標記檔案: 彌敦道Decastro


報告: 贊布羅塔迪卡羅

上週六晚, 在發動機室林肯大學, 當地球迷在他的世界拳擊聯盟的防禦力變成了支持當地的小伙子內森Decastro (WBU) 超中量級世界冠軍他自4月舉行,以及嘗試添加世界拳擊基金會 (WBF) 冠他的收藏對來自墨西哥的後期更換費爾南多·卡斯塔涅達.

本來Decastro是由於面對尼加拉瓜何塞·巴雷拉, 然而週三瓦雷拉, 誰是在西班牙的時候, 被拒絕了西班牙當局的出境簽證,當他抵達巴塞羅那機場為他的飛行英國, 所以未能成行林肯.

戰鬥本身是相當麻煩的事, 由於卡斯塔涅達的持續持有, 以下Decastro在第一早期登陸一個惡性身體射門,明確是影響墨西哥, 因為每次Decastro上前讓撕裂,他會搶抱以防止進一步的處罰身體.

回合二和三都以相似的口吻,雖然是公平有一個多一點拳擊, 而不是摔跤, 行動. Decastro工作他的敵人的屍體時,他得到了機會, 這是不是常因命中和保持墨西哥的戰術.

第四輪是具有卡斯塔涅達關於控股嚴詞更為開放下面裁判李Murtagh的, 以至於出現了一些惡毒的交流隨之而來, 但是每次Decastro針對性的身體卡斯塔涅達仍然將首先搶抱, 所以Decastro開始射擊exocets的頭.

Decastro明確了由卡斯塔涅達的戰術感到沮喪作為第五節開始不夠, 在Bardney人改變了戰術略有並開始前進遠遠以及更快,在第一分鐘左右降落一些嚴重的鏡頭, 卡斯塔涅達回應的種類,但是相當抿著嘴由於他決心保護自己的身體免受進一步處罰的保持著距離.

通過全面Decastro大約一半的方式支持墨西哥向繩索和假裝戳, 造成卡斯塔涅達提高他的手就足以創造​​一個開放,讓撕裂了巨大的鉤到發送墨西哥到畫布身體疼痛彎了腰.

卡斯塔涅達最初嘗試上漲, 但馬上崩潰,在痛苦中翻騰, 裁判李Murtagh的立即放棄過戰鬥,召喚醫生戒指作為Decastro和他的團隊開始了他們的慶祝活動. 補時一分鐘法定時間和第五輪的38秒.

此前Decastro-卡斯塔涅達看到蘇菲瓦利在打擊海梅·貝茨行動專業拳擊理事會 (PBC) 國際錦標賽銅牌.

不得不說這是一個破解的戰鬥從開始到結束, 兩個女孩為每一個輪的整個2分鐘艱苦戰鬥. 瓦利登陸一些嚴重的大款, 其中包括在第六震撼貝茨的核心, 她的雙腿都不見了,但不知何故,她設法不只是停留在她的腳卻被精明足以給自己幾秒鐘掛出刺拳,以保持瓦利在海灣恢復她的鎮靜.

每一輪是所有行動,認真關閉, 以至於我無法將它們分割, 得分明智, 在幾個回合,每個到我的腦海裡已經獲得了幾個回合,不得不承認,我認為結果是平局, 我錯了 (我顯然不是法官材料) 作為三位經驗豐富的法官記分卡讀取; 阿德里安·索恩 57-59, 詹姆斯Ancliff 57-58 格雷姆比尤利 56-59 所有贊成海梅·貝茨.

此前瓦利 - 貝茨謝菲爾德的首次亮相扎克Lane和尼加拉瓜弗雷德里克·卡斯特羅之間的另一個開裂鬥爭.

在風格的衝突是真正讓這場戰鬥, 卡斯特羅有一個明顯的向前來全力進攻風格, 同時萊恩的模擬王子納西姆的風格, 男孩哦男孩的年輕人做這種風格的自己, 浸漬每一次襲擊尼加拉瓜扔刺痛櫃檯前搖曳的危險了. 話說,我要強調萊恩不是一維的所有, 在需要的時候,他更樂意去腳趾到腳趾, 讓RIP使用非常快速和強大的左派和權利.

這是偉大的鬥爭觀看, 關閉和所有在整個行動. 經過四節夢幻般的輪裁判李Murtagh的拿下了比賽 39-37 贊成開張扎克·萊恩的, 太多的卡斯特羅和他的角落的煩惱誰圍住裁判爭論比分, 我完全理解,因為他是最積極的,但不得不說萊恩中和墨西哥的攻擊輕鬆和他的反制是煽情和我的看法做了足夠多,以確保勝利.

此前萊恩與卡斯特羅是另所有驚險動作片, 對利茲傑克瓊斯塞浦路斯土耳其共和國2平保持不敗戰鬥機糖Atahasan之間的時間.

Atahasan支配使用他夠不著的優勢,非常好的效果第一節. 不過他沒有就他自己的方式特別是作為鬥爭的進展到第二瓊斯耐心工作逃脫大款讓裂口至Atahasan的身體和頭部之前塑造開口.

Atahasan加緊齒輪,真正為它去了第三, 並在第一主導訴訟. 大同小異的第四, 很好,直到大約經過時,瓊斯Atahasan採取了防守錯誤的優勢和降落發送土族塞在畫布上一個鏡頭的中途桃. Atahasan勉強降落,並在瞬間,並就重啟是在他的腳去硬,雖然快於回合結束.

經過四回合轟動李裁判員Murtagh的的記分卡讀 37-38 贊成傑克瓊斯.


再次多麼美妙的一切行動戰爭, 同行去了硬性並保持打樁進行大規模的拍攝,身體和頭部的壓力,整個第一輪, Mwamakula是盡可能清楚地艱難,因為他們來承受來自同行的激烈強大的攻擊力.

第二略低於激烈, 同齡人的當選開關的戰術略有, 放慢步伐,並挑選他的投籃. 大部分在第三相同, 但在第四同行加緊步伐一點,作為第一目標的嚴重艱難坦桑尼亞的身體.

經過四優回合拳擊裁判李Murtagh的的記分卡讀 40-36 有利於保同輩.

此前同行VS Mwamakula是巴羅因弗內斯“李奇力和立陶宛的托馬斯Vaicickas之間重量級的較量.

再次,這是一個完整的戰爭, 有兩個人去全員出動大部分的較量. 凱利特的表現我已經從他在相當長一段時間看到的最好的, 他顯得信心十足,真正是把他的桿落後這麼大的權力.

Vaicickas是艱難的,因為他們打擊的風格來之前,並愉快地吸收大款從巴羅人未來的路上. 雖然奇力主導輪的第一轎跑車, Vaicickas來到自己在第三,他加緊腳步了後.

四是所​​有的奇力雖然, 以至於當戰鬥進入最後一分鐘,立陶宛似乎放棄,只是站在背對由於步伐奇力的繩索已成立,只是隨意吸收拳.

經過四大回合這是裁判李Murtagh的的記分卡, 這勿庸置疑閱讀 39-36 贊成李奇力的.


圖蘭克開始硬性, 在每一個機會投擲大量炸彈和字面上被毆打萊昂, 誰幾乎找不到有這麼多的大款經常未來的路上開到櫃檯.

波多黎各的角落是如此擔心,圍繞著第一輪的分鐘標記他的角落認輸,以努力拯救他們的人進一步處罰, 然而裁判李Murtagh的剛剛拉開毛巾出來,並讓戰鬥繼續, 它沒有,但不是只要登陸Turunc的另一個巨大的鏡頭送萊昂向下並向外一分鐘二十七第一輪的第二個標誌.

請不要誤會我的意思, 是的,它是所有單向交通, 作為似乎與圖蘭克常態, 我見過他不打不相識,知道他是多麼無情, 萊昂盡自己最大努力留在戰鬥,但被嚴重堅韌有力土族塞處於劣勢.

當晚的開幕鬥爭真正定下了基調,整個晚上, 我希望我已經清楚前面所有的酒吧VS里昂的重頭戲,當然圖蘭克的, 打架均與戰鬥大逃殺的最高水平, 也相信我的開幕回合, 首次亮相劉易斯桑和赫羅納之間, 根據西班牙尼加拉瓜巴勃羅·納瓦埃斯, 再次另一個層面, 這是聳人聽聞.

桑真的去為它從一開盤及感覺盒裝, 納瓦埃斯是人才那麼毫無疑問他是彌補戰鬥,給了一樣好,他得到的回報, 然而,當他得到了一桿的桃抓住送到畫布上還有輕微的歪的尼加拉瓜第一 – 會說我見過納爾瓦埃斯在行動了幾次,這是我第一次看到他失望, 所以榮譽給年輕桑.

第二輪看到Narvaez的是多一點的防守意識, 儘管仍然樂意去腳趾到腳趾與大沖壓年輕人. 第三輪,雖然看到了相反的命運中作為納爾瓦埃斯真正開始採取訴訟的立足點, 這使桑向人們展示自己的防守才華和煽情阻遏. 第四個是一個不折不扣的戰爭與男女雙方去為它為全3分鐘. 經過四回合閃爍的拳擊裁判的李Murtagh的拿下了比賽 39-37 贊成開張劉易斯桑.

我必須讓桑與納爾瓦埃斯夜的戰鬥, 很迷人, 也不得不說桑真正打動, 他是真正的交易, 他擁有所有的工具在他胸口的方式全力以赴頂端在我們敬愛的運動, 我一個不能等待再次看到他的行動,這是肯定.

KO我 4! Sowah的夢, 經過我們的鬥爭,他會做噩夢, Decastro蒸餾器

Bardney林肯郡的彌敦道Decastro已發出警告,冷到他的對手加納, “殺手”丹尼爾·阿傑伊Sowah, 在林肯大學他們即將到來的世界冠軍對決上週六4月27日提前, 當兩位主角面臨關閉的世界拳擊聯盟 (WBU) 世界超中量級冠軍.

Decastro的 在社會化媒體警告以下職位引述加納報紙文章 其中Sowah指出:“我要敲Decastro出4”這顯然觸及 神經與它的圓環名字的人是“噩夢”, 其響應了。

“敲 我出去 4! Sowah的夢想, 我們吵架後,他會做噩夢.

“我有 永遠失去了句號, 更不用說被叫停! 

“他 需要思考, 他們叫我拿'夢魘'Decastro是有原因的, 我有 停止我十四歲那對手的11種親, 我不僅僅是屈指可數 包含裝有, 我為我在擂台上的對手一個噩夢生活, 我無所畏懼 狠“。

Decastro, 誰是排名 #4, 由國際拳擊聯合會 (IBF) 在他們的 洲際評級, 然後苦笑了一下,並迅速前聳聳肩 改變談話的主題.

“我 所以期待第27, 這是我的夢想是為世界冠軍而戰, 特別是世界盲人聯盟世界冠軍, 不只是因為我的拳擊英雄瑞奇 哈頓和我的助長李麥卡利斯特曾雙雙榮獲世界盲人聯盟世界冠軍, 但是也 因為布雷斯布里奇拳擊俱樂部, 在那裡我訓練, 與標題歷史.

“所有者 丹尼奧利弗的兒子凱利, 四時間資深ABA冠軍在南盒裝它 非洲對塞巴斯蒂安Rothmann. 我總是抬頭凱利這樣爭搶 同樣的標題他來說是特殊的。“

Decastro 繼續. “我的第一次戰鬥是5月22日 2001 從那天起,我就知道我想 是一個專業的戰鬥機,並有機會成為冠軍. 18 年後,我得到讓我的夢想成為現實和挑戰的機會 在我的家鄉林肯的世界冠軍.

“ID 想說一個巨大的感謝你對我的粉絲, 誰是真正讓我後面. 這個 展會將是一個賣了. 這真的意味著很多對我有那種 支持.

“一世 想說感謝你對我的團隊, 我的贊助商, 誰使這一切 可能, 我的爸爸,他所有的時間我訓練, 墊等工作. 薩姆·維克斯我 體能教練, 克雷格·巴頓我的營養師, 我的隊醫戴爾 Hibberd, 我啟動子李麥卡利斯特, 謝謝你把這樣的強攻 一起戰鬥卡以及讓我在我的家鄉作戰的機會 ,最後我的女友凱西·雷切爾.

雷切爾 一直是我絕對的搖滾這個節目! 她所做的一切都是她自己, 一切組織, 賣票, 她拍攝的所有壓斷了我這麼 我可以專心訓練. 她所做的是令人難以置信. 我是一個非常 幸運的傢伙有別人誰真正推動我成為我能成為最佳人選。“

彌敦道 “夢魘”Decastro對戰“殺手”丹尼爾·阿傑伊Sowah的世界拳擊 聯盟 (WBU) 世界超中量級冠軍頭條利 麥卡利斯特刺客管理和促銷“夢魘早在林肯”號事件 在林肯大學棚發動機, 布雷福德池, 林肯LN6 7TS.

門票: VIP陽台: 賣光了, 馬戲團: 賣光了, 標準: £30.00. 要購買 門票請撥打雷切爾凱西 07736 737750 或在網上買去www.tkoboxoffice.com

Decastro: It’s My Destiny To Be World Champion.



Bardney, Lincolnshire’s Nathan Decastro (14-0-0) wholeheartedly believes it is his destiny to become World Champion. In just over a weeks time he finally gets the opportunity to make his childhood dream come true, when challenges Accra, Ghana’s Daniel Adjei Sowah (20-6-2) 對於世界拳擊聯盟 (WBU), Super Middleweight Championship of the World at the Glasgow Club in Bellahouston, Glasgow on Saturday the 8th December 2018.


Decastro, 誰是目前排名 #6 in the International Boxing Federation (IBF) Intercontinental rankings, earned the shot for the WBU World Crown with a solid points victory over West African Boxing Union (WABU) Champion Agoe Ashong (11-2-0) to secure the Professional Boxing Council (PBC) Commonwealth title at Pride Park in Derby back in September.


Speaking from his home earlier Decastro could barely hide his joy at the opportunity to fight for his first World Championship.


I’m buzzing, I just can’t wait. I mean not only am I fighting for the World title, but will be fighting for it on the undercard of Scott Harrison’s return to the ring, exciting times.


My camps gone really well, I’m feeling fitter and stronger than ever. We’re not leaving anything to chance; we’ve covered every conceivable angle.


My father Frank has made sure of that, he’s a great coach, I really am blessed that he trains me.


We know he’s a banger, but so am I and what’s more I have a better KO ration of 11 在 14 against his 13 在 28 and more importantly I believe I am more hungry for this than him.


It’s been my dream since I started boxing as a youngster to win a World title and now I’m just over a week away from making my dreams come true.


Especially as I am fighting for the WBU Title, we have history with this Championship at the Bracebridge Boxing Club, as Kelly Oliver whose father owns the club also fought for the WBU crown, at Cruiserweight, so have to win it and bring the belt back to the gym I’ve trained at all my career.


Decastro then went on to vent his frustrations over the way bureaucracy had thwarted his previous Championship efforts.


I’ve had a really frustrating year or so, yes I won the Commonwealth title last time out but twice this year I was supposed to challenge for the World title.


Unfortunately bureaucratic red tape caused the fights to be cancelled, either Visa issues came into play, as with the original planned fight against Agoe (Ashong) in July or worse still unnecessary political interference by the EBU, which scuppered the IBF European fight against Ronnie (Landaeta).


This time though it’s different, Daniel has his Visa and the EBU can’t possibly interfere, so no excuses.


It’s my destiny to be World Champion, come 8th December, my dreams will come true, I will be crowned World Champion as I owe it to my legion of fans that have been awesome and so supportive.


Nathan ‘NightmareDecastro versus Daniel Adjei Sowah for the World Boxing Union (WBU) 世界超中量級冠軍, is the main support for the highly anticipated return to the ring of two time WBO World Champion Scott Harrison (27-3-2) against Tackie Annan (11-6-0) at the Glasgow Club in Bellahouston, Glasgow on Saturday the 8th December 2018.


門票: Priced £60 (馬戲團), £50 (Outer Ringside) and £40 (Standard Seating) are available from the Assassin Boxing Promotions Ticket Line: 07594 144433 and on-line at www.tkoboxoffice.com.


Kotey’s “噩夢” at the Hands of DecastroPugh and Hughes Reign Supreme at Pride Park

Ringside Report: 贊布羅塔迪卡羅




Pride Park in Derby may be best known as home of Derby County FC, however after Saturday night it may be just as well known as the new home of Boxing in the City.




Local Promoter Dan Gray and his team really pulled out all of the stops to put on a seriously top class International event, Dan Gray’s second at the stunning venue, that outclassed the vast majority of the biggest televised events in the country, not just in the realm of quality of the promotion but also with regard to matching.




How refreshing it was to be ringside at an event where each and every fight was so evenly matched you really didn’t know who was going to emerge victorious.




This was boxing the way it should be and I loved every second of it, as I am pretty sure so did every single person that attended, well as virtually everyone was on their feet vociferously showing their support for the fighters throughout each fight I can say that with some confidence.




Anyway enough of my waffle, let’s get to the fights themselves, in reverse order.



Local Prospect Ross Doherty headlined the show, against Latvia’s Grigorijs Dunecs in an eight round Welterweight contest.




Dunecs is tall for a Welter, with a seriously long reach, which initially he was able to use to good effect to keep his shorter opponent Doherty at bay for about the first minute or so of the first round, Doherty though has a switched on boxing brain and soon adapted his tactics to get around this major disadvantage.




Sensational and clever boxing from the local lad see him soon get a semblance of control of the bout in his favour, mainly targeting the body with single shots and getting out of range before Dunecs could counter with effect.




More of the same in the early part second, however Doherty’s confidence soon grew to a level where he was able to slip under the impressive jab from the Latvian and let rip with sharp double-handed combinations, before slipping back out of range.




Don’t get me wrong it wasn’t all one-way traffic, far from it as Dunecs had plenty of success landing his shots too, just Doherty’s clever movement and pure guts to get inside to land his were mightily impressive.




更多的同樣的,在接下來的幾個回合, really great, highly technical boxing from both protagonists, but the fifth proved to be a major turning point, as Doherty dug deep and switched tactics again, seemingly coming in for another body attack, but at the last microsecond switching to a looping shot to the head.




Dunecs, soon got to grip with the new tactic and basically neutralized this highly effective move. Doherty though just dug deep into his well-stocked locker and produced another clever move.




As the fight headed into the final couple of rounds the fans ringside were treated to some good old-fashioned close quarter slug outs.




最後一輪是一個黑客, well the whole fight was, but the final round encapsulated the flavour of the contest best, both fighters threw caution to the wind and really went for itit was breath-taking to watch.




After eight fantastic closely fought rounds of boxing Referee Rob Jones’ 記分卡閱讀 80-72 in favour of Ross Doherty, although absolutely the correct score, it just didn’t reflect just how close the vast majority of the rounds were.




Preceding the excellent Doherty-Dunecs fight was a battle of two Pro debutants, Great Britain’s Emily Pugh versus Latvia’s Jelizaveta Cerkasova.




什麼打架, it was superb and I know before I even start writing I’m not going to be able to adequately describe just how good this fight was, but am going to give it my best shot.




Right from the opening bell both girls moved forward and met in centre ring and exchanged good strong jabs and so began a highly technical chess match of a fight, where both protagonists displayed the excellent fight skills in their respective lockers in an attempt to out gun the other.




For four sensational rounds Pugh and Cerkasova displayed their respective, skills much to the delight of all ringside. It was a master-class, but not in the normal sense of the word, how we use it in boxing, whereby one boxer gave a master-class to their opponent, I mean it was a true master-class of boxing full stop, it was enthralling to watch and as for officiating I would reckon Referee Rob Jones has never had a better fight to officiate, he could have come and sat ringside and watched, he had that little to do, other than take a watching brief.




After four absolutely wonderful, exciting rounds of boxing Referee Rob Jones scored the bout 40-36 in favour of Emily Pugh, and as with the Doherty-Dunecs scoring it was a hundred per cent correct but again just doesn’t represent just how incredibly closely fought the contest was.




Prior to my Fight of the Night winner, Pugh Vs. Cerkasova, was the hugely anticipated and way overdue Super Middleweight contest between Bardley, Lincolnshire’s very own unbeaten and IBF Ranked Super Star Nathan “夢魘” Decastro and PhilipSweet PeaKotey.




Twice previously this fight had been matched, but injury and illness prevented Kotey making it into the ring on fight night, was this going to be third time lucky, you can bet your bottom dollar on it and boy oh boy was it worth it, especially as on Saturday there was a title on the line, the Professional Boxing Council (PBC) International, to add spice to the proceedings.




Right from the off Decastro powered to centre ring and let rip with a huge right, similar to the one he sent Chris Eubanks Jnr. to the canvas with when they faced each other in the amateurs, however in this case somehow Kotey managed to stay on his feet and proceeded to cover up, like a red flag to a bull that just beckoned Decastro to punish his opponent with huge lefts and rights.




Decastro kept on throwing shots, forcing Kotey back onto the ropes and then the fireworks really began to fly. Kotey responds with wicked short hooks to the head followed by close quarters uppercuts, whilst Decastro just kept letting rip with big heavy handed hooks to head and body.




For virtually the entire rest of the round this fight could have taken place in a phone box, but don’t go thinking that means little was happening as they were too close, oh no nothing like that it was all action, I lost count of the amount of shots both fighters threw, they were just raining down.




更多的同樣在第二, although a couple of times Kotey had managed to free himself and utilize really good strong jabs, however Decastro just walked through them whilst throwing big lefts and rights to the body once more to coral the Ghanaian back onto the ropes or a corner.




Right at the very end of the round Kotey let rip with a huge uppercut, Decastro just managed to slip back enough for it to go whizzing past his chin before letting rip with a huge right to the head literally as the bell to end the second round rang.




Kotey stayed in the corner, clearly distressed, before collapsing to the canvas where he began writhing in pain, Referee Rob Jones immediately called the Doctor and Paramedics into the ring and waved the fight off.




The massive uppercut was probably the cause for Kotey’s distress, which was later stated to be a torn rotor cuff injury.




The tough Ghanaian decided he still was going to be present for the Championship Belt presentation to Decastro, even though still in extreme pain, proceeded to stand astride the referee as the result was announced and even took the time to congratulate Decastro for his victory before going back to the medical room for further treatment.




The opening professional fight of the night was a battle of the Celts, with Derby based Scotsman Kane Corvus making his debut against Welshman Steffan Hughes in a four round Cruiserweight contest.




The fight started a frenetic pace, Corvus bouncing in, letting rip, before bouncing back out again, after about twenty seconds or so Promoter Dan Gray shouted out to Corvusslow down, plant your feet”, the big Scotsman immediately complied and proceeded to take a much more controlled approach to the business in hand, so much so that he secured the round in style.




Round two see Corvus boxing nicely off the front foot, but also see Hughes come more into the fight. There were some cracking exchanges, one such about three quarters in, see Corvus land a big left and as he leant back to where he thought he’d be out of range, Hughes took a slight step forward and landed a very good straight right which sent the Scotsman to the canvas.




Corvus was straight up on his feet and once Referee Rob Jones had finished the count and instructed them to box on, Corvus moved forward and landed another good strong shot, only for Hughes to counter equally effectively just as the bell to end the round tolled.




Corvus now seemed to be more settled and boxed effectively, Hughes seemed to be content to absorb the shots and counter occasionally.




As the round progressed there were some really nice exchanges, then out of the blue Hughes threw a peach of a shot to Corvus’ 體, which sent the big Scotsman to the canvas for a second time. Again Corvus made the count and also made a big impression late in the round when he landed a cracking body shot, which slowed Hughes but didn’t send him down.




Going into the fourth and final round Corvus was told by his corner that at best to get a draw he would need to drop Hughes and sure as eggs is eggs, he proceeded to try his hardest throughout the round to do just that, however Hughes is as savvy as they come and just got behind his jab to keep the marauding Scot at bay.




After four rounds of entertaining boxing Referee Rob Jones scored the contest 38-37 in favour of Steffan Hughes.




Supporting the four pro contests were no less than eight unsanctioned fights, the highlight of these was the contest featuring Megan Mousley, against seriously tough Cheryl Swarbrick. Mousley, who fought with class and panache came through with flying colours.




After this bout Promoter Dan Gray announced that this was Mousley’s final fight, on the unsanctioned amateur circuit, as she is turning professional and will make her pro debut on Dan’s next show in August. Without doubt she will make a very welcome addition to the pro ranks.

Sensational McAllister Secures Crown in Scintillating Style in Aberdeen


The Aberdeen Glitterati turned out in force in support of local hero, three division World Champion Lee ‘The Aberdeen Assassin” McAllister’s latest promotion at the stunning Beach Ballroom 在週五 夜晚.

McAllister is proving to be one of the most creative of promoters on the circuit today. Little touches like turning the stunning Beach Ballroom venue into a pseudo high end Casino added another level of cache to the excellent four-bout dinner show.

The show itself was originally due to feature four International Championship contests, unfortunately one of the title fights was cancelled after Ghana’s Ekow Wilson failed to obtain his visa in time, but the fans were not to be disappointed in any way at all as the three remaining Championship contests plus a late replacement International four rounder provided more than enough action and drama to sate any pugilistic appetite.

First fight of the night sees Bardley, Lincolnshire’s Nathan Decastro in action against Estonian Eduard Belas.

This bout had been added to the card a week or so prior, following Decastro’s challenge against Spain’s Ronny Landaeta for the IBF European title, which was due to take place the same weekend in Malaga, 西班牙, being called off due to rather unsavory actions by the Spanish Federation.

It was clear from the off that Decastro was still smarting from the cancellation of his IBF European Title Challenge, as right from the opening bell went in hard and fast letting rip with vicious uppercuts and body shots at every conceivable opportunity, no surprise then that within the first twenty seconds or so Belas was sent to the canvas.

Belas managed to make the count but was soon under increasing pressure from Decastro, who peppered the Estonian with a series of combinations before letting rip with a big shot to the body to send Belas to the canvas once more.

Surprisingly Belas made it to his feet for a second time, however immediately the fight was restarted Decastro went straight in hard and fast to send the Estonian to the canvas a third time, this time Belas couldn’t make the count, leaving referee Lee Murtagh no option but wave the fight of on the 52 second mark of the first round.

Decastro’s record now reads 10 勝, 8 by way of Knockout, no losses or draws.

Next up was Sandy Robb versus Latvia’s Aleksandrs Roldiguns for the vacant Professional Boxing Council (PBC) Silver Cruiserweight Championship.

To describe the first round as ‘technical’ would be an understatement; both protagonists took their time, testing their opponent’s mettle with impressive strong jabs to body and head. As the round progressed Robb kicked up the pace a little and started to slip in the occasional combination, in an attempt to break down the Latvian’s defense.

在第二, both decided to step up the pace, which worked well for the Scotsman, as this opened up more opportunities for Robb to breakdown Roldiguns excellent defense with crisp flowing combinations as well as a couple of big right hands to the body.

更多相同的第三, about half way through the round Robb backed Roldiguns onto the ropes and landed a cracking shot to the side of the Latvian’s head before switching to the body, the Latvian appeared disoriented and shortly after began grabbing hold of Robb at every conceivable opportunity, in a vein attempt to prevent the Scots lad landing further big shots. Roldiguns received numerous warnings, not just for holding but also to keep his head up when in close.

The fourth round was very messy, as Roldugins continued to keep grabbing and holding Robb each time the Scotsman came close. Quite early on in the round Referee Lee Murtagh decided to put an end to the Latvian’s shenanigans by deducting a point.

Even after the deduction Robb’s attempts to get back down to boxing were thwarted, as Roldugins persisted in holding each time Robb closed the Latvian down. After numerous further warnings for holding Referee Lee Murtagh’s patience came to an end and Roldugins once more had a point deducted.

Shortly after the restart, during another close quarters foray, there was a sickening thud as the boxers heads clashed, leaving a cut over Robb’s eye. Referee Lee Murtagh deemed it to be an accidental clash of heads.

Almost immediately after this Roldugins once more grabbed hold of Robb, who had backed the Latvian onto the ropes, and began rubbing his head against the cut over Robb’s eye. This infringement was the final straw as far as Referee Lee Murtagh was concerned, immediately disqualifying Roldiguns on the 2 minute 50 second mark of the fourth round.

Following the official results announcement PBC President Mr. Russell Jacques presented Sandy Robb with the PBC Silver International Cruiserweight Championship Belt.

The third fight of the night see local lad Nathan Beattie in action against Ghana’s Tackie Annan for the PBC Silver International Lightweight title.

Right from the opening bell both lads went to work methodically, Beattie utilizing his strong jab to keep Annan at bay, whilst the Ghanaian sought out angles in an attempt to land some strong right hands to the Scotsman’s body, mostly in vein though as Beattie’s defense was as strong as they come.

Second round started out with Beattie very much in control, the Scotsman thwarting the efforts of the highly mobile Ghanaian with panache. As the round reached the midway point Annan found an opening and let rip with a big looping right hand to send Beattie crashing to the canvas.

Beattie just about made the count but was clearly disoriented and unsteady on his feet, leaving Referee Lee Murtagh no option but to wave the fight off after just 1 minute and 34 seconds of the second round.

After the official result was read out MC Douglas McAdam announced that as Tackie Annan had failed to make the Championship weight, at the weigh-in the day before, that the PBC International Lightweight Title remains vacant, as under Championship rules a boxer that fails to make the weight can still compete but is not be eligible to win the Championship, only the boxer that made the weight could actually win the crown.

The fourth and final fight of the night featured Aberdeen’s very own Lee McAllister against the very tough Ghanaian Ishmael Tetteh, for both the PBC International and Commonwealth Super Welterweight Championships.

With over a hundred pro contests between them, including numerous Championship bouts, it didn’t surprise anyone in attendance that McAllister and Tetteh would put on an all action, slick display of boxing at it’s very best, and boy oh boy did they do just that.

From the off both vied for centre ring position as if their lives depended on, no pussyfooting around with these two, it was all out war. Surprisingly it was the Ghanaian that eventually wrestled control of the middle ground, or maybe not as that seemed to suit McAllister, who throughout the first round utilized the outer ring with great effect, often he would step in and let rip with blisteringly fast combinations before moving back or stepping to the side just out of range of the countering exocets thrown by Tetteh.

Round two was just phenomenal, you just couldn’t take your eyes of the action for a second, it was mesmerizing to watch as the pair set to work on their game-plans, one moment they were going at it hammer and tongs in a toe to toe war, and the next some seriously slick boxing which had the ensemble crowd on their feet.

As the round was moving towards it’s conclusion McAllister stepped up the pace and went in hard and fast, letting rip with shots from every conceivable angle, much to the delight of the fans, who seemed convinced that their man was going in for the kill. Wow what a round.

It was more of the same in the third, but the fourth was something special. McAllister seemed determined to end the fight as quickly as possible, letting rip with power shots to head and body. Initially Tetteh would cover up and try and withstand the onslaught, but about midway through the round changed tactics and met the Scotsman head on in centre ring and started throwing bombs of his own.

Round five started off with a beautiful close quarters exchange, which must have lasted close to ten seconds and only came to an end when Tetteh appeared to slip and fall to the canvas.

As Tetteh rose to his feet, and yes Referee Lee Murtagh deemed it a slip, McAllister began rousing the crowd before going straight for the Ghanaians jugular with power shot after power shot. Tetteh stood his ground countering with great effect but on about the minute mark McAllister threw a pinpoint perfect power shot to the Ghanaian’s lower rib, to send him down to the canvas and gasping for breath.

The fans thought it was all over and began celebrating, however that soon came to an abrupt end as terminator Tetteh rose to his feet to just beat the count.

McAllister once again encouraged the crowd to get behind him, which they did with gusto, and then proceeded to go in hard and fast with sensationally quick hands to body and head, initially Tetteh stood his ground countering, but in doing so left a smidgeon of an opening that the canny Scot just couldn’t resist, letting rip with huge uppercut to the floating rib, no surprise Tetteh returned to the canvas but this time there was no chance of him making the count no matter how hard he tried.

Referee Lee Murtagh waved the bout of on the 1 minute 48 second mark of the fifth round and shortly after PBC head honcho Russell Jacques proudly presented McAllister with the stunning PBC International and Commonwealth belts.

It must have been over an hour before McAllister finally vacated the ring though as he then proceeded to invite various dignitaries, as well as numerous well wishers, into the ring to have photos taken with him and the PBC belts, which I thought was a really nice touch.

Decastro Vs Landaeta Showdown For IBF European Crown on October 21st



Aberdeen, 聯合王國. 星期六 9 九月 2017.



British Super Middleweight Nathan ‘Nightmare’ Decastro (9-0-0 with 8KOs) is set to challenge Spain’s Ronny Landaeta (12-0-0 with 8KOs) 為空置國際拳擊聯合會 (IBF) European Super Middleweight European Championship at the Palacio de Deportes José María Martín Carpena 馬拉加, Spain on Saturday October 21ST.


Decastro, the current MBC International Champion, 誰是目前排名 #13 in the IBF Intercontinental ratings, spoke briefly on learning of the golden opportunity.


“I can’t put into words what this fight means to me, I am a fighting man and fighting is my life.


This is a golden opportunity that I will take with both hands and show everyone what I’m made of.


Huge thanks to Lee (Manager Lee McAllister) for sorting this, 我能說什麼, I only signed with his Assassin Boxing Promotions and Management company a few weeks ago and already he’s already got me a shot at title.


To fight for any title is an honour, but to fight for a coveted IBF belt is something else.


I know this is not an easy fight, Ronny’s undefeated in twelve and has successfully defended his Spanish title twice against top class opposition, but then again he’s not fought me yet, I’m not called the Nightmare for nothing.”


Nathan’s Manager, Three Time World Champion Lee McAllister, then added


“This a cracking opportunity for Nathan to catapult himself in to the World rankings, exciting times ahead for him if he’s successful.


We know we are going into the Lions den as massive underdogs, but I will be making sure that Nathan has space in his bag for the belt when coming home.


這還不是全部, If all goes well in the next few days I hope to be announcing another Assassin Boxing Promotions and Management boxer challenging for an IBF title, here in the UK this time though”





Decastro Stops Tetteh to Secure First TitleKayes, Becelis, Cairns Impressive in Victory.

通過報告: 贊布羅塔 (江) 迪卡羅

週六 夜晚, at the Arena UK in Grantham, Lincolnshire, local gym owner Russ Brown made his maiden outing as a professional boxing promoter and boy oh boy did he do it in style.

Whilst most people would start off at a small hall venue with a few local ticket sellers heading up the show, Russ Brown approached it a little differently, a full blown Arena show headed up with Championship bouts headlining, originally was due to be three, but due to last minute visa issues the main event, the World Super Bantamweight Unification contest between South Africa’s reigning World Boxing Federation Champion Gabisile Tshabalala and British #1 and current MBC International Champion Marianne Marston, had to be rescheduled so the irritating bureaucracy issue could be sorted.

With no Tshabalala-Marston World Unification bout, it was local unbeaten star Nathan Decastro, in his first title battle, against the highly experienced Championship campaigner Ishmael Tetteh, from Ghana, for the vacant MBC International Super Middleweight Championship that was elevated to headline the show.

Before I get onto the fights themselves I have to say how pleasant it was to be at an event where the entire audience welcomed each and every fighter to the ring with rapturous applause, that included Tetteh, who they welcomed in the manner a star fighter deserved and not a single jeer or boo to be heard.

However that paled into insignificance compared to the reception local star Decastro received, the sound was deafening and it seemed that each and every person in the arena was cheering on their man at the top of their voice as he made his ring walk.

The vocal support continued throughout the fight itself, with the fans ringside cheering every exchange, and believe me there were plenty as this was an exceptional all out toe-to-toe war that could have been fought in a phone box.

Young Decastro wasn’t overawed, far from it, instead he rose to the occasion and showcased the exceptional skills that belie his tender years.

Don’t get me wrong this wasn’t a one way affair, Tetteh is a tough, classy operator that gives his all for every second of every round and he was in sensational form, matching the local lad punch for punch in the early rounds.

The turning point in the contest came midway through the fourth, Decastro landed a wicked body shot that sent the Ghanaian down to the canvas. Tetteh is as tough as they come and just as World class referee Richie Davies reached the seven count, he made his way to his feet.

On the restart Tetteh went hard on the attack, however Decastro’s ring-craft soon came into play, spinning Tetteh so it was him with his back against the ropes and the Lincolnshire lad once more in control.

Round five was a virtual repeat of the fourth, both fighters standing toe-to toe, letting rip with huge shots to body and head right from the off. As in the previous round around the midway mark Decastro let rip with a big combination culminating with a vicious body shot to send Tetteh down to the canvas once more, this time though there was no chance that the tough Ghanaian would recover sufficiently to beat Richie Davies’ count.

The overjoyed crowd went ballistic as Decastro was presented the MBC International Championship belt by Vice Chairman, 女士. Jennifer Burton and the celebrations went on for a good forty minutes or so.

On a side note I doubt there are many times in a boxers career that they are inundated with requests of hand shakes or selfies from fans of the opposition, but Ishmael Tetteh was, even in defeat he must have felt like the champion, quite rightly so in my opinion as he gave his all throughout the contest and made this a fight to remember.

The second Championship bout was for a World Boxing Union (WBU) UK Regional title, contested by big hitting local lad Gary Silverman and Belfast’s Marty Kayes.

The height difference between the two protagonists was really noticeable, Silverman is tall, very tall, and towered over the seemingly diminutive Kayes, however the Belfast man clearly had a plan of getting on the inside as much as possible to neutralize the reach advantage of his foe and implemented it to perfection,

The Belfast man’s performance was sublime, when not on the inside Kayes’ busy movement made life exceptionally hard for Silverman.

Throughout the bout Silverman switched tactics in an attempt to give himself the space to let rip with his patented power shots, however each time he did Kayes would find a way to neutralize any advantage the Grantham lad had gained.

After eight rounds of highly entertaining boxing it came as no surprise that Richie Davies’ scorecard read 80-73 in favour of Belfast’s Marty Kayes.

Prior to Silverman-Kayes was a sensationally closely matched Cruiserweight contest between Dainius Becelis and James Higgy.

I’m a huge fan of the Cruiserweight division, mainly due to such stars as two time IBF World Champ Steve ‘USS’ Cunningham and former WBO, WBC & WBA Champion David Haye, who dominated the division back in the late noughties. In fact I love the Cruiserweights so much that a few years ago I wrote and had published the full history of the division.

Anyway that aside, 週六 night I was overjoyed to watch two future stars of the division in action and what a closely fought contest it was.

I always hoped that one day Steve Cunningham and David Haye would fight each other as it would have been an all action affair, a true showcase for this exciting but underrated division.

Well that never happened but if it had it would have been very similar to the Becelis-Higgy bout without doubt, so you can imagine how chuffed I was to be ringside for it. Yes it was that good.

It really was a cracking, closely fought, all action affair, so much so by the start of fourth round I couldn’t separate them and honestly expected it to end up a draw, however Becelis managed to pull off a very close victory due to his performance in the final round, don’t get me wrong Higgy performed brilliantly in the fourth too, just Becelis stepped it up enough to secure the win.

Definitely Fight of the Night in my view. After four of the most exciting rounds of boxing I have seen in a long, long while Referee Matt Scriven scorecards read 39-38 in favour of Dainius Becelis – side note: the referee’s scorecards read 1st Round 10-9 in favour of Becelis, 2nd round 9-10 in favour of Higgy, 3rd round was drawn and of course round four 10-9 to Becilis.

Prior to the Becelis-Higgy bout was another closely fought contest, this time a four round middleweight bout between local lad Scott Newcombe and Stockport, Cheshire’s Will Cairns.

As with Becelis-Higgy this was another well matched all action affair that could so easily have ended up a draw, just in this case Cairns superb performance in the early rounds was enough to see him secure the bout by a single point. Referee Matt Scriven scoring it 39-38 for Will Cairns.

The second pro bout of the night see Michael Robinson take on Scunthorpe’s Andy Pirie in a Middleweight contest.

It’s proving hard for me to come up with enough superlatives as each fight on the show were superbly well matched.

As with the Newcombe-Cairns or the Becilis-Higgy bouts, this was another that could have gone either way as both warriors gave their all for every second of each and every round and it really was hard to separate them, performance or points wise, clearly not just myself as Referee Matt Scriven scored it a 39-39 平局.

The opening bout of the night see Grantham’s Mickey Blackburn in action against Hyde, Cheshire’s Will O’Reilly in a four round Super Welterweight contest.

Once again the matching was spot on, and as with each and every fight on the night was a closely fought and highly exciting affair, so much so that after four enthralling rounds it really was hard to call a winner, again not just myself as Referee Matt Scriven clearly had the same dilemma as he scored it a 39-39 平局.

After the show promoter Russ Brown said.

“Other than the disappointment on not having Marianne (馬斯頓) 戰鬥, the show was spot on.

I wanted my lads to be in competitive fights, and they were, yes I know a couple lost or drew their fights but so it goes. To my mind this is professional boxing and if they are going to make it to the top they need to have competitive fights and they did.

I’m really pleased the way the show went and would like to thank the BIBA (英國人 & Irish Boxing Authority) officials who did a great job, especially the referees Richie Davies and Matt Scriven, who were spot on with their scoring.

Looking forward to planning the next show, believe me it will be even better.”

Have to congratulate Russ Brown and his team for not just hosting a superb event but also for the matching, It really is a breath of fresh air that a promoter doesn’t try to ‘build’ his fighters careers by having them face ‘journeymen’ for the first ten fights or so, instead preferring his lads to face proven young fighters right from the off, you just don’t see that very often these days.

瓊斯JR. VS MORAN開新聞發布會, Liverpool, 週三7月22日



在向公眾開放的新聞發布會,斯蒂芬·沃恩LEGEND事件, 由羅伊·瓊斯JR標題. 與托尼·莫蘭MBC國際和世界拳擊聯合會 (WBF) 洲際重量級冠軍​​回合, 將在 1:30下午 本週三, 該 22ND 7月的BIERKELLER, 6 托馬斯·斯蒂爾斯路, 利物浦一, L1 8LW.


除了羅伊·瓊斯JR和托尼·莫蘭出席也將是許多那些將在行動上的夜晚, 含;


保羅·伊科諾米, 誰將會衛冕他的WBF洲際超最輕量級對抗繁榮Ankrah稱號.


Tasif Khan, 誰將會挑戰艾薩克Quaye為WBF的國際超級次最輕量級冠軍.


尼克·奎格利, 誰面臨不敗彌敦道Decastro


安東尼Counihan, 誰面臨加納的邁克爾·Ansah




李博伊斯, 誰需要對斯肯索普的馬修·佩珀.


周杰倫不敗卡尼, 誰面臨著不敗馬修菲茨西蒙斯從貝爾法斯特.


本地前景Dayle加拉格爾, 誰面臨來自馬特·斯科利強硬反對派


不敗重量級羅布山毛櫸, 將採取誰在布萊克浦的馬修·埃利斯


加上當地的發展前景莫納漢利, 李米爾納和卡爾·多諾霍, 誰將會全部在九月做出自己的親亮相 12.


門票, 售價40英鎊, 60英鎊, 100英鎊和VIP馬戲團150英鎊的斯蒂芬·沃恩促進羅伊·瓊斯JR. 與托尼·莫蘭MBC國際重量級冠軍​​為首的傳奇事件在安特里馬術中心在利物浦上週六九月 12 2015 將可以購買在新聞發布會上,或可在買就行 www.tkoboxoffice.comwww.vaughanboxing.tv


制裁對本次活動將是禮貌的馬耳他拳擊委員會 - www.maltaboxingcommission.com


打報告: Decastro科斯Rozembergs為木 & 史密斯分數轟動TKO勝利登場

報告: 贊布羅塔迪卡羅

通常它可以是一個 星期五星期六 晚上,我得到我的正常修復
的拳擊動作, 這個星期,雖然這是一個有點不同,因為我做了
從倫敦至利茲的行程 星期日 上午, 為了趕上從愛爾蘭前冠軍的最新產品, 轉身子, 李Murtagh的.

考慮到這是一個 星期天 下午/晚上演出, 我強烈地
詫異, 或者是印象深刻, 當我到達會場, 通告的開始時間之前的好幾個小時, 它已經或多或少滿容量.

不得不說的利茲球迷很懂得享受生活, 該
在Pryzm夜總會氣氛電, 所以毫不奇怪,當極具娛樂MC, 先生. 托尼·迪恩, 宣布每個人群大聲表明他們的支持義和團, 不只是家庭的戰士,但他們也做了對手太多表示歡迎, 這使得一個不錯的改變.

領銜演出是當地人最喜歡薩姆·史密斯, 誰使她的親亮相, 對拉脫維亞的Jekaterina Lecko.

從關兩個女孩感動顯山露水環, 姑且拳擊了他們的刺戳後面, 大約二十秒鐘左右後Lecko決定加強它一點點, 扔了良好的硬刺拳緊跟一個循環右頭部, 史密斯閉上了後衛剛好趕上拍在她的手套, 拍攝出直前的權利, 這引起了拉脫維亞平齊.

到頭部, Fecko試圖站穩了腳,但史密斯來了,即使

起初Fecko用她的刺拳有很大的影響,保持史密斯在海灣, 但
圍繞45秒馬克·史密斯下滑戳下,讓撕裂了巨大的射門身體, 緊接著另一個震撼的拉脫維亞姑娘核心頭.

史密斯提出直痛下殺手, 扔了眾多大腕的,

史密斯現在已經搶下拉脫維亞到角落,並開始從各個可能的角度轟擊Fecko與鏡頭, 然後就像Fecko直起身史密斯落在了一槍絕對桃花發送Fecko直接在畫布上人體.

裁判吉米·伯恩做出的計數Fecko看著她走向角落裡,才拼命讓她的腳搖了搖頭, 但顯然遇險瞬間,她跌回下降到一個膝蓋, 離開吉米·伯恩沒辦法只好叫停訴訟在第一輪第72個標記.

此前史密斯Fecko林肯的不敗大沖壓量級彌敦道Decastro, 對拉脫維亞的貓王Rozembergs, 在六圓.

Decastro的環綽號是'噩夢'男孩哦男孩,我敢打賭年輕議員. 這場戰鬥後Rozembergs將有很多他們.

Decastro, 前英國業餘國際, 大約是臨床上,因為他們來. 從一落林肯郡小伙子拿起他的投籃精度, 登陸三腳點完美投籃,球恰好與他序幕.

Rozembergs是,雖然遊戲, 顯然認為攻擊防禦的最佳形式拉脫維亞開門見山回來了一系列脫靶的循環右手, 每次呈現Decastro用一個清晰的目標-Rozembergs體 - 對將目光投向, 這當然他做到了, 每次登陸認真紮實鏡頭.

在關於分鐘大關Rozembergs試圖備份Decastro由進來硬性帶雙雙手亂舞, 然而Decastro方讓一個大右身體RIP前踩, 其中發送Rozembourgs到畫布.

拉脫維亞顯然遇險, 瞬間裁判吉米·拜恩停止戰鬥並要求馬戲團醫生和護理人員成環.


此前Decastro-Rozembergs又是親亮相, 這次
米德爾斯堡重量級克里斯·伍德, 對埃德加Milevics.

Milevics沒有任何公平比任何Lecko或Rozembergs更好, 其實拉脫維亞小伙子被送到甲板第一20秒,

Milevics做出的計數, 但就重啟你可以看到他的心臟不再在戰鬥, 選舉,而不是掩蓋在靜脈希望伍德不會登陸另一個大人物.

在約五十秒大關不可避免的事情發生, 木材僅次於Milevics後衛潛入一個可愛的小鉤, 造成拉脫維亞帶給他的手,以保護自己的身體, 這讓他開到一個大的權利頭部, 留下Milevics別無選擇,只能掩蓋起來了,並且像他那樣從容木扔另一大左的身體, 其中發送Milevic下降到畫布上的第二次.


支持三個專業的較量, 是一些歐洲拳擊聯合會 (EBF) 制裁的較量.

其中主要的一個, 為EBF國際最輕量級冠軍, 看看利茲蘇菲瓦利在對陣馬耳他的小敏CORTIS複賽.


前三輪打出CORTIS等待遊戲, 希望所有

第四輪是一個甚至更多的事情, 與CORTIS選舉採取的鬥爭瓦利, 最初馬耳他女孩落地的好幾張照片, 但是,因為他們來和瓦利是一樣堅韌大約五十秒大關扭控制權交還給與拳擊的一個夢幻般的顯示器, 最終與CORTIS備份到繩索和吸收一個看似永無止境的攻勢.

約一分鐘30馬克是攻擊CORTIS再次, 利用她的刺拳有很大的影響來設置瓦利了一個組合兩個, 直到最後的十秒鐘左右, 這是一個純粹的腳趾到腳趾大逃殺.

CORTIS控制了大部分的最後兩輪, 一些
美麗的拳擊, 瓦利還是給了自己一個偉大的帳戶, 只是

很明顯,這將是近, 而且它是與瓦利由一個非常固定的標題, 非常接近 58-57 點的決定.


紐約的卡莉麥肯齊打進了一個極好的 40-37 分大勝


利茲傑伊·史蒂文森拿下 30-28 分大勝斯托克城的菲爾·麥金.

利茲利亞姆·海耶斯拿下 40-37 分大勝斯托克城的劉易斯Sherrat

曼徹斯特的吉米金拿下了接近 29-28 戰勝布拉姆利的菲利普·沃克.