标记档案: 金童推广

不败NABF重量级冠军布莱尔的“天才”卡波斯战役塞缪尔·科泰日星期五 14, 从本田中心在阿纳海姆, 加州生活DAZN

点击 这里 从团队科布斯照片

LAS VEGAS, NV (二月 10, 2020) – 不败NABF重量级冠军 布莱尔的“天才”科布斯 (14-0-1, 10 科斯) 托管在准备拉斯维加斯媒体锻炼周六他对即将到来的回合 塞缪尔·科泰 (23-2, 16 科斯) 其中发生星期五, 二月 14 在本田中心在阿纳海姆, 加利福尼亚州.

科布斯, 谁是管理 格雷格Hannely 王子牧场拳击 和推动下 金童推广, 会让他 2020 登场的一部分 瑞恩·加西亚弗朗西斯科·丰塞卡 卡, 这将播出现场直播 DAZN 在 7 P.M. AND / 4 P.M. PT.

这里是科布斯不得不从周六说 名人堂内华达州拳击名人堂 在拉斯维加斯:


“这个训练营已经达到惊人. 我有什么,但最大的陪练伙伴,以获取这个即将到来的回合制. 我的教练 布兰登·伍兹 已经磨了我的工具,我已经准备好了,在我最好的斗争晚上瓶坯. 每个人都可能会看到最好的布莱尔“的天才”科布斯可能. 这是一个充满娱乐运动,我称自己为“最令人兴奋的男子拳击”.

“在情人节, 我要去出风头和所有的球迷观看DAZN会看到我的惊人表现. 我的对手, 塞缪尔·科泰, 是谁是未来赢得一个艰难的老兄, 但我对他有其他的计划. 他没有什么可以做,这将凌驾于我的技能,并渴望赢得这场战斗。”

“这是为我的身后是他们知道这就是我第一次学会了如何当我逃到瓜达拉哈拉框中墨西哥球迷一个奇妙的经历, 墨西哥. 它已经从墨西哥的旅程回来到美国的地狱, 在那里我学会了打架的墨西哥风情, 总是扔大款来娱乐球迷. 战斗在墨西哥的业余, 就像是在职业战斗. 有时候,我们没有使用头套. 这是疯了, 但今天让我的战士的我。”

布莱尔 “风骚” 卡波斯返回环11月2日开CANELO VS. 科瓦廖夫CARD

LAS VEGAS, NV (十月 10, 2019) – 王子牧场拳击的 不败的中量级的竞争者,布莱尔 “从Flair” 科布斯 (12-0-1, 8 科斯), 谁是通过促进 金童推广, 面孔 卡洛斯·奥尔蒂斯 (11-4, 11 科斯) 托雷翁, 墨西哥, 空置NABF标题. 10轮的较量将于十一月 2, 2019, 作为在undercard的一部分 CANELO阿尔瓦雷斯谢尔盖·科瓦廖夫 在米高梅大花园球馆在拉斯维加斯, 内华达, 这将现场直播DAZN.

“这是一个伟大的机会,一个我要充分利用,” 说布莱尔·科布斯, 谁是管理 格雷格Hannley 王子牧场拳击. “我一直非常努力,我觉得打一场CANELO卡, 并为NABF称号, 是一个完美的机会,对我来说,我的提升游戏, 以及在做戏我的球迷。”

科布斯, 谁也被劝 沙希德马利克, 提出通过击败今年早些时候噪音
费迪南德 “招财童子” Kerobyan (12-1, 7 科斯), 在好莱坞的Kerobyan的故乡, 加利福尼亚州, 而在他的最后一个回合停止 史蒂夫 “黄金手” 比利亚洛沃斯 (11-1, 1, 9 科斯) 由第九轮淘汰赛的方式. 布莱尔的最后三个对手有一个联合的纪录 (29-1-1, 22 科斯) 让卡波斯最久经考验的竞争者之一在次中量级划分.

“我们非常高兴与布莱尔卡波斯已经作为一个专业的执行方式,” 说格雷格Hannely, 科布斯经理. “他先后击败了对手很大并且每一个他在竞争中逐步增加时间上升之际. 在这一回合的胜利将弹射他到前15的排名. 此外, 曝光他将获得此卡的战斗将是令人难以置信. 布莱尔是球迷的最爱, 每个人都想看到他的比赛。”

“我只是想作秀和乐趣就像我一直做的,” 科布斯继续. “我很高兴我的天赋展示给更多的观众. 布莱尔 “从Flair” 来了…的whooo!”

# # #

CANELO VS. 科瓦廖夫 是金童提出的WBO轻重量级世界冠军12轮的战斗, 主要活动和Krusher促销. 本次活动由特卡特赞助, “拳击官方指定啤酒,” 轩尼诗 “永无止境. 从来不满足” 而新开业葡萄柚粉碎, 淘汰赛香精. 本次活动将于周六, 十一月. 2 在米高梅大花园球馆在拉斯维加斯,将现场独家上DAZN流. 标题冲突是几大亮点在DAZN这场战斗一个赛季 – 整个秋季特色拳击的最大对决的最佳方案之一在拳击历史.

门票CANELO VS. 科瓦廖夫有售,并且售价 $1,754, $1,254, $854, $654, $404 和 $204, 不包括适用的服务费和税款. 要通过电话与充电主要信用卡, 拨打888-9-AXS-TIX (888-929-7849). 门票也将可用于购买 www.axs.com

欲了解更多信息, 访问 www.goldenboypromotions.com, www.MainEvents.com
和DAZN.com. 在Twitter上关注@GoldenBoyBoxing, ICanelo, @主要活动, @KrusherKovalev和@DAZN_USA. 成为Facebook上的粉丝在
www.facebook.com/SaulCaneloAlvarez, https://www.facebook.com/thekrusher/,
https://www.facebook.com/DAZNUSA/. 按照Instagram上@GoldenBoy, ICanelo, @主要活动, @SergeyKrusherKovalev, 和@DAZN_USA. 按照使用#CaneloKovalev谈话.

照片和视频都可以下载点击 这里 或复制和粘贴的链接 http://bit.ly/CaneloKovalev 到浏览器. 信用必须提供金童或主要活动适用于任何照片和/或视频使用.

Canelo ALVAREZ VS. Daniel JACOBS ** 深入预览和分析 **

由: Tony Penecale

The biggest week in boxing is upon us with the annual Cinco de Mayo weekend extravaganza in Las Vegas. The Mexican marquee star Saul “Canelo” Alvarez returns to his home-away-from-home to face the challenge of fellow middleweight titlist, Daniel “Miracle Man” Jacobs, who is intent on spoiling the homecoming.

Can Canelo sprinkle some extra cinnamon on an explosive victory? Or will it be Jacobs who provides another miracle in his story-book comeback?


阿尔瓦雷斯: 龄: 28 岁
创纪录的: 51-1-2 (35 击倒)
高低: 5“9”
重量: 167 * * 重量为最后一个回合 (12-15-18)
达到: 70”

雅各布: 龄: 32 岁
创纪录的: 35-2 (29 击倒)
高低: 5’11”
重量: 159 * * 重量为最后一个回合 (10-27-18)
达到: 73”


WBC超次中量级冠军 (’11-’13)
WBA超次中量级冠军 (‘13)
Ring Magazine 初级中量级冠军 ('13)
WBC中量级冠军 ('15 -Pres)
WBA中量级冠军 ('18-Pres)
Ring杂志中量级冠军 ('18-Pres)
WBA超中量级冠军 ('18-Pres)
环杂志英镑-4-英镑 #3 义和团

WBA中量级冠军 ('14-'17)
IBF中量级冠军 ('18-'总统)


一个积极的, 拳击技巧被低估的体格斗士, 阿尔瓦雷斯常穿对手打倒稳定的压力和重手拳. 将使用假动作和反击来投掷对手的时机,并为消耗体力的身体攻击创造机会. 双手拥有改变战斗的力量,但有时出拳不够. 虽然他最出名的是他的进攻技巧, 阿尔瓦雷斯有象样, 但不是很大, 防御技能打滑和阻塞拳.

一个瘦高个, 拳法多才多艺的长臂拳击手,经常打架凶悍,不怕过拳. 雅各布斯将良好的拳击技巧和基本功与双手的击倒力量相结合. 有时会过于进攻,容易受到反击. 在逆境中表现出巨大的心脏.


* 力量——阿尔瓦雷斯双拳握雷. 他两只手都有击倒力, 但他最致命的武器驻留在他的左钩拳, 特别是对身体. 他的职业生涯中有过三位年度淘汰赛候选人.

* 力量 - 阿尔瓦雷斯是一个物理成熟和厚厚的建造战斗机不可思议的力量. 他在支持战士方面很有效, 即使不登陆刷新拳. 他从初级中量级成长起来,最近参加了超中量级比赛.

* 经验——阿尔瓦雷斯在他的职业生涯中取得了长足的进步,并与拳击界的一些知名人士竞争. 他在这一刻出现过无数次,喧闹的气氛对他来说将是第二天性.

* 性格——雅各布斯在 2007 年战胜骨癌后,勇敢地面对并击败了他职业生涯中最令人生畏的对手。 2011. 他在职业生涯中应对了一些艰难的挑战,在拳击场上展现了他的品格.

* 权力——Jacobs 已注册 29 他 35 通过停赛取得职业胜利. 他拥有一拳改变战局的力量和杀死受伤对手的杀手本能.

* 多才多艺——雅各布斯拥有出色的拳击技术和动作, 有时在正统和左撇子立场之间切换. 如果对付另一个咄咄逼人的对手, 雅各布斯将反击并寻求反击机会. 他善于在需要时加快步伐.


* 战术失误——阿尔瓦雷斯在之前的一些比赛中犯过战术失误, 包括试图击败小弗洛伊德梅威瑟. 通过在外面和他拳击. 在其他战斗中, 他让他的对手控制节奏并偷走回合.

* Easy-to-Hit——虽然他的进攻技巧是他的名片, 阿尔瓦雷斯防守不错. 当他注意力不集中或变得过于咄咄逼人时, 他对直右手和反击拳很开放.

* 沉重的脚——阿尔瓦雷斯有很好的拳击能力,但经常在拳击场上行动迟缓. 当与具有良好横向运动的更高的战士相匹配时, 他经常挣扎, 就像他与 Austin Trout 和 Erislandy Lara 的比赛一样.

* 怀疑下巴——雅各布斯对品尝画布并不陌生. 在他的第一次职业失利中,他被德米特里·皮罗格以毁灭性的方式击倒. 他也在画布上对抗根纳季·戈洛夫金和塞尔吉奥·莫拉.

* 鲁莽——在他与莫拉的第一次战斗中, 雅各布斯在击倒对手后变得过于咄咄逼人,并让自己敞开大门进行反击,这让他在画布上. 当他让 Peter Quillin 昏迷时,他也再次失去平衡和鲁莽.

* 氛围——Jacobs 之前在拉斯维加斯参加过比赛,主要活动在麦迪逊广场花园举行. 然而, 这是他第一次参加拉斯维加斯 Cinco-de-Mayo 周末盛会.


阿尔瓦雷斯: (12/15/18) – 阿尔瓦雷斯通过破坏比赛成功上演了超中量级首秀,但在三回合中击败了洛基菲尔丁. 阿尔瓦雷斯惩罚了菲尔丁的尸体, 赢得四个击倒, 并用他标志性的左勾拳将他击中肝脏.

(10/27/18) – 雅各布斯与不败但不为人知的谢尔希·德雷维安琴科遭遇艰难, 赢得 12 轮分裂决定. 雅各布斯在第一轮击倒并在来回比赛中击倒更多拳.

3 表现最好

* 詹姆斯·柯克兰 (5/9/15) – 当柯克兰用神风敢死队攻击与阿尔瓦雷斯交战时,烟花从开场钟开始表演. 阿尔瓦雷斯反击并在第一轮击倒并结束了战斗 3
RD 用风景如画的右手圆.

* 利亚姆·史密斯 (9/17/16) – 阿尔瓦雷斯有条不紊地打破了以前不败的史密斯, 从一开始就控制回合. 阿尔瓦雷斯在 7
和 8 在节目结束前四轮,他的左勾拳打在了肝脏上 9 圆.

* 卡洛斯Baldomir (9/18/10) – 阿尔瓦雷斯是一名 20 岁的神童,在巴尔多米尔面对一位持久的前世界冠军. 阿尔瓦雷斯早早就成功拳击,利用速度和技巧的优势横扫前五轮. 但令人难忘的是他在第 6 场的表现. 阿尔瓦雷斯震撼了巴尔多米尔,最后一记左勾拳落下, 使他昏迷之前,他打的垫子和处理了他唯一的停工损失在16年的职业生涯.

* 塞尔吉奥·莫拉 (9/9/16) – 雅各布斯消除了他们第一场比赛的任何争议, 最后莫拉伤了脚踝, 通过在复赛中解剖他, 以令人印象深刻的方式达到高潮 7
圆形将军澳. 雅各布斯在每场比赛中都击倒了 4 和 5 回合之前打开并在 7 圆, 强制停工.

* 彼得Quillin (12/5/15) – 在争夺布鲁克林炫耀权的战斗中, 雅各布斯用一记惊艳了不败且受宠的奎林 1
ST 圆形将军澳. 雅各布斯早早落地右手, 让 Quilling 跌跌撞撞地陷入绳索. 一阵后续的混乱让奎林穿过裁判停止战斗的戒指.

* Caleb Truax (4/24/15) – 雅各布斯以精湛的表现统治了特鲁克斯 11 发, 用重拳控制动作, 并把他的比赛对手打倒. 轻松领先进入最后一轮, 雅各布斯在他虚弱的对手身上卸下了重担,直到裁判将他从进一步的处罚中解救出来.


* 快速开始,不要让 Jacobs 变得自信

* 切断戒指,迫使雅各布斯在密闭空间内战斗

* 尽早并经常去身体

* 使用僵硬的刺拳和侧向运动让阿尔瓦雷斯失去平衡

* 尽早获得阿尔瓦雷斯的尊重

* 不要鲁莽

* 回到中量级会让阿尔瓦雷斯筋疲力尽吗?

* 阿尔瓦雷斯在俯瞰雅各布斯吗?

* 如果雅各布斯使用有效的横向移动,阿尔瓦雷斯会变得沮丧吗?

* 雅各布斯能否赢得拉斯维加斯的决定?

* 雅各布斯能否利用阿尔瓦雷斯的战术缺陷?

* 雅各布斯将如何处理亲阿尔瓦雷斯的气氛?


人群将在开场钟声中嗡嗡作响. 阿尔瓦雷斯将继续前进, 举手, 用他的刺拳试探并试图站稳脚跟. 雅各布斯将横向移动, 试探性刺拳并使用头部假动作. 谨慎的 1
ST 回合将以阿尔瓦雷斯介入并投出一些硬身投篮结束, 引起党派人群的欢呼.

阿尔瓦雷斯将继续施加压力 2
ND 和 3RD 与雅各布斯一起努力建立他的刺拳更权威. 雅各布斯将重拳击中面部,阿尔瓦雷斯用右手高举反击. 雅各布斯会向他的左边移动,以避开阿尔瓦雷斯对身体的左勾拳.

行动将在中间回合中继续加强. 雅各布斯将用直的右手跟随他的刺拳. 阿尔瓦雷斯将蹲伏并在内线使用他的力量, 使用上手的权利和钩子到手臂和肋骨.

阿尔瓦雷斯的眼睛周围会有些发红,而雅各布斯的躯干会出现伤痕. 支持阿尔瓦雷斯的人群会因为雅各布斯的一系列右手击中而倒吸一口凉气 6
圆形,但随后会在 7 当交换左勾拳时看到阿尔瓦雷斯先落地, 让 Jacobs 趴回画布上.

雅各布斯将站起来向裁判托尼·威克斯确认他可以继续比赛. 阿尔瓦雷斯将进攻, 将他的左勾拳扔向身体和头部. 雅各布斯会踉跄后退, 站稳脚跟, 并用右手和狂野的左勾拳回应. 阿尔瓦雷斯将反击左勾拳击中头部,雅各布斯将获胜, 随着一轮结束的钟声.

人群将充满期待地进入 8
圆, 感觉到阿尔瓦雷斯可能正在接近胜利. 雅各布斯在清醒头脑时会使用横向运动, 用他的刺拳试探以阻止阿尔瓦雷斯. 阿尔瓦雷斯将继续寻找本垒打, 但 Jacobs 将在这段时间内保持在范围之外.

在整个 9
和 10 发, 雅各布斯将充分康复并愿意与阿尔瓦雷斯接触, 投掷更多的右手, 并加快节奏. 阿尔瓦雷斯将一连串砰砰作响的勾拳击中身体,雅各布斯将在内侧用上勾拳反击.

该 11
回合将继续激烈的行动,两名战士都有自己的时刻. 阿尔瓦雷斯将在本轮的一段时间内变得不活跃, 让 Jacobs 再次控制节奏.

进入最后一轮, 雅各布斯会知道他在比赛如此接近的情况下处于危险之中. 他将对阿尔瓦雷斯施加压力,并进行一些针锋相对的交流. 阿尔瓦雷斯深吸一口气, 雅各布斯将成功地用刺拳将他击退, 接着是直右手. 阿尔瓦雷斯将用自己的右手用拳击和反击. 当战士们交换拳头并拥抱最后的钟声时,人群将站起来.

戴夫·莫雷蒂和格伦·费尔德曼都得分,这一决定将是一致的 115-112 和 Steve Weisfeld 的差距更大 117-110, 所有人都支持 Saul “Canelo” Alvarez.

您可以在下方访问本周的广播节目,托尼 (Tony) , “精神” 汤姆·帕吉特和 “乌合之众Rousin“” Rich Bergeron 讨论战斗.

听 “CANELO VS. 雅各布预览, Lesnar从MMA退役, 麦克唐纳问题将继续誉战平后,伤到人” 在Spreaker.

限时黑色星期五交易揭示了利德尔VS. 奥尔蒂斯 3 在线按次付费的FITE.TV


金童推广和外资电信电视联手推出的黑色星期五特价 50% 关闭定期PPV价格利德尔·奥尔蒂斯 3 可用于持续时间 2 仅上周五小时, 11月23日, 2018 提前次日查利德尔和蒂托·奥尔蒂斯之间的大对决三部曲的, 星期六, 十一月. 24, 2018.



上述交易活动与利德尔VS开始. 奥尔蒂斯 3 称重官方实时数据流在 4 PM EST / 1 PM PST十一月 23

RD 并结束两小时后在 6 PM EST / 3 下午PST.



在2小时的特别, 利德尔VS. 奥尔蒂斯 3 将发售只 $19.99 专门的

FITE.TV 网站和移动应用在美国和加拿大的观众. 价格包括每观看节目的付费实时和按需访问, 可用于查看每一个外资电信支持的设备上.






由于许多黑色星期五交易已经快来临, 这个人是好得传递给铁杆球迷MMA的巨大机会亲眼目睹的一个运动的最大竞争的最后一章了一半的价格.



交易完成时 6 PM EST / 3 PM PST事件何时会回去发售 $39.99 美元. 注册到现在,外资电信成为第一个知道销售开始时.

介绍不败的重量级感觉詹姆斯 “野兽” 威尔逊

金童进入 “野兽模式或无模式”
贾里德·肖(Jared Shaw)管理的重量级人物最近与Golden Boy Promotions签订了促销协议

洛杉矶, 例如. (十一月 8, 2018) – 在重量级拳击再次成为热门部门的时代. 问题仍然存在, 下一个迈克·泰森(Mike Tyson)像淘汰赛歌手一样? 还是像橄榄球和篮球这样的运动使最好的大个子们摆脱了拳击?




输入詹姆斯 “野兽” 威尔逊.




威尔逊具有上述特质的所有属性. 出色的运动员, 在NFL训练营中,他的战斗背景显示出凶猛的力量.




威尔逊, 刚刚与Golden Boy Promotions签约的人, 有创纪录 8-0 七次击倒, 但他的故事从头开始 20 多年前在洛杉矶街头.




威尔逊经历了艰难的时期,在几岁之前无家可归。 13 和 15, 他在汽车旅馆睡觉的地方, 公园长椅, 在那些公园里洗澡. 威尔逊触犯了法律。, 那改变了他的生活….为了更好.




“我被锁起来,然后放在一个小组. 实际上,这使我掌握了结构并使我走上正轨. 我在学校表现不错,开始参加体育运动,现在我的生活中有了很多积极的选择,” 威尔逊说.




威尔逊成为年度《洛杉矶时报》高中足球运动员, 以及三遍全城赛道 & 田径运动员, 这为他赢得了西弗吉尼亚州康科德大学的奖学金.




威尔逊, 毕业于社会学学位的人, 然后继续在所有地方踢职业足球, 波兰.




之后,他获得了芝加哥熊队的训练营邀请. 但是他选择了另一种运动激情.




“我开始做空手道, 泰拳和跆拳道。” 威尔逊有一项专业的跆拳道记录。 16-2-1 他曾参加K-1和Glory等顶级组织的比赛.



之后, 威尔逊(Wilson)尝试参加MMA比赛,并给人留下深刻的印象 5-2 并为备受推崇的Bellator格斗锦标赛而战.




还是不满意, 威尔逊开始拳击.








“我认识一个新西兰的发起人, 我每周都能在那里战斗. 这加快了我的进程和发展. 我回到洛杉矶, 并获得了另外四场胜利。”




在 7-0, 威尔逊然后遇到了长期拳击界的球员, 贾里德·肖(Jared Shaw).




肖在他的Instagram帐户上看到了威尔逊的视频, 并向不败的重量级人物伸出援手.




“贾里德与我联系, 在健身房见面, 他对我的愿景和我一样, 剩下的就是历史。”




“我看到詹姆斯像钻石一样粗糙,” 肖说. “他拥有重量​​级部门所没有的综合能力,速度和力量. 他有那个 “它” 我在Kimbo Slice中看到的因素. 我很幸运能够从YouTube上看到的战斗中签下Kimbo. 当金宝进入房间时, 你感到存在和活力. 我看到许多与詹姆斯一样的特质. 任何将詹姆斯误解为足球运动员或混合武术家的人,肯定会在拳击场上全神贯注. 这是一名蓝筹运动员, ” 肖说, 他在这项运动中成长,因为他的父亲加里·肖(Gary Shaw)在过去的三十年里一直是世界上最伟大的推动者之一.






肖的第一项工作是让詹姆斯找到合适的教练. 输入贾斯汀财富.




“我认识贾斯汀很久了. 既是力量教练,又是教练员. 大多数人会在帕奎奥身边认识他, 但也许大多数人不知道贾斯汀是与伦诺克斯·刘易斯作战的重量级前景. 我最喜欢这种配对的是贾斯汀,也是矮个子的重量级人物, 但是强大的打孔器. 他多年的经验将帮助James加速这项运动的发展. 作为一个团队, 我们的目标是及时将世界冠军带回洛杉矶,” 继续肖.




肖的下一步行动是为威尔逊找到合适的发起人与, 他们二人发现了世界上最大的公司之一.




“很多发起人在看着我. 我遇到了金童, 他们看到了我的才华和远见,我觉得他们会为我实现, 带我去世界重量级冠军,” 威尔逊说.







“这是完美的情况. 当涉及推广公司时,Golden Boy Promotions是我们运动的领导者之一. 在这个情况下, 事实证明,与洛杉矶的一家世界知名公司抗衡,您在洛杉矶拥有广阔的前景. 现在,金童奖是这项运动的重中之重. 他们可以说是在Canelo Alvarez提升了世界顶级战斗机, 他们得以与DAZN达成史无前例的交易. 我们期待着詹姆斯的机会, 并展示詹姆斯’ 非凡的技能. 我有 100% 对奥斯卡的信心 (霍亚), 埃里克 (戈麦斯) 和罗伯特 (迪亚兹) 带领詹姆斯参加世界重量级冠军, 并帮助他最大化赚钱的潜力. 洛杉矶从未有过重量级冠军, 因此,完全有道理的是,第一个将与詹姆斯一起组成一支完整的洛杉矶团队, 贾斯汀, 金童和我自己. ”




“我想让人们知道有关詹姆斯的事情是, 他是一部野兽与人类精彩影片, 所以不要眨眼. 但是在戒指之外, 他是三个男孩的不可思议的父亲. 一位伟大的励志演讲者, 并为内城区和世界其他地区树立了榜样. 他在社区和帮助年轻人方面很重要. 特别是那些被欺负的人。”




威尔逊与许多年轻人谈论反欺凌. “我做了很多关于反欺凌的演讲和研讨会. 我去很多学校寄养房屋,并告诉他们我的故事. 我想我可以成为一个让孩子们仰慕的人,让他们知道尽管他们身处何处,他们仍有未来. 我告诉孩子们你的手是武器, 你的嘴是武器, 唯一可以打架的地方就是环内。”




当被问到他想打谁以及他在运动中的目标是什么时, 威尔逊说, “我不是想和任何人打架, 我想与所有人战斗. 最重要的, 我是来给粉丝们看的东西. 这是 365 的天数 “兽” 季节. 它是野兽模式或无模式。”




跟随詹姆斯·威尔逊, 点击:


利德尔VS. 奥尔蒂斯 3 to air worldwide on FITE Saturday November 24, 2018

Main card and viewing details announced



纽约市 (十一月 7, 2018): Golden Boy Promotions and FITE announced today that the third encounter of UFC Hall of Famers Tito Ortiz (19-12-1 MMA) and Chuck Liddell (21-8 MMA), taking place on Saturday Nov 24th at The “Fabulous” Forum in Inglewood, 加利福尼亚州。, will stream live around the world on the FITE digital streaming network as part of the partnership deal with Golden Boy Promotions. Bell time for the PPV broadcast is 9:00pm ET/6:00下午PT.



FITE will stream the trilogy fight on its platform, live on digital pay per view to a worldwide audience of viewers. Pre-orders are available now on the www.FITE.TV website, 适用于iOS FITE移动应用, Android的, and the FITE channel on Amazon Fire, Android的, 苹果电视, and Roku on a PPV basis.



Two of the most recognizable names in UFC and Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) 历史, Liddell and Ortiz enter the cage on Thanksgiving weekend in what’s expected to be a throwback fight to the golden age of MMA. The fight takes place under Oscar De La Hoya’s Golden Boy Promotions banner.



Main card details for the pay per view stream have been announced. The six-fight main card features UFC veterans Gleison Tibau (33-14) VS. Efrain Escudero (30-13) in a Catchweight bout and UFC veteran Tom Lawlor taking on prospect Deron Winn in a light heavyweight bout.



Main Card Lineup / Pay Per View Stream




Chuck LIDDELL (21—8) VS. Tito ORTIZ (19-12-1)




Deron WINN (4-0) VS. Tom LAWLOR (10-6)





Kenneth BERGH (4-1) VS. Jorge GONZALEZ (14-4)




Gleison TIBAU (29-14) VS. Efrain ESCUDERO (28-13)




Walel WATSON (13-11) VS. Ricardo PALACIOS (10-1)




Jay SILVA (10-9) VS. Oscar COTA (8-1)



The resumes of Liddell and Ortiz speak for themselves as both fought the most important fighters of their era. The two first fought in the UFC cage in 2004 after months of trash talk in which Liddell said he always dominated Ortiz in sparring during their past training sessions together. Liddell won the fight in spectacular fashion via KO, but the grudge was far from over. 在 2006 the two faced off again with Ortiz vowing he would even the score. Ortiz fared much better in the second encounter but again succumbed to Liddell via referee stoppage TKO.



Tito Ortiz returns to the cage after a submission win over Chael Sonnen back in January 2017 to fight for redemption against his longtime rival Chuck Liddell. Liddell, coming out of retirement, is fighting to make it a perfect 3-0 over the “The Huntington Beach Bad Boyand to close the door on a feud that has spanned more than a decade. With a rivalry this intense and emotions still running high, this trilogy fight has fighters and fans from multiple generations excited to see the final chapter of one of the biggest rivalries of all time!



To order and watch the fight, 请访问




迪尔菲尔德海滩, FL (七月 25, 2018)—Canelo Alvarez and Gennady Golovkin’s rematch is all set for Mexican Independence Day on September 15 在拉斯维加斯, but what better way to add a little war to the card than having two Mexicans do battle.




Roberto Garcia just witnessed Jaime Munguia’s unanimous decision over Liam Smith on Saturday night and if Munguia is ready to return to the ring on September 15, Garcia is ready as well.




“What better way to celebrate Mexican Independence Day than to have two Mexican’s do battle,”加西亚说,. “We are both warriors. One veteran taking on one youngster. We both come to fight. Let’s get it on.”




Garcia is thankful to Zanfer Promotions (Munguia’s co-promoter with Golden Boy) for giving him his career defining fight against Julio Cesar Chavez’s son, 奥马尔查韦斯.



Garcia won that fight on Aug. 12, 2017 in a 10-round unanimous decision to win the WBC Silver Middleweight title.




Garcia lost his title in his first defense after traveling to England and losing a unanimous 12-round decision to Martin Murray on June 23, 2018.



“Two warriors doing battle, “Thunder vs Lightning” , both fighters coming forward all night , I’ll KO the “Kid” somewhere late in the fight or I win by unanimous decision.”




No doubt the fight would be epic.


FNU搏击运动展: 7月5日, 2018

本周在FNU搏击运动展, 汤姆, 托尼和里奇回头看贝拉特 201, 的新候选人 “整年的” 在Zappavigna / Saucedo战斗中, 金童在拳击和MMA方面采取行动, 以及流媒体服务不断增加的推动力,以消耗体育迷们的PPV美元. 我们开始讨论导致Max Holloway退出UFC主赛事的脑震荡症状 226 本星期.


当然,我们还会在今晚的TUF总决赛和期待已久的UFC中预告UFC的一个巨大周末 226 Stipe Miocic的主要事件是将他的重量级腰带与轻重量级冠军Daniel Cormier并列.





加里·拉塞尔JR. VS. 约瑟夫·迪亚兹JR. 决赛新闻发布会行情 & 照片

Featherweight World Champion Russell Jr. Battles Unbeaten Challenger Diaz Jr. 星期六, 五月 19 住在Showtime
From MGM National Harbor in Maryland
点击 这里 从阿曼达韦斯科特/ SHOWTIME照片

国家港口, MD. (五月 17, 2018) – WBC轻量级世界冠军 加里·拉塞尔JR. and unbeaten top contender 约瑟夫· “乔乔” 迪亚兹JR. went face-to-face Thursday at the final press conference two days before they enter the ring May 19 住在Showtime (10:05 P.M. ET / PT) in the main event from MGM National Harbor in Maryland.




The battle between the 2008 中美. Olympian Russell Jr. 而 2012 中美. Olympian Diaz Jr. is part of a split-site SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING telecast that will feature WBC Light Heavyweight World Champion 阿多尼斯史蒂文森 defending his title against two-division world champion 八斗杰克 in a main event from Toronto.




门票活动, which is promoted by TGB Promotions in association with Golden Boy Promotions, are on sale now and are available by visitingHTTP://mgmnationalharbor.com/.




Both fighters were joined on stage by their fathers who also train them, with Gary Russell Sr. and Joseph Diaz Sr. sitting by their sons ahead of Saturday’s matchup. Here is what the press conference participants had to say Thursday from MGM National Harbor:






“我们 120 percent ready for fight night. We’re hungry. As long as I have this strap, nobody is walking in here and taking it. I know Diaz is going to bring his best to the table, but we’re ready. The strap is staying at home.




Me and my little brothers Gary Antuanne and Gary Antonio are on the undercard and they’re going to show the work they’ve been doing. Our dad’s birthday is the day after the fight so you know we have to make it special for him.




It’s cool that both me and ‘JoJoare trained by our fathers. Because at the end of the day, when you look at your coach, that’s your last line of defense. When everything else goes wrong, you have to go the corner. You have to have a level of trust and belief in your corner, so who better to have than a parent there?




It’s difficult for me to know if ‘JoJois my toughest opponent since Vasyl Lomachenko because I never train with a lot of worry about my opponents. I think that the biggest thing is preparing myself to the best of my ability and being the best that I can possibly be.




I believe in my ability to make the necessary adjustments, no matter what my opponent brings to the ring. If he wants to come in and box, we are equally as comfortable boxing long ranged as we are making the fight rugged. In order to be great at anything, you have to have a level of versatility. That’s something I bring to the table that a lot of fighters don’t bring.




Diaz worked his way up the ranks to get this fight. He did everything you have to do to get in position to fight for a world title. He’s already mentioned that I’m the best fighter in the division and he knows that all the other champions in the division are afraid to step up and compete against me.




Any fighter who has two months or more to prepare for one opponent is definitely dangerous. We never overlook anyone. I believe in my hand speed, my punching power, my ring generalship and in my ability to make adjustments.




If we can get through this bout, I would love to get in the ring and unify with any of the other featherweight champions. The timing is perfect right now for any of these unification fights. If they still don’t want it, I’m willing to move up in weight to meet any of the guys who have a name. It’s time to make it happen.




I take my hat off to him and to his team for having the guts to step into the ring. There are only certain people who can be made for this sport and it speaks volumes about him as an individual. I don’t expect anything less than a worthy opponent.




It’s a pleasure being here for this fight right near my hometown. We had a very long training camp and everything is feeling good heading into the fight.






It’s right here and around the corner. I’m very excited for the moment to be here. I’ve been waiting for this my whole entire life and I’m not going to take anything for granted. I trained extremely hard for this fight.




I absolutely think Gary is overlooking me. I think he underestimated me. I’ve trained for this my whole entire life. This opportunity has been presented to me by my hard work and it’s really the opportunity of a lifetime. I can’t wait to show everybody my skills and what I’m truly about.




“这是所有关于时机. Gary has the fastest hands in boxing but we’ve watched a lot of tape and we see a lot of flaws. Every fighter has flaws. We’re just going to capitalize on what we see and take full advantage on Saturday night.




I don’t think Gary having not fought since last year will be any kind of advantage. 我希望加里·拉塞尔JR. to be at his best come fight night. I know that I’m at my best and the best man should win on fight night. There shouldn’t be any excuses after this fight and after I win the title.




I believe after I win this title on Saturday night that I’ll be on top of the throne in the featherweight division. Hopefully I can get some big fights soon after that.




I’m prepared for everything he’s going to offer. He’s going to come out and box a little bit and look to use his jab, create angles and use his speed to keep me out of range. It’s going to come to the point where he’s not going to want to move as much and he’ll starting fighting on the inside. That’s where I want to be. We’re going to deliver some great blows and may the best man win.




I know what Gary Russell Jr. brings to the table. I know he’s the toughest fighter in the division but I’m ready to go out there and bring back the WBC title. I’m ready to fight the best and unify all the titles.




It’s going to be fireworks on Saturday night. I’ve had a perfect training camp and I’m on weight. Everything feels great and I can’t wait to step into the ring.




“我做好了一切准备. If it stops early or goes the distance, I’m going to keep pushing each round more than the last.




It would mean everything to win this world title. Not just for myself, but for my whole family. All the hard work and struggles that we’ve been through, it’s finally here. I’m going to do everything I can to come out victorious. Our lives are going to change and I’m going to inspire the youth and the people around me. I want people to know that if you put your mind to it, anything is possible.


加利罗素SR。, Russell’s Father & 训练者




The reason for the inactivity is just politics. We always have the intention on fighting but we want to find the best opponent for Gary. ‘JoJois the mandatory so we’re going to fight him and after we get this win, we’re looking at Leo Santa Cruz, 押尼珥Mares, 卡尔·弗兰普顿. We want to unify.




Before Gary retires from the sport, he’ll move up and do whatever it takes to get a rematch with Lomachenko.




We like to say that this is just Gary’s occupation. He gets paid to fight and he’s able to support his family because of that. All of the accolades don’t really mean anything to him or to us. The WBC belt is definitely the most prestigious, but like Gary said, we’re not really into the little trinkets. He would take it to the pawn shop if he could. We’re not really into those type of accolades. We just want to conduct ourselves as gentlemen, set an example and get paid.


JOSEPH DIAZ SR., Diaz’s Father & 训练者




It’s a blessing to be in this position. I really believe that god didn’t bring us this far only to bring us this far. I really think the journey is going to continue. I’m very proud of my son. He has worked really hard and has shown a lot of will and determination. It means the world to me that he’s pursuing his career and is doing something that he loves doing.





It’s exciting to finally have a fight on the east coast. It’s beautiful out here. Joseph has been wanting to fight out here and now he has that opportunity to meet some of the fans he has out here that he hasn’t had the chance to meet.




“拉塞尔JR. is a fast fighter. He’s skilled and he’s smart in there. We’ve been working on Joseph’s timing. Joseph’s a little deceiving because he kind of moves a little slow but he’s actually much faster than people think he is. The speed of Russell doesn’t affect us at all. Joseph has sparred and fought fast fighters especially in the amateurs.




The plan is to go in there and beat Gary Russell up. And we’re hoping this win sets up bigger and better fights with the Santa Cruz and the Selby’s of the world. All of the champions. We’re hoping to get some of those opportunities because it will bring a lot of attention to the boxing world. Joseph will be a very good ambassador for the sport of boxing.


STEPHEN ESPINOZA, 总统体育 & 活动编程, 欣欣网络公司.




We’re thrilled to be here at MGM National Harbor. MGM is an incredible brand that means a lot in boxing. It is a brand that is known throughout the sport at the highest level and we appreciate the entire MGM organization and their support for the sport.




“加里·拉塞尔JR. VS. ‘JoJoDiaz which is an outstanding matchup. Gary is without questions one of the most skilled-if not the most skilled fighter in any division. He’s known for having the fastest hands in the sport. ‘JoJoDiaz is a young rising star who I’ve known personally since he turned pro. These are two action fighters. They’re fan-friendly fighters who will deliver an action packed night.




It’s been an interesting couple of weeks in boxing. A lot of announcements, new ventures and big promises. But here at SHOWTIME we just keep doing what we’ve been doing, and what we’ve been doing is delivering the best fighters, the biggest fights, week after week and month after month.




SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING is the home of more world champions and more world championship fights than anywhere on any other network. Speaking of title fights, we’re going to have three of them, from three different countries. 在 5 P.M. ETstreaming on the SHOWTIME Facebook and Social Media platforms, we have IBF Featherweight Champion Lee Selby against challenger Josh Warrington. 在 10:05 P.M. AND, we will have Russell Jr. VS. 迪亚兹JR. for the WBC Featherweight title, and immediately following that we’ll take you to Toronto for a light heavyweight world title fight between Adonis Stevenson and Badou Jack.




All six of these fighters competing in Saturday’s world title fights are ranked in the top 10 of their division and have a combined record of 157 wins with only four losses.


PETE BRASCIA, Senior VP of Marketing & Operations, MGM National Harbor




We’re very excited to welcome these fighters and everyone involved in this event, back to MGM National Harbor. One year ago I was on a similar stage as we prepared for Gary Russell Jr. to defend his world title, and he did not disappoint his fans.




The fans here in Prince George’s County and the whole region love a good show and a good fight. They love it even more when they can root on their hometown hero. 周六晚上, 将没有什么不同.




This will be an incredible show between Gary Russell Jr. and the undefeated Olympian ‘JoJo’ 迪亚兹. I’m hoping for good weather Saturday night, but I’m certain we’re going to get a good show.




# # #




欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports,在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, , MrGaryRussellJr, @JosephDiazJr, @TGBPromotions, GoldenBoyBoxing, @MGMNatlHarbor and @Swanson_Comm or become a fan on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxingwww.Facebook.com/MGMNationalHarbor. The event is sponsored by Corona Extra, 最好的啤酒.

FNU搏击运动展: 战斗回顾, Bellator 和 UFC 预览, Chuck vs. 铁托 3?

汤姆, Tony and Rich recap last week’s boxing action, including the quick KO of Vanes Martirosyan by Gennady Golovkin. We also look ahead to Ryan Bader vs. King Mo Lawal in the Bellator Heavyweight Tournament. 另外, Raquel Pennington takes on Amanda Nunes at UFC 224, and Pennington will likely have to win by knockout to get the belt in the Brazilian backyard of Nunes. We also chat about the week’s major news stories in combat sports, namely Chuck Liddell wanting a rematch with Tito Ortiz and Oscar De La Hoya promising to promote the fight in a new MMA venture for the boxing legend and promotional kingpin. 最近, after our broadcast Thursday night, Tito and Chuck moved much closer to that trilogy fight with Tito announcing he is coming out of retirement for the bout. Listen to the whole show by clicking on the link below.

