标记档案: 悉尼勒布朗

的Salita促销祝贺上屏蔽 2017 年终奖

的Salita促销的启动子德米特里Salita祝贺他的战斗机, 女巨星, 两届奥运会金牌得主,WBC和IBF超中量级世界冠军, Claressa “Ť雷克斯” 希尔兹, 在胜利的她令人印象深刻 2017 年终奖.
在刚刚她的第一个整年作为一个专业, 燧石, 密歇根州的盾牌被评为今日美国: 年度最佳女战士, 雅虎体育: 年度最佳女战士, WBAN: 最热门的新星和WBAN: 最励志, 以及甜科学的年度展望.
盾牌也被提名为BWAA的克里斯蒂·马丁女战斗机年度和比尔·克劳福德奖勇气,克服逆境奖, 这将在2月份呈现.
在十一月转为职业选手后 2016, 希尔兹出现了3次 2017, 使拳击历史上的精彩表演,成为了第一位女性标题上付费电视拳击事件. 八月, 希尔兹从此前保持不败夺得WBC和空置IBF超中量级冠军和高度重视的冠军尼基·阿德勒在主导时尚. 并于3月, 也是在Showtime, 她停了下来匈牙利Szilvia Szabados四轮.
“2017 是一个非常充实的一年对我,” 希尔兹说. “转为职业选手,并赢得我的头两个世界冠军进行了惊险刺激的大. 但我最高兴成为第一位标题在电视上的一个重头戏,并有两个我的战斗生活在Showtime, 因为这是我的目标,以领先女子拳击到新的高度。”
启动子的Salita说天空才是22岁的希尔兹极限, 因为她的名气继续回暖的势头,每过一个打.
“Claressa是在拳击比赛中的现象; 超级明星战斗机复活女子拳击运动的整个运动与她惊人的天赋,” 所述字. “这些奖项是当之无愧的,只有许多第一, 因为她让整个这将是她职业生涯的传奇历史. 我很自豪能与这个令人难以置信的年轻女子进行工作,并给她我最诚挚的祝贺。”
希尔兹接下来将看到 星期五, 一月 12, 她捍卫她的ShoBox 168磅重的冠军: 新一代对不败国际羽联强制性的挑战者东篱尼尔森住在Showtime (10 P.M. AND/PT) 从旋石度假村赌场在维罗纳, 纽约.
“我迫不及待地想继续在旅程 2018, 开头我 一月 12 对托里·纳尔逊在Showtime战斗,” 继续盾牌. “我期待着在今年夏天与克里斯蒂娜锤统一的斗争. 感谢上帝, 我的粉丝, 传媒, Salita促销, 和我的团队的所有支持。”
同时展出的 一月 12 电视节目, 乌兹别克斯坦电力冲压Shakh Ergashev (11-0, 11 科斯) 将面对同胞不败和前10名的排名桑尼弗雷德里克森 (18-0, 12 科斯) 托莱多, 俄亥俄. 在共同特征, 杰西·埃尔南德斯 (10-1, 7 科斯) 将于埃内斯托·加尔萨 (9-2, 5 科斯; 1-3 WSB) 在10轮超轻量级回合.
目前WBC和WBO中量级女子冠军的美国战斗亮相的亮点, 和未来的盾牌对手, 克里斯蒂娜 “夫人锤” 锤 (22-0, 10 科斯) 也将显示.
门票活动, 这是由的Salita促销推广, 目前发售 $75 马戏团的前两行, $65 剩余马戏团座椅和售价为所有其他 $49 和 $37, 加上任何适用的费用. 门票可亲自或通过调用在旋石度假村售票处购买800.771.7711 或者在网上特玛.

拉奎尔 “漂亮野兽” 米勒将迎战新对手丽莎·加兰

旧金山, 例如 (十月 11, 2017) – 不败的女子中量级新秀, 拉奎尔 “蛮兽” 磨坊主 (4-0, 2 科斯) 现在将面临 丽莎·加兰 (15-8, 8 科斯)
当职业拳击回到旧金山市时, 例如, 上 十月 21, 2017. 米勒本来应该去战斗 悉尼勒布朗 (4-4) 但战斗失败了. 米勒VS. 花环, 6轮比赛, 将作为共同功能 卡里姆 “硬查找” 梅菲尔德 (19-4-1, 11 科斯) VS. 迈克尔·杜马斯 (10-0, 7 科斯). 卡片名为 “回到业务” 将在历史悠久的旧金山军械库举行.
“我很高兴他们为我找到了一个对手,因为我有很多家人和朋友来看我比赛,” 旧金山本地人拉奎尔·米勒 (Raquel Miller) 说道. “加兰拥有丰富的经验,我知道这将是一场艰苦的战斗. 我相信我的饥饿和技能对加兰来说是难以应付的. 我已经准备好带它了, 我迫不及待地想让家乡球迷看到我的表现. 我会在终场铃声响起之前阻止加兰。”
“回到业务” 门票分 $40 (仅有站立空间), $50 (地板座位层 3), $60 (地板座位层 2), $80 楼层 1, $125 (前排座椅), 和场边 $250, 到货了在 EVENTBRITE.COM 或致电 (415) 722-3184. 开门时间为 4:00 P.M. 首场比赛于 5:00 P.M.
旧金山军械库位于 1800 使命街, 旧金山, 例如 94103. 位于便利的拐角处 使命街14街, SF军械库的服务由 穆尼 路线, 主要巴士线路,可轻松抵达 捷运 服务于东湾和机场. 可以使用当地停车场或代客泊车安排停车.
8-回合 羽量级 回合
泽维尔·马丁内斯 (9-0, 5 科斯) VS. 乔纳森·阿尔坎塔拉 (7-16-2, 1 KO)
6-回合赛 超轻量级比赛
斯坦Martyniouk (17-2, 3 科斯) VS. 路易斯·阿尔弗雷多·卢戈 (14-27-1, 3 科斯)
里卡多Pinell (14-3-1, 8 科斯) VS. 卡洛斯·鲁伊斯 (8-3, 3 科斯)
4-回合赛 超轻量级比赛
威尔·肖 (2-0, 2 科斯) VS. 莱纳德·戴维斯 (1-0-2)
4-回合赛 超轻量级比赛
路易斯·卡西利亚斯 (1-1, 1 KO) VS. TBA
4-回合 羽量级 回合
马奎塔·李 (3-5) VS. TBA

“回到正题” 在历史悠久的旧金山军械库观看冠军拳击比赛

旧金山, 例如 (十月 3, 2017) – 职业拳击重返旧金山市, 例如, 上 十月 21, 2017, 作为家乡英雄 卡里姆 “硬查找” 梅菲尔德 (19-4-1, 11 科斯), 呈现不败前景 迈克尔·杜马斯 (10-0, 7 科斯). 主赛事将在美丽的历史悠久的旧金山军械库举行. 即将获得 WBU 次中量级美洲金腰带.
梅菲尔德, 谁已经离开擂台一年多了, 希望通过一场令人印象深刻的胜利让他的职业生涯重回正轨. 这位旧金山本地人很高兴能重返拳台, 尤其是在他的家乡.
“我真的很想以一种优雅的方式将拳击带回旧金山,” 卡里姆说梅菲尔德. “旧金山军械库是一个美丽的场所,拥有 4,000 人. 我们想让大家知道,这将是一个友好的氛围,让各行各业的每个人都可以享受战斗的乐趣. 我在米格尔·杜纳斯(Miguel Dunas)中面对一位来自墨西哥的年轻饥饿战士,我知道他会带来它. 我们有很多本地战士. 这对每个人来说都将是一场精彩的表演. 门票现已公开发售. 战斗之夜我会造成很多伤害。”
不败 拉奎尔 “蛮兽” 磨坊主 (4-0, 2 科斯) VS. 悉尼勒布朗 (4-4) 本来应该作为共同功能, 但勒布朗因未公开的原因不得不退出. 新对手即将公布. 6轮联合比赛将在超轻量级进行. 磨坊主, 目前排名 #2 由 boxrec.com, 在旧金山出生和长大,预计会有很多粉丝到场.
“这将是我第一次在我的家乡旧金山战斗,” 欣喜若狂的拉克尔·米勒说. “我邻居的每个人, 我所有的家人和朋友, 他们都出来看我打架. 我迫不及待地想为大家上演一场精彩的表演. 我肯定会参加淘汰赛。”
卡片上还有萨克拉门托的 泽维尔·马丁内斯 (9-0, 5 科斯) VS. 乔纳森·阿尔坎塔拉 (7-16-2, 1 KO) 羽量级 8 回合比赛. 马丁内斯是以下组织的成员 弗洛伊德·梅威瑟的 TMT (资金团队) 和梅威瑟促销,
圣查尔斯, 例如, 居民, 斯坦Martyniouk (17-2, 3 科斯) VS. 路易斯·阿尔弗雷多·卢戈 (14-27-1, 3 科斯) 将进行6回合的超轻量级对决.
从旧金山教会区出发, 中量级 里卡多Pinell (14-3-1, 8 科斯) VS. 卡洛斯·鲁伊斯 (8-3, 3 科斯) 在 6 回合的中量级比赛中展开对决.
完成卡的其余部分是 威尔·肖 (2-0, 2 科斯) VS. 莱纳德·戴维斯 (1-0-2) 在超轻量级 (4-发), 超轻量级 路易斯·卡西利亚斯 (1-1, 1 KO) VS. TBA, 和轻量级 马奎塔·李 (3-5) VS. TBA.
门票价格 $40 (仅有站立空间), $50 (地板座位层 3), $60 (地板座位层 2), $80 楼层 1, $125 (前排座椅), 和场边 $250, 到货了在 EVENTBRITE.COM. 开门时间为 5:30 P.M. 首场比赛于 6:00 P.M.
旧金山军械库位于 1800 使命SŤ, 旧金山, 例如 94103. 位于便利的拐角处 使命街14街, SF军械库的服务由 穆尼 路线, 主要巴士线路,可轻松抵达 捷运 服务于东湾和机场. 可以使用当地停车场或代客泊车安排停车.
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Claressa Shields Dominates to Win WBC Silver Belt, Sets Detroit Brawl Gate Record; Has Sights on World Championship Next

Photos by Boy Ryder

In just her first eight-round fight, Claressa “T-雷克斯” Shields scored a spectacular unanimous decision victory last Friday, 六月 16, at the Masonic Temple in Detroit to win the WBC Silver Super Middleweight Title.

希尔兹 (3-0, 1KO) dominated tough SydneyGinger the NinjaLeBlanc (4-2-1), winning all eight rounds on all three judgesscorecards en route to adding the WBC Silver belt to her NABF Middleweight Championship belt. LeBlanc was simply no match for the blazing fists of crowd favorite Shields, who has convincingly established herself as a world championship-class contender in women’s boxing after just three professional fights.
希尔兹’ bout was the main event of a jam-packed Detroit Brawl event which set a new gate record for promoter Dmitriy Salita’s popular Detroit-based series.

Claressa is one of the best boxers in the world!” 说德米特里Salita. “Regardless of gender, her skills and experience are that of the elite fighters in the world. She is improving with each fight and the sky is the limit. Claressa is ready for the top fighters in her division and we will work on making a big championship fight happen next.

在10轮联合主赛中, transplanted Detroit cruiserweight Alexey Zubov moved to 15-1, 9 KOs with a surprisingly easy 10-round decision over Detroit’s highly regarded Demetrius Banks (9-1, 4 科斯).
从开盘, the superior work rate of Zubov told the story, as the confused Banks had no answers for the big Russian’s jab. All three judges scored the fight 99-91. 目前还没有击倒.
Two of the best cruiserweight prospects in the world met in Detroit,” continued Salita. “The winner is now a real contender, ready to fight the best in the world. Alexey is much improved since his time training with Sugar Hill at the Kronk Boxing Gym. The magic of Kronk is alive and came to life in Alexey’s performance. Great things on the horizon for him!”
Another of Salita’s growing stable of promising contenders, Detroit bantamweight Ja’Rico O’Quinn (7-0, 5科斯) had too many tools for the outgunned David Martino (2-3, 2 科斯) and won by dominant unanimous decision (60-54, 三名法官). A talent to watch, O’Quinn basically walked the determined Martino into his lightning-fast shots for six rounds.
Ja’Rico’s defense was superb in his fight. His opponent was rarely able to even touch him. He is going to be a force at 118 磅. in the not-too-distant future.
Another surging contender from the Salita stable, junior welterweight wrecking ball Bakhtiyar Eyubov (13-0, 11 科斯) 刚需 1:41 of round one to chew up and spit out Mexico’s Cesar Soriano. Eyubov targeted the body of Soriano and took away his breath with thudding left hoods to the liver that ended things quickly. Eyubov is an animal.
Bakhtiyar went up a weight class because no one will fight him. This fight showed why,” 所述字. “He is too strong for most fighters to stay in with for very long. He will be in a big fight in the near future. He’s ready.
In other results, Michigan’s Antonio Urista (8-2, 2 科斯), pulled off a surprising upset with a six-round unanimous decision (59-53 和 58-54 和 58-54) over Turkmenistan’s Serdar Hudayberdiyev (3-1, 2 科斯). Urista dropped Hudayberdiyev with a looping right hand and he never fully recovered. Both fighters suffered cuts in this rugged affair.
To open the show, Michigan light heavyweight Darren Gibbs (1-2, I KO) picked up his first professional victory with a 30-second TKO1 over debuting Scott McCurdy; Jacob Bonas (3-0-1, 2 科斯) scored a TKO3 over Tony Brooks (1-2) and Dimash Niyazov (10-0-3, 5 科斯) stayed undefeated with a fifth-round TKO over a surprisingly determined Ramon Guevara (10-24-2, 6 科斯).
Thank you to everyone involved in this terrific show,” 说德米特里Salita. “The fans of Michigan asked for world-class boxing and they’ve responded by filling the Masonic Temple. And thank you to all my great sponsors for all their help and congratulations to all the fighters for their brave performances. It is onward and upward for Claressa Shields, who will be back later this summer against a world-class fighter. 清楚地, she is ready for anyone in the world.
有关更多信息, “底特律争吵” 或促销的Salita, 访问 www.salitapromotions.com. Facebook的叽叽喳喳: @DetroitBrawl

Sydney LeBlanc Steps in to Face Two-Time Gold Medalist Claressa Shields for WBC Silver Super Middleweight Championship at Detroit Brawl, Looking for an Upset this Friday

SydneyGinger the NinjaLeBlanc is stepping in on three daysnotice to face Women’s NABF Middleweight Champion, Claressa “T-雷克斯” Shields of Flint, 密歇根, in the eight-round main event of Salita Promotions’ “底特律争吵” 这个星期五, 六月 16, 2017, at the Masonic Temple in Detroit.
33-year-old LeBlanc (4-1-1) from Gretna, 路易斯安那州, represents a step up in competition from original opponent Mery Rancier, who was unable to participate due to visa issues. A six-year pro who was already in training for a fight on June 10, LeBlanc says she’s eager for the chance to upset the two-time Olympian and budding women’s superstar Shields.
I’ve been pro boxing for nine years, since before the Olympics had a women’s division and I’ve taken a lot of time off because of a lack of available opponents,” explained LeBlanc. “These Olympians are reopening the gates for all female fighters. Everybody was on the shelf for years. This is the first time female boxing has been popular since the Ann Wolfe days, so I’m very appreciative of the opportunities they are bringing. I’ve never watched any of my opponents before a fight, but I know about Claressa Shields and I want to fight her. I’m looking at this fight as a good chance to see where I’m at, skill-wise and I’ll be ready.
盾VS. LeBlanc will be contested for the WBC Silver Super Middleweight Championship.
再次希腊城赌场酒店赞助, 门票 “底特律争吵” 售价为VIP $200, 包厢是 $100 和 $55, 座位 $40, and are available at all Ticketmaster outlets and Tick​​etmaster.com.
在10轮联合主赛中, undefeated Detroit cruiserweight Demetrius Banks (9-0, 4 科斯) will take on Detroit via Russia’s Alexey Zubov (14-1, 9 科斯).
In the night’s main supporting bout, undefeated welterweight pulverizer Bakhtiyar Eyubov (12-0, 10 科斯) of Aktjubinsk, 哈萨克斯坦, will look to stay busy waiting for his next high-profile step, as he attempts to inflict his crowd-pleasing style on always-tough Cesar Soriano (27-35-1, 16 科斯) Iztacalco, 墨西哥, 超过六轮.
In another of the chief supporting bouts, Detroit’s rising talent and “大湖金” Ja'Rico O'Quinn (6-0, 5 科斯) returns to action in a six-round bantamweight brawl against David Martino (2-2, 2 科斯) 圣费利佩, 墨西哥.
Also scheduled is an all-action six-round super welterweight battle between Antonio Urista (7-2, 2 科斯) of Lansing, 密歇根, and highly decorated former amateur star Serdar Hudayberdiyev (3-0, 2 科斯) of Turkmenabat, 火鸡.
Opening the night will be a six-round super lightweight tilt between Staten Island, New York via Kazakhstan’s Dimash Niyazov (10-0-3, 4 科斯) and Grand Rapids, 密歇根, veteran Ramon Guevara (10-24-2, 6 科斯); as well as a four-round welterweight bout between undefeated Jacob Bonas (2-0-1, 1 KO) of Bellville, 密歇根, and Clinton Township, Michigan’s Tony Brooks (1-1).
搏击之夜, 门在开启 7:00 下午 和战斗在开始 8:00 下午.
有关更多信息, “底特律争吵” 或促销的Salita, 访问 www.salitapromotions.com. Facebook的叽叽喳喳: @DetroitBrawl