标记档案: 洛杉矶

GERVONTA“坦克”戴维斯保持不败,激动人心的一致决定对伊萨克“比特犬”” 克鲁兹


塞巴斯蒂安·芬多拉 (Sebastian Fundora) 在联合主赛事中指出塞尔吉奥·加西亚 (Sergio Garcia);
卡洛斯·亚当斯 (Carlos Adames) 在激动人心的比赛中击败塞尔吉·德列维扬琴科 (Sergiy Derevyanchenko),
和 Eduardo Ramirez 主宰 Miguel Marriaga
在 SHOWTIME PPV Undercard 行动

点击 这里 来自 Ryan Hafey 的照片 / 总理拳击冠军

点击 这里 来自 Esther Lin 的照片 / 开演时间

点击 这里 来自 Sean Michael Ham 的照片 / Mayweather Promotions

LOS ANGELES (十二月 5, 2021) – 拳击巨星和五届世界冠军 Gervonta“坦克”戴维斯 展示他的拳击技巧, 赢得了一场激动人心的 12 轮回合一致决胜于无情 艾萨克“斗牛犬”克鲁兹 在众星云集的面前保住他的 WBA 轻量级世界冠军头衔, 售罄的人群 15,850 在斯台普斯中心现场直播 SHOWTIME 按次付费, 由总理拳击冠军呈现事件.

记分卡阅读 116-112 和两个分数 115-113, 一切为了戴维斯.

赛场上的气氛是电的, 有数十位现任和前任 NBA 球星出席, 包括埃尔文“魔术师”约翰逊, 科怀伦纳德, 德怀特霍华德, 肯尼史密斯, 凯文加内特和保罗皮尔斯等.

由超级说唱歌手 Lil Durk 陪同, 戴维斯以湖人紫金战袍进场; 沿着他的树干流苏,每一边都有已故科比·布莱恩特的号码“8”和“24”. 克鲁兹大步走向擂台时,身后跟着墨西哥流浪乐队庆祝他的墨西哥血统.

一开始没有感觉的过程. 克鲁兹冲锋卫冕冠军, 把他钉在绳子上哭着走.

“这就是我的风格. “斗牛犬”总是会受到攻击,“克鲁兹说. “我认为我们从头到尾都保持着节奏。”

戴维斯在第二节和第三节找到了自己的节奏, 绕着圈,让克鲁兹走进镜头. 在第四, 克鲁兹集中攻击身体, 敲打戴维斯的肋骨.

这位27岁的巴尔的摩本地人在第四节开启了电源, 在他的左撇子姿势后面的右勾拳和左十字之间交替. 戴维斯在第五场比赛中受到了更多的打击.

“他是个矮个子的战士, 所以我在他的头顶上摔倒,“戴维斯说. “我用指关节打他,把它搞砸了. I hurt my hand in the sixth round. 不管对手是高还是矮, 我必须克服它. 他是一个战士. 虽然没赢, 今晚,一颗星星诞生了。”


戴维斯在中局打得漂亮, 快速射击并远离回火. 第八局的右勾拳短暂地让克鲁兹嗡嗡作响,让观众站了起来. 但就在战斗似乎正在悄悄溜走的时候, 克鲁兹以火取胜, 在铃响前几秒打出齐平的勾拳.

这位 23 岁的墨西哥人在后几轮比赛中加快了步伐, 让戴维斯保持警觉并猛击. 戴维斯拥有自己的, 以平等的条件反击直到战斗结束.

自然, 克鲁兹认为他配得上胜利.

“墨西哥万岁. 我无话可说了, 球迷们正在谈论谁赢得了这场战斗,“他说,.

在成功卫冕之后, 戴维斯说他已经为所有来者做好了准备.

“洛杉矶, 我们为科比做到了,“戴维斯说. “在战斗开始时, 他来势汹汹. 我觉得战斗正在进行, 他崩溃了. 但是我的手受伤了, 所以我无法让他离开那里.

“无论对我来说最好的机会, 我会做的. 他们都是轻松的工作. 我是头号狗。”

在合作的主要事件, 塞巴斯蒂安“高耸的地狱”Fundora 以 12 轮的一致决定比之前保持不败的比赛更接近世界冠军头衔 塞尔吉奥·加西亚 在 WBC 超中量级冠军淘汰赛中.

读取最终成绩 118-110, 117-111 和 115-113.

Fundora 在第一时间迅速建立了控制, 用一个蓬勃发展的左手猛击西班牙的加西亚的头. 两人在前几轮的交易中平分秋色. 加西亚有他的时刻, 包括在第五节的一个尖锐的上手,从芬多拉的鼻子里抽血.

23 岁的 Fundora 在第六场找到了他的射程, 猛击并使用他 6 英尺 5 英寸的框架和 80 英寸的触角让加西亚远离.

“我更多地利用我的距离. 我想展示一些不同于我习惯的东西,”芬多拉说. “在这场战斗中,身高绝对是一个差异。”

加西亚在下半场比赛中挣扎着落地, 保存片刻 12 当两名战斗人员并肩站立时.

“如果我从一开始就更有侵略性,也许事情会有所不同,”加西亚说,. “我不应该让自己被他的所作所为冲昏了头脑。”

Fundora 相信他已经为世界冠军头衔做好了准备.

“我们刚刚击败了不. 2 在WBC, 所以我们有第一, 我们有冠军,”芬多拉说. “无论他们接下来给谁, 我们准备好了。”

在惊心动魄的来回, 卡洛斯·亚当斯 (21-1, 16 科斯) 克服了前世界冠军挑战者的严峻挑战 谢尔盖Derevyanchenko (13-4, 10 科斯) 在他们的 WBC 中量级世界冠军淘汰赛中赢得 10 轮多数决.

两位战士都有他们的时刻, 但面对职业生涯最难缠的对手, 27 岁的亚当斯闪耀着光芒. 一位裁判甚至在中量级比赛中得分 95-95, 而另外两人则为 Adames 打了几分 96-94 和 97-93.

“在我的职业生涯中,这对我来说意义重大,能够战胜他这样的拳手是一项重大成就,”亚当斯说, 他出生在多米尼加共和国,在纽约市的华盛顿高地战斗.

“我生性好斗且速度快, 所以我进来准备做我的事. 他开始缓慢, 想看看会发生什么, 只是有错误的游戏计划. 随着战斗的进行,他有点累了, 对我进行了很多猛烈的射击,很明显我对他造成了很大的伤害。”

“我希望我的对手打出同样的风格. 对我来说没什么特别的, 只是一场高质量的战斗,“Derevyanchenko说.

“他留在左撇子, 这就是战斗的不同. 我不知道接下来要做什么. 我需要休息一下,然后我会回到健身房,因为我喜欢拳击和表演。”

“这让我有机会继续前进,”亚当斯说. “我在这两个方面都占主导地位 154 和 160, 所以无论他们给我机会争取总冠军的地方,我都会去哪里。”

在 SHOWTIME PPV 电视广播的开幕式上, 超轻量级竞争者 爱德华多“祖迪托”拉米雷斯 (26-2-3, 12 科斯) 处于巅峰状态, 赢得对前世界冠军挑战者的广泛 10 轮一致决定 米格尔Marriaga.

“我要感谢球迷, SHOWTIME 和 Montiel 家人对我的支持. 马里亚加是一个强硬的对手, 但我成功地占据了主导地位,”拉米雷斯说. “我的战斗风格多种多样,让他一直保持警惕。”

Marriaga (30-5, 26 科斯) 自始至终都是侵略者, 特别是在第一轮,他用组合拳支持拉米雷斯. 后者在画面中间找到了他的射程, 使用准确的刺戳. 在第三, 右勾拳紧接着左手上手击倒失衡的 Marriaga 以快速击倒.
“我们开始时很强势, 但后来事情变得越来越困难. 话说回来, 我们对今天所做的工作感到满意,”马里亚加说. “我们应该更加精明, 但是我们在面对一个很遗憾我们无法利用的好机会时尽了最大的努力。”

拉米雷斯在击倒得分后占据优势, 从那时起用各种射击头部和身体来惩罚 Marriaga. 最后一拳数据让拉米雷斯落地 280 的 762 (36.7%) 对 Marriaga 的总拳 159 在......之外 689 (21.3%).

“现在我要和家人一起放松,享受假期,”拉米雷斯说. “那么希望 2022 会给我一个标题镜头。”

今晚的重磅按次付费活动将于本周六在 SHOWTIME 重播, 十二月 11 在 10 P.M. ET / PT. 戴维斯对阵的延迟电视转播. 克鲁兹将开启 WBC 最轻量级世界冠军和未来名人堂成员诺尼托·多奈尔的电视转播,他将在卡森 Dignity Health 网球体育场举行的顶级拳击冠军赛中与不败的顶级竞争者和菲律宾同胞 Reymart Gaballo 争夺冠军头衔.

资深体育解说员布赖恩·卡斯特主持了 SHOWTIME PPV 电视转播,而多才多艺的格斗运动声音毛罗·拉纳洛与名人堂分析师阿尔·伯恩斯坦和三级世界冠军阿布纳·马雷斯一起处理了逐一的动作. 三位名人堂成员组成了 SHOWTIME 电视转播团队——艾美奖获奖记者吉姆·格雷, 非官方得分手史蒂夫·法胡德, 和世界知名的环播音员麦侬JR. 执行制片人是四次艾美奖得主大卫·丁金斯, JR. 电视转播由鲍勃·邓菲 (Bob Dunphy) 导演. 前初中量级世界冠军 Raúl “El Diamante” Marquez 和体育解说员 Alejandro Luna 担任西班牙语二级音频编程专家分析师 (SAP).

# # #

欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions, 在Instagram上@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromotions, @TGBPromotionss或成为Facebook上的粉丝 www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxingHTTPS://www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions/.

Gervonta Davis 将捍卫 WBA 轻量级世界冠军头衔,对抗强悍的 Isaac Cruz – 星期天, 十二月 5

周日不败的五届世界冠军格文塔戴维斯将捍卫 WBA 轻量级世界冠军头衔,对抗顽强的艾萨克克鲁兹, 十二月 5 在放映时间 PPV®




LOS ANGELES (十一月 3, 2021) – 不败五次世界冠军和拳击最热门的吸引力Gervonta“坦克”戴维斯 将捍卫他的 WBA 轻量级冠军艾萨克“斗牛犬”克鲁兹 星期日, 十二月 5 在洛杉矶斯台普斯中心的 SHOWTIME PPV 上直播一场拳击冠军赛.

十字, 排名第. 2 在国际羽联, 接替罗兰多·罗梅罗.

门票现场活动, 这是由梅威瑟促销推广, GTD促销和TGB促销, 现已公开发售,并可以在购买AXS.com.

戴维斯的第三次按次付费头条新闻将让他与顽固的克鲁兹战斗, 他在职业生涯中理所当然地赢得了“比特犬”的绰号.

“这将是一场关于 SHOWTIME PPV 的巨大斗争,”伦纳德·埃勒比(Leonard Ellerbe)说, 梅威瑟促销的CEO. “艾萨克克鲁兹已经准备好迎接这个巨大的机会,我希望他准备好迎接他一生的战斗. 然而, Gervonta Davis 是一代人的天才,他只会变得更好. 这场战斗将于 12 月 5 日以壮观的方式结束。”

“感谢艾萨克克鲁兹在高压下作为替补对手介入, 在格文塔·戴维斯与拳击界最耀眼的明星之一战斗,’”汤姆布朗说, TGB促销总统. “克鲁兹提出了一个不同的, 有些人会争辩说对坦克戴维斯的挑战更艰巨. 克鲁兹不会退缩,他会从开场钟声中将战斗带给戴维斯. 我们都看到了格文塔精湛的拳击技巧和爆发力的结合, 我们知道他的能力. 将是不可抗拒的力量对抗不动的物体, 这意味着周日在斯台普斯中心和 SHOWTIME PPV 上的烟花表演, 12 月 5 日。”

戴维斯 (25-0, 24 科斯), 梅威瑟促销明星马厩, 6 月又增加了一场精彩纷呈的表演, 因为他阻止了之前不败的马里奥·巴里奥斯 (Mario Barrios) 以夺得 140 磅的冠军并成为三项世界冠军。巴尔的摩本地人赢得了他的轻量级冠军 12-12 月淘汰前冠军尤里奥基斯·甘博亚 (Yuriorkis Gamboa) 2019.

“我尊重艾萨克克鲁兹挺身而出, 但每个人都知道我在做什么,“戴维斯说. “我是来寻找淘汰赛的,这正是我在这场战斗中要做的. 我回到了星光熠熠的洛杉矶,我将在 12 月 5 日在斯台普斯中心对阵艾萨克克鲁兹。”

23岁的克鲁兹 (22-1-1, 15 科斯) 如果他想赢得胜利,他将寻求粗暴的戴维斯并让他加班。墨西哥城本地人, 克鲁兹在轻量级排名中飙升 2020, 9 月在首轮淘汰老将迭戈·马格达莱诺的比赛中宣布他的存在. 克鲁兹紧随其后 2021 通过在三月份对之前不败的马蒂亚斯·罗梅罗(Matías Romero)的一致决定获胜, 以及最近在六月的决定中击败了前冠军弗朗西斯科·巴尔加斯(Francisco Vargas). 自从他在美国. 12月出道 2019, 这位 23 岁的球员在接下来的四场比赛中保持不败, 除了在 Gervonta Davis vs.. Leo Santa Cruz SHOWTIME PPV undercard.

“首先,我要感谢 Gervonta Davis 和他的团队给我这个机会——这个机会我不会错过,’”克鲁兹说. “上帝保佑我会在 12 月成为世界冠军 5. 作为职业球员和个人目标,这场战斗对我来说是一个非常大的动力. 我确定十二月之后 5 拳击界的每个人都会知道 Isaac ‘Pitbull’ Cruz 这个名字。”

欲了解更多信息,请访问www.SHO.com/sportswww.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 关注社交媒体平台#DavisCruz, 在推特上@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions, 在Instagram上@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromotions, @TGBPromotionss或成为Facebook上的粉丝www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing 和HTTPS://www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions/.


“I’m going to show him that he’s a chump on December 5. I’m not here to talk, 我在这里打,” – 戴维斯

“Everyone’s going to see December 5, I’m going to knock Gervonta the f*** out!” – 罗梅罗

Five-Time World Champion Davis To Defend WBA Lightweight Title Against Unbeaten Contender Romero Sunday, 十二月 5 在放映时间 PPV®From STAPLES Center in Los Angeles Headlining a Premier Boxing Champions Event

点击 这里 从以斯帖林/ SHOWTIME照片®

点击 这里 从肖恩·迈克尔火腿图片/
Mayweather Promotions

点击 这里 从瑞安Hafey /英超冠军拳击照片

LOS ANGELES (十月 21, 2021) – Five-time world champion Gervonta“坦克”戴维斯 和强硬, unbeaten lightweight contender 罗兰“罗利”罗梅罗 went face-to-face Thursday at a press conference to preview their showdown for Davis’ WBA Lightweight Championship headlining live on SHOWTIME PPV Sunday, 十二月 5 at STAPLES Center in Los Angeles in a Premier Boxing Champions event.

Davis’ third-straight pay-per-view headlining attraction will see him battle his outspoken lightweight foe Romero, as the 26-year-old power-punchers put their unbeaten records on the line. The event will mark Davis’ return to Southern California after he knocked out Hugo Ruiz in the first round in front of a sold-out crowd in February 2019.

门票现场活动, 这是由梅威瑟促销推广, GTD促销和TGB促销, 现已公开发售,并可以在购买 AXS.com.

Here is what the press conference participants had to say Thursday from City View Terrace at STAPLES Center:


“I’m thankful to be here to give the fans another great fight. 这是我们做什么. ‘Rolly’ is just here to talk. He’s trying to talk his way into winning, but he’s scared. 我来打.

“They only talk about his power, 但是这是拳击. His skills are not up to par with mine. He can’t even talk about power, because everyone knows I’m bringing it. You can shoot bullets, but how are you going to defend yourself when the bullets are shot back?

“He’s been talking for a long time. He’s trying to sell a fight, but I’m going to show him that he’s a chump on December 5. I’m not here to talk, 我在这里打. I don’t take this personally. 对我来说,, this isn’t beef, this is business.

“I was on a mission when I fought Jose Pedraza for the title. I didn’t do the trash talking. I went in there and proved that I’m a top guy. This guy is just here to talk. I’m going to do the talking in the ring on December 5.

“His trainer isn’t working on anything but power. They aren’t working on any skills. He hasn’t fought anybody like me and he’s going to see the difference.

“I’ve never once turned down any fight. I’m not scared of anybody. I’m going to fight everybody. I’ll fight a heavyweight. This is nothing to me. I’ve survived a lot of stuff.

“He’s supposed to come here and sell the fight. I’m supposed to win. I’d rather punish him for 12 rounds than knock him out quick. Part of me wants to humble him, but the most important thing to do is just go out there and get the job done.

“This fight is for the fans. The fans are winning December 5. Make sure you come out and support. 我很庆幸自己能担任这个职位. It’s all about my team and those people who have put me in a great position.”


“Everyone’s going to see December 5, I’m going to knock Gervonta the f*** out. I hope you hear that.

“I’ve been calling ‘Tank’ out since 2017. We were supposed to spar in 2018 and he didn’t show up to the gym. He did that twice because he knew he was getting beat. 十二月 5, you’re getting knocked out.

“This is just who I am. This is how I was born. I came into this sport at 17-years-old and I’ve made the most out of what I’ve done. Everybody come watch me knock him out on December 5.

“He’s got such a big head, it’s going to be hard to miss it. He gets touched up by every opponent he faces. Leo Santa Cruz was beating him up and Barrios was getting to him too.

“He wants to run out of the ring whenever he gets hit. It happens in sparring and in the amateurs. I was the one who had to force this fight, because I’ve seen for years that he’s a chump. He’s made a career out of beating up 126-pounders.

“He doesn’t know half the stuff that I’ve seen and been through. I’m here to knock him out in the ring. He’s arrogant and tries to act like he’s tough, but I’m knocking him out.

“Manny Pacquiao has an awkward style too, and look at everything he’s accomplished. Just because I fight differently, does that mean I don’t have skills? I have my own skills and they’ve gotten me this far.

“I’m not going into the ring angry, I’m just focused.”

梅威瑟, 梅威瑟促销总统

“These are two great fighters. And when I say great, I mean that every time they go out there, they produce. ‘Tank’ is a young kid from Baltimore who had a dream. He’s been through a lot. He fought his way to the top. You have to commend him for that. 不管别人怎么说, he earned his stripes.

“I believe ‘Tank’ is one of the best fighters in the world. ‘Rolly’ says he wants to fight the best. Come December 5, 这将是一个战斗的地狱.

“’Rolly’ is tough. He’ll fight anybody and that eagerness makes this an intriguing matchup. ‘Rolly’ just wants to prove he’s the best. He’s also a hell of a puncher. Every time we presented an opponent to him, he’s accepted every one of them.

“’Tank’ is doing record-breaking numbers. I always told him it would come in due time. I told him that the same way I sell out arenas, you’re going to do the same thing one day. He had patience and that’s what we’re doing.

“These guys are the future of boxing. I don’t see this fight going the distance. Two undefeated knockout artists. Two champions. 十二月 5, I’ll see everyone there.”

卡尔文·福特, Davis’ Co-Trainer

“I hope you keep up this talking ‘Rolly.’ We’ll see who’s still going to be talking at the end of the night on December 5.

“Romero has an awkward style, but the beauty of having two coaches with ‘Tank,’ is that there’s nothing we aren’t ready for.

“Having Barry Hunter be a part of the camp has helped calm ‘Tank’ down in many ways. I think everyone will see the beauty of us working together in this fight.

“I don’t train ‘Tank’ for knockouts. I train him to go the distance. He can get you from round 1 到 12. So you better stay sharp.”

巴里·亨特, Davis’ Co-Trainer

“Everyone knows what we’re coming to do. I have mad respect for the other side. Bring your A-game, because we’re definitely going to bring ours.

“We’re born for stuff like this right here. Like everyone said, there’s no way this fight goes the distance.

“Everybody is working hard to be at their best, because we don’t want any excuses after it’s over with. I have faith in Gervonta. I know what he’s going to do.”

BULLET CROMWELL, Romero’s Trainer

“I know what everybody is saying about who the champ is coming into this, but the champ wasn’t born a champ, he had to rise too. Just like a young lion, ‘Rolly’ is ready to rise.

“I’m an L.A. 家伙. When we come back here, we’re fighting for a legacy. It’s not just a belt and money.

“I told ‘Rolly’ that Gervonta Davis is standing in the way of changing your family and your legacy. We got a job to do.

“I don’t care about pure boxing or any style. I took karate, street-fighting and boxing, and I put it all together. Combined with a puncher with ‘Rolly’s’ power, and with his grind and grit, it’s a perfect match.

“I have a lot of respect for ‘Tank’ and his team. 他是一个伟大的战士, but Rolly is next up. He’s going to be the new WBA champion on December 5.”


“We’re excited to bring this huge event to Los Angeles at STAPLES Center on Sunday, 十二月 5. This is a tremendous matchup and the fans should be excited. There’s a lot of buzz already and tickets are going fast.

“These fighters truly despise each other. It’s rare you see that in boxing. 在 2019, me and Floyd were at the Errol Spence Jr. VS. Mikey Garcia and we were talking and all of a sudden Davis and Romero were ready to go at it at ringside. Floyd told them that they could do it in the ring, and now here we are.

“’Tank’ is without a doubt the most exciting fighter in the world. He’s also one of the biggest attractions and one of the best fighters in the world. ‘Rolly’ has let it be known that he’s been ‘trolling’ ‘Tank’ and I’m sure on December 5, ‘Tank’ will be doing whatever he can to shut ‘Rolly’ up.

“’Rolly’ is a very explosive fighter and anytime he steps into the ring, he’s looking to get his opponent out of there. He never lacks confidence and he’s confident that on December 5 he’s getting the job done.

“With two tremendous power punchers like this, there’s no way this fight doesn’t end in a knockout. Tune in December 5 and expect someone to get knocked out.”


“For SHOWTIME Sports, 2021 has been one of the strongest years on record. We have delivered a total of 42 事件, half of which ended in knockouts. 十二月 5, I expect this won’t go the distance, 或, with these two hard hitters.

“Week after week, year after year, SHOWTIME continues to be the standard of this sport. No one in combat sports is putting on better, or more meaningful fights than us.

“As we enter Gervonta’s 11 fight with SHOWTIME, he has never been down, and he has continued to shine. When other fighters are talking, ‘Tank’ is fighting and selling out arenas.

“’Rolly’ has also never been downed as a pro. He is a hard hitter and is one of the best talents in boxing, and he will be the first to tell you.”

# # #

戴维斯VS. Romero will see five-time world champion Gervonta“坦克”戴维斯 defend his WBA Lightweight Championship against hard-hitting, unbeaten lightweight contender 罗兰“罗利”罗梅罗 live on SHOWTIME PPVon Sunday, 十二月 5 at STAPLES Center in Los Angeles in a Premier Boxing Champions event. 门票现场活动, 这是由梅威瑟促销推广, GTD促销和TGB促销, 现已公开发售,并可以在购买 AXS.com.

欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/sports, www.PremierBoxingChampions.com, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromo, @TGBPromotions, 在Instagram上@ShowtimeBoxing, @PremierBoxing, @MayweatherPromotions, @TGBPromotionss或成为Facebook上的粉丝 www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxinghttps://www.facebook.com/MayweatherPromotions/.

Undefeated lightweight prospect Jamaine “The Technician” Ortiz No longer best kept secret after Tyson-Jones, JR. PPV show performance

伍斯特, 质量. (十二月 14, 2020) – Prior to his sensational performance on the recent Mike Tyson-Roy Jones, JR. 按次付费事件, 不败轻量级前景Jamaine“技术员”奥尔蒂斯 was boxing’s best kept secret. No more, 虽然, as Ortiz firmly established himself as a rising star in front of countless fans among the 1.6 million PPV buys.

Ortiz flew from Boston to Los Angeles on Thanksgiving. He was driven to his hotel, where he immediately saw Jones, checked his weight, and walked to Staples Center. “I was comfortable from the start,” said the young fighter who was fighting for the first time as a professional outside of New England. “I was there to get the job done. I was on a mission. I walk to see the Staples Center and that was cool. I later took my run around the Staples Center and there were a lot of statues. It was beautiful. It was cool seeing the Lakers locker-room.”

The 24-year-old Ortiz (14-0, 8 科斯), the reigning World Boxing Youth World champion, 淘汰苏莱曼濑川 (13-3-1, 4 科斯) with a bruising body attack, hurting his opponent in the sixth round, and closing the show in spectacular fashion in the seventh for the vacant World Boxing Council (WBC) USNBC (中美) Silver lightweight title. Segawa had never been stopped before as a professional.

Ortiz displayed his overall arsenal: stiff jab, lightning quick hands and feet, switching back and forth effortlessly from orthodox to southpaw stances, punishing hooks up and down, and the most lethal body shots seen from a New Englander since“爱尔兰”米奇沃德.   

“I was calm and cool before the fight,” Ortiz added. “I like to go into a fight, 精神上, like it was a sparring session and I always do good. I started out in an orthodox stance, established my jab and used it a lot. I think I should have used it more and could have beaten him with it. I listened to my coach (洛基冈萨雷斯) and he told me when to switch. Body punching is the No. 1 thing with Rocky. I may not have shown it nearly as much in other fights, but he drills that into me all the time. In the sixth round, he told me to go more to the body, not looking to catch him, and in the seventh I really hurt him to the body.

“Segawa was definitely tough. He had beaten a lot of guys, including a few he upset. Every fight is a stepping-stone and I’m my worst critic. I felt that I could have knocked him out in the second round, but I didn’t want to go off the game plan

Ortiz set-up Segawa from the opening bell, 打破他下来, and finished the show in grand style as Seqawa was hurt and trapped on the ropes, drawing kudos from highly respected people in the industry such as“糖”雷·伦纳德泰迪地图集, and others. Ortiz’ fanbase grew exponentially as boxing fans rushed to sign up to follow Jamaine during and after his breakout fight.

“Once people saw me perform and my style,” Ortiz continued, “they liked me. I could have shown more and thrown more combinations. I really needed to fight in front of the world. I got 5,500 new Instagram flowers that night. I guess, I’m no longer the best kept secret in boxing.”

“Our main goal is to win a world title,” Gonzalez commented. “This was fun and a great opportunity, but the motivation to be world champion is stronger. He dealt with this fight as just another fight, and he followed our game plan.

“His body shots set up the ending. I’m always telling him about Micky Ward’s body shots. You know, boxing is a dance, a salsa. Boxers need to dance; I don’t think they should just be orthodox. They all need to fight the other way and when Jamaine switched stances in the third, he never let up. I’ve trained him hard. I’m always on him and what better way to shut me up than ending it like he did on pay per view?  It was a drop the microphone moment!”

Ortiz is promoted by吉米·伯奇菲尔德 (经典娱乐和体育) and advised by理查德Shappy 和埃迪Imondi

Because of the uncertainty in boxing due to the pandemic, Ortiz’ 2021 schedule is unknown, but he isn’t boxing’s best kept secret anymore, “The Technician” is a bonafide rising star.

埃罗尔SPENCE JR. VS丹尼·加西亚虚拟新闻发布会

“我现在已经拥有夺冠前的饥饿感,” 斯彭斯

“我们要给它 110% 并从他的家乡带走这些头衔,” 加西亚

统一次中量级世界冠军小埃罗尔·斯彭斯(Errol Spence Jr). 面对两分区冠军丹尼·加西亚(Danny Garcia)成为FOX体育PBC按次计费比赛的主力, 十二月 5 从AT&阿灵顿T球场, 得克萨斯州

阿灵顿, TX. (十一月 10, 2020) – 统一的次中量级世界冠军 埃罗尔 “真相” 斯彭斯JR. 和二分区世界冠军 丹尼 “迅速” 加西亚 他们在周二的虚拟新闻发布会上预览了备受期待的FOX Sports PBC按次计费事件,他们准备周六休假, 十二月 5 来自AT&阿灵顿T球场, 得克萨斯州.

Spence在活动期间由他的长期教练加入 德里克·詹姆斯, 加西亚在他父亲和教练陪同下 天使·加西亚.

门票现场活动, 这是由TGB促销推广, 满载优惠和DSG优惠, 现已公开发售, 可以在SeatGeek.com上购买, AT的官方票务提供商&T体育场.

AT&T体育场, 在比赛期间曾接待过NFL球迷 2020 达拉斯牛仔季, 将遵循CDC的指导原则,以及有关COVID-19防护措施和清洁程序的协议. 所有参加活动的粉丝都必须戴口罩. 门票将被分配在称为 “豆荚” 保持彼此不认识的群体之间的距离. 有关AT的更多信息&T体育场的安全体育场政策, 请在这里访问网站: HTTPS://attstadium.com/safestadium/.



“我感到很幸运,准备出发. 我觉得我 100% 物理. 我们一直在努力训练并保持专注. 我迫不及待地想为我的家乡球迷加油打气.

“我不希望有任何调教. 我想要一个坚强并且可以将我推向极限的人, 这样我就可以回到Errol Spence Jr. 我要表现出色,听到’ 上月 5.

“我选了丹尼·加西亚(Danny Garcia),这样我就可以参加. 我仍然是该部门的佼佼者. 搏击丹尼将显示我有多伟大.

“丹尼的父亲让我大声疾呼,说他的儿子挺身而出, 扔很多拳,从我身边拿安全带. 所以我会为丹尼带来的一切做好准备的. 我不会像Shawn Porter那样参加任何头脑游戏. 我与肖恩(Shawn)的游戏打架,并在他自己的游戏中击败了他. 我知道天使要我站在那里与丹尼争吵, 但我要尽我所能赢得这场战斗.

“我要因车祸而大发雷霆. 小对手是我成为冠军之前的对手. 我终于登顶了, 在这里我可以与大牌对抗, 所以我不会后退. 这些是我想永远战斗的家伙.

“我一定会从丹尼的胜利中学到更多. 他有很多伟大的胜利. 您从各种各样的战斗中学到很多东西. 我是游戏的学生,也是这项运动的粉丝. 反正我只是看拳击. 所以我对丹尼的得失非常熟悉.

“事故使我更加饥饿,更加专注. 我现在与获得冠军之前的饥饿感相同. 我进入营地要轻得多,这有助于我建立更好的营地.

“我是冠军, 并在一天结束时, 我可以打架. 当它下降到电线时, 我知道如何深入挖掘并脱颖而出.

“这意味着要在家里战斗, 特别是每个人都在经历大流行. 我只希望每个出来的人都安全,并遵守规程, 我们将度过一个美好的夜晚。”


“营已经持续大. 我的体重很好,我觉得我们提前了. 现在我们一次只需要一天. 我很高兴能够再次争取冠军.

“十二月 5, 坚不可摧. 我们要给它 110% 并从他的家乡带走这些头衔.

“我一生都是失败者. 我习惯扮演那个角色. 我只需要去那里做我自己. 我要相信自己 100% 并逐一战斗. 我将展示什么是真正的冠军.

“加西亚和波特打架后, 我看到他的比赛有一些漏洞,我知道这将是再次成为冠军的好机会. 这些类型的战斗展现出丹尼·加西亚的最佳表现. 他们给了我我所需的额外动力,这就是为什么我想要它.

“我以为Spence是对抗Mikey Garcia的强者. Mikey具有出色的技能, 但是埃罗尔(Errol)有身材,可以放开双手. 它使Mikey冻结了, 所以他没有冒险. 他的确打了一些不错的拳头, 这些是我在本次训练营中要考虑的事情.

“我的工作是打架. 我不能进去担心法官. 他们将要做的事. 我的工作是在健身房锻炼身体,以便在战斗之夜做好准备. 我必须去那里赢得比赛并赢得战斗.

“我知道我是一位伟大的战士. 我以前参加过这类战斗. 我知道我是做什么的. 只要我在身心上处于最佳状态, 没有人能击败我. 当我专注时,我是个危险的人.

“我们正在进行这场战斗,就像埃罗尔(Errol) 100%. 我们没有任何阻碍他的东西. 我们正在认真对待这一点. 我们很久以前就想打架, 但是我们只需要保持专注. 现在战斗终于到了,我觉得我们将取得出色的表现.

“我相信我一切都很好. 我可以在里面撞箱. 这就是为什么我是三届世界冠军. 我面临着各种可以想象到的风格,而且我表现出众。”

德里克·詹姆斯, 斯彭斯的教练

“训练营真的很好. 自三月以来,我们一直在努力. 直到12月,一切都会齐头并进 5. 我们花了时间,这是一个逐步的过程. 在这个训练营开始时,他已经处于健康状态,所以我们有了一个很好的起点.

“甚至当埃罗尔(Errol)恢复自己的节奏时, 他看起来还不错. 但是随着他变得更加自在,您会看到日复一日的进步. 每个人都会在12月见 5 小埃罗尔·斯彭斯(谁). 真的是.

“能够与Danny这样的战士在家里作战真是太好了. 表现出色将树立Errol的传奇,他的股票将继续上升. Errol一直能够在他的家乡球迷面前打架. 我们热爱这座城市带给我们的一切,并从环网中汲取能量。”

ANGEL GARCIA, 加西亚的父亲 & 训练者

“营地里一切都很完美. 您可以看到他现在的状态如何. 如果我们必须的话,丹尼明天将准备出发。. 对我和丹尼来说,这将是一个美好的夜晚. 不从任何人身上取走任何东西, 但是我们要拿那些头衔.

“我从没看过过去战斗中对手的录音带. 我们不会从中学到任何东西. 当我训练丹尼, 我专注于丹尼. 我只知道如何使丹尼更好. 我们将决定战斗,并超越Errol. 我们不会像Mikey Garcia那样战斗并整夜奔跑.

“这阵子, 我们不会把它留给评委’ 手. 我们选择在达拉斯与他战斗. 丹尼打了那个电话. 在一天结束时, 丹尼只需要去那里做他的事情。”

汤姆·布朗, TGB促销总统

“埃罗尔·斯彭斯JR. VS. 丹尼·加西亚(Danny Garcia)是今年最有趣的战斗之一,这场战斗将决定谁是世界上最好的磅对磅战斗机.

“这将是一个巨大的拳击之夜,它将是世界上最好的职业体育俱乐部的所在地, AT&T体育场. 这是与两个战斗机在巅峰时期进行对决的理想主机, 双方都准备将遗产传承下去.

“Spence是这项运动中最受关注的战士之一. 许多人认为他是世界上最好的战士, 并且有充分的理由. 他想受到挑战,而这正是提高我们运动水平的战斗方式.

“丹尼·加西亚(Danny Garcia). 他是我们这项运动中最熟练和经过战斗考验的战士之一. 他在做什么 140 英镑, 在上升之前, 简直太神奇了. 将这两部分放在一起将带回过去的次中量级战役的回忆。”

# # #

斯彭斯VS. 加西亚将见到次中量级世界冠军 埃罗尔 “真相” 斯彭斯JR. 决斗两分区世界冠军 丹尼 “迅速” 加西亚 在FOX Sports PBC的按次付费周六的重磅赛事中, 十二月 5 在AT&阿灵顿T球场, 得克萨斯州.

付费按次开始在 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT并具有不败的中轻量级感觉 塞巴斯蒂安 “火烧摩天楼” 丰多拉 承担 豪尔赫·科塔 在共同主赛事中的WBC轻中量级冠军消除器中. 阵容还将看到全能竞争者 Josesito “滨江洛基” 洛佩兹 旧金山 “分享” 桑塔纳 在十轮次中量级赛事中争夺, 再加上前冠军 七月切娅 面对轻量级竞争者 爱德华多·拉米雷斯 在WBC羽量级冠军消除器中启动按次付费.

观众可以即时串流中国人民银行显示了FOX体育和FOX NOW应用程式或FOXSports.com. 此外, 所有的程序都可以在FOX体育的SiriusXM频道 83 卫星收音机和在SiriusXM应用.

欲了解更多信息: 访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepagewww.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, @FOXDeportes和@TGBPromotions在Facebook上成为粉丝 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsports & www.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

官方BELLATOR 249: 半机械人VS. 布伦考格斗之夜结果 & 照片


Bellator 249: 电子人VS. Blencowe 主卡:
克里斯“机器侠” (23-2) 打败 Arlene Blencowe(13-8) 通过提交 (后方裸体扼流圈) 在 2:46 第二轮的
莱昂德罗肥后 (20-5) 打败 瑞奇托盘(13-5) 通过提交 (后方裸体扼流圈) 在 2:32 第二轮的
史蒂夫莫里 (8-0) 打败 肖恩·蒂德 (6-3-1) 通过在将军澳 4:22 of round one
你阿瓦德 (23-13, 1 NC) 和 曼德尔Nallo(7-1, 1 NC) 以无比赛告终 (无意的低打击)
安德鲁Kapel(16-7) 打败 约瑟夫Creer(7-2-1) 通过TKO (医生的停工 – 切) 在 5:00 第二轮的
Kemran Lachinov(10-2) 打败 凯尔Crutchmer(6-1) 通过一致决定 (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)
克里斯蒂安·爱德华兹(4-0) 打败 哈姆扎萨利姆 |(5-4) 通过提交 (后方裸体扼流圈) 在 1:38 第二轮的
达蒙·布莱克希尔 (8-3) 打败 迈克Kimbel (3-3) 通过提交 (后方裸体扼流圈) 在 4:14 第二轮的
特拉维夫维多多(5-0) 打败 洛根尼尔(1-1) 通过提交 (木村) 在 3:22 of round one
阿尔伯特·冈萨雷斯(2-2) 打败 杰玛卡斯特里奥特·(3-5, 1 NC) 通过TKO (战斗机退役) 在 5:00 第二轮的


Unified Welterweight Champion Errol Spence, JR. Battles Two-Division Champion Danny Garcia in FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View Showdown To Highlight Exciting Slate of Shows 

LOS ANGELES (八月 8, 2020) – FOX Sports and Premier Boxing Champions announced today an exciting slate of boxing shows that will include action in some of the sportshottest divisions and is highlighted by the highly anticipated showdown between unified welterweight champion 埃罗尔 “真相” 斯彭斯, JR. 两科状元 丹尼 “迅速” 加西亚 headlining the first in a series of FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-Views on Saturday, 十一月 21.

The FOX PBC Fight Night return schedule kicked off tonight with Jamal “Shango” James taking on Thomas Dulorme for the WBA Interim Welterweight title from AEG’s Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles. The schedule includes six events that will be broadcast on FOX, one FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View and 11 shows on FS1, running from August 8 through the end of the year. Initially the live events will be held without fans in attendance at the Microsoft Theater at L.A. 住在洛杉矶.

The PBC back on FOX Sports is what we’ve all been working towards,” said Bill Wanger, 执行副总裁, Head of Programming and Scheduling, FOX体育. “We’re looking forward to showcasing some of the top boxers in the sport on FOX, FS1, FOX Deportes and PPV throughout the rest of the year.

See below for the FOX, FOX Deportes and FOX PPV Schedule for the remainder of 2020.

SHOWS ON FOX & 福克斯体育:

星期六, AUGUST 8

Jamal James vs. 托马斯Dulorme – Interim WBA Welterweight Title

David Morrell Jr. VS. 伦诺克斯·艾伦 – Interim WBA Super Middleweight Title

Omar Juarez vs. Willie ShawSuper Lightweight Special Attraction

Top welterweight contender Jamal “Shango” 詹姆斯 (26-1, 12 科斯) meets Thomas Dulorme (25-3-1, 16 科斯) for the Interim WBA Welterweight Title headlining a broadcast that begins at 8 P.M. ET /下午5时. PT. James of Minneapolis has battled his way through a string of tough opponents to get to the threshold of a welterweight championship and will have to defeat Dulorme of Puerto Rico to take that last big step. In just his third pro fight, David Morrell (2-0, 2 科斯), who had an outstanding amateur career in the Cuban system, will meet Lennox Allen (22-0-1, 14 科斯) of Brooklyn for the Interim WBA Super Middleweight championship in the co-feature. Exciting super lightweight prospect Omar Juarez (7-0, 4 科斯) clashes with Oakland’s Willie Shaw (12-1, 8 科斯).

星期六, AUGUST 22

Shawn Porter vs Sebastian FormellaWBC/IBF Welterweight Title Eliminator

塞巴斯蒂安·丰多拉VS. 纳撒尼尔·加利莫尔 – Super Welterweight Co-Main Event

Joey Spencer in a Six-Round Super Welterweight Special Attraction

两次中量级冠军 “开演时间” 肖恩·波特 (30-3-1, 17 科斯) will take on Germany’s Sebastian Formella (22-0, 10 科斯) in a WBC/IBF eliminator headlining a broadcast that begins at 8 P.M. ET /下午5时. PT. 穿, who was born in Akron, Ohio and lives in Las Vegas, 即将关闭 2019 Fight of the Year contender against Errol Spence, 小, where he dropped a narrow split decision for the WBC and IBF titles. The undefeated Formella of Lauenburg, Germany will be making his U.S. 登场. In the co-feature undefeated super welterweight sensation Sebastian “火烧摩天楼” 丰多拉 (14-0-1, 9 科斯) takes on Nathaniel Gallimore (21-4-1, 17 科斯) in a major step up fight. Sensational super welterweight prospect Joey Spencer (10-0, 7 科斯) will also appear on the card in a six-round special attraction.

星期六, AUGUST 29

Erislandy Lara vs. 格雷格代蒂 – WBA Super Welterweight Title

Alfredo Angulo vs. Caleb Truax – IBF Super Middleweight Title Eliminator

Former super welterweight champion Erislandy “美国梦” 拉拉 (26-3-3, 15 科斯) battles Greg Vendetti (22-3-1, 12 科斯) for the WBA Super Welterweight Title headlining a broadcast that begins at 8 P.M. ET /下午5时. PT. 拉拉, 一位前古巴业余爱好者, has fought all of the top 154-pound boxers in the sport, including Saul “CANELO” 阿尔瓦雷斯. Vendetti of Stoneham, 质量。, will be looking to earn his first world championship. The co-feature will see battle-tested veteran Alfredo Angulo (26-7, 21 科斯) take on former super middleweight champion Caleb Truax (31-4-2, 19 科斯) in a 168-pound title eliminator. A special six-round attraction will also be announced for the broadcast.

SUNDAY, 九月 6

Yordenis Ugas vs. 阿贝尔·拉莫斯 – WBA Welterweight Title

Rances Barthelemy vs. 阿尔贝托Puello – Interim WBA Super Lightweight Title

Jesus Ramos in an Eight-Round Super Lightweight Special Attraction

Top welterweight contender Yordenis Ugas (25-4, 12 科斯) takes on Abel Ramos (26-3-2, 20 科斯) for the WBA Welterweight Title headlining a broadcast that begins at 8 P.M. ET /下午5时. PT. 乌加斯, who was born in Cuba but now lives and trains in Las Vegas, has been one of the most active welterweights in the sport the last three years and will look to capture a welterweight title in his second attempt. The only man standing in his way is Ramos, who scored a stunning victory with a TKO stoppage that came with one second left in his fight against Bryant Perrella on FOX in February. 在共同特征, former two-division champion and super lightweight contender Rances Barthelemy (27-1, 14 科斯) clashes with unbeaten Alberto Puello (17-0, 9 科斯) for the WBA Super Lightweight Interim title. 强硬, undefeated prospect Jesus Ramos (12-0, 11 科斯) will also appear in an eight-round super lightweight special attraction.

星期六, 十一月 7


星期六, 十二月 26



星期六, 十一月 21 上 FOX SPORTS PBC PPV  

埃罗尔·斯彭斯, JR. VS. 丹尼·加西亚 – WBC & IBF Welterweight World Titles

Undefeated unified welterweight world champion Errol “真相” 斯彭斯, JR. (26-0, 21 科斯) returns to defend his titles against two-division world champion Danny “迅速” 加西亚 (36-2, 21 科斯) in one of the most anticipated boxing matches of the year headlining a FOX Sports PBC Pay-Per-View at 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT. Spence of Desoto, Texas will be entering the ring for the first time since being involved in a horrendous single-car accident where he was thrown from the vehicle before it crashed in Dallas last October. Philadelphia’s Garcia, a former unified super lightweight champion and a welterweight champion, aims to reclaim the WBC title he lost in a disputed decision to Shawn Porter and also pick up the IBF belt

SHOWS ON FS1 & 福克斯体育

星期六, AUGUST 8

The FS1 broadcast begins at 10 P.M. ET /下午7时. PT after the FOX PBC Fight Night broadcast and features welterweight麦凯乐福克斯 (22-1, 5 科斯) 承担 Lucas Santamaría (10-1-1, 7 科斯) 在10轮的战斗, sensational 18-year-old prospect维托Mielnicki小(5-0, 3 科斯) 作战Chris Rollins (3-1, 2 科斯) 在六轮超中量级回合, and in an eight-round clash of unbeaten heavyweight prospectsLuis Peña (6-0, 6 科斯) 面孔迈克尔Coffie (9-0, 6 科斯) to kick off the action.

星期六, AUGUST 22

The FS1 telecast is set to begin at 10 P.M. ET /下午7时. PT following FOX PBC Fight Night.

星期六, AUGUST 29

The FS1 telecast is set to begin at 6 P.M. AND /下午3时. PT preceding FOX PBC Fight Night.

SUNDAY, 九月 6

The FS1 telecast is set to begin at 6 P.M. AND /下午3时. PT preceding FOX PBC Fight Night.

星期三, 九月 23


星期六, 十月 3


星期三, 十一月 4


星期六, 十一月 14


星期六, 十一月 21

The FS1 telecast is set to begin at 7 P.M. ET / 4时三十分. PT preceding FOX Sports PBC PPV.

星期六, 十二月 5


星期六, 十二月 26

The FS1 telecast is set to begin at 6 P.M. AND /下午3时. PT preceding FOX PBC Fight Night.

Split-T Management’s Christopher Pearson ready for anyone at 160 或 168 磅.

纽约 (七月 28, 2020) – Surging middleweight contender Christopher Pearson is ready for a breakthrough performance against any of the top names at 160 或 168 divisions.

Pearson of Trotwood, 俄亥俄, is managed by Split-T Management, and he recently moved to San Antonio, 得克萨斯州, 有创纪录 17-2, and is riding a three-fight winning streak which includes a win over former Olympic Bronze Medal winner and undefeated Yamaguchi Falcao.

皮尔森, who trains in Los Angeles under world-championship trainer Manny Robles, has already begun preparations for his next assignment.

I started training down here in San Antonio at Jesse James Leija’s gym. I just moved down here, and it took a minute to find a gym, but once the gym opened, this is a great place to be. I will go to Los Angeles on July 30th and start with Manny,” 皮尔逊说.

皮尔森, who began his career with 13 连胜, feels that he is a stern challenge for anybody at middleweight or super middleweight.

I am looking to fight the best in those two divisions,and solidify myself as the best in the sport. I feel that that the 2nd half of my career is proving that I am the best.

The Falcao fight proved that Pearson can fight anyone in those divisions, and despite getting a late call for the fight, he performed at a high-level to come home with the emphatic unanimous decision victory.

I took that fight on four weeks notice. I am not short on confidence, and I know what I am capable of doing.

Recently Pearson had his named mentioned for a showdown with Canelo Alvarez, and he believes that Canelo’s handlers were not too keen in a fight with the 29 year-old Pearson.

I know that I am one of four or five guys from Golden Boy Promotions that was offered that fight. Out of all of those guys, they must of looked at me as a high-risk, low-reward fight. Fighting me is dangerous. They know me, because I have sparred with him, and he knows what I am capable of.

Canelo is a counter-puncher, but he is not better then me in the department. He has more power, but he is not as capable as me. 一旦我们在环获得, anything can happen..especially at 168 磅。”

Another fight that I would like to get is with Jaime Munguia. He is at 160 pounds now. I can outclass him. I don’t see anything special about him. If it takes beating other fighters like David Lemieux or Taureano Johnson to get those fights, then bring them on. Right now I am ready to take on anyone.

Pearson is promoted by Golden Boy Promotions.

Interview with Middleweight Christopher Pearson

COMPLETE搏击之夜结果 & 照片BELLATOR 239: RUTH VS. 阿莫索夫


Bellator 239: 露丝VS. Amosov

雅罗斯拉夫Amosov (23-0) 打败 和露丝 (8-2) 通过一致决定 (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

迈尔斯评委 (18-5) 打败 布兰登Girtz (16-9) 通过一致决定 (29-28, 29-28, 29-28)

蒂姆·约翰逊 (13-6) 打败 泰瑞尔财富 (8-1) 通过KO (拳) 在 2:35 of round one

瓦伦丁Moldavsky (9-1) 打败 Javy阿亚拉 (11-8) 通过一致决定 (30-25, 30-24, 30-24)


Davion富兰克林 (1-0) 打败 J.W. 凯泽 (5-3) 通过TKO (拳) 在 1:30 of round one

克里斯·冈萨雷斯 (4-0) 打败 亚伦麦肯齐 (7-2-1) 通过分裂的决定 (30-27, 28-29, 30-27)

凯文·克鲁姆 (21-12) 打败 阿迪尔Benjilany (5-3, 1 NC) 通过分裂的决定 (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

克里斯伦乔尼 (6-2) 打败 萨利姆Mukhidinov (7-4) 通过分裂的决定 (29-28, 30-27, 29-28)

凯尔Crutchmer (6-0) 打败 斯科特弗特勒尔 (11-10) 通过提交 (蟒蛇扼流圈) 在 2:58 of round one

尼尔·格兰特 (3-0) 打败 克劳德·威尔科克斯 (1-2) 通过TKO (拳) 在 3:37 第三轮

约什山 (19-3)打败 维尼修斯扎尼 (11-6) 通过一致决定 (30-27, 29-28, 29-28)

独奏海特利JR. (8-2) 打败 加斯顿·博拉尼奥斯 (5-3) 通过分裂的决定 (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

Denise Kielholtz (5-2) 打败 克里斯蒂娜·威廉姆斯 (3-3) 通过提交 (后方裸体扼流圈) 在 2:15 of round one

TeeJay布里顿 (6-2) 打败 加布里埃尔瓦尔加 (1-1) 通过分裂的决定 (29-28, 28-29, 29-28)

基思·李 (6-3) 打败 肖恩束 (9-5) 通过一致决定 (30-26, 29-28, 29-27)

克里斯蒂安·爱德华兹 (3-0) 打败 马可双雄 (3-3) 通过一致决定 (30-26, 30-26, 30-25)

请访问 Bellator.com 了解更多信息.

FULL拼牌和广播的详细信息BELLATOR 239: RUTH VS. AMOSOV这个星期五, FEB. 21

主卡空气派拉蒙网络 & DAZN AT 9 P.M. AND

LOS ANGELES - 回合的充分的板岩为Bellator重返温斯塔赌场和度假村Thackerville, 俄克拉何马州. 这个星期五, 二月 21 已经敲定了堆叠四层拼主卡在播出 9 P.M. ET / 8时三十分. CT派拉蒙网络和DAZN上. 另外, 总计 13 初步的战斗将在流MMA Bellator的YouTube频道和DAZN在开始 6:15 P.M. PT / 5:15 P.M. CT.

主要活动 Bellator 239 将具有两个分裂的前景最好的之间的一个令人兴奋的次中量级冲突, 作为三届NCAA全国摔跤冠军 和露丝 (8-1) 发生在乌克兰的不败前锋 雅罗斯拉夫Amosov (22-0). 也对卡, 首映轻量级明尼苏达自己之间的对决 布兰登Girtz (16-8) 和最近Bellator自由球员签约 迈尔斯评委 (17-5), 在重量级的,以及两个枢转的对决 泰瑞尔财富 (8-0) 设置符合UFC老将 蒂莫西·约翰逊 (12-6) 和顶级竞争者 Javy阿亚拉 (11-7) 去战斗反对俄罗斯费奥多尔艾米连科的团队成员, 瓦伦丁Moldavsky (8-1).

采取初步行动 Bellator 239: 露丝VS. Amosov 将一些年轻不败的前景回到笼子突出, 连俄克拉荷马州 凯尔Crutchmer (5-0), 克里斯蒂安·爱德华兹 (2-0), 克里斯·冈萨雷斯 (3-0), 尼尔·格兰特 (2-0) 和德州 卢卡斯·布伦南 (2-0), 而在熟悉的名字 克里斯伦乔尼 (5-2), 加斯顿·博拉尼奥斯 (5-2) 和 肖恩束 (9-4) 还计划在卡上竞争.

另外, 预赛将采用由轻量级冠军2个Bellator跆拳道冠军亮相 Denise Kielholtz (4-2) 和羽量级拳王 加布里埃尔瓦尔加 (1-0) 因为他们都回到Bellator MMA笼.

请访问 Bellator.com 了解更多信息.

Bellator 239: 露丝VS. Amosov 主卡:


9 P.M. ET / 8时三十分. CT

次中量级的主要事件: 和露丝 (8-1) VS. 雅罗斯拉夫Amosov (22-0)

轻型合作的主要事件: 布兰登Girtz (16-8) VS. 迈尔斯评委 (17-5)

重量级主卡布特: 泰瑞尔财富 (8-0) VS. 蒂姆·约翰逊 (12-6)

重量级主卡布特: Javy阿亚拉 (11-7) VS. 瓦伦丁Moldavsky (8-1)


Bellator MMA的YouTube频道和DAZN

6:15 P.M. AND / 5:15 P.M. CT:

轻重量级的初步回合: 克里斯蒂安·爱德华兹 (2-0) VS. 马可双雄 (3-2)

轻量级初步回合: 肖恩束 (9-4) VS. 基思·李 (5-3)

羽初步回合: 加布里埃尔瓦尔加 (1-0) VS. TeeJay布里顿 (5-2)

飞锤初步回合: Denise Kielholtz (4-2) VS. 克里斯蒂娜·威廉姆斯 (3-2)

羽初步回合: 加斯顿·博拉尼奥斯 (5-2) VS. 独奏海特利JR. (7-2)

轻量级初步回合: 约什山 (18-3) VS. 维尼修斯扎尼 (11-5)

轻重量级的初步回合: 尼尔·格兰特 (2-0) VS. 克劳德·威尔科克斯 (1-1)

175-磅. 合同重布特: 凯尔Crutchmer (5-0) VS. 斯科特弗特勒尔 (11-9)

羽初步回合: 克里斯伦乔尼 (5-2) VS. 萨利姆Mukhidinov (7-3)

羽初步回合: 阿迪尔Benjilany (5-2, 1 NC) VS. 凯文·克鲁姆 (20-12)

羽初步回合: 卢卡斯·布伦南 (2-0) VS. 詹姆斯·泰勒 (0-1)

轻量级初步回合: 克里斯·冈萨雷斯 (3-0) VS. 亚伦麦肯齐 (7-1-1)

重量级的初步回合: J.W. 凯泽 (5-2) VS. Davion富兰克林 (亲亮相)


请访问 Bellator.com 了解更多信息.