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154磅统一冠军贾勒特·赫德, 古巴重量级重击手路易斯·奥尔蒂斯 & 新晋重量级人物乔·乔伊斯将在本周六分别进行对决, 十二月 1 住在Showtime PPV® 从斯台普斯中心在洛杉矶
点击 这里 从以斯帖林/ SHOWTIME照片
LOS ANGELES (十一月 29, 2018) – 参加周六 PPV 底牌比赛的拳手们,以德昂泰·维尔德 (Deontay Wilder) 和泰森·富里 (Tyson Fury) 之间的重量级冠军对决为主角,在进入 SHOWTIME PPV 赛场之前的最后一场新闻发布会上进行了面对面的交锋。® 在斯台普斯中心举行的由超级拳击冠军举办的活动中.
PPV 底卡开始于 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT并以统一154磅世界冠军为特色 贾勒特赫德 防御英国的 杰森·韦伯恩, 古巴重量级竞争者 路易斯·奥尔蒂斯 在与粗犷老将的十回合对决中特拉维斯考夫曼 以及不断崛起的重量级人物 乔·乔伊斯 承担 乔·汉克斯 在10轮的重量级景点.
门票活动, 由BombZquad Enterprises和Queensberry Promotions推广, 与TGB Promotions和DiBella Entertainment合作, 现已发售,可通过 AXS.com 购买. 怀尔德VS. 愤怒将由SHOWTIME PPV制作和发行. 建议零售价 (镰刀) 按次计费的电视广播是 $64.99 用于标准清晰度.
以下是周四威斯汀博纳旺蒂尔酒店新闻发布会参与者的发言 & 洛杉矶套房酒店:
“我和我的团队所说的一切都已经发生. 我作为一张大牌的联合主要成员来到这里,我非常感谢所有相信我并帮助我走到这一刻的人.
“周六晚上我想展示我的多才多艺. 大家都看到了我的震撼. 我带来行动. 但我想证明我的速度很快而且我确实有防守. 我知道如何利用我的身高和范围. 我仍然会在周六采取行动, 所以你必须确保调准.
“我们不认为韦尔伯恩是一场调整战. 贾森·韦尔伯恩 (Jason Welborn) 成为英国冠军是有原因的. 我们只想出去制定我们在营地制定的比赛计划.
“我想展示我的防守端并展示我可以拳击和移动. 我想表明我不必只是不断前进. 我将能够做到这一点并开始击垮他并让他离开那里.
“大家都看到了我的风采, 他们知道我把它带到了擂台上. 冷静是我最大的特点. 不管别人怎么说, 我永远是我.
“我是分区第一,事情会按照我想要的方式发展. 我们为左撇子进行了三个艰苦的训练营. 当我最终战斗时 (WBC冠军) Jermell夏洛茨维尔, 由于我在多才多艺和防守方面所做的所有努力,我已经做好了准备. 我会为杰梅尔·查洛做好准备.
“我想成为一名现役冠军,因为我没有参加很多业余比赛. 我需要留在擂台上并获得尽可能多的经验. 我想趁我还年轻、健康的时候参加这些精彩的比赛.
“我从手术中回来了,我们将回到老贾勒特·赫德身边. 我要向大家展示我能做到的一切. 每个人都知道,总会有行动. 这将是一场精彩卡牌上的精彩战斗. 在此期间不要眨眼。”
“今天来到这里真是梦想成真. 赫德和我一样,是通过自己的努力来到这里的. 现在, 他挡了我的路. 我希望每个人都喜欢我周六晚上带来的东西.
“我相信我是为这项运动而生和长成的,我将在周六晚上向全世界展示它. 我总是证明人们错了.
“过去两年我已经成为英国最好的球员并击败了他们摆在我面前的所有人. 当人们怀疑我时, 我训练更加刻苦. 我是来赢的,我没有什么可失去的.
“我必须得到我应得的,我会在周六晚上做到. 我已经经历过风雨. 他有我想要的.
“我必须享受战斗并得到我想要的. 他可以随心所欲地越过我, 但一旦他感受到我带来的东西, 我们会看看他的反应. 我已经准备好接受他将带来的一切。”
“我要感谢所有帮助我获得这个机会的人. 我喜欢在擂台上讲话, 但我很高兴特拉维斯·考夫曼挺身而出. 很多重量级人物还没有做到这一点,我很高兴我们能让这场战斗发生.
“我来做我的工作. 这是一场重量级战斗,我们知道这意味着一拳可以改变一切. 周六晚上特拉维斯的结局不会太好.
“有 10 轮流完成工作, 每轮三分钟. 我会完成我的工作. 工作就是寻找并摧毁. 所以我希望Travis做好充分的准备给粉丝们带来一场精彩的表演. 周六晚上你会看到《金刚》’ 在环.
“在训练营中我比以往任何时候都更加努力地鞭策自己. 我们坚持家庭第一的相同游戏计划,我相信我会得到回报. 我五岁的儿子提醒我,我有过损失,这激励我更加努力地训练.
“我希望特拉维斯拥有他所表现出的巨大自信. 这对他来说是一个很好的机会,我相信他会受到激励. 每场战斗我都充满动力, 因为这不仅仅是关于我的对手. 我的目标是养家糊口,但特拉维斯阻碍了我. 我从来没有放弃过这种心态,这让我为周六晚上做好了准备。”
“我感谢路易斯·奥尔蒂斯参加了这场战斗. 每个人都害怕与他战斗, 但我不怕任何人. 我们都知道路易斯·奥尔蒂斯可以拳击, 但我不在乎这些. 这是我的时间. 我出身贫寒,我不会退缩.
“这是我的时间. 没有什么能阻止我打倒这个家伙. 他非常担心德昂泰·维尔德, 但在复赛之前他必须担心我.
“你现在可能不知道我是谁, 但周六晚上之后你就会. 我要确保人们记住我的名字.
“路易斯·奥尔蒂斯技术非常好, 但如果你想成为最好的,你就必须与最好的战斗. 没有人真正愿意站出来参加这场战斗, 但我真的相信这是我的时代. 我给擂台带来了一些热度,我每次都会来战斗。”
“我很高兴能加入这张大牌. 作为一项伟大活动的一部分,我将给全世界带来一场盛宴. 你必须收看我在周六晚上开始的表演.
“大熊的训练对我来说是一个完美的环境. 它在山里, 它有海拔而且很僻静. 我看到了他们训练营的情况,并与世界上最好的人一起工作. 他们帮助我建立了一种让我处于最佳状态的风格.
“我有奥运血统, 但现在的重点是提高蛮力并真正获得完美的拍摄效果.
“与泰森·富里的对打确实是顶级的工作. 我知道这让我成为一名更好的战士. 他看起来很健康、很强壮,当你和他一起在擂台上时就会表现出来.
“这是一个很好的机会. 阿贝尔·桑切斯(Abel Sanchez)为让我为这个职位做好准备做了很多工作. 我很高兴向大家展示我的技能和我学到的一切.
“我很高兴乔·汉克斯决定参加这场战斗. 我迫不及待地想系上手套并开始派对. 我会继续保持我的淘汰赛纪录,我保证这会很令人兴奋”
“等了很久才等到这一刻. 我感谢我的团队,并且很高兴能与其他伟大的重量级选手一起出现在这张卡上. 这是成为重量级选手的好时机. 我已经准备好将我的名字列入拳台,以便有机会在周六的出色表现中真正做一些特别的事情.
“工作已经完成. 我做了我必须做的一切. 我为过去的战斗做的准备工作比我做的还要多. 成为失败者对我来说没有多大意义. 我来自纽瓦克, 新泽西州, 我们都是那里的弱者.
“我投入了时间,每个人都支持我并推动我,我认为这会让我渡过难关. 我真的很高兴能进入那里。”
STEPHEN ESPINOZA, 总统体育 & 事件编程, 欣欣网络公司.
“当我们谈论贾勒特·赫德时, 他是一位看似凭空出现的斗士,却以惊人的速度登上了顶峰. 他不是一个装饰业余爱好者. 他在工作中学到了. 自从击败奥斯卡·莫利纳以来他所做的一切 2016 令人印象深刻. 他被公认为拳击界最耀眼的年轻明星之一. 他因伤缺阵,当然可以比杰森·韦尔伯恩打一场更轻松的比赛, 谁是英联邦冠军. 我们期待着一场战斗.
“路易斯·奥尔蒂斯是世界顶级重量级人物之一. 他原本完美的记录中有一个瑕疵, 输给德昂泰·维尔德. 也许奥尔蒂斯距离胜利只有几秒钟的路程. 我们谈论战斗中的微弱优势, 那是最微薄的利润. 我认为他会试图在底牌上发表声明,表示他值得与德昂泰·怀尔德重赛. 阻碍他的将是特拉维斯·考夫曼. 这是另一场充满大拳手的全动作战斗.
“在我们的首场比赛中, 我们拥有这项运动中最受关注的年轻重量级人物之一 – 乔·乔伊斯, 谁将与乔·汉克斯这位强硬的老将较量. 正如我们所知道, 过去六到九个月里,重量级比赛比过去几十年更受关注. 乔·乔伊斯在下一波潜在的未来明星名单中名列前茅. 他当然不会浪费任何时间去对抗乔·汉克斯的战士’ 口径.
“当你从整体上看这张卡时, 你有一些拳击界最厉害的拳手. 如果我们在这张牌上看到几次淘汰赛,我不会感到惊讶. 不要错过活动。”
# # #


周六晚上,马格鲁德在华盛顿娱乐体育竞技场与马特·墨菲对决, D.C.
托里·尼尔森 (Tori Nelson) 对阵桑娜·图鲁宁 (Sanna Turunen) 卫冕 UBF 中量级冠军
环城公路最爱卡里姆·马丁, 亚历山大 - 约翰逊, 约旦白 & 乔治·哈里斯登场
周五在 Yard House 称重 2 PM ET
华盛顿, D.C. (十一月 29, 2018) – 初中量级不败 安东尼奥·马格鲁德(Antonio Magruder) 休赛两年多后将重返赛场,与 36 场比赛的老将较量 马特·墨菲 作为六回合比赛的一部分 10 回合卡 这个星期六晚上娱乐和体育竞技场

华盛顿, D.C.
马格鲁德 (5-0, 4 科斯) 自 9 月 30 日首轮对阵罗尼·沃森 (Ronnie Watson) 后,他希望首次重返赛场, 2016.
马格鲁德已经回到营地, 并为比赛而努力.
“我度过了一个美好的夏令营. 我总是喜欢在家训练格斗,” 说 26 岁 马格鲁德,
华盛顿的马格鲁德, D.C. 他有一个业余职业生涯,大约有 100 打架, 并连续两年被认为是该国同级别拳手中的第一名.
马格鲁德的父亲, 肖恩, 是该活动的共同发起人之一, 年轻的马格鲁德一直在帮忙,同时完全专注于他的对手.
“我的大部分战斗都是在家里进行的, 我喜欢它. 这是一次很好的学习经历,帮助解决了业务方面的问题。”
马格鲁德, 他认为自己是拳击手, 不会为了尽早停止而陷入战斗.
“我不会去那里寻找淘汰赛, 我只是让战斗降临到我身上, 但当它发生时就很棒了。”
尽管没有出色的记录, 他经过了战斗考验,面临着令人震惊的考验 23 不败的敌人, 事实证明他是一个强有力的对手.
“你不能忽视任何进入擂台的人. 他很耐用, 我知道他会努力赢得胜利. 话虽这么说,, 我对他了解不多。”
经过长时间的休息, 马格鲁德看到了一个在初级次中量级中开始发出声音的机会.
“我希望变得更加活跃. 我认为在 2019, 我会弥补失去的时间, 并希望能打五六场比赛. 那应该带我去 12-0, 我应该开始在那些潜在客户名单上受到关注. 我只是想让人们周六出来. 这是一张很棒的卡,有很多优秀的战士. 我一直在努力训练, 我会上演一场精彩的表演。”
托里·纳尔逊 (18-2-3, 3 科斯) 阿什本, 维吉尼亚将捍卫她的UBF中量级世界冠军 桑娜·图鲁宁 (4-1-1, 1 KO) 图苏兰, 芬兰.
在六轮的共同特征, 前世界冠军挑战者 多米尼克韦德 (18-1, 12 科斯) 拉哥岛, MD 承担 乌利塞斯·希门尼斯 (23-23-1, 15 科斯) 霍奇米尔科, 墨西哥队的中量级比赛.
卡里姆·马丁 (10-2, 3 科斯) 华盛顿, DC承担 何塞·阿图罗·埃斯基维尔(10-8, 2 科斯) 奇瓦瓦, 墨西哥在次中量级比赛中.
亚历山大 - 约翰逊 (16-4-1, 7 科斯) 华盛顿, DC会打 门格斯图·扎扎尔(6-5-1, 5 科斯) 帕尔默公园, 马里兰州的一场轻重量级战斗.
山姆交叉 (7-0, 5 科斯) 绿地, MD会战斗 托恩·史密斯 (3-1, 2 科斯) 俄克拉荷马城, ,俄克拉荷马州在轻量级比赛中
安东尼奥·马格鲁德(Antonio Magruder) (5-0, 4 科斯) 华盛顿, D.C. 发生在 马特·墨菲 (3-30-3, 2 科斯) 圣. 圣路易斯, MO在一场初级次中量级比赛中.
乔治·哈里斯 (1-0, 1 KO) 银泉, MD 打架 拉马尔·刘易斯 (0-3) 阿肯色州的重量级废品.
约旦白 (6-1, 4 科斯) 华盛顿, DC将广场下车与 詹纽瑞·斯皮尔曼 (1-3) 拉韦涅, TN在羽量级战斗中.
Kiante欧文 比弗瀑布, PA (2-0, 2 科斯) 盒子 乔治谢泼德 (1-4-1) 弗吉尼亚州参加超中量级比赛.
泰瑞尔·博伊德 巴尔的摩的职业首秀对阵 大卫·罗恩 (0-8) 维拉公园, Il 在一场中量级比赛中.
称重将于周五在 Yard House 进行 (812 7西北街, 华盛顿, DC 20001) AT 2 PM ET
Tricky Entertainment 一直在推广音乐, 华盛顿特区的娱乐和生活方式活动. 过去十年, 由埃尔文·彭德格拉斯特 (Erwin Pendergrast) 运营.
DCFightNight 由肖恩·马格鲁德 (Sean Magruder) 运营, 这将是他在华盛顿的第二次拳击表演.
票价开始于 $45 并可在 Ticketmaster 购买.



欣欣拳击: SPECIAL EDITION Begins At 7:45 PM ET/4:45 PM PT Live On SHOWTIME® And SHOWTIME Sports® Social Media Platforms Preceding Deontay Wilder vs. Tyson Fury SHOWTIME PPV® 大事.


点击 这里 从阿曼达韦斯科特/ SHOWTIME照片


魁北克市 (十一月 29, 2018) – Boxing’s longest reigning world champion, 阿多尼斯史蒂文森, 和不败, mandatory challenger Oleksandr Gvozdyk faced off Thursday at the final press conference ahead of Stevenson’s 10 defense of his WBC Light Heavyweight Title in a 欣欣拳击: 特别版本 telecast Saturday, 十二月 1 from Videotron Center in Quebec City.


欣欣拳击: 特别版本 will air live on SHOWTIME and stream for free on the SHO Sports YouTube channelSHOWTIME Boxing Facebook Page 在开始7:45 P.M. 及/ 4:45 P.M. PT, immediately preceding the Deontay Wilder vs. Tyson Fury SHOWTIME PPV. 怀尔德VS. Fury begins at 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT and also features unified 154-pound world champion 贾勒特赫德 returning to take on 杰森·韦伯恩, Cuban heavyweight slugger 路易斯·奥尔蒂斯 facing-off against 特拉维斯考夫曼 以及不断崛起的重量级人物 乔·乔伊斯 作战 乔·汉克斯.




Here is what Stevenson, Gvozdyk and their respective trainers had to say Thursday at Chateau Bonne Entente in Quebec City:






“Saturday is a big fight. I’m not underestimating Gvozdyk. I know he’s a good fighter and he’s hungry. He’s trained very hard to get my title. But everybody who comes to my home in Canada always wants my title, but it’s never happened and it’s not going to happen now.




“I’m looking for the knockout. That’s just my mentality and the way that I train. 糖 [希尔管家] trains me to think that way but I can also go 12 发, 这算不上问题. I know that if he makes a mistake, I’m going to catch him. He only has to slip up once in 12 发. One mistake, one punch. That’s all it’s going to take. 我准备好了. I know I can punch and it’s 12 发. I just need one punch. Just one. I’m going to catch him and the night will be over.




“I’ve been pushing myself in training and I’m going to put on another great performance come Saturday and will defend my title once again. In the words of my old trainer, 伊曼纽尔管家, ‘knockouts selland that’s what I’m going for in this fight. I know I’m facing a good boxer who’s coming in very determined. He’ll be ready, but it won’t be enough. Superman is in the building!”





“I’m glad to finally be here. 我很兴奋. I want to thank Top Rank and GYM Promotions for finally making this happen. I respect Adonis Stevenson as a fighter, 所以我会为这场战斗做好充分的准备. But I am ready to accept this challenge and on Saturday night there will be a new champion.




“I have one of the greatest trainers in the history of boxing so I’m very confident. We have a good strategy. We had an excellent training camp and I’m ready. Adonis is a great fighter. He’s a dangerous southpaw and this is a real step-up for me but it’s my time.




“People always ask about Stevenson’s age but George Foreman and Bernard Hopkins performed at a high level when they were 50-years-old. It really just depends on how you maintain your body, your living conditions, how you eat and how you train.




“I’m not worried about what the bookmakers say. It doesn’t mean anything that they think I am the favorite. I try to stay focused on the things that I need to be focused on, not what the bookmakers think. The further this fight goes, the better my chances are. My height, my movement and my patience will win me this fight.”






“I’m happy to be here once again. This is like a second home for Adonis. This fight is just going to be regular Adonis. Adonis wants to get a knockout. 我爱击倒. This is how we train for every fight. It’s no disrespect to any fighter, but that’s just the mentality that we have. Adonis and I don’t believe in leaving it in the hands of the judges and that’s been working so far. We will continue to do what we’ve been doing.”




“Adonis has been training his whole life for something like this. This is a big world championship fight against a former Olympian. Welcome to big time boxing, this is what it’s all about. Come December 1, Adonis Stevenson is going to get another knockout.”





“We knew that this would be a very difficult fight but what we didn’t know was how difficult it would be to get here. That part of the fight is over, 谢天谢地. We spent eight weeks in California preparing for this bout. Preparing for a tremendous champion. I don’t have to speak about how long he’s been a champion, his reign, 他知道他会点燃我内心的火焰,以通过奉献和决心克服我缺乏天生的能力。这只是他众多激励方法中的一种。正如他常说的, how talented and dangerous he is as a puncher. I believe he’s the best or second-best puncher in boxing today. It’s either him or [Deontay] 怀尔德, whatever you choose.




“Stevenson has all of the qualities a great fighter needs. He has a great heart, he’s gotten off the canvas and showed tremendous heart late in the Badou Jack fight. This is quite a task that’s in front of us. We understand that. The good news is that we know exactly what we’re facing and we’ve prepared the last eight weeks for that. We have not overlooked anything. I have no doubt that although we have a very steep challenge in front of us, that on Saturday night we will have a new Light Heavyweight Champion of the World.”

Decastro: It’s My Destiny To Be World Champion.



Bardney, Lincolnshire’s Nathan Decastro (14-0-0) wholeheartedly believes it is his destiny to become World Champion. In just over a weeks time he finally gets the opportunity to make his childhood dream come true, when challenges Accra, Ghana’s Daniel Adjei Sowah (20-6-2) 对于世界拳击联盟 (WBU), Super Middleweight Championship of the World at the Glasgow Club in Bellahouston, Glasgow on Saturday the 8th December 2018.


Decastro, 目前排名 #6 在国际拳击联合会 (IBF) Intercontinental rankings, earned the shot for the WBU World Crown with a solid points victory over West African Boxing Union (WABU) Champion Agoe Ashong (11-2-0) to secure the Professional Boxing Council (PBC) Commonwealth title at Pride Park in Derby back in September.


Speaking from his home earlier Decastro could barely hide his joy at the opportunity to fight for his first World Championship.


I’m buzzing, 我只是等不及了. I mean not only am I fighting for the World title, but will be fighting for it on the undercard of Scott Harrison’s return to the ring, exciting times.


My camps gone really well, I’m feeling fitter and stronger than ever. We’re not leaving anything to chance; we’ve covered every conceivable angle.


My father Frank has made sure of that, he’s a great coach, I really am blessed that he trains me.


We know he’s a banger, but so am I and what’s more I have a better KO ration of 11 在 14 against his 13 在 28 and more importantly I believe I am more hungry for this than him.


It’s been my dream since I started boxing as a youngster to win a World title and now I’m just over a week away from making my dreams come true.


Especially as I am fighting for the WBU Title, we have history with this Championship at the Bracebridge Boxing Club, as Kelly Oliver whose father owns the club also fought for the WBU crown, at Cruiserweight, so have to win it and bring the belt back to the gym I’ve trained at all my career.


Decastro then went on to vent his frustrations over the way bureaucracy had thwarted his previous Championship efforts.


I’ve had a really frustrating year or so, yes I won the Commonwealth title last time out but twice this year I was supposed to challenge for the World title.


Unfortunately bureaucratic red tape caused the fights to be cancelled, either Visa issues came into play, as with the original planned fight against Agoe (Ashong) in July or worse still unnecessary political interference by the EBU, which scuppered the IBF European fight against Ronnie (Landaeta).


This time though it’s different, Daniel has his Visa and the EBU can’t possibly interfere, so no excuses.


It’s my destiny to be World Champion, come 8th December, my dreams will come true, I will be crowned World Champion as I owe it to my legion of fans that have been awesome and so supportive.


Nathan ‘NightmareDecastro versus Daniel Adjei Sowah for the World Boxing Union (WBU) 世界超中量级冠军, is the main support for the highly anticipated return to the ring of two time WBO World Champion Scott Harrison (27-3-2) against Tackie Annan (11-6-0) at the Glasgow Club in Bellahouston, Glasgow on Saturday the 8th December 2018.


门票: Priced £60 (马戏团), £50 (Outer Ringside) 和£40 (Standard Seating) are available from the Assassin Boxing Promotions Ticket Line: 07594 144433 and on-line at www.tkoboxoffice.com.


Undercard Finalized for “Rumble at the Rock III” this Friday, 十一月. 30, 塞米诺尔硬石酒店 & 赌场在好莱坞, 佛罗里达州.

Main and Co-Main Events to be Featured Live on Boxeo Telemundo

The undercard has been finalized for “Rumble at the Rock III,” 星期五, 十一月. 30, 在 塞米诺尔硬石酒店硬石活动中心 & 赌场在好莱坞, 佛罗里达州.




促进者 克里斯·劳伦斯和重量级工厂, 与联想 Tuto Zabala of All Star Boxing, have put together an exciting night of boxing, featuring Colombian Bantamweight Champion 耶森巴尔加斯 (17-0, 12 科斯) of Cartagena, Colombia taking on WBO Latino Bantamweight Champion Ricardo Espinoza (21-2, 18 科斯) in a 10-rounder for the WBO-NABO Championship.




In the 10-round welterweight co-main event, 德里克·奎瓦斯 (18-0-1, 14 科斯) 里奥彼德拉斯, 波多黎各, will face well-known Miami via Barranquilla, 哥伦比亚, 老将 Breidis “Khanqueror” Prescott (31-14, 22 科斯).


Tickets for “Rumble at the Rock III” cost $60, $100, $150, $250 和 $500 VIP 并可通过 ticketmaster.com. The live Boxeo Telemundo telecast on Telemundo starts at 11:30 P.M. 美东时间.




In support of the televised action will be an eight-fight undercard, featuring several of the area’s most promising fighters.




在八回合的超羽量级战斗中, Miami’s undefeated Hairon “El Maja” Socarras (19-0-3, 12 科斯) will take on former top-ranked veteran Mike “Machine Gun” Oliver (26-9-1, 8 科斯) 哈特福德, 康涅狄格州.




Also on the undercard is Miami heavyweight Jairus Gladney who will make his pro debut in a four-rounder against Miami’s Hector Hodge (2-3).




In a four-round light heavyweight scrap, Miami’s Ulysses Diaz (6-0, 5 科斯) will face Sonora, Mexico’s Fabian Valdez (3-4).




Undefeated super middleweight Irosvani Duvergel (4-0, 2 科斯) of Miami via Cuba, will fight six rounds against Miami’s Yendris Rodriguez Valdez (2-3, 2 科斯).




A featherweight six-rounder will pit Miami’s all-action Jessy Cruz (14-7-1, 6 科斯) against Mexican veteran Isaias Martin Cardona (25-14, 17 科斯).




Lightweights Dustin Arnold (6-1, 1 科斯) of Coral Springs and Miami’s Manuel Correa (2-0, 2 科斯) will go six rounds or less.




In the night’s opening bout, two Miami-based featherweights, Luis Melendez (2-1, 2 科斯) and Jonathan Conde (对于首次亮相), 将进行四轮.




搏击之夜, 硬石活动中心的开门时间为 6 下午, 和行动开始于 7 P.M. 塞米诺尔硬石酒店 & 赌场位于 1 好莱坞的塞米诺尔路, 佛罗里达州.


(怀尔德 & L.A. Fire Department Chief Ralph Terrazas)
点击 这里 从以斯帖林/ SHOWTIME照片


LOS ANGELES (十一月 27, 2018) – WBC重量级世界冠军 Deontay怀尔德 and lineal heavyweight champion 泰森怒 presented tickets for this Saturday’s heavyweight title showdown to area first responders in recognition of the men and women who battled the recent fires in Southern California.




Before he meets Fury on SHOWTIME PPV®from STAPLES Center, Wilder delivered tickets for first responders alongside L.A. Fire Department Chief Ralph Terrazas at LAFD Station 3. Wilder spent time with the first responders and donned the firefighter uniform while conducting interviews.




These men and women risk their lives each and every day,” 怀尔德说. “When the duty calls, they’re at the top of their game. I really respect the hard work that they do and I’m blessed to be here and be amongst so many brave people.




I just really appreciate everyone here and I’m looking forward to seeing them at the fight on Saturday night. This donation is for all of the things that they do on a daily basis, and everything they do that people don’t see. They are always ready when the time comes. I know that the city and the state appreciates everything you do.




We’re very proud to host the champ here at LAFD Station 3,said Chief Terrazas. “We wish you well and we look forward to celebrating with you on Saturday night. It’s very special that Deontay wanted to come here and recognize all the hard work that these men and women do.




愤怒, who spent his training camp Southern California, joined L.A. County Fire Chief Daryl Osby at the L.A. County Fire Department Headquarters to meet with first responders.




These firefighters are heroes who have been out there every day saving lives,” said Fury. “Since I’ve been here I’ve been following the situation and the fantastic job these men and women have been doing. I’m glad to be here to tell them how thankful I am for what they do and help give them a break Saturday night.




Training in California has really opened my eyes to see so many different cultures and so many different things that are going on here. There’s a lot of homeless people on the streets and when I go home I’m going to build homes for the homeless and set up funds for those in need. Being here has given me that extra push to do more.




We’re very thankful for these tickets and for the support shown today for our firefighters,” said Chief Osby. “They put their lives on the line to protect our citizens and our community and we’re happy that their efforts are acknowledged.


(愤怒 & L.A. County Fire Chief Daryl Osby)




# # #




门票活动, 由BombZquad Enterprises和Queensberry Promotions推广, 与TGB Promotions和DiBella Entertainment合作, 现已发售,可通过 AXS.com 购买. 怀尔德VS. 愤怒将由SHOWTIME PPV制作和发行. 建议零售价 (镰刀) 按次计费的电视广播是 $64.99 用于标准清晰度.


关于怀尔德 vs. 愤怒



Deontay怀尔德VS. 泰森·富里 (Tyson Fury) 在 SHOWTIME PPV 上让 WBC 重量级世界冠军维尔德 (Wilder) 对阵直系重量级冠军富里 (Fury)® 星期六, 十二月 1 在洛杉矶斯台普斯中心举行,由超级拳击冠军颁发. PPV 底卡开始于 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT 并将以不败的统一超次中量级世界冠军贾勒特·赫德(Jarrett Hurd)回归迎战杰森·韦尔伯恩(Jason Welborn), 古巴重量级拳手路易斯·奥尔蒂斯对阵特拉维斯·考夫曼,崛起的不败重量级拳手乔·乔伊斯对阵乔·汉克斯.




欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.staplescenter.com 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @BronzeBomber, @泰森_弗瑞, @TGBPromotions, @STAPLESCenter 和 @Swanson_Comm 或成为 Facebook 粉丝: www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter.

中美. 奥林匹亚选手特雷尔·高沙 (Terrell Gausha) 对阵乔伊·埃尔南德斯 (Joey Hernandez) & 两级冠军兰斯·巴泰勒米 & 周六,重量级拳击冠军埃菲·阿贾格巴 (Efe Ajagba) 登上拳击台,参加由超级拳击冠军举办的堆叠底牌比赛, 十二月 22 从布鲁克林巴克莱中心出发

更多! 前景光明 加里·安图安 & 加里·安东尼奥·拉塞尔

布鲁克林 (十一月 27, 2018) – 中美. 奥运选手和超次中量级竞争者 特雷尔Gausha 与身经百战的老兵发生冲突 乔伊·埃尔南德斯 在一场 10 回合的比赛中,前两个级别的世界冠军和古巴明星 兰斯·巴泰勒米 参加 10 回合超轻量级格斗比赛, 同时重量级的感觉 卡通Ajagba, 作为一个可怕的拳击手,他正在撼动这个部门, 周六,作为充满动感的底牌比赛的一部分,进入六轮比赛的擂台, 十二月 22 巴克莱中心, 布鲁克林拳击™的家庭和总理拳击冠军呈现.




堆叠的底牌引出了福克斯节目中的重磅 PBC 节目,其中查洛双胞胎捍卫了他们的世界冠军头衔, 黄金时段多米尼克·布雷泽尔 (Dominic Breazeale) 和卡洛斯·内格隆 (Carlos Negron) 之间的重量级对决. Jermall夏洛茨维尔, 他和他的兄弟通过掷硬币获胜来决定他们的战斗顺序, 将在 12 回合 WBC 临时中量级冠军赛中对阵威利·门罗, 小, 而杰梅尔·查洛则将对阵托尼·哈里森,卫冕 WBC 超次中量级世界冠军头衔.




拥挤的底牌上还有中量级竞争者 马特·科罗博夫(28-1, 14 科斯) 在八回合的战斗和十回合的超次中量级对决中 布兰登·夸尔斯 (20-4-1, 10 科斯) 和 托德·曼努埃尔 (17-16-1, 5 科斯).




这场比赛仍在继续,羽量级世界冠军小加里·拉塞尔 (Gary Russell Jr.) 的不败前景和弟弟们不断崛起。, 如 2012 中美. 奥林匹亚 加里·安图安·拉塞尔 (7-0, 7 科斯) 八回合超轻量级比赛并保持不败 加里·安东尼奥·拉塞尔 (12-0, 10 科斯) 看起来在八轮雏量级比赛中保持不败.




演出门票, 由 Lions Only Promotions 和 TGB Promotions 与 DiBella Entertainment 联合推广, 开始于 $50 与现已公开发售. 门票可在购买 ticketmaster.com, barclayscenter.com, 或致电 800-745-3000. 门票也可在美国运通票房购买巴克莱中心. 集团折扣可致电844-BKLYN-GP.




31岁的高莎 (20-1, 9 科斯) 在一场超次中量级冠军争夺战中,他以一致判定输给了埃里斯兰迪·拉拉,这是他职业生涯的第一次失利。 2017 在巴克莱中心. 美国的一员. 拳击队在 2012 伦敦奥运会, 克利夫兰的高沙希望在对阵埃尔南德斯的比赛中反弹.




埃尔南德斯 (27-4-1, 17 科斯) 自从输给奥斯汀·特劳特以来,已经连续三场淘汰赛获胜 2015 在 FS1 上. 来自迈阿密的 34 岁左撇子, 埃尔南德斯在八月 TKO 战胜何塞·安东尼奥·罗德里格斯 8.




祖国古巴一位多产的业余爱好者, 缪 (26-1, 13 科斯) 在职业生涯第一次失利后重返拳台, 在三月份与 Kiryl Relikh 的超轻量级世界冠军争夺战中. 这位32岁的选手成为了世界冠军 2014 当他击败阿吉尼斯·门德斯 (Argenis Mendez) 夺得 130 磅级冠军时, 并击败丹尼斯·沙菲科夫夺得空缺的轻量级金腰带,成为两个级别的冠军.




松鼠 (7-0, 6 科斯) 今年夏天,当他的对手在触摸手套后走出拳击场并在 FS1 现场直播首轮比赛的铃声响起时,引起了人们的关注. 他是唯一一位在对阵24岁的阿贾格巴时毫发无损地离开擂台的对手, 他是尼日利亚拳击队的成员 2016 里约奥运会,今年将第五次踏上拳击场,也是第二次作为职业选手在巴克莱中心.




# # #




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欲了解更多信息: 访问 www.premierboxingchampions.com, http://www.foxsports.com/presspass/homepagewww.foxdeportes.com, 在Twitter @PremierBoxing, @FutureOfBoxing, @TwinCharlo, @PBConFOX, FOXSports, FOXDeportes, @TGBPromotions, @BrooklynBoxing 和 @Swanson_Comm 或在 Facebook 上成为粉丝 www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampions, www.facebook.com/foxsportswww.facebook.com/foxdeportes.

USA Boxing National Championships return to Salt Lake City Next Week

多于 700 of the top amateur boxers in the United States will box for National Titles
科罗拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (十一月. 27, 2018) — USA Boxing’s Elite and Youth National Championships & Junior and Prep Open returns to the Salt Palace in Salt Lake City, Utah for the second consecutive year, 十二月. 1-8.




多于 700 of the nation’s best boxers, 老年的 8 到 40, will step into the ring beginning Dec. 4 looking for their chance to win a national title. This year’s tournament will also serve as the first qualifier to the 2020 Olympic Trials for Boxing for those boxers in the elite division (19-40).




Winners in the junior (15-16), youth (17-18) and elite division will earn spots on USA Boxing’s High Performance Squad, which will give them the opportunity to attend training camps at the United States Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, 科罗拉多州。, as well as represent Team USA in international competition in 2019. Boxers in the prep divisions (8-14) will earn valuable ranking points for the next year.




We are looking forward to returning to Salt Lake City for another year of amazing boxing,” 说美国拳击执行董事迈克·McAtee. “These championships are an important step towards qualifying to Team USA and their chance to try and qualify to the Tokyo 2020 奥运会, as well as earn a place on our high-performance squad for our younger boxers.




USA Boxing will kick off the week-long tournament with a press conference on Monday, 十二月. 3 in Room 155 at the Salt Palace Convention Center. Local Utah boxers, World Championship medalists, as well as alumni of USA Boxing are expected to speak. A list of speakers will be announced closer to the day of the press conference.




Boxing will begin on Tuesday, 十二月. 4 with two sessions, noon and 6:00 下午, and will be free to the public until finals. Two sessions will continue through Thursday, 十二月. 6, with Friday, 十二月. 7 having just one noon session. The championships will conclude with the junior and youth finals beginning at 3:00 下午, followed by the elite championship bouts starting at 6:00 P.M. Tickets will be available for purchase throughout the week at the venue or at the door prior to the start of the finals.




USA Boxing and the USA Boxing Alumni Association will also host its second annual Alumni Association Hall of Fame Reception at the Radisson Hotel (215 S. 圣寺) 在周五, 十二月 7. 访问 teamusa.org/usa-boxing/alumni 了解更多信息.




叽叽喳喳: @USABoxing

Instagram的: @USABoxing

Facebook的: /USABoxing

Undefeated prospect Richard “大力水手曼” Rivera takes his act South

哈特福德, 康涅狄格州. (十一月 26, 2018) – 不败的前景 理查德 “大力水手曼” 里维拉 will take his act South this Friday night, when he fights Joshua Robertson 在 “stay busyfight on theBoxing Bash” 卡, presented by Christy Martin Promotions, at Centerstage@Noda in Charlotte, 北卡罗来纳.




里维拉VS. 罗伯逊, contested at a 185-pounds catchweight, will be co-promoted by Rivera’s promoter, Hartford Boxing Promotions.




里维拉 (8-0, 7 科斯), the reigning Universal Boxing Federation (UBF) All America light heavyweight champion, is part of a trio that formed Hartford Boxing Promotions earlier this year, including Rivera’s manager/head trainer 托尼·布兰科 and their partner, Michael Tran.



Fighting out of Hartford (CT), Rivera has rejuvenated that market, whose rich boxing history dates back nearly a full century, headlined by International Hall of Famers 威利 “Will othe Wisp” 活力ChristopherBattlingBattalino. Other top-area boxers include world champion 马龙 “魔术师” 椋鸟, 世界冠军挑战者 加斯帕 “印第安” 奥尔特加, 和 以色列 “宁” 卡多纳, 和 1996 USA Olympic Boxing Team captain 劳伦斯·克莱贝.




现在, 虽然, it’s Rivera’s time to shine. Arguably the hardest-hitting, most popular fighter in New England, Rivera hit 兰迪·坎贝尔 so hard this past April in New Hampshire that the force of his powerful right broke his opponent’s ankle only seconds into the contest.



Rivera has developed a strong fan-base throughout New England and now he’s bringing his “大力水手” persona to the South for the first time. “This is a good opportunity to expand my ‘Popeyebrand,” 里维拉说. “My last fight was in Mexico and this fight is in North Carolina. We’re on our way to going worldwide. I have a lot of family in North Carolina, Fayetteville and Raleigh, so I won’t be alone down there.




“我相信 2019 won’t be much different that my first year as a pro. I’ll be getting a lot of fights and I think that, by the end of next year, I’ll be fighting for something big. I stay in top shape in case a good opportunity comes around. I’m confident and I’ve really benefitted from being 乔·史密斯‘s sparring partner. This fight is about staying sharp because I don’t like having too much time off. The plan is to fight in a different part of the country, get a victory, and then remain in top shape.




The wildly popular Rivera originally got his nickname because, when he was younger, his forearms were considerably larger than his biceps. Fighters in the gym jokingly teased Rivera about his enlarged forearms, calling him “大力水手,” and the nickname has stuck. 现在, Rivera showcases his Popeye persona in full, which has added many females and children to his growing fanbase, and he attributes his wins to eating his spinach to be good to the finish.




Fighters today need to be more than talented,” added promoter 克里斯蒂 “The Coal Minder’s Daughter” 马丁, the two-division world champion who was a women’s boxing pioneer. I haven’t seen him (里维拉) fight yet, but I’ve been impressed by what I’ve heard about him. He’s a great addition to our card. Rivera is a big guy with power and everybody wants to see big guys. But he’s also smart, marketing wise, by capitalizing on ‘Popeye.He gets it.




Blanco connected with Martin through social media and, as he explained, things went smoothly from there to place Rivera on that card. “We want to keep Richard busy and then have a breakout year in 2019,Blanco noted. “The beauty of Richard is that he stays busy and works hard, sometimes when he’s training by himself. Boxing is his job and I believe he’s destined for greatness.




罗伯逊 (7-11, 2 科斯), 林奇堡, 弗吉尼亚州, has fought the likes of unified world junior middleweight champion 贾勒特赫德, former USBA middleweight title holder 路易斯·阿里亚斯, and ex- WBC FECARBOX welterweight titlist 托马斯·拉曼纳.




门票售价 $70.00 (马戏团) 和 $35.00 (general admission and available to purchase at the venue.




门开处 6 P.M. ET 的第一场比赛计划于 7 P.M. AND.





过去和现在拳击界最优秀的重量级拳手对德昂泰·维尔德 (Deontay Wilder) 与现在的比赛给出了他们的想法和预测. 泰森·富里一鸣惊人,拳击周在洛杉矶拉开帷幕

星期六, 十二月 1 住在Showtime PPV®
斯台普斯中心 & 总理拳击冠军主办

LOS ANGELES (十一月 27, 2018) – 随着洛杉矶拳击周的拉开帷幕, 过去和现在的重量级人物都发表了讲话, 并且大多数人相信 德翁泰·怀尔德 纯粹的拳力足以击败高手 泰森怒 周六, 十二月 1 在放映时间 PPV®.




拳击史上一些最伟大的重量级人物将参与美国最大的重量级拳王争夺战. 自从迈克·泰森 (Mike Tyson) 对阵伦诺克斯·刘易斯 (Lennox Lewis) 2002. SHOWTIME PPV 开始于 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. 斯台普斯中心的 PT 参加由超级拳击冠军举办的活动.




门票活动, 由BombZquad Enterprises和Queensberry Promotions推广, 与TGB Promotions和DiBella Entertainment合作, 现已发售,可通过 AXS.com 购买. 怀尔德VS. 愤怒将由SHOWTIME PPV制作和发行. 建议零售价 (镰刀) 按次计费的电视广播是 $64.99 用于标准清晰度.




以下是现任和前任重量级巨星对维尔德大战的评价. 狂怒对决:





“虽然维尔德的拳头很强, 没有什么能比得上弗瑞在赛场内外所表现出的精神力量. 这将是一次千钧一发的机会, 但我认为富里有真正的战斗机会。”





“这是一个伟大的斗争. Fury有很多技能, 他很笨拙,而且手臂很长. 他反应灵敏,反击能力强. 德昂泰需要成为第一,他等不及泰森了. 泰森一直是更大的拳击手. 在与 Deontay 的战斗中也是同样的情况. 如果事情变得困难, 他 (愤怒) 获得了更多的经验和很多技巧. 我认为以德昂泰的力量, 他或许可以提前结束这一切, 但如果泰森能让他感到沮丧,那就更远了, 那么事情就能如他所愿。”




“如果它跑得更远,那么它就属于泰森·富里. 如果这是一场短战,那么它将属于德昂泰·维尔德(Deontay Wilder). 这是一场史诗般且最难以预测的对决. 我等不及这场战斗了。”




“我是德昂泰·怀尔德的忠实粉丝,泰森·富里以及他如何避免对阵弗拉基米尔·克里琴科的重击给我留下​​了深刻的印象. 我可以看到他走 12 由于维尔德的身高和臂展,他与维尔德一起回合.




“这场战斗的伟大之处在于我们都在谈论它. 我认为维尔德赢得了一场势均力敌的判决。”





“如果维尔德出来并且是认真的,那么他应该轻松击败富里. 我的预测是怀尔德被淘汰!”





“Deontay怀尔德VS. 泰森·富里是一场非常有趣的战斗. 我爱泰森·弗瑞. 我认为他是一位出色的自我推销者, 他和弗拉基米尔·克里琴科(Wladimir Klitschko)合作得非常出色, 利用他的佯攻让克里琴科脱离了他的比赛计划. Deontay 是一位不同类型的战士, 虽然. 愤怒战斗于 30 英里每小时. 德昂泰 战斗于 100 英里每小时. 所以, 当 Deontay 抓住 Fury 并抓住他时,我想一切都会结束. 我很佩服弗瑞, 但我认为他在这场战斗中找错了对象. 我认为底线是 Deontay 是一种完全不同类型的野兽. 他咄咄逼人,终结了对手. 我讨厌挑选, 但总有人会失去. 我通过淘汰赛选择德昂泰,我认为比赛会在四到五轮内结束。”





“如果富里决定他想要俯冲、俯冲和移动, 然后他就可以延长战斗时间. 但这一切都取决于维尔德. 如果弗瑞决定来到擂台中央进行战斗, 然后一切都会很快结束. 维尔德要追上他. 预测: 维尔德被KO。”




“我认为维尔德与奥尔蒂斯的比赛以及现在富里的背靠背比赛给球迷带来了激动人心的战斗. 维尔德和富里我都喜欢, 但对于这场比赛,我稍微倾向于维尔德获胜。”




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关于怀尔德 vs. 愤怒



Deontay怀尔德VS. 泰森·富里 (Tyson Fury) 在 SHOWTIME PPV 上让 WBC 重量级世界冠军维尔德 (Wilder) 对阵直系重量级冠军富里 (Fury)® 星期六, 十二月 1 在洛杉矶斯台普斯中心举行,由超级拳击冠军颁发. PPV 底卡开始于 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT 并将以不败的统一超次中量级世界冠军贾勒特·赫德(Jarrett Hurd)回归迎战杰森·韦尔伯恩(Jason Welborn), 古巴重量级拳手路易斯·奥尔蒂斯对阵特拉维斯·考夫曼,崛起的不败重量级拳手乔·乔伊斯对阵乔·汉克斯.




欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports, www.premierboxingchampions.comwww.staplescenter.com 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, @SHOSports, @PremierBoxing @BronzeBomber, @泰森_弗瑞, @TGBPromotions, @STAPLESCenter 和 @Swanson_Comm 或成为 Facebook 粉丝: www.Facebook.com/SHOSports, www.Facebook.com/PremierBoxingChampionswww.facebook.com/STAPLESCenter.