标记档案: 德米特里银行

4 月 1 日在奥兰多举行的“救赎之夜”行动中佛罗里达州顶级拳击前景


奥兰多, 佛罗里达州. (三月 13, 2023) – 佛罗里达州许多最有前途的拳击新秀, 包括几位有前途的古巴拳击手, 将在“救赎之夜”卡片上展示, 在星期六晚上, 四月 1, 在奥兰多的加勒比皇家度假村, 佛罗里达.  

“救赎之夜,” 由 Orlando Boxing Promotions 和 Boxlab Promotions 共同推广, 将在奥兰多按次付费直播盒子电视网

“Caribe Royale 期待在四月举办‘救赎之夜’ 1ST,”阿莫里·彼德拉说, 常务董事, 加勒比皇家度假村. “Boxlab Promotions 和 Orlando Boxing Promotions 之间的这次联合促销活动将包括 Idalberto Umara 的现任地区冠军捍卫他的 Fedecaribe 冠军头衔, 以及奥兰多的 Adrian Pinheiro 等崭露头角的新星, 约万尼埃斯特拉, 约书亚勒布朗, 和别的. 我们总是很自豪能在度假村举办像这张拳击卡这样的活动, 吸引了游客和当地人. 这应该是一个美好的夜晚,让我们当地的年轻天才能够在佛罗里达州中部的拳击之家展示他们的技能, 加勒比皇家度假村。”

“我非常高兴能在我居住的奥兰多宣传我的第一场演出,”奥兰多拳击推广协会主席托尼·布兰科评论道, 谁在康涅狄格州生活和宣传节目. “与 Boxlab 一起宣传这个节目, 这是佛罗里达州中部的一家大型拳击公司, 在像加勒比皇家度假村这样美丽的地方,它的工作人员真是太棒了。”

波兰重量级不败阿德里安“漂亮男孩”皮涅罗 (10-0-1, 9 科斯), 从奥兰多战斗, 将在与 Demetrius Banks 的 8 轮主赛事中成为头条新闻 (5 科斯), 底特律. 今年 2 月,25 岁​​的 Pinheiro 结束了他作为职业球员的唯一一场未获胜的经历 25, 与以赛亚汤普森打成 6 轮平局. Bank 因破坏 Antwaun Tubbs 的职业首秀而闻名, 前世界重量级冠军托尼·塔布斯的儿子,  通过 4 轮技术淘汰赛 2014.

“阿德里安在上一场比赛打成平局后正在寻求救赎 (二月. 25 VS. 以赛亚汤普森),”布兰科补充道, 谁训练皮涅罗. “他正在加紧打他的第一个预定的 8 轮比赛和他的第一个主要赛事. 他打平了,但他认为这是一场失败. 他想把那场战斗抛在脑后,继续前进. 他不仅想去 8 发, 但他也想打一场硬仗, 持久的对手. 大多数战士平局, 他们想要一场调整战来重建他们的信心, 但阿德里安已经准备好迎接他职业生涯中的下一步。”

6 轮联合赛事不败 22 岁的 Jeovanny Estela, 10-0, 3 科斯) 将把他完美的职业记录放在对阵索尔“纳瓦霍”科拉尔的线上 (23-20, 13 科斯), 墨西哥. 畜栏, 谁是前 WBC FECARBOX 次中量级冠军, 显然代表了埃斯特拉年轻职业拳击生涯中最严峻的考验. 久经沙场的科拉尔曾与萨达姆·阿里和维克多·奥尔蒂斯等世界冠军同台竞技, 以及几个竞争者, 和像 Estella 这样的热门前景.

古巴 Idalberto Umara (9-1, 6 科斯), 战斗了迈阿密, 将在与即将宣布的挑战者的 10 轮冠军争夺战中首次卫冕 WBA Fedecaribe 轻量级冠军. 今年 2 月,乌马拉在最后一场比赛中以第二轮技术击倒 Deivi Julio 夺得了他的 Fedecarbie 冠军腰带 25 在奥兰多的 Caribe Royale.

另外两名古巴拳击手计划参加比赛. 总部位于迈阿密的 Damian Lascaille (3-0, 2 科斯) VS. 4 轮比赛待定, 而拉斯维加斯重量级人物亨利·鲁伊斯·科尔多瓦 (1-0, 1 KO) 与经验丰富的墨西哥拳击手 Jose “Olympico” Humberto Corrall 进行了 6 轮比赛 (20-32, 12 科斯).

奥兰多重量级 Daine Smikle (1-0), 谁是牙买加国家拳击队的成员, 是前康涅狄格州居民 (新天堂) 就像在奥兰多定居的布兰科. Smikle 在 4 轮比赛中 vs. TBA.

同样在 undercard 中战斗的是 4 轮选手是奥兰多超次中量级 Ramiro De Jesus (2-0, 1 KO) VS. 支持首次亮相的布莱恩杜兰, 迈阿密; 奥兰多重量级 A'Mire “Devine” Lewis (4-0, 3 科斯) VS. TBA, 奥兰多轻量级和波多黎各本地人乔纳森科尔特斯 (1-0, 1 KO) VS. TBA; 和奥兰多的超雏量级约书亚勒布朗 (5-0-1, 4 科斯) VS. TBA.


门票售价 $100.00 (马戏团), $75.00 预留座位, $40.00 普通门票,可在https://www.ticketmaster.com/event/22005E67806EB93E

门开处 6 P.M. AND, 第一回合 7 P.M. AND.

信息 :


叽叽喳喳: @盒子实验室

Instagram的: @orlandoboxing, @orlandoboxingclub, @boxlab, @heavy_ap


距美国第一大会议和旅游目的地的华特迪士尼世界® 度假区仅数分钟路程, Caribe Royale Orlando 是奥兰多唯一的 AAA 四钻全套房会议度假村. 猫途鹰 2022 旅行者之选奖得主——仅次于 10 全球 % 的酒店获得此殊荣——高档的 Caribe Royale 正从 $140 百万翻新,包括全面改造其所有一居室套房, 全新的 50,000 平方英尺大宴会厅 (使整个会议空间达到 220,000 平方英尺), 和一个诱人的新大厅. 私有化, Caribe Royale 为会议策划者提供更快的批准周期和更大的灵活性来创建突出的事件. 了解更多信息或预约参观, 事件或会议, 访问www.cariberoyale.com. 按照全套房会议酒店Facebook的Instagram的叽叽喳喳 (@cariberoyale), 和LinkedIn. #加勒比亚奥兰多

顶级轻量级新星法比奥·图尔奇 (FABIO TURCHI) 将于本周五晚在美国首次亮相

普罗维登斯, 罗得岛 (十一月 29, 2017) 这个星期五 夜晚, 十二月 1, 顶级轻量级前景 FABIO “石破碎机” 特克斯, (12-0, 9 KO的), 佛罗伦萨, 意大利让他备受期待的美国. 首秀对阵底特律, 我的老兵 德米特里厄斯·班克斯, (9-3, 4 KO的) 从普罗维登斯的斯特兰德宴会厅和剧院出发, 罗德岛州和电视直播 CBS体育网 (9:00 P.M. AND/6:00 P.M. PT).
土耳其人 vs. 银行, 预计八轮, 是拳击传奇推出的八回合动作卡牌的一部分 霍利菲尔德的真正的新政拳击.
门票 “真正的冠军拳击 V’ 开始 $45 可以通过购买 www.TheRealDealBoxing.www.thestrandri.com.
斯特兰德宴会厅和剧院位于 79 华盛顿街, 普罗维登斯, RI, 02903. 活动将于活动当晚开放,地点为 6:00 P.M. AND 与在第一钟7:00 P.M. AND.
“我很高兴能在美国打仗,” 24岁的图尔奇说. “自从两年前我成为职业球员以来,我就想来这里战斗。”
“当我到达这里时 星期日 第一次晚上我感觉非常好. 我在普罗维登斯遇到了很多意大利裔美国人,他们对我非常热情,这激励我表现出色 在周五 夜晚.
“我认为自己是一个有力量的聪明战士. 我可以通过拳击来做出决定,但如果在淘汰赛的战斗中出现机会,我会利用它,” 图尔奇因其令人惊叹的击倒对手而闻名于意大利.
“从小我就, 是意大利人, 我最喜欢的战士是洛基·马西亚诺. 能够在离他的家乡布罗克顿如此近的地方战斗是一种荣幸, 马萨诸塞州 在周五 夜晚。”
“伊万德是轻量级和重量级的伟大世界冠军. 我会尽力让他为我感到骄傲 在周五 夜晚。”
赛义德·霍利菲尔德, “最近几天和法比奥在一起,你就可以看出他对自己的职业生涯有多么认真. 我很高兴普罗维登斯的拳击迷和哥伦比亚广播公司体育频道的拳击迷有机会观看他的比赛。”
在电视转播的主要赛事中 在周五 夜晚, TOKA KAHN-CLARY, (23-1, 16 KO的), 普罗维登斯, 罗德岛州队对阵不败的菲律宾队,卫冕 WBC-USNBC 羽量级冠军’ 基于竞争者 JOHN VINCENT MORALDE, (19-0, 10 KO的) 在 10-
六回合羽量级对决的电视转播拉开帷幕, 流行, 伍斯特不败, 马原生我RVIN 冈萨雷斯, (7-0-0, 6 KO的) 战斗 马龙·贝, (13-1-0, 12 KO的), 巴兰基亚, 哥伦比亚.
真正的体育运动 & 娱乐公司很荣幸与斯特兰德宴会厅和剧院合作, 医学艺术放射学 (www.medicalartsradiology.com) 和维努姆 (www.venum.com).
Facebook的: @TheRealDealPromotions
叽叽喳喳: @TheRealDealBox, @霍利菲尔德
Instagram的: @TheRealDealBoxing

照片, QUOTES — 托卡·卡恩-克拉里·普罗维登斯新闻发布会!


(L-R) – 法比奥·图尔奇, 霍利菲尔德, 十日卡恩 - 克拉里, 萨尔·穆苏梅吉, The Real Deal Boxing 首席执行官, 和尼克·德隆巴
普罗维登斯, RI (十一月 30, 2017) – 名人堂成员伊万德·霍利菲尔德主持了最后的新闻发布会 这个星期五 晚上的 “真正的冠军拳击 V’ 卡, 由他提出 真正的交易拳击, 他旗下的推广实体 实实在在的体育和娱乐, 今天下午在阶梯 133 运动酒吧 & 史密斯山的烧烤餐厅, 罗得岛.
激动人心的三重头戏, 可以说是最近罗德岛拳击历史上最好的从上到下的牌, 威莱尔 CBS体育网, 开始 9 P.M. AND,从生活 斯特兰德宴会厅和剧院 在普罗维登斯, RI. 整个下卡将进行现场直播, 开始 7 P.M. AND, 在线 www.TheRealDealBoxing.com.
普罗维登斯羽量级 十日 “T-尼斯” 卡恩 - 克拉里 (23-1, 16 科斯) 反对不败的菲律宾侵略者的头条新闻 约翰·文森特Moralde (19-0, 10 科斯) 在争夺空缺的 WBC USNBC 羽量级冠军头衔的 10 回合主赛中.
门票开始 $45 是 特价中 并可以通过购买www.TheRealDealBoxing.comwww.thestrandri.com.
斯特兰德宴会厅和剧院位于 79 华盛顿街, 普罗维登斯, RI, 02903. 活动将于活动当晚开放,地点为 6:00 P.M. AND, 在第一钟 7:00 P.M. AND, 并且直播开始于 9 P.M. AND 在CBS体育网.
十日 “T-尼斯” 卡恩 - 克拉里 (23-1, 15 科斯), 普罗维登斯, 利比里亚的方式RI
约翰·文森特Moralde (19-0, 10 科斯), 桑托斯将军城, 菲律宾
共同特征 – 的cruiserweights (8) – CBSSN
法比奥 “石破碎机” 土耳其人 (12-0, 9 科斯), 佛罗伦萨, 意大利
德米特里银行 (9-3, 4 科斯), 底特律, MY
羽量级 (6) – CBSSN
欧文·冈萨雷斯 (7-0, 6 科斯), 伍斯特, 嘛
马龙·奥莱亚 (13-1, 12 科斯), 巴兰基亚, 哥伦比亚
JUNIOR的welterweights (8)
尼克DeLomba (11-2, 2 科斯), 克兰斯顿, RI
路易斯·克鲁兹 (12= 3, 6 科斯), 布朗克斯, 纽约
JUNIOR轻量级 (4)
邓肯·拉莫斯 (4-0-1, 4 科斯), 弗雷明汉, 嘛
菲尔·戴维斯 (1-1), 伍斯特, 嘛
welterweights的 (4)
波因德克斯特骑士 (对于首次亮相), 费城, PA
塞缪尔Forjoe (0-1), 布朗克斯, 纽约
的cruiserweights (4)
布赖恩·丹尼尔斯 (5-1, 3 科斯), 伍斯特, 嘛
达内尔 “未知” 刺穿 (5-1, 1 KO), 弗雷德里克, MD
JUNIOR middleweights的 (6)
Jeremy “J-Flash” Nichols (7-1-1, 2 科斯), 拉斯维加斯, NV
丹尼尔 “哈得孙河谷小子” 天花板 (13-15-1, 5 科斯), 维加·马哈, 波多黎各
(所有打架 & 战士可能会改变)
萨尔·穆苏梅吉, The Real Deal Boxing 首席执行官: “我们很荣幸来到罗德岛州. 很多冠军都经过这里,我们也因为这个原因来到这里,还有这里伟大的拳击迷. 我一直在宣传 20 年超过 400 世界各地演出. 我知道我们想去哪里有欣赏拳击的人。”
“伊万德和我聚在一起制作《真正的拳击》,因为我们想要相同的节目, 擂台上的两个战士, 这就是你将会看到的 星期五 看台之夜. 感谢您的接受就在这里. 托卡是一个伟大的灵感. 当我第一次听到他的故事时, 我的首席运营官 (埃里克·本特利) 很遗憾我们需要签下他. 他正处于一场艰苦的战斗中. 托卡接受了挑战,因为他相信自己会成为世界冠军。”
“图尔奇是一位不败的轻量级选手,他将成长为重量级选手. 像伟大的洛基·马西亚诺这样的意大利重量级人物,曾多次在普罗维登斯作战。”
“我保证 在周五 晚上,您将看到普罗维登斯多年来最激烈的战斗。”
霍利菲尔德: “我很荣幸来到这里. 作为一名推广者,我的一个重要部分是如何帮助拳击运动? 我八点开始, 当我被告知我会像阿里一样. 我相信, 但我不得不问我妈妈 (允许装箱). 我是四届重量级世界冠军, 但我也有过坎坷. 我告诉他们 (我的战士), 如果他们倾听并向我寻求建议, 我会吿诉他们的. 如今千禧一代的问题是没有人可以告诉他们. 尽管问我, 我告诉他们。”
“我为拳击带来了很多, 但我不会说我会让我的战士成为冠军. 我会给他们一个成为冠军的机会. 我有机会并且从未放弃. 如果你设定了目标并且不放弃, 你会达到那个目标. 改正错误,不要放弃. 这些战士需要相信我,但是, 更重要的是, 他们需要相信自己. 我可以给他们建议,因为我已经做到了. 我站在他们一边。”
十日卡恩 - 克拉里: “我要感谢伊万德, 萨尔和我团队中的每个人让我在我的州战斗. 我还要感谢我的经理, 教练和丹·克罗蒂. 我很高兴来到这里. 拳击并不容易, 但这是我选择的路. 我在国家电视台上战斗, 代表我的城市和州。”
“12月我要举办一场演出 1ST. 这并不容易,但我会在擂台上全力以赴. 我不能等待打!”
塞斯·德罗比奥, 托卡·卡恩-克拉里经理, 欧文·冈萨雷斯, 尼克DeLomba & 邓肯·拉莫斯:
“我要感谢萨尔和伊万德为普罗维登斯带来了精彩的战斗. 这对托卡来说是一个绝佳的机会, 谁正在与一个 19-0 对手, 设立一个 2018 对他来说是重要的一年. 希望, 我们将给普罗维登斯带来一些非常大的东西, 太. 你不会知道谁会赢 星期五 晚上直到战斗结束。”
彼得·曼弗雷多, SR., 卡恩-克拉里的首席教练: “我要感谢伊万德, 赛斯, 全体船员 (真正的交易拳击). 当塞斯提到与伊万德签约托卡时, 我很快了解到他们会照顾他们的战士, 没有BS. 聆听他们的声音,您将登上顶峰.
“托卡·卡恩-克拉里是我遇到过的最好的拳击手, 我有过很多美好的经历. 托卡始终保持良好状态, 他工作努力,下巴铁骨. 他想成为传奇,我将尽一切努力帮助他。”
法比奥·图尔奇: “我很高兴来到这里. 我要感谢 Real Deal Boxing 对我的信任. 我会尽我所能,奉献一场精彩的表演. 这里的人们对我来说意义重大,我想让普罗维登斯的意大利裔美国人为我感到骄傲。”
尼克DeLomba: 我要感谢 Evander 让我加入这张卡. 我是看着他的比赛视频长大的; 他是我的偶像,我很荣幸能在他的名片上战斗. 我来打. 我的对手是一位坚强的战士,他会发挥出自己的最佳水平。”
* * *
真正的体育运动 & Entertainment 很荣幸与 Medical Arts Radiology 合作 (www.medicalartsradiology.com) 和维努姆 (www.venum.com).
Facebook的: @TheRealDealPromotions
叽叽喳喳: @TheRealDealBox
Instagram的: @TheRealDealBoxin

前景被称为“拳击的未来”’ 今晚出现在费城

今晚 (九月 22), 在费城的糖屋赌场, 一个年轻的潜在客户被称为 “拳击的未来” 一些重要人物将进行他职业生涯中最艰难的战斗.

在 Hard Hitting Promotion 的主要支持比赛之一’ (与 Greg Cohen Promotions 联合 & 德文 - 哈尼促销) “糖厂之夜” 事件, WBC 青年世界轻量级冠军和顶级业余选手, Devin “梦想” 哈尼 (16-0, 11 科斯), 将面对墨西哥的恩里克·蒂诺科 (16-4-3, 12 科斯) 在八轮展示.

该赛事由费城重量级乔伊夺冠 “坦克” Dawejko (17-4-4, 10 科斯) 与底特律的 Demetrius Banks 较量 (9-1, 4 科斯) 在八回合的战斗中. 门票价格为前排VIP: $150, 要人: $100, 马戏团: $65 和普通门票: $45 并可以在购买 www.hardhittingpromotions.com.

哈尼年轻时的技能如此先进, 梅威瑟家族成员, 他在墨西哥转为职业球员 16 和, 在年龄 18, 是不败 16 打架. 他由备受尊敬的前世界冠军迈克·麦卡勒姆 (Mike McCallum) 训练.

哈尼也是拳击界最年轻的发起人, 因为他还经营德文哈尼促销.

这是你职业生涯中最艰难的战斗; 你在训练中做了什么不同的事情吗?

我做了我一直做的同样的事情. 这是我为我的一生准备的, 所以我随时准备着。”


我和迈克一起打了大约三场比赛,一切都很好. 我从他身上学到了很多东西.

你怎么看你的对手, 恩里克·蒂诺科?

不久前我看到他打架. 看过他直播. 他看起来很粗犷,给对手施加了一些压力. 他来打架, 但我绝对知道该拿他怎么办. 我在业余选手中有很多经验,并且与很多优秀的职业选手进行过争吵. 我已经准备好接受他必须带给他的一切.


感觉太棒了. 我努力让人们在这项运动中认可我,并将我与拳击界的顶级拳手进行比较. 弗洛伊德就像我的导师. 两个弗洛伊德都是. 我只是想继续努力训练,向大家展示我真的是拳击界的未来. 虽然我每次都没有感到任何压力要完美表现. 我不相信压力. 这就是头脑中的一切. 我只是要去那里展示我的技能.

今晚, 门在开启 6PM 并且第一回合是在 7PM. Sugarhouse 赌场位于 1001 N 特拉华大道 费城.

Claressa Shields Dominates to Win WBC Silver Belt, Sets Detroit Brawl Gate Record; Has Sights on World Championship Next

Photos by Boy Ryder

In just her first eight-round fight, Claressa “T-雷克斯” Shields scored a spectacular unanimous decision victory last Friday, 六月 16, at the Masonic Temple in Detroit to win the WBC Silver Super Middleweight Title.

希尔兹 (3-0, 1KO) dominated tough SydneyGinger the NinjaLeBlanc (4-2-1), winning all eight rounds on all three judgesscorecards en route to adding the WBC Silver belt to her NABF Middleweight Championship belt. LeBlanc was simply no match for the blazing fists of crowd favorite Shields, who has convincingly established herself as a world championship-class contender in women’s boxing after just three professional fights.
希尔兹’ bout was the main event of a jam-packed Detroit Brawl event which set a new gate record for promoter Dmitriy Salita’s popular Detroit-based series.

Claressa is one of the best boxers in the world!” 说德米特里Salita. “Regardless of gender, her skills and experience are that of the elite fighters in the world. She is improving with each fight and the sky is the limit. Claressa is ready for the top fighters in her division and we will work on making a big championship fight happen next.

在10轮联合主赛中, transplanted Detroit cruiserweight Alexey Zubov moved to 15-1, 9 KOs with a surprisingly easy 10-round decision over Detroit’s highly regarded Demetrius Banks (9-1, 4 科斯).
从开盘, the superior work rate of Zubov told the story, as the confused Banks had no answers for the big Russian’s jab. All three judges scored the fight 99-91. 目前还没有击倒.
Two of the best cruiserweight prospects in the world met in Detroit,” continued Salita. “The winner is now a real contender, ready to fight the best in the world. Alexey is much improved since his time training with Sugar Hill at the Kronk Boxing Gym. The magic of Kronk is alive and came to life in Alexey’s performance. Great things on the horizon for him!”
Another of Salita’s growing stable of promising contenders, Detroit bantamweight Ja’Rico O’Quinn (7-0, 5科斯) had too many tools for the outgunned David Martino (2-3, 2 科斯) and won by dominant unanimous decision (60-54, 三名法官). A talent to watch, O’Quinn basically walked the determined Martino into his lightning-fast shots for six rounds.
Ja’Rico’s defense was superb in his fight. His opponent was rarely able to even touch him. He is going to be a force at 118 磅. in the not-too-distant future.
Another surging contender from the Salita stable, junior welterweight wrecking ball Bakhtiyar Eyubov (13-0, 11 科斯) 刚需 1:41 of round one to chew up and spit out Mexico’s Cesar Soriano. Eyubov targeted the body of Soriano and took away his breath with thudding left hoods to the liver that ended things quickly. Eyubov is an animal.
Bakhtiyar went up a weight class because no one will fight him. This fight showed why,” 所述字. “He is too strong for most fighters to stay in with for very long. He will be in a big fight in the near future. He’s ready.
In other results, Michigan’s Antonio Urista (8-2, 2 科斯), pulled off a surprising upset with a six-round unanimous decision (59-53 和 58-54 和 58-54) over Turkmenistan’s Serdar Hudayberdiyev (3-1, 2 科斯). Urista dropped Hudayberdiyev with a looping right hand and he never fully recovered. Both fighters suffered cuts in this rugged affair.
To open the show, Michigan light heavyweight Darren Gibbs (1-2, I KO) picked up his first professional victory with a 30-second TKO1 over debuting Scott McCurdy; Jacob Bonas (3-0-1, 2 科斯) scored a TKO3 over Tony Brooks (1-2) and Dimash Niyazov (10-0-3, 5 科斯) stayed undefeated with a fifth-round TKO over a surprisingly determined Ramon Guevara (10-24-2, 6 科斯).
Thank you to everyone involved in this terrific show,” 说德米特里Salita. “The fans of Michigan asked for world-class boxing and they’ve responded by filling the Masonic Temple. And thank you to all my great sponsors for all their help and congratulations to all the fighters for their brave performances. It is onward and upward for Claressa Shields, who will be back later this summer against a world-class fighter. 清楚地, she is ready for anyone in the world.
有关更多信息, “底特律争吵” 或促销的Salita, 访问 www.salitapromotions.com. Facebook的叽叽喳喳: @DetroitBrawl

Sydney LeBlanc Steps in to Face Two-Time Gold Medalist Claressa Shields for WBC Silver Super Middleweight Championship at Detroit Brawl, Looking for an Upset this Friday

SydneyGinger the NinjaLeBlanc is stepping in on three daysnotice to face Women’s NABF Middleweight Champion, Claressa “T-雷克斯” Shields of Flint, 密歇根, in the eight-round main event of Salita Promotions’ “底特律争吵” 这个星期五, 六月 16, 2017, at the Masonic Temple in Detroit.
33-year-old LeBlanc (4-1-1) from Gretna, 路易斯安那州, represents a step up in competition from original opponent Mery Rancier, who was unable to participate due to visa issues. A six-year pro who was already in training for a fight on June 10, LeBlanc says she’s eager for the chance to upset the two-time Olympian and budding women’s superstar Shields.
I’ve been pro boxing for nine years, since before the Olympics had a women’s division and I’ve taken a lot of time off because of a lack of available opponents,” explained LeBlanc. “These Olympians are reopening the gates for all female fighters. Everybody was on the shelf for years. This is the first time female boxing has been popular since the Ann Wolfe days, so I’m very appreciative of the opportunities they are bringing. I’ve never watched any of my opponents before a fight, but I know about Claressa Shields and I want to fight her. I’m looking at this fight as a good chance to see where I’m at, skill-wise and I’ll be ready.
盾VS. LeBlanc will be contested for the WBC Silver Super Middleweight Championship.
再次希腊城赌场酒店赞助, 门票 “底特律争吵” 售价为VIP $200, 包厢是 $100 和 $55, 座位 $40, and are available at all Ticketmaster outlets and Tick​​etmaster.com.
在10轮联合主赛中, undefeated Detroit cruiserweight Demetrius Banks (9-0, 4 科斯) will take on Detroit via Russia’s Alexey Zubov (14-1, 9 科斯).
In the night’s main supporting bout, undefeated welterweight pulverizer Bakhtiyar Eyubov (12-0, 10 科斯) of Aktjubinsk, 哈萨克斯坦, will look to stay busy waiting for his next high-profile step, as he attempts to inflict his crowd-pleasing style on always-tough Cesar Soriano (27-35-1, 16 科斯) Iztacalco, 墨西哥, 超过六轮.
In another of the chief supporting bouts, Detroit’s rising talent and “大湖金” Ja'Rico O'Quinn (6-0, 5 科斯) returns to action in a six-round bantamweight brawl against David Martino (2-2, 2 科斯) 圣费利佩, 墨西哥.
Also scheduled is an all-action six-round super welterweight battle between Antonio Urista (7-2, 2 科斯) of Lansing, 密歇根, and highly decorated former amateur star Serdar Hudayberdiyev (3-0, 2 科斯) of Turkmenabat, 火鸡.
Opening the night will be a six-round super lightweight tilt between Staten Island, New York via Kazakhstan’s Dimash Niyazov (10-0-3, 4 科斯) and Grand Rapids, 密歇根, veteran Ramon Guevara (10-24-2, 6 科斯); as well as a four-round welterweight bout between undefeated Jacob Bonas (2-0-1, 1 KO) of Bellville, 密歇根, and Clinton Township, Michigan’s Tony Brooks (1-1).
搏击之夜, 门在开启 7:00 下午 和战斗在开始 8:00 下午.
有关更多信息, “底特律争吵” 或促销的Salita, 访问 www.salitapromotions.com. Facebook的叽叽喳喳: @DetroitBrawl

Exciting Slugger Eyubov Ready to Knock Out Soriano at Salita PromotionsDetroit Brawl on Friday, 六月 16, at Masonic Temple

When you’re an absolute beast in the ring, opponents are hard to come by. 幸好, rising junior welterweight contender Bakhtiyar Eyubov is a patient predator.
Chomping at the bit for a big opportunity, Yeyubov (12-0, 10 科斯) of Aktobe, 哈萨克斯坦, will rise in weight once again to feast on Iztacalco, Mexico’s Cesar Soriano (27-35-1, 16 科斯) 上 星期五, 六月 16, 2017, at the Masonic Temple in Detroit.
The pair will meet on the undercard of promoter Dmitriy Salita’s blockbuster “底特律争吵,” featuring an eight-round main event between two-time Olympic gold medalist Claressa “T-雷克斯” 希尔兹 (2-0, 1 KO) 弗林特, 密歇根, and Mery Rancier (7-8-3, 5 科斯) 圣多明各, 多明尼加共和国, for the WBC Silver Super Middleweight Championship.
在10轮联合主赛中, undefeated Detroit cruiserweight Demetrius Banks (9-0, 4 科斯) will face Detroit via Russia’s Alexey Zubov (14-1, 9 科斯).
门票 “底特律争吵” 售价为VIP $200, 包厢座位 $100, Floor Seating $100 & $55, and balcony seating $40, and are available at all Ticketmaster outlets and Tick​​etmaster.com.
Confident and swaggering in the ring, Eyubov is not just a hard-punching slugger doing his job. 清楚地, Eyubov loves to beat people up, often laughing and dancing during his exciting appearances. While the 30-year-old’s style delights his audiences, being on the receiving end of it isn’t something a lot of fighters are eager to do.
“照常, it’s very hard for me to find opponents to fight at my true weight class of junior welterweight,” 说Eyubov. “But I had a great camp and I’m looking forward to putting on a show for the Detroit crowd against a veteran Mexican fighter who is durable, cagey and experienced.
This difficulty finding opponents had forced Eyubov to rise to 147 lbs for many of his ring appearances, including this fight against Soriano. In his biggest victory to date, he also gained weight to score a split decision over well-respected welterweight veteran Karim Mayfield in August of 2016. 战斗, a back-and-forth barnburner, was televised live on ShoBox: 新一代.
所以, with a lack of world-class opponents willing to trade blows, Eyubov says he will continue to work hard and improve with trainer Ismat Niyazov at The Fight Factory in his adopted home of Brooklyn until reaching the point where he can no longer be avoided.
I’ve been working on improving my boxing ability with the intention of landing my power shots in combinations. I love exciting fights and knockouts that’s what I am looking to deliver on June 16 在底特律. One fight at a time, but I want to fight the best fighters in the junior welterweight and welterweight divisions. I am coming.
In another of the chief supporting bouts, Detroit’s rising talent and “大湖金” Ja'Rico O'Quinn (6-0, 5 科斯) returns to action in a six-round bantamweight brawl against David Martino (2-2, 2 科斯) 圣费利佩, 墨西哥.
Also scheduled is an all-action six-round super welterweight battle between Antonio Urista (7-2, 2 科斯) of Lansing, 密歇根, and highly decorated former amateur star Serdar Hudayberdiyev (3-0, 2 科斯) of Turkmenabat, 火鸡.
Opening the night will be a six-round super lightweight tilt between Staten Island, New York via Kazakhstan’s Dimash Niyazov (10-0-3, 4 科斯) and Grand Rapids, 密歇根, veteran Ramon Guevara (10-24-2, 6 科斯); as well as a four-round welterweight bout between undefeated Jacob Bonas (2-0-1, 1 KO) of Bellville, 密歇根, and Clinton Township, Michigan’s Tony Brooks (1-1).
搏击之夜, 门在开启 7:00 下午 和战斗在开始 8:00 下午.
有关更多信息, “底特律争吵” 或促销的Salita, 访问 www.salitapromotions.com. Facebook的叽叽喳喳: @DetroitBrawl

Exciting Undercard Announced for Next ‘Detroit BrawlShow at Masonic Temple, Featuring the Return to Michigan of Claressa Shields

The undercard has been announced for promoter Dmitriy Salita blockbuster “底特律争吵” 上 星期五, 六月 16, 2017, at the Masonic Temple in Detroit and it features an impressive mix of local and international prospects in high-stakes match-ups.
至此, five exciting bouts are scheduled in support of the eight-round main event featuring two-time Olympic Gold Medalist Claressa “T-雷克斯” 希尔兹 (2-0, 1 KO) 弗林特, 密歇根, taking on Mery Rancier (7-8-3, 5 科斯) 圣多明各, 多明尼加共和国, for the WBC Silver Super Middleweight Championship and the 10-round co-main event between undefeated Detroit cruiserweight Demetrius Banks (9-0, 4 科斯) and Detroit via Russia’s Alexey Zubov (14-1, 9 科斯).
门票 “底特律争吵” 售价为VIP $200, 包厢座位 $100, Floor Seating $100 & $55, and balcony seating $40, and are available at all Ticketmaster outlets and Tick​​etmaster.com.
In the night’s main supporting bout, undefeated welterweight pulverizer Bakhtiyar Eyubov (12-0, 10 科斯) of Aktjubinsk, 哈萨克斯坦, will look to stay busy waiting for his next high-profile step, as he attempts to inflict his crowd-pleasing style on always-tough Cesar Soriano (27-35-1, 16 科斯) Iztacalco, 墨西哥, 超过六轮.
In another of the chief supporting bouts, Detroit’s rising talent and “大湖金” Ja'Rico O'Quinn (6-0, 5 科斯) returns to action in a six-round bantamweight brawl against David Martino (2-2, 2 科斯) 圣费利佩, 墨西哥.
Also scheduled is an all-action six-round super welterweight battle between Antonio Urista (7-2, 2 科斯) of Lansing, 密歇根, and highly decorated former amateur star Serdar Hudayberdiyev (3-0, 2 科斯) of Turkmenabat, 火鸡.
Opening the night will be a six-round super lightweight tilt between Staten Island, New York via Kazakhstan’s Dimash Niyazov (10-0-3, 4 科斯) and Grand Rapids, 密歇根, veteran Ramon Guevara (10-24-2, 6 科斯); as well as a four-round welterweight bout between undefeated Jacob Bonas (2-0-1, 1 KO) of Bellville, 密歇根, and Clinton Township, Michigan’s Tony Brooks (1-1).
This is an exciting show from top to bottom,” 所述启动子德米特里Salita. “Every fight has been chosen for its excitement level. I am proud to be presenting it to the boxing savvy fans of Detroit, America’s comeback city and home for world-class boxing.
更多战斗, 对手和回合将很快公布. 搏击之夜, 门在开启 7:00 下午 和战斗在开始 8:00 下午.
有关更多信息, “底特律争吵” 或促销的Salita, 访问www.salitapromotions.com. Facebook的

叽叽喳喳: @DetroitBrawl
的Salita促销始建于 2010 由德米特里Salita, 谁看到在北美和世界各地的促销实体功能拳击的最好的年轻前景的需要,并建立了竞争者一位职业拳击手和世界冠军挑战者. 观众收看全球电视网络,包括欣欣战士, ESPN, 斯派克电视, 环球体育网和味精都享有的Salita促销近年来战斗行动. 我们非常自豪,提供我们的战士内外环外的机会. 的Salita促销期待着继续增长,成为世界各地的斗争球迷的需求.

Top Cruiserweight Prospects Banks and Zubov to Meet in All-Action Co-Main Event at Salita PromotionsDetroit Brawl on Friday, 六月 16, 在共济会寺底特律

The 10-round co-main event has been announced for promoter Dmitriy Salita blockbuster “底特律争吵” 上 星期五, 六月 16, 2017, at the Masonic Temple in Detroit and it’s sensational.
In a fight destined for Motown’s history books, undefeated Detroit cruiserweight Demetrius Banks (9-0, 4 科斯) will face Detroit via Russia’s Alexey Zubov (14-1, 9 科斯) in a ten-round showdown.
The guaranteed thriller will serve as the chief supporting bout to two-time Olympic Gold Medalist, and now Women’s NABF Middleweight Champion, Claressa “T-雷克斯” 希尔兹 (2-0, 1 KO) 弗林特, 密歇根, taking on Mery Rancier (7-8-3, 5 科斯) 圣多明各, 多明尼加共和国, for the WBC Silver Super Middleweight Championship in the main event.
再次希腊城赌场酒店赞助, 门票 “底特律争吵” 售价为VIP $200, 包厢是 $100 和 $55, 座位 $40, and are available at all Ticketmaster outlets and Tick​​etmaster.com.
36-year-old Banks had a terrific 2016, beating 5-1 Emilio Salas in May and then, after a tune-up in July, stepping up to heavyweight to hand Craig Lewis (13-1-1) his first defeat as a professional. A stronger puncher than his four career knockouts would indicate, Banks is an exciting fighter who always finds a way to win, often against bigger men.
I’m very appreciative of the opportunity to fight Zubov,” said Banks. “This is an opportunity to show I can rise to every occasion! Alexey is a tough all-business fighter, who is a very necessary component to my advancement and true arrival in the sport. This mission is much bigger than me. I’m just doing what I was born to doFight/inspire ‘Relentless Determinationis a lifestyle!”
30-year-old Zubov, originally from Magnitogorsk, 俄罗斯, relocated to Detroit’s Kronk Gym in 2016, to train with Javan SugarHill Steward, nephew of the late Emanuel Steward. The former heavily decorated amateur says he’s coming in all-new for this important showdown.
I am feeling good. I have had a great camp so far and I will be ready. I am always in great shape and always ready for a fight. I’ve sparred with him (银行) a couple times and he’s a good fighter. He’s very good technically. It’ll be a good fight. I am prepared to show a brand-new Alexey for this fight and how much I have improved working with Sugar.
Promoter Dmitriy Salita says he’s happy to be bringing this sensational fight to his adopted home of Detroit. “A high-level 50/50 战斗, where anyone can win. This is the kind of match-up that boxing needs. It truly lives up to what the Detroit Brawl series is all about,” 所述字. “The winner will be recognized as one of the best cruiserweight contenders in the world.
更多战斗, 对手和回合将很快公布. 搏击之夜, 门在开启 7:00 下午 和战斗在开始 8:00 下午.
有关更多信息, “底特律争吵” 或促销的Salita, 访问 www.salitapromotions.com. Facebook的叽叽喳喳: @DetroitBrawl

‘Detroit BrawlPro Boxing Series Continues to Grow

Boxing Fans Help Salita Promotions Donate Over 3000 Meals to Forgotten Harvest
Promoter Dmitriy Salita proudly announces his latest installment of “底特律争吵,” 星期六 night at the Masonic Temple, was a tremendous success, helping him donate over 3000 meals to Forgotten Harvest, one of the nation’s largest food rescue organizations.
在晚上的重头戏, WBO #5, IBF #5, 和WBC #7 and current NABF heavyweight champion, 安迪 “The Destroyer from Mexicali” 鲁伊斯 (28-0, 19 科斯), stayed unbeaten and showed off some fast, powerful fists, as he stopped Miami’s Josh “登普西” Gormley at 1:42 第三轮.
在其他行动, super lightweight Girorgi Gelashvili (5-0, 3 科斯) survived an early knockdown to stop Eric Hall (8-10-1, 4 科斯) of Durand, 密歇根, 在四轮; cruiserweight Demetrius Banks (8-0, 4 科斯) of Detroit dropped Eric George (4-12) of Niagara Falls in the first round, but ended up having to settle for a unanimous six-round decision victory; super bantamweight Zach Shamoun (4-0-1, 3 科斯) of Royal Oak, 密歇根, took a four-round unanimous decision over Jose Elizondo (1-1) 圣安东尼奥, 得克萨斯州; welterweight Sedar Hudayberdiyev (3-0, 2 科斯) of Turkmenistan won an entertaining four-round unanimous decision over formerly undefeated Steven Andrade (3-1, 2 科斯) of Atlanta Georgia; Detroit bantamweight Jarico O’Quinn (2-0, 2 科斯) was impressive in stopping Sergio Aguliar (0-4) of Miami Beach in three rounds; and lastly, Dearborn welterweight GheithSouthpaw PrinceKarim made his pro debut a successful one by stopping Dean Walsh, 小, 在第一轮.
字, who donated a portion of every ticket sold to Forgotten Harvest, says the event’s success went a lot further than the boxing ring that night.
When we started these events, the goal was not only to bring a regular professional boxing program back to Detroit, but also to give back to this wonderful city and I’m happy to say we’re doing it,” 所述字. “I couldn’t be more proud. Thank you to the fans who came out that night and to my wonderful sponsor, Thomas Magee’s. Thank you to my entire team and to all the fighters for their brave efforts. Thank you to the team at the Masonic and to all the big-name Detroit fighters who showed up in support of the event. We will be doing it again soon.
Based in Oak Park, 密歇根, Forgotten Harvest was formed in 1990 to relieve hunger and prevent food waste throughout the metro Detroit area. Forgotten Harvestrescued” 以上 40 million pounds of food last year by collecting surplus prepared and perishable food from over 800 地点, including grocery stores, fruit and vegetable markets, 餐馆, caterers, dairies, farmers, wholesale food distributors and other Health Department-approved sources.
This donated food, which would otherwise go to waste, is delivered free of-charge to 280 emergency food providers in the metro Detroit area. Forgotten Harvest has been ranked as a four-star charity by Charity Navigator for nine consecutive years.
Learn more about Forgotten Harvest and how to help drive hunger from our community at