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Deontay怀尔德VS. Bermane Stiverne 媒体锻炼名言 & 照片

重量级世界冠军对决头条新闻 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING Tripleheader 星期六, 十一月 4 在巴克莱中心布鲁克林
点击 这里 从阿曼达韦斯科特/ SHOWTIME照片
点击 这里 从埃德迪勒图片/ DiBella娱乐
布鲁克林 (十一月 1, 2017) – WBC重量级世界冠军 Deontay怀尔德 和前世界冠军 金杯 在媒体训练中展示了他们的力量和技能 星期三 在他们在 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING 的主要赛事中相遇之前在布鲁克林 星期六, 十一月 4 巴克莱中心, 布鲁克林拳击™的家.
总理拳击冠军主办, 该活动有前世界冠军参加肖恩·波特 承担 阿德里安·格拉纳多斯 在次中量级世界冠军消除. 三场比赛的 SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING 电视直播于 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT不败 谢尔盖Lipinets 与日本作战 近藤明弘 空缺的 IBF 青少年次中量级世界锦标赛.
门票现场活动, 这是由DiBella娱乐和TGB促销推广, 现已公开发售,并可以在购买 ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com 或致电 800-745-3000. 门票也可在美国运通票房购买巴克莱中心. 集团折扣可致电844-BKLYN-GP.
加入格里森体育馆的电视转播拳击手行列 周三 五次获得世界冠军 阿曼达·塞拉诺, 谁在周六的底牌比赛中重返擂台. 出席的还有不败的前景 克里斯·科尔伯特 泰特斯·威廉姆斯, 他们在八轮羽量级比赛中相遇.
这里是战士不得不说 星期三:
“斯蒂文会看到我来到巴克莱中心并完成工作 周六. 他第一次活了下来. 他是唯一一个能靠自己的脚生存下来的人. 这是我回来的事情. 这次我会完成工作.
“上次战斗后斯蒂文有很多借口. 没有人愿意听到失败者的借口. 他知道发生了什么. 我打他 12 连续循环. 我认为这场战斗对我来说会更容易. 自从我们上次吵架以来他并没有进步, 但我要向他展示一个全新的德昂泰·维尔德. Bermane Stiverne 的职业生涯就此结束.
“安东尼·约书亚一接受战斗, 然后我会在那里. 他们试图分散人们的注意力,因为他们知道我对任何人的职业生涯都构成威胁. 他们所有的借口都与拳击运动无关. 人们唯一关心的是最好的与最好的战斗, 这就是我想做的.
“我认为第一场斯蒂文战斗应该停止. 他满脸都是疙瘩,还受到了脑震荡. 这次我不想留下任何疑问.
“这是我的强制对手. 我必须面对他,事情就是这样. 我已经喊出了这项运动中的每一个名字. 所有的顶尖人物都避开了我, 所以我只需要照顾那些能够进入擂台的人。”
“我毫不畏惧地投入这场战斗. 上次战斗我不是没看到空子, 我只是无法在身体上完成我需要的工作.
I had health concerns last fight but now I’ve turned the chapter on that and I’m focused周六 夜晚. This is going to be a completely different fight this time around
I’m hungry to win. I’m always motivated and excited about getting into the ring, but obviously this is the biggest chance I’m going to have.
The stage is set and my destiny is in front of me. I always said I was going to be the first person to beat him, and that is going to come together 周六.
“营地里一切都很完美. Deontay is going to be in for a real rude awakening 周六. I’m going to let my fists do the talking for me.
This is a great style matchup. I think that’s why this fight was made. We are two guys that are going to go in there and go 12 硬轮. 我的工作就是进去并击败他并让他离开那里.
“我认为我不需要做任何调整,因为我可以挺身而出, 绕环移动, 创造角度 – 我认为阿德里安还没有完全准备好. 我的脚步动作当然还有我的手速会有所不同.
“这是我的第二个淘汰赛. 这是关于再做一次. 我必须完成工作并与基思·瑟曼进行斗争.
“我想明确表示我是更好的拳击手. 我想让大家清楚的是,我可以对阿德里安·格拉纳多斯做到其他人无法做到的事情 – 把他放在屁股上.
“我们在所有装备上写下了#VegasStrong. 我们想向拉斯维加斯的每个人传达一个信息:我不仅仅住在那里, 但现在它已成为我心的一部分. 我的心与所有受这场悲剧影响的人同在,现在已经过去一个多月了. 我正在为维加斯人民而战。”
“在这个舞台上参加这场战斗对我来说意义重大. 我绝对需要获胜并从输给布罗纳的失败中恢复过来,并表明我可以为这项运动做出更多贡献. 我离落魄还很远, 我刚刚参加聚会,准备留下我的印记.
“我认为 147 是我擅长的重量. 我曾在这里以 140 磅的体重进行战斗,所以无论哪种方式我都很舒服. 这只是一个我不能错过的机会.
“我从来不以同样的方式战斗. 这是一场战斗,它会带来一切. 我将为肖恩·波特为擂台带来的一切做好准备. 这场战斗有点突然,但我很容易就同意了.
“这是一个很好的机会来证明我能够与这项运动中的任何人战斗. 我可以参加最高水平的比赛,我将向所有人展示我是格斗之夜的一股力量。”
“我现在很开心. 我很高兴能够争夺冠军头衔, 但我知道如何控制自己的情绪并以积极的方式引导它们. 当我进入擂台时, 我会让其他人对我的表现感到满意.
“在这个训练营中,我有很棒的陪练伙伴,我和巴迪·麦吉尔特一起努力,以尽可能保持最佳状态. 我的团队做得很好,让我走到了这一步,所以我非常高兴.
“在这个级别, 没有坏战士. 任何走在拳击场上并站在我对面的人都应该受到尊重.
“我对这场比赛的准备与我所有其他比赛的准备水平相同. 我总是像冠军一样训练. 我总是尽我所能,我知道近藤会做到. 他也想利用这个机会.
“三月份我在这里参加了基思·瑟曼 (Keith Thurman) 对阵. 丹尼·加西亚·底卡德和我知道有一天我会在同一个竞技场争夺冠军. 我爱纽约,我爱这里的拳击迷. 这只是一场伟大的活动,我希望每个人都能看到我的表现。”
I had a really strong training camp. 我觉得准备战斗. I’m ready to go today If I had to. Everything in camp went as well as I could have hoped.
I know that Lipinets is a hard puncher and a very good overall fighter. I’m going to do my best to avoid the big shots and use my skills.
I want to put on a performance that will guarantee that people will remember my name. I think it’s going to be a really good fight and make me more well-known throughout the world. I’m not just doing this for myself, but for everybody back home.
I’m so grateful and excited to have the opportunity to be on this card. I know how fortunate I am to be in this position and I’m ready to make the most of it.
“每场比赛对我来说都很重要,以表明我仍在获胜并继续变得更好. 我喜欢在巴克莱中心参加像这样的大型比赛. 在粉丝面前战斗总是很有趣,希望随着我获得认可,我能为女子拳击带来更大更好的东西.
“我一直在寻找下一个重大挑战. 最终我想打破自己的纪录并争取获得第六重量级的冠军. 我已准备好迎接最优秀的战士和最大的挑战.
“你不能低估这项运动中的任何人, 所以我们在这之前训练得非常刻苦. 她要来这里敲掉我的头. 这个训练营实际上有点不同,因为我不需要为这场比赛节食. 我实际上可以吃这个体重,而且我感觉很强壮.
“我面对的是一个坚强的女孩,她只被阻止过两次, 所以我的目标是让这个快点. 战斗越快对我来说就越容易,这也让粉丝们感到兴奋。”
“我与这个行业中许多其他崭露头角的战士不同. 我愿意承担风险. 在这场拳击比赛中,要么赢要么输, 我是为了胜利.
“我熟悉泰特斯作为一名战士,我知道我有能力击败他. 这就是游戏的名称,这就是目标 周六.
“训练营规模宏大. 这是我经历过的最长的夏令营. 我们连续七周表现强劲. 没有休息日, 只是每天努力工作.
“我觉得 100 现在健康的百分比. 一切发生的原因. 我所经历的那次小挫折, 这将导致一场重大的卷土重来 周六 夜晚.
“我喜欢在我的城市里战斗. 有我的城市在我身后总是很棒. 一旦我进入擂台, 对我来说这只是又一天. 我要展示我的技能. 我将带上我需要的一切来赢得这场胜利。”
“能参加这样的战斗证明我无所畏惧. 我愿意接受这项运动中的所有挑战. 我不想用轻松的胜利来刷新我的记录. 当我面前有挑战时, 我已经准备好、愿意并且能够面对它.
“我现在正处于一生中最好的状态. 我从来没有在战斗中感觉如此美妙. 在精神上和身体上我都处于一个非常好的状态并准备好出发.
“科尔伯特速度快, 他很狡猾而且很狡猾. 他会来战斗,他会来赢得胜利. 但我要违背他的意志.
“他所拥有的所有这些属性, 我有同样的. 但我有与众不同的能力. 在职业比赛中, 改变者就是力量.
“我面对的是一个我在业余爱好者时期认识的人,并与他一起进行了全国旅行. 当铃声响起时,这些对我来说都不重要. 我必须进去做我的工作, 这就是胜利。”
欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.sho.com/sports , 万维网.premierboxingchampions.com,
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Premier Boxing Champions Swings Through November With Four Shows on SHOWTIME, FS1, FOX体育 & Bounce Delivering Something for Every Boxing Fan

Highlights Include a Heavyweight Championship Showdown;
Former Champions on the Comeback Trail; Talented
Contenders Battling for Titles and Top Rankings Plus Unbeaten
Prospects Fighting to Climb the Ladder
LAS VEGAS – (十一月 1, 2017) – Premier Boxing Champions swings through the month on November with a slate of four shows on three separate networks that will include entertainment for every kind of boxing fan.
The month of November demonstrates the wide variety of matches that Premier Boxing Champions is proud to present,” 蒂姆·史密斯说, Haymon Boxing 通讯副总裁.
You have exciting heavyweight champion Deontay Wilder defending his title; top-rated contender Sergey Lipinets battling for a world title; former champions like Shawn Porter, 安东尼Dirrell的, and Devon Alexander aiming to get into title fights; contenders like Julian Williams fighting for a second title shot and unbeaten prospects like Earl Newman and Miguel Cruz looking to rise up the ranks. So there is truly something for everyone.
The month kicks off with undefeated heavyweight champion Deontay Wilder defending his title against top-ranked contender Bermane Stiverne at Barclays Center in Brooklyn on SHOWTIME on 十一月. 4 在 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT. In the co-main event former welterweight champion Shawn Porter will take on Adrian Granados, and Sergey Lipinets battles Akihiro Kondo for the 140-pound championship. Wilder took away the title from Stiverne (25-2-1, 科斯) with a unanimous decision when the two met in 2015. Stiverne is the only man to go the distance against Wilder (38-0, 37 科斯).
Former 168-pound champion Anthony Dirrell (30-1-1, 24 科斯) will battle Denis Douglin (20-5, 13 科斯) 在特别版中 脚趾到脚趾星期二 在FS1和拳击冠军 on FOX Deportes from Dort Federal Credit Union Center in his hometown of Flint, Michigan on 星期五, 十一月. 17 在 10:30 P.M. AND/7:30 P.M. PT. Dirrell的, 32, will be fighting at home for just the third time in his career and wants to regain the title that he lost to Badou Jack in 2015. In the co-feature Domonique Dolton (19-1-1, 10 科斯) enters the ring for an eight-round welterweight fight.
The next night former 154-pound world champion Ishe Smith (29-8, 12 科斯) will take on Julian Williams (23-1-1, 15 科斯) in a 10-round super welterweight showdown from the Chelsea inside The Cosmopolitan in Las Vegas on Bounce 星期六, 十一月. 18 在 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT. 工匠, who is the first Las Vegas-born boxer to win a world title, will be defending his home turf against Williams and is hoping to move into position to fight for another title since his most recent title challenge of Erislandy Lara in 2014. Williams is on the comeback trail after losing via TKO to Jermall Charlo in his first world championship match last December. The co-main event features unbeaten light heavyweight prospect Earl Newman taking on Lionell Thompson in a 10-round light heavyweight bout.
Former welterweight champion Devon Alexander (26-4, 14 科斯) will battle rugged contender Walter Castillo (26-4-1, 19 科斯) 上 脚趾到脚趾星期二 在FS1和拳击冠军 on FOX Deportes from The Coliseum in St. 圣彼得堡, 佛罗里达州 星期二, 十一月. 21 在 8 P.M. AND/5 P.M. PT. 在合作的主要事件, unbeaten Miguel Cruz (16-0, 11 科斯) will take on David Grayton (15-1-1, 11 科斯) in a 10-round welterweight match.
The 30-year-old Alexander will end a two-year layoff due to health issues when he steps in against Castillo. 亚历山大, 圣. 圣路易斯, 密苏里州, 以一致判定战胜兰德尔·贝利 (Randall Bailey) 夺得 147 磅级世界冠军 2012. 第二年,他因一致判定对阵肖恩·波特而失去了冠军头衔. 亚历山大, 一个左撇子, 曾获得 140 磅级的统一冠军,并战胜了马科斯·迈达纳 (Marcos Maidana), 卢卡斯·马蒂斯和赫苏斯·索托·卡拉斯. 城堡, 29, will be ending a 16-month layoff and moving up to 147 pounds for the first time to take on Alexander. Castillo lost by TKO to Sergey Lipinets in a 140-pound clash in his last fight.

Anthony Dirrell Media Workout Quotes & 照片

Former World Champion Takes on Denis Douglin in Main Event of
Premier Boxing Champions Event Live on FS1 & FOX体育
星期五, 十一月 17 from Dort Federal Credit Union Center in
燧石, 密歇根
点击 这里 for Photos from Frank Garza
底特律 (十一月 1, 2017) – 前超中量级世界冠军 安东尼Dirrell的 opened up his training camp to media 星期二 a thet Kronk Boxing Gym as he discussed his matchup against 丹尼斯·道格林 that headlines a 总理拳击冠军 事件 星期五, 十一月 17 from Dort Federal Credit Union Center in Flint, Michigan and live on FS1 and FOX Deportes.
门票现场活动, which is promoted by TGB Promotions and A.D.D. Enterprises in association with Salita Promotions, 开始于 $20 与现已公开发售. 购买门票, visit the Dort Federal Credit Union Center box office or visit Ticketmaster.com.
The former super middleweight champion returns to fight in Flint for the third time as a pro and the first time since knocking out Dante Craig at Atwood Stadium in 2011. Dirrell was joined at Kronk by local fighters 阿列克谢·祖博夫 (15-1, 9 科斯)和 詹姆斯·戈登史密斯 (12-1, 7 科斯), who compete in undercard action on 星期五, 十一月 17.
这里是参与者不得不说 星期二:
I feel great because this gives the people of Flint a chance to see world class boxing with one of their own. We made the tickets cheap so people can come watch great top level boxing. When you buy a ticket the proceeds go to Dirrell’s Chance Foundation, which is something I’m really proud of. The holidays are around the corner and we are going to use these funds to bring some happiness to the kids in the area.
This is something that I’ve been wanting to do for a long time. I’ve thought about it for a while but the task is still at hand. I still have to take care of my opponent. I’m prepared mentally and physically to go to war.
“我身体感觉很好. There’s still some work to be done, but if there was a fight明天, I’d be ready. It’s going to be great to get back into the ring on fight night after a long layoff.
The focus is on sticking to the game plan. You never deviate from that. It’s all about doing what my coaches are telling me to. You can give the fans a great show and stay disciplined boxing at the same time.
I know that I’ve got all the pressure because I’m fighting at home and I’m going to use it to motivate me. I want to put on the best performance possible. I have a tough opponent who’s looking to spoil my party, but I can’t let that happen.
I look forward to fighting out of my new hometown of Detroit and representing the Kronk Boxing gym. There has been a revitalization of great boxing in this area and I am happy to be a part of it.
I will bring a world title back to Detroit, that’s my goal and that’s why I work hard every day. I want to be like the Red Wings’ “Russian Fiveand bring glory to Detroit.
I feel very happy about fighting close to home in Flint. I look forward to putting on a great show on 11月17日. These are the kind of opportunities you have to take advantage of to move forward in this sport. I’m ready to show off my skills.
World class boxing is coming to the Dort Federal Credit Union Center in Flint on 11月17日. Michigan is home to some of the best boxers in our sport and I am very happy to be involved with this promotion.
Today’s press turnout at our public workout at Anthony’s training camp base in Detroit at the legendary Kronk gym is a testament to the excitement of the local community.11月17日 is going to be a special day for the areas sports fans.
# # #
球迷可以在FOX Sports GO上直播直播比赛, 可通过FS1或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 战斗可在FOXSportsGO.com上的桌面设备上找到,也可以通过App Store获得。, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司. 此外, 所有节目也可在SiriusXM频道的FOX Sports上获得 83 卫星收音机和在SiriusXM应用.
在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @ FS1, @FOXDeportes和@Swanson_Comm并成为粉丝在Facebook上 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, 和www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. 可在亮点 www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. FS1上的PBC & FOX Deportes由Corona Extra赞助, La Cerveza Mas Fina 并由 Sampson Boxing 推广.

RING RESUME: Deontay怀尔德



回顾维尔德从奥运会铜牌获得者到不败的 WBC 重量级冠军的职业生涯,由史蒂夫·法胡德撰写和讲述

查看和分享, 点击这里: http://s.sho.com/2z8cRt5

Deontay怀尔德VS. 金杯 | 星期六, 十一月. 4

住在Showtime®9 P.M. AND / 6 P.M. PT


图片来源: 以斯帖林/ SHOWTIME


什么: 国际拳击名人堂成员兼历史学家史蒂夫·法胡德在 WBC 重量级冠军德翁泰·维尔德 (Deontay Wilder) 与强制性挑战者贝尔曼·斯蒂文 (Bermane Stiverne) 的世界冠军复赛防守之前审视了他的职业生涯 星期六, 十一月. 4住在Showtime (9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT) 巴克莱中心, 布鲁克林拳击™的家.


在SHOWTIME体育的最新版本® 数字系列“环简历,” 法胡德从他的 2012 SHOWTIME首秀淘汰当时不败的凯尔文·普莱斯. 九斗考试包括他 2015 与他的世界冠军争夺战 十一月. 4 对手, 金杯, 和他的耸人听闻 2016 年度淘汰赛候选人对阵阿图尔·斯皮尔卡.


欣欣拳击锦标赛® 将通过辅助音频节目以西班牙语播出电视节目 (SAP).

周梁淑怡 “阿兹特克皇后” Barrios Assembles Dynamic Team

SAN ANTONIO, TX (十月 31, 2017)After two pro fights, super-lightweight female sensation, 周梁淑怡 “阿兹特克皇后” 邻里 (2-0, 1 KO), 谁来自圣安东尼奥, TX, has assembled a dynamic team to help guide her the pinnacle of women’s boxing.
博士. 查尔斯·坎贝尔 和他的儿子 科林坎贝尔 from Corpus Christi, TX, will co-manage Selina Barrios. Colin will handle the day to day operations, while Dr. Charles will help guide her career as a boxer, and personal pursuits in her professional life.
My son Colin and I are very excited to be working with such a talented fighter like Selina Barrios.” 博士说. 查尔斯·坎贝尔. “Selina has the one element in boxing that all fans want to see, and that’s punching power. 此外, Selina has the mindset you look for in a fighter. The fact that she’s willing to fight a standout amateur like Zarina Tsoloyeva, in only her third pro fight, says it all.
Selina is the type of fighter that everyone in boxing should rally behind,” Colin Campbell stated. “She’s overcome a lot of adversity to get where she’s at today, and the girl can fight. She’s certainly more exciting then most of the male boxers we see on TV today. Selina was born to be on the big stage, and with her fighting style, she will become a fan favorite as soon as they see her fight.
凯瑞·戴格尔, from Baton Rouge, 路易斯安那州, who runs Keeppunching Entertainment, will stay on has Barrios’ 顾问 / consultant, and aid in getting Selina in the biggest fights that women’s boxing can provide.
Several promoters are seeking to work with Keeppunching Entertainment and Selina Barrios because she might be the most TV friendly female fighter 在 20 岁月, with the opportunity to sell out venues, even better then male counterparts.said Kerry Daigle.
Selina’s step dad Martin Barrios, who has been in her corner since she was a top amateur, will serve as the chief trainer. He played a significant role in helping Selina acquire an astonishing amateur record of (80-3), in addition to her sustaining an undefeated record as a pro.
Selina is a tremendous fighter with the punching power to change a fight with one shot.Martin Barrios stated. “I’m not just saying that because she’s my daughter, I’ve seen her destroy folks in the gym. I’m super happy that I was able to get Mr. Dailge to believe in Selina. I know with his connections and Selina’s talent, we as a team, can do something special in women’s boxing.
里克·努涅斯, will oblige as the assistant trainer. Nunez, 从圣安东尼奥, TX, has worked side by side with Martin, helping Selina become one of the most dangerous fighters in women’s boxing.
“随着女子拳击运动的兴起, Selina now has everything set in place to become a big star in the sport,” Rick Nunez stated. “You need a solid team behind you to make it in boxing, and that’s exactly what we have now moving forward.
莫里斯 “Termite” 沃特金斯 从休斯敦, TX, 和 Ben Flores, 科珀斯克里斯蒂, TX, will share duties as camp coordinators to the trainers. 沃特金斯, who fought in the lightweight division as a professional in the 70’s, 80和 90 年代, had a spectacular record of (61-5-1, 42 科斯).
Selina’s younger brother, undefeated super-lightweight contender, 马里奥·巴里奥斯 (20-0, 12 科斯), has been in awe of his sister since she was as dominate amateur.
“成长, my sister was the best fighter in every tournament we entered.” 马里奥说巴里奥斯. “She literally wrecked everyone in her weight class. It wasn’t until I was a late teen that I was able to hang with her. I love my sister and I know with the powerful team that she has behind her now, she can become a world champion.
安·沃尔夫, who was one of the most devastating punchers in women’s boxing history, has been a big fan of Selina since her days as a dominate amateur. Wolf has seen Selina destroy her competition while fighting in the amateurs.
Selina Barrios is a beast,” said former world champion Ann Wolf. “I haven’t seen anything like her since my days as a professional boxer. She definitely has the talent to become a multiple world champion.
I’m looking forward toward a great career, that I hope will last many years,” 周梁淑怡说巴里奥斯. “I have a great team behind me now, 我知道我是否会努力, everything will work out, and my dreams will come true.

31stannual环 8 旅游活动 & 颁奖典礼十二月. 10 在纽约

Vasyl Lomachenko, 霍利菲尔德, 迈克尔·康伦,
马库斯·布朗, 其中阿曼达·塞拉诺 2017 获奖者
Vasyl Lomachenko (ř) – 2017 环 8 年度拳王阿里国际战斗机)
(热门排名提供照片 – 下面更多图片)
纽约 (十月 31, 2017) – 该 31ST 年轮 8 假日活动及颁奖典礼将举行 星期天 下午 (12:30-5:30 P.M. AND), 十二月 10, 在俄的上涌在霍华德海滩, 纽约.
环 8 已经宣布了 2017 获奖者 (见下面的完整列表), WBO少年Lighweight世界冠军和两届奥运会金牌得主 Vasyl “高科技” Lomanchenko (年度拳王阿里国际战斗机), 霍尔的名人堂成员 霍利 “真正的交易” 霍利菲尔德 (传奇奖), 两届爱尔兰 奥海迈克尔·康伦 (年奖的国际展望), 2012 中美. 奥林匹亚 “先生” 马库斯·布朗 (年度纽约州战斗机), 史泰登岛, 和五处世界冠军 阿曼达 “真正的交易” 塞拉诺, 布鲁克林波多黎各方式.
“有感兴趣的令人难以置信的大量的我们的节日奖励,今年的宴会” 环 8 总裁Jack赫希说. “瓦西尔·洛马切恩科可以说是世界上最伟大的战斗机, 和霍利菲尔德是一个活着的传奇. 他们都确认参加的是未来的超级巨星迈克尔·康兰和马库斯·布朗. 有将手头上其他高调的获奖者和拳击名人以及. 这将是球迷请客谁将会有机会与他们进行互动.
“日俄对海湾是一个伟大的场地; 食物是太棒了. 每个人都应该参加来离开与事件的美好回忆. 门票非常合理的价格对于这种规模的外遇. 我们通常卖得出去, 所以我建议任何打算尽快参加购买他们的票. 我们从下午利润回到拳联谊会, 帮助那些不幸的人, 谁需要帮助。”
2017 RING 8 获奖者
年度拳王阿里国际战斗机: Vasyl Lomachenko
传奇奖: 霍利菲尔德
年度国际展望: 迈克尔·康伦
年度NYS战斗机: 马库斯·布朗
年度NYS女战士: 阿曼达·塞拉诺
恩光花园奖:: 鲍比·卡西迪, SR.
年度展望NYS: Devaun利
瑞星竞争者奖: Skender & 恩维尔·哈利利
山姆·凯勒曼媒体奖: 马特·克里斯蒂
年度最佳教练NYS: 赫克托罗莎
长 & 功: 埃德温·托雷斯
年度NYS官方: 罗伯特·佩雷斯
年度NYS启动: 梅赛德斯 - 瓦斯奎兹西蒙斯
无冕冠军: 理查德·基利
年度马戏团医生: 博士. 空间Osric王
好人奖: 乔安妮·多伊尔哈钦斯
环 8 年度会员: 乔治·纽曼
社区服务奖: 迈克·里诺
特邀嘉宾将包括 泰迪地图集, 维托安托费尔莫, 伊朗巴克利, 汤米·加拉格尔 and many others.
大卫迪亚曼特 将再次担任仪式的活动的主.
门票 $125.00 包括与入境时鸡尾酒完整的早午餐, 其次是座位在颁奖仪式上, 晚餐和甜点, 和顶级的整个下午的开放式酒吧. 也将有拳击纪念品无声拍卖. 此事件预计销售出的,每个人都被敦促尽早购票,以确保良好的休息. 任何面额的捐赠,欢迎为那些无法参加庆祝活动.
节目的广告可供封底 ($500.00), 里面封面或封底 ($400.00), 完整页面 ($200.00), 半页 ($100.00), 和四分之一页 ($60.00). 截止日期为所有的广告是 十一月 26, 2017, 并且必须通过电子邮件发送 (Ajhirsch5 @ AOL) 或邮寄至环 8, P.O. 框 153, 洛克威公园, 纽约 11694. 门票或杂志广告的所有支票应支付给环 8 (信用卡是可以接受的).
有关戒指的更多信息 8 或者其年度假日活动及颁奖典礼, 接触环 8 总裁Jack赫希 (516.790.7592Ajhirsch5@aol.com) 或者去网上 www.Ring8ny.com 了解更多信息.
俄的上涌位于 162-45 Crossbay大道. 在霍华德海滩(718.843.5055).
Vasyl Lomachenko (热门排名提供照片)
霍利菲尔德 (实打实体育和娱乐提供照片)
迈克尔·康伦 (最高等级的图片礼貌)
马库斯·布朗 (总理拳击冠军的照片礼貌)
阿曼达·塞拉诺 (DiBella娱乐的礼貌图片)
关于RING 8: 在形成 1954 由前职业拳击手, 杰克Grebelsky, 环 8 成为当时被称为全国退伍军人义和团协会第八子公司 – 故, RING 8 – 今天该组织的宗旨仍然是: 义和团拳民帮助.
RING 8 完全致力于在拳击界谁可能需要援助的支付房租方面支持不那么幸运的人, 医疗费用, 或任何合理需求.

去行 www.Ring8ny.com 关于RING更多信息 8, 其在美国的超过的最大群体 350 成员. 每年的会费是唯一 $30.00 每个成员都有权享用自助晚餐RING 8 月度会议, 除七月和八月. 所有活动的拳击手, 业余和专业, 有权免费RING 8 年度会员. 环客人 8 欢迎会员在只有成本 $7.00 每人

不败的竞争者艾哈迈德·埃尔比亚利(Ahmed Elbiali)与前世界冠军让·帕斯卡尔(Jean Pascal)在175磅对决中发生冲突,在FS1上特别拳击冠军周五特别版晚上 & BOXEO DE CAMPEONES on FOX Deportes From Hialeah Park in Miami, 佛罗里达, 十二月. 8

更多! Former 175-Pound World Champion Chad Dawson Clashes With Hard-Hitting Veteran Edwin Rodriguez
也在行动! Austin Dulay and Raynell Williams Meet
In a Battle of Unbeaten Lightweight Prospects
MIAMI – (十月 30, 2017) – 不败的竞争者 艾哈迈德Elbiali 将采取前世界冠军 让·帕斯卡尔 in the 10-round light heavyweight main event of a special 星期五 夜间版 总理拳击冠军 脚趾到脚趾星期二 在FS1和 拳击冠军 福克斯Deportes体育场, 十二月 8 从迈阿密的海厄利亚公园, 佛罗里达.
电视报道开始于 9 P.M. AND/6 P.M. PT and features former two-time world champion 乍得道森 against hard-hitting contender Edwin Rodriguez in a 10-round bout plus a showdown between unbeaten prospects 奥斯汀Dulay (11-0, 8 科斯) 和 Raynell威廉姆斯 (12-0, 6 科斯) in eight rounds of lightweight action.
门票现场活动, 这是由勇士拳击推广, 开始于 $30 与现已公开发售. 门票可在购买 www.TicketForce.com 或致电 (877) 840-0457, 也可以在赌场的笼子里买到.
The historic Hialeah Park Racetrack & Casino is a beautiful venue for an old-school crossroads fights like Ahmed Elbiali vs. Jean Pascal and Chad Dawson vs. 埃德温·罗德里格斯,” 说莱昂Margules, 勇士拳击总统. “在主要事件, 全世界都将注视着年轻的竞争者Elbiali是否能度过美好的一天,或者年长的冠军Jean Pascal是否还能胜任一切. 与道森vs. 罗德里格斯, 它是“做或死”’ 这两个家伙的时间. 这场斗争的胜利者将继续获得另一个巨大的机会. 失败者将有一些思考要做. 从上到下,这将是一个出色的战斗之夜, 在北美最好的拳击场之一。”
27岁的埃尔比亚利 (16-0, 13 科斯) 是一位身高175磅的有力竞争者,希望证明他与该部门的其他大型打孔机堆叠在一起. 生于开罗, 埃及,现在住在迈阿密, 他将在家乡人群面前与前175磅冠军帕斯卡尔(Pascal)进行大步搏击. 埃尔比亚利(Elbiali)在将军澳对阵克里斯托弗·布鲁克(Christopher Brooker)的最后一场比赛中取得胜利 七月 18 在三月份停止了Jackson Junior的活动之后.
“我非常感谢所有帮助我到这里并相信自己的技能的人,以给予这次机会,” 说Elbiali. “这是我的金票. 我很兴奋, 为这个机会做好准备并蒙受祝福. 例如 十二月 8, 这将是迈阿密的烟花!”
帕斯卡 (31-5-1, 18 科斯) 出生于太子港, 海地,但现在住在拉瓦尔, 魁北克, 加拿大, 并赢得了轻量级冠军,并以决定性胜利击败了阿德里安·迪亚科努(Adrian Diaconu). 他继续进行三道防线, 包括战胜乍得道森(Chad Dawson), 在失去伯纳德·霍普金斯的头衔之前 2011. 这位34岁的年轻人希望从最后一次输给埃里德·阿尔瓦雷斯(Eleider Alvarez)的多数决定中反弹六月 3.
“这不仅是一场复出的战斗, 但我准备为自己的职业而战 十二月 8,” 帕斯卡尔说:. “他们正在尝试对这位年轻人进行测试,以对抗一位前冠军,他将尝试将我作为通往这项运动的新台阶的阶梯. 我有一个危险的对手,我会为他做好准备. 当我与伯纳德·霍普金斯战斗时,我还是小狮子, 现在反过来了,我准备向他展示他以前从未见过的东西。”
35岁的道森 (34-5, 19 科斯) 是两次轻量级冠军,在整个时代一直与该部门的一些最佳拳击手交手. 他在2007年以一致的决定击败托马斯·阿达梅克(Tomasz Adamek)赢得了轻量级世界冠军 2007 并通过技术决定将冠军丢给了吉恩·帕斯卡(Jean Pascal) 2010. 他在2006年以多数票决定击败伯纳德·霍普金斯(Bernard Hopkins)夺回了冠军 2012 在那年晚些时候输给安德烈·沃德(Andre Ward)之前. 战斗从纽黑文, 康涅狄格, 道森(Dawson)在上一场比赛中对安德烈·冯法拉(Andrzej Fonfara)造成了技术淘汰赛损失 三月 4.
“我很了解埃德温·罗德里格斯(Edwin Rodriguez),因为过去曾一起陪练,” 道森说. “我们俩都非常需要这场胜利, 这将使这成为一场激动人心的战斗. 我有动力再做一次, 而这次, 我做对了. 我知道他很坚强而且很进取, 但我参加过这样的战斗. 我已经为这种强度水平做好了准备, 我准备出去玩. 我认为我的拳击将是战斗中的不同之处, 这将使我回到过去的状态。”
罗德里格斯 (29-2, 20 科斯) 具有那种一键击倒的力量,这使他成为对抗该部门任何人的危险对手. 罗德里格斯(Rodriguez)生于Moca, 多米尼加共和国,现居住在沃彻斯特, 质量. 在休斯顿训练时. 这位32岁的球员在迄今为止最大的一次回合中输给了安德烈·沃德一个一致的决定,最近他在技术上击败了梅尔文·罗素,取得了技术性的胜利 七月 18.
“乍得·道森(Chad Dawson)是前冠军,也是一位伟大的战士,曾被视为几乎是最好的战士之一, 磅磅,” 罗德里格斯说. “他分担了损失, 但他在最后一战中击败了Fonfara,之后被抓住并被击倒. It was very important for me to come back and win my last fight by knockout, but an impressive win over a guy of Chad’s caliber will revitalize my career. 这将是一场伟大的战斗,我相信我可以通过淘汰赛或判定获胜。”
# # #
球迷可以在FOX Sports GO上直播直播比赛, 可通过FS1或FOX逐出提要以英语或西班牙语提供. 战斗可在FOXSportsGO.com上的桌面设备上找到,也可以通过App Store获得。, 或连接的设备,包括苹果电视, Android的电视, 消防电视, 的Xbox One和Roku公司. 此外, 所有节目也可在SiriusXM频道的FOX Sports上获得 83 卫星收音机和在SiriusXM应用.
在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @ FS1, @FOXDeportes和@Swanson_Comm并成为粉丝在Facebook上 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, 和www.facebook.com/foxdeportes. 可在亮点 www.youtube.com/premierboxingchampions. FS1上的PBC & FOX Deportes由Corona Extra赞助, 最好的啤酒.

不败超轻量级 Phenom DEVIN “梦想” HANEY训练营行情和照片

马里奥·塞拉诺(Mario Serrano)的照片 哈尼队
LAS VEGAS, NV (十月 30, 2017) – 作为他的十一月 4 日期临近, 不败的超轻量级前景, 18-岁的现象, Devin “梦想” 哈尼 (17-0, 11 科斯), 分享他对训练营等的看法, 当他准备与哈姆扎·森佩沃 (14-8, 7 科斯) 坎帕拉, 乌干达.
哈尼VS. 森佩沃, 8轮的较量, 将在亚特兰大的亚特兰大万豪侯爵酒店举行, GA, 并作为重量级的联合主赛事, Devin “一般” 巴尔加斯 (19-4, 7 科斯) 托莱多, 俄亥俄, VS. 盖伦 “坏男孩” 褐色 (44-38-1, 25 科斯) 圣. 约瑟夫的, 密苏里州.
这就是德文·海尼(Devin Haney), 该 WBC青年世界轻量级 所有权人, 不得不说在他的十一月之前 4 摊牌:
“我经常在健身房磨练, 努力变得更好. 没有人比我更努力. 我一直在密切合作 “身体抢夺者” 迈克·麦卡勒姆, 他正在向我展示一些老手的把戏. 我一直在与拉斯维加斯的所有顶级拳手对练, 得到那么好的工作. 我感受到强烈的进入这场斗争. 我身体很好。”
“我爸爸很棒,他总是在我身边的每一步. 他来自音乐界, 他非常成功的地方, 所以他知道如何造星. 我非常感谢他在我的角落里. 我们在一起是拳击界的一股力量, 我知道努力工作, 我将成为拳击界的下一个超级明星。”
“在拳击中保持活跃非常重要, 因为在这项运动中, 一切都与现场表演有关. 与陪练相比,不戴头盔和小手套的战斗是一个很大的区别. 我能打得越多, 当我登上大舞台时,我会变得更好。”
在亚特兰大战斗, 格鲁吉亚第一次…
“亚特兰大是一个主要城市,我将为参加比赛的球迷提供一场他们将在未来几年记住的战斗. 在南方作战是扩大德文哈尼促销品牌的绝佳机会. 我想在尽可能多的大城市中战斗。”
“超轻量级赛区堆满了很多伟大的战士. 特伦斯·克劳福德坐在师的顶端, 对我, 他是世界上最好的磅对磅拳手之一. 我正在上升,我对自己成为世界冠军的能力充满信心. 我一直在与弗洛伊德梅威瑟在一起, 肖恩·波特和许多其他伟大的战士, 所以我的信心非常高. 我正在为部门中的每个人开枪. 我知道我可以和他们中最好的人相处。”
卡片名为, “纪念我们的堕落军官慈善拳击晚会” 正在推广 Fight Tyme 促销活动, 该 亚特兰大拳击协会, 和这个结合 德文 - 哈尼促销. 一个直播 按流付费广播将仅在 战斗泰姆直播 为 $5.99.
门票 “纪念我们的堕落军官慈善拳击晚会” 价格为一般入场 $50.00 (D节), $100 (C节), $200 (B节), $500 (A节 / 贵宾) 公司的 & 贵宾. 表 10 座位包括晚餐 $5,000.00, 和可在 www.FightTyme.com/Atlanta.
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体育胜利 & Entertainment signs former world champion Jose Pedraza to managerial contract


纽约, 纽约州. (十月 30, 2017)–体育胜利 & Entertainment is pleased to announce the signing of former IBF World Junior Lightweight Champion Jose Pedraza to a multi-year managerial contract.

Pedraza of Cidra, 波多黎各有纪录 22-1 同 12 击倒. Pedraza says, “I am very happy to sign with Victory Sports and look forward to the next chapter of my career. They represent a number of up and coming fighters and also work with elite fighters like Badou Jack so I feel that Victory is the right team to lead me back to a world championship.

在 28 岁, Pedraza is a six-year professional and one of the most highly decorated amateurs to come out of Puerto Rico. An Olympian in 2008, Pedraza also won medals in numerous international competitions including silver in the 2009 World Amateur Championships in Milan and gold at the 2010 中美洲和加勒比运动会. 转为职业选手后 2011, Pedraza won his first 19 fights before capturing the IBF Junior Lightweight Championship in only his 20th fight, capturing the belt with a 12-round unanimous decision over Andrey Klimov. After defending his belt twice, Pedraza lost his belt earlier this year in an upset to Gervonta Davis, and is now looking to rebound. “My lack of activity and struggling to make weight at 130lbs definitely affected my performance in my last fight,” says Pedraza, “but I am working hard and looking forward to coming back soon. I think the Lightweight division is where I will make my mark and am excited to get back in the ring.

President of Victory Sports Rick Torres feels that Pedraza is ready to make a statement at Lightweight, “Jose Pedraza is bar none the best fighter in Puerto Rico and we are extremely proud to welcome him to the Victory Sports family. We feel that Jose can be a force at Lightweight. There are a number of attractive fights in the division, from Jorge Linares to Mickey Garcia, all of which would make great fights for boxing fans.

Jose is a tremendous fighter who, at twenty-eight, is still in his physical prime,” explained Victory Sports COO Mike Leanardi. “We are looking to get him back in the ring as soon as possible. 然后, after a tune-up fight or two, there is no reason Jose won’t be ready to take on the best in the world,” Leanardi continued.

Pedraza joins Victory’s growing stable of fighters including undefeated world ranked contenders Sonny Fredrickson and Tyler McCreary.

Founded by noted sports attorney Rick Torres and boxing trainer Mike Leanardi, 体育胜利 & Entertainment 是一家运动员管理公司,在纽约和拉斯维加斯设有办事处.

Baltimore Boxing to honor Crystal Beard and Raise Cancer awareness November 17

Crystal Beard passed away October 28 在年龄 37. She leaves behind two children and a grandchild.
巴尔的摩, MD (十月 30, 2017) – Jake Smith’s Baltimore Boxing Promotions is back at Michael’s Eighth Avenue星期五, 十一月 17 for “Who’s The Next Shining Star” however this evening is about far more than what will transpire in the ring during Olympic style boxing matches.
Smith was recently contacted about helping Crystal Beard, a Baltimore area native battling advanced stages of cancer. Beard was diagnosed in August 2016 with Triple Negative Breast Cancer, which is extremely aggressive. 不幸, the cancer spread throughout her body. Beard went through a total six chemo treatments and had a double mastectomy in February 2017. 工匠, who makes it a priority to assist individuals and organizations through his fight cards, immediately agreed to help Beard.
可悲的是, Beard passed away Saturday, 十月 28 在年龄 37. She leaves behind a 17 year old daughter, seven year old son and three month old grandchild. Beard did not have life insurance and the father of her children lives in Arizona. Her children and grandchild will be cared for by Beard’s sister and mother.
Medical bills are still coming in and Beard’s daughter, a senior in high school, is hoping to attend college. The family will now have to juggle Crystal’s medical bills and caring for three children in addition to their regular day to day responsibilities.
搏击之夜, there will be a 50/50 raffle, silent auction and donate a block tickets to the family which can be resold. Smith is currently putting together a number of other plans to raise additional funds for Beard’s family.
“In all of my years as a promoter working with people and organizations, this is the most devastating,” said Smith, a fixture in Baltimore’s boxing scene for more than 30 岁月. “A woman that should’ve had many happy and healthy years ahead of her passed away at 37 leaving behind two children and a grandchild that face an extremely difficult situation. We will do all we can to raise as much money and awareness as possible while honoring her legacy on the 17th because nothing in life is guaranteed and every day you get to enjoy is a blessing.”
Donations can be made to Beard’s family at gofundme.com/in-memory-of-crystal-beard.
The card features eight fights, two of which are title bouts and Five-time National Champion Tyrell Boyd is scheduled to appear.
门票从 $40 are available by going to Baltimoreboxing.com/events or calling 410-375-9175. 门开处 6:30 and the first fight is scheduled for 8:30.