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轻重量级凯·布鲁克斯与 Prince Ranch Boxing 签约, 布莱尔·科布斯重返擂台

马里奥·塞拉诺摄 – 王子牧场拳击 – 布鲁克斯 (L) – 科布斯 (ř)
LAS VEGAS, NV (十月 5, 2017)王子牧场拳击 (PRB) 已签下轻重量级业余杰出选手, 桂溪, 谁将首次亮相职业选手, 十月 14, 2017, 帕伦克德拉费里亚 (Palenque de la Feria) 阿瓜斯卡连特斯, 墨西哥. 也出现在卡片上, 是PRB不败的超轻量级前景, 布莱尔 “从Flair” 科布斯 (6-0, 5 科斯), 来自费城的左撇子, 但现在居住在拉斯维加斯. 两位拳手都有对手待定.
“在业余赛取得成功后, 我期待着与 Prince Ranch Boxing 管理团队一起完成我的职业首秀,” 凯·布鲁克斯微笑着说道. “格雷格·汉尼利是一个伟大的人, 值得信赖的人, 我认识的人会在我建立职业生涯的同时为我提供正确的战斗机会. 我只想去墨西哥并取得一场漂亮的胜利. 在不久的将来, 拳击界会关注我的职业生涯和我在拳击场上所做的事情。”
布莱尔科布斯, 他在王子牧场拳击场与布鲁克斯一起训练, 对重返擂台感到兴奋. 这将是布莱尔的第三次战斗 2017.
“我很高兴再次参加战斗,我要去墨西哥做一些破坏。” 布莱尔·科布斯说. “我一直很忙,我要感谢 Greg Hannely 的辛勤工作和奉献精神. 我们在 Prince Ranch 拳击馆举办了一些特别的活动. 我们很快就会在拳击界制造噪音, 每个人都会知道我们是谁. 我在健身房里非常努力地训练,我的努力将会在战斗之夜显现出来。”
前世界冠军, 克拉伦斯 “骨头” 亚当斯, 谁训练了科布斯和布鲁克斯, 表达了他对战士的看法.
“凯是一位非常强大的拳击手,我看到他在职业生涯早期造成了很多伤害。” 骨头亚当斯说. “布莱尔向健身房里的每个人欢呼. 我知道他会在下一场比赛中发表声明. 两人都是优秀的孩子,都相信自己,他们在拳击领域肯定有光明的未来。”
在主要事件中, 不败的超蝇量级前景, 达米安 “糖” 巴斯克斯 (11-0, 6 科斯), 将面临对手待定, 在8轮的较量. 巴斯克斯, 科布斯和布鲁克斯, 所有比赛均在太子牧场拳击公司的管理下进行.
“Prince Ranch Boxing 拥有一批才华横溢的拳击手,并因此而闻名,” PRB的格雷格Hannely 声明. “我要带这些男孩去墨西哥,让他们体验在不同国家战斗的经历. 墨西哥是这些年轻人在异国他乡提高手艺的好地方. 我很高兴他们都在同一张牌上战斗。”
# # #

烧伤: 我的职业生涯还有更多章节要写

“里克斯特”’ 在曼彻斯特享受不列颠之战
前世界冠军安东尼·克罗拉对阵瑞奇·伯恩斯.这个星期六, 十月, 7日
住在AWE – 娱乐的财富
圣迭戈 (十月 5, 2017) -瑞奇·伯恩斯 (Ricky Burns) 相信他可以再次成为世界冠军,并希望在曼彻斯特竞技场遇到安东尼·克罗拉 (Anthony Crolla) 时证明他的故事还有很多篇章可写 周六.

这个星期六 下午, 10月7日, 两位前世界冠军将作为前轻量级世界冠军碰撞 安东尼克罗拉 与前三级冠军的战斗 瑞奇伯恩斯 在预定的 12 回合轻量级比赛中 曼彻斯特球场曼彻斯特, 英国, 并将播出 LIVE & 仅限美国AWE- 娱乐的财富. 广播将于 2 PM ET / 11 我有PT
这场战斗也将在 www.klowdtv.com 在亚洲国际博览馆频道.
三量级世界冠军伯恩斯和前轻量级世界统治者克罗拉在统一战中失利后双双进入这场必胜之战, 英国球星们也承认,失败将使他们重回精英级别,而他们已经习惯了长期的职业生涯。.
伯恩斯创造了历史,成为苏格兰历史上第一位三重量级拳王,这位科特布里奇明星相信,如果在曼彻斯特获胜,他将重回榜首,并有机会争夺第 14 座世界冠军头衔。 2018 继续他非凡的拳击之旅.
“我将每一场战斗视为必胜之战,” 伯恩斯说. “摆在我们面前的激励因素是我们有可能再次挑战世界冠军头衔, 我需要确保我能出去赢得这场比赛,我有信心做到这一点。”
“这是我第一次在曼彻斯特比赛,所以我相信这对球迷来说将是一个美好的夜晚. 我非常尊重安东尼, 他是一位出色的战士,这将是一场激烈的战斗。”
“我们现在都在同一条船上, 失利后回来并希望让我们的名字重新跻身大男孩之列. 有人提到了我的下一场比赛的几个名字,但这是我知道可以进行的唯一一场比赛。”
“我知道有很多人从格拉斯哥过来,但任何拳击迷都会在这场战斗中获胜, 你知道我们吵架时你会得到什么, 我们将全力以赴,最好的人会获胜。”
“人们现在对我说‘如果你失去了这个你会做什么?’ 这个想法并没有出现在我的脑海中. 我知道这是一场艰苦的战斗,但可能的世界冠军争夺战意味着回报是巨大的, 但我不需要更多的动力来进行这场战斗, 这对我来说是最重要的。”
“去年大家都问我去年什么时候退休. 我有 48 打架,但我从来没有带着这样的状态走出拳击场, 我仍然享受训练,其中的陪练和格斗是我眼中最好的部分。”
“如果有一天我在一场又一场的战斗中受伤, 或者在健身房里和这些饥饿的孩子们打架并受到太多的打击, 我知道自己是时候到此为止了, 但我知道我还有很多重要的夜晚,我有信心 星期六 将成为其中之一。”
“我从来没有想过我在职业生涯中做了什么,因为它还远未完成. 直到拳击运动退出我的系统之前我不会退休. 我最不想做的就是太早收拾行李,然后一年后又想回来. 除非我讨厌训练并且厌倦了节食,否则我不会完成任务。”
“在某些人眼里我可能已经取得了超出预期的成绩, 但我已经竭尽全力到达我现在的位置. 人们看到你出现并打架,但只有最亲近的人才能看到我一天做两到三次, 每周 7 天 12 战斗前几周, 我把锅敲进去。”
“看看过去两年安东尼打过谁, 他只是拳击最好的. 他输给了利纳雷斯,但他去了 24 他没有被击倒或受重伤. 你输给了精英级别的人, 这些都是令人难以置信的战士,这是我的工作, 如果你在办公室度过了艰难的一天,你会在第二天再次回来,并确保你的情况有所好转。”
“我一直承认我不是有史以来最好的拳击手, 但如果你要打败我, 你必须非常出色,否则你必须为此付出努力,因为按照我的训练方式,我相信我会以很好的速度完成完整的比赛 12 回合数和我的心理韧性是我最好的品质之一。”
伯恩斯和克罗拉在曼彻斯特的一场盛大的比赛中发生了冲突,山姆·艾金顿(Sam Eggington)首次卫冕欧洲次中量级冠军头衔,对手是强制性挑​​战者穆罕默德·米穆恩(Mohamed Mimoune),而罗比·巴雷特(Robbie Barrett)也首次防御强制性掠夺者,他将英国轻量级带子戴上了。对阵不败的刘易斯·里特森.
来自英国边境两侧的一些最耀眼的明星都在行动,克罗拉的教练乔·加拉格尔 (Joe Gallagher) 与斯科蒂·卡德尔 (Scotty Cardle) 度过了一个忙碌的夜晚, 何西阿·伯顿, 马库斯·莫里森和萨姆·海德都戴着手套, 伯恩斯的同胞查理·弗林和乔·汉姆也加入其中.
前轻量级世界冠军挑战者加文·麦克唐纳 (Gavin McDonnell) 有望再次挑战大赛, 次中量级新星康纳·本 (Conor Benn) 第九次参加付费比赛,本地天才杰克·黑格 (Jake Haigh) 和瑞恩·道尔 (Ryan Doyle) 也参与其中.


MIAMI, FL (十月 5, 2017)Manager to 路易斯·奥尔蒂斯, Jay Jimenez, wants to clarify the current situation with his fighter and the WBC’s decision to move to a new opponent.
To clarify the Luis Ortiz situation, this is the real and only version of the current process. 先生. SulaimanWBC have suspended or removed Luis from their rankings. The WBC’s decision was as follows, they did not sanction the fight based off the fact that they are worried for Luis’s health. And to be honest, I must respect and admire their decision because I agree, the fighter’s health is paramount. 所以, the WBC will schedule a visit with one of their approved physicians to check Luis health, and make sure he is 100% healthy and fit to fight, and that the Blood Pressure pills will not affect him physically.

Once Luis has passed all physical exams and is medically cleared to fight by the WBC, we will begin to work on a possible fight towards the end of the year. 还, once all is resolved, we hope that we can reschedule the Wilder fight in the first quarter of next year. Wilder has shown much interest in fighting Ortiz, and the best fighters in the division, so I know it will not be a hard fight to renegotiate. Thank you to everyone for your support. This soon will be corrected, and Luis can continue on with his career.~ Jay Jimenez, Manager of Luis Ortiz



还, Appearances by Former Bellator Champ and Monster Energy Athlete Michael Chandler and Heavyweight Fan-Favorite Roy Nelson

LOS ANGELES - 该 Monster Energy Bellator MMA 格斗系列 heads to the legendary Talladega Superspeedway in Talladega, 翼. for its third event on 星期五, 十月. 13. 首次, fighters will step into the cage after the sun has set on Friday evening, kicking off an exciting weekend for fans that culminates with the fifth race of the Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series Playoffs 星期日.


Ahead of the Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series Alabama 500 星期日, 十月. 15, the Monster Energy Bellator MMA Fight Series will feature MMA action 在周五 evening beginning at 8:30 P.M. CT at the Monster Energy Fan Zone in the Talladega Infield, immediately following the track’s “Big One on the Blvd” parade and party. Talladega Infield access is required for admission.


另外, 上 星期五, 十月 13 3-4 P.M. CT, fans will have the opportunity to meet former Bellator lightweight champion and Monster Energy athlete “铁”迈克尔·钱德勒, as well as heavyweight fan-favorite 罗伊·“大国”尼尔森, at the Monster Energy Fan Zone in the Talladega Fan Zone, directly outside admission gates behind the north end of the frontstretch grandstands.


“The Monster Energy Bellator MMA Fight Series has been a great way for us to share MMA, as well as the Bellator brand, with an entirely new fan base this year,” Bellator总裁Scott Coker的说. “With the support of Monster Energy, we’ve already seen the crossover appeal these events offer. I’m excited to head to one of the most iconic tracks in motorsports with Hans Molenkamp, Aaron Quesada, Austin Hodges and the entire Monster Energy team to bring Bellator MMA action to the Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series Playoffs at Talladega.


通过 Bellator MMA, alongside longstanding partner Monster Energy, 混合武术将作为赛前活动专门为到场的球迷提供. 阵容 在周五 将包括四场综合格斗比赛,其中一些最优秀的地区新星将参加, 考虑与主要赛事前景签署一份多场比赛的 Bellator MMA 合同.


The Monster Energy NASCAR Cup Series Alabama 500 at Talladega takes place 星期天, 十月 15 在 1 P.M. CT. Tickets to the race are available at NASCAR.com/门票, TalladegaSuperspeedway.com/tickets or by calling Talladega Superspeedway at 1-855-518-RACE (7223).


更新 Monster Energy Bellator MMA 格斗系列 at Talladega Superspeedway Fight Card:

轻量级主赛事: 奥马尔·约翰逊 (8-1, 伯明翰, 阿拉。) VS. Jonathan Pearce (5-3, Johnson City, 天恩)

重量级回合: 弗兰克·泰特 (4-4, 伯明翰, 阿拉。) VS. Kem Oti (2-1, 迪凯特, 阿拉。)

中量级回合: 马塞尔邮票 (1-0, 伯明翰, 阿拉。) VS. Derek Wilson (亲亮相, 亚特兰大, 嘎。)

Heavyweight Amateur Bout: Christian Echols (2-0, Cullman, 阿拉。) VS. 比利·斯旺森 (7-1, 克利夫兰, 天恩)


请访问 Bellator.com 了解详情.


Astana, Kazakhstan hosting 5th World MMA Championships

十月 6-7
阿斯塔纳, 哈萨克斯坦 (十月 5, 2017) — This weekend more than 100 rising MMA stars, 代表 26 不同的国家, will compete for world titles in eight weight classes at the 5 World MMA Championships in Astana, 哈萨克斯坦.
Female amateur fighters will be divided into two weight classes, marking the debut of women at the World MMA Championships.
The event will be broadcast live by Kazakh national television companies and some international sports TV channels.
LIVE broadcast of the Finals will be available October 7 在 HTTP://video.m1global.tv/
To watch the finals of the 5th World MMA Championships from your smartphone or tablet, 请, download the M1GLOBAL.TV 应用程序:
The countries competing in the 5th World MMA Championships are the United States, 墨西哥, 阿根廷, 德国, 法国, 西班牙, 亚美尼亚, 阿富汗, 阿塞拜疆. 中国, 捷克共和国, 白俄罗斯, 塔吉克斯坦, 格鲁吉亚, 希腊, 伊朗, 印度, 韩国, 乌克兰, 吉, 摩尔多瓦, 摩洛哥, 哈萨克斯坦, Uzbekistan and Russia.
叽叽喳喳: @theWMMAA
Instagram的: @世界MMA


怀尔德VS. Stiverne World Title Rematch Headlines SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING® Tripleheader Beginning Live At 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT
Photo Use Must Credit: 以斯帖林/ SHOWTIME
布鲁克林 (十月. 5, 2017) – WBC重量级世界冠军 Deontay怀尔德 will defend his title against mandatory challenger 金杯 周六, 十一月. 4 live on SHOWTIME in a rematch of their 2015 世界冠军而战. The event is presented by Premier Boxing Champions from Barclays Center, 布鲁克林拳击™的家.
怀尔德 (38-0, 37 科斯) dethroned defending champion Stiverne in January 2015 via unanimous decision in what was the promising challenger’s toughest fight to date. 同赢, Wilder became the first American heavyweight champion in nearly a decade and he has gone on to defend the title five times. Stiverne (25-2-1, 21 科斯) remains the only Wilder opponent to go the distance with the hard-hitting Tuscaloosa, 阿拉。, native who has knocked out every other professional opponent on his long resume.
门票现场活动, 这是由DiBella娱乐和TGB促销推广, 现已公开发售,并可以在购买 ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com 或致电 800-745-3000. 门票也可在美国运通票房购买巴克莱中心. 集团折扣可致电844-BKLYN-GP.
十一月. 4 main event will be the second heavyweight world championship bout to air live on SHOWTIME on back-to-back Saturdays. 上 十月. 28 unified heavyweight world champion Anthony Joshua will meet Kubrat Pulev for Joshua’s IBF and WBA world titles in the main event of a fight card from Cardiff, 威尔士.
After Wilder vs. Stiverne I, Stiverne was hospitalized at University Medical Center in Las Vegas for severe dehydration and muscle damage, which he claimed affected his performance in his first title defense. Stiverne bounced back with a win over Derric Rossy and has been advocating for a rematch since.
Stiverne asked for it, so he’s going to get it,” 怀尔德说. “Whatever happens happens. Ask and you shall receive. I’m relieved to be getting my mandatory out of the way. At least now I won’t have to deal with that down the road.
“在第一次战斗中, I broke my hand in the third round, and I still dominated. That was a lot of the reason why it went the distance. This time it’s a different day, different time and different fight. This time it won’t end well for him.
Despite all of these obstacles that are thrown in my path, it still will not stop me from reaching my ultimate goal, which is to be the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world.
Stiverne replaces Luis Ortiz, who was pulled from the fight by the WBC 周三 after he failed a VADA anti-doping test.
Stiverne will pay for Luis Ortiz screwing up,” Wilder concluded.
Stiverne was in camp preparing to fight Dominic Breazeale in a heavyweight attraction on the 十一月. 4 下卡. Now the Haitian-born Las Vegas resident gets a shot at winning back the heavyweight crown he first won with a knockout of Chris Arreola in 2014.
“我已经准备好了, willing and able to seize back my title from Wilder,” Stiverne Dirita. “We all know that Wilder dodged a bullet in the first fight, 但不是这一次. It was my fault, but I learn from my mistakes. 上 十一月 4, Wilder will feel my pain.
After defeating Stiverne, Wilder went on to knockout each of his next five challengers including twice as the headliner on SHOWTIME. Wilder-Stiverne II will be the 10 heavyweight world championship fight to air live on SHOWTIME in the last two years as the heavyweight division continues its resurgence.
The show must go on, 正如他们所说, and Deontay Wilder still plans to put on a show for New York City,” 说娄DiBella, President of DiBella Entertainment and promoter of the stacked 十一月. 4 事件. “Considering Stiverne’s status as mandatory challenger, he was always going to be a roadblock in Deontay’s quest for heavyweight unification. Now it’s time to see if Deontay can clear that roadblock and continue on his path to becoming the undisputed heavyweight champion and the most recognizable and dominant force in boxing.
在精彩表演拳击锦标赛的共同特征, former welterweight world champion Shawn Porter will battle perennial contender Adrian Granados in a matchup of two all-action fighters. In the opening bout of the three-fight telecast beginning at 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT, unbeaten contender Sergey Lipinets will take on Akihiro Kondo for the vacant IBF Junior Welterweight World Championship.
欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.sho.com/sports , 万维网.premierboxingchampions.com,
跟随我们的Twitter @ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, LouDiBella, @TGB促销@BarclaysCenter 和 @Swanson_Comm 或成为 Facebook 的粉丝: www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing, www.Facebook.com/barclayscenter, 和 万维网.Facebook.com/DiBellaEntertainment

Featherweight prospect Toka Kahn-Clary To headline his first show Oct. 19 在亚特兰大

(L-R) – 头教练彼得·曼弗雷多, 老, featherweight prospect Toka Kahn-Clary,. Mentor Dan Crotty and adviser Seth DeRobbio
普罗维登斯, RI (十月 5, 2017) – Featherweight prospect 十日 “T Nice” 卡恩 - 克拉里 (22-1, 15 科斯) will headline his fist show 星期六 夜晚, 十月 19 at Georgia Freight Depot in Atlanta, promoted by Hall-of-Famer 霍利菲尔德‘s Real Deal Sports & 管理, in a 10-round bout against 布劳略 “孩子” 罗德里格斯 空缺的世界拳击理事会 (WBC) Continental Americas featherweight title.
The once-beaten, Liberia-born Kahn-Clary, 的战斗普罗维登斯 (RI). is coming off an impressive eight-round unanimous decision this past June against 天使月神 (11-2-1) in Louisville.
I very happy about fighting in my first main event,” the popular 25-year-old Kahn-Clary said. “I’m going to put on a show to let everybody know who I am. I’m very excited to be fighting for my first pro title. A victory will put me in the top 15 在世界上, as well as make me more marketable and better known in boxing.
Kahn-Clary was a decorated amateur boxer, 编制一份优秀的 131-11 record and collecting numerous medals at national tournaments, highlighted by him capturing a gold medal at the 2010 中美. National Golden Globes Championships. He was also a silver medalist at the 2009 National Golden Gloves Championships and 2011 中美. 全国锦标赛, in addition to being bronze medalist at the 2012 中美. Nationals Championships.
罗德里格斯 (19-2, 17 科斯), who was the WBC super featherweight champion two years ago, is a heavy-handed, battle-tested Dominican. He will be fighting in the United States for the first time as a professional.
He’s a tough kid who, 我认为, should be 20-1 because I watched his last fight and he should have gotten the decision (LSDEC8 to 12-0-1 Alberto Mercado in Puerto Rico),” Kahn-Clary noted. “He’s very awkward and fights in spurts. I need to be smart and use my experience.
Kahn-Clary vs. 罗德里格斯, is somewhat of a crossroads fight with career-critical future implications for both fighters with the winner advancing to the next level, while the loser could become a permanent opponent.
十日卡恩 - 克拉里

This is the big fight for Toka,” his advisor Seth DeRobbio explained. “I think it’ll be a good fight. His opponent is a big puncher with 17 在击倒 19 胜. Toka has an opportunity to showcase his talents in a main event for the first time. Stopping a guy like this who has never been knocked out can be huge for Toka.

Everything depends on this fight. 在他的最后一战, the opponent kept coming forward and that didn’t allow Toka to showcase all his skills. It’s difficult boxing as you back up, but Toka proved that he can fight like that if needed. All Toka’s skills will be on display this fight. It’s a great opportunity for him.
Kahn-Clary vs. Rodriguez was originally slated to be held September 30 in Louisville, but venue issues forced the postponement and subsequent relocation to Atlanta.
I was upset that the fight was pushed back only because my weight was on point,” Kahn-Clary admitted,” but fighters need to adjust in and out of the ring and everything is good. Some good came out of it, 虽然. I found more video of my opponent to watch, and additional training and sparring helps, 太。”
The postponement actually helps us,” DeRobbio added. “It gives us three additional weeks to train to prepare for the biggest fight of Toka’s life. At this stage of his career every fight for Toka from here on out will be his biggest fight of his career.

COMBATE AMERICAS 和 Telemundo Deportes 宣布历史, MMA 现场直播 $100,000 周六举行的“COPA COMBATE”大奖赛, NOV. 11 从坎昆出发, 墨西哥

Telemundo 和 Combate Americas 宣布建立历史性合作伙伴关系,共同举办广播电视网络首届现场 MMA 赛事 “格斗杯,” 一晚, 八人, $100,000 坎昆大奖赛, 墨西哥在 星期六, 十一月. 11.

(从左图正下方): 圣胡安的锦标赛拳手 Mikey Erosa, 波多黎各; 多次获得 WWE 重量级冠军和美洲格斗天才阿尔贝托·德尔·里奥 (Alberto Del Rio); 科尔多瓦的锦标赛战士马塞洛·罗霍, 阿根廷; 曼凯托的锦标赛选手约翰·卡斯塔内达, 从; Combate Americas首席执行官坎贝尔·麦克拉伦; Telemundo体育总裁雷·沃伦; 墨西哥城的锦标赛选手卡洛斯·里维拉, 墨西哥; Mission 的锦标赛选手 Ricky Palacios, 得克萨斯州; 和巴塞罗那的锦标赛选手马克·戈麦斯, 西班牙

一晚, 八人锦标赛在 24 UFC 周年庆 1, 与最可怕的竞争对手较量
我们。, 拉丁美洲和西班牙在这场比赛中相互对峙


迈阿密 – 十月 5, 2017 - Combate Americas 和 Telemundo Deportes 宣布, 在迈阿密温伍德区举行的新闻发布会上, 具有里程碑意义的合作伙伴关系,将首次在 Telemundo 现场直播综合格斗比赛 (MMA) event with “COPA COMBATE,” the epic, 一夜, 八人制比赛, the winner of which will have persevered through three bouts in one night to take home a $100,000 大奖. 本次活动将于十一月 11 在 11:30 P.M. AND/ 8:30 P.M. PT, live from Cancun, 墨西哥.

历史, 90-minute live broadcast on Telemundo will coincide with the 24anniversary of the now legendary UFC 1, which was executive produced by Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) co-founder and Combate Americas CEO 坎贝尔迈凯轮, and which was also headlined by a one-night, 八人制比赛.

“We are incredibly excited to partner with Telemundo Deportes and to bring back to life, 住在 Telemundo 上, the leading U.S. broadcast television network, the most thrilling format for competitive fighting that was responsible for changing the combat sports world forever when I introduced the UFC in 1993,” said McLaren.

“Telemundo Deportes 致力于继续扩大其体育赛事组合, 我们很高兴与 Combate Americas 合作,为数百万西班牙裔观众带来这一独特的 MMA 锦标赛,“说 雷·沃伦, Telemundo Deportes 主席. “Copa Combate 是一项为我们的核心观众打造的锦标赛,其赛制令人兴奋,参赛者来自多元化的西班牙裔选手, 我们期待着历史性的转播。”

“COPA COMBATE”将汇集 MMA 最轻量级中最可怕的明星 (135 英镑) 联赛, 来自美国, 墨西哥, 波多黎各, 西班牙, 哥伦比亚, 阿根廷, 和秘鲁, 并会看到他们在拉焦拉战斗, 在康贝特美洲竞争笼, 在三个锦标赛阶段的过程中 – 四分之一决赛, 半决赛和冠军赛——最终获胜者加冕之前.


加入之前宣布的 约翰“性感的性感”卡斯塔涅达 (14-2) 曼凯托, 从. 在比赛场上, 将成为各自国家排名最高的最轻量级拳手:

  • 马塞洛·“比特犬”·罗霍 (12-4) 科尔多瓦, 阿根廷
  • 卡洛斯·“洛博”·里维拉 (10-2) 墨西哥城, 墨西哥
  • 麦基“可怕的”埃罗莎 (12-5) 圣胡安, 波多黎各
  • 马克·“卢佛”·戈麦斯 (20-10) 巴塞罗那, 西班牙
  • 安德列斯(Andres)“ Double A” Ayala (11-4) 波哥大, 哥伦比亚
  • 凯文·“埃尔·弗里奥”·莫雷拉 (4-1) 利马, 秘鲁

填补锦标赛席位第八名将获得外卡参赛资格, 瑞奇“的Gallero”帕拉西奥斯 (9-1) 团, 得克萨斯州.

帕拉西奥斯, 一位30岁的淘汰艺术家, 正在取得六连胜, 在 Combate Americas 促销活动中,与 Castaneda 并列为获胜次数最多的球队(六场). 在他的最后两次首发中, 帕拉西奥斯赢得了对 UFC 老将的决定 罗马萨拉萨尔克里斯·阿维拉, 分别.

八名参赛者将分为四个组别, 根据世界排名排名前四位的拳手获得种子位置.

Quarterfinal stage opponents for the four fighters will be determined based on a lottery ball drawing that will take place on a date to be announced.

Telemundo’s live broadcast of “COPA COMBATE” will feature the tournament’s semifinal stage consisting of two bouts that pit the winners of the quarterfinal stage bouts in each tournament bracket against one another. 比赛的整个四分之一决赛阶段将在 Telemundo Deportes En Vivo 应用程序和 TelemundoDeportes.com 上进行直播.

电信体育, 美国领先的西班牙语体育内容提供商之一, 是世界上两项最受欢迎的体育赛事的举办地: FIFA 世界杯™ 通过 2026 和夏季奥运会通过 2032. 此外, Telemundo Deportes 向大部分地区转播 FIFA 世界杯™ CONCACAF 预选赛, 包括墨西哥和美国国家队的客场比赛和英超联赛. Telemundo Deportes 也是“拳击 Telemundo Ford”的所在地,“ 这 #1 西班牙语拳击课程, 和“头条新闻及更多,“ 这 #1 体育新闻, 西班牙语娱乐和评论节目, 其他公认的体育产业.
# # #

Former 168-Pound World Champion Anthony Dirrell Takes On Denis Douglin in a Special Edition of Premier Boxing Champions TOE-TO-TOE TUESDAYSon FS1 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes from Dort Federal Credit Union Center in Flint, Michigan on Friday, 十一月 17

更多! Rematch Between Welterweight Prospects Jamontay Clark & Ivan Golub in Co-Main Event & Ryan Karl Returns Against
Kareem Martin in Battle of Prospects
燧石, MY. – (十月 4, 2017) – 前超中量级世界冠军 安东尼Dirrell的 (30-1-1, 24 科斯) 见面会 丹尼斯·道格林 (20-5, 13 科斯) in a 10-round bout that headlines a Premier Boxing Champions special edition of 脚趾到脚趾星期二 在FS1和 拳击冠军 on FOX Deportes on November 17 from Dort Federal Credit Union Center in Flint, Michigan at 10:30 P.M. AND/ P.M. PT.
The 10-round bout is a homecoming for Dirrell, who was born and raised in Flint along with his brother and top contender, 其他. It will be the third time that he has fought in his hometown with the 32-year-old’s last outing in Flint ending with a knockout of Dante Craig at Atwood Stadium on July 2, 2011. Since losing his title via majority decision to Badou Jack in 2015, Dirrell has won three straight bouts including his most recent fight, a fifth-round stoppage of Norbert Nemesapati in January.
门票现场活动, which is promoted by TGB Promotions and A.D.D. Enterprises, 开始于 $20. 购买门票, visit the Dort Federal Credit Union Center box office or Ticketmaster.com.
Douglin has fought a lot of good fighters and I respect him, but he’s standing in the way of my title shot,” 说Dirrell的. “This is a chance for me to showcase my skills. I’m going for a stoppage, and I think I’m going to get it in the middle rounds. I want to put on a great performance and give the fans something to see. I’m going to get the job done.
The 29-year-old Douglin of Marlboro, N.J. has stood in against some of the toughest boxers in the sport, including 168-pound champions David Benavidez and George Groves, plus 154-pound champion Jermell Charlo. In his last match, Douglin lost on a TKO to Benavidez after winning three straight bouts by stoppage.
I’ve taken a lot of fights on short notice and that’s hurt me in the past, but I’ve had ample time and a great training camp to prepare for this fight,” said Douglin. “I think Dirrell has a problem with guys who aren’t afraid of him and who will actually give him a fight. With my style and determination, I’m going to bring a lot more than he’s expecting. I’m going to bring it for 10 rounds and I know I’ll have my arm raised at the end of the day.
Jamontay克拉克 (12-0, 7 科斯) 和 伊万·戈卢布 (13-1, 11 科斯) will meet in an eight-round welterweight bout that serves as a rematch of their exciting 六月 30showdown which ended with Clark winning a unanimous decision.
The 23-year-old Clark of Cincinnati, Ohio is looking to remain unbeaten and pick up his third victory of the year, while the 28-year-old Golub, who was born in Ukraine and now lives in Brooklyn, wants to hand Clark the first loss of his career and erase what he believes was a bad decision in their first fight. Coming into the first fight between the two southpaw welterweight prospects, Golub had stopped seven straight opponents.
瑞安 “牧童” 卡尔 (14-1, 9 科斯) 将在 卡里姆·马丁 (9-1-1, 3 科斯) in an eight-round junior welterweight match that opens televised coverage. The 25-year-old Karl of Houston is coming off a unanimous decision victory over Carlos Winston Velasquez in his last fight on 七月 18 as he bounced back from the first loss of his career when he lost to Eddie Ramirez in February.
The 22-year-old Martin of Washington D.C. scored a unanimous decision victory over Evincil Dixon in his last fight on 八月. 12 as he works his way back from a defeat to David Grayton last year.
Anthony Dirrell headlining in his hometown of Flint will be a great treat for boxing fans in the area,” 说汤姆·布朗, TGB促销总统. “This is something that Anthony Dirrell has wanted for a long time and I’m sure that he is going to be at his absolute best and look to really impress in front of his fans on 十一月 17. He will have a tough challenge from the strong Denis Douglin, but if he’s able to get by him, we could see Anthony Dirrell fighting for a world title in the very near future.


周六,波兰前世界冠军在世界拳击超级系列赛四分之一决赛中对阵 IBF 冠军穆拉特·加西耶夫, 十月 21 在保诚中心在纽瓦克, N.J. &
点击 这里 Wlodarczyk 培训视频
(信贷: 淘汰赛促销/Ringpolska)
纽瓦克, N.J. (十月 4, 2017) – 已经是两届轻量级世界冠军, 克日什托夫 “暗黑破坏神” 沃达尔奇克 将寻求第三次成为冠军, 并也将自己带入了世界拳击超级系列赛轻量级半决赛, 当他与IBF冠军作战时 Murat Gassiev 星期六, 十月 21 在纽瓦克保德信中心举行的四分之一决赛中, 新泽西州和 AT 直播&T观众网络.
由Ringstar Sports与World Boxing Super Series联合推广, 现场活动的门票现已开始销售,可通过以下网站购买Tick​​etmaster.com. 门票也可在保诚中心票房购买.
“任何了解我和我在这项运动中的经验的人都知道我将于 10 月 21 日做好准备,” 说,沃达尔奇克. “到目前为止,我在训练营和陪练中所做的一切都是为了向美国的波兰球迷展示“暗黑破坏神”’ 回来了。”
这位波兰前冠军不仅有机会进一步巩固自己作为当代最伟大的波兰拳手之一的地位, 但他可以让自己成为赛区无可争议的王者.
“我知道这场比赛有多重要,这就是为什么我在训练中不遗余力,” 说,沃达尔奇克. “这场战斗是为了我的遗产,我努力工作才获得这个机会. 如果我能充分利用这一点, 然后我就可以让我的很多粉丝高兴地回家,这将是我的目标十月 21.”
如果沃达奇克击败加西耶夫并夺得IBF冠军, 他将进入半决赛,面对WBA冠军尤尼尔·多尔蒂科斯,并在决赛中与WBO冠军亚历山大·乌西克或WBC冠军迈里斯·布里迪斯对决,让自己更接近赢得穆罕默德·阿里奖杯.
“穆拉特·加西耶夫 (Murat Gassiev) 是一位强大的动态战士, 但他也不是没有缺点,” 说,沃达尔奇克. “他在莫斯科击败了丹尼斯·列别杰夫, 我必须尊重这一点, 但我正在和我的教练一起努力,用一些他没有准备好的东西来抓住加西耶夫. 他们说他打得很重, 但我打得更狠.
“当没有什么可失去的时候, 我永远是更好的战士. 如果加西耶夫从一开始就处于防守状态,请不要感到惊讶. 这是我第一次在新泽西和纽约的伟大波兰球迷面前战斗,我会给他们一些值得记住的东西。”
沃达奇克在输给格里戈里·德罗兹德后,无法为他上一次在世界冠军赛中失利而报仇。 2014 并在他们之前受伤 2015 复赛. 沃达奇克赢得了 2016 在舒梅诺夫因伤退出比赛之前,与贝布特·舒梅诺夫争夺冠军头衔. 总体 ,Wlodarczyk 已连续赢得四场比赛,进入十月 21.
“我很高兴没有受伤并且身体感觉处于比赛的巅峰,” 说,沃达尔奇克. “我给世界各地支持者的信息 – 不要怀疑我的机会. 相信我就像我相信我自己一样. 我不仅仅是为了击败加西耶夫并成为IBF冠军. 我想打败他,一路走下去,把穆罕默德·阿里奖杯带回波兰!”
额外行动 十月 21 WBSS 预备队比赛将在实力强劲的波兰选手之间展开 马斯斯·马斯特纳克 曾经打败 Stivens Bujaj, 加上不败的波兰竞争者之间的 10 回合超次中量级比赛 马切伊Sulecki 和前冠军挑战者杰克Culcay.
欲了解更多信息,请访问 世界拳击超级系列赛.www.ringstar.com

在Twitter上关注 @WBsuperSeries, @环星 成为Facebook上的粉丝在 facebook.com/WBSuperSeries ˚Facebook.com/呼叫五星体育. 今晚的 拳击运动是由Ringstar Sports与World Boxing Super Series联合发起的.


07/10/17 – 超级中量级四分之一决赛:
小克里斯·尤班克 vs. 主治医生耶尔德勒姆 (IBO世界)
汉斯·马丁·施莱尔大厅, 斯图加特, 德国

14/10/17 – 超级中量级四分之一决赛:
乔治·格罗夫斯 vs. 杰米·考克斯 (WBA超)
SSE竞技场, 温布利, 伦敦, 英国

21/10/17 – 轻量级四分之一决赛:
穆拉特·加西耶夫vs. 克日什托夫·沃达尔奇克 (国际羽联世界)
Prudential中心, 纽瓦克, 新泽西州, 美国

27/10/17 – 超级中量级四分之一决赛:
于尔根·布雷默vs. Rob Brant

什未林国会厅, 德国

参加人数: 16
皮带数: 7
世界冠军数量: 6
前世界冠军人数: 3
不败战士人数: 9
参加者综合记录: 423 胜, 17 损失, 294 科斯

由Comosa AG组织, 世界拳击超级系列赛将于9月开始 2017, 拥有轻量级和超级中量级部门. 在每个体重类别中, 八名精英拳击手将在方括号淘汰赛中与之搏击, 四场四分之一决赛 (秋季 2017), 两个半决赛 (早 2018) 还有一个决赛 (五月 2018). 这样一来,每个重量级将进行七次顶级搏击, 总共 14 第一季的格斗比赛将在全球顶级场地上演. 世界拳击超级系列赛的获胜者将有资格获得拳击界的最高奖, 穆罕默德·阿里奖杯. 请访问我们的网站 世界拳击超级系列赛.同 有关更多信息,或在上关注@WBSuperSeries 叽叽喳喳, Facebook的, 或 Instagram的.