所有帖子 FNU47


纳特利, 新泽西州 (三月 27, 2018)–开始 这个星期五, GH3 Promotions will be active as eight of the Promotional outfit’s fighters will be in action over the next six weeks.
星期五 night at the Fillmore in Philadelphia, 不败的超中量级 罗纳德·埃利斯(14-0-2, 10 科斯) will take on upset specialist Taneal Goyco (9-10-1, 4 科斯) in a bout scheduled for six rounds.
On the same card, 超次中量级不败 乔伊·阿尔戴, JR (6-0, 6 科斯) will battle Michael Crain (1-1) 在四轮比赛中.
April 12th 在芝加哥, 肯尼斯·西姆斯(Kenneth Sims), JR. (12-1, 4 科斯) will be making his 1st start since his lone defeat when he returns to action in a six-round junior welterweight bout.
4月21日 in Paramus, 新泽西州, 重量级 Ronnie Hines will make his professional debut while lightweight Joel Flores, JR. (0-0-1) will see action in four-round bouts
May 4th will see 阿尔代 come back to Philadelphia, and appearing on the same card will be undefeated super bantamweight 马利克·杰克逊 (2-0, 2 科斯)
Finally on 5月11日, 超轻量级的竞争者 亚当·洛佩兹 (16-2-2, 8 科斯) will fight in an eight-round bout while undefeated lightweight 托马斯Mattice (11-0, 9 科斯) 将在六轮比赛中看到比赛.
We are gearing to continue to move our fighters this Spring. We are planning several big shows in the Summer where our more advanced fighters will continue to step up the competition. That all begins 这个星期五 in Philadelphia with Ronald Ellis, who is coming off the draw with Junior Younan in a bout we thought he deserved to get the decision. I am excited to see Joey Alday make his first start under our promotional banner, and what better place to unveil a knockout artist then in front of the knowledgeable boxing fans in Philadelphia,” 说GH3促销CEO, 维托Mielnicki.

儿子/父亲鲍勃 & 默里·古德曼(Murray Goodman)被选为 2018 名人堂纽约州拳击名人堂

星期天, 四月 29, 感应晚餐
儿童巧克力, 詹姆斯Ĵ. 科贝特, 杰克·麦考利夫(Jack McAuliffe)和山姆·陶布(Sam Taub)上新班

(L-R) – 鲍勃和默里·古德曼
纽约 (三月 26, 2018) – 拳击拳击手 鲍勃·古德曼 和他的父亲, 已故 默里·古德曼, 在之中 23 班级成员 2018 被引入纽约州拳击名人堂 (NYSBHOF) 上 星期天 下午 (12:30-5:30 P.M. AND), 四月 29.
第七届NYSBHOF年度入门晚宴将再次在Russo的霍华德海滩的海湾上举行, 纽约.
一位传奇的拳击宣传员, 默里·古德曼 (布朗克斯) 鲍勃八岁时就把儿子带入了甜蜜的科学领域. 其余的对于古德曼人来说是历史性的, 都是几个名人堂的入选者, 包括国际拳击名人堂.
“这对我和我父亲都是一种荣幸,” 鲍勃说. “我希望他今天还活着. 我是拳击手. 我八岁那年和父亲一起去所有训练营, 是INS的拳击作家和体育编辑 (赫斯特新闻社) 服务. 这个笑话是我在格罗辛格 (卡茨基尔度假酒店训练营). 拳击才刚进入我的生活. 我父亲和我从事促销和公共关系业务, 各种体育相关业务, 但总是有拳击.
“我是世界上最幸运的人. 我从小就做着自己喜欢的事情. 有多少人可以这么说? 我遇到了乔·路易斯,并成为了朋友, 马塞尔·塞丹(Marcel Cerdan), Sugar Ray Robinson, 洛矶格拉齐亚诺, 洛基·马尔恰诺和其他很多人. 我会在营地待上几个星期. 我要和拳击手一起跑步,有机会和我的英雄们在一起. 我也认识了拳击手等教练和其他粉丝. 我认识每个人. 我在拳击中长大, 我一生都在拳击, 65 多年的业务。”
鲍勃是, 也许, 最著名的麦迪逊广场花园副总裁兼媒人 (1985-1994), 以及25年担任拳击运营副总裁, 唐金制作公司的媒人和公共关系总监. 他还提拔了许多世界冠军,成为自己公司的总裁, 花园州拳击.
“我记得一次要去训练营好几个星期,” 这位78岁的古德曼深深地记得. “我会拍照, 每天写故事,并使用我的复印机将它们发送给AP和UPI. 我做了很多工作, 甚至把椅子装上卡车, 戒指, 演讲者等等. 我父亲是麦迪逊广场花园国际拳击俱乐部的宣传总监。. 我十几岁的时候在那里工作.
“我很荣幸与父亲和许多拳击手一起入选纽约州拳击名人堂. 他们不同于其他任何运动领域的人. 我最自豪的奖项之一是詹姆士·J(James J). 沃克纪念奖,以长期和出色的拳击服务 (BWAA在 1960).
“我很幸运能够超越拳击的各个时代. 那时是一个不同的世界, 我们有 20-30 作家在训练营里呆了几个星期. 我认识了老式的拳击手和教练。”
鲍勃·古德曼 (L) 用Rocky Marciano检查Muhammad Ali的体重,然后在右边
好人, 在美国服务的人. 来自的海岸警卫队 1958-62, 今天保持活跃与退伍军人一起工作’ 团体. 他是韦茅斯镇老兵顾问委员会主席, 并活跃于美国退伍军人协会和朝鲜战争退伍军人协会的仪仗队.

鲍勃·古德曼 (极右) 被引入IBHOF 2009, 他的父亲默里 1999
鲍勃曾与之合作的世界冠军包括穆罕默德·阿里(Muhammad Ali), 乔治·福尔曼, 乔·弗雷泽, 拉里·霍姆斯, 肯·诺顿, 费利克斯·特立尼达, 罗伯托·杜兰, 霍利菲尔德, 伦诺克斯·刘易斯, 鲍勃·福斯特, 萨尔瓦多·桑切斯, 糖光芒伦纳德, 塞萨尔查韦斯, 威尔弗雷多·戈内斯(Wilfredo Gonez), 里卡多·洛佩斯, 伯纳德·霍普金斯等等.
生活拳击标题进入NYSBHOF包括 (春谷) IBF重量级世界冠军 到了 “冰” 油菜 (35-16-3, 16 科斯), (长岛) WBA轻重量级 娄 “亲爱的男孩” 峪 (36-6-2, 22 科斯), (中央艾斯利普) 国际羽联少年重量级世界冠军 杰克·罗德里格斯 (28-8-2, 8 科斯), (布鲁克林) 世界轻量级冠军挑战者 泰伦斯·阿利 (52-15-2, 21 科斯), 和 (布法罗) 不败的世界级的重量级 “婴儿” 乔·梅西奇 (36-0, 29 科斯).
谥参与者被入选NBA是 & NYSAC世界羽量级冠军 (曼哈顿) 小子 “古巴邦邦” 巧克力 (136-10-6, 51 科斯), (纽约市) 20世纪重量级 詹姆斯Ĵ. “吉姆绅士” 科贝特 (11-4-3, 5 科斯), (威廉斯堡) 世界轻量级冠军 千斤顶 “该奖项环的拿破仑” 麦考利夫, (金士顿) WBC超轻量级冠军 比利·科斯特洛 (40-2, 23 科斯), (烽火) NYSAC轻重量级世界冠军 梅利·贝蒂娜 (83-14-3, 36 科斯), (布鲁克林/扬克斯) 世界级的量级 拉尔夫 “虎” 琼斯 (52-32-5, 13 科斯) 和 (华盛顿港) 重量级的竞争者 查理 “巴约纳轰炸机” Norkus (33-19, 19 科斯).
前往NYSBHOF的在世非参与者是 (特洛伊) 普利策奖获奖体育记者 戴夫·安德森, (布鲁克林) 教练/顾问 皮特·布罗茨基, (洛克威) 拳击历史学家/编辑 香草高盛, (阿兹利) NYSAC主席/法官 Melvina拉森, 和 (布鲁克林) NYSAC主席/媒人/促进者 罗恩·斯科特·史蒂文斯.
谥非参与者入选者分别是 (布鲁克林) 环播音员 杜琪峰艾迪, (布鲁克林) 媒人 约翰尼·博斯, (布朗克斯) 拳击作家/历史学家 伯特·伦道夫糖 和 (东城) 无线电 & 电视播音员/记者 萨姆·托布.
每个参加应征 (或嫡系) 将获得定制设计的带标志着他或她感应到NYSBHOF.
该 2017 名人堂是由NYSBHOF提名委员会成员选择: 鲍比·卡西迪, JR., 兰迪·戈登, 亨利Hascup, 唐Majeski, 朗捷, 和 尼尔Terens.
为至少三年不活动所需的所有拳手资格NYSBHOF感应, 所有入选者必须在纽约州居住了他们的拳击生涯的显著部分或其各自职业生涯的鼎盛时期.
的CLASS 2012: 卡门巴西利奥, 迈克·麦卡勒姆, 迈克·泰森, 杰克LaMotta, 里迪克·鲍, 卡洛斯·奥尔蒂斯, 维托安托费尔莫, 埃米尔·格里菲斯, “糖” 罗宾森, 基因滕尼, 本尼·伦纳德, 托尼Canzoneri, 哈罗德·莱德曼, 史蒂夫Acunto, 吉米·格伦, 吉尔·克兰西, 雷黛诗, 纳特·弗莱舍, 比尔加洛和亚瑟MERCANTE, SR.
的CLASS 2013: 杰克·登普西, 约翰尼·邓迪, 桑迪萨德勒, 马克辛罗森布鲁姆, 乔伊·阿彻, 伊朗巴克利, 马克布雷兰, 鲍比·卡西迪, 道格·琼斯, 少年琼斯, 詹姆斯 “伙伴” 麦吉尔特, 埃迪·穆斯塔法·穆罕默德, 阿鲁姆, 谢莉·芬克尔, 托尼·格拉齐亚诺, 拉里商人, 泰迪布伦纳, 麦克·雅各布斯, 特克斯里卡德和唐邓菲.
类 2014: 弗洛伊德帕特森, 特雷西哈里斯帕特森, 比利·巴克斯, 凯文·凯利, 胡安·拉波特, 格里·库尼, 穆斯塔法Hamsho, 霍华德·戴维斯, 小, 娄琥珀, 杰克·布里顿, 特里·麦戈文, 泰迪地图集, 娄DiBella, 史蒂夫Farhood, 基因穆尔, 安杰洛普洛斯彼罗, 惠特尼Bimstein, CUS达马托, 威廉·马尔登和汤姆·奥罗克.
类 2015: 索尔Mamby, 乔伊Giamba, 约翰尼Persol, 哈罗德·韦斯顿, 朗尼布拉德利, 保罗Berlenbach, 葛培理, 弗兰基赫纳罗, 鲍勃·米勒, 汤米·赖恩, 吉米·斯莱特里, 鲍勃·达菲, 迈克·卡茨, 汤米·加拉格尔, 布鲁斯Silverglade, 查理高盛, 吉米·约翰斯顿, 塞德里克·库什纳, 哈利Markson, 达蒙鲁尼恩和阿尔·韦尔.
类 2016: 艾伦·戴维斯, 查尔斯·默里, Vilomar费尔南德斯, 埃德温·维鲁特, 赫克托 “马霍” 卡马乔, 洛矶格拉齐亚诺, 堪萨斯州洛基, 乔·林奇, 乔·米塞利, 埃德·布罗菲, 乔DeGuardia, 兰迪·戈登, 丹尼斯·拉帕波特, 豪伊阿尔伯特, 弗雷迪·布朗, 霍华德·科塞尔, 红宝石Goldstein和吉米·雅各布斯.
类 2017: 加斯帕尔·奥尔特加, 雷纳多 “先生。” 斯奈普斯, 道格·德威特, “布朗克斯轰炸机” 亚历克斯·拉莫斯, 迪克老虎, 何塞·托雷斯, “无比” 杰克·登普西, 唐Majeski, 罗恩·卡茨, 斯坦·霍夫曼, 鲍比·巴特尔斯, 汉克·卡普兰, 阿尔加文, 阿瑟·多诺万和丹·帕克.
门票售价 $150.00 每名成人和 $70.00 儿童 (下 16),并且包括在进入一个完整的早午餐和鸡尾酒, 开始 12:30 P.M. AND, 以及晚餐 (牛排, 鱼或禽肉) 并全天开放的酒吧. 门票可通过联系NYSBHOF /振铃购买 8 总裁鲍勃·达菲在 516.313.2304 或depcomish@aol.com. 可广告的NYSBHOF程序, 从 $80.00 到 $200.00, 通过接触达菲. 去线 www.Ring8ny.com 关于名人堂的纽约州拳击名人堂的更多信息.
关于RING 8: 在形成 1954 由前职业拳击手, 杰克Grebelsky, 环 8 成为当时被称为全国退伍军人义和团协会第八子公司 – 故, RING 8 – 今天该组织的宗旨仍然是: 义和团拳民帮助.
RING 8 完全致力于在拳击界谁可能需要援助的支付房租方面支持不那么幸运的人, 医疗费用, 或任何合理需求.
去行 www.Ring8ny.com 关于RING更多信息 8, 其在美国的超过的最大群体 350 成员. 每年的会费是唯一 $30.00 每个成员都有权享用自助晚餐RING 8 月度会议, 除七月和八月. 所有活动的拳击手, 业余和专业, 有权免费RING 8 年度会员. 环客人 8 欢迎会员在只有成本 $7.00 每人.

3 时光世界冠军杰西·瓦加斯(JESSIE VARGAS)荣获第四届Box FAN EXPO大奖,地点是CINCO DE MAYO WEEKEND, 六可 5, 在拉斯维加斯

鸿运扇世博会是最终的球迷体验活动,让拳击迷见面的机会和迎接顶级战斗机, 现任和前任世界冠军, 拳击名人和行业的人在近距离个人设置.
拉斯维加斯 (三月 26, 2018) – 三届世界冠军 杰西·巴尔加斯 已经确认他将出现, 有一个摊位并举行聚会 & 与粉丝们在 拉斯维加斯会议中心 对于第四版 鸿运扇博览会 将会发生
周六五月 5, 201810到下午5点, 在Cinco De Mayo搏击周末期间.
瓦尔加斯将再次出现在今年的世博会上,在那里他将推出并介绍他的新产品 “杰西·巴尔加斯(Jessie Vargas)龙舌兰酒签名瓶” 产品展示. 巴尔加斯将签名手套, 照片,还将有商品供粉丝欣赏. 拳击迷们还将有很大的机会与这个拳击明星合影. 瓦尔加斯还将参加一场与阿德里安·布隆纳(Adrien Broner)进行的大型格斗比赛 4月21日 在巴克莱中心布鲁克林, 纽约. 战斗将在Showtime Boxing上进行, 总理拳击冠军主办 “PBC” 由梅威瑟促销和Dibella娱乐共同推广.

瓦尔加斯(Vargas)是一位墨西哥裔美国职业拳击手,曾是两重世界冠军, 曾举行过WBA (定期) 和IBO中的超轻量级标题 2014 和WBO次中量级冠军 2016.
瓦尔加斯加盟, 大卫Benavidez, 何塞·贝纳维德斯(JoséBenavidez), 朱达, 香农布里格斯, 八斗杰克, 凯利帕夫利, Erik Morales和Fernando Vargas是今年Box Fan Expo的早期承诺.

鸿运扇世博会已经与球迷和拳击业内人士一个巨大的成功. 许多拳击明星都参加了最近的三届博览会,例如弗洛伊德·梅威瑟, 迈克·泰森, 罗伯托·杜兰, 汤米赫恩斯, 马尔科·安东尼奥·巴雷拉, 小罗伊琼斯, 马科斯Maidana, 塞尔吉奥·马丁内斯, 基思·瑟曼, 丹尼·加西亚, 蒂姆·布拉德利, Deontay怀尔德, 阿米尔汗, 肖恩·波特, 费尔南多·巴尔加斯, 朱达, 詹姆斯·托尼, 温尼Pazienza, 米奇·加西亚 , 米娅·圣约翰斯, 狮子座圣克鲁斯, 八斗杰克, 特里·诺里斯 , 里迪克·鲍 , Earnie剃须刀, 莱昂斯平克斯, 丹尼·雅各布斯, 押尼珥Mares, 豪尔赫·利纳雷斯, 布兰登·里奥斯和更多…
参展商如拳击齿轮, 服饰, 新设备, 能量饮品, 醇, 补充产品, 广播媒体, 制裁机构和其他希望参与的公司将再次有机会向粉丝展示他们的品牌, 媒体与拳击业.
鸿运扇世博会是最终的拳击迷体验活动, 允许粉丝结识并问候当今的拳击超级巨星, 现任和前任世界冠军, 他们的展位上有体育传奇和其他拳击名人. 现场, 粉丝们将在亲笔签名专区体验不同的活动, 摄影会议, 对恃与您最喜爱的拳击手, 以及从展位购买商品和纪念品的机会, 还有更多… 您将不会错过这个必须参加的世博会!
Box Fan Expo还将包括顶级拳击组织, 促销员, 环卡女孩, 著名的培训师和评论员以及拳击器材公司 “在一个屋檐下”.
在接下来的几周内,直至赛事结束, 会出现在许多明星每周更新,将在拳击世博会提交其外观. 而对于在拳击行业或其他任何人参展 (非产业), 谁愿意参与和预留展位, 联系盒风扇博览会:
电话号码: (514) 572-7222 或拉斯维加斯号码 (702) 997-1927
如有任何疑问,请发邮件: boxfanexpo@gmail.com
可在上鸿运扇世博会的更多信息: HTTP://www.boxfanexpo.com
您可以按照鸿运扇世博会在Twitter上: HTTPS://www.twitter.com/BoxFanExpo

Undefeated Number-One Ranked Middleweight Contender Demetrius Andrade Ready to Step in to Fight Gennady Golovkin on May 5th

费城, PA /White Plains, 纽约 (三月 26, 2018) — 不败, two-time world champion Demetrius Andrade (25-0, 16 科斯) is ready and available for a showdown with unified middleweight champion Gennady Golovkin, should Canelo Alvarez not be cleared by the Nevada State Athletic Commission on 4月10日 for his May 5th rematch with Golovkin.
安德拉德, 排名第几的是谁 1 by the WBO in the middleweight division, feels that if Alvarez is not cleared by the commission for his recent positive test for Clenbuterol, he would be the most obvious candidate to face Golovkin.
我已经准备好了, willing and able to step to the plate on May 5th to fight Golovkin,stated Andrade. “我总是在健身房, and I will start VADA testing right now. I guarantee that I will pass all the tests. I know other fighters can’t say the same thing. I am undefeated, and a two-time world champion. Golovkin went through a period where nobody wanted to fight him. I am that guy now. The man nobody wants to fight. Everyone says what does Demetrius Andrade bring to the table? Besides being the best American middleweight, and one of the top 3 middleweights in the world, everyone knows who I am, and they know how good I am. My question is to those who say that I don’t bring anything to the table. What did Murray, Adama, 罐, Monroe and Rosado bring to the table? None of the top contenders want to fight me so I believe that if Canelo is unavailable for May 5th, I want the opportunity to face Golovkin for the unified middleweight championship of the world.
Golovkin’s Promoter Tom Loeffler stated after Alvarez was temporarily suspended that his fighter will still compete on May 5th with or without Alvarez.
Whatever the commission does, Gennady would still fight May 5th if Canelo is out,” 他说,. “If for some reason it’s not against Canelo, we’ll figure out the best course of action at that time, but he is training to fight May 5th.”, Loeffler told Dan Rafael of ESPN.com
像戈洛夫金, Andrade is also in the gym, and will be ready should he get the call for May 5th.
Andrade is promoted by Banner Promotions and Joe DeGuardia’s Star Boxing.
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Rising Russian Star Elena Gradinar Wins IBF Inter-Continental Female Featherweight Championship with Unanimous Decision Over Former WBC World Champ Olivia Gerula

星期六 night at the Sport Hall Energia in Narva, 爱沙尼亚, rising and undefeated Russian female star Elena Gradinar picked up her first professional title, the IBF Inter-Continental Female Featherweight Championship, with a unanimous decision over Canadian former WBC world champion Olivia Gerula.
Gradinar (9-0, 2 科斯) dominated the more experienced Gerula over the 10-round distance, winning by scores of 99-91, 98-92 和 99-91.
I am very happy with the win and my IBF belt,” 说Gradinar, 战斗后. “I want to fight Jennifer Han for the IBF world title. I want to do my part in lifting women’s boxing to the next level and fight the best.
Her co-promoter, 德米特里Salita (along with Alexander Nevsky Promotion Group), has made a firm commitment to women’s boxing by signing several current and upcoming female superstars including world champions Claressa Shields and Christina Hammer, as well as top prospects Franchon Crews Dezurn, Elena Savelyeva and Gradinar.
Salita says this is just the start of a terrific 2018 for Gradinar. “With the win Elena has cemented herself as one of the best female featherweights in the world. This is going to be a big year for Elena and women’s boxing.

Gaballo Captures First World Championship with Unanimous Decision over Young in “岩石隆隆声” at Seminole Hard Rock Hollywood

ReymartGenSan AssassinGaballo of General Santos City, 菲律宾, captured his first version of a world title and introduced himself to the world stage with a unanimous decision victory over perennial top contender 斯蒂芬 - “搅局者” 年轻 圣. 圣路易斯.
Fighting in the main event of Kris Lawrence and The Heavyweight Factory’s “岩石隆隆声” 塞米诺尔硬石酒店硬石活动中心 & 赌场在好莱坞, 佛罗里达, the hard-punching Gaballo (19-0, 16 科斯) became the WBA Interim World Bantamweight Champion with unanimous scores of 118-109, 117-110 和 117-110.
年轻, 现在 17-1-3, 7 科斯, was down in round three and badly hurt, but to his credit, got up and kept it exciting and closer than the scores indicate throughout the remainder of the 12 发.
The speed and reflexes of 19-year-old Honolulu-based welterweight prospect 洛根 “Korican KidYoon (11-0, 10 科斯) overcame the determination and experience of former two-time world champion 胡安·卡洛斯·萨尔加多 (27-8-1, 16 科斯) of Mexico City over 10 workmanlike rounds.
Fighting for the NABO Super Lightweight Championship, Yoon showed surprising poise and maturity for a young fighter in his 11th fight and seemed unphased to be facing such an accomplished foe. His sharp counters landed with regularity on the tough former champion. 为了他的信用, Salgado fought bravely, but at 33 岁, seems to have lost a step.
该得分 100-89, 97-92 和 98-91, unanimously for Yoon.
Former WBA World Super Bantamweight Champion 胡安·卡洛斯·Payano survived a real scare against MagicMike Plania in their 10-round brawl for the NABO Super Bantamweight Championship.
After a strong first couple rounds, Plania, 现在 14-1, 7 科斯, had Payano down and badly hurt near the end of round three.
He never really threatened Payano again. A consummate professional, Payano (20-1, 9 科斯), of Miami via La Vega, 多明尼加共和国, came out for round four with the answers for neutralizing the harder punches of his Philippine opponent and never lost another round.
该得分 96-93, 97-92 和 97-92, unanimously for the new champion Payano.
The 6-foot 9-inch heavyweight from Kissimmee, 佛罗里达, 通过鲁德尼, 哈萨克斯坦, 伊万·戴奇科 (7-0, 6 科斯) scored a highlight-reel first-round, one-punch knockout over Miami Beach’s formerly undefeated Stephan Kirnon (2-1, 2 科斯).
Kirnon, admirably, came out aggressive against the giant, but quickly ran into a shot that propelled him violently into the floor. The fight was immediately waved off at :38. 戴奇科, a two-time Olympic Super Heavyweight Bronze medallist, could not have been more impressive.
In a 10-round battle for the NABA-USA Featherweight Championship Miami via Ekibastuz, Kazakhstan bomber Mussa “Warrior” Tursyngaliyev (8-0, 7 科斯) clubbed away at brave, but outgunned 路易斯 “巴塞罗那” 伊诺霍萨 (31-14, 18 科斯) 圣多明各, 多明尼加共和国, until stopping him at the end of round three.
Tursyngaliyev is very strong and accurate, and he had things all his way throughout. He scored a knockdown in the second and finished it a round later. Hinojosa elected to stay on his stool, 可能是明智的.
Miami super welterweight JD “漂亮男孩” 马丁内斯 (9-0, 7 科斯)
managed to squeak out a questionable majority six-round decision over fellow Floridian 何塞 “Colombian Necktie” 科尔特斯 (3-2, 1 KO) of West Palm Beach.
Cortes chased Martinez around the ring, seemingly with the harder punches and a more aggressive demeanor, but it was not enough to please the judges. They scored it 57-57 draw against 58-56 和 58-56 for Martinez.
Popular Miami welterweight 哈罗德·卡尔德隆 (15-0, 9 科斯) took a round or two to settle in against Barranquilla, 哥伦比亚的 罗纳德 “疯狂” 蒙特斯 (18-8, 16 科斯), 但, once he got his rhythm, it was all over.
The powerful undefeated southpaw lobbed enough accurate bombs to convince his Colombian foe to pack it in at the end of third round of their scheduled six. The official result is TKO 3 在 2:59. Calderon is ready for deeper water.
In an entertaining all-Florida super bantamweight bout, Miami’s popular JessyBeast Boy” 十字 (12-7-1, 5 科斯) and Palm Bay’s Sam Rodriquez (5-2, 3 科斯) slugged it out over six exciting rounds.
到底, Rodriquez took a razor-thin unanimous decision (58-55, 57-56 和 57-56) on the strength of a fourth-round knockdown.
Fighting out of the southpaw stance, the heavily muscled Cruz got out to an early lead and rocked the smaller Rodriquez with his thudding left hand. But Rodriquez hung tough and clawed back into it by round three.
The pair went back and forth the entire fight and it could have gone either way.
Former WBO Asia Pacific Light Heavyweight Champion 史蒂夫 “The AmbassadorGeffrard (17-2, 12 科斯) of Boca Raton stopped Budapest, 匈牙利的 佐尔坦色拉寺 (38-16-1, 20 科斯) in the fourth of a scheduled six.
For the first three rounds, Geffrard, who lost his first two fights and hasn’t lost since, shook off the rust and kept his composure against the awkward offerings of his European foe. He finally broke through in the fourth, scoring two knockdowns and prompting Referee Sam Burgos to wave it off at :39.
迈阿密的 Jorge De Jesus Romero (5-0, 4 科斯) put on a bodyshot clinic in his abbreviated six-round super bantamweight battle against Hungarian veteran Szilveszter Ajtai (12-10-1, 2 科斯).
在第一, Romero came forward like an aggressive buzzsaw against the circling Ajtai. 在第二, he lowered the boom, scoring three consecutive bodyshot knockdowns, and necessitating a stoppage at 2:01. Impressive showing for the Florida prospect.
The son of a legend, 罗伯特·杜兰JR. of Fort Lauderdale made his impressive professional welterweight debut by stopping Orlando’s also debuting Miguel Morales 在第四轮.
Morales was no pushover, but Duran, looking like he already has some seasoning, put educated combinations together and waited for his opening. It came in the final stanza, as he scored his first knockdown of Morales with a right to the body left uppercut combo, and then finished things off with a thudding right hand that produced a second knockdown.
Referee James Warring waved it off without a count at 2:21.

业余拳击: 美国 vs 爱尔兰 新英格兰之旅以曼彻斯特精彩的行动之夜结束, NH

战斗报告者: 丰富的伯​​杰龙

摄影:: 雪莉·科里沃

照片幻灯片 (联系 rich.bergeron@gmail.com 获取照片副本):

星期三晚上,拳击迷挤满了曼彻斯特市中心酒店,观看精英业余拳击的精彩之夜. 这是波士顿和斯普林菲尔德三城之旅的最后一站, 马萨诸塞州和曼彻斯特, 新罕布什尔州. 预定的比赛由美国队业余选手对阵来自爱尔兰最好的业余拳击手. 在最后的钟声响起时, 爱尔兰队以平局结束了当晚的八场比赛, 他们这次旅行的最好结果. 美国队在波士顿和斯普林菲尔德赢得了巡回赛的前两场双打, 分别, 通过分数 8-4 和 7-3.


周三的比赛并不只是为了获胜, 然而. 对于大多数参与其中的拳击手来说,这是一个很好的机会来调整他们的技术并获得一些急需的国际比赛经验. 周三晚上的一些表现最好的选手也可能会代表各自的国家参加即将到来的比赛 2020 奥运会.



当晚的重头戏是 2016 青年世锦赛铜牌得主理查德·托雷兹 (Richard Torrez) 战胜三届爱尔兰国家冠军迪恩·加德纳 (Dean Gardiner). 爱尔兰拳手高耸的身高和长距离根本无法战胜身材矮小的美国拳手的快节奏和出色的防守姿势.


托雷兹在第一回合中表现出色的佯攻和滑拳,同时用一些爆炸钩得分. 托雷兹改变了级别, 使用光滑的头部运动, 当加德纳在比赛开始时以一种不平衡且狂野的方式缓慢前进时,他始终没有松开油门. 爱尔兰人在第一场比赛中身体重击, 但仅此而已.


托雷兹在下一局中保持了快速的工作速度, 打出左右勾拳,并在回合的大部分时间里干净利落地落地. 他轻松地将身体和头部得分, 尽管这一轮的大部分时间里他的对手都在掩护并等待空档. 托雷兹的左直球让对手一度手足无措, 但身材高大的男子恢复过来,在托雷兹在绳索上挣扎时,一记惊人的左勾拳击中了他的头部. 加德纳尝试将大部分直拳打在外侧,但似乎无法在近距离内扭转他的出拳.

第三轮比赛中,两位拳手一直缠斗到最后钟声响起,这是当晚最激烈的来回交锋之一, 但对于加德纳来说,这太少了,也太晚了. 他只是无法拨入他的范围. 托雷兹再次击败了对手,并用他雷鸣般的左右勾拳打出几记漂亮的上勾拳. 他的刺拳动作很少但很有效, 最后一帧的大部分时间都瞄准了加德纳的身体. 托雷兹凭借他的表现赢得了一致判定胜利,并且在此过程中只进行了几次重击.


凯莉·哈林顿, 来自爱尔兰的世界锦标赛银牌得主, 她的球队在当晚的首场比赛中以一致判定战胜了斯塔西亚·萨特尔斯,这可能是她的球队最出色的表现. 萨特尔斯在第一回合面对哈灵顿的猛烈进攻,努力将自己保持在理想的出拳范围内, 三分钟的大部分时间都在上下摆动,试图避开对手的清晰组合. 萨特尔斯的刺拳确实相当稳定, 她确实在回合后期开始组合一些组合, 但哈林顿在头部运动方面绝对是专家. 她看起来就像弗洛伊德·梅威瑟, JR. 是她的教练之一,她采用了低手技术和不断的假动作, 冲头打滑和水平变化. 第一轮比赛中,她以一记漂亮的左直拳击中头部,并以出色的身体和头部拳打结合的方式稳稳落地。. 她释放了一些猛烈的钩子, 虽然有一些是野生干草制造者. 下面是哈灵顿在战斗中的几个短暂时刻的照片,她举起双手保护自己的脸.

萨特尔斯在第二轮中用一些斜射和冲球抓住了哈灵顿, 但她似乎很难获得出拳的力量. 她确实与对手交换了一些不错的右手, 但很明显,到回合结束时,由于对手的狡猾,她无法在战斗中找到任何节奏. 哈林顿在同一轮中用清脆的声音完善了她的范围 1-2 连击和狂野领先权连接. 几分钟后,哈林顿还打进了一些有力的左勾拳,并以完美的右直落地.
第三回合对于两位拳手来说更加相似. 萨特尔斯花了很多时间来追踪她的对手, 但每次她卸货时, 她付了钱. 在本轮比赛后期,一记特别有力的左勾拳落地, 但这还不够. 哈林顿在最后三分钟的大部分时间里都在尝试与右翼球员联系. 她在回合末打出了本场比赛中最猛烈的一拳,并在铃声响起前暂时击晕了对手,结束了比赛. 哈林顿做出了一致决定,看起来是在她的体重竞选中最有前途的拳击手之一 2020 奥运会.
身高在某种程度上成为劣势的另一个例子在卡片上的另一场女性战斗中发挥了作用. 美国队的利亚·库珀 (#2 美国女子中量级) 使用闪避和佯攻来躲避较高的奥伊夫·伯克的长距离攻击. 库珀半蹲着战斗, 使得伯克的大部分出拳都很难发挥出任何强大的力量. 8次爱尔兰全国冠军
在战斗中有几个地方她重新控制了动作, 但库珀做出了正确的调整以尽量减少威胁.
库珀以蜂拥而至的进攻开始了第一轮比赛, 开火 1-2 连击和支持伯克. 她在整个画面中保持耐心和坚持, 保持低位并远离伯克的强力射击范围. 伯克展现出出色的防守, 但她一次只能打出一拳. 她在整轮比赛中展现出干脆利落的刺拳, 但这并没有阻止库珀. 伯克在终场钟声响起前度过了本轮的最佳时刻, 混合拍摄身体和头部, 包括对头部的强力右勾拳.
伯克在第二轮比赛中表现出色, 以速射攻击库珀 1-2 组合和挂钩. 她还混合了一个光滑的上勾拳,找到了库珀的下巴. 库珀经受住了风暴, 只是短暂地落入陷阱. 她恢复了平静, 打出一些出色的反击拳, 并将伯克最好的一轮变成了爱尔兰冠军最糟糕的一轮. 库珀保持冷静和冷静, 尽管她的对手进行了一些最猛烈的射击,但她还是在战斗中落地. 她获得了一些极好的 1-2 伯克的攻击失败后的连击, 最终在伯克的左眼附近开了一个口子,导致她的鼻子流血. 库珀的重拳也让伯克在右勾拳后短暂地蹲在了画布上.
伯克在接受场边医生检查并清理后开始第三轮有点晚. 她再次以一连串的轰炸拳开始. 她瞄准了身体和头部, 但库珀再次镇定下来并回去工作. 她很好地改变了水平并开始与愤怒的钩子联系, 首先到身体,然后回到头部. 她还保持积极的刺拳并多次击中 1-2 连击. 伯克确实在战斗的最后时刻再次陷入混乱, 但库珀仍然一致判定获胜.
美国队轻量级詹姆斯·布朗宁作为两届美国拳击冠军参加了周三晚上与爱尔兰选手弗朗西斯·克利里的比赛. 克利里, 九次爱尔兰全国冠军, 代表勃朗宁在国际比赛中的首次亮相. 两架战斗机有自己的时刻, 但这将是布朗宁在三场比赛结束后获胜, 来回的动作.
布朗宁在第一轮比赛中建立了比对手更高的工作效率,并使用大量的移动来避免克利里的攻击. 他还进行了持续的刺拳, 很好地混合了他的身体和头部镜头. 虽然他赢了这一轮, 布朗宁冒了很大的风险并付出了代价. 克利里选择了自己的位置,当他能够落地时,他打出了更干净、更有力的拳头. 他只是无法建立足够的联系, 几乎每次近距离战斗他都能摆脱困境.
显然在第二帧中投下了一些更锋利的炸弹, 变得更具攻击性并开始追踪不断移动的对手. 比赛临近结束时,一记重击的左勾拳击中了布朗宁的头部,给满场的球迷留下了深刻的印象. 还, 布朗宁仍然很忙,并且在两名拳手之间的对峙中表现出色. 他常常很狂野, 但工作成果阻止了克利里抢走这一轮.
克利里以新的凶猛状态进入第三轮, 与勃朗宁发生激烈争吵. 这是克利里队最好的一场比赛, 布朗宁无法保持他在前几轮比赛中所表现出的难以捉摸. 这位爱尔兰拳手在本轮中再次打出一记猛烈的左勾拳, 具有完美计时功能的计数器, 一直打到铃声响起. 战斗结束时,布朗宁显然显得沮丧和疲惫. 还, 三名评委中有两人确信他应得胜利, 赢得分裂决策胜利.
下一场比赛是八届爱尔兰全国冠军韦恩·凯利 (Wayne Kelley) 对阵 13 届美国全国冠军阿德里安·本顿 (Adrian Benton) 进行的次中量级势均力敌的较量. 两位年轻拳手在比赛中都有亮点, 但凯利以狡猾的方式赢得了分歧判定的胜利, 勇敢的努力.
由于蜂拥而至的进攻,本顿在第一轮取得了更好的成绩. 他在范围内和范围外工作 1-2 组合和备用钩子. 他很好地利用了所有角度, 轻松摆脱困境并进入有效范围. 凯利一直在努力反击,直到本轮的最后时刻,他自己也完成了一系列反击。 1-2 连击.
凯利以更多的精力和泰然自若地开始了第二轮. 他着陆早且频繁, 左手挥动,在本顿的嘴唇上划开一道口子. 本顿滑倒了一些更危险的拳头, 盖帽很好,命中率也很高, 他自己的硬镜头. 他最好的交锋是在回合中间附近用左勾拳和右勾拳击打头部.
凯利在最后一轮放慢了速度, 找不到自己理想的范围. 他右手重击, 一个恰到好处的身体射击,并在后期的一阵乱舞中卸载. 本顿在本轮比赛一开始就保持忙碌,并巧妙地躲避了凯利的爆炸性右勾拳. 评委们似乎对凯利在最后两轮比赛中的冷静印象更深刻,因为本顿不断陷入草率的争吵之中. 凯利以一分优势获胜 2-1 余量.
接下来是轻次中量级选手, 又一场激烈的比赛. 爱尔兰队的考伊欣·弗格森以稍微更好的战术方法与美国队的查理·希伊进行了对抗, 为他的球队赢得另一场分歧判定胜利.
希伊在第一轮比赛中表现得更加谨慎和耐心, 等待投掷和落地的完美时刻. 他本轮的最佳出拳包括右手猛击身体和猛烈刺拳. 弗格森在框架上投入了更多的精力, 多次钩击头部得分,并多次释放出狂野而疯狂的旋风. 在本轮比赛的最后时刻,一记左勾拳重重地击中了希伊的头部.
弗格森在第二轮中打出了一些不错的射门, 但希伊却镇静得多. 他在狂野的摇摆周围工作, 通过保持距离和从外线得分以及对下巴的一些清晰的右击来进行猛烈的进攻. 拳手们在身体上交换了一些钩子,并在回合结束前扭打在一起.
希伊在最后一轮中努力将拳打在一起. 尽管他有一双漂亮的直右手为他工作, 弗格森能够突破他的防守. 弗格森早早就打出了一记重击的左勾拳,随后又投出了几记炸弹,然后在一次交锋中失去了他的喉舌. 可能知道他需要表现出色才能让评委站在他一边, 弗格森在最后几秒冲进了最后一记勾拳. 他赢得了 2-1 他的毅力决定胜利.
次中量级拳王基隆·莫洛伊 (爱尔兰) 和弗洛伊迪斯·罗哈斯, JR. (美国) 在另一场比赛中摆平. 两位拳手都是前世界锦标赛铜牌得主,莫洛伊还获得了九项爱尔兰全国冠军,罗哈斯赢得了美国全国冠军 10 到目前为止的次数. 这是爱尔兰队又一次险胜.
罗哈斯显然是第一轮中更活跃的战士. 他使用稳定的刺拳并通过框架提高了他的工作效率. 他一直忙于进攻直到铃声响起. 莫洛伊开始进行圆形翼射并试图找出他的射程. 在一些较激烈的交锋中他发得有点晚, 不知道如何让他的组合发挥作用, 很难追上速度更快的罗哈斯. 莫洛伊确实打出了一些出色的左直球, 虽然.
爱尔兰左撇子的下一轮表现要好得多. 他一开始的出拳量有所上升, 尽管他仍然很难获得连击. 在一轮中的某个时刻, 莫洛伊以一记巨大的左直拳连接, 接下来是一记漂亮的强力刺拳, 减慢他的对手. 罗哈斯不断挺身而出,但本轮未能抓住得分机会. 罗哈斯最后的一连串拳头不足以让他抢断这一回合.
罗哈斯在最后一轮打出了一些精彩的射门, 经常下楼去尸体. 他还抓住了莫洛伊的绳索, 用直拳轰击他. 莫洛伊打了更聪明的回合, 虽然, 选择最佳投掷时机并经常双手低下接住罗哈斯. 他本轮最好的交换是一个巨大的 1-2 连接到头部并用狂野的左勾拳打到头部. 这位爱尔兰拳手的最后一拳结束了这场表演,并为他赢得了 2-1 分歧判定获胜.
美国队的尼基塔·阿比比 (Nikita Ababiy) 在主赛前与爱尔兰队的杰拉德·弗伦奇 (Gerard French) 进行了一场艰苦的比赛,取得了一场艰苦的胜利. 第一回合阿比比刺拳出色. 美国人以非常非传统的拳击姿势进入战斗,一只手放低, but his posture seemed to be effective in luring his opponent into punching range. Ababiy landed some booming hooks and a nice left uppercut that backed up French. 与此同时, French concentrated on trying to land counters. He had a lower work rate but also didn’t take too much punishment.
French spent the second round trying to exchange in close quarters. He landed more shots later in the round, including some heated right hooks in the final moments. Ababiy connected with some thumping shots in the round and showcased some nice defense as well. He mixed up his shots to the body and head, throwing and covering up to wait for the next opening. Ababiy landed a nice left hook to the head followed up with a picture perfect right uppercut in the final minute. 他以出色的成绩结束了本轮比赛,赢得了他的第一场胜利.
最后一轮阿比比放慢了速度, 但他仍然足够有效地扛起框架. 弗兰奇用左勾拳击中头部, 但他无法弄清楚对手在擂台上带来的不同风格. 美国队一致判定获胜.
由于当地 132 磅重的曼彻斯特队之间的激烈争吵,当晚也以唯一一次停赛开始。, NH 新手 Michael Correa 和 Abhisek Thapa. 科雷亚一听到开场铃声就飞过擂台,并发动了一场又一场疯狂的乱舞。. 塔帕没有让龙卷风吞没他, 虽然. 他总是隐藏起来等待机会. 只过了几分钟,科雷亚就因无情的攻击而开始疲惫不堪. 塔帕随后涉水拍摄了当晚一些最令人印象深刻的镜头, 迫使裁判停止了比赛,直到比赛结束为止,塔帕的旋风般的强力拳打到了比赛结束为止。.


拳击手弗洛伊德·梅威瑟也客串亮相, JR. 仍然称他为有史以来最难对付的对手, 伊曼纽尔·奥古斯都 (3-34-6, 20 科斯). 奥古斯都参加了前一天晚上的聚会 “爱尔兰的” 米奇沃德 (38-13, 27 科斯), 庆祝这项运动历史上最精彩的比赛之一, 发生在七月 13, 2001. 奥古斯都坚持参加比赛,甚至走上拳台展示他仍然拥有同样的拳击能力,这使他成为他那个时代最有趣的拳击手之一.
“We learned from this tour that we’re right up there with the best teams in the world,” Team USA head coach Billy Walsh said. “Team Ireland is a very good, young team. We’re going to have a good team to send to Tokyo (2020 奥运会). I’m proud of my team. They all worked very hard. We didn’t have some of our best boxers because some were competing in an International tournament We do have a good crop of 18-19-20 year-olds who will make up our 2020 Olympic team.”

Team Ireland also brought their own production crew to film all the action for those who couldn’t be there:

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埃里斯兰迪 劳拉 VS. Jarrett Hurd Media Conference Call Transcript & Audio Recording

您好, 大家. Thank you for joining our call today. We’re very excited. What a great card we have come April the 7 从Hard Rock酒店 & 在拉斯维加斯赌场. 在主要事件, we have Erislandy Lara versus Jarrett Hurd in an outstanding unification fight which will determine supremacy at the 154-weight class.
在合作的主要事件, we have a great rematch of a fight that saw Caleb Truax wrestle the IBF Super Middleweight Championship away from James DeGale. That’s going to be a terrific fight also.
在开幕回合, we have Julian Williams taking on Nathaniel Gallimore in what will be a very, very entertaining fight as an IBF Junior Middleweight Elimination Bout.
Our card is promoted by Mayweather Promotions and TGB Promotions. Tickets are still on sale at AXS.com and it starts as cheap as $50. 再次, this will be a terrific card led by none other thanI’m going to introduce the man who’s totally responsible for putting all this together, none other than Stephen Espinoza.
谢谢, 伦纳德. 很好, the hits keep coming here at SHOWTIME, coming off of a huge March schedule highlighted by the two big time heavyweight title fights. April on SHOWTIME will feature two stellar cards from Mayweather Promotions.
The first on April 7 is a high-quality tripleheader, three competitively matched fights with world title implications and our main event, Lara versus Hurd, a unification fight, featuring two of the top three consensus in the world at 154 英镑. Sort of the natural evolution of what has been an unofficial super welterweight tournament over the last year, year and a half on SHOWTIME.
在 2017, SHOWTIME televised eight matchups featuring all of the top five ranked super welterweight champions and challengers in that unofficial tournament. Now we get the natural results of that, a unification fight which happens to be only the sixth unification fight in the history of the 154-pound division.
Erislandy拉拉, he’s the WBA champ, the longest reigning champion at 154 英镑. He won the WBA title on SHOWTIME in 2014 and he’s now making his sixth defense. 随着记录 25-2-2, he could easily make the case that he could be undefeated certainly. The loss to Paul Williams was very controversial and a very close split decision loss to Canelo. So we very well could have an undefeated fighter.
Jarrett Hurd is the IBF champion. He made the first defense of his title on SHOWTIME in October. He has scored seven consecutive KOs as his level of bout position has dramatically increased and, 事实上, he really has burst on the scene lately. His first televised fight was on SHOBOX in 2015, a KO of Frank Galarza, and he’s been on a roll ever since.
这场战斗, this main event, Lara versus Hurd, is one of five matchups of top five contenders, top five ranked fighters, on the SHOWTIME schedule just in the first half of this year. So we look forward to a great fight, a great card on April 7th.
L. Ellerbe
谢谢, 斯蒂芬. I would like to introduce the IBF world champion. What an outstanding young fighter. He’s from my hometown. He lives and trains out of Accokeek, 马里兰. Always in exciting fights and we expect nothing different come April the 7th. He’s undefeated with a record of 21-0, 同 15 科斯. He’s coming off of career-defining TKO victory over Austin Trout. Ladies and gentlemen, the IBF Junior Middleweight Champion, “迅速” 贾勒特赫德.
培训进展顺利. We’re getting prepared. This is a fight that I wanted just as bad as any and I’m glad we can make it happen. I just can’t wait to put on a show.
L. Ellerbe
伟大. 好. 接下来, we have Erislandy “美国梦” Lara with a record of 25 和 2 同 14 科斯. 又来了, as Stephen mentioned earlier, Lara is the longest reigning champion at 154. A tremendous boxer, real slick, real smooth. He’s been in there with all the top guys in the weight class and again, he’ll be looking to put on another great performance come April the 7th. 所以, 女士们,先生们, Erislandy拉拉.
First I want to thank everyone on the call. 最重要的, I’d like to thank SHOWTIME for putting on a great fight, thank Mayweather Promotions, TGB Promotions and my whole team. Come April 7, I’ll be ready to fight and ready to put on a show.
For Stephen, I’m just wondering if you could give your thought process as to what made you decide to make a matchup between Erislandy Lara and Hurd as opposed to either of those guys against Charlo.
S. 埃斯皮诺萨
I think it was really the style matchup. When we sat down and looked at them, they’re three exciting fighters, three great champions, but the matchup that was really intriguing because of the styles was Lara versus Hurd.
Erislandy has never shied away from any challenge. Jarrett was very vocal about wanting to unify. And the combination of their styles, where they are in their careers, it seemed like an intriguing matchup.
Do you believe that the winner of the fight would then look to fight Charlo?
S. 埃斯皮诺萨
绝对. And Jermell is game. He’s on board. He’s on board for it. He was recently on SHOWTIME and he indicated he wants the winner. He wants the winner next.
贾勒特, what was it about this matchup that made you want it more?
Ĵ. 赫德
很好, I knew both fights will eventually happen. But I feel like the fight with Erislandy Lara will give me more credibility and will put me in position at number one. I wanted to be top guy in my division and now I feel like I am the top guy in my division.
这场战斗, I want it over the fight with Jermell Charlo, even though the fight with Jermell Charlo is more anticipated and people wantmaybe because of our styles, but I wanted this fight because I feel like it will put me to better position in the 154 联赛.
Do you feel like at 27 years old you’re now in your prime and that basically whether it’s Erislandy Lara, or anybody else in the weight class that Jarrett Hurd’s punching power can take care of them?
Ĵ. 赫德
I feel like my powerI have the power that’s deceptive and it doesn’t look as hard on TV or while you’re in there until you feel it. It’s a total different story.
I feel like my power can stop anyone, put anyone down. But on April 7th, the knockout streak, I’ll stop another guy and I plan on continuing to keep doing.
Are you ready for a much different kind of style in an experienced fighter like Lara? How do you deal with that kind of skill?
Ĵ. 赫德
拉拉, he’s been the longest reigning champion at 154. I’ve been fighting at 154 all my life, so we’ve been watching him since I turned professional and the style Lara presents we’ve been training for this long before this training camp. He’s a great champion but Lara has always been on top and we always study and the game plan we got is perfect and this is why we wanted the fight. It’s no secret how badly I wanted this fight.
当然, I’m not going to stay in there and try to box with Lara because Lara is an expert on what he does. Lara is not going to stand there toe-to-toe with me because of my size, inside game and my power. So it’s going to be a cat and mouse game and I just can’t wait to show you guys that outcome.
I wonder if Lara could give me his perspective on where he thinks Jarrett Hurd falls in the weight class and whether or not he feels like he is going to have to outbox him or maybe he can mix it up with him a bit.
和. 拉拉
I’m ready to go for April 7th. 贾勒特赫德, as everyone knows, he’s a big, 强大的战斗机, but pretty basic. He can try to fight, kind of like a Mexican strong style and those are styles that I’d like to fight.
So come April 7, we hope he’s prepared. I’m prepared and want to put on a great fight for the fans and for the writers and for everyone else.
Was this a fight that Erislandy wanted or would he have preferred a Charlo unification?
和. 拉拉
殊不知, I was the one who wanted this fight. He won his title in February, I wanted to fight him in October and his team said he wasn’t ready to fight me in October. They wanted him to be prepared to fight another southpaw and prepare for me.
所以, as the pressure mounted, Jarrett Hurd decided just to fight. So I’m happy he stepped up to the plate but as everyone knows, I want his belt and I want the other belts in this division as well.
贾勒特, how do you feel Erislandy compares to Trout in the sense of how much better he might be and how much of a step-up in competition it is for you?
Ĵ. 赫德
I feel like Lara has a little bit better foot movement than Trout. And one thing about Trout, he took chances in my fight. He stayed there with me. I don’t think Lara is going to take that many chances. He’s a very disciplined fighter.
So whatever works for him, he’s going to stick to exactly what he’s working for. He’s never going to change it no matter how hot on the scorecard he is or not, he’s going to stick to his game plan and I think he’s much more disciplined and a little sharper than Trout.
How much do you feel that it helped you to fight Trout to get ready for this fight?
Ĵ. 赫德
It definitely helped me, not only to fight Trout, but just going to two training camps with southpaws. I only fought three southpaws in my career before Trout. So now I have a lot of experience with them. So going into this fight I wanted to kind of go into two or three camps before I face Lara and I think it helped me.
Erislandy said that you fight like a Mexican. How much of a compliment do you take that as?
Ĵ. 赫德
Mexicans are fighters, 一. I take it as a compliment. When you describe a Mexican fighter, you stay toe-to-toe and that’s what the fans like to see. 当然, that’s not my only style. Everyone sees I can switch it up with my fight with Frank Galarza back in Las Vegas and it all depends on what I have to bring out that night. I can do it all.
Erislandy, what do you think of how Hurd fought in the Trout fight?
和. 拉拉
I watched the Trout fight in the locker room and as I was preparing for my fight, so I couldn’t watch that carefully but from what I saw in the fight, I thought Trout was winning the fight and as the fight wore on, 明显, Trout’s legs weren’t there and he hadn’t fought in 17 months and he’s also a fighter who’s on the back-end of his career, and had lost already several times.
But I thought Trout was actually doing a good job in the fight and, 就像我说的, Hurd is a guy who likes to take it up a notch after six, seven rounds and I like to take it up a notch or two after six, seven rounds. 所以, this is going to be a great fight. And come April 7, I’m just ready to rumble.
Based on what you just said, do you feel that maybe too much has been made of the Trout win?
和. 拉拉
People are going to have their take on the Trout fight but, there is no fighter at 154 或 160 or anywhere around this weight division that has my style and my boxing ability and my smarts, and that’s the reason I’ve made it this far.
Trout was out 17 个月. He is an older guy. He’s been defeated several times and he is a former world champ but he’s also had a loser mentality.
It’s a lot different when you’re fighting a winner and you’re fighting the guy who also dominated Trout and put him on the deck and let him off the hook in the 12th. It’s an exciting fight and we’re excited to put on a great fight.
How important is it for you, if you’re able to beat Jarrett Hurd, that you go and fight Jermell Charlo and you in effect clean out the 154-pound division?
和. 拉拉
I said it before and I’m going to say it again. I’m going to clean out the division and that has been my plan from the beginning and I’m going to stick to my plan. I don’t care who the champions are. I don’t care what their names are or where they’re from. I’m going to clean up the division and it starts April 7.
Do you view Hurd as a tougher fight than Charlo or vice versa?
和. 拉拉
I don’t look at them any different. They’re both to me kind of the same fighter. They both come up to the ring with a purpose and they’re trying to win. 但最终, I’m the best fighter in this division. It’s been proven over years. So whether it was Hurd first, Charlo first, it didn’t matter. I’m just ready to rumble.
L. Ellerbe
I would also like to touch on that. With all due respect to Trout, Jarrett Hurd ain’t Austin Trout. 我的意思是, this kid is the real deal. I try to look back in the history of this particular division and I can’t think of a fighter who was as big and physical and applies the kind of pressureespecially mental pressurethat he puts on guys in a very, very long time. 这将是一个巨大的战斗, an excellent matchup, contrasting styles and I’m really, really excited to see this bout.
You said before in the past that you start off slow in your fights on purpose even to the point of taking a blow or two from your opponent. What’s your thinking behind strategy like that?
Ĵ. 赫德
I’m just feeling my opponent out. You don’t want to go out there and not know what he’s capable of. So you just don’t want to go out there and take that many chances without seeing what the guy’s got. 所以, I just use the first round to see what he has and take it from there, make the adjustments.
Do you think people recognize your size and your power? Do they underestimate your ability to fight inside?
Ĵ. 赫德
A hundred percent. I don’t think now, but I think they did before. Me being a taller, longer, rangier guy they expect me to be on the outside and I know I surprised a lot of people when I start to fight inside, that close. I watched a lot of James Toney. So that’s where I kind of get it from.
斯蒂芬, you said this fight was chosen and put together based on the styles of these fighters. Is it that you recognized the last four opponents that Hurd’s faced were two orthodox fighters and also two southpaw fighters that he put on a great performance against?
S. 埃斯皮诺萨
很好, it was more looking for an entertaining fight. It’s sort of the classic matador-and-bull type of fight. You’ve got a really aggressive hard-punching, 年轻, strong champion and you’ve got, another champion who’s known as one of the most skilled fighters in any division. So it’s sort of the unstoppable force immovable object coming together; which style is going to win out?
So it really wasn’t as much looking at past opponents as it was, what might be the most exciting fight. And not to say that Jermell isn’t an exciting fighter, 太, 因为, that is definitely something that’s very, very possible in the near future.
So it was just, which one could come first, which one would come next, and I think the clash of styles is what attracted us to this matchup first.
L. Ellerbe
Sometimes when people referred to Lara, they just mostly speak about his boxing skill. But Lara can also crack, 太. So those out there who sleep on Lara’s power are sadly mistaken. I’ve sat ringside, first row a couple of his fights and especially the Canelo fight and I’ve seen firsthand what his power looks like. And if anybody’s sleeping on his power, they are sadly mistaken.
Jarrett do you think those recent fights are the fights that prepared you going into this fight against Lara?
Ĵ. 赫德
是的, I feel more though that my career period has prepared me for this fight. I didn’t come up the easy route. So I didn’t have a big amateur career. A lot of people didn’t want to give me a chance. I had to go out there and take them. My performances I put on when I got the opportunity each and every time on TV, I went out there and did what I was supposed to.
所以, I feel like just my career, 期, and all I’ve been through prepared me for this fight, not just those fights on TV, but those little fights.
You say that you want to go ahead and walk opponents down and try to get rid of them, put the more pressure on. Is that the case?
It depends. Like during the Austin Trout fight. He did lack a little power, so I was willing to take some to get some in. I was willing to take some chances but, it all depends on, like you said, if they all lack a little power. Are you willing to take those chances?
Like my fight with Oscar Molina, he can crack a little more than Tony Harrison, so I was kind of a little more head movement and little less willing to go into there without being cautious.
这一切都取决于. But like I said man it’s crazy because people define me by my last two fights as that’s my style. I was the guy that always was the kind of puncher and fought from his back foot until guys started to compare me and look at my size. I didn’t even realize I was that big of a fighter until I got on the stage with some of these guys. So my last two fights are the only fights that I have fought that way in my career, coming forward and then pressure, because I knew eventually I would have to come into a fight with a guy like Lara. We’ve been working on it, but I could switch it up. I can do whatever. It all depends on my opponent that night and y’all just going to have to wait and see.
Erislandy, are there any concerns about him getting stronger as the fight goes on and also how he’s able to take punches from people and actually take their power?
和. 拉拉
I keep seeing people refer to his height or how big he is, but Williams was taller and bigger than him. Canelo was and is stronger than him, and they couldn’t deal with me.
So I’m not worried about what he has to bring today. I’m worried about what I have to do in that ring. 我关注. 我准备好了, and there’s no question in my mind I know I can knock him out. If he gets reckless, he’s going to get knocked down. And if not, then he’s going to get beat up.
He’s going to have to make that decision on April 7 whether he’s willing to go through the fire or if he’s just willing just to lose a decision. It’s up to him. He’s going to have to decide that on April 7.
Do you think that those past fights have given you any kind of preparation or anything for this fight coming? Or do you feel that you’re totally different from when you fought Paul Williams and when you fought Canelo, 物理?
和. 拉拉
I don’t look for one specific fight. I don’t look at last fight or the last four fights because my whole life, I’ve been preparing for this, since Cuba.
I didn’t have shoes until I was 5 岁. I was preparing for this. I was born to be a fighter. It was during my whole amateur career, 350 plus amateur fights, several world championships across the amateurs. Now my whole pro-career, I fought the top guys, I’ve beat the top guys, and that’s what’s prepared me for this fight and prepared me to fight whoever is available in the division.
So I’m ready to go and I’m ready to fight.
伦纳德, with Mayweather Promotions, are you guys planning to put more and more fights together, not just with your own fighters but working with SHOWTIME to put on just top-quality fights, 期?
L. Ellerbe
We’re very excited to promote all these big events, working along with SHOWTIME and expect to see more of it in the next couple of months.
We’ve outlined our next few big events that we have and expect more of that in the fall of this year. All we’re looking to do is put on the biggest and best events and make them for the fans.
What is Erislandy’s take on sometimes people not appreciating the sweet science and his boxing ability?
和. 拉拉
This is a sport. Boxing is hit and don’t get hit. That’s the way it was taught from the beginning of time. It’s a sweet science and all fights are different. Styles are different. Styles obviously make fights.
Some guys are willing to take more risk than others and that sometimes dictates the action in a fight. My main focus is to win every fight and win clearly. That’s my job.
Erislandy are you the only fighter in the division that could put Jermell Charlo in his place?
和. 拉拉
One hundred percent yes. And from my experiences of hundreds of rounds of sparring, Jermell Charlo won’t fight Erislandy Lara next when we get done with Hurd. Only time will tell.
贾勒特, do you see any weakness in Erislandy Lara?
Ĵ. 赫德
Well you all will have to see that on fight night. Not to give away too much of the game plan, 但, 就像我说的, Lara’s toughest fights are when guys put pressure on him. And that’s what we’re going to do.
伦纳德, you talked about Jarrett’s versatility and how you’ve done some research on this weight class and his size. But in your time, have you seen a guy with his relative inexperience to someone like Lara expressing the confidence that he has done and also just rising so quickly against quality opposition like this?
L. Ellerbe
别, I think it’s a tremendous asset. Confidence is everything in this sport. He has a strong belief in his skill set and his ability to go out there and get it done.
明显, this is the biggest and toughest challenge to date with Lara being a great champion who has fought on the big stage and has fought a number of great fighters. But again, those contrasting styles and Jarrett having the ability and the confidence to bring that to the table I think is going to make a big, big difference.
Because it’s one thing with sitting on the outside and watching guys fight on TV, but it’s a whole different ballgame when you got a light heavyweight walking you down and putting that kind of mental pressure on you. But Lara’s built for this kind of thing because he’s seen any and every kind of style out there.
So these are the reasons why I think it’s a great, great matchup because again, I think that Jarrett is going to bring out the best in Lara and I think vice-versa, Lara is going to bring the best out in Jarrett. Period.
When it comes to Lara, we’ve seen him on the big stage before. He’s a tremendous boxer. He’s actually, in my eyes, the best boxer that’s out there. Tremendous foot movement, 头部运动, coming from that great Cuban school of boxing, he’s a real deal.
But again, you got this young, 艰难的, hungry lion that had the mindset that he doesn’t care what Lara has done in the past because Lara has never fought nobody like Jarrett Hurd, and vice-versa.
That’s what makes this an intriguing matchup. Come April 7, I expect this fight probably might end in a knockout.
What is your assessment of Jarrett Hurd compared to the guys you faced in your career?
和. 拉拉
I don’t compare fighters. I look at him as a young, hungry kid who’s got desire. He wants to be great. He’s going to come forward and he’s going to come ready to fight. If he doesn’t come forward, then I’ll be ready to fight, 太, however it plays out. But I’m ready for everything he brings to the table.
When was the last time, Erislandy, that someone outright predicted that they were going to knock you out as he has done?
和. 拉拉
Every fighter wants to knock you out when you get in that ring. Paul Williams wanted to knock me out. CANELO, 叶片, plus he keeps mentioning how it’s going to be Angulo and this and that.
很好, Angulo connected on me twice, but don’t forget how that fight finished. I ended Angulo’s career. I ruined his career and I put him out of the top level of boxing.
If Jarrett Hurd thinks he’s going to come like that, I’m going to end his career too, 在 27 岁. So come April 7, I’m hoping he puts that pressure so I could ruin his career for all the talking that he’s been doing.
贾勒特? What did you think of what he just said?
Ĵ. 赫德
我的意思是, here’s the thing, we all know that Lara has the experience. He’s seen every style from right-handed to the southpaw. Anything you give him, he’s seen it all. But he has not experienced what I’m about to give him.
It’s not about the styles that you’ve seen; it’s about what you’re about to experience. So this is a whole different ballgame. You get in there to fight with Jarrett Hurd and you’ll see how that all ends.
I speak from the heart and I say what I feel. I’m not just out here talking just to talk. I’m putting in the work. Where my chance is going and where I see this fight playing out, there’s no way that Lara is going to come out of top.
What makes you different from Angulo? 并且, does it give you a little bit of an edge that he is a little bit older now than he was then?
Ĵ. 赫德
别, we never play that old card. You’ve seen Lara’s performances. He’s still in great shape. Age is not factor. I hate guys saying the same thing with Austin Trout. They say age is starting to show.
We’re not going to play the age card. We see that Lara is still a great fighter. He’s the longest reigning champion for a reason and age shouldn’t play a part.
As far as the past Angulo thing, nothing to take away from Angulo. 他是一个伟大的战士, he’s done great things, but I’m much faster than Angulo, much sharp than Angulo, hit harder than Angulo and I’m a much bigger guy.
So physically, when I’m in there, on him in the ring, he’s going to feel it. He couldn’t take the pressure and the style from Angulo. He’s going to be in long night when he fights me.
L. Ellerbe
好. Ladies and gentlemen, you’ve heard from both fighters. 再次, we have a tremendous lineup, great tripleheader live on SHOWTIME, April the 7th, 10 P.M. ET /下午7时. PT, 从Hard Rock酒店 & 在拉斯维加斯赌场. Lara versus Hurd, Truax versus DeGale, Julian Williams versus Nathaniel Gallimore. What a tremendous tripleheader, 住在Showtime.
We want to thank everyone for joining us on the call. Have a wonderful day.
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Undefeated Ruben Villa Makes Homecoming Debut in Salinas, California on Saturday April 14th

费城, 佩恩/奥兰治, 加利福尼亚州. (三月 23, 2018)–Heralded featherweight prospect Ruben Villa returns home for the 1st time as a professional as he headlines in the Northern California city of Salinas on Saturday, 四月 14, from the popular Salinas Storm House.
The show is promoted by Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing.
Ruben has been coming along great, 并 4月14日, he will thrill his hometown fans,” 说横幅促销总统, 亚瑟Pelullo. “We are looking forward to this special night for Ruben, for him not only to put on a great performance in his hometown, but to capture his first championship.
This show has been in the works for more than a year,” 亚历克斯说Camponovo, who as Matchmaker and General Manager of Thompson Boxing. “It’s an excellent show from top-to-bottom featuring talent from all over the Bay Area and surrounding parts. You have Ruben looking to win his first professional title [WBO Youth] in his hometown.

别墅, 20, will be locked in a battle with fellow prospect Marlon Olea (13-2, 12 科斯) of Colombia in the 8-round “新鲜血液” main event where the WBO Youth Featherweight Title is up for grabs. 别墅, 一个左撇子, is currently in Riverside, 加利福尼亚州. with trainer Max Garcia preparing for his main event debut.

I’m excited to headline my first event,” 说别墅, who is co-promoted by Banner Promotions and Thompson Boxing. “I’ve been preparing for this my whole life. It came fast. There’s a lot to be happy about. It’s a title fight, and it will be in front of my hometown fans.

Villa will certainly receive a challenge from Olea. He holds a unanimous decision loss against WBA World Champion Danny Roman and is known as a pressure fighter with excellent instincts.

He’s a mover, and he’s quick with his hands,” Villa said. “I’ll be ready for him. We are getting a little bit of everything in this training camp. I’m sparring guys that like to box and guys that are coming in and pressuring.

New to Villa for this fight has been the abundance of ticket requests from local boxing fans. The former two-time Golden Gloves Champion has already sold 400 门票, yet the requests keep pouring in.

“说实话, I’m not sure how it’s going to feel to fight in my hometown,” Villa said. “I tend to tune out all the white noise and just box. I’m sure there will be some moments when I recognize the crowd. I have to enjoy it, but keep my poise.

门票 “新鲜血液” 售价为 $40, $75, & $125, 并可通过致电购买 714-935-0900, 或访问 ThompsonBoxing.com 在线.

门开处 4:30 P.M. local time with the first bout at approximately 6:00 P.M. The Salinas Storm House is located at 185 Maryal Dr. 萨利纳斯, 例如 93907.

All fights will be live streamed on TB Presents: New Blood via Thompson Boxing Facebook page and ThompsonBoxing.com.

直播开始于 6:00 P.M. PT / 9:00 P.M. AND 贝托·杜兰 (Beto Duran) 担任详细解说员,史蒂夫·金 (Steve Kim) 提供专业色彩解说.

关于我们的战士定期更新, 事件, 和促销, 请喜欢 横幅促销的Facebook页面, 并按照我们 Instagram的Twitter @横幅拳击 .


费城 – 一切都已准备就绪 11年度布里斯科奖, 将要举行 这个星期天 下午, 三月 25, 2018, 1-4 PM, 在 费城 VBA 俱乐部会所. 该活动庆祝费城地区拳击界最大和最好的成就, 通常由拳击手参加 – 过去和现在, 其他拳击名人, 和战斗粉丝.
“2017 对于我们当地的拳击界来说是难忘的一年, 很高兴能把大家聚集在一起庆祝它,” 约翰·迪桑托说, 布里斯科奖创始人. “我们的活动实际上只是一场聚会 – 食物, 饮料, 以及所有热爱这项运动的人齐聚一堂. 很高兴看到人们来参加布里斯科奖. 然而亮点, 将聚光灯投向那些为娱乐我们所有粉丝而努力工作的战士们. 这总是美好的一天和有趣的时光。”
今年参加布里斯科奖将是大赢家 泰隆布伦森, 谁将获得三个奖项 – 为 “战斗机”, “战斗”, 和 “年度最佳表现”, 艾弗里·斯帕罗, 这俩 “年度展望” 而 “2017 年突破战士”, 杰伦·恩尼斯, 命名的 “值得关注的人”, 迪伦·普赖斯, 该 “年度最佳新秀”, 马塞尔·里弗斯, 谁得分了 “年度淘汰赛”, 雷蒙德·福特, 该 “年度业余”, 和 杰罗姆·康奎斯特, 谁将收到 “埃弗里特兄弟奖”.
该 “年度照片” 也将由出席者选出. 前拳击明星, 现任战士, 球迷, 和搏击兄弟会的其他成员构成了典型的布里斯科奖人群.
门票数量有限 三月 25, 2018 布里斯科奖将在现场颁发 $20. 该票价包含入场费, 食物, 扎啤酒, 葡萄酒, 和软饮料. 布里斯科奖将于 1:00 下午和 4:00 PM, 在VBA俱乐部会所, 2733 和. 克利尔菲尔德街, 费城, PA, 19134.
布里斯科奖由费城拳击历史公司颁发。, 一个 501c3 非营利组织,致力于保护和纪念费城及其周边地区伟大的拳击传统. 欲了解更多信息, 致电约翰·迪桑托 (John DiSanto) 609-377-6413.