标记档案: 金童推广

名人堂成员“金童”奥斯卡·德拉霍亚出席 2024 名人堂周末

名人堂成员“金童”奥斯卡·德拉霍亚出席 2024 名人堂周末 名人堂 35 周年庆典将于 6 月举行 6 – 9
篮子, 纽约 – 三月 18, 2024 国际拳击名人堂和博物馆, 正在庆祝成立 35 周年 2024, 很高兴地宣布名人堂成员 “金童”奥斯卡·德拉·霍亚 将参加冠军宴会以及计划中的其他活动 2024 名人堂入职周末定于六月举行 6-9.
“从奥运金牌到六个级别的世界冠军, 奥斯卡·德拉·霍亚 (Oscar De La Hoya) 激发了世界各地拳击迷的想象力,”名人堂主任说道 爱德华·布罗菲. “我们非常期待‘金童’回到卡纳斯托塔参加名人堂 35 周年庆典。”

德拉霍亚 (De La Hoya) 代表球队出场 223-5 (153 科斯) 在业余职业生涯中夺得轻量级金牌 1992 奥运会. 同年,他转为职业选手,并夺得了他的第一个世界冠军——WBO 超羽量级冠军 – 仅在他的第 12 场职业比赛中,并且将继续获胜 10 六个重量级别的世界冠军.

他击败的冠军包括豪尔赫·佩斯 (Jorge Paez), 约翰·约翰·莫利纳, 拉斐尔·鲁拉斯, 赫纳罗·埃尔南德斯, 艾克Quartey, 费尔南多·巴尔加斯, 里卡多·马约加和名人堂成员赫克托·卡马乔, 塞萨尔查韦斯, 佩内尔·惠特克和阿图罗·加蒂.

拳击历史上最大的按次付费景点之一. 德拉霍亚 (De La Hoya) 退役 2008 拥有专业记录 39-6 (30 科斯). 在 2002 他建立了促销巨头Golden Boy Promotions. 在 2014 “金童”第一年就入选名人堂.

令人印象深刻的清单超过 35 来自美国和国外的拳击巨星, 包括类别 2024, 返回的名人堂成员和特邀嘉宾将参加名人堂周末庆祝活动.

的类 2024 受到表彰的包括拳击手 哈顿, 伊万·卡尔德隆, 科拉莱斯迭戈 (死后的), 迈克尔·穆勒, 简·沙发, 安娜·玛丽亚·托雷斯, 路易斯·安赫尔·菲尔波 (死后的), 特里萨·基比 (死后的), 训练者 肯尼·亚当斯, 经理 成龙凯伦, 公关人员 弗莱德·斯腾堡, 记者 华莱士·马修斯 和广播公司 尼克·查尔斯 (死后的).
的类 2024 将于六月的名人堂入职周末期间获得表彰 6-9, 2024, 在《拳击的故乡》中。在为期四天的庆祝活动中,卡纳斯托塔和附近的转石度假村赌场将举办许多活动,包括场边谈话, 拳头铸造, 搏击之夜, 5K赛 / 有趣的跑步, 拳击签名卡展示, 宴会, 游行及就职仪式.

完整的活动详细信息可以在 www.ibhof.com. 有关更多信息, 2024 名人堂入职周末, 请致电 (315) 697-7095.


Facebook的: @国际拳击名人堂
Instagram的: @国际拳击名人堂
叽叽喳喳: @拳击馆
Website: www.IBHOF.com

国际拳击名人堂于2017年向公众开放 1989 并致力于保护拳击这项伟大运动的遗产. 位于卡纳斯托塔, 纽约, 它是向世界上最优秀的拳击手和这项运动的贡献者致敬, 让拳击爱好者欣赏和庆祝拳击的丰富历史和传统.

国际拳击名人堂位于出口处 34 纽约州高速公路. 营业时间为周一至周日 10 A.M. 到 4 P.M.
Turning Stone Resort Casino 与国际拳击名人堂之间的多年合作伙伴关系吸引了整个地区, 引起全国关注并促进纽约中部的旅游业. 此次合作包括在 Turning Stone 举办一系列全国电视转播的拳击赛事, 每年 6 月,国际拳击名人堂周末都会精心策划、规模空前,在为期四天的庆祝活动中,将在麦迪逊县和奥奈达县举办多项激动人心的活动,将活动推向高潮.

洛杉矶内城传奇 不败的雏量级新星 John “Scrappy” Ramirez 本周六首次在主场作战


LOS ANGELES (三月 17, 2022) – 不败的洛杉矶雏量级新星约翰“Scrappy”拉米雷斯 (8-0, 7 科斯) 本周六重返赛场 (海. 19) 接替罗伯托“天蝎座”普切塔 (10-20-3, 10 科斯), 墨西哥, 在 Blair Cobbs-Alexis Rocha 卡上的 6 轮比赛中 (取代维吉尔·奥尔蒂斯, 小迈克尔·麦金森), 由金童促销提供.

主卡将在洛杉矶南加州大学盖伦中心的 DAZN 直播; 前往 Golden Boy 的 YouTube 页面观看 Ramirez vs. 普切塔直播.

拉米雷斯是洛杉矶市中心的体育传奇人物. 他的旅程从烤架开始, 不在戒指中, 那很漂亮, 那很漂亮 2015 记录片, 那很漂亮 60: 莱特曼。”这些球员来自好莱坞犯罪猖獗的地区,毒品和枪支充斥着. 那很漂亮, 160-那很漂亮, 那很漂亮, 并升入林肯高中, 那很漂亮. 那很漂亮, 在他大四的半决赛季后赛中表现突出, 最终将“Scrappy”带到了洛杉矶谷学院橄榄球队的名册上.

“场地离我家只有五分钟车程,”激动的拉米雷斯说. “我真的每天都开车经过它. 我在南加州大学长大,在那里踢足球. 现在, 我在我长大的内城战斗. 这真是太棒了! 我的梦想是在斯台普斯中心打球, 对我来说只有三分钟车程. 我越来越近了.

“这样的事情不会偶然发生. 三月 18, 我会在我的人面前展示我的技能. 洛杉矶是冠军之城, 但自奥斯卡·德拉·霍亚以来,我们还没有获得过世界拳击冠军, 谁在东洛杉矶长大. 我的目标是成为下一个洛杉矶冠军。”

 “废话,“谁是最活跃的战士之一 2021 七回合, 成功地从足球过渡到拳击, 尽管业余拳击生涯相对较短,但只有 25 业余比赛. 他确实在 Sugar Bert 全国锦标赛中获得了最高荣誉, 以及地区金手套和南加州锦标赛.

“我最后一次战斗是在 12 月 18, 请了一周假, 然后直接回到了布里克豪斯拳击俱乐部的训练营 (ñ. 好莱坞),” 26 岁的拉米雷斯补充道. “我正在变得更好,这对我来说非常令人兴奋. 我和我的体能教练在一起, 赛跑, 并练习我的拳击技巧. 我的训练没有停止, 它正在全力以赴。”

Pucheta 只停过一次 33 亲打架, 早在 2016 伊曼纽尔·纳瓦雷特, 现在的世界拳击组织 (WBO) 超轻量级冠军, 谁体育一个 35-1 (29 科斯) 亲纪录.

“他是一个强硬的, 持久的对手,”拉米雷斯指出, “谁曾在擂台上拥有很多美好的前景. 这对我来说是一个很好的机会来发表声明,成为第二个将他击倒的人。”

拉米雷斯本周六继续加快步伐和发展, 什么时候又是“Scrappy Time”, 只有这一次在家.

“我想成为顶峰,并将,”他总结道. “每场战斗都让我振奋. 我的目标是不. 1 在我的体重班, 我会因为我的努力和奉献而到达那里。”


Website:  www.ZurdoPromotions.com

Facebook的: /约翰·拉米雷斯

Instagram的: @祖多拉米雷斯, 约翰·拉米雷斯, 约翰·拉米雷斯

叽叽喳喳:  @ZurdoPromotions, @GilbertoZurdoRamirez

Gilberto “Zurdo” Ramirez fights back against Dmitry Bivol’s claim of turning down a title fight

LAS VEGAS (一月 31, 2022) – Back in December, right after Gilberto “Zurdo” Ramirez (43-0, 29 科斯) stopped Yunieski Gonzalez to become the mandatory challenger for World Boxing Association (WBA) Light Heavyweight World Super Champion Dmitry Bivol (19-0, 11 科斯) who suddenly and surprisingly went dark, until he recently make an unsubstantiated claim that “Zurdo” had turned down an offer to fight him.

Bivol was quoted in a recent boxing news report, which was also picked up by other media outlets, 话, “I know for a fact that my team did offer Team Ramirez to fight me December 11 在俄罗斯, and the purse offered was about the same as what I was offered to fight him on a (金童推广) 演出. He rejected the offer.”

“I don’t know why he’s saying they offered a fight to me,” Ramirez countered, “but he must be really confused. To be clear there was never a contract that was sent to my team or Golden Boy for a fight; unlike how a contract was delivered to him and his team from Golden Boy for the December bout. I’m confused why he continues to be a pawn and create false narratives and tries everything to hide from this fight. It’s just a matter of time before that belt comes to where it belongs.”

拉米雷斯, the first Mexican to capture the World super middleweight title, 是前世界拳击组织 (WBO) 冠军, who earned his title shot against Bivol by winning his WBA Title Eliminator versus Gonzalez.

“After Bivol, Joe Smith is my next target since he has my belt (WBO) that I had at 168 英镑,” Ramirez remarked. “I am the best light heavyweight out there and it’s not even close. There’s a reason why these champs are scared to call my name, but soon they won’t have a choice. I would end Smith in less than 6 回合。“

Bivol also said in the aforementioned story: “My motivation and my ambitions have not changed for a long time – I want to fight the best. I want to prove that I am the best in my division.”

Guess what, 梅德, 43-0 “Zurdo” is the best!

Website: www.ZurdoPromotions.com
Instagram的: @祖多拉米雷斯, 约翰·拉米雷斯
叽叽喳喳: @ZurdoPromotions, @GilbertoZurdoRamirez

Nicco Tapia, 16-Year-Old Son of Late Hall of Famer Johnny Tapia, to Make Amateur Boxing Debut Nov. 20



Youngest son of late Hall of Famer Johnny Tapia to fight on the preliminary portion of Tapia Promotions’ 屏障 vs. 狮子: “最后的车站” (最后的车站) 来自山神度假村的客栈 & 赌场

阿尔伯克基, 牛米. (十一月. 13, 2021) – While countless high school juniors concern themselves with standardized test scores and submitting college applications, Johnny “Nicco” Tapia, the youngest son and namesake of the late five-time world champion, will commence his pursuit of a pro boxing career when he makes his amateur debut on the preliminary portion of his Mom Teresa’sMarco Antonio Barrera vs. 丹尼尔·庞塞·德莱昂pay-per-view fight card Saturday, 十一月. 20, 2021.

“Boxing is a passion,” said the 16-year-old currently working toward earning his diploma online. “I love stepping into the ring, getting hit, and feeling the crowd’s energy.”

In the Nov. 20 主要事件, two Mexican boxing legends will lace up the gloves for one final night when Hall of Famer马尔科·安东尼奥·巴雷拉(67-7, 44 科斯) 十多年来仅第二次重返擂台,与前两届世界冠军对阵丹尼尔·庞塞·德莱昂 (45-7, 35 科斯). The six-round super welterweight exhibition and four additional bouts will air live on pay per view from Inn of the Mountain Gods Resort & 梅斯卡莱罗赌场, 新墨西哥.

菲特PPV and Golden Boy Fight Night on Facebook Watch Paid Online will televise the five-bout main card live on pay per view for$9.99 在4:30 P.M. PT /5:30 P.M. MT/7:30 P.M. AND

A native of Las Cruces, N.M., Nicco trains in the Tapia home garage, enjoys studying sociology to “look at people from a different perspective,” dislikes mathematics, and currently has no plans to further an academic career following his 2023 graduation.

“I don’t really plan to go to college,” said the music fan who freestyle raps in his downtime. “I want to keep pushing myself in the ring and turn pro as soon as I get enough experience.”

Surrounded by the sweet science from an early age, Nicco fondly looks back on innumerable heartwarming memories of watching his father train for upcoming fights.

“I used to go to the gym and run around with my Dad every day. When the bell rang, I held up the gloves with him.”

Outside of boxing, the father-son pairing spent quality time playing other sports, enjoying delicious desserts, and tuning into their favorite television programs.

“We used to go to the park, play basketball, and jump on the trampoline,” Nicco recalled. “Dad used to give me ice cream sandwiches. I remember going into his room and watching the show ‘Cops’ together.”

Aiming to find inspiration and discover boxing tips from one of boxing’s all-time greatest fighters, young Nicco frequently rewatches Johnny’s classic bouts.

“I study his speed, 头部运动, and angles,” said the teenager who models much of his fighting style after his Dad and Marvelous Marvin Hagler.

When asked to name his favorite “Mi Vida Loca” fight, Nicco did not hesitate in listing Johnny Tapia’s hard-fought victory over fellow Albuquerquean and former world champion Danny Romero for the IBF/WBO junior bantamweight titles on July 18, 1997, 在拉斯维加斯, 内华达州.

“The crowd was wild and crazy,” Nicco recollected. “I love studying my Dad’s boxing technique.”

Originally scheduled to fight at Inn of the Mountain Gods on July 31, 2021, the aspiring actor and former viola player pulled out of his amateur debut when he sustained a hand fracture.

“I was playing football with friends and landed on my hand wrong,” lamented the proud holder of a driver’s license. “It was the first time I injured myself.”

Less than four months later, Nicco is eager to thrill the Mescalero crowd on Nov. 20 before Barrera and De Leon take center stage.

“I am ticking off the days and can’t wait for this night to come.”

Kicking off the festivities, 金童搏击之夜在 Facebook 上观看Facebook.com/GoldenBoyFN and FITE will stream Nicco Tapia’s debut and four additional outstanding preliminary bouts for免费在 2 P.M. PT/3 p.m. MT/5 p.m. AND.

A Spanish-language broadcast will be available as a viewing option for both the pay-per-view and preliminary bouts.

那些希望参加令人难忘的, 10-亲临Tapia促销盛会可购票从 $75 通过innofthemountaingods.com 和票务大师网 通过搜索“La Ultima Batalla – The Last Stand”。

关于 BARRERA-DE LEON: 最后的车站 (最后的车站)

两位传奇的前世界冠军最后一次重返拳击台,参加一场特别的六轮次中量级表演赛, 作为 Tapia Promotions 的礼物屏障 vs. Ponce De Leon“La Ultima Batalla”——“最后一站”周六, 十一月 20, 在山神度假村的客栈 & 梅斯卡莱罗赌场, 新墨西哥. 惊心动魄的五战主卡将通过按次付费观看 $9.99 通过两者菲特PPV 和金童战斗之夜在 Facebook 观看在线付费 4:30 P.M. PT /5:30 P.M. MT/7:30 P.M. AND.  致在墨西哥观看的观众, Facebook Watch Paid Online 上的 FITE 和金童搏击之夜都将提供该赛事的西班牙语广播 $4.99. 提前两小时开始庆祝活动, 金童搏击之夜在 Facebook 上观看Facebook.com/GoldenBoyFN FITE 将在以下网址免费播放五场出色的预赛比赛 2:30 P.M. PT/3:30 P.M. 吨/5:30 P.M. AND.

门票开始 $75 可以通过innofthemountaingods.com 和票务大师网 通过搜索“La Ultima Batalla – The Last Stand”。


Teresa Tapia 成立了 Tapia Promotions 以延续她传奇已故丈夫的遗产, 六届世界冠军/名人堂成员约翰尼·塔皮亚 (Johnny Tapia) 提供惊心动魄的拳击赛事,与各地的球迷战斗. 美国最早的女性拳击发起人之一, Teresa 成功地管理了 Johnny Tapia 的职业生涯 1995-2011, 并接受了他的 2017 入选国际拳击名人堂 (国际博览局). 另外, 在 2004, 特蕾莎成为甜蜜科学史上第一位也是唯一一位获得IBOF特别表彰奖的女拳击经理. 多方面的推动者扩展到 2020 制作体育真人秀节目《明星与冠军》,” 近距离观察拳击手在拳击场内外的生活.


FITE 是现场体育和娱乐的优质全球平台,提供超过 5 MM 注册用户的许多行业大型 PPV 活动和 SVOD 套餐. FITE 可通过其 iOS 和 Android 移动应用程序在全球范围内使用, 苹果电视, Android的电视, 年, 亚马逊消防电视, 和华为应用. 此外, FITE 支持三星, LG, 考克斯轮廓, Vizio SmartCast™, 维珍媒体, Shaw Communications 的 Blue Curve IPTV, 福克斯, 的Chromecast, PS4, XBOX, 玉米, 网络范围, 维达/海信, VEWD, 网络电视, 康卡斯特的 Xfinity 1 和 Xfinity Flex 以及 7,000 款智能电视. 可在线获取 www.FITE.tv. 跟着我们 叽叽喳喳, Instagram的YouTube的领英 和 Facebook的FITE开启了.


总部位于洛杉矶的 Golden Boy 成立于 2002 奥斯卡·德拉霍亚, 第一个拥有全国拳击宣传公司的西班牙裔人。 Golden Boy 是一个媒体和娱乐品牌,致力于让格斗娱乐更容易和更实惠. 公司的内部制作团队为RingTV.com 以及遍布全球的国际频道. 该公司拥有顶级拳击手的专有权,并推广了这项运动历史上一些规模最大、票房最高的赛事. 现在, Golden Boy 是世界上最成功的拳击娱乐公司之一,为拳击手和球迷塑造了拳击的未来。

Abel Mendoza Has Survived Homelessness to Fight on Nov. 20 Barrera-De Leon Pay-Per-View Event




Hard-hitting knockout artist to put his perfect record on the line at Tapia Promotions’ 屏障 vs. 狮子: “最后的车站” (最后的车站) 来自山神度假村的客栈 & 梅斯卡莱罗赌场, 新墨西哥

阿尔伯克基, 牛米. (十一月. 12, 2021) – From overcoming a crime-ridden, west Texas childhood environment to his father’s incarceration and living out of a car as a teenager, the path toward fighting three-time world title challenger Victor Zaleta on Tapia Promotions’Marco Antonio Barrera vs. 丹尼尔·庞塞·德莱昂pay-per-view card Saturday, 十一月. 20, 2021, has been anything but smooth sailing for the undefeated El Paso boxer Abel Mendoza.

“I was surrounded by violence growing up,” said the 25-year-old lightweight contender who is 30-0 同 23 科斯. “A lot of people that I was around went to prison; I was the only one who didn’t. Boxing was my way out, my safe haven. The sport saved me.”

In the Nov. 20 主要事件, two Mexican boxing legends will lace up the gloves for one final night when Hall of Famer马尔科·安东尼奥·巴雷拉(67-7, 44 科斯) 十多年来仅第二次重返擂台,与前两届世界冠军对阵丹尼尔·庞塞·德莱昂 (45-7, 35 科斯). The six-round super welterweight exhibition and four additional bouts will air live on pay per view from Inn of the Mountain Gods Resort & 梅斯卡莱罗赌场, 新墨西哥.

菲特PPV and Golden Boy Fight Night on Facebook Watch Paid Online will televise the five-bout main card live on pay per view for$9.99 在4:30 P.M. PT /5:30 P.M. MT/7:30 P.M. AND

After initially lacing up the gloves at four years old and capturing the Regional Silver Gloves at age eight in Odessa, 得克萨斯州, the Fort Stockton native secured five titles while defeating all but 20 他 300 amateur boxing opponents.

然而, numerous obstacles have beset Abel on his road toward achieving he and his father’s goal of the young fighter becoming a world champion.

“My Dad got into some trouble at the beginning of my boxing career,” Abel said. “He was on house arrest and then went to jail for a while. It was an extremely difficult time for my family.”

While still in high school, the 17-year-old Mendoza often slept in his vehicle after moving from Odessa to El Paso to become a professional boxer.

“That was a point in my career when I was homeless,” the aspiring titleholder recalled. “I was surrounded by a lot of violence and crime in Odessa and left because I wanted a fresh start. Sometimes I had to stay in my car.”

Never one to shy away from strenuous manual labor, Mendoza’s first job consisted of unearthing fruit in a Pecos, 得克萨斯州, field with his grandfather at age 13.

“It was summer, and we picked cantaloupes in the hot sun all day,” said the multi-faceted student who is currently taking psychology classes at Odessa College. “That was the year I first won Nationals. I still trained while working in the fields. It was the best and the worst.”

Recalling the arduous memories when he did not know where he would sleep or locate his next meal, the Native American history fan finds solace in giving back to the El Paso community during the holiday season.

“I love to help out at shelters because I have been in that situation where I needed food and a place to stay,” said Santa’s helper who also hands out gifts at west Texas hospitals each December. “It makes me feel good to see the children smile.”

Hoping to battle for a world crown within the next year, the never-married Mendoza counsels the wedded on social media when not honing his skills in the squared circle.

“I go on Instagram Live because people ask me for marriage advice. A lot of people need help.”

Kicking off the festivities, 金童搏击之夜在 Facebook 上观看Facebook.com/GoldenBoyFN 和 FITE 将直播五场出色的预赛免费在 2 P.M. PT/3 p.m. MT/5 p.m. AND.

另外, a Spanish-language broadcast will be available as a viewing option for both the pay-per-view and preliminary bouts.

那些希望参加令人难忘的, 10-亲临Tapia促销盛会可购票从 $75 通过innofthemountaingods.com 和票务大师网 通过搜索“La Ultima Batalla – The Last Stand”。

关于 BARRERA-DE LEON: 最后的车站 (最后的车站)

两位传奇的前世界冠军最后一次重返拳击台,参加一场特别的六轮次中量级表演赛, 作为 Tapia Promotions 的礼物屏障 vs. Ponce De Leon“La Ultima Batalla”——“最后一站”周六, 十一月 20, 在山神度假村的客栈 & 梅斯卡莱罗赌场, 新墨西哥. 惊心动魄的五战主卡将通过按次付费观看 $9.99 通过两者菲特PPV 和金童战斗之夜在 Facebook 观看在线付费 4:30 P.M. PT /5:30 P.M. MT/7:30 P.M. AND.  致在墨西哥观看的观众, Facebook Watch Paid Online 上的 FITE 和金童搏击之夜都将提供该赛事的西班牙语广播 $4.99. 提前两小时开始庆祝活动, 金童搏击之夜在 Facebook 上观看Facebook.com/GoldenBoyFN FITE 将在以下网址免费播放五场出色的预赛比赛 2:30 P.M. PT/3:30 P.M. 吨/5:30 P.M. AND.

门票开始 $75 可以通过innofthemountaingods.com 和票务大师网 通过搜索“La Ultima Batalla – The Last Stand”。


Teresa Tapia 成立了 Tapia Promotions 以延续她传奇已故丈夫的遗产, 六届世界冠军/名人堂成员约翰尼·塔皮亚 (Johnny Tapia) 提供惊心动魄的拳击赛事,与各地的球迷战斗. 美国最早的女性拳击发起人之一, Teresa 成功地管理了 Johnny Tapia 的职业生涯 1995-2011, 并接受了他的 2017 入选国际拳击名人堂 (国际博览局). 另外, 在 2004, 特蕾莎成为甜蜜科学史上第一位也是唯一一位获得IBOF特别表彰奖的女拳击经理. 多方面的推动者扩展到 2020 制作体育真人秀节目《明星与冠军》,” 近距离观察拳击手在拳击场内外的生活.


FITE 是现场体育和娱乐的优质全球平台,提供超过 5 MM 注册用户的许多行业大型 PPV 活动和 SVOD 套餐. FITE 可通过其 iOS 和 Android 移动应用程序在全球范围内使用, 苹果电视, Android的电视, 年, 亚马逊消防电视, 和华为应用. 此外, FITE 支持三星, LG, 考克斯轮廓, Vizio SmartCast™, 维珍媒体, Shaw Communications 的 Blue Curve IPTV, 福克斯, 的Chromecast, PS4, XBOX, 玉米, 网络范围, 维达/海信, VEWD, 网络电视, 康卡斯特的 Xfinity 1 和 Xfinity Flex 以及 7,000 款智能电视. 可在线获取 www.FITE.tv. 跟着我们 叽叽喳喳, Instagram的YouTube的领英 和 Facebook的FITE开启了.


总部位于洛杉矶的 Golden Boy 成立于 2002 奥斯卡·德拉霍亚, 第一个拥有全国拳击宣传公司的西班牙裔人。 Golden Boy 是一个媒体和娱乐品牌,致力于让格斗娱乐更容易和更实惠. 公司的内部制作团队为RingTV.com 以及遍布全球的国际频道. 该公司拥有顶级拳击手的专有权,并推广了这项运动历史上一些规模最大、票房最高的赛事. 现在, Golden Boy 是世界上最成功的拳击娱乐公司之一,为拳击手和球迷塑造了拳击的未来。

巴雷拉-德莱昂诺夫. 20 在 FITE 和 Golden Boy 按次付费


标识, 公司名



马可·安东尼奥·巴雷拉 去打仗丹尼尔·庞塞·德莱昂


星期六, NOV. 20, 2021,


Facebook Watch 和 FITE 上的 Golden Boy Fight Night 将播放 Tapia Promotions 的初步比赛“最后的车站” (最后的车站) 住

来自山神度假村的客栈 & 梅斯卡莱罗赌场, 新墨西哥

阿尔伯克基, 牛米. (十一月. 3, 2021) – 两位墨西哥拳击传奇将在名人堂成员的最后一晚戴上手套马尔科·安东尼奥·巴雷拉 十多年来仅第二次重返擂台,与前两届世界冠军对阵丹尼尔·庞塞·德莱昂周六, 十一月 20, 2021, 住在山神度假村的酒店按次付费 & 梅斯卡莱罗赌场, 新墨西哥.

观众有机会在感恩节假期提前五天响起菲特PPV Facebook Watch Paid Online 和 Golden Boy Fight Night 将在电视上播放惊心动魄的, 六轮超次中量级展览以及四场额外的主卡比赛按次付费观看$9.99 在4:30 P.M. PT /5:30 P.M. MT/7:30 P.M. AND.  致在墨西哥观看的观众, Facebook Watch Paid Online 上的 FITE 和 Golden Boy Fight Night 都将提供西班牙语广播 事件的$4.99.

提前两小时开始庆祝活动, 金童搏击之夜在 Facebook 上观看Facebook.com/GoldenBoyFN 和 FITE 将直播五场出色的预赛免费在 2:30 P.M. PT/3:30 P.M. 吨/5:30 P.M. AND.

那些希望参加令人难忘的, 10-亲临Tapia促销盛会可购票从 $75 通过innofthemountaingods.com 和票务大师网 通过搜索“La Ultima Batalla – The Last Stand”。

巴雷拉 (67-7, 44 科斯) 自从国际拳击名人堂将这位传奇拳击手入选以来,他将仅第二次亮相 2017. “娃娃脸刺客”最后一次在六轮比赛中与退役拳击手耶稣索托卡拉斯交手,比赛时间为两分钟, 16-盎司手套, 六月没有法官 11, 2021, 里维拉峰, 加利福尼亚州.

排名不. 43 ESPN有史以来最伟大的拳击手之一, 巴雷拉在三个重量级别上获得了世界冠军,并赢得了 43 在他辉煌的职业生涯开始时连续取得胜利.

从不回避对手, 瓜达拉哈拉的骄傲, 哈利斯科, 墨西哥, 已经与许多最优秀的科学进行了斗争, 包括名人堂成员埃里克·莫拉莱斯 (三次), 约翰尼·塔皮亚, 和胡安·曼努埃尔·马尔克斯, 以及未来的IBOFer曼尼帕奎奥, 保利·阿亚拉, 纳西姆·哈米德, 和阿米尔·卡恩.

狮子 (45-7, 35 科斯), 奇瓦瓦, 墨西哥, 将在七年多的时间里首次戏剧性地重返著名的方阵. 在西柯汶纳战斗, 加利福尼亚州。, 该 2000 墨西哥奥运代表队成员开启了他的职业生涯 24 连胜, 含 23 淘汰赛.

前两级世界冠军, 德莱昂声称空缺的世界拳击组织 (WBO) 十月超轻量级冠军 2005 并进行了六次成功的防御. 在获得第一个世界冠军近七年后, 这位左撇子重击手在 9 月对 Jhonny Gonzalez 的八轮技术决定中获得了第二名 2012 申领世界拳击理事会 (WBC) 羽冠.

在第一个令人兴奋的按次付费合作功能中, 不败阿贝尔·门多萨(30-0, 23 科斯) 埃尔帕索, 得克萨斯州, 希望保持自己完美的战绩,并在与墨西哥斗士的比赛中登上 135 磅级别的上层梯队维克多优势 (20-5-1, 10 科斯) 在10轮对阵.

按次付费卡将是次中量级对决阿尔伯克基拳击手的不败战绩克林顿·查韦斯 (5-0, 4 科斯) 挨打的脸克里斯蒂安卡斯蒂略占位符图像 (3-1, 3 科斯), 以及一场重达 270 磅的大逃杀比赛,两名街头牛肉选手在首次亮相职业拳击比赛时科迪贝克 发生在乔纳森赖斯.

第五次按次付费的战斗和完整的初步卡“最后的车站” (最后的车站) 将很快公布.

“我们很高兴与 FITE 和 Golden Boy Promotions 合作,将这个重要的夜晚带给世界各地的拳击迷,”特蕾莎·塔皮亚说, Tapia推广总裁. “很荣幸能够最后一次展示两位传奇战士展示他们的才华。”

“FITE 很高兴为世界各地的用户提供这个特殊的 PPV 活动,” 说迈克尔·韦伯, FITE首席运营官. “马可·安东尼奥·巴雷拉和丹尼尔·庞塞·德莱昂重返擂台将是一场您不容错过的战斗。”

“Golden Boy Promotions 很高兴能与 Tapia Promotions 和 FITE 合作,度过这个具有历史意义的拳击之夜,“霍亚说:, 金童董事长兼CEO. “我很自豪地说,我曾与巴雷拉和庞塞·德莱昂合作过, 谁是这项运动的两个伟大的墨西哥传奇人物. 我一直很喜欢他们的拳击风格,并且知道他们会进行一场令人难忘的战斗. 我迫不及待地想看到他们重返赛场参加他们的“Ultima Batalla”十一月. 20.”

关于 BARRERA-DE LEON: 最后的车站 (最后的车站)

两位传奇的前世界冠军最后一次重返拳击台,参加一场特别的六轮次中量级表演赛, 作为 Tapia Promotions 的礼物屏障 vs. Ponce De Leon“La Ultima Batalla”——“最后一站”周六, 十一月 20, 在山神度假村的客栈 & 梅斯卡莱罗赌场, 新墨西哥. 惊心动魄的五战主卡将通过按次付费观看 $9.99 通过两者菲特PPV 和金童战斗之夜在 Facebook 观看在线付费 4:30 P.M. PT /5:30 P.M. MT/7:30 P.M. AND.  致在墨西哥观看的观众, Facebook Watch Paid Online 上的 FITE 和金童搏击之夜都将提供该赛事的西班牙语广播 $4.99. 提前两小时开始庆祝活动, 金童搏击之夜在 Facebook 上观看Facebook.com/GoldenBoyFN FITE 将在以下网址免费播放五场出色的预赛比赛 2:30 P.M. PT/3:30 P.M. 吨/5:30 P.M. AND.

门票开始 $75 可以通过innofthemountaingods.com 和票务大师网 通过搜索“La Ultima Batalla – The Last Stand”。


Teresa Tapia 成立了 Tapia Promotions 以延续她传奇已故丈夫的遗产, 六届世界冠军/名人堂成员约翰尼·塔皮亚 (Johnny Tapia) 提供惊心动魄的拳击赛事,与各地的球迷战斗. 美国最早的女性拳击发起人之一, Teresa 成功地管理了 Johnny Tapia 的职业生涯 1995-2011, 并接受了他的 2017 入选国际拳击名人堂 (国际博览局). 另外, 在 2004, 特蕾莎成为甜蜜科学史上第一位也是唯一一位获得IBOF特别表彰奖的女拳击经理. 多方面的推动者扩展到 2020 制作体育真人秀节目《明星与冠军》,” 近距离观察拳击手在拳击场内外的生活.


FITE 是现场体育和娱乐的优质全球平台,提供超过 5 MM 注册用户的许多行业大型 PPV 活动和 SVOD 套餐. FITE 可通过其 iOS 和 Android 移动应用程序在全球范围内使用, 苹果电视, Android的电视, 年, 亚马逊消防电视, 和华为应用. 此外, FITE 支持三星, LG, 考克斯轮廓, Vizio SmartCast™, 维珍媒体, Shaw Communications 的 Blue Curve IPTV, 福克斯, 的Chromecast, PS4, XBOX, 玉米, 网络范围, 维达/海信, VEWD, 网络电视, 康卡斯特的 Xfinity 1 和 Xfinity Flex 以及 7,000 款智能电视. 可在线获取 www.FITE.tv. 跟着我们 叽叽喳喳, Instagram的YouTube的领英 和 Facebook的FITE开启了.


总部位于洛杉矶的 Golden Boy 成立于 2002 奥斯卡·德拉霍亚, 第一个拥有全国拳击宣传公司的西班牙裔人。 Golden Boy 是一个媒体和娱乐品牌,致力于让格斗娱乐更容易和更实惠. 公司的内部制作团队为RingTV.com 以及遍布全球的国际频道. 该公司拥有顶级拳击手的专有权,并推广了这项运动历史上一些规模最大、票房最高的赛事. 现在, Golden Boy 是世界上最成功的拳击娱乐公司之一,为拳击手和球迷塑造了拳击的未来。

Undefeated World Light Heavyweight Contender Gilberto Ramirez believes in “Zurdo,” Golden Boy & his Mexican heritage

(L-R) – Oscar de la Hoya, 吉尔伯托·拉米雷斯 & 伯纳德·霍普金斯大学

LAS VEGAS (八月 23, 2021) –不败 吉尔伯托“Zurdo创作”拉米雷斯 (42-0, 28 科斯) feels he’ll get his first World light heavyweight title shot because he believes in himself, his promoter Golden Boy Promotions, and his Mexican heritage.

The former World Boxing Organization (WBO) super middleweight World champion is a leading light heavyweight contender, 目前评级无. 2 由世界拳击组织 (WBO) 和No. 5 由国际拳击联合会 (IBF), 还有没有. 9 在 午夜凶铃 independent rankings for the first time in the 175-pound division.

After Ramirez’ recent knockout victory over 沙利文巴雷拉 (22-3, 14 科斯), positioning him for a World title shot, the boxing world looked forward to “Zurdo” challenging World Boxing Association (WBA) Super Light Heavyweight Champion 德米特里·比沃尔 later this year. Bivol had all but assured a showdown with Ramirez through social media posts, but suddenly he changed his tune and was dreaming of a match this November that isn’t going to happen against WBA and WBC Super Middleweight Champion “Saul “Canelo” Alvarez (56-1-2, 38 科斯).

The 30-year Ramirez has openly called for a fight with Bivol or either of the other World light heavyweight title holders, 阿图尔Beterbiev (WBC/IBF) 和 乔·史密斯, JR. (WBO), whose rumored unification fight doesn’t appear to be on the horizon.

与此同时, all three reigning World light heavyweight champions have gone dark, at least in terms of fighting Ramirez. Is “Zurdo” too risky for them, or are they just hesitant to fight a proven Mexican challenger?

“I leave my opponents to my promoter, 金童, and its matchmaker, Robert Diaz,” Ramirez explained. “They’re aware of what I want, and I trust they are diligent and will do whatever is best for me. 作为战斗机, I’ve been clear that all the World light heavyweight champs are on my hit list; and I don’t retract my statement or shy away from the fights as most of them have. In this world, all I have are my word and balls, and I don’t break ‘em for anyone. I fight not just for myself, but for my pride and the spirit of Mexican people. We are proud of our heritage and have been the best fighters. Russians know I will take out both Bivol and Beterbiev; 乔·史密斯, JR. is just an appetizer.”

“Canelo” and 胡里奥·塞萨尔·冈萨雷斯 (2003) are the only native Mexicans to be crowned World Light Heavyweight Champions, but everybody in boxing knows Mexican boxers are called warriors for a good reason.

“I think they’re all reluctant to fight a Mexican light heavyweight like me,”拉米雷斯补充道. “There’s a reason why Bivol is retracting his statement and staying quiet after all his social media antics. If he was serious, it’s an easy fight to make, and he knows it (both fighters have fought on DAZN). I’m also hearing (约书亚) Buatsi’s name in the mix, but I would absolutely destroy him. All these guys talk the talk but rarely walk the walk. I am a Mexican warrior; everybody knows the way we are built!”

Other potential contenders in the mix, excluding the reigning world champions, may include 八斗杰克, Eleider阿尔瓦雷斯, 马克西姆·弗拉索夫 (Ramirez defeated him as super middleweights), 和 Lyndon Arthur.

“My time will come, Ramirez concluded. “I know Golden Boy is working hard on making this a reality and when that time comes, all these guys will have nowhere to run or hide. I leave who I fight next up to my matchmaker, Robert Diaz. I trust that Golden Boy will do whatever is best for my career.

“I’m not frustrated, this is part of the process. I’m a veteran in this game. Many will talk, but they will fall when it’s time to act. 再次, I trust Golden Boy will do what has been promised and I look forward to what fight they will present me with.”

Website: www.ZurdoPromotions.com
Instagram的: @祖多拉米雷斯, 约翰·拉米雷斯
叽叽喳喳: @ZurdoPromotions, @GilbertoZurdoRamirez

41-0 Gilberto “Zurdo” Barrera needs to get past Sullivan Barrera to get world light heavyweight title shot

Streaming live July 9th on DAZN from L.A.

Zurdo training.jpg

LOS ANGELES (六月 28, 2021) – Undefeated former WBO Super Middleweight Champion and 吉尔伯托“Zurdo创作”拉米雷斯 (41-0, 27 科斯), currently a highly ranked light heavyweight contender, will have a lot on the line July 9 对抗世界轻重量级冠军挑战者 沙利文巴雷拉 (22-3, 14 科斯), including world title fight implications and, 最终, his boxing legacy,

左撇子 vs. 巴雷拉, 由金童促销提供, 将在 DAZN 上独家直播, 从加州银行体育场直播, 洛杉矶足球俱乐部的主场 (职业足球), 位于洛杉矶市中心.

To get a world light heavyweight title shot against any of the reigning champions – WBC & IBF 阿图尔Beterbiev (16-0 (16 科斯), WBA超 德米特里·比沃尔 (18-0, 11 科斯) or WBO 乔·史密斯 (27-3, 21 科斯) – Barrera stands in Ramirez’ way in the 12-round 左撇子 vs. 巴雷拉 主要事件. 拉米雷斯排名第一. 3 by the WBA and WBO, 还有没有. 5 由IBF.

That’s what the fans want but I’m not sure if these fighters are ready for me,” Ramirez boldly said about Beterbiev, Bivol and Smith. “I wasn’t impressed by any of the three in their recent bouts. They can run as much as they want, but they can’t hide forever. I know I’m the best in the division and, sooner or later, I will be snatching each of the belts and taking their souls one by one.”

拉米雷斯, 谁最近转身 30 (六月 19), was the first Mexican fighter to capture a world super middleweight title, which he relinquished in 2019 to move up to the light heavyweight division, in which he is 2-0 (2 科斯) having defeated 汤米Karpency(29-6-1) 和 阿方索·洛佩兹 (32-3) 去年12月夺得北美拳击联合会 (NABF) 王冠.

A decorated Cuban amateur boxer (285-27 记录), 39-year-old Barrera defeated future pro world champions such as 乍得道森,
Shumenov北部马里亚诺·纳塔利奥·卡雷拉 prior to defecting from Cuba to Miami and turning pro.

巴雷拉, fighting out of Cuba by way of Miami, 是 3-3 VS. past or present world champions with victories against 杰夫·拉齐 (WTKO4), 卡罗穆拉特 (WKO12) 和菲利克斯·瓦莱拉 (WDEC10), losing to Bivo (将军澳12), 工匠 (12月10日), and Hall of Famer沃德 (DEC 12).

“I always expect the best from my opponents,”拉米雷斯指出. “Barrera is a professional and I know he will be ready when the lights are on. He displayed that he’s a strong fighter when he beat and broke Joe Smith, Jr.’s jaw in their bout. A victory for Barrera can resurge his career and alter my path; 所以, I prepare for the best version of Barrera, and I will not let anything deter my goals.

“I’ve been working hard. There’s new stuff I’ve been fine tuning and I can’t wait to showcase it July 9. Come fight night, I know all my hard work will pay off.”
门票售价 $150, $100, $75, $50 和 $35, 不包括适用的服务费, 并可在以下位置购买 www.bancocaliforniastadiumwww.ticketmaster.com.

Website: www.ZurdoPromotions.com
Instagram的: @祖多拉米雷斯, 约翰·拉米雷斯
叽叽喳喳: @ZurdoPromotions, @GilbertoZurdoRamirez

Perfect connection Gilberto“Zurdo” Ramirez & Trainer Julian Chua

LAS VEGAS (五月 25, 2021) – Back in February of 2019, 世界拳击组织 (WBO) 超中量级冠军吉尔伯托“Zurdo创作”拉米雷斯 had made a decision to move up to fight in the light heavyweight division, and he was searching for a new head trainer.

拉米雷斯 (41-0, 27 科斯) immediately connected with a then 28-year-old哈克特由拉米雷斯的主教练执教, a former amateur boxer who had been training boxers at罗奇’s famed Wildcard Boxing Club in Hollywood, California. “Zurdo” and Chua are now 2-0 (2 科斯) and preparing for a mega-fought later this year, ideally, against undefeated World Boxing Association (WBA) Super Light Heavyweight Champion德米特里·比沃尔 (17-0, 11 科斯).

How Ramirez ended up with Chua as he head trainer isn’t a typical boxing story. After all, “Zurdo” was the first Mexican world super middleweight champion, 运动 29-0 亲纪录, 并且只有 27 when they first met.

Ramirez’ manager大卫苏, conducted a search to hire Ramirez’ chief second. He had a list that included some of the top trainers in the industry, as well as a young, relatively unknown – at least outside of southern California – in Chua.

“I don’t know how I got on that list,” a humble Chua said. “There was going to be a tryout of sorts to determine who would work with ‘Zurdo.’ We trained together in Long Beach (where Ramirez was training) and then I met with David for coffee. He asked if I was interested in becoming the head trainer. We trained together a little more. He liked the way I trained, and we got along well. I texted David saying we liked working together and that I was interested in becoming his head trainer.

“We clicked right away, and we learned things about each other and how we liked to train. I study a lot and do a lot of research of how he had been trained, because I wanted to help him to improve. I was getting four fighters ready in LA and “Zurdo” couldn’t go there for sparring. I said I couldn’t leave these fighters and go to Santa Barbara. “Zurdo” respected me even more for not jumping ship from those four fighters for a better opportunity. We still wanted to work with each other, and ‘Zurdo’ made it work. I went to Long Beach twice a week, he came to Wildcard three times.”

Ramirez won his light heavyweight debut April 12, 2019, 什么时候汤米Karpency (29-6-1) 无法四轮过后继续, followed last December 18 有 10 round stoppage ofAlfonso Lopez (32-3) to capture the North American Boxing Federation (NABF) 称号.

Chua was trained by Roach when he was an amateur from Indiana, but when Chua started at Wildcard, Roach’s assistant埃里克·布朗 became Chua’s mentor. During his training career atWildcard West Boxing, known now as Churchill Boxing in Santa Barbara, Chua has trained several world champions in boxing and MMA.

The 29-year-old Ramirez, who recently signed an exclusive promotional contract with霍亚’s Golden Boy Promotions, 目前排名没有. 3 by the WBA and WBO. “Zurdo” returns to action July 9 in Los Angeles against沙利文巴雷拉 (22-3, 14 科斯).

Whether it’s Bivol, or the other world light heavyweight champions — 阿图尔Beterbiev 和乔·史密斯 – “Zurdo” and Chua are preparing to beat the best for Ramirez to wear the coveted World championship crown in a second division.


Website:  www.ZurdoPromotions.com

Instagram的: @祖多拉米雷斯, 约翰·拉米雷斯

叽叽喳喳:  @ZurdoPromotions, @GilbertoZurdoRamirez

Split-T Management’s Christopher Pearson ready for anyone at 160 或 168 磅.

纽约 (七月 28, 2020) – Surging middleweight contender Christopher Pearson is ready for a breakthrough performance against any of the top names at 160 或 168 divisions.

Pearson of Trotwood, 俄亥俄, is managed by Split-T Management, and he recently moved to San Antonio, 得克萨斯州, 有创纪录 17-2, and is riding a three-fight winning streak which includes a win over former Olympic Bronze Medal winner and undefeated Yamaguchi Falcao.

皮尔森, who trains in Los Angeles under world-championship trainer Manny Robles, has already begun preparations for his next assignment.

I started training down here in San Antonio at Jesse James Leija’s gym. I just moved down here, and it took a minute to find a gym, but once the gym opened, this is a great place to be. I will go to Los Angeles on July 30th and start with Manny,” 皮尔逊说.

皮尔森, who began his career with 13 连胜, feels that he is a stern challenge for anybody at middleweight or super middleweight.

I am looking to fight the best in those two divisions,and solidify myself as the best in the sport. I feel that that the 2nd half of my career is proving that I am the best.

The Falcao fight proved that Pearson can fight anyone in those divisions, and despite getting a late call for the fight, he performed at a high-level to come home with the emphatic unanimous decision victory.

I took that fight on four weeks notice. I am not short on confidence, and I know what I am capable of doing.

Recently Pearson had his named mentioned for a showdown with Canelo Alvarez, and he believes that Canelo’s handlers were not too keen in a fight with the 29 year-old Pearson.

I know that I am one of four or five guys from Golden Boy Promotions that was offered that fight. Out of all of those guys, they must of looked at me as a high-risk, low-reward fight. Fighting me is dangerous. They know me, because I have sparred with him, and he knows what I am capable of.

Canelo is a counter-puncher, but he is not better then me in the department. He has more power, but he is not as capable as me. 一旦我们在环获得, anything can happen..especially at 168 磅。”

Another fight that I would like to get is with Jaime Munguia. He is at 160 pounds now. I can outclass him. I don’t see anything special about him. If it takes beating other fighters like David Lemieux or Taureano Johnson to get those fights, then bring them on. Right now I am ready to take on anyone.

Pearson is promoted by Golden Boy Promotions.

Interview with Middleweight Christopher Pearson