标记档案: 世界冠军

Canelo ALVAREZ VS. Daniel JACOBS ** 深入预览和分析 **

由: Tony Penecale

The biggest week in boxing is upon us with the annual Cinco de Mayo weekend extravaganza in Las Vegas. The Mexican marquee star Saul “Canelo” Alvarez returns to his home-away-from-home to face the challenge of fellow middleweight titlist, Daniel “Miracle Man” Jacobs, who is intent on spoiling the homecoming.

Can Canelo sprinkle some extra cinnamon on an explosive victory? Or will it be Jacobs who provides another miracle in his story-book comeback?


阿尔瓦雷斯: 龄: 28 岁
创纪录的: 51-1-2 (35 击倒)
高低: 5“9”
重量: 167 * * 重量为最后一个回合 (12-15-18)
达到: 70”

雅各布: 龄: 32 岁
创纪录的: 35-2 (29 击倒)
高低: 5’11”
重量: 159 * * 重量为最后一个回合 (10-27-18)
达到: 73”


WBC超次中量级冠军 (’11-’13)
WBA超次中量级冠军 (‘13)
Ring Magazine 初级中量级冠军 ('13)
WBC中量级冠军 ('15 -Pres)
WBA中量级冠军 ('18-Pres)
Ring杂志中量级冠军 ('18-Pres)
WBA超中量级冠军 ('18-Pres)
环杂志英镑-4-英镑 #3 义和团

WBA中量级冠军 ('14-'17)
IBF中量级冠军 ('18-'总统)


一个积极的, 拳击技巧被低估的体格斗士, 阿尔瓦雷斯常穿对手打倒稳定的压力和重手拳. 将使用假动作和反击来投掷对手的时机,并为消耗体力的身体攻击创造机会. 双手拥有改变战斗的力量,但有时出拳不够. 虽然他最出名的是他的进攻技巧, 阿尔瓦雷斯有象样, 但不是很大, 防御技能打滑和阻塞拳.

一个瘦高个, 拳法多才多艺的长臂拳击手,经常打架凶悍,不怕过拳. 雅各布斯将良好的拳击技巧和基本功与双手的击倒力量相结合. 有时会过于进攻,容易受到反击. 在逆境中表现出巨大的心脏.


* 力量——阿尔瓦雷斯双拳握雷. 他两只手都有击倒力, 但他最致命的武器驻留在他的左钩拳, 特别是对身体. 他的职业生涯中有过三位年度淘汰赛候选人.

* 力量 - 阿尔瓦雷斯是一个物理成熟和厚厚的建造战斗机不可思议的力量. 他在支持战士方面很有效, 即使不登陆刷新拳. 他从初级中量级成长起来,最近参加了超中量级比赛.

* 经验——阿尔瓦雷斯在他的职业生涯中取得了长足的进步,并与拳击界的一些知名人士竞争. 他在这一刻出现过无数次,喧闹的气氛对他来说将是第二天性.

* 性格——雅各布斯在 2007 年战胜骨癌后,勇敢地面对并击败了他职业生涯中最令人生畏的对手。 2011. 他在职业生涯中应对了一些艰难的挑战,在拳击场上展现了他的品格.

* 权力——Jacobs 已注册 29 他 35 通过停赛取得职业胜利. 他拥有一拳改变战局的力量和杀死受伤对手的杀手本能.

* 多才多艺——雅各布斯拥有出色的拳击技术和动作, 有时在正统和左撇子立场之间切换. 如果对付另一个咄咄逼人的对手, 雅各布斯将反击并寻求反击机会. 他善于在需要时加快步伐.


* 战术失误——阿尔瓦雷斯在之前的一些比赛中犯过战术失误, 包括试图击败小弗洛伊德梅威瑟. 通过在外面和他拳击. 在其他战斗中, 他让他的对手控制节奏并偷走回合.

* Easy-to-Hit——虽然他的进攻技巧是他的名片, 阿尔瓦雷斯防守不错. 当他注意力不集中或变得过于咄咄逼人时, 他对直右手和反击拳很开放.

* 沉重的脚——阿尔瓦雷斯有很好的拳击能力,但经常在拳击场上行动迟缓. 当与具有良好横向运动的更高的战士相匹配时, 他经常挣扎, 就像他与 Austin Trout 和 Erislandy Lara 的比赛一样.

* 怀疑下巴——雅各布斯对品尝画布并不陌生. 在他的第一次职业失利中,他被德米特里·皮罗格以毁灭性的方式击倒. 他也在画布上对抗根纳季·戈洛夫金和塞尔吉奥·莫拉.

* 鲁莽——在他与莫拉的第一次战斗中, 雅各布斯在击倒对手后变得过于咄咄逼人,并让自己敞开大门进行反击,这让他在画布上. 当他让 Peter Quillin 昏迷时,他也再次失去平衡和鲁莽.

* 氛围——Jacobs 之前在拉斯维加斯参加过比赛,主要活动在麦迪逊广场花园举行. 然而, 这是他第一次参加拉斯维加斯 Cinco-de-Mayo 周末盛会.


阿尔瓦雷斯: (12/15/18) – 阿尔瓦雷斯通过破坏比赛成功上演了超中量级首秀,但在三回合中击败了洛基菲尔丁. 阿尔瓦雷斯惩罚了菲尔丁的尸体, 赢得四个击倒, 并用他标志性的左勾拳将他击中肝脏.

(10/27/18) – 雅各布斯与不败但不为人知的谢尔希·德雷维安琴科遭遇艰难, 赢得 12 轮分裂决定. 雅各布斯在第一轮击倒并在来回比赛中击倒更多拳.

3 表现最好

* 詹姆斯·柯克兰 (5/9/15) – 当柯克兰用神风敢死队攻击与阿尔瓦雷斯交战时,烟花从开场钟开始表演. 阿尔瓦雷斯反击并在第一轮击倒并结束了战斗 3
RD 用风景如画的右手圆.

* 利亚姆·史密斯 (9/17/16) – 阿尔瓦雷斯有条不紊地打破了以前不败的史密斯, 从一开始就控制回合. 阿尔瓦雷斯在 7
和 8 在节目结束前四轮,他的左勾拳打在了肝脏上 9 圆.

* 卡洛斯Baldomir (9/18/10) – 阿尔瓦雷斯是一名 20 岁的神童,在巴尔多米尔面对一位持久的前世界冠军. 阿尔瓦雷斯早早就成功拳击,利用速度和技巧的优势横扫前五轮. 但令人难忘的是他在第 6 场的表现. 阿尔瓦雷斯震撼了巴尔多米尔,最后一记左勾拳落下, 使他昏迷之前,他打的垫子和处理了他唯一的停工损失在16年的职业生涯.

* 塞尔吉奥·莫拉 (9/9/16) – 雅各布斯消除了他们第一场比赛的任何争议, 最后莫拉伤了脚踝, 通过在复赛中解剖他, 以令人印象深刻的方式达到高潮 7
圆形将军澳. 雅各布斯在每场比赛中都击倒了 4 和 5 回合之前打开并在 7 圆, 强制停工.

* 彼得Quillin (12/5/15) – 在争夺布鲁克林炫耀权的战斗中, 雅各布斯用一记惊艳了不败且受宠的奎林 1
ST 圆形将军澳. 雅各布斯早早落地右手, 让 Quilling 跌跌撞撞地陷入绳索. 一阵后续的混乱让奎林穿过裁判停止战斗的戒指.

* Caleb Truax (4/24/15) – 雅各布斯以精湛的表现统治了特鲁克斯 11 发, 用重拳控制动作, 并把他的比赛对手打倒. 轻松领先进入最后一轮, 雅各布斯在他虚弱的对手身上卸下了重担,直到裁判将他从进一步的处罚中解救出来.


* 快速开始,不要让 Jacobs 变得自信

* 切断戒指,迫使雅各布斯在密闭空间内战斗

* 尽早并经常去身体

* 使用僵硬的刺拳和侧向运动让阿尔瓦雷斯失去平衡

* 尽早获得阿尔瓦雷斯的尊重

* 不要鲁莽

* 回到中量级会让阿尔瓦雷斯筋疲力尽吗?

* 阿尔瓦雷斯在俯瞰雅各布斯吗?

* 如果雅各布斯使用有效的横向移动,阿尔瓦雷斯会变得沮丧吗?

* 雅各布斯能否赢得拉斯维加斯的决定?

* 雅各布斯能否利用阿尔瓦雷斯的战术缺陷?

* 雅各布斯将如何处理亲阿尔瓦雷斯的气氛?


人群将在开场钟声中嗡嗡作响. 阿尔瓦雷斯将继续前进, 举手, 用他的刺拳试探并试图站稳脚跟. 雅各布斯将横向移动, 试探性刺拳并使用头部假动作. 谨慎的 1
ST 回合将以阿尔瓦雷斯介入并投出一些硬身投篮结束, 引起党派人群的欢呼.

阿尔瓦雷斯将继续施加压力 2
ND 和 3RD 与雅各布斯一起努力建立他的刺拳更权威. 雅各布斯将重拳击中面部,阿尔瓦雷斯用右手高举反击. 雅各布斯会向他的左边移动,以避开阿尔瓦雷斯对身体的左勾拳.

行动将在中间回合中继续加强. 雅各布斯将用直的右手跟随他的刺拳. 阿尔瓦雷斯将蹲伏并在内线使用他的力量, 使用上手的权利和钩子到手臂和肋骨.

阿尔瓦雷斯的眼睛周围会有些发红,而雅各布斯的躯干会出现伤痕. 支持阿尔瓦雷斯的人群会因为雅各布斯的一系列右手击中而倒吸一口凉气 6
圆形,但随后会在 7 当交换左勾拳时看到阿尔瓦雷斯先落地, 让 Jacobs 趴回画布上.

雅各布斯将站起来向裁判托尼·威克斯确认他可以继续比赛. 阿尔瓦雷斯将进攻, 将他的左勾拳扔向身体和头部. 雅各布斯会踉跄后退, 站稳脚跟, 并用右手和狂野的左勾拳回应. 阿尔瓦雷斯将反击左勾拳击中头部,雅各布斯将获胜, 随着一轮结束的钟声.

人群将充满期待地进入 8
圆, 感觉到阿尔瓦雷斯可能正在接近胜利. 雅各布斯在清醒头脑时会使用横向运动, 用他的刺拳试探以阻止阿尔瓦雷斯. 阿尔瓦雷斯将继续寻找本垒打, 但 Jacobs 将在这段时间内保持在范围之外.

在整个 9
和 10 发, 雅各布斯将充分康复并愿意与阿尔瓦雷斯接触, 投掷更多的右手, 并加快节奏. 阿尔瓦雷斯将一连串砰砰作响的勾拳击中身体,雅各布斯将在内侧用上勾拳反击.

该 11
回合将继续激烈的行动,两名战士都有自己的时刻. 阿尔瓦雷斯将在本轮的一段时间内变得不活跃, 让 Jacobs 再次控制节奏.

进入最后一轮, 雅各布斯会知道他在比赛如此接近的情况下处于危险之中. 他将对阿尔瓦雷斯施加压力,并进行一些针锋相对的交流. 阿尔瓦雷斯深吸一口气, 雅各布斯将成功地用刺拳将他击退, 接着是直右手. 阿尔瓦雷斯将用自己的右手用拳击和反击. 当战士们交换拳头并拥抱最后的钟声时,人群将站起来.

戴夫·莫雷蒂和格伦·费尔德曼都得分,这一决定将是一致的 115-112 和 Steve Weisfeld 的差距更大 117-110, 所有人都支持 Saul “Canelo” Alvarez.

您可以在下方访问本周的广播节目,托尼 (Tony) , “精神” 汤姆·帕吉特和 “乌合之众Rousin“” Rich Bergeron 讨论战斗.

听 “CANELO VS. 雅各布预览, Lesnar从MMA退役, 麦克唐纳问题将继续誉战平后,伤到人” 在Spreaker.

USA Boxing Alumni Association Profile: 约翰· “该Quietman” 鲁伊斯

From the projects to owning boxing’s ultimate crown

科罗拉多斯普林斯, 膝部. (三月 12, 2019) – From the projects to owning arguably the most respected individual title in sports, 约翰· “该Quietman” 鲁伊斯 remains the only Latino to capture the coveted world heavyweight title.

鲁伊斯, 47, is a proud Puerto-Rican American boxer who grew-up in a Chelsea, 马萨诸塞州. The two-time World Boxing Association (WBA) 重量级冠军, defeated USA Boxing Alumni Association Hall of Famer 霍利菲尔德 in the second of their three title fights, to secure for the first time, the world heavyweight crown.

一个装饰的业余拳击​​手, Ruiz compiled a 50-5 记录, similar to his final pro record of 44-9-1 (30 科斯) 间 1992-2010, including gold- medal performances at the All-New England Championships, USA Boxing National Championships and the Los Angeles Olympic Festival, which elevated him to the No. 1 light heavyweight position in the United States ratings.

Ruiz was also an outstanding all-around athlete at Chelsea High, particularly in football, in which he was an all-star. He started boxing at the age of seven, eventually developing his skills at the Somerville Boxing Club.

Boxing was the only sport I figured I’d have a good chance of succeeding,” 鲁伊斯 (pictured here on far left) explained why he pursued boxing as opposed to football or another team sport. “The other sports you had to go to college, and I didn’t have the grades.

Ruiz never looked back and no boxer ever got more out of their God-given skills than him. After winning his first tournament (PAL in New Jersey), he became part of the USA Team that traveled to Sweden to compete in a dual-meet.

Outside of Puerto Rico (he lived there for 6-7 years in his early youth),” Ruiz remembered fondly. “I had never traveled outside of the United States. USA Boxing gave me an opportunity to travel there, 澳大利亚, Italy and all over the United States. Even more than how those experiences prepared me for the pro ranks, it gave me a taste of life experience, traveling to places I never would have been able to go to on my own. Amateur boxing also gave me structure and confidence in myself for when I turned pro. I also met so many different people, fighters and coaches, from all over the world.

In addition to his aforementioned victory at the Los Angles Olympic Festival, which qualified him as a Team USA member to compete in the World Championships in Australia (完 6 在世界上), perhaps the highlight of his amateur career was defeating Torsten May, 该 1992 Olympic gold medal winner from Germany, at a dual meet in Florida.

My association with John goes back to 1990,” 额外 在瓦伦蒂, 美国拳击特别项目顾问. “I was thrilled that a local kid was honing his skills in the boxing ring. John made an incredible impact on the National Amateur boxing scene in the early nineties; making it all the way to the Olympic Trials in Worcester (嘛). Having been involved in the trials was extra special for me because John was such a great competitor and good kid. Boxing history will have a place for John Ruiz, not many survived 36 rounds with Evander. Being the first Latino World Heavyweight Champion was quite an accomplishment for “该Quietman”.

Ruiz turned pro August 20, 1992, winning a four-round unanimous decision over Kevin Parker. During his pro career, he defeated top contemporary names such as Holyfield,James Thunder, Jerry Ballard, Fernely费利克斯, Kirk Johnson, FRES奥肯, 安德鲁·戈洛塔贾米尔McCline.

History was made March 3, 2013 在拉斯维加斯, when he became only the second fighter to drop Holyfield en route to his WBA title-winning fight by way of a 12-round unanimous decision, earning him instant notoriety as the first Latino to hold the coveted world heavyweight title belt.

John Ruiz met President George W. Bush in the White House after becoming the first Latino to become world heavyweight boxing champion (Picture courtesy of the Boston Herald)

I’m very proud to have accomplished that,” 他继续, “but my main goal was to provide for my family and I always maintained that goal. Most fighters don’t succeed, 但在这一天结束, that’s what pushed me. I don’t really think about being the only Latino to win the world heavyweight title, 但, when I hear people talk about it today, 我认为, 哇, I’m still the only Latino to do that.

Several years ago, Ruiz opened a gym (Quietman体育健身) in Medford, 嘛, not too far from where he grew up in Chelsea and trained in Somerville. It has been a registered club member by USA Boxing since 2012, 但, 更重要的是, it’s Ruizway of giving back to amateur boxing.

I felt there was a need to help more kids and give them an opportunity to get out of the house and do something productive and fun,” Ruiz commented. “They all have a chance to work on self confidence and one could possibly become world champion. I feel obligated to help kids because I remember years ago when I was in the same position. They need guidance. If I didn’t have all the support I did growing up, I wouldn’t have turned out the way I did. I want to help kids understand how to accomplishment their goals.


创建于冠军终身, 美国拳击和校友之间的互利关系, –拳击手, 官员, 教练和拳击迷 — 校友会连冠军的代, 鼓舞人心,回馈美国拳击的未来拳击冠军, 进出环.

美国拳击校友会是开放的人谁爱拳击,并希望保持与业余拳击连接. 成员被授予各种特别活动由校友协会主办的访问, 包括其成名接待年度美国拳击校友会馆.

加入校友会, 只需在登记 alumni@usaboxing.org 为一个 $40.00 每年的会员费. 新成员将获得T恤, 钥匙扣和电子钱包.

今天, John lives in Palm City, 佛罗里达. He’s a correctional officer for the Martin County Sheriff Department. “Winning the world title twice as a pro was awesome,” Ruiz concluded, “but I definitely enjoyed the amateurs more than the pros, even though I would have loved to have represented the USA in the Olympics. USA Boxing opened up my mind to different things, taking me off the streets of Chelsea to made me feel……special.

John Ruiz has always preached, “Follow Your Dreams!” and he’s still doing that today.

信息: www.usaboxing.org叽叽喳喳: @USABoxing, @USABoxingAlumn iInstagram: @USABoxing Facebook: /USABoxing


开演时间® To Produce And Distribute The Most Significant Heavyweight Fight In The U.S. 因为 2002 – A Blockbuster Matchup of Undefeated Champs

Wilder_Fury (002)

Wilder and Fury first met in the ring after Wilder’s KO of Artur Szpilka (一月. 2016); 信贷: SHOWTIME体育

纽约– 9月 27, 2018 - WBC World Champion Deontay Wilder will defend his title against lineal champion Tyson Fury in a blockbuster matchup of undefeated heavyweights on Saturday, 十二月 1, 住在Showtime PPV® 在 9 P.M. ET /下午6时. PT from STAPLES Center in Los Angeles.




怀尔德VS. 富里以无与伦比的体型和机动性来测试维尔德的原始力量. 此后美国唯一的重量级冠军 2007, 怀尔德有 39 在击倒 40 专业的战斗, 包括在所有七次卫冕中都被淘汰. 富里是前IBF选手, WBA和WBO重量级世界拳王,至今保持不败战绩 27 职业拳击比赛并拥有拳击界令人垂涎的直系重量级冠军头衔.




The evenly matched showdown of top-ranked heavyweights pits boxing’s two largest champions against each other in the most significant heavyweight fight in the United States since Lennox Lewis vs. 迈克·泰森在 2002. In addition to physical stature – Wilder is 6-foot-7, Fury 6-foot-9 – both are among boxing’s greatest showmen, with outsized personalities and heavyweight charisma.




“Wilder vs. Fury is a throwback to the glory days of heavyweight boxing – a 50/50 matchup between two larger-than-life athletes with towering physical frames and captivating personalities,“斯蒂芬·埃斯皮诺萨说, 总统, Sports and Event Programming for Showtime Networks Inc. “Deontay Wilder has proven he’s the hardest puncher in boxing. Tyson Fury‘s size and skill set present a challenge unlike any other in the heavyweight division. No one knows what will happen when these two giants step into the ring, and that’s what makes this fight so fascinating.”




怀尔德VS. Fury 是在南部地区举行的最新大型重量级赛事, 名人堂成员乔·路易斯 (Joe Louis) 拓展了重量级拳击业已深厚的历史, 穆罕默德·阿里, 伦诺克斯·刘易斯和维塔利·克里琴科, the last of whom faced off at STAPLES Center in 2003.




门票活动, 由BombZquad Enterprises和Queensberry Promotions推广, 与 DiBella Entertainment 和 TGB Promotions 合作, 周三发售, 十月 3 在 12 P.M. PT. 门票价格从 $75, 再加上适用的费用, 并可通过 AXS.com. 怀尔德VS. 愤怒将由SHOWTIME PPV制作和发行.




“I can’t wait to fight Tyson Fury in the biggest fight in the heavyweight division and all of boxing,”怀尔德说. “I have tremendous respect for Fury for agreeing to leave England and come to the U.S. to challenge me. I’m the WBC champion, 他是直系冠军, and the winner of this fight will show the world who is ‘The Man’ in the heavyweight division. As much as I respect Fury, I fear no man and fully intend to knock him out like every man that I’ve ever faced in the ring.”




“People talk about me only having two fights since my layoff, but that doesn’t bother me at all,” Fury said. “This is the Tyson Fury show. It always has been. This is my era, and I proved that when I beat Klitschko in his own backyard. Is Wilder the biggest puncher I have faced? You don’t know that until you are on the floor. It is all about not getting hit in this fight. Until someone beats me, I am the king of the heavyweight division. Long live the king.”




“There is no better place in the world than STAPLES Center to have these two giant heavyweights, WBC champion Deontay Wilder and lineal champion Tyson Fury, clashing in an epic championship fight,” said Lee Zeidman, 总统, 斯台普斯中心. “This is the kind of match that will add to the rich tradition of Southland boxing and we are incredibly proud to host it.’’




After winning bronze at the 2008 奥运会, Wilder knocked out his first 32 professional opponents inside of four rounds to earn a shot at WBC Heavyweight Champion Bermane Stiverne on Jan. 17, 2015. 塔斯卡卢萨, 阿拉。, native defeated Stiverne via near-shutout decision, going the distance for the first time in his career to become America’s first heavyweight world champion since Shannon Briggs in 2007.




As WBC champion, Wilder has knocked out all seven of his world title challengers, including a devastating first-round knockout of Stiverne in a 2017 复赛. 在他的最后一战, Wilder survived the toughest test of his career in undefeated top-five ranked world title challenger Luis Ortiz. Wilder knocked out the Cuban slugger in a leading candidate for 2018 年度扑灭.




In Fury, Wilder will face his second consecutive top-five heavyweight in what experts have set as the closest odds of his professional career.




愤怒, who was born in 1988 and named after then-heavyweight champion Mike Tyson, competed as an amateur for both England and Ireland before turning professional in 2008. The self-proclaimed “Gypsy King” dominated the competition early in his career to earn a world title shot against Wladimir Klitschko, who had ruled over the heavyweight division for nine consecutive years.




Fury shocked the world with a unanimous decision win over Klitschko in 2015, limiting the future Hall of Famer to the worst offensive output of his professional career. Subsequent battles with drugs, mental health and weight gain, along with a failure to face his mandatory challengers, cost Fury his belts and led to a nearly three-year hiatus from the sport.




Fury was triumphant in his long-awaited return on June 9 against Sefer Seferi, leading to a second comeback fight less than 75 days later against former world title challenger Francesco Pianeta. Weighing within 11 pounds of his fighting weight when he dethroned Klitschko, Fury displayed prime movement, hand speed and footwork in a shutout decision to earn the opportunity to become a two-time heavyweight world champion on December 1.





欣欣网络公司. (SNI), CBS Corporation的全资子公司, 拥有和经营的付费电视网络SHOWTIME®, 电影频道 和FLIX®, 并且还提供了精彩表演ON DEMAND®, 电影频道 ON DEMAND和FLIX ON DEMAND®, 而网络的认证服务SHOWTIME ANYTIME®. 欣欣数码有限公司, SNI的全资子公司, 操作单机流媒体服务SHOWTIME®. SHOWTIME is currently available to subscribers via cable, DBS and telco providers, 并通过亚马逊作为独立的流媒体服务,苹果®, 谷歌, LG智能电视, Oculus Go, 年®, Samsung and Xbox One. 消费者还可以通过亚马逊的主要视频频道订阅SHOWTIME, 现在直播, 富宝电视, 葫芦, 吊带电视, Sony PlayStation Vue, 和 YouTube 电视. SNI还管理史密森网络, SNI和史密森学会的合资企业, 它提供了史密森频道, and offers Smithsonian Earththrough SN Digital LLC. SNI营销和分销的体育和娱乐活动的展览用户在付费观看基础上,通过SHOWTIME PPV. 欲了解更多信息, 到 www.SHO.com.

WILDER VS. FURY TRAILER: https://s.sho.com/2Ii7PwA


WBC Heavyweight World Champion Deontay Wilder and lineal heavyweight champion Tyson Fury announced 周六 that they have agreed to a heavyweight showdown later this year. The announcement was made in Belfast immediately following’s the undefeated Fury’s shutout decision of Francesco Pianeta. 视频:HTTPS://s.sho.com/2vVYtlj

怀尔德VS. 愤怒, a 12-round matchup for Wilder’s WBC Heavyweight World Championship, will be produced and distributed by SHOWTIME PPV. A date and venue for the event will be announced shortly.

The 6-foot-7 Wilder is 40-0 同 39 knockouts and American’s only heavyweight champion since 2007. The 6-foot-9 Fury is a former IBF, WBA and WBO Champion who has never been defeated in 27 专业的战斗.


康贝特美洲符号第一次, 五处世界拳击冠军阿曼达·塞拉诺

五处世界拳击冠军阿曼达 “真正的交易” 塞拉诺已签署了一项独家, 与康贝特美洲多年促销协议, 而被提名让她MMA亮相三月.

MMA debut for world’s premier Hispanic MMA sports franchise


纽约 - 一月 11, 2018 - 康贝特美洲今天宣布的五处世界拳击冠军的签名, 包括卫冕世界拳击组织 (WBO) 最轻量级 (118 英镑) 冠军, 阿曼达“实打实”塞拉诺 (拳击: 34-1-1, 26 KO的; MMA: 0-0) 到异, 多年促销协议.



唯一的女战士在历史上以及唯一波多黎各的竞争对手不断夺取五个世界冠军,在五个不同的量级, 29岁的塞拉诺谁是出生在北卡罗来纳州, 波多黎各和打架了布鲁克林, 纽约州, 会让她混合武术 (MMA) 首次亮相在La Jaula, 在康贝特美洲笼, 在三月日期将很快公布.



“我们很高兴把阿曼达·塞拉诺, 拳击的最激动人心的超级巨星一进康贝特美洲福美来, 并期待着她将在全球舞台上那就是在一流的体育属性 21 全世界讲西班牙语的国家,”康贝特美洲首席执行官 坎贝尔迈凯轮.



塞拉诺, 在顶上 10 磅磅战斗机, 将继续促进DiBella娱乐的在她的蓬勃发展的拳击生涯, 并试图成为历史上第一个运动员在MMA和拳击同时容纳世界冠军.



塞拉诺拍摄她的第一个重大的世界冠军, 国际拳击联合会 (IBF) 超级羽冠, 在刚 22 岁, 用残酷, 的第二轮淘汰赛 金佰利康纳 九月 10, 2011.



她因为通过战士的行列,其他四个量级撕裂, 从轻量级到轻质 (135 英镑), 和最近拿下了第一轮将军澳 玛丽莲·埃尔南德斯 十一月 4, 2017.



塞拉诺的灵感来自退役世界冠军跨越到MMA的世界 Miesha Tate, 谁已经成为塞拉诺的联席经理.



康贝特美洲即将关闭一个标志性的一年, 生产在美国显着电视收视率, 墨西哥和西班牙, 包括所产生的任何西班牙语MMA的最高收视率历史前两个TELEMUNDO MMA事件显示了中美. 在夏季和秋季 2017, 和多达 6.9 万名观众其每周电视连续剧的一集电视阿兹台克墨西哥.

霍利菲尔德 & Luis Collazo Ring 8 的特邀演讲嘉宾

星期二, 十一月. 21 在奥尼尔的餐厅
在Maspeth, 纽约
纽约 (十一月 15, 2017)) – 名人堂成员 霍利 “实打实” 霍利菲尔德 和前世界次中量级冠军 路易斯·科拉佐 将在 Ring 8 下一次月度会议上担任特邀演讲嘉宾,星期二 夜晚, 十一月 21, 在奥尼尔的餐厅 (64-21 53RD 驾驶) 在Maspeth, 纽约,
因为预计会有大量人群, 唯一的戒指 8 成员将被允许参加这次会议, 但对于那些有兴趣加入 Ring 的人来说,可以在门口获得会员资格 8.
“伊万德·霍利菲尔德是我们运动中为数不多的活着的传奇人物之一,” 环 8 总统 杰克·赫希 说. “所以, 你可以想象我们有他作为演讲嘉宾有多么兴奋. 我们原计划将戒指赠送给霍利菲尔德 8 我们的节日宴会上的传奇奖, 但是一个有利可图的商业机会将阻止他那天下午去那里. 代替, 我们将在奥尼尔餐厅为他颁发该奖项. 埃文德调整了自己的日程,留在纽约参加我们的会议,这充分说明了他的情况.
“路易斯·科拉佐本身就是一位出色的战士, 曾是前世界冠军. 他的职业生涯似乎再次上升,我们渴望听到他未来的计划。”
霍利菲尔德以出色的拳击手身份退役 44-10-2 (29 科斯), 但去年他经营了一家位于纽约市的促销公司, 真正的交易拳击. 一个美国. 奥林匹亚, 霍利菲尔德是唯一统一的世界轻量级冠军, 以及四届世界重量级冠军.
他有一个 16-7-2 世界冠军争夺战记录并获胜 19 的 30 与过去或现在的世界冠军进行两场平局, 击败历史名人录,例如 德怀特·莫哈末·坎威, 乔治·福尔曼, 拉里·霍姆斯, 里迪克·鲍迈克·泰森 (两次), 更多的名人之中.
出生于布鲁克林,现居住于皇后区, 科拉佐 (37-7. 20 科斯) 夺取世界拳击协会 (WBA) 四月次中量级世界冠军 2, 2005, 12回合分歧判定击败家乡热门卫冕冠军 何塞·安东尼奥·里维拉 在伍斯特, 马萨诸塞州.
26岁的科拉佐, 谁还击败过世界冠军 米格尔·安赫尔·冈萨雷斯维克托·奥尔蒂斯, 仍然是世界冠军的有力争夺者 21-1 萨米瓦斯奎兹 去年二月,他的最后一场比赛是第六轮淘汰赛.
关于RING 8: 环 8 成为当时被称为全国退伍军人义和团协会第八子公司 – 故, RING 8 – 今天该组织的宗旨仍然是: 义和团拳民帮助.
RING 8 完全致力于在拳击界谁可能需要援助的支付房租方面支持不那么幸运的人, 医疗费用, 或任何合理需求.
去行 www.Ring8ny.com 关于RING更多信息 8, 其在美国的超过的最大群体 350 成员. 每年的会费是唯一 $30.00 每个成员都有权享用自助晚餐RING 8 月度会议, 除七月和八月. 所有活动的拳击手, 业余和专业, 与当前的拳击执照或书都有权免费RING 8 年度会员. 环客人 8 欢迎会员在只有成本 $7.00 每人.


约书亚VS. 浇水, The First of Consecutive Heavyweight World Title Fights On SHOWTIME, Replays TONIGHT at 10:40 P.M. AND/PT在Showtime; And On Sunday Morning at 10 A.M. AND/PT在Showtime EXTREME



加的夫, 威尔士 (十月. 28, 2017) – Undefeated and Unified Heavyweight World Champion Anthony Joshua stopped IBF mandatory challenger Carlos Takam in the 10周六 night at Principality Stadium in 卡迪夫, 威尔士, where the British sensation improved to 20 胜, 所有淘汰赛, and retained both his IBF and WBA world title belts.

约书亚VS. Takam was contested before a record 78,000 球迷, the largest ever for an indoor boxing event and was the first of back-to-back heavyweight world title fights airing live on SHOWTIME. 下一个 星期六, 十一月. 4, WBC Heavyweight World Champion Deontay Wilder headlines a three-fight telecast when he faces former world champion Bermane Stiverne at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, 纽约.

Creative combinations and some inside fighting rarely seen from the rangy Joshua opened up a cut over Takam’s right eye and floored the challenger in the 4. 后, Joshua opened another gash over the left eye but a bloody and battered Takam continued to press forward. Takam was able to land some significant punches in the middle rounds but not enough to take Joshua off his game.

在 10, after Joshua landed several big punches including a left-right combination that rocked the courageous challenger, referee Phil Edwards stepped in and stopped the fight at 1:34.

“我保持冷静,” said Joshua when asked about a head butt in the second round that may have broken the champion’s nose. “We will get my nose cracked back into place and then we can get back to training.”

When SKY Sports’ ringside reporter Andy Scott asked the beloved champion about a unification bout with fellow undefeated champion Wilder, Joshua said, “It has to happen. It has to happen for sure. When it comes down to it, 国际羽联, IBO and WBA have mandatory challengers. I can’t just fight any Joe Blow I want. I have to fight the obligations as champion and once I fulfill those, my door is open to fight anyone, be it Wilder or anyone else.

“Everyone saw how hard it took to get the belts,“ 他继续. “I am not giving them up for anyone.”

When asked about fighting overseas in America or elsewhere, Joshua replied to the delight of the U.K. 球迷, “As I said, it’s not my decision what happens outside the ring… but look at what boxing is doing. We are getting people coming in from all around the U.K. and from different countries. I think we should keep on boxing right here in the U.K.”

欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.SHO.com/Sports, 在Twitter上关注@ShowtimeBoxing, 或成为Facebook上的粉丝在www.Facebook.com/SHOBoxing.




精彩表演拳击锦标赛® 住在 5 P.M. AND/2 P.M. PT From Sold-Out Principality Stadium In Cardiff, 威尔士


点击 这里 照片来源:Esther Lin/SHOWTIME


加的夫, 威尔士 (十月. 27, 2017) – Unified Heavyweight World Champion Anthony Joshua tipped the scales at a career-high 254 pounds and IBF mandatory challenger Carlos Takam measured 235 ½ pounds for their heavyweight showdown 明天 在Showtime.


欣欣拳击锦标赛转播开始在直播 5 P.M. AND/2 P.M. PT from sold-out Principality Stadium in Cardiff where an estimated 78,000 fans will converge for the largest indoor event in boxing history.


约书亚, who went past the 10 round for the first time with a sensational knockout of Wladimir Klitschko on 四月 29, promised conditioning wasn’t an issue.


“I’ve been doing a lot more running. Maybe I’m starting to fill out as I get older and I’m starting to find my natural weight,”约书亚说:. “Who knows what it is. I definitely feel a lot fitter than I have in previous fights.”


The referee for 周六 contest is Phil Edwards and the judges scoring ringside are Michael Alexander (英国), Pawel Kardyni (波兰) and Ron McNair (纽约).


If Joshua’s previous 19 bouts are any indication, the judges might not be necessary.


“I’m not going to say I’m going to knock him out and smash him up and all these types of things,” said Joshua, who has knocked out all of his professional opponents en route to unifying the heavyweight division. “But that’s what I have to do.”





“He’s definitely going to take me into late waters and that’s where it’s going to be interesting.” – Anthony Joshua

“I saw Joshua go down. I saw he has a weak point.” – Carlos Takam


精彩表演拳击锦标赛® 住在 5 P.M. AND/2 P.M. PT From Sold-Out Principality Stadium In Cardiff, 威尔士

点击 这里 照片来源:Esther Lin/SHOWTIME


加的夫, 威尔士 (十月. 26, 2017) – Unified Heavyweight World Champion Anthony Joshua and IBF mandatory challenger Carlos Takam faced off at the National Museum in Cardiff 周四 during the final press conference for their heavyweight blockbuster 这个星期六live on SHOWTIME from sold-out Principality Stadium.


Joshua and Takam will square off in front of an all-time indoor boxing record of 78,000 fans on SHOWTIME CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING beginning at 5 P.M. AND/2 P.M. PT in the U.S.


约书亚 (19-0, 19 科斯) returns for the first time since unifying the heavyweight division via knockout in a leading Fight of the Year thriller with long-reigning kingpin Wladimir Klitschko this past April.


“We’re going to have to put that Klitschko win to the side at some stage because boxing is unforgiving,”约书亚说: 周四. “That was that. This is now. Carlos is a completely different animal than Klitschko.


“Who knows what’s going to happen in that ring 星期六. This division is unpredictable. You saw I got tired in the fifth round against Klitschko. Am I going to find out I’m only a five round fighter? Takam is tough and can go the distance. He’s definitely going to take me into late waters and that’s where it’s going to be interesting.”


浇水 (35-3-1, 27 科斯) has experience in close bouts with reigning WBO Heavyweight Champion Joseph Parker and former challenger Alexander Povetkin. 该 2004 Olympian from Cameroon enters the contest having boxed more than three times the professional rounds as Joshua.


“My experience will help me win the fight,” Takam said. “I’ve been in there with a champion. When we get in the ring it’s just two fighters. Only at the end of the fight will we know who the real world champion is.


“I saw Joshua go down. I saw he has a weak point, and we’ve been working on targeting that.”


Joshua and Takam meet 24 years after Lennox Lewis and Frank Bruno squared off in the first all-British heavyweight world championship in front of more than 25,000 fans at the National Stadium in Cardiff. There will be more than 78,000 at the new National Stadium – Principality Stadium – 周六.


Here’s what the fighters had to say 周四:


Anthony Joshua


“Fighting is all I do. It’s all I know. It’s an honor to be defending these belts. I don’t always like to talk about the belts because I’ve always been a fighter before that and I’ve always had the ambition of being a talented fighter before I became champion. I’m just looking forward to getting in the ring and handling business.


“We’re going to have to put that Klitschko win to the side at some stage because boxing is unforgiving. That was that. This is now. Carlos is a completely different animal than Klitschko.


“I do know that I’m willing to do whatever it takes to win. In terms of style, technique and preparation, it’s completely different. Every camp is completely different. My mindset is completely different. All will be revealed 星期六. Best of luck to both men and the best man will win.


“[Trainer Rob McCracken] has never just trained me for one style of opponent. He’s trained me to be the best me. He’s trained me to be ready, to be fit, to be focused and to adapt new skills to my boxing. No matter who my opponent is, I’ll always be in good condition to compete against any champion or any contender in the world.


“We’re in the business of providing really good fights. We’re not here to tip and tap and run for 12 发. We’re here to get stuck in.


“I know what it’s like to be the non-champion fighting for a championship. When there’s that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, it’s going to be competitive. This is heavyweight championship boxing. Both of us are on the same elite level so you’re going to see an elite fight.


“Who knows what’s going to happen in that ring 星期六. This division is unpredictable. You saw I got tired in the fifth round against Klitschko. Am I going to find out I’m only a five round fighter? Takam is tough and can go the distance. He’s definitely going to take me into late waters and that’s where it’s going to be interesting.


“和 [Takam’s] style and his strength, I wish I came into this fight heavier so we could just stand there and slug it out with each other. Why’d I come in lighter? I thought I was fighting Pulev – a real amateur-style boxer. I had to stay off the line, jab with him and match his speed. Takam is a completely different style of fighter so I might have come in a bit heavier if I knew I was fighting Takam.


“I’m just a reflection of hard work. The UK boxing scene is quite grassroots. I still go to my amateur club. Just before this championship fight, I was training with all the amateurs – kids that were just 10 岁. You can only achieve what you see, so when they’re training with Olympians and professional World Champions, they’re inspired. That’s real nice to be the champion and still keep it real training with the grassroots athletes.”



“My experience will help me win the fight. I’ve been in there with a champion. When we get in the ring it’s just two fighters. Only at the end of the fight will we know who the real world champion is.


“I saw Joshua go down. I saw he has a weak point, and we’ve been working on targeting that.”


“I’m going to box my way. I’m going to come forward, fight my fight.


“I believe in myself. I’m confined. It wouldn’t be a shock if I won because of the confidence I have.


“When I heard about the fight, I was already in preparation for another fight so I had to completely change the way I trained to be ready for this fight. I’m coming out on the 28 to win the fight.


“All I can do is invite you to see the outcome of the fight on the 28. I’m coming out to win.


“I know it’s going to be a great fight. This will change my life in boxing but not from the person I am.”

安东尼·约书亚VS. CARLOS浇水公开训练QUOTES & 照片重量级世界冠军,这个星期六LIVE ONSHOWTIME®



统一冠军约书亚守在Showtime拳击锦标赛® 住在 5 P.M. AND / 2 P.M. PT 从公体育场在加的夫, 威尔士


点击 这里 对于照片; 信用以斯帖林/欣欣


加的夫, 威尔士 (十月. 25, 2017) - 统一重量级世界冠军安东尼·约书亚和国际羽联强制性的挑战者卡洛斯·塔卡姆在大约前制定出 1,400 周三球迷在圣. 大卫音乐厅加的夫, 只是前三天,他们广场下车 这个星期六 住在Showtime.


近容量人群在威尔士的国家音乐厅作为前奏,预计公体育场破纪录的观众 周六 其中超过 75,000 球迷将设置拳击的所有时间的室内考勤记录的可伸缩的屋顶设施.


欣欣拳击锦标赛转播开始在直播 5 P.M. AND/2 P.M. PT 从加的夫马戏团约书亚 (19-0, 19 科斯) 因为统一重量级的回报,第一次. 不败的英伦迷情拿起WBA拳王腰带与他的国际羽联冠走 四月 29 在今年的惊悚与弗拉基米尔克里琴科领导扑灭.


“我们将有一战. 我们要穿上我们的心在袖子,”约书亚说:. “这是什么战斗是关于. 与我一起, 它是不是所有的,那张环外这个其他的东西. 当人们来观看我的箱子, 他们知道他们将有一个好时机. 他们知道他们会看到击倒。”


浇水 (35-3-1, 27 科斯), 一 2004 来自喀麦隆的奥运选手, 包,因为他看起来惊世骇俗,成为重量级冠军冗长的简历.


“他是一个世界冠军, 他赢得了他的腰带,” 36岁的Takam说. “但我来这里把它。”


约书亚VS. Takam是第一次在Showtime连续两个重量级世界较量. 下一个 星期六, 十一月. 4, WBC重量级世界冠军Deontay怀尔德将捍卫他的冠军与贝曼·斯蒂文复赛, 唯一的对手,以最近的距离与美国冠军 38 专业的较量.





“我从来没有紧张的战斗,但我认为这个球场将是不同的. 有一个封闭的屋顶. 我知道,能源和大气将是上下颠簸从屋顶和它的将是没有像之前. 就像我说的, 如果 星期六 夜晚是今天有点像这里的人在公开训练, 这将是惊人的.


“这是战斗的有关 - 不同的风格和不同类型的对手. 但是,你可以工作在最佳的对手是自己,这样我肯定不断提高自己. 我可以谈论一百万的事情,我一直在努力,但在这一天结束, 只要是第一次钟声响起, 这是当它的事项.


“我们将有一战. 我们要穿上我们的心在袖子. 这就是战斗的约. 与我一起, 它是不是所有的,那张环外这个其他的东西. 当人们来观看我的箱子, 他们知道他们将有一个好时机. 他们知道他们会看到击倒. 他们会看到一点血后一点尊重.


“我认为英国已发出声明很长一段时间. 这不是很久以前,U.K. 重量级拳击手还是没有得到一看. 现在, 所有的美国人都在谈论U.K. 战士. 我们一定会在发送了一份声明美国很长一段时间.


“[约瑟夫·帕克和Deontay怀尔德] 可以看我一万次,但它是如此的不同,当你在这些绳索弄. 当你在这里, 你可以看别人一百万次, 但它是一个完全不同的挑战,当你面对一个人的脸对脸.


“我们必须提供. 球迷们知道他们想要什么, 我知道自己想要什么. 我的工作提供. 我没有说出来 - 我已经知道和球迷都知道. 让我们只提供 星期六 晚上,我们将期待着一个充满希望的2018年。”


在对手Takam, 谁伤害到库布拉·普尔瓦后成为强制性的挑战者:

“首先,, 大规模信贷埃迪 [赫恩] 因为他做了惊人的工作. 他是在比赛之前和他设法让这个节目继续前进. 感谢卡洛斯垂涎三尺, 一个真正的运动员谁留适合一年四季. 他不是别人谁只是训练一拼, 他似乎保持自己空调,这就是我们喜欢. 他是一样的自己. 我认为 - 该怎么办? 我会放弃国际羽联带? 一定不行. 我工作太辛苦吧。”



“我已经准备好了这场战斗, 我准备好了一切,他有. 我一直在等待这个机会,很长一段时间. 我们是在健身房做准备, 希望我们会得到这样的机会.


“他是一个世界冠军, 他赢得了他的腰带. 但是我来这里把它. 你必须捍卫自己的冠军, 而我不打算以方便. 我打算让这一年的斗争.


“如果我可以做不同的事情,从什么其他的拳击手对他做了, 我将有机会通过淘汰赛取胜.


“很多人都问我,如果我看到约书亚的风格中的弱点. 我能说的是,我们将看到搏击之夜.


“我不打扰约门前战斗 80,000 人, 在环中仅有的人将是我和约书亚, 什么都不重要,除了我们“。