標記檔案: WBU

標題在6月22日上線McGivern Vs的伊朗II

本McGivern Vs的納維德伊朗II

世界拳擊聯盟 (WBU) 國際輕重量級的冠軍


倫敦, 聯合王國 – 週一5月27日 2019

標題在6月22日上線McGivern Vs的伊朗II

有時有,只是捕捉拳擊世界的目光打架, 加蒂 - 沃德, 阿里·弗雷澤, FROCH - 凱斯勒, 霍利菲爾德,鮑, 馬爾克斯,巴斯克斯等這事後球迷走出自己的方式要求重賽,並在某些情況下三部曲以上為馬爾克斯,巴斯克斯的情況下,!

在上述每一個這些提到的情況是黃金時間播出的國際事件, 但有時有廣大球迷的雷達之下滑倒的原因之一或其他戰鬥.

一個這樣的鬥爭是本McGivern與納維德伊朗“年度之戰”在十一月提名大逃殺回到去年, 這是只有在Facebook上直播.

雖然它沒有經過廣大球迷的雷達之下全球, 它可能會讓很多讀者學習的第一次戰鬥後, 這麼多的拳擊迷都照亮了社會媒體呼籲McGivern伊朗II, 該發起人湯米·雅各布斯只是不能忽視他們,所以在王子劇院在6月22日在濱海克拉克頓的這兩名戰士將進入舞台上決一雌雄一次, 這次為世界拳擊聯盟 (WBU) 皇冠國際.

早在去年十一月McGivern伊朗, 競爭,都空置職業拳擊理事會 (PBC) 銀國際輕重量級冠軍是在湯米·雅各布斯的歷史的大事標題回合, 在濱海克拉克頓,因為第一個職業拳擊事件 1939, 當麥克凱文擊敗查理麥克.

作戰它是正確的說法; 這是百年難遇的大逃殺.

從一關閉伊朗採取的鬥爭McGivern, 支持蘇格蘭人上的繩索,讓撕裂與大左和權利亂舞. McGivern理智掩蓋起來,等待機會反擊, 他做了良好的效果,一旦機會出現.

然而,它並不足以阻止伊朗幾乎立刻回來了類似有力的攻擊. McGivern再次成功應對並初步採取控制.

隨著一輪的進行,伊朗降落幾個開裂拍攝,再次被迫McGivern掩蓋的. 伊朗跟上大款的壓力, 而McGivern抓住了很多與他的手套,一些大的權利通過蘇格蘭衛隊有, 搖晃他的核心.

McGivern如何去到回合結束是深不可測, 他的腿很好,真正走了, 但不知何故,他做到了.

第二輪看到伊朗出來硬性, 然而McGivern已經做好準備,突擊, 再次開始掩蓋,但這個時候,而不是僅僅打擊和覆蓋, 他轉動他的對手,去硬的攻擊自己.

第三輪看到McGivern採取的鬥爭伊朗, 這導致了一些偉大的拳擊技術從兩個主角隨後.

接下來的幾個回合中類似的靜脈戰鬥. 最後一輪,雖然是個徹頭徹尾的戰爭; 兩個拳擊手扔謹慎的風和全力以赴激烈毆鬥接踵而至整個最後三分鐘 - 什麼令人振奮的輪.

經過八年夢幻回合的拳擊有人奔McGivern宣布勝利, 但究竟是誰統治了6月22日勝利.

本McGivern與納維德伊朗II, 對於世界拳擊聯盟 (WBU) 國際輕重量級的冠軍是彌敦道Decastro與湯米·雅各布斯的世界拳擊聯盟的主要支持 (WBU) 和世界拳擊基金會超中量級冠軍是頭條秀.

另外,卡上是另一個冠軍的爭奪, 一個坑聖奧爾本斯“安迪Hojdys對拉脫維亞Dmitrijs Ovjannikovs兩個世界拳擊聯賽 (WBL) 國際和歐洲拳擊聯賽 (EBL) 歐洲輕重量級冠軍.

除了三個冠軍較量, 也有一些國際比賽, 第一個特色的世界拳擊理事會 (WBC) 亞太區冠軍, 印度Neeraj Goyat在八輪非冠軍回合對坦桑尼亞的阿莫斯Mwamakula.


濱海克拉克頓的不敗羽奔“的Claxican”庫克還尋求增加他的勝利理貨, 當他面對巴勃羅·納瓦埃斯, 誰也來自尼加拉瓜冰雹, 在四圓.

最後臨回合功能院長波特, 誰是急於找回勝利的道路, 跟隨他的損失,傑克·瓊斯上個月.

波特也面臨著尼加拉瓜, 在這種情況下,前國際拳擊組織 (IBO) 和世界拳擊理事會 (WBC) 青年世界冠軍挑戰者邁克爾·艾薩克Carreo在四個回合的非競賽冠軍.

彌敦道Decastro與湯米·雅各布斯的世界拳擊聯盟 (WBU) 和世界拳擊基金會超中量級冠軍的頭條新聞,在王子劇院發生的事件, 市政廳, 站前路,, 克拉克頓在海CO15 1SE上週六6月22日 2019.

門票, 售價£60 (要人) 和£30 (標準座椅) 可通過調用排隊買票 07475 096532, 或購買上線www.tkoboxoffice.com

KO我 4! Sowah的夢, 經過我們的鬥爭,他會做噩夢, Decastro蒸餾器

Bardney林肯郡的彌敦道Decastro已發出警告,冷到他的對手加納, “殺手”丹尼爾·阿傑伊Sowah, 在林肯大學他們即將到來的世界冠軍對決上週六4月27日提前, 當兩位主角面臨關閉的世界拳擊聯盟 (WBU) 世界超中量級冠軍.

Decastro的 在社會化媒體警告以下職位引述加納報紙文章 其中Sowah指出:“我要敲Decastro出4”這顯然觸及 神經與它的圓環名字的人是“噩夢”, 其響應了。

“敲 我出去 4! Sowah的夢想, 我們吵架後,他會做噩夢.

“我有 永遠失去了句號, 更不用說被叫停! 

“他 需要思考, 他們叫我拿'夢魘'Decastro是有原因的, 我有 停止我十四歲那對手的11種親, 我不僅僅是屈指可數 包含裝有, 我為我在擂台上的對手一個噩夢生活, 我無所畏懼 狠“。

Decastro, 誰是排名 #4, 由國際拳擊聯合會 (IBF) 在他們的 洲際評級, 然後苦笑了一下,並迅速前聳聳肩 改變談話的主題.

“我 所以期待第27, 這是我的夢想是為世界冠軍而戰, 特別是世界盲人聯盟世界冠軍, 不只是因為我的拳擊英雄瑞奇 哈頓和我的助長李麥卡利斯特曾雙雙榮獲世界盲人聯盟世界冠軍, 但是也 因為布雷斯布里奇拳擊俱樂部, 在那裡我訓練, 與標題歷史.

“所有者 丹尼奧利弗的兒子凱利, 四時間資深ABA冠軍在南盒裝它 非洲對塞巴斯蒂安Rothmann. 我總是抬頭凱利這樣爭搶 同樣的標題他來說是特殊的。“

Decastro 繼續. “我的第一次戰鬥是5月22日 2001 從那天起,我就知道我想 是一個專業的戰鬥機,並有機會成為冠軍. 18 年後,我得到讓我的夢想成為現實和挑戰的機會 在我的家鄉林肯的世界冠軍.

“ID 想說一個巨大的感謝你對我的粉絲, 誰是真正讓我後面. 這個 展會將是一個賣了. 這真的意味著很多對我有那種 支持.

“一世 想說感謝你對我的團隊, 我的贊助商, 誰使這一切 可能, 我的爸爸,他所有的時間我訓練, 墊等工作. 薩姆·維克斯我 體能教練, 克雷格·巴頓我的營養師, 我的隊醫戴爾 Hibberd, 我啟動子李麥卡利斯特, 謝謝你把這樣的強攻 一起戰鬥卡以及讓我在我的家鄉作戰的機會 ,最後我的女友凱西·雷切爾.

雷切爾 一直是我絕對的搖滾這個節目! 她所做的一切都是她自己, 一切組織, 賣票, 她拍攝的所有壓斷了我這麼 我可以專心訓練. 她所做的是令人難以置信. 我是一個非常 幸運的傢伙有別人誰真正推動我成為我能成為最佳人選。“

彌敦道 “夢魘”Decastro對戰“殺手”丹尼爾·阿傑伊Sowah的世界拳擊 聯盟 (WBU) 世界超中量級冠軍頭條利 麥卡利斯特刺客管理和促銷“夢魘早在林肯”號事件 在林肯大學棚發動機, 布雷福德池, 林肯LN6 7TS.

門票: VIP陽台: 賣光了, 馬戲團: 賣光了, 標準: £30.00. 要購買 門票請撥打雷切爾凱西 07736 737750 或在網上買去www.tkoboxoffice.com

Stoppage Win Over Martinez Sets Khan on Course For Another Title Shot


報告: Gianluca Di Caro – Photos courtesy of Joe Ibbotson.


It may have been the coldest weekend of the year in the UK so far, but the icy cold conditions 週六 night didn’t prevent the fans turning out to support local hero Tasif Khan as he faced Mexican Champion and former WBC World Title Challenger Juan Lopez Martinez on the Bridie Murtagh (Saorise Promotions) promoted Dinner Event at the Royal Taj (formerly the Connaught Rooms) in Bradford.


The importance of the fight clearly wasn’t lost on any of Khan’s fans, their man may already have secured World Boxing Union (WBU), Global Boxing Union (GBU) and World Boxing Confederation (WBC) World Championships over the past couple of years, but a victory 週六 would mean that Khan, who is already highly ranked by the International Boxing Federation (IBF) in their Intercontinental Ratings, would be eligible to mount a challenge for the prestigious IBF Intercontinental Championship in the Summer as the first step to mounting a potential future challenge for the coveted IBF World Crown.


Prior to the first fight of the night, Master of Ceremonies Sam Gorman gave a moving eulogy to British & Irish Boxing Authority (BIBA) 副總裁 (蘇格蘭) Kenny Barr, who tragically passed away in December at the age of just 34, which was followed by a standing Ten Bell tribute.


OK now let’s get onto the the main event, a ten round non-championship Super Flyweight contest between the aforementioned Tasif Khan and Juan Lopez Martinez.


The atmosphere was electric as the protagonists made their way to the ring with the entourages in support waving their respective countries flags and in Khan’s case also carrying his many Championship belts. After the pre-fight razzmatazz and introductions it was down to business for the young Gladiators.


Right from the opening bell both men began to cautiously vie for Centre-ring, Khan utilizing his superior reach to take effective control and force his more experienced opponent on to the back foot.


About the midway point of the round Khan began to step up the pace, landing some big shots to both body and head, each time Martinez stood his ground and countered with good effect.


In the second it was more or less the same, with Khan taking the initiative and actively attacking, whilst Martinez remained content to counter when the opportunity arose.


Round three see Khan step up the pace further, utilizing superior hand speed and slick movement to land a some sensational shots, the most notable was a huge right to the chin late on in the round. Martinez was clearly shaken, but still thinking clearly enough to change his tactics and tie the Bradford man up on the inside to prevent further big shots landing.


Initially Martinez took the fight to Khan in the fourth, in doing so landed a sensational hook to the head of Khan. However this tactic just played into Khan’s hands and the Bradford man came back with some sensational combinations each time the Mexican mounted an attack.


As the round progressed into the second minute, Khan caught Martinez with another big shot which sent the Mexican back towards the ropes, Khan stepped in and let rip with a double handed flurry culminating with a big left hook to the body, which sent Martinez to the canvas. Martinez made the count and made it to the end of the round by tying up Khan on the inside again.


Round five see Martinez utilizing the tying up Khan on the inside tactic more, and at times looked outclassed. Khan’s superior ring-craft really came into play as the round entered the final minute, the confident persona Martinez carried in the early rounds was now gone, Martinez was beginning to try and slow Khan’s scintillating pace down to a crawl, constantly grabbing hold each time Khan mounted an attack, before letting rip with uppercuts at every opportunity, much to the dismay of Khan’s corner, who were shouting at their man to work off his jab and keep him at a distance.


Round six see Khan confidently begin to wear Martinez down further with fast double handed flurries and powerful combinations to both body and head. At more or less the half way point of the round Khan broke loose from another attempted holding session from Martinez and fired a couple of stiff jabs, before stepping in with a huge hook to the body. Martinez immediately collapsed to the canvas and was clearly distraught, however the tough Mexican tried his hardest to make it to his feet before referee James Ancliff’s count reached its conclusion, albeit unsuccessful in doing so.


The official time for the stoppage 1 minute and 32 seconds of the sixth round.


Preceding the Khan-Martinez headline bout was a six round Super Middleweight contest between Bardley, Lincolnshire’s unbeaten Nathan Decastro and very late replacement Malcolm Richardson from Blackpool.


Originally IBF Ranked Decastro was due to compete against Ghanaian Philip Kotey, who had arrived in the UK but fell ill 在週五 夜晚. More disappointment for Decastro as a win over Kotey would have also positioned him for a potential shot at an IBF title later in the year.


Right from the off it was clear that Decastro was intent on making a statement, the Bardley man closing of the ring and letting rip with power punch after power punch. Richardson’s made of stern stuff and stood his ground and countered with good effect. However as the round progressed towards the second minute, Decastro switched to the body, landing a massive body shot that sent Richardson down.


Richardson made the count, in fact following the knockdown went on the front foot and landed a couple of good shots of his own, but Decastro’s relentless power shots got the better of the Blackpool man and with about 40 seconds of the round to go Decastro caught him with a huge body shot to send him to the canvas for the second time, this time though Richardson didn’t make it to his feet before referee James Ancliff’s count reached it’s conclusion.


Official time of the stoppage was 2 Minutes and 30 在第一輪的秒.


Prior to Decastro-Richardson it was time for a Heavyweight contest between Askam-in-Furness, Cumbria’s Lee Kellett and Belfast, Northern Ireland’s Ryan Kilpatrick.


What a cracking fight, both lads gave there all for the full four rounds, much to the appreciation of those in attendance.


After four highly entertaining all action rounds it was Lee Kellett that scoring referee James Ancliff decided was the victor by a 40-36 分之差.


Next up was a four round Super Lightweight contest between Newcastle’s Jak Johnson and Liverpool’s Paul Peers.


什麼打架, it was a true Battle Royale, these two warriors gave no quarter, and it was a seriously top class battle. The first couple of rounds were exhausting to watch, pure toe-2-toe action from start to finish, so much so that this contest rightly earned the accolade of the Fight of the Night.


The third though see Peers in the ascendancy, the Liverpool man steeping up the pace as well as switching his focus to the body of the Geordie with great effect, so much so that around the midway point Peers sent Johnson to the canvas with a pin-point perfect shot to the lower rib.


Johnson made it to his feet but in the dying seconds of the round Peers found a way through Johnson’s excellent defence to land another shot to the lower rib to send Johnson down for a second time, this time Johnson couldn’t make it to his feet to beat referee James Ancliff’s count.


Official time of the stoppage was 2 minutes and 59 seconds of the third round.


The opening bout of the night sees Aberdeen’s Nathan Beattie in action against late replacement Belfast’s Marty Kayes.


Beattie-Kayes was a purist’s dream fight, it was one seriously closely fought and highly technical contest, which wouldn’t come as any surprise to those in the know, as these two had fought each other previously.


After four closely fought rounds scoring referee James Ancliff’s score card read 40-37 in favour of Nathan Beattie.


There were due to be two further contests on the cardObadai Sai vs Isaac Quartey and Patrick Okine vs Saidi Mundi, however these contests failed to take place due to only Quartey and Okine receiving their visa in time to make the trip to the UK.


舊金山, 例如 (十月 3, 2017)Professional boxing returns to the city of San Francisco, 例如, 上 十月 21, 2017, as hometown hero 卡里姆 “硬查找” 梅菲爾德 (19-4-1, 11 科斯), takes on undefeated prospect 邁克爾·杜馬斯 (10-0, 7 科斯). The main-event bout will take place at the beautiful historic San Francisco Armory. On the line with be the WBU Welterweight Americas Belt.
梅菲爾德, who’s been out of the ring for over a year, is looking to get his career back on track with an impressive victory. The San Francisco native is thrilled to get back in the ring, especially in his hometown.
I really wanted to bring boxing back to San Francisco in a classy manner,” 卡里姆說梅菲爾德. “The San Francisco Armory is a beautiful venue that holds 4,000 人. We want to get the word out that this will be a friendly atmosphere where everyone of all walks of life can enjoy the fights. I’m facing a young hungry fighter from Mexico in Miguel Dunas who I know is going to bring it. We got a lot of local fighters on the card. It’s going to be a great show for everyone. Tickets are on sale now. I’m going to do a lot of damage come fight night.
不敗 Raquel “蠻獸” 磨坊主 (4-0, 2 科斯) VS. Sydney LeBlanc (4-4) was supposed to serve as the co-feature, but LeBlanc had to pull out for undisclosed reasons. A new opponent will be announced soon. The 6-round co-feature bout will be in Super-lightweight division. 磨坊主, 誰是目前排名 #2 由 boxrec.com, was born and raised in San Francisco and is expected to have a lot of fans in attendance.
This will be the first time I’ll be fighting in my hometown of San Francisco,” an ecstatic Raquel Miller said. “Everyone from my neighborhood, all my family and friends, they’re all coming out to watch me fight. I can’t wait to put on a great show for everyone. I’ll definitely be going for the knockout.
Also on the card is Sacramento’s 澤維爾·馬丁內斯 (9-0, 5 科斯) VS. 喬納森·阿爾坎塔拉 (7-16-2, 1 KO) in an 8-round bout in the featherweight division. Martinez is a member of Floyd Mayweather’s TMT (The Money Team) 和梅威瑟促銷,
San Carlos, 例如, resident, 斯坦Martyniouk (17-2, 3 科斯) VS. 路易斯·阿爾弗雷多·盧戈 (14-27-1, 3 科斯) will do battle in a 6-round super-lightweight clash.
From the Mission District in San Francisco, 中量級 里卡多Pinell (14-3-1, 8 科斯) VS. Carlos Ruiz (8-3, 3 科斯) go toe-to-toe in a 6-round middleweight bout.
Rounding out the rest of the card is Will Shaw (2-0, 2 科斯) VS. Lenard Davis (1-0-2) in the super-lightweight division (4-發), super-lightweight Luis Casillas (1-1, 1 KO) VS. TBA, 和輕量級 Marquita Lee (3-5) VS. TBA.
門票價格 $40 (standing room only), $50 (floor seats tier 3), $60 (floor seat tier 2), $80 floor tier 1, $125 (front seats), and ringside $250, 現在在發售 EVENTBRITE.COM. Doors open up at 5:30 P.M. First bout at 6:00 P.M.
The San Francisco Armory is located at 1800 Mission SŤ, San Francisco, 例如 94103. Located conveniently at the corner of Mission Street14th Street, the SF Armory is served by Muni routes, major bus lines and is easily accessible by BART that serves the East Bay and the airport. Parking can be arranged using local lots or valet.
# # #

Marston to Challenge Tshabalala for Her World Crown on July 2nd

Over the past week or so the World’s press have been focusing heavily on the recently announced 9 July Tyson Fury-Wladimir Klitschko WBO-WBA-IBO Unified Heavyweight Championships rematch. Quite rightly so, it’s a huge fight, however just one week earlier, an equally World significant unification bout is also set to take place right here in the United Kingdom.


七月 2ND, at the Arena UK in Grantham, Lincolnshire, 世界 #15 and British #1 ranked Marianne Marston will not only be challenging South Africa’s World Boxing Federation (WBFed) Super Bantamweight World Champion Gabisile Tshabalala for her coveted crown, but will also be aiming to secure the World Boxing Union (WBU), Women’s International Boxing Association (WIBA) and Universal Boxing Organization (UBO) World accolades.


London based Marston, who was originally due to challenge Unathi Myekeni for the Bantamweight version of the WBFed strap back in December, that was until Myekeni was forced to withdraw following a hand injury, is cleary relishing the belated opportunity, 因為她清楚,當她剛才說話.


“I cannot thank WBFed President Howard Goldberg enough for making this happen, like me he was so dissapointed when Unathi (Myekeni) pulled out injured last year.


In addition to Howard, I would also lke to thank WIBA President Ryan Wissow, WBU President Don Lewis and Sebastien Pitois from the UBO, as they have been so supportive throughout my career, so to also challenge for their Championships really is so special for me.


I’m forty two now, so honestly thought after Unathi pulled out, that’s it for me, I’ll never get the chance to fight for a World title, OK that’s not quite true, I could have fought for a vacant title, but to me that’s just not good enough, 我要爭取最好的, I want to beat the World Champion.


I’ve seen video of Gabisile, when she fought Shannon (奧康) 在 2013, but would very much like to find any video of her when she won the World title last year. I know how much I have changed, fight wise, 因為 2013 so really want to see if there are any changes to her style or tactics.


從我所看到的, she’s a classy fighter, very quick hands. When she fought Shannon, she was mainly counter punching, which would suit me, but for some reason I have a feeling she will have a very different approach as a defending Champion.


無論哪種方式, this will be a great fight for the fans, there’s such a contrast in our styles and in my view it’s those differences in style and tactical approach that will make this such a great fight to watch.


British boxing is booming, we have so many World Champions at the moment, 泰森怒, Anthony Joshua, 凱爾布魯克, 卡爾·弗蘭普頓, 李謝肅方, 利亞姆·史密斯, 傑米·麥克唐納, 李哈斯金斯, 托尼·莫蘭, 克雷格·多赫蒂, 特里·弗拉納根(Terry Flanagan), 安東尼克羅拉, James DeGale and of course my old gym mate at the TKO, 比利·喬·桑德斯.


Obviously they’re all men, so I want to redress the deficit a little and join them, as well as be the first British Female boxer to be crowned World Champion since Jane Couch beat Jaime Clampitt for the IWBF title in 2004.”


Gabisile Tshabalala Vs Marianne Marston for the WBFed, WBU, WIBA and UBO Super Bantamweight Unified World Championship headlines the Russ Brown promoted AS GOOD AS IT GETS event at the Arena UK in Grantham, Lincolnshire, UK on Saturday 2ND 七月.


This event is sanctioned by the British & Irish Boxing Authority (BIBA) www.boxbiba.com


門票: Priced £30 (標準坐姿) and SOLD OUT (Ringside VIP) 可上網 www.tkoboxoffice.comwww.mariannemarston.com


Please show your support and follow Marianne Marston on Twitter @MarianneMarston or on Facebook www.facebook.com/marianne.marstonwww.facebook.com/MarianneMarstonFanPageor see her websites www.mariannemarston.comwww.goldengirlboxing.com

HILLYARD, 馬斯頓 & 汗世界冠軍的戰役聯合頭條6thDec倫敦活動

倫敦子馬克·萊昂斯已與冠軍競選瑪麗安馬斯頓共同推動一個巨大的聖誕節前的事件, 恰當地命名為齊上陣COMMENCE, 在紐約大會堂貝斯納爾格林, 倫敦, 星期日, 該 6十二月.




布拉德福德的Tasif汗使他的第一次嘗試在世界舞台上, 當他挑戰加納的艾薩克Quaye為世界拳擊聯盟超級次最輕量級冠軍.


衛冕世界拳擊聯合會超中量級國際冠軍, Jeezy, 埃塞克斯的喬治Hithard“Hillyard旨在空置盲聯冠天下添加到自己的收藏, 當他面對一個尚未被命名的對手.


最後,英國 #1 和衛冕MBC國際超級輕量級冠軍瑪麗安斯頓會去腳趾趾與匈牙利Csilla Nemedi在四, WBU, WBF, WIBA & WIBC, 最輕量級世界冠軍統一回合.




前英國隊的明星伊恩“世尊”韋弗得到職業拳擊錦標賽他第一次品嚐, 當他挑戰一個尚未被命名的對手國際大師超羽量級冠軍.


Bardney, 林肯郡的不敗前景, 內森“夢魘”Decastro也將爭取國際大師賽冠軍, 儘管在中量級.


最後的冠軍回合將看到衛冕MBC國際重量級冠軍, 哈克尼的SIAR厄茲居爾, 另一個國際皇冠挑戰, 這次在超中量級.


支持六個冠軍的較量九個回合特色的本地人才的奶油, 包括另一衛冕冠軍, WBF超羽量級洲際掌門人保羅·伊科諾米在非冠軍六圓.


在undercard加入保羅是另一個眾所周知的冠軍, 前英國和英聯邦王, 邁克爾·愛迪斯, 誰在十月份他最歡迎的回歸環回.


另一個廣受歡迎的近期回國的神聖方形環, 超中量級萬三史密斯也將在行動, 為將搖滾羅賓·迪肯, 誰將會尋求另一個勝利添加到他的卡, 在八月後,他戰勝了Deniss Kornilovs回.


不敗, 大沖壓重量級前景丹尼爾·門德斯將尋求第三頭皮添加到他的腰帶上的夜晚, 正如亞當·泰勒尋求時,他面臨著對一個尚未被命名的對手讓他的職業生涯回到正軌.


早在今年8瑪麗安·馬斯頓, Shau​​nagh布朗和薩姆·史密斯創造了歷史時,他們都戰鬥在同一個事件在紐約大會堂, 因為這是第一次,三個女的較量發生在英國一家親活動, 以及對 6 12月份創紀錄的將獲得破, 因為卡上加入瑪麗安將是前老大哥明星,多冠軍挑戰者天使'藝人'麥肯齊, 英國大師超輕量級冠軍和世界冠軍挑戰者朱麗葉冬季,使她最可喜的回報這項運動傑米·約翰遜.


除了頂級的拳擊Fayre的, 活動還將首次現場表演當地歌星斯蒂芬·丹特, 誰將會執行她的病毒粉碎'釘子難道“, 還有從她很快進一步的軌道被釋放的首張專輯.


補習班這一切行動的大門會在打開 2:30下午, 與第一回合開始 3下午.


Tasif汗VS艾薩克Quaye, 瑪麗安斯頓VS Csilla Nemedi和喬治·Hillyard VS TBA世界冠軍較量共同標題的君主通信, BoxFit英國, 3X體育和Sulnox生態系統PLC發起的馬克·里昂和瑪麗安馬斯頓共同促進齊上陣COMMENCE事件在紐約大會堂, 貝斯納爾格林, 倫敦週日 6 十二月 2015.


此事件被認可的禮貌馬耳他拳擊委員會 (MBC) www.maltaboxingcommission.com


門票, 售價35英鎊 (標準就位) 和65英鎊 (馬戲團) 可從任何參加義和團, 上線www.letbattlecommence.comwww.mariannemarston.com 或致電 07960 850645


嘰嘰喳喳: @LondonBattle



格拉斯哥的前英聯邦冠軍克雷格·多赫蒂被設置為Dundalk的挑戰, 愛爾蘭的邁克爾·凱利的世界拳擊聯盟 (WBU) 超中量級世界冠軍, 在托馬斯·梅爾維爾的Colloseum促銷復出事件在潟湖康樂中心佩斯利星期六 15 八月.


對於多赫蒂它可以被視為回到未來的情況, 如早在 2007 他不成功的挑戰李麥卡利斯特為盲人聯合會冠軍的輕量級版本.


現在,八年後多赫蒂將希望它是一個逆轉的命運,並在 15 八月這將是他, 不是他的對手的出現勝利和加冕的世界盲人聯合會超中量級冠軍.


雖然主要的重點是理所當然的多赫蒂凱利世界冠軍布特, 它不是唯一的回合已經引起無論是媒體和拳擊公眾關注的節目, 不是由一個長鏡頭.


主要支撐可以看到一個蘇格蘭最偉大的拳擊手不斷的回報, 作為英國長期, 聯邦, 國際文憑組織洲際和WBO世界羽量級冠軍斯科特·哈里森使他期待已久的回歸環, 在十輪較量針對尚未被命名的對手.


接收的關注水平相等, 這兩個標題和主要支撐的較量, 是聳人聽聞蘇格蘭VS威爾士大逃殺, 愛丁堡的克雷格·麥克尤恩之間 (22-4-1) 和新港的李“熄燈”Churcher (12-3-1).


令人驚訝的這一令人垂涎的戰鬥, 麥克尤恩之間, 誰打的安迪·李和彼得Quillin喜歡, 和Churcher, 威爾士地區和英國大師賽冠軍, 是不是任何形式的錦標賽的榮譽.


另一種高超的國內比賽了, 貝爾希爾的羅尼Nailen之間 (3-1) 和Bardney, 林肯郡的不敗彌敦道Decastro (4-0), 是另一個回合,是一定要迷住人群, 因為這兩個是不害怕混合起來,去腳趾到腳趾,當需求是大穿孔.


這還不是全部, 不是由一個長鏡頭, 作為奈恩的Sandy羅伯發生在斯肯索普的娛樂性很強的喬迪米克爾在六輪輕重量級比賽, 而格拉斯哥的不敗達倫·麥克亞當發生在諾丁漢的馬特·斯科利.


另外,卡上是Askham在Furness之間的較量重量級, 坎布里亞郡的奇力利和諾丁漢的首次亮相凱文·巴克在四圓,最後但並非最不重要的鄧弗姆林的阿利斯泰爾Gonsales呈現在四個輪超中量級比賽首次亮相瑞安蘭雅.


克雷格·多赫蒂VS邁克爾·凱利的世界拳擊聯盟 (WBU) 超中量級世界冠軍, 頭條托馬斯·梅爾維爾的Colloseum佩斯利促銷復出事件在潟湖休閒中心, 蘇格蘭上週六 15 八月 2015.


制裁對本次活動是禮節性的馬耳他拳擊委員會 (MBC) www.maltaboxingcommission.com


門票, 售價40英鎊, 50英鎊和75英鎊 (要人) 可從任何拳手參加或來電 07932 069376 並且也可以上線 www.tkoboxoffice.com

Legendary Referee Mickey Vann To Officiate MBC’s Inaugural Scottish Event This Saturday

Legendary globe trotting Championship referee Mickey Vann will be making one of his shortest international journeys in a long while, this coming weekend, when he officiates the first Malta Boxing Commission (MBC) sanctioned event in Scotland, the Stewart Allan promoted event at the Rivals Gym in Wishaw on Saturday 25 四月 2015.


Vann, who has been the MBC’s chief referee since 2013, has been officiating for close to forty years, the first bout he refereed was Eddie Smith versus Joe Jackson at the Anglo American Sporting Club in Manchester on the 11十月 1976.


It would be some seven years later before Vann refereed his first domestic Championship bout, the BBBofC Central Area Featherweight Title fight between Steve Pollard and Steve Farnsworth at the Tiffany’s Nightclub in Hull on the 29 三月 1983.


Three years later Vann refereed his first International Championship contest, the Commonwealth Lightweight Title fight between Zimbabwe’s Langton Tinago and Australia’s Graeme Brooke at the Granada Studios in Manchester on 23RD 八月 1986.


With numerous British, Commonwealth and European title contests under his belt on the 8 六月 1990 Vann refereed his first World Championship bout, the WBC World Minimumweight title fight between Japan’s Hideyuki Ohashi and Thailand’s Napa Kiatwanchai in Tokyo, 日本.


To date Vann has refereed one hundred and forty three International, Inter-Continental and World title contests for the World Sanctioning Organisations, such as WBC, WBO, IBF, WBU etc as well as an even higher number of European, 聯邦, British and Irish domestic title fights during his eight hundred and eighty two bout career to date.


The most recent of these bouts being the WBO Inter-Continental Cruiserweight title fight between Ukrainian Oleksandr Usyk and Russian Andry Knyazev, which took place in Kiev just last weekend.


In addition Vann has also judged one hundred and seventy three Championship contests since 1978, taking his officiating career total to an incredible one thousand and fifty five contests, sorry make that one thousand and fifty six contests if we include the upcoming event this weekend.


Shortly after returning from Kiev, the effervescent Vann spoke briefly about his career and the upcoming event he is to officiate in Scotland 週六.


“What can I say I didn’t realise I’d refereed that many fights,


My most memorable fight would naturally be Lennox Lewis and Frank Bruno at Cardiff Arms Park, that was history.


But have refereed so many memorable fights, where do I start, Shea Neary and Mickey Ward, now that was a great fight.


There’s some from years ago I can remember, like Jean-Marc Renard against Farid Benredjeb, oh what a war that was, they both ended up in hospital.


Another memorable fight was Cassius Boloyi against Phillip Ndou, It was a war, 一個絕對的戰爭


They were two South Africans but from different tribes, they wanted me to referee it, not a South African, which was very much appreciated.


I remember refereeing the WBC mandatory Lightweight title fight, between Leavander Johnson and Miguel Angel Gonzalez, in a bullring, which was an experience.


I refereed in America Jorge Paez and Angel Manfredy, that was a terrific fight, in fact refereed three or four times in America.


I think if you count them all I think I refereed in thirty nine different countries, I left school at seven and went back at thirteen and left again at fourteen and I didn’t know at that time that there were that many countries in the world. “我的教練總是告訴我, 老老實實.


I just enjoy what I do, you know I’ve been to Russia, 阿根廷, 日本, all over, I just got back from Kiev.


People come up for photographs, even in Kiev, with Mickey the dancer and then they pretend they are you moving about, it’s lovely.


I pick out nothing really, I just pick out what has been the big fights that I’ve enjoyed.


I qualified as a star grade referee in 1978 and I’m still going, I’d done hundreds of fights by then, it’s not a job really, it’s just enjoyment as such.


I wasn’t a very good pro fighter, I was a pretty good amateur, I had sixty six fights as an amateur and lost nineteen, but you used to have three fights a day in the Championships, you fought in the morning, won that you fought in the afternoon and if you won that you fought at night to get through to the next round, in the Army Championships and the boys clubs sort of thing, that’s what we all did.


As a pro I have fourteen fights but I lost nine, but I enjoyed it, I’m glad I turned pro and I’m glad I fought, I’m glad I fought amateur and pro and I missed it when I retired and I wanted to do something and my manager suggested I referee, I wanted to coach but Tommy Miller, my manager said to me ‘Jesus Mick what could you teach anyone’, so he said to me you want to be a referee, so I put in for it and it took me two years and I qualified.


I’ve enjoyed every minute of it and some times have been better than others, in fact they used to hate me in Scotland, they thought I hated the Scots. I heard this on the radio many times.


Alex Morrison will tell you, he thought I was hater of Scotsmen, 我是不是, just they never seemed to get the verdict from me, so it’s quite ironic that 這個星期六 it’s the Scottish promoter and the Scottish boxers that asked for me for this show.


I’ve always had great fun there and my all time favourite fighter is a Scotsman, Ken Buchanan, so it’s really nice that they want me to be there for the first MBC sanctioned event there, I can’t wait.”


Mickey Vann will be the referee for both the Sandy Robb versus Mathew Ellis and Scott Allan versus Isaac Quaye that co-headline the Stewart Allan (競爭對手促銷) event at the Rivals Gym in Wishaw, 蘇格蘭上週六 25 四月 2015.


門票售價30英鎊40英鎊可直接從任何參與的拳擊手, 或致電斯圖爾特上 07711 725257.

制裁對本次活動將提供禮貌的馬耳他拳擊委員會 (MBC) – 有關馬耳他拳擊委員會進一步信息,請訪問:

捲筒紙: www.maltaboxingcommission.com


Facebook的 www.facebook.com/MaltaBoxingCommission

LinkedIn www.linkedin.com/company/malta-boxing-commission

電子函件: admin@maltaboxingcommission.com

愛爾蘭杰拉德·奎因JR. 挑戰WBU青年世界冠軍在新澤西這個星期六

這個星期六, 三月 14, 愛爾蘭史蒂維“安靜的人”JR·奎因. 將挑戰他的第一個冠軍榮譽, 當他在瓊斯伯勒的斯蒂芬·麥金太爾, 對於世界拳擊聯盟 (WBU) 在全球拳擊推廣和LGM促銷青年超輕量級冠軍共同推動了戰鬥的愛爾蘭事件拳頭澤西城軍械庫.


如果他成功在他的追求 週六, JR·奎因. 本來不只是一個理由來慶祝, 但三, 因為這將是首次 22 從紐敦納茲歲, 北愛爾蘭, 當然,在愛爾蘭人作為世界的美國和戰鬥過知道這也是聖帕特里克節.


戰鬥的愛爾蘭之拳具有國際風味, 並不僅僅是因為奎因JR的出勤, 但是巨大的undercard還設有兩個傑伊ž的RocNations前景將卡上 – 中國的奧運金牌得主汪之憫和中國的重量級張志磊 – 以及多明尼加共和國的惠靈頓Ramero, 誰使他的第七個專業郊遊.


除了強大的國際隊伍, 美國也很好的體現了用卡除了其它, 堪薩斯城的不敗超輕量級明星約翰·富蘭克林, 誰需要在紐黑文的喬希克雷斯波在八圓.


澤西市自己的不敗重量級泰瑞爾·懷特試圖另一個勝利添加到他的紀錄, 當他去頭對頭與華盛頓的皮尤Alando在四圓.


阿斯伯里的不敗哈基姆 - “勇敢的心”科比將目光時,他在波多黎各的耶穌索薩異教徒在四個回合中量級較量,使其四分之三三.


另一個澤西城最好, 何塞'黃金時間'奧爾蒂斯, 將尋求建立在他的不敗三個運行, 當他鎖定角與米德爾頓的大沖壓泰隆Luckey.


市總工會優秀的次中量級的前景胡安'野獸'羅德里格斯JR. 也將是不作為, 對一個尚未公佈的對手.


除了戰鬥的愛爾蘭事件的拳頭舉辦業餘突出達倫·古道爾的萬眾矚目的親亮相, 誰面臨初次登台的同胞波特蘭普林格爾.


Brayon倫登也將做他的首演 週六, 對弗蘭克·喬丹.


上宣布的世界拳擊聯合會世界青年錦標賽回合, 世界盲人聯盟總裁唐·劉易斯說:.




我預計會有很多愛爾蘭球迷也支持年輕的杰拉德 週六 夜晚, 如果他贏了, 它可能是一個值得慶祝的很長的夜由杰拉德和愛爾蘭球迷.




這將是拳擊的一個偉大的夜晚, 球迷們一定會喜歡它的每一分鐘,為WBU, 同時,我們將​​有理由慶祝過,因為我們將有一個新的冠軍加冕。“


杰拉德·奎因JR. 與斯蒂芬·麥金太爾, 對於世界拳擊聯合會青年超輕量級世界冠軍, 標題全球拳擊推廣和LGM促銷促進共同戰鬥的愛爾蘭事件之拳, 這發生在澤西城軍械庫上週六 14 三月 2015.


門票呼籲尼克模特肖像上 (201) 314 8241.

