain’t one of those dudes who’s going to put the film out there on Instagram because that ain’t a good sport. But at the same time, he knows. We know. They know it’s going to be a tough match. He’s gotten better. I’ve gotten better. He knows it’s going to be a war. It’s not like he’s going to go in there and take me down like he does with all these other guys. Because he knows. He knows he ain’t gonna go out there and out-strike me.”

#7-Veta Arteaga(6-4) besejretDesiree Yanez (5-3) via flertalsafgørelser (28-28, 29-27, 29-27)

Veta Arteaga: “My overall goal is to have another opportunity at the title shot. One fight at a time. I wasn’t overlooking Desiree at all and I’ve just been watching all the females that fight in this division to see who I may be potentially fighting. I’m excited to hopefully climb right back up in the rankings and have another title shot.”

Paul Daley (47-17-2) defeated #8-Godmorgen Homasi (15-9) via TKO (punches) på 1:44 af runde to

Paul Daley on who is next…

“Whoever fancies it. Whoever struggles to get down to 170 and feels like 175 is a good division for them, I’ll fight them. I’ve been in with the best at 170 and now I’m saying here on SHOWTIME and around the world that the 175-pound division is my division. If you want the belt, f*cking come and get it.”

Indledende Card:

#1-Julia Budd (15-3) besejretDayana Silva (9-6) via split beslutning (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

#5-Julius Anglickas (10-1) besejretGregory Milliard (12-5) via enstemmig afgørelse (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

#7-Steve Mowry(9-0) besejretShaun Asher (13-4-1) via TKO (punches) på :55 af runde én

Grachik Bozinyan (11-4) besejretDemarques Jackson (11-5) via enstemmig afgørelse (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)

Raymond Daniels(3-1, 1 NC) besejretPeter Stanonik (4-4, 1 NC) via enstemmig afgørelse (30-26, 30-27, 30-26)

Lance Gibson Jr.. (4-0) besejretMarcus Surin (6-3) via enstemmig afgørelse (29-28, 30-27, 30-27)

Karl Albrektsson (11-3) besejretViktor Nemkov (30-8-1) via enstemmig afgørelse (30-27, 30-27, 30-27)

#10-Mads Burnell(15-3) besejretSaul Rogers (14-4) via indsendelse (bageste nøgne choker) på 4:08 af runde to

#7-Jay-Jay Wilson (8-0) besejret #4-Pedro Carvalho (11-5) via TKO (strejker) på :53 af runde to


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BesøgBellator.com for yderligere information.


“I want to be the first one to finish Phil Davis in his life,” – Nemkov

“He’s coming to make a statement that he is the rightful champion. And I am coming to say, ‘No you not!’” – Davis

“The plan is to go out there and dominate, win in the best fashion and get to him before he gets to me,” – Anderson

“I can fight with anybody in this tournament,” – Yagshimuradov

NEW YORK – April 14, 2021 – Newly-crowned light heavyweight kingVadim Nemkov og nr. 2 rangeret let sværPhil Davis previewed their BELLATOR MMA on SHOWTIME main event fight during a virtual media availability Wednesday. In an anticipated rematch three years in the making, Nemkov and Davis will battle for both the light heavyweight strap and to advance to the semifinals of the BELLATOR MMA Light Heavyweight World Grand Prix live on SHOWTIME on Friday, April 17 from Mohegan Sun Arena in Uncasville, Conn.

BELLATOR MMA 257: Nemkov vs. Davis 2 is the third of three straight weeks of BELLATOR MMA action on SHOWTIME and begins live at 9 p.m. ET / 6 p.m. PT. Completing the stacked main card are three other must-watch bouts, including No. 3 rangeret Corey Anderson welcoming the highly-touted Dovletdzhan Yagshimuradov to the BELLATOR cage in a Light Heavyweight World Grand Prix Quarterfinal matchup, a 175-pound contract weight bout between MMA legend Paul Daley and the always-exciting Godmorgen Homasi and a women’s flyweight contest matching Veta Arteaga mod Desiree Yanez.

SHOWTIME is offering viewers who are new to the SHOWTIME streaming service a 30-day free trial, followed by a discounted monthly subscription fee of $4.99/month for the next six months. Viewers can sign up atSHO.com/BellatorMMA.

Her er hvad de krigere havde at sige onsdag:

Vadim Nemkov, BELLATOR Light Heavyweight World Champion

KlikHER to view Nemkov’s full media session

“Yes, I am entering the Grand Prix as a champion but I try to move those things out of my head, so I’m entering the tournament like a regular fighter and I just want to win. For mig, it’s much more important to win this tournament right now. Not the belt.

“I want to win this tournament. I want to prove myself to everybody. I’m in my prime age right now. I already have a lot of experience. I’m well prepared for this tournament and because I’m younger, that’s even more of a plus for me.

“I’m very glad that I have three fights this year to defend my title. That’s really good for me to fight a lot and to prove that I am the best. That I am a champion. Not wasting any time. I’m really happy that these other legends in the tournament want my belt and I have a chance to fight with them and prove that I am better.

“I’m ready to fight with Phil Davis for five rounds. I’m prepared for it. But I want to finish it. I don’t want to spend five rounds with Phil Davis and I want to be the first one to finish him in his life.”

Phil Davis, BELLATOR Light Heavyweight World Grand Prix Competitor

*KlikHER to view Davis’ full media session

"Ærligt, it’s sort of cliché but the toughest test in this tournament would be Nemkov. He’s champion for a reason. He’s a tough cat and he’s the guy to beat. I want to get this light heavyweight belt and then after that, clean up the rest of the tournament.

“This fight is going to be crazy. I can promise you that. With Nemkov, you know when you skate by with a win. Denne gang, he’s coming to make a statement that he is the rightful champion. And I am coming to say, ‘No you not!’ It’s definitely going to be a very aggressive and exciting fight.

“I look back at that loss and I never would wish I would lose, men samtidig, I do feel like it adds a little more theatrics to this moment and how sweet it would be to win the belt back from a very close decision in such an amazing light heavyweight tournament.

“All of those matchups [rematches with Nemkov, Johnson, Bader] are freaking awesome. I am definitely motivated to avenge a loss but I am just more motivated about winning this tournament because it has some of the who’s who of the sport and of the light heavyweight division. Whoever wins this, the fans will say, ‘That guy is freaking awesome. You went head-to-head with all the killers in this division.’

“I think it’s a mistake to think that you know a guy or think that you know what he’s going to do. I approach it almost as a brand-new fighter, brand-new fight. It keeps me from falling into the trap of underestimating him or maybe thinking he didn’t improve in certain areas. I have limited knowledge of what you like to do and what I think your plan of attack will be and my job is just to come at you with a blank slate because a lot of times, especially with rematches, they tend to be completely different from the first one.”

Corey Anderson, BELLATOR Light Heavyweight World Grand Prix competitor

*KlikHER to view Anderson’s full media session

“The re-focus is back. I spent so much time with my son during the quarantine. Watching him grow and building that relationship and just remembering that every move I make is for my family so I can give them a better life. I need to go out there and be smart about it. Now that I have two with my baby girl, and not only having her as a baby but delivering the baby myself, it just put a whole different aspect on everything.

“The moment I got the release and everything settled from UFC and signed with BELLATOR, I knew I was valued more over here already before even meeting anybody. My manager let people know that we got out of UFC and within an hour, hour-and-a-half, BELLATOR hit us with a huge offer that we couldn’t pass. The people I was with at the time were like, ‘Yo, if you don’t take that money you are stupid.’ So, we took that and that showed me how much they valued me as a fighter. In a matter of 24 timer, a new promotion had offered me my worth in money, actually reached out and talked to me and then they wanted to meet with my face-to-face. That’s something that in my seven years in UFC, I still hadn’t had a face-to-face meeting with Dana White.

“I go into training camp and I look at my training partners like I’m going to look at my opponent. Indrømmet, I’m not going out there to hurt them. I don’t plan on hurting my opponent if I don’t have to in the fight. But the plan is to go out there and dominate and win in the best fashion and get to him before he gets to me. It can be the No. 1 ranked guy or the lowest ranked guy in the world, but the plan is to go out there and fight like Corey Anderson fights. Go out there and be the mixed martial artist that you train to be every day.

“He was the champ somewhere else. He is legitimate enough to be in this tournament with the other seven fighters. Med det er sagt, I’m not going in there and looking past him because he’s not a name we know. I’m not looking in there thinking that I because I was in the UFC and I fought at the top that this guy is not ready. I’m going out there thinking this guy is as dangerous as anybody else. He has two fists. He has two legs, two eyes and two ears. He can hear, see and throw whatever he wants to throw when he sees it.

“BELLATOR’s light heavyweight division has all the numbers. We have all the skills. We have all the names. I 205 over there in UFC, all you really have right now is the champ and Glover. People over here already beat both of those guys. It’s kind of like, it shouldn’t even be a question.”

Dovletdzhan Yagshimuradov, BELLATOR Light Heavyweight World Grand Prix Competitor

KlikHER to view Yagshimuradov’s full media session

“Sometimes I don’t even know how to describe my own fighting style. It’s some kind of weird style. Usually, I start adapting to my opponent during the fight. If the guy tries to wrestle, I strike with him. If the guy tries to strike, I wrestle with him.

“I don’t like to predict the fights, especially my own fights. It’s easier to predict somebody else’s fight but it’s hard to say what’s going to happen. Everything about what is going to happen is going to be shown Friday night in the cage. The only thing I can tell you about what I’m going to do is I’m going to go out there and fight with the guy.

“I don’t feel any kind of pressure because there are a lot of big names in this tournament. It’s only names. They are still fighters even though they may be more known fighters and more promoted fighters than me. In my career, I’ve fought competition that’s not worse and, in some moments, even better than these guys. I have really good experience so I can fight with any of them.

“I think Yoel Romero would the guy I’d like to fight. It’s not like I really want to fight him or there’s something special about this fight, but I was always a fan of his fight style and the way he acts in the public. I kind of respect this guy so if you ask me who I would like to fight from this tournament, it would be Yoel Romero.”

Paul Daley, BELLATOR Welterweight

*KlikHER to view Daley’s full media session

“In regards to Homasi saying he’s not fazed by my record, I think he has to say that for his confidence. I know already that he’s nervous. He’s already doubting himself. It’s a big change from the interview when we were supposed to fight pre-COVID when he was saying that he was a fan of me and he’s been watching me fight for a while. That just tells me that he’s nervous about the fight and it’s just for his confidence that he’s saying stuff like that. Just to reassure him that he deserves to be in there with me.

“Who knows what’s next. I’m just here to fight Friday night and put on a fantastic performance. Stop the guy. Take him out of there and leave no questions to my ability and just put on a great show.

“I’m just looking forward to fighting regardless of who’s in there with me on Friday night. It just so happens that it’s going to be Sabah. På papiret, he should bring it. It should be a standup war but I don’t think it’s going to be as much of a war while standing and I think there’s going to be quite a few takedown attempts.

“Very few people who meet me have the same idea as prior to meeting me. Everybody thinks I’m this psychotic fighting machine but deep down I’m a martial artist. What brought me to martial arts was ninjas. That is what got me into martial arts. It wasn’t the fact that I was some kind of street fighter. I just wanted to be a ninja. I wanted to disappear. I wanted to do the meditation things. Intertwine my fingers and summon a dragon or something like that. Deep down, I’m a martial artist and that’s what keeps me going. It’s the endless search of perfection that drives me. I just want to be the best martial artist I can be. I’ve just recently been awarded my black belt in Brazilian jiujutsu and I’m still here in BELLATOR competing against these guys after so many fights and so many years in the game.”

Godmorgen Homasi, BELLATOR Welterweight

*KlikHER to view Homasi’s full media session

“After this win, I see myself just climbing the ladder. Getting closer to a title shot.

“It’s more of a mental state with me. Something mentally clicked for me and I’m putting everything together now. I have the skillset. Everything is coming together and it’s perfect timing for me.

“I just have to respect his power. But he has to respect mine too. Other than that, I see myself beating him everywhere. I don’t care how many fights he has. I fought people with more fights than him. I do it every day in the gym and to me this is just a fight.”


Uncasville, Conn. – The full slate of bouts for Bellator’s return to Mohegan Sun Arena dette Fredag, Marts 13 is official with a stacked six-fight main card, headlined by current two-division champ Patricio Pitbull (30-4) defending his 145-lb. title in the Featherweight World Grand Prix Quarterfinals against upstart SBG-product and tournament dark horse Pedro Carvalho (11-3).

Bellator 241: Pitbull vs. Carvalho will stream live exclusively on DAZN på 10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT, while preliminary action will stream on Bellator MMA’s YouTube channel, samt DAZN, begynder ved 7:30 p.m. OG / 4:30 p.m. PT.

The exciting main card will also see a Bellator Featherweight Grand Prix Quarterfinal take place in the co-main event,når Daniel Weichel (40-11) rematches Emmanuel Sanchez (19-4) for a future shot at the world title. Desuden, former New York Giants lineman Matt Mitrione (13-7, 1 NC) will be taking on Ronny markes (19-7) in a heavyweight main card bout, while England’s Paul Daley (42-17-2) and heavy-handed Godmorgen Homasi (13-8) go toe-to-toe in a 170-pound matchup that is sure to produce fireworks. Rounding out the main card will see Connecticut’s own Nick Newell (16-3) at tage på Zach Zane (14-9) of Hawaii at lightweight and a must-see middleweight contest showcasing Anatoly Tokov (29-2) vs. Fabio Aguiar (17-1).

Den foreløbige kort til Bellator 241: Pitbull vs. Carvalho will stream live stream on Bellator MMA’s YouTube channel og DAZN på 7:30 p.m. OG / 4:30 p.m. PT. The prelims feature appearances from Bellator prospects and other familiar names in Baby Slice (3-2, 1 NC), Robson Gracie Jr. (3-0), Leslie Smith (11-8-1), Romero Cotton (4-0), Mike Kimbel
(3-2), og Leandro Higo (19-5) møde Dominic Mazzotta (15-3) ved fjervægt.

Komplet Bellator 241: Pitbull vs. Carvalho Hovedkortet:


10 p.m. ET / 7 p.m. PT

Featherweight WGP Quarterfinal World Title Bout: Patricio Pitbull (30-4) vs. Pedro Carvalho (11-3)

Featherweight World Grand Prix Quarterfinal Bout: Daniel Weichel (40-11) vs. Emmanuel Sanchez (19-4)

Heavyweight Main Card Bout: Matt Mitrione (13-7, 1 NC) vs. Ronny markes (19-7)

Welterweight Main Card Bout: Paul Daley (42-17-2) vs. Godmorgen Homasi (13-8)

Lightweight Main Card Bout: Nick Newell (16-3) vs. Zach Zane (14-9)

Middleweight Main Card Bout: Anatoly Tokov (29-2) vs. Fabio Aguiar (17-1)

Indledende Card:

Bellator’s YouTube Channel | DAZN

7:30 p.m. OG / 4:30 p.m. PT

Indledende kamp om weltervægt: Robson Gracie Jr. (3-0) vs. Billy Goff (2-2)

160-lb. Contract Weight Preliminary Bout: Baby Slice (3-2, 1 NC) vs. Kaheem Murray (3-3)

Foreløbig mellemvægt: Jordan Newman (2-0) vs. Pat McCrohan (4-3)

Foreløbig mellemvægt: Romero Cotton (4-0) vs. Justin Sumter (7-3)

140-lb. Contract Weight Preliminary Bout: Mike Kimbel (3-2) vs. Kenny Rivera (2-2)

Lightweight Preliminary Bout: Killys Mota (12-1) vs. Nate Andrews (16-3)

Fjervægt Indledende kamp: Leandro Higo (19-5) vs. Dominic Mazzotta (15-3)

Fjervægt Indledende kamp: Leslie Smith (11-8-1) vs. Jessy Miele (9-3)

Indledende kamp om weltervægt: Ion Pascu (18-10) vs. Mark Lemminger (10-1)

Lightweight Preliminary Bout: Vladimir Tokov (7-0) vs. Marcus Surin (6-2)

*Kort kan ændres.

Besøg Bellator.com for mere information.