标记档案: 赫克托卡马乔

名人堂成员“金童”奥斯卡·德拉霍亚出席 2024 名人堂周末

名人堂成员“金童”奥斯卡·德拉霍亚出席 2024 名人堂周末 名人堂 35 周年庆典将于 6 月举行 6 – 9
篮子, 纽约 – 三月 18, 2024 国际拳击名人堂和博物馆, 正在庆祝成立 35 周年 2024, 很高兴地宣布名人堂成员 “金童”奥斯卡·德拉·霍亚 将参加冠军宴会以及计划中的其他活动 2024 名人堂入职周末定于六月举行 6-9.
“从奥运金牌到六个级别的世界冠军, 奥斯卡·德拉·霍亚 (Oscar De La Hoya) 激发了世界各地拳击迷的想象力,”名人堂主任说道 爱德华·布罗菲. “我们非常期待‘金童’回到卡纳斯托塔参加名人堂 35 周年庆典。”

德拉霍亚 (De La Hoya) 代表球队出场 223-5 (153 科斯) 在业余职业生涯中夺得轻量级金牌 1992 奥运会. 同年,他转为职业选手,并夺得了他的第一个世界冠军——WBO 超羽量级冠军 – 仅在他的第 12 场职业比赛中,并且将继续获胜 10 六个重量级别的世界冠军.

他击败的冠军包括豪尔赫·佩斯 (Jorge Paez), 约翰·约翰·莫利纳, 拉斐尔·鲁拉斯, 赫纳罗·埃尔南德斯, 艾克Quartey, 费尔南多·巴尔加斯, 里卡多·马约加和名人堂成员赫克托·卡马乔, 塞萨尔查韦斯, 佩内尔·惠特克和阿图罗·加蒂.

拳击历史上最大的按次付费景点之一. 德拉霍亚 (De La Hoya) 退役 2008 拥有专业记录 39-6 (30 科斯). 在 2002 他建立了促销巨头Golden Boy Promotions. 在 2014 “金童”第一年就入选名人堂.

令人印象深刻的清单超过 35 来自美国和国外的拳击巨星, 包括类别 2024, 返回的名人堂成员和特邀嘉宾将参加名人堂周末庆祝活动.

的类 2024 受到表彰的包括拳击手 哈顿, 伊万·卡尔德隆, 科拉莱斯迭戈 (死后的), 迈克尔·穆勒, 简·沙发, 安娜·玛丽亚·托雷斯, 路易斯·安赫尔·菲尔波 (死后的), 特里萨·基比 (死后的), 训练者 肯尼·亚当斯, 经理 成龙凯伦, 公关人员 弗莱德·斯腾堡, 记者 华莱士·马修斯 和广播公司 尼克·查尔斯 (死后的).
的类 2024 将于六月的名人堂入职周末期间获得表彰 6-9, 2024, 在《拳击的故乡》中。在为期四天的庆祝活动中,卡纳斯托塔和附近的转石度假村赌场将举办许多活动,包括场边谈话, 拳头铸造, 搏击之夜, 5K赛 / 有趣的跑步, 拳击签名卡展示, 宴会, 游行及就职仪式.

完整的活动详细信息可以在 www.ibhof.com. 有关更多信息, 2024 名人堂入职周末, 请致电 (315) 697-7095.


Facebook的: @国际拳击名人堂
Instagram的: @国际拳击名人堂
叽叽喳喳: @拳击馆
Website: www.IBHOF.com

国际拳击名人堂于2017年向公众开放 1989 并致力于保护拳击这项伟大运动的遗产. 位于卡纳斯托塔, 纽约, 它是向世界上最优秀的拳击手和这项运动的贡献者致敬, 让拳击爱好者欣赏和庆祝拳击的丰富历史和传统.

国际拳击名人堂位于出口处 34 纽约州高速公路. 营业时间为周一至周日 10 A.M. 到 4 P.M.
Turning Stone Resort Casino 与国际拳击名人堂之间的多年合作伙伴关系吸引了整个地区, 引起全国关注并促进纽约中部的旅游业. 此次合作包括在 Turning Stone 举办一系列全国电视转播的拳击赛事, 每年 6 月,国际拳击名人堂周末都会精心策划、规模空前,在为期四天的庆祝活动中,将在麦迪逊县和奥奈达县举办多项激动人心的活动,将活动推向高潮.

饰以“ MACHO” CAMACHO的戒指: 过去的对手分享有关传奇世界冠军的故事和见解

玛乔: HECTOR CAMACHO故事周五首映, 十二月 4 在 9 表演时间下午ET / PT ®



纽约– 11月 24, 2020 –传奇拳击偶像赫克托·“猛男”卡马乔的过去对手, 包括“糖”雷伦纳德, 费利克斯·“铁托”特立尼达和名人堂教练弗雷迪·罗奇, 与前世界冠军分享他们的第一手经验,并在比赛开始之前回顾他的商标华丽风格 玛乔: HECTOR CAMACHO的故事 周五纪录片首映礼, 十二月 4 在 9 P.M. ET / PT在Showtime.

玛乔: HECTOR CAMACHO的故事 坚定地看待卓越的生活, 传奇的职业生涯和未解决的拳击最伟大表演者之一的谋杀案。通过对他母亲的罕见而生动的采访, 玛丽亚·马蒂亚斯(Maria Matias), 姐妹, 妻子艾米(Amy)和儿子赫克托(Hector Jr.), 纪录片还深入探讨了这位传奇战士的精神和精神困扰, 他与成瘾的斗争和内心的动荡最终导致了他的死亡-2012年11月,在路边的一次神秘的双重杀人案。 由两次艾美奖导演® 获奖者埃里克·德拉思. 德拉思和丹妮尔·纳萨纳, Live Star Entertainment都, 担任制片人,艾美奖十六次获奖者亚伦·科恩(Aaron Cohen)担任作家和咨询制片人.

除了伦纳德, 特立尼达和罗奇, 历届世界冠军雷·曼奇尼, 格雷格·豪根(Greg Haugen), 文尼·帕齐恩扎(Vinny Pazienza)以及让人们想起攀爬对抗华丽而熟练的赫克托·“马乔”·卡马乔(Hector“ Macho” Camacho)的戒指:

糖雷伦纳德– 3月 1, 1997; 在雷·伦纳德(Ray Leonard)的最后职业战斗中, 卡马乔(Camacho)赢得第五轮将军澳: “我们俩都自然地超越了自己的巅峰时期, 但我只是觉得自己是个大个子. 我比较聪明, 强, 所有这些东西, 但是他第一次挥拳, 它像, 战俘! 我说, '哇, 受伤了。’我尽了最大的努力. 当他处于最佳状态时, 他真是美。”

费利克斯“ TITO” TRINIDAD  -  一月 29, 1994; IBF中量级冠军: “我第一次见到Macho Camacho时 12 岁在波多黎各室内体育馆比赛中. 他已经是世界冠军. 我很敬畏. 卡马乔(Camacho)正在与所有人交谈并成为自己. 他吃了 12 肉馅卷饼一次只是为了好笑.

“当我要和他战斗时, 这是我的第三次卫冕. 我是 21 他当时 10 比我大. 他有很多经验,玩过很多头脑游戏. 在最后的新闻发布会上, 他坐在桌子的尽头–侧身, 有点无视媒体-盯着我. 当他说话的时候, 他只是说垃圾. 他真是个艺人. 当我们到达拉斯维加斯, 就像每一个在十字路口战斗的战士, 我有点紧张. 他是一个伟大的战士. 他是如此有经验和技术. 他有点疯狂,但是他是一个好人. 谦卑.

“战斗之后, 他下巴下来过来祝贺我. 他就像一个不同的人–他是如此友好和镇定. ‘那是一场很好的战斗,' 他告诉我. ‘你将成为伟大的冠军. 继续攀登。’对我来说,这是一次很棒的经历. 那打架之后, 我感到自己作为一名战士已经发生了一些变化。我和Macho Camacho分享了一个戒指. 从那以后你永远都不一样. 他帮助我成为更好的战士. 他是我遇到的第一个波多黎各人. 唯一割伤我的战士. 那天晚上我赢了他 [弗兰基] 兰德尔将朱利奥·塞萨尔·查韦斯(Julio Cesar Chavez)的首场失利交给他. 那是一个历史性的夜晚。”

FREDDIE ROACH-12月 18, 1985; 卡马乔(Camacho)通过一致决定将 28-0: “赫克托·卡马乔是我有史以来最好的拳击手. 他的速度令人难以置信. 在战斗中的某一时刻, 我们陷入困境,我咬了他的肩膀. 他退后一步, 笑了, 告诉我, ‘那行不通。’ 他是对的. 我在处理他的速度时遇到很多麻烦. 你只是无法准备 – 我有一个非常好的训练营. 我真的很想参加那场战斗. 我想我赢了一个回合,那仅仅是因为我踩到他的脚并被撞倒了。战斗之后, 我们在酒店大堂碰面,他带我在酒店餐厅共进晚餐. 整个晚餐我们都在谈笑. 他是个好人。”

RAY MANCINI –三月 6, 1989; 卡马乔(Camacho)赢得了空缺的WBO少年次中量级冠军的分手决定: “赫克托尔具有避免出拳的奇特能力. 他的手速极佳, 运动和反射. 他和所有人在一起. 而且他像地狱一样有趣. 首先, 我受不了他. 但是一旦我们退休, 我们把斧头埋了起来,每次见面时, 那是拥抱和笑声. 他让所有人都笑了. 他是个好人. 当我听到有关他被谋杀的消息时,我很伤心. 在我的书中, 当你谈论历史上的伟人, 他在波多黎各人的战斗机中名列前五名, 20 为拉丁裔战士。”                 

格雷格豪根  - 二月 23, 五月 18, 1991; 卡马乔(Camacho)的第一个职业失利和WBO Jr的复赛. 轻中量级世界冠军: “卡马乔(Camacho)希望与朱利奥·塞萨尔·查韦斯(Julio Cesar Chavez)进行一场不败之战的大战,这就是我的战斗方式. 但是我研究了他的打架,我知道赫克托只喜欢打一分钟, 每轮半分钟. 我打算打架的打算是让他每轮打三分钟. 我用身体射击打他,他畏缩了一下. 还有, 我整场比赛都在跟他说话, 所以他很沮丧. 所以我们到了 12 一轮,他因在我拒绝接触手套的情况下,最终被吸盘打向我。, 他们最终从他那里得到一点点,这使我赢得了战斗. (在复赛中) 他很确定自己输了, 他实际上是在战斗后离开了戒指. 发起人丹·杜瓦(Dan Duva)必须将他拉出更衣室,并基本上说服他重回赛场以听取决定. 他必须赢得这场战斗,因为那将使他与查韦斯保持一致. 我以为我在第二战中比第一战更能击败他。”

VINNY耐心-2月 3, 1990; 卡马乔赢得了WBO轻中量级冠军的一致决定: “我以为我要毁了他. 我以为我会一直穿过他. 但是他比我想象的要强大得多,也快得多. 我在想, '天啊, 我待了很长的夜晚。’他像其他战斗一样为我做好了准备. 他是如此的充实和准备. 他下了所有药. 他没有喝酒. 他起得很高,打败我之后, 他再也不是一样了. 赫克托就是这样一个角色. 他以我的能力超越了我. 他是个野蛮人,一生都很野性。”

PJ GOOSSEN –六月 18, 1999; 卡马乔(Camacho)在 37 改善他的纪录 68-4-1: “那对我来说是一个糟糕的夜晚. 我肋骨断了三根, 没人真的知道. 所以, 我几乎无法呼吸, 更别说打架了, 但这就是有时候拳击所要做的. 当我们准备战斗时, 他的更衣室就在我的旁边,他们把这扇门隔开了. 我能在战斗大喊之前听到他的声音, ‘猛男时间!’‘猛男时间!’他撞到了墙. 而且他一直在做, 大喊大叫. 很好, 他猛地撞上了门,以至于被砸破,然后掉进了我的更衣室. 所以, 他站起来,穿过另一个开口走回去,说, “对不起。”实际上很有趣,我和我的父亲和兄弟都在笑. 当他被炒作和我打架时,回去道歉. 我会将他标记为有史以来最好的左撇子之一, 特别是当他身材轻巧时。”

SHOWTIME®体育纪录片宣布 “马霍: 赫克托·卡马乔的故事”


周五首映, 十二月 4 在 9 PM ET / PT

纽约–十月 27, 2020 –欣欣体育纪录片今天宣布将播出 玛乔: HECTOR CAMACHO的故事, an unflinching look at the remarkable life, storied career and unsolved murder of one of boxing’s greatest showmen. Premiering Friday, 十二月 4 在 9 P.M. ET / PT在Showtime, the documentary debuts just two weeks after the eighth anniversary of Camacho’s fatal shooting in Bayamon, 波多黎各.

For the first time on film, 玛乔: HECTOR CAMACHO的故事 offers a thorough examination of an unlikely sports hero. The film celebrates Camacho’s sublime boxing skills and the unbridled charisma that brought Spanish Harlem and Puerto Rican culture to the center of the sports world. Through rare and revealing interviews with his mother, 玛丽亚·马蒂亚斯(Maria Matias), 姐妹, 妻子艾米(Amy)和儿子赫克托(Hector Jr.), 纪录片还深入探讨了这位传奇战士的精神和精神困扰, his battle with addiction and the inner turmoil that ultimately lead to his demise – a mysterious double homicide on a roadside in November 2012.

“Macho Camacho’s charisma, boxing prowess and flamboyant style made him a Puerto Rican sports icon, 和, for a time, the biggest star in boxing. When he stepped into the ring, everyone knew it was ‘Macho Time,’” said Stephen Espinoza, 总统, 体育和事件编程, 欣欣网络公司. “This film reveals the complex highs and lows of Hector’s life: the joy he brought so many, as well as the demons that he battled privately behind the scenes. Through it all, 然而, Camacho brought boxing a level of showmanship and flamboyance that was far ahead of his time.”

Born in Bayamon and raised in the projects of Spanish Harlem in the 1970s, Camacho ascended to the pinnacle of boxing. His dynamic speed, footwork and power combined with his unparalleled showmanship helped usher in a new era of modern boxing and made him a member of an exclusive club of fighters who transcended the sport. The film tells the story of Camacho’s rise from a troubled youth to a multi-division world champion. 玛乔: HECTOR CAMACHO的故事 revisits Camacho’s unforgettable performances against legends such as Roberto Duran, Sugar Ray Leonard and Julio Cesar Chavez, and pivotal career turning points in bouts with Ray “Boom Boom” Mancini and beloved New England fighter Vinny Pazienza. Through all the ups and downs and wins and losses, Camacho’s story of resilience is inspiring, 虽然, 到底, there was one opponent he could never beat – himself.

玛乔: HECTOR CAMACHO的故事 directed by two-time Emmy® 获奖者埃里克·德拉思 (Assault in the Ring and No Más, 30 为 30), and produced by Drath and Danielle Naassana, Live Star Entertainment都. Sixteen-time Emmy Award winner Aaron Cohen served as writer and consulting producer.

欣欣网络公司. (SNI), ViacomCBS Inc.的全资子公司。, 拥有和经营的付费电视网络SHOWTIME®, 电影频道 和FLIX®, 并且还提供了精彩表演ON DEMAND®, 电影频道 ON DEMAND和FLIX ON DEMAND®, 而网络的认证服务SHOWTIME ANYTIME®. 欣欣数码有限公司, SNI的全资子公司, 操作单机流媒体服务SHOWTIME®. SHOWTIME is currently available to subscribers via cable, 星展银行, 和电信提供商, 并通过亚马逊作为独立的流媒体服务, 苹果®, 谷歌, LG智能电视, Oculus Go, 年®, 三星智能电视, Xbox One 和 PlayStation®4. 消费者还可以通过亚马逊的主要视频频道订阅SHOWTIME, 苹果电视频道, AT&现在的电视, 富宝电视, 葫芦, Roku频道, Sling TV和YouTube TV. 观看者还可以在以下计算机上观看 Showtime.com. SNI营销和分销的体育和娱乐活动的展览用户在付费观看基础上,通过SHOWTIME PPV®. 欲了解更多信息, 到 www.SHO.com.
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曼彻斯特, 康涅狄格州. (二月 12, 2020) - 女子先锋成龙凯伦, 第一,可以说是最成功的女管理者在拳击历史, 坚信不败21岁“奇” Mykquan威廉姆斯 (15-0-1, 7 科斯) 将发展成为她的第六个世界冠军.

威廉姆斯, 战东哈特福德的出, CT, 是卫冕世界拳击理事会 (WBC) 美国超轻量级冠军.

“的myKey有很多特质的一些拳击的伟人,”凯伦说:. “他有一些战士像闪存和速度 雷·伦纳德, 和训练习惯和奉献精神 托马斯·赫恩斯迈克·泰森. 他还有一个杀手的微笑和良好的模样 赫克托卡马乔, SR.

“的myKey可以走一路世界冠军。他有速度, 态度, 和心脏, 以及卓越的拳击能力。他已经被他的教练精心打理, 保罗Cichon, 谁一直保持的myKey忠实于自己的风格, 努力完善自己的技能。的myKey苦练, 吃正确的, 并认真地对待比赛。”

“成龙的经验非常丰富,在拳击比赛中知识渊博,”威廉姆斯说。 “她与一些伟大的工作, 世界级的战士, 所以,她知道的路线可供选择,我到那里。”

Cichon添加, “我找到了成龙作为我们的经理,因为她对体育的热爱, 还有的说,她带来的表的知识。她很受尊重, 她不愧是“。

因为凯伦捂住了底特律日报的第一次战斗在1978年拳击大大改变了卡展示赫恩斯和米奇古德温.  她瞬即风扇,并写下拳击定期。总部设在底特律的一个传奇教练/经理, 伊曼纽尔管家, 聘请她担任他的著名Kronk健身房一个公关。一些她最好的朋友,这一天是战士谁她带回工作,然后。她与赫恩斯仍扎堆.

作为Kronk的公关服务了十年之后, 凯伦决定另辟蹊径,她开始管理战机。她的第一个客户是重量级鲍比的话, 谁是当今一个成功的启动子和餐馆在芝加哥。她继续管理一组谁是谁的战士, 包括世界冠军詹姆斯·托尼布龙科·麦卡特汤姆“轰隆轰隆”约翰逊平克隆·托马斯 和nonito Donaire主场.

凯伦, 谁在拳击行业克服了性别歧视, 最出名的是, 也许, 她正与托尼的关系, 这主要是因为在此期间,她的生活是流行的灵感 2004 电影, 对绳索, 主演梅格·瑞恩 作为凯伦.

“拳击今天是一个完全不同的动物,”她解释. “这并不是说这是好还是坏, 只是不同。曾经有在每一个城市更多的体育场馆, 重业余方案, 很多节目对电视网络, 和足够的当地俱乐部表演,以保持一个年轻的战士活跃。我的家伙,然后回谁打 8 到 10 回一年, 哪, 当然, 在几乎是不可能的 2020.

“没有为对手提供太多的信息无论是。如果你是幸运的, 你可以买一个带. 如果战斗机一直没在电视上, 虽然, 你是幸运的了。有没有上网, 所以没有什么像BoxRec检查对手的记录。你只是不得不相信媒人。我期待的战士打 14-4 人谁在发现了权衡,他居然16-0是“。

拳击, 可能是第二古老的职业, 继续生存, 尽管经常在过山车.

“今天的战士一样快不打对方,因为他们在赫恩斯/哈格勒/伦纳德/杜兰的日子,”凯伦说。 “那时候, 战士想真的打起来是他们可能是最好的。我看到战士今天更加的分析和采取的机会少.

“此外,也有今天制裁组织。当年很大部分的WBA, WBC和IBF。更何况从来就没有谁的同时管理数十座拳手的一个人。本场比赛肯定已经改变!”

凯伦, 虽然仍投入巨资在她热爱的运动。自信威廉姆斯将她的下一个世界冠军, 她的梦想是被引导入名人堂与托尼。

“1992年,” 凯伦总结, “我被评为和我对这项运动的热爱‘年度最佳经理’从未减弱。只要有有人才出,需要指导, 我会保持活跃。”


叽叽喳喳:  @MarvelousMyke, @JackieKallen

Instagram的: @ M.mkw_, @ jackie.Kallen

Facebook的: /MykquanWilliams, /PaulCichon, /JackieKallen



大西洋城, N.J. – 十一月 27, 2017 – Evander Holyfield and Bob Arum headline the 2018 inductees into the Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame.
The Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame (ACBHOF) 已经宣布了 25 成员 2018 Induction Class, which also includes President Donald J. Trump. This epic event will take place at The Claridge, a Radisson Hotel located at Park Place & Boardwalk in Atlantic City, 新泽西 六月 1 – 3, 2018.
大西洋城, New Jersey Mayor-Elect Frank M. Gilliam Jr. 评论, “The future of boxing in Atlantic City is brighter than ever. Being the newly elected Mayor of the City of Atlantic City, New Jersey it gives me great honor to be a part of bringing the 2nd Annual Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame Induction Weekend back to our Great City. I believe boxing and Atlantic City has always been a natural fit and we see it returning to its glory days, and under my administration, we plan on welcoming it back wholeheartedly: Congratulations to the ACBHOF “2018” Inductees!”
The Claridge Hotel serves as the signature Corporate Sponsor for this knockout weekend, “The Claridge is proud to be in partnership with the Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame and to continue to promote professional boxing’s exceptional history in Atlantic City,” says Cem Erenler, Vice President/ Operations & Business Development for TMJ Properties, the owner and developer of The Claridge. The iconic hotel, which is now part of the global Radisson brand first opened in 1930. “Hosting this signature event is in the best traditions of The Claridge, which for more than 80 years has been Atlantic City’s center for exciting events in sports and entertainment,” 先生. Erenler said.
该 2018 inductees in the Fighter category are:
Héctor Camacho (死后的)
Bobby Czyz
Jeff Chandler
Richie Kates

Trainer and Cutmen
Carmen Graziano

George Benton
Ralph Citro
Dan Duva
Diane Fischer-Cristiano
Ed Derian
Jean Williams
Jersey Joe Walcott
Dave Weinberg
Ray Bailey
Mark Etess
President Donald J. Trump

Evander Holyfield stated: “I have many great memories fighting in Atlantic City, and I am honored to be inducted into its Hall of Fame.
The 2nd Annual Induction Ceremony & Celebration Weekend will honor some of the world’s most prominent trailblazers from the sport of boxing: President Donald J. Trump, José Sulaimán, and Bob Arum are just a few names who will be enshrined with the 2018 induction class. Also expected to be in attendance; current and former boxing champions, and VIP Guests for a fun-filled weekend that’s highlighted by a black-tie evening, and the acclaimed, unforgettable Induction Ceremony.
The Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame is here to stay! The epic success of our 2017 Inaugural Induction weekend was pivotal to our brand value in the boxing and business community,” said Rodrick Green Vice President and Business Strategist for ACBHOF. “We are excited about the economic and sports entertainment impact the ACBHOF will continue to have in Atlantic City. Thank you for your support and be reassured that at the 2018 Induction Celebration the bar will be raised even higher.
Over the next several weeks there will be updates on the schedule of events, room packages and expected VIP appearances on the Atlantic City Boxing Hall of Fame and the Claridge Hotel websites and social media platforms.
We’re excited about the ACBHOF 2018 Induction Class; I believe our nomination committee did an incredible job in selecting a diverse and richly deserving group of individuals. I’m extremely proud of this class because it contains three remarkable women: Diane Fischer-Cristiano, Jean Williams, and Marian Muhammad. The ACBHOF team along with our partners and sponsors are looking forward to June where we will pay homage to our 2018 入选,” said Ray McCline ACBHOF President and Founder.

Wilfredo Vázquez, Jr.-JuanMaLópez press Conference quotes & 图片

(L-R) — Wilfredo Vasquez, JR. & 胡安·曼努埃尔·洛佩斯
(other press conference pictures below. Press conference video available – 西班牙 – upon request)
SAN JUAN, 波多黎各 (十月 25, 2016) – A near brawl broke out today between former world champions 维尔弗雷 “PapitoVázquez, JR. (24-6-1, 19 科斯) 和 胡安·曼努埃尔· “JuanMaLópez (34-5, 31 科斯) at today’s press conference, during the traditional face-off picture, in advance of 这个星期六 night’s grudge showdown, airing live on pay per view from Roberto Clemente Coliseum in San Juan, 波多黎各.
Guerra En El Clemente: Vázquez Jr. v. López, presented by Black Tiger Promotions, is being distributed live by Integrated Sports Media in the United States and Puerto Rico, 开始 9 P.M. AND /6 P.M. PT, 双方 电缆卫星 pay per view on iN Demand, DISH, DIRECTV, Liberty Cable, Claro TV and Vubiquity. The event will also be available to watch across Canada on Fight Network, as well as via Fite TV app for iOS and Android devices or watch on the www.Fite.TV 网站. Suggested retail price is $29.95.
WILFREDO VASQUEZ, JR。: ‘JuanMaLopez and many people have belittled me. They have disparaged my sacrifice, the food that I put on the table for my family, 但 星期六 I will hurt him. I have a Maciavelli plan to destroy him so he will respect me. I respect everybody that has had a rough time.
JUAN MANUEL LOPEZ: Vasquez was interrupting at all times during the press conference. He was singing out loud and during the face-to-face picture he tried to kiss me and I did not permit. I understand that he’s afraid and what a better moment than in front of everybody including the press to release his emotions.
CARLOS MALDONADO, President of Black Tiger Promotions: “Security will be tripled for 周五 weigh in so everybody can feel at ease and secure including the press.
In other PPV fights, 前世界冠军挑战者 乔纳森·奥肯 (26-5, 16 科斯) takes on Mexican rival GustavoEl Gustavo” 莫利纳 (23-13, 9 科斯) 在10轮的共同特征.
世界拳击理事会 (WBC) FECARBOX junior welterweight champion Yomar “魔术” 阿拉摩 (11-0, 8 科斯), the reigning, will be fighting in his first scheduled 10-round bout against 埃德温· “Bazookita” 洛佩兹 (27-6-1, 24 科斯).
Puerto Rico Olympian Jantony Ortiz (5-0, 3 科斯) faces fellow Puerto Rican bantamweight 路易斯·埃尔南德斯 in a 6-round match to open the PPV action.
Websites: www.blacktigerpromotionspr@gmail.com, 万维网.integratedsportsnet,同
叽叽喳喳: @integratedPPV


Juan Manuel López-Wilfredo Vázquez, JR. PPV
This Saturday night in San Juan, 波多黎各
SAN JUAN, 波多黎各 (十月 25, 2016) – Former 3-time, 2-division work champion 胡安·曼努埃尔· “JuanMaLópez (34-5, 31 科斯) held an open workout yesterday in Puerto Rico in advance of his showdown this Saturday night against former world 维尔弗雷”PapitoVázquez, JR. (24-6-1, 19 科斯) airing live on pay per view from Roberto Clemente Coliseum in San Juan, 波多黎各.
Guerra En El Clemente: Vázquez Jr. VS. López, presented by Black Tiger Promotions, will be distributed live by Integrated Sports Media in the United States and Puerto Rico, 开始 9 P.M. AND / 6 P.M. PT, 双方 电缆卫星 pay per view on iN Demand, DISH, DIRECTV and Vubiquity. The event will also be available to watch across Canada on Fight Network, as well as via Fite TV app for iOS and Android devices or watch on the www.Fite.TV 网站. Suggested retail price is $29.95.
Link to Lopezvideo workout for download purposes
叽叽喳喳: @integratedPPV

胡安·曼努埃尔· “JuanMaLópez plans to KO WilfredoPapitoVázquez, JR.

十月. 20 PPV live from San Juan, 波多黎各
9 P.M. AND / 6 P.M. PT
TENAFLY, 新泽西州 (九月 25, 2016) – 前两届处世界冠军胡安·曼努埃尔· “JuanMaLópez plans to knockout bitter arch-rival 维尔弗雷”PapitoVázquez, JR., also a past world titlist, in their 12-round Special Attraction showdown星期六, 十月 8, airing live on pay per view from San Juan, 波多黎各.
Guerra En El Clemente: Vázquez Jr. v. López, presented by Black Tiger Promotions, will be distributed by Integrated Sports Media live, 开始 9 P.M. AND / 6 P.M. PT, in the United States and Puerto Rico on both 电缆卫星 pay per view on iN Demand, DISH, DIRECTV and Vubiquity. The event will also be available to watch across Canada on Fight Network, as well as via Fite TV app for iOS and Android devices or watch on thewww.Fite.TV 网站. Suggested retail price is $29.95.
The Vázquez, JR. VS. López main event is presented in association with Matias Entertainment and sponsored by Best Alarms and Municipio de San Juan.
The 33-year-old López (34-5, 31 科斯), fighting out of Caguas, 波多黎各, 是前世界拳击组织 (WBO) super bantamweight and featherweight world champion. 从 2008 到 2010, “胡安马” was one of the top pound-4-pound fighters in the world, but he hasn’t fought 在两年heading into his much anticipated confrontation with his fellow countryman Vázquez, JR.
I still think I have a lot left in the tank,” López confidently said from his Puerto Rican training camp. “This is the first fight of my career that I feel I owe to fans because of the history behind it. I don’t think there will be any rust because I have been training for many, months and I have been inside the gym working hard. Maybe the agility I had four or five years ago isn’t quite the same, true, but at the same time I am more mature and much more calm and more intelligent in the ring. I definitely feel that I am a better fighter than ever before.
Vázquez, JR. (24-6-1, 19 科斯), the son of the great three-time division world champion Wilfredo Vázquez, fights out of Bayamón whose best known boxing son is late Hall of Famer Héctor “马霍” 卡马乔. Vázquez became the vacant WBO super bantamweight world champion in 2010, 淘汰此前保持不败 Marvin Sonsona (14-0-1) 在第四轮.
I think my opponent is a very persistent fighter and a person who will do anything to meet his goals, even though that will make him behave improperly,” López added. “I think it will be a very aggressive fight, more of a brawl, and I’m sure the night of the fight I will be the stronger fighter. I will dominate him, 一轮轮, and the first moment I have an opportunity to go for the kill, I will pressure him and won’t stop until I get a knockout.

Integrated Sports Media secures Vasquez, Jr.-Lopez PPV rights in U.S. and Puerto Rico for Oct. 8 斗气比赛

Live from San Juan, 波多黎各
9 P.M. AND / 6 P.M. PT
TENAFLY, 新泽西州 (九月 18, 2016) — 综合体育媒体, North America’s undisputed leader of pay-per-view distribution of major boxing events, has secured the rights to for the much anticipated showdown between former world champions 维尔弗雷 “Papito” 巴斯克斯, JR.胡安·曼努埃尔· “JuanMa” 洛佩兹, 领衔 “Guerra En El Clemente,” 星期六 夜晚, 十月 8, live from San Juan, 波多黎各.
Guerra En El Clemente: Vasquez Jr. 洛佩兹, presented by Black Tiger Media, will be distributed by Integrated Sports Media live, 开始 9 P.M. AND / 6 P.M. PT, in the United States and Puerto Rico on both 电缆卫星 pay per view on iN Demand, DISH, DIRECTV and Vubiquity. The event will also be available to watch across Canada on Fight Network, as well as via Fite TV app for iOS and Androide devises or watch on the www.Fite.TV网站. Suggested retail price is $29.95.
We’re excited to bring North American boxing fans a true grudge match between former world champions Wilfredo Vasquez, JR. and Juan Manuel Lopez,” 综合体育传媒总裁 道格·雅各布斯 说. “It’s also a crossroads fight with the winner most likely back as a legitimate world title contender and the loser possibly facing retirement. They really don’t like each other and sparks will be flying from the opening bell. Additional pay-per-view fights will be announced soon and with the passion of Puerto Rican fighters, we anticipate a can’t-miss show for real boxing fans.
I am thrilled and happy to be able to present this highly anticipated event to boxing fans in Puerto Rico and the United States,” 说 Carlos Maldonado, President of Black Tiger Promotions. “The response from all cable and satellite providers has been phenomenal. This fight promises to be an all-out war in the ring, non-stop action from the opening bell until the end, which could happen at any moment. No hype; these guys really don’t like each other. “
The 12-round Vasquez, JR. VS. Lopez main event is presented in association with Matias Entertainment and sponsored by Best Alarms and Municipio de San Juan.
The 32-year-old Vasquez, JR. (24-6-1, 19 科斯), the son of the great 3-time division world champion Wilfredo Vasquez, fights out of the boxing hotbed of Bayamon, 波多黎各, which is known for producing great boxers including the late Hall of Famer 赫克托 “马霍” 卡马乔. He captured the vacant World Boxing Organization (WBO) super bantamweight world title in 2010, 阻止此前不败 Marvin Sonsona (14-0-1) by way of a fourth-round knockout.
瓦斯奎兹, JR. made a pair of successful title defenses against 15-0 Zsolt Bedak(TKO10) 和 26-6-1 伊万·埃尔南德斯(TKO11), before losing his title belt in 2011 到 Ĵorge Arce (将军澳12) marking the only time Vasquez has been stopped in his nearly 10-year professional boxing career. He had another world title shot in 2012, losing a 12-round majority decision to nonito Donaire主场 (27-1) for the vacant WBO 122-pound division championship.
洛佩兹 (34-5, 31 科斯), fighting out of Caguas, 波多黎各, is a former WBO super bantamweight and featherweight world champion. 从 2008 到 2010, “JuanMawas one of the most feared punchers in boxing, as well as one of its most popular because of his electrifying performances in the ring and engaging personality. During this stretch, he developed into one of the leading pound-4-pound fighters in the working, defeating a Who’s Who of the top super bantamweights and featherweights in the world such as 34-1 Daniel De Leon (将军澳1), 33-1 Sergio Medina(将军澳1), 54-6-2 Gerry Penalosa (RTD10), 37-1-1 Steve Luevano (37-1-1) 和 39-5 马奎斯 (RTD8).
洛佩兹, 33, who hasn’t fought 在两年, 转为职业球员在 2005 and the gifted southpaw won his first 30 打架. All five of Lopezcareer losses have been to world champions: 奥兰多萨利多 两次, 米奇·加西亚, 弗朗西斯科·巴尔加斯Jesus Marcelo Andres Cuellar
叽叽喳喳: @integratedPPV



Tune In 今晚10 P.M. AND/PT在SHOWTIME EXTREME® To Relive Chavez vs. 赫克托“男子汉”卡马乔; Watch Round 12 现在:HTTP://s.sho.com/2996PsP

更多, 查韦斯 vs. Pernell “Sweet Pea” Whitaker, VS.弗兰基·兰德尔二世 and vs. Meldrick Taylor II On “Throwback Thursdays” This Month


纽约 (七月 7, 2016) – Widely acknowledged as the preeminent Mexican-born fighter in history and one of the greatest prizefighters of all time, 塞萨尔查韦斯 will be honored as SHOWTIME体育® airs classic Chavez fights in continuation of its year-long celebration of 30 years of 精彩表演拳击锦标赛.


The month will be highlighted by four of the incomparable Chavez’ most memorable fights – against 赫克托“男子汉”卡马乔, Pernell “Sweet Pea” Whitaker, the second of three fights with 弗兰基·兰德尔 and the rematch with Meldrick泰勒. All four fights will air Thursdays at 10 P.M. AND/PT在Showtime EXTREME (full schedule below).


多年来,, the revered ring legend was considered the world’s best pound-for-pound fighter. In an amazing 25-year-career (1980-2005), Chavez fought 115 时 (107-6-2 同 88 击倒). 在最高级别, he competed in four weight classes – 130 磅至 147 pounds – and was a six-time world champion in three divisions.


He holds records for the most world title successful defenses (27), most title fight victories (31), most title fights (37) and the second-most title defenses won by 昏死 (21, 后 乔·路易斯 同 23). Chavez was 31-4-2 同 21 KOs in world title fights. A multiple 年度战斗机 优胜者, Chavez was inducted into the International Boxing Hall of Fame in 2011.


The fights will air on “Throwback 星期四” during the month of July at 10 P.M. AND/PT在Showtime EXTREME® and are available on SHOWTIME ON DEMAND®, SHOWTIME ANYTIME® and via the network’s online streaming service.


Below is the schedule of SHOWTIME EXTREME premieres for the month of July:

  • TONIGHT/星期四, 七月 7: 查韦斯 vs. 卡马乔
  • 星期四, 七月 14: 查韦斯 vs. 惠特克
  • 星期四, 七月 21: Chavez Randal II
  • 星期四, 七月 28: 查韦斯 vs. Taylor II


“Throwback 星期四” Tidbits

  • WBC super featherweight champion Chavez (81-0) and his WBO counterpart, 卡马乔, fought on Sept. 12, 1992, 在拉斯维加斯. JCC turned back a determined bid by “Macho” to take a unanimous 12-round decision.


  • Chavez had an 87-fight winning streak end when he and WBC welterweight champion Whitaker fought to a highly controversial 12-round majority draw in Sept. 10, 1993, at the Alamodome in San Antonio. One judge scored it for “Sweet Pea” by 115-113; the others had it 115-115.


  • Chavez was dealt his initial defeat on a 12-round split decision to nemesis Randall on Jan. 29, 1994. 在复赛以下 五月 7, Chavez won a razor-thin, split eight-round technical decision after the fight was stopped because of a large cut over Chavez’ eyebrow. Chavez and Randall would fight a third time, with Chavez taking the rubber match on a clear, unanimous 10-round decision on May 22, 2004.


  • Chavez went 2-0 against Taylor, winning by eighth-round knockout in a rematch on Sept. 17, 1994. In their initial fight four-and-a-half years earlier, Chavez rallied to win by 12-回合暂停.

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